diff options
-rw-r--r--target/native/kernel.config.x86 (renamed from target/ibm-x40/kernel.config)0
-rw-r--r--target/native/kernel.config.x86_64 (renamed from target/native/kernel.config)433
88 files changed, 128448 insertions, 657 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 75d928964..1bc7559b0 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
- fix init scripts pidof? vs. killall
- rpath libtool problem fix
- bind isc 9.6.1
-- check mips -mno-abicalls
- check ac_cv_func_setpgrp_void=no
- freebsd build
- win cygwin build
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 9f2683642..00875e71d 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ clean:
$(MAKE) -C $(CONFIG) clean
for d in ${STAGING_PARENT_PFX}; do \
echo "clean: entering $$d" ; \
- for f in $$d/pkg/[a-z]*; do \
+ for f in $$(ls $$d/pkg/[a-z]* 2>/dev/null); do \
echo "clean: cleaning for $$f" ; \
while read file ; do \
rm $$d/target/$$file ; \
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index e80ac5d1e..9c0053727 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -57,9 +57,11 @@ ${BIN_DIR}/${ROOTFSSQUASHFS}: ${TARGET_DIR}
mksquashfs ${TARGET_DIR} ${BUILD_DIR}/root.squashfs \
-nopad -noappend -root-owned $(MAKE_TRACE)
- # padding of images is required
cat ${BIN_DIR}/${DEVICE}-${ARCH}-kernel ${BUILD_DIR}/root.squashfs > \
+ # padding of images is required
+ bs=4063232 conv=sync $(MAKE_TRACE)
rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/$(DEVICE)-*
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index ca494e300..875b93c62 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -751,6 +751,10 @@ $(eval $(call KMOD_template,OCF_TALITOS,cryptodev-talitos,\
# Filesystems
+$(eval $(call KMOD_template,AUFS_FS,fs-aufs,\
+ $(MODULES_DIR)/kernel/fs/aufs/aufs \
$(eval $(call KMOD_template,CIFS,fs-cifs,\
$(MODULES_DIR)/kernel/fs/cifs/cifs \
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 67f2ec80c..4ab2f71e2 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ $(eval $(call rootfs_template,initramfs,INITRAMFS))
$(eval $(call rootfs_template,squashfs,SQUASHFS))
$(eval $(call rootfs_template,yaffs,YAFFS))
$(eval $(call rootfs_template,nfsroot,NFSROOT,root=/dev/nfs ip=dhcp))
+$(eval $(call rootfs_template,encrypted,ENCRYPTED))
export FS
diff --git a/package/ b/package/
index ff123d48e..c0cb91511 100644
--- a/package/
+++ b/package/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ menu "Basesystem"
source "package/base-files/"
source "package/busybox/"
source "package/cfgfs/"
+source "package/cryptinit/"
source "package/uclibc/"
source "package/glibc/"
source "package/eglibc/"
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ source "package/vim/"
menu "Filesystem utilities"
+source "package/aufs2-util/"
source "package/dosfstools/"
source "package/e2fsprogs/"
source "package/fuse/"
diff --git a/package/ b/package/
index fc07c3ade..46fab2a02 100644
--- a/package/
+++ b/package/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ cbtt-compile: uclibc++-compile
cbtt-compile: mysql-compile zlib-compile
collectd-compile: libpthread-compile
+cryptinit-compile: cryptsetup-compile
cryptsetup-compile: libgcrypt-compile popt-compile e2fsprogs-compile lvm-compile
ctorrent-compile: uclibc++-compile
diff --git a/package/Makefile b/package/Makefile
index 6af55aee0..9597d5269 100644
--- a/package/Makefile
+++ b/package/Makefile
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_ARPD) += arpd
package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_ARPWATCH) += arpwatch
package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_ASTERISK) += asterisk
package-$(ADK_COMPILE_ATFTP) += atftp
+package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_AUFS_UTIL) += aufs2-util
package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_AUTOSSH) += autossh
package-$(ADK_COMPILE_AVAHI) += avahi
package-$(ADK_COMPILE_AXTLS) += axtls
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_BASH) += bash
package-$(ADK_COMPILE_BC) += bc
package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_CA_CERTS) += ca-certificates
package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_CFGFS) += cfgfs
+package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_CRYPTINIT) += cryptinit
package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_BIGREQSPROTO) += bigreqsproto
package-$(ADK_COMPILE_BIND) += bind
package-$(ADK_PACKAGE_BINUTILS) += binutils
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/ b/package/aufs2-util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e3b34dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ prompt "aufs2-util........................ aufs2 utilities"
+ tristate
+ default n
+ help
+ Utilities for use with aufs2.
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/Makefile b/package/aufs2-util/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4457775b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
+# material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+PKG_NAME:= aufs2-util
+PKG_VERSION:= 130809
+PKG_DESCR:= aufs2 utilities
+PKG_SECTION:= admin
+include $(TOPDIR)/mk/
+ mkdir -p ${WRKBUILD}
+ ${CP} ./src/* ${WRKBUILD}/
+# $(INSTALL_BIN) $(WRKINST)/usr/bin/bash $(IDIR_BASH)/bin/
+include ${TOPDIR}/mk/
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/patches/patch-Makefile b/package/aufs2-util/patches/patch-Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cfb193c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/patches/patch-Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ - explicitly use the host cc to compile c2sh and c2tmac
+ (using per-target local variable assignments is an elegant
+ way for not having to define explicit rules for the targets)
+ - dont try setting owner and group of installed files
+--- aufs2-util-130809.orig/Makefile 2009-08-13 14:59:49.000000000 +0200
++++ aufs2-util-130809/Makefile 2009-08-23 18:05:03.909726416 +0200
+@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ ${Dummy}: ${LibSoObj}
+ ${LibSo}: ${Dummy}
+ ln -f $< $@
++c2sh c2tmac: CC = ${HOSTCC}
++c2sh c2tmac: CFLAGS="-I${KDIR}/include"
++c2sh c2tmac: LDFLAGS=
++c2sh c2tmac: CPPFLAGS=
+ etc_default_aufs: c2sh aufs.shlib
+ ${RM} $@
+ echo '# aufs variables for shell scripts' > $@
+@@ -86,12 +91,12 @@ install_ulib: File = ${LibSo}
+ install_ulib: Tgt = ${DESTDIR}/ulib
+ install_sbin install_ubin install_man install_ulib: ${File}
+ install -d ${Tgt}
+- install -m 755 -o root -g root -p ${Opt} ${File} ${Tgt}
++ install -m 755 -p ${Opt} ${File} ${Tgt}
+ install_etc: File = etc_default_aufs
+ install_etc: Tgt = ${DESTDIR}/etc/default/aufs
+ install_etc: ${File}
+ install -d $(dir ${Tgt})
+- install -m 644 -o root -g root -p -T ${File} ${Tgt}
++ install -m 644 -p -T ${File} ${Tgt}
+ # do not inlcude install_ulib here
+ install: install_man install_sbin install_ubin install_etc
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/COPYING b/package/aufs2-util/src/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f90922eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/Makefile b/package/aufs2-util/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7aacfc14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+# This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ifndef KDIR
+KDIR = /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
+CFLAGS += -I${KDIR}/include
+CFLAGS += -O -Wall
+Cmd = umount.aufs auchk aubrsync
+Man = aufs.5
+Etc = etc_default_aufs
+Bin = auplink mount.aufs #auctl
+BinObj = $(addsuffix .o, ${Bin})
+LibSo =
+LibSoObj = rdu.o
+LibSoHdr = compat.h
+LibUtil = libautil.a
+LibUtilObj = proc_mnt.o br.o plink.o mtab.o
+LibUtilHdr = au_util.h
+all: ${Man} ${Bin} ${Etc} #${LibSo}
+${Bin}: LDFLAGS += -static -s
+${Bin}: LDLIBS = -L. -lautil
+${BinObj}: %.o: %.c ${LibUtilHdr} ${LibUtil}
+${LibUtilObj}: %.o: %.c ${LibUtilHdr}
+${LibUtil}: ${LibUtil}(${LibUtilObj})
+${LibSoObj}: CFLAGS += -fPIC
+${LibSoObj}: %.o: %.c ${LibSolHdr}
+# in order to reuse the default rule
+Dummy = $(basename $(word 1,${LibSoObj}))
+${Dummy}: LDFLAGS += --shared
+${Dummy}: LDLIBS += -ldl -lpthread
+${Dummy}: ${LibSoObj}
+${LibSo}: ${Dummy}
+ ln -f $< $@
+etc_default_aufs: c2sh aufs.shlib
+ ${RM} $@
+ echo '# aufs variables for shell scripts' > $@
+ ./c2sh >> $@
+ echo >> $@
+ sed -e '0,/^$$/d' aufs.shlib >> $@
+aufs.5: c2tmac
+ ${RM} $@
+ ./c2tmac > $@
+ awk '{ \
+ gsub(/\140[^\047]*\047/, "\\[oq]&\\[cq]"); \
+ gsub(/\\\[oq\]\140/, "\\[oq]"); \
+ gsub(/\047\\\[cq\]/, "\\[cq]"); \
+ gsub(/\047/, "\\[aq]"); \
+ print; \
+ }' >> $@
+ chmod a-w $@
+.INTERMEDIATE: c2sh c2tmac
+install_sbin: File = mount.aufs umount.aufs auplink
+install_sbin: Tgt = ${DESTDIR}/sbin
+install_ubin: File = auchk aubrsync #auctl
+install_ubin: Tgt = ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin
+install_man: File = aufs.5
+install_man: Tgt = ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/man/man5
+install_ulib: Opt = -s
+install_ulib: File = ${LibSo}
+install_ulib: Tgt = ${DESTDIR}/ulib
+install_sbin install_ubin install_man install_ulib: ${File}
+ install -d ${Tgt}
+ install -m 755 -o root -g root -p ${Opt} ${File} ${Tgt}
+install_etc: File = etc_default_aufs
+install_etc: Tgt = ${DESTDIR}/etc/default/aufs
+install_etc: ${File}
+ install -d $(dir ${Tgt})
+ install -m 644 -o root -g root -p -T ${File} ${Tgt}
+# do not inlcude install_ulib here
+install: install_man install_sbin install_ubin install_etc
+ ${RM} ${Man} ${Bin} ${Etc} ${LibUtil} ${LibSo} *~
+ ${RM} ${BinObj} ${LibUtilObj} ${LibSoObj} ${Dummy}
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/README b/package/aufs2-util/src/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e1f45422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/README
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Utilities for aufs2
+J. R. Okajima
+These utilities are always necessary for aufs2.
+If you forget to install them, your aufs may not work correctly.
+And these are not for aufs1 essentially, except aubrsync. See below in
+Makefile in this tree has some customizable make-variables.
+ specify your kernel source path if necessary
+ specify your install path if necessary.
+ some commands have to be installed under /sbin.
+o /sbin/mount.aufs, /sbin/umount.aufs
+ Helpers for util-linux-ng package. You should NOT invoke them
+ manually. Just install them by "make install".
+o /sbin/auplink
+ Handles aufs pseudo-link at remount/unmount time. You can invoke it
+ manually at anytime.
+o /usr/bin/auchk
+ Similar to generic fsck. Checks whether a branch is healthy or not
+ from aufs's point of view.
+o /usr/bin/aubrsync
+ Move files from the upper writable branch to the lower branch.
+ If you use this script with aufs1, then you need to install aufs.shlib
+ to /usr/lib/aufs.shlib. Currently only the 20080211 version is tested
+ for aufs1.
+ The development of this script is sponcered by ASUSTek Computer Inc.
+ (
+ Kindly they agreed that I keep my aufs work as free software as it has
+ been.
+o /etc/default/aufs
+ A library for shell scripts.
+# Local variables: ;
+# mode: text;
+# End: ;
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/au_util.h b/package/aufs2-util/src/au_util.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21b965510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/au_util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#ifndef __AUFS_UTIL_H__
+#define __AUFS_UTIL_H__
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <error.h>
+ * error_at_line() is decleared with (__printf__, 5, 6) attribute,
+ * and our compiler produces a warning unless args is not given.
+ * __VA_ARGS__ does not help the attribute.
+ */
+#define AuFin(fmt, args...) \
+ error_at_line(errno, errno, __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##args)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define MTab "/tmp/mtab"
+#define MTab "/etc/mtab"
+/* proc_mounts.c */
+struct mntent;
+int au_proc_getmntent(char *mntpnt, struct mntent *rent);
+/* br.c */
+int au_br(char ***br, int *nbr, struct mntent *ent);
+/* plink.c */
+enum {
+ AuPlink_FLUSH,
+ AuPlink_CPUP,
+ AuPlink_LIST
+int au_plink(char cwd[], int cmd, int begin_maint, int end_maint);
+void au_plink_maint(char *path);
+/* mtab.c */
+void au_print_ent(struct mntent *ent);
+int au_update_mtab(char *mntpnt, int do_remount, int do_verbose);
+#define _Dpri(fmt, ...) printf("%s:%d:" fmt, \
+ __func__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define Dpri(fmt, ...) _Dpri(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define Dpri(fmt, ...) do { } while(0)
+#endif /* __AUFS_UTIL_H__ */
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/aubrsync b/package/aufs2-util/src/aubrsync
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..54adac9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/aubrsync
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+# This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# The development of this script is sponcered by ASUSTek Computer Inc.
+# Kindly they agreed that I keep my aufs work as free software as it has
+# been.
+set -eu
+#set -x
+me=$(basename $0)
+EEcho() # str
+ echo ${me}: $@ 1>&2
+test ! -x $f && EEcho $f is not installed && exit 1
+# special handling for backward compatibility.
+# aufs in the donated eeepc is aufs1 20080211 without CONFIG_AUFS_COMPAT.
+# /etc/default/aufs was introduced in aufs1 20080922.
+# shwh/noshwh was introduced in aufs1 20080310 with CONFIG_AUFS_SHWH.
+# noshwh became always available regardless CONFIG_AUFS_SHWH in aufs1 20081117.
+if [ -s $f ]
+ . $f
+ echo ${me}: warning, broken $f, assuming aufs is $AUFS_VERSION
+ f=/usr/lib/aufs.shlib
+ test ! -s $f && EEcho $f is not installed && exit 1
+ . $f
+ case $AUFS_VERSION in
+ 200*) # aufs1
+ test $AUFS_VERSION -lt 20081117 && noshwh=0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC=1635083891
+ AUFS_WH_PFX=.wh.
+ AUFS_WH_PFX2=.wh..wh.
+ AUFS_WH_DIROPQ=.wh..wh..opq
+_Rsync="rsync --exclude=lost+found"
+Rsync="$_Rsync -aHSx --devices --specials --delete-before"
+RsyncWh="$_Rsync -ptgoHx"
+FindForRm() # rw
+ echo "find \"$1\" -xdev -depth \(
+ \( ! -type d
+ \( -name $AUFS_WH_DIROPQ
+ -o ! -name ${AUFS_WH_PFX2}\* \) \)
+ -o \( -type d
+ ! -name ${AUFS_WH_PFX2}\*
+ ! -wholename \"$1\"
+ ! -wholename \"$1/lost+found\" \)
+ \) -print0"
+MoveWh() # rw ro+wh
+ cd "$1"
+ find . -xdev -name ${AUFS_WH_PFX}\* ! -name ${AUFS_WH_PFX2}\* \
+ -printf '%P\n' |
+ while read wh
+ do
+ f=$(echo "$wh" | sed -e '
+ s/^'${AUFS_WH_PFX}'//
+ t
+ s:/'${AUFS_WH_PFX}':/:
+ ')
+ test -e "$dst/$f" || echo "$wh"
+ done |
+ # -v
+ $RsyncWh --files-from=- ./ "$2"
+ cd "$OLDPWD"
+ $Copy $@ "$mntpnt"/ "$dst"
+ set +x
+ test $hinotify -ne 1 && echo ${me}: warning, -i is not specified
+ src_is_nfs=0
+ test $(stat -f -c %T "$src") = nfs && src_is_nfs=1
+ set $quiet
+ $Move $@ &&
+ eval $(FindForRm "$src") |
+ {
+ if [ $src_is_nfs -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ mount -o remount "$mntpnt"
+ mount -o remount "$src"
+ fi
+ xargs -r0 rm -fr #-v
+ }
+ _move $@ "$mntpnt"/ "$dst"
+ {
+ set +x
+ MoveWh "$src" "$dst"
+ set $quiet
+ } &&
+ move --exclude=${AUFS_WH_PFX}\*
+# backward compatibility
+ move_with_wh $@
+ t=$(FindForRm src_branch | sed -e '
+ s/"//g
+ $b
+ s/$/ \\/')
+ cat <<- EOF
+ $me Options move | move_with_wh | copy \\
+ mntpnt src_branch dst_branch [ options for rsync ]
+ generic form:
+ $me [ -w | --wh ] [ -i | --inotify ] Options \\
+ mntpnt cmd [ parameters for cmd ]
+ Options:
+ [ -n | --dry_run ]
+ [ -q | --quiet ]
+ The dst_branch must be mounted as writable.
+ During the operation, the mntpnt is set readonly.
+ If you are opening a file for writing on the writable branch,
+ you need to close the file before invoking this script.
+ The -w or --wh option requires CONFIG_AUFS_SHWH enabled.
+ The -i or --inotify option requires CONFIG_AUFS_HINOTIFY enabled.
+ 'copy' is a shortcut for
+ $me mntpnt \\
+ $Copy mntpnt/ dst_branch
+ 'move' is a shortcut for
+ $me mntpnt \\
+ "$Move \\
+ mntpnt/ dst_branch && \\
+ $t |\\
+ xargs -r0 rm -fr"
+ Note: in most cases, you will need '-i' option, and
+ find(1) is invoked by $me only when rsync(1)
+ succeded.
+ 'move_with_wh' is a simple variation of 'move' which moves
+ whiteouts separately before the actual 'move'.
+ If you execute this script under linux-2.6.24 or earlier, the
+ kernel may produce a harmless warning "inotify.c:NNN
+ set_dentry_child_flags()". The message was already removed in
+ linux-2.6.25.
+ examples:
+ - Copy and reflect all the modification (modifed files, newly
+ created and removed ones) in the upper branch to the lower
+ branch. This operation is for aufs which has only 2 branches,
+ and mainly for a system shutdown script.
+ All files on the upper branch remain.
+ $ sudo $me copy /your/aufs /your/upper_branch /your/lower_branch
+ - Like above (2 branches), move and reflect all modifications
+ from upper to lower. Almost all files on the upper branch will
+ be removed. You can still use this aufs after the
+ operation. But the inode number may be changed. If your
+ application which depends upon the inode number was running at
+ that time, it may not work correctly.
+ $ sudo $me move /your/aufs /your/upper_branch /your/lower_branch
+# - Like above (2 branches), generate a new middle layer like a
+# snapshot including whiteouts and make the upper_branch almost
+# empty, but untouch the lower_branch.
+# $ img=/hda1/a.ext2
+# $ dd if=/dev/zero of=\$img bs=4k count=1k
+# $ mkfs -t ext2 -F \$img
+# $ sudo mount -o rw,loop \$img /your/new_branch
+# $ sudo mount -o remount,ins:1:/your/new_branch=ro+wh /your/aufs
+# $ sudo $me _move /your/aufs /your/upper_branch /your/lower_branch \\
+# "--remove-source-files \\
+# --exclude=$AUFS_WH_BASE \\
+# --exclude=$AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR \\
+# --exclude=$AUFS_WH_TMPDIR \\
+# /your/upper_branch/ /your/new_branch; \\
+# mount -o remount,ro /your/new_branch"
+# EOF
+for i
+ case $i in
+ -w|--wh) wh=1;;
+ -i|--inotify) hinotify=1;;
+ -n|--dry_run) dry_run=echo;;
+ -q|--quiet) quiet=+x;;
+ -h|--help) Usage; exit 0;;
+ --) shift; break;;
+ *) break;;
+ esac
+ shift
+test $# -lt 2 && Usage 1>&2 && exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ test $# -lt 4 && Usage 1>&2 && exit 1
+ cmd=$1
+ SetDir mntpnt "$2"
+ SetDir src "$3"
+ SetDir dst "$4"
+ shift 4
+ wh=0
+ ;;
+ SetDir mntpnt "$1"
+ cmd="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+case $(stat -f -c %T "$mntpnt") in
+ EEcho "$mntpnt" is not aufs
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+cur_opts=$(MntOpts "$mntpnt")
+test ! "$cur_opts" &&
+EEcho bad /proc/mounts or "$mntpnt" is not mounted &&
+exit 1
+test $noshwh -eq 0 && cur_opts=$(echo $cur_opts | sed -e 's/,noshwh//')
+# force flushing the pusedo-links
+test $noshwh -eq 0 && tmp_opts=$(echo $tmp_opts | sed -e 's/,noshwh//')
+test $wh -eq 1 && tmp_opts="$tmp_opts,shwh"
+test $hinotify -eq 1 && tmp_opts="$tmp_opts,udba=inotify"
+# here we go
+trap "$dry_run mount -o remount,$cur_opts \"$mntpnt\"" EXIT
+set $quiet
+$dry_run mount -o $tmp_opts "$mntpnt"
+eval "$dry_run $cmd $cmd_opts"
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/auchk b/package/aufs2-util/src/auchk
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..26a3d8027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/auchk
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/bin/sh -
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+# This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+set -eu
+#set -x
+EEcho() # str
+ echo $0: $@ 1>&2
+. $f
+ echo $0 writable_branch '[...]'
+Pass() # title
+ pass=$(($pass + 1))
+ EEcho \[Pass $pass\] $@
+Remove() # file
+ if [ -d "$1" ]
+ then
+ rm -ir "$1" || :
+ else
+ rm -v "$1" || :
+ fi
+for i
+ EEcho Checking "$i" for aufs
+ cd "$i"
+ case $(stat -f -c %T .) in
+ EEcho $i must not be aufs
+ cd $OLDPWD
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ########################################
+ pass=0
+ Pass Illegal whiteout
+ find . -name '.wh.*' ! -name '.wh..wh.*' -printf '%h\0%f\0' |
+ xargs -r0n2 |
+ while read dir wh
+ do
+ #echo \""$dir"\" \""$wh"\"
+ base=$(echo "$wh" | cut -c5-)
+ test ! -e "$dir/$base" && continue
+ ls -ld "$dir/$wh" "$dir/$base"
+ read -p 'Which to remove [whiteout/real/skip]? ' ans \
+ < /dev/tty > /dev/tty 2>&1
+ case "$ans" in
+ [wW]*) Remove "$dir/$wh" || :;;
+ [rR]*) Remove "$dir/$base" || :;;
+ *) echo skipped;;
+ esac
+ done
+ ########################################
+ Pass Remained pseudo-links
+ did=0
+ for plink in ${AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR}/*
+ do
+ test ! -e "$plink" && break
+ if [ -d "$plink" ]
+ then
+ EEcho illegal "$plink"
+ continue
+ fi
+ did=1
+ #ls -l "$plink" || :
+ find . -inum $(basename "$plink" | cut -f2 -d .) -ls || :
+ done
+ if [ $did -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ cat <<- EOF
+ They will be maintained at remount or umount time,
+ if you installed aufs helper scripts (See README
+ in detail).
+ If "$i" is not a writeble branch of CURRENTLY mounted
+ aufs, you need to maintain them by yourself.
+ fi
+ ########################################
+ Pass Remained temp files
+ for tmp in ${AUFS_WH_TMPDIR}/*
+ do
+ test ! -e "$tmp" && break
+ if [ -d "$tmp" ]
+ then
+ EEcho illegal "$tmp"
+ continue
+ fi
+ ls -l "$tmp" || :
+ rm -i "$tmp" || :
+ done
+ # nothing to do for xinodir
+ cd $OLDPWD
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/ b/package/aufs2-util/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0cbb14487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1684 @@
+.\".so aufs.tmac
+.eo TQ
+.TP \$1
+.. Bu
+.IP \(bu 4
+.\" end of macro definitions
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.TH aufs 5 \*[AUFS_VERSION] Linux "Linux Aufs User's Manual"
+aufs \- advanced multi layered unification filesystem. version \*[AUFS_VERSION]
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+Aufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs, which unifies
+several directories and provides a merged single directory.
+In the early days, aufs was entirely re-designed and re-implemented
+Unionfs Version 1.x series. After
+many original ideas, approaches and improvements, it
+becomes totally different from Unionfs while keeping the basic features.
+See Unionfs Version 1.x series for the basic features.
+Recently, Unionfs Version 2.x series begin taking some of same
+approaches to aufs's.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+At mount-time, the order of interpreting options is,
+simple flags, except xino/noxino and udba=inotify
+At remount-time,
+the options are interpreted in the given order,
+e.g. left to right.
+create or remove
+whiteout-base(\*[AUFS_WH_BASE]) and
+whplink-dir(\*[AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR]) if necessary
+.B br:BRANCH[:BRANCH ...] (dirs=BRANCH[:BRANCH ...])
+Adds new branches.
+(cf. Branch Syntax).
+Aufs rejects the branch which is an ancestor or a descendant of another
+branch. It is called overlapped. When the branch is loopback-mounted
+directory, aufs also checks the source fs-image file of loopback
+device. If the source file is a descendant of another branch, it will
+be rejected too.
+After mounting aufs or adding a branch, if you move a branch under
+another branch and make it descendant of another branch, aufs will not
+work correctly.
+.B [ add | ins ]:index:BRANCH
+Adds a new branch.
+The index begins with 0.
+Aufs creates
+whiteout-base(\*[AUFS_WH_BASE]) and
+whplink-dir(\*[AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR]) if necessary.
+If there is the same named file on the lower branch (larger index),
+aufs will hide the lower file.
+You can only see the highest file.
+You will be confused if the added branch has whiteouts (including
+diropq), they may or may not hide the lower entries.
+.\" It is recommended to make sure that the added branch has no whiteout.
+Even if a process have once mapped a file by mmap(2) with MAP_SHARED
+and the same named file exists on the lower branch,
+the process still refers the file on the lower(hidden)
+branch after adding the branch.
+If you want to update the contents of a process address space after
+adding, you need to restart your process or open/mmap the file again.
+.\" Usually, such files are executables or shared libraries.
+(cf. Branch Syntax).
+.B del:dir
+Removes a branch.
+Aufs does not remove
+whiteout-base(\*[AUFS_WH_BASE]) and
+whplink-dir(\*[AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR]) automatically.
+For example, when you add a RO branch which was unified as RW, you
+will see whiteout-base or whplink-dir on the added RO branch.
+If a process is referencing the file/directory on the deleting branch
+(by open, mmap, current working directory, etc.), aufs will return an
+error EBUSY.
+.B mod:BRANCH
+Modifies the permission flags of the branch.
+Aufs creates or removes
+whiteout-base(\*[AUFS_WH_BASE]) and/or
+whplink-dir(\*[AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR]) if necessary.
+If the branch permission is been changing `rw' to `ro', and a process
+is mapping a file by mmap(2)
+.\" with MAP_SHARED
+on the branch, the process may or may not
+be able to modify its mapped memory region after modifying branch
+permission flags.
+Additioanlly when you enable CONFIG_IMA (in linux-2.6.30 and later), IMA
+may produce some wrong messages. But this is equivalent when the
+filesystem is changed `ro' in emergency.
+(cf. Branch Syntax).
+.B append:BRANCH
+equivalent to `add:(last index + 1):BRANCH'.
+(cf. Branch Syntax).
+.B prepend:BRANCH
+equivalent to `add:0:BRANCH.'
+(cf. Branch Syntax).
+.B xino=filename
+Use external inode number bitmap and translation table.
+When CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT is enabled, external inode generation table too.
+It is set to
+<FirstWritableBranch>/\*[AUFS_XINO_FNAME] by default, or
+Comma character in filename is not allowed.
+The files are created per an aufs and per a branch filesystem, and
+unlinked. So you
+cannot find this file, but it exists and is read/written frequently by
+(cf. External Inode Number Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table).
+If you enable CONFIG_SYSFS, the path of xino files are not shown in
+/proc/mounts (and /etc/mtab), instead it is shown in
+Otherwise, it is shown in /proc/mounts unless it is not the default
+.B noxino
+Stop using external inode number bitmap and translation table.
+If you use this option,
+Some applications will not work correctly.
+.\" And pseudo link feature will not work after the inode cache is
+.\" shrunk.
+(cf. External Inode Number Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table).
+.B trunc_xib
+Truncate the external inode number bitmap file. The truncation is done
+automatically when you delete a branch unless you do not specify
+`notrunc_xib' option.
+(cf. External Inode Number Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table).
+.B notrunc_xib
+Stop truncating the external inode number bitmap file when you delete
+a branch.
+(cf. External Inode Number Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table).
+.B create_policy | create=CREATE_POLICY
+.B copyup_policy | copyup | cpup=COPYUP_POLICY
+Policies to select one among multiple writable branches. The default
+values are `create=tdp' and `cpup=tdp'.
+link(2) and rename(2) systemcalls have an exception. In aufs, they
+try keeping their operations in the branch where the source exists.
+(cf. Policies to Select One among Multiple Writable Branches).
+.B verbose | v
+Print some information.
+Currently, it is only busy file (or inode) at deleting a branch.
+.B noverbose | quiet | q | silent
+Disable `verbose' option.
+This is default value.
+.B sum
+df(1)/statfs(2) returns the total number of blocks and inodes of
+all branches.
+Note that there are cases that systemcalls may return ENOSPC, even if
+df(1)/statfs(2) shows that aufs has some free space/inode.
+.B nosum
+Disable `sum' option.
+This is default value.
+.B dirwh=N
+Watermark to remove a dir actually at rmdir(2) and rename(2).
+If the target dir which is being removed or renamed (destination dir)
+has a huge number of whiteouts, i.e. the dir is empty logically but
+physically, the cost to remove/rename the single
+dir may be very high.
+It is
+required to unlink all of whiteouts internally before issuing
+rmdir/rename to the branch.
+To reduce the cost of single systemcall,
+aufs renames the target dir to a whiteout-ed temporary name and
+invokes a pre-created
+kernel thread to remove whiteout-ed children and the target dir.
+The rmdir/rename systemcall returns just after kicking the thread.
+When the number of whiteout-ed children is less than the value of
+dirwh, aufs remove them in a single systemcall instead of passing
+another thread.
+This value is ignored when the branch is NFS.
+The default value is \*[AUFS_DIRWH_DEF].
+.\" .
+.\" .TP
+.\" .B rdcache=N
+.B rdblk=N
+Specifies a size of internal VDIR block which is allocated at a time in
+The VDIR block will be allocated several times when necessary. If your
+directory has millions of files, you may want to expand this size.
+The default value is defined as \*[AUFS_RDBLK_DEF].
+The size has to be lager than NAME_MAX (usually 255) and kmalloc\-able
+(the maximum limit depends on your system. at least 128KB is available
+for every system).
+Whenever you can reset the value to default by specifying rdblk=def.
+(cf. Virtual or Vertical Directory Block).
+.B rdhash=N
+Specifies a size of internal VDIR hash table which is used to compare
+the file names under the same named directory on multiple branches.
+The VDIR hash table will be allocated in readdir(3)/getdents(2),
+rmdir(2) and rename(2) for the existing target directory. If your
+directory has millions of files, you may want to expand this size.
+The default value is defined as \*[AUFS_RDHASH_DEF].
+The size has to be lager than zero, and it will be multiplied by 4 or 8
+(for 32\-bit and 64\-bit respectively, currently). The result must be
+(the maximum limit depends on your system. at least 128KB is available
+for every system).
+Whenever you can reset the value to default by specifying rdhash=def.
+(cf. Virtual or Vertical Directory Block).
+.B plink
+.B noplink
+Specifies to use `pseudo link' feature or not.
+The default is `plink' which means use this feature.
+(cf. Pseudo Link)
+.B clean_plink
+Removes all pseudo-links in memory.
+In order to make pseudo-link permanent, use
+`auplink' utility just before one of these operations,
+unmounting aufs,
+using `ro' or `noplink' mount option,
+deleting a branch from aufs,
+adding a branch into aufs,
+or changing your writable branch as readonly.
+If you installed both of /sbin/mount.aufs and /sbin/umount.aufs, and your
+mount(8) and umount(8) support them,
+`auplink' utility will be executed automatically and flush pseudo-links.
+(cf. Pseudo Link)
+.B udba=none | reval | inotify
+Specifies the level of UDBA (User's Direct Branch Access) test.
+(cf. User's Direct Branch Access and Inotify Limitation).
+.B diropq=whiteouted | w | always | a
+Specifies whether mkdir(2) and rename(2) dir case make the created directory
+`opaque' or not.
+In other words, to create `\*[AUFS_WH_DIROPQ]' under the created or renamed
+directory, or not to create.
+When you specify diropq=w or diropq=whiteouted, aufs will not create
+it if the
+directory was not whiteouted or opaqued. If the directory was whiteouted
+or opaqued, the created or renamed directory will be opaque.
+When you specify diropq=a or diropq==always, aufs will always create
+it regardless
+the directory was whiteouted/opaqued or not.
+The default value is diropq=w, it means not to create when it is unnecessary.
+If you define CONFIG_AUFS_COMPAT at aufs compiling time, the default will be
+You need to consider this option if you are planning to add a branch later
+since `diropq' affects the same named directory on the added branch.
+.B warn_perm
+.B nowarn_perm
+Adding a branch, aufs will issue a warning about uid/gid/permission of
+the adding branch directory,
+when they differ from the existing branch's. This difference may or
+may not impose a security risk.
+If you are sure that there is no problem and want to stop the warning,
+use `nowarn_perm' option.
+The default is `warn_perm' (cf. DIAGNOSTICS).
+.B shwh
+.B noshwh
+By default (noshwh), aufs doesn't show the whiteouts and
+they just hide the same named entries in the lower branches. The
+whiteout itself also never be appeared.
+If you enable CONFIG_AUFS_SHWH and specify `shwh' option, aufs
+will show you the name of whiteouts
+with keeping its feature to hide the lowers.
+Honestly speaking, I am rather confused with this `visible whiteouts.'
+But a user who originally requested this feature wrote a nice how-to
+document about this feature. See Tips file in the aufs CVS tree.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Module Parameters
+.B nwkq=N
+The number of kernel thread named \*[AUFS_WKQ_NAME].
+Those threads stay in the system while the aufs module is loaded,
+and handle the special I/O requests from aufs.
+The default value is \*[AUFS_NWKQ_DEF].
+The special I/O requests from aufs include a part of copy-up, lookup,
+directory handling, pseudo-link, xino file operations and the
+delegated access to branches.
+For example, Unix filesystems allow you to rmdir(2) which has no write
+permission bit, if its parent directory has write permission bit. In aufs, the
+removing directory may or may not have whiteout or `dir opaque' mark as its
+child. And aufs needs to unlink(2) them before rmdir(2).
+Therefore aufs delegates the actual unlink(2) and rmdir(2) to another kernel
+thread which has been created already and has a superuser privilege.
+If you enable CONFIG_SYSFS, you can check this value through
+.B brs=1 | 0
+Specifies to use the branch path data file under sysfs or not.
+If the number of your branches is large or their path is long
+and you meet the limitation of mount(8) ro /etc/mtab, you need to
+enable CONFIG_SYSFS and set aufs module parameter brs=1.
+When this parameter is set as 1, aufs does not show `br:' (or dirs=)
+mount option through /proc/mounts (and /etc/mtab). So you can
+keep yourself from the page limitation of
+mount(8) or /etc/mtab.
+Aufs shows branch paths through <sysfs>/fs/aufs/si_XXX/brNNN.
+Actually the file under sysfs has also a size limitation, but I don't
+think it is harmful.
+There is one more side effect in setting 1 to this parameter.
+If you rename your branch, the branch path written in /etc/mtab will be
+obsoleted and the future remount will meet some error due to the
+unmatched parameters (Remember that mount(8) may take the options from
+/etc/mtab and pass them to the systemcall).
+If you set 1, /etc/mtab will not hold the branch path and you will not
+meet such trouble. On the other hand, the entries for the
+branch path under sysfs are generated dynamically. So it must not be obsoleted.
+But I don't think users want to rename branches so often.
+If CONFIG_SYSFS is disable, this parameter is always set to 0.
+.B sysrq=key
+Specifies MagicSysRq key for debugging aufs.
+You need to enable both of CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ and CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG.
+Currently this is for developers only.
+The default is `a'.
+.B debug= 0 | 1
+Specifies disable(0) or enable(1) debug print in aufs.
+This parameter can be changed dynamically.
+You need to enable CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG.
+Currently this is for developers only.
+The default is `0' (disable).
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Entries under Sysfs and Debugfs
+See linux/Documentation/ABI/*/{sys,debug}fs-aufs.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Branch Syntax
+.B dir_path[ =permission [ + attribute ] ]
+.B permission := rw | ro | rr
+.B attribute := wh | nolwh
+dir_path is a directory path.
+The keyword after `dir_path=' is a
+permission flags for that branch.
+Comma, colon and the permission flags string (including `=')in the path
+are not allowed.
+Any filesystem can be a branch, But some are not accepted such like
+sysfs, procfs and unionfs.
+If you specify such filesystems as an aufs branch, aufs will return an error
+saying it is unsupported.
+Cramfs in linux stable release has strange inodes and it makes aufs
+confused. For example,
+$ mkdir -p w/d1 w/d2
+$ > w/z1
+$ > w/z2
+$ mkcramfs w cramfs
+$ sudo mount -t cramfs -o ro,loop cramfs /mnt
+$ find /mnt -ls
+ 76 1 drwxr-xr-x 1 jro 232 64 Jan 1 1970 /mnt
+ 1 1 drwxr-xr-x 1 jro 232 0 Jan 1 1970 /mnt/d1
+ 1 1 drwxr-xr-x 1 jro 232 0 Jan 1 1970 /mnt/d2
+ 1 1 -rw-r--r-- 1 jro 232 0 Jan 1 1970 /mnt/z1
+ 1 1 -rw-r--r-- 1 jro 232 0 Jan 1 1970 /mnt/z2
+All these two directories and two files have the same inode with one
+as their link count. Aufs cannot handle such inode correctly.
+Currently, aufs involves a tiny workaround for such inodes. But some
+applications may not work correctly since aufs inode number for such
+inode will change silently.
+If you do not have any empty files, empty directories or special files,
+inodes on cramfs will be all fine.
+A branch should not be shared as the writable branch between multiple
+aufs. A readonly branch can be shared.
+The maximum number of branches is configurable at compile time (127 by
+When an unknown permission or attribute is given, aufs sets ro to that
+branch silently.
+.SS Permission
+.B rw
+Readable and writable branch. Set as default for the first branch.
+If the branch filesystem is mounted as readonly, you cannot set it `rw.'
+.\" A filesystem which does not support link(2) and i_op\->setattr(), for
+.\" example FAT, will not be used as the writable branch.
+.B ro
+Readonly branch and it has no whiteouts on it.
+Set as default for all branches except the first one. Aufs never issue
+both of write operation and lookup operation for whiteout to this branch.
+.B rr
+Real readonly branch, special case of `ro', for natively readonly
+branch. Assuming the branch is natively readonly, aufs can optimize
+some internal operation. For example, if you specify `udba=inotify'
+option, aufs does not set inotify for the things on rr branch.
+Set by default for a branch whose fs-type is either `iso9660',
+`cramfs' or `romfs' (and `squashfs' for linux\-2.6.29 and later).
+When your branch exists on slower device and you have some
+capacity on your hdd, you may want to try ulobdev tool in ULOOP sample.
+It can cache the contents of the real devices on another faster device,
+so you will be able to get the better access performance.
+The ulobdev tool is for a generic block device, and the ulohttp is for a
+filesystem image on http server.
+If you want to spin down your hdd to save the
+battery life or something, then you may want to use ulobdev to save the
+access to the hdd, too.
+See $AufsCVS/sample/uloop in detail.
+.SS Attribute
+.B wh
+Readonly branch and it has/might have whiteouts on it.
+Aufs never issue write operation to this branch, but lookup for whiteout.
+Use this as `<branch_dir>=ro+wh'.
+.B nolwh
+Usually, aufs creates a whiteout as a hardlink on a writable
+branch. This attributes prohibits aufs to create the hardlinked
+whiteout, including the source file of all hardlinked whiteout
+If you do not like a hardlink, or your writable branch does not support
+link(2), then use this attribute.
+But I am afraid a filesystem which does not support link(2) natively
+will fail in other place such as copy-up.
+Use this as `<branch_dir>=rw+nolwh'.
+Also you may want to try `noplink' mount option, while it is not recommended.
+.\" .SS FUSE as a branch
+.\" A FUSE branch needs special attention.
+.\" The struct fuse_operations has a statfs operation. It is OK, but the
+.\" parameter is struct statvfs* instead of struct statfs*. So almost
+.\" all user\-space implementation will call statvfs(3)/fstatvfs(3) instead of
+.\" statfs(2)/fstatfs(2).
+.\" In glibc, [f]statvfs(3) issues [f]statfs(2), open(2)/read(2) for
+.\" /proc/mounts,
+.\" and stat(2) for the mountpoint. With this situation, a FUSE branch will
+.\" cause a deadlock in creating something in aufs. Here is a sample
+.\" scenario,
+.\" .\" .RS
+.\" .\" .IN -10
+.\" .Bu
+.\" create/modify a file just under the aufs root dir.
+.\" .Bu
+.\" aufs acquires a write\-lock for the parent directory, ie. the root dir.
+.\" .Bu
+.\" A library function or fuse internal may call statfs for a fuse branch.
+.\" The create=mfs mode in aufs will surely call statfs for each writable
+.\" branches.
+.\" .Bu
+.\" FUSE in kernel\-space converts and redirects the statfs request to the
+.\" user\-space.
+.\" .Bu
+.\" the user\-space statfs handler will call [f]statvfs(3).
+.\" .Bu
+.\" the [f]statvfs(3) in glibc will access /proc/mounts and issue
+.\" stat(2) for the mountpoint. But those require a read\-lock for the aufs
+.\" root directory.
+.\" .Bu
+.\" Then a deadlock occurs.
+.\" .\" .RE 1
+.\" .\" .IN
+.\" In order to avoid this deadlock, I would suggest not to call
+.\" [f]statvfs(3) from fuse. Here is a sample code to do this.
+.\" .nf
+.\" struct statvfs stvfs;
+.\" main()
+.\" {
+.\" statvfs(..., &stvfs)
+.\" or
+.\" fstatvfs(..., &stvfs)
+.\" stvfs.f_fsid = 0
+.\" }
+.\" statfs_handler(const char *path, struct statvfs *arg)
+.\" {
+.\" struct statfs stfs
+.\" memcpy(arg, &stvfs, sizeof(stvfs))
+.\" statfs(..., &stfs)
+.\" or
+.\" fstatfs(..., &stfs)
+.\" arg->f_bfree = stfs.f_bfree
+.\" arg->f_bavail = stfs.f_bavail
+.\" arg->f_ffree = stfs.f_ffree
+.\" arg->f_favail = /* any value */
+.\" }
+.\" .fi
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH External Inode Number Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table (xino)
+Aufs uses one external bitmap file and one external inode number
+translation table files per an aufs and per a branch
+filesystem by default.
+Additionally when CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT is enabled, one external inode
+generation table is added.
+The bitmap (and the generation table) is for recycling aufs inode number
+and the others
+are a table for converting an inode number on a branch to
+an aufs inode number. The default path
+is `first writable branch'/\*[AUFS_XINO_FNAME].
+If there is no writable branch, the
+default path
+will be \*[AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH].
+.\" A user who executes mount(8) needs the privilege to create xino
+.\" file.
+If you enable CONFIG_SYSFS, the path of xino files are not shown in
+/proc/mounts (and /etc/mtab), instead it is shown in
+Otherwise, it is shown in /proc/mounts unless it is not the default
+Those files are always opened and read/write by aufs frequently.
+If your writable branch is on flash memory device, it is recommended
+to put xino files on other than flash memory by specifying `xino='
+mount option.
+maximum file size of the bitmap is, basically, the amount of the
+number of all the files on all branches divided by 8 (the number of
+bits in a byte).
+For example, on a 4KB page size system, if you have 32,768 (or
+2,599,968) files in aufs world,
+then the maximum file size of the bitmap is 4KB (or 320KB).
+maximum file size of the table will
+be `max inode number on the branch x size of an inode number'.
+For example in 32bit environment,
+$ df -i /branch_fs
+/dev/hda14 2599968 203127 2396841 8% /branch_fs
+and /branch_fs is an branch of the aufs. When the inode number is
+assigned contiguously (without `hole'), the maximum xino file size for
+/branch_fs will be 2,599,968 x 4 bytes = about 10 MB. But it might not be
+allocated all of disk blocks.
+When the inode number is assigned discontinuously, the maximum size of
+xino file will be the largest inode number on a branch x 4 bytes.
+Additionally, the file size is limited to LLONG_MAX or the s_maxbytes
+in filesystem's superblock (s_maxbytes may be smaller than
+LLONG_MAX). So the
+support-able largest inode number on a branch is less than
+2305843009213693950 (LLONG_MAX/4\-1).
+This is the current limitation of aufs.
+On 64bit environment, this limitation becomes more strict and the
+supported largest inode number is less than LLONG_MAX/8\-1.
+The xino files are always hidden, i.e. removed. So you cannot
+do `ls \-l xino_file'.
+If you enable CONFIG_DEBUG_FS, you can check these information through
+<debugfs>/aufs/<si_id>/{xib,xi[0-9]*,xigen}. xib is for the bitmap file,
+xi0 ix for the first branch, and xi1 is for the next. xigen is for the
+generation table.
+xib and xigen are in the format of,
+<blocks>x<block size> <file size>
+Note that a filesystem usually has a
+feature called pre-allocation, which means a number of
+blocks are allocated automatically, and then deallocated
+silently when the filesystem thinks they are unnecessary.
+You do not have to be surprised the sudden changes of the number of
+blocks, when your filesystem which xino files are placed supports the
+pre-allocation feature.
+The rests are hidden xino file information in the format of,
+<file count>, <blocks>x<block size> <file size>
+If the file count is larger than 1, it means some of your branches are
+on the same filesystem and the xino file is shared by them.
+Note that the file size may not be equal to the actual consuming blocks
+since xino file is a sparse file, i.e. a hole in a file which does not
+consume any disk blocks.
+Once you unmount aufs, the xino files for that aufs are totally gone.
+It means that the inode number is not permanent across umount or
+The xino files should be created on the filesystem except NFS.
+If your first writable branch is NFS, you will need to specify xino
+file path other than NFS.
+Also if you are going to remove the branch where xino files exist or
+change the branch permission to readonly, you need to use xino option
+before del/mod the branch.
+The bitmap file can be truncated.
+For example, if you delete a branch which has huge number of files,
+many inode numbers will be recycled and the bitmap will be truncated
+to smaller size. Aufs does this automatically when a branch is
+You can truncate it anytime you like if you specify `trunc_xib' mount
+option. But when the accessed inode number was not deleted, nothing
+will be truncated.
+If you do not want to truncate it (it may be slow) when you delete a
+branch, specify `notrunc_xib' after `del' mount option.
+If you do not want to use xino, use noxino mount option. Use this
+option with care, since the inode number may be changed silently and
+unexpectedly anytime.
+For example,
+rmdir failure, recursive chmod/chown/etc to a large and deep directory
+or anything else.
+And some applications will not work correctly.
+.\" When the inode number has been changed, your system
+.\" can be crazy.
+If you want to change the xino default path, use xino mount option.
+After you add branches, the persistence of inode number may not be
+At remount time, cached but unused inodes are discarded.
+And the newly appeared inode may have different inode number at the
+next access time. The inodes in use have the persistent inode number.
+When aufs assigned an inode number to a file, and if you create the
+same named file on the upper branch directly, then the next time you
+access the file, aufs may assign another inode number to the file even
+if you use xino option.
+Some applications may treat the file whose inode number has been
+changed as totally different file.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Pseudo Link (hardlink over branches)
+Aufs supports `pseudo link' which is a logical hard-link over
+branches (cf. ln(1) and link(2)).
+In other words, a copied-up file by link(2) and a copied-up file which was
+hard-linked on a readonly branch filesystem.
+When you have files named fileA and fileB which are
+hardlinked on a readonly branch, if you write something into fileA,
+aufs copies-up fileA to a writable branch, and write(2) the originally
+requested thing to the copied-up fileA. On the writable branch,
+fileA is not hardlinked.
+But aufs remembers it was hardlinked, and handles fileB as if it existed
+on the writable branch, by referencing fileA's inode on the writable
+branch as fileB's inode.
+Once you unmount aufs, the plink info for that aufs kept in memory are totally
+It means that the pseudo-link is not permanent.
+If you want to make plink permanent, try `auplink' utility just before
+one of these operations,
+unmounting your aufs,
+using `ro' or `noplink' mount option,
+deleting a branch from aufs,
+adding a branch into aufs,
+or changing your writable branch to readonly.
+This utility will reproduces all real hardlinks on a writable branch by linking
+them, and removes pseudo-link info in memory and temporary link on the
+writable branch.
+Since this utility access your branches directly, you cannot hide them by
+`mount \-\-bind /tmp /branch' or something.
+If you are willing to rebuild your aufs with the same branches later, you
+should use auplink utility before you umount your aufs.
+If you installed both of /sbin/mount.aufs and /sbin/umount.aufs, and your
+mount(8) and umount(8) support them,
+`auplink' utility will be executed automatically and flush pseudo-links.
+# auplink /your/aufs/root flush
+# umount /your/aufs/root
+# auplink /your/aufs/root flush
+# mount -o remount,mod:/your/writable/branch=ro /your/aufs/root
+# auplink /your/aufs/root flush
+# mount -o remount,noplink /your/aufs/root
+# auplink /your/aufs/root flush
+# mount -o remount,del:/your/aufs/branch /your/aufs/root
+# auplink /your/aufs/root flush
+# mount -o remount,append:/your/aufs/branch /your/aufs/root
+The plinks are kept both in memory and on disk. When they consumes too much
+resources on your system, you can use the `auplink' utility at anytime and
+throw away the unnecessary pseudo-links in safe.
+Additionally, the `auplink' utility is very useful for some security reasons.
+For example, when you have a directory whose permission flags
+are 0700, and a file who is 0644 under the 0700 directory. Usually,
+all files under the 0700 directory are private and no one else can see
+the file. But when the directory is 0711 and someone else knows the 0644
+filename, he can read the file.
+Basically, aufs pseudo-link feature creates a temporary link under the
+directory whose owner is root and the permission flags are 0700.
+But when the writable branch is NFS, aufs sets 0711 to the directory.
+When the 0644 file is pseudo-linked, the temporary link, of course the
+contents of the file is totally equivalent, will be created under the
+0711 directory. The filename will be generated by its inode number.
+While it is hard to know the generated filename, someone else may try peeping
+the temporary pseudo-linked file by his software tool which may try the name
+from one to MAX_INT or something.
+In this case, the 0644 file will be read unexpectedly.
+I am afraid that leaving the temporary pseudo-links can be a security hole.
+It makes sense to execute `auplink /your/aufs/root flush'
+periodically, when your writable branch is NFS.
+When your writable branch is not NFS, or all users are careful enough to set 0600
+to their private files, you do not have to worry about this issue.
+If you do not want this feature, use `noplink' mount option.
+.SS The behaviours of plink and noplink
+This sample shows that the `f_src_linked2' with `noplink' option cannot follow
+the link.
+none on /dev/shm/u type aufs (rw,xino=/dev/shm/rw/.aufs.xino,br:/dev/shm/rw=rw:/dev/shm/ro=ro)
+$ ls -li ../r?/f_src_linked* ./f_src_linked* ./copied
+ls: ./copied: No such file or directory
+15 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ../ro/f_src_linked
+15 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ../ro/f_src_linked2
+22 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ./f_src_linked
+22 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ./f_src_linked2
+$ echo abc >> f_src_linked
+$ cp f_src_linked copied
+$ ls -li ../r?/f_src_linked* ./f_src_linked* ./copied
+15 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ../ro/f_src_linked
+15 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ../ro/f_src_linked2
+36 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 6 Dec 22 11:03 ../rw/f_src_linked
+53 -rw-r--r-- 1 jro jro 6 Dec 22 11:03 ./copied
+22 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 6 Dec 22 11:03 ./f_src_linked
+22 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 6 Dec 22 11:03 ./f_src_linked2
+$ cmp copied f_src_linked2
+none on /dev/shm/u type aufs (rw,xino=/dev/shm/rw/.aufs.xino,noplink,br:/dev/shm/rw=rw:/dev/shm/ro=ro)
+$ ls -li ../r?/f_src_linked* ./f_src_linked* ./copied
+ls: ./copied: No such file or directory
+17 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ../ro/f_src_linked
+17 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ../ro/f_src_linked2
+23 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ./f_src_linked
+23 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ./f_src_linked2
+$ echo abc >> f_src_linked
+$ cp f_src_linked copied
+$ ls -li ../r?/f_src_linked* ./f_src_linked* ./copied
+17 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ../ro/f_src_linked
+17 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 2 Dec 22 11:03 ../ro/f_src_linked2
+36 -rw-r--r-- 1 jro jro 6 Dec 22 11:03 ../rw/f_src_linked
+53 -rw-r--r-- 1 jro jro 6 Dec 22 11:03 ./copied
+23 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 6 Dec 22 11:03 ./f_src_linked
+23 -rw-r--r-- 2 jro jro 6 Dec 22 11:03 ./f_src_linked2
+$ cmp copied f_src_linked2
+cmp: EOF on f_src_linked2
+.\" If you add/del a branch, or link/unlink the pseudo-linked
+.\" file on a branch
+.\" directly, aufs cannot keep the correct link count, but the status of
+.\" `pseudo-linked.'
+.\" Those files may or may not keep the file data after you unlink the
+.\" file on the branch directly, especially the case of your branch is
+.\" NFS.
+If you add a branch which has fileA or fileB, aufs does not follow the
+pseudo link. The file on the added branch has no relation to the same
+named file(s) on the lower branch(es).
+If you use noxino mount option, pseudo link will not work after the
+kernel shrinks the inode cache.
+This feature will not work for squashfs before version 3.2 since its
+inode is tricky.
+When the inode is hardlinked, squashfs inodes has the same inode
+number and correct link count, but the inode memory object is
+different. Squashfs inodes (before v3.2) are generated for each, even
+they are hardlinked.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH User's Direct Branch Access (UDBA)
+UDBA means a modification to a branch filesystem manually or directly,
+e.g. bypassing aufs.
+While aufs is designed and implemented to be safe after UDBA,
+it can make yourself and your aufs confused. And some information like
+aufs inode will be incorrect.
+For example, if you rename a file on a branch directly, the file on
+aufs may
+or may not be accessible through both of old and new name.
+Because aufs caches various information about the files on
+branches. And the cache still remains after UDBA.
+Aufs has a mount option named `udba' which specifies the test level at
+access time whether UDBA was happened or not.
+.B udba=none
+Aufs trusts the dentry and the inode cache on the system, and never
+test about UDBA. With this option, aufs runs fastest, but it may show
+you incorrect data.
+Additionally, if you often modify a branch
+directly, aufs will not be able to trace the changes of inodes on the
+branch. It can be a cause of wrong behaviour, deadlock or anything else.
+It is recommended to use this option only when you are sure that
+nobody access a file on a branch.
+It might be difficult for you to achieve real `no UDBA' world when you
+cannot stop your users doing `find / \-ls' or something.
+If you really want to forbid all of your users to UDBA, here is a trick
+for it.
+With this trick, users cannot see the
+branches directly and aufs runs with no problem, except `auplink' utility.
+But if you are not familiar with aufs, this trick may make
+yourself confused.
+# d=/tmp/.aufs.hide
+# mkdir $d
+# for i in $branches_you_want_to_hide
+> do
+> mount -n --bind $d $i
+> done
+When you unmount the aufs, delete/modify the branch by remount, or you
+want to show the hidden branches again, unmount the bound
+# umount -n $branches_you_want_to_unbound
+If you use FUSE filesystem as an aufs branch which supports hardlink,
+you should not set this option, since FUSE makes inode objects for
+each hardlinks (at least in linux\-2.6.23). When your FUSE filesystem
+maintains them at link/unlinking, it is equivalent
+to `direct branch access' for aufs.
+.B udba=reval
+Aufs tests only the existence of the file which existed. If
+the existed file was removed on the branch directly, aufs
+discard the cache about the file and
+re-lookup it. So the data will be updated.
+This test is at minimum level to keep the performance and ensure the
+existence of a file.
+This is default and aufs runs still fast.
+This rule leads to some unexpected situation, but I hope it is
+harmless. Those are totally depends upon cache. Here are just a few
+If the file is cached as negative or
+not-existed, aufs does not test it. And the file is still handled as
+negative after a user created the file on a branch directly. If the
+file is not cached, aufs will lookup normally and find the file.
+When the file is cached as positive or existed, and a user created the
+same named file directly on the upper branch. Aufs detects the cached
+inode of the file is still existing and will show you the old (cached)
+file which is on the lower branch.
+When the file is cached as positive or existed, and a user renamed the
+file by rename(2) directly. Aufs detects the inode of the file is
+still existing. You may or may not see both of the old and new files.
+Todo: If aufs also tests the name, we can detect this case.
+If your outer modification (UDBA) is rare and you can ignore the
+temporary and minor differences between virtual aufs world and real
+branch filesystem, then try this mount option.
+.B udba=inotify
+Aufs sets `inotify' to all the accessed directories on its branches
+and receives the event about the dir and its children. It consumes
+resources, cpu and memory. And I am afraid that the performance will be
+hurt, but it is most strict test level.
+There are some limitations of linux inotify, see also Inotify
+So it is recommended to leave udba default option usually, and set it
+to inotify by remount when you need it.
+When a user accesses the file which was notified UDBA before, the cached data
+about the file will be discarded and aufs re-lookup it. So the data will
+be updated.
+When an error condition occurs between UDBA and aufs operation, aufs
+will return an error, including EIO.
+To use this option, you need to enable CONFIG_INOTIFY and
+To rename/rmdir a directory on a branch directory may reveal the same named
+directory on the lower branch. Aufs tries re-lookuping the renamed
+directory and the revealed directory and assigning different inode
+number to them. But the inode number including their children can be a
+problem. The inode numbers will be changed silently, and
+aufs may produce a warning. If you rename a directory repeatedly and
+reveal/hide the lower directory, then aufs may confuse their inode
+numbers too. It depends upon the system cache.
+When you make a directory in aufs and mount other filesystem on it,
+the directory in aufs cannot be removed expectedly because it is a
+mount point. But the same named directory on the writable branch can
+be removed, if someone wants. It is just an empty directory, instead
+of a mount point.
+Aufs cannot stop such direct rmdir, but produces a warning about it.
+If the pseudo-linked file is hardlinked or unlinked on the branch
+directly, its inode link count in aufs may be incorrect. It is
+recommended to flush the pseudo-links by auplink script.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Linux Inotify Limitation
+Unfortunately, current inotify (linux\-2.6.18) has some limitations,
+and aufs must derive it.
+.SS IN_ATTRIB, updating atime
+When a file/dir on a branch is accessed directly, the inode atime (access
+time, cf. stat(2)) may or may not be updated. In some cases, inotify
+does not fire this event. So the aufs inode atime may remain old.
+.SS IN_ATTRIB, updating nlink
+When the link count of a file on a branch is incremented by link(2)
+inotify fires IN_CREATE to the parent
+directory, but IN_ATTRIB to the file. So the aufs inode nlink may
+remain old.
+.SS IN_DELETE, removing file on NFS
+When a file on a NFS branch is deleted directly, inotify may or may
+not fire
+IN_DELETE event. It depends upon the status of dentry
+In this case, the file on aufs seems still exists. Aufs and any user can see
+the file.
+.SS IN_IGNORED, deleted rename target
+When a file/dir on a branch is unlinked by rename(2) directly, inotify
+fires IN_IGNORED which means the inode is deleted. Actually, in some
+cases, the inode survives. For example, the rename target is linked or
+opened. In this case, inotify watch set by aufs is removed by VFS and
+And aufs cannot receive the events anymore. So aufs may show you
+incorrect data about the file/dir.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Virtual or Vertical Directory Block (VDIR)
+In order to provide the merged view of file listing, aufs builds
+internal directory block on memory. For readdir, aufs performs readdir()
+internally for each dir on branches, merges their entries with
+eliminating the whiteout\-ed ones, and sets it to the opened file (dir)
+object. So the file object has its entry list until it is closed. The
+entry list will be updated when the file position is zero (by
+rewinddir(3)) and becomes obsoleted.
+Some people may call it can be a security hole or invite DoS attack
+since the opened and once readdir\-ed dir (file object) holds its entry
+list and becomes a pressure for system memory. But I would say it is similar
+to files under /proc or /sys. The virtual files in them also holds a
+memory page (generally) while they are opened. When an idea to reduce
+memory for them is introduced, it will be applied to aufs too.
+The dynamically allocated memory block for the name of entries has a
+unit of \*[AUFS_RDBLK_DEF] bytes by default.
+During building dir blocks, aufs creates hash list (hashed and divided by
+\*[AUFS_RDHASH_DEF] by default) and judging whether
+the entry is whiteouted by its upper branch or already listed.
+These values are suitable for normal environments. But you may have
+millions of files or very long filenames under a single directory. For
+such cases, you may need to customize these values by specifying rdblk=
+and rdhash= aufs mount options.
+For instance, there are 97 files under my /bin, and the total name
+length is 597 bytes.
+$ \\ls -1 /bin | wc
+ 97 97 597
+Strictly speaking, 97 end\-of\-line codes are
+included. But it is OK since aufs VDIR also stores the name length in 1
+byte. In this case, you do not need to customize the default values. 597 bytes
+filenames will be stored in 2 VDIR memory blocks (597 <
+\*[AUFS_RDBLK_DEF] x 2).
+And 97 filenames are distributed among \*[AUFS_RDHASH_DEF] lists, so one
+list will point 4 names in average. To judge the names is whiteouted or
+not, the number of comparison will be 4. 2 memory allocations
+and 4 comparison costs low (even if the directory is opened for a long
+time). So you do not need to customize.
+If your directory has millions of files, the you will need to specify
+rdblk= and rdhash=.
+$ ls -U /mnt/rotating-rust | wc -l
+In this case, assuming the average length of filenames is 6, in order to
+get better time performance I would
+recommend to set $((128*1024)) or $((64*1024)) for rdblk, and
+$((8*1024)) or $((4*1024)) for rdhash.
+You can change these values of the active aufs mount by "mount -o
+This customization is not for
+reducing the memory space, but for reducing time for the number of memory
+allocation and the name comparison. The larger value is faster, in
+general. Of course, you will need system memory. This is a generic
+"time\-vs\-space" problem.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Copy On Write, or aufs internal copyup and copydown
+Every stackable filesystem which implements copy\-on\-write supports the
+copyup feature. The feature is to copy a file/dir from the lower branch
+to the upper internally. When you have one readonly branch and one
+upper writable branch, and you append a string to a file which exists on
+the readonly branch, then aufs will copy the file from the readonly
+branch to the writable branch with its directory hierarchy. It means one
+write(2) involves several logical/internal mkdir(2), creat(2), read(2),
+write(2) and close(2) systemcalls
+before the actual expected write(2) is performed. Sometimes it may take
+a long time, particularly when the file is very large.
+If CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG is enabled, aufs produces a message saying `copying
+a large file.'
+You may see the message when you change the xino file path or
+truncate the xino/xib files. Sometimes those files can be large and may
+take a long time to handle them.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Policies to Select One among Multiple Writable Branches
+Aufs has some policies to select one among multiple writable branches
+when you are going to write/modify something. There are two kinds of
+policies, one is for newly create something and the other is for
+internal copy-up.
+You can select them by specifying mount option `create=CREATE_POLICY'
+or `cpup=COPYUP_POLICY.'
+These policies have no meaning when you have only one writable
+branch. If there is some meaning, it must hurt the performance.
+.SS Exceptions for Policies
+In every cases below, even if the policy says that the branch where a
+new file should be created is /rw2, the file will be created on /rw1.
+If there is a readonly branch with `wh' attribute above the
+policy-selected branch and the parent dir is marked as opaque,
+or the target (creating) file is whiteouted on the ro+wh branch, then
+the policy will be ignored and the target file will be created on the
+nearest upper writable branch than the ro+wh branch.
+/aufs = /rw1 + /ro+wh/diropq + /rw2
+/aufs = /rw1 + /ro+wh/wh.tgt + /rw2
+If there is a writable branch above the policy-selected branch and the
+parent dir is marked as opaque or the target file is whiteouted on the
+branch, then the policy will be ignored and the target file will be
+created on the highest one among the upper writable branches who has
+diropq or whiteout. In case of whiteout, aufs removes it as usual.
+/aufs = /rw1/diropq + /rw2
+/aufs = /rw1/wh.tgt + /rw2
+link(2) and rename(2) systemcalls are exceptions in every policy.
+They try selecting the branch where the source exists as possible since
+copyup a large file will take long time. If it can't be, ie. the
+branch where the source exists is readonly, then they will follow the
+copyup policy.
+There is an exception for rename(2) when the target exists.
+If the rename target exists, aufs compares the index of the branches
+where the source and the target are existing and selects the higher
+one. If the selected branch is readonly, then aufs follows the copyup
+.SS Policies for Creating
+.B create=tdp | top\-down\-parent
+Selects the highest writable branch where the parent dir exists. If
+the parent dir does not exist on a writable branch, then the internal
+copyup will happen. The policy for this copyup is always `bottom-up.'
+This is the default policy.
+.B create=rr | round\-robin
+Selects a writable branch in round robin. When you have two writable
+branches and creates 10 new files, 5 files will be created for each
+mkdir(2) systemcall is an exception. When you create 10 new directories,
+all are created on the same branch.
+.B create=mfs[:second] | most\-free\-space[:second]
+Selects a writable branch which has most free space. In order to keep
+the performance, you can specify the duration (`second') which makes
+aufs hold the index of last selected writable branch until the
+specified seconds expires. The first time you create something in aufs
+after the specified seconds expired, aufs checks the amount of free
+space of all writable branches by internal statfs call
+and the held branch index will be updated.
+The default value is \*[AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF] seconds.
+.B create=mfsrr:low[:second]
+Selects a writable branch in most-free-space mode first, and then
+round-robin mode. If the selected branch has less free space than the
+specified value `low' in bytes, then aufs re-tries in round-robin mode.
+.\" `G', `M' and `K' (case insensitive) can be followed after `low.' Or
+Try an arithmetic expansion of shell which is defined by POSIX.
+For example, $((10 * 1024 * 1024)) for 10M.
+You can also specify the duration (`second') which is equivalent to
+the `mfs' mode.
+.B create=pmfs[:second]
+Selects a writable branch where the parent dir exists, such as tdp
+mode. When the parent dir exists on multiple writable branches, aufs
+selects the one which has most free space, such as mfs mode.
+.SS Policies for Copy-Up
+.B cpup=tdp | top\-down\-parent
+Equivalent to the same named policy for create.
+This is the default policy.
+.B cpup=bup | bottom\-up\-parent
+Selects the writable branch where the parent dir exists and the branch
+is nearest upper one from the copyup-source.
+.B cpup=bu | bottom\-up
+Selects the nearest upper writable branch from the copyup-source,
+regardless the existence of the parent dir.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Exporting Aufs via NFS
+Aufs is supporting NFS-exporting.
+Since aufs has no actual block device, you need to add NFS `fsid' option at
+exporting. Refer to the manual of NFS about the detail of this option.
+There are some limitations or requirements.
+The branch filesystem must support NFS-exporting.
+NFSv2 is not supported. When you mount the exported aufs from your NFS
+client, you will need to some NFS options like v3 or nfsvers=3,
+especially if it is nfsroot.
+If the size of the NFS file handle on your branch filesystem is large,
+aufs will
+not be able to handle it. The maximum size of NFSv3 file
+handle for a filesystem is 64 bytes. Aufs uses 24 bytes for 32bit
+system, plus 12 bytes for 64bit system. The rest is a room for a file
+handle of a branch filesystem.
+The External Inode Number Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table
+(xino) is
+required since NFS file
+handle is based upon inode number. The mount option `xino' is enabled
+by default.
+The external inode generation table and its debugfs entry
+(<debugfs>/aufs/si_*/xigen) is created when CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT is
+enabled even if you don't export aufs actually.
+The size of the external inode generation table grows only, never be
+truncated. You might need to pay attention to the free space of the
+filesystem where xino files are placed. By default, it is the first
+writable branch.
+The branch filesystems must be accessible, which means `not hidden.'
+It means you need to `mount \-\-move' when you use initramfs and
+switch_root(8), or chroot(8).
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Dentry and Inode Caches
+If you want to clear caches on your system, there are several tricks
+for that. If your system ram is low,
+try `find /large/dir \-ls > /dev/null'.
+It will read many inodes and dentries and cache them. Then old caches will be
+But when you have large ram or you do not have such large
+directory, it is not effective.
+If you want to discard cache within a certain filesystem,
+try `mount \-o remount /your/mntpnt'. Some filesystem may return an error of
+EINVAL or something, but VFS discards the unused dentry/inode caches on the
+specified filesystem.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Compatible/Incompatible with Unionfs Version 1.x Series
+If you compile aufs with \-DCONFIG_AUFS_COMPAT, dirs= option and =nfsro
+branch permission flag are available. They are interpreted as
+br: option and =ro flags respectively.
+ `debug', `delete', `imap' options are ignored silently. When you
+compile aufs without \-DCONFIG_AUFS_COMPAT, these three options are
+also ignored, but a warning message is issued.
+Ignoring `delete' option, and to keep filesystem consistency, aufs tries
+writing something to only one branch in a single systemcall. It means
+aufs may copyup even if the copyup-src branch is specified as writable.
+For example, you have two writable branches and a large regular file
+on the lower writable branch. When you issue rename(2) to the file on aufs,
+aufs may copyup it to the upper writable branch.
+If this behaviour is not what you want, then you should rename(2) it
+on the lower branch directly.
+And there is a simple shell
+script `unionctl' under sample subdirectory, which is compatible with
+unionctl(8) in
+Unionfs Version 1.x series, except \-\-query action.
+This script executes mount(8) with `remount' option and uses
+add/del/mod aufs mount options.
+If you are familiar with Unionfs Version 1.x series and want to use unionctl(8), you can
+try this script instead of using mount \-o remount,... directly.
+Aufs does not support ioctl(2) interface.
+This script is highly depending upon mount(8) in
+util\-linux\-2.12p package, and you need to mount /proc to use this script.
+If your mount(8) version differs, you can try modifying this
+script. It is very easy.
+The unionctl script is just for a sample usage of aufs remount
+Aufs uses the external inode number bitmap and translation table by
+The default branch permission for the first branch is `rw', and the
+rest is `ro.'
+The whiteout is for hiding files on lower branches. Also it is applied
+to stop readdir going lower branches.
+The latter case is called `opaque directory.' Any
+whiteout is an empty file, it means whiteout is just an mark.
+In the case of hiding lower files, the name of whiteout is
+And in the case of stopping readdir, the name is
+`\*[AUFS_WH_PFX]\*[AUFS_WH_PFX].opq' or
+`\*[AUFS_WH_PFX]__dir_opaque.' The name depends upon your compile
+.\" All of newly created or renamed directory will be opaque.
+All whiteouts are hardlinked,
+including `<writable branch top dir>/\*[AUFS_WH_BASE].'
+The hardlink on an ordinary (disk based) filesystem does not
+consume inode resource newly. But in linux tmpfs, the number of free
+inodes will be decremented by link(2). It is recommended to specify
+nr_inodes option to your tmpfs if you meet ENOSPC. Use this option
+after checking by `df \-i.'
+When you rmdir or rename-to the dir who has a number of whiteouts,
+aufs rename the dir to the temporary whiteouted-name like
+`\*[AUFS_WH_PFX]<dir>.<random hex>.' Then remove it after actual operation.
+cf. mount option `dirwh.'
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH Incompatible with an Ordinary Filesystem
+stat(2) returns the inode info from the first existence inode among
+the branches, except the directory link count.
+Aufs computes the directory link count larger than the exact value usually, in
+order to keep UNIX filesystem semantics, or in order to shut find(1) mouth up.
+The size of a directory may be wrong too, but it has to do no harm.
+The timestamp of a directory will not be updated when a file is
+created or removed under it, and it was done on a lower branch.
+The test for permission bits has two cases. One is for a directory,
+and the other is for a non-directory. In the case of a directory, aufs
+checks the permission bits of all existing directories. It means you
+need the correct privilege for the directories including the lower
+The test for a non-directory is more simple. It checks only the
+topmost inode.
+statfs(2) returns the information of the first branch info except
+namelen when `nosum' is specified (the default). The namelen is
+decreased by the whiteout prefix length. And the block size may differ
+from st_blksize which is obtained by stat(2).
+Remember, seekdir(3) and telldir(3) are not defined in POSIX. They may
+not work as you expect. Try rewinddir(3) or re-open the dir.
+The whiteout prefix (\*[AUFS_WH_PFX]) is reserved on all branches. Users should
+not handle the filename begins with this prefix.
+In order to future whiteout, the maximum filename length is limited by
+the longest value \- \*[AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN]. It may be a violation of POSIX.
+If you dislike the difference between the aufs entries in /etc/mtab
+and /proc/mounts, and if you are using mount(8) in util\-linux package,
+then try ./mount.aufs utility. Copy the script to /sbin/mount.aufs.
+This simple utility tries updating
+/etc/mtab. If you do not care about /etc/mtab, you can ignore this
+Remember this utility is highly depending upon mount(8) in
+util\-linux\-2.12p package, and you need to mount /proc.
+Since aufs uses its own inode and dentry, your system may cache huge
+number of inodes and dentries. It can be as twice as all of the files
+in your union.
+It means that unmounting or remounting readonly at shutdown time may
+take a long time, since mount(2) in VFS tries freeing all of the cache
+on the target filesystem.
+When you open a directory, aufs will open several directories
+It means you may reach the limit of the number of file descriptor.
+And when the lower directory cannot be opened, aufs will close all the
+opened upper directories and return an error.
+The sub-mount under the branch
+of local filesystem
+is ignored.
+For example, if you have mount another filesystem on
+/branch/another/mntpnt, the files under `mntpnt' will be ignored by aufs.
+It is recommended to mount the sub-mount under the mounted aufs.
+For example,
+# sudo mount /dev/sdaXX /ro_branch
+# d=another/mntpnt
+# sudo mount /dev/sdbXX /ro_branch/$d
+# mkdir -p /rw_branch/$d
+# sudo mount -t aufs -o br:/rw_branch:/ro_branch none /aufs
+# sudo mount -t aufs -o br:/rw_branch/${d}:/ro_branch/${d} none /aufs/another/$d
+There are several characters which are not allowed to use in a branch
+directory path and xino filename. See detail in Branch Syntax and Mount
+The file-lock which means fcntl(2) with F_SETLK, F_SETLKW or F_GETLK, flock(2)
+and lockf(3), is applied to virtual aufs file only, not to the file on a
+branch. It means you can break the lock by accessing a branch directly.
+TODO: check `security' to hook locks, as inotify does.
+The I/O to the named pipe or local socket are not handled by aufs, even
+if it exists in aufs. After the reader and the writer established their
+connection if the pipe/socket are copied-up, they keep using the old one
+instead of the copied-up one.
+The fsync(2) and fdatasync(2) systemcalls return 0 which means success, even
+if the given file descriptor is not opened for writing.
+I am afraid this behaviour may violate some standards. Checking the
+behaviour of fsync(2) on ext2, aufs decided to return success.
+If you want to use disk-quota, you should set it up to your writable
+branch since aufs does not have its own block device.
+When your aufs is the root directory of your system, and your system
+tells you some of the filesystem were not unmounted cleanly, try these
+procedure when you shutdown your system.
+# mount -no remount,ro /
+# for i in $writable_branches
+# do mount -no remount,ro $i
+# done
+If your xino file is on a hard drive, you also need to specify
+`noxino' option or `xino=/your/tmpfs/xino' at remounting root
+To rename(2) directory may return EXDEV even if both of src and tgt
+are on the same aufs. When the rename-src dir exists on multiple
+branches and the lower dir has child(ren), aufs has to copyup all his
+children. It can be recursive copyup. Current aufs does not support
+such huge copyup operation at one time in kernel space, instead
+produces a warning and returns EXDEV.
