path: root/test/locale-mbwc/tst_funcs.h
diff options
authorCarmelo Amoroso <>2008-07-10 10:30:28 +0000
committerCarmelo Amoroso <>2008-07-10 10:30:28 +0000
commitbb9231c8402e9ae99f98a868429e73c6340da304 (patch)
treed7ed637099fba4ab6db1cc4c009cad8485dcdb66 /test/locale-mbwc/tst_funcs.h
parenta691312d8794d5516402bb6bb0d3e90c40ba188b (diff)
Added missing tests for locale with multibyte encoding
Diffstat (limited to 'test/locale-mbwc/tst_funcs.h')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/locale-mbwc/tst_funcs.h b/test/locale-mbwc/tst_funcs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..552bed2f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/locale-mbwc/tst_funcs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ *
+ * FILE: tst_funcs.h
+ *
+ * Definitions of macros
+ */
+#ifndef TST_FUNCS_H
+#define TST_FUNCS_H
+#define C_SUCCESS 'S' /* test case test passed */
+#define C_FAILURE 'F' /* test case failed */
+#define C_IGNORED 'I' /* test case/result ignored (not tested) */
+#define C_INVALID 'D' /* test data may be wrong */
+#define C_LOCALES 'L' /* can't set locale (skip) */
+extern int result (FILE * fp, char res, const char *func, const char *loc,
+ int rec_no, int seq_num, int case_no, const char *msg);
+#define Result(C, S, E, M) \
+ result (fp, (C), (S), locale, rec+1, seq_num+1, (E), (M))
+#define CASE_0 0
+#define CASE_1 1
+#define CASE_2 2
+#define CASE_3 3
+#define CASE_4 4
+#define CASE_5 5
+#define CASE_6 6
+#define CASE_7 7
+#define CASE_8 8
+#define CASE_9 9
+#define MS_SPACE " "
+#define MS_FAILED " "
+#define MS_ABORTU "ABEND0"
+#define MS_ABORT "ABEND1"
+#define MK_PASSED 0x00
+#define MK_SPACE 0x01
+#define MK_NOTEST 0x02
+#define MK_ABORTU 0x04
+#define MK_ABORT 0x08
+/* ------------------ COMMON MACROS ------------------ */
+#define TST_ABS(x) (((x) > 0) ? (x) : -(x))
+#define TMD_ERRET(_type_) int err_val; \
+ int ret_flg; \
+ _type_ ret_val
+#define TMD_RECHEAD(_FUNC_) \
+ \
+ typedef struct { \
+ TIN_##_FUNC_##_REC input; \
+ TEX_##_FUNC_##_REC expect; \
+ int is_last; \
+ } TST_##_FUNC_##_REC; \
+ typedef struct { \
+ TST_HEAD hd; \
+ TST_##_FUNC_##_REC rec[ MAX_LOC_TEST ]; \
+ } TST_##_FUNC_
+#define TST_FTYP(func) tst_##func##_loc
+#define TST_HEAD(func) tst_##func##_loc[ loc ].hd
+#define TST_INPUT(func) tst_##func##_loc[ loc ].rec[ rec ].input
+#define TST_EXPECT(func) tst_##func##_loc[ loc ].rec[ rec ].expect
+#define TST_INPUT_SEQ(func) \
+ tst_##func##_loc[ loc ].rec[ rec ].input.seq[ seq_num ]
+#define TST_EXPECT_SEQ(func) \
+ tst_##func##_loc[ loc ].rec[ rec ].expect.seq[ seq_num ]
+#define TST_IS_LAST(func) \
+ tst_##func##_loc[ loc ].rec[ rec ].is_last
+#define TST_DECL_VARS(_type_) \
+ int loc, rec, err_count = 0; \
+ int warn_count __attribute__ ((unused)); \
+ int func_id, seq_num = 0; \
+ const char *locale; \
+ int err_exp, ret_flg; \
+ int errno_save = 0; \
+ _type_ ret_exp; \
+ _type_ ret
+#define TST_DO_TEST(o_func) \
+ for (loc = 0; strcmp (TST_HEAD (o_func).locale, TST_LOC_end); ++loc)
+#define TST_HEAD_LOCALE(ofunc, s_func) \
+ func_id = TST_HEAD (ofunc).func_id; \
+ locale = TST_HEAD (ofunc).locale; \
+ if (setlocale (LC_ALL, locale) == NULL) \
+ { \
+ fprintf (stderr, "Warning : can't set locale: %s\nskipping ...\n", \
+ locale); \
+ result (fp, C_LOCALES, s_func, locale, 0, 0, 0, "can't set locale"); \
+ ++err_count; \
+ continue; \
+ }
+#define TST_DO_REC(ofunc) \
+ for (rec=0; !TST_IS_LAST (ofunc); ++rec)
