path: root/libc/stdio
diff options
authorErik Andersen <>2000-05-14 04:16:35 +0000
committerErik Andersen <>2000-05-14 04:16:35 +0000
commit64bc6412188b141c010ac3b8e813b837dd991e80 (patch)
treeffa12b79ea4b13191754f54b872eb1a4f9e3a04b /libc/stdio
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'libc/stdio')
4 files changed, 1901 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libc/stdio/Makefile b/libc/stdio/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..badf78c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/stdio/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Robert de Bath <>
+# This file is part of the Linux-8086 C library and is distributed
+# under the GNU Library General Public License.
+CCFLAGS= -O2 -m68000 -msoft-float -I../include
+AOBJ=_stdio_init.o fputc.o fgetc.o fflush.o fgets.o gets.o fputs.o \
+ puts.o fread.o fwrite.o fopen.o fclose.o fseek.o rewind.o ftell.o \
+ setbuffer.o setvbuf.o ungetc.o
+POBJ=printf.o sprintf.o fprintf.o vprintf.o vsprintf.o vfprintf.o
+SOBJ=scanf.o sscanf.o fscanf.o vscanf.o vsscanf.o vfscanf.o
+OBJ= $(AOBJ) $(POBJ) $(SOBJ) dputs.o
+all: $(LIBC)
+ @$(RM) $(OBJ)
+$(LIBC): $(LIBC)($(OBJ))
+$(LIBC)($(AOBJ)): $(ASRC)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DL_$* $< -c -o $*.o
+ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $*.o
+$(LIBC)($(POBJ)): $(PSRC)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DL_$* $< -c -o $*.o
+ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $*.o
+$(LIBC)($(SOBJ)): $(SSRC)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DL_$* $< -c -o $*.o
+ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $*.o
+ -@rm -f ../include/stdio.h
+ cp -p stdio.h ../include/.
+ rm -f *.o libc.a
+$(LIBC)($(OBJ)): stdio.h
diff --git a/libc/stdio/printf.c b/libc/stdio/printf.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..873f1cb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/stdio/printf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+ * This file based on printf.c from 'Dlibs' on the atari ST (RdeBath)
+ *
+ *
+ * Dale Schumacher 399 Beacon Ave.
+ * (alias: Dalnefre') St. Paul, MN 55104
+ * dal@syntel.UUCP United States of America
+ * "It's not reality that's important, but how you perceive things."
+ */
+/* Altered to use stdarg, made the core function vfprintf.
+ * Hooked into the stdio package using 'inside information'
+ * Altered sizeof() assumptions, now assumes all integers except chars
+ * will be either
+ * sizeof(xxx) == sizeof(long) or sizeof(xxx) == sizeof(short)
+ *
+ * -RDB
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define va_strt va_start
+#include <varargs.h>
+#define va_strt(p,i) va_start(p)
+#include "stdio.h"
+#ifdef L_printf
+#ifdef __STDC__
+int printf(const char * fmt, ...)
+int printf(fmt, va_alist)
+__const char *fmt;
+ va_list ptr;
+ int rv;
+ va_strt(ptr, fmt);
+ rv = vfprintf(stdout,fmt,ptr);
+ va_end(ptr);
+ return rv;
+#ifdef L_sprintf
+#ifdef __STDC__
+int sprintf(char * sp, const char * fmt, ...)
+int sprintf(sp, fmt, va_alist)
+char * sp;
+__const char *fmt;
+static FILE string[1] =
+ {0, 0, (char*)(unsigned) -1, 0, (char*) (unsigned) -1, -1,
+ va_list ptr;
+ int rv;
+ va_strt(ptr, fmt);
+ string->bufpos = sp;
+ rv = vfprintf(string,fmt,ptr);
+ va_end(ptr);
+ *(string->bufpos) = 0;
+ return rv;
+#ifdef L_fprintf
+#ifdef __STDC__
+int fprintf(FILE * fp, const char * fmt, ...)