+Generally, mv(1) detects this error and tries mkdir(2) and
+rename(2) or copy/unlink recursively. So the result is harmless.
+If your application which issues rename(2) for a directory does not
+support EXDEV, it will not work on aufs.
+Also this specification is applied to the case when the src directory
+exists on the lower readonly branch and it has child(ren).
+If a sudden accident such like a power failure happens during aufs is
+performing, and regular fsck for branch filesystems is completed after
+the disaster, you need to extra fsck for aufs writable branches. It is
+necessary to check whether the whiteout remains incorrectly or not,
+eg. the real filename and the whiteout for it under the same parent
+directory. If such whiteout remains, aufs cannot handle the file
+To check the consistency from the aufs' point of view, you can use a
+simple shell script called /sbin/auchk. Its purpose is a fsck tool for
+aufs, and it checks the illegal whiteout, the remained
+pseudo-links and the remained aufs-temp files. If they are found, the
+utility reports you and asks whether to delete or not.
+It is recommended to execute /sbin/auchk for every writable branch
+filesystem before mounting aufs if the system experienced crash.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+The mount options are interpreted from left to right at remount-time.
+These examples
+shows how the options are handled. (assuming /sbin/mount.aufs was
+# mount -v -t aufs br:/day0:/base none /u
+none on /u type aufs (rw,xino=/day0/.aufs.xino,br:/day0=rw:/base=ro)
+# mount -v -o remount,\\
+ prepend:/day1,\\
+ xino=/day1/xino,\\
+ mod:/day0=ro,\\
+ del:/day0 \\
+ /u
+none on /u type aufs (rw,xino=/day1/xino,br:/day1=rw:/base=ro)
+# mount -t aufs br:/rw none /u
+# mount -o remount,append:/ro /u
+different uid/gid/permission, /ro
+# mount -o remount,del:/ro /u
+# mount -o remount,nowarn_perm,append:/ro /u
+(there is no warning)
+.\" If you want to expand your filesystem size, aufs may help you by
+.\" adding an writable branch. Since aufs supports multiple writable
+.\" branches, the old writable branch can be being writable, if you want.
+.\" In this example, any modifications to the files under /ro branch will
+.\" be copied-up to /new, but modifications to the files under /rw branch
+.\" will not.
+.\" And the next example shows the modifications to the files under /rw branch
+.\" will be copied-up to /new/a.
+.\" Todo: test multiple writable branches policy. cpup=nearest, cpup=exist_parent.
+.\" .nf
+.\" # mount -v -t aufs br:/rw:/ro none /u
+.\" none on /u type aufs (rw,xino=/rw/.aufs.xino,br:/rw=rw:/ro=ro)
+.\" # mkfs /new
+.\" # mount -v -o remount,add:1:/new=rw /u
+.\" none on /u type aufs (rw,xino=/rw/.aufs.xino,br:/rw=rw:/new=rw:/ro=ro)
+.\" .fi
+.\" .nf
+.\" # mount -v -t aufs br:/rw:/ro none /u
+.\" none on /u type aufs (rw,xino=/rw/.aufs.xino,br:/rw=rw:/ro=ro)
+.\" # mkfs /new
+.\" # mkdir /new/a new/b
+.\" # mount -v -o remount,add:1:/new/b=rw,prepend:/new/a,mod:/rw=ro /u
+.\" none on /u type aufs (rw,xino=/rw/.aufs.xino,br:/new/a=rw:/rw=ro:/new/b=rw:/ro=ro)
+.\" .fi
+When you use aufs as root filesystem, it is recommended to consider to
+exclude some directories. For example, /tmp and /var/log are not need
+to stack in many cases. They do not usually need to copyup or to whiteout.
+Also the swapfile on aufs (a regular file, not a block device) is not
+In order to exclude the specific dir from aufs, try bind mounting.
+And there is a good sample which is for network booted diskless machines. See
+sample/ in detail.
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+When you add a branch to your union, aufs may warn you about the
+privilege or security of the branch, which is the permission bits,
+owner and group of the top directory of the branch.
+For example, when your upper writable branch has a world writable top
+a malicious user can create any files on the writable branch directly,
+like copyup and modify manually. I am afraid it can be a security
+When you mount or remount your union without \-o ro common mount option
+and without writable branch, aufs will warn you that the first branch
+should be writable.
+.\" It is discouraged to set both of `udba' and `noxino' mount options. In
+.\" this case the inode number under aufs will always be changed and may
+.\" reach the end of inode number which is a maximum of unsigned long. If
+.\" the inode number reaches the end, aufs will return EIO repeatedly.
+When you set udba other than inotify and change something on your
+branch filesystem directly, later aufs may detect some mismatches to
+its cache. If it is a critical mismatch, aufs returns EIO.
+When an error occurs in aufs, aufs prints the kernel message with
+`errno.' The priority of the message (log level) is ERR or WARNING which
+depends upon the message itself.
+You can convert the `errno' into the error message by perror(3),
+strerror(3) or something.
+For example, the `errno' in the message `I/O Error, write failed (\-28)'
+is 28 which means ENOSPC or `No space left on device.'
+When CONFIG_AUFS_BR_RAMFS is enabled, you can specify ramfs as an aufs
+branch. Since ramfs is simple, it does not set the maximum link count
+originally. In aufs, it is very dangerous, particularly for
+whiteouts. Finally aufs sets the maximum link count for ramfs. The
+value is 32000 which is borrowed from ext2.
+.\" .SH Current Limitation
+.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" briefly describes the command or function's interface. For commands, this
+.\" shows the syntax of the command and its arguments (including options); bold-
+.\" face is used for as-is text and italics are used to indicate replaceable
+.\" arguments. Brackets ([]) surround optional arguments, vertical bars (|) sep-
+.\" arate choices, and ellipses (...) can be repeated. For functions, it shows
+.\" any required data declarations or #include directives, followed by the func-
+.\" tion declaration.
+.\" gives an explanation of what the command, function, or format does. Discuss
+.\" how it interacts with files and standard input, and what it produces on
+.\" standard output or standard error. Omit internals and implementation
+.\" details unless they're critical for understanding the interface. Describe
+.\" the usual case; for information on options use the OPTIONS section. If
+.\" there is some kind of input grammar or complex set of subcommands, consider
+.\" describing them in a separate USAGE section (and just place an overview in
+.\" the DESCRIPTION section).
+.\" gives a list of the values the library routine will return to the caller and
+.\" the conditions that cause these values to be returned.
+.\" lists the possible exit status values or a program and the conditions that
+.\" cause these values to be returned.
+.\" USAGE
+.\" describes the grammar of any sublanguage this implements.
+.\" FILES
+.\" lists the files the program or function uses, such as configuration files,
+.\" startup files, and files the program directly operates on. Give the full
+.\" pathname of these files, and use the installation process to modify the
+.\" directory part to match user preferences. For many programs, the default
+.\" installation location is in /usr/local, so your base manual page should use
+.\" /usr/local as the base.
+.\" lists all environment variables that affect your program or function and how
+.\" they affect it.
+.\" discusses security issues and implications. Warn about configurations or
+.\" environments that should be avoided, commands that may have security impli-
+.\" cations, and so on, especially if they aren't obvious. Discussing security
+.\" in a separate section isn't necessary; if it's easier to understand, place
+.\" security information in the other sections (such as the DESCRIPTION or USAGE
+.\" section). However, please include security information somewhere!
+.\" describes any standards or conventions this implements.
+.\" NOTES
+.\" provides miscellaneous notes.
+.\" BUGS
+.\" lists limitations, known defects or inconveniences, and other questionable
+.\" activities.
+Copyright \(co 2005\-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
+Junjiro R. Okajima
+.\" lists related man pages in alphabetical order, possibly followed by other
+.\" related pages or documents. Conventionally this is the last section.
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/aufs.shlib b/package/aufs2-util/src/aufs.shlib
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7aa07665c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/aufs.shlib
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+# This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# library functions for aufs shell scripts
+# path in canonical representation
+SetDir() # var dir
+ cd "$2"
+ eval "$1=\"$PWD\""
+ cd "$OLDPWD"
+# escape the unprintable characters, mainly for grep-ping /proc/mounts
+Esc() # [-e]
+ sed -r -e '
+ s/\\/\\134/g
+ s/$/\\012/
+ ' |
+ tr -d '\n' |
+ sed -r -e '
+ s/ /\\040/g
+ s/\t/\\011/g
+ s/\r/\\015/g
+ s/\\012$//
+ ' |
+ { test $# -eq 1 &&
+ test "$1" = "-e" &&
+ sed -r -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' ||
+ cat; }
+ echo
+# find a mount-entry by its mount-point
+FindMntEnt() # mntpnt
+ proc_mounts=/proc/self/mounts
+ test ! -e $proc_mounts && proc_mounts=/proc/$$/mounts
+ test ! -e $proc_mounts && proc_mounts=/proc/mounts
+ fgrep \ $(echo "$1" | Esc)\ aufs\ $proc_mounts |
+ tail -n 1
+# current mount options
+MntOpts() # mntpnt
+ FindMntEnt "$1" |
+ cut -f4 -d' '
+AuDebug() # 1 | 0 [sec]
+ test $1 -eq 0 && set +x
+ aufs_debug=/sys/module/aufs/parameters/debug
+ if [ -f $aufs_debug ]
+ then
+ echo $1 | sudo dd of=$aufs_debug 2> /dev/null
+ test $# -eq 2 && sleep $2
+ fi
+ test $1 -eq 1 && set -x
+ true
+# Local variables: ;
+# mode: text;
+# End: ;
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/auplink.c b/package/aufs2-util/src/auplink.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b48bea51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/auplink.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "au_util.h"
+static void usage(char *me)
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "usage: %s aufs_mount_point list|cpup|flush\n"
+ "'list' shows the pseudo-linked inode numbers and filenames.\n"
+ "'cpup' copies-up all pseudo-link to the writeble branch.\n"
+ "'flush' calls 'cpup', and then 'mount -o remount,clean_plink=inum'\n"
+ "and remove the whiteouted plink.\n", me);
+ exit(EINVAL);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int err, cmd;
+ char *cwd;
+ if (argc != 3)
+ usage(argv[0]);
+ if (!strcmp(argv[2], "flush"))
+ cmd = AuPlink_FLUSH;
+ else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "list"))
+ cmd = AuPlink_LIST;
+ else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "cpup"))
+ cmd = AuPlink_CPUP;
+ else {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ AuFin("%s", argv[2]);
+ cmd = 0; /* never reach here */
+ }
+ err = chdir(argv[1]);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("chdir");
+ cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); /* glibc */
+ if (!cwd)
+ AuFin("getcwd");
+ return au_plink(cwd, cmd, 1, 0);
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/br.c b/package/aufs2-util/src/br.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6451c120e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/br.c
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE /* strndup */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <mntent.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
+#include "au_util.h"
+static int by_opts(char ***br, int *nbr, char *bropt)
+ char *p, **a;
+ int l;
+ /* bropts is placed at the end of mnt_opts */
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ //puts(bropt);
+ if (strchr(bropt, ','))
+ AuFin("%s", bropt);
+ l = strlen(bropt);
+ p = malloc(l + 2);
+ if (!p)
+ AuFin("malloc");
+ memcpy(p, bropt, l + 1);
+ bropt = p;
+ bropt[l + 1] = 0; /* end marker */
+ *nbr = 1;
+ while (1) {
+ p = strchr(p + 1, ':');
+ if (!p)
+ break;
+ *p = 0;
+ (*nbr)++;
+ }
+ a = malloc(sizeof(a) * (*nbr + 1));
+ if (!a)
+ AuFin("malloc");
+ *br = a;
+ *a++ = bropt;
+ p = bropt;
+ while (*p) {
+ p += strlen(p) + 1;
+ *a++ = p;
+ }
+ *--a = NULL;
+ /* don't free bropt */
+ return 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define SiPathPrefix "/tmp/aufs/si_"
+#define BufSiz 4
+#define SiPathPrefix "/sys/fs/aufs/si_"
+#define BufSiz BUFSIZ
+static int by_sysfs(char ***br, int *nbr, char *siopt)
+ int err, i, l, sz;
+ char buf[BufSiz], path[] = SiPathPrefix "1234567890123456/br32767";
+ char *p, *end, **a, *q;
+ FILE *fp;
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ end = strchr(siopt, ',');
+ if (end)
+ i = end - siopt;
+ else
+ i = strlen(siopt);
+ strncpy(path + sizeof(SiPathPrefix) - 1, siopt, i);
+ p = path + sizeof(SiPathPrefix) - 1 + i;
+ strcpy(p, "/br");
+ p += 3; /* "/br" */
+ *nbr = 0;
+ err = 0;
+ while (!err) {
+ sprintf(p, "%d", (*nbr)++);
+ err = access(path, F_OK);
+ }
+ a = malloc(sizeof(*br) * *nbr);
+ if (!a)
+ AuFin("malloc");
+ (*nbr)--;
+ *br = a;
+ for (i = 0; i < *nbr; i++) {
+ sprintf(p, "%d", i);
+ fp = fopen(path, "r");
+ if (!fp)
+ AuFin("%s", path);
+ if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != buf)
+ AuFin("%s", path);
+ l = strlen(buf);
+ if (l < 1)
+ AuFin("internal error, %d", l);
+ q = strndup(buf, l - 1);
+ if (buf[l - 1] != '\n') {
+ /* a branch path with crazy length */
+ /* stat(2) for sysfs is meaningless */
+ sz = sizeof(buf);
+ do {
+ free(q);
+ sz <<= 1;
+ q = malloc(sz);
+ if (!q)
+ AuFin("malloc");
+ rewind(fp);
+ if (fgets(q, sz, fp) != q)
+ AuFin("%s", path);
+ l = strlen(q);
+ } while (q[l - 1] != '\n');
+ q[l - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ *a++ = q;
+ /* don't free q */
+ fclose(fp); /* ignore */
+ }
+ *a = NULL;
+ return 0;
+#define BrOpt ",br:"
+#define SiOpt "si"
+int au_br(char ***br, int *nbr, struct mntent *ent)
+ char *p;
+ *nbr = 0;
+ p = strstr(ent->mnt_opts, BrOpt);
+ if (p)
+ return by_opts(br, nbr, p + sizeof(BrOpt) - 1);
+ p = hasmntopt(ent, SiOpt);
+ if (p)
+ return by_sysfs(br, nbr, p + sizeof(SiOpt));
+ /* broken opts */
+ AuFin("internal error, %s", ent->mnt_opts);
+ return -1; /* never reach here */
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/c2sh.c b/package/aufs2-util/src/c2sh.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80ef044a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/c2sh.c
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+#define p(m, v, fmt) printf("%s=" fmt "\n", m, v)
+#define pstr(m) p(#m, m, "%s")
+#define pint(m) p(#m, m, "%d")
+ pstr(AUFS_WH_PFX);
+ pstr(AUFS_WH_PFX2);
+ pstr(AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
+ pstr(AUFS_WH_BASE);
+ //pint(AUFS_BRANCH_MAX);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/c2tmac.c b/package/aufs2-util/src/c2tmac.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0018763b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/c2tmac.c
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+#define p(m, v, fmt) printf(".ds %s " fmt "\n", m, v)
+#define pstr(m) p(#m, m, "%s")
+#define pint(m) p(#m, m, "%d")
+ pstr(AUFS_WH_PFX);
+ pint(AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
+ pstr(AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
+ pint(AUFS_NWKQ_DEF);
+ pstr(AUFS_WH_BASE);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/compat.h b/package/aufs2-util/src/compat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddb436e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/compat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#ifndef __compat_h__
+#define __compat_h__
+#define AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW 0x100 /* Do not follow symbolic links. */
+#define __KERNEL__
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <asm/unistd.h>
+#define fstatat fstatat64
+int fstatat(int dirfd, const char *path, struct stat *buf, int flags);
+_syscall4(int, fstatat64, int, _dirfd, const char *, path, struct stat *, buf, int, flags);
+#undef __KERNEL__
+#endif /* __compat_h__ */
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/mount.aufs.c b/package/aufs2-util/src/mount.aufs.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d801cfd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/mount.aufs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * The main purpose of this script is updating /etc/mtab and calling auplilnk.
+ * This behaviour is highly depending on mount(8) in util-linux package.
+ */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* getsubopt */
+#define _BSD_SOURCE /* dirfd */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <mntent.h>
+#include <regex.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <wait.h>
+#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
+#include "au_util.h"
+enum { Remount, Bind, Fake, Update, Verbose, AuFlush, LastOpt };
+static void test_opts(char opts[], unsigned char flags[])
+ int c;
+ char *p, *o, *val, *pat[] = {
+ [Remount] = "remount",
+ [Bind] = "bind",
+ };
+ o = strdup(opts);
+ if (!o)
+ AuFin("stdup");
+ p = o;
+ while (*p) {
+ c = getsubopt(&p, pat, &val);
+ switch (c) {
+ case Remount:
+ flags[Remount] = 1;
+ break;
+ case Bind:
+ flags[Bind] = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ free(o);
+static int test_flush(char opts[])
+ int err, i;
+ regex_t preg;
+ char *p, *o;
+ const char *pat = "^((add|ins|append|prepend|del)[:=]"
+ "|(mod|imod)[:=][^,]*=ro"
+ "|(noplink|ro)$)";
+ o = strdup(opts);
+ if (!o)
+ AuFin("stdup");
+ p = o;
+ i = 1;
+ while ((p = strchr(p, ','))) {
+ i++;
+ *p++ = 0;
+ }
+ /* todo: try getsubopt(3)? */
+ err = regcomp(&preg, pat, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("regcomp");
+ p = o;
+ while (i--) {
+ if (!regexec(&preg, p, 0, NULL, 0)) {
+ err = 1;
+ break;
+ } else
+ p += strlen(p) + 1;
+ }
+ regfree(&preg);
+ free(o);
+ return err;
+static void do_mount(char *dev, char *mntpnt, int argc, char *argv[],
+ unsigned char flags[])
+ int i;
+ const int ac = argc + 6;
+ char *av[ac], **a;
+ /* todo: eliminate the duplicated options */
+ a = av;
+ *a++ = "mount";
+ *a++ = "-i";
+ if (flags[Fake])
+ *a++ = "-f";
+ if (!flags[Bind] || !flags[Update])
+ *a++ = "-n";
+ if (flags[Bind] && flags[Verbose])
+ *a++ = "-v";
+ *a++ = "-t";
+ *a++ = AUFS_NAME;
+ for (i = 3; i < argc; i++)
+ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") && strcmp(argv[i], "-n"))
+ *a++ = argv[i];
+ *a++ = dev;
+ *a++ = mntpnt;
+ *a++ = NULL;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ for (i = 0; av[i] && i < ac; i++)
+ puts(av[i]);
+ exit(0);
+ execvp("mount", av);
+ AuFin("mount");
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int err, c, status;
+ pid_t pid;
+ unsigned char flags[LastOpt];
+ struct mntent ent;
+ char *dev, *mntpnt, *opts, *cwd;
+ DIR *cur;
+ if (argc < 3) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ AuFin(NULL);
+ }
+ memset(flags, 0, sizeof(flags));
+ flags[Update] = 1;
+ opts = NULL;
+ /* mount(8) always passes the arguments in this order */
+ dev = argv[1];
+ mntpnt = argv[2];
+ while ((c = getopt(argc - 2, argv + 2, "fnvo:")) != -1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'f':
+ flags[Fake] = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ flags[Update] = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ flags[Verbose] = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ opts = optarg;
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ case ':':
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ AuFin("internal error");
+ }
+ }
+ cur = opendir(".");
+ if (!cur)
+ AuFin(".");
+ err = chdir(mntpnt);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("%s", mntpnt);
+ cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); /* glibc */
+ if (!cwd)
+ AuFin("getcwd");
+ err = fchdir(dirfd(cur));
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("fchdir");
+ closedir(cur); /* ignore */
+ if (opts)
+ test_opts(opts, flags);
+ if (!flags[Bind] && flags[Update]) {
+ err = access(MTab, R_OK | W_OK);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin(MTab);
+ }
+ if (flags[Remount]) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ if (flags[Bind])
+ AuFin("both of remount and bind are specified");
+ flags[AuFlush] = test_flush(opts);
+ if (flags[AuFlush] /* && !flags[Fake] */) {
+ err = au_plink(cwd, AuPlink_FLUSH, 1, 1);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ pid = fork();
+ if (!pid) {
+ /* actual mount operation */
+ do_mount(dev, mntpnt, argc, argv, flags);
+ return 0;
+ } else if (pid < 0)
+ AuFin("fork");
+ err = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+ if (err < 0)
+ AuFin("child process");
+ err = !WIFEXITED(status);
+ if (!err)
+ err = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+ if (!err && !flags[Bind]) {
+ if (flags[Update])
+ err = au_update_mtab(cwd, flags[Remount],
+ flags[Verbose]);
+ else if (flags[Verbose]) {
+ /* withoug blocking plink */
+ err = au_proc_getmntent(cwd, &ent);
+ if (!err)
+ au_print_ent(&ent);
+ else
+ AuFin("internal error");
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/mtab.c b/package/aufs2-util/src/mtab.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..713e9e267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/mtab.c
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+/* cf. fstab.c or the locking for /etc/mtab in util-linux */
+ * we need to extract a part of util-linux and create a simple and generic
+ * library for locking /etc/mtab.
+ */
+/* #include <linux/proc_fs.h> */
+#define PROC_SUPER_MAGIC 0x9fa0
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/statfs.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <mntent.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "au_util.h"
+void au_print_ent(struct mntent *ent)
+ printf("%s on %s type %s (%s)\n",
+ ent->mnt_fsname, ent->mnt_dir, ent->mnt_type, ent->mnt_opts);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void lock_mtab(char *pid_file)
+ int err, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ err = link(pid_file, MTab "~");
+ if (!err)
+ break;
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if (err)
+ AuFin(MTab "~");
+static void unlock_mtab(void)
+ int err;
+ err = rename(MTab "~", MTab);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin(MTab);
+static void append_mtab(FILE *fp, FILE *ofp, struct mntent *ent)
+ int err;
+ struct mntent *p;
+ while ((p = getmntent(ofp))) {
+ err = addmntent(fp, p);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("addmntent");
+ }
+ err = addmntent(fp, ent);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("addmntent");
+/* todo: there are some cases which options are not changed */
+static void update_mtab(FILE *fp, char *mntpnt, int do_remount, int do_verbose)
+ int err;
+ long pos;
+ FILE *ofp;
+ struct mntent ent, *p;
+ /* prohibit updating mount options for this mntpnt */
+ au_plink_maint(mntpnt);
+ err = au_proc_getmntent(mntpnt, &ent);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("no such mount point");
+ ofp = setmntent(MTab, "r");
+ if (!ofp)
+ AuFin(MTab);
+ if (do_remount) {
+ /* find the last one */
+ pos = -1;
+ while ((p = getmntent(ofp))) {
+ if (!strcmp(p->mnt_dir, mntpnt))
+ pos = ftell(ofp);
+ }
+ rewind(ofp);
+ if (pos > 0) {
+ while ((p = getmntent(ofp))) {
+ if (ftell(ofp) == pos) {
+ /* replace the line */
+ p = &ent;
+ pos = -1;
+ }
+ err = addmntent(fp, p);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("addmntent");
+ }
+ if (pos > 0)
+ AuFin("internal error");
+ } else
+ append_mtab(fp, ofp, &ent);
+ } else
+ append_mtab(fp, ofp, &ent);
+ endmntent(ofp); /* ignore */
+ au_plink_maint(NULL);
+ if (do_verbose)
+ au_print_ent(&ent);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int au_update_mtab(char *mntpnt, int do_remount, int do_verbose)
+ int err, fd, status, e2;
+ pid_t pid;
+ ino_t ino;
+ struct stat st;
+ struct statfs stfs;
+ struct flock flock = {
+ .l_type = F_WRLCK,
+ .l_whence = SEEK_SET,
+ .l_start = 0,
+ .l_len = 0
+ };
+ char pid_file[sizeof(MTab "~.") + 20];
+ FILE *fp;
+ err = statfs(MTab, &stfs);
+ if (stfs.f_type == PROC_SUPER_MAGIC)
+ return 0;
+ snprintf(pid_file, sizeof(pid_file), MTab "~.%d", getpid());
+ fd = open(pid_file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL,
+ if (fd < 0)
+ AuFin("%s", pid_file);
+ err = fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &flock);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("%s", pid_file);
+ fp = fdopen(fd, "r+");
+ if (!fp)
+ AuFin("%s", pid_file);
+ pid = fork();
+ if (!pid) {
+ lock_mtab(pid_file);
+ update_mtab(fp, mntpnt, do_remount, do_verbose);
+ unlock_mtab();
+ return 0;
+ } else if (pid < 0)
+ AuFin("fork");
+ err = fstat(fd, &st);
+ if (err)
+ perror(pid_file);
+ ino = st.st_ino;
+ err = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+ if (err < 0) {
+ perror(pid_file);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ err = !WIFEXITED(status);
+ if (!err)
+ err = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+ e2 = unlink(pid_file);
+ if (e2 && errno != ENOENT)
+ perror(pid_file);
+ e2 = stat(MTab "~", &st);
+ if (!e2) {
+ if (st.st_ino == ino) {
+ /*
+ * The inode number is same,
+ * it means it is we who made the file.
+ * If someone else removed our file between stat(2) and
+ * unlink(2), it is a breakage of the rule.
+ */
+ e2 = unlink(MTab "~");
+ if (e2)
+ perror(MTab);
+ }
+ } else if (errno != ENOENT)
+ perror(MTab "~");
+ fclose(fp);
+ out:
+ return err;
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/plink.c b/package/aufs2-util/src/plink.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ff16c76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/plink.c
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 /* ftw.h */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* ftw.h */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE /* ftw.h */
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <ftw.h>
+#include <mntent.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
+#include "au_util.h"
+/* todo: try argz? */
+static struct name_array {
+ char *o;
+ int bytes;
+ char *cur;
+ int nname;
+} na;
+static struct ino_array {
+ char *o;
+ int bytes;
+ union {
+ char *p;
+ ino_t *cur;
+ };
+ int nino;
+} ia;
+static int na_append(char *plink_dir, char *name)
+ int l, sz;
+ char *p;
+ const int cur = na.cur - na.o;
+ l = strlen(plink_dir) + strlen(name) + 2;
+ sz = na.bytes + l;
+ p = realloc(na.o, sz);
+ if (!p)
+ AuFin("realloc");
+ na.o = p;
+ na.bytes = sz;
+ na.cur = p + cur;
+ na.cur += sprintf(na.cur, "%s/%s", plink_dir, name) + 1;
+ na.nname++;
+ return 0;
+static int ia_append(ino_t ino)
+ int sz;
+ char *p;
+ const int cur = ia.p - ia.o;
+ sz = na.bytes + sizeof(ino_t);
+ p = realloc(ia.o, sz);
+ if (!p)
+ AuFin("realloc");
+ ia.o = p;
+ ia.bytes = sz;
+ ia.p = p + cur;
+ *ia.cur++ = ino;
+ ia.nino++;
+ return 0;
+static int build_array(char *plink_dir)
+ int err;
+ DIR *dp;
+ struct dirent *de;
+ char *p;
+ ino_t ino;
+ err = access(plink_dir, F_OK);
+ if (err)
+ return 0;
+ err = 0;
+ dp = opendir(plink_dir);
+ if (!dp)
+ AuFin("%s", plink_dir);
+ while ((de = readdir(dp))) {
+ if (!strcmp(de->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(de->d_name, ".."))
+ continue;
+#if 0
+ if (de->d_type == DT_DIR) {
+ errno = EISDIR;
+ AuFin(de->d_name);
+ }
+ err = na_append(plink_dir, de->d_name);
+ if (err)
+ break;
+ p = strchr(de->d_name, '.');
+ if (!p) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ AuFin("internal error, %s", de->d_name);
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ errno = 0;
+ ino = strtoull(de->d_name, NULL, 0);
+ if (ino == /*ULLONG_MAX*/-1 && errno == ERANGE)
+ AuFin("internal error, %s", de->d_name);
+ err = ia_append(ino);
+ if (err)
+ break;
+ }
+ closedir(dp);
+ return err;
+static int ia_test(ino_t ino)
+ int i;
+ ino_t *p;
+ /* todo: hash table */
+ ia.p = ia.o;
+ p = ia.cur;
+ for (i = 0; i < ia.nino; i++)
+ if (*p++ == ino)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static int ftw_list(const char *fname, const struct stat *st, int flags,
+ struct FTW *ftw)
+ if (!strcmp(fname + ftw->base, AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR))
+ if (flags == FTW_D || flags == FTW_DNR)
+ return FTW_CONTINUE;
+ if (ia_test(st->st_ino))
+ puts(fname);
+ return FTW_CONTINUE;
+static int ftw_cpup(const char *fname, const struct stat *st, int flags,
+ struct FTW *ftw)
+ int err;
+ if (!strcmp(fname + ftw->base, AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR))
+ if (flags == FTW_D || flags == FTW_DNR)
+ return FTW_CONTINUE;
+ /*
+ * do nothing but update something harmless in order to make it copyup
+ */
+ if (ia_test(st->st_ino)) {
+ Dpri("%s\n", fname);
+ if (!S_ISLNK(st->st_mode))
+ err = chown(fname, -1, -1);
+ else
+ err = lchown(fname, -1, -1);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("%s", fname);
+ }
+ return FTW_CONTINUE;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static DIR *dp;
+void au_plink_maint(char *path)
+ int err;
+ if (path) {
+ if (dp) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ AuFin("dp is not NULL");
+ }
+ dp = opendir(path);
+ if (!dp)
+ AuFin("%s", path);
+ err = ioctl(dirfd(dp), AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT);
+#ifndef DEBUG
+ if (err)
+ } else {
+ err = closedir(dp);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("closedir");
+ dp = NULL;
+ }
+void au_clean_plink(void)
+ int err;
+ err = ioctl(dirfd(dp), AUFS_CTL_PLINK_CLEAN);
+#ifndef DEBUG
+ if (err)
+static int do_plink(char *cwd, int cmd, int nbr, char *br[])
+ int err, i, l;
+ struct rlimit rlim;
+ __nftw_func_t func;
+ char *p;
+ err = 0;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case AuPlink_FLUSH:
+ case AuPlink_CPUP:
+ func = ftw_cpup;
+ break;
+ case AuPlink_LIST:
+ func = ftw_list;
+ break;
+ default:
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ AuFin(NULL);
+ func = NULL; /* never reach here */
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nbr; i++) {
+ //puts(br[i]);
+ p = strchr(br[i], '=');
+ if (strcmp(p + 1, AUFS_BRPERM_RW)
+ && strcmp(p + 1, AUFS_BRPERM_RWNLWH))
+ continue;
+ *p = 0;
+ l = strlen(br[i]);
+ p = malloc(l + sizeof(AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR) + 2);
+ if (!p)
+ AuFin("malloc");
+ sprintf(p, "%s/%s", br[i], AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR);
+ //puts(p);
+ err = build_array(p);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("build_array");
+ free(p);
+ }
+ if (!ia.nino)
+ goto out;
+ if (cmd == AuPlink_LIST) {
+ ia.p = ia.o;
+ for (i = 0; i < ia.nino; i++)
+ printf("%llu ", (unsigned long long)*ia.cur++);
+ putchar('\n');
+ }
+ err = getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("getrlimit");
+ nftw(cwd, func, rlim.rlim_cur - 10,
+ /* ignore */
+ if (cmd == AuPlink_FLUSH) {
+ au_clean_plink();
+ na.cur = na.o;
+ for (i = 0; i < na.nname; i++) {
+ Dpri("%s\n", na.cur);
+ err = unlink(na.cur);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("%s", na.cur);
+ na.cur += strlen(na.cur) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ out:
+ free(ia.o);
+ free(na.o);
+ return err;
+int au_plink(char cwd[], int cmd, int begin_maint, int end_maint)
+ int err, nbr;
+ struct mntent ent;
+ char **br;
+ if (begin_maint)
+ au_plink_maint(cwd);
+ err = au_proc_getmntent(cwd, &ent);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin("no such mount point");
+ if (hasmntopt(&ent, "noplink"))
+ goto out; /* success */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ //char a[] = "a,b,br:/tmp/br0=rw:/br1=ro";
+ char a[] = "a,b,si=1,c";
+ ent.mnt_opts = a;
+ err = au_br(&br, &nbr, &ent);
+ //printf("nbr %d\n", nbr);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin(NULL);
+ err = do_plink(cwd, cmd, nbr, br);
+ if (err)
+ AuFin(NULL);
+ out:
+ if (end_maint)
+ au_plink_maint(NULL);
+ return err;
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/proc_mnt.c b/package/aufs2-util/src/proc_mnt.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5230aa259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/proc_mnt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <mntent.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "au_util.h"
+#define ProcMounts "/proc/self/mounts"
+static void copy_ent(struct mntent *dst, struct mntent *src)
+ free(dst->mnt_opts);
+ free(dst->mnt_type);
+ free(dst->mnt_dir);
+ free(dst->mnt_fsname);
+ dst->mnt_dir = NULL;
+ dst->mnt_type = NULL;
+ dst->mnt_opts = NULL;
+ dst->mnt_fsname = strdup(src->mnt_fsname);
+ if (dst->mnt_fsname)
+ dst->mnt_dir = strdup(src->mnt_dir);
+ if (dst->mnt_dir)
+ dst->mnt_type = strdup(src->mnt_type);
+ if (dst->mnt_type)
+ dst->mnt_opts = strdup(src->mnt_opts);
+ if (dst->mnt_opts) {
+ dst->mnt_freq = src->mnt_freq;
+ dst->mnt_passno = src->mnt_passno;
+ } else
+ AuFin("strdup");
+int au_proc_getmntent(char *mntpnt, struct mntent *rent)
+ int found;
+ struct mntent *p;
+ FILE *fp;
+ fp = setmntent(ProcMounts, "r");
+ if (!fp)
+ AuFin(ProcMounts);
+ /* find the last one */
+ memset(rent, 0, sizeof(*rent));
+ found = 0;
+ while ((p = getmntent(fp)))
+ if (!strcmp(p->mnt_dir, mntpnt)) {
+ Dpri("%s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d\n",
+ p->mnt_fsname, p->mnt_dir, p->mnt_type,
+ p->mnt_opts, p->mnt_freq, p->mnt_passno);
+ copy_ent(rent, p);
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ endmntent(fp);
+ if (!found) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ AuFin("%s", mntpnt);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/rdu.c b/package/aufs2-util/src/rdu.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac958f084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/rdu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Junjiro Okajima
+ *
+ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#define _REENTRANT
+#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/vfs.h> /* or <sys/statfs.h> */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <search.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "compat.h"
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct rdu {
+ pthread_rwlock_t lock;
+ struct dirent de;
+ int fd;
+ unsigned long npos, idx;
+ struct au_rdu_ent **pos;
+ unsigned long nent, sz;
+ struct au_rdu_ent *ent;
+ int shwh;
+ struct au_rdu_ent *real, *wh;
+static struct rdu **rdu;
+#define RDU_STEP 8
+static int rdu_cur, rdu_lim = RDU_STEP;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* #define RduLocalTest */
+#ifdef RduLocalTest
+static int rdu_test_data(struct rdu *p, int err)
+ struct au_rdu_ent *e = p->ent;
+ static int i;
+ if (!i++) {
+ err = 3;
+ e->ino = e->type = e->nlen = 1;
+ strcpy(e->name, ".");
+ e += au_rdu_len(e->nlen);
+ e->ino = e->type = e->nlen = 2;
+ strcpy(e->name, "..");
+ e += au_rdu_len(e->nlen);
+ e->ino = e->type = e->nlen = 3;
+ strcpy(e->name, "foo");
+ } else
+ err = 0;
+ return err;
+static int rdu_test_data(struct rdu *p, int err)
+ return err;
+/* #define RduDebug */
+#ifdef RduDebug
+#define DPri(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: " fmt, \
+ __func__, __LINE__, ##args)
+#define DPri(fmt, args...) do {} while (0)
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void rdu_rwlock_init(struct rdu *p)
+ pthread_rwlock_init(&p->lock);
+static void rdu_read_lock(struct rdu *p)
+ pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&p->lock);
+static void rdu_write_lock(struct rdu *p)
+ pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&p->lock);
+static void rdu_unlock(struct rdu *p)
+ pthread_rwlock_unlock(&p->lock);
+static pthread_mutex_t rdu_lib_mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+#define rdu_lib_lock() pthread_mutex_lock(&rdu_lib_mtx)
+#define rdu_lib_unlock() pthread_mutex_unlock(&rdu_lib_mtx)
+#define rdu_lib_must_lock() assert(pthread_mutex_trylock(&rdu_lib_mtx))
+static void rdu_rwlock_init(struct rdu *p)
+ /* empty */
+static void rdu_read_lock(struct rdu *p)
+ /* empty */
+static void rdu_write_lock(struct rdu *p)
+ /* empty */
+static void rdu_unlock(struct rdu *p)
+ /* empty */
+#define rdu_lib_lock() do {} while(0)
+#define rdu_lib_unlock() do {} while(0)
+#define rdu_lib_must_lock() do {} while(0)
+ * initialize this library, particularly global variables.
+ */
+static int rdu_lib_init(void)
+ int err;
+ err = 0;
+ if (rdu)
+ goto out;
+ rdu_lib_lock();
+ if (!rdu) {
+ rdu = calloc(rdu_lim, sizeof(*rdu));
+ err = !rdu;
+ }
+ rdu_lib_unlock();
+ out:
+ return err;
+static int rdu_append(struct rdu *p)
+ int err, i;
+ void *t;
+ rdu_lib_must_lock();
+ err = 0;
+ if (rdu_cur < rdu_lim - 1)
+ rdu[rdu_cur++] = p;
+ else {
+ t = realloc(rdu, rdu_lim + RDU_STEP * sizeof(*rdu));
+ if (t) {
+ rdu = t;
+ rdu_lim += RDU_STEP;
+ rdu[rdu_cur++] = p;
+ for (i = 0; i < RDU_STEP - 1; i++)
+ rdu[rdu_cur + i] = NULL;
+ } else
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ return err;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static struct rdu *rdu_new(int fd)
+ struct rdu *p;
+ int err;
+ p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
+ if (p) {
+ rdu_rwlock_init(p);
+ p->fd = fd;
+ p->sz = BUFSIZ;
+ p->ent = malloc(BUFSIZ);
+ if (p->ent) {
+ err = rdu_append(p);
+ if (!err)
+ goto out; /* success */
+ }
+ }
+ free(p);
+ p = NULL;
+ out:
+ return p;
+static struct rdu *rdu_buf_lock(int fd)
+ struct rdu *p;
+ int i;
+ assert(rdu);
+ assert(fd >= 0);
+ p = NULL;
+ rdu_lib_lock();
+ for (i = 0; i < rdu_cur; i++)
+ if (rdu[i] && rdu[i]->fd == fd) {
+ p = rdu[i];
+ goto out;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < rdu_cur; i++)
+ if (rdu[i] && rdu[i]->fd == -1) {
+ p = rdu[i];
+ p->fd = fd;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!p)
+ p = rdu_new(fd);
+ out:
+ if (p)
+ rdu_write_lock(p);
+ rdu_lib_unlock();
+ return p;
+static void rdu_free(int fd)
+ struct rdu *p;
+ p = rdu_buf_lock(fd);
+ if (p) {
+ free(p->ent);
+ free(p->pos);
+ p->fd = -1;
+ p->ent = NULL;
+ p->pos = NULL;
+ rdu_unlock(p);
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static int rdu_do_store(int dirfd, struct au_rdu_ent *ent,
+ struct au_rdu_ent **pos, struct rdu *p)
+ int err;
+ unsigned char c;
+ struct stat st;
+ c = ent->name[ent->nlen];
+ ent->name[ent->nlen] = 0;
+ DPri("%s\n", ent->name);
+ err = fstatat(dirfd, ent->name, &st, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW);
+ ent->name[ent->nlen] = c;
+ if (!err) {
+ ent->ino = st.st_ino;
+ pos[p->idx++] = ent;
+ } else {
+ DPri("err %d\n", err);
+ if (errno == ENOENT)
+ err = 0;
+ }
+ return err;
+struct rdu_thread_arg {
+ int pipefd;
+ struct rdu *p;
+static void *rdu_thread(void *_arg)
+ int err, pipefd, dirfd;
+ ssize_t ssz;
+ struct rdu_thread_arg *arg = _arg;
+ struct au_rdu_ent *ent, **pos;
+ struct rdu *p;
+ pipefd = arg->pipefd;
+ p = arg->p;
+ dirfd = p->fd;
+ pos = p->pos;
+ while (1) {
+ DPri("read\n");
+ ssz = read(pipefd, &ent, sizeof(ent));
+ DPri("ssz %zd\n", ssz);
+ if (ssz != sizeof(ent) || !ent) {
+ //perror("read");
+ break;
+ }
+ //DPri("%p\n", ent);
+ err = rdu_do_store(dirfd, ent, pos, p);
+ }
+ DPri("here\n");
+ return NULL;
+static int rdu_store(struct rdu *p, struct au_rdu_ent *ent, int pipefd)
+#ifdef RduLocalTest
+ if (ent)
+ return rdu_do_store(p->fd, ent, p->pos, p);
+ return 0;
+ ssize_t ssz;
+ //DPri("%p\n", ent);
+ ssz = write(pipefd, &ent, sizeof(ent));
+ DPri("ssz %zd\n", ssz);
+ //sleep(1);
+ return ssz != sizeof(ent);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* the heart of this library */
+static void rdu_tfree(void *node)
+ /* empty */
+static int rdu_ent_compar(const void *_a, const void *_b)
+ int ret;
+ const struct au_rdu_ent *a = _a, *b = _b;
+ ret = (int)a->nlen - b->nlen;
+ if (!ret)
+ ret = memcmp(a->name, b->name, a->nlen);
+ return ret;
+static int rdu_ent_compar_wh(const void *_a, const void *_b)
+ int ret;
+ const struct au_rdu_ent *real = _a, *wh = _b;
+ if (real->nlen >= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
+ && !memcmp(real->name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
+ wh = _a;
+ real = _b;
+ }
+ ret = (int)wh->nlen - AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN - real->nlen;
+ if (!ret)
+ ret = memcmp(wh->name + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN, real->name,
+ real->nlen);
+ return ret;
+/* tsearch(3) may not be thread-safe */
+static int rdu_ent_append(struct rdu *p, struct au_rdu_ent *ent, int pipefd)
+ int err;
+ struct au_rdu_ent *e;
+ err = 0;
+ e = tfind(ent, (void *)&p->wh, rdu_ent_compar_wh);
+ if (e)
+ goto out;
+ e = tsearch(ent, (void *)&p->real, rdu_ent_compar);
+ if (e)
+ err = rdu_store(p, ent, pipefd);
+ else
+ err = -1;
+ out:
+ return err;
+static int rdu_ent_append_wh(struct rdu *p, struct au_rdu_ent *ent, int pipefd)
+ int err;
+ struct au_rdu_ent *e;
+ err = 0;
+ e = tfind(ent, (void *)&p->wh, rdu_ent_compar);
+ if (e)
+ goto out;
+ e = tsearch(ent, (void *)&p->wh, rdu_ent_compar);
+ if (e) {
+ if (p->shwh)
+ err = rdu_store(p, ent, pipefd);
+ } else
+ err = -1;
+ out:
+ return err;
+static int rdu_merge(struct rdu *p)
+ int err;
+ unsigned long ul;
+ pthread_t th;
+ int fds[2];
+ struct rdu_thread_arg arg;
+ struct au_rdu_ent *ent;
+ void *t;
+ err = -1;
+ p->pos = malloc(sizeof(*p->pos) * p->npos);
+ if (!p->pos)
+ goto out;
+ /* pipe(2) may not be scheduled well in linux-2.6.23 and earlier */
+ err = pipe(fds);
+ if (err)
+ goto out_free;
+ arg.pipefd = fds[0];
+ arg.p = p;
+#ifndef RduLocalTest
+ err = pthread_create(&th, NULL, rdu_thread, &arg);
+ if (err)
+ goto out_close;
+ p->real = NULL;
+ p->wh = NULL;
+ ent = p->ent;
+ for (ul = 0; !err && ul < p->npos; ul++) {
+ if (ent->nlen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
+ || strncmp(ent->name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
+ err = rdu_ent_append(p, ent, fds[1]);
+ else
+ err = rdu_ent_append_wh(p, ent, fds[1]);
+ ent += au_rdu_len(ent->nlen);
+ }
+ rdu_store(p, /*ent*/NULL, fds[1]); /* terminate the thread */
+ tdestroy(p->real, rdu_tfree);
+ tdestroy(p->wh, rdu_tfree);
+#ifndef RduLocalTest
+ pthread_join(th, NULL);
+ p->npos = p->idx;
+ t = realloc(p->pos, sizeof(*p->pos) * p->npos);
+ if (t)
+ p->pos = t;
+ /* t == NULL is not an error */
+ out_close:
+ close(fds[1]);
+ close(fds[0]);
+ if (!err)
+ goto out; /* success */
+ out_free:
+ free(p->pos);
+ p->pos = NULL;
+ out:
+ return err;
+static int rdu_init(struct rdu *p)
+ int err;
+ struct aufs_rdu param;
+ char *t;
+ memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));
+ param.ent = p->ent;
+ = p->sz;
+ t = getenv("AUFS_RDU_BLK");
+ if (t)
+ param.blk = strtoul(t + sizeof("AUFS_RDU_BLK"), NULL, 0);
+ do {
+ err = ioctl(p->fd, AUFS_CTL_RDU, &param);
+ err = rdu_test_data(p, err);
+ if (err > 0) {
+ p->npos += err;
+ if (!param.full)
+ continue;
+ assert(param.blk);
+ t = realloc(p->ent, p->sz + param.blk);
+ if (t) {
+ = param.blk;
+ param.ent = (void *)(t + p->sz);
+ p->ent = (void *)t;
+ p->sz += param.blk;
+ } else
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ } while (err > 0);
+ p->shwh = param.shwh;
+ if (!err)
+ err = rdu_merge(p);
+ if (err) {
+ free(p->ent);
+ p->ent = NULL;
+ }
+ return err;
+static int rdu_pos(struct dirent *de, struct rdu *p, long pos)
+ int err;
+ struct au_rdu_ent *ent;
+ err = -1;
+ if (pos <= p->npos) {
+ ent = p->pos[pos];
+ de->d_ino = ent->ino;
+ de->d_off = pos;
+ de->d_reclen = sizeof(*ent) + ent->nlen;
+ de->d_type = ent->type;
+ memcpy(de->d_name, ent->name, ent->nlen);
+ de->d_name[ent->nlen] = 0;
+ err = 0;
+ }
+ return err;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static struct dirent *(*real_readdir)(DIR *dir);
+static int (*real_readdir_r)(DIR *dir, struct dirent *de, struct dirent **rde);
+static int (*real_closedir)(DIR *dir);
+static int rdu_dl(void **real, char *sym)
+ char *p;
+ if (*real)
+ return 0;
+ dlerror(); /* clear */
+ *real = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, sym);
+ p = dlerror();
+ if (p)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", p);
+ return !!p;
+#define RduDlFunc(sym) \
+static int rdu_dl_##sym(void) \
+{ \
+ return rdu_dl((void *)&real_##sym, #sym); \
+#define rdu_dl_readdir_r() 1
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static int rdu_readdir(DIR *dir, struct dirent *de, struct dirent **rde)
+ int err, fd;
+ struct rdu *p;
+ long pos;
+ struct statfs stfs;
+ if (rde)
+ *rde = NULL;
+ errno = EBADF;
+ fd = dirfd(dir);
+ err = fd;
+ if (fd < 0)
+ goto out;
+ err = fstatfs(fd, &stfs);
+ if (err)
+ goto out;
+ if (
+#ifdef RduLocalTest
+ 1 ||
+ stfs.f_type == AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC) {
+ err = rdu_lib_init();
+ if (err)
+ goto out;
+ p = rdu_buf_lock(fd);
+ if (!p)
+ goto out;
+ pos = telldir(dir);
+ if (!pos || !p->npos) {
+ err = rdu_init(p);
+ rdu_unlock(p);
+ }
+ if (err)
+ goto out;
+ rdu_read_lock(p);
+ if (!de)
+ de = &p->de;
+ err = rdu_pos(de, p, pos);
+ rdu_unlock(p);
+ if (!err) {
+ *rde = de;
+ seekdir(dir, pos + 1);
+ }
+ } else if (!de) {
+ if (!rdu_dl_readdir()) {
+ err = 0;
+ *rde = real_readdir(dir);
+ if (!*rde)
+ err = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!rdu_dl_readdir_r())
+ err = real_readdir_r(dir, de, rde);
+ }
+ out:
+ return err;
+struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dir)
+ struct dirent *de;
+ int err;
+ err = rdu_readdir(dir, NULL, &de);
+ DPri("err %d\n", err);
+ return de;
+int readdir_r(DIR *dirp, struct dirent *de, struct dirent **rde)
+ return rdu_readdir(dir, de, rde);
+int closedir(DIR *dir)
+ int err, fd;
+ struct statfs stfs;
+ errno = EBADF;
+ fd = dirfd(dir);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ goto out;
+ err = fstatfs(fd, &stfs);
+ if (err)
+ goto out;
+ if (stfs.f_type == AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC)
+ rdu_free(fd);
+ if (!rdu_dl_closedir())
+ err = real_closedir(dir);
+ out:
+ return err;
+#if 0
+extern DIR *opendir (__const char *__name) __nonnull ((1));
+extern int closedir (DIR *__dirp) __nonnull ((1));
+extern struct dirent *__REDIRECT (readdir, (DIR *__dirp), readdir64)
+ __nonnull ((1));
+extern struct dirent64 *readdir64 (DIR *__dirp) __nonnull ((1));
+extern int readdir_r (DIR *__restrict __dirp,
+ struct dirent *__restrict __entry,
+ struct dirent **__restrict __result)
+ __nonnull ((1, 2, 3));
+extern int readdir64_r (DIR *__restrict __dirp,
+ struct dirent64 *__restrict __entry,
+ struct dirent64 **__restrict __result)
+ __nonnull ((1, 2, 3));
+extern void rewinddir (DIR *__dirp) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
+extern void seekdir (DIR *__dirp, long int __pos) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
+extern long int telldir (DIR *__dirp) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
+extern int dirfd (DIR *__dirp) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
+extern int scandir (__const char *__restrict __dir,
+ struct dirent ***__restrict __namelist,
+ int (*__selector) (__const struct dirent *),
+ int (*__cmp) (__const void *, __const void *))
+ __nonnull ((1, 2));
+extern int scandir64 (__const char *__restrict __dir,
+ struct dirent64 ***__restrict __namelist,
+ int (*__selector) (__const struct dirent64 *),
+ int (*__cmp) (__const void *, __const void *))
+ __nonnull ((1, 2));
+extern int alphasort (__const void *__e1, __const void *__e2)
+ __THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
+extern int alphasort64 (__const void *__e1, __const void *__e2)
+ __THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
+extern int versionsort (__const void *__e1, __const void *__e2)
+ __THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
+extern int versionsort64 (__const void *__e1, __const void *__e2)
+ __THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1, 2));
+extern __ssize_t getdirentries (int __fd, char *__restrict __buf,
+ size_t __nbytes,
+ __off_t *__restrict __basep)
+ __THROW __nonnull ((2, 4));
+extern __ssize_t getdirentries64 (int __fd, char *__restrict __buf,
+ size_t __nbytes,
+ __off64_t *__restrict __basep)
+ __THROW __nonnull ((2, 4));
diff --git a/package/aufs2-util/src/umount.aufs b/package/aufs2-util/src/umount.aufs
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..395689236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/aufs2-util/src/umount.aufs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/bin/sh -
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro Okajima
+# This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# The main purpose of this script is calling auplink.
+export PATH
+set -e
+#set -x; echo $0 $@
+auplink "$dev" flush
+exec umount -i $@ "$dev"
diff --git a/package/base-files/extra/init b/package/base-files/extra/init
index f8021f286..4b4e90213 100755
--- a/package/base-files/extra/init
+++ b/package/base-files/extra/init
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-echo "Starting system"
+echo "Pre-boot initializing"
export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
mount -nt proc proc /proc
size=$(awk '/MemTotal:/ { if ($2 > 16000) { print 4096 } else { print 2048 }}' /proc/meminfo)
@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@ mount -o remount,rw /
cat /etc/.rnd >/dev/urandom 2>&1
[ -f /etc/fstab ] && mount -a
[ -x /sbin/cfgfs ] && { cfgfs setup; mount -o remount,ro /;}
+echo "Starting system"
exec /sbin/init
diff --git a/package/cfgfs/Makefile b/package/cfgfs/Makefile
index 790f536fc..50d571e90 100644
--- a/package/cfgfs/Makefile
+++ b/package/cfgfs/Makefile
@@ -27,5 +27,8 @@ do-install:
${INSTALL_BIN} ${WRKBUILD}/fwcf.helper.out ${IDIR_CFGFS}/sbin/cfgfs.helper
+ifeq ($(ARCH),cris)
+ ${INSTALL_BIN} ${WRKBUILD}/mtd ${IDIR_CFGFS}/sbin/mtd
include ${TOPDIR}/mk/
diff --git a/package/cryptinit/ b/package/cryptinit/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..664186378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/cryptinit/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ prompt "cryptinit............................. crypt initramfs application"
+ tristate
+ default n
+ help
+ For encrypted root filesystems and fast bootup.
diff --git a/package/cryptinit/Makefile b/package/cryptinit/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f186247f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/cryptinit/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
+# material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
+include ${TOPDIR}/
+PKG_NAME:= cryptinit
+PKG_VERSION:= 1.0.2
+PKG_DESCR:= init for encrypted rootfilesystem
+include ${TOPDIR}/mk/
+BUILD_STYLE:= manual
+ mkdir -p ${WRKBUILD}
+ ${TARGET_CC} ${TCPPFLAGS} ${TCFLAGS} -c -o ${WRKBUILD}/cryptinit.o \
+ ./src/cryptinit.c
+ ( cd ${WRKBUILD}; \
+ ${TARGET_CC} -static -o cryptinit cryptinit.o \
+ ${STAGING_DIR}/usr/lib/libcryptsetup.a \
+ -L${STAGING_DIR}/lib -L${STAGING_DIR}/usr/lib \
+ -ldevmapper -lpthread \
+ ${STAGING_DIR}/usr/lib/libgcrypt.a \
+ ${STAGING_DIR}/usr/lib/libgpg-error.a \
+ -luuid -Wl,--rpath -Wl,${STAGING_DIR}/usr/lib \
+ );
+ $(CP) ./files/initramfs_list $(LINUX_DIR)
+ $(CP) ${WRKBUILD}/cryptinit $(LINUX_DIR)
+include ${TOPDIR}/mk/
diff --git a/package/cryptinit/files/initramfs_list b/package/cryptinit/files/initramfs_list
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..caa30ece3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/cryptinit/files/initramfs_list
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+dir /dev 755 0 0
+dir /dev/mapper 755 0 0
+dir /proc 755 0 0
+dir /sys 755 0 0
+dir /mnt 755 0 0
+nod /dev/console 644 0 0 c 5 1
+nod /dev/tty 660 0 0 c 5 0
+nod /dev/tty0 600 0 0 c 4 0
+nod /dev/sda 644 0 0 b 8 0
+nod /dev/sda1 644 0 0 b 8 1
+nod /dev/sda2 644 0 0 b 8 2
+nod /dev/sda3 644 0 0 b 8 3
+nod /dev/sda4 644 0 0 b 8 4
+nod /dev/null 644 0 0 c 1 3
+nod /dev/mapper/control 644 0 0 c 10 62
+nod /dev/urandom 644 0 0 c 1 9
+file /init ./cryptinit 755 0 0
diff --git a/package/cryptinit/src/cryptinit.c b/package/cryptinit/src/cryptinit.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0d570846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/cryptinit/src/cryptinit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+ * cryptinit 1.0.2 - setup encrypted root/swap system using LUKS
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Waldemar Brodkorb <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Phil Sutter <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * strongly based on ideas and work from Phil Sutter
+ *;a=summary
+ * - used with cryptsetup 1.0.6 (needs a small cryptsetup-patch)
+ * - see comment at the end of file for a useful initramfs filelist
+ * - compile and link with following commands to get a static init
+ * gcc -Wall -c -o init.o cryptinit.c
+ * libtool --mode=link --tag=CC gcc -all-static -o init init.o \
+ * /usr/lib/
+ */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <libcryptsetup.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/reboot.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#define HOSTNAME "linux"
+#define DOMAINNAME ""
+#define CRYPT_SWAP_DEV "/dev/sda3"
+#define CRYPT_SWAP_NAME "swap"
+#define CRYPT_ROOT_DEV "/dev/sda2"
+#define CRYPT_ROOT_NAME "root"
+#define PROCPATH "/proc"
+#define SYSPATH "/sys"
+#define PROCFS "proc"
+#define SYSFS "sysfs"
+#define DEF_KERN_CONS "/dev/console"
+#define DEF_KERN_SWAP "/dev/mapper/swap"
+#define DEF_KERN_ROOT_SRC "/dev/mapper/root"
+#define DEF_KERN_ROOT_TGT "/mnt"
+#define DEF_KERN_ROOT_FS "xfs"
+#define DEF_KERN_INIT "/start"
+#define DEF_KERN_RUNLEVEL "3"
+#ifndef MS_MOVE
+#define MS_MOVE 8192
+/* a structure for holding options to mount() a device */
+struct mntopts {
+ char *source;
+ char *target;
+ char *fstype;
+ unsigned long flags;
+/* a structure for holding kernel boot parameters */
+struct commandline {
+ struct mntopts root;
+ char *init;
+ char *resume;
+ char *runlevel;
+ ushort do_resume;
+ ushort debug;
+struct commandline cmdline;
+void debug_printf(const char *format, ...) {
+ va_list params;
+ if(cmdline.debug) {
+ va_start(params, format);
+ vprintf(format, params);
+ va_end(params);
+ }
+void debug_msg(const char *s) {
+ if(cmdline.debug)
+ fputs(s, stderr);
+void log_msg(const char *s) {
+ fputs(s, stdout);
+/* logging function from cryptsetup library */
+static void cmdLineLog(int class, char *msg) {
+ switch(class) {
+ debug_msg(msg);
+ break;
+ debug_msg(msg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "Internal error for msg: %s", msg);
+ break;
+ }
+int switch_root(char *console, char *newroot, char *init, char *initarg) {
+ if (chdir(newroot)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"bad newroot %s\n",newroot);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Overmount / with newdir and chroot into it. The chdir is needed to
+ * recalculate "." and ".." links. */
+ if (mount(".", "/", NULL, MS_MOVE, NULL) || chroot(".") || chdir("/")) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"switch_root: error moving root\n");
+ return 2;
+ }
+ /* If a new console specified, redirect stdin/stdout/stderr to that. */
+ if (console) {
+ close(0);
+ if(open(console, O_RDWR) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Bad console '%s'\n",console);
+ return 4;
+ }
+ dup2(0, 1);
+ dup2(0, 2);
+ }
+ log_msg("Starting Linux from encrypted root disk\n");
+ /* Exec real init. (This is why we must be pid 1.) */
+ execl(init, init, (char *)NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Bad init '%s'\n",init);
+ return 3;
+char *read_cmdline(void) {
+ FILE *fp;
+ int linelen, i;
+ char *str;
+ if((fp=fopen("/proc/cmdline","r")) == NULL) {
+ perror("fopen()");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ linelen = 10;
+ str = calloc(linelen, sizeof(char));
+ for(i=0;(str[i]=fgetc(fp)) != EOF; i++) {
+ if(i>linelen-1) {
+ linelen += 10;
+ if((str=realloc(str, linelen)) == NULL) {
+ perror("realloc()");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ str[i-1] = '\0'; /* substitutes \n for \0 */
+ fclose(fp);
+ return str;
+int parse_cmdline(char *line) {
+ int tmpnum;
+ char *tmpstr, *lstr, *rstr, *idx;
+ char *invchars[1];
+ tmpstr = strtok(line, " ");
+ do {
+ if((idx=strchr(tmpstr, '=')) != NULL) {
+ rstr = idx + 1;
+ idx = '\0';
+ lstr = tmpstr;
+ if(!strncmp(lstr, "rootfstype", 10)) {
+ cmdline.root.fstype = rstr;
+ } else if(!strncmp(lstr, "root", 4)) {
+ cmdline.root.source = rstr;
+ } else if(!strncmp(lstr, "init", 4)) {
+ cmdline.init = rstr;
+ } else if(!strncmp(lstr, "resume", 6)) {
+ cmdline.resume = rstr;
+ }
+ } else if(!strncmp(tmpstr, "noresume", 8)) {
+ cmdline.do_resume = 0;
+ } else if(!strncmp(tmpstr, "debug", 5)) {
+ cmdline.debug=1;
+ } else if(strlen(tmpstr) == 1) {
+ tmpnum = (int)strtol(tmpstr, invchars, 10);
+ if(**invchars == '\0' && tmpnum >= 0) {
+ cmdline.runlevel = tmpstr;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(cmdline.debug)
+ printf("unknown bootparam flag %s\n",tmpstr);
+ }
+ } while((tmpstr = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL);
+ debug_printf("\n Bootparams scanned:\n");
+ debug_printf("root\t%s\nrootfstype\t%s\ninit\t%s\nresume\t%s\ndo_resume\t%i\n",
+ cmdline.root.source,cmdline.root.fstype,cmdline.init,cmdline.resume,cmdline.do_resume);
+ debug_printf("debug\t%i\nrunlevel\t%s\n\n",
+ cmdline.debug,cmdline.runlevel);
+ return 0;
+int get_cmdline() {
+ char *str;
+ /* first set some useful defaults */
+ cmdline.root.source = DEF_KERN_ROOT_SRC;
+ cmdline.root.fstype = DEF_KERN_ROOT_FS;
+ cmdline.root.flags = MS_RDONLY;
+ cmdline.init = DEF_KERN_INIT;
+ cmdline.resume = DEF_KERN_SWAP;
+ cmdline.do_resume = 1;
+ cmdline.debug = 0;
+ cmdline.runlevel = DEF_KERN_RUNLEVEL;
+ /* read out cmdline from /proc */
+ str = read_cmdline();
+ /* parse the cmdline */
+ if(parse_cmdline(str))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+void kmsg_log(int level) {
+ FILE *fd;
+ debug_msg("Finetune kernel log\n");
+ if((fd = fopen("/proc/sys/kernel/printk", "r+")) == NULL) {
+ perror("fopen()");
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(fd, "%d", level);
+ fclose(fd);
+void do_resume(void) {
+ FILE *fd;
+ debug_msg("Running tuxonice-resume\n");
+ if((fd = fopen("/sys/power/tuxonice/do_resume", "a")) == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(fd, "1\n");
+ fclose(fd);
+void do_halt(void) {
+ int pid;
+ /* run sync just to be sure */
+ sync();
+ /* fork to prevent a kernel panic while killing init */
+ if((pid=fork()) == 0) {
+ reboot(0x4321fedc);
+ _exit(0);
+ }
+ waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
+int do_mount(struct mntopts o) {
+ debug_printf("do_mount: mounting %s with fstype %s\n", o.source, o.fstype);
+ if(mount(o.source,, o.fstype, o.flags, NULL)) {
+ perror("mount()");
+ debug_printf("do_mount: mounting %s with fstype %s\n failed", o.source, o.fstype);
+ return errno;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int main(void) {
+ char errormsg[100];
+ int i;
+ int wrongpass;
+ char *pass;
+ struct utsname info;
+ int ret;
+ const char hostname[20] = HOSTNAME;
+ const char domainname[20] = DOMAINNAME;
+ struct crypt_options options;
+ struct interface_callbacks cmd_icb;
+ struct mntopts mopts[2] = {
+ { "proc", PROCPATH, PROCFS, 0 },
+ { "sysfs", SYSPATH, SYSFS, 0 }
+ };
+ /* need to set callback functions, log is required */
+ cmd_icb.yesDialog = NULL;
+ cmd_icb.log = cmdLineLog;
+ /* first try to mount needed virtual filesystems */
+ if(do_mount(mopts[0]) || do_mount(mopts[1])) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error mounting %s and %s\n",
+ exit(errno);
+ }
+ /* get kernel command line */
+ if(get_cmdline() == -1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse kernel commandline\n");
+ exit(errno);
+ }
+ /* keep kernel quiet while asking for password */
+ kmsg_log(0);
+ /* first unlock swap partition for resume */
+ memset(&options, 0, sizeof(struct crypt_options));
+ options.device = CRYPT_SWAP_DEV;
+ options.icb = &cmd_icb;
+ ret = uname(&info);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error calling uname\n");
+ /* security by obscurity */
+ printf("This is %s.%s (Linux %s %s)\n", hostname, domainname, info.machine, info.release);
+ printf("%s login: ", hostname);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ while(getchar() != '\n');
+ /* unlock swap */
+ debug_msg("Unlocking Swap\n");
+ for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
+ /* ask user for password */
+ if((pass=getpass("Password: ")) == NULL) {
+ perror("getpass()");
+ return errno;
+ }
+ options.passphrase = pass;
+ /* try to unlock swap */
+ if((wrongpass=crypt_luksOpen(&options))) {
+ printf("Login incorrect\n");
+ crypt_get_error(errormsg, 99);
+ debug_printf("Error: %s\n", errormsg);
+ } else { /* success */
+ if(i > 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%i incorrect attempts\n",i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(wrongpass) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Panic - you are not allowed!\n");
+ sleep(3);
+ do_halt();
+ }
+ /* try to resume here */
+ if(cmdline.do_resume) {
+ debug_msg("Trying to resume from swap\n");
+ do_resume();
+ debug_msg("Resume failed, starting normal boot\n");
+ }
+ /* resume returned, starting normal boot */
+ options.device = CRYPT_ROOT_DEV;
+ /* unlock root device */
+ debug_msg("Unlocking Root\n");
+ if(crypt_luksOpen(&options)) {
+ perror("crypt_luksOpen()");
+ crypt_get_error(errormsg, 99);
+ debug_printf("Error: %s\n", errormsg);
+ }
+ /* mount root filesystem */
+ if(do_mount(cmdline.root)) {
+ puts("Error mounting root");
+ exit(errno);
+ }
+ kmsg_log(6);
+ /* no need for /sys anymore */
+ debug_msg("Unmounting /sys\n");
+ if(umount("/sys"))
+ perror("umount()");
+ /* no need for /proc anymore */
+ debug_msg("Unmounting /proc\n");
+ if(umount("/proc"))
+ perror("umount()");
+ /* remove password from RAM */
+ memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass)*sizeof(char));
+ debug_msg("Switching root\n");
+ switch_root(DEF_KERN_CONS,, cmdline.init, cmdline.runlevel);
+ return(0);
+example initramfs file list:
+dir /dev 755 0 0
+dir /dev/mapper 755 0 0
+dir /proc 755 0 0
+dir /sys 755 0 0
+dir /mnt 755 0 0
+nod /dev/console 644 0 0 c 5 1
+nod /dev/tty 660 0 0 c 5 0
+nod /dev/tty0 600 0 0 c 4 0
+nod /dev/sda 644 0 0 b 8 0
+nod /dev/sda1 644 0 0 b 8 1
+nod /dev/sda2 644 0 0 b 8 2
+nod /dev/sda3 644 0 0 b 8 3
+nod /dev/sda4 644 0 0 b 8 4
+nod /dev/null 644 0 0 c 1 3
+nod /dev/mapper/control 644 0 0 c 10 62
+nod /dev/urandom 644 0 0 c 1 9
+file /init /usr/src/init 755 0 0
+cryptsetup patch:
+Index: lib/setup.c
+--- lib/setup.c (revision 40)
++++ lib/setup.c (working copy)
+@@ -538,10 +538,17 @@
+ start:
+ mk=NULL;
+- if(get_key("Enter LUKS passphrase: ",&password,&passwordLen, 0, options->key_file, options->passphrase_fd, options->timeout, options->flags))
+- tries--;
+- else
+- tries = 0;
++ if(options->passphrase) {
++ password = NULL;
++ password = safe_alloc(512);
++ strcpy(password, options->passphrase);
++ passwordLen = strlen(password);
++ } else {
++ if(get_key("Enter LUKS passphrase: ",&password,&passwordLen, 0, options->key_file, options->passphrase_fd, options->timeout, options->flags))
++ tries--;
++ else
++ tries = 0;
++ }
+ if(!password) {
+ r = -EINVAL; goto out;
diff --git a/package/libc/Makefile b/package/libc/Makefile
index 786b3f32f..afc9ef32d 100644
--- a/package/libc/Makefile
+++ b/package/libc/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/
PKG_NAME:= libc
+PKG_DESCR:= C library
include $(TOPDIR)/mk/
diff --git a/package/openssl/Makefile b/package/openssl/Makefile
index 47ab4ac56..559cf7565 100644
--- a/package/openssl/Makefile
+++ b/package/openssl/Makefile
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ include ${TOPDIR}/mk/
$(eval $(call PKG_template,LIBOPENSSL,libopenssl,${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS},${PKG_DESCR},${PKG_SECTION}))
$(eval $(call PKG_template,OPENSSL_UTIL,openssl-util,${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS_1},${PKG_DESCR_1},${PKG_SECTION_1}))
-$(eval $(call PKG_template,CA_CERTS,ca-certificates,${PKG_VERSION}-${CACERT_VER},,${PKG_DESCR_2},${PKG_SECTION_2}))
BUILD_STYLE:= manual
INSTALL_STYLE:= auto confprog
diff --git a/package/openssl/files/ca-certificates.conffiles b/package/openssl/files/ca-certificates.conffiles
deleted file mode 100644
index 8121eba55..000000000
--- a/package/openssl/files/ca-certificates.conffiles
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/target/ b/target/
index 2fff7ea52..b9c9b9043 100644
--- a/target/
+++ b/target/
@@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ config ADK_TARGET_ROOTFS_INITRAMFS
create an read-only initramfs system.
@@ -418,6 +418,33 @@ config ADK_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2
Use this option if your rootfs is ext2.
+ bool "Encrypted read-write root filesystem"
+ depends on ADK_LINUX_MIPS64_LEMOTE
+ help
+ Use this option if you want an encrypted rootfs.
+ Default is XFS filesystem. Use following commands to setup
+ your hard disk, after booting via NFS or USB:
+ cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2
+ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 crypt
+ mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/crypt
+ mount /dev/mapper/crypt /mnt
+ tar xzvf lemote-mips-encryptedroot.tar.gz -C /mnt
+ umount /mnt
+ mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
+ cp lemote-mips-kernel /mnt/
+ mkdir /mnt/boot
+ Create boot.cfg ...
config ADK_SSP
diff --git a/target/Makefile b/target/Makefile
index 73887ca5c..82484ad98 100644
--- a/target/Makefile
+++ b/target/Makefile
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ config-prepare: $(TOPDIR)/.config
# if native build, first try /proc/config.gz
ifeq ($(ADK_NATIVE),y)
- @if [ -f /proc/config.gz ];then zcat /proc/config.gz > ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; else cp ${DEVICE}/kernel.config ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; fi
+ @if [ -f /proc/config.gz ];then zcat /proc/config.gz > ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; else cp ${DEVICE}/kernel.config.$(CPU_ARCH) ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; fi
@cp ${DEVICE}/kernel.config ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board
diff --git a/target/foxboard/files/etc/network/interfaces b/target/foxboard/files/etc/network/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..104c1a1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/foxboard/files/etc/network/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet dhcp
diff --git a/target/foxboard/kernel.config b/target/foxboard/kernel.config
index 3cd568a60..e4f870878 100644
--- a/target/foxboard/kernel.config
+++ b/target/foxboard/kernel.config
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF=y
# CONFIG_HAVE_AOUT is not set
-CONFIG_ETRAX_CMDLINE="init=/init console=ttyS0,115200"
diff --git a/target/foxboard/patches/cris.patch b/target/foxboard/patches/cris.patch
index 20dc5121c..5914a4ab5 100644
--- a/target/foxboard/patches/cris.patch
+++ b/target/foxboard/patches/cris.patch
@@ -1,61 +1,6 @@
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
---- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:37.850545072 +0200
-@@ -168,6 +168,12 @@
- help
- Size of DRAM (decimal in MB) typically 2, 8 or 16.
-+ hex "MTD size (hex)"
-+ default "0x00800000"
-+ help
-+ Size of MTD device typically 4 or 8 MB.
- int "Video memory size (dec, in MB)"
- depends on ETRAX_ARCH_V32 && !ETRAXFS
-@@ -273,7 +279,7 @@
- select MTD_CHAR
-- select MTD_BLOCK
-+ select MTD_BLOCK_RO
- select MTD_CONCAT
-@@ -662,6 +668,11 @@
- source "drivers/ide/Kconfig"
-+#mysteriously part of this standard linux driver was removed from cris build! -
-+source "drivers/scsi/Kconfig"
-+source "drivers/media/Kconfig"
- source "drivers/net/Kconfig"
- source "drivers/i2c/Kconfig"
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
---- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:37.850545072 +0200
-@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@
- LD = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ld -mcrislinux
--OBJCOPYFLAGS := -O binary -R .note -R .comment -S
-+OBJCOPYFLAGS := -O binary -R .note -R -R .comment
- KBUILD_AFLAGS += -mlinux -march=$(arch-y) $(inc)
--KBUILD_CFLAGS += -mlinux -march=$(arch-y) -pipe $(inc)
-+KBUILD_CFLAGS += -mlinux -march=$(arch-y) -pipe -fno-peephole2 $(inc)
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:49.807658902 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -122,19 +122,19 @@
static struct mtd_partition axis_default_partitions[NUM_DEFAULT_PARTITIONS] = {
@@ -187,9 +132,9 @@ diff -Nur linux- /tmp/lin
return err;
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:49.811661367 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/bcd.h>
@@ -222,9 +167,9 @@ diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-2.6
return 0;
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:49.811661367 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include <linux/poll.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
@@ -258,18 +203,18 @@ diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-2.6.3
/* Clear all leds */
#if defined (CONFIG_ETRAX_CSP0_LEDS) || defined (CONFIG_ETRAX_PA_LEDS) || defined (CONFIG_ETRAX_PB_LEDS)
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:49.811661367 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -60,3 +60,5 @@
.dword R_PORT_PB_SET
.dword 0 ; No more register values
+ .ascii "ACME_PART_MAGIC"
+ .dword 0xdeadc0de
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:49.811661367 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -184,6 +184,9 @@
free_area_init_node(0, zones_size, PAGE_OFFSET >> PAGE_SHIFT, 0);
@@ -280,9 +225,149 @@ diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
/* Initialize remaps of some I/O-ports. It is important that this
* is called before any driver is initialized.
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 13:22:41.000000000 +0200
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ OBJECTS-$(CONFIG_ETRAX_ARCH_V32) = $(obj)/head_v32.o
+ OBJECTS-$(CONFIG_ETRAX_ARCH_V10) = $(obj)/head_v10.o
+ OBJECTS= $(OBJECTS-y) $(obj)/misc.o
+-OBJCOPYFLAGS = -O binary --remove-section=.bss
++#OBJCOPYFLAGS = -O binary --remove-section=.bss
+ quiet_cmd_image = BUILD $@
+ cmd_image = cat $(obj)/decompress.bin $(obj)/piggy.gz > $@
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:56:32.000000000 +0200
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
+ static void flush_window(void);
+ static void error(char *m);
+-static void puts(const char *);
++static void putstr(const char *);
+ extern char *input_data; /* lives in head.S */
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
+ }
+ #endif
+-static void puts(const char *s)
++static void putstr(const char *s)
+ {
+ while (*s) {
+@@ -233,9 +233,9 @@
+ static void error(char *x)
+ {
+- puts("\n\n");
+- puts(x);
+- puts("\n\n -- System halted\n");
++ putstr("\n\n");
++ putstr(x);
++ putstr("\n\n -- System halted\n");
+ while(1); /* Halt */
+ }
+@@ -378,14 +378,14 @@
+ __asm__ volatile ("move $vr,%0" : "=rm" (revision));
+ if (revision < compile_rev) {
+- puts("You need an ETRAX FS to run Linux 2.6/crisv32\n");
++ putstr("You need an ETRAX FS to run Linux 2.6/crisv32\n");
+ #else
+- puts("You need an ETRAX 100LX to run linux 2.6\n");
++ putstr("You need an ETRAX 100LX to run linux 2.6\n");
+ #endif
+ while(1);
+ }
+- puts("Uncompressing Linux...\n");
++ putstr("Uncompressing Linux...\n");
+ gunzip();
+- puts("Done. Now booting the kernel\n");
++ putstr("Done. Now booting the kernel\n");
+ }
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 13:23:10.000000000 +0200
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ objcopyflags-$(CONFIG_ETRAX_ARCH_V10) += -R .note -R .comment
+ objcopyflags-$(CONFIG_ETRAX_ARCH_V32) += --remove-section=.bss
+-OBJCOPYFLAGS = -O binary $(objcopyflags-y)
++#OBJCOPYFLAGS = -O binary $(objcopyflags-y)
+ subdir- := compressed rescue
+@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
+ $(obj)/compressed/vmlinux: $(obj)/Image FORCE
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(obj)/compressed $@
+- $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(obj)/rescue $(obj)/rescue/rescue.bin
+ $(obj)/zImage: $(obj)/compressed/vmlinux
+ @cp $< $@
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
+@@ -168,6 +168,12 @@
+ help
+ Size of DRAM (decimal in MB) typically 2, 8 or 16.
