path: root/package/aboot/src/doc
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authorWaldemar Brodkorb <>2017-12-31 18:47:16 +0100
committerWaldemar Brodkorb <>2017-12-31 18:47:25 +0100
commit3a96085b999220c4da0c5ef7d1f7ba26b9ddfb98 (patch)
tree77f1445aae2e6be5135594e95986b3278bbc061c /package/aboot/src/doc
parentcc28479164b8dc8afd4310716da32f16022f5974 (diff)
dec-multia: make netboot possible, add aboot bootloader
Diffstat (limited to 'package/aboot/src/doc')
31 files changed, 6152 insertions, 0 deletions
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+all-html : SRM-HOWTO/index.html
+clean :
+ rm -rf SRM-HOWTO
+SRM-HOWTO/index.html : SRM-HOWTO.sgml
+ sgmltools --backend=html SRM-HOWTO.sgml
+#.PHONY clean
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+<!DOCTYPE Article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">
+<!-- <!DOCTYPE Article PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN"> -->
+<Article id="index">
+<Title>SRM Firmware Howto</Title>
+<firstname>Rich</firstname> <surname>Payne</surname>
+<!-- and -->
+<firstname>David</firstname> <surname>Huggins-Daines</surname>
+<PubDate>v0.8.1, 14 February 2004</PubDate>
+This document describes how to boot Linux/Alpha using the SRM console,
+which is the console firmware also used to boot
+<productname>HP Tru64 Unix</productname>
+(also known as <productname>Digital Unix</productname> and <productname>OSF/1</productname>) and <productname>OpenVMS</productname>.
+<Sect1 id="SRM-about">
+<Title>About this manual</Title>
+<Title>Who should read this manual</Title>
+You should read this manual if you are installing Linux on a new
+Alpha system that can only boot from the SRM console, or if you are
+installing Linux on an older Alpha system that can use the SRM console
+and wish to use SRM to boot your Linux installation.
+Because SRM is the only way to boot Linux on modern Alpha systems,
+and because it provides the proper operating environment for Unix and
+Unix-like operating systems (such as Linux), it is the recommended way
+of booting Linux on Alpha when available.
+Sometimes, it is preferable to use the ARC, ARCSBIOS, or AlphaBIOS
+console, such as if you have a machine for which SRM is not available,
+if you wish to dual-boot with <productname>Windows NT</productname>
+without switching consoles,
+or if you have hardware that is not supported by SRM. On these
+machines, you will typically use MILO to boot Linux. For more
+information, refer to the MILO Howto, available from
+<ULink URL=""></ULink>.
+Throughout this manual, we will use the following conventions for
+commands to be entered by the user:
+SRM console commands will be shown with the characteristic SRM
+'&#62;&#62;&#62;' prompt, like this:
+On multiprocessor machines, you
+will see 'P00&#62&#62;' instead, or possibly some other number depending on
+which processor SRM is running.
+&#62;&#62;&#62; boot dva0 -fi linux.gz -fl "root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1"
+Unix commands will be shown with the '&num;' command prompt if they are
+to be run as <Literal remap="tt">root</Literal>, or '$' if they are to be run by a normal user,
+like this:
+# swriteboot -f3 /dev/sda /boot/bootlx
+Aboot commands will be shown with the 'aboot&#62;' command prompt, like
+aboot&#62; b 6/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6
+<Sect1 id="SRM-whatis">
+<Title>What is SRM?</Title>
+SRM console is used by Alpha systems as
+Unix-style boot firmware. <productname>Tru64 Unix</productname> and
+<productname>OpenVMS</productname> depend on it and
+Linux can boot from it. You can recognize SRM console as a blue screen
+with a prompt that is presented to you on power-up.