+#define TST_DO_SEQ(_count_) \
+ for (seq_num=0; seq_num < _count_; seq_num++)
+#define TST_GET_ERRET(_ofunc_) \
+ err_exp = TST_EXPECT (_ofunc_).err_val; \
+ ret_flg = TST_EXPECT (_ofunc_).ret_flg; \
+ ret_exp = TST_EXPECT (_ofunc_).ret_val
+#define TST_GET_ERRET_SEQ(_ofunc_) \
+ err_exp = TST_EXPECT_SEQ (_ofunc_).err_val; \
+ ret_flg = TST_EXPECT_SEQ (_ofunc_).ret_flg; \
+ ret_exp = TST_EXPECT_SEQ (_ofunc_).ret_val
+#define TST_CLEAR_ERRNO \
+ errno = 0
+#define TST_SAVE_ERRNO \
+ errno_save = errno
+/* Test value of ret and of errno if it should have a value. */
+#define TST_IF_RETURN(_s_func_) \
+ if (err_exp != 0) \
+ { \
+ if (errno_save == err_exp) \
+ { \
+ result (fp, C_SUCCESS, _s_func_, locale, rec+1, seq_num+1, 1, \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ err_count++; \
+ result (fp, C_FAILURE, _s_func_, locale, rec+1, seq_num+1, 1, \
+ "the value of errno is different from an expected value"); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ \
+ if (ret_flg == 1) \
+ { \
+ if (ret == ret_exp) \
+ { \
+ result (fp, C_SUCCESS, _s_func_, locale, rec+1, seq_num+1, 2, \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ err_count++; \
+ result (fp, C_FAILURE, _s_func_, locale, rec+1, seq_num+1, 2, \
+ "the return value is different from an expected value"); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else
+#define TEX_ERRET_REC(_type_) \
+ struct { \
+ TMD_ERRET (_type_); \
+ }
+#define TEX_ERRET_REC_SEQ(_type_, _count_) \
+ struct { \
+ struct { \
+ TMD_ERRET (_type_); \
+ } seq[ _count_ ]; \
+ }
+/* ------------------ FUNCTION: ISW*() ------------------- */
+#define TST_ISW_STRUCT(_FUNC_, _func_) \
+ typedef \
+ struct { \
+ wint_t wc; \
+ } TIN_ISW##_FUNC_##_REC; \
+ typedef \
+#define TST_FUNC_ISW(_FUNC_, _func_) \
+int \
+tst_isw##_func_ (FILE *fp, int debug_flg) \
+{ \
+ TST_DECL_VARS(int); \
+ wint_t wc; \
+ TST_DO_TEST (isw##_func_) \
+ { \
+ TST_HEAD_LOCALE (isw##_func_, S_ISW##_FUNC_); \
+ TST_DO_REC(isw##_func_) \
+ { \
+ TST_GET_ERRET (isw##_func_); \
+ wc = TST_INPUT (isw##_func_).wc; \
+ ret = isw##_func_ (wc); \
+ if (debug_flg) \
+ { \
+ fprintf (stdout, "isw*() [ %s : %d ] ret = %d\n", locale, \
+ rec+1, ret); \
+ } \
+ \
+ { \
+ if (ret != 0) \
+ { \
+ result (fp, C_SUCCESS, S_ISW##_FUNC_, locale, rec+1, \
+ seq_num+1, 3, MS_PASSED); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ err_count++; \
+ result (fp, C_FAILURE, S_ISW##_FUNC_, locale, rec+1, \
+ seq_num+1, 3, \
+ "the function returned 0, but should be non-zero"); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ \
+ return err_count; \
+/* ------------------ FUNCTION: TOW*() ------------------ */
+#define TST_TOW_STRUCT(_FUNC_, _func_) \
+ typedef \
+ struct { \
+ wint_t wc; \
+ } TIN_TOW##_FUNC_##_REC; \
+ typedef \
+ TEX_ERRET_REC (wint_t) TEX_TOW##_FUNC_##_REC; \
+#define TST_FUNC_TOW(_FUNC_, _func_) \
+int \
+tst_tow##_func_ (FILE *fp, int debug_flg) \
+{ \
+ TST_DECL_VARS (wint_t); \
+ wint_t wc; \
+ TST_DO_TEST (tow##_func_) \
+ { \
+ TST_HEAD_LOCALE (tow##_func_, S_TOW##_FUNC_); \
+ TST_DO_REC (tow##_func_) \
+ { \
+ TST_GET_ERRET (tow##_func_); \
+ wc = TST_INPUT (tow##_func_).wc; \
+ ret = tow##_func_ (wc); \
+ if (debug_flg) \
+ { \
+ fprintf (stdout, "tow*() [ %s : %d ] ret = 0x%x\n", \
+ locale, rec+1, ret); \
+ } \
+ \
+ TST_IF_RETURN (S_TOW##_FUNC_) { }; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ \
+ return err_count; \
+#endif /* TST_FUNCS_H */