++ hex "MTD size (hex)"
++ default "0x00800000"
++ help
++ Size of MTD device typically 4 or 8 MB.
+ int "Video memory size (dec, in MB)"
+ depends on ETRAX_ARCH_V32 && !ETRAXFS
+@@ -273,7 +279,7 @@
+ select MTD_CHAR
+- select MTD_BLOCK
++ select MTD_BLOCK_RO
+ select MTD_CONCAT
+@@ -662,6 +668,11 @@
+ source "drivers/ide/Kconfig"
++#mysteriously part of this standard linux driver was removed from cris build! -
++source "drivers/scsi/Kconfig"
++source "drivers/media/Kconfig"
+ source "drivers/net/Kconfig"
+ source "drivers/i2c/Kconfig"
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 13:23:50.000000000 +0200
+@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@
+ LD = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ld -mcrislinux
+-OBJCOPYFLAGS := -O binary -R .note -R .comment -S
++OBJCOPYFLAGS := -O binary -R .bss -R .note -R -R .comment -S
+ KBUILD_AFLAGS += -mlinux -march=$(arch-y) $(inc)
+-KBUILD_CFLAGS += -mlinux -march=$(arch-y) -pipe $(inc)
++KBUILD_CFLAGS += -mlinux -march=$(arch-y) -pipe -fno-peephole2 $(inc)
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:49.811661367 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@
static void
e100_netpoll(struct net_device* netdev)
@@ -292,9 +377,9 @@ diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:58:30.409697920 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
@@ -336,28 +421,9 @@ diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
return 0;
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
---- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:57:11.704787130 +0200
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- obj-$(CONFIG_USB_R8A66597_HCD) += host/
- obj-$(CONFIG_USB_HWA_HCD) += host/
- obj-$(CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_HCD) += host/
-+obj-$(CONFIG_ETRAX_USB_HOST) += host/
- obj-$(CONFIG_USB_C67X00_HCD) += c67x00/
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
---- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:49.819660151 +0200
-@@ -29,3 +29,4 @@
- obj-$(CONFIG_USB_R8A66597_HCD) += r8a66597-hcd.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_HCD) += isp1760.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_USB_HWA_HCD) += hwa-hc.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_ETRAX_USB_HOST) += hc-crisv10.o
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:49.839661303 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+/* macros for debug output */
@@ -505,9 +571,9 @@ diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+ }; \
+ s; \
+ })
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 20:04:48.211654313 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4801 @@
+ *
@@ -5310,9 +5376,9 @@ diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+/* Module hooks */
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:50.199684523 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+#ifndef __LINUX_ETRAX_USB_H
+#define __LINUX_ETRAX_USB_H
@@ -5645,9 +5711,28 @@ diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+#define USB_SB_command__full__yes 1
-diff -Nur linux- /tmp/linux-
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
+@@ -29,3 +29,4 @@
+ obj-$(CONFIG_USB_R8A66597_HCD) += r8a66597-hcd.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_HCD) += isp1760.o
+ obj-$(CONFIG_USB_HWA_HCD) += hwa-hc.o
++obj-$(CONFIG_ETRAX_USB_HOST) += hc-crisv10.o
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ obj-$(CONFIG_USB_R8A66597_HCD) += host/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_USB_HWA_HCD) += host/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_HCD) += host/
++obj-$(CONFIG_ETRAX_USB_HOST) += host/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_USB_C67X00_HCD) += c67x00/
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ /tmp/linux- 2009-08-20 18:55:50.199684523 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 12:37:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
knode->n_klist = klist;
diff --git a/target/foxboard/patches/mtd-root.patch b/target/foxboard/patches/mtd-root.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3576848be..000000000
--- a/target/foxboard/patches/mtd-root.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nur linux- linux-
---- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
-+++ linux- 2009-05-02 19:24:14.444062164 +0200
-@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@
- should normally be compiled as kernel modules. The modules perform
- various checks and verifications when loaded.
-+ bool "Automatically set 'rootfs' partition to be root filesystem"
-+ depends on MTD_PARTITIONS
-+ default y
- tristate "RedBoot partition table parsing"
- depends on MTD_PARTITIONS
-diff -Nur linux- linux-
---- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
-+++ linux- 2009-05-02 19:26:39.038093851 +0200
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- #include <linux/mtd/mtd.h>
- #include <linux/mtd/partitions.h>
- #include <linux/mtd/compatmac.h>
-+#include <linux/root_dev.h>
- /* Our partition linked list */
- static LIST_HEAD(mtd_partitions);
-@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
- * the pointer to that structure with this macro.
- */
- #define PART(x) ((struct mtd_part *)(x))
-+#define IS_PART(mtd) (mtd->read == part_read)
- /*
- * MTD methods which simply translate the effective address and pass through
-@@ -502,14 +503,23 @@
- {
- struct mtd_part *slave;
- uint64_t cur_offset = 0;
-- int i;
-+ int i, j, ret;
- printk(KERN_NOTICE "Creating %d MTD partitions on \"%s\":\n", nbparts, master->name);
-- for (i = 0; i < nbparts; i++) {
-- slave = add_one_partition(master, parts + i, i, cur_offset);
-+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nbparts; i++) {
-+ slave = add_one_partition(master, parts + i, j++, cur_offset);
- if (!slave)
- return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (!strcmp(parts[i].name, "rootfs") && slave->registered) {
-+ if (ROOT_DEV == 0) {
-+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "mtd: partition \"rootfs\" "
-+ "set to be root filesystem\n");
-+ ROOT_DEV = MKDEV(MTD_BLOCK_MAJOR, slave->mtd.index);
-+ }
-+ }
- cur_offset = slave->offset + slave->mtd.size;
- }
diff --git a/target/ibm-x40/Makefile b/target/ibm-x40/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ea9d04c0..000000000
--- a/target/ibm-x40/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
-# material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
-include $(TOPDIR)/
-include $(TOPDIR)/mk/
-include $(TOPDIR)/mk/
-include $(TOPDIR)/mk/
-include $(TOPDIR)/mk/
-ifeq ($(FS),initramfs)
-imageinstall: $(BIN_DIR)/$(INITRAMFS)
- cp $(LINUX_DIR)/arch/x86/boot/bzImage $(BIN_DIR)/${DEVICE}-${ARCH}-kernel
- @echo 'The kernel file is: ${BIN_DIR}/${DEVICE}-${ARCH}-kernel'
- @echo 'The initramfs image is: ${BIN_DIR}/${INITRAMFS}'
diff --git a/target/ibm-x40/ b/target/ibm-x40/
deleted file mode 100644
index c46a2a639..000000000
--- a/target/ibm-x40/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-ARCH:= x86
-CPU_ARCH:= i686
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
-TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=pentium-m
diff --git a/target/ibm-x40/files/etc/inittab b/target/ibm-x40/files/etc/inittab
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab5cbe41..000000000
--- a/target/ibm-x40/files/etc/inittab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-tty1::respawn:/sbin/getty -i -L tty1 115200 vt100
diff --git a/target/ibm-x40/files/etc/mdev.conf b/target/ibm-x40/files/etc/mdev.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 82171d8ed..000000000
--- a/target/ibm-x40/files/etc/mdev.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-rtc0 root:root 660 @ln -sf /dev/rtc0 /dev/rtc
-device-mapper 0:0 660 @mkdir /dev/mapper
-tun 0:0 660 >net/tun
-null 0:0 777
-zero 0:0 666
-u?random 0:0 644
-console 0:0 0600
-kmem 0:0 000
-mem 0:0 0640
-port 0:0 0640
-ptmx 0:0 666
-tty 0:0 0660
-ttyS* 0:0 640
-.* 0:0 644 @/lib/mdev/init
diff --git a/target/ibm-x40/uclibc.config b/target/ibm-x40/uclibc.config
deleted file mode 100644
index ed46e1519..000000000
--- a/target/ibm-x40/uclibc.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
-# Version: 0.9.30
-# Mon Dec 1 19:41:35 2008
-# TARGET_alpha is not set
-# TARGET_arm is not set
-# TARGET_avr32 is not set
-# TARGET_bfin is not set
-# TARGET_cris is not set
-# TARGET_e1 is not set
-# TARGET_frv is not set
-# TARGET_h8300 is not set
-# TARGET_hppa is not set
-# TARGET_i960 is not set
-# TARGET_ia64 is not set
-# TARGET_m68k is not set
-# TARGET_microblaze is not set
-# TARGET_mips is not set
-# TARGET_nios is not set
-# TARGET_nios2 is not set
-# TARGET_powerpc is not set
-# TARGET_sh is not set
-# TARGET_sh64 is not set
-# TARGET_sparc is not set
-# TARGET_v850 is not set
-# TARGET_vax is not set
-# TARGET_x86_64 is not set
-# TARGET_xtensa is not set
-# Target Architecture Features and Options
-# CONFIG_GENERIC_386 is not set
-# CONFIG_386 is not set
-# CONFIG_486 is not set
-# CONFIG_586 is not set
-# CONFIG_586MMX is not set
-# CONFIG_PENTIUMII is not set
-# CONFIG_PENTIUM4 is not set
-# CONFIG_K6 is not set
-# CONFIG_K7 is not set
-# CONFIG_ELAN is not set
-# CONFIG_CRUSOE is not set
-# CONFIG_WINCHIPC6 is not set
-# CONFIG_WINCHIP2 is not set
-# CONFIG_CYRIXIII is not set
-# CONFIG_NEHEMIAH is not set
-# Using ELF file format
-# Using Little Endian
-# General Library Settings
-# HAVE_NO_PIC is not set
-# ARCH_HAS_NO_SHARED is not set
-# ARCH_HAS_NO_LDSO is not set
-# HAS_NO_THREADS is not set
-# MALLOC is not set
-# MALLOC_SIMPLE is not set
-# UCLIBC_SUSV3_LEGACY is not set
-# UCLIBC_HAS_STUBS is not set
-# UCLIBC_HAS_GETPT is not set
-# Advanced Library Settings
-# Support various families of functions
-# UCLIBC_LINUX_MODULE_24 is not set
-# UCLIBC_NTP_LEGACY is not set
-# UCLIBC_HAS_IPV6 is not set
-# String and Stdio Support
-# UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE is not set
-# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_256 is not set
-# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_512 is not set
-# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_1024 is not set
-# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_2048 is not set
-# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_8192 is not set
-# Big and Tall
-# Library Installation Options
-# Security options
-# UCLIBC_BUILD_PIE is not set
-# HAVE_NO_SSP is not set
-# UCLIBC_HAS_SSP is not set
-# UCLIBC_BUILD_NOW is not set
-# uClibc development/debugging options
-# DODEBUG is not set
-# DODEBUG_PT is not set
-# DOASSERTS is not set
-# SUPPORT_LD_DEBUG is not set
-# EXTRA_WARNINGS is not set
-# DOMULTI is not set
-# UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY is not set
diff --git a/target/lemote/Makefile b/target/lemote/Makefile
index 4a4d4b78f..f354ad6a5 100644
--- a/target/lemote/Makefile
+++ b/target/lemote/Makefile
@@ -13,6 +13,15 @@ kernel-install:
$(KERNEL_CROSS)objcopy $(OSTRIP) -S $(LINUX_DIR)/vmlinux \
+ echo 'CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_UID=0' >> $(LINUX_DIR)/.config
+ echo 'CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_GID=0' >> $(LINUX_DIR)/.config
+ $(CP) $(LINUX_DIR)/arch/mips/loongson/image/vmlinuz \
+ $(BIN_DIR)/${DEVICE}-${ARCH}-kernel
ifeq ($(FS),nfsroot)
imageinstall: $(BIN_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL)
@echo 'The kernel file is: ${BIN_DIR}/${DEVICE}-${ARCH}-kernel'
@@ -22,6 +31,32 @@ imageinstall: $(BIN_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL)
@echo 'PMON> load tftp://<ip-address-server>/lemote-mips-kernel'
@echo 'PMON> g no_auto_cmd root=/dev/nfs ip=dhcp init=/init'
+ifeq ($(FS),encrypted)
+imageinstall: $(BIN_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL) createinit
+ @echo 'The kernel+cryptinit file is: ${BIN_DIR}/${DEVICE}-${ARCH}-kernel'
+ @echo "The RootFS tarball is: $(BIN_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL),"
+ @echo 'Boot your lemote via NFS or USB.'
+ @echo 'Then create at least three partitions with fdisk:'
+ @echo '/dev/sda1 (ext2)'
+ @echo '/dev/sda2 (encrypted root)'
+ @echo '/dev/sda3 (swap)'
+ @echo 'mkdir /mnt/{boot,root}'
+ @echo 'mke2fs /dev/sda1'
+ @echo 'mkfs.xfs /dev/sda2'
+ @echo 'cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2'
+ @echo 'cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda3'
+ @echo 'cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 crypt'
+ @echo 'mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot'
+ @echo 'mount /dev/mapper/crypt /mnt/root'
+ @echo 'mkdir /mnt/boot/boot'
+ @echo
+ @echo 'Copy $(ROOTFSTARBALL) via scp to /mnt/root and extract it'
+ @echo 'cd /mnt/root ; gunzip $(ROOTFSTARBALL); tar xpvf $(ROOTFSTARBALL)'
+ @echo 'Copy ${DEVICE}-${ARCH}-kernel via scp to /mnt/boot/boot'
+ @echo 'Move boot.cfg to /mnt/boot/boot'
+ @echo 'mv /mnt/root/boot/boot.cfg /mnt/boot/boot'
+ @echo 'cd /mnt/root ; mknod -m 644 console c 5 1'
ifeq ($(FS),initramfs)
imageinstall: $(BIN_DIR)/$(INITRAMFS)
@echo 'The kernel file is: ${BIN_DIR}/${DEVICE}-${ARCH}-kernel'
diff --git a/target/lemote/files/boot/boot.cfg b/target/lemote/files/boot/boot.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63f740928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/lemote/files/boot/boot.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+timeout 4
+default 0
+showmenu 1
+title Linux
+ kernel /dev/fs/ext2@wd0/boot/lemote-mips-kernel
+ args no_auto_cmd root=/dev/mapper/root resume=/dev/mapper/swap
diff --git a/target/lemote/files/etc/inittab b/target/lemote/files/etc/inittab
index b6dd0bd3b..f14e0d568 100644
--- a/target/lemote/files/etc/inittab
+++ b/target/lemote/files/etc/inittab
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-tty::respawn:/sbin/getty -i -L tty 115200 vt100
tty1::respawn:/sbin/getty -i -L tty1 115200 vt100
diff --git a/target/lemote/kernel.config b/target/lemote/kernel.config
index a1fc83cc1..95d638ee4 100644
--- a/target/lemote/kernel.config
+++ b/target/lemote/kernel.config
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
# Linux kernel version:
-# Sat Aug 22 13:14:36 2009
+# Sat Aug 22 17:10:45 2009
@@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=""
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_GZIP is not set
# CONFIG_KERNEL_BZIP2 is not set
-# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZMA is not set
@@ -212,7 +212,11 @@ CONFIG_LOG_BUF_SHIFT=15
# CONFIG_RELAY is not set
+# CONFIG_RD_GZIP is not set
+# CONFIG_RD_BZIP2 is not set
@@ -272,6 +276,7 @@ CONFIG_DEFAULT_AS=y
@@ -1240,6 +1245,7 @@ CONFIG_GENERIC_FIND_LAST_BIT=y
# CONFIG_CRC7 is not set
# CONFIG_LIBCRC32C is not set
diff --git a/target/linux/config/ b/target/linux/config/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb63ac931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ prompt "Aufs (Advanced multi layered unification filesystem) support"
+ tristate
+ help
+ Aufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs,
+ which unifies several directories and provides a merged single
+ directory.
+ In the early days, aufs was entirely re-designed and
+ re-implemented Unionfs Version 1.x series. Introducing many
+ original ideas, approaches and improvements, it becomes totally
+ different from Unionfs while keeping the basic features.
+ boolean "Maximum number of branches"
+ help
+ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
+ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
+ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
+ bool "127"
+ bool "511"
+ bool "1023"
+ bool "32767"
+ bool "Use inotify to detect actions on a branch"
+ help
+ If you want to modify files on branches directly, eg. bypassing aufs,
+ and want aufs to detect the changes of them fully, then enable this
+ option and use 'udba=inotify' mount option.
+ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
+ See detail in aufs.5.
+ bool "NFS-exportable aufs"
+ help
+ If you want to export your mounted aufs via NFS, then enable this
+ option. There are several requirements for this configuration.
+ See detail in aufs.5.
+ bool "Show whiteouts"
+ help
+ If you want to make the whiteouts in aufs visible, then enable
+ this option and specify 'shwh' mount option. Although it may
+ sounds like philosophy or something, but in technically it
+ simply shows the name of whiteout with keeping its behaviour.
+ bool "Ramfs (initramfs/rootfs) as an aufs branch"
+ help
+ If you want to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs, then enable this
+ Generally tmpfs is recommended.
+ hibited them to be a branch fs by default, because
+ s becomes unusable after switch_root or something
+ y. If you sets initramfs as an aufs branch and boot your
+ y switch_root, you will meet a problem easily since the
+ initramfs may be inaccessible.
+ ou are going to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs without
+ oot or something, leave it N.
+ bool "Fuse fs as an aufs branch"
+ help
+ If you want to use fuse-based userspace filesystem as an aufs
+ branch fs, then enable this option.
+ It implements the internal poll(2) operation which is
+ implemented by fuse only (curretnly).
+ bool "Debug aufs"
+ help
+ Enable this to compile aufs internal debug code.
+ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
diff --git a/target/linux/config/ b/target/linux/config/
index 5ceacf608..15c3f27d6 100644
--- a/target/linux/config/
+++ b/target/linux/config/
@@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ config ADK_KERNEL_BLK_DEV_SD
default n
+ boolean
+ default n
+ select ADK_KERNEL_MD
+ boolean
+ default n
# boolean
# default n
@@ -206,6 +215,7 @@ config ADK_KPACKAGE_KMOD_MD_RAID456
prompt "kmod-dm........................... Device Mapper support"
+ depends on !ADK_KERNEL_BLK_DEV_DM
Device-mapper is a low level volume manager. It works by allowing
@@ -218,6 +228,7 @@ config ADK_KPACKAGE_KMOD_BLK_DEV_DM
prompt "kmod-dm-crypt................... Crypt target support"
+ depends on !ADK_KERNEL_DM_CRYPT
diff --git a/target/linux/config/ b/target/linux/config/
index 8a7b534ca..2b90a6028 100644
--- a/target/linux/config/
+++ b/target/linux/config/
@@ -22,6 +22,18 @@ config ADK_KERNEL_OCF_OCF
+ boolean
+ default n
+ boolean
+ default n
+ boolean
+ default n
comment "Hardware cryptography"
menu "Hardware crypto devices"
@@ -136,6 +148,7 @@ config ADK_KPACKAGE_KMOD_CRYPTO_BLKCIPHER
prompt "kmod-crypto-cbc...................... CBC support"
default n
@@ -205,6 +218,7 @@ config ADK_KPACKAGE_KMOD_CRYPTO_SHA256
prompt "kmod-crypto-sha256................... SHA256 digest algorithm"
default n
+ depends on !ADK_KERNEL_CRYPTO_SHA256
@@ -267,6 +281,7 @@ config ADK_KPACKAGE_KMOD_CRYPTO_AES
prompt "kmod-crypto-aes...................... AES cipher algorithms"
default n
AES cipher algorithms (FIPS-197). AES uses the Rijndael
diff --git a/target/linux/config/ b/target/linux/config/
index 155a14a63..7468ee55c 100644
--- a/target/linux/config/
+++ b/target/linux/config/
@@ -121,10 +121,20 @@ config ADK_KPACKAGE_KMOD_VFAT_FS
The VFAT support enlarges your kernel by about 10 KB Please read the
file <file:Documentation/filesystems/vfat.txt> for details.
+ boolean
+ default n
+ boolean
+ default n
prompt "kmod-fs-xfs....................... XFS filesystem support"
+ depends on !ADK_KERNEL_XFS_FS
default n
XFS is a high performance journaling filesystem which originated
@@ -196,7 +206,30 @@ config ADK_KPACKAGE_KMOD_UDF_FS
if written to by other UDF utilities, such as DirectCD.
Please read <file:Documentation/filesystems/udf.txt>.
+ prompt "inotify........................... Inotify file change notification support"
+ boolean
+ default y
+ help
+ Say Y here to enable inotify support. Inotify is a file change
+ notification system and a replacement for dnotify. Inotify fixes
+ numerous shortcomings in dnotify and introduces several new features
+ including multiple file events, one-shot support, and unmount
+ notification.
+ prompt "inotify-user...................... Inotify support for userspace"
+ boolean
+ default y
+ help
+ Say Y here to enable inotify support for userspace, including the
+ associated system calls. Inotify allows monitoring of both files and
+ directories via a single open fd. Events are read from the file
+ descriptor, which is also select()- and poll()-able.
source target/linux/config/
source target/linux/config/
+source target/linux/config/
diff --git a/target/linux/config/ b/target/linux/config/
index eea6ccc38..d0716cf57 100644
--- a/target/linux/config/
+++ b/target/linux/config/
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+ boolean
+ default n
menu "Miscellaneous devices support"
source target/linux/config/
diff --git a/target/linux/patches/ b/target/linux/patches/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d50aee83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/patches/
@@ -0,0 +1,24460 @@
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /debug/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xib
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xib (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap), its block size and file size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xino0, xino1 ... xinoN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xino (External Inode Number
++ Translation Table), its link count, block size and file
++ size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xigen
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xigen (External Inode
++ Generation Table), its block size and file size.
++ If CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT is disabled, this entry will not
++ be created.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /sys/fs/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/br0, br1 ... brN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of a member directory (which
++ is called branch) in aufs, and its permission.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/xi_path
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of XINO (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table) file
++ even if it is the default path.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * all header files
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_H__
++#define __AUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include "debug.h"
++#include "branch.h"
++#include "cpup.h"
++#include "dcsub.h"
++#include "dbgaufs.h"
++#include "dentry.h"
++#include "dir.h"
++#include "file.h"
++#include "fstype.h"
++#include "inode.h"
++#include "loop.h"
++#include "module.h"
++#include "opts.h"
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "super.h"
++#include "sysaufs.h"
++#include "vfsub.h"
++#include "whout.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch management
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * free a single branch
++ */
++static void au_br_do_free(struct au_branch *br)
++ int i;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ mutex_destroy(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&br->br_count));
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr) {
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&wbr->wbr_wh_running));
++ AuRwDestroy(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ }
++ /* some filesystems acquire extra lock */
++ lockdep_off();
++ mntput(br->br_mnt);
++ lockdep_on();
++ kfree(wbr);
++ kfree(br);
++ * frees all branches
++ */
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ aufs_bindex_t bmax;
++ struct au_branch **br;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ bmax = sbinfo->si_bend + 1;
++ br = sbinfo->si_branch;
++ while (bmax--)
++ au_br_do_free(*br++);
++ * find the index of a branch which is specified by @br_id.
++ */
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_sbr_id(sb, bindex) == br_id)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * add a branch
++ */
++static int test_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ if (unlikely(h_d1 == h_d2))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2)
++ || !!au_test_subdir(h_d2, h_d1)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d1, h_d2)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d2, h_d1);
++ * returns a newly allocated branch. @new_nbranch is a number of branches
++ * after adding a branch.
++ */
++static struct au_branch *au_br_alloc(struct super_block *sb, int new_nbranch,
++ int perm)
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ add_branch = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ add_branch->br_wbr = NULL;
++ if (au_br_writable(perm)) {
++ /* may be freed separately at changing the branch permission */
++ add_branch->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch->br_wbr),
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch->br_wbr))
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_sbr_realloc(au_sbi(sb), new_nbranch)
++ || au_di_realloc(au_di(root), new_nbranch)
++ || au_ii_realloc(au_ii(root->d_inode), new_nbranch)))
++ goto out_wbr;
++ return add_branch; /* success */
++ out_wbr:
++ kfree(add_branch->br_wbr);
++ out_br:
++ kfree(add_branch);
++ out:
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ * test if the branch permission is legal or not.
++ */
++static int test_br(struct inode *inode, int brperm, char *path)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(au_br_writable(brperm) && IS_RDONLY(inode))) {
++ AuErr("write permission for readonly mount or inode, %s\n",
++ path);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns:
++ * 0: success, the caller will add it
++ * plus: success, it is already unified, the caller should ignore it
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int test_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend >= 0
++ && au_find_dbindex(root, add->path.dentry) >= 0)) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (!remount) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("%s duplicated\n", add->pathname);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOSPC; /* -E2BIG; */
++ if (unlikely(AUFS_BRANCH_MAX <= add->bindex
++ || AUFS_BRANCH_MAX - 1 <= bend)) {
++ AuErr("number of branches exceeded %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EDOM;
++ if (unlikely(add->bindex < 0 || bend + 1 < add->bindex)) {
++ AuErr("bad index %d\n", add->bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = add->path.dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink)) {
++ AuErr("no existence %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_sb == sb)) {
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unsuppoted(inode->i_sb))) {
++ AuErr("unsupported filesystem, %s (%s)\n",
++ add->pathname, au_sbtype(inode->i_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = test_br(add->path.dentry->d_inode, add->perm, add->pathname);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (bend < 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(test_overlap(sb, add->path.dentry,
++ au_h_dptr(root, bindex)))) {
++ AuErr("%s is overlapped\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), WARN_PERM)) {
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(root, 0)->d_inode;
++ if ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO) != (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO)
++ || h_inode->i_uid != inode->i_uid
++ || h_inode->i_gid != inode->i_gid)
++ AuWarn("uid/gid/perm %s %u/%u/0%o, %u/%u/0%o\n",
++ add->pathname,
++ inode->i_uid, inode->i_gid,
++ (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO),
++ h_inode->i_uid, h_inode->i_gid,
++ (h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO));
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize or clean the whiteouts for an adding branch
++ */
++static int au_br_init_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br,
++ int new_perm, struct dentry *h_root)
++ int err, old_perm;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ old_perm = br->br_perm;
++ br->br_perm = new_perm;
++ hdir = NULL;
++ h_mtx = NULL;
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ if (0 <= bindex) {
++ hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ h_mtx = &h_root->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++ if (!wbr)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ else {
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ }
++ if (hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ else
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = old_perm;
++ if (!err && wbr && !au_br_writable(new_perm)) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ int perm, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ au_rw_init(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ memset(wbr->wbr_wh, 0, sizeof(wbr->wbr_wh));
++ atomic_set(&wbr->wbr_wh_running, 0);
++ wbr->wbr_bytes = 0;
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, perm, path->dentry);
++ return err;
++/* intialize a new branch */
++static int au_br_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_add *add)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&br->br_xino, 0, sizeof(br->br_xino));
++ mutex_init(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = add->perm;
++ br->br_mnt = add->path.mnt; /* set first, mntget() later */
++ atomic_set(&br->br_count, 0);
++ br->br_xino_upper = AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT;
++ atomic_set(&br->br_xino_running, 0);
++ br->br_id = au_new_br_id(sb);
++ if (au_br_writable(add->perm)) {
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, add->perm, &add->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_br(sb, br, add->path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
++ au_sbr(sb, 0)->br_xino.xi_file, /*do_test*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuDebugOn(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ sysaufs_br_init(br);
++ mntget(add->path.mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_add_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bend,
++ aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ memmove(brp + 1, brp, sizeof(*brp) * amount);
++ *brp = br;
++ sbinfo->si_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ sbinfo->si_bend = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ memmove(hdp + 1, hdp, sizeof(*hdp) * amount);
++ au_h_dentry_init(hdp);
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ dinfo->di_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ memmove(hip + 1, hip, sizeof(*hip) * amount);
++ hip->hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(hip, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_dentry,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, amount;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ amount = bend + 1 - bindex;
++ au_br_do_add_brp(au_sbi(sb), bindex, br, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hip(au_ii(root_inode), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_set_h_dptr(root, bindex, dget(h_dentry));
++ au_set_h_iptr(root_inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode),
++ /*flags*/0);
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, add_bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(root_inode);
++ err = test_add(sb, add, remount);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ if (err) {
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ add_branch = au_br_alloc(sb, bend + 2, add->perm);
++ err = PTR_ERR(add_branch);
++ if (IS_ERR(add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_br_init(add_branch, sb, add);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_br_do_free(add_branch);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ add_bindex = add->bindex;
++ h_dentry = add->path.dentry;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, add_bindex);
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, add_bindex);
++ }
++ if (!add_bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_add_nlink(root_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ maxb = h_dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ /*
++ * this test/set prevents aufs from handling unnecesary inotify events
++ * of xino files, in a case of re-adding a writable branch which was
++ * once detached from aufs.
++ */
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) < 0
++ && au_br_writable(add_branch->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_dentry->d_sb)
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_parent == h_dentry)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, add_branch->br_id);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * delete a branch
++ */
++/* to show the line number, do not make it inlined function */
++#define AuVerbose(do_info, fmt, args...) do { \
++ if (do_info) \
++ AuInfo(fmt, ##args); \
++} while (0)
++ * test if the branch is deletable or not.
++ */
++static int test_dentry_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(root->d_sb), VERBOSE);
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ d = dpage->dentries[j];
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&d->d_count));
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(d) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ err = au_reval_dpath(d, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ di_downgrade_lock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_dptr(d, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy %.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d));
++ }
++ di_read_unlock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_inode_busy(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ err = 0;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), VERBOSE);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&i->i_count));
++ if (!list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ continue;
++ if (au_iigen(i) == sigen)
++ ii_read_lock_child(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_lock_child(i);
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(i, /*do_attr*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ ii_downgrade_lock(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_ibstart(i);
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_iptr(i, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(i->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy i%lu\n", i->i_ino);
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int test_children_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ sigen = au_sigen(root->d_sb);
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = test_dentry_busy(root, bindex, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ err = test_inode_busy(root->d_sb, bindex, sigen);
++ di_write_lock_child(root); /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_del_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_branch **brp, **p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(brp, brp + 1, sizeof(*brp) * (bend - bindex));
++ sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bend] = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ sbinfo->si_branch = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hdp, hdp + 1, sizeof(*hdp) * (bend - bindex));
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bend].hd_dentry = NULL;
++ dinfo->di_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hinode *hip, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hip, hip + 1, sizeof(*hip) * (bend - bindex));
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bend].hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(iinfo->ii_hinode + bend, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = p;
++static void au_br_do_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ bend = sbinfo->si_bend;
++ dput(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ au_hiput(au_hi(inode, bindex));
++ au_br_do_free(br);
++ au_br_do_del_brp(sbinfo, bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hip(au_ii(inode), bindex, bend);
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount)
++ int err, rerr, i;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, br_id;
++ unsigned char do_wh, verbose;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(sb->s_root, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", del->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, VERBOSE);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!bend)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "no more branches left\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ i = atomic_read(&br->br_count);
++ if (unlikely(i)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "%d file(s) opened\n", i);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ do_wh = wbr && (wbr->wbr_whbase || wbr->wbr_plink || wbr->wbr_orph);
++ if (do_wh) {
++ /* instead of WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) */
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ err = test_children_busy(sb->s_root, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (do_wh)
++ goto out_wh;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ br_id = br->br_id;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ }
++ if (!bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(sb->s_root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_sub_nlink(sb->s_root->d_inode, del->h_path.dentry->d_inode);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_half_refresh(sb, br_id);
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes == del->h_path.dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes) {
++ bend--;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ maxb = au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) == br->br_id)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_wh:
++ /* revert */
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, br->br_perm, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ AuWarn("failed re-creating base whiteout, %s. (%d)\n",
++ del->pathname, rerr);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * change a branch permission
++ */
++static int do_need_sigen_inc(int a, int b)
++ return au_br_whable(a) && !au_br_whable(b);
++static int need_sigen_inc(int old, int new)
++ return do_need_sigen_inc(old, new)
++ || do_need_sigen_inc(new, old);
++static int au_br_mod_files_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long n, ul, bytes, files;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct file *file, *hf, **a;
++ const int step_bytes = 1024, /* memory allocation unit */
++ step_files = step_bytes / sizeof(*a);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ n = 0;
++ bytes = step_bytes;
++ files = step_files;
++ a = kmalloc(bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ /* no need file_list_lock() since sbinfo is locked? defered? */
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list) {
++ if (special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(file->f_dentry));
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ if (unlikely(au_test_mmapped(file))) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (!S_ISREG(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || !(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)
++ || bstart != bindex) {
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ continue;
++ }
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ if (n < files)
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ else {
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bytes += step_bytes;
++ files += step_files;
++ p = krealloc(a, bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p) {
++ a = p;
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ } else
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ /* todo: already flushed? */
++ /* cf. fs/super.c:mark_files_ro() */
++ hf = a[ul];
++ hf->f_mode &= ~FMODE_WRITE;
++ if (!file_check_writeable(hf)) {
++ file_release_write(hf);
++ mnt_drop_write(hf->f_vfsmnt);
++ }
++ }
++ out_free:
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(root, mod->h_root);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", mod->path);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = test_br(mod->h_root->d_inode, mod->perm, mod->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_perm == mod->perm)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)) {
++ /* remove whiteout base */
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, mod->perm, mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* rw --> ro, file might be mmapped */
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_br_mod_files_ro(sb, bindex);
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ rerr = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr),
++ if (br->br_wbr)
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh
++ (sb, br, br->br_perm,
++ mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("nested error %d (%d)\n",
++ rerr, err);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ } else if (au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* ro --> rw */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (br->br_wbr) {
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt,
++ .dentry = mod->h_root
++ };
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, mod->perm, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kfree(br->br_wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ *do_update |= need_sigen_inc(br->br_perm, mod->perm);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch filesystems and xino for them
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#define __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/mount.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "super.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* a xino file */
++struct au_xino_file {
++ struct file *xi_file;
++ struct mutex xi_nondir_mtx;
++ /* todo: make xino files an array to support huge inode number */
++ struct dentry *xi_dbgaufs;
++/* members for writable branch only */
++enum {AuBrWh_BASE, AuBrWh_PLINK, AuBrWh_ORPH, AuBrWh_Last};
++struct au_wbr {
++ struct au_rwsem wbr_wh_rwsem;
++ struct dentry *wbr_wh[AuBrWh_Last];
++ atomic_t wbr_wh_running;
++#define wbr_whbase wbr_wh[AuBrWh_BASE] /* whiteout base */
++#define wbr_plink wbr_wh[AuBrWh_PLINK] /* pseudo-link dir */
++#define wbr_orph wbr_wh[AuBrWh_ORPH] /* dir for orphans */
++ /* mfs mode */
++ unsigned long long wbr_bytes;
++/* protected by superblock rwsem */
++struct au_branch {
++ struct au_xino_file br_xino;
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int br_perm;
++ struct vfsmount *br_mnt;
++ atomic_t br_count;
++ struct au_wbr *br_wbr;
++ /* xino truncation */
++ blkcnt_t br_xino_upper; /* watermark in blocks */
++ atomic_t br_xino_running;
++ /* an entry under sysfs per mount-point */
++ char br_name[8];
++ struct attribute br_attr;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch permission and attribute */
++enum {
++ AuBrPerm_RW, /* writable, linkable wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RO, /* readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RR, /* natively readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH, /* un-linkable whiteouts */
++ AuBrPerm_ROWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_RRWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_Last
++static inline int au_br_writable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW || brperm == AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH;
++static inline int au_br_whable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_ROWH
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++static inline int au_br_rdonly(struct au_branch *br)
++ return ((br->br_mnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
++ || !au_br_writable(br->br_perm))
++ ? -EROFS : 0;
++static inline int au_br_hinotifyable(int brperm __maybe_unused)
++ return brperm != AuBrPerm_RR && brperm != AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch.c */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sinfo);
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++struct au_opt_add;
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount);
++struct au_opt_del;
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount);
++struct au_opt_mod;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update);
++/* xino.c */
++static const loff_t au_loff_max = LLONG_MAX;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src);
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent);
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino);
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t hino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test);
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++struct au_opt_xino;
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount);
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Superblock to branch */
++static inline
++aufs_bindex_t au_sbr_id(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_id;
++static inline
++struct vfsmount *au_sbr_mnt(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++static inline
++struct super_block *au_sbr_sb(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex)->mnt_sb;
++static inline void au_sbr_put(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_count);
++static inline int au_sbr_perm(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_perm;
++static inline int au_sbr_whable(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * wbr_wh_read_lock, wbr_wh_write_lock
++ * wbr_wh_read_unlock, wbr_wh_write_unlock, wbr_wh_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(wbr_wh, struct au_wbr *wbr, &wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++#define WbrWhMustNoWaiters(wbr) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustAnyLock(wbr) AuRwMustAnyLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) AuRwMustWriteLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_BRANCH_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up functions, see wbr_policy.c for copy-down
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src)
++ const unsigned int mask = S_DEAD | S_SWAPFILE | S_PRIVATE
++ dst->i_flags |= src->i_flags & ~mask;
++ if (au_test_fs_notime(dst->i_sb))
++ dst->i_flags |= S_NOATIME | S_NOCMTIME;
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ fsstack_copy_attr_times(inode, h_inode);
++ vfsub_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!force
++ && !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode))
++ return;
++ inode->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink;
++ /*
++ * fewer nlink makes find(1) noisy, but larger nlink doesn't.
++ * it may includes whplink directory.
++ */
++ if (S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_add_nlink(inode, h_inode);
++ }
++ }
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ inode->i_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ inode->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ inode->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_higen = h_inode->i_generation;
++ iinfo->ii_hsb1 = h_inode->i_sb;
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ if (inode->i_nlink > 0)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, force);
++ inode->i_rdev = h_inode->i_rdev;
++ inode->i_blkbits = h_inode->i_blkbits;
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Note: dt_dentry and dt_h_dentry are not dget/dput-ed */
++/* keep the timestamps of the parent dir when cpup */
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ dt->dt_dentry = dentry;
++ dt->dt_h_path = *h_path;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ dt->dt_atime = h_inode->i_atime;
++ dt->dt_mtime = h_inode->i_mtime;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt)
++ struct iattr attr;
++ int err;
++ attr.ia_atime = dt->dt_atime;
++ attr.ia_mtime = dt->dt_mtime;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dt->dt_h_path, &attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("restoring timestamps failed(%d). ignored\n", err);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_iattr(struct dentry *dst, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_isrc, *h_idst;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dst, bindex);
++ h_idst = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dst->d_sb, bindex);
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ ia.ia_atime = h_isrc->i_atime;
++ ia.ia_mtime = h_isrc->i_mtime;
++ if (h_idst->i_mode != h_isrc->i_mode
++ && !S_ISLNK(h_idst->i_mode)) {
++ ia.ia_valid |= ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ }
++ sbits = !!(h_isrc->i_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_idst, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path.dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len,
++ char *buf, unsigned long blksize)
++ int err;
++ size_t sz, rbytes, wbytes;
++ unsigned char all_zero;
++ char *p, *zp;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /* reduce stack usage */
++ struct iattr *ia;
++ zp = page_address(ZERO_PAGE(0));
++ if (unlikely(!zp))
++ return -ENOMEM; /* possible? */
++ err = 0;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ while (len) {
++ AuDbg("len %lld\n", len);
++ sz = blksize;
++ if (len < blksize)
++ sz = len;
++ rbytes = 0;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ while (!rbytes || err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR) {
++ rbytes = vfsub_read_k(src, buf, sz, &src->f_pos);
++ err = rbytes;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ if (len >= rbytes && rbytes == blksize)
++ all_zero = !memcmp(buf, zp, rbytes);
++ if (!all_zero) {
++ wbytes = rbytes;
++ p = buf;
++ while (wbytes) {
++ size_t b;
++ b = vfsub_write_k(dst, p, wbytes, &dst->f_pos);
++ err = b;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ if (unlikely(err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR))
++ continue;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ wbytes -= b;
++ p += b;
++ }
++ } else {
++ loff_t res;
++ AuLabel(hole);
++ res = vfsub_llseek(dst, rbytes, SEEK_CUR);
++ err = res;
++ if (unlikely(res < 0))
++ break;
++ }
++ len -= rbytes;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ /* the last block may be a hole */
++ if (!err && all_zero) {
++ AuLabel(last hole);
++ err = 1;
++ if (au_test_nfs(dst->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /* nfs requires this step to make last hole */
++ /* is this only nfs? */
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = vfsub_write_k(dst, "\0", 1, &dst->f_pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ if (err == 1)
++ dst->f_pos--;
++ }
++ if (err == 1) {
++ ia = (void *)buf;
++ ia->ia_size = dst->f_pos;
++ ia->ia_valid = ATTR_SIZE | ATTR_FILE;
++ ia->ia_file = dst;
++ h_mtx = &dst->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dst->f_path, ia);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long blksize;
++ unsigned char do_kfree;
++ char *buf;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ blksize = dst->f_dentry->d_sb->s_blocksize;
++ if (!blksize || PAGE_SIZE < blksize)
++ blksize = PAGE_SIZE;
++ AuDbg("blksize %lu\n", blksize);
++ do_kfree = (blksize != PAGE_SIZE && blksize >= sizeof(struct iattr *));
++ if (do_kfree)
++ buf = kmalloc(blksize, GFP_NOFS);
++ else
++ buf = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ if (len > (1 << 22))
++ AuDbg("copying a large file %lld\n", (long long)len);
++ src->f_pos = 0;
++ dst->f_pos = 0;
++ err = au_do_copy_file(dst, src, len, buf, blksize);
++ if (do_kfree)
++ kfree(buf);
++ else
++ free_page((unsigned long)buf);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * to support a sparse file which is opened with O_APPEND,
++ * we need to close the file.
++ */
++static int au_cp_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len)
++ int err, i;
++ enum { SRC, DST };
++ struct {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *label, *label_file;
++ } *f, file[] = {
++ {
++ .bindex = bsrc,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out,
++ .label_file = &&out_src
++ },
++ {
++ .bindex = bdst,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out_src,
++ .label_file = &&out_dst
++ }
++ };
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ f = file;
++ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, f++) {
++ f->dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, f->bindex);
++ f->file = au_h_open(dentry, f->bindex, f->flags, /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(f->file);
++ if (IS_ERR(f->file))
++ goto *f->label;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(!f->file->f_op))
++ goto *f->label_file;
++ }
++ /* try stopping to update while we copyup */
++ IMustLock(file[SRC].dentry->d_inode);
++ err = au_copy_file(file[DST].file, file[SRC].file, len);
++ out_dst:
++ fput(file[DST].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[DST].bindex);
++ out_src:
++ fput(file[SRC].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[SRC].bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len,
++ struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int err, rerr;
++ loff_t l;
++ err = 0;
++ l = i_size_read(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ if (len == -1 || l < len)
++ len = l;
++ if (len)
++ err = au_cp_regular(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed unlinking cpup-ed %.*s(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_path->dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_symlink(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src,
++ struct inode *h_dir)
++ int err, symlen;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ char *sym;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sym = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!sym))
++ goto out;
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ symlen = h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_src, (char __user *)sym,
++ err = symlen;
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ if (symlen > 0) {
++ sym[symlen] = 0;
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, h_path, sym);
++ }
++ __putname(sym);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* return with the lower dst inode is locked */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_entry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ const unsigned char do_dt = !!au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ h_inode = h_src->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode != au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ /* try stopping to be referenced while we are creating */
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(h_parent != h_dst->d_parent);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ isdir = 0;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ /* try stopping to update while we are referencing */
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, mode | S_IWUSR);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_do_cpup_regular
++ (dentry, bdst, bsrc, len,
++ au_h_iptr(dst_parent->d_inode, bdst), &h_path);
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, &h_path, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ /*
++ * strange behaviour from the users view,
++ * particularry setattr case
++ */
++ if (au_ibstart(dst_parent->d_inode) == bdst)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dst_parent->d_inode,
++ /*force*/1);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dentry->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ }
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ err = au_do_cpup_symlink(&h_path, h_src, h_dir);
++ break;
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ AuDebugOn(!capable(CAP_MKNOD));
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown inode type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE)
++ && !isdir
++ && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)
++ && h_inode->i_nlink == 1
++ /* todo: unnecessary? */
++ /* && dentry->d_inode->i_nlink == 1 */
++ && bdst < bsrc
++ && !au_ftest_cpup(flags, KEEPLINO))
++ au_xino_write(sb, bsrc, h_inode->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from @bsrc to @bdst.
++ * the caller must set the both of lower dentries.
++ * @len is for truncating when it is -1 copyup the entire file.
++ * in link/rename cases, @dst_parent may be different from the real one.
++ */
++static int au_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t old_ibstart;
++ unsigned char isdir, plink;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *dst_inode, *h_dir, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ AuDebugOn(bsrc <= bdst);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dst_parent)
++ dst_parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ else
++ dget(dst_parent);
++ plink = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ dst_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bdst);
++ if (dst_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(!plink)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is disabled\n", inode->i_ino);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (dst_inode->i_nlink) {
++ const int do_dt = au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ h_src = au_plink_lkup(inode, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is broken\n", inode->i_ino);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ /* todo: cpup_wh_file? */
++ /* udba work */
++ au_update_brange(inode, 1);
++ }
++ old_ibstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = cpup_entry(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ dst_inode = h_dst->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dst_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = cpup_iattr(dentry, bdst, h_src);
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(dst_inode->i_mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (bdst < old_ibstart)
++ au_set_ibstart(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(dst_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, isdir));
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!isdir
++ && h_src->d_inode->i_nlink > 1
++ && plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, bdst, h_dst);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ if (!isdir)
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ else
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_path);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing broken entry(%d, %d)\n", err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(dst_parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_single_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dst_parent;
++static void au_call_cpup_single(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_single_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_single(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, a->len,
++ a->flags, a->dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ mode = h_dentry->d_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if ((mode != S_IFCHR && mode != S_IFBLK)
++ || capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags,
++ dst_parent);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_single_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .bsrc = bsrc,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags,
++ .dst_parent = dst_parent
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_single, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from the first active lower branch to @bdst,
++ * using au_cpup_single().
++ */
++static int au_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bsrc = bdst + 1; bsrc <= bend; bsrc++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc))
++ break;
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, NULL);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bsrc);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_simple_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void au_call_cpup_simple(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_simple(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char do_sio;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(parent->d_inode, bdst);
++ do_sio = !!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio) {
++ /*
++ * testing CAP_MKNOD is for generic fs,
++ * but CAP_FSETID is for xfs only, currently.
++ */
++ umode_t mode = dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ do_sio = (((mode & (S_IFCHR | S_IFBLK))
++ && !capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ || ((mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID))
++ && !capable(CAP_FSETID)));
++ }
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = au_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, len, flags);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_simple, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * copyup the deleted file for writing.
++ */
++static int au_do_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct file *file,
++ loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d_dst, *h_d_start;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ h_d_dst = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bdst;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_d_start = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry;
++ if (file)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry
++ = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bstart, len, !AuCpup_DTIME,
++ /*h_parent*/NULL);
++ if (!err && file) {
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry = h_d_start;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = h_d_dst;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct path h_path;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ wh_dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, parent, &h_path);
++ err = au_do_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, wh_dentry, file, len);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ dget(wh_dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed remove copied-up tmp file %.*s(%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ au_set_hi_wh(dentry->d_inode, bdst, wh_dentry);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_wh_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ struct file *file;
++static void au_call_cpup_wh(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_wh(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->file);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_orph, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir, *h_tmpdir, *h_inode;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_orph = NULL;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ h_dir = au_igrab(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ h_tmpdir = h_dir;
++ if (!h_dir->i_nlink) {
++ wbr = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst)->br_wbr;
++ h_orph = wbr->wbr_orph;
++ h_parent = dget(au_h_dptr(parent, bdst));
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, dget(h_orph));
++ h_tmpdir = h_orph->d_inode;
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_tmpdir), /*flags*/0);
++ /* this temporary unlock is safe */
++ if (file)
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ else
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT3);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ }
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_tmpdir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = au_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, len, file);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .file = file
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_wh, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ if (h_orph) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_dir), /*flags*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, h_parent);
++ }
++ iput(h_dir);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generic routine for both of copy-up and copy-down.
++ */
++/* cf. revalidate function in file.c */
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent, *h_parent, *real_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (IS_ROOT(parent))
++ goto out;
++ au_pin_init(&pin, dentry, bdst, AuLsc_DI_PARENT2, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb), AuPin_MNT_WRITE);
++ /* do not use au_dpage */
++ real_parent = parent;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ if (h_parent)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* find top dir which is necessary to cpup */
++ do {
++ d = parent;
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ di_read_lock_parent3(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } while (!h_parent);
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_lock_child3(d);
++ /* somebody else might create while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_dptr(d, bdst) || !au_h_dptr(d, bdst)->d_inode) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(d, bdst))
++ au_update_dbstart(d);
++ au_pin_set_dentry(&pin, d);
++ err = au_do_pin(&pin);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = cp(d, bdst, h_parent, arg);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ }
++ }
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent __maybe_unused ,
++ void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, -1, AuCpup_DTIME);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ return au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpup_dir, NULL);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ /* someone else might change our inode while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bdst);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.593425598 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up/down functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#define __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/time.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct inode;
++struct file;
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src);
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force);
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cpup flags */
++#define AuCpup_DTIME 1 /* do dtime_store/revert */
++#define AuCpup_KEEPLINO (1 << 1) /* do not clear the lower xino,
++ for link(2) */
++#define au_ftest_cpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpup_##name; }
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* keep timestamps when copyup */
++struct au_dtime {
++ struct dentry *dt_dentry;
++ struct path dt_h_path;
++ struct timespec dt_atime, dt_mtime;
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path);
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_CPUP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/debugfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#ifndef CONFIG_SYSFS
++#error DEBUG_FS depends upon SYSFS
++static struct dentry *dbgaufs;
++static const mode_t dbgaufs_mode = S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++struct dbgaufs_arg {
++ int n;
++ char a[20 * 4];
++ * common function for all XINO files
++ */
++static int dbgaufs_xi_release(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ kfree(file->private_data);
++ return 0;
++static int dbgaufs_xi_open(struct file *xf, struct file *file, int do_fcnt)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ p->n = 0;
++ file->private_data = p;
++ if (!xf)
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_getattr(xf->f_vfsmnt, xf->f_dentry, &st);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (do_fcnt)
++ p->n = snprintf
++ (p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%ld, %llux%lu %lld\n",
++ (long)file_count(xf), st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ else
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%llux%lu %lld\n",
++ st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ AuDebugOn(p->n >= sizeof(p->a));
++ } else {
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "err %d\n", err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static ssize_t dbgaufs_xi_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ p = file->private_data;
++ return simple_read_from_buffer(buf, count, ppos, p->a, p->n);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xib_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xib, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xib_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xib_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "xi"
++static int dbgaufs_xino_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ long l;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *xf;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ xf = NULL;
++ name = &file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(name->len < sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX)
++ || memcmp(name->name, DbgaufsXi_PREFIX,
++ sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1)))
++ goto out;
++ err = strict_strtol(name->name + sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1, 10, &l);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (l <= au_sbend(sb)) {
++ xf = au_sbr(sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(xf, file, /*do_fcnt*/1);
++ } else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xino_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xino_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ if (!au_sbi(sb)->si_dbgaufs)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ if (xi->xi_dbgaufs) {
++ debugfs_remove(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ char name[sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) + 5]; /* "xi" bindex NULL */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = sbinfo->si_dbgaufs;
++ if (!parent)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "%d", bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ AuDebugOn(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_file(name, dbgaufs_mode, parent,
++ sbinfo, &dbgaufs_xino_fop);
++ /* ignore an error */
++ if (unlikely(!xi->xi_dbgaufs))
++ AuWarn1("failed %s under debugfs\n", name);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xigen, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xigen_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xigen_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -EIO;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xigen", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xigen_fop);
++ if (sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ debugfs_remove_recursive(sbinfo->si_dbgaufs);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ char name[SysaufsSiNameLen];
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (!dbgaufs) {
++ AuErr1("/debug/aufs is uninitialized\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ sysaufs_name(sbinfo, name);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(name, dbgaufs);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs))
++ goto out;
++ kobject_get(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xib", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xib_fop);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib))
++ goto out_dir;
++ err = dbgaufs_xigen_init(sbinfo);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_dir:
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_fin(void)
++ debugfs_remove(dbgaufs);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -EIO;
++ dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(AUFS_NAME, NULL);
++ if (dbgaufs)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#ifndef __DBGAUFS_H__
++#define __DBGAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++/* dbgaufs.c */
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++void dbgaufs_fin(void);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void);
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#define dbgaufs_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __DBGAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_dpage_free(struct au_dpage *dpage)
++ int i;
++ struct dentry **p;
++ p = dpage->dentries;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpage->ndentry; i++)
++ dput(*p++);
++ free_page((unsigned long)dpage->dentries);
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err;
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dpages->dpages = kmalloc(sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!dpages->dpages))
++ goto out;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ dpages->dpages[0].ndentry = 0;
++ dpages->dpages[0].dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage = 1;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dpages:
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages)
++ int i;
++ struct au_dpage *p;
++ p = dpages->dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages->ndpage; i++)
++ au_dpage_free(p++);
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++static int au_dpages_append(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages,
++ struct dentry *dentry, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ void *p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage - 1;
++ sz = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(dentry);
++ if (unlikely(dpage->ndentry >= sz)) {
++ AuLabel(new dpage);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = dpages->ndpage * sizeof(*dpages->dpages);
++ p = au_kzrealloc(dpages->dpages, sz,
++ sz + sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpages->dpages = p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpage->ndentry = 0;
++ dpage->dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage++;
++ }
++ dpage->dentries[dpage->ndentry++] = dget(dentry);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *this_parent = root;
++ struct list_head *next;
++ struct super_block *sb = root->d_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ repeat:
++ next = this_parent->;
++ resume:
++ if (this_parent->d_sb == sb
++ && !IS_ROOT(this_parent)
++ && atomic_read(&this_parent->d_count)
++ && this_parent->d_inode
++ && (!test || test(this_parent, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, this_parent, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (next != &this_parent->d_subdirs) {
++ struct list_head *tmp = next;
++ struct dentry *dentry = list_entry(tmp, struct dentry,
++ d_u.d_child);
++ next = tmp->next;
++ if (/*d_unhashed(dentry) || */!dentry->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs)) {
++ this_parent = dentry;
++ goto repeat;
++ }
++ if (dentry->d_sb == sb
++ && atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)
++ && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ if (this_parent != root) {
++ next = this_parent->;
++ this_parent = this_parent->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ goto resume;
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (do_include && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ dentry = dentry->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ if (!test || test(dentry, arg)) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ struct dentry *trap, **dentries;
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ trap = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, d1, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ trap = d1;
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < dpage->ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ err = (d == d2);
++ if (!err)
++ trap = d;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ trap = NULL;
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return trap;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/types.h>
++struct dentry;
++struct au_dpage {
++ int ndentry;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++struct au_dcsub_pages {
++ int ndpage;
++ struct au_dpage *dpages;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages);
++typedef int (*au_dpages_test)(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DCSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/vt_kern.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int aufs_debug;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "debug print");
++module_param_named(debug, aufs_debug, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP);
++char *au_plevel = KERN_DEBUG;
++#define dpri(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ printk("%s" fmt, au_plevel, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ dpri("b%d, %.*s, %d\n",
++ tpos->wh_bindex,
++ tpos->wh_str.len, tpos->,
++ tpos->wh_str.len);
++ head++;
++ }
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ unsigned char *o;
++ if (!vdir || IS_ERR(vdir)) {
++ dpri("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(vdir));
++ return;
++ }
++ dpri("deblk %u, nblk %lu, deblk %p, last{%lu, %p}, ver %lu\n",
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz, vdir->vd_nblk, vdir->vd_deblk,
++ vdir->vd_last.ul, vdir->vd_last.p.deblk, vdir->vd_version);
++ for (ul = 0; ul < vdir->vd_nblk; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[ul];
++ o = p.deblk;
++ dpri("[%lu]: %p\n", ul, o);
++ }
++static int do_pri_inode(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct inode *inode,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ char *n = NULL;
++ int l = 0;
++ if (!inode || IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ dpri("i%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(inode));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* the type of i_blocks depends upon CONFIG_LSF */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(unsigned long)
++ && sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(u64));
++ if (wh) {
++ n = (void *)wh->;
++ l = wh->d_name.len;
++ }
++ dpri("i%d: i%lu, %s, cnt %d, nl %u, 0%o, sz %llu, blk %llu,"
++ " ct %lld, np %lu, st 0x%lx, f 0x%x, g %x%s%.*s\n",
++ bindex,
++ inode->i_ino, inode->i_sb ? au_sbtype(inode->i_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&inode->i_count), inode->i_nlink, inode->i_mode,
++ i_size_read(inode), (unsigned long long)inode->i_blocks,
++ (long long)timespec_to_ns(&inode->i_ctime) & 0x0ffff,
++ inode->i_mapping ? inode->i_mapping->nrpages : 0,
++ inode->i_state, inode->i_flags, inode->i_generation,
++ l ? ", wh " : "", l, n);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_inode(-1, inode, NULL);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(inode->i_sb))
++ return;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("i-1: bstart %d, bend %d, gen %d\n",
++ iinfo->ii_bstart, iinfo->ii_bend, au_iigen(inode));
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode,
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry);
++static int do_pri_dentry(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct dentry *wh = NULL;
++ if (!dentry || IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dpri("d%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* do not call dget_parent() here */
++ dpri("d%d: %.*s?/%.*s, %s, cnt %d, flags 0x%x\n",
++ bindex,
++ AuDLNPair(dentry->d_parent), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ dentry->d_sb ? au_sbtype(dentry->d_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&dentry->d_count), dentry->d_flags);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && dentry->d_inode && au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb)) {
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(dentry->d_inode);
++ if (iinfo)
++ wh = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++ }
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, dentry->d_inode, wh);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_dentry(-1, dentry);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("d-1: bstart %d, bend %d, bwh %d, bdiropq %d, gen %d\n",
++ dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo->di_bend,
++ dinfo->di_bwh, dinfo->di_bdiropq, au_digen(dentry));
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= dinfo->di_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry);
++static int do_pri_file(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *file)
++ char a[32];
++ if (!file || IS_ERR(file)) {
++ dpri("f%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ a[0] = 0;
++ if (bindex < 0
++ && file->f_dentry
++ && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb)
++ && au_fi(file))
++ snprintf(a, sizeof(a), ", mmapped %d", au_test_mmapped(file));
++ dpri("f%d: mode 0x%x, flags 0%o, cnt %ld, pos %llu%s\n",
++ bindex, file->f_mode, file->f_flags, (long)file_count(file),
++ file->f_pos, a);
++ if (file->f_dentry)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, file->f_dentry);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_file(-1, file);
++ if (err || !file->f_dentry || !au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ if (!finfo)
++ return;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= finfo->fi_bend; bindex++) {
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ do_pri_file(bindex, hf ? hf->hf_file : NULL);
++ }
++static int do_pri_br(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (!br || IS_ERR(br))
++ goto out;
++ mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ if (!mnt || IS_ERR(mnt))
++ goto out;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!sb || IS_ERR(sb))
++ goto out;
++ dpri("s%d: {perm 0x%x, cnt %d, wbr %p}, "
++ "%s, dev 0x%02x%02x, flags 0x%lx, cnt(BIAS) %d, active %d, "
++ "xino %d\n",
++ bindex, br->br_perm, atomic_read(&br->br_count), br->br_wbr,
++ au_sbtype(sb), MAJOR(sb->s_dev), MINOR(sb->s_dev),
++ sb->s_flags, sb->s_count - S_BIAS,
++ atomic_read(&sb->s_active), !!br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ return 0;
++ out:
++ dpri("s%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(br));
++ return -1;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ /* to reuduce stack size */
++ struct {
++ struct vfsmount mnt;
++ struct au_branch fake;
++ } *a;
++ /* this function can be called from magic sysrq */
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(!a)) {
++ dpri("no memory\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ a->mnt.mnt_sb = sb;
++ a->fake.br_perm = 0;
++ a->fake.br_mnt = &a->mnt;
++ a->fake.br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ atomic_set(&a->fake.br_count, 0);
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic_set */
++ err = do_pri_br(-1, &a->fake);
++ kfree(a);
++ dpri("dev 0x%x\n", sb->s_dev);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(sb))
++ return;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("nw %d, gen %u, kobj %d\n",
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_nowait.nw_len), sbinfo->si_generation,
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_kobj.kref.refcount));
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= sbinfo->si_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_br(bindex, sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bindex]);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy)
++ while (jiffy)
++ jiffy = schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(jiffy);
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia)
++#define AuBit(name) if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_ ## name) \
++ dpri(#name "\n")
++ AuBit(MODE);
++ AuBit(UID);
++ AuBit(GID);
++ AuBit(SIZE);
++ AuBit(ATIME);
++ AuBit(MTIME);
++ AuBit(CTIME);
++ AuBit(ATIME_SET);
++ AuBit(MTIME_SET);
++ AuBit(FORCE);
++ AuBit(ATTR_FLAG);
++ AuBit(KILL_SUID);
++ AuBit(KILL_SGID);
++ AuBit(FILE);
++ AuBit(KILL_PRIV);
++ AuBit(OPEN);
++ AuBit(TIMES_SET);
++#undef AuBit
++ dpri("ia_file %p\n", ia->ia_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, parent, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ for (i = dpages.ndpage - 1; !err && i >= 0; i--) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = dpage->ndentry - 1; !err && j >= 0; j--)
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentries[j]) != sigen);
++ }
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart >= 0) {
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hf->hf_file || hf->hf_br);
++ }
++ }
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ if (au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ au_dbg_blocked();
++ BUG();
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo __maybe_unused)
++#ifdef AuForceNoPlink
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++#ifdef AuForceNoXino
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++#ifdef AuForceNoRefrof
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++#ifdef AuForceHinotify
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_HINOTIFY);
++int __init au_debug_init(void)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_vdir_destr destr;
++ bindex = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex >= 0);
++ destr.len = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(destr.len < NAME_MAX);
++ AuWarn("CONFIG_4KSTACKS is defined.\n");
++#ifdef AuForceNoBrs
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#define __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/bug.h>
++/* #include <linux/err.h> */
++/* #include <linux/init.h> */
++/* #include <linux/kernel.h> */
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++/* #include <linux/kd.h> */
++/* #include <linux/vt_kern.h> */
++#include <linux/sysrq.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#define AuDebugOn(a) BUG_ON(a)
++/* module parameter */
++extern int aufs_debug;
++static inline void au_debug(int n)
++ aufs_debug = n;
++ smp_mb();
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return aufs_debug;
++#define AuDebugOn(a) do {} while (0)
++#define au_debug() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* debug print */
++#define AuDpri(lvl, fmt, arg...) \
++ printk(lvl AUFS_NAME " %s:%d:%s[%d]: " fmt, \
++ __func__, __LINE__, current->comm, current->pid, ##arg)
++#define AuDbg(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ AuDpri(KERN_DEBUG, "DEBUG: " fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuLabel(l) AuDbg(#l "\n")
++#define AuInfo(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_INFO, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_WARNING, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuErr(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_ERR, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuIOErr(fmt, arg...) AuErr("I/O Error, " fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuWarn(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuIOErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuIOErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUnsupportMsg "This operation is not supported." \
++ " Please report this application to aufs-users ML."
++#define AuUnsupport(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuErr(AuUnsupportMsg "\n" fmt, ##args); \
++ dump_stack(); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErr(e) do { \
++ if (unlikely((e) < 0)) \
++ AuDbg("err %d\n", (int)(e)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErrPtr(p) do { \
++ if (IS_ERR(p)) \
++ AuDbg("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(p)); \
++} while (0)
++/* dirty macros for debug print, use with "%.*s" and caution */
++#define AuLNPair(qstr) (qstr)->len, (qstr)->name
++#define AuDLNPair(d) AuLNPair(&(d)->d_name)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct au_finfo;
++struct dentry;
++extern char *au_plevel;
++struct au_nhash;
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++struct au_vdir;
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++struct inode;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode);
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct file;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *filp);
++struct super_block;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy);
++struct iattr;
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia);
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo);
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void);
++int __init au_debug_init(void);
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do { \
++ AuDbg(#w "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_whlist(w); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do { \
++ AuDbg(#v "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_vdir(v); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do { \
++ AuDbg(#i "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_inode(i); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do { \
++ AuDbg(#d "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_dentry(d); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do { \
++ AuDbg(#f "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_file(f); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do { \
++ AuDbg(#sb "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_sb(sb); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d sec\n", sec); \
++ ssleep(sec); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d jiffies\n", jiffy); \
++ au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(jiffy); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do { \
++ AuDbg("ia_valid 0x%x\n", (ia)->ia_valid); \
++ au_dbg_iattr(ia); \
++} while (0)
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_debug_init(void)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void);
++void au_sysrq_fin(void);
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do { \
++ WARN_ON(1); \
++ handle_sysrq('w', vc_cons[fg_console].d->vc_tty); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_sysrq_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_sysrq_fin() do {} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DEBUG_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_h_nd(struct nameidata *h_nd, struct nameidata *nd)
++ if (nd) {
++ *h_nd = *nd;
++ /*
++ * gave up supporting LOOKUP_CREATE/OPEN for lower fs,
++ * due to whiteout and branch permission.
++ */
++ /* unnecessary? */
++ h_nd-> = NULL;
++ } else
++ memset(h_nd, 0, sizeof(*h_nd));
++struct au_lkup_one_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ int err;
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_parent->d_sb))
++ return vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, h_parent, name->len);
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ h_nd.path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = __lookup_one_len(name->name, &h_nd.last, NULL, name->len);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ h_dentry = vfsub_lookup_hash(&h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ return h_dentry;
++static void au_call_lkup_one(void *args)
++ struct au_lkup_one_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_lkup_one(a->name, a->h_parent, a->br, a->nd);
++#define AuLkup_ALLOW_NEG 1
++#define au_ftest_lkup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLkup_##name)
++#define au_fset_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLkup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLkup_##name; }
++struct au_do_lookup_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ mode_t type;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ * returns positive/negative dentry, NULL or an error.
++ * NULL means whiteout-ed or not-found.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++au_do_lookup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_do_lookup_args *args)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int wh_found, opq;
++ unsigned char wh_able;
++ const unsigned char allow_neg = !!au_ftest_lkup(args->flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ wh_found = 0;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ wh_able = !!au_br_whable(br->br_perm);
++ if (wh_able)
++ wh_found = au_wh_test(h_parent, wh_name, br, /*try_sio*/0);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(wh_found);
++ if (!wh_found)
++ goto real_lookup;
++ if (unlikely(wh_found < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* We found a whiteout */
++ /* au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex); */
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ real_lookup:
++ h_dentry = au_lkup_one(name, h_parent, br, args->nd);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode) {
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ goto out_neg;
++ } else if (wh_found
++ || (args->type && args->type != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)))
++ goto out_neg;
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) <= bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode || !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode) || !wh_able
++ || (inode && !S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq = au_diropq_test(h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (opq > 0)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ else if (unlikely(opq < 0)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(opq);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ out_neg:
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ out:
++ return h_dentry;
++static int au_test_shwh(struct super_block *sb, const struct qstr *name)
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)
++ && !strncmp(name->name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)))
++ return -EPERM;
++ return 0;
++ * returns the number of lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ * can be called at unlinking with @type is zero.
++ */
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ int npositive, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bdiropq;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct qstr whname;
++ struct au_do_lookup_args args = {
++ .flags = 0,
++ .type = type,
++ .nd = nd
++ };
++ const struct qstr *name = &dentry->d_name;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ err = au_test_shwh(dentry->d_sb, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&whname, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!(inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ if (!type)
++ au_fset_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ npositive = 0;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode)
++ npositive++;
++ if (type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ continue;
++ }
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent)
++ continue;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!h_dir || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ h_dentry = au_do_lookup(h_parent, dentry, bindex, &whname,
++ &args);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_wh;
++ au_fclr_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) >= 0)
++ break;
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ npositive++;
++ if (!args.type)
++ args.type = h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if (args.type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ else if (isdir) {
++ /* the type of lower may be different */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (bdiropq >= 0 && bdiropq <= bindex)
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (npositive) {
++ AuLabel(positive);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ err = npositive;
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_wh:
++ kfree(;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC))
++ dentry = au_lkup_one(name, parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else {
++ struct au_lkup_one_args args = {
++ .errp = &dentry,
++ .name = name,
++ .h_parent = parent,
++ .br = br,
++ .nd = NULL
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_lkup_one, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return dentry;
++ * lookup @dentry on @bindex which should be negative.
++ */
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(h_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("b%d %.*s should be negative.\n",
++ bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) < bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* subset of struct inode */
++struct au_iattr {
++ unsigned long i_ino;
++ /* unsigned int i_nlink; */
++ uid_t i_uid;
++ gid_t i_gid;
++ u64 i_version;
++ loff_t i_size;
++ blkcnt_t i_blocks;
++ umode_t i_mode;
++static void au_iattr_save(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ ia->i_ino = h_inode->i_ino;
++ /* ia->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink; */
++ ia->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ ia->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ ia->i_version = h_inode->i_version;
++ ia->i_size = h_inode->i_size;
++ ia->i_blocks = h_inode->i_blocks;
++ ia->i_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_iattr_test(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ return ia->i_ino != h_inode->i_ino
++ /* || ia->i_nlink != h_inode->i_nlink */
++ || ia->i_uid != h_inode->i_uid
++ || ia->i_gid != h_inode->i_gid
++ || ia->i_version != h_inode->i_version
++ || ia->i_size != h_inode->i_size
++ || ia->i_blocks != h_inode->i_blocks
++ || ia->i_mode != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_h_verify_dentry(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct au_iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&ia, -1, sizeof(ia));
++ h_sb = h_dentry->d_sb;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_iattr_save(&ia, h_inode);
++ else if (au_test_nfs(h_sb) || au_test_fuse(h_sb))
++ /* nfs d_revalidate may return 0 for negative dentry */
++ /* fuse d_revalidate always return 0 for negative dentry */
++ goto out;
++ /* main purpose is namei.c:cached_lookup() and d_revalidate */
++ h_d = au_lkup_one(&h_dentry->d_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(h_d != h_dentry
++ || h_d->d_inode != h_inode
++ || (h_inode && au_iattr_test(&ia, h_inode))))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ dput(h_d);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL) {
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = (h_dentry->d_parent->d_inode != h_dir);
++ } else if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ err = au_h_verify_dentry(h_dentry, h_parent, br);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_do_refresh_hdentry(struct au_hdentry *p, struct au_dinfo *dinfo,
++ struct dentry *parent)
++ struct dentry *h_d, *h_dp;
++ struct au_hdentry tmp, *q;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t new_bindex, bindex, bend, bwh, bdiropq;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ bwh = dinfo->di_bwh;
++ bdiropq = dinfo->di_bdiropq;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ h_d = p->hd_dentry;
++ if (!h_d)
++ continue;
++ h_dp = dget_parent(h_d);
++ if (h_dp == au_h_dptr(parent, bindex)) {
++ dput(h_dp);
++ continue;
++ }
++ new_bindex = au_find_dbindex(parent, h_dp);
++ dput(h_dp);
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh == bindex)
++ bwh = new_bindex;
++ if (dinfo->di_bdiropq == bindex)
++ bdiropq = new_bindex;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p->hd_dentry = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower dentries, and loop again */
++ q = dinfo->di_hdentry + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hd_dentry) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ sb = parent->d_sb;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ if (bwh >= 0 && bwh <= au_sbend(sb) && au_sbr_whable(sb, bwh))
++ dinfo->di_bwh = bwh;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ if (bdiropq >= 0
++ && bdiropq <= au_sbend(sb)
++ && au_sbr_whable(sb, bdiropq))
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = bdiropq;
++ bend = au_dbend(parent);
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bend;
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--, p--)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bend = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ * returns the number of found lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ */
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type)
++ int npositive, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ err = au_di_realloc(dinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ npositive = err;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_hdentry(dinfo->di_hdentry + dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo,
++ parent);
++ npositive = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ if (type != S_IFDIR && dinfo->di_bstart == bstart)
++ goto out_dgen; /* success */
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart, type, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (npositive < 0)
++ goto out;
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh >= 0 && dinfo->di_bwh <= dinfo->di_bstart)
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ out_dgen:
++ au_update_digen(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ AuTraceErr(npositive);
++ return npositive;
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_do_h_d_reval(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err, valid;
++ int (*reval)(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
++ err = 0;
++ reval = NULL;
++ if (h_dentry->d_op)
++ reval = h_dentry->d_op->d_revalidate;
++ if (!reval)
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_dentry->d_sb))
++ /* it may return tri-state */
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ int locked;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ parent = nd->path.dentry;
++ locked = (nd && nd->path.dentry != dentry);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ BUG_ON(bindex > au_dbend(parent));
++ h_nd.path.dentry = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ BUG_ON(!h_nd.path.dentry);
++ h_nd.path.mnt = au_sbr(parent->d_sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(valid < 0))
++ err = valid;
++ else if (!valid)
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* todo: remove this */
++static int h_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ struct nameidata *nd, int do_udba)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode, h_mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart, ibs, ibe;
++ unsigned char plus, unhashed, is_root, h_plus;
++ struct inode *first, *h_inode, *h_cached_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name, *h_name;
++ err = 0;
++ plus = 0;
++ mode = 0;
++ first = NULL;
++ ibs = -1;
++ ibe = -1;
++ unhashed = !!d_unhashed(dentry);
++ is_root = !!IS_ROOT(dentry);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ /*
++ * Theoretically, REVAL test should be unnecessary in case of INOTIFY.
++ * But inotify doesn't fire some necessary events,
++ * IN_ATTRIB for atime/nlink/pageio
++ * IN_DELETE for NFS dentry
++ * Let's do REVAL test too.
++ */
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ mode = (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ plus = (inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ first = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ ibs = au_ibstart(inode);
++ ibe = au_ibend(inode);
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ btail = bstart;
++ if (inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %.*s\n", bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ h_name = &h_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(do_udba
++ && !is_root
++ && (unhashed != !!d_unhashed(h_dentry)
++ || name->len != h_name->len
++ || memcmp(name->name, h_name->name, name->len))
++ )) {
++ AuDbg("unhash 0x%x 0x%x, %.*s %.*s\n",
++ unhashed, d_unhashed(h_dentry),
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ goto err;
++ }
++ err = au_do_h_d_reval(h_dentry, nd, dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* do not goto err, to keep the errno */
++ break;
++ /* todo: plink too? */
++ if (!do_udba)
++ continue;
++ /* UDBA tests */
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!!inode != !!h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ h_plus = plus;
++ h_mode = mode;
++ h_cached_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ h_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ h_plus = (h_inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ }
++ if (inode && ibs <= bindex && bindex <= ibe)
++ h_cached_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(plus != h_plus
++ || mode != h_mode
++ || h_cached_inode != h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ continue;
++ err:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int simple_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ return 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ au_dbg_verify_gen(parent, sigen);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ if (!au_ftest_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS))
++ return simple_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ /* slow loop, keep it simple and stupid */
++ /* cf: au_cpup_dirs() */
++ err = 0;
++ parent = NULL;
++ while (au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ d = dentry;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ if (au_digen(parent) == sigen
++ && au_iigen(parent->d_inode) == sigen)
++ break;
++ d = parent;
++ }
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ /* someone might update our dentry while we were sleeping */
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen || au_iigen(d->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, d);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * if valid returns 1, otherwise 0.
