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6 files changed, 56 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/docs/defines.txt b/docs/defines.txt
index 23991813e..8f37788dc 100644
--- a/docs/defines.txt
+++ b/docs/defines.txt
@@ -16,11 +16,18 @@ _LARGEFILE[64]_SOURCE
-__REDIRECT(name, proto, alias)
-__REDIRECT_NTH(name, proto, alias)
- ???
+ Function annotation "I do not throw anything".
+ Function annotation "I do not throw anything".
+ Needed for situatuons when it's unclear on what side of "func(params)"
+ the "throw()" or "attribute((nothrow))" should eventually appear.
+ Messy, eh?
+return_type __REDIRECT(name, (params), alias)
+ declare alias to "name(params)"
+return_type __REDIRECT_NTH(name, (params), alias)
+ declare alias to "name(params) __THROW"
@@ -49,6 +56,7 @@ _EXTERN_INLINE
Defined to "extern inline", modulo gcc/C standard deviations.
Can't be used by user to play tricks as with _EXTERN_INLINE.
Used to modify function's calling convention, if "standard" one
is suboptimal. Examples:
diff --git a/include/complex.h b/include/complex.h
index 94fb6ea44..8779bbcd0 100644
--- a/include/complex.h
+++ b/include/complex.h
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ __BEGIN_DECLS
so we can easily declare each function as both `name' and `__name',
and can declare the float versions `namef' and `__namef'. */
-#define __MATHCALL(function, args) \
- __MATHDECL (_Mdouble_complex_,function, args)
+#define __MATHCALL(function, args) \
+ __MATHDECL(_Mdouble_complex_,function, args)
#define __MATHDECL(type, function, args) \
- __MATHDECL_1(type, function, args); \
- __MATHDECL_1(type, __CONCAT(__,function), args)
+ __MATHDECL_1(type, function, args); \
+ __MATHDECL_1(type, __CONCAT(__,function), args)
#define __MATHDECL_1(type, function, args) \
- extern type __MATH_PRECNAME(function) args __THROW
+ extern type __MATH_PRECNAME(function) args __THROW
#define _Mdouble_ double
#define __MATH_PRECNAME(name) name
diff --git a/include/math.h b/include/math.h
index 91ebd64bb..d3f86f9c1 100644
--- a/include/math.h
+++ b/include/math.h
@@ -53,40 +53,40 @@ __BEGIN_DECLS
and can declare the float versions `namef' and `__namef'. */
#define __MATHDECL_1(type,function,suffix,args) \
- extern type __MATH_PRECNAME(function,suffix) args __THROW
+ extern type __MATH_PRECNAME(function,suffix) args __THROW
#define __MATHDECL(type,function,suffix,args) \
- __MATHDECL_1(type,function,suffix,args);
+ __MATHDECL_1(type,function,suffix,args);
-#define __MATHCALL(function,suffix,args) \
- __MATHDECL(_Mdouble_,function,suffix,args)
+#define __MATHCALL(function,suffix,args) \
+ __MATHDECL(_Mdouble_,function,suffix,args)
#define __MATHDECLX(type,function,suffix,args,attrib) \
- __MATHDECL_1(type,function,suffix,args) __attribute__ (attrib); \
- __MATH_maybe_libm_hidden_proto(function)
+ __MATHDECL_1(type,function,suffix,args) __attribute__ (attrib); \
+ __MATH_maybe_libm_hidden_proto(function)
-#define __MATHCALLX(function,suffix,args,attrib) \
- __MATHDECLX(_Mdouble_,function,suffix,args,attrib)
+#define __MATHCALLX(function,suffix,args,attrib) \
+ __MATHDECLX(_Mdouble_,function,suffix,args,attrib)
/* Decls which are also used internally in libm.
Only the main variant is used internally, no need to try to avoid relocs
for the {l,f} variants. */
#define __MATHDECLI(type,function,suffix,args) \
- __MATHDECL_1(type,function,suffix,args); \
- __MATH_maybe_libm_hidden_proto(function)
+ __MATHDECL_1(type,function,suffix,args); \
+ __MATH_maybe_libm_hidden_proto(function)
-#define __MATHCALLI(function,suffix,args) \
- __MATHDECLI(_Mdouble_,function,suffix,args)
+#define __MATHCALLI(function,suffix,args) \
+ __MATHDECLI(_Mdouble_,function,suffix,args)
/* Private helpers for purely macro impls below.