+int fprintf(fp, fmt, va_alist)
+FILE * fp;
+__const char *fmt;
+ va_list ptr;
+ int rv;
+ va_strt(ptr, fmt);
+ rv = vfprintf(fp,fmt,ptr);
+ va_end(ptr);
+ return rv;
+#ifdef L_vprintf
+int vprintf(fmt, ap)
+__const char *fmt;
+va_list ap;
+ return vfprintf(stdout,fmt,ap);
+#ifdef L_vsprintf
+int vsprintf(sp, fmt, ap)
+char * sp;
+__const char *fmt;
+va_list ap;
+static FILE string[1] =
+ {0, 0, (char*)(unsigned) -1, 0, (char*) (unsigned) -1, -1,
+ int rv;
+ string->bufpos = sp;
+ rv = vfprintf(string,fmt,ap);
+ *(string->bufpos) = 0;
+ return rv;
+#ifdef L_vfprintf
+int _vfprintf_fp_ref = 1;
+int _vfprintf_fp_ref = 0;
+static int
+prtfld(op, buf, ljustf, sign, pad, width, preci, buffer_mode)
+register FILE *op;
+register unsigned char *buf;
+int ljustf;
+register char sign;
+char pad;
+register int width;
+int preci;
+int buffer_mode;
+ * Output the given field in the manner specified by the arguments. Return
+ * the number of characters output.
+ */
+ register int cnt = 0, len;
+ register unsigned char ch;
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ if (*buf == '-')
+ sign = *buf++;
+ else if (sign)
+ len++;
+ if ((preci != -1) && (len > preci)) /* limit max data width */
+ len = preci;
+ if (width < len) /* flexible field width or width overflow */
+ width = len;
+ /*
+ * at this point: width = total field width len = actual data width
+ * (including possible sign character)
+ */
+ cnt = width;
+ width -= len;
+ while (width || len)
+ {
+ if (!ljustf && width) /* left padding */
+ {
+ if (len && sign && (pad == '0'))
+ goto showsign;
+ ch = pad;
+ --width;
+ }
+ else if (len)
+ {
+ if (sign)
+ {
+ showsign:ch = sign; /* sign */
+ sign = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ ch = *buf++; /* main field */
+ --len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ch = pad; /* right padding */
+ --width;
+ }
+ putc(ch, op);
+ if( ch == '\n' && buffer_mode == _IOLBF ) fflush(op);
+ }
+ return (cnt);
+vfprintf(op, fmt, ap)
+FILE *op;
+register __const char *fmt;
+register va_list ap;
+ register int i, cnt = 0, ljustf, lval;
+ int preci, dpoint, width;
+ char pad, sign, radix, hash;
+ register char *ptmp;
+ char tmp[64], *ltostr(), *ultostr();
+ int buffer_mode;
+ /* This speeds things up a bit for unbuffered */
+ buffer_mode = (op->mode&__MODE_BUF);
+ op->mode &= (~__MODE_BUF);
+ while (*fmt)
+ {
+ if (*fmt == '%')
+ {
+ if( buffer_mode == _IONBF ) fflush(op);
+ ljustf = 0; /* left justify flag */
+ sign = '\0'; /* sign char & status */
+ pad = ' '; /* justification padding char */
+ width = -1; /* min field width */
+ dpoint = 0; /* found decimal point */
+ preci = -1; /* max data width */
+ radix = 10; /* number base */
+ ptmp = tmp; /* pointer to area to print */
+ hash = 0;
+ lval = (sizeof(int)==sizeof(long)); /* long value flaged */
+ fmtnxt:
+ i = 0;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ ++fmt;
+ if(*fmt < '0' || *fmt > '9' ) break;
+ i = (i * 10) + (*fmt - '0');
+ if (dpoint)
+ preci = i;
+ else if (!i && (pad == ' '))
+ {
+ pad = '0';
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ }
+ else
+ width = i;
+ }
+ switch (*fmt)
+ {