++ */
++static int aufs_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int valid, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ unsigned char do_udba;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_DW);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ if (inode)
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ }
++ if (inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ AuDebugOn(inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ do_udba = !au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), UDBA_NONE);
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0
++ && au_test_higen(inode, au_h_iptr(inode, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = h_d_revalidate(dentry, inode, nd, do_udba);
++ if (unlikely(!err && do_udba && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ valid = !err;
++ if (!valid)
++ AuDbg("%.*s invalid\n", AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ return valid;
++static void aufs_d_release(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dinfo = dentry->d_fsdata;
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ /* dentry may not be revalidated */
++ bindex = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ struct au_hdentry *p;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ while (bindex++ <= bend) {
++ if (p->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(dinfo->di_hdentry);
++ AuRwDestroy(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ au_hin_di_reinit(dentry);
++struct dentry_operations aufs_dop = {
++ .d_revalidate = aufs_d_revalidate,
++ .d_release = aufs_d_release
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#define __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/dcache.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++/* make a single member structure for future use */
++/* todo: remove this structure */
++struct au_hdentry {
++ struct dentry *hd_dentry;
++struct au_dinfo {
++ atomic_t di_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem di_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t di_bstart, di_bend, di_bwh, di_bdiropq;
++ struct au_hdentry *di_hdentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry.c */
++extern struct dentry_operations aufs_dop;
++struct au_branch;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd);
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type);
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++/* dinfo.c */
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr);
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_dinfo *au_di(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return dentry->d_fsdata;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for dinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_DI_PARENT2,
++ * di_read_lock_child, di_write_lock_child,
++ * di_read_lock_child2, di_write_lock_child2,
++ * di_read_lock_child3, di_write_lock_child3,
++ * di_read_lock_parent, di_write_lock_parent,
++ * di_read_lock_parent2, di_write_lock_parent2,
++ * di_read_lock_parent3, di_write_lock_parent3,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_read_lock_##name(struct dentry *d, int flags) \
++{ di_read_lock(d, flags, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_write_lock_##name(struct dentry *d) \
++{ di_write_lock(d, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++#define DiMustNoWaiters(d) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustAnyLock(d) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustWriteLock(d) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_digen(struct dentry *d)
++ return atomic_read(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_h_dentry_init(struct au_hdentry *hdentry)
++ hdentry->hd_dentry = NULL;
++static inline void au_hdput(struct au_hdentry *hd)
++ dput(hd->hd_dentry);
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bend;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bwh;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline void au_set_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbend(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ /* dbwh can be outside of bstart - bend range */
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bwh = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq = bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void au_digen_dec(struct dentry *d)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry)
++ dentry->d_fsdata = NULL;
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DENTRY_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * dentry private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr;
++ dinfo = au_cache_alloc_dinfo();
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (nbr <= 0)
++ nbr = 1;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*dinfo->di_hdentry), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo->di_hdentry))
++ goto out_dinfo;
++ atomic_set(&dinfo->di_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init_wlock_nested(&dinfo->di_rwsem, AuLsc_DI_CHILD);
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ dentry->d_fsdata = dinfo;
++ dentry->d_op = &aufs_dop;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dinfo:
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp) * (dinfo->di_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp);
++ hdp = au_kzrealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sz, sizeof(*hdp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hdp) {
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = hdp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void do_ii_write_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_write_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_write_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_write_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_write_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++static void do_ii_read_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_read_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_read_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_read_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_read_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_read_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ do_ii_read_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ }
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_read_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ au_rw_read_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode && au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_downgrade_lock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_dgrade_lock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d)
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_child(d1);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_child(d2);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_parent(d1);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_parent(d2);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock(d1);
++ if (d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode)
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d2)->di_rwsem);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock(d2);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ return NULL;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex < 0);
++ d = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ AuDebugOn(d && (atomic_read(&d->d_count) <= 0));
++ return d;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bwh;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ if (!bwh)
++ return bwh;
++ if (0 < bwh && bwh < bend)
++ return bwh - 1;
++ }
++ return bend;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq;
++ bend = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bopq && bopq < bend)
++ bend = bopq;
++ }
++ return bend;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct au_hdentry *hd = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ if (hd->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(hd);
++ hd->hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry)
++ atomic_set(&au_di(dentry)->di_generation, au_sigen(dentry->d_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo || dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ if (h_d && !h_d->d_inode)
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ while (++dinfo->di_bstart <= dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bstart].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bend].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend || dinfo->di_bend < 0);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbend(dentry); bindex <= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex) == h_dentry)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink += h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink += 2;
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink -= h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink -= 2;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int reopen_dir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ /* open all lower dirs */
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex < bstart; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbend(file); btail < bindex; bindex--)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ flags = file->f_flags;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (h_file)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* close all? */
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int do_open_dir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, NULL);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 0;
++ file->f_version = dentry->d_inode->i_version;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ for (; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ break;
++ }
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* close all */
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= btail; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, -1);
++ au_set_fbend(file, -1);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_dir);
++static int aufs_release_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (vdir_cache)
++ au_vdir_free(vdir_cache);
++ if (au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* clear the flag without write-lock */
++ sbinfo->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK;
++ smp_mb();
++ wake_up_all(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ }
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(struct dentry *dentry, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_path.dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ /* no mnt_want_write() */
++ /* cf. fs/nsfd/vfs.c and fs/nfsd/nfs4recover.c */
++ /* todo: inotiry fired? */
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode->i_fop);
++ if (!err && h_inode->i_fop->fsync)
++ err = h_inode->i_fop->fsync(NULL, h_path.dentry,
++ datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_do_fsync_dir(struct file *file, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ err = vfs_fsync(h_file, h_file->f_dentry, datasync);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_mtx = &h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock(h_mtx);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * @file may be NULL
++ */
++static int aufs_fsync_dir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ IMustLock(dentry->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (file)
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir(file, datasync);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(dentry, datasync);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ if (file)
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_readdir(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_vdir_init(file);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current)) {
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode)));
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * nfsd filldir may call lookup_one_len(), vfs_getattr(),
++ * encode_fh() and others.
++ */
++ struct inode *h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ lockdep_on();
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode, h_inode);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuTestEmpty_WHONLY 1
++#define AuTestEmpty_CALLED (1 << 1)
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_testempty(flags, name) ((flags) & AuTestEmpty_##name)
++#define au_fset_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#undef AuTestEmpty_SHWH
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH 0
++struct test_empty_arg {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++static int test_empty_cb(void *__arg, const char *__name, int namelen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (name[0] == '.'
++ && (namelen == 1 || (name[1] == '.' && namelen == 2)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (namelen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, WHONLY)
++ && !au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (!au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, namelen, ino, d_type, arg->bindex,
++ au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, SHWH));
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int do_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, arg->bindex,
++ /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && !h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink)
++ goto out_put;
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(h_file, test_empty_cb, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ out_put:
++ fput(h_file);
++ au_sbr_put(dentry->d_sb, arg->bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_test_empty_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg;
++static void call_do_test_empty(void *args)
++ struct do_test_empty_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_test_empty(a->dentry, a->arg);
++static int sio_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, arg->bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_test_h_perm_sio(h_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_READ);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, arg);
++ else {
++ struct do_test_empty_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .arg = arg
++ };
++ unsigned int flags = arg->flags;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_test_empty, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ arg->flags = flags;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg.whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ arg.flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ arg.bindex = bstart;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whlist;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, WHONLY);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ out_whlist:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg.whlist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ err = 0;
++ arg.whlist = *whlist;
++ arg.flags = AuTestEmpty_WHONLY;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = sio_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop = {
++ .read = generic_read_dir,
++ .readdir = aufs_readdir,
++ .unlocked_ioctl = aufs_ioctl_dir,
++ .open = aufs_open_dir,
++ .release = aufs_release_dir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_dir
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#define __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* need to be faster and smaller */
++struct au_nhash {
++ unsigned int nh_num;
++ struct hlist_head *nh_head;
++struct au_vdir_destr {
++ unsigned char len;
++ unsigned char name[0];
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_dehstr {
++ struct hlist_node hash;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++struct au_vdir_de {
++ ino_t de_ino;
++ unsigned char de_type;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr de_str;
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_wh {
++ struct hlist_node wh_hash;
++ ino_t wh_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ unsigned char wh_type;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr wh_str;
++} __packed;
++union au_vdir_deblk_p {
++ unsigned char *deblk;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++struct au_vdir {
++ unsigned char **vd_deblk;
++ unsigned long vd_nblk;
++ struct {
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ } vd_last;
++ unsigned long vd_version;
++ unsigned int vd_deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long vd_jiffy;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dir.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop;
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++/* vdir.c */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit);
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen);
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh);
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file);
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir);
++/* ioctl.c */
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DIR_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * export via nfs
++ */
++#include <linux/exportfs.h>
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/mnt_namespace.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++union conv {
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ __u32 a[2];
++ __u32 a[1];
++ ino_t ino;
++static ino_t decode_ino(__u32 *a)
++ union conv u;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u.ino) != sizeof(u.a));
++ u.a[0] = a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ u.a[1] = a[1];
++ return u.ino;
++static void encode_ino(__u32 *a, ino_t ino)
++ union conv u;
++ u.ino = ino;
++ a[0] = u.a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ a[1] = u.a[1];
++/* NFS file handle */
++enum {
++ Fh_br_id,
++ Fh_sigen,
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ /* support 64bit inode number */
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_ino2,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino2,
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_igen,
++ Fh_h_type,
++ Fh_tail,
++ Fh_ino = Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino = Fh_dir_ino1
++static int au_test_anon(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return !!(dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_DISCONNECTED);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode generation external table */
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ __u32 igen;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /*
++ * temporary workaround for escaping from SiMustAnyLock() in
++ * au_mntflags(), since this function is called from au_iinfo_fin().
++ */
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ pos *= sizeof(igen);
++ igen = inode->i_generation + 1;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xigen, &igen,
++ sizeof(igen), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(igen))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ err = 0;
++ /* todo: dirty, at mount time */
++ if (inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)
++ goto out;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(inode->i_generation) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large i%lld\n", pos);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(inode->i_generation);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = sbinfo->si_xigen;
++ BUG_ON(!file);
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ < pos + sizeof(inode->i_generation)) {
++ inode->i_generation = atomic_inc_return(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ } else
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(inode->i_generation))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = file;
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen) {
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *decode_by_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (unlikely(is_bad_inode(inode)
++ || IS_DEADDIR(inode)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(inode)))
++ goto out_iput;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (!dir_ino || S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ dentry = d_find_alias(inode);
++ else {
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias)
++ if (!au_test_anon(d)
++ && d->d_parent->d_inode->i_ino == dir_ino) {
++ dentry = dget_locked(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(dentry && sigen != au_digen(dentry))) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: dirty? */
++/* if exportfs_decode_fh() passed vfsmount*, we could be happy */
++static struct vfsmount *au_mnt_get(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct mnt_namespace *ns;
++ struct vfsmount *pos, *mnt;
++ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ /* no get/put ?? */
++ AuDebugOn(!current->nsproxy);
++ ns = current->nsproxy->mnt_ns;
++ AuDebugOn(!ns);
++ mnt = NULL;
++ /* the order (reverse) will not be a problem */
++ list_for_each_entry(pos, &ns->list, mnt_list)
++ if (pos->mnt_sb == sb) {
++ mnt = mntget(pos);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ AuDebugOn(!mnt);
++ return mnt;
++struct au_nfsd_si_lock {
++ const unsigned int sigen;
++ const aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ unsigned char force_lock;
++static aufs_bindex_t si_nfsd_read_lock(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, nsi_lock->br_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && nsi_lock->sigen + AUFS_BRANCH_MAX > au_sigen(sb))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!nsi_lock->force_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ bindex = -1;
++ out:
++ return bindex;
++struct find_name_by_ino {
++ int called, found;
++ ino_t ino;
++ char *name;
++ int namelen;
++static int
++find_name_by_ino(void *arg, const char *name, int namelen, loff_t offset,
++ u64 ino, unsigned int d_type)
++ struct find_name_by_ino *a = arg;
++ a->called++;
++ if (a->ino != ino)
++ return 0;
++ memcpy(a->name, name, namelen);
++ a->namelen = namelen;
++ a->found = 1;
++ return 1;
++static struct dentry *au_lkup_by_ino(struct path *path, ino_t ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct find_name_by_ino arg;
++ int err;
++ parent = path->dentry;
++ if (nsi_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(parent->d_sb);
++ path_get(path);
++ file = dentry_open(parent, path->mnt, au_dir_roflags, current_cred());
++ dentry = (void *)file;
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out_file;
++ arg.ino = ino;
++ arg.found = 0;
++ do {
++ arg.called = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(file, find_name_by_ino, &arg);
++ } while (!err && !arg.found && arg.called);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_name;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ if (!arg.found)
++ goto out_name;
++ /* do not call au_lkup_one() */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(, parent, arg.namelen);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_name;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ }
++ out_name:
++ __putname(;
++ out_file:
++ fput(file);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(nsi_lock
++ && si_nfsd_read_lock(parent->d_sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct dentry *decode_by_dir_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct path path;
++ if (dir_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO) {
++ path.dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ dentry = path.dentry;
++ if (!path.dentry || IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ } else
++ path.dentry = dget(sb->s_root);
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, nsi_lock);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_acceptable(void *expv, struct dentry *dentry)
++ return 1;
++static char *au_build_path(struct dentry *h_parent, struct path *h_rootpath,
++ char *buf, int len, struct super_block *sb)
++ char *p;
++ int n;
++ struct path path;
++ p = d_path(h_rootpath, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ n = strlen(p);
++ path.mnt = h_rootpath->mnt;
++ path.dentry = h_parent;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p += n;
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ path.dentry = sb->s_root;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len - strlen(p));
++ mntput(path.mnt);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p[strlen(p)] = '/';
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(p);
++ return p;
++struct dentry *decode_by_path(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ ino_t ino, __u32 *fh, int fh_len,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_parent, *root;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ char *pathname, *p;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ /* au_br_get(br); */
++ h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ /* todo: call lower fh_to_dentry()? fh_to_parent()? */
++ h_parent = exportfs_decode_fh(h_mnt, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ fh_len - Fh_tail, fh[Fh_h_type],
++ h_acceptable, /*context*/NULL);
++ dentry = h_parent;
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent || IS_ERR(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh failed, %ld\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb), PTR_ERR(h_parent));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_anon(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh returned a disconnected dentry\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ }
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ pathname = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!pathname))
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ path.mnt = h_mnt;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ p = au_build_path(h_parent, &path, pathname, PAGE_SIZE, sb);
++ dentry = (void *)p;
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out_pathname;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(p, LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY, &path);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_relock;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!path.dentry->d_inode))
++ goto out_path;
++ if (ino != path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino)
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, /*nsi_lock*/NULL);
++ else
++ dentry = dget(path.dentry);
++ out_path:
++ path_put(&path);
++ out_relock:
++ if (unlikely(si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_pathname:
++ free_page((unsigned long)pathname);
++ out_h_parent:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out:
++ /* au_br_put(br); */
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *
++aufs_fh_to_dentry(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid, int fh_len,
++ int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t ino, dir_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock nsi_lock = {
++ .sigen = fh[Fh_sigen],
++ .br_id = fh[Fh_br_id],
++ .force_lock = 0
++ };
++ AuDebugOn(fh_len < Fh_tail);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, &nsi_lock);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ nsi_lock.force_lock = 1;
++ /* is this inode still cached? */
++ ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_ino);
++ AuDebugOn(ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* is the parent dir cached? */
++ dentry = decode_by_dir_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* lookup path */
++ dentry = decode_by_path(sb, bindex, ino, fh, fh_len, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (unlikely(!dentry))
++ /* todo?: make it ESTALE */
++ goto out_unlock;
++ accept:
++ if (dentry->d_inode->i_generation == fh[Fh_igen])
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ out_unlock:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++/* support subtreecheck option */
++static struct dentry *aufs_fh_to_parent(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid,
++ int fh_len, int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t dir_ino;
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ parent = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ if (IS_ERR(parent))
++ goto out;
++ if (!parent)
++ parent = decode_by_path(sb, au_br_index(sb, fh[Fh_br_id]),
++ dir_ino, fh, fh_len);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(parent);
++ return parent;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_encode_fh(struct dentry *dentry, __u32 *fh, int *max_len,
++ int connectable)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ parent = NULL;
++ err = -ENOSPC;
++ if (unlikely(*max_len <= Fh_tail)) {
++ AuWarn1("NFSv2 client (max_len %d)?\n", *max_len);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = FILEID_ROOT;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ AuDebugOn(dentry->d_inode->i_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_IR);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ AuWarn1("NFS-exporting requires xino\n");
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (h_parent) {
++ dget(h_parent);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -EPERM;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (unlikely(!h_sb->s_export_op)) {
++ AuErr1("%s branch is not exportable\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ fh[Fh_br_id] = br->br_id;
++ fh[Fh_sigen] = au_sigen(sb);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_ino, inode->i_ino);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino, parent->d_inode->i_ino);
++ fh[Fh_igen] = inode->i_generation;
++ *max_len -= Fh_tail;
++ fh[Fh_h_type] = exportfs_encode_fh(h_parent, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ max_len,
++ /*connectable or subtreecheck*/0);
++ err = fh[Fh_h_type];
++ *max_len += Fh_tail;
++ /* todo: macros? */
++ if (err != 255)
++ err = 99;
++ else
++ AuWarn1("%s encode_fh failed\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ out_dput:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = 255;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct export_operations aufs_export_op = {
++ .fh_to_dentry = aufs_fh_to_dentry,
++ /* .fh_to_parent = aufs_fh_to_parent, */
++ .encode_fh = aufs_encode_fh
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ __u32 u;
++ sb->s_export_op = &aufs_export_op;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ get_random_bytes(&u, sizeof(u));
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u) != sizeof(int));
++ atomic_set(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next, u);
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * handling file/dir, and address_space operation
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fsnotify.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/pagemap.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * a dirty trick for handling deny_write_access().
++ * because FMODE_EXEC flag is not passed to f_op->open(),
++ * set it to file->private_data temporary.
++ */
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode)
++ if (nd
++ /* && !(nd->flags & LOOKUP_CONTINUE) */
++ && (nd->flags & LOOKUP_OPEN)
++ && (nd-> & vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_EXEC))
++ && inode
++ && S_ISREG(inode->i_mode)) {
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ unsigned long flags = nd->;
++ nd->>private_data = (void *)flags;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ }
++/* drop flags for writing */
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags)
++ flags &= ~(O_WRONLY | O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
++ flags |= O_RDONLY | O_NOATIME;
++ return flags;
++/* common functions to regular file and dir */
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ /* a race condition can happen between open and unlink/rmdir */
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely((!d_unhashed(dentry) && d_unhashed(h_dentry))
++ || !h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ && (br->br_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC))
++ goto out;
++ /* drop flags for writing */
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode))
++ flags = au_file_roflags(flags);
++ flags &= ~O_CREAT;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ h_file = dentry_open(dget(h_dentry), mntget(br->br_mnt), flags,
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out_br;
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)) {
++ h_file->f_mode |= FMODE_EXEC;
++ err = deny_write_access(h_file);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ fput(h_file);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ }
++ fsnotify_open(h_dentry);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ out:
++ return h_file;
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags))
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_finfo_init(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = open(file, file->f_flags);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file, *h_file_tmp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_file_tmp = NULL;
++ if (au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ if (file->f_mode == h_file->f_mode)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ h_file_tmp = h_file;
++ get_file(h_file_tmp);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, NULL);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(au_fbstart(file) < bstart
++ || au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bstart].hf_file);
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bstart, file->f_flags & ~O_TRUNC, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* todo: close all? */
++ err = 0;
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ /* close lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bstart);
++ out:
++ if (h_file_tmp)
++ fput(h_file_tmp);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_reopen_wh(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ struct dentry *hi_wh)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ dinfo = au_di(file->f_dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = btgt;
++ h_dentry = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = hi_wh;
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_ready_to_write_wh(struct file *file, loff_t len,
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *hi_wh;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bcpup);
++ if (!hi_wh)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, bcpup, len, file);
++ else
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bcpup, hi_wh);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!err && inode->i_nlink > 1 && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_append(inode, bcpup, au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup));
++ return err;
++ * prepare the @file for writing.
++ */
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bcpup;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode);
++ if (!err && (au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)) {
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, /*flags*/0);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* need to cpup */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ }
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_dentry;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) /* || d_unhashed(h_dentry) */
++ /* || !h_inode->i_nlink */) {
++ err = au_ready_to_write_wh(file, len, bcpup);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ } else {
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ if (!au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup))
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bcpup, len,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_file_refresh_by_inode(struct file *file, int *need_reopen)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *hi_wh;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart == finfo->fi_bstart)
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bstart = err;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bstart);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode)
++ && !d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(dentry, bstart);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* always superio. */
++ err = au_pin(&pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bstart, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else if (hi_wh) {
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bstart, hi_wh);
++ *need_reopen = 0;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_do_refresh_file(struct file *file)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, new_bindex, brid;
++ struct au_hfile *p, tmp, *q;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + finfo->fi_bstart;
++ brid = p->hf_br->br_id;
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hf_file)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hf_br->br_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = finfo->fi_hfile + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hf_file) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file) && !d_unhashed(file->f_dentry)) {
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart <= bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ bend = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart < bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + bend;
++ for (finfo->fi_bend = bend; finfo->fi_bend >= finfo->fi_bstart;
++ finfo->fi_bend--, p--)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(finfo->fi_bend < finfo->fi_bstart);
++ * after branch manipulating, refresh the file.
++ */
++static int refresh_file(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file))
++ int err, need_reopen;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ err = au_fi_realloc(au_fi(file), au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_file(file);
++ err = 0;
++ need_reopen = 1;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ err = au_file_refresh_by_inode(file, &need_reopen);
++ if (!err && need_reopen && !d_unhashed(dentry))
++ err = reopen(file);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ /* error, close all lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen, figen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char pseudo_link;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sigen = au_sigen(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ figen = au_figen(file);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ pseudo_link = (bstart != au_ibstart(dentry->d_inode));
++ if (sigen == figen && !pseudo_link && au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ AuDbg("sigen %d, figen %d\n", sigen, figen);
++ if (sigen != au_digen(dentry)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ err = refresh_file(file, reopen);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cf. aufs_nopage() */
++/* for madvise(2) */
++static int aufs_readpage(struct file *file __maybe_unused, struct page *page)
++ unlock_page(page);
++ return 0;
++/* they will never be called. */
++static int aufs_write_begin(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned flags,
++ struct page **pagep, void **fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_write_end(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned copied,
++ struct page *page, void *fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_writepage(struct page *page, struct writeback_control *wbc)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_sync_page(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_set_page_dirty(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_invalidatepage(struct page *page, unsigned long offset)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_releasepage(struct page *page, gfp_t gfp)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static ssize_t aufs_direct_IO(int rw, struct kiocb *iocb,
++ const struct iovec *iov, loff_t offset,
++ unsigned long nr_segs)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++struct address_space_operations aufs_aop = {
++ .readpage = aufs_readpage,
++ .writepage = aufs_writepage,
++ .sync_page = aufs_sync_page,
++ .set_page_dirty = aufs_set_page_dirty,
++ .write_begin = aufs_write_begin,
++ .write_end = aufs_write_end,
++ .invalidatepage = aufs_invalidatepage,
++ .releasepage = aufs_releasepage,
++ .direct_IO = aufs_direct_IO,
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/poll.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_hfile {
++ struct file *hf_file;
++ struct au_branch *hf_br;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_finfo {
++ atomic_t fi_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem fi_rwsem;
++ struct au_hfile *fi_hfile;
++ aufs_bindex_t fi_bstart, fi_bend;
++ union {
++ /* non-dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_h_vm_ops;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_vm_ops;
++ };
++ /* dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct au_vdir *fi_vdir_cache;
++ int fi_maintain_plink;
++ };
++ };
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* file.c */
++extern struct address_space_operations aufs_aop;
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode);
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags);
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags));
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file);
++struct au_pin;
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin);
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock);
++/* poll.c */
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait);
++/* f_op.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop;
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id);
++/* finfo.c */
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file);
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct file *h_file);
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file);
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file);
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_finfo *au_fi(struct file *file)
++ return file->private_data;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * fi_read_lock, fi_write_lock,
++ * fi_read_unlock, fi_write_unlock, fi_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(fi, struct file *f, &au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem);
++#define FiMustNoWaiters(f) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustAnyLock(f) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustWriteLock(f) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbstart(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbend(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_fvdir_cache(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache;
++static inline void au_set_fbstart(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fbend(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fvdir_cache(struct file *file,
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache = vdir_cache;
++static inline struct file *au_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bindex].hf_file;
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_figen(struct file *f)
++ return atomic_read(&au_fi(f)->fi_generation);
++static inline int au_test_mmapped(struct file *f)
++ FiMustAnyLock(f);
++ return !!(au_fi(f)->fi_h_vm_ops);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FILE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file private data
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file)
++ if (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ allow_write_access(hf->hf_file);
++ fput(hf->hf_file);
++ hf->hf_file = NULL;
++ atomic_dec_return(&hf->hf_br->br_count);
++ hf->hf_br = NULL;
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *val)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo = au_fi(file);
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ if (hf->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(hf, file);
++ if (val) {
++ hf->hf_file = val;
++ hf->hf_br = au_sbr(file->f_dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ }
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file)
++ atomic_set(&au_fi(file)->fi_generation, au_digen(file->f_dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ bindex = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ /*
++ * calls fput() instead of filp_close(),
++ * since no dnotify or lock for the lower file.
++ */
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ au_dbg_verify_hf(finfo);
++ kfree(finfo->fi_hfile);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuRwDestroy(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_cache_alloc_finfo();
++ if (unlikely(!finfo))
++ goto out;
++ finfo->fi_hfile = kcalloc(au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1,
++ sizeof(*finfo->fi_hfile), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_hfile))
++ goto out_finfo;
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ finfo->fi_bstart = -1;
++ finfo->fi_bend = -1;
++ atomic_set(&finfo->fi_generation, au_digen(dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ /* cf. au_store_oflag() */
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ ul = (unsigned long)file->private_data;
++ file->f_mode |= (vfsub_uint_to_fmode(ul) & FMODE_EXEC);
++ file->private_data = finfo;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_finfo:
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hfile *hfp;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp) * (finfo->fi_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp);
++ hfp = au_kzrealloc(finfo->fi_hfile, sz, sizeof(*hfp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hfp) {
++ finfo->fi_hfile = hfp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file and vm operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || !h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->flush)
++ continue;
++ err = h_file->f_op->flush(h_file, id);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int do_open_nondir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops = NULL;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = NULL;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* O_TRUNC is processed already */
++ BUG_ON(au_test_ro(dentry->d_sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)
++ && (flags & O_TRUNC));
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ else {
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bindex);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_nondir);
++static int aufs_release_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct super_block *sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ kfree(au_fi(file)->fi_vm_ops);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t aufs_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ err = vfsub_read_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_write(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ char __user *buf = (char __user *)ubuf;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_read(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_read) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_READ);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_read(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode,
++ h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->read);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_write(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_write) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_write(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->write);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_splice_read(struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (au_test_loopback_kthread()) {
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ smp_mb(); /* unnecessary? */
++ }
++ err = vfsub_splice_to(h_file, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ /* todo: necessasry? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t
++aufs_splice_write(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_splice_from(pipe, h_file, ppos, len, flags);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct file *au_safe_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file;
++ file = vma->vm_file;
++ if (file->private_data && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return file;
++ return NULL;
++static void au_reset_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct file *file)
++ vma->vm_file = file;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* flush vm_file */
++static int aufs_fault(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ /* todo: non-robr mode, user vm_file as it is? */
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ /* do not revalidate, no si lock */
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->fault(vma, vmf);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++#if 0 /* def CONFIG_SMP */
++ /* wake_up_nr(&wq, online_cpu - 1); */
++ wake_up_all(&wq);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_page_mkwrite(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct page *page)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->page_mkwrite(vma, page);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static void aufs_vm_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->close(vma);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++static struct vm_operations_struct aufs_vm_ops = {
++ /* .close and .page_mkwrite are not set by default */
++ .fault = aufs_fault,
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct vm_operations_struct *au_vm_ops(struct file *h_file,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ int err;
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
++ if (!h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->mmap)
++ goto out;
++ err = h_file->f_op->mmap(h_file, vma);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ vm_ops = vma->vm_ops;
++ err = do_munmap(current->mm, vma->vm_start,
++ vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed internal unmapping %.*s, %d\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_file->f_dentry), err);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return vm_ops;
++static int au_custom_vm_ops(struct au_finfo *finfo, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *h_ops;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ h_ops = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_ops);
++ if ((!h_ops->page_mkwrite && !h_ops->close)
++ || finfo->fi_vm_ops)
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = kmemdup(&aufs_vm_ops, sizeof(aufs_vm_ops), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_vm_ops))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_ops->page_mkwrite)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->page_mkwrite = aufs_page_mkwrite;
++ if (h_ops->close)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->close = aufs_vm_close;
++ vma->vm_ops = finfo->fi_vm_ops;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char wlock, mmapped;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ wlock = !!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) && (vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARED);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mmapped = !!au_test_mmapped(file);
++ if (wlock) {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (!mmapped && au_test_fs_bad_mapping(h_file->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /*
++ * by this assignment, f_mapping will differs from aufs inode
++ * i_mapping.
++ * if someone else mixes the use of f_dentry->d_inode and
++ * f_mapping->host, then a problem may arise.
++ */
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ }
++ vm_ops = NULL;
++ if (!mmapped) {
++ vm_ops = au_vm_ops(h_file, vma);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vm_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(vm_ops))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ /*
++ * unnecessary to handle MAP_DENYWRITE and deny_write_access()?
++ * currently MAP_DENYWRITE from userspace is ignored, but elf loader
++ * sets it. when FMODE_EXEC is set (by open_exec() or sys_uselib()),
++ * both of the aufs file and the lower file is deny_write_access()-ed.
++ * finally I hope we can skip handlling MAP_DENYWRITE here.
++ */
++ err = generic_file_mmap(file, vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vma->vm_ops = &aufs_vm_ops;
++ /* test again */
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ au_fi(file)->fi_h_vm_ops = vm_ops;
++ err = au_custom_vm_ops(au_fi(file), vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vfsub_file_accessed(h_file);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_fsync_nondir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(file->f_mapping->host);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /*
++ * no filemap_fdatawrite() since aufs file has no its own
++ * mapping, but dir.
++ */
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = h_file->f_op->fsync(h_file, h_d, datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static int aufs_aio_fsync_nondir(struct kiocb *kio, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_fsync(kio, datasync);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fasync(int fd, struct file *file, int flag)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fasync)
++ err = h_file->f_op->fasync(fd, h_file, flag);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static ssize_t aufs_sendpage(struct file *file, struct page *page, int offset,
++ size_t len, loff_t *pos , int more)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop = {
++ /*
++ * while generic_file_llseek/_unlocked() don't use BKL,
++ * don't use it since it operates file->f_mapping->host.
++ * in aufs, it may be a real file and may confuse users by UDBA.
++ */
++ /* .llseek = generic_file_llseek, */
++ .read = aufs_read,
++ .write = aufs_write,
++ .aio_read = aufs_aio_read,
++ .aio_write = aufs_aio_write,
++ .poll = aufs_poll,
++ .mmap = aufs_mmap,
++ .open = aufs_open_nondir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .release = aufs_release_nondir,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_nondir,
++ /* .aio_fsync = aufs_aio_fsync_nondir, */
++ .fasync = aufs_fasync,
++ /* .sendpage = aufs_sendpage, */
++ .splice_write = aufs_splice_write,
++ .splice_read = aufs_splice_read,
++#if 0
++ .aio_splice_write = aufs_aio_splice_write,
++ .aio_splice_read = aufs_aio_splice_read
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * judging filesystem type
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/cramfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/magic.h>
++#include <linux/romfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++static inline int au_test_aufs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++static inline const char *au_sbtype(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_type->name;
++static inline int au_test_iso9660(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ROMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_romfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cramfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS) || defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CRAMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_nfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == NFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fuse(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XFS_SB_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_tmpfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == TMPFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ecryptfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "ecryptfs");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_smbfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == SMB_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == DLMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_coda(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS) || defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CODA_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_v9fs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_9P_FS) || defined(CONFIG_9P_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == V9FS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ext4(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysv(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS_MODULE)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "sysv");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ramfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == RAMFS_MAGIC;
++static inline int au_test_ubifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == UBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_procfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == PROC_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SYSFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_configfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == CONFIGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_minix(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS) || defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIGCIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fat(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_msdos(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_vfat(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_securityfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SECURITYFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_squashfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SQUASHFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_btrfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xenfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XENFS) || defined(CONFIG_XENFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_debugfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == DEBUGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * they can't be an aufs branch.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unsuppoted(struct super_block *sb)
++ return
++ au_test_ramfs(sb) ||
++ au_test_procfs(sb)
++ || au_test_sysfs(sb)
++ || au_test_configfs(sb)
++ || au_test_debugfs(sb)
++ || au_test_securityfs(sb)
++ || au_test_xenfs(sb)
++ /* || !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "unionfs") */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb); /* will be supported in next version */
++ * If the filesystem supports NFS-export, then it has to support NULL as
++ * a nameidata parameter for ->create(), ->lookup() and ->d_revalidate().
++ * We can apply this principle when we handle a lower filesystem.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_null_nd(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !!sb->s_export_op;
++static inline int au_test_fs_remote(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ && !au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ && !(sb->s_type->fs_flags & FS_REQUIRES_DEV);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * Note: these functions (below) are created after reading ->getattr() in all
++ * filesystems under linux/fs. it means we have to do so in every update...
++ */
++ * some filesystems require getattr to refresh the inode attributes before
++ * referencing.
++ * in most cases, we can rely on the inode attribute in NFS (or every remote fs)
++ * and leave the work for d_revalidate()
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ /* || au_test_smbfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_btrfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_coda(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_v9fs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't maintain i_size or i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_xfs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_ext4(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_sysv(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ubifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_minix(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't store the correct value in some of their inode
++ * attributes.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ || au_test_fat(sb)
++ || au_test_msdos(sb)
++ || au_test_vfat(sb);
++/* they don't check i_nlink in link(2) */
++static inline int au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++ * filesystems which sets S_NOATIME and S_NOCMTIME.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_notime(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which requires replacing i_mapping.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_mapping(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++/* temporary support for i#1 in cramfs */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unique_ino(struct inode *inode)
++ if (au_test_cramfs(inode->i_sb))
++ return inode->i_ino != 1;
++ return 1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the filesystem where the xino files placed must support i/o after unlink and
++ * maintain i_size and i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_remote(sb)
++ || au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ || !(au_test_ramfs(sb) || au_test_fs_null_nd(sb))
++ || !au_test_fs_null_nd(sb) /* to keep xino code simple */
++ /* don't want unnecessary work for xino */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb)
++ || au_test_ecryptfs(sb);
++static inline int au_test_fs_trunc_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb);
++ * test if the @sb is real-readonly.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_squashfs(sb)
++ || au_test_iso9660(sb)
++ || au_test_cramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_romfs(sb);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inotify for the lower directories
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static const __u32 AuHinMask = (IN_MOVE | IN_DELETE | IN_CREATE);
++static struct inotify_handle *au_hin_handle;
++AuCacheFuncs(hinotify, HINOTIFY);
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ s32 wd;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ hin = au_cache_alloc_hinotify();
++ if (hin) {
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_notify);
++ hinode->hi_notify = hin;
++ hin->hin_aufs_inode = inode;
++ inotify_init_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ wd = inotify_add_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch, h_inode,
++ AuHinMask);
++ if (wd >= 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = wd;
++ put_inotify_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ hin = hinode->hi_notify;
++ if (hin) {
++ err = 0;
++ if (atomic_read(&hin->hin_watch.count))
++ err = inotify_rm_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* it means the watch is already removed */
++ AuWarn("failed inotify_rm_watch() %d\n", err);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct inotify_watch *watch;
++ if (!hinode->hi_notify)
++ return;
++ h_inode = hinode->hi_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ /* todo: try inotify_find_update_watch()? */
++ watch = &hinode->hi_notify->hin_watch;
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++ /* mutex_lock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ if (do_set) {
++ AuDebugOn(watch->mask & AuHinMask);
++ watch->mask |= AuHinMask;
++ } else {
++ AuDebugOn(!(watch->mask & AuHinMask));
++ watch->mask &= ~AuHinMask;
++ }
++ /* mutex_unlock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct dentry *iwhdentry;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!hi)
++ continue;
++ /* mutex_lock_nested(&hi->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD); */
++ iwhdentry = au_hi_wh(inode, bindex);
++ if (iwhdentry)
++ dget(iwhdentry);
++ au_igrab(hi);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(hi),
++ flags & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ iput(hi);
++ dput(iwhdentry);
++ /* mutex_unlock(&hi->i_mutex); */
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int hin_xino(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound, bstart;
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (bindex == bend) {
++ /* keep this ino in rename case */
++ goto out;
++ }
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex) == h_inode) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bfound < 0)
++ goto out;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!h_i)
++ continue;
++ err = au_xino_write(inode->i_sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ /* bad action? */
++ }
++ /* children inode number will be broken */
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_tree(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, dentry, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ if (IS_ROOT(d))
++ continue;
++ d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ /* todo: reset children xino?
++ cached children only? */
++ au_iigen_dec(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ /* discard children */
++ dentry_unhash(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * return 0 if processed.
++ */
++static int hin_gen_by_inode(char *name, unsigned int nlen, struct inode *inode,
++ const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ err = 1;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ err = 0;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!isdir) {
++ AuDebugOn(!name);
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias) {
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen
++ && memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(inode->i_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ d = d_find_alias(inode);
++ if (!d) {
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len == nlen && !memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ err = hin_gen_tree(d);
++ dput(d);
++ }
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_by_name(struct dentry *dentry, const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ /* || (inode && inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO) */
++ ) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_digen_dec(dentry);
++ if (inode)
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ if (inode)
++ err = hin_gen_tree(dentry);
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify job flags */
++#define AuHinJob_XINO0 1
++#define AuHinJob_GEN (1 << 1)
++#define AuHinJob_DIRENT (1 << 2)
++#define AuHinJob_ISDIR (1 << 3)
++#define AuHinJob_TRYXINO0 (1 << 4)
++#define AuHinJob_MNTPNT (1 << 5)
++#define au_ftest_hinjob(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHinJob_##name)
++#define au_fset_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHinJob_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHinJob_##name; }
++struct hin_job_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode, *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ char *h_name;
++ int h_nlen;
++static int hin_job(struct hin_job_args *a)
++ const unsigned int isdir = au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ /* reset xino */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, XINO0) && a->inode)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, TRYXINO0)
++ && a->inode
++ && a->h_inode) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!a->h_inode->i_nlink)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ /* make the generation obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, GEN)) {
++ int err = -1;
++ if (a->inode)
++ err = hin_gen_by_inode(a->h_name, a->h_nlen, a->inode,
++ isdir);
++ if (err && a->dentry)
++ hin_gen_by_name(a->dentry, isdir);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ }
++ /* make dir entries obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, DIRENT) && a->inode) {
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(a->inode);
++ if (vdir)
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* IMustLock(a->inode); */
++ /* a->inode->i_version++; */
++ }
++ /* can do nothing but warn */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, MNTPNT)
++ && a->dentry
++ && d_mountpoint(a->dentry))
++ AuWarn("mount-point %.*s is removed or renamed\n",
++ AuDLNPair(a->dentry));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char *in_name(u32 mask)
++#define test_ret(flag) if (mask & flag) \
++ return #flag;
++ test_ret(IN_ACCESS);
++ test_ret(IN_MODIFY);
++ test_ret(IN_ATTRIB);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_WRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_OPEN);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_FROM);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_TO);
++ test_ret(IN_CREATE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_UNMOUNT);
++ test_ret(IN_Q_OVERFLOW);
++ test_ret(IN_IGNORED);
++ return "";
++#undef test_ret
++ return "??";
++static struct dentry *lookup_wlock_by_name(char *name, unsigned int nlen,
++ struct inode *dir)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d, *parent;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ parent = d_find_alias(dir);
++ if (!parent)
++ return NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &parent->d_subdirs, d_u.d_child) {
++ /* AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d)); */
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen || memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ if (!atomic_read(&d->d_count) || !d->d_fsdata) {
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ continue;
++ }
++ dentry = dget(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct inode *lookup_wlock_by_ino(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t ino;
++ int err;
++ inode = NULL;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, &ino);
++ if (!err && ino)
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("wrong root branch\n");
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = NULL;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++enum { CHILD, PARENT };
++struct postproc_args {
++ struct inode *h_dir, *dir, *h_child_inode;
++ u32 mask;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ unsigned int h_child_nlen;
++ char h_child_name[];
++static void postproc(void *_args)
++ struct postproc_args *a = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound;
++ unsigned char xino, try_iput;
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t h_ino;
++ struct hin_job_args args;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ AuDebugOn(!_args);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->mask);
++ AuDbg("mask 0x%x %s, i%lu, hi%lu, hci%lu\n",
++ a->mask, in_name(a->mask), a->dir->i_ino, a->h_dir->i_ino,
++ a->h_child_inode ? a->h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ inode = NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ /*
++ * do not lock a->dir->i_mutex here
++ * because of d_revalidate() may cause a deadlock.
++ */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(!sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!sbinfo);
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(a->dir);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(a->dir); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(a->dir, bindex) == a->h_dir) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(a->dir);
++ if (unlikely(bfound < 0))
++ goto out;
++ xino = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO);
++ h_ino = 0;
++ if (a->h_child_inode)
++ h_ino = a->h_child_inode->i_ino;
++ if (a->h_child_nlen
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], MNTPNT)))
++ dentry = lookup_wlock_by_name(a->h_child_name, a->h_child_nlen,
++ a->dir);
++ try_iput = 0;
++ if (dentry)
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (xino && !inode && h_ino
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], XINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN))) {
++ inode = lookup_wlock_by_ino(sb, bfound, h_ino);
++ try_iput = 1;
++ }
++ args.flags = a->flags[CHILD];
++ args.dentry = dentry;
++ args.inode = inode;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_child_inode;
++ args.dir = a->dir;
++ args.h_dir = a->h_dir;
++ args.h_name = a->h_child_name;
++ args.h_nlen = a->h_child_nlen;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ if (dentry) {
++ if (dentry->d_fsdata)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ if (inode && try_iput) {
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ args.flags = a->flags[PARENT];
++ args.dentry = NULL;
++ args.inode = a->dir;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_dir;
++ args.dir = NULL;
++ args.h_dir = NULL;
++ args.h_name = NULL;
++ args.h_nlen = 0;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ au_nwt_done(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ iput(a->h_child_inode);
++ iput(a->h_dir);
++ iput(a->dir);
++ kfree(a);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_inotify(struct inotify_watch *watch, u32 wd __maybe_unused,
++ u32 mask, u32 cookie __maybe_unused,
++ const char *h_child_name, struct inode *h_child_inode)
++ struct au_hinotify *hinotify;
++ struct postproc_args *args;
++ int len, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char isdir, isroot, wh;
++ char *p;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ /* if IN_UNMOUNT happens, there must be another bug */
++ AuDebugOn(mask & IN_UNMOUNT);
++ if (mask & (IN_IGNORED | IN_UNMOUNT)) {
++ put_inotify_watch(watch);
++ return;
++ }
++#ifdef AuDbgHinotify
++ au_debug(1);
++ if (1 || !h_child_name || strcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME)) {
++ AuDbg("i%lu, wd %d, mask 0x%x %s, cookie 0x%x, hcname %s,"
++ " hi%lu\n",
++ watch->inode->i_ino, wd, mask, in_name(mask), cookie,
++ h_child_name ? h_child_name : "",
++ h_child_inode ? h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ WARN_ON(1);
++ }
++ au_debug(0);
++ hinotify = container_of(watch, struct au_hinotify, hin_watch);
++ AuDebugOn(!hinotify || !hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ dir = igrab(hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ if (!dir)
++ return;
++ isroot = (dir->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ len = 0;
++ wh = 0;
++ if (h_child_name) {
++ len = strlen(h_child_name);
++ if (!memcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ h_child_name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ len -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ wh = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ isdir = 0;
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ isdir = !!S_ISDIR(h_child_inode->i_mode);
++ flags[PARENT] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ flags[CHILD] = 0;
++ if (isdir)
++ flags[CHILD] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ switch (mask & IN_ALL_EVENTS) {
++ case IN_MOVED_FROM:
++ case IN_MOVED_TO:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], XINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ break;
++ case IN_CREATE:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ break;
++ case IN_DELETE:
++ /*
++ * aufs never be able to get this child inode.
++ * revalidation should be in d_revalidate()
++ * by checking i_nlink, i_generation or d_unhashed().
++ */
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuDebugOn(1);
++ }
++ if (wh)
++ h_child_inode = NULL;
++ /* iput() and kfree() will be called in postproc() */
++ /*
++ * inotify_mutex is already acquired and kmalloc/prune_icache may lock
++ * iprune_mutex. strange.
++ */
++ lockdep_off();
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args) + len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ iput(dir);
++ return;
++ }
++ args->flags[PARENT] = flags[PARENT];
++ args->flags[CHILD] = flags[CHILD];
++ args->mask = mask;
++ args->dir = dir;
++ args->h_dir = igrab(watch->inode);
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ h_child_inode = igrab(h_child_inode); /* can be NULL */
++ args->h_child_inode = h_child_inode;
++ args->h_child_nlen = len;
++ if (len) {
++ p = (void *)args;
++ p += sizeof(*args);
++ memcpy(p, h_child_name, len + 1);
++ }
++ lockdep_off();
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(postproc, args, dir->i_sb);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++static void aufs_inotify_destroy(struct inotify_watch *watch __maybe_unused)
++ return;
++static struct inotify_operations aufs_inotify_ops = {
++ .handle_event = aufs_inotify,
++ .destroy_watch = aufs_inotify_destroy
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_hin_destroy_cache(void)
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]);
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = NULL;
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = AuCache(au_hinotify);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]) {
++ err = 0;
++ au_hin_handle = inotify_init(&aufs_inotify_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(au_hin_handle)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_hin_handle);
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
++ }
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++void au_hinotify_fin(void)
++ inotify_destroy(au_hin_handle);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY])
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ h_inode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ return h_inode;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ h_inode = iinfo->ii_hinode[bindex + 0].hi_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ au_hin_free(hinode);
++ dput(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ iput(hinode->hi_inode);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir)
++ unsigned int flags;
++ const unsigned int mnt_flags = au_mntflags(inode->i_sb);
++ flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, XINO);
++ if (isdir && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_HINOTIFY))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ return flags;
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ hi = hinode->hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && hi);
++ if (hi)
++ au_hiput(hinode);
++ hinode->hi_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ if (bindex == iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ hinode->hi_id = br->br_id;
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("failed au_xino_write() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && au_br_hinotifyable(br->br_perm)) {
++ err = au_hin_alloc(hinode, inode, h_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("au_hin_alloc() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ }
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ hinode->hi_whdentry = h_wh;
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_set(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation, au_sigen(inode->i_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* it may be called at remount time, too */
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo || iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ h_i = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ if (h_i && !h_i->i_nlink)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ while (++iinfo->ii_bstart <= iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bstart].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bend].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend || iinfo->ii_bend < 0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr, i;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (unlikely(nbr <= 0))
++ nbr = 1;
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*iinfo->ii_hinode), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode) {
++ for (i = 0; i < nbr; i++)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[i].hi_id = -1;
++ atomic_set(&iinfo->ii_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_vdir = NULL;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hip) * (iinfo->ii_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hip);
++ hip = au_kzrealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sz, sizeof(*hip) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hip) {
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = hip;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_iinfo_write0(struct super_block *sb, struct au_hinode *hinode,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char locked;
++ err = 0;
++ locked = !!si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, hinode->hi_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ err = au_xino_write0(sb, bindex, hinode->hi_inode->i_ino, ino);
++ /* error action? */
++ if (locked)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode)
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ unsigned char unlinked = !inode->i_nlink;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hi;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (unlinked) {
++ int err = au_xigen_inc(inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn1("failed resetting i_generation, %d\n", err);
++ }
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ /* bad_inode case */
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ if (iinfo->ii_vdir)
++ au_vdir_free(iinfo->ii_vdir);
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart >= 0) {
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ ino = 0;
++ if (unlinked)
++ ino = inode->i_ino;
++ hi = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ bend = iinfo->ii_bend;
++ while (iinfo->ii_bstart++ <= bend) {
++ if (hi->hi_inode) {
++ if (unlinked || !hi->hi_inode->i_nlink) {
++ au_iinfo_write0(sb, hi, ino);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ ino = 0;
++ }
++ au_hiput(hi);
++ }
++ hi++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(iinfo->ii_hinode);
++ AuRwDestroy(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode functions
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode)
++ if (inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&inode->i_count));
++ atomic_inc_return(&inode->i_count);
++ }
++ return inode;
++static void au_refresh_hinode_attr(struct inode *inode, int do_version)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/0);
++ au_update_iigen(inode);
++ if (do_version)
++ inode->i_version++;
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, new_bindex;
++ unsigned char update;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p, *q, tmp;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ update = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ err = au_ii_realloc(iinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hi_inode)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hi_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ update++;
++ au_hiput(p);
++ p->hi_inode = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (new_bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = new_bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < new_bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = new_bindex;
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = iinfo->ii_hinode + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hi_inode) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (do_attr)
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, update;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ update = 0;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_d || !h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart <= bindex && bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ if (h_i == h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = bindex;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_d->d_inode), flags);
++ update = 1;
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && isdir);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int set_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ umode_t mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ err = 0;
++ isdir = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_file_fop;
++ inode->i_mapping->a_ops = &aufs_aop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_symlink_iop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ init_special_inode(inode, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown file type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* do not set inotify for whiteouted dirs (SHWH mode) */
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH)
++ && au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && dentry->d_name.len > AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ && !memcmp(dentry->, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ au_fclr_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bstart;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = btail;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex,
++ au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode), flags);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/1);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++static int reval_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry, int *matched)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dinode;
++ *matched = 0;
++ /*
++ * before this function, if aufs got any iinfo lock, it must be only
++ * one, the parent dir.
++ * it can happen by UDBA and the obsoleted inode number.
++ */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == parent_ino(dentry)))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ h_dinode = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry))->d_inode;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode && h_inode == h_dinode) {
++ *matched = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_iigen(inode) != au_digen(dentry))
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++/* todo: return with unlocked? */
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t h_ino, ino;
++ int err, match;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_ino = h_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bstart, h_ino, &ino);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ new_ino:
++ if (!ino) {
++ ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!ino)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("%lx, new %d\n", inode->i_state, !!(inode->i_state & I_NEW));
++ if (inode->i_state & I_NEW) {
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ err = set_inode(inode, dentry);
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ goto out_iput;
++ } else if (!must_new) {
++ err = reval_inode(inode, dentry, &match);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ else if (match)
++ goto out_iput;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unique_ino(h_dentry->d_inode)))
++ AuWarn1("Warning: Un-notified UDBA or repeatedly renamed dir,"
++ " b%d, %s, %.*s, hi%lu, i%lu.\n",
++ bstart, au_sbtype(h_dentry->d_sb), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ (unsigned long)h_ino, (unsigned long)ino);
++ ino = 0;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bstart, h_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ if (!err) {
++ iput(inode);
++ goto new_ino;
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ err = au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ /* pseudo-link after flushed may happen out of bounds */
++ if (!err
++ && inode
++ && au_ibstart(inode) <= bindex
++ && bindex <= au_ibend(inode)) {
++ /*
++ * permission check is unnecessary since vfsub routine
++ * will be called later
++ */
++ struct inode *hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (hi)
++ err = IS_IMMUTABLE(hi) ? -EROFS : 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (!current_fsuid())
++ return 0;
++ return inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb)
++ && (mask & MAY_WRITE)
++ && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode))
++ mask |= MAY_READ; /* force permission check */
++ return au_test_h_perm(h_inode, mask);
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#define __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/inotify.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct vfsmount;
++struct au_hinotify {
++ struct inotify_watch hin_watch;
++ struct inode *hin_aufs_inode; /* no get/put */
++struct au_hinode {
++ struct inode *hi_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t hi_id;
++ struct au_hinotify *hi_notify;
++ /* reference to the copied-up whiteout with get/put */
++ struct dentry *hi_whdentry;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_iinfo {
++ atomic_t ii_generation;
++ struct super_block *ii_hsb1; /* no get/put */
++ struct au_rwsem ii_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t ii_bstart, ii_bend;
++ __u32 ii_higen;
++ struct au_hinode *ii_hinode;
++ struct au_vdir *ii_vdir;
++struct au_icntnr {
++ struct au_iinfo iinfo;
++ struct inode vfs_inode;
++/* au_pin flags */
++#define AuPin_DI_LOCKED 1
++#define AuPin_MNT_WRITE (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_pin(flags, name) ((flags) & AuPin_##name)
++#define au_fset_pin(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuPin_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_pin(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuPin_##name; }
++struct au_pin {
++ /* input */
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ unsigned char lsc_di, lsc_hi, flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ /* output */
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_iinfo *au_ii(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode)
++ return iinfo;
++ return NULL; /* debugging bad_inode case */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode.c */
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode);
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr);
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry);
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new);
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode);
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++/* i_op.c */
++extern struct inode_operations aufs_iop, aufs_symlink_iop, aufs_dir_iop;
++/* au_wr_dir flags */
++#define AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY 1
++#define AuWrDir_ISDIR (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_wrdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWrDir_##name)
++#define au_fset_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWrDir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWrDir_##name; }
++struct au_wr_dir_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t force_btgt;
++ unsigned char flags;
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args);
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin);
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags);
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags) __must_check;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *pin) __must_check;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *pin);
++/* i_op_add.c */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode);
++/* i_op_del.c */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup);
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* i_op_ren.c */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt);
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* iinfo.c */
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir);
++/* hinode flags */
++#define AuHi_XINO 1
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_hi(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHi_##name)
++#define au_fset_hi(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHi_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hi(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHi_##name; }
++#undef AuHi_HINOTIFY
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY 0
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags);
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode);
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero);
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode);
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode);
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr);
++/* plink.c */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode);
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for iinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT, /* see AuLsc_I_PARENT in vfsub.h */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT2,
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT3, /* copyup dirs */
++ * ii_read_lock_child, ii_write_lock_child,
++ * ii_read_lock_child2, ii_write_lock_child2,
++ * ii_read_lock_child3, ii_write_lock_child3,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent, ii_write_lock_parent,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent2, ii_write_lock_parent2,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent3, ii_write_lock_parent3,
++ * ii_read_lock_new_child, ii_write_lock_new_child,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_read_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_write_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(new_child, NEW_CHILD);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++ * ii_read_unlock, ii_write_unlock, ii_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(ii, struct inode *i, &au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem);
++#define IiMustNoWaiters(i) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustAnyLock(i) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustWriteLock(i) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline unsigned int au_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ return atomic_read(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++/* tiny test for inode number */
++/* tmpfs generation is too rough */
++static inline int au_test_higen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ return !(iinfo->ii_hsb1 == h_inode->i_sb
++ && iinfo->ii_higen == h_inode->i_generation);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ii_br_id(struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_id;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibstart(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibend(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_ivdir(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir;
++static inline struct dentry *au_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++static inline void au_set_ibend(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_ivdir(struct inode *inode, struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir = vdir;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_hi(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_pinned_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->parent;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct inode *au_pinned_h_dir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->hdir)
++ return pin->hdir->hi_inode;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_pinned_hdir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->hdir;
++ return NULL;
++static inline void au_pin_set_dentry(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry)
++ if (pin)
++ pin->dentry = dentry;
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent_lflag(struct au_pin *pin,
++ unsigned char lflag)
++ if (pin) {
++ /* dirty macros require brackets */
++ if (lflag) {
++ au_fset_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ } else {
++ au_fclr_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ }
++ }
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *parent)
++ if (pin) {
++ dput(pin->parent);
++ pin->parent = dget(parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify.c */
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags);
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void);
++void au_hinotify_fin(void);
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct au_hinotify *val)
++ hinode->hi_notify = val;
++static inline void au_iigen_dec(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++static inline
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *h_inode __maybe_unused)
++ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++static inline void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ int do_set __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ unsigned int flags __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_hinotify_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_hinotify_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct au_hinotify *val __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_hin_suspend(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/0);
++static inline void au_hin_resume(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/1);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ mutex_lock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(struct au_hinode *hdir,
++ unsigned int sc __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_lock_nested(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex, sc);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_unlock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_INODE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * ioctl
++ * currently plink-management only.
++ */
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg __maybe_unused)
++ long err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (cmd) {
++ /*
++ * pseudo-link maintenance mode,
++ * cleared by aufs_release_dir()
++ */
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_ftest_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 1;
++ } else
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ break;
++ aufs_write_lock(sb->s_root);
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(sb->s_root);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (add entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * final procedure of adding a new entry, except link(2).
++ * remove whiteout, instantiate, copyup the parent dir's times and size
++ * and update version.
++ * if it failed, re-create the removed whiteout.
++ */
++static int epilog(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *wh;
++ bwh = -1;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex) != h_dir);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/1);
++ if (!IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
++ dir = dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (!wh_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ /* revert */
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ wh = au_wh_create(dentry, bwh, wh_dentry->d_parent);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(wh);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh)) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ } else
++ dput(wh);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the adding inode operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initial procedure of adding a new entry.
++ * prepare writable branch and the parent dir, lock it,
++ * and lookup whiteout for the new entry.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_lkup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_dtime *dt,
++ struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_pin *pin,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *wr_dir_args)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, src_dentry, wr_dir_args);
++ bcpup = err;
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_parent = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_add(dentry, bcpup, h_parent,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(wr_dir_args->flags, ISDIR));
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bcpup);
++ if (dt) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = h_parent,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &tmp);
++ }
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (bcpup != au_dbwh(dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ out_unpin:
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum { Mknod, Symlink, Creat };
++struct simple_arg {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ } c;
++ struct {
++ const char *symname;
++ } s;
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ dev_t dev;
++ } m;
++ } u;
++static int add_simple(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct simple_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char created;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ switch (arg->type) {
++ case Creat:
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.c.mode);
++ break;
++ case Symlink:
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.s.symname);
++ break;
++ case Mknod:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.m.mode, arg->;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ created = !err;
++ if (!err)
++ err = epilog(dir, bstart, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ /* revert */
++ if (unlikely(created && err && h_path.dentry->d_inode)) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s revert failure(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Mknod,
++ .u.m = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .dev = dev
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Symlink,
++ .u.s.symname = symname
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Creat,
++ .u.c = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .nd = nd
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_link_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *src_parent, *parent;
++static int au_cpup_before_link(struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ h_mtx = &h_src_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, src_dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(src_dentry->d_sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(src_dentry, a->bdst, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME /* | AuCpup_KEEPLINO */);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out:
++ di_read_unlock(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_or_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char plink;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ plink = 0;
++ h_inode = NULL;
++ sb = src_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibstart(inode) <= a->bdst)
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, a->bdst);
++ if (!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink) {
++ /* copyup src_dentry as the name of dentry. */
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, dget(a->h_path.dentry));
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc)->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(src_dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, -1,
++ AuCpup_KEEPLINO, a->parent);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ } else {
++ /* the inode of src_dentry already exists on a.bdst branch */
++ h_src_dentry = d_find_alias(h_inode);
++ if (!h_src_dentry && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ plink = 1;
++ h_src_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, a->bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ h_src_dentry = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (h_src_dentry) {
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ } else {
++ AuIOErr("no dentry found for hi%lu on b%d\n",
++ h_inode->i_ino, a->bdst);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err && !plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, a->bdst, a->h_path.dentry);
++ return err;
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_link_args *a;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_src_dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(dentry, src_dentry, /*AuLock_FLUSH*/0);
++ a->src_parent = dget_parent(src_dentry);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, src_dentry, &a->pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ a->bdst = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->bdst);
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->bdst);
++ a->bsrc = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)) {
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */)
++ err = au_cpup_or_link(src_dentry, a);
++ else {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * copyup src_dentry to the branch we process,
++ * and then link(2) to it.
++ */
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */) {
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ err = au_cpup_before_link(src_dentry, a);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (h_src_dentry && h_src_dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry,
++ au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_revert;
++ }
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ inc_nlink(inode);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (!d_unhashed(a->h_path.dentry))
++ d_instantiate(dentry, au_igrab(inode));
++ else
++ /* some filesystem calls d_drop() */
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ out_revert:
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (!rerr)
++ goto out_dt;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_dt:
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ dput(a->src_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(dentry, src_dentry);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char diropq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent, *opq_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ } *a; /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY | AuWrDir_ISDIR
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &a->dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL,
++ &a->pin, &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_free;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path, mode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* make the dir opaque */
++ diropq = 0;
++ h_mtx = &h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (wh_dentry
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out_dir;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ diropq = 1;
++ }
++ err = epilog(dir, bindex, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ inc_nlink(dir);
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (diropq) {
++ AuLabel(revert opq);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting diropq failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ AuLabel(revert dir);
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting dir failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&a->dt);
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (except add/del/rename)
++ */
++#include <linux/device_cgroup.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static int h_permission(struct inode *h_inode, int mask,
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt, int brperm)
++ int err;
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if ((write_mask && IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode))
++ || ((mask & MAY_EXEC)
++ && S_ISREG(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && ((h_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC)
++ || !(h_inode->i_mode & S_IXUGO))))
++ goto out;
++ /*
++ * - skip the lower fs test in the case of write to ro branch.
++ * - nfs dir permission write check is optimized, but a policy for
++ * link/rename requires a real check.
++ */
++ if ((write_mask && !au_br_writable(brperm))
++ || (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb) && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && write_mask && !(mask & MAY_READ))
++ || !h_inode->i_op->permission) {
++ /* AuLabel(generic_permission); */
++ err = generic_permission(h_inode, mask, NULL);
++ } else {
++ /* AuLabel(h_inode->permission); */
++ err = h_inode->i_op->permission(h_inode, mask);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = devcgroup_inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_inode_permission
++ (h_inode, mask & (MAY_READ | MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC
++ | MAY_APPEND));
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ const unsigned char isdir = !!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ if (!isdir || write_mask) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode
++ || ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)
++ != (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)));
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt, br->br_perm);
++ if (write_mask && !err) {
++ /* test whether the upper writable branch exists */
++ err = -EROFS;
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* non-write to dir */
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode));
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt,
++ br->br_perm);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ ii_read_unlock(inode);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *aufs_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *ret, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err, npositive;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ /* temporary workaround for a bug in NFSD readdir */
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ else
++ WARN_ONCE(!mutex_is_locked(&dir->i_mutex),
++ "a known problem of NFSD readdir since 2.6.28\n");
++ sb = dir->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(dentry);
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, au_dbstart(parent), /*type*/0, nd);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = npositive;
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ inode = NULL;
++ if (npositive) {
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ if (!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ /*
++ * stop 'race'-ing between hardlinks under different
++ * parents.
++ */
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bstart)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ } else
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ ret = (void *)inode;
++ }
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ ret = d_splice_alias(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(IS_ERR(ret) && inode))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return ret;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_wr_dir_cpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *parent,
++ const unsigned char add_entry, aufs_bindex_t bcpup,
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ if (add_entry) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ } else
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ err = au_cpdown_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ else
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ }
++ if (!err && add_entry) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bcpup);
++ /* todo: no unlock here */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ if (bstart < bcpup && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, 0);
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ }
++ }
++ if (!add_entry)
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = bcpup; /* success */
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch and the parent dir where we will create a new entry.
++ * returns new bindex or an error.
++ * copyup the parent dir if needed.
++ */
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup, bstart, src_bstart;
++ const unsigned char add_entry = !!au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags,
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bcpup = bstart;
++ if (args->force_btgt < 0) {
++ if (src_dentry) {
++ src_bstart = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (src_bstart < bstart)
++ bcpup = src_bstart;
++ } else if (add_entry) {
++ err = AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, dentry,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags, ISDIR));
++ bcpup = err;
++ }
++ if (bcpup < 0 || au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ if (add_entry)
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ else {
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } else
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ }
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ bcpup = args->force_btgt;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ }
++ AuDbg("bstart %d, bcpup %d\n", bstart, bcpup);
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/1);
++ err = bcpup;
++ if (bcpup == bstart)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* copyup the new parent into the branch we process */
++ err = au_wr_dir_cpup(dentry, parent, add_entry, bcpup, bstart);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->parent)
++ return au_h_dptr(pin->parent, pin->bindex);
++ return NULL;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *p)
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (!p->hdir)
++ return;
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(p->hdir);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ iput(p->hdir->hi_inode);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *p)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = p->dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, p->bindex);
++ if (IS_ROOT(p->dentry)) {
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (p->bindex <= au_dbend(p->dentry))
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(p->dentry, p->bindex);
++ p->parent = dget_parent(p->dentry);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_lock(p->parent, AuLock_IR, p->lsc_di);
++ h_dir = NULL;
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(p->parent, p->bindex);
++ p->hdir = au_hi(p->parent->d_inode, p->bindex);
++ if (p->hdir)
++ h_dir = p->hdir->hi_inode;
++ /* udba case */
++ if (unlikely(!p->hdir || !h_dir)) {
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ au_igrab(h_dir);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(p->hdir, p->lsc_hi);
++ if (unlikely(p->hdir->hi_inode != h_parent->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ err = au_h_verify(h_dentry, p->udba, h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(p);
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("err %d\n", err);
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *p, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ p->dentry = dentry;
++ p->udba = udba;
++ p->lsc_di = lsc_di;
++ p->lsc_hi = lsc_hi;
++ p->flags = flags;
++ p->bindex = bindex;
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ au_pin_init(pin, dentry, bindex, AuLsc_DI_PARENT, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ udba, flags);
++ return au_do_pin(pin);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuIcpup_DID_CPUP 1
++#define au_ftest_icpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuIcpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuIcpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuIcpup_##name; }
++struct au_icpup_args {
++ unsigned char flags;
++ unsigned char pin_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++static int au_lock_and_icpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia,
++ struct au_icpup_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ loff_t sz;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct dentry *hi_wh, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ /* plink or hi_wh() case */
++ if (bstart != au_ibstart(inode))
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &wr_dir_args);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dentry;
++ a->btgt = err;
++ if (err != bstart)
++ au_fset_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP);
++ err = 0;
++ a->pin_flags = AuPin_MNT_WRITE;
++ parent = NULL;
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ au_fset_pin(a->pin_flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ }
++ udba = au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) || (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE))
++ udba = AuOpt_UDBA_NONE;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->btgt, udba, a->pin_flags);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (parent) {
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ goto out_dentry;
++ }
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ sz = -1;
++ if ((ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) && ia->ia_size < i_size_read(a->h_inode))
++ sz = ia->ia_size;
++ hi_wh = NULL;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP) && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ if (!hi_wh) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, a->btgt, sz, /*file*/NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ /* todo: revalidate hi_wh? */
++ }
++ }
++ if (parent) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(&a->pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ if (!au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, a->btgt, sz, AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ } else if (!hi_wh)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ else
++ a->h_path.dentry = hi_wh; /* do not dget here */
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!err) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_dentry:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_icpup_args *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ file = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE) {
++ /* currently ftruncate(2) only */
++ file = ia->ia_file;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ }
++ if (ia->ia_valid & (ATTR_KILL_SUID | ATTR_KILL_SGID))
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_MODE;
++ err = au_lock_and_icpup(dentry, ia, a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_si;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP)) {
++ ia->ia_file = NULL;
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->btgt);
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) {
++ struct file *f;
++ if (ia->ia_size < i_size_read(inode)) {
++ /* unmap only */
++ err = vmtruncate(inode, ia->ia_size);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ f = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE)
++ f = ia->ia_file;
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = vfsub_trunc(&a->h_path, ia->ia_size, ia->ia_valid, f);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ } else
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&a->h_path, ia);
++ if (!err)
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out_si:
++ if (file) {
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = file;
++ ia->ia_valid |= ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_getattr_lock_reval(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen || au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void au_refresh_iattr(struct inode *inode, struct kstat *st,
++ unsigned int nlink)
++ inode->i_mode = st->mode;
++ inode->i_uid = st->uid;
++ inode->i_gid = st->gid;
++ inode->i_atime = st->atime;
++ inode->i_mtime = st->mtime;
++ inode->i_ctime = st->ctime;
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, /*force*/0);
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)) {
++ inode->i_nlink -= nlink;
++ inode->i_nlink += st->nlink;
++ }
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ inode->i_blocks = st->blocks;
++ i_size_write(inode, st->size);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++static int aufs_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt __maybe_unused,
++ struct dentry *dentry, struct kstat *st)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char udba_none, positive;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ udba_none = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE);
++ /* support fstat(2) */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry) && !udba_none) {
++ unsigned int sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ AuDebugOn(!IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_getattr_lock_reval(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!au_test_fs_bad_iattr(h_sb) && udba_none)
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) == bindex)
++ h_dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex));
++ else if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK) && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ h_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, bindex);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ }
++ /* illegally overlapped or something */
++ if (unlikely(!h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ positive = !!h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (positive)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_mnt, h_dentry, st);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (positive)
++ au_refresh_iattr(inode, st, h_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink);
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ }
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_fill:
++ generic_fillattr(inode, st);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, int bindex, char __user *buf,
++ int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(/* !h_dentry
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op
++ || */ !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = security_inode_readlink(h_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ vfsub_touch_atime(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex), h_dentry);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ }
++ err = h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_dentry, buf, bufsiz);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, char __user *buf, int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), buf, bufsiz);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void *aufs_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int err;
++ char *buf;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ buf = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), (char __user *)buf,
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ buf[err] = 0;
++ /* will be freed by put_link */
++ nd_set_link(nd, buf);
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ }
++ __putname(buf);
++ out:
++ path_put(&nd->path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return ERR_PTR(err);
++static void aufs_put_link(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused,
++ struct nameidata *nd, void *cookie __maybe_unused)
++ __putname(nd_get_link(nd));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_truncate_range(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t start __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t end __maybe_unused)
++ AuUnsupport();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct inode_operations aufs_symlink_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .readlink = aufs_readlink,
++ .follow_link = aufs_follow_link,
++ .put_link = aufs_put_link
++struct inode_operations aufs_dir_iop = {
++ .create = aufs_create,
++ .lookup = aufs_lookup,
++ .link = aufs_link,
++ .unlink = aufs_unlink,
++ .symlink = aufs_symlink,
++ .mkdir = aufs_mkdir,
++ .rmdir = aufs_rmdir,
++ .mknod = aufs_mknod,
++ .rename = aufs_rename,
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr
++struct inode_operations aufs_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .truncate_range = aufs_truncate_range
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (del entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * decide if a new whiteout for @dentry is necessary or not.
++ * when it is necessary, prepare the parent dir for the upper branch whose
++ * branch index is @bcpup for creation. the actual creation of the whiteout will
++ * be done by caller.
++ * return value:
++ * 0: wh is unnecessary
++ * plus: wh is necessary
++ * minus: error
++ */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup)
++ int need_wh, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (*bcpup < 0) {
++ *bcpup = bstart;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ *bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ AuDebugOn(bstart < *bcpup
++ || au_test_ro(sb, *bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ AuDbg("bcpup %d, bstart %d\n", *bcpup, bstart);
++ if (*bcpup != bstart) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, *bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ need_wh = 1;
++ } else {
++ aufs_bindex_t old_bend, new_bend, bdiropq = -1;
++ old_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (isdir) {
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ need_wh = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart + 1, /*type*/0,
++ /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = need_wh;
++ if (isdir)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bdiropq);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ new_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (!need_wh && old_bend != new_bend) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, new_bend, NULL);
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, old_bend);
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("need_wh %d\n", need_wh);
++ err = need_wh;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the del-entry operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_latest;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /*
++ * rmdir a dir may break the consistency on some filesystem.
++ * let's try heavy test.
++ */
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_h_perm(h_parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ h_latest = au_sio_lkup_one(&dentry->d_name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (IS_ERR(h_latest))
++ goto out;
++ if (h_latest == h_dentry)
++ err = 0;
++ dput(h_latest);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch where we operate for @dentry. the branch index will be set
++ * @rbcpup. after diciding it, 'pin' it and store the timestamps of the parent
++ * dir for reverting.
++ * when a new whiteout is necessary, create it.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_create_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *rbcpup,
++ struct au_dtime *dt, struct au_pin *pin)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct path h_path;
++ int err, need_wh;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ need_wh = au_wr_dir_need_wh(dentry, isdir, rbcpup);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(need_wh);
++ if (unlikely(need_wh < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ bcpup = *rbcpup;
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_del(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry, isdir);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bcpup);
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &h_path);
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (!need_wh)
++ goto out; /* success, no need to create whiteout */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_create(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry);
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* returns with the parent is locked and wh_dentry is dget-ed */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * when removing a dir, rename it to a unique temporary whiteout-ed name first
++ * in order to be revertible and save time for removing many child whiteouts
++ * under the dir.
++ * returns 1 when there are too many child whiteout and caller should remove
++ * them asynchronously. returns 0 when the number of children is enough small to
++ * remove now or the branch fs is a remote fs.
++ * otherwise return an error.
++ */
++static int renwh_and_rmdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct inode *dir)
++ int rmdir_later, err, dirwh;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(h_dentry, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(dentry->d_inode, bindex));
++ if (!au_test_fs_remote(h_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ dirwh = au_sbi(sb)->si_dirwh;
++ rmdir_later = (dirwh <= 1);
++ if (!rmdir_later)
++ rmdir_later = au_nhash_test_longer_wh(whlist, bindex,
++ dirwh);
++ if (rmdir_later)
++ return rmdir_later;
++ }
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, bindex, h_dentry, whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("rmdir %.*s, b%d failed, %d. ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_dentry), bindex, err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * final procedure for deleting a entry.
++ * maintain dentry and iattr.
++ */
++static void epilog(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) == 1) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), NULL);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ * when an error happened, remove the created whiteout and revert everything.
