path: root/test/math/compile_test.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/math/compile_test.c')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/math/compile_test.c b/test/math/compile_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aedfde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/math/compile_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#include <math.h>
+static int testf(float float_x, long double long_double_x, /*float complex float_complex_x,*/ int int_x, long long_x)
+int r = 0;
+r += acosf(float_x);
+r += acoshf(float_x);
+r += asinf(float_x);
+r += asinhf(float_x);
+r += atan2f(float_x, float_x);
+r += atanf(float_x);
+r += atanhf(float_x);
+/*r += cargf(float_complex_x); - will fight with complex numbers later */
+r += cbrtf(float_x);
+r += ceilf(float_x);
+r += copysignf(float_x, float_x);
+r += cosf(float_x);
+r += coshf(float_x);
+r += erfcf(float_x);
+r += erff(float_x);
+r += exp2f(float_x);
+r += expf(float_x);
+r += expm1f(float_x);
+r += fabsf(float_x);
+r += fdimf(float_x, float_x);
+r += floorf(float_x);
+r += fmaf(float_x, float_x, float_x);
+r += fmaxf(float_x, float_x);
+r += fminf(float_x, float_x);
+r += fmodf(float_x, float_x);
+r += frexpf(float_x, &int_x);
+r += gammaf(float_x);
+r += hypotf(float_x, float_x);
+r += ilogbf(float_x);
+r += ldexpf(float_x, int_x);
+r += lgammaf(float_x);
+r += llrintf(float_x);
+r += llroundf(float_x);
+r += log10f(float_x);
+r += log1pf(float_x);
+r += log2f(float_x);
+r += logbf(float_x);
+r += logf(float_x);
+r += lrintf(float_x);
+r += lroundf(float_x);
+r += modff(float_x, &float_x);
+r += nearbyintf(float_x);
+r += nexttowardf(float_x, long_double_x);
+r += powf(float_x, float_x);
+r += remainderf(float_x, float_x);
+r += remquof(float_x, float_x, &int_x);
+r += rintf(float_x);
+r += roundf(float_x);
+r += scalbf(float_x, float_x);
+r += scalblnf(float_x, long_x);
+r += scalbnf(float_x, int_x);
+r += significandf(float_x);
+r += sinf(float_x);
+r += sinhf(float_x);
+r += sqrtf(float_x);
+r += tanf(float_x);
+r += tanhf(float_x);
+r += tgammaf(float_x);
+r += truncf(float_x);
+return r;
+static int testl(long double long_double_x, int int_x, long long_x)
+int r = 0;
+r += __finitel(long_double_x);
+r += __fpclassifyl(long_double_x);
+r += __isinfl(long_double_x);
+r += __isnanl(long_double_x);
+r += __signbitl(long_double_x);
+r += acoshl(long_double_x);
+r += acosl(long_double_x);
+r += asinhl(long_double_x);
+r += asinl(long_double_x);
+r += atan2l(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += atanhl(long_double_x);
+r += atanl(long_double_x);
+r += cbrtl(long_double_x);
+r += ceill(long_double_x);
+r += copysignl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += coshl(long_double_x);
+r += cosl(long_double_x);
+r += erfcl(long_double_x);
+r += erfl(long_double_x);
+r += exp2l(long_double_x);
+r += expl(long_double_x);
+r += expm1l(long_double_x);
+r += fabsl(long_double_x);
+r += fdiml(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += floorl(long_double_x);
+r += fmal(long_double_x, long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += fmaxl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += fminl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += fmodl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += frexpl(long_double_x, &int_x);
+r += hypotl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += ilogbl(long_double_x);
+r += ldexpl(long_double_x, int_x);
+r += lgammal(long_double_x);
+r += llrintl(long_double_x);
+r += llroundl(long_double_x);
+r += log10l(long_double_x);
+r += log1pl(long_double_x);
+r += log2l(long_double_x);
+r += logbl(long_double_x);
+r += logl(long_double_x);
+r += lrintl(long_double_x);
+r += lroundl(long_double_x);
+r += modfl(long_double_x, &long_double_x);
+r += nearbyintl(long_double_x);
+r += nextafterl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += nexttowardl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += powl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += remainderl(long_double_x, long_double_x);
+r += remquol(long_double_x, long_double_x, &int_x);
+r += rintl(long_double_x);
+r += roundl(long_double_x);
+r += scalblnl(long_double_x, long_x);
+r += scalbnl(long_double_x, int_x);
+r += sinhl(long_double_x);
+r += sinl(long_double_x);
+r += sqrtl(long_double_x);
+r += tanhl(long_double_x);
+r += tanl(long_double_x);
+r += tgammal(long_double_x);
+r += truncl(long_double_x);
+return r;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ /* Always 0 but gcc hopefully won't be able to notice */
+ return 5 & ((long)&testf) & ((long)&testl) & 2;