+ case '\0': /* early EOS */
+ --fmt;
+ goto charout;
+ case '-': /* left justification */
+ ljustf = 1;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case ' ':
+ case '+': /* leading sign flag */
+ sign = *fmt;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case '*': /* parameter width value */
+ i = va_arg(ap, int);
+ if (dpoint)
+ preci = i;
+ else
+ width = i;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case '.': /* secondary width field */
+ dpoint = 1;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case 'l': /* long data */
+ lval = 1;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case 'h': /* short data */
+ lval = 0;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case 'd': /* Signed decimal */
+ case 'i':
+ ptmp = ltostr((long) ((lval)
+ ? va_arg(ap, long)
+ : va_arg(ap, short)),
+ 10, 0);
+ goto printit;
+ case 'b': /* Unsigned binary */
+ radix = 2;
+ goto usproc;
+ case 'o': /* Unsigned octal */
+ radix = 8;
+ goto usproc;
+ case 'p': /* Pointer */
+ lval = (sizeof(char*) == sizeof(long));
+ pad = '0';
+ width = 6;
+ preci = 8;
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 'x': /* Unsigned hexadecimal */
+ case 'X':
+ radix = 16;
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 'u': /* Unsigned decimal */
+ usproc:
+ ptmp = ultostr((unsigned long) ((lval)
+ ? va_arg(ap, unsigned long)
+ : va_arg(ap, unsigned short)),
+ radix, (*fmt == 'X') ? 1 : 0);
+ if( hash && radix == 8 ) { width = strlen(ptmp)+1; pad='0'; }
+ goto printit;
+ case '#':
+ hash=1;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case 'c': /* Character */
+ ptmp[0] = va_arg(ap, int);
+ ptmp[1] = '\0';
+ goto nopad;
+ case 's': /* String */
+ ptmp = va_arg(ap, char*);
+ nopad:
+ sign = '\0';
+ pad = ' ';
+ printit:
+ cnt += prtfld(op, ptmp, ljustf,
+ sign, pad, width, preci, buffer_mode);
+ break;
+ case 'e': /* float */
+ case 'f':
+ case 'g':
+ case 'E':
+ case 'G':
+ fprintf(stderr, "LIBM:PRINTF");
+ gcvt(va_arg(ap, double), preci, ptmp);
+ preci = -1;
+ goto printit;
+ case 'e': /* float */
+ case 'f':
+ case 'g':
+ case 'E':
+ case 'G':
+ fprintf(stderr, "LIBC:PRINTF");
+ exit(-1);
+ default: /* unknown character */
+ goto charout;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ charout:
+ putc(*fmt, op); /* normal char out */
+ ++cnt;
+ if( *fmt == '\n' && buffer_mode == _IOLBF ) fflush(op);
+ }
+ ++fmt;
+ }
+ op->mode |= buffer_mode;
+ if( buffer_mode == _IONBF ) fflush(op);
+ if( buffer_mode == _IOLBF ) op->bufwrite = op->bufstart;
+ return (cnt);
diff --git a/libc/stdio/scanf.c b/libc/stdio/scanf.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c5f52183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/stdio/scanf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define va_strt va_start
+#include <varargs.h>
+#define va_strt(p,i) va_start(p)
+#ifdef L_scanf
+#ifdef __STDC__
+int scanf(const char * fmt, ...)
+int scanf(fmt, va_alist)
+__const char *fmt;
+ va_list ptr;
+ int rv;
+ va_strt(ptr, fmt);
+ rv = vfscanf(stdin,fmt,ptr);
+ va_end(ptr);
+ return rv;
+#ifdef L_sscanf
+#ifdef __STDC__
+int sscanf(char * sp, const char * fmt, ...)