++ */
++static int do_revert(int err, struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bwh,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct au_dtime *dt)
++ int rerr;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bwh)
++ };
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bwh), &h_path, dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bwh);
++ au_dtime_revert(dt);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ return -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/0, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ } else {
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ drop_nlink(inode);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ inode->i_ctime = h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ } else
++ /* todo: this timestamp may be reverted later */
++ inode->i_ctime = h_dir->i_ctime;
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rmdir_later;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ goto out;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ args = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(dir->i_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &args->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_args;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/1, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_args;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_dentry);
++ rmdir_later = 0;
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ err = renwh_and_rmdir(dentry, bstart, &args->whlist, dir);
++ if (err > 0) {
++ rmdir_later = err;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(inode, bstart));
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_nlink(inode);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ if (rmdir_later) {
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, bstart, h_dentry, args);
++ args = NULL;
++ }
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ AuLabel(revert);
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ out_args:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (args)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operation (rename entry)
++ * todo: this is crazy monster
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++enum { AuSRC, AuDST, AuSrcDst };
++enum { AuPARENT, AuCHILD, AuParentChild };
++#define AuRen_ISDIR 1
++#define AuRen_ISSAMEDIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuRen_WHSRC (1 << 2)
++#define AuRen_WHDST (1 << 3)
++#define AuRen_MNT_WRITE (1 << 4)
++#define AuRen_DT_DSTDIR (1 << 5)
++#define AuRen_DIROPQ (1 << 6)
++#define AuRen_CPUP (1 << 7)
++#define au_ftest_ren(flags, name) ((flags) & AuRen_##name)
++#define au_fset_ren(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuRen_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_ren(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuRen_##name; }
++struct au_ren_args {
++ struct {
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry, *parent, *h_parent,
++ *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *inode;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct au_dtime dt[AuParentChild];
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ } sd[AuSrcDst];
++#define src_dentry sd[AuSRC].dentry
++#define src_dir sd[AuSRC].dir
++#define src_inode sd[AuSRC].inode
++#define src_h_dentry sd[AuSRC].h_dentry
++#define src_parent sd[AuSRC].parent
++#define src_h_parent sd[AuSRC].h_parent
++#define src_wh_dentry sd[AuSRC].wh_dentry
++#define src_hdir sd[AuSRC].hdir
++#define src_h_dir sd[AuSRC].hdir->hi_inode
++#define src_dt sd[AuSRC].dt
++#define src_bstart sd[AuSRC].bstart
++#define dst_dentry sd[AuDST].dentry
++#define dst_dir sd[AuDST].dir
++#define dst_inode sd[AuDST].inode
++#define dst_h_dentry sd[AuDST].h_dentry
++#define dst_parent sd[AuDST].parent
++#define dst_h_parent sd[AuDST].h_parent
++#define dst_wh_dentry sd[AuDST].wh_dentry
++#define dst_hdir sd[AuDST].hdir
++#define dst_h_dir sd[AuDST].hdir->hi_inode
++#define dst_dt sd[AuDST].dt
++#define dst_bstart sd[AuDST].bstart
++ struct dentry *h_trap;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *src_hinode;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *thargs;
++ struct dentry *h_dst;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for reverting.
++ * when an error happened in a single rename systemcall, we should revert
++ * everything as if nothing happend.
++ * we don't need to revert the copied-up/down the parent dir since they are
++ * harmless.
++ */
++#define RevertFailure(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuIOErr("revert failure: " fmt " (%d, %d)\n", \
++ ##args, err, rerr); \
++ err = -EIO; \
++} while (0)
++static void au_ren_rev_diropq(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("remove diropq %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_rename(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->src_dentry->d_name, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("au_lkup_one %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir,
++ au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt),
++ a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ /* au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL); */
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_cpup(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(a->src_dentry, a->src_bstart);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_h_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_whtmp(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->dst_dentry->d_name, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("lookup %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ if (a->h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir, a->h_dst, a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, dget(a->h_dst));
++ } else
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst));
++static void au_ren_rev_whsrc(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_wh_dentry;
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path, a->src_dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_wh_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_drop(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ int i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuSrcDst; i++) {
++ d = a->sd[i].dentry;
++ d_drop(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(d); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ d_drop(h_d);
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ d_drop(a->h_dst);
++#undef RevertFailure
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * when we have to copyup the renaming entry, do it with the rename-target name
++ * in order to minimize the cost (the later actual rename is unnecessary).
++ * otherwise rename it on the target branch.
++ */
++static int au_ren_or_cpup(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ if (au_dbstart(d) == a->btgt) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)
++ && au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt)
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(d) != a->btgt);
++ err = vfsub_rename(a->src_h_dir, au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt),
++ a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ } else {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, CPUP);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, dget(a->dst_h_dentry));
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(d, a->btgt, a->src_bstart, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME, a->dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->src_bstart);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* cf. aufs_rmdir() */
++static int au_ren_del_whtmp(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dir->i_sb);
++ if (!au_nhash_test_longer_wh(&a->whlist, a->btgt,
++ au_sbi(dir->i_sb)->si_dirwh)
++ || au_test_fs_remote(a->h_dst->d_sb)) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, &a->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing whtmp dir %.*s (%d), "
++ "ignored.\n", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst), err);
++ } else {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->thargs->whlist);
++ a->thargs->whlist = a->whlist;
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, a->thargs);
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* make it 'opaque' dir. */
++static int au_ren_diropq(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *diropq;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_hinode = au_hi(a->src_inode, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ diropq = au_diropq_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (IS_ERR(diropq))
++ err = PTR_ERR(diropq);
++ dput(diropq);
++ return err;
++static int do_rename(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ /* prepare workqueue args for asynchronous rmdir */
++ h_d = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && h_d->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a->thargs = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(a->src_dentry->d_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a->thargs))
++ goto out;
++ a->h_dst = dget(h_d);
++ }
++ /* create whiteout for src_dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHSRC)) {
++ a->src_wh_dentry
++ = au_wh_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent);
++ err = PTR_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry))
++ goto out_thargs;
++ }
++ /* lookup whiteout for dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHDST)) {
++ h_d = au_wh_lkup(a->dst_h_parent, &a->dst_dentry->d_name,
++ a->br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out_whsrc;
++ if (!h_d->d_inode)
++ dput(h_d);
++ else
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = h_d;
++ }
++ /* rename dentry to tmpwh */
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(a->dst_h_dentry, a->br);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whdst;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ /* cpup src */
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode && a->src_bstart != a->btgt) {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ }
++ /* rename by vfs_rename or cpup */
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)
++ && (a->dst_wh_dentry
++ || au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt
++ /* hide the lower to keep xino */
++ || a->btgt < au_dbend(d)
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(d->d_sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)))
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ err = au_ren_or_cpup(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* leave the copied-up one */
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ /* make dir opaque */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ err = au_ren_diropq(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_rename;
++ }
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) != a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&a->h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ a->src_inode->i_ctime = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ /* remove whiteout for dentry */
++ if (a->dst_wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path,
++ a->dst_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_diropq;
++ }
++ /* remove whtmp */
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_del_whtmp(a); /* ignore this error */
++ err = 0;
++ goto out_success;
++ out_diropq:
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ))
++ au_ren_rev_diropq(err, a);
++ out_rename:
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, CPUP))
++ au_ren_rev_rename(err, a);
++ else
++ au_ren_rev_cpup(err, a);
++ out_whtmp:
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_rev_whtmp(err, a);
++ out_whdst:
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = NULL;
++ out_whsrc:
++ if (a->src_wh_dentry)
++ au_ren_rev_whsrc(err, a);
++ au_ren_rev_drop(a);
++ out_success:
++ dput(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ out_thargs:
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename destination or not.
++ * success means, it is a logically empty dir.
++ */
++static int may_rename_dstdir(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ return au_test_empty(dentry, whlist);
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename source or not.
++ * if it can, return 0 and @children is filled.
++ * success means,
++ * - it is a logically empty dir.
++ * - or, it exists on writable branch and has no children including whiteouts
++ * on the lower branch.
++ */
++static int may_rename_srcdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (bstart != btgt) {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &whlist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whlist);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bstart == au_dbtaildir(dentry))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = au_test_empty_lower(dentry);
++ out:
++ if (err == -ENOTEMPTY) {
++ AuWarn1("renaming dir who has child(ren) on multiple branches,"
++ " is not supported\n");
++ err = -EXDEV;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* side effect: sets whlist and h_dentry */
++static int au_ren_may_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ SiMustAnyLock(d->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&a->whlist, au_sbi(d->d_sb)->si_rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && a->dst_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->dst_bstart);
++ err = may_rename_dstdir(d, &a->whlist);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ a->src_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ err = may_rename_srcdir(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * simple tests for rename.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++static int au_may_ren(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err, isdir;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (a->src_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ err = au_may_del(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(a->src_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (a->dst_bstart != a->btgt)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_inode = a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (!a->dst_dentry->d_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_add(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ } else {
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_del(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err == -ENOENT || err == -EEXIST))
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * locking order
++ * (VFS)
++ * - src_dir and dir by lock_rename()
++ * - inode if exitsts
++ * (aufs)
++ * - lock all
++ * + src_dentry and dentry by aufs_read_and_write_lock2() which calls,
++ * + si_read_lock
++ * + di_write_lock2_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child2()
++ * + src_parent and parent
++ * + di_write_lock_parent()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent()
++ * + di_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + lower src_dir and dir by vfsub_lock_rename()
++ * + verify the every relationships between child and parent. if any
++ * of them failed, unlock all and return -EBUSY.
++ */
++static void au_ren_unlock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = a->dst_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ vfsub_unlock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++static int au_ren_lock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->src_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->src_hdir = au_hi(a->src_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->dst_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_hdir = au_hi(a->dst_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->h_trap = vfsub_lock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++ udba = au_opt_udba(a->src_dentry->d_sb);
++ if (unlikely(a->src_hdir->hi_inode != a->src_h_parent->d_inode
++ || a->dst_hdir->hi_inode != a->dst_h_parent->d_inode))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->src_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->src_h_parent->d_inode, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->dst_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->dst_h_parent->d_inode, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out_unlock:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_ren_refresh_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ /* is this updating defined in POSIX? */
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->src_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ clear_nlink(a->dst_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ return;
++ dir = a->src_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++static void au_ren_refresh(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ struct inode *i, *h_i;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ au_set_dbwh(d, -1);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ au_set_dbend(d, a->btgt);
++ sb = d->d_sb;
++ i = a->src_inode;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK) && au_plink_test(i))
++ return; /* success */
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(i, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ au_set_h_iptr(i, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ au_set_ibend(i, a->btgt);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mainly for link(2) and rename(2) */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ aufs_bindex_t bdiropq, bwh;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode); /* dir is locked */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, btgt);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br)
++ || (0 <= bdiropq && bdiropq < btgt)
++ || (0 <= bwh && bwh < btgt))
++ btgt = -1;
++ AuDbg("btgt %d\n", btgt);
++ return btgt;
++/* sets src_bstart, dst_bstart and btgt */
++static int au_ren_wbr(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ a->src_bstart = au_dbstart(a->src_dentry);
++ a->dst_bstart = au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->src_bstart;
++ if (a->dst_inode && a->dst_bstart < a->src_bstart)
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->dst_bstart;
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(a->dst_dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ err = au_wr_dir(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry, &wr_dir_args);
++ a->btgt = err;
++ return err;
++static void au_ren_dt(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuPARENT, a->src_parent, &a->h_path);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR)) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT, a->dst_parent, &a->h_path);
++ }
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ return;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuCHILD, a->src_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD, a->dst_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ }
++static void au_ren_rev_dt(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && err != -EIO) {
++ h_d = a->src_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR)) {
++ h_d = a->dst_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *_src_dir, struct dentry *_src_dentry,
++ struct inode *_dst_dir, struct dentry *_dst_dentry)
++ int err;
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ struct au_ren_args *a;
++ IMustLock(_src_dir);
++ IMustLock(_dst_dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*a) > PAGE_SIZE);
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->src_dir = _src_dir;
++ a->src_dentry = _src_dentry;
++ a->src_inode = a->src_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->src_parent = a->src_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ a->dst_dir = _dst_dir;
++ a->dst_dentry = _dst_dentry;
++ a->dst_inode = a->dst_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->dst_parent = a->dst_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ IMustLock(a->dst_inode);
++ au_igrab(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ if (S_ISDIR(a->src_inode->i_mode)) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_inode && !S_ISDIR(a->dst_inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out_free;
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_DIR | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ } else
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_FLUSH);
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR); /* temporary */
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->dst_parent);
++ /* which branch we process */
++ err = au_ren_wbr(a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ a->br = au_sbr(a->dst_dentry->d_sb, a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ /* are they available to be renamed */
++ err = au_ren_may_dir(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* prepare the writable parent dir on the same branch */
++ if (a->dst_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHDST);
++ } else {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ }
++ if (a->src_dir != a->dst_dir) {
++ /*
++ * this temporary unlock is safe,
++ * because both dir->i_mutex are locked.
++ */
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->src_parent);
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ di_write_unlock(a->src_parent);
++ di_write_lock2_parent(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent, /*isdir*/1);
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR);
++ } else
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (err)
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHSRC);
++ /* lock them all */
++ err = au_ren_lock(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(a->dst_dir->i_sb), UDBA_NONE)) {
++ err = au_may_ren(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hdir;
++ }
++ /* store timestamps to be revertible */
++ au_ren_dt(a);
++ /* here we go */
++ err = do_rename(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dt;
++ /* update dir attributes */
++ au_ren_refresh_dir(a);
++ /* dput/iput all lower dentries */
++ au_ren_refresh(a);
++ goto out_hdir; /* success */
++ out_dt:
++ au_ren_rev_dt(err, a);
++ out_hdir:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out_children:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err && au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))) {
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ d_drop(a->dst_dentry);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ d_move(a->src_dentry, a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock2(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ iput(a->dst_inode);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
++config AUFS_FS
++ tristate "Aufs (Advanced multi layered unification filesystem) support"
++ depends on EXPERIMENTAL
++ help
++ Aufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs,
++ which unifies several directories and provides a merged single
++ directory.
++ In the early days, aufs was entirely re-designed and
++ re-implemented Unionfs Version 1.x series. Introducing many
++ original ideas, approaches and improvements, it becomes totally
++ different from Unionfs while keeping the basic features.
++if AUFS_FS
++ prompt "Maximum number of branches"
++ default AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ bool "127"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_511
++ bool "511"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023
++ bool "1023"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767
++ bool "32767"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++ bool "Use inotify to detect actions on a branch"
++ depends on INOTIFY
++ help
++ If you want to modify files on branches directly, eg. bypassing aufs,
++ and want aufs to detect the changes of them fully, then enable this
++ option and use 'udba=inotify' mount option.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_EXPORT
++ bool "NFS-exportable aufs"
++ depends on (AUFS_FS = y && EXPORTFS = y) || (AUFS_FS = m && EXPORTFS)
++ help
++ If you want to export your mounted aufs via NFS, then enable this
++ option. There are several requirements for this configuration.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_SHWH
++ bool "Show whiteouts"
++ help
++ If you want to make the whiteouts in aufs visible, then enable
++ this option and specify 'shwh' mount option. Although it may
++ sounds like philosophy or something, but in technically it
++ simply shows the name of whiteout with keeping its behaviour.
++config AUFS_BR_RAMFS
++ bool "Ramfs (initramfs/rootfs) as an aufs branch"
++ help
++ If you want to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs, then enable this
++ option. Generally tmpfs is recommended.
++ Aufs prohibited them to be a branch fs by default, because
++ initramfs becomes unusable after switch_root or something
++ generally. If you sets initramfs as an aufs branch and boot your
++ system by switch_root, you will meet a problem easily since the
++ files in initramfs may be inaccessible.
++ Unless you are going to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs without
++ switch_root or something, leave it N.
++config AUFS_BR_FUSE
++ bool "Fuse fs as an aufs branch"
++ depends on FUSE_FS
++ select AUFS_POLL
++ help
++ If you want to use fuse-based userspace filesystem as an aufs
++ branch fs, then enable this option.
++ It implements the internal poll(2) operation which is
++ implemented by fuse only (curretnly).
++config AUFS_DEBUG
++ bool "Debug aufs"
++ help
++ Enable this to compile aufs internal debug code.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_DEBUG && MAGIC_SYSRQ
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ When aufs supports Magic SysRq, enabled automatically.
++ bool
++ depends on BLK_DEV_LOOP
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ Convert =[ym] into =y.
++config AUFS_INO_T_64
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_EXPORT
++ depends on 64BIT && !(ALPHA || S390)
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ /* typedef unsigned long/int __kernel_ino_t */
++ /* alpha and s390x are int */
++config AUFS_POLL
++ bool
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback block device as a branch
++ */
++#include <linux/loop.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * test if two lower dentries have overlapping branches.
++ */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct loop_device *l;
++ h_inode = h_d1->d_inode;
++ if (MAJOR(h_inode->i_sb->s_dev) != LOOP_MAJOR)
++ return 0;
++ l = h_inode->i_sb->s_bdev->bd_disk->private_data;
++ h_d1 = l->lo_backing_file->f_dentry;
++ /* h_d1 can be local NFS. in this case aufs cannot detect the loop */
++ if (unlikely(h_d1->d_sb == sb))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2);
++/* true if a kernel thread named 'loop[0-9].*' accesses a file */
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ const char c = current->comm[4];
++ return current->mm == NULL
++ && '0' <= c && c <= '9'
++ && strncmp(current->comm, "loop", 4) == 0;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback mount as a branch
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#define __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++struct dentry;
++struct super_block;
++/* loop.c */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2);
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void);
++static inline
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* BLK_DEV_LOOP */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_LOOP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/fuse/inode.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DFUSE_SUPER_MAGIC=0x65735546
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/ocfs2_fs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DOCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC=0x7461636f
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/dlm/userdlm.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DDLMFS_MAGIC=0x76a9f425
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ramfs/inode.c
++# always true
++ccflags-y += -DRAMFS_MAGIC=0x858458f6
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/cifs/cifsfs.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER=0xFF534D42
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DXFS_SB_MAGIC=0x58465342
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/configfs/mount.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCONFIGFS_MAGIC=0x62656570
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/9p/v9fs.h
++# tristate
++ifdef CONFIG_9P_FS
++ccflags-y += -DV9FS_MAGIC=0x01021997
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DUBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC=0x24051905
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
++include ${src}/
++-include ${src}/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs.o
++aufs-y := module.o sbinfo.o super.o branch.o xino.o sysaufs.o opts.o \
++ wkq.o vfsub.o dcsub.o \
++ cpup.o whout.o plink.o wbr_policy.o \
++ dinfo.o dentry.o \
++ finfo.o file.o f_op.o \
++ dir.o vdir.o \
++ iinfo.o inode.o i_op.o i_op_add.o i_op_del.o i_op_ren.o \
++ ioctl.o
++# all are boolean
++aufs-$(CONFIG_SYSFS) += sysfs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) += dbgaufs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_BDEV_LOOP) += loop.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_HINOTIFY) += hinotify.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT) += export.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_POLL) += poll.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG) += debug.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_MAGIC_SYSRQ) += sysrq.o
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module global variables and operations
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp)
++ if (new_sz <= nused)
++ return p;
++ p = krealloc(p, new_sz, gfp);
++ if (p)
++ memset(p + nused, 0, new_sz - nused);
++ return p;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * aufs caches
++ */
++struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[AuCache_Last];
++static int __init au_cache_init(void)
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO] = AuCache(au_dinfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR] = AuCache(au_icntnr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO] = AuCache(au_finfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR] = AuCache(au_vdir);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR] = AuCache(au_vdir_dehstr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR])
++ return 0;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_cache_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuCache_Last; i++)
++ if (au_cachep[i]) {
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[i]);
++ au_cachep[i] = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dir_roflags;
++ * functions for module interface.
++ */
++/* MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); */
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Junjiro R. Okajima <>");
++ " -- Advanced multi layered unification filesystem");
++/* it should be 'byte', but param_set_byte() prints it by "%c" */
++short aufs_nwkq = AUFS_NWKQ_DEF;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(nwkq, "the number of workqueue thread, " AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++module_param_named(nwkq, aufs_nwkq, short, S_IRUGO);
++/* this module parameter has no meaning when SYSFS is disabled */
++int sysaufs_brs = 1;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(brs, "use <sysfs>/fs/aufs/si_*/brN");
++module_param_named(brs, sysaufs_brs, int, S_IRUGO);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char au_esc_chars[0x20 + 3]; /* 0x01-0x20, backslash, del, and NULL */
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path)
++ return seq_path(seq, path, au_esc_chars);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int __init aufs_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ char *p;
++ p = au_esc_chars;
++ for (i = 1; i <= ' '; i++)
++ *p++ = i;
++ *p++ = '\\';
++ *p++ = '\x7f';
++ *p = 0;
++ au_dir_roflags = au_file_roflags(O_DIRECTORY | O_LARGEFILE);
++ sysaufs_brs_init();
++ au_debug_init();
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(aufs_nwkq <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wkq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysaufs;
++ err = au_hinotify_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wkq;
++ err = au_sysrq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hin;
++ err = au_cache_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysrq;
++ err = register_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_cache;
++ pr_info(AUFS_NAME " " AUFS_VERSION "\n");
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_cache:
++ au_cache_fin();
++ out_sysrq:
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ out_hin:
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ out_wkq:
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ out_sysaufs:
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void __exit aufs_exit(void)
++ unregister_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ au_cache_fin();
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ sysaufs_fin();
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module initialization and module-global
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#define __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++struct path;
++struct seq_file;
++/* module parameters */
++extern short aufs_nwkq;
++extern int sysaufs_brs;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++extern int au_dir_roflags;
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp);
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* kmem cache */
++enum {
++ AuCache_DINFO,
++ AuCache_ICNTNR,
++ AuCache_FINFO,
++ AuCache_VDIR,
++ AuCache_DEHSTR,
++ AuCache_HINOTIFY,
++ AuCache_Last
++#define AuCache(type) KMEM_CACHE(type, SLAB_RECLAIM_ACCOUNT)
++extern struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[];
++#define AuCacheFuncs(name, index) \
++static inline void *au_cache_alloc_##name(void) \
++{ return kmem_cache_alloc(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], GFP_NOFS); } \
++static inline void au_cache_free_##name(void *p) \
++{ kmem_cache_free(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], p); }
++AuCacheFuncs(dinfo, DINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(icntnr, ICNTNR);
++AuCacheFuncs(finfo, FINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(vdir, VDIR);
++AuCacheFuncs(dehstr, DEHSTR);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_MODULE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/types.h> /* a distribution requires */
++#include <linux/parser.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum {
++ Opt_br,
++ Opt_add, Opt_del, Opt_mod, Opt_reorder, Opt_append, Opt_prepend,
++ Opt_idel, Opt_imod, Opt_ireorder,
++ Opt_dirwh, Opt_rdcache, Opt_rdblk, Opt_rdhash, Opt_rendir,
++ Opt_rdblk_def, Opt_rdhash_def,
++ Opt_xino, Opt_zxino, Opt_noxino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino, Opt_trunc_xino_v, Opt_notrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino_path, Opt_itrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xib, Opt_notrunc_xib,
++ Opt_shwh, Opt_noshwh,
++ Opt_plink, Opt_noplink, Opt_list_plink,
++ Opt_udba,
++ /* Opt_lock, Opt_unlock, */
++ Opt_cmd, Opt_cmd_args,
++ Opt_diropq_a, Opt_diropq_w,
++ Opt_warn_perm, Opt_nowarn_perm,
++ Opt_wbr_copyup, Opt_wbr_create,
++ Opt_refrof, Opt_norefrof,
++ Opt_verbose, Opt_noverbose,
++ Opt_sum, Opt_nosum, Opt_wsum,
++ Opt_tail, Opt_ignore, Opt_ignore_silent, Opt_err
++static match_table_t options = {
++ {Opt_br, "br=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "br:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append=%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append:%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend=%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend:%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del=%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_idel, "idel:%d"}, */
++ {Opt_mod, "mod=%s"},
++ {Opt_mod, "mod:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_imod, "imod:%d:%s"}, */
++ {Opt_dirwh, "dirwh=%d"},
++ {Opt_xino, "xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_noxino, "noxino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino, "trunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_v, "trunc_xino_v=%d:%d"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xino, "notrunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_path, "trunc_xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_itrunc_xino, "itrunc_xino=%d"},
++ /* {Opt_zxino, "zxino=%s"}, */
++ {Opt_trunc_xib, "trunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xib, "notrunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_plink, "plink"},
++ {Opt_noplink, "noplink"},
++ {Opt_list_plink, "list_plink"},
++ {Opt_udba, "udba=%s"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=always"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=a"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=whiteouted"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=w"},
++ {Opt_warn_perm, "warn_perm"},
++ {Opt_nowarn_perm, "nowarn_perm"},
++ /* keep them temporary */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "coo=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodlgt"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodirperm1"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "clean_plink"},
++ {Opt_shwh, "shwh"},
++ {Opt_noshwh, "noshwh"},
++ {Opt_rendir, "rendir=%d"},
++ {Opt_refrof, "refrof"},
++ {Opt_norefrof, "norefrof"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "verbose"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "v"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "noverbose"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "quiet"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "q"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "silent"},
++ {Opt_sum, "sum"},
++ {Opt_nosum, "nosum"},
++ {Opt_wsum, "wsum"},
++ {Opt_rdcache, "rdcache=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk, "rdblk=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk_def, "rdblk=def"},
++ {Opt_rdhash, "rdhash=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdhash_def, "rdhash=def"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create_policy=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "cpup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup_policy=%s"},
++ /* internal use for the scripts */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "si=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "dirs=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "debug=%d"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=whiteout"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=all"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "imap=%s"},
++ {Opt_err, NULL}
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const char *au_parser_pattern(int val, struct match_token *token)
++ while (token->pattern) {
++ if (token->token == val)
++ return token->pattern;
++ token++;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ return "??";
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t brperms = {
++ {AuBrPerm_ROWH, "nfsro"},
++ {AuBrPerm_RO, NULL}
++static int br_perm_val(char *perm)
++ int val;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ val = match_token(perm, brperms, args);
++ return val;
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm)
++ return au_parser_pattern(brperm, (void *)brperms);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t udbalevel = {
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL, "reval"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, "none"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY, "inotify"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int udba_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, udbalevel, args);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba)
++ return au_parser_pattern(udba, (void *)udbalevel);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t au_wbr_create_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "rr"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "round-robin"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "mfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "most-free-space"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "mfs:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "most-free-space:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, "mfsrr:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, "mfsrr:%d:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFS, "pmfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, "pmfs:%d"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++ * cf. linux/lib/parser.c and cmdline.c
++ * gave up calling memparse() since it uses simple_strtoull() instead of
++ * strict_...().
++ */
++static int au_match_ull(substring_t *s, unsigned long long *result)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int len;
++ char a[32];
++ err = -ERANGE;
++ len = s->to - s->from;
++ if (len + 1 <= sizeof(a)) {
++ memcpy(a, s->from, len);
++ a[len] = '\0';
++ err = strict_strtoull(a, 0, result);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_wmark(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long ull;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_match_ull(arg, &ull))
++ create->mfsrr_watermark = ull;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_sec(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int n, err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!match_int(arg, &n) && 0 <= n)
++ create->mfs_second = n;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_val(char *str, struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err, e;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ err = match_token(str, au_wbr_create_policy, args);
++ create->wbr_create = err;
++ switch (err) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (!e)
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[1], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ create->mfs_second = AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_create, (void *)au_wbr_create_policy);
++static match_table_t au_wbr_copyup_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bup"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bottom-up-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bu"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bottom-up"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int au_wbr_copyup_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, au_wbr_copyup_policy, args);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_copyup, (void *)au_wbr_copyup_policy);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const int lkup_dirflags = LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY;
++static void dump_opts(struct au_opts *opts)
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_add *add;
++ struct au_opt_del *del;
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod;
++ struct au_opt_xino *xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("add {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ u.del = &opt->del;
++ AuDbg("del {%s, %p}\n",
++ u.del->pathname, u.del->h_path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod = &opt->mod;
++ AuDbg("mod {%s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.mod->path, u.mod->perm, u.mod->h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("append {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("prepend {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ AuDbg("dirwh %d\n", opt->dirwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ AuDbg("rdcache %d\n", opt->rdcache);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ AuDbg("rdblk %u\n", opt->rdblk);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ AuDbg("rdblk_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ AuDbg("rdhash %u\n", opt->rdhash);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ AuDbg("rdhash_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ u.xino = &opt->xino;
++ AuDbg("xino {%s %.*s}\n",
++ u.xino->path,
++ AuDLNPair(u.xino->file->f_dentry));
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ AuDbg("trunc_xino %d\n", u.xino_itrunc->bindex);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ AuLabel(noxino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ AuLabel(shwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ AuLabel(noshwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ AuLabel(plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ AuLabel(noplink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ AuLabel(list_plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ AuDbg("udba %d, %s\n",
++ opt->udba, au_optstr_udba(opt->udba));
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ AuLabel(diropq_a);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ AuLabel(diropq_w);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ AuLabel(warn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ AuLabel(nowarn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ AuLabel(refrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ AuLabel(norefrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ AuLabel(verbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ AuLabel(noverbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ AuLabel(sum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ AuLabel(nosum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ AuLabel(wsum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ AuDbg("create %d, %s\n", u.create->wbr_create,
++ au_optstr_wbr_create(u.create->wbr_create));
++ switch (u.create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ AuDbg("%d sec\n", u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark, %d sec\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark,
++ u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ AuDbg("copyup %d, %s\n", opt->wbr_copyup,
++ au_optstr_wbr_copyup(opt->wbr_copyup));
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts)
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ case Opt_append:
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ path_put(&opt->add.path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ path_put(&opt->del.h_path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ dput(opt->mod.h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ fput(opt->xino.file);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++static int opt_add(struct au_opt *opt, char *opt_str, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opt_add *add = &opt->add;
++ char *p;
++ add->bindex = bindex;
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_Last;
++ add->pathname = opt_str;
++ p = strchr(opt_str, '=');
++ if (p) {
++ *p++ = 0;
++ if (*p)
++ add->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ }
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(add->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &add->path);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!p) {
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RO;
++ if (au_test_fs_rr(add->path.dentry->d_sb))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RR;
++ else if (!bindex && !(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RW;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_add;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", add->pathname, err);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_del(struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ del->pathname = args[0].from;
++ AuDbg("del path %s\n", del->pathname);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(del->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &del->h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", del->pathname, err);
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_idel(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ del->h_path.dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ del->h_path.mnt = mntget(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_mod(struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ char *p;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ mod->path = args[0].from;
++ p = strchr(mod->path, '=');
++ if (unlikely(!p)) {
++ AuErr("no permssion %s\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ *p++ = 0;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(mod->path, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", mod->path, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n", mod->path, mod->perm, p);
++ mod->h_root = dget(path.dentry);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_imod(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(args[1].from);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n",
++ mod->path, mod->perm, args[1].from);
++ mod->h_root = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct file *file;
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, args[0].from, /*silent*/0);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(file->f_dentry->d_sb == sb)) {
++ fput(file);
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ xino->file = file;
++ xino->path = args[0].from;
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(args[0].from, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", args[0].from, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = -1;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(root, bindex) == path.dentry) {
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path_put(&path);
++ if (unlikely(xino_itrunc->bindex < 0)) {
++ AuErr("no such branch %s\n", args[0].from);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* called without aufs lock */
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, n, token;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char skipped;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_opt *opt, *opt_tail;
++ char *opt_str;
++ /* reduce the stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct {
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ } *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = 0;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ opt_tail = opt + opts->max_opt - 1;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&str, ",")) && *opt_str) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ skipped = 0;
++ token = match_token(opt_str, options, a->args);
++ switch (token) {
++ case Opt_br:
++ err = 0;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&a->args[0].from, ":"))
++ && *opt_str) {
++ err = opt_add(opt, opt_str, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex++);
++ if (unlikely(!err && ++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ skipped = 1;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_add:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ bindex = n;
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[1].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*dummy bindex*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*bindex*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ err = au_opts_parse_del(&opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_idel:
++ del->pathname = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_idel(sb, n, &opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ err = au_opts_parse_mod(&opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#ifdef IMOD /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod->path = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_imod(sb, n, &opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino(sb, &opt->xino, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path
++ (sb, &opt->xino_itrunc, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ u.xino_itrunc->bindex = n;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (n < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < n) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", n);
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ break;
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->dirwh)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->rdcache)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n > KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE)) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(n < NAME_MAX)) {
++ AuErr("rdblk must be larger than %d\n",
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdblk = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n * sizeof(struct hlist_head)
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdhash = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ case Opt_plink:
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ case Opt_sum:
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ opt->udba = udba_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->udba >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ u.create->wbr_create
++ = au_wbr_create_val(a->args[0].from, u.create);
++ if (u.create->wbr_create >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ opt->wbr_copyup = au_wbr_copyup_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->wbr_copyup >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_ignore:
++ AuWarn("ignored %s\n", opt_str);
++ case Opt_ignore_silent:
++ skipped = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ case Opt_err:
++ AuErr("unknown option %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!err && !skipped) {
++ if (unlikely(++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ opt--;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(a);
++ dump_opts(opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_opts_free(opts);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_wbr_create(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin) {
++ err = sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ }
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = create->wbr_create;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + create->wbr_create;
++ switch (create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark = create->mfsrr_watermark;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire = create->mfs_second * HZ;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init(sb); /* ignore */
++ return err;
++ * returns,
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ */
++static int au_opt_simple(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_udba:
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= opt->udba;
++ opts->given_udba |= opt->udba;
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_list(sb);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ err = au_opt_wbr_create(sb, &opt->wbr_create);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = opt->wbr_copyup;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + opt->wbr_copyup;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = opt->dirwh;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = opt->rdcache * HZ;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = opt->rdblk;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = opt->rdhash;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, opt->xino_itrunc.bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ au_fclr_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns tri-state.
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int au_opt_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, do_refresh;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_append:
++ opt->add.bindex = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (opt->add.bindex < 0)
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ goto add;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ add:
++ case Opt_add:
++ err = au_br_add(sb, &opt->add,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ if (au_br_whable(opt->add.perm))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ err = au_br_del(sb, &opt->del,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ err = au_br_mod(sb, &opt->mod,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT),
++ &do_refresh);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (do_refresh) {
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opt_xino **opt_xino,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *parent, *h_root;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &opt->xino,
++ !!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ *opt_xino = &opt->xino;
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ /* safe d_parent access */
++ parent = opt->xino.file->f_dentry->d_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ if (h_root == parent) {
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, au_sbr_id(sb, bindex));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ *opt_xino = (void *)-1;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char do_plink, skip, do_free;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!(sbinfo->si_mntflags & AuOptMask_UDBA));
++ if (!(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
++ if (unlikely(!au_br_writable(au_sbr_perm(sb, 0))))
++ AuWarn("first branch should be rw\n");
++ if (unlikely(au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH)))
++ AuWarn("shwh should be used with ro\n");
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test((sbinfo->si_mntflags | pending), UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ && !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ AuWarn("udba=inotify requires xino\n");
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ do_plink = !!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ skip = 0;
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(dir, bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ do_free = 0;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ do_free = !!wbr;
++ skip = (!wbr
++ || (!wbr->wbr_whbase
++ && !wbr->wbr_plink
++ && !wbr->wbr_orph));
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ /* skip = (!br->br_whbase && !br->br_orph); */
++ skip = (!wbr || !wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip && wbr) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ /* skip = (br->br_whbase && br->br_ohph); */
++ skip = (wbr && wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ if (skip)
++ continue;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(au_h_dptr(root, bindex), br, sb);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ if (!err && do_free) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int tmp;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino, xino;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* disable xino and udba temporary */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ tmp = sbinfo->si_mntflags;
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_REVAL);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no branches\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO))
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (!err && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt++, &opt_xino, opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, sb->s_flags, tmp);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* restore xino */
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO) && !opt_xino) {
++ xino.file = au_xino_def(sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(xino.file);
++ if (IS_ERR(xino.file))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &xino, /*remount*/0);
++ fput(xino.file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* restore udba */
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= (tmp & AuOptMask_UDBA);
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, UDBA_HINOTIFY)) {
++ struct inode *dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ au_reset_hinotify(dir,
++ au_hi_flags(dir, /*isdir*/1) & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt, &opt_xino, opts);
++ opt++;
++ }
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* go on even err */
++ rerr = au_opts_verify(sb, opts->sb_flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB)) {
++ rerr = au_xib_trunc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ /* will be handled by the caller */
++ if (!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ && (opts->given_udba || au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ AuDbg("status 0x%x\n", opts->flags);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_mntflags(sb) & AuOptMask_UDBA;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#define __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct file;
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mount flags */
++#define AuOpt_XINO 1 /* external inode number bitmap
++ and translation table */
++#define AuOpt_TRUNC_XINO (1 << 1) /* truncate xino files */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_NONE (1 << 2) /* users direct branch access */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL (1 << 3)
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY (1 << 4)
++#define AuOpt_SHWH (1 << 5) /* show whiteout */
++#define AuOpt_PLINK (1 << 6) /* pseudo-link */
++#define AuOpt_DIRPERM1 (1 << 7) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_REFROF (1 << 8) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_ALWAYS_DIROPQ (1 << 9) /* policy to creating diropq */
++#define AuOpt_SUM (1 << 10) /* summation for statfs(2) */
++#define AuOpt_SUM_W (1 << 11) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_WARN_PERM (1 << 12) /* warn when add-branch */
++#define AuOpt_VERBOSE (1 << 13) /* busy inode when del-branch */
++#undef AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY 0
++#undef AuOpt_SHWH
++#define AuOpt_SHWH 0
++#define AuOpt_Def (AuOpt_XINO \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++ | AuOpt_PLINK \
++ /* | AuOpt_DIRPERM1 */ \
++ | AuOpt_WARN_PERM)
++#define AuOptMask_UDBA (AuOpt_UDBA_NONE \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++#define au_opt_test(flags, name) (flags & AuOpt_##name)
++#define au_opt_set(flags, name) do { \
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(AuOpt_##name & AuOptMask_UDBA); \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_set_udba(flags, name) do { \
++ (flags) &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA; \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_clr(flags, name) { ((flags) &= ~AuOpt_##name); }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++enum {
++ AuWbrCreate_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCreate_RR, /* round robin */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFS, /* most free space */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSV, /* mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, /* mfs then rr */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, /* mfs then rr with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFS, /* parent and mfs */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, /* parent and mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_Def = AuWbrCreate_TDP
++enum {
++ AuWbrCopyup_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BUP, /* bottom up parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BU, /* bottom up */
++ AuWbrCopyup_Def = AuWbrCopyup_TDP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_opt_add {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ char *pathname;
++ int perm;
++ struct path path;
++struct au_opt_del {
++ char *pathname;
++ struct path h_path;
++struct au_opt_mod {
++ char *path;
++ int perm;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++struct au_opt_xino {
++ char *path;
++ struct file *file;
++struct au_opt_xino_itrunc {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++struct au_opt_wbr_create {
++ int wbr_create;
++ int mfs_second;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_opt {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_add add;
++ struct au_opt_del del;
++ struct au_opt_mod mod;
++ int dirwh;
++ int rdcache;
++ unsigned int rdblk;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ int udba;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create wbr_create;
++ int wbr_copyup;
++ };
++/* opts flags */
++#define AuOpts_REMOUNT 1
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_DIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_NONDIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuOpts_TRUNC_XIB (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_opts(flags, name) ((flags) & AuOpts_##name)
++#define au_fset_opts(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuOpts_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_opts(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuOpts_##name; }
++struct au_opts {
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ int max_opt;
++ unsigned int given_udba;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ unsigned long sb_flags;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create);
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending);
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_OPTS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * pseudo-link
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * during a user process maintains the pseudo-links,
++ * prohibit adding a new plink and branch manipulation.
++ */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbi = au_sbi(sb);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ /* gave up wake_up_bit() */
++ wait_event(sbi->si_plink_wq, !au_ftest_si(sbi, MAINTAIN_PLINK));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct pseudo_link {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct inode *inode;
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ AuDbg("%lu\n", plink->inode->i_ino);
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++/* is the inode pseudo-linked? */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode)
++ int found;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(inode->i_sb);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(inode->i_sb), PLINK));
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return found;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generate a name for plink.
++ * the file will be stored under AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR.
++ */
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++#define PLINK_NAME_LEN ((20 + 1) * 2)
++static int plink_name(char *name, int len, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int rlen;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ rlen = snprintf(name, len, "%lu.%lu", inode->i_ino, h_inode->i_ino);
++ return rlen;
++/* lookup the plink-ed @inode under the branch at @bindex */
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ br = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex);
++ h_parent = br->br_wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&tgtname, h_parent, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return h_dentry;
++/* create a pseudo-link */
++static int do_whplink(struct qstr *tgt, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ again:
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(tgt, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /* wh.plink dir is not monitored */
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && h_path.dentry->d_inode != h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ goto again;
++ }
++ if (!err && !h_path.dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_whplink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct qstr *tgt;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_do_whplink(void *args)
++ struct do_whplink_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_whplink(a->tgt, a->h_parent, a->h_dentry, a->br);
++static int whplink(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ wbr = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex)->br_wbr;
++ h_parent = wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ struct do_whplink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .tgt = &tgtname,
++ .h_parent = h_parent,
++ .h_dentry = h_dentry,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_whplink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_whplink(&tgtname, h_parent, h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* free a single plink */
++static void do_put_plink(struct pseudo_link *plink, int do_del)
++ iput(plink->inode);
++ if (do_del)
++ list_del(&plink->list);
++ kfree(plink);
++ * create a new pseudo-link for @h_dentry on @bindex.
++ * the linked inode is held in aufs @inode.
++ */
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ int found, err, cnt;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ err = 0;
++ cnt = 0;
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list) {
++ cnt++;
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (found) {
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return;
++ }
++ plink = NULL;
++ if (!found) {
++ plink = kmalloc(sizeof(*plink), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (plink) {
++ plink->inode = au_igrab(inode);
++ list_add(&plink->list, plink_list);
++ cnt++;
++ } else
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ err = whplink(h_dentry, inode, bindex, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ }
++ if (unlikely(cnt > AUFS_PLINK_WARN))
++ AuWarn1("unexpectedly many pseudo links, %d\n", cnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn("err %d, damaged pseudo link.\n", err);
++ if (!found && plink)
++ do_put_plink(plink, /*do_del*/1);
++ }
++/* free all plinks */
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 0);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(plink_list);
++/* free the plinks on a branch specified by @br_id */
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend, bindex;
++ unsigned char do_put;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ inode = au_igrab(plink->inode);
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)
++ || au_ii_br_id(inode, bindex) != br_id)
++ continue;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ do_put = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ if (do_put) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (do_put)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ }
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * poll operation
++ * There is only one filesystem which implements ->poll operation, currently.
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
++ unsigned int mask;
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* We should pretend an error happened. */
++ mask = POLLERR /* | POLLIN | POLLOUT */;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* it is not an error if h_file has no operation */
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->poll)
++ mask = h_file->f_op->poll(h_file, wait);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ AuTraceErr((int)mask);
++ return mask;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple read-write semaphore wrappers
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#define __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/rwsem.h>
++struct au_rwsem {
++ struct rw_semaphore rwsem;
++ /* just for debugging, not almighty counter */
++ atomic_t rcnt, wcnt;
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do { \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->rcnt, 0); \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->wcnt, 0); \
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic set */ \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->rcnt)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->rcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->wcnt) > 1)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->wcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define AuRwMustNoWaiters(rw) AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&(rw)->rwsem.wait_list))
++/* rwsem_is_locked() is unusable */
++#define AuRwMustReadLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustWriteLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustAnyLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0 \
++ && atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwDestroy(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) \
++ || atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt))
++static inline void au_rw_init(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuDbgCntInit(rw);
++ init_rwsem(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_read(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw, unsigned int lsc)
++ down_read_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustReadLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntDec(rw);
++ up_read(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_dgrade_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ downgrade_write(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ up_write(&rw->rwsem);
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++static inline int au_rw_read_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_read_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++static inline int au_rw_write_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_write_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++#undef AuDbgCntInit
++#undef AuDbgRcntInc
++#undef AuDbgRcntDec
++#undef AuDbgWcntInc
++#undef AuDbgWcntDec
++#define AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_read_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_read_trylock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_write_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_write_trylock(rwsem); }
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++/* static inline void prefix##_read_trylock_nested(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_read_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc)); }
++static inline void prefix##_write_trylock_nestd(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_write_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc); } */
++#define AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_downgrade_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_dgrade_lock(rwsem); }
++#define AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_RWSEM_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * superblock private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&sbinfo->si_plink.head));
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_br_free(sbinfo);
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ mutex_destroy(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ AuRwDestroy(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sbinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo))
++ goto out;
++ /* will be reallocated separately */
++ sbinfo->si_branch = kzalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo->si_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_branch))
++ goto out_sbinfo;
++ memset(&sbinfo->si_kobj, 0, sizeof(sbinfo->si_kobj));
++ err = sysaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_br;
++ au_nwt_init(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ sbinfo->si_generation = 0;
++ sbinfo->au_si_status = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_bend = -1;
++ sbinfo->si_last_br_id = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags = AuOpt_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ mutex_init(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xino_brid = -1;
++ /* leave si_xib_last_pindex and si_xib_next_bit */
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF * HZ;
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = AUFS_DIRWH_DEF;
++ au_spl_init(&sbinfo->si_plink);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ /* leave other members for sysaufs and si_mnt. */
++ sbinfo->si_sb = sb;
++ sb->s_fs_info = sbinfo;
++ au_debug_sbinfo_init(sbinfo);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ out_sbinfo:
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*brp) * (sbinfo->si_bend + 1);
++ if (unlikely(!sz))
++ sz = sizeof(*brp);
++ brp = au_kzrealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sz, sizeof(*brp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (brp) {
++ sbinfo->si_branch = brp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb)
++ unsigned int gen;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ gen = ++au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++ au_update_digen(sb->s_root);
++ au_update_iigen(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++ sb->s_root->d_inode->i_version++;
++ return gen;
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int i;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i <= AUFS_BRANCH_MAX; i++) {
++ br_id = ++sbinfo->si_last_br_id;
++ if (br_id && au_br_index(sb, br_id) < 0)
++ return br_id;
++ }
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry and super_block lock. call at entry point */
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(dentry->d_sb, flags);
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, flags);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ si_write_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ si_write_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(d1->d_sb, flags);
++ di_write_lock2_child(d1, d2, au_ftest_lock(flags, DIR));
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock2(d1, d2);
++ si_read_unlock(d1->d_sb);
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple list protected by a spinlock
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#define __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++struct au_splhead {
++ spinlock_t spin;
++ struct list_head head;
++static inline void au_spl_init(struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock_init(&spl->spin);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&spl->head);
++static inline void au_spl_add(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_add(list, &spl->head);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++static inline void au_spl_del(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_del(list);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SPL_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.593425598 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount and super_block operations
++ */
++#include <linux/buffer_head.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * super_operations
++ */
++static struct inode *aufs_alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ struct au_icntnr *c;
++ c = au_cache_alloc_icntnr();
++ if (c) {
++ inode_init_once(&c->vfs_inode);
++ c->vfs_inode.i_version = 1; /* sigen(sb); */
++ c->iinfo.ii_hinode = NULL;
++ return &c->vfs_inode;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void aufs_destroy_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ au_iinfo_fin(inode);
++ au_cache_free_icntnr(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode));
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ int err;
++ inode = iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ if (unlikely(!inode)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!(inode->i_state & I_NEW))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xigen_new(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_iinfo_init(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ inode->i_version++;
++ else {
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ out:
++ /* never return NULL */
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(inode);
++ return inode;
++/* lock free root dinfo */
++static int au_show_brs(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct path path;
++ struct au_hdentry *hd;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ hd = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = hd[bindex].hd_dentry;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = seq_printf(seq, "=%s",
++ au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ if (!err && bindex != bend)
++ err = seq_putc(seq, ':');
++ }
++ return err;
++static void au_show_wbr_create(struct seq_file *m, int v,
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ const char *pat;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ seq_printf(m, ",create=");
++ pat = au_optstr_wbr_create(v);
++ switch (v) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_TDP:
++ case AuWbrCreate_RR:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ seq_printf(m, pat);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"pmfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark,
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ }
++static int au_show_xino(struct seq_file *seq, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ return 0;
++ int err;
++ const int len = sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME) - 1;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, brid;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct file *f;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_root;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ f = au_sbi(sb)->si_xib;
++ if (!f)
++ goto out;
++ /* stop printing the default xino path on the first writable branch */
++ h_root = NULL;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0) {
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ h_root = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ }
++ d = f->f_dentry;
++ name = &d->d_name;
++ /* safe ->d_parent because the file is unlinked */
++ if (d->d_parent == h_root
++ && name->len == len
++ && !memcmp(name->name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME, len))
++ goto out;
++ seq_puts(seq, ",xino=");
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, f);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* seq_file will re-call me in case of too long string */
++static int aufs_show_options(struct seq_file *m, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err, n;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags, v;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++#define AuBool(name, str) do { \
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, name); \
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, ",%s" #str, v ? "" : "no"); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuStr(name, str) do { \
++ v = mnt_flags & AuOptMask_##name; \
++ if (v != (AuOpt_Def & AuOptMask_##name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%s", au_optstr_##str(v)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUInt(name, str, val) do { \
++ if (val != AUFS_##name##_DEF) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%u", val); \
++} while (0)
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ seq_printf(m, ",si=%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_show_xino(m, mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ seq_puts(m, ",noxino");
++ AuBool(TRUNC_XINO, trunc_xino);
++ AuStr(UDBA, udba);
++ AuBool(SHWH, shwh);
++ AuBool(PLINK, plink);
++ /* AuBool(DIRPERM1, dirperm1); */
++ /* AuBool(REFROF, refrof); */
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_create;
++ if (v != AuWbrCreate_Def)
++ au_show_wbr_create(m, v, sbinfo);
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup;
++ if (v != AuWbrCopyup_Def)
++ seq_printf(m, ",cpup=%s", au_optstr_wbr_copyup(v));
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, ALWAYS_DIROPQ))
++ seq_printf(m, ",diropq=%c", v ? 'a' : 'w');
++ AuUInt(DIRWH, dirwh, sbinfo->si_dirwh);
++ n = sbinfo->si_rdcache / HZ;
++ AuUInt(RDCACHE, rdcache, n);
++ AuUInt(RDBLK, rdblk, sbinfo->si_rdblk);
++ AuUInt(RDHASH, rdhash, sbinfo->si_rdhash);
++ AuBool(SUM, sum);
++ /* AuBool(SUM_W, wsum); */
++ AuBool(WARN_PERM, warn_perm);
++ AuBool(VERBOSE, verbose);
++ out:
++ /* be sure to print "br:" last */
++ if (!sysaufs_brs) {
++ seq_puts(m, ",br:");
++ au_show_brs(m, sb);
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++#undef Deleted
++#undef AuBool
++#undef AuStr
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sum mode which returns the summation for statfs(2) */
++static u64 au_add_till_max(u64 a, u64 b)
++ u64 old;
++ old = a;
++ a += b;
++ if (old < a)
++ return a;
++ return ULLONG_MAX;
++static int au_statfs_sum(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ u64 blocks, bfree, bavail, files, ffree;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, i;
++ unsigned char shared;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ blocks = 0;
++ bfree = 0;
++ bavail = 0;
++ files = 0;
++ ffree = 0;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--) {
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ shared = 0;
++ for (i = bindex + 1; !shared && i <= bend; i++)
++ shared = (au_sbr_sb(sb, i) == h_sb);
++ if (shared)
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(h_mnt->mnt_root, buf);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ blocks = au_add_till_max(blocks, buf->f_blocks);
++ bfree = au_add_till_max(bfree, buf->f_bfree);
++ bavail = au_add_till_max(bavail, buf->f_bavail);
++ files = au_add_till_max(files, buf->f_files);
++ ffree = au_add_till_max(ffree, buf->f_ffree);
++ }
++ buf->f_blocks = blocks;
++ buf->f_bfree = bfree;
++ buf->f_bavail = bavail;
++ buf->f_files = files;
++ buf->f_ffree = ffree;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_statfs(struct dentry *dentry, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SUM))
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(au_sbr_mnt(sb, 0)->mnt_root, buf);
++ else
++ err = au_statfs_sum(sb, buf);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (!err) {
++ buf->f_type = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ buf->f_namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ memset(&buf->f_fsid, 0, sizeof(buf->f_fsid));
++ }
++ /* buf->f_bsize = buf->f_blocks = buf->f_bfree = buf->f_bavail = -1; */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* try flushing the lower fs at aufs remount/unmount time */
++static void au_fsync_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ int brperm;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ brperm = br->br_perm;
++ if (brperm == AuBrPerm_RR || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH)
++ continue;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (bdev_read_only(h_sb->s_bdev))
++ continue;
++ lockdep_off();
++ down_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ shrink_dcache_sb(h_sb);
++ fsync_super(h_sb);
++ up_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ * this IS NOT for super_operations.
++ * I guess it will be reverted someday.
++ */
++static void aufs_umount_begin(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++/* final actions when unmounting a file system */
++static void aufs_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ aufs_umount_begin(sb);
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * refresh dentry and inode at remount time.
++ */
++static int do_refresh(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type,
++ unsigned int dir_flags)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns the number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, type);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (!err && type == S_IFDIR)
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, dir_flags);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("unrecoverable error %d, %.*s\n", err, AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ return err;
++static int test_dir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++/* gave up consolidating with refresh_nondir() */
++static int refresh_dir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ const unsigned int flags = au_hi_flags(root->d_inode, /*isdir*/1);
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_dir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; !e && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !e && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(d, sigen);
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, S_IFDIR, flags);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* break on err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_nondir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return !S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++static int refresh_nondir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen,
++ int do_dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ if (!do_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_nondir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(d, sigen);
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (inode && au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT,
++ /*dir_flags*/0);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_remount_refresh(struct super_block *sb, unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_sigen_inc(sb);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ au_fclr_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ IiMustNoWaiters(inode);
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = refresh_dir(root, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ AuWarn("Refreshing directories failed, ignored (%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_opts(flags, REFRESH_NONDIR)) {
++ err = refresh_nondir(root, sigen, !err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("Refreshing non-directories failed, ignored"
++ "(%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++/* stop extra interpretation of errno in mount(8), and strange error messages */
++static int cvt_err(int err)
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ switch (err) {
++ case -ENOENT:
++ case -ENOTDIR:
++ case -EEXIST:
++ case -EIO:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_remount_fs(struct super_block *sb, int *flags, char *data)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ if (!data || !*data) {
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, *flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.flags = AuOpts_REMOUNT;
++ opts.sb_flags = *flags;
++ /* parse it before aufs lock */
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, data, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ /* au_opts_remount() may return an error */
++ err = au_opts_remount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ || au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_NONDIR))
++ au_remount_refresh(sb, opts.flags);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static struct super_operations aufs_sop = {
++ .alloc_inode = aufs_alloc_inode,
++ .destroy_inode = aufs_destroy_inode,
++ .drop_inode = generic_delete_inode,
++ .show_options = aufs_show_options,
++ .statfs = aufs_statfs,
++ .put_super = aufs_put_super,
++ .remount_fs = aufs_remount_fs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int alloc_root(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ inode->i_mode = S_IFDIR;
++ inode->i_nlink = 2;
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ root = d_alloc_root(inode);
++ if (unlikely(!root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = PTR_ERR(root);
++ if (IS_ERR(root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(root);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb->s_root = root;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ dput(root);
++ goto out; /* do not iput */
++ out_iput:
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, void *raw_data,
++ int silent __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ char *arg = raw_data;
++ if (unlikely(!arg || !*arg)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no arg\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.sb_flags = sb->s_flags;
++ err = au_si_alloc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ sb->s_flags |= MS_NOATIME | MS_NODIRATIME;
++ sb->s_op = &aufs_sop;
++ sb->s_magic = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ au_export_init(sb);
++ err = alloc_root(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ goto out_info;
++ }
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ /*
++ * actually we can parse options regardless aufs lock here.
++ * but at remount time, parsing must be done before aufs lock.
++ * so we follow the same rule.
++ */
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, arg, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_root;
++ /* lock vfs_inode first, then aufs. */
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_mount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_opts; /* success */
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_root:
++ dput(root);
++ sb->s_root = NULL;
++ out_info:
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ sb->s_fs_info = NULL;
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type, int flags,
++ const char *dev_name __maybe_unused, void *raw_data,
++ struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ /* mnt->mnt_flags |= MNT_NOATIME | MNT_NODIRATIME; */
++ err = get_sb_nodev(fs_type, flags, raw_data, aufs_fill_super, mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, 0);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type = {
++ .name = AUFS_FSTYPE,
++ .fs_flags =
++ FS_RENAME_DOES_D_MOVE /* a race between rename and others */
++ | FS_REVAL_DOT, /* for NFS branch and udba */
++ .get_sb = aufs_get_sb,
++ .kill_sb = generic_shutdown_super,
++ /* no need to __module_get() and module_put(). */
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * super_block operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#define __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++typedef ssize_t (*au_readf_t)(struct file *, char __user *, size_t, loff_t *);
++typedef ssize_t (*au_writef_t)(struct file *, const char __user *, size_t,
++ loff_t *);
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations {
++ int (*copyup)(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct au_wbr_create_operations {
++ int (*create)(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir);
++ int (*init)(struct super_block *sb);
++ int (*fin)(struct super_block *sb);
++struct au_wbr_mfs {
++ struct mutex mfs_lock; /* protect this structure */
++ unsigned long mfs_jiffy;
++ unsigned long mfs_expire;
++ aufs_bindex_t mfs_bindex;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_bytes;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_sbinfo {
++ /* nowait tasks in the system-wide workqueue */
++ struct au_nowait_tasks si_nowait;
++ struct au_rwsem si_rwsem;
++ /* branch management */
++ unsigned int si_generation;
++ /* see above flags */
++ unsigned char au_si_status;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_bend;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_last_br_id;
++ struct au_branch **si_branch;
++ /* policy to select a writable branch */
++ unsigned char si_wbr_copyup;
++ unsigned char si_wbr_create;
++ struct au_wbr_copyup_operations *si_wbr_copyup_ops;
++ struct au_wbr_create_operations *si_wbr_create_ops;
++ /* round robin */
++ atomic_t si_wbr_rr_next;
++ /* most free space */
++ struct au_wbr_mfs si_wbr_mfs;
++ /* mount flags */
++ /* include/asm-ia64/siginfo.h defines a macro named si_flags */
++ unsigned int si_mntflags;
++ /* external inode number (bitmap and translation table) */
++ au_readf_t si_xread;
++ au_writef_t si_xwrite;
++ struct file *si_xib;
++ struct mutex si_xib_mtx; /* protect xib members */
++ unsigned long *si_xib_buf;
++ unsigned long si_xib_last_pindex;
++ int si_xib_next_bit;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_xino_brid;
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* unsigned long long si_xib_limit; */ /* Max xib file size */
++ /* i_generation */
++ struct file *si_xigen;
++ atomic_t si_xigen_next;
++ /* vdir parameters */
++ unsigned long si_rdcache; /* max cache time in HZ */
++ unsigned int si_rdblk; /* deblk size */
++ unsigned int si_rdhash; /* hash size */
++ /*
++ * If the number of whiteouts are larger than si_dirwh, leave all of
++ * them after au_whtmp_ren to reduce the cost of rmdir(2).
++ * future fsck.aufs or kernel thread will remove them later.
++ * Otherwise, remove all whiteouts and the dir in rmdir(2).
++ */
++ unsigned int si_dirwh;
++ /*
++ * rename(2) a directory with all children.
++ */
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* int si_rendir; */
++ /* pseudo_link list */
++ struct au_splhead si_plink;
++ wait_queue_head_t si_plink_wq;
++ /*
++ * sysfs and lifetime management.
++ * this is not a small structure and it may be a waste of memory in case
++ * of sysfs is disabled, particulary when many aufs-es are mounted.
++ * but using sysfs is majority.
++ */
++ struct kobject si_kobj;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs, *si_dbgaufs_xib;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs_xigen;
++ /* dirty, necessary for unmounting, sysfs and sysrq */
++ struct super_block *si_sb;
++/* sbinfo status flags */
++ * set true when refresh_dirs() failed at remount time.
++ * then try refreshing dirs at access time again.
++ * if it is false, refreshing dirs at access time is unnecesary
++ */
++#define AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK (1 << 1) /* ioctl */
++static inline unsigned char au_do_ftest_si(struct au_sbinfo *sbi,
++ unsigned int flag)
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbi->si_rwsem);
++ return sbi->au_si_status & flag;
++#define au_ftest_si(sbinfo, name) au_do_ftest_si(sbinfo, AuSi_##name)
++#define au_fset_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status |= AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++#define au_fclr_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policy to select one among writable branches */
++#define AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_copyup_ops->copyup(args))
++#define AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_create_ops->create(args))
++/* flags for si_read_lock()/aufs_read_lock()/di_read_lock() */
++#define AuLock_DW 1 /* write-lock dentry */
++#define AuLock_IR (1 << 1) /* read-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_IW (1 << 2) /* write-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_FLUSH (1 << 3) /* wait for 'nowait' tasks */
++#define AuLock_DIR (1 << 4) /* target is a dir */
++#define au_ftest_lock(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLock_##name)
++#define au_fset_lock(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLock_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lock(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLock_##name; }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* super.c */
++extern struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type;
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino);
++/* sbinfo.c */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr);
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb);
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb);
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++/* wbr_policy.c */
++extern struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[];
++extern struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[];
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_sbinfo *au_sbi(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_fs_info;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, "nfsd");
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base);
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ return -EBUSY;
++ return -ESTALE;
++static inline void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ return -EBUSY;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void dbgaufs_si_null(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = NULL;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock superblock. mainly for entry point functions */
++ * si_noflush_read_lock, si_noflush_write_lock,
++ * si_read_unlock, si_write_unlock, si_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(si_noflush, struct super_block *sb,
++ &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(si, struct super_block *sb, &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++#define SiMustNoWaiters(sb) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustAnyLock(sb) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustWriteLock(sb) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++static inline void si_read_lock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++static inline void si_write_lock(struct super_block *sb)
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++static inline int si_read_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++static inline int si_write_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_write_trylock(sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_sbend(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_bend;
++static inline unsigned int au_mntflags(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_mntflags;
++static inline unsigned int au_sigen(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++static inline struct au_branch *au_sbr(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_branch[0 + bindex];
++static inline void au_xino_brid_set(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t brid)
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid = brid;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_xino_brid(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SUPER_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and lifetime management
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++#define AuSiAttr(_name) { \
++ .attr = { .name = __stringify(_name), .mode = 0444 }, \
++ .show = sysaufs_si_##_name, \
++static struct sysaufs_si_attr sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path = AuSiAttr(xi_path);
++struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[] = {
++ &sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path.attr,
++ NULL,
++static struct sysfs_ops au_sbi_ops = {
++ .show = sysaufs_si_show
++static struct kobj_type au_sbi_ktype = {
++ .release = au_si_free,
++ .sysfs_ops = &au_sbi_ops,
++ .default_attrs = sysaufs_si_attrs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ sbinfo->si_kobj.kset = sysaufs_ket;
++ /* cf. sysaufs_name() */
++ err = kobject_init_and_add
++ (&sbinfo->si_kobj, &au_sbi_ktype, /*&sysaufs_ket->kobj*/NULL,
++ SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ dbgaufs_si_null(sbinfo);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = dbgaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ }
++ return err;
++void sysaufs_fin(void)
++ dbgaufs_fin();
++ sysfs_remove_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ do {
++ get_random_bytes(&sysaufs_si_mask, sizeof(sysaufs_si_mask));
++ } while (!sysaufs_si_mask);
++ sysaufs_ket = kset_create_and_add(AUFS_NAME, NULL, fs_kobj);
++ err = PTR_ERR(sysaufs_ket);
++ if (IS_ERR(sysaufs_ket))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysfs_create_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = dbgaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and mount lifetime management
++ */
++#ifndef __SYSAUFS_H__
++#define __SYSAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "module.h"
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct sysaufs_si_attr {
++ struct attribute attr;
++ int (*show)(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sysaufs.c */
++extern unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++extern struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++extern struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[];
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void);
++void sysaufs_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some people doesn't like to show a pointer in kernel */
++static inline unsigned long sysaufs_si_id(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return sysaufs_si_mask ^ (unsigned long)sbinfo;
++#define SysaufsSiNamePrefix "si_"
++#define SysaufsSiNameLen (sizeof(SysaufsSiNamePrefix) + 16)
++static inline void sysaufs_name(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, char *name)
++ snprintf(name, SysaufsSiNameLen, SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx",
++ sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++struct au_branch;
++/* sysfs.c */
++extern struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group;
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf);
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br);
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++#define sysaufs_brs_init() do {} while (0)
++#define sysaufs_attr_group NULL
++static inline
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ return 0;
++static inline
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ return 0;
++static inline void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_init(void)
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_SYSFS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __SYSAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static struct attribute *au_attr[] = {
++ NULL, /* need to NULL terminate the list of attributes */
++static struct attribute_group sysaufs_attr_group_body = {
++ .attrs = au_attr
++struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group = &sysaufs_attr_group_body;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, au_sbi(sb)->si_xib);
++ seq_putc(seq, '\n');
++ }
++ return err;
++ * the lifetime of branch is independent from the entry under sysfs.
++ * sysfs handles the lifetime of the entry, and never call ->show() after it is
++ * unlinked.
++ */
++static int sysaufs_si_br(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ seq_printf(seq, "=%s\n", au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct seq_file *au_seq(char *p, ssize_t len)
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ seq = kzalloc(sizeof(*seq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (seq) {
++ /* mutex_init(&seq.lock); */
++ seq->buf = p;
++ seq->size = len;
++ return seq; /* success */
++ }
++ seq = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ return seq;
++#define SysaufsBr_PREFIX "br"
++/* todo: file size may exceed PAGE_SIZE */
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ ssize_t err;
++ long l;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ char *name;
++ struct attribute **cattr;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ seq = au_seq(buf, PAGE_SIZE);
++ err = PTR_ERR(seq);
++ if (IS_ERR(seq))
++ goto out;
++ name = (void *)attr->name;
++ cattr = sysaufs_si_attrs;
++ while (*cattr) {
++ if (!strcmp(name, (*cattr)->name)) {
++ err = container_of(*cattr, struct sysaufs_si_attr, attr)
++ ->show(seq, sb);
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ cattr++;
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (!strncmp(name, SysaufsBr_PREFIX, sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1)) {
++ name += sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1;
++ err = strict_strtol(name, 10, &l);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (l <= bend)
++ err = sysaufs_si_br(seq, sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l);
++ else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ }
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out_seq:
++ if (!err) {
++ err = seq->count;
++ /* sysfs limit */
++ if (unlikely(err == PAGE_SIZE))
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ }
++ kfree(seq);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ br-> = br->br_name;
++ br->br_attr.mode = S_IRUGO;
++ br->br_attr.owner = THIS_MODULE;
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ dbgaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ sysfs_remove_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ }
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ dbgaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ snprintf(br->br_name, sizeof(br->br_name), SysaufsBr_PREFIX
++ "%d", bindex);
++ err = sysfs_create_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed %s under sysfs(%d)\n", br->br_name, err);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * magic sysrq hanlder
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++/* #include <linux/sysrq.h> */
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void sysrq_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ char *plevel;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ plevel = au_plevel;
++ au_plevel = KERN_WARNING;
++ au_debug(1);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pr_warning("si=%lx\n", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": superblock\n");
++ au_dpri_sb(sb);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root dentry\n");
++ au_dpri_dentry(sb->s_root);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root inode\n");
++ au_dpri_inode(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++#if 0
++ struct inode *i;
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": isolated inode\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ au_dpri_inode(i);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": files\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list)
++ if (!special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ au_dpri_file(file);
++ au_plevel = plevel;
++ au_debug(0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* module parameter */
++static char *aufs_sysrq_key = "a";
++module_param_named(sysrq, aufs_sysrq_key, charp, S_IRUGO);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(sysrq, "MagicSysRq key for " AUFS_NAME);
++static void au_sysrq(int key __maybe_unused,
++ struct tty_struct *tty __maybe_unused)
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ /* spin_lock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++ list_for_each_entry(kobj, &sysaufs_ket->list, entry) {
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sysrq_sb(sbinfo->si_sb);
++ }
++ /* spin_unlock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++static struct sysrq_key_op au_sysrq_op = {
++ .handler = au_sysrq,
++ .help_msg = "Aufs",
++ .action_msg = "Aufs",
++ .enable_mask = SYSRQ_ENABLE_DUMP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void)
++ int err;
++ char key;
++ err = -1;
++ key = *aufs_sysrq_key;
++ if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z')
++ err = register_sysrq_key(key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d, sysrq=%c\n", err, key);
++ return err;
++void au_sysrq_fin(void)
++ int err;
++ err = unregister_sysrq_key(*aufs_sysrq_key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d (ignored)\n", err);
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * virtual or vertical directory
++ */
++#include <linux/hash.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static unsigned int calc_size(int nlen)
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(ino_t) != sizeof(long));
++ return ALIGN(sizeof(struct au_vdir_de) + nlen, sizeof(ino_t));
++static int set_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk) {
++ p->de->de_str.len = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -1; /* error */
++/* returns true or false */
++static int is_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk)
++ return !p->de->de_str.len;
++ return 1;
++static unsigned char *last_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ return vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1];
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the allocated memory has to be freed by
++ * au_nhash_wh_free() or au_nhash_de_free().
++ */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ unsigned int u;
++ head = kmalloc(sizeof(*nhash->nh_head) * num_hash, gfp);
++ if (head) {
++ nhash->nh_num = num_hash;
++ nhash->nh_head = head;
++ for (u = 0; u < num_hash; u++)
++ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(head++);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void nhash_count(struct hlist_head *head)
++#if 0
++ unsigned long n;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = 0;
++ hlist_for_each(pos, head)
++ n++;
++ AuInfo("%lu\n", n);
++static void au_nhash_wh_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, wh_hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ kfree(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_de_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ au_cache_free_dehstr(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_do_free(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ void (*free)(struct hlist_head *head))
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ n = nhash->nh_num;
++ head = nhash->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ nhash_count(head);
++ free(head++);
++ }
++ kfree(nhash->nh_head);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(whlist, au_nhash_wh_do_free);
++static void au_nhash_de_free(struct au_nhash *delist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(delist, au_nhash_de_do_free);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit)
++ int num;
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ num = 0;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex == btgt && ++num > limit)
++ return 1;
++ head++;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static struct hlist_head *au_name_hash(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ unsigned char *name,
++ unsigned int len)
++ unsigned int v;
++ /* const unsigned int magic_bit = 12; */
++ v = 0;
++ while (len--)
++ v += *name++;
++ /* v = hash_long(v, magic_bit); */
++ v %= nhash->nh_num;
++ return nhash->nh_head + v;
++static int au_nhash_test_name(struct au_vdir_destr *str, const char *name,
++ int nlen)
++ return str->len == nlen && !memcmp(str->name, name, nlen);
++/* returns found or not */
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* returns found(true) or not */
++static int test_known(struct au_nhash *delist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, hash) {
++ str = tpos->str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void au_shwh_init_wh(struct au_vdir_wh *wh, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned char d_type)
++ wh->wh_ino = ino;
++ wh->wh_type = d_type;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh)
++ int err;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *wh;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", nlen, name);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ wh = kmalloc(sizeof(*wh) + nlen, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!wh))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ wh->wh_bindex = bindex;
++ if (shwh)
++ au_shwh_init_wh(wh, ino, d_type);
++ str = &wh->wh_str;
++ str->len = nlen;
++ memcpy(str->name, name, nlen);
++ hlist_add_head(&wh->wh_hash, au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen));
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ unsigned char **o;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = krealloc(vdir->vd_deblk, sizeof(*o) * (vdir->vd_nblk + 1),
++ if (unlikely(!o))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = o;
++ p.deblk = kmalloc(deblk_sz, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p.deblk) {
++ ul = vdir->vd_nblk++;
++ vdir->vd_deblk[ul] = p.deblk;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = p.deblk;
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_de(struct au_vdir *vdir, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sz;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, *room, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *dehstr;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ room = &vdir->vd_last.p;
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk < p.deblk || deblk_end.deblk <= room->deblk
++ || !is_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end));
++ sz = calc_size(nlen);
++ if (unlikely(sz > deblk_end.deblk - room->deblk)) {
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk != p.deblk);
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dehstr = au_cache_alloc_dehstr();
++ if (unlikely(!dehstr))
++ goto out;
++ dehstr->str = &room->de->de_str;
++ hlist_add_head(&dehstr->hash, au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen));
++ room->de->de_ino = ino;
++ room->de->de_type = d_type;
++ room->de->de_str.len = nlen;
++ memcpy(room->de->, name, nlen);
++ err = 0;
++ room->deblk += sz;
++ if (unlikely(set_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end)))
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned char **deblk;
++ deblk = vdir->vd_deblk;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk--)
++ kfree(*deblk++);
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++static struct au_vdir *alloc_vdir(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ vdir = au_cache_alloc_vdir();
++ if (unlikely(!vdir))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = kzalloc(sizeof(*vdir->vd_deblk), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!vdir->vd_deblk))
++ goto out_free;
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdblk;
++ vdir->vd_nblk = 0;
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (!err)
++ return vdir; /* success */
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ out_free:
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++ out:
++ vdir = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return vdir;
++static int reinit_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk > 1) {
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1]);
++ /* vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1] = NULL; */
++ vdir->vd_nblk--;
++ }
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ /* keep vd_dblk_sz */
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ const int isdir = (d_type == DT_DIR);
++ /* prevent hardlinks from race condition */
++ mtx = NULL;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ }
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!*ino) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ *ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!*ino))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, *ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!isdir)
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ return err;
++static int au_wh_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ return au_ino(sb, bindex, h_ino, d_type, ino);
++ return 0;
++#define AuFillVdir_CALLED 1
++#define AuFillVdir_WHABLE (1 << 1)
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_fillvdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuFillVdir_##name)
++#define au_fset_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#undef AuFillVdir_SHWH
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH 0
++struct fillvdir_arg {
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ struct au_nhash delist;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++static int fillvdir(void *__arg, const char *__name, int nlen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct fillvdir_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t ino;
++ const unsigned char shwh = !!au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ arg->err = 0;
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (nlen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (test_known(&arg->delist, name, nlen)
++ || au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already exists or whiteouted */
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ arg->err = au_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type, &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = append_de(arg->vdir, name, nlen, ino,
++ d_type, &arg->delist);
++ } else if (au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE)) {
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ nlen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already whiteouted */
++ if (shwh)
++ arg->err = au_wh_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type,
++ &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, nlen, ino, d_type,
++ arg->bindex, shwh);
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->vdir->vd_jiffy = jiffies;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int au_handle_shwh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_vdir *vdir,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int nh, u;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *n;
++ char *p, *o;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *destr;
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH));
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = p = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ nh = whlist->nh_num;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ for (u = 0; u < nh; u++) {
++ head = whlist->nh_head + u;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, n, head, wh_hash) {
++ destr = &tpos->wh_str;
++ memcpy(p, destr->name, destr->len);
++ err = append_de(vdir, o, destr->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN,
++ tpos->wh_ino, tpos->wh_type, delist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(o);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ return 0;
++static int au_do_read_vdir(struct fillvdir_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ loff_t offset;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bstart;
++ unsigned char shwh;
++ struct file *hf, *file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = arg->file;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ rdhash = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->delist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->whlist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_delist;
++ err = 0;
++ arg->flags = 0;
++ shwh = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)) {
++ shwh = 1;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!hf)
++ continue;
++ offset = vfsub_llseek(hf, 0, SEEK_SET);
++ err = offset;
++ if (unlikely(offset))
++ break;
++ arg->bindex = bindex;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ if (shwh
++ || (bindex != bend
++ && au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex))))
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(hf, fillvdir, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ }
++ if (!err && shwh)
++ err = au_handle_shwh(sb, arg->vdir, &arg->whlist, &arg->delist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg->whlist);
++ out_delist:
++ au_nhash_de_free(&arg->delist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int read_vdir(struct file *file, int may_read)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long expire;
++ unsigned char do_read;
++ struct fillvdir_arg arg;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir, *allocated;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ SiMustAnyLock(inode->i_sb);
++ allocated = NULL;
++ do_read = 0;
++ expire = au_sbi(inode->i_sb)->si_rdcache;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(inode);
++ if (!vdir) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ vdir = alloc_vdir(inode->i_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ allocated = vdir;
++ } else if (may_read
++ && (inode->i_version != vdir->vd_version
++ || time_after(jiffies, vdir->vd_jiffy + expire))) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!do_read)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ arg.file = file;
++ arg.vdir = vdir;
++ err = au_do_read_vdir(&arg);
++ if (!err) {
++ /* file->f_pos = 0; */
++ vdir->vd_version = inode->i_version;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_ivdir(inode, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int copy_vdir(struct au_vdir *tgt, struct au_vdir *src)
++ int err, rerr;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = src->vd_deblk_sz;
++ AuDebugOn(tgt->vd_nblk != 1);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (tgt->vd_nblk < src->vd_nblk) {
++ unsigned char **p;
++ p = krealloc(tgt->vd_deblk, sizeof(*p) * src->vd_nblk,
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ tgt->vd_deblk = p;
++ }
++ tgt->vd_nblk = src->vd_nblk;
++ tgt->vd_deblk_sz = deblk_sz;
++ memcpy(tgt->vd_deblk[0], src->vd_deblk[0], deblk_sz);
++ /* tgt->vd_last.i = 0; */
++ /* tgt->vd_last.p.deblk = tgt->vd_deblk[0]; */
++ tgt->vd_version = src->vd_version;
++ tgt->vd_jiffy = src->vd_jiffy;
++ n = src->vd_nblk;
++ for (ul = 1; ul < n; ul++) {
++ tgt->vd_deblk[ul] = kmemdup(src->vd_deblk[ul], deblk_sz,
++ if (unlikely(!tgt->vd_deblk[ul]))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ rerr = reinit_vdir(tgt);
++ BUG_ON(rerr);
++ return err;
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache, *allocated;
++ err = read_vdir(file, !file->f_pos);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = NULL;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!vdir_cache) {
++ vdir_cache = alloc_vdir(file->f_dentry->d_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir_cache);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir_cache))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = vdir_cache;
++ } else if (!file->f_pos && vdir_cache->vd_version != file->f_version) {
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir_cache);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ return 0; /* success */
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = copy_vdir(vdir_cache, au_ivdir(inode));
++ if (!err) {
++ file->f_version = inode->i_version;
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static loff_t calc_offset(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_last.ul];
++ offset = vdir->vd_last.p.deblk - p.deblk;
++ offset += vdir->vd_deblk_sz * vdir->vd_last.ul;
++ return offset;
++/* returns true or false */
++static int seek_vdir(struct file *file)
++ int valid;
++ unsigned int deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ offset = calc_offset(vdir_cache);
++ AuDbg("offset %lld\n", offset);
++ if (file->f_pos == offset)
++ goto out;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (!file->f_pos)
++ goto out;
++ valid = 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ ul = div64_u64(file->f_pos, deblk_sz);
++ AuDbg("ul %lu\n", ul);
++ if (ul >= vdir_cache->vd_nblk)
++ goto out;
++ n = vdir_cache->vd_nblk;
++ for (; ul < n; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ offset = ul;
++ offset *= deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end) && offset < file->f_pos) {
++ unsigned int l;
++ l = calc_size(>de_str.len);
++ offset += l;
++ p.deblk += l;
++ }
++ if (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end)) {
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p = p;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(!valid);
++ return valid;
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int l, deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!seek_vdir(file))
++ return 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ while (1) {
++ deblk_end.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk += deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&vdir_cache->vd_last.p, &deblk_end)) {
++ de = vdir_cache->;
++ AuDbg("%.*s, off%lld, i%lu, dt%d\n",
++ de->de_str.len, de->, file->f_pos,
++ (unsigned long)de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ err = filldir(dirent, de->, de->de_str.len,
++ file->f_pos, de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* todo: ignore the error caused by udba? */
++ /* return err; */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ l = calc_size(de->de_str.len);
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk += l;
++ file->f_pos += l;
++ }
++ if (vdir_cache->vd_last.ul < vdir_cache->vd_nblk - 1) {
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul++;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk
++ = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ file->f_pos = deblk_sz * vdir_cache->vd_last.ul;
++ continue;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/splice.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ /* for remote fs, leave work for its getattr or d_revalidate */
++ /* for bad i_attr fs, handle them in aufs_getattr() */
++ /* still some fs may acquire i_mutex. we need to skip them */
++ err = 0;
++ if (!did)
++ did = &err;
++ h_sb = h_path->dentry->d_sb;
++ *did = (!au_test_fs_remote(h_sb) && au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(h_sb));
++ if (*did)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_path->mnt, h_path->dentry, &st);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode)
++ struct file *file;
++ lockdep_off();
++ file = filp_open(path, oflags, mode);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return file;
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ /* lockdep_off(); */
++ err = kern_path(name, flags, path);
++ /* lockdep_on(); */
++ if (!err && path->dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = NULL
++ };
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_one_len(name, parent, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return path.dentry;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = nd->path.mnt
++ };
++ IMustLock(nd->path.dentry->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_hash(nd);
++ if (!IS_ERR(path.dentry) && path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return path.dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ lockdep_off();
++ d = lock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir2);
++ return d;
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir2);
++ lockdep_off();
++ unlock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, 0);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(dir->i_sb))
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ memset(&h_nd, 0, sizeof(h_nd));
++ h_nd.flags = LOOKUP_CREATE;
++ = O_CREAT
++ | vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_READ);
++ = mode;
++ h_nd.path.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = path->mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, const char *symname)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_symlink(path, path->dentry, symname);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_symlink(dir, path->dentry, symname);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mknod(dir, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_test_nlink(struct inode *inode)
++ const unsigned int link_max = UINT_MAX >> 1; /* rough margin */
++ if (!au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(inode->i_sb)
++ || inode->i_nlink < link_max)
++ return 0;
++ return -EMLINK;
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = au_test_nlink(src_dentry->d_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ return err;
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_link(src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_link(src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ /* fuse has different memory inode for the same inumber */
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ IMustLock(src_dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rename(&tmp, src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rename(src_dir, src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ int did;
++ tmp.dentry = d->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mkdir(path, path->dentry, mode);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mkdir(dir, path->dentry, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rmdir(path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rmdir(dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = path->dentry->d_parent,
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ err = vfs_read(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* todo: kernel_read()? */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_read_u(file, (char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_write(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(file, (const char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_readdir(file, filldir, arg);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_to(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&in->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_from(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&out->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* cf. open.c:do_sys_truncate() and do_sys_ftruncate() */
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_file) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ err = inode_permission(h_inode, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = get_write_access(h_inode);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = break_lease(h_inode, vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_WRITE));
++ if (err)
++ goto out_inode;
++ }
++ err = locks_verify_truncate(h_inode, h_file, length);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_path_truncate(h_path, length, attr);
++ if (!err) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_truncate(h_path->dentry, length, attr, h_file);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ out_inode:
++ if (!h_file)
++ put_write_access(h_inode);
++ out_mnt:
++ if (!h_file)
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++ int mode;
++static void au_call_vfsub_mkdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_mkdir(a->dir, a->path, a->mode);
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(dir, path, mode);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path,
++ .mode = mode
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_mkdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void au_call_vfsub_rmdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_rmdir(a->dir, a->path);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(dir, path);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_rmdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct notify_change_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct path *path;
++ struct iattr *ia;
++static void call_notify_change(void *args)
++ struct notify_change_args *a = args;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = a->path->dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ *a->errp = -EPERM;
++ if (!IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode) && !IS_APPEND(h_inode)) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = notify_change(a->path->dentry, a->ia);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(a->path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ call_notify_change(&args);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_notify_change, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct unlink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void call_unlink(void *args)
++ struct unlink_args *a = args;
++ struct dentry *d = a->path->dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ const int stop_sillyrename = (au_test_nfs(d->d_sb)
++ && atomic_read(&d->d_count) == 1);
++ IMustLock(a->dir);
++ a->path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ *a->errp = security_path_unlink(a->path, d);
++ a->path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(*a->errp))
++ return;
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dget(d);
++ h_inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ atomic_inc(&h_inode->i_count);
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = vfs_unlink(a->dir, d);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = d->d_parent,
++ .mnt = a->path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dput(d);
++ if (h_inode)
++ iput(h_inode);
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++ * @dir: must be locked.
