* Copyright (C) 2008 Nir Tzachar <nir.tzachar@gmail.com?
* Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
* Derived from menuconfig.
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lkc.h"
#include "nconf.h"
#include <ctype.h>
static const char nconf_global_help[] = N_(
"Help windows\n"
"o Global help: Unless in a data entry window, pressing <F1> will give \n"
" you the global help window, which you are just reading.\n"
"o A short version of the global help is available by pressing <F3>.\n"
"o Local help: To get help related to the current menu entry, use any\n"
" of <?> <h>, or if in a data entry window then press <F1>.\n"
"Menu entries\n"
"This interface lets you select features and parameters for the kernel\n"
"build. Kernel features can either be built-in, modularized, or removed.\n"
"Parameters must be entered as text or decimal or hexadecimal numbers.\n"
"Menu entries beginning with following braces represent features that\n"
" [ ] can be built in or removed\n"
" < > can be built in, modularized or removed\n"
" { } can be built in or modularized, are selected by another feature\n"
" - - are selected by another feature\n"
" XXX cannot be selected. Symbol Info <F2> tells you why.\n"
"*, M or whitespace inside braces means to build in, build as a module\n"
"or to exclude the feature respectively.\n"
"To change any of these features, highlight it with the movement keys\n"
"listed below and press <y> to build it in, <m> to make it a module or\n"
"<n> to remove it. You may press the <Space> key to cycle through the\n"
"available options.\n"
"A trailing \"--->\" designates a submenu, a trailing \"----\" an\n"
"empty submenu.\n"
"Menu navigation keys\n"
"Linewise up <Up>\n"
"Linewise down <Down>\n"
"Pagewise up <Page Up>\n"
"Pagewise down <Page Down>\n"
"First entry <Home>\n"
"Last entry <End>\n"
"Enter a submenu <Right> <Enter>\n"
"Go back to parent menu <Left> <Esc> <F5>\n"
"Close a help window <Enter> <Esc> <F5>\n"
"Close entry window, apply <Enter>\n"
"Close entry window, forget <Esc> <F5>\n"
"Start incremental, case-insensitive search for STRING in menu entries,\n"
" no regex support, STRING is displayed in upper left corner\n"
" </>STRING\n"
" Remove last character <Backspace>\n"
" Jump to next hit <Down>\n"
" Jump to previous hit <Up>\n"
"Exit menu search mode </> <Esc>\n"
"Search for configuration variables with or without leading CONFIG_\n"
" <F8>RegExpr<Enter>\n"
"Verbose search help <F8><F1>\n"
"Unless in a data entry window, key <1> may be used instead of <F1>,\n"
"<2> instead of <F2>, etc.\n"
"Radiolist (Choice list)\n"
"Use the movement keys listed above to select the option you wish to set\n"
"and press <Space>.\n"
"Data entry\n"
"Enter the requested information and press <Enter>. Hexadecimal values\n"
"may be entered without the \"0x\" prefix.\n"
"Text Box (Help Window)\n"
"Use movement keys as listed in table above.\n"
"Press any of <Enter> <Esc> <q> <F5> <F9> to exit.\n"
"Alternate configuration files\n"
"nconfig supports switching between different configurations.\n"
"Press <F6> to save your current configuration. Press <F7> and enter\n"
"a file name to load a previously saved configuration.\n"
"Terminal configuration\n"
"If you use nconfig in a xterm window, make sure your TERM environment\n"
"variable specifies a terminal configuration which supports at least\n"
"16 colors. Otherwise nconfig will look rather bad.\n"
"If the \"stty size\" command reports the current terminalsize correctly,\n"
"nconfig will adapt to sizes larger than the traditional 80x25 \"standard\"\n"
"and display longer menus properly.\n"
"Single menu mode\n"
"If you prefer to have all of the menu entries listed in a single menu,\n"
"rather than the default multimenu hierarchy, run nconfig with\n"
"NCONFIG_MODE environment variable set to single_menu. Example:\n"
"make NCONFIG_MODE=single_menu nconfig\n"
"<Enter> will then unfold the appropriate category, or fold it if it\n"
"is already unfolded. Folded menu entries will be designated by a\n"
"leading \"++>\" and unfolded entries by a leading \"-->\".\n"
"Note that this mode can eventually be a little more CPU expensive than\n"
"the default mode, especially with a larger number of unfolded submenus.\n"
menu_no_f_instructions[] = N_(
"Legend: [*] built-in [ ] excluded <M> module < > module capable.\n"
"Submenus are designated by a trailing \"--->\", empty ones by \"----\".\n"
"Use the following keys to navigate the menus:\n"
"Move up or down with <Up> and <Down>.\n"
"Enter a submenu with <Enter> or <Right>.\n"
"Exit a submenu to its parent menu with <Esc> or <Left>.\n"
"Pressing <y> includes, <n> excludes, <m> modularizes features.\n"
"Pressing <Space> cycles through the available options.\n"
"To search for menu entries press </>.\n"
"<Esc> always leaves the current window.\n"
"You do not have function keys support.\n"
"Press <1> instead of <F1>, <2> instead of <F2>, etc.\n"
"For verbose global help use key <1>.\n"
"For help related to the current menu entry press <?> or <h>.\n"),
menu_instructions[] = N_(
"Legend: [*] built-in [ ] excluded <M> module < > module capable.\n"
"Submenus are designated by a trailing \"--->\", empty ones by \"----\".\n"
"Use the following keys to navigate the menus:\n"
"Move up or down with <Up> or <Down>.\n"
"Enter a submenu with <Enter> or <Right>.\n"
"Exit a submenu to its parent menu with <Esc> or <Left>.\n"
"Pressing <y> includes, <n> excludes, <m> modularizes features.\n"
"Pressing <Space> cycles through the available options.\n"
"To search for menu entries press </>.\n"
"<Esc> always leaves the current window.\n"
"Pressing <1> may be used instead of <F1>, <2> instead of <F2>, etc.\n"
"For verbose global help press <F1>.\n"
"For help related to the current menu entry press <?> or <h>.\n"),
radiolist_instructions[] = N_(
"Press <Up>, <Down>, <Home> or <End> to navigate a radiolist, select\n"
"with <Space>.\n"
"For help related to the current entry press <?> or <h>.\n"
"For global help press <F1>.\n"),
inputbox_instructions_int[] = N_(
"Please enter a decimal value.\n"
"Fractions will not be accepted.\n"
"Press <Enter> to apply, <Esc> to cancel."),
inputbox_instructions_hex[] = N_(
"Please enter a hexadecimal value.\n"
"Press <Enter> to apply, <Esc> to cancel."),
inputbox_instructions_string[] = N_(
"Please enter a string value.\n"
"Press <Enter> to apply, <Esc> to cancel."),
setmod_text[] = N_(
"This feature depends on another feature which has been configured as a\n"
"module. As a result, the current feature will be built as a module too."),
load_config_text[] = N_(
"Enter the