+int sscanf(sp, fmt, va_alist)
+char * sp;
+__const char *fmt;
+static FILE string[1] =
+ {0, (char*)(unsigned) -1, 0, 0, (char*) (unsigned) -1, -1,
+ va_list ptr;
+ int rv;
+ va_strt(ptr, fmt);
+ string->bufpos = sp;
+ rv = vfscanf(string,fmt,ptr);
+ va_end(ptr);
+ return rv;
+#ifdef L_fscanf
+#ifdef __STDC__
+int fscanf(FILE * fp, const char * fmt, ...)
+int fscanf(fp, fmt, va_alist)
+FILE * fp;
+__const char *fmt;
+ va_list ptr;
+ int rv;
+ va_strt(ptr, fmt);
+ rv = vfscanf(fp,fmt,ptr);
+ va_end(ptr);
+ return rv;
+#ifdef L_vscanf
+int vscanf(fmt, ap)
+__const char *fmt;
+va_list ap;
+ return vfscanf(stdin,fmt,ap);
+#ifdef L_vsscanf
+int vsscanf(sp, fmt, ap)
+char * sp;
+__const char *fmt;
+static FILE string[1] =
+ {0, (char*)(unsigned) -1, 0, 0, (char*) (unsigned) -1, -1,
+ string->bufpos = sp;
+ return vfscanf(string,fmt,ap);
+#ifdef L_vfscanf
+int _vfscanf_fp_ref = 1;
+int _vfscanf_fp_ref = 0;
+/* #define skip() do{c=getc(fp); if (c<1) goto done;}while(isspace(c))*/
+#define skip() while(isspace(c)) { if ((c=getc(fp))<1) goto done; }
+/* fp scan actions */
+#define F_NADA 0 /* just change state */
+#define F_SIGN 1 /* set sign */
+#define F_ESIGN 2 /* set exponent's sign */
+#define F_INT 3 /* adjust integer part */
+#define F_FRAC 4 /* adjust fraction part */
+#define F_EXP 5 /* adjust exponent part */
+#define F_QUIT 6
+#define NSTATE 8
+#define FS_INIT 0 /* initial state */
+#define FS_SIGNED 1 /* saw sign */
+#define FS_DIGS 2 /* saw digits, no . */
+#define FS_DOT 3 /* saw ., no digits */
+#define FS_DD 4 /* saw digits and . */
+#define FS_E 5 /* saw 'e' */
+#define FS_ESIGN 6 /* saw exp's sign */
+#define FS_EDIGS 7 /* saw exp's digits */
+#define FC_DIG 0
+#define FC_DOT 1
+#define FC_E 2
+#define FC_SIGN 3
+/* given transition,state do what action? */
+int fp_do[][NSTATE] = {
+ F_EXP,F_EXP,F_EXP}, /* see digit */
+ F_QUIT,F_QUIT,F_QUIT,F_QUIT,F_QUIT}, /* see '.' */
+ F_QUIT,F_QUIT,F_QUIT}, /* see e/E */
+ F_ESIGN,F_QUIT,F_QUIT}, /* see sign */
+/* given transition,state what is new state? */
+int fp_ns[][NSTATE] = {
+ FS_EDIGS,FS_EDIGS,FS_EDIGS}, /* see digit */
+ }, /* see '.' */
+ {0,0,
+ FS_E,0,FS_E,
+ }, /* see e/E */
+ {FS_SIGNED,0,0,0,0,
+ FS_ESIGN,0,0}, /* see sign */
+/* which states are valid terminators? */
+int fp_sval[NSTATE] = {
+ 0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
+vfscanf(fp, fmt, ap)
+register FILE *fp;
+register char *fmt;
+va_list ap;
+ register long n;
+ register int c, width, lval, cnt = 0;
+ int store, neg, base, wide1, endnull, rngflag, c2;
+ register unsigned char *p;
+ unsigned char delim[128], digits[17], *q;