++ * @dentry: target dentry.
++ */
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force)
++ int err;
++ struct unlink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ if (!force)
++ call_unlink(&args);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_unlink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for lower inode */
++/* default MAX_LOCKDEP_SUBCLASSES(8) is not enough */
++/* reduce? gave up. */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_I_Begin = I_MUTEX_QUOTA, /* 4 */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT, /* lower inode, parent first */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT2, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT3, /* copyup wh */
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD,
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD2,
++ AuLsc_I_End
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define MtxMustLock(mtx) AuDebugOn(!mutex_is_locked(mtx))
++#define IMustLock(i) MtxMustLock(&(i)->i_mutex)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void vfsub_copy_inode_size(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ fsstack_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did);
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode);
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_hinode;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path,
++ const char *symname);
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct path *path);
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_hdir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *hdir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg);
++static inline void vfsub_file_accessed(struct file *h_file)
++ file_accessed(h_file);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++static inline void vfsub_touch_atime(struct vfsmount *h_mnt,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = h_dentry,
++ .mnt = h_mnt
++ };
++ touch_atime(h_mnt, h_dentry);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline loff_t vfsub_llseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int origin)
++ loff_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_llseek(file, offset, origin);
++ lockdep_on();
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dirty workaround for strict type of fmode_t */
++union vfsub_fmu {
++ fmode_t fm;
++ unsigned int ui;
++static inline unsigned int vfsub_fmode_to_uint(fmode_t fm)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .fm = fm
++ };
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof( != sizeof(u.ui));
++ return u.ui;
++static inline fmode_t vfsub_uint_to_fmode(unsigned int ui)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .ui = ui
++ };
++ return;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_VFSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * policies for selecting one among multiple writable branches
++ */
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* subset of cpup_attr() */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_cpdown_attr(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_isrc;
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ sbits = !!(ia.ia_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_path->dentry->d_inode, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path->dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++#define AuCpdown_PARENT_OPQ 1
++#define AuCpdown_WHED (1 << 1)
++#define AuCpdown_MADE_DIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuCpdown_DIROPQ (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_cpdown(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpdown_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpdown_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpdown_##name; }
++struct au_cpdown_dir_args {
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_opq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry;
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ au_fset_cpdown(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ h_path.dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ }
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq, bstart;
++ unsigned char parent_opq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir, *h_inode, *inode, *dir;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *args = arg;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* dentry is di-locked */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_dir != au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ err = vfsub_sio_mkdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_put;
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ if (!au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ) && bopq <= bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ);
++ parent_opq = (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ)
++ && args->parent == dentry);
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_opq(dentry, bdst, args);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_dir;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_cpdown_attr(&h_path, au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart));
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_wh(dentry, h_parent, dir, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ }
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibend(inode) < bdst)
++ au_set_ibend(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(h_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ out_opq:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bdst);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing diropq for %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR)) {
++ rerr = vfsub_sio_rmdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_put:
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_update_dbend(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args args = {
++ .parent = dget_parent(dentry),
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ err = au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpdown_dir, &args);
++ dput(args.parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for create */
++static int au_wbr_bu(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -EROFS;
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_create_tdp(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ err = bstart;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex < bstart; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* an exception for the policy other than tdp */
++static int au_wbr_create_exp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bdiropq;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = -1;
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ if (bwh >= 0) {
++ if (bdiropq >= 0)
++ err = min(bdiropq, bwh);
++ else
++ err = bwh;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ } else if (bdiropq >= 0) {
++ err = bdiropq;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ if (err >= 0 && au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, err)))
++ err = -1;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_init_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, au_sbend(sb));
++ atomic_set(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next, -err); /* less important */
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_rr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, nbr;
++ unsigned int u;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ atomic_t *next;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ next = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ nbr = bend + 1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ /* modulo for 0 is meaningless */
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ } else
++ err = atomic_read(next);
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ u = err;
++ err = u % nbr;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, err)))
++ break;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ }
++ out:
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space */
++static void au_mfs(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long b, bavail;
++ /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct kstatfs *st;
++ st = kmalloc(sizeof(*st), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!st)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed updating mfs(%d), ignored\n", -ENOMEM);
++ return;
++ }
++ bavail = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ MtxMustLock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br))
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(br->br_mnt->mnt_root, st);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed statfs, b%d, %d\n", bindex, err);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* when the available size is equal, select the lower one */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bavail)
++ || sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bsize));
++ b = st->f_bavail * st->f_bsize;
++ br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes = b;
++ if (b >= bavail) {
++ bavail = b;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = bindex;
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = jiffies;
++ }
++ }
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = bavail;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", mfs->mfs_bindex);
++ kfree(st);
++static int au_wbr_create_mfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (time_after(jiffies, mfs->mfs_jiffy + mfs->mfs_expire)
++ || mfs->mfs_bindex < 0
++ || au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, mfs->mfs_bindex)))
++ au_mfs(dentry);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ err = mfs->mfs_bindex;
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_init(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = 0;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ return 0;
++static int au_wbr_create_fin_mfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_destroy(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_lock);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space and then round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_mfsrr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ mfs = &au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (mfs->mfsrr_bytes < mfs->mfsrr_watermark)
++ err = au_wbr_create_rr(dentry, isdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ }
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ au_wbr_create_init_mfs(sb); /* ignore */
++ err = au_wbr_create_init_rr(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* top down parent and most free space */
++static int au_wbr_create_pmfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, e2;
++ unsigned long long b;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ if (bstart == bend)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ e2 = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (e2 < 0)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ /* when the available size is equal, select upper one */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, err);
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(br) && br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes > b) {
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ err = bindex;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ }
++ }
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for copyup */
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_tdp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, /*isdir, anything is ok*/0);
++/* bottom up parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bup(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex >= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* bottom up */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bu(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(dentry->d_sb, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCopyup_TDP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BUP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bup
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BU] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bu
++ }
++struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCreate_TDP] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_RR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_rr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_rr
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#define WH_MASK S_IRUGO
++ * If a directory contains this file, then it is opaque. We start with the
++ * .wh. flag so that it is blocked by lookup.
++ */
++static struct qstr diropq_name = {
++ .name = AUFS_WH_DIROPQ,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_WH_DIROPQ) - 1
++ * generate whiteout name, which is NOT terminated by NULL.
++ * @name: original
++ * @len: original d_name.len
++ * @wh: whiteout qstr
++ * returns zero when succeeds, otherwise error.
++ * succeeded value as wh->name should be freed by kfree().
++ */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name)
++ char *p;
++ if (unlikely(name->len > PATH_MAX - AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ return -ENAMETOOLONG;
++ wh->len = name->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ p = kmalloc(wh->len, GFP_NOFS);
++ wh->name = p;
++ if (p) {
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ memcpy(p + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN, name->name, name->len);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if the @wh_name exists under @h_parent.
++ * @try_sio specifies the necessary of super-io.
++ */
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!try_sio)
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else
++ wh_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!wh_dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = 1;
++ if (S_ISREG(wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s Invalid whiteout entry type 0%o.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * test if the @h_dentry sets opaque or not.
++ */
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_wh_test(h_dentry, &diropq_name, br,
++ au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC));
++ return err;
++ * returns a negative dentry whose name is unique and temporary.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix)
++#define HEX_LEN 4
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int i;
++ char defname[AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2 + DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + 1
++ + HEX_LEN + 1], *name, *p;
++ static unsigned short cnt;
++ struct qstr qs;
++ name = defname;
++ qs.len = sizeof(defname) - DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + prefix->len - 1;
++ if (unlikely(prefix->len > DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN)) {
++ if (unlikely(qs.len >= PATH_MAX))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ name = kmalloc(qs.len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!name))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* doubly whiteout-ed */
++ memcpy(name, AUFS_WH_PFX AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2);
++ p = name + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2;
++ memcpy(p, prefix->name, prefix->len);
++ p += prefix->len;
++ *p++ = '.';
++ AuDebugOn(name + qs.len + 1 - p <= HEX_LEN);
++ = name;
++ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
++ sprintf(p, "%.*d", HEX_LEN, cnt++);
++ dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&qs, h_parent, br);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry) || !dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_name;
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ /* AuWarn("could not get random name\n"); */
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-EEXIST);
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuLNPair(&qs));
++ BUG();
++ out_name:
++ if (name != defname)
++ kfree(name);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++#undef HEX_LEN
++ * rename the @h_dentry on @br to the whiteouted temporary name.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ h_parent = h_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_path.dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &h_dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ /* under the same dir, no need to lock_rename() */
++ err = vfsub_rename(h_dir, h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for removing a whiteout
++ */
++static int do_unlink_wh(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int force;
++ /*
++ * forces superio when the dir has a sticky bit.
++ * this may be a violation of unix fs semantics.
++ */
++ force = (h_dir->i_mode & S_ISVTX)
++ && h_path->dentry->d_inode->i_uid != current_fsuid();
++ return vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, force);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (!err && dentry)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, -1);
++ return err;
++static int unlink_wh_name(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = 0;
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(wh, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ else {
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && S_ISREG(h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize/clean whiteout for a branch
++ */
++static void au_wh_clean(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *whpath,
++ const int isdir)
++ int err;
++ if (!whpath->dentry->d_inode)
++ return;
++ err = mnt_want_write(whpath->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (isdir)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, whpath);
++ else
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, whpath, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(whpath->mnt);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s (%d), ignored.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(whpath->dentry), err);
++static int test_linkable(struct dentry *h_root)
++ struct inode *h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (h_dir->i_op->link)
++ return 0;
++ AuErr("%.*s (%s) doesn't support link(2), use noplink and rw+nolwh\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ return -ENOSYS;
++/* todo: should this mkdir be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper? */
++static int au_whdir(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (!path->dentry->d_inode) {
++ int mode = S_IRWXU;
++ if (au_test_nfs(path->dentry->d_sb))
++ mode |= S_IXUGO;
++ err = mnt_want_write(path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, path, mode);
++ mnt_drop_write(path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISDIR(path->dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s exists\n", AuDLNPair(path->dentry));
++ return err;
++struct au_wh_base {
++ const struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++static void au_wh_init_ro(struct inode *h_dir, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ * returns tri-state,
++ * minus: error, caller should print the mesage
++ * zero: succuess
++ * plus: error, caller should NOT print the mesage
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw_nolink(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * for the moment, aufs supports the branch filesystem which does not support
++ * link(2). testing on FAT which does not support i_op->setattr() fully either,
++ * copyup failed. finally, such filesystem will not be used as the writable
++ * branch.
++ *
++ * returns tri-state, see above.
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /*
++ * todo: should this create be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper?
++ */
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (!base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, h_path, WH_MASK);
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISREG(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s/%.*s exists\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), AuDLNPair(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = dget(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize the whiteout base file/dir for @br.
++ */
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb)
++ int err, i;
++ const unsigned char do_plink
++ = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ static const struct qstr base_name[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = AUFS_BASE_NAME,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_BASE_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_PLINKDIR_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_ORPHDIR_NAME) - 1
++ }
++ };
++ struct au_wh_base base[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_BASE,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_PLINK,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_ORPH,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ }
++ };
++ if (wbr)
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ /* doubly whiteouted */
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = au_wh_lkup(h_root, (void *)base[i].name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(d);
++ if (IS_ERR(d))
++ goto out;
++ base[i].dentry = d;
++ AuDebugOn(wbr
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i]
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i] != base[i].dentry);
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ au_wh_init_ro(h_dir, base, &path);
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw_nolink(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("an error(%d) on the writable branch %.*s(%s)\n",
++ err, AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ out:
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(base[i].dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * whiteouts are all hard-linked usually.
++ * when its link count reaches a ceiling, we create a new whiteout base
++ * asynchronously.
++ */
++struct reinit_br_wh {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void reinit_br_wh(void *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *a = arg;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ err = 0;
++ wbr = a->br->br_wbr;
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(a->sb);
++ if (!au_br_writable(a->br->br_perm))
++ goto out;
++ bindex = au_br_index(a->sb, a->br->br_id);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ dir = a->sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(a->sb->s_root, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_h_verify(wbr->wbr_whbase, au_opt_udba(a->sb), hdir->hi_inode,
++ h_root, a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path.dentry = wbr->wbr_whbase;
++ h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(hdir->hi_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ } else {
++ AuWarn("%.*s is moved, ignored\n", AuDLNPair(wbr->wbr_whbase));
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ dput(wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, a->br, a->sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ di_read_unlock(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (wbr)
++ atomic_dec(&wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&a->br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(a->sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(a->sb);
++ kfree(arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++static void kick_reinit_br_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ int do_dec, wkq_err;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *arg;
++ do_dec = 1;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running) != 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* ignore ENOMEM */
++ arg = kmalloc(sizeof(*arg), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (arg) {
++ /*
++ * dec(wh_running), kfree(arg) and dec(br_count)
++ * in reinit function
++ */
++ arg->sb = sb;
++ arg->br = br;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(reinit_br_wh, arg, sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ kfree(arg);
++ }
++ do_dec = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (do_dec)
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create the whiteout @wh.
++ */
++static int link_or_create_wh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh
++ };
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_parent = wh->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ if (wbr->wbr_whbase) {
++ err = vfsub_link(wbr->wbr_whbase, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (!err || err != -EMLINK)
++ goto out;
++ /* link count full. re-initialize br_whbase. */
++ kick_reinit_br_wh(sb, br);
++ }
++ /* return this error in this context */
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, WH_MASK);
++ out:
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create or remove the diropq.
++ */
++static struct dentry *do_diropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ opq_dentry = au_lkup_one(&diropq_name, h_dentry, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_ftest_diropq(flags, CREATE)) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, opq_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ } else {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = opq_dentry,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = do_unlink_wh(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bindex), &tmp);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ opq_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return opq_dentry;
++struct do_diropq_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void call_do_diropq(void *args)
++ struct do_diropq_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_diropq(a->dentry, a->bindex, a->flags);
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *diropq, *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dentry->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ diropq = do_diropq(dentry, bindex, flags);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_diropq_args args = {
++ .errp = &diropq,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_diropq, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ diropq = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return diropq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * lookup whiteout dentry.
++ * @h_parent: lower parent dentry which must exist and be locked
++ * @base_name: name of dentry which will be whiteouted
++ * returns dentry for whiteout.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&wh_name, base_name);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(&wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ kfree(;
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * link/create a whiteout for @dentry on @bindex.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry) && !wh_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, wh_dentry);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ else {
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Delete all whiteouts in this directory on branch bindex. */
++static int del_wh_children(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ char *p;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = __getname();
++ = p;
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; !err && ul < n; ul++, head++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex != bindex)
++ continue;
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ if (str->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN <= PATH_MAX) {
++ memcpy(p, str->name, str->len);
++ wh_name.len = AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN + str->len;
++ err = unlink_wh_name(h_dentry, &wh_name, br);
++ if (!err)
++ continue;
++ break;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("whiteout name too long %.*s\n",
++ str->len, str->name);
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(;
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct del_wh_children_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_del_wh_children(void *args)
++ struct del_wh_children_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = del_wh_children(a->h_dentry, &a->whlist, a->bindex, a->br);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ whtmp = kmalloc(sizeof(*whtmp), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!whtmp)) {
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ whtmp->dir = NULL;
++ whtmp->wh_dentry = NULL;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whtmp->whlist, au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash, gfp);
++ if (!err)
++ return whtmp; /* success */
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return whtmp;
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp)
++ dput(whtmp->wh_dentry);
++ iput(whtmp->dir);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whtmp->whlist);
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ * rmdir the whiteouted temporary named dir @h_dentry.
++ * @whlist: whiteouted children.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_tmp;
++ struct inode *wh_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ wh_inode = wh_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&wh_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ /*
++ * someone else might change some whiteouts while we were sleeping.
++ * it means this whlist may have an obsoleted entry.
++ */
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(wh_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = del_wh_children(wh_dentry, whlist, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct del_wh_children_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .h_dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .whlist = *whlist,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_del_wh_children, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&wh_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_tmp.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_tmp.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_tmp);
++ /* d_drop(h_dentry); */
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex) {
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ drop_nlink(dir);
++ }
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s(%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ return err;
++static void call_rmdir_whtmp(void *args)
++ int err;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *a = args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ /* rmdir by nfsd may cause deadlock with this i_mutex */
++ /* mutex_lock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, a->bindex, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, a->bindex);
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ h_parent = dget_parent(a->wh_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(a->dir, a->bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_h_verify(a->wh_dentry, au_opt_udba(sb), h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(a->dir, a->bindex, a->wh_dentry,
++ &a->whlist);
++ mnt_drop_write(br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ }
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ /* mutex_unlock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args)
++ int wkq_err;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ /* all post-process will be done in do_rmdir_whtmp(). */
++ args->dir = au_igrab(dir);
++ args->bindex = bindex;
++ args->wh_dentry = dget(wh_dentry);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(call_rmdir_whtmp, args, dir->i_sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ AuWarn("rmdir error %.*s (%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wkq_err);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#define __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "dir.h"
++/* whout.c */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name);
++struct au_branch;
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio);
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix);
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb);
++/* diropq flags */
++#define AuDiropq_CREATE 1
++#define au_ftest_diropq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuDiropq_##name)
++#define au_fset_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuDiropq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuDiropq_##name; }
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags);
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent);
++/* real rmdir for the whiteout-ed dir */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir {
++ struct inode *dir;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp);
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_diropq_create(struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, AuDiropq_CREATE);
++static inline int au_diropq_remove(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return PTR_ERR(au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, !AuDiropq_CREATE));
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WHOUT_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new dredential scheme
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* internal workqueue named AUFS_WKQ_NAME */
++static struct au_wkq {
++ struct workqueue_struct *q;
++ /* balancing */
++ atomic_t busy;
++} *au_wkq;
++struct au_wkinfo {
++ struct work_struct wk;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ unsigned int flags; /* see wkq.h */
++ au_wkq_func_t func;
++ void *args;
++ atomic_t *busyp;
++ struct completion *comp;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int enqueue(struct au_wkq *wkq, struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ wkinfo->busyp = &wkq->busy;
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ return !queue_work(wkq->q, &wkinfo->wk);
++ else
++ return !schedule_work(&wkinfo->wk);
++static void do_wkq(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ unsigned int idle, n;
++ int i, idle_idx;
++ while (1) {
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT)) {
++ idle_idx = 0;
++ idle = UINT_MAX;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ n = atomic_inc_return(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ if (n == 1 && !enqueue(au_wkq + i, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ if (n < idle) {
++ idle_idx = i;
++ idle = n;
++ }
++ atomic_dec(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ }
++ } else
++ idle_idx = aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_inc(&au_wkq[idle_idx].busy);
++ if (!enqueue(au_wkq + idle_idx, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ /* impossible? */
++ AuWarn1("failed to queue_work()\n");
++ yield();
++ }
++static void wkq_func(struct work_struct *wk)
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo = container_of(wk, struct au_wkinfo, wk);
++ wkinfo->func(wkinfo->args);
++ atomic_dec_return(wkinfo->busyp);
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ complete(wkinfo->comp);
++ else {
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(wkinfo->sb)->si_kobj);
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ kfree(wkinfo);
++ }
++ * Since struct completion is large, try allocating it dynamically.
++ */
++#if defined(CONFIG_4KSTACKS) || defined(AuTest4KSTACKS)
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) struct completion *comp = NULL
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ *comp = kmalloc(sizeof(**comp), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (*comp) {
++ init_completion(*comp);
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp)
++ kfree(comp);
++/* no braces */
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) \
++ struct completion *comp = &_ ## name
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* 4KSTACKS */
++static void au_wkq_run(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ au_dbg_verify_kthread();
++ INIT_WORK(&wkinfo->wk, wkq_func);
++ do_wkq(wkinfo);
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args)
++ int err;
++ AuWkqCompDeclare(comp);
++ struct au_wkinfo wkinfo = {
++ .flags = AuWkq_WAIT,
++ .func = func,
++ .args = args
++ };
++ err = au_wkq_comp_alloc(&wkinfo, &comp);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_wkq_run(&wkinfo);
++ /* no timeout, no interrupt */
++ wait_for_completion(wkinfo.comp);
++ au_wkq_comp_free(comp);
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo;
++ atomic_inc(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ /*
++ * wkq_func() must free this wkinfo.
++ * it highly depends upon the implementation of workqueue.
++ */
++ err = 0;
++ wkinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*wkinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (wkinfo) {
++ wkinfo->sb = sb;
++ wkinfo->flags = !AuWkq_WAIT;
++ wkinfo->func = func;
++ wkinfo->args = args;
++ wkinfo->comp = NULL;
++ kobject_get(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
++ au_wkq_run(wkinfo);
++ } else {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ atomic_dec(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ atomic_set(&nwt->nw_len, 0);
++ /* smp_mb();*/ /* atomic_set */
++ init_waitqueue_head(&nwt->nw_wq);
++void au_wkq_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++)
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q))
++ destroy_workqueue(au_wkq[i].q);
++ kfree(au_wkq);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ struct au_wkq *nowaitq;
++ /* '+1' is for accounting of nowait queue */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_wkq = kcalloc(aufs_nwkq + 1, sizeof(*au_wkq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!au_wkq))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ au_wkq[i].q = create_singlethread_workqueue(AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q)) {
++ atomic_set(&au_wkq[i].busy, 0);
++ continue;
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_wkq[i].q);
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* nowait accounting */
++ nowaitq = au_wkq + aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_set(&nowaitq->busy, 0);
++ nowaitq->q = NULL;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new credentials management scheme
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#define __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/wait.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * in the next operation, wait for the 'nowait' tasks in system-wide workqueue
++ */
++struct au_nowait_tasks {
++ atomic_t nw_len;
++ wait_queue_head_t nw_wq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++typedef void (*au_wkq_func_t)(void *args);
++/* wkq flags */
++#define AuWkq_WAIT 1
++#define au_ftest_wkq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWkq_##name)
++#define au_fset_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWkq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWkq_##name; }
++/* wkq.c */
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args);
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb);
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void);
++void au_wkq_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline int au_test_wkq(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++static inline void au_nwt_done(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ if (!atomic_dec_return(&nwt->nw_len))
++ wake_up_all(&nwt->nw_wq);
++static inline int au_nwt_flush(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ wait_event(nwt->nw_wq, !atomic_read(&nwt->nw_len));
++ return 0;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WKQ_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.589924382 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1200 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * external inode number translation table and bitmap
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_access(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t do_xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf,
++ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ lockdep_off();
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (const char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ lockdep_on();
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_modify(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++struct do_xino_fwrite_args {
++ ssize_t *errp;
++ au_writef_t func;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *buf;
++ size_t size;
++ loff_t *pos;
++static void call_do_xino_fwrite(void *args)
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_xino_fwrite(a->func, a->file, a->buf, a->size, a->pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ /* todo: signal block and no wkq? */
++ /* todo: new credential scheme */
++ /*
++ * it breaks RLIMIT_FSIZE and normal user's limit,
++ * users should care about quota and real 'filesystem full.'
++ */
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .func = func,
++ .file = file,
++ .buf = buf,
++ .size = size,
++ .pos = pos
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_xino_fwrite, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_xino_fwrite(func, file, buf, size, pos);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a new xinofile at the same place/path as @base_file.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *base, *dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ int err;
++ base = base_file->f_dentry;
++ parent = base->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ name = &base->d_name;
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, parent, name->len);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ file = (void *)dentry;
++ AuErr("%.*s lookup err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* no need to mnt_want_write() since we call dentry_open() later */
++ err = vfs_create(dir, dentry, S_IRUGO | S_IWUGO, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ AuErr("%.*s create err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ file = dentry_open(dget(dentry), mntget(base_file->f_vfsmnt),
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s open err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(file));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ err = vfsub_unlink(dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s unlink err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ if (copy_src) {
++ /* no one can touch copy_src xino */
++ err = au_copy_file(file, copy_src,
++ i_size_read(copy_src->f_dentry->d_inode));
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s copy err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ out_fput:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return file;
++struct au_xino_lock_dir {
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++static void au_xino_lock_dir(struct super_block *sb, struct file *xino,
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ aufs_bindex_t brid, bindex;
++ ldir->hdir = NULL;
++ bindex = -1;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0)
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ ldir->hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(ldir->hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ ldir->parent = dget_parent(xino->f_dentry);
++ ldir->mtx = &ldir->parent->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(ldir->mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++static void au_xino_unlock_dir(struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ if (ldir->hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(ldir->hdir);
++ else {
++ mutex_unlock(ldir->mtx);
++ dput(ldir->parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate xino files asynchronously */
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bi, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct file *new_xino, *file;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0 || bend < bindex))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ file = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (!file)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ new_xino = au_xino_create2(file, file);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(new_xino);
++ if (IS_ERR(new_xino))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ fput(file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bi = 0; bi <= bend; bi++) {
++ if (unlikely(bi == bindex))
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bi);
++ if (br->br_mnt->mnt_sb != h_sb)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ get_file(new_xino);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct xino_do_trunc_args {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void xino_do_trunc(void *_args)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = args->sb;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ br = args->br;
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(dir);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, bindex);
++ if (!err
++ && br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ >= br->br_xino_upper)
++ br->br_xino_upper += AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP;
++ ii_read_unlock(dir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("err b%d, (%d)\n", bindex, err);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_xino_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(args);
++static void xino_try_trunc(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ < br->br_xino_upper)
++ return;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_xino_running) > 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* lock and kfree() will be called in trunc_xino() */
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ goto out_args;
++ }
++ atomic_inc_return(&br->br_count);
++ args->sb = sb;
++ args->br = br;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(xino_do_trunc, args, sb);
++ if (!wkq_err)
++ return; /* success */
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_count);
++ out_args:
++ kfree(args);
++ out:
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_xino_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_xino_do_write(au_writef_t write, struct file *file,
++ ino_t h_ino, ino_t ino)
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(ino);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(write, file, &ino, sizeof(ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ return -EIO;
++ * write @ino to the xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * even if @ino is zero, it is written to the xinofile and means no entry.
++ * if the size of the xino file on a specific filesystem exceeds the watermark,
++ * try truncating it.
++ */
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(long long) != sizeof(au_loff_max)
++ || ((loff_t)-1) > 0);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ return 0;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, TRUNC_XINO)
++ && au_test_fs_trunc_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb))
++ xino_try_trunc(sb, br);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%d)\n", err);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* aufs inode number bitmap */
++static const int page_bits = (int)PAGE_SIZE * BITS_PER_BYTE;
++static ino_t xib_calc_ino(unsigned long pindex, int bit)
++ ino_t ino;
++ AuDebugOn(bit < 0 || page_bits <= bit);
++ ino = AUFS_FIRST_INO + pindex * page_bits + bit;
++ return ino;
++static void xib_calc_bit(ino_t ino, unsigned long *pindex, int *bit)
++ AuDebugOn(ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ ino -= AUFS_FIRST_INO;
++ *pindex = ino / page_bits;
++ *bit = ino % page_bits;
++static int xib_pindex(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long pindex)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *xib;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(pindex > ULONG_MAX / PAGE_SIZE
++ || !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO));
++ if (pindex == sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex)
++ return 0;
++ xib = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ pos = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out;
++ pos = pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (i_size_read(xib->f_dentry->d_inode) >= pos + PAGE_SIZE)
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ else {
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ }
++ if (sz == PAGE_SIZE) {
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = pindex;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ out:
++ AuIOErr1("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ err = sz;
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err, bit;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0;
++ err = 0;
++ if (ino) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ xib_calc_bit(ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_bit(bit, sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = bit;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, 0);
++ return err;
++/* get an unused inode number from bitmap */
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb)
++ ino_t ino;
++ unsigned long *p, pindex, ul, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ int free_bit, err;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return iunique(sb, AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ free_bit = sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit;
++ if (free_bit < page_bits && !test_bit(free_bit, p))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ for (ul = pindex - 1; ul < ULONG_MAX; ul--) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) / PAGE_SIZE;
++ for (ul = pindex + 1; ul <= pend; ul++) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out:
++ set_bit(free_bit, p);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit++;
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ ino = xib_calc_ino(pindex, free_bit);
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ return ino;
++ out_err:
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDbg("i0\n");
++ return 0;
++ * read @ino from xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * if @ino does not exist and @do_new is true, get new one.
++ */
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ *ino = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0; /* no xino */
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(*ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(*ino);
++ file = au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < pos + sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* no ino */
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, ino, sizeof(*ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xino read error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* create and set a new xino file */
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *d;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * at mount-time, and the xino file is the default path,
++ * hinotify is disabled so we have no inotify events to ignore.
++ * when a user specified the xino, we cannot get au_hdir to be ignored.
++ */
++ file = vfsub_filp_open(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_LARGEFILE,
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("open %s(%ld)\n", fname, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return file;
++ }
++ /* keep file count */
++ h_parent = dget_parent(file->f_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("unlink %s(%d)\n", fname, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ d = file->f_dentry;
++ if (unlikely(sb == d->d_sb)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", fname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(d->d_sb))) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ fname, au_sbtype(d->d_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ return file; /* success */
++ out:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return file;
++ * find another branch who is on the same filesystem of the specified
++ * branch{@btgt}. search until @bend.
++ */
++static int is_sb_shared(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb = au_sbr_sb(sb, btgt);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < btgt; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize the xinofile for the specified branch @br
++ * at the place/path where @base_file indicates.
++ * test whether another branch is on the same filesystem or not,
++ * if @do_test is true.
++ */
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t h_ino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct au_branch *shared_br, *b;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb;
++ shared_br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (do_test) {
++ tgt_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ b = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (tgt_sb == b->br_mnt->mnt_sb) {
++ shared_br = b;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!shared_br || !shared_br->br_xino.xi_file) {
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, base_file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(base_file, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = file;
++ } else {
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = shared_br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ get_file(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ }
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate a xino bitmap file */
++/* todo: slow */
++static int do_xib_restore(struct super_block *sb, struct file *file, void *page)
++ int err, bit;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ loff_t pos, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_readf_t func;
++ ino_t *ino;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ func = sbinfo->si_xread;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ pos = 0;
++ while (pos < pend) {
++ sz = xino_fread(func, file, page, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (ino = page; sz > 0; ino++, sz -= sizeof(ino)) {
++ if (unlikely(*ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO))
++ continue;
++ xib_calc_bit(*ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err)
++ set_bit(bit, p);
++ else
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int xib_restore(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ void *page;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ page = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (!bindex || is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1) < 0)
++ err = do_xib_restore
++ (sb, au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file, page);
++ else
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ goto out;
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) <= PAGE_SIZE)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(sbinfo->si_xib, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ pos = 0;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE)) {
++ err = sz;
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = xib_restore(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * xino mount option handlers
++ */
++static au_readf_t find_readf(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->read)
++ return fop->read;
++ if (fop->aio_read)
++ return do_sync_read;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++static au_writef_t find_writef(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->write)
++ return fop->write;
++ if (fop->aio_write)
++ return do_sync_write;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++/* xino bitmap */
++static void xino_clear_xib(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++static int au_xino_set_xib(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xib);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = find_readf(file);
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = find_writef(file);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (!sbinfo->si_xib_buf)
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_xib_buf))
++ goto out_unset;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = 0;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < PAGE_SIZE) {
++ pos = 0;
++ err = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, sbinfo->si_xib_buf,
++ PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(err != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_free:
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_unset:
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* xino for each branch */
++static void xino_clear_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!br || !br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ }
++static int au_xino_set_br(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bshared;
++ struct {
++ struct file *old, *new;
++ } *fpair, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_writef_t writef;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ fpair = kcalloc(bend + 1, sizeof(*fpair), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!fpair))
++ goto out;
++ inode = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ writef = au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite;
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ bshared = is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1);
++ if (bshared >= 0) {
++ /* shared xino */
++ *p = fpair[bshared];
++ get_file(p->new);
++ }
++ if (!p->new) {
++ /* new xino */
++ p->old = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ p->new = au_xino_create2(base, br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(p->new);
++ if (IS_ERR(p->new)) {
++ p->new = NULL;
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_xino_do_write(writef, p->new,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)->i_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ get_file(p->new);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = p->new;
++ }
++ out_pair:
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->new)
++ fput(p->new);
++ else
++ break;
++ kfree(fpair);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_xigen_clr(sb);
++ xino_clear_xib(sb);
++ xino_clear_br(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* lvalue, do not call au_mntflags() */
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount)
++ int err, skip;
++ struct dentry *parent, *cur_parent;
++ struct qstr *dname, *cur_name;
++ struct file *cur_xino;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(xino->file->f_dentry);
++ if (remount) {
++ skip = 0;
++ dname = &xino->file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ cur_xino = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (cur_xino) {
++ cur_parent = dget_parent(cur_xino->f_dentry);
++ cur_name = &cur_xino->f_dentry->d_name;
++ skip = (cur_parent == parent
++ && dname->len == cur_name->len
++ && !memcmp(dname->name, cur_name->name,
++ dname->len));
++ dput(cur_parent);
++ }
++ if (skip)
++ goto out;
++ }
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = au_xino_set_xib(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xigen_set(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_set_br(sb, xino->file);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* reset all */
++ AuIOErr("failed creating xino(%d).\n", err);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a xinofile at the default place/path.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct file *file;
++ char *page, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct path path;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bwr;
++ br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ bwr = -1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb)) {
++ bwr = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bwr >= 0) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ page = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(sb->s_root, bwr);
++ p = d_path(&path, page, PATH_MAX - sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME));
++ file = (void *)p;
++ if (!IS_ERR(p)) {
++ strcat(p, "/" AUFS_XINO_FNAME);
++ AuDbg("%s\n", p);
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, p, /*silent*/0);
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, br->br_id);
++ }
++ __putname(page);
++ } else {
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, /*silent*/0);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ h_sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_sb))) {
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ }
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ }
++ out:
++ return file;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &file->f_path);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++#define Deleted "\\040(deleted)"
++ seq->count -= sizeof(Deleted) - 1;
++ AuDebugOn(memcmp(seq->buf + seq->count, Deleted,
++ sizeof(Deleted) - 1));
++#undef Deleted
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:19.689425232 +0200
+@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ source "fs/qnx4/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/romfs/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/sysv/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/ufs/Kconfig"
++source "fs/aufs/Kconfig"
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:48.689924062 +0200
+@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS) += isofs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_HFSPLUS_FS) += hfsplus/ # Before hfs to find wrapped HFS+
+ obj-$(CONFIG_HFS_FS) += hfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_ECRYPT_FS) += ecryptfs/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_VXFS_FS) += freevxfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_NFS_FS) += nfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_EXPORTFS) += exportfs/
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:15.529925154 +0200
+@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ int deny_write_access(struct file * file
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * path_get - get a reference to a path
+@@ -1196,7 +1197,7 @@ out:
+ * needs parent already locked. Doesn't follow mounts.
+ * SMP-safe.
+ */
+-static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ int err;
+@@ -1205,8 +1206,9 @@ static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct
+ return ERR_PTR(err);
+ return __lookup_hash(&nd->last, nd->path.dentry, nd);
+ }
+-static int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
+ struct dentry *base, int len)
+ {
+ unsigned long hash;
+@@ -1227,6 +1229,7 @@ static int __lookup_one_len(const char *
+ this->hash = end_name_hash(hash);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * lookup_one_len - filesystem helper to lookup single pathname component
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:15.529925154 +0200
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
+ /* spinlock for vfsmount related operations, inplace of dcache_lock */
+ __cacheline_aligned_in_smp DEFINE_SPINLOCK(vfsmount_lock);
+ static int event;
+ static DEFINE_IDA(mnt_id_ida);
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:15.537924784 +0200
+@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ int do_truncate(struct dentry *dentry, l
+ mutex_unlock(&dentry->d_inode->i_mutex);
+ return err;
+ }
+ static long do_sys_truncate(const char __user *pathname, loff_t length)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:15.545924960 +0200
+@@ -888,8 +888,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(generic_splice_sendpage);
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from pipe to file.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
+- loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -908,13 +908,14 @@ static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_i
+ return out->f_op->splice_write(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from a file to a pipe.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
+- struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
+- unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -930,6 +931,7 @@ static long do_splice_to(struct file *in
+ return in->f_op->splice_read(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
+ }
+ /**
+ * splice_direct_to_actor - splices data directly between two non-pipes
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:15.553925216 +0200
+@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ int fsync_super(struct super_block *sb)
+ __fsync_super(sb);
+ return sync_blockdev(sb->s_bdev);
+ }
+ /**
+ * generic_shutdown_super - common helper for ->kill_sb()
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:33.593425598 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#define AUFS_VERSION "2-standalone.tree-29-20090803"
++/* todo? move this to linux-2.6.19/include/magic.h */
++#define AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC ('a' << 24 | 'u' << 16 | 'f' << 8 | 's')
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some environments treat 'char' as 'unsigned char' by default */
++typedef signed char aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 127
++typedef short aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 511
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 1023
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 32767
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#error unknown CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX value
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AUFS_NAME "aufs"
++#define AUFS_ROOT_INO 2
++#define AUFS_FIRST_INO 11
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX ".wh."
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN ((int)sizeof(AUFS_WH_PFX) - 1)
++#define AUFS_XINO_FNAME "." AUFS_NAME ".xino"
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT 64 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP 4 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_DIRWH_DEF 3
++#define AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF 10 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_RDBLK_DEF 512 /* bytes */
++#define AUFS_RDHASH_DEF 32
++#define AUFS_NWKQ_DEF 4
++#define AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF 30 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_PLINK_WARN 100 /* number of plinks */
++#define AUFS_DIROPQ_NAME AUFS_WH_PFX ".opq" /* whiteouted doubly */
++/* doubly whiteouted */
++/* branch permission */
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RW "rw"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RO "ro"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RR "rr"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_WH "wh"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_NLWH "nolwh"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* ioctl */
++enum {
++#define AuCtlType 'A'
++#endif /* __AUFS_TYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:19.693425008 +0200
+@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ header-y += atmppp.h
+ header-y += atmsap.h
+ header-y += atmsvc.h
+ header-y += atm_zatm.h
++header-y += aufs_type.h
+ header-y += auto_fs4.h
+ header-y += ax25.h
+ header-y += b1lli.h
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:15.561926429 +0200
+@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ extern struct file *lookup_instantiate_f
+ extern struct file *nameidata_to_filp(struct nameidata *nd, int flags);
+ extern void release_open_intent(struct nameidata *);
++extern struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++extern int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++ struct dentry *base, int len);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_len(const char *, struct dentry *, int);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_noperm(const char *, struct dentry *);
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:15.569924117 +0200
+@@ -71,4 +71,10 @@ extern ssize_t splice_to_pipe(struct pip
+ extern ssize_t splice_direct_to_actor(struct file *, struct splice_desc *,
+ splice_direct_actor *);
++extern long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++extern long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
+ #endif
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:15.573924719 +0200
+@@ -507,6 +507,7 @@ acc_check:
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ int devcgroup_inode_mknod(int mode, dev_t dev)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-04-02 22:55:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-23 17:28:15.585924823 +0200
+@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ int security_path_mkdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_mkdir(path, dentry, mode);
+ }
+ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -396,6 +397,7 @@ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_rmdir(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_unlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ int security_path_unlink(struct path *pa
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_unlink(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_symlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry,
+ const char *old_name)
+@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ int security_path_symlink(struct path *p
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_symlink(path, dentry, old_name);
+ }
+ int security_path_link(struct dentry *old_dentry, struct path *new_dir,
+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -419,6 +423,7 @@ int security_path_link(struct dentry *ol
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_link(old_dentry, new_dir, new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_rename(struct path *old_dir, struct dentry *old_dentry,
+ struct path *new_dir, struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -429,6 +434,7 @@ int security_path_rename(struct path *ol
+ return security_ops->path_rename(old_dir, old_dentry, new_dir,
+ new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_truncate(struct path *path, loff_t length,
+ unsigned int time_attrs)
+@@ -437,6 +443,7 @@ int security_path_truncate(struct path *
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_truncate(path, length, time_attrs);
+ }
+ #endif
+ int security_inode_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
+@@ -506,6 +513,7 @@ int security_inode_readlink(struct dentr
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_readlink(dentry);
+ }
+ int security_inode_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+@@ -520,6 +528,7 @@ int security_inode_permission(struct ino
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_permission(inode, mask);
+ }
+ int security_inode_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr)
+ {
+@@ -620,6 +629,7 @@ int security_file_permission(struct file
+ {
+ return security_ops->file_permission(file, mask);
+ }
+ int security_file_alloc(struct file *file)
+ {
diff --git a/target/linux/patches/ b/target/linux/patches/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..accd23d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/patches/
@@ -0,0 +1,24450 @@
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs
+--- linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /debug/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xib
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xib (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap), its block size and file size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xino0, xino1 ... xinoN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xino (External Inode Number
++ Translation Table), its link count, block size and file
++ size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xigen
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xigen (External Inode
++ Generation Table), its block size and file size.
++ If CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT is disabled, this entry will not
++ be created.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs
+--- linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /sys/fs/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/br0, br1 ... brN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of a member directory (which
++ is called branch) in aufs, and its permission.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/xi_path
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of XINO (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table) file
++ even if it is the default path.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/aufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/aufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/aufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/aufs.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * all header files
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_H__
++#define __AUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include "debug.h"
++#include "branch.h"
++#include "cpup.h"
++#include "dcsub.h"
++#include "dbgaufs.h"
++#include "dentry.h"
++#include "dir.h"
++#include "file.h"
++#include "fstype.h"
++#include "inode.h"
++#include "loop.h"
++#include "module.h"
++#include "opts.h"
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "super.h"
++#include "sysaufs.h"
++#include "vfsub.h"
++#include "whout.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch management
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * free a single branch
++ */
++static void au_br_do_free(struct au_branch *br)
++ int i;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ mutex_destroy(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&br->br_count));
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr) {
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&wbr->wbr_wh_running));
++ AuRwDestroy(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ }
++ /* some filesystems acquire extra lock */
++ lockdep_off();
++ mntput(br->br_mnt);
++ lockdep_on();
++ kfree(wbr);
++ kfree(br);
++ * frees all branches
++ */
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ aufs_bindex_t bmax;
++ struct au_branch **br;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ bmax = sbinfo->si_bend + 1;
++ br = sbinfo->si_branch;
++ while (bmax--)
++ au_br_do_free(*br++);
++ * find the index of a branch which is specified by @br_id.
++ */
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_sbr_id(sb, bindex) == br_id)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * add a branch
++ */
++static int test_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ if (unlikely(h_d1 == h_d2))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2)
++ || !!au_test_subdir(h_d2, h_d1)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d1, h_d2)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d2, h_d1);
++ * returns a newly allocated branch. @new_nbranch is a number of branches
++ * after adding a branch.
++ */
++static struct au_branch *au_br_alloc(struct super_block *sb, int new_nbranch,
++ int perm)
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ add_branch = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ add_branch->br_wbr = NULL;
++ if (au_br_writable(perm)) {
++ /* may be freed separately at changing the branch permission */
++ add_branch->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch->br_wbr),
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch->br_wbr))
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_sbr_realloc(au_sbi(sb), new_nbranch)
++ || au_di_realloc(au_di(root), new_nbranch)
++ || au_ii_realloc(au_ii(root->d_inode), new_nbranch)))
++ goto out_wbr;
++ return add_branch; /* success */
++ out_wbr:
++ kfree(add_branch->br_wbr);
++ out_br:
++ kfree(add_branch);
++ out:
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ * test if the branch permission is legal or not.
++ */
++static int test_br(struct inode *inode, int brperm, char *path)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(au_br_writable(brperm) && IS_RDONLY(inode))) {
++ AuErr("write permission for readonly mount or inode, %s\n",
++ path);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns:
++ * 0: success, the caller will add it
++ * plus: success, it is already unified, the caller should ignore it
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int test_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend >= 0
++ && au_find_dbindex(root, add->path.dentry) >= 0)) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (!remount) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("%s duplicated\n", add->pathname);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOSPC; /* -E2BIG; */
++ if (unlikely(AUFS_BRANCH_MAX <= add->bindex
++ || AUFS_BRANCH_MAX - 1 <= bend)) {
++ AuErr("number of branches exceeded %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EDOM;
++ if (unlikely(add->bindex < 0 || bend + 1 < add->bindex)) {
++ AuErr("bad index %d\n", add->bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = add->path.dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink)) {
++ AuErr("no existence %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_sb == sb)) {
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unsuppoted(inode->i_sb))) {
++ AuErr("unsupported filesystem, %s (%s)\n",
++ add->pathname, au_sbtype(inode->i_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = test_br(add->path.dentry->d_inode, add->perm, add->pathname);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (bend < 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(test_overlap(sb, add->path.dentry,
++ au_h_dptr(root, bindex)))) {
++ AuErr("%s is overlapped\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), WARN_PERM)) {
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(root, 0)->d_inode;
++ if ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO) != (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO)
++ || h_inode->i_uid != inode->i_uid
++ || h_inode->i_gid != inode->i_gid)
++ AuWarn("uid/gid/perm %s %u/%u/0%o, %u/%u/0%o\n",
++ add->pathname,
++ inode->i_uid, inode->i_gid,
++ (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO),
++ h_inode->i_uid, h_inode->i_gid,
++ (h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO));
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize or clean the whiteouts for an adding branch
++ */
++static int au_br_init_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br,
++ int new_perm, struct dentry *h_root)
++ int err, old_perm;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ old_perm = br->br_perm;
++ br->br_perm = new_perm;
++ hdir = NULL;
++ h_mtx = NULL;
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ if (0 <= bindex) {
++ hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ h_mtx = &h_root->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++ if (!wbr)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ else {
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ }
++ if (hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ else
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = old_perm;
++ if (!err && wbr && !au_br_writable(new_perm)) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ int perm, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ au_rw_init(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ memset(wbr->wbr_wh, 0, sizeof(wbr->wbr_wh));
++ atomic_set(&wbr->wbr_wh_running, 0);
++ wbr->wbr_bytes = 0;
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, perm, path->dentry);
++ return err;
++/* intialize a new branch */
++static int au_br_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_add *add)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&br->br_xino, 0, sizeof(br->br_xino));
++ mutex_init(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = add->perm;
++ br->br_mnt = add->path.mnt; /* set first, mntget() later */
++ atomic_set(&br->br_count, 0);
++ br->br_xino_upper = AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT;
++ atomic_set(&br->br_xino_running, 0);
++ br->br_id = au_new_br_id(sb);
++ if (au_br_writable(add->perm)) {
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, add->perm, &add->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_br(sb, br, add->path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
++ au_sbr(sb, 0)->br_xino.xi_file, /*do_test*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuDebugOn(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ sysaufs_br_init(br);
++ mntget(add->path.mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_add_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bend,
++ aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ memmove(brp + 1, brp, sizeof(*brp) * amount);
++ *brp = br;
++ sbinfo->si_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ sbinfo->si_bend = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ memmove(hdp + 1, hdp, sizeof(*hdp) * amount);
++ au_h_dentry_init(hdp);
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ dinfo->di_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ memmove(hip + 1, hip, sizeof(*hip) * amount);
++ hip->hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(hip, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_dentry,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, amount;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ amount = bend + 1 - bindex;
++ au_br_do_add_brp(au_sbi(sb), bindex, br, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hip(au_ii(root_inode), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_set_h_dptr(root, bindex, dget(h_dentry));
++ au_set_h_iptr(root_inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode),
++ /*flags*/0);
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, add_bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(root_inode);
++ err = test_add(sb, add, remount);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ if (err) {
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ add_branch = au_br_alloc(sb, bend + 2, add->perm);
++ err = PTR_ERR(add_branch);
++ if (IS_ERR(add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_br_init(add_branch, sb, add);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_br_do_free(add_branch);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ add_bindex = add->bindex;
++ h_dentry = add->path.dentry;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, add_bindex);
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, add_bindex);
++ }
++ if (!add_bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_add_nlink(root_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ maxb = h_dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ /*
++ * this test/set prevents aufs from handling unnecesary inotify events
++ * of xino files, in a case of re-adding a writable branch which was
++ * once detached from aufs.
++ */
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) < 0
++ && au_br_writable(add_branch->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_dentry->d_sb)
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_parent == h_dentry)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, add_branch->br_id);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * delete a branch
++ */
++/* to show the line number, do not make it inlined function */
++#define AuVerbose(do_info, fmt, args...) do { \
++ if (do_info) \
++ AuInfo(fmt, ##args); \
++} while (0)
++ * test if the branch is deletable or not.
++ */
++static int test_dentry_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(root->d_sb), VERBOSE);
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ d = dpage->dentries[j];
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&d->d_count));
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(d) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ err = au_reval_dpath(d, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ di_downgrade_lock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_dptr(d, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy %.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d));
++ }
++ di_read_unlock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_inode_busy(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ err = 0;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), VERBOSE);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&i->i_count));
++ if (!list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ continue;
++ if (au_iigen(i) == sigen)
++ ii_read_lock_child(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_lock_child(i);
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(i, /*do_attr*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ ii_downgrade_lock(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_ibstart(i);
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_iptr(i, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(i->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy i%lu\n", i->i_ino);
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int test_children_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ sigen = au_sigen(root->d_sb);
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = test_dentry_busy(root, bindex, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ err = test_inode_busy(root->d_sb, bindex, sigen);
++ di_write_lock_child(root); /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_del_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_branch **brp, **p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(brp, brp + 1, sizeof(*brp) * (bend - bindex));
++ sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bend] = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ sbinfo->si_branch = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hdp, hdp + 1, sizeof(*hdp) * (bend - bindex));
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bend].hd_dentry = NULL;
++ dinfo->di_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hinode *hip, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hip, hip + 1, sizeof(*hip) * (bend - bindex));
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bend].hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(iinfo->ii_hinode + bend, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = p;
++static void au_br_do_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ bend = sbinfo->si_bend;
++ dput(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ au_hiput(au_hi(inode, bindex));
++ au_br_do_free(br);
++ au_br_do_del_brp(sbinfo, bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hip(au_ii(inode), bindex, bend);
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount)
++ int err, rerr, i;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, br_id;
++ unsigned char do_wh, verbose;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(sb->s_root, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", del->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, VERBOSE);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!bend)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "no more branches left\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ i = atomic_read(&br->br_count);
++ if (unlikely(i)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "%d file(s) opened\n", i);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ do_wh = wbr && (wbr->wbr_whbase || wbr->wbr_plink || wbr->wbr_orph);
++ if (do_wh) {
++ /* instead of WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) */
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ err = test_children_busy(sb->s_root, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (do_wh)
++ goto out_wh;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ br_id = br->br_id;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ }
++ if (!bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(sb->s_root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_sub_nlink(sb->s_root->d_inode, del->h_path.dentry->d_inode);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_half_refresh(sb, br_id);
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes == del->h_path.dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes) {
++ bend--;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ maxb = au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) == br->br_id)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_wh:
++ /* revert */
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, br->br_perm, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ AuWarn("failed re-creating base whiteout, %s. (%d)\n",
++ del->pathname, rerr);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * change a branch permission
++ */
++static int do_need_sigen_inc(int a, int b)
++ return au_br_whable(a) && !au_br_whable(b);
++static int need_sigen_inc(int old, int new)
++ return do_need_sigen_inc(old, new)
++ || do_need_sigen_inc(new, old);
++static int au_br_mod_files_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long n, ul, bytes, files;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct file *file, *hf, **a;
++ const int step_bytes = 1024, /* memory allocation unit */
++ step_files = step_bytes / sizeof(*a);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ n = 0;
++ bytes = step_bytes;
++ files = step_files;
++ a = kmalloc(bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ /* no need file_list_lock() since sbinfo is locked? defered? */
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list) {
++ if (special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(file->f_dentry));
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ if (unlikely(au_test_mmapped(file))) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (!S_ISREG(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || !(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)
++ || bstart != bindex) {
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ continue;
++ }
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ if (n < files)
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ else {
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bytes += step_bytes;
++ files += step_files;
++ p = krealloc(a, bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p) {
++ a = p;
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ } else
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ /* todo: already flushed? */
++ /* cf. fs/super.c:mark_files_ro() */
++ hf = a[ul];
++ hf->f_mode &= ~FMODE_WRITE;
++ if (!file_check_writeable(hf)) {
++ file_release_write(hf);
++ mnt_drop_write(hf->f_vfsmnt);
++ }
++ }
++ out_free:
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(root, mod->h_root);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", mod->path);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = test_br(mod->h_root->d_inode, mod->perm, mod->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_perm == mod->perm)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)) {
++ /* remove whiteout base */
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, mod->perm, mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* rw --> ro, file might be mmapped */
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_br_mod_files_ro(sb, bindex);
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ rerr = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr),
++ if (br->br_wbr)
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh
++ (sb, br, br->br_perm,
++ mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("nested error %d (%d)\n",
++ rerr, err);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ } else if (au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* ro --> rw */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (br->br_wbr) {
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt,
++ .dentry = mod->h_root
++ };
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, mod->perm, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kfree(br->br_wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ *do_update |= need_sigen_inc(br->br_perm, mod->perm);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch filesystems and xino for them
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#define __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/mount.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "super.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* a xino file */
++struct au_xino_file {
++ struct file *xi_file;
++ struct mutex xi_nondir_mtx;
++ /* todo: make xino files an array to support huge inode number */
++ struct dentry *xi_dbgaufs;
++/* members for writable branch only */
++enum {AuBrWh_BASE, AuBrWh_PLINK, AuBrWh_ORPH, AuBrWh_Last};
++struct au_wbr {
++ struct au_rwsem wbr_wh_rwsem;
++ struct dentry *wbr_wh[AuBrWh_Last];
++ atomic_t wbr_wh_running;
++#define wbr_whbase wbr_wh[AuBrWh_BASE] /* whiteout base */
++#define wbr_plink wbr_wh[AuBrWh_PLINK] /* pseudo-link dir */
++#define wbr_orph wbr_wh[AuBrWh_ORPH] /* dir for orphans */
++ /* mfs mode */
++ unsigned long long wbr_bytes;
++/* protected by superblock rwsem */
++struct au_branch {
++ struct au_xino_file br_xino;
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int br_perm;
++ struct vfsmount *br_mnt;
++ atomic_t br_count;
++ struct au_wbr *br_wbr;
++ /* xino truncation */
++ blkcnt_t br_xino_upper; /* watermark in blocks */
++ atomic_t br_xino_running;
++ /* an entry under sysfs per mount-point */
++ char br_name[8];
++ struct attribute br_attr;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch permission and attribute */
++enum {
++ AuBrPerm_RW, /* writable, linkable wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RO, /* readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RR, /* natively readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH, /* un-linkable whiteouts */
++ AuBrPerm_ROWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_RRWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_Last
++static inline int au_br_writable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW || brperm == AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH;
++static inline int au_br_whable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_ROWH
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++static inline int au_br_rdonly(struct au_branch *br)
++ return ((br->br_mnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
++ || !au_br_writable(br->br_perm))
++ ? -EROFS : 0;
++static inline int au_br_hinotifyable(int brperm __maybe_unused)
++ return brperm != AuBrPerm_RR && brperm != AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch.c */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sinfo);
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++struct au_opt_add;
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount);
++struct au_opt_del;
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount);
++struct au_opt_mod;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update);
++/* xino.c */
++static const loff_t au_loff_max = LLONG_MAX;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src);
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent);
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino);
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t hino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test);
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++struct au_opt_xino;
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount);
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Superblock to branch */
++static inline
++aufs_bindex_t au_sbr_id(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_id;
++static inline
++struct vfsmount *au_sbr_mnt(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++static inline
++struct super_block *au_sbr_sb(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex)->mnt_sb;
++static inline void au_sbr_put(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_count);
++static inline int au_sbr_perm(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_perm;
++static inline int au_sbr_whable(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * wbr_wh_read_lock, wbr_wh_write_lock
++ * wbr_wh_read_unlock, wbr_wh_write_unlock, wbr_wh_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(wbr_wh, struct au_wbr *wbr, &wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++#define WbrWhMustNoWaiters(wbr) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustAnyLock(wbr) AuRwMustAnyLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) AuRwMustWriteLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_BRANCH_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up functions, see wbr_policy.c for copy-down
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src)
++ const unsigned int mask = S_DEAD | S_SWAPFILE | S_PRIVATE
++ dst->i_flags |= src->i_flags & ~mask;
++ if (au_test_fs_notime(dst->i_sb))
++ dst->i_flags |= S_NOATIME | S_NOCMTIME;
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ fsstack_copy_attr_times(inode, h_inode);
++ vfsub_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!force
++ && !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode))
++ return;
++ inode->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink;
++ /*
++ * fewer nlink makes find(1) noisy, but larger nlink doesn't.
++ * it may includes whplink directory.
++ */
++ if (S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_add_nlink(inode, h_inode);
++ }
++ }
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ inode->i_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ inode->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ inode->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_higen = h_inode->i_generation;
++ iinfo->ii_hsb1 = h_inode->i_sb;
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ if (inode->i_nlink > 0)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, force);
++ inode->i_rdev = h_inode->i_rdev;
++ inode->i_blkbits = h_inode->i_blkbits;
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Note: dt_dentry and dt_h_dentry are not dget/dput-ed */
++/* keep the timestamps of the parent dir when cpup */
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ dt->dt_dentry = dentry;
++ dt->dt_h_path = *h_path;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ dt->dt_atime = h_inode->i_atime;
++ dt->dt_mtime = h_inode->i_mtime;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt)
++ struct iattr attr;
++ int err;
++ attr.ia_atime = dt->dt_atime;
++ attr.ia_mtime = dt->dt_mtime;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dt->dt_h_path, &attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("restoring timestamps failed(%d). ignored\n", err);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_iattr(struct dentry *dst, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_isrc, *h_idst;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dst, bindex);
++ h_idst = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dst->d_sb, bindex);
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ ia.ia_atime = h_isrc->i_atime;
++ ia.ia_mtime = h_isrc->i_mtime;
++ if (h_idst->i_mode != h_isrc->i_mode
++ && !S_ISLNK(h_idst->i_mode)) {
++ ia.ia_valid |= ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ }
++ sbits = !!(h_isrc->i_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_idst, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path.dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len,
++ char *buf, unsigned long blksize)
++ int err;
++ size_t sz, rbytes, wbytes;
++ unsigned char all_zero;
++ char *p, *zp;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /* reduce stack usage */
++ struct iattr *ia;
++ zp = page_address(ZERO_PAGE(0));
++ if (unlikely(!zp))
++ return -ENOMEM; /* possible? */
++ err = 0;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ while (len) {
++ AuDbg("len %lld\n", len);
++ sz = blksize;
++ if (len < blksize)
++ sz = len;
++ rbytes = 0;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ while (!rbytes || err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR) {
++ rbytes = vfsub_read_k(src, buf, sz, &src->f_pos);
++ err = rbytes;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ if (len >= rbytes && rbytes == blksize)
++ all_zero = !memcmp(buf, zp, rbytes);
++ if (!all_zero) {
++ wbytes = rbytes;
++ p = buf;
++ while (wbytes) {
++ size_t b;
++ b = vfsub_write_k(dst, p, wbytes, &dst->f_pos);
++ err = b;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ if (unlikely(err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR))
++ continue;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ wbytes -= b;
++ p += b;
++ }
++ } else {
++ loff_t res;
++ AuLabel(hole);
++ res = vfsub_llseek(dst, rbytes, SEEK_CUR);
++ err = res;
++ if (unlikely(res < 0))
++ break;
++ }
++ len -= rbytes;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ /* the last block may be a hole */
++ if (!err && all_zero) {
++ AuLabel(last hole);
++ err = 1;
++ if (au_test_nfs(dst->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /* nfs requires this step to make last hole */
++ /* is this only nfs? */
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = vfsub_write_k(dst, "\0", 1, &dst->f_pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ if (err == 1)
++ dst->f_pos--;
++ }
++ if (err == 1) {
++ ia = (void *)buf;
++ ia->ia_size = dst->f_pos;
++ ia->ia_valid = ATTR_SIZE | ATTR_FILE;
++ ia->ia_file = dst;
++ h_mtx = &dst->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dst->f_path, ia);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long blksize;
++ unsigned char do_kfree;
++ char *buf;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ blksize = dst->f_dentry->d_sb->s_blocksize;
++ if (!blksize || PAGE_SIZE < blksize)
++ blksize = PAGE_SIZE;
++ AuDbg("blksize %lu\n", blksize);
++ do_kfree = (blksize != PAGE_SIZE && blksize >= sizeof(struct iattr *));
++ if (do_kfree)
++ buf = kmalloc(blksize, GFP_NOFS);
++ else
++ buf = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ if (len > (1 << 22))
++ AuDbg("copying a large file %lld\n", (long long)len);
++ src->f_pos = 0;
++ dst->f_pos = 0;
++ err = au_do_copy_file(dst, src, len, buf, blksize);
++ if (do_kfree)
++ kfree(buf);
++ else
++ free_page((unsigned long)buf);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * to support a sparse file which is opened with O_APPEND,
++ * we need to close the file.
++ */
++static int au_cp_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len)
++ int err, i;
++ enum { SRC, DST };
++ struct {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *label, *label_file;
++ } *f, file[] = {
++ {
++ .bindex = bsrc,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out,
++ .label_file = &&out_src
++ },
++ {
++ .bindex = bdst,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out_src,
++ .label_file = &&out_dst
++ }
++ };
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ f = file;
++ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, f++) {
++ f->dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, f->bindex);
++ f->file = au_h_open(dentry, f->bindex, f->flags, /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(f->file);
++ if (IS_ERR(f->file))
++ goto *f->label;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(!f->file->f_op))
++ goto *f->label_file;
++ }
++ /* try stopping to update while we copyup */
++ IMustLock(file[SRC].dentry->d_inode);
++ err = au_copy_file(file[DST].file, file[SRC].file, len);
++ out_dst:
++ fput(file[DST].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[DST].bindex);
++ out_src:
++ fput(file[SRC].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[SRC].bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len,
++ struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int err, rerr;
++ loff_t l;
++ err = 0;
++ l = i_size_read(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ if (len == -1 || l < len)
++ len = l;
++ if (len)
++ err = au_cp_regular(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed unlinking cpup-ed %.*s(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_path->dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_symlink(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src,
++ struct inode *h_dir)
++ int err, symlen;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ char *sym;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sym = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!sym))
++ goto out;
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ symlen = h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_src, (char __user *)sym,
++ err = symlen;
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ if (symlen > 0) {
++ sym[symlen] = 0;
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, h_path, sym);
++ }
++ __putname(sym);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* return with the lower dst inode is locked */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_entry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ const unsigned char do_dt = !!au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ h_inode = h_src->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode != au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ /* try stopping to be referenced while we are creating */
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(h_parent != h_dst->d_parent);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ isdir = 0;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ /* try stopping to update while we are referencing */
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, mode | S_IWUSR);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_do_cpup_regular
++ (dentry, bdst, bsrc, len,
++ au_h_iptr(dst_parent->d_inode, bdst), &h_path);
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, &h_path, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ /*
++ * strange behaviour from the users view,
++ * particularry setattr case
++ */
++ if (au_ibstart(dst_parent->d_inode) == bdst)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dst_parent->d_inode,
++ /*force*/1);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dentry->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ }
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ err = au_do_cpup_symlink(&h_path, h_src, h_dir);
++ break;
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ AuDebugOn(!capable(CAP_MKNOD));
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown inode type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE)
++ && !isdir
++ && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)
++ && h_inode->i_nlink == 1
++ /* todo: unnecessary? */
++ /* && dentry->d_inode->i_nlink == 1 */
++ && bdst < bsrc
++ && !au_ftest_cpup(flags, KEEPLINO))
++ au_xino_write(sb, bsrc, h_inode->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from @bsrc to @bdst.
++ * the caller must set the both of lower dentries.
++ * @len is for truncating when it is -1 copyup the entire file.
++ * in link/rename cases, @dst_parent may be different from the real one.
++ */
++static int au_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t old_ibstart;
++ unsigned char isdir, plink;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *dst_inode, *h_dir, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ AuDebugOn(bsrc <= bdst);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dst_parent)
++ dst_parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ else
++ dget(dst_parent);
++ plink = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ dst_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bdst);
++ if (dst_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(!plink)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is disabled\n", inode->i_ino);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (dst_inode->i_nlink) {
++ const int do_dt = au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ h_src = au_plink_lkup(inode, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is broken\n", inode->i_ino);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ /* todo: cpup_wh_file? */
++ /* udba work */
++ au_update_brange(inode, 1);
++ }
++ old_ibstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = cpup_entry(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ dst_inode = h_dst->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dst_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = cpup_iattr(dentry, bdst, h_src);
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(dst_inode->i_mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (bdst < old_ibstart)
++ au_set_ibstart(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(dst_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, isdir));
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!isdir
++ && h_src->d_inode->i_nlink > 1
++ && plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, bdst, h_dst);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ if (!isdir)
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ else
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_path);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing broken entry(%d, %d)\n", err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(dst_parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_single_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dst_parent;
++static void au_call_cpup_single(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_single_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_single(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, a->len,
++ a->flags, a->dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ mode = h_dentry->d_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if ((mode != S_IFCHR && mode != S_IFBLK)
++ || capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags,
++ dst_parent);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_single_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .bsrc = bsrc,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags,
++ .dst_parent = dst_parent
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_single, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from the first active lower branch to @bdst,
++ * using au_cpup_single().
++ */
++static int au_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bsrc = bdst + 1; bsrc <= bend; bsrc++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc))
++ break;
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, NULL);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bsrc);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_simple_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void au_call_cpup_simple(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_simple(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char do_sio;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(parent->d_inode, bdst);
++ do_sio = !!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio) {
++ /*
++ * testing CAP_MKNOD is for generic fs,
++ * but CAP_FSETID is for xfs only, currently.
++ */
++ umode_t mode = dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ do_sio = (((mode & (S_IFCHR | S_IFBLK))
++ && !capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ || ((mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID))
++ && !capable(CAP_FSETID)));
++ }
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = au_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, len, flags);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_simple, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * copyup the deleted file for writing.
++ */
++static int au_do_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct file *file,
++ loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d_dst, *h_d_start;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ h_d_dst = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bdst;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_d_start = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry;
++ if (file)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry
++ = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bstart, len, !AuCpup_DTIME,
++ /*h_parent*/NULL);
++ if (!err && file) {
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry = h_d_start;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = h_d_dst;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct path h_path;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ wh_dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, parent, &h_path);
++ err = au_do_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, wh_dentry, file, len);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ dget(wh_dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed remove copied-up tmp file %.*s(%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ au_set_hi_wh(dentry->d_inode, bdst, wh_dentry);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_wh_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ struct file *file;
++static void au_call_cpup_wh(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_wh(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->file);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_orph, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir, *h_tmpdir, *h_inode;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_orph = NULL;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ h_dir = au_igrab(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ h_tmpdir = h_dir;
++ if (!h_dir->i_nlink) {
++ wbr = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst)->br_wbr;
++ h_orph = wbr->wbr_orph;
++ h_parent = dget(au_h_dptr(parent, bdst));
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, dget(h_orph));
++ h_tmpdir = h_orph->d_inode;
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_tmpdir), /*flags*/0);
++ /* this temporary unlock is safe */
++ if (file)
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ else
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT3);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ }
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_tmpdir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = au_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, len, file);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .file = file
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_wh, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ if (h_orph) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_dir), /*flags*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, h_parent);
++ }
++ iput(h_dir);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generic routine for both of copy-up and copy-down.