+<Title>Getting to SRM</Title>
+Most Alpha systems have both the SRM and ARC/AlphaBIOS console in
+their firmware. On one of these machines, if your machine starts up
+with ARC/AlphaBIOS by default, you can switch to SRM through the
+"<guimenuitem>Console Selection</guimenuitem>" option in the Advanced CMOS Setup menu. To make <!-- FIXME Markup should do the marking -->
+the change permanent, you should set the <Literal remap="tt">os&lowbar;type</Literal> environment
+variable in SRM to "OpenVMS" or "Unix", like this:
+&#62;&#62;&#62; set os_type Unix
+Either one will work to boot Linux. However, if you intend to
+dual-boot OpenVMS on this machine, you must set <Literal remap="tt">os&lowbar;type</Literal> to
+"OpenVMS". Conversely, to return to ARC/AlphaBIOS, you can set
+<Literal remap="tt">os&lowbar;type</Literal> to "NT".
+Some older systems may not have both SRM and ARC in firmware as
+shipped. On these systems, you will have to upgrade your firmware.
+See <ULink
+> for the
+latest firmware updates and instructions.
+A few older systems (primarily evaluation boards such as the 164SX
+and 164LX) are "half-flash" systems, whose firmware can hold SRM or
+AlphaBIOS, but not both. If you have one of these machines, you will
+have to reflash your firmware with the SRM console using the AlphaBIOS
+firmware update utility. Again, see
+> for firmware
+images and instructions. If you wish to return to AlphaBIOS on these
+machines, you may rerun the firmware update utility from a floppy in
+SRM using the <Literal remap="tt">fwupdate</Literal> command. You can also start AlphaBIOS
+from a floppy using the <Literal remap="tt">arc</Literal> command.
+<Title>Using the SRM console</Title>
+The SRM console works very much like a Unix or OpenVMS shell. It
+views your NVRAM and devices as a pseudo-filesystem. You can see this
+if you use the <command>ls</command> command. Also, it contains a fairly large set
+of diagnostic, setup, and debugging utilities, the details of which
+are beyond the scope of this document. As in the Unix shell, you can
+pipe the output of one command to the input of another, and there is a
+<command>more</command> command that works not unlike the Unix one. To get a full
+listing of available commands, run:
+&#62;&#62;&#62; help | more
+As well, SRM has environment variables, a number of which are
+pre-defined and correspond to locations in NVRAM. You can view the
+entire list of environment variables and their values with the
+<command>show</command> command (there are quite a few of them, so you will probably
+want to pipe its output to <command>more</command>). You can also show variables
+matching a "glob" pattern - for example, <command>show boot*</command> will show all
+the variables starting in "boot".
+Environment variables are categorized as either <Emphasis>read-only</Emphasis>,
+<Emphasis>warm non-volatile</Emphasis>, or <Emphasis>cold non-volatile</Emphasis>. The full listing
+of pre-defined variables is detailed in the Alpha Architecture
+Reference Manual. The most useful pre-defined environment variables
+for the purposes of booting Linux are <varname>bootdef&lowbar;dev</varname>,
+<varname>boot&lowbar;file</varname>, <varname>boot&lowbar;flags</varname>, and
+<varname>auto&lowbar;action</varname>, all of which are cold non-volatile.
+To set environment variables, use the <command>set</command> command, like this:
+&#62;&#62;&#62; set bootdef_def dka0
+If you set an undefined variable, it will be created for you, however
+it will not persist across reboots.
+The <varname>bootdef&lowbar;dev</varname> variable specifies the device (using
+VMS naming conventions - see <XRef LinkEnd="device-naming"> for an
+explanation of these) which will be booted from if no device is
+specified on the <Literal remap="tt">boot</Literal> command line, or in an automatic boot.
+The <varname>boot&lowbar;file</varname> variable contains the filename to be
+loaded by the secondary bootloader, while <varname>boot&lowbar;flags</varname>
+contains any extra flags. <varname>auto&lowbar;action</varname> specifies the
+action which the console should take on power-up. By default, it is
+set to <Literal remap="tt">HALT</Literal>, meaning that the machine will start up in the
+SRM console. Once you have configured your bootloader and the
+boot-related variables, you can set it to <Literal remap="tt">BOOT</Literal> in order to
+boot automatically on power-up.