+ long frac, expo;
+ int eneg, fraclen, fstate, trans;
+ double fx, fp_scan();
+ if (!*fmt)
+ return (0);
+ c = getc(fp);
+ while (c > 0)
+ {
+ store = 0;
+ if (*fmt == '%')
+ {
+ n = 0;
+ width = -1;
+ wide1 = 1;
+ base = 10;
+ lval = (sizeof(long) == sizeof(int));
+ store = 1;
+ endnull = 1;
+ neg = -1;
+ strcpy(delim, "\011\012\013\014\015 ");
+ strcpy(digits, "0123456789ABCDEF");
+ if (fmt[1] == '*')
+ {
+ endnull = store = 0;
+ ++fmt;
+ }
+ while (isdigit(*++fmt))/* width digit(s) */
+ {
+ if (width == -1)
+ width = 0;
+ wide1 = width = (width * 10) + (*fmt - '0');
+ }
+ --fmt;
+ fmtnxt:
+ ++fmt;
+ switch (tolower(*fmt)) /* tolower() is a MACRO! */
+ {
+ case '*':
+ endnull = store = 0;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case 'l': /* long data */
+ lval = 1;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case 'h': /* short data */
+ lval = 0;
+ goto fmtnxt;
+ case 'i': /* any-base numeric */
+ base = 0;
+ goto numfmt;
+ case 'b': /* unsigned binary */
+ base = 2;
+ goto numfmt;
+ case 'o': /* unsigned octal */
+ base = 8;
+ goto numfmt;
+ case 'x': /* unsigned hexadecimal */
+ base = 16;
+ goto numfmt;
+ case 'd': /* SIGNED decimal */
+ neg = 0;
+ /* FALL-THRU */
+ case 'u': /* unsigned decimal */
+ numfmt:skip();
+ if (isupper(*fmt))
+ lval = 1;
+ if (!base)
+ {
+ base = 10;
+ neg = 0;
+ if (c == '%')
+ {
+ base = 2;
+ goto skip1;
+ }
+ else if (c == '0')
+ {
+ c = getc(fp);
+ if (c < 1)
+ goto savnum;
+ if ((c != 'x')
+ && (c != 'X'))
+ {
+ base = 8;
+ digits[8] = '\0';
+ goto zeroin;
+ }
+ base = 16;
+ goto skip1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((neg == 0) && (base == 10)
+ && ((neg = (c == '-')) || (c == '+')))
+ {
+ skip1:
+ c = getc(fp);
+ if (c < 1)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ digits[base] = '\0';
+ p = ((unsigned char *)
+ strchr(digits, toupper(c)));
+ if ((!c || !p) && width)
+ goto done;
+ while (p && width-- && c)
+ {
+ n = (n * base) + (p - digits);
+ c = getc(fp);
+ zeroin:
+ p = ((unsigned char *)
+ strchr(digits, toupper(c)));
+ }
+ savnum:
+ if (store)
+ {
+ if (neg == 1)
+ n = -n;
+ if (lval)
+ *va_arg(ap, long*) = n;
+ else
+ *va_arg(ap, short*) = n;
+ ++cnt;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e': /* float */
+ case 'f':
+ case 'g':
+ skip();
+ fprintf(stderr,"LIBM:SCANF");
+ if (isupper(*fmt))
+ lval = 1;
+ fstate = FS_INIT;
+ neg = 0;
+ eneg = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ frac = 0;
+ expo = 0;
+ fraclen = 0;
+ while (c && width--)
+ {
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ trans = FC_DIG;
+ else if (c == '.')