++ */
++/* cf. revalidate function in file.c */
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent, *h_parent, *real_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (IS_ROOT(parent))
++ goto out;
++ au_pin_init(&pin, dentry, bdst, AuLsc_DI_PARENT2, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb), AuPin_MNT_WRITE);
++ /* do not use au_dpage */
++ real_parent = parent;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ if (h_parent)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* find top dir which is necessary to cpup */
++ do {
++ d = parent;
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ di_read_lock_parent3(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } while (!h_parent);
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_lock_child3(d);
++ /* somebody else might create while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_dptr(d, bdst) || !au_h_dptr(d, bdst)->d_inode) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(d, bdst))
++ au_update_dbstart(d);
++ au_pin_set_dentry(&pin, d);
++ err = au_do_pin(&pin);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = cp(d, bdst, h_parent, arg);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ }
++ }
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent __maybe_unused ,
++ void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, -1, AuCpup_DTIME);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ return au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpup_dir, NULL);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ /* someone else might change our inode while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bdst);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up/down functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#define __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/time.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct inode;
++struct file;
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src);
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force);
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cpup flags */
++#define AuCpup_DTIME 1 /* do dtime_store/revert */
++#define AuCpup_KEEPLINO (1 << 1) /* do not clear the lower xino,
++ for link(2) */
++#define au_ftest_cpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpup_##name; }
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* keep timestamps when copyup */
++struct au_dtime {
++ struct dentry *dt_dentry;
++ struct path dt_h_path;
++ struct timespec dt_atime, dt_mtime;
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path);
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_CPUP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/debugfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#ifndef CONFIG_SYSFS
++#error DEBUG_FS depends upon SYSFS
++static struct dentry *dbgaufs;
++static const mode_t dbgaufs_mode = S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++struct dbgaufs_arg {
++ int n;
++ char a[20 * 4];
++ * common function for all XINO files
++ */
++static int dbgaufs_xi_release(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ kfree(file->private_data);
++ return 0;
++static int dbgaufs_xi_open(struct file *xf, struct file *file, int do_fcnt)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ p->n = 0;
++ file->private_data = p;
++ if (!xf)
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_getattr(xf->f_vfsmnt, xf->f_dentry, &st);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (do_fcnt)
++ p->n = snprintf
++ (p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%ld, %llux%lu %lld\n",
++ (long)file_count(xf), st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ else
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%llux%lu %lld\n",
++ st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ AuDebugOn(p->n >= sizeof(p->a));
++ } else {
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "err %d\n", err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static ssize_t dbgaufs_xi_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ p = file->private_data;
++ return simple_read_from_buffer(buf, count, ppos, p->a, p->n);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xib_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xib, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xib_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xib_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "xi"
++static int dbgaufs_xino_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ long l;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *xf;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ xf = NULL;
++ name = &file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(name->len < sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX)
++ || memcmp(name->name, DbgaufsXi_PREFIX,
++ sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1)))
++ goto out;
++ err = strict_strtol(name->name + sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1, 10, &l);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (l <= au_sbend(sb)) {
++ xf = au_sbr(sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(xf, file, /*do_fcnt*/1);
++ } else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xino_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xino_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ if (!au_sbi(sb)->si_dbgaufs)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ if (xi->xi_dbgaufs) {
++ debugfs_remove(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ char name[sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) + 5]; /* "xi" bindex NULL */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = sbinfo->si_dbgaufs;
++ if (!parent)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "%d", bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ AuDebugOn(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_file(name, dbgaufs_mode, parent,
++ sbinfo, &dbgaufs_xino_fop);
++ /* ignore an error */
++ if (unlikely(!xi->xi_dbgaufs))
++ AuWarn1("failed %s under debugfs\n", name);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xigen, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xigen_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xigen_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -EIO;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xigen", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xigen_fop);
++ if (sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ debugfs_remove_recursive(sbinfo->si_dbgaufs);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ char name[SysaufsSiNameLen];
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (!dbgaufs) {
++ AuErr1("/debug/aufs is uninitialized\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ sysaufs_name(sbinfo, name);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(name, dbgaufs);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs))
++ goto out;
++ kobject_get(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xib", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xib_fop);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib))
++ goto out_dir;
++ err = dbgaufs_xigen_init(sbinfo);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_dir:
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_fin(void)
++ debugfs_remove(dbgaufs);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -EIO;
++ dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(AUFS_NAME, NULL);
++ if (dbgaufs)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#ifndef __DBGAUFS_H__
++#define __DBGAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++/* dbgaufs.c */
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++void dbgaufs_fin(void);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void);
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#define dbgaufs_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __DBGAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_dpage_free(struct au_dpage *dpage)
++ int i;
++ struct dentry **p;
++ p = dpage->dentries;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpage->ndentry; i++)
++ dput(*p++);
++ free_page((unsigned long)dpage->dentries);
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err;
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dpages->dpages = kmalloc(sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!dpages->dpages))
++ goto out;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ dpages->dpages[0].ndentry = 0;
++ dpages->dpages[0].dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage = 1;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dpages:
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages)
++ int i;
++ struct au_dpage *p;
++ p = dpages->dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages->ndpage; i++)
++ au_dpage_free(p++);
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++static int au_dpages_append(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages,
++ struct dentry *dentry, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ void *p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage - 1;
++ sz = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(dentry);
++ if (unlikely(dpage->ndentry >= sz)) {
++ AuLabel(new dpage);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = dpages->ndpage * sizeof(*dpages->dpages);
++ p = au_kzrealloc(dpages->dpages, sz,
++ sz + sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpages->dpages = p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpage->ndentry = 0;
++ dpage->dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage++;
++ }
++ dpage->dentries[dpage->ndentry++] = dget(dentry);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *this_parent = root;
++ struct list_head *next;
++ struct super_block *sb = root->d_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ repeat:
++ next = this_parent->;
++ resume:
++ if (this_parent->d_sb == sb
++ && !IS_ROOT(this_parent)
++ && atomic_read(&this_parent->d_count)
++ && this_parent->d_inode
++ && (!test || test(this_parent, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, this_parent, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (next != &this_parent->d_subdirs) {
++ struct list_head *tmp = next;
++ struct dentry *dentry = list_entry(tmp, struct dentry,
++ d_u.d_child);
++ next = tmp->next;
++ if (/*d_unhashed(dentry) || */!dentry->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs)) {
++ this_parent = dentry;
++ goto repeat;
++ }
++ if (dentry->d_sb == sb
++ && atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)
++ && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ if (this_parent != root) {
++ next = this_parent->;
++ this_parent = this_parent->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ goto resume;
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (do_include && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ dentry = dentry->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ if (!test || test(dentry, arg)) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ struct dentry *trap, **dentries;
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ trap = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, d1, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ trap = d1;
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < dpage->ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ err = (d == d2);
++ if (!err)
++ trap = d;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ trap = NULL;
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return trap;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/types.h>
++struct dentry;
++struct au_dpage {
++ int ndentry;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++struct au_dcsub_pages {
++ int ndpage;
++ struct au_dpage *dpages;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages);
++typedef int (*au_dpages_test)(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DCSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/vt_kern.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int aufs_debug;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "debug print");
++module_param_named(debug, aufs_debug, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP);
++char *au_plevel = KERN_DEBUG;
++#define dpri(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ printk("%s" fmt, au_plevel, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ dpri("b%d, %.*s, %d\n",
++ tpos->wh_bindex,
++ tpos->wh_str.len, tpos->,
++ tpos->wh_str.len);
++ head++;
++ }
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ unsigned char *o;
++ if (!vdir || IS_ERR(vdir)) {
++ dpri("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(vdir));
++ return;
++ }
++ dpri("deblk %u, nblk %lu, deblk %p, last{%lu, %p}, ver %lu\n",
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz, vdir->vd_nblk, vdir->vd_deblk,
++ vdir->vd_last.ul, vdir->vd_last.p.deblk, vdir->vd_version);
++ for (ul = 0; ul < vdir->vd_nblk; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[ul];
++ o = p.deblk;
++ dpri("[%lu]: %p\n", ul, o);
++ }
++static int do_pri_inode(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct inode *inode,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ char *n = NULL;
++ int l = 0;
++ if (!inode || IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ dpri("i%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(inode));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* the type of i_blocks depends upon CONFIG_LSF */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(unsigned long)
++ && sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(u64));
++ if (wh) {
++ n = (void *)wh->;
++ l = wh->d_name.len;
++ }
++ dpri("i%d: i%lu, %s, cnt %d, nl %u, 0%o, sz %llu, blk %llu,"
++ " ct %lld, np %lu, st 0x%lx, f 0x%x, g %x%s%.*s\n",
++ bindex,
++ inode->i_ino, inode->i_sb ? au_sbtype(inode->i_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&inode->i_count), inode->i_nlink, inode->i_mode,
++ i_size_read(inode), (unsigned long long)inode->i_blocks,
++ (long long)timespec_to_ns(&inode->i_ctime) & 0x0ffff,
++ inode->i_mapping ? inode->i_mapping->nrpages : 0,
++ inode->i_state, inode->i_flags, inode->i_generation,
++ l ? ", wh " : "", l, n);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_inode(-1, inode, NULL);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(inode->i_sb))
++ return;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("i-1: bstart %d, bend %d, gen %d\n",
++ iinfo->ii_bstart, iinfo->ii_bend, au_iigen(inode));
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode,
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry);
++static int do_pri_dentry(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct dentry *wh = NULL;
++ if (!dentry || IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dpri("d%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* do not call dget_parent() here */
++ dpri("d%d: %.*s?/%.*s, %s, cnt %d, flags 0x%x\n",
++ bindex,
++ AuDLNPair(dentry->d_parent), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ dentry->d_sb ? au_sbtype(dentry->d_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&dentry->d_count), dentry->d_flags);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && dentry->d_inode && au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb)) {
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(dentry->d_inode);
++ if (iinfo)
++ wh = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++ }
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, dentry->d_inode, wh);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_dentry(-1, dentry);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("d-1: bstart %d, bend %d, bwh %d, bdiropq %d, gen %d\n",
++ dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo->di_bend,
++ dinfo->di_bwh, dinfo->di_bdiropq, au_digen(dentry));
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= dinfo->di_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry);
++static int do_pri_file(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *file)
++ char a[32];
++ if (!file || IS_ERR(file)) {
++ dpri("f%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ a[0] = 0;
++ if (bindex < 0
++ && file->f_dentry
++ && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb)
++ && au_fi(file))
++ snprintf(a, sizeof(a), ", mmapped %d", au_test_mmapped(file));
++ dpri("f%d: mode 0x%x, flags 0%o, cnt %ld, pos %llu%s\n",
++ bindex, file->f_mode, file->f_flags, (long)file_count(file),
++ file->f_pos, a);
++ if (file->f_dentry)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, file->f_dentry);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_file(-1, file);
++ if (err || !file->f_dentry || !au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ if (!finfo)
++ return;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= finfo->fi_bend; bindex++) {
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ do_pri_file(bindex, hf ? hf->hf_file : NULL);
++ }
++static int do_pri_br(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (!br || IS_ERR(br))
++ goto out;
++ mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ if (!mnt || IS_ERR(mnt))
++ goto out;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!sb || IS_ERR(sb))
++ goto out;
++ dpri("s%d: {perm 0x%x, cnt %d, wbr %p}, "
++ "%s, dev 0x%02x%02x, flags 0x%lx, cnt(BIAS) %d, active %d, "
++ "xino %d\n",
++ bindex, br->br_perm, atomic_read(&br->br_count), br->br_wbr,
++ au_sbtype(sb), MAJOR(sb->s_dev), MINOR(sb->s_dev),
++ sb->s_flags, sb->s_count - S_BIAS,
++ atomic_read(&sb->s_active), !!br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ return 0;
++ out:
++ dpri("s%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(br));
++ return -1;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ /* to reuduce stack size */
++ struct {
++ struct vfsmount mnt;
++ struct au_branch fake;
++ } *a;
++ /* this function can be called from magic sysrq */
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(!a)) {
++ dpri("no memory\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ a->mnt.mnt_sb = sb;
++ a->fake.br_perm = 0;
++ a->fake.br_mnt = &a->mnt;
++ a->fake.br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ atomic_set(&a->fake.br_count, 0);
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic_set */
++ err = do_pri_br(-1, &a->fake);
++ kfree(a);
++ dpri("dev 0x%x\n", sb->s_dev);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(sb))
++ return;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("nw %d, gen %u, kobj %d\n",
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_nowait.nw_len), sbinfo->si_generation,
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_kobj.kref.refcount));
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= sbinfo->si_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_br(bindex, sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bindex]);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy)
++ while (jiffy)
++ jiffy = schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(jiffy);
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia)
++#define AuBit(name) if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_ ## name) \
++ dpri(#name "\n")
++ AuBit(MODE);
++ AuBit(UID);
++ AuBit(GID);
++ AuBit(SIZE);
++ AuBit(ATIME);
++ AuBit(MTIME);
++ AuBit(CTIME);
++ AuBit(ATIME_SET);
++ AuBit(MTIME_SET);
++ AuBit(FORCE);
++ AuBit(ATTR_FLAG);
++ AuBit(KILL_SUID);
++ AuBit(KILL_SGID);
++ AuBit(FILE);
++ AuBit(KILL_PRIV);
++ AuBit(OPEN);
++ AuBit(TIMES_SET);
++#undef AuBit
++ dpri("ia_file %p\n", ia->ia_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, parent, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ for (i = dpages.ndpage - 1; !err && i >= 0; i--) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = dpage->ndentry - 1; !err && j >= 0; j--)
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentries[j]) != sigen);
++ }
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart >= 0) {
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hf->hf_file || hf->hf_br);
++ }
++ }
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ if (au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ au_dbg_blocked();
++ BUG();
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo __maybe_unused)
++#ifdef AuForceNoPlink
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++#ifdef AuForceNoXino
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++#ifdef AuForceNoRefrof
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++#ifdef AuForceHinotify
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_HINOTIFY);
++int __init au_debug_init(void)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_vdir_destr destr;
++ bindex = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex >= 0);
++ destr.len = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(destr.len < NAME_MAX);
++ AuWarn("CONFIG_4KSTACKS is defined.\n");
++#ifdef AuForceNoBrs
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#define __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/bug.h>
++/* #include <linux/err.h> */
++/* #include <linux/init.h> */
++/* #include <linux/kernel.h> */
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++/* #include <linux/kd.h> */
++/* #include <linux/vt_kern.h> */
++#include <linux/sysrq.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#define AuDebugOn(a) BUG_ON(a)
++/* module parameter */
++extern int aufs_debug;
++static inline void au_debug(int n)
++ aufs_debug = n;
++ smp_mb();
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return aufs_debug;
++#define AuDebugOn(a) do {} while (0)
++#define au_debug() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* debug print */
++#define AuDpri(lvl, fmt, arg...) \
++ printk(lvl AUFS_NAME " %s:%d:%s[%d]: " fmt, \
++ __func__, __LINE__, current->comm, current->pid, ##arg)
++#define AuDbg(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ AuDpri(KERN_DEBUG, "DEBUG: " fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuLabel(l) AuDbg(#l "\n")
++#define AuInfo(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_INFO, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_WARNING, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuErr(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_ERR, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuIOErr(fmt, arg...) AuErr("I/O Error, " fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuWarn(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuIOErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuIOErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUnsupportMsg "This operation is not supported." \
++ " Please report this application to aufs-users ML."
++#define AuUnsupport(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuErr(AuUnsupportMsg "\n" fmt, ##args); \
++ dump_stack(); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErr(e) do { \
++ if (unlikely((e) < 0)) \
++ AuDbg("err %d\n", (int)(e)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErrPtr(p) do { \
++ if (IS_ERR(p)) \
++ AuDbg("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(p)); \
++} while (0)
++/* dirty macros for debug print, use with "%.*s" and caution */
++#define AuLNPair(qstr) (qstr)->len, (qstr)->name
++#define AuDLNPair(d) AuLNPair(&(d)->d_name)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct au_finfo;
++struct dentry;
++extern char *au_plevel;
++struct au_nhash;
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++struct au_vdir;
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++struct inode;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode);
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct file;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *filp);
++struct super_block;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy);
++struct iattr;
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia);
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo);
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void);
++int __init au_debug_init(void);
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do { \
++ AuDbg(#w "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_whlist(w); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do { \
++ AuDbg(#v "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_vdir(v); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do { \
++ AuDbg(#i "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_inode(i); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do { \
++ AuDbg(#d "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_dentry(d); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do { \
++ AuDbg(#f "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_file(f); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do { \
++ AuDbg(#sb "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_sb(sb); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d sec\n", sec); \
++ ssleep(sec); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d jiffies\n", jiffy); \
++ au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(jiffy); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do { \
++ AuDbg("ia_valid 0x%x\n", (ia)->ia_valid); \
++ au_dbg_iattr(ia); \
++} while (0)
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_debug_init(void)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void);
++void au_sysrq_fin(void);
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do { \
++ WARN_ON(1); \
++ handle_sysrq('w', vc_cons[fg_console].d->vc_tty); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_sysrq_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_sysrq_fin() do {} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DEBUG_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_h_nd(struct nameidata *h_nd, struct nameidata *nd)
++ if (nd) {
++ *h_nd = *nd;
++ /*
++ * gave up supporting LOOKUP_CREATE/OPEN for lower fs,
++ * due to whiteout and branch permission.
++ */
++ /* unnecessary? */
++ h_nd-> = NULL;
++ } else
++ memset(h_nd, 0, sizeof(*h_nd));
++struct au_lkup_one_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ int err;
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_parent->d_sb))
++ return vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, h_parent, name->len);
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ h_nd.path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = __lookup_one_len(name->name, &h_nd.last, NULL, name->len);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ h_dentry = vfsub_lookup_hash(&h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ return h_dentry;
++static void au_call_lkup_one(void *args)
++ struct au_lkup_one_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_lkup_one(a->name, a->h_parent, a->br, a->nd);
++#define AuLkup_ALLOW_NEG 1
++#define au_ftest_lkup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLkup_##name)
++#define au_fset_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLkup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLkup_##name; }
++struct au_do_lookup_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ mode_t type;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ * returns positive/negative dentry, NULL or an error.
++ * NULL means whiteout-ed or not-found.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++au_do_lookup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_do_lookup_args *args)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int wh_found, opq;
++ unsigned char wh_able;
++ const unsigned char allow_neg = !!au_ftest_lkup(args->flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ wh_found = 0;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ wh_able = !!au_br_whable(br->br_perm);
++ if (wh_able)
++ wh_found = au_wh_test(h_parent, wh_name, br, /*try_sio*/0);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(wh_found);
++ if (!wh_found)
++ goto real_lookup;
++ if (unlikely(wh_found < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* We found a whiteout */
++ /* au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex); */
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ real_lookup:
++ h_dentry = au_lkup_one(name, h_parent, br, args->nd);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode) {
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ goto out_neg;
++ } else if (wh_found
++ || (args->type && args->type != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)))
++ goto out_neg;
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) <= bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode || !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode) || !wh_able
++ || (inode && !S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq = au_diropq_test(h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (opq > 0)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ else if (unlikely(opq < 0)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(opq);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ out_neg:
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ out:
++ return h_dentry;
++static int au_test_shwh(struct super_block *sb, const struct qstr *name)
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)
++ && !strncmp(name->name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)))
++ return -EPERM;
++ return 0;
++ * returns the number of lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ * can be called at unlinking with @type is zero.
++ */
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ int npositive, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bdiropq;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct qstr whname;
++ struct au_do_lookup_args args = {
++ .flags = 0,
++ .type = type,
++ .nd = nd
++ };
++ const struct qstr *name = &dentry->d_name;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ err = au_test_shwh(dentry->d_sb, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&whname, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!(inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ if (!type)
++ au_fset_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ npositive = 0;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode)
++ npositive++;
++ if (type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ continue;
++ }
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent)
++ continue;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!h_dir || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ h_dentry = au_do_lookup(h_parent, dentry, bindex, &whname,
++ &args);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_wh;
++ au_fclr_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) >= 0)
++ break;
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ npositive++;
++ if (!args.type)
++ args.type = h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if (args.type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ else if (isdir) {
++ /* the type of lower may be different */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (bdiropq >= 0 && bdiropq <= bindex)
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (npositive) {
++ AuLabel(positive);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ err = npositive;
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_wh:
++ kfree(;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC))
++ dentry = au_lkup_one(name, parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else {
++ struct au_lkup_one_args args = {
++ .errp = &dentry,
++ .name = name,
++ .h_parent = parent,
++ .br = br,
++ .nd = NULL
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_lkup_one, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return dentry;
++ * lookup @dentry on @bindex which should be negative.
++ */
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(h_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("b%d %.*s should be negative.\n",
++ bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) < bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* subset of struct inode */
++struct au_iattr {
++ unsigned long i_ino;
++ /* unsigned int i_nlink; */
++ uid_t i_uid;
++ gid_t i_gid;
++ u64 i_version;
++ loff_t i_size;
++ blkcnt_t i_blocks;
++ umode_t i_mode;
++static void au_iattr_save(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ ia->i_ino = h_inode->i_ino;
++ /* ia->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink; */
++ ia->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ ia->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ ia->i_version = h_inode->i_version;
++ ia->i_size = h_inode->i_size;
++ ia->i_blocks = h_inode->i_blocks;
++ ia->i_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_iattr_test(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ return ia->i_ino != h_inode->i_ino
++ /* || ia->i_nlink != h_inode->i_nlink */
++ || ia->i_uid != h_inode->i_uid
++ || ia->i_gid != h_inode->i_gid
++ || ia->i_version != h_inode->i_version
++ || ia->i_size != h_inode->i_size
++ || ia->i_blocks != h_inode->i_blocks
++ || ia->i_mode != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_h_verify_dentry(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct au_iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&ia, -1, sizeof(ia));
++ h_sb = h_dentry->d_sb;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_iattr_save(&ia, h_inode);
++ else if (au_test_nfs(h_sb) || au_test_fuse(h_sb))
++ /* nfs d_revalidate may return 0 for negative dentry */
++ /* fuse d_revalidate always return 0 for negative dentry */
++ goto out;
++ /* main purpose is namei.c:cached_lookup() and d_revalidate */
++ h_d = au_lkup_one(&h_dentry->d_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(h_d != h_dentry
++ || h_d->d_inode != h_inode
++ || (h_inode && au_iattr_test(&ia, h_inode))))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ dput(h_d);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL) {
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = (h_dentry->d_parent->d_inode != h_dir);
++ } else if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ err = au_h_verify_dentry(h_dentry, h_parent, br);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_do_refresh_hdentry(struct au_hdentry *p, struct au_dinfo *dinfo,
++ struct dentry *parent)
++ struct dentry *h_d, *h_dp;
++ struct au_hdentry tmp, *q;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t new_bindex, bindex, bend, bwh, bdiropq;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ bwh = dinfo->di_bwh;
++ bdiropq = dinfo->di_bdiropq;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ h_d = p->hd_dentry;
++ if (!h_d)
++ continue;
++ h_dp = dget_parent(h_d);
++ if (h_dp == au_h_dptr(parent, bindex)) {
++ dput(h_dp);
++ continue;
++ }
++ new_bindex = au_find_dbindex(parent, h_dp);
++ dput(h_dp);
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh == bindex)
++ bwh = new_bindex;
++ if (dinfo->di_bdiropq == bindex)
++ bdiropq = new_bindex;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p->hd_dentry = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower dentries, and loop again */
++ q = dinfo->di_hdentry + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hd_dentry) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ sb = parent->d_sb;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ if (bwh >= 0 && bwh <= au_sbend(sb) && au_sbr_whable(sb, bwh))
++ dinfo->di_bwh = bwh;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ if (bdiropq >= 0
++ && bdiropq <= au_sbend(sb)
++ && au_sbr_whable(sb, bdiropq))
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = bdiropq;
++ bend = au_dbend(parent);
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bend;
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--, p--)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bend = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ * returns the number of found lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ */
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type)
++ int npositive, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ err = au_di_realloc(dinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ npositive = err;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_hdentry(dinfo->di_hdentry + dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo,
++ parent);
++ npositive = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ if (type != S_IFDIR && dinfo->di_bstart == bstart)
++ goto out_dgen; /* success */
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart, type, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (npositive < 0)
++ goto out;
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh >= 0 && dinfo->di_bwh <= dinfo->di_bstart)
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ out_dgen:
++ au_update_digen(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ AuTraceErr(npositive);
++ return npositive;
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_do_h_d_reval(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err, valid;
++ int (*reval)(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
++ err = 0;
++ reval = NULL;
++ if (h_dentry->d_op)
++ reval = h_dentry->d_op->d_revalidate;
++ if (!reval)
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_dentry->d_sb))
++ /* it may return tri-state */
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ int locked;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ parent = nd->path.dentry;
++ locked = (nd && nd->path.dentry != dentry);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ BUG_ON(bindex > au_dbend(parent));
++ h_nd.path.dentry = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ BUG_ON(!h_nd.path.dentry);
++ h_nd.path.mnt = au_sbr(parent->d_sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(valid < 0))
++ err = valid;
++ else if (!valid)
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* todo: remove this */
++static int h_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ struct nameidata *nd, int do_udba)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode, h_mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart, ibs, ibe;
++ unsigned char plus, unhashed, is_root, h_plus;
++ struct inode *first, *h_inode, *h_cached_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name, *h_name;
++ err = 0;
++ plus = 0;
++ mode = 0;
++ first = NULL;
++ ibs = -1;
++ ibe = -1;
++ unhashed = !!d_unhashed(dentry);
++ is_root = !!IS_ROOT(dentry);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ /*
++ * Theoretically, REVAL test should be unnecessary in case of INOTIFY.
++ * But inotify doesn't fire some necessary events,
++ * IN_ATTRIB for atime/nlink/pageio
++ * IN_DELETE for NFS dentry
++ * Let's do REVAL test too.
++ */
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ mode = (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ plus = (inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ first = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ ibs = au_ibstart(inode);
++ ibe = au_ibend(inode);
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ btail = bstart;
++ if (inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %.*s\n", bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ h_name = &h_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(do_udba
++ && !is_root
++ && (unhashed != !!d_unhashed(h_dentry)
++ || name->len != h_name->len
++ || memcmp(name->name, h_name->name, name->len))
++ )) {
++ AuDbg("unhash 0x%x 0x%x, %.*s %.*s\n",
++ unhashed, d_unhashed(h_dentry),
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ goto err;
++ }
++ err = au_do_h_d_reval(h_dentry, nd, dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* do not goto err, to keep the errno */
++ break;
++ /* todo: plink too? */
++ if (!do_udba)
++ continue;
++ /* UDBA tests */
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!!inode != !!h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ h_plus = plus;
++ h_mode = mode;
++ h_cached_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ h_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ h_plus = (h_inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ }
++ if (inode && ibs <= bindex && bindex <= ibe)
++ h_cached_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(plus != h_plus
++ || mode != h_mode
++ || h_cached_inode != h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ continue;
++ err:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int simple_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ return 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ au_dbg_verify_gen(parent, sigen);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ if (!au_ftest_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS))
++ return simple_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ /* slow loop, keep it simple and stupid */
++ /* cf: au_cpup_dirs() */
++ err = 0;
++ parent = NULL;
++ while (au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ d = dentry;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ if (au_digen(parent) == sigen
++ && au_iigen(parent->d_inode) == sigen)
++ break;
++ d = parent;
++ }
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ /* someone might update our dentry while we were sleeping */
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen || au_iigen(d->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, d);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * if valid returns 1, otherwise 0.
++ */
++static int aufs_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int valid, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ unsigned char do_udba;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_DW);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ if (inode)
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ }
++ if (inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ AuDebugOn(inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ do_udba = !au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), UDBA_NONE);
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0
++ && au_test_higen(inode, au_h_iptr(inode, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = h_d_revalidate(dentry, inode, nd, do_udba);
++ if (unlikely(!err && do_udba && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ valid = !err;
++ if (!valid)
++ AuDbg("%.*s invalid\n", AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ return valid;
++static void aufs_d_release(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dinfo = dentry->d_fsdata;
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ /* dentry may not be revalidated */
++ bindex = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ struct au_hdentry *p;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ while (bindex++ <= bend) {
++ if (p->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(dinfo->di_hdentry);
++ AuRwDestroy(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ au_hin_di_reinit(dentry);
++struct dentry_operations aufs_dop = {
++ .d_revalidate = aufs_d_revalidate,
++ .d_release = aufs_d_release
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#define __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/dcache.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++/* make a single member structure for future use */
++/* todo: remove this structure */
++struct au_hdentry {
++ struct dentry *hd_dentry;
++struct au_dinfo {
++ atomic_t di_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem di_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t di_bstart, di_bend, di_bwh, di_bdiropq;
++ struct au_hdentry *di_hdentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry.c */
++extern struct dentry_operations aufs_dop;
++struct au_branch;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd);
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type);
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++/* dinfo.c */
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr);
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_dinfo *au_di(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return dentry->d_fsdata;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for dinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_DI_PARENT2,
++ * di_read_lock_child, di_write_lock_child,
++ * di_read_lock_child2, di_write_lock_child2,
++ * di_read_lock_child3, di_write_lock_child3,
++ * di_read_lock_parent, di_write_lock_parent,
++ * di_read_lock_parent2, di_write_lock_parent2,
++ * di_read_lock_parent3, di_write_lock_parent3,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_read_lock_##name(struct dentry *d, int flags) \
++{ di_read_lock(d, flags, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_write_lock_##name(struct dentry *d) \
++{ di_write_lock(d, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++#define DiMustNoWaiters(d) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustAnyLock(d) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustWriteLock(d) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_digen(struct dentry *d)
++ return atomic_read(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_h_dentry_init(struct au_hdentry *hdentry)
++ hdentry->hd_dentry = NULL;
++static inline void au_hdput(struct au_hdentry *hd)
++ dput(hd->hd_dentry);
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bend;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bwh;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline void au_set_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbend(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ /* dbwh can be outside of bstart - bend range */
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bwh = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq = bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void au_digen_dec(struct dentry *d)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry)
++ dentry->d_fsdata = NULL;
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DENTRY_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dinfo.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * dentry private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr;
++ dinfo = au_cache_alloc_dinfo();
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (nbr <= 0)
++ nbr = 1;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*dinfo->di_hdentry), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo->di_hdentry))
++ goto out_dinfo;
++ atomic_set(&dinfo->di_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init_wlock_nested(&dinfo->di_rwsem, AuLsc_DI_CHILD);
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ dentry->d_fsdata = dinfo;
++ dentry->d_op = &aufs_dop;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dinfo:
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp) * (dinfo->di_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp);
++ hdp = au_kzrealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sz, sizeof(*hdp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hdp) {
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = hdp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void do_ii_write_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_write_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_write_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_write_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_write_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++static void do_ii_read_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_read_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_read_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_read_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_read_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_read_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ do_ii_read_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ }
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_read_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ au_rw_read_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode && au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_downgrade_lock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_dgrade_lock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d)
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_child(d1);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_child(d2);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_parent(d1);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_parent(d2);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock(d1);
++ if (d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode)
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d2)->di_rwsem);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock(d2);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ return NULL;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex < 0);
++ d = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ AuDebugOn(d && (atomic_read(&d->d_count) <= 0));
++ return d;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bwh;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ if (!bwh)
++ return bwh;
++ if (0 < bwh && bwh < bend)
++ return bwh - 1;
++ }
++ return bend;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq;
++ bend = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bopq && bopq < bend)
++ bend = bopq;
++ }
++ return bend;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct au_hdentry *hd = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ if (hd->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(hd);
++ hd->hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry)
++ atomic_set(&au_di(dentry)->di_generation, au_sigen(dentry->d_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo || dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ if (h_d && !h_d->d_inode)
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ while (++dinfo->di_bstart <= dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bstart].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bend].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend || dinfo->di_bend < 0);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbend(dentry); bindex <= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex) == h_dentry)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink += h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink += 2;
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink -= h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink -= 2;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int reopen_dir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ /* open all lower dirs */
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex < bstart; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbend(file); btail < bindex; bindex--)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ flags = file->f_flags;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (h_file)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* close all? */
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int do_open_dir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, NULL);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 0;
++ file->f_version = dentry->d_inode->i_version;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ for (; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ break;
++ }
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* close all */
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= btail; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, -1);
++ au_set_fbend(file, -1);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_dir);
++static int aufs_release_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (vdir_cache)
++ au_vdir_free(vdir_cache);
++ if (au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* clear the flag without write-lock */
++ sbinfo->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK;
++ smp_mb();
++ wake_up_all(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ }
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(struct dentry *dentry, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_path.dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ /* no mnt_want_write() */
++ /* cf. fs/nsfd/vfs.c and fs/nfsd/nfs4recover.c */
++ /* todo: inotiry fired? */
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode->i_fop);
++ if (!err && h_inode->i_fop->fsync)
++ err = h_inode->i_fop->fsync(NULL, h_path.dentry,
++ datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_do_fsync_dir(struct file *file, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ err = vfs_fsync(h_file, h_file->f_dentry, datasync);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_mtx = &h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock(h_mtx);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * @file may be NULL
++ */
++static int aufs_fsync_dir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ IMustLock(dentry->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (file)
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir(file, datasync);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(dentry, datasync);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ if (file)
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_readdir(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_vdir_init(file);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current)) {
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode)));
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * nfsd filldir may call lookup_one_len(), vfs_getattr(),
++ * encode_fh() and others.
++ */
++ struct inode *h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ lockdep_on();
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode, h_inode);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuTestEmpty_WHONLY 1
++#define AuTestEmpty_CALLED (1 << 1)
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_testempty(flags, name) ((flags) & AuTestEmpty_##name)
++#define au_fset_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#undef AuTestEmpty_SHWH
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH 0
++struct test_empty_arg {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++static int test_empty_cb(void *__arg, const char *__name, int namelen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (name[0] == '.'
++ && (namelen == 1 || (name[1] == '.' && namelen == 2)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (namelen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, WHONLY)
++ && !au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (!au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, namelen, ino, d_type, arg->bindex,
++ au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, SHWH));
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int do_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, arg->bindex,
++ /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && !h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink)
++ goto out_put;
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(h_file, test_empty_cb, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ out_put:
++ fput(h_file);
++ au_sbr_put(dentry->d_sb, arg->bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_test_empty_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg;
++static void call_do_test_empty(void *args)
++ struct do_test_empty_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_test_empty(a->dentry, a->arg);
++static int sio_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, arg->bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_test_h_perm_sio(h_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_READ);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, arg);
++ else {
++ struct do_test_empty_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .arg = arg
++ };
++ unsigned int flags = arg->flags;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_test_empty, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ arg->flags = flags;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg.whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ arg.flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ arg.bindex = bstart;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whlist;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, WHONLY);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ out_whlist:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg.whlist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ err = 0;
++ arg.whlist = *whlist;
++ arg.flags = AuTestEmpty_WHONLY;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = sio_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop = {
++ .read = generic_read_dir,
++ .readdir = aufs_readdir,
++ .unlocked_ioctl = aufs_ioctl_dir,
++ .open = aufs_open_dir,
++ .release = aufs_release_dir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_dir
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#define __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* need to be faster and smaller */
++struct au_nhash {
++ unsigned int nh_num;
++ struct hlist_head *nh_head;
++struct au_vdir_destr {
++ unsigned char len;
++ unsigned char name[0];
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_dehstr {
++ struct hlist_node hash;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++struct au_vdir_de {
++ ino_t de_ino;
++ unsigned char de_type;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr de_str;
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_wh {
++ struct hlist_node wh_hash;
++ ino_t wh_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ unsigned char wh_type;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr wh_str;
++} __packed;
++union au_vdir_deblk_p {
++ unsigned char *deblk;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++struct au_vdir {
++ unsigned char **vd_deblk;
++ unsigned long vd_nblk;
++ struct {
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ } vd_last;
++ unsigned long vd_version;
++ unsigned int vd_deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long vd_jiffy;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dir.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop;
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++/* vdir.c */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit);
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen);
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh);
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file);
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir);
++/* ioctl.c */
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DIR_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/export.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/export.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/export.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/export.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * export via nfs
++ */
++#include <linux/exportfs.h>
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/mnt_namespace.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++union conv {
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ __u32 a[2];
++ __u32 a[1];
++ ino_t ino;
++static ino_t decode_ino(__u32 *a)
++ union conv u;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u.ino) != sizeof(u.a));
++ u.a[0] = a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ u.a[1] = a[1];
++ return u.ino;
++static void encode_ino(__u32 *a, ino_t ino)
++ union conv u;
++ u.ino = ino;
++ a[0] = u.a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ a[1] = u.a[1];
++/* NFS file handle */
++enum {
++ Fh_br_id,
++ Fh_sigen,
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ /* support 64bit inode number */
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_ino2,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino2,
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_igen,
++ Fh_h_type,
++ Fh_tail,
++ Fh_ino = Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino = Fh_dir_ino1
++static int au_test_anon(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return !!(dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_DISCONNECTED);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode generation external table */
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ __u32 igen;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /*
++ * temporary workaround for escaping from SiMustAnyLock() in
++ * au_mntflags(), since this function is called from au_iinfo_fin().
++ */
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ pos *= sizeof(igen);
++ igen = inode->i_generation + 1;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xigen, &igen,
++ sizeof(igen), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(igen))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ err = 0;
++ /* todo: dirty, at mount time */
++ if (inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)
++ goto out;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(inode->i_generation) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large i%lld\n", pos);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(inode->i_generation);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = sbinfo->si_xigen;
++ BUG_ON(!file);
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ < pos + sizeof(inode->i_generation)) {
++ inode->i_generation = atomic_inc_return(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ } else
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(inode->i_generation))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = file;
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen) {
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *decode_by_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (unlikely(is_bad_inode(inode)
++ || IS_DEADDIR(inode)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(inode)))
++ goto out_iput;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (!dir_ino || S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ dentry = d_find_alias(inode);
++ else {
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias)
++ if (!au_test_anon(d)
++ && d->d_parent->d_inode->i_ino == dir_ino) {
++ dentry = dget_locked(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(dentry && sigen != au_digen(dentry))) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: dirty? */
++/* if exportfs_decode_fh() passed vfsmount*, we could be happy */
++static struct vfsmount *au_mnt_get(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct mnt_namespace *ns;
++ struct vfsmount *pos, *mnt;
++ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ /* no get/put ?? */
++ AuDebugOn(!current->nsproxy);
++ ns = current->nsproxy->mnt_ns;
++ AuDebugOn(!ns);
++ mnt = NULL;
++ /* the order (reverse) will not be a problem */
++ list_for_each_entry(pos, &ns->list, mnt_list)
++ if (pos->mnt_sb == sb) {
++ mnt = mntget(pos);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ AuDebugOn(!mnt);
++ return mnt;
++struct au_nfsd_si_lock {
++ const unsigned int sigen;
++ const aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ unsigned char force_lock;
++static aufs_bindex_t si_nfsd_read_lock(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, nsi_lock->br_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && nsi_lock->sigen + AUFS_BRANCH_MAX > au_sigen(sb))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!nsi_lock->force_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ bindex = -1;
++ out:
++ return bindex;
++struct find_name_by_ino {
++ int called, found;
++ ino_t ino;
++ char *name;
++ int namelen;
++static int
++find_name_by_ino(void *arg, const char *name, int namelen, loff_t offset,
++ u64 ino, unsigned int d_type)
++ struct find_name_by_ino *a = arg;
++ a->called++;
++ if (a->ino != ino)
++ return 0;
++ memcpy(a->name, name, namelen);
++ a->namelen = namelen;
++ a->found = 1;
++ return 1;
++static struct dentry *au_lkup_by_ino(struct path *path, ino_t ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct find_name_by_ino arg;
++ int err;
++ parent = path->dentry;
++ if (nsi_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(parent->d_sb);
++ path_get(path);
++ file = dentry_open(parent, path->mnt, au_dir_roflags, current_cred());
++ dentry = (void *)file;
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out_file;
++ arg.ino = ino;
++ arg.found = 0;
++ do {
++ arg.called = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(file, find_name_by_ino, &arg);
++ } while (!err && !arg.found && arg.called);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_name;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ if (!arg.found)
++ goto out_name;
++ /* do not call au_lkup_one() */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(, parent, arg.namelen);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_name;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ }
++ out_name:
++ __putname(;
++ out_file:
++ fput(file);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(nsi_lock
++ && si_nfsd_read_lock(parent->d_sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct dentry *decode_by_dir_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct path path;
++ if (dir_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO) {
++ path.dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ dentry = path.dentry;
++ if (!path.dentry || IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ } else
++ path.dentry = dget(sb->s_root);
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, nsi_lock);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_acceptable(void *expv, struct dentry *dentry)
++ return 1;
++static char *au_build_path(struct dentry *h_parent, struct path *h_rootpath,
++ char *buf, int len, struct super_block *sb)
++ char *p;
++ int n;
++ struct path path;
++ p = d_path(h_rootpath, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ n = strlen(p);
++ path.mnt = h_rootpath->mnt;
++ path.dentry = h_parent;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p += n;
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ path.dentry = sb->s_root;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len - strlen(p));
++ mntput(path.mnt);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p[strlen(p)] = '/';
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(p);
++ return p;
++struct dentry *decode_by_path(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ ino_t ino, __u32 *fh, int fh_len,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_parent, *root;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ char *pathname, *p;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ /* au_br_get(br); */
++ h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ /* todo: call lower fh_to_dentry()? fh_to_parent()? */
++ h_parent = exportfs_decode_fh(h_mnt, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ fh_len - Fh_tail, fh[Fh_h_type],
++ h_acceptable, /*context*/NULL);
++ dentry = h_parent;
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent || IS_ERR(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh failed, %ld\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb), PTR_ERR(h_parent));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_anon(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh returned a disconnected dentry\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ }
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ pathname = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!pathname))
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ path.mnt = h_mnt;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ p = au_build_path(h_parent, &path, pathname, PAGE_SIZE, sb);
++ dentry = (void *)p;
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out_pathname;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(p, LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY, &path);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_relock;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!path.dentry->d_inode))
++ goto out_path;
++ if (ino != path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino)
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, /*nsi_lock*/NULL);
++ else
++ dentry = dget(path.dentry);
++ out_path:
++ path_put(&path);
++ out_relock:
++ if (unlikely(si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_pathname:
++ free_page((unsigned long)pathname);
++ out_h_parent:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out:
++ /* au_br_put(br); */
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *
++aufs_fh_to_dentry(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid, int fh_len,
++ int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t ino, dir_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock nsi_lock = {
++ .sigen = fh[Fh_sigen],
++ .br_id = fh[Fh_br_id],
++ .force_lock = 0
++ };
++ AuDebugOn(fh_len < Fh_tail);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, &nsi_lock);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ nsi_lock.force_lock = 1;
++ /* is this inode still cached? */
++ ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_ino);
++ AuDebugOn(ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* is the parent dir cached? */
++ dentry = decode_by_dir_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* lookup path */
++ dentry = decode_by_path(sb, bindex, ino, fh, fh_len, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (unlikely(!dentry))
++ /* todo?: make it ESTALE */
++ goto out_unlock;
++ accept:
++ if (dentry->d_inode->i_generation == fh[Fh_igen])
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ out_unlock:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++/* support subtreecheck option */
++static struct dentry *aufs_fh_to_parent(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid,
++ int fh_len, int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t dir_ino;
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ parent = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ if (IS_ERR(parent))
++ goto out;
++ if (!parent)
++ parent = decode_by_path(sb, au_br_index(sb, fh[Fh_br_id]),
++ dir_ino, fh, fh_len);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(parent);
++ return parent;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_encode_fh(struct dentry *dentry, __u32 *fh, int *max_len,
++ int connectable)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ parent = NULL;
++ err = -ENOSPC;
++ if (unlikely(*max_len <= Fh_tail)) {
++ AuWarn1("NFSv2 client (max_len %d)?\n", *max_len);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = FILEID_ROOT;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ AuDebugOn(dentry->d_inode->i_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_IR);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ AuWarn1("NFS-exporting requires xino\n");
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (h_parent) {
++ dget(h_parent);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -EPERM;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (unlikely(!h_sb->s_export_op)) {
++ AuErr1("%s branch is not exportable\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ fh[Fh_br_id] = br->br_id;
++ fh[Fh_sigen] = au_sigen(sb);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_ino, inode->i_ino);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino, parent->d_inode->i_ino);
++ fh[Fh_igen] = inode->i_generation;
++ *max_len -= Fh_tail;
++ fh[Fh_h_type] = exportfs_encode_fh(h_parent, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ max_len,
++ /*connectable or subtreecheck*/0);
++ err = fh[Fh_h_type];
++ *max_len += Fh_tail;
++ /* todo: macros? */
++ if (err != 255)
++ err = 99;
++ else
++ AuWarn1("%s encode_fh failed\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ out_dput:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = 255;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct export_operations aufs_export_op = {
++ .fh_to_dentry = aufs_fh_to_dentry,
++ /* .fh_to_parent = aufs_fh_to_parent, */
++ .encode_fh = aufs_encode_fh
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ __u32 u;
++ sb->s_export_op = &aufs_export_op;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ get_random_bytes(&u, sizeof(u));
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u) != sizeof(int));
++ atomic_set(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next, u);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * handling file/dir, and address_space operation
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fsnotify.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/pagemap.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * a dirty trick for handling deny_write_access().
++ * because FMODE_EXEC flag is not passed to f_op->open(),
++ * set it to file->private_data temporary.
++ */
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode)
++ if (nd
++ /* && !(nd->flags & LOOKUP_CONTINUE) */
++ && (nd->flags & LOOKUP_OPEN)
++ && (nd-> & vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_EXEC))
++ && inode
++ && S_ISREG(inode->i_mode)) {
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ unsigned long flags = nd->;
++ nd->>private_data = (void *)flags;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ }
++/* drop flags for writing */
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags)
++ flags &= ~(O_WRONLY | O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
++ flags |= O_RDONLY | O_NOATIME;
++ return flags;
++/* common functions to regular file and dir */
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ /* a race condition can happen between open and unlink/rmdir */
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely((!d_unhashed(dentry) && d_unhashed(h_dentry))
++ || !h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ && (br->br_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC))
++ goto out;
++ /* drop flags for writing */
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode))
++ flags = au_file_roflags(flags);
++ flags &= ~O_CREAT;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ h_file = dentry_open(dget(h_dentry), mntget(br->br_mnt), flags,
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out_br;
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)) {
++ h_file->f_mode |= FMODE_EXEC;
++ err = deny_write_access(h_file);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ fput(h_file);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ }
++ fsnotify_open(h_dentry);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ out:
++ return h_file;
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags))
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_finfo_init(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = open(file, file->f_flags);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file, *h_file_tmp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_file_tmp = NULL;
++ if (au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ if (file->f_mode == h_file->f_mode)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ h_file_tmp = h_file;
++ get_file(h_file_tmp);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, NULL);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(au_fbstart(file) < bstart
++ || au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bstart].hf_file);
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bstart, file->f_flags & ~O_TRUNC, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* todo: close all? */
++ err = 0;
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ /* close lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bstart);
++ out:
++ if (h_file_tmp)
++ fput(h_file_tmp);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_reopen_wh(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ struct dentry *hi_wh)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ dinfo = au_di(file->f_dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = btgt;
++ h_dentry = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = hi_wh;
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_ready_to_write_wh(struct file *file, loff_t len,
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *hi_wh;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bcpup);
++ if (!hi_wh)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, bcpup, len, file);
++ else
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bcpup, hi_wh);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!err && inode->i_nlink > 1 && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_append(inode, bcpup, au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup));
++ return err;
++ * prepare the @file for writing.
++ */
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bcpup;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode);
++ if (!err && (au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)) {
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, /*flags*/0);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* need to cpup */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ }
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_dentry;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) /* || d_unhashed(h_dentry) */
++ /* || !h_inode->i_nlink */) {
++ err = au_ready_to_write_wh(file, len, bcpup);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ } else {
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ if (!au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup))
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bcpup, len,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_file_refresh_by_inode(struct file *file, int *need_reopen)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *hi_wh;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart == finfo->fi_bstart)
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bstart = err;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bstart);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode)
++ && !d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(dentry, bstart);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* always superio. */
++ err = au_pin(&pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bstart, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else if (hi_wh) {
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bstart, hi_wh);
++ *need_reopen = 0;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_do_refresh_file(struct file *file)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, new_bindex, brid;
++ struct au_hfile *p, tmp, *q;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + finfo->fi_bstart;
++ brid = p->hf_br->br_id;
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hf_file)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hf_br->br_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = finfo->fi_hfile + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hf_file) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file) && !d_unhashed(file->f_dentry)) {
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart <= bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ bend = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart < bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + bend;
++ for (finfo->fi_bend = bend; finfo->fi_bend >= finfo->fi_bstart;
++ finfo->fi_bend--, p--)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(finfo->fi_bend < finfo->fi_bstart);
++ * after branch manipulating, refresh the file.
++ */
++static int refresh_file(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file))
++ int err, need_reopen;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ err = au_fi_realloc(au_fi(file), au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_file(file);
++ err = 0;
++ need_reopen = 1;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ err = au_file_refresh_by_inode(file, &need_reopen);
++ if (!err && need_reopen && !d_unhashed(dentry))
++ err = reopen(file);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ /* error, close all lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen, figen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char pseudo_link;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sigen = au_sigen(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ figen = au_figen(file);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ pseudo_link = (bstart != au_ibstart(dentry->d_inode));
++ if (sigen == figen && !pseudo_link && au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ AuDbg("sigen %d, figen %d\n", sigen, figen);
++ if (sigen != au_digen(dentry)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ err = refresh_file(file, reopen);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cf. aufs_nopage() */
++/* for madvise(2) */
++static int aufs_readpage(struct file *file __maybe_unused, struct page *page)
++ unlock_page(page);
++ return 0;
++/* they will never be called. */
++static int aufs_write_begin(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned flags,
++ struct page **pagep, void **fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_write_end(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned copied,
++ struct page *page, void *fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_writepage(struct page *page, struct writeback_control *wbc)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_sync_page(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_set_page_dirty(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_invalidatepage(struct page *page, unsigned long offset)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_releasepage(struct page *page, gfp_t gfp)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static ssize_t aufs_direct_IO(int rw, struct kiocb *iocb,
++ const struct iovec *iov, loff_t offset,
++ unsigned long nr_segs)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++struct address_space_operations aufs_aop = {
++ .readpage = aufs_readpage,
++ .writepage = aufs_writepage,
++ .sync_page = aufs_sync_page,
++ .set_page_dirty = aufs_set_page_dirty,
++ .write_begin = aufs_write_begin,
++ .write_end = aufs_write_end,
++ .invalidatepage = aufs_invalidatepage,
++ .releasepage = aufs_releasepage,
++ .direct_IO = aufs_direct_IO,
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/poll.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_hfile {
++ struct file *hf_file;
++ struct au_branch *hf_br;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_finfo {
++ atomic_t fi_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem fi_rwsem;
++ struct au_hfile *fi_hfile;
++ aufs_bindex_t fi_bstart, fi_bend;
++ union {
++ /* non-dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_h_vm_ops;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_vm_ops;
++ };
++ /* dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct au_vdir *fi_vdir_cache;
++ int fi_maintain_plink;
++ };
++ };
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* file.c */
++extern struct address_space_operations aufs_aop;
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode);
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags);
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags));
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file);
++struct au_pin;
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin);
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock);
++/* poll.c */
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait);
++/* f_op.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop;
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id);
++/* finfo.c */
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file);
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct file *h_file);
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file);
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file);
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_finfo *au_fi(struct file *file)
++ return file->private_data;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * fi_read_lock, fi_write_lock,
++ * fi_read_unlock, fi_write_unlock, fi_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(fi, struct file *f, &au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem);
++#define FiMustNoWaiters(f) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustAnyLock(f) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustWriteLock(f) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbstart(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbend(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_fvdir_cache(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache;
++static inline void au_set_fbstart(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fbend(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fvdir_cache(struct file *file,
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache = vdir_cache;
++static inline struct file *au_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bindex].hf_file;
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_figen(struct file *f)
++ return atomic_read(&au_fi(f)->fi_generation);
++static inline int au_test_mmapped(struct file *f)
++ FiMustAnyLock(f);
++ return !!(au_fi(f)->fi_h_vm_ops);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FILE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/finfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/finfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/finfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/finfo.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file private data
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file)
++ if (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ allow_write_access(hf->hf_file);
++ fput(hf->hf_file);
++ hf->hf_file = NULL;
++ atomic_dec_return(&hf->hf_br->br_count);
++ hf->hf_br = NULL;
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *val)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo = au_fi(file);
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ if (hf->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(hf, file);
++ if (val) {
++ hf->hf_file = val;
++ hf->hf_br = au_sbr(file->f_dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ }
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file)
++ atomic_set(&au_fi(file)->fi_generation, au_digen(file->f_dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ bindex = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ /*
++ * calls fput() instead of filp_close(),
++ * since no dnotify or lock for the lower file.
++ */
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ au_dbg_verify_hf(finfo);
++ kfree(finfo->fi_hfile);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuRwDestroy(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_cache_alloc_finfo();
++ if (unlikely(!finfo))
++ goto out;
++ finfo->fi_hfile = kcalloc(au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1,
++ sizeof(*finfo->fi_hfile), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_hfile))
++ goto out_finfo;
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ finfo->fi_bstart = -1;
++ finfo->fi_bend = -1;
++ atomic_set(&finfo->fi_generation, au_digen(dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ /* cf. au_store_oflag() */
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ ul = (unsigned long)file->private_data;
++ file->f_mode |= (vfsub_uint_to_fmode(ul) & FMODE_EXEC);
++ file->private_data = finfo;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_finfo:
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hfile *hfp;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp) * (finfo->fi_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp);
++ hfp = au_kzrealloc(finfo->fi_hfile, sz, sizeof(*hfp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hfp) {
++ finfo->fi_hfile = hfp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/f_op.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/f_op.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/f_op.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/f_op.c 2009-08-23 15:19:40.797433187 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file and vm operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || !h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->flush)
++ continue;
++ err = h_file->f_op->flush(h_file, id);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int do_open_nondir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops = NULL;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = NULL;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* O_TRUNC is processed already */
++ BUG_ON(au_test_ro(dentry->d_sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)
++ && (flags & O_TRUNC));
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ else {
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bindex);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_nondir);
++static int aufs_release_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct super_block *sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ kfree(au_fi(file)->fi_vm_ops);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t aufs_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ err = vfsub_read_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_write(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ char __user *buf = (char __user *)ubuf;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_read(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_read) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_READ);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_read(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode,
++ h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->read);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_write(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_write) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_write(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->write);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_splice_read(struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (au_test_loopback_kthread()) {
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ smp_mb(); /* unnecessary? */
++ }
++ err = vfsub_splice_to(h_file, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ /* todo: necessasry? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t
++aufs_splice_write(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_splice_from(pipe, h_file, ppos, len, flags);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct file *au_safe_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file;
++ file = vma->vm_file;
++ if (file->private_data && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return file;
++ return NULL;
++static void au_reset_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct file *file)
++ vma->vm_file = file;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* flush vm_file */
++static int aufs_fault(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ /* todo: non-robr mode, user vm_file as it is? */
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ /* do not revalidate, no si lock */
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->fault(vma, vmf);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++#if 0 /* def CONFIG_SMP */
++ /* wake_up_nr(&wq, online_cpu - 1); */
++ wake_up_all(&wq);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_page_mkwrite(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->page_mkwrite(vma, vmf);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static void aufs_vm_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->close(vma);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++static struct vm_operations_struct aufs_vm_ops = {
++ /* .close and .page_mkwrite are not set by default */
++ .fault = aufs_fault,
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct vm_operations_struct *au_vm_ops(struct file *h_file,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ int err;
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
++ if (!h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->mmap)
++ goto out;
++ err = h_file->f_op->mmap(h_file, vma);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ vm_ops = vma->vm_ops;
++ err = do_munmap(current->mm, vma->vm_start,
++ vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed internal unmapping %.*s, %d\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_file->f_dentry), err);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return vm_ops;
++static int au_custom_vm_ops(struct au_finfo *finfo, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *h_ops;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ h_ops = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_ops);
++ if ((!h_ops->page_mkwrite && !h_ops->close)
++ || finfo->fi_vm_ops)
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = kmemdup(&aufs_vm_ops, sizeof(aufs_vm_ops), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_vm_ops))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_ops->page_mkwrite)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->page_mkwrite = aufs_page_mkwrite;
++ if (h_ops->close)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->close = aufs_vm_close;
++ vma->vm_ops = finfo->fi_vm_ops;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char wlock, mmapped;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ wlock = !!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) && (vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARED);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mmapped = !!au_test_mmapped(file);
++ if (wlock) {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (!mmapped && au_test_fs_bad_mapping(h_file->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /*
++ * by this assignment, f_mapping will differs from aufs inode
++ * i_mapping.
++ * if someone else mixes the use of f_dentry->d_inode and
++ * f_mapping->host, then a problem may arise.
++ */
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ }
++ vm_ops = NULL;
++ if (!mmapped) {
++ vm_ops = au_vm_ops(h_file, vma);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vm_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(vm_ops))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ /*
++ * unnecessary to handle MAP_DENYWRITE and deny_write_access()?
++ * currently MAP_DENYWRITE from userspace is ignored, but elf loader
++ * sets it. when FMODE_EXEC is set (by open_exec() or sys_uselib()),
++ * both of the aufs file and the lower file is deny_write_access()-ed.
++ * finally I hope we can skip handlling MAP_DENYWRITE here.
++ */
++ err = generic_file_mmap(file, vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vma->vm_ops = &aufs_vm_ops;
++ /* test again */
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ au_fi(file)->fi_h_vm_ops = vm_ops;
++ err = au_custom_vm_ops(au_fi(file), vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vfsub_file_accessed(h_file);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_fsync_nondir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(file->f_mapping->host);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /*
++ * no filemap_fdatawrite() since aufs file has no its own
++ * mapping, but dir.
++ */
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = h_file->f_op->fsync(h_file, h_d, datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static int aufs_aio_fsync_nondir(struct kiocb *kio, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_fsync(kio, datasync);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fasync(int fd, struct file *file, int flag)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fasync)
++ err = h_file->f_op->fasync(fd, h_file, flag);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static ssize_t aufs_sendpage(struct file *file, struct page *page, int offset,
++ size_t len, loff_t *pos , int more)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop = {
++ /*
++ * while generic_file_llseek/_unlocked() don't use BKL,
++ * don't use it since it operates file->f_mapping->host.
++ * in aufs, it may be a real file and may confuse users by UDBA.
++ */
++ /* .llseek = generic_file_llseek, */
++ .read = aufs_read,
++ .write = aufs_write,
++ .aio_read = aufs_aio_read,
++ .aio_write = aufs_aio_write,
++ .poll = aufs_poll,
++ .mmap = aufs_mmap,
++ .open = aufs_open_nondir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .release = aufs_release_nondir,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_nondir,
++ /* .aio_fsync = aufs_aio_fsync_nondir, */
++ .fasync = aufs_fasync,
++ /* .sendpage = aufs_sendpage, */
++ .splice_write = aufs_splice_write,
++ .splice_read = aufs_splice_read,
++#if 0
++ .aio_splice_write = aufs_aio_splice_write,
++ .aio_splice_read = aufs_aio_splice_read
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/fstype.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/fstype.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/fstype.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/fstype.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * judging filesystem type
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/cramfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/magic.h>
++#include <linux/romfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++static inline int au_test_aufs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++static inline const char *au_sbtype(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_type->name;
++static inline int au_test_iso9660(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ROMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_romfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cramfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS) || defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CRAMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_nfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == NFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fuse(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XFS_SB_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_tmpfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == TMPFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ecryptfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "ecryptfs");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_smbfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == SMB_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == DLMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_coda(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS) || defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CODA_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_v9fs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_9P_FS) || defined(CONFIG_9P_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == V9FS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ext4(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysv(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS_MODULE)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "sysv");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ramfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == RAMFS_MAGIC;
++static inline int au_test_ubifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == UBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_procfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == PROC_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SYSFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_configfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == CONFIGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_minix(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS) || defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIGCIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fat(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_msdos(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_vfat(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_securityfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SECURITYFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_squashfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SQUASHFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_btrfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xenfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XENFS) || defined(CONFIG_XENFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_debugfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == DEBUGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * they can't be an aufs branch.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unsuppoted(struct super_block *sb)
++ return
++ au_test_ramfs(sb) ||
++ au_test_procfs(sb)
++ || au_test_sysfs(sb)
++ || au_test_configfs(sb)
++ || au_test_debugfs(sb)
++ || au_test_securityfs(sb)
++ || au_test_xenfs(sb)
++ /* || !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "unionfs") */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb); /* will be supported in next version */
++ * If the filesystem supports NFS-export, then it has to support NULL as
++ * a nameidata parameter for ->create(), ->lookup() and ->d_revalidate().
++ * We can apply this principle when we handle a lower filesystem.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_null_nd(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !!sb->s_export_op;
++static inline int au_test_fs_remote(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ && !au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ && !(sb->s_type->fs_flags & FS_REQUIRES_DEV);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * Note: these functions (below) are created after reading ->getattr() in all
++ * filesystems under linux/fs. it means we have to do so in every update...
++ */
++ * some filesystems require getattr to refresh the inode attributes before
++ * referencing.
++ * in most cases, we can rely on the inode attribute in NFS (or every remote fs)
++ * and leave the work for d_revalidate()
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ /* || au_test_smbfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_btrfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_coda(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_v9fs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't maintain i_size or i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_xfs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_ext4(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_sysv(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ubifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_minix(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't store the correct value in some of their inode
++ * attributes.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ || au_test_fat(sb)
++ || au_test_msdos(sb)
++ || au_test_vfat(sb);
++/* they don't check i_nlink in link(2) */
++static inline int au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++ * filesystems which sets S_NOATIME and S_NOCMTIME.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_notime(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which requires replacing i_mapping.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_mapping(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++/* temporary support for i#1 in cramfs */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unique_ino(struct inode *inode)
++ if (au_test_cramfs(inode->i_sb))
++ return inode->i_ino != 1;
++ return 1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the filesystem where the xino files placed must support i/o after unlink and
++ * maintain i_size and i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_remote(sb)
++ || au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ || !(au_test_ramfs(sb) || au_test_fs_null_nd(sb))
++ || !au_test_fs_null_nd(sb) /* to keep xino code simple */
++ /* don't want unnecessary work for xino */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb)
++ || au_test_ecryptfs(sb);
++static inline int au_test_fs_trunc_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb);
++ * test if the @sb is real-readonly.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_squashfs(sb)
++ || au_test_iso9660(sb)
++ || au_test_cramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_romfs(sb);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/hinotify.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/hinotify.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/hinotify.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/hinotify.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inotify for the lower directories
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static const __u32 AuHinMask = (IN_MOVE | IN_DELETE | IN_CREATE);
++static struct inotify_handle *au_hin_handle;
++AuCacheFuncs(hinotify, HINOTIFY);
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ s32 wd;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ hin = au_cache_alloc_hinotify();
++ if (hin) {
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_notify);
++ hinode->hi_notify = hin;
++ hin->hin_aufs_inode = inode;
++ inotify_init_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ wd = inotify_add_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch, h_inode,
++ AuHinMask);
++ if (wd >= 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = wd;
++ put_inotify_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ hin = hinode->hi_notify;
++ if (hin) {
++ err = 0;
++ if (atomic_read(&hin->hin_watch.count))
++ err = inotify_rm_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* it means the watch is already removed */
++ AuWarn("failed inotify_rm_watch() %d\n", err);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct inotify_watch *watch;
++ if (!hinode->hi_notify)
++ return;
++ h_inode = hinode->hi_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ /* todo: try inotify_find_update_watch()? */
++ watch = &hinode->hi_notify->hin_watch;
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++ /* mutex_lock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ if (do_set) {
++ AuDebugOn(watch->mask & AuHinMask);
++ watch->mask |= AuHinMask;
++ } else {
++ AuDebugOn(!(watch->mask & AuHinMask));
++ watch->mask &= ~AuHinMask;
++ }
++ /* mutex_unlock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct dentry *iwhdentry;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!hi)
++ continue;
++ /* mutex_lock_nested(&hi->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD); */
++ iwhdentry = au_hi_wh(inode, bindex);
++ if (iwhdentry)
++ dget(iwhdentry);
++ au_igrab(hi);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(hi),
++ flags & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ iput(hi);
++ dput(iwhdentry);
++ /* mutex_unlock(&hi->i_mutex); */
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int hin_xino(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound, bstart;
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (bindex == bend) {
++ /* keep this ino in rename case */
++ goto out;
++ }
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex) == h_inode) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bfound < 0)
++ goto out;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!h_i)
++ continue;
++ err = au_xino_write(inode->i_sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ /* bad action? */
++ }
++ /* children inode number will be broken */
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_tree(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, dentry, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ if (IS_ROOT(d))
++ continue;
++ d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ /* todo: reset children xino?
++ cached children only? */
++ au_iigen_dec(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ /* discard children */
++ dentry_unhash(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * return 0 if processed.
++ */
++static int hin_gen_by_inode(char *name, unsigned int nlen, struct inode *inode,
++ const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ err = 1;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ err = 0;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!isdir) {
++ AuDebugOn(!name);
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias) {
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen
++ && memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(inode->i_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ d = d_find_alias(inode);
++ if (!d) {
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len == nlen && !memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ err = hin_gen_tree(d);
++ dput(d);
++ }
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_by_name(struct dentry *dentry, const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ /* || (inode && inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO) */
++ ) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_digen_dec(dentry);
++ if (inode)
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ if (inode)
++ err = hin_gen_tree(dentry);
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify job flags */
++#define AuHinJob_XINO0 1
++#define AuHinJob_GEN (1 << 1)
++#define AuHinJob_DIRENT (1 << 2)
++#define AuHinJob_ISDIR (1 << 3)
++#define AuHinJob_TRYXINO0 (1 << 4)
++#define AuHinJob_MNTPNT (1 << 5)
++#define au_ftest_hinjob(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHinJob_##name)
++#define au_fset_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHinJob_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHinJob_##name; }
++struct hin_job_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode, *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ char *h_name;
++ int h_nlen;
++static int hin_job(struct hin_job_args *a)
++ const unsigned int isdir = au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ /* reset xino */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, XINO0) && a->inode)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, TRYXINO0)
++ && a->inode
++ && a->h_inode) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!a->h_inode->i_nlink)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ /* make the generation obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, GEN)) {
++ int err = -1;
++ if (a->inode)
++ err = hin_gen_by_inode(a->h_name, a->h_nlen, a->inode,
++ isdir);
++ if (err && a->dentry)
++ hin_gen_by_name(a->dentry, isdir);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ }
++ /* make dir entries obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, DIRENT) && a->inode) {
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(a->inode);
++ if (vdir)
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* IMustLock(a->inode); */
++ /* a->inode->i_version++; */
++ }
++ /* can do nothing but warn */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, MNTPNT)
++ && a->dentry
++ && d_mountpoint(a->dentry))
++ AuWarn("mount-point %.*s is removed or renamed\n",
++ AuDLNPair(a->dentry));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char *in_name(u32 mask)
++#define test_ret(flag) if (mask & flag) \
++ return #flag;
++ test_ret(IN_ACCESS);
++ test_ret(IN_MODIFY);
++ test_ret(IN_ATTRIB);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_WRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_OPEN);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_FROM);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_TO);
++ test_ret(IN_CREATE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_UNMOUNT);
++ test_ret(IN_Q_OVERFLOW);
++ test_ret(IN_IGNORED);
++ return "";
++#undef test_ret
++ return "??";
++static struct dentry *lookup_wlock_by_name(char *name, unsigned int nlen,
++ struct inode *dir)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d, *parent;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ parent = d_find_alias(dir);
++ if (!parent)
++ return NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &parent->d_subdirs, d_u.d_child) {
++ /* AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d)); */
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen || memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ if (!atomic_read(&d->d_count) || !d->d_fsdata) {
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ continue;
++ }
++ dentry = dget(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct inode *lookup_wlock_by_ino(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t ino;
++ int err;
++ inode = NULL;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, &ino);
++ if (!err && ino)
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("wrong root branch\n");
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = NULL;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++enum { CHILD, PARENT };
++struct postproc_args {
++ struct inode *h_dir, *dir, *h_child_inode;
++ u32 mask;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ unsigned int h_child_nlen;
++ char h_child_name[];
++static void postproc(void *_args)
++ struct postproc_args *a = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound;
++ unsigned char xino, try_iput;
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t h_ino;
++ struct hin_job_args args;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ AuDebugOn(!_args);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->mask);
++ AuDbg("mask 0x%x %s, i%lu, hi%lu, hci%lu\n",
++ a->mask, in_name(a->mask), a->dir->i_ino, a->h_dir->i_ino,
++ a->h_child_inode ? a->h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ inode = NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ /*
++ * do not lock a->dir->i_mutex here
++ * because of d_revalidate() may cause a deadlock.
++ */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(!sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!sbinfo);
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(a->dir);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(a->dir); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(a->dir, bindex) == a->h_dir) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(a->dir);
++ if (unlikely(bfound < 0))
++ goto out;
++ xino = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO);
++ h_ino = 0;
++ if (a->h_child_inode)
++ h_ino = a->h_child_inode->i_ino;
++ if (a->h_child_nlen
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], MNTPNT)))
++ dentry = lookup_wlock_by_name(a->h_child_name, a->h_child_nlen,
++ a->dir);
++ try_iput = 0;
++ if (dentry)
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (xino && !inode && h_ino
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], XINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN))) {
++ inode = lookup_wlock_by_ino(sb, bfound, h_ino);
++ try_iput = 1;
++ }
++ args.flags = a->flags[CHILD];
++ args.dentry = dentry;
++ args.inode = inode;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_child_inode;
++ args.dir = a->dir;
++ args.h_dir = a->h_dir;
++ args.h_name = a->h_child_name;
++ args.h_nlen = a->h_child_nlen;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ if (dentry) {
++ if (dentry->d_fsdata)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ if (inode && try_iput) {
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ args.flags = a->flags[PARENT];
++ args.dentry = NULL;
++ args.inode = a->dir;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_dir;
++ args.dir = NULL;
++ args.h_dir = NULL;
++ args.h_name = NULL;
++ args.h_nlen = 0;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ au_nwt_done(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ iput(a->h_child_inode);
++ iput(a->h_dir);
++ iput(a->dir);
++ kfree(a);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_inotify(struct inotify_watch *watch, u32 wd __maybe_unused,
++ u32 mask, u32 cookie __maybe_unused,
++ const char *h_child_name, struct inode *h_child_inode)
++ struct au_hinotify *hinotify;
++ struct postproc_args *args;
++ int len, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char isdir, isroot, wh;
++ char *p;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ /* if IN_UNMOUNT happens, there must be another bug */
++ AuDebugOn(mask & IN_UNMOUNT);
++ if (mask & (IN_IGNORED | IN_UNMOUNT)) {
++ put_inotify_watch(watch);
++ return;
++ }
++#ifdef AuDbgHinotify
++ au_debug(1);
++ if (1 || !h_child_name || strcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME)) {
++ AuDbg("i%lu, wd %d, mask 0x%x %s, cookie 0x%x, hcname %s,"
++ " hi%lu\n",
++ watch->inode->i_ino, wd, mask, in_name(mask), cookie,
++ h_child_name ? h_child_name : "",
++ h_child_inode ? h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ WARN_ON(1);
++ }
++ au_debug(0);
++ hinotify = container_of(watch, struct au_hinotify, hin_watch);
++ AuDebugOn(!hinotify || !hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ dir = igrab(hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ if (!dir)
++ return;
++ isroot = (dir->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ len = 0;
++ wh = 0;
++ if (h_child_name) {
++ len = strlen(h_child_name);
++ if (!memcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ h_child_name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ len -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ wh = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ isdir = 0;
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ isdir = !!S_ISDIR(h_child_inode->i_mode);
++ flags[PARENT] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ flags[CHILD] = 0;
++ if (isdir)
++ flags[CHILD] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ switch (mask & IN_ALL_EVENTS) {
++ case IN_MOVED_FROM:
++ case IN_MOVED_TO:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], XINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ break;
++ case IN_CREATE:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ break;
++ case IN_DELETE:
++ /*
++ * aufs never be able to get this child inode.
++ * revalidation should be in d_revalidate()
++ * by checking i_nlink, i_generation or d_unhashed().
++ */
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuDebugOn(1);
++ }
++ if (wh)
++ h_child_inode = NULL;
++ /* iput() and kfree() will be called in postproc() */
++ /*
++ * inotify_mutex is already acquired and kmalloc/prune_icache may lock
++ * iprune_mutex. strange.
++ */
++ lockdep_off();
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args) + len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ iput(dir);
++ return;
++ }
++ args->flags[PARENT] = flags[PARENT];
++ args->flags[CHILD] = flags[CHILD];
++ args->mask = mask;
++ args->dir = dir;
++ args->h_dir = igrab(watch->inode);
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ h_child_inode = igrab(h_child_inode); /* can be NULL */
++ args->h_child_inode = h_child_inode;
++ args->h_child_nlen = len;
++ if (len) {
++ p = (void *)args;
++ p += sizeof(*args);
++ memcpy(p, h_child_name, len + 1);
++ }
++ lockdep_off();
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(postproc, args, dir->i_sb);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++static void aufs_inotify_destroy(struct inotify_watch *watch __maybe_unused)
++ return;
++static struct inotify_operations aufs_inotify_ops = {
++ .handle_event = aufs_inotify,
++ .destroy_watch = aufs_inotify_destroy
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_hin_destroy_cache(void)
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]);
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = NULL;
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = AuCache(au_hinotify);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]) {
++ err = 0;
++ au_hin_handle = inotify_init(&aufs_inotify_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(au_hin_handle)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_hin_handle);
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
++ }
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++void au_hinotify_fin(void)
++ inotify_destroy(au_hin_handle);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY])
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/iinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/iinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/iinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/iinfo.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ h_inode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ return h_inode;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ h_inode = iinfo->ii_hinode[bindex + 0].hi_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ au_hin_free(hinode);
++ dput(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ iput(hinode->hi_inode);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir)
++ unsigned int flags;
++ const unsigned int mnt_flags = au_mntflags(inode->i_sb);
++ flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, XINO);
++ if (isdir && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_HINOTIFY))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ return flags;
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ hi = hinode->hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && hi);
++ if (hi)
++ au_hiput(hinode);
++ hinode->hi_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ if (bindex == iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ hinode->hi_id = br->br_id;
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("failed au_xino_write() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && au_br_hinotifyable(br->br_perm)) {
++ err = au_hin_alloc(hinode, inode, h_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("au_hin_alloc() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ }
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ hinode->hi_whdentry = h_wh;
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_set(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation, au_sigen(inode->i_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* it may be called at remount time, too */
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo || iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ h_i = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ if (h_i && !h_i->i_nlink)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ while (++iinfo->ii_bstart <= iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bstart].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bend].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend || iinfo->ii_bend < 0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr, i;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (unlikely(nbr <= 0))
++ nbr = 1;
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*iinfo->ii_hinode), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode) {
++ for (i = 0; i < nbr; i++)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[i].hi_id = -1;
++ atomic_set(&iinfo->ii_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_vdir = NULL;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hip) * (iinfo->ii_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hip);
++ hip = au_kzrealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sz, sizeof(*hip) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hip) {
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = hip;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_iinfo_write0(struct super_block *sb, struct au_hinode *hinode,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char locked;
++ err = 0;
++ locked = !!si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, hinode->hi_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ err = au_xino_write0(sb, bindex, hinode->hi_inode->i_ino, ino);
++ /* error action? */
++ if (locked)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode)
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ unsigned char unlinked = !inode->i_nlink;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hi;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (unlinked) {
++ int err = au_xigen_inc(inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn1("failed resetting i_generation, %d\n", err);
++ }
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ /* bad_inode case */
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ if (iinfo->ii_vdir)
++ au_vdir_free(iinfo->ii_vdir);
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart >= 0) {
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ ino = 0;
++ if (unlinked)
++ ino = inode->i_ino;
++ hi = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ bend = iinfo->ii_bend;
++ while (iinfo->ii_bstart++ <= bend) {
++ if (hi->hi_inode) {
++ if (unlinked || !hi->hi_inode->i_nlink) {
++ au_iinfo_write0(sb, hi, ino);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ ino = 0;
++ }
++ au_hiput(hi);
++ }
++ hi++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(iinfo->ii_hinode);
++ AuRwDestroy(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode functions
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode)
++ if (inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&inode->i_count));
++ atomic_inc_return(&inode->i_count);
++ }
++ return inode;
++static void au_refresh_hinode_attr(struct inode *inode, int do_version)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/0);
++ au_update_iigen(inode);
++ if (do_version)
++ inode->i_version++;
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, new_bindex;
++ unsigned char update;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p, *q, tmp;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ update = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ err = au_ii_realloc(iinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hi_inode)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hi_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ update++;
++ au_hiput(p);
++ p->hi_inode = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (new_bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = new_bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < new_bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = new_bindex;
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = iinfo->ii_hinode + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hi_inode) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (do_attr)
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, update;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ update = 0;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_d || !h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart <= bindex && bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ if (h_i == h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = bindex;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_d->d_inode), flags);
++ update = 1;
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && isdir);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int set_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ umode_t mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ err = 0;
++ isdir = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_file_fop;
++ inode->i_mapping->a_ops = &aufs_aop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_symlink_iop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ init_special_inode(inode, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown file type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* do not set inotify for whiteouted dirs (SHWH mode) */
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH)
++ && au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && dentry->d_name.len > AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ && !memcmp(dentry->, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ au_fclr_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bstart;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = btail;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex,
++ au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode), flags);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/1);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++static int reval_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry, int *matched)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dinode;
++ *matched = 0;
++ /*
++ * before this function, if aufs got any iinfo lock, it must be only
++ * one, the parent dir.