+Finally, two helpful console keystrokes you should know are
+<keycombo action='simul'><keycap>Control</keycap><keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>,
+which, as in the shell, halts a command in progress (such
+as an automatic boot), and
+<keycombo action='simul'><keycap>Control</keycap><keycap>P</keycap></keycombo>,
+which if issued from the aboot
+prompt (or other secondary bootloader) will halt the bootloader and
+return you to the SRM console.
+<Sect2 id="how-srm-boots">
+<Title>How Does SRM Boot an OS?</Title>
+All versions of SRM can boot from SCSI disks and the versions for
+recent platforms, such as the Noname or AlphaStations can boot from
+floppy disks as well. Network booting via <Literal remap="tt">bootp</Literal> is supported.
+Note that older SRM versions (notably the one for the Jensen)
+cannot boot from floppy disks. Booting from IDE devices
+is supported on newer platforms (164SX, 164LX, 164UX, DS20, DS10, DP264, UP2000(+), UP1000, UP1100 etc.).
+Booting Linux with SRM is a two step process: first, SRM loads and
+transfers control to the secondary bootstrap loader. Then the
+secondary bootstrap loader sets up the environment for Linux, reads
+the kernel image from a disk filesystem and finally transfers control to Linux.
+Currently, there are two secondary bootstrap loaders for Linux:
+the <Emphasis>raw</Emphasis> loader that comes with the Linux kernel and <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal>
+which is distributed separately. These two loaders are described in
+more detail below.
+<Title>Loading The Secondary Bootstrap Loader</Title>
+SRM knows nothing about filesystems or disk-partitions. It simply
+expects that the secondary bootstrap loader occupies a consecutive
+range of physical disk sector, starting from a given offset. The
+information on the size of the secondary bootstrap loader and the
+offset of its first disk sector is stored in the first 512 byte
+sector. Specifically, the long integer at offset 480 stores the
+<Emphasis>size</Emphasis> of the secondary bootstrap loader (in 512-byte blocks) and
+the long at offset 488 gives the <Emphasis>sector number</Emphasis> at which the
+secondary bootstrap loader starts. The first sector also stores a
+flag-word at offset 496 which is always 0 and a checksum at offset
+504. The checksum is simply the sum of the first 63 long integers in
+the first sector.
+If the checksum in the first sector is correct, SRM goes ahead and
+reads the <Emphasis>size</Emphasis> sectors starting from the sector given in the
+<Emphasis>sector number</Emphasis> field and places them in <Emphasis>virtual</Emphasis> memory at
+address <Literal remap="tt">0x20000000</Literal>. If the reading completes successfully,
+SRM performs a jump to address <Literal remap="tt">0x20000000</Literal>.
+<Sect1 id="SRM-DeviceNaming">
+<Title>SRM Device Naming</Title>
+<Title>The First Two Letter</Title>
+<Para>The following is based on the example device dkb1. taken from a Digital Server 3300 (Whitebox version of
+an AS800).