+ trans = FC_DOT;
+ else if (c == '+' || c == '-')
+ trans = FC_SIGN;
+ else if (tolower(c) == 'e')
+ trans = FC_E;
+ else
+ goto fdone;
+ switch (fp_do[trans][fstate])
+ {
+ case F_SIGN:
+ neg = (c == '-');
+ break;
+ case F_ESIGN:
+ eneg = (c == '-');
+ break;
+ case F_INT:
+ n = 10 * n + (c - '0');
+ break;
+ case F_FRAC:
+ frac = 10 * frac + (c - '0');
+ fraclen++;
+ break;
+ case F_EXP:
+ expo = 10 * expo + (c - '0');
+ break;
+ case F_QUIT:
+ goto fdone;
+ }
+ fstate = fp_ns[trans][fstate];
+ c = getc(fp);
+ }
+ fdone:
+ if (!fp_sval[fstate])
+ goto done;
+ if (store)
+ {
+ fx = fp_scan(neg, eneg, n, frac, expo, fraclen);
+ if (lval)
+ *va_arg(ap, double *) = fx;
+ else
+ *va_arg(ap, float *) = fx;
+ ++cnt;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e': /* float */
+ case 'f':
+ case 'g':
+ fprintf(stderr, "LIBC:SCANF");
+ exit(-1);
+ case 'c': /* character data */
+ width = wide1;
+ lval = endnull = 0;
+ delim[0] = '\0';
+ goto strproc;
+ case '[': /* string w/ delimiter set */
+ /* get delimiters */
+ p = delim;
+ if (*++fmt == '^')
+ {
+ fmt++;
+ lval = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ lval = 1;
+ rngflag = 2;
+ if ((*fmt == ']') || (*fmt == '-'))
+ {
+ *p++ = *fmt++;
+ rngflag = 0;
+ }
+ while (*fmt != ']')
+ {
+ if (*fmt == '\0')
+ goto done;
+ switch (rngflag)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ c2 = *(p - 2);
+ if (c2 <= *fmt)
+ {
+ p -= 2;
+ while (c2 < *fmt)
+ *p++ = c2++;
+ rngflag = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* fall thru intentional */
+ case 0:
+ rngflag = (*fmt == '-');
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ rngflag = 0;
+ }
+ *p++ = *fmt++;
+ }
+ *p = '\0';
+ goto strproc;
+ case 's': /* string data */
+ lval = 0;
+ skip();
+ strproc:
+ /* process string */
+ p = va_arg(ap, unsigned char *);
+ /* if the 1st char fails, match fails */
+ if (width)
+ {
+ q = ((unsigned char *)
+ strchr(delim, c));
+ if ((c < 1) || lval == (q==0))
+ {
+ if (endnull)
+ *p = '\0';
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ for (;;) /* FOREVER */
+ {
+ if (store)
+ *p++ = c;
+ if (((c = getc(fp)) < 1) ||
+ (--width == 0))
+ break;
+ q = ((unsigned char *)
+ strchr(delim, c));
+ if (lval == (q==0))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (store)
+ {
+ if (endnull)
+ *p = '\0';
+ ++cnt;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\0': /* early EOS */
+ --fmt;
+ /* FALL THRU */
+ default:
+ goto cmatch;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isspace(*fmt)) /* skip whitespace */
+ {
+ skip();
+ }
+ else
+ { /* normal match char */
+ cmatch:
+ if (c != *fmt)
+ break;
+ c = getc(fp);
+ }
+ if (!*++fmt)
+ break;
+ }
+ done: /* end of scan */
+ if ((c == EOF) && (cnt == 0))
+ return (EOF);
+ if( c != EOF )
+ ungetc(c, fp);
+ return (cnt);
diff --git a/libc/stdio/stdio.c b/libc/stdio/stdio.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98d0ba3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/stdio/stdio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1996 Robert de Bath <>
+ * This file is part of the Linux-8086 C library and is distributed
+ * under the GNU Library General Public License.