Only make __foo{,f,l} visible but not (the macro-only) foo. */
#if defined _LIBC
# define __MATHDECL_PRIV(type,function,suffix,args,attrib) \
- __MATHDECL_1(type,__CONCAT(__,function),suffix,args) __attribute__ (attrib); \
- libm_hidden_proto(__MATH_PRECNAME(__##function,suffix))
+ __MATHDECL_1(type,__CONCAT(__,function),suffix,args) __attribute__ (attrib); \
+ libm_hidden_proto(__MATH_PRECNAME(__##function,suffix))
# define __MATHDECL_PRIV(type,function,suffix,args,attrib) \
- __MATHDECL_1(type,__CONCAT(__,function),suffix,args) __attribute__ (attrib);
+ __MATHDECL_1(type,__CONCAT(__,function),suffix,args) __attribute__ (attrib);
@@ -139,17 +139,15 @@ __BEGIN_DECLS
# ifdef __LDBL_COMPAT
# ifdef __USE_ISOC99
-extern float __nldbl_nexttowardf (float __x, long double __y)
- __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__));
+extern float __nldbl_nexttowardf (float __x, long double __y) __THROW
+ __attribute__ ((__const__));
# ifdef __REDIRECT_NTH
-extern float __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttowardf, (float __x, long double __y),
- __nldbl_nexttowardf)
- __attribute__ ((__const__));
-extern double __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttoward, (double __x, long double __y),
- nextafter) __attribute__ ((__const__));
-extern long double __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttowardl,
- (long double __x, long double __y),
- nextafter) __attribute__ ((__const__));
+extern float __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttowardf, (float __x, long double __y), __nldbl_nexttowardf)
+ __attribute__ ((__const__));
+extern double __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttoward, (double __x, long double __y), nextafter)
+ __attribute__ ((__const__));
+extern long double __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttowardl, (long double __x, long double __y), nextafter)
+ __attribute__ ((__const__));
# endif
# endif
@@ -158,9 +156,9 @@ extern long double __REDIRECT_NTH (nexttowardl,
# undef __MATHDECL_1
# define __MATHDECL_2(type,function,suffix,args,alias) \
- extern type __REDIRECT_NTH(__MATH_PRECNAME(function,suffix),args,alias)
+ extern type __REDIRECT_NTH(__MATH_PRECNAME(function,suffix),args,alias)
# define __MATHDECL_1(type,function,suffix,args) \
- __MATHDECL_2(type,function,suffix,args,__CONCAT(function,suffix))
+ __MATHDECL_2(type,function,suffix,args,__CONCAT(function,suffix))
# endif
# define __MATH_maybe_libm_hidden_proto(x)
diff --git a/libc/sysdeps/linux/alpha/bits/mathdef.h b/libc/sysdeps/linux/alpha/bits/mathdef.h
index 2e5258230..615eb9db6 100644
--- a/libc/sysdeps/linux/alpha/bits/mathdef.h
+++ b/libc/sysdeps/linux/alpha/bits/mathdef.h
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ typedef double double_t;
/* Due to an ABI change, we need to remap the complex float symbols. */
# define _Mdouble_ float
# define __MATHCALL(function, args) \
- __MATHDECL (_Complex float, function, args)
+ __MATHDECL(_Complex float, function, args)
# define __MATHDECL(type, function, args) \
- __MATHDECL_1(type, function##f, args, __c1_##function##f); \
- __MATHDECL_1(type, __##function##f, args, __c1_##function##f)
+ __MATHDECL_1(type, function##f, args, __c1_##function##f); \
+ __MATHDECL_1(type, __##function##f, args, __c1_##function##f)
# define __MATHDECL_1(type, function, args, alias) \
- extern type function args __asm__(#alias) __THROW
+ extern type function args __asm__(#alias) __THROW
# include <bits/cmathcalls.h>
diff --git a/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/mathcalls.h b/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/mathcalls.h
index 3772b7d0d..1e92b527e 100644
--- a/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/mathcalls.h
+++ b/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/mathcalls.h
@@ -48,11 +48,16 @@
-/* __MATHCALLX and __MATHCALLI include libm_hidden_def
+/* __MATHCALLX(type,function,[suffix],args,attrib) and
+ * __MATHCALLI(type,function,[suffix],args) include libm_hidden_def
* (for "double" versions only, xxxf and xxxl do not get this treatment).
- * __MATHCALL does not.
- * __MATHDECL_PRIV includes libm_hidden_def (always)
- * and declares __foo, not foo.
+ *
+ * __MATHDECL(type,function,[suffix],args) does not.
+ * __MATHCALL(function,[suffix],args) also does not
+ * (it is just a shortcut to __MATHDECL(_Mdouble_,function,[suffix],args)).
+ *
+ * __MATHDECL_PRIV(type,function,[suffix],args,attrib)
+ * includes libm_hidden_def (always) and declares __foo, not foo.
diff --git a/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/bits/mathinline.h b/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/bits/mathinline.h
index 53cbcb2b3..9e67182d5 100644
--- a/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/bits/mathinline.h
+++ b/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/bits/mathinline.h
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ __NTH (__signbitl (long double __x))
__MATH_INLINE float_type __NTH (func (float_type __x)) \
{ \
register float_type __result; \
- __asm__ __volatile__ (op : "=t" (__result) : params); \
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (op : "=t" (__result) : params); \
return __result; \