+Two letter port or class driver designator:
+<!-- <variablelist>
+<varlistentry><term>DR:</term><listitem><para>RAID set device</Para></ListItem></varlistentry>
+<varlistentry><term>DV:</term><ListItem><Para>Floppy Drive</Para></ListItem></varlistentry>
+<ListItem><Para> EW: Ethernet port (TULIP, DEC 21040) </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> EI: Ethernet port (Intel 82557 or 82559) </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> PK: SCSI port (controller) </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> DK: SCSI disk </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> MK: SCSI tape </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> PU: DSSI port </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> DU: DSSI disk </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> MU: DSSI tape </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> JK: SCSI monitor (or robot) </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> DQ: (E)IDE Device (disk or CD-ROM)</Para></ListItem>
+</variablelist> -->
+<ListItem><Para> DR: RAID set device </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> DV: Floppy Drive </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> EW: Ethernet port (TULIP, DEC 21040) </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> EI: Ethernet port (Intel 82557 or 82559) </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> PK: SCSI port (controller) </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> DK: SCSI disk </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> MK: SCSI tape </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> PU: DSSI port </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> DU: DSSI disk </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> MU: DSSI tape </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> JK: SCSI monitor (or robot) </Para></ListItem>
+<ListItem><Para> DQ: (E)IDE Device (disk or CD-ROM)</Para></ListItem>
+<Title>The Rest Of The Device Name</Title>
+ b->adapter ID (one letter adapter designator)</Para></ListItem>
+ 1->Device number (SCSI unit numbers are forced to 100x Node ID)</Para></ListItem>
+ 2->Bus Node ID</Para></ListItem>
+ 3->Channel Number</Para></ListItem>
+ 4->Channel Number (used for multi-channel devices)</Para></ListItem>
+ 5->Logical Slot number
+ <ItemizedList>
+ <ListItem><Para>EISA: they correspond to the physical slot numbers (1-3)</Para></ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Para>PCI:</Para>
+ <ItemizedList>
+ <ListItem><Para>slot 5= SCSI controller on system backplane (DS3300)</Para></ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Para>slot 6= On board VGA (DS3300)</Para></ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Para>slot 7= PCI to EISA bridge chip (DS3300)</Para></ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Para>slots 11 - 14 = Correspond to Physical PCI option slots:
+ PCI11, PCI12, PCI13 and PCI14 (64bit) (DS3300)</Para></ListItem>
+ </ItemizedList>
+ </ListItem>
+ </ItemizedList>
+ 6->Hose number: 0 PCI_0 (32bit PCI); 1 EISA (DS3300)</Para></ListItem>
+<Sect1 id="SRM-rawloader">
+<Title>The Raw Loader</Title>
+The sources for this loader can be found in directory
+<filename>arch/alpha/boot</filename> of the Linux kernel source
+distribution. It loads the Linux kernel by reading
+<varname>START&lowbar;SIZE</varname> bytes starting at disk offset
+<varname>BOOT&lowbar;SIZE</varname><Literal remap="tt">+512</Literal>
+(also in bytes). The constants
+<varname>START&lowbar;SIZE</varname> and <varname>BOOT&lowbar;SIZE</varname>
+are defined in
+must be at least as big as the kernel image (i.e., the size of the
+<Literal remap="tt">.text</Literal>, <Literal remap="tt">.data</Literal>, and <Literal remap="tt">.bss</Literal> segments). Similarly,
+<varname>BOOT&lowbar;SIZE</varname> must be at least as big as the image of the
+raw bootstrap loader. Both constants should be an integer multiple of the
+sector size, which is 512 bytes. The default values are currently 2MB
+for <varname>START&lowbar;SIZE</varname> and 16KB for
+<varname>BOOT&lowbar;SIZE</varname>. Note
+that if you want to boot from a 1.44MB floppy disk, you have to reduce
+<varname>START&lowbar;SIZE</varname> to 1400KB and make sure that the kernel you
+want to boot is no bigger than that.
+To build a raw loader, simply type <command>make rawboot</command> in the top
+directory of your linux source tree (typically
+<filename>/usr/src/linux</filename>). This should produce the following files
+in <filename>arch/alpha/boot</filename>:
+The first
+sector on the disk. It contains the offset and size of
+the next file in the format described above.
+The raw boot loader that
+will load the file below.