+ */
+/* This is an implementation of the C standard IO package.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+extern FILE *__IO_list; /* For fflush at exit */
+#define FIXED_BUFFERS 2
+struct fixed_buffer {
+ unsigned char data[BUFSIZ];
+ int used;
+extern struct fixed_buffer _fixed_buffers[2];
+#define Inline_init __io_init_vars()
+#ifdef L__stdio_init
+#define buferr (stderr->unbuf) /* Stderr is unbuffered */
+FILE *__IO_list = 0; /* For fflush at exit */
+#if 0
+static char bufin[BUFSIZ];
+static char bufout[BUFSIZ];
+#ifndef buferr
+static char buferr[BUFSIZ];
+static char *bufin;
+static char *bufout;
+#ifndef buferr
+static char *buferr;
+FILE stdin[1] =
+#if 0
+ {bufin, bufin, bufin, bufin, bufin + sizeof(bufin),
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+FILE stdout[1] =
+#if 0
+ {bufout, bufout, bufout, bufout, bufout + sizeof(bufout),
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+FILE stderr[1] =
+#if 0
+ {buferr, buferr, buferr, buferr, buferr + sizeof(buferr),
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+/* Call the stdio initiliser; it's main job it to call atexit */
+#define STATIC
+ FILE *fp;
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ for (fp = __IO_list; fp; fp = fp->next)
+ {
+ fflush(fp);
+ close(fp->fd);
+ /* Note we're not de-allocating the memory */
+ /* There doesn't seem to be much point :-) */
+ fp->fd = -1;
+ }
+static int first_time = 0;
+struct fixed_buffer _fixed_buffers[2];
+STATIC void
+ if( first_time ) return;
+ first_time = 1;
+ stdin->bufpos = bufin = _fixed_buffers[0].data; /*(char *)malloc(BUFSIZ)*/;
+ stdin->bufread = bufin;
+ stdin->bufwrite = bufin;
+ stdin->bufstart = bufin;
+ stdin->bufend = bufin + sizeof(bufin);
+ stdin->fd = 0;
+ stdin->mode = _IOFBF | __MODE_READ | __MODE_IOTRAN | __MODE_FREEBUF;
+ _fixed_buffers[0].used = 1;
+ stdout->bufpos = bufout = _fixed_buffers[1].data; /*(char *)malloc(BUFSIZ);*/
+ stdout->bufread = bufout;
+ stdout->bufwrite = bufout;
+ stdout->bufstart = bufout;
+ stdout->bufend = bufout + sizeof(bufout);
+ stdout->fd = 1;
+ stdout->mode = _IOFBF | __MODE_WRITE | __MODE_IOTRAN | __MODE_FREEBUF;
+ _fixed_buffers[1].used = 1;
+#if 0
+ stderr->bufpos = buferr = (char *)malloc(BUFSIZ);
+ stderr->bufpos = buferr;
+ stderr->bufread = buferr;
+ stderr->bufwrite = buferr;
+ stderr->bufstart = buferr;
+ stderr->bufend = buferr + sizeof(buferr);
+ stderr->fd = 2;
+ stderr->mode = _IONBF | __MODE_WRITE | __MODE_IOTRAN;
+ if (isatty(1))
+ stdout->mode |= _IOLBF;
+ atexit(__stdio_close_all);
+#ifdef L_fputc
+fputc(ch, fp)
+int ch;
+FILE *fp;
+ register int v;
+ Inline_init;
+ v = fp->mode;
+ /* If last op was a read ... */
+ if ((v & __MODE_READING) && fflush(fp))
+ return EOF;
+ /* Can't write or there's been an EOF or error then return EOF */
+ if ((v & (__MODE_WRITE | __MODE_EOF | __MODE_ERR)) != __MODE_WRITE)
+ return EOF;
+ /* In MSDOS translation mode */
+ if (ch == '\n' && (v & __MODE_IOTRAN) && fputc('\r', fp) == EOF)
+ return EOF;
+ /* Buffer is full */
+ if (fp->bufpos >= fp->bufend && fflush(fp))
+ return EOF;
+ /* Right! Do it! */
+ *(fp->bufpos++) = ch;
+ fp->mode |= __MODE_WRITING;
+ /* Unbuffered or Line buffered and end of line */
+ if (((ch == '\n' && (v & _IOLBF)) || (v & _IONBF))
+ && fflush(fp))
+ return EOF;
+ /* Can the macro handle this by itself ? */
+ if (v & (__MODE_IOTRAN | _IOLBF | _IONBF))
+ fp->bufwrite = fp->bufstart; /* Nope */
+ else
+ fp->bufwrite = fp->bufend; /* Yup */
+ /* Correct return val */
+ return (unsigned char) ch;
+#ifdef L_fgetc
+FILE *fp;
+ int ch;
+ Inline_init;
+ if (fp->mode & __MODE_WRITING)
+ fflush(fp);
+ try_again:
+ /* Can't read or there's been an EOF or error then return EOF */
+ if ((fp->mode & (__MODE_READ | __MODE_EOF | __MODE_ERR)) != __MODE_READ)
+ return EOF;
+ /* Nothing in the buffer - fill it up */
+ if (fp->bufpos >= fp->bufread)
+ {
+ fp->bufpos = fp->bufread = fp->bufstart;
+ ch = fread(fp->bufpos, 1, fp->bufend - fp->bufstart, fp);
+ if (ch == 0)
+ return EOF;
+ fp->bufread += ch;
+ fp->mode |= __MODE_READING;
+ fp->mode &= ~__MODE_UNGOT;
+ }
+ ch = *(fp->bufpos++);
+ /* In MSDOS translation mode; WARN: Doesn't work with UNIX macro */
+ if (ch == '\r' && (fp->mode & __MODE_IOTRAN))
+ goto try_again;
+ return ch;
+#ifdef L_fflush
+FILE *fp;
+ int len, cc, rv=0;
+ char * bstart;
+ if (fp == NULL) /* On NULL flush the lot. */
+ {
+ if (fflush(stdin))
+ return EOF;
+ if (fflush(stdout))
+ return EOF;
+ if (fflush(stderr))
+ return EOF;
+ for (fp = __IO_list; fp; fp = fp->next)
+ if (fflush(fp))
+ return EOF;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* If there's output data pending */
+ if (fp->mode & __MODE_WRITING)
+ {
+ len = fp->bufpos - fp->bufstart;
+ if (len)
+ {
+ bstart = fp->bufstart;
+ /*
+ * The loop is so we don't get upset by signals or partial writes.
+ */
+ do
+ {
+ cc = write(fp->fd, bstart, len);
+ if( cc > 0 )
+ {
+ bstart+=cc; len-=cc;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( cc>0 || (cc == -1 && errno == EINTR));
+ /*
+ * If we get here with len!=0 there was an error, exactly what to
+ * do about it is another matter ...
+ *
+ * I'll just clear the buffer.
+ */
+ if (len)
+ {
+ fp->mode |= __MODE_ERR;
+ rv = EOF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there's data in the buffer sychronise the file positions */
+ else if (fp->mode & __MODE_READING)
+ {
+ /* Humm, I think this means sync the file like fpurge() ... */
+ /* Anyway the user isn't supposed to call this function when reading */
+ len = fp->bufread - fp->bufpos; /* Bytes buffered but unread */
+ /* If it's a file, make it good */
+ if (len > 0 && lseek(fp->fd, (long)-len, 1) < 0)
+ {
+ /* Hummm - Not certain here, I don't think this is reported */
+ /*
+ * fp->mode |= __MODE_ERR; return EOF;
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* All done, no problem */
+ fp->bufread = fp->bufwrite = fp->bufpos = fp->bufstart;
+ return rv;
+#ifdef L_fgets
+/* Nothing special here ... */
+char *
+fgets(s, count, f)
+char *s;
+size_t count;
+FILE *f;
+ char *ret;
+ register size_t i;
+ register int ch;
+ ret = s;
+ for (i = count; i > 0; i--)
+ {
+ ch = getc(f);
+ if (ch == EOF)
+ {
+ if (s == ret)
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ *s++ = (char) ch;
+ if (ch == '\n')
+ break;
+ }
+ *s = 0;
+ if (ferror(f))
+ return 0;
+ return ret;
+#ifdef L_gets
+char *
+gets(str) /* BAD function; DON'T use it! */
+char *str;
+ /* Auwlright it will work but of course _your_ program will crash */
+ /* if it's given a too long line */