+The raw kernel image consisting of
+the <Literal remap="tt">.text</Literal>, <Literal remap="tt">.data</Literal>, and <Literal remap="tt">.bss</Literal> segments of the
+object file in <Literal remap="tt">/usr/src/linux/vmlinux</Literal>. The
+extension <Literal remap="tt">.nh</Literal> indicates that this file has no object-file
+The concatenation of these three files should be written to the
+disk from which you want to boot. For example, to boot from a floppy,
+insert an empty floppy disk in, say, <filename>/dev/fd0</filename> and then type:
+# cat tools/lxboot tools/bootlx vmlinux &#62;/dev/fd0
+You can then shutdown the system and boot from the floppy by
+issuing the command <command>boot dva0</command>.
+<Sect1 id="SRM-aboot">
+<Title>The aboot Loader</Title>
+When using the SRM firmware, <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> is the preferred way of
+booting Linux. It supports:
+ direct booting from various filesystems (<Literal remap="tt">ext2</Literal>, <Literal remap="tt">ISO9660</Literal>, and
+<Literal remap="tt">UFS</Literal>, the <productname>HP Tru64</productname> filesystem)
+ listing directories and following symbolic links on ext2 (version 0.6 and later)
+ booting of executable object files (both ELF and ECOFF)
+ booting compressed kernels
+ network booting (using bootp)
+ partition tables in <productname>HP Tru64</productname> format (which is
+compatible with BSD Unix partition tables)
+ interactive booting and default configurations for
+SRM consoles that cannot pass long option strings
+ load initrd images to load modules at boot time (0.7 and later)
+<Title>Getting and Building aboot</Title>
+The latest sources for <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> are available from <ULink
+>Sourceforge</ULink>. They can
+also be obtained via anonymous CVS from, to get the latest version from CVS use these commands:
+bash# cvs login
+bash# cvs -z3 co aboot
+(Note there is no password for the CVS login, just press enter)
+The description in this manual applies to <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> version 0.6
+or newer. Please note that many distributions ship aboot with them so
+downloading aboot from this directory is probably not neccesary.
+ Once you downloaded and extracted the latest tar file, take a
+look at the <filename>README</filename> and <filename>INSTALL</filename> files
+for installation hints. In particular, be sure to adjust the variables in
+<filename>Makefile</filename> and in <filename>include/config.h</filename>
+to match your
+environment. Normally, you won't need to change anything when
+building under Linux, but it is always a good idea to double check.
+If you're satisfied with the configuration, simply type <command>make</command>
+to build it (if you're not building under Linux, be advised that
+<Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> requires GNU <Literal remap="tt">make</Literal>).
+After running <Literal remap="tt">make</Literal>, the <filename>aboot</filename>
+directory should contain the following files:
+This is the actual <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> executable (either an
+ECOFF or ELF object file).
+Same as above, but it contains only the text, data
+and bss segments &dash; that is, this file is not an object file.
+Utility to install <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> on a
+hard disk.
+Utility to install <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> on an ext2
+filesystem (usually used for floppies only).
+Utility to install <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> on a iso9660
+filesystem (used by CD-ROM distributors).
+Utility to configure an installed <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal>.
+<Title>Floppy Installation</Title>
+ The bootloader can be installed on a floppy using the
+<command>e2writeboot</command> command (note: this can't be done on a Jensen
+its firmware does <Emphasis>not</Emphasis> support booting from floppy). This command
+requires that the disk is not overly fragmented as it needs to find
+enough contiguous file blocks to store the entire <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> image
+(currently about 90KB). If <command>e2writeboot</command> fails because of this,
+reformat the floppy and try again (e.g., with <command>fdformat</command>(1)).
+example, the following steps install <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> on floppy disk
+assuming the floppy is in drive <filename>/dev/fd0</filename>:
+# fdformat /dev/fd0
+# mke2fs /dev/fd0
+# e2writeboot /dev/fd0 bootlx
+<Title>Harddisk Installation</Title>
+Since the <command>e2writeboot</command> command may fail on highly fragmented
+disks and since reformatting a harddisk is not without pain, it is
+generally safer to install <Literal remap="tt">aboot</Literal> on a harddisk using the
+<command>swriteboot</command> command.