++ * it can happen by UDBA and the obsoleted inode number.
++ */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == parent_ino(dentry)))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ h_dinode = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry))->d_inode;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode && h_inode == h_dinode) {
++ *matched = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_iigen(inode) != au_digen(dentry))
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++/* todo: return with unlocked? */
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t h_ino, ino;
++ int err, match;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_ino = h_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bstart, h_ino, &ino);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ new_ino:
++ if (!ino) {
++ ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!ino)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("%lx, new %d\n", inode->i_state, !!(inode->i_state & I_NEW));
++ if (inode->i_state & I_NEW) {
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ err = set_inode(inode, dentry);
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ goto out_iput;
++ } else if (!must_new) {
++ err = reval_inode(inode, dentry, &match);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ else if (match)
++ goto out_iput;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unique_ino(h_dentry->d_inode)))
++ AuWarn1("Warning: Un-notified UDBA or repeatedly renamed dir,"
++ " b%d, %s, %.*s, hi%lu, i%lu.\n",
++ bstart, au_sbtype(h_dentry->d_sb), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ (unsigned long)h_ino, (unsigned long)ino);
++ ino = 0;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bstart, h_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ if (!err) {
++ iput(inode);
++ goto new_ino;
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ err = au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ /* pseudo-link after flushed may happen out of bounds */
++ if (!err
++ && inode
++ && au_ibstart(inode) <= bindex
++ && bindex <= au_ibend(inode)) {
++ /*
++ * permission check is unnecessary since vfsub routine
++ * will be called later
++ */
++ struct inode *hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (hi)
++ err = IS_IMMUTABLE(hi) ? -EROFS : 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (!current_fsuid())
++ return 0;
++ return inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb)
++ && (mask & MAY_WRITE)
++ && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode))
++ mask |= MAY_READ; /* force permission check */
++ return au_test_h_perm(h_inode, mask);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#define __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/inotify.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct vfsmount;
++struct au_hinotify {
++ struct inotify_watch hin_watch;
++ struct inode *hin_aufs_inode; /* no get/put */
++struct au_hinode {
++ struct inode *hi_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t hi_id;
++ struct au_hinotify *hi_notify;
++ /* reference to the copied-up whiteout with get/put */
++ struct dentry *hi_whdentry;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_iinfo {
++ atomic_t ii_generation;
++ struct super_block *ii_hsb1; /* no get/put */
++ struct au_rwsem ii_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t ii_bstart, ii_bend;
++ __u32 ii_higen;
++ struct au_hinode *ii_hinode;
++ struct au_vdir *ii_vdir;
++struct au_icntnr {
++ struct au_iinfo iinfo;
++ struct inode vfs_inode;
++/* au_pin flags */
++#define AuPin_DI_LOCKED 1
++#define AuPin_MNT_WRITE (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_pin(flags, name) ((flags) & AuPin_##name)
++#define au_fset_pin(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuPin_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_pin(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuPin_##name; }
++struct au_pin {
++ /* input */
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ unsigned char lsc_di, lsc_hi, flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ /* output */
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_iinfo *au_ii(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode)
++ return iinfo;
++ return NULL; /* debugging bad_inode case */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode.c */
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode);
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr);
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry);
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new);
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode);
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++/* i_op.c */
++extern struct inode_operations aufs_iop, aufs_symlink_iop, aufs_dir_iop;
++/* au_wr_dir flags */
++#define AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY 1
++#define AuWrDir_ISDIR (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_wrdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWrDir_##name)
++#define au_fset_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWrDir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWrDir_##name; }
++struct au_wr_dir_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t force_btgt;
++ unsigned char flags;
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args);
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin);
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags);
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags) __must_check;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *pin) __must_check;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *pin);
++/* i_op_add.c */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode);
++/* i_op_del.c */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup);
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* i_op_ren.c */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt);
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* iinfo.c */
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir);
++/* hinode flags */
++#define AuHi_XINO 1
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_hi(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHi_##name)
++#define au_fset_hi(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHi_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hi(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHi_##name; }
++#undef AuHi_HINOTIFY
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY 0
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags);
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode);
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero);
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode);
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode);
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr);
++/* plink.c */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode);
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for iinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT, /* see AuLsc_I_PARENT in vfsub.h */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT2,
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT3, /* copyup dirs */
++ * ii_read_lock_child, ii_write_lock_child,
++ * ii_read_lock_child2, ii_write_lock_child2,
++ * ii_read_lock_child3, ii_write_lock_child3,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent, ii_write_lock_parent,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent2, ii_write_lock_parent2,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent3, ii_write_lock_parent3,
++ * ii_read_lock_new_child, ii_write_lock_new_child,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_read_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_write_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(new_child, NEW_CHILD);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++ * ii_read_unlock, ii_write_unlock, ii_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(ii, struct inode *i, &au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem);
++#define IiMustNoWaiters(i) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustAnyLock(i) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustWriteLock(i) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline unsigned int au_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ return atomic_read(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++/* tiny test for inode number */
++/* tmpfs generation is too rough */
++static inline int au_test_higen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ return !(iinfo->ii_hsb1 == h_inode->i_sb
++ && iinfo->ii_higen == h_inode->i_generation);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ii_br_id(struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_id;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibstart(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibend(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_ivdir(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir;
++static inline struct dentry *au_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++static inline void au_set_ibend(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_ivdir(struct inode *inode, struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir = vdir;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_hi(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_pinned_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->parent;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct inode *au_pinned_h_dir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->hdir)
++ return pin->hdir->hi_inode;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_pinned_hdir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->hdir;
++ return NULL;
++static inline void au_pin_set_dentry(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry)
++ if (pin)
++ pin->dentry = dentry;
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent_lflag(struct au_pin *pin,
++ unsigned char lflag)
++ if (pin) {
++ /* dirty macros require brackets */
++ if (lflag) {
++ au_fset_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ } else {
++ au_fclr_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ }
++ }
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *parent)
++ if (pin) {
++ dput(pin->parent);
++ pin->parent = dget(parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify.c */
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags);
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void);
++void au_hinotify_fin(void);
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct au_hinotify *val)
++ hinode->hi_notify = val;
++static inline void au_iigen_dec(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++static inline
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *h_inode __maybe_unused)
++ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++static inline void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ int do_set __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ unsigned int flags __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_hinotify_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_hinotify_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct au_hinotify *val __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_hin_suspend(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/0);
++static inline void au_hin_resume(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/1);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ mutex_lock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(struct au_hinode *hdir,
++ unsigned int sc __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_lock_nested(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex, sc);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_unlock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_INODE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ioctl.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ioctl.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ioctl.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ioctl.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * ioctl
++ * currently plink-management only.
++ */
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg __maybe_unused)
++ long err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (cmd) {
++ /*
++ * pseudo-link maintenance mode,
++ * cleared by aufs_release_dir()
++ */
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_ftest_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 1;
++ } else
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ break;
++ aufs_write_lock(sb->s_root);
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(sb->s_root);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (add entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * final procedure of adding a new entry, except link(2).
++ * remove whiteout, instantiate, copyup the parent dir's times and size
++ * and update version.
++ * if it failed, re-create the removed whiteout.
++ */
++static int epilog(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *wh;
++ bwh = -1;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex) != h_dir);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/1);
++ if (!IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
++ dir = dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (!wh_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ /* revert */
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ wh = au_wh_create(dentry, bwh, wh_dentry->d_parent);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(wh);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh)) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ } else
++ dput(wh);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the adding inode operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initial procedure of adding a new entry.
++ * prepare writable branch and the parent dir, lock it,
++ * and lookup whiteout for the new entry.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_lkup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_dtime *dt,
++ struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_pin *pin,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *wr_dir_args)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, src_dentry, wr_dir_args);
++ bcpup = err;
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_parent = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_add(dentry, bcpup, h_parent,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(wr_dir_args->flags, ISDIR));
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bcpup);
++ if (dt) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = h_parent,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &tmp);
++ }
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (bcpup != au_dbwh(dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ out_unpin:
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum { Mknod, Symlink, Creat };
++struct simple_arg {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ } c;
++ struct {
++ const char *symname;
++ } s;
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ dev_t dev;
++ } m;
++ } u;
++static int add_simple(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct simple_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char created;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ switch (arg->type) {
++ case Creat:
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.c.mode);
++ break;
++ case Symlink:
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.s.symname);
++ break;
++ case Mknod:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.m.mode, arg->;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ created = !err;
++ if (!err)
++ err = epilog(dir, bstart, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ /* revert */
++ if (unlikely(created && err && h_path.dentry->d_inode)) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s revert failure(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Mknod,
++ .u.m = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .dev = dev
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Symlink,
++ .u.s.symname = symname
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Creat,
++ .u.c = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .nd = nd
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_link_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *src_parent, *parent;
++static int au_cpup_before_link(struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ h_mtx = &h_src_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, src_dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(src_dentry->d_sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(src_dentry, a->bdst, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME /* | AuCpup_KEEPLINO */);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out:
++ di_read_unlock(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_or_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char plink;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ plink = 0;
++ h_inode = NULL;
++ sb = src_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibstart(inode) <= a->bdst)
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, a->bdst);
++ if (!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink) {
++ /* copyup src_dentry as the name of dentry. */
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, dget(a->h_path.dentry));
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc)->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(src_dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, -1,
++ AuCpup_KEEPLINO, a->parent);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ } else {
++ /* the inode of src_dentry already exists on a.bdst branch */
++ h_src_dentry = d_find_alias(h_inode);
++ if (!h_src_dentry && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ plink = 1;
++ h_src_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, a->bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ h_src_dentry = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (h_src_dentry) {
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ } else {
++ AuIOErr("no dentry found for hi%lu on b%d\n",
++ h_inode->i_ino, a->bdst);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err && !plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, a->bdst, a->h_path.dentry);
++ return err;
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_link_args *a;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_src_dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(dentry, src_dentry, /*AuLock_FLUSH*/0);
++ a->src_parent = dget_parent(src_dentry);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, src_dentry, &a->pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ a->bdst = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->bdst);
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->bdst);
++ a->bsrc = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)) {
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */)
++ err = au_cpup_or_link(src_dentry, a);
++ else {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * copyup src_dentry to the branch we process,
++ * and then link(2) to it.
++ */
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */) {
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ err = au_cpup_before_link(src_dentry, a);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (h_src_dentry && h_src_dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry,
++ au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_revert;
++ }
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ inc_nlink(inode);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (!d_unhashed(a->h_path.dentry))
++ d_instantiate(dentry, au_igrab(inode));
++ else
++ /* some filesystem calls d_drop() */
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ out_revert:
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (!rerr)
++ goto out_dt;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_dt:
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ dput(a->src_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(dentry, src_dentry);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char diropq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent, *opq_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ } *a; /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY | AuWrDir_ISDIR
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &a->dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL,
++ &a->pin, &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_free;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path, mode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* make the dir opaque */
++ diropq = 0;
++ h_mtx = &h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (wh_dentry
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out_dir;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ diropq = 1;
++ }
++ err = epilog(dir, bindex, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ inc_nlink(dir);
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (diropq) {
++ AuLabel(revert opq);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting diropq failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ AuLabel(revert dir);
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting dir failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&a->dt);
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (except add/del/rename)
++ */
++#include <linux/device_cgroup.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static int h_permission(struct inode *h_inode, int mask,
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt, int brperm)
++ int err;
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if ((write_mask && IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode))
++ || ((mask & MAY_EXEC)
++ && S_ISREG(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && ((h_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC)
++ || !(h_inode->i_mode & S_IXUGO))))
++ goto out;
++ /*
++ * - skip the lower fs test in the case of write to ro branch.
++ * - nfs dir permission write check is optimized, but a policy for
++ * link/rename requires a real check.
++ */
++ if ((write_mask && !au_br_writable(brperm))
++ || (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb) && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && write_mask && !(mask & MAY_READ))
++ || !h_inode->i_op->permission) {
++ /* AuLabel(generic_permission); */
++ err = generic_permission(h_inode, mask, NULL);
++ } else {
++ /* AuLabel(h_inode->permission); */
++ err = h_inode->i_op->permission(h_inode, mask);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = devcgroup_inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_inode_permission
++ (h_inode, mask & (MAY_READ | MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC
++ | MAY_APPEND));
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ const unsigned char isdir = !!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ if (!isdir || write_mask) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode
++ || ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)
++ != (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)));
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt, br->br_perm);
++ if (write_mask && !err) {
++ /* test whether the upper writable branch exists */
++ err = -EROFS;
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* non-write to dir */
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode));
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt,
++ br->br_perm);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ ii_read_unlock(inode);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *aufs_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *ret, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err, npositive;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ /* temporary workaround for a bug in NFSD readdir */
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ else
++ WARN_ONCE(!mutex_is_locked(&dir->i_mutex),
++ "a known problem of NFSD readdir since 2.6.28\n");
++ sb = dir->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(dentry);
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, au_dbstart(parent), /*type*/0, nd);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = npositive;
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ inode = NULL;
++ if (npositive) {
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ if (!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ /*
++ * stop 'race'-ing between hardlinks under different
++ * parents.
++ */
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bstart)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ } else
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ ret = (void *)inode;
++ }
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ ret = d_splice_alias(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(IS_ERR(ret) && inode))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return ret;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_wr_dir_cpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *parent,
++ const unsigned char add_entry, aufs_bindex_t bcpup,
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ if (add_entry) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ } else
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ err = au_cpdown_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ else
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ }
++ if (!err && add_entry) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bcpup);
++ /* todo: no unlock here */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ if (bstart < bcpup && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, 0);
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ }
++ }
++ if (!add_entry)
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = bcpup; /* success */
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch and the parent dir where we will create a new entry.
++ * returns new bindex or an error.
++ * copyup the parent dir if needed.
++ */
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup, bstart, src_bstart;
++ const unsigned char add_entry = !!au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags,
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bcpup = bstart;
++ if (args->force_btgt < 0) {
++ if (src_dentry) {
++ src_bstart = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (src_bstart < bstart)
++ bcpup = src_bstart;
++ } else if (add_entry) {
++ err = AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, dentry,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags, ISDIR));
++ bcpup = err;
++ }
++ if (bcpup < 0 || au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ if (add_entry)
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ else {
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } else
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ }
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ bcpup = args->force_btgt;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ }
++ AuDbg("bstart %d, bcpup %d\n", bstart, bcpup);
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/1);
++ err = bcpup;
++ if (bcpup == bstart)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* copyup the new parent into the branch we process */
++ err = au_wr_dir_cpup(dentry, parent, add_entry, bcpup, bstart);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->parent)
++ return au_h_dptr(pin->parent, pin->bindex);
++ return NULL;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *p)
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (!p->hdir)
++ return;
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(p->hdir);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ iput(p->hdir->hi_inode);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *p)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = p->dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, p->bindex);
++ if (IS_ROOT(p->dentry)) {
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (p->bindex <= au_dbend(p->dentry))
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(p->dentry, p->bindex);
++ p->parent = dget_parent(p->dentry);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_lock(p->parent, AuLock_IR, p->lsc_di);
++ h_dir = NULL;
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(p->parent, p->bindex);
++ p->hdir = au_hi(p->parent->d_inode, p->bindex);
++ if (p->hdir)
++ h_dir = p->hdir->hi_inode;
++ /* udba case */
++ if (unlikely(!p->hdir || !h_dir)) {
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ au_igrab(h_dir);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(p->hdir, p->lsc_hi);
++ if (unlikely(p->hdir->hi_inode != h_parent->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ err = au_h_verify(h_dentry, p->udba, h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(p);
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("err %d\n", err);
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *p, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ p->dentry = dentry;
++ p->udba = udba;
++ p->lsc_di = lsc_di;
++ p->lsc_hi = lsc_hi;
++ p->flags = flags;
++ p->bindex = bindex;
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ au_pin_init(pin, dentry, bindex, AuLsc_DI_PARENT, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ udba, flags);
++ return au_do_pin(pin);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuIcpup_DID_CPUP 1
++#define au_ftest_icpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuIcpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuIcpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuIcpup_##name; }
++struct au_icpup_args {
++ unsigned char flags;
++ unsigned char pin_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++static int au_lock_and_icpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia,
++ struct au_icpup_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ loff_t sz;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct dentry *hi_wh, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ /* plink or hi_wh() case */
++ if (bstart != au_ibstart(inode))
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &wr_dir_args);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dentry;
++ a->btgt = err;
++ if (err != bstart)
++ au_fset_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP);
++ err = 0;
++ a->pin_flags = AuPin_MNT_WRITE;
++ parent = NULL;
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ au_fset_pin(a->pin_flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ }
++ udba = au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) || (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE))
++ udba = AuOpt_UDBA_NONE;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->btgt, udba, a->pin_flags);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (parent) {
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ goto out_dentry;
++ }
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ sz = -1;
++ if ((ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) && ia->ia_size < i_size_read(a->h_inode))
++ sz = ia->ia_size;
++ hi_wh = NULL;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP) && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ if (!hi_wh) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, a->btgt, sz, /*file*/NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ /* todo: revalidate hi_wh? */
++ }
++ }
++ if (parent) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(&a->pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ if (!au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, a->btgt, sz, AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ } else if (!hi_wh)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ else
++ a->h_path.dentry = hi_wh; /* do not dget here */
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!err) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_dentry:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_icpup_args *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ file = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE) {
++ /* currently ftruncate(2) only */
++ file = ia->ia_file;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ }
++ if (ia->ia_valid & (ATTR_KILL_SUID | ATTR_KILL_SGID))
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_MODE;
++ err = au_lock_and_icpup(dentry, ia, a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_si;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP)) {
++ ia->ia_file = NULL;
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->btgt);
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) {
++ struct file *f;
++ if (ia->ia_size < i_size_read(inode)) {
++ /* unmap only */
++ err = vmtruncate(inode, ia->ia_size);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ f = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE)
++ f = ia->ia_file;
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = vfsub_trunc(&a->h_path, ia->ia_size, ia->ia_valid, f);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ } else
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&a->h_path, ia);
++ if (!err)
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out_si:
++ if (file) {
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = file;
++ ia->ia_valid |= ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_getattr_lock_reval(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen || au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void au_refresh_iattr(struct inode *inode, struct kstat *st,
++ unsigned int nlink)
++ inode->i_mode = st->mode;
++ inode->i_uid = st->uid;
++ inode->i_gid = st->gid;
++ inode->i_atime = st->atime;
++ inode->i_mtime = st->mtime;
++ inode->i_ctime = st->ctime;
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, /*force*/0);
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)) {
++ inode->i_nlink -= nlink;
++ inode->i_nlink += st->nlink;
++ }
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ inode->i_blocks = st->blocks;
++ i_size_write(inode, st->size);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++static int aufs_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt __maybe_unused,
++ struct dentry *dentry, struct kstat *st)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char udba_none, positive;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ udba_none = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE);
++ /* support fstat(2) */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry) && !udba_none) {
++ unsigned int sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ AuDebugOn(!IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_getattr_lock_reval(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!au_test_fs_bad_iattr(h_sb) && udba_none)
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) == bindex)
++ h_dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex));
++ else if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK) && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ h_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, bindex);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ }
++ /* illegally overlapped or something */
++ if (unlikely(!h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ positive = !!h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (positive)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_mnt, h_dentry, st);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (positive)
++ au_refresh_iattr(inode, st, h_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink);
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ }
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_fill:
++ generic_fillattr(inode, st);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, int bindex, char __user *buf,
++ int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(/* !h_dentry
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op
++ || */ !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = security_inode_readlink(h_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ vfsub_touch_atime(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex), h_dentry);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ }
++ err = h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_dentry, buf, bufsiz);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, char __user *buf, int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), buf, bufsiz);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void *aufs_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int err;
++ char *buf;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ buf = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), (char __user *)buf,
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ buf[err] = 0;
++ /* will be freed by put_link */
++ nd_set_link(nd, buf);
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ }
++ __putname(buf);
++ out:
++ path_put(&nd->path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return ERR_PTR(err);
++static void aufs_put_link(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused,
++ struct nameidata *nd, void *cookie __maybe_unused)
++ __putname(nd_get_link(nd));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_truncate_range(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t start __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t end __maybe_unused)
++ AuUnsupport();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct inode_operations aufs_symlink_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .readlink = aufs_readlink,
++ .follow_link = aufs_follow_link,
++ .put_link = aufs_put_link
++struct inode_operations aufs_dir_iop = {
++ .create = aufs_create,
++ .lookup = aufs_lookup,
++ .link = aufs_link,
++ .unlink = aufs_unlink,
++ .symlink = aufs_symlink,
++ .mkdir = aufs_mkdir,
++ .rmdir = aufs_rmdir,
++ .mknod = aufs_mknod,
++ .rename = aufs_rename,
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr
++struct inode_operations aufs_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .truncate_range = aufs_truncate_range
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (del entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * decide if a new whiteout for @dentry is necessary or not.
++ * when it is necessary, prepare the parent dir for the upper branch whose
++ * branch index is @bcpup for creation. the actual creation of the whiteout will
++ * be done by caller.
++ * return value:
++ * 0: wh is unnecessary
++ * plus: wh is necessary
++ * minus: error
++ */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup)
++ int need_wh, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (*bcpup < 0) {
++ *bcpup = bstart;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ *bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ AuDebugOn(bstart < *bcpup
++ || au_test_ro(sb, *bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ AuDbg("bcpup %d, bstart %d\n", *bcpup, bstart);
++ if (*bcpup != bstart) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, *bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ need_wh = 1;
++ } else {
++ aufs_bindex_t old_bend, new_bend, bdiropq = -1;
++ old_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (isdir) {
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ need_wh = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart + 1, /*type*/0,
++ /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = need_wh;
++ if (isdir)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bdiropq);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ new_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (!need_wh && old_bend != new_bend) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, new_bend, NULL);
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, old_bend);
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("need_wh %d\n", need_wh);
++ err = need_wh;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the del-entry operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_latest;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /*
++ * rmdir a dir may break the consistency on some filesystem.
++ * let's try heavy test.
++ */
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_h_perm(h_parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ h_latest = au_sio_lkup_one(&dentry->d_name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (IS_ERR(h_latest))
++ goto out;
++ if (h_latest == h_dentry)
++ err = 0;
++ dput(h_latest);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch where we operate for @dentry. the branch index will be set
++ * @rbcpup. after diciding it, 'pin' it and store the timestamps of the parent
++ * dir for reverting.
++ * when a new whiteout is necessary, create it.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_create_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *rbcpup,
++ struct au_dtime *dt, struct au_pin *pin)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct path h_path;
++ int err, need_wh;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ need_wh = au_wr_dir_need_wh(dentry, isdir, rbcpup);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(need_wh);
++ if (unlikely(need_wh < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ bcpup = *rbcpup;
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_del(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry, isdir);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bcpup);
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &h_path);
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (!need_wh)
++ goto out; /* success, no need to create whiteout */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_create(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry);
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* returns with the parent is locked and wh_dentry is dget-ed */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * when removing a dir, rename it to a unique temporary whiteout-ed name first
++ * in order to be revertible and save time for removing many child whiteouts
++ * under the dir.
++ * returns 1 when there are too many child whiteout and caller should remove
++ * them asynchronously. returns 0 when the number of children is enough small to
++ * remove now or the branch fs is a remote fs.
++ * otherwise return an error.
++ */
++static int renwh_and_rmdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct inode *dir)
++ int rmdir_later, err, dirwh;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(h_dentry, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(dentry->d_inode, bindex));
++ if (!au_test_fs_remote(h_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ dirwh = au_sbi(sb)->si_dirwh;
++ rmdir_later = (dirwh <= 1);
++ if (!rmdir_later)
++ rmdir_later = au_nhash_test_longer_wh(whlist, bindex,
++ dirwh);
++ if (rmdir_later)
++ return rmdir_later;
++ }
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, bindex, h_dentry, whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("rmdir %.*s, b%d failed, %d. ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_dentry), bindex, err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * final procedure for deleting a entry.
++ * maintain dentry and iattr.
++ */
++static void epilog(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) == 1) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), NULL);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ * when an error happened, remove the created whiteout and revert everything.
++ */
++static int do_revert(int err, struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bwh,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct au_dtime *dt)
++ int rerr;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bwh)
++ };
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bwh), &h_path, dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bwh);
++ au_dtime_revert(dt);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ return -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/0, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ } else {
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ drop_nlink(inode);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ inode->i_ctime = h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ } else
++ /* todo: this timestamp may be reverted later */
++ inode->i_ctime = h_dir->i_ctime;
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rmdir_later;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ goto out;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ args = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(dir->i_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &args->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_args;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/1, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_args;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_dentry);
++ rmdir_later = 0;
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ err = renwh_and_rmdir(dentry, bstart, &args->whlist, dir);
++ if (err > 0) {
++ rmdir_later = err;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(inode, bstart));
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_nlink(inode);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ if (rmdir_later) {
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, bstart, h_dentry, args);
++ args = NULL;
++ }
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ AuLabel(revert);
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ out_args:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (args)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operation (rename entry)
++ * todo: this is crazy monster
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++enum { AuSRC, AuDST, AuSrcDst };
++enum { AuPARENT, AuCHILD, AuParentChild };
++#define AuRen_ISDIR 1
++#define AuRen_ISSAMEDIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuRen_WHSRC (1 << 2)
++#define AuRen_WHDST (1 << 3)
++#define AuRen_MNT_WRITE (1 << 4)
++#define AuRen_DT_DSTDIR (1 << 5)
++#define AuRen_DIROPQ (1 << 6)
++#define AuRen_CPUP (1 << 7)
++#define au_ftest_ren(flags, name) ((flags) & AuRen_##name)
++#define au_fset_ren(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuRen_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_ren(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuRen_##name; }
++struct au_ren_args {
++ struct {
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry, *parent, *h_parent,
++ *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *inode;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct au_dtime dt[AuParentChild];
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ } sd[AuSrcDst];
++#define src_dentry sd[AuSRC].dentry
++#define src_dir sd[AuSRC].dir
++#define src_inode sd[AuSRC].inode
++#define src_h_dentry sd[AuSRC].h_dentry
++#define src_parent sd[AuSRC].parent
++#define src_h_parent sd[AuSRC].h_parent
++#define src_wh_dentry sd[AuSRC].wh_dentry
++#define src_hdir sd[AuSRC].hdir
++#define src_h_dir sd[AuSRC].hdir->hi_inode
++#define src_dt sd[AuSRC].dt
++#define src_bstart sd[AuSRC].bstart
++#define dst_dentry sd[AuDST].dentry
++#define dst_dir sd[AuDST].dir
++#define dst_inode sd[AuDST].inode
++#define dst_h_dentry sd[AuDST].h_dentry
++#define dst_parent sd[AuDST].parent
++#define dst_h_parent sd[AuDST].h_parent
++#define dst_wh_dentry sd[AuDST].wh_dentry
++#define dst_hdir sd[AuDST].hdir
++#define dst_h_dir sd[AuDST].hdir->hi_inode
++#define dst_dt sd[AuDST].dt
++#define dst_bstart sd[AuDST].bstart
++ struct dentry *h_trap;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *src_hinode;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *thargs;
++ struct dentry *h_dst;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for reverting.
++ * when an error happened in a single rename systemcall, we should revert
++ * everything as if nothing happend.
++ * we don't need to revert the copied-up/down the parent dir since they are
++ * harmless.
++ */
++#define RevertFailure(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuIOErr("revert failure: " fmt " (%d, %d)\n", \
++ ##args, err, rerr); \
++ err = -EIO; \
++} while (0)
++static void au_ren_rev_diropq(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("remove diropq %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_rename(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->src_dentry->d_name, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("au_lkup_one %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir,
++ au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt),
++ a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ /* au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL); */
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_cpup(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(a->src_dentry, a->src_bstart);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_h_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_whtmp(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->dst_dentry->d_name, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("lookup %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ if (a->h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir, a->h_dst, a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, dget(a->h_dst));
++ } else
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst));
++static void au_ren_rev_whsrc(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_wh_dentry;
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path, a->src_dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_wh_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_drop(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ int i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuSrcDst; i++) {
++ d = a->sd[i].dentry;
++ d_drop(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(d); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ d_drop(h_d);
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ d_drop(a->h_dst);
++#undef RevertFailure
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * when we have to copyup the renaming entry, do it with the rename-target name
++ * in order to minimize the cost (the later actual rename is unnecessary).
++ * otherwise rename it on the target branch.
++ */
++static int au_ren_or_cpup(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ if (au_dbstart(d) == a->btgt) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)
++ && au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt)
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(d) != a->btgt);
++ err = vfsub_rename(a->src_h_dir, au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt),
++ a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ } else {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, CPUP);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, dget(a->dst_h_dentry));
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(d, a->btgt, a->src_bstart, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME, a->dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->src_bstart);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* cf. aufs_rmdir() */
++static int au_ren_del_whtmp(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dir->i_sb);
++ if (!au_nhash_test_longer_wh(&a->whlist, a->btgt,
++ au_sbi(dir->i_sb)->si_dirwh)
++ || au_test_fs_remote(a->h_dst->d_sb)) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, &a->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing whtmp dir %.*s (%d), "
++ "ignored.\n", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst), err);
++ } else {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->thargs->whlist);
++ a->thargs->whlist = a->whlist;
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, a->thargs);
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* make it 'opaque' dir. */
++static int au_ren_diropq(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *diropq;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_hinode = au_hi(a->src_inode, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ diropq = au_diropq_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (IS_ERR(diropq))
++ err = PTR_ERR(diropq);
++ dput(diropq);
++ return err;
++static int do_rename(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ /* prepare workqueue args for asynchronous rmdir */
++ h_d = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && h_d->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a->thargs = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(a->src_dentry->d_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a->thargs))
++ goto out;
++ a->h_dst = dget(h_d);
++ }
++ /* create whiteout for src_dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHSRC)) {
++ a->src_wh_dentry
++ = au_wh_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent);
++ err = PTR_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry))
++ goto out_thargs;
++ }
++ /* lookup whiteout for dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHDST)) {
++ h_d = au_wh_lkup(a->dst_h_parent, &a->dst_dentry->d_name,
++ a->br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out_whsrc;
++ if (!h_d->d_inode)
++ dput(h_d);
++ else
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = h_d;
++ }
++ /* rename dentry to tmpwh */
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(a->dst_h_dentry, a->br);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whdst;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ /* cpup src */
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode && a->src_bstart != a->btgt) {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ }
++ /* rename by vfs_rename or cpup */
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)
++ && (a->dst_wh_dentry
++ || au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt
++ /* hide the lower to keep xino */
++ || a->btgt < au_dbend(d)
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(d->d_sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)))
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ err = au_ren_or_cpup(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* leave the copied-up one */
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ /* make dir opaque */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ err = au_ren_diropq(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_rename;
++ }
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) != a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&a->h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ a->src_inode->i_ctime = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ /* remove whiteout for dentry */
++ if (a->dst_wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path,
++ a->dst_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_diropq;
++ }
++ /* remove whtmp */
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_del_whtmp(a); /* ignore this error */
++ err = 0;
++ goto out_success;
++ out_diropq:
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ))
++ au_ren_rev_diropq(err, a);
++ out_rename:
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, CPUP))
++ au_ren_rev_rename(err, a);
++ else
++ au_ren_rev_cpup(err, a);
++ out_whtmp:
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_rev_whtmp(err, a);
++ out_whdst:
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = NULL;
++ out_whsrc:
++ if (a->src_wh_dentry)
++ au_ren_rev_whsrc(err, a);
++ au_ren_rev_drop(a);
++ out_success:
++ dput(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ out_thargs:
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename destination or not.
++ * success means, it is a logically empty dir.
++ */
++static int may_rename_dstdir(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ return au_test_empty(dentry, whlist);
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename source or not.
++ * if it can, return 0 and @children is filled.
++ * success means,
++ * - it is a logically empty dir.
++ * - or, it exists on writable branch and has no children including whiteouts
++ * on the lower branch.
++ */
++static int may_rename_srcdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (bstart != btgt) {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &whlist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whlist);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bstart == au_dbtaildir(dentry))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = au_test_empty_lower(dentry);
++ out:
++ if (err == -ENOTEMPTY) {
++ AuWarn1("renaming dir who has child(ren) on multiple branches,"
++ " is not supported\n");
++ err = -EXDEV;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* side effect: sets whlist and h_dentry */
++static int au_ren_may_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ SiMustAnyLock(d->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&a->whlist, au_sbi(d->d_sb)->si_rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && a->dst_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->dst_bstart);
++ err = may_rename_dstdir(d, &a->whlist);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ a->src_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ err = may_rename_srcdir(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * simple tests for rename.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++static int au_may_ren(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err, isdir;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (a->src_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ err = au_may_del(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(a->src_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (a->dst_bstart != a->btgt)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_inode = a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (!a->dst_dentry->d_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_add(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ } else {
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_del(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err == -ENOENT || err == -EEXIST))
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * locking order
++ * (VFS)
++ * - src_dir and dir by lock_rename()
++ * - inode if exitsts
++ * (aufs)
++ * - lock all
++ * + src_dentry and dentry by aufs_read_and_write_lock2() which calls,
++ * + si_read_lock
++ * + di_write_lock2_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child2()
++ * + src_parent and parent
++ * + di_write_lock_parent()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent()
++ * + di_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + lower src_dir and dir by vfsub_lock_rename()
++ * + verify the every relationships between child and parent. if any
++ * of them failed, unlock all and return -EBUSY.
++ */
++static void au_ren_unlock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = a->dst_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ vfsub_unlock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++static int au_ren_lock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->src_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->src_hdir = au_hi(a->src_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->dst_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_hdir = au_hi(a->dst_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->h_trap = vfsub_lock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++ udba = au_opt_udba(a->src_dentry->d_sb);
++ if (unlikely(a->src_hdir->hi_inode != a->src_h_parent->d_inode
++ || a->dst_hdir->hi_inode != a->dst_h_parent->d_inode))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->src_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->src_h_parent->d_inode, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->dst_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->dst_h_parent->d_inode, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out_unlock:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_ren_refresh_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ /* is this updating defined in POSIX? */
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->src_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ clear_nlink(a->dst_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ return;
++ dir = a->src_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++static void au_ren_refresh(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ struct inode *i, *h_i;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ au_set_dbwh(d, -1);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ au_set_dbend(d, a->btgt);
++ sb = d->d_sb;
++ i = a->src_inode;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK) && au_plink_test(i))
++ return; /* success */
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(i, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ au_set_h_iptr(i, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ au_set_ibend(i, a->btgt);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mainly for link(2) and rename(2) */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ aufs_bindex_t bdiropq, bwh;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode); /* dir is locked */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, btgt);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br)
++ || (0 <= bdiropq && bdiropq < btgt)
++ || (0 <= bwh && bwh < btgt))
++ btgt = -1;
++ AuDbg("btgt %d\n", btgt);
++ return btgt;
++/* sets src_bstart, dst_bstart and btgt */
++static int au_ren_wbr(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ a->src_bstart = au_dbstart(a->src_dentry);
++ a->dst_bstart = au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->src_bstart;
++ if (a->dst_inode && a->dst_bstart < a->src_bstart)
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->dst_bstart;
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(a->dst_dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ err = au_wr_dir(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry, &wr_dir_args);
++ a->btgt = err;
++ return err;
++static void au_ren_dt(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuPARENT, a->src_parent, &a->h_path);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR)) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT, a->dst_parent, &a->h_path);
++ }
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ return;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuCHILD, a->src_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD, a->dst_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ }
++static void au_ren_rev_dt(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && err != -EIO) {
++ h_d = a->src_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR)) {
++ h_d = a->dst_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *_src_dir, struct dentry *_src_dentry,
++ struct inode *_dst_dir, struct dentry *_dst_dentry)
++ int err;
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ struct au_ren_args *a;
++ IMustLock(_src_dir);
++ IMustLock(_dst_dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*a) > PAGE_SIZE);
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->src_dir = _src_dir;
++ a->src_dentry = _src_dentry;
++ a->src_inode = a->src_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->src_parent = a->src_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ a->dst_dir = _dst_dir;
++ a->dst_dentry = _dst_dentry;
++ a->dst_inode = a->dst_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->dst_parent = a->dst_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ IMustLock(a->dst_inode);
++ au_igrab(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ if (S_ISDIR(a->src_inode->i_mode)) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_inode && !S_ISDIR(a->dst_inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out_free;
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_DIR | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ } else
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_FLUSH);
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR); /* temporary */
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->dst_parent);
++ /* which branch we process */
++ err = au_ren_wbr(a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ a->br = au_sbr(a->dst_dentry->d_sb, a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ /* are they available to be renamed */
++ err = au_ren_may_dir(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* prepare the writable parent dir on the same branch */
++ if (a->dst_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHDST);
++ } else {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ }
++ if (a->src_dir != a->dst_dir) {
++ /*
++ * this temporary unlock is safe,
++ * because both dir->i_mutex are locked.
++ */
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->src_parent);
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ di_write_unlock(a->src_parent);
++ di_write_lock2_parent(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent, /*isdir*/1);
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR);
++ } else
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (err)
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHSRC);
++ /* lock them all */
++ err = au_ren_lock(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(a->dst_dir->i_sb), UDBA_NONE)) {
++ err = au_may_ren(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hdir;
++ }
++ /* store timestamps to be revertible */
++ au_ren_dt(a);
++ /* here we go */
++ err = do_rename(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dt;
++ /* update dir attributes */
++ au_ren_refresh_dir(a);
++ /* dput/iput all lower dentries */
++ au_ren_refresh(a);
++ goto out_hdir; /* success */
++ out_dt:
++ au_ren_rev_dt(err, a);
++ out_hdir:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out_children:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err && au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))) {
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ d_drop(a->dst_dentry);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ d_move(a->src_dentry, a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock2(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ iput(a->dst_inode);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Kconfig linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Kconfig 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Kconfig 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
++config AUFS_FS
++ tristate "Aufs (Advanced multi layered unification filesystem) support"
++ depends on EXPERIMENTAL
++ help
++ Aufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs,
++ which unifies several directories and provides a merged single
++ directory.
++ In the early days, aufs was entirely re-designed and
++ re-implemented Unionfs Version 1.x series. Introducing many
++ original ideas, approaches and improvements, it becomes totally
++ different from Unionfs while keeping the basic features.
++if AUFS_FS
++ prompt "Maximum number of branches"
++ default AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ bool "127"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_511
++ bool "511"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023
++ bool "1023"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767
++ bool "32767"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++ bool "Use inotify to detect actions on a branch"
++ depends on INOTIFY
++ help
++ If you want to modify files on branches directly, eg. bypassing aufs,
++ and want aufs to detect the changes of them fully, then enable this
++ option and use 'udba=inotify' mount option.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_EXPORT
++ bool "NFS-exportable aufs"
++ depends on (AUFS_FS = y && EXPORTFS = y) || (AUFS_FS = m && EXPORTFS)
++ help
++ If you want to export your mounted aufs via NFS, then enable this
++ option. There are several requirements for this configuration.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_SHWH
++ bool "Show whiteouts"
++ help
++ If you want to make the whiteouts in aufs visible, then enable
++ this option and specify 'shwh' mount option. Although it may
++ sounds like philosophy or something, but in technically it
++ simply shows the name of whiteout with keeping its behaviour.
++config AUFS_BR_RAMFS
++ bool "Ramfs (initramfs/rootfs) as an aufs branch"
++ help
++ If you want to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs, then enable this
++ option. Generally tmpfs is recommended.
++ Aufs prohibited them to be a branch fs by default, because
++ initramfs becomes unusable after switch_root or something
++ generally. If you sets initramfs as an aufs branch and boot your
++ system by switch_root, you will meet a problem easily since the
++ files in initramfs may be inaccessible.
++ Unless you are going to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs without
++ switch_root or something, leave it N.
++config AUFS_BR_FUSE
++ bool "Fuse fs as an aufs branch"
++ depends on FUSE_FS
++ select AUFS_POLL
++ help
++ If you want to use fuse-based userspace filesystem as an aufs
++ branch fs, then enable this option.
++ It implements the internal poll(2) operation which is
++ implemented by fuse only (curretnly).
++config AUFS_DEBUG
++ bool "Debug aufs"
++ help
++ Enable this to compile aufs internal debug code.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_DEBUG && MAGIC_SYSRQ
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ When aufs supports Magic SysRq, enabled automatically.
++ bool
++ depends on BLK_DEV_LOOP
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ Convert =[ym] into =y.
++config AUFS_INO_T_64
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_EXPORT
++ depends on 64BIT && !(ALPHA || S390)
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ /* typedef unsigned long/int __kernel_ino_t */
++ /* alpha and s390x are int */
++config AUFS_POLL
++ bool
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback block device as a branch
++ */
++#include <linux/loop.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * test if two lower dentries have overlapping branches.
++ */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct loop_device *l;
++ h_inode = h_d1->d_inode;
++ if (MAJOR(h_inode->i_sb->s_dev) != LOOP_MAJOR)
++ return 0;
++ l = h_inode->i_sb->s_bdev->bd_disk->private_data;
++ h_d1 = l->lo_backing_file->f_dentry;
++ /* h_d1 can be local NFS. in this case aufs cannot detect the loop */
++ if (unlikely(h_d1->d_sb == sb))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2);
++/* true if a kernel thread named 'loop[0-9].*' accesses a file */
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ const char c = current->comm[4];
++ return current->mm == NULL
++ && '0' <= c && c <= '9'
++ && strncmp(current->comm, "loop", 4) == 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback mount as a branch
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#define __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++struct dentry;
++struct super_block;
++/* loop.c */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2);
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void);
++static inline
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* BLK_DEV_LOOP */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_LOOP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/fuse/inode.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DFUSE_SUPER_MAGIC=0x65735546
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/ocfs2_fs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DOCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC=0x7461636f
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/dlm/userdlm.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DDLMFS_MAGIC=0x76a9f425
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ramfs/inode.c
++# always true
++ccflags-y += -DRAMFS_MAGIC=0x858458f6
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/cifs/cifsfs.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER=0xFF534D42
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DXFS_SB_MAGIC=0x58465342
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/configfs/mount.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCONFIGFS_MAGIC=0x62656570
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/9p/v9fs.h
++# tristate
++ifdef CONFIG_9P_FS
++ccflags-y += -DV9FS_MAGIC=0x01021997
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DUBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC=0x24051905
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Makefile linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Makefile 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Makefile 2009-08-23 15:09:15.765925523 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
++include ${src}/
++-include ${src}/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs.o
++aufs-y := module.o sbinfo.o super.o branch.o xino.o sysaufs.o opts.o \
++ wkq.o vfsub.o dcsub.o \
++ cpup.o whout.o plink.o wbr_policy.o \
++ dinfo.o dentry.o \
++ finfo.o file.o f_op.o \
++ dir.o vdir.o \
++ iinfo.o inode.o i_op.o i_op_add.o i_op_del.o i_op_ren.o \
++ ioctl.o
++# all are boolean
++aufs-$(CONFIG_SYSFS) += sysfs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) += dbgaufs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_BDEV_LOOP) += loop.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_HINOTIFY) += hinotify.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT) += export.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_POLL) += poll.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG) += debug.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_MAGIC_SYSRQ) += sysrq.o
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module global variables and operations
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp)
++ if (new_sz <= nused)
++ return p;
++ p = krealloc(p, new_sz, gfp);
++ if (p)
++ memset(p + nused, 0, new_sz - nused);
++ return p;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * aufs caches
++ */
++struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[AuCache_Last];
++static int __init au_cache_init(void)
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO] = AuCache(au_dinfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR] = AuCache(au_icntnr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO] = AuCache(au_finfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR] = AuCache(au_vdir);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR] = AuCache(au_vdir_dehstr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR])
++ return 0;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_cache_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuCache_Last; i++)
++ if (au_cachep[i]) {
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[i]);
++ au_cachep[i] = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dir_roflags;
++ * functions for module interface.
++ */
++/* MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); */
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Junjiro R. Okajima <>");
++ " -- Advanced multi layered unification filesystem");
++/* it should be 'byte', but param_set_byte() prints it by "%c" */
++short aufs_nwkq = AUFS_NWKQ_DEF;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(nwkq, "the number of workqueue thread, " AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++module_param_named(nwkq, aufs_nwkq, short, S_IRUGO);
++/* this module parameter has no meaning when SYSFS is disabled */
++int sysaufs_brs = 1;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(brs, "use <sysfs>/fs/aufs/si_*/brN");
++module_param_named(brs, sysaufs_brs, int, S_IRUGO);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char au_esc_chars[0x20 + 3]; /* 0x01-0x20, backslash, del, and NULL */
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path)
++ return seq_path(seq, path, au_esc_chars);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int __init aufs_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ char *p;
++ p = au_esc_chars;
++ for (i = 1; i <= ' '; i++)
++ *p++ = i;
++ *p++ = '\\';
++ *p++ = '\x7f';
++ *p = 0;
++ au_dir_roflags = au_file_roflags(O_DIRECTORY | O_LARGEFILE);
++ sysaufs_brs_init();
++ au_debug_init();
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(aufs_nwkq <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wkq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysaufs;
++ err = au_hinotify_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wkq;
++ err = au_sysrq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hin;
++ err = au_cache_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysrq;
++ err = register_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_cache;
++ pr_info(AUFS_NAME " " AUFS_VERSION "\n");
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_cache:
++ au_cache_fin();
++ out_sysrq:
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ out_hin:
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ out_wkq:
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ out_sysaufs:
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void __exit aufs_exit(void)
++ unregister_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ au_cache_fin();
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ sysaufs_fin();
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module initialization and module-global
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#define __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++struct path;
++struct seq_file;
++/* module parameters */
++extern short aufs_nwkq;
++extern int sysaufs_brs;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++extern int au_dir_roflags;
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp);
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* kmem cache */
++enum {
++ AuCache_DINFO,
++ AuCache_ICNTNR,
++ AuCache_FINFO,
++ AuCache_VDIR,
++ AuCache_DEHSTR,
++ AuCache_HINOTIFY,
++ AuCache_Last
++#define AuCache(type) KMEM_CACHE(type, SLAB_RECLAIM_ACCOUNT)
++extern struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[];
++#define AuCacheFuncs(name, index) \
++static inline void *au_cache_alloc_##name(void) \
++{ return kmem_cache_alloc(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], GFP_NOFS); } \
++static inline void au_cache_free_##name(void *p) \
++{ kmem_cache_free(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], p); }
++AuCacheFuncs(dinfo, DINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(icntnr, ICNTNR);
++AuCacheFuncs(finfo, FINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(vdir, VDIR);
++AuCacheFuncs(dehstr, DEHSTR);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_MODULE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/types.h> /* a distribution requires */
++#include <linux/parser.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum {
++ Opt_br,
++ Opt_add, Opt_del, Opt_mod, Opt_reorder, Opt_append, Opt_prepend,
++ Opt_idel, Opt_imod, Opt_ireorder,
++ Opt_dirwh, Opt_rdcache, Opt_rdblk, Opt_rdhash, Opt_rendir,
++ Opt_rdblk_def, Opt_rdhash_def,
++ Opt_xino, Opt_zxino, Opt_noxino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino, Opt_trunc_xino_v, Opt_notrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino_path, Opt_itrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xib, Opt_notrunc_xib,
++ Opt_shwh, Opt_noshwh,
++ Opt_plink, Opt_noplink, Opt_list_plink,
++ Opt_udba,
++ /* Opt_lock, Opt_unlock, */
++ Opt_cmd, Opt_cmd_args,
++ Opt_diropq_a, Opt_diropq_w,
++ Opt_warn_perm, Opt_nowarn_perm,
++ Opt_wbr_copyup, Opt_wbr_create,
++ Opt_refrof, Opt_norefrof,
++ Opt_verbose, Opt_noverbose,
++ Opt_sum, Opt_nosum, Opt_wsum,
++ Opt_tail, Opt_ignore, Opt_ignore_silent, Opt_err
++static match_table_t options = {
++ {Opt_br, "br=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "br:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append=%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append:%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend=%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend:%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del=%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_idel, "idel:%d"}, */
++ {Opt_mod, "mod=%s"},
++ {Opt_mod, "mod:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_imod, "imod:%d:%s"}, */
++ {Opt_dirwh, "dirwh=%d"},
++ {Opt_xino, "xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_noxino, "noxino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino, "trunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_v, "trunc_xino_v=%d:%d"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xino, "notrunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_path, "trunc_xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_itrunc_xino, "itrunc_xino=%d"},
++ /* {Opt_zxino, "zxino=%s"}, */
++ {Opt_trunc_xib, "trunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xib, "notrunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_plink, "plink"},
++ {Opt_noplink, "noplink"},
++ {Opt_list_plink, "list_plink"},
++ {Opt_udba, "udba=%s"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=always"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=a"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=whiteouted"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=w"},
++ {Opt_warn_perm, "warn_perm"},
++ {Opt_nowarn_perm, "nowarn_perm"},
++ /* keep them temporary */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "coo=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodlgt"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodirperm1"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "clean_plink"},
++ {Opt_shwh, "shwh"},
++ {Opt_noshwh, "noshwh"},
++ {Opt_rendir, "rendir=%d"},
++ {Opt_refrof, "refrof"},
++ {Opt_norefrof, "norefrof"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "verbose"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "v"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "noverbose"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "quiet"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "q"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "silent"},
++ {Opt_sum, "sum"},
++ {Opt_nosum, "nosum"},
++ {Opt_wsum, "wsum"},
++ {Opt_rdcache, "rdcache=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk, "rdblk=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk_def, "rdblk=def"},
++ {Opt_rdhash, "rdhash=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdhash_def, "rdhash=def"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create_policy=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "cpup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup_policy=%s"},
++ /* internal use for the scripts */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "si=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "dirs=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "debug=%d"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=whiteout"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=all"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "imap=%s"},
++ {Opt_err, NULL}
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const char *au_parser_pattern(int val, struct match_token *token)
++ while (token->pattern) {
++ if (token->token == val)
++ return token->pattern;
++ token++;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ return "??";
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t brperms = {
++ {AuBrPerm_ROWH, "nfsro"},
++ {AuBrPerm_RO, NULL}
++static int br_perm_val(char *perm)
++ int val;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ val = match_token(perm, brperms, args);
++ return val;
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm)
++ return au_parser_pattern(brperm, (void *)brperms);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t udbalevel = {
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL, "reval"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, "none"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY, "inotify"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int udba_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, udbalevel, args);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba)
++ return au_parser_pattern(udba, (void *)udbalevel);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t au_wbr_create_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "rr"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "round-robin"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "mfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "most-free-space"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "mfs:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "most-free-space:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, "mfsrr:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, "mfsrr:%d:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFS, "pmfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, "pmfs:%d"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++ * cf. linux/lib/parser.c and cmdline.c
++ * gave up calling memparse() since it uses simple_strtoull() instead of
++ * strict_...().
++ */
++static int au_match_ull(substring_t *s, unsigned long long *result)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int len;
++ char a[32];
++ err = -ERANGE;
++ len = s->to - s->from;
++ if (len + 1 <= sizeof(a)) {
++ memcpy(a, s->from, len);
++ a[len] = '\0';
++ err = strict_strtoull(a, 0, result);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_wmark(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long ull;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_match_ull(arg, &ull))
++ create->mfsrr_watermark = ull;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_sec(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int n, err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!match_int(arg, &n) && 0 <= n)
++ create->mfs_second = n;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_val(char *str, struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err, e;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ err = match_token(str, au_wbr_create_policy, args);
++ create->wbr_create = err;
++ switch (err) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (!e)
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[1], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ create->mfs_second = AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_create, (void *)au_wbr_create_policy);
++static match_table_t au_wbr_copyup_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bup"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bottom-up-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bu"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bottom-up"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int au_wbr_copyup_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, au_wbr_copyup_policy, args);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_copyup, (void *)au_wbr_copyup_policy);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const int lkup_dirflags = LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY;
++static void dump_opts(struct au_opts *opts)
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_add *add;
++ struct au_opt_del *del;
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod;
++ struct au_opt_xino *xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("add {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ u.del = &opt->del;
++ AuDbg("del {%s, %p}\n",
++ u.del->pathname, u.del->h_path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod = &opt->mod;
++ AuDbg("mod {%s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.mod->path, u.mod->perm, u.mod->h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("append {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("prepend {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ AuDbg("dirwh %d\n", opt->dirwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ AuDbg("rdcache %d\n", opt->rdcache);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ AuDbg("rdblk %u\n", opt->rdblk);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ AuDbg("rdblk_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ AuDbg("rdhash %u\n", opt->rdhash);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ AuDbg("rdhash_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ u.xino = &opt->xino;
++ AuDbg("xino {%s %.*s}\n",
++ u.xino->path,
++ AuDLNPair(u.xino->file->f_dentry));
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ AuDbg("trunc_xino %d\n", u.xino_itrunc->bindex);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ AuLabel(noxino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ AuLabel(shwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ AuLabel(noshwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ AuLabel(plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ AuLabel(noplink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ AuLabel(list_plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ AuDbg("udba %d, %s\n",
++ opt->udba, au_optstr_udba(opt->udba));
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ AuLabel(diropq_a);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ AuLabel(diropq_w);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ AuLabel(warn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ AuLabel(nowarn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ AuLabel(refrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ AuLabel(norefrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ AuLabel(verbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ AuLabel(noverbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ AuLabel(sum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ AuLabel(nosum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ AuLabel(wsum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ AuDbg("create %d, %s\n", u.create->wbr_create,
++ au_optstr_wbr_create(u.create->wbr_create));
++ switch (u.create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ AuDbg("%d sec\n", u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark, %d sec\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark,
++ u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ AuDbg("copyup %d, %s\n", opt->wbr_copyup,
++ au_optstr_wbr_copyup(opt->wbr_copyup));
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts)
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ case Opt_append:
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ path_put(&opt->add.path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ path_put(&opt->del.h_path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ dput(opt->mod.h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ fput(opt->xino.file);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++static int opt_add(struct au_opt *opt, char *opt_str, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opt_add *add = &opt->add;
++ char *p;
++ add->bindex = bindex;
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_Last;
++ add->pathname = opt_str;
++ p = strchr(opt_str, '=');
++ if (p) {
++ *p++ = 0;
++ if (*p)
++ add->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ }
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(add->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &add->path);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!p) {
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RO;
++ if (au_test_fs_rr(add->path.dentry->d_sb))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RR;
++ else if (!bindex && !(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RW;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_add;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", add->pathname, err);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_del(struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ del->pathname = args[0].from;
++ AuDbg("del path %s\n", del->pathname);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(del->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &del->h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", del->pathname, err);
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_idel(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ del->h_path.dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ del->h_path.mnt = mntget(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_mod(struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ char *p;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ mod->path = args[0].from;
++ p = strchr(mod->path, '=');
++ if (unlikely(!p)) {
++ AuErr("no permssion %s\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ *p++ = 0;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(mod->path, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", mod->path, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n", mod->path, mod->perm, p);
++ mod->h_root = dget(path.dentry);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_imod(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(args[1].from);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n",
++ mod->path, mod->perm, args[1].from);
++ mod->h_root = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct file *file;
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, args[0].from, /*silent*/0);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(file->f_dentry->d_sb == sb)) {
++ fput(file);
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ xino->file = file;
++ xino->path = args[0].from;
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(args[0].from, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", args[0].from, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = -1;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(root, bindex) == path.dentry) {
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path_put(&path);
++ if (unlikely(xino_itrunc->bindex < 0)) {
++ AuErr("no such branch %s\n", args[0].from);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* called without aufs lock */
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, n, token;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char skipped;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_opt *opt, *opt_tail;
++ char *opt_str;
++ /* reduce the stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct {
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ } *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = 0;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ opt_tail = opt + opts->max_opt - 1;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&str, ",")) && *opt_str) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ skipped = 0;
++ token = match_token(opt_str, options, a->args);
++ switch (token) {
++ case Opt_br:
++ err = 0;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&a->args[0].from, ":"))
++ && *opt_str) {
++ err = opt_add(opt, opt_str, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex++);
++ if (unlikely(!err && ++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ skipped = 1;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_add:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ bindex = n;
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[1].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*dummy bindex*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*bindex*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ err = au_opts_parse_del(&opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_idel:
++ del->pathname = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_idel(sb, n, &opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ err = au_opts_parse_mod(&opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#ifdef IMOD /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod->path = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_imod(sb, n, &opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino(sb, &opt->xino, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path
++ (sb, &opt->xino_itrunc, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ u.xino_itrunc->bindex = n;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (n < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < n) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", n);
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ break;
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->dirwh)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->rdcache)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n > KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE)) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(n < NAME_MAX)) {
++ AuErr("rdblk must be larger than %d\n",
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdblk = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n * sizeof(struct hlist_head)
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdhash = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ case Opt_plink:
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ case Opt_sum:
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ opt->udba = udba_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->udba >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ u.create->wbr_create
++ = au_wbr_create_val(a->args[0].from, u.create);
++ if (u.create->wbr_create >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ opt->wbr_copyup = au_wbr_copyup_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->wbr_copyup >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_ignore:
++ AuWarn("ignored %s\n", opt_str);
++ case Opt_ignore_silent:
++ skipped = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ case Opt_err:
++ AuErr("unknown option %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!err && !skipped) {
++ if (unlikely(++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ opt--;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(a);
++ dump_opts(opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_opts_free(opts);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_wbr_create(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin) {
++ err = sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ }
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = create->wbr_create;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + create->wbr_create;
++ switch (create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark = create->mfsrr_watermark;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire = create->mfs_second * HZ;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init(sb); /* ignore */
++ return err;
++ * returns,
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ */
++static int au_opt_simple(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_udba:
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= opt->udba;
++ opts->given_udba |= opt->udba;
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_list(sb);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ err = au_opt_wbr_create(sb, &opt->wbr_create);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = opt->wbr_copyup;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + opt->wbr_copyup;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = opt->dirwh;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = opt->rdcache * HZ;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = opt->rdblk;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = opt->rdhash;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, opt->xino_itrunc.bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ au_fclr_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns tri-state.
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int au_opt_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, do_refresh;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_append:
++ opt->add.bindex = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (opt->add.bindex < 0)
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ goto add;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ add:
++ case Opt_add:
++ err = au_br_add(sb, &opt->add,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ if (au_br_whable(opt->add.perm))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ err = au_br_del(sb, &opt->del,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ err = au_br_mod(sb, &opt->mod,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT),
++ &do_refresh);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (do_refresh) {
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opt_xino **opt_xino,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *parent, *h_root;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &opt->xino,
++ !!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ *opt_xino = &opt->xino;
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ /* safe d_parent access */
++ parent = opt->xino.file->f_dentry->d_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ if (h_root == parent) {
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, au_sbr_id(sb, bindex));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ *opt_xino = (void *)-1;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char do_plink, skip, do_free;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!(sbinfo->si_mntflags & AuOptMask_UDBA));
++ if (!(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
++ if (unlikely(!au_br_writable(au_sbr_perm(sb, 0))))
++ AuWarn("first branch should be rw\n");
++ if (unlikely(au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH)))
++ AuWarn("shwh should be used with ro\n");
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test((sbinfo->si_mntflags | pending), UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ && !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ AuWarn("udba=inotify requires xino\n");
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ do_plink = !!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ skip = 0;
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(dir, bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ do_free = 0;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ do_free = !!wbr;
++ skip = (!wbr
++ || (!wbr->wbr_whbase
++ && !wbr->wbr_plink
++ && !wbr->wbr_orph));
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ /* skip = (!br->br_whbase && !br->br_orph); */
++ skip = (!wbr || !wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip && wbr) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ /* skip = (br->br_whbase && br->br_ohph); */
++ skip = (wbr && wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ if (skip)
++ continue;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(au_h_dptr(root, bindex), br, sb);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ if (!err && do_free) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int tmp;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino, xino;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* disable xino and udba temporary */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ tmp = sbinfo->si_mntflags;
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_REVAL);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no branches\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO))
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (!err && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt++, &opt_xino, opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, sb->s_flags, tmp);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* restore xino */
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO) && !opt_xino) {
++ xino.file = au_xino_def(sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(xino.file);
++ if (IS_ERR(xino.file))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &xino, /*remount*/0);
++ fput(xino.file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* restore udba */
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= (tmp & AuOptMask_UDBA);
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, UDBA_HINOTIFY)) {
++ struct inode *dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ au_reset_hinotify(dir,
++ au_hi_flags(dir, /*isdir*/1) & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt, &opt_xino, opts);
++ opt++;
++ }
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* go on even err */
++ rerr = au_opts_verify(sb, opts->sb_flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB)) {
++ rerr = au_xib_trunc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ /* will be handled by the caller */
++ if (!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ && (opts->given_udba || au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ AuDbg("status 0x%x\n", opts->flags);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_mntflags(sb) & AuOptMask_UDBA;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#define __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct file;
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mount flags */
++#define AuOpt_XINO 1 /* external inode number bitmap
++ and translation table */
++#define AuOpt_TRUNC_XINO (1 << 1) /* truncate xino files */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_NONE (1 << 2) /* users direct branch access */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL (1 << 3)
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY (1 << 4)
++#define AuOpt_SHWH (1 << 5) /* show whiteout */
++#define AuOpt_PLINK (1 << 6) /* pseudo-link */
++#define AuOpt_DIRPERM1 (1 << 7) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_REFROF (1 << 8) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_ALWAYS_DIROPQ (1 << 9) /* policy to creating diropq */
++#define AuOpt_SUM (1 << 10) /* summation for statfs(2) */
++#define AuOpt_SUM_W (1 << 11) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_WARN_PERM (1 << 12) /* warn when add-branch */
++#define AuOpt_VERBOSE (1 << 13) /* busy inode when del-branch */
++#undef AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY 0
++#undef AuOpt_SHWH
++#define AuOpt_SHWH 0
++#define AuOpt_Def (AuOpt_XINO \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++ | AuOpt_PLINK \
++ /* | AuOpt_DIRPERM1 */ \
++ | AuOpt_WARN_PERM)
++#define AuOptMask_UDBA (AuOpt_UDBA_NONE \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++#define au_opt_test(flags, name) (flags & AuOpt_##name)
++#define au_opt_set(flags, name) do { \
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(AuOpt_##name & AuOptMask_UDBA); \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_set_udba(flags, name) do { \
++ (flags) &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA; \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_clr(flags, name) { ((flags) &= ~AuOpt_##name); }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++enum {
++ AuWbrCreate_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCreate_RR, /* round robin */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFS, /* most free space */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSV, /* mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, /* mfs then rr */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, /* mfs then rr with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFS, /* parent and mfs */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, /* parent and mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_Def = AuWbrCreate_TDP
++enum {
++ AuWbrCopyup_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BUP, /* bottom up parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BU, /* bottom up */
++ AuWbrCopyup_Def = AuWbrCopyup_TDP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_opt_add {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ char *pathname;
++ int perm;
++ struct path path;
++struct au_opt_del {
++ char *pathname;
++ struct path h_path;
++struct au_opt_mod {
++ char *path;
++ int perm;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++struct au_opt_xino {
++ char *path;
++ struct file *file;
++struct au_opt_xino_itrunc {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++struct au_opt_wbr_create {
++ int wbr_create;
++ int mfs_second;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_opt {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_add add;
++ struct au_opt_del del;
++ struct au_opt_mod mod;
++ int dirwh;
++ int rdcache;
++ unsigned int rdblk;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ int udba;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create wbr_create;
++ int wbr_copyup;
++ };
++/* opts flags */
++#define AuOpts_REMOUNT 1
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_DIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_NONDIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuOpts_TRUNC_XIB (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_opts(flags, name) ((flags) & AuOpts_##name)
++#define au_fset_opts(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuOpts_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_opts(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuOpts_##name; }
++struct au_opts {
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ int max_opt;
++ unsigned int given_udba;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ unsigned long sb_flags;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create);
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending);
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_OPTS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/plink.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/plink.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/plink.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/plink.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * pseudo-link
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * during a user process maintains the pseudo-links,
++ * prohibit adding a new plink and branch manipulation.
++ */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbi = au_sbi(sb);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ /* gave up wake_up_bit() */
++ wait_event(sbi->si_plink_wq, !au_ftest_si(sbi, MAINTAIN_PLINK));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct pseudo_link {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct inode *inode;
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ AuDbg("%lu\n", plink->inode->i_ino);
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++/* is the inode pseudo-linked? */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode)
++ int found;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(inode->i_sb);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(inode->i_sb), PLINK));
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return found;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generate a name for plink.
++ * the file will be stored under AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR.
++ */
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++#define PLINK_NAME_LEN ((20 + 1) * 2)
++static int plink_name(char *name, int len, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int rlen;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ rlen = snprintf(name, len, "%lu.%lu", inode->i_ino, h_inode->i_ino);
++ return rlen;
++/* lookup the plink-ed @inode under the branch at @bindex */
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ br = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex);
++ h_parent = br->br_wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&tgtname, h_parent, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return h_dentry;
++/* create a pseudo-link */
++static int do_whplink(struct qstr *tgt, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ again:
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(tgt, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /* wh.plink dir is not monitored */
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && h_path.dentry->d_inode != h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ goto again;
++ }
++ if (!err && !h_path.dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_whplink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct qstr *tgt;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_do_whplink(void *args)
++ struct do_whplink_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_whplink(a->tgt, a->h_parent, a->h_dentry, a->br);
++static int whplink(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ wbr = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex)->br_wbr;
++ h_parent = wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ struct do_whplink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .tgt = &tgtname,
++ .h_parent = h_parent,
++ .h_dentry = h_dentry,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_whplink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_whplink(&tgtname, h_parent, h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* free a single plink */
++static void do_put_plink(struct pseudo_link *plink, int do_del)
++ iput(plink->inode);
++ if (do_del)
++ list_del(&plink->list);
++ kfree(plink);
++ * create a new pseudo-link for @h_dentry on @bindex.
++ * the linked inode is held in aufs @inode.
++ */
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ int found, err, cnt;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ err = 0;
++ cnt = 0;
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list) {
++ cnt++;
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (found) {
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return;
++ }
++ plink = NULL;
++ if (!found) {
++ plink = kmalloc(sizeof(*plink), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (plink) {
++ plink->inode = au_igrab(inode);
++ list_add(&plink->list, plink_list);
++ cnt++;
++ } else
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ err = whplink(h_dentry, inode, bindex, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ }
++ if (unlikely(cnt > AUFS_PLINK_WARN))
++ AuWarn1("unexpectedly many pseudo links, %d\n", cnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn("err %d, damaged pseudo link.\n", err);
++ if (!found && plink)
++ do_put_plink(plink, /*do_del*/1);
++ }
++/* free all plinks */
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 0);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(plink_list);
++/* free the plinks on a branch specified by @br_id */
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend, bindex;
++ unsigned char do_put;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ inode = au_igrab(plink->inode);
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)
++ || au_ii_br_id(inode, bindex) != br_id)
++ continue;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ do_put = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ if (do_put) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (do_put)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ }
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/poll.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/poll.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/poll.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/poll.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * poll operation
++ * There is only one filesystem which implements ->poll operation, currently.
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
++ unsigned int mask;
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* We should pretend an error happened. */
++ mask = POLLERR /* | POLLIN | POLLOUT */;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* it is not an error if h_file has no operation */
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->poll)
++ mask = h_file->f_op->poll(h_file, wait);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ AuTraceErr((int)mask);
++ return mask;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/rwsem.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/rwsem.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/rwsem.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/rwsem.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple read-write semaphore wrappers
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#define __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/rwsem.h>
++struct au_rwsem {
++ struct rw_semaphore rwsem;
++ /* just for debugging, not almighty counter */
++ atomic_t rcnt, wcnt;
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do { \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->rcnt, 0); \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->wcnt, 0); \
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic set */ \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->rcnt)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->rcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->wcnt) > 1)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->wcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define AuRwMustNoWaiters(rw) AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&(rw)->rwsem.wait_list))
++/* rwsem_is_locked() is unusable */
++#define AuRwMustReadLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustWriteLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustAnyLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0 \
++ && atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwDestroy(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) \
++ || atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt))
++static inline void au_rw_init(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuDbgCntInit(rw);
++ init_rwsem(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_read(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw, unsigned int lsc)
++ down_read_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustReadLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntDec(rw);
++ up_read(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_dgrade_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ downgrade_write(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ up_write(&rw->rwsem);
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++static inline int au_rw_read_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_read_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++static inline int au_rw_write_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_write_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++#undef AuDbgCntInit
++#undef AuDbgRcntInc
++#undef AuDbgRcntDec
++#undef AuDbgWcntInc
++#undef AuDbgWcntDec
++#define AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_read_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_read_trylock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_write_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_write_trylock(rwsem); }
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++/* static inline void prefix##_read_trylock_nested(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_read_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc)); }
++static inline void prefix##_write_trylock_nestd(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_write_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc); } */
++#define AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_downgrade_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_dgrade_lock(rwsem); }
++#define AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_RWSEM_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * superblock private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&sbinfo->si_plink.head));
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_br_free(sbinfo);
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ mutex_destroy(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ AuRwDestroy(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sbinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo))
++ goto out;
++ /* will be reallocated separately */
++ sbinfo->si_branch = kzalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo->si_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_branch))
++ goto out_sbinfo;
++ memset(&sbinfo->si_kobj, 0, sizeof(sbinfo->si_kobj));
++ err = sysaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_br;
++ au_nwt_init(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ sbinfo->si_generation = 0;
++ sbinfo->au_si_status = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_bend = -1;
++ sbinfo->si_last_br_id = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags = AuOpt_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ mutex_init(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xino_brid = -1;
++ /* leave si_xib_last_pindex and si_xib_next_bit */
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF * HZ;
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = AUFS_DIRWH_DEF;
++ au_spl_init(&sbinfo->si_plink);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ /* leave other members for sysaufs and si_mnt. */
++ sbinfo->si_sb = sb;
++ sb->s_fs_info = sbinfo;
++ au_debug_sbinfo_init(sbinfo);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ out_sbinfo:
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*brp) * (sbinfo->si_bend + 1);
++ if (unlikely(!sz))
++ sz = sizeof(*brp);
++ brp = au_kzrealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sz, sizeof(*brp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (brp) {
++ sbinfo->si_branch = brp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb)
++ unsigned int gen;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ gen = ++au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++ au_update_digen(sb->s_root);
++ au_update_iigen(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++ sb->s_root->d_inode->i_version++;
++ return gen;
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int i;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i <= AUFS_BRANCH_MAX; i++) {
++ br_id = ++sbinfo->si_last_br_id;
++ if (br_id && au_br_index(sb, br_id) < 0)
++ return br_id;
++ }
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry and super_block lock. call at entry point */
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(dentry->d_sb, flags);
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, flags);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ si_write_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ si_write_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(d1->d_sb, flags);
++ di_write_lock2_child(d1, d2, au_ftest_lock(flags, DIR));
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock2(d1, d2);
++ si_read_unlock(d1->d_sb);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/spl.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/spl.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/spl.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/spl.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple list protected by a spinlock
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#define __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++struct au_splhead {
++ spinlock_t spin;
++ struct list_head head;
++static inline void au_spl_init(struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock_init(&spl->spin);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&spl->head);
++static inline void au_spl_add(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_add(list, &spl->head);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++static inline void au_spl_del(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_del(list);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SPL_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount and super_block operations
++ */
++#include <linux/buffer_head.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * super_operations
++ */
++static struct inode *aufs_alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ struct au_icntnr *c;
++ c = au_cache_alloc_icntnr();
++ if (c) {
++ inode_init_once(&c->vfs_inode);
++ c->vfs_inode.i_version = 1; /* sigen(sb); */
++ c->iinfo.ii_hinode = NULL;
++ return &c->vfs_inode;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void aufs_destroy_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ au_iinfo_fin(inode);
++ au_cache_free_icntnr(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode));
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ int err;
++ inode = iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ if (unlikely(!inode)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!(inode->i_state & I_NEW))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xigen_new(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_iinfo_init(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ inode->i_version++;
++ else {
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ out:
++ /* never return NULL */
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(inode);
++ return inode;
++/* lock free root dinfo */
++static int au_show_brs(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct path path;
++ struct au_hdentry *hd;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ hd = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = hd[bindex].hd_dentry;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = seq_printf(seq, "=%s",
++ au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ if (!err && bindex != bend)
++ err = seq_putc(seq, ':');
++ }
++ return err;
++static void au_show_wbr_create(struct seq_file *m, int v,
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ const char *pat;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ seq_printf(m, ",create=");
++ pat = au_optstr_wbr_create(v);
++ switch (v) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_TDP:
++ case AuWbrCreate_RR:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ seq_printf(m, pat);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"pmfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark,
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ }
++static int au_show_xino(struct seq_file *seq, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ return 0;
++ int err;
++ const int len = sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME) - 1;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, brid;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct file *f;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_root;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ f = au_sbi(sb)->si_xib;
++ if (!f)
++ goto out;
++ /* stop printing the default xino path on the first writable branch */
++ h_root = NULL;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0) {
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ h_root = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ }
++ d = f->f_dentry;
++ name = &d->d_name;
++ /* safe ->d_parent because the file is unlinked */
++ if (d->d_parent == h_root
++ && name->len == len
++ && !memcmp(name->name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME, len))
++ goto out;
++ seq_puts(seq, ",xino=");
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, f);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* seq_file will re-call me in case of too long string */
++static int aufs_show_options(struct seq_file *m, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err, n;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags, v;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++#define AuBool(name, str) do { \
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, name); \
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, ",%s" #str, v ? "" : "no"); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuStr(name, str) do { \
++ v = mnt_flags & AuOptMask_##name; \
++ if (v != (AuOpt_Def & AuOptMask_##name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%s", au_optstr_##str(v)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUInt(name, str, val) do { \
++ if (val != AUFS_##name##_DEF) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%u", val); \
++} while (0)
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ seq_printf(m, ",si=%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_show_xino(m, mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ seq_puts(m, ",noxino");
++ AuBool(TRUNC_XINO, trunc_xino);
++ AuStr(UDBA, udba);
++ AuBool(SHWH, shwh);
++ AuBool(PLINK, plink);
++ /* AuBool(DIRPERM1, dirperm1); */
++ /* AuBool(REFROF, refrof); */
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_create;
++ if (v != AuWbrCreate_Def)
++ au_show_wbr_create(m, v, sbinfo);
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup;
++ if (v != AuWbrCopyup_Def)
++ seq_printf(m, ",cpup=%s", au_optstr_wbr_copyup(v));
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, ALWAYS_DIROPQ))
++ seq_printf(m, ",diropq=%c", v ? 'a' : 'w');
++ AuUInt(DIRWH, dirwh, sbinfo->si_dirwh);
++ n = sbinfo->si_rdcache / HZ;
++ AuUInt(RDCACHE, rdcache, n);
++ AuUInt(RDBLK, rdblk, sbinfo->si_rdblk);
++ AuUInt(RDHASH, rdhash, sbinfo->si_rdhash);
++ AuBool(SUM, sum);
++ /* AuBool(SUM_W, wsum); */
++ AuBool(WARN_PERM, warn_perm);
++ AuBool(VERBOSE, verbose);
++ out:
++ /* be sure to print "br:" last */
++ if (!sysaufs_brs) {
++ seq_puts(m, ",br:");
++ au_show_brs(m, sb);
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++#undef Deleted
++#undef AuBool
++#undef AuStr
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sum mode which returns the summation for statfs(2) */
++static u64 au_add_till_max(u64 a, u64 b)
++ u64 old;
++ old = a;
++ a += b;
++ if (old < a)
++ return a;
++ return ULLONG_MAX;
++static int au_statfs_sum(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ u64 blocks, bfree, bavail, files, ffree;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, i;
++ unsigned char shared;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ blocks = 0;
++ bfree = 0;
++ bavail = 0;
++ files = 0;
++ ffree = 0;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--) {
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ shared = 0;
++ for (i = bindex + 1; !shared && i <= bend; i++)
++ shared = (au_sbr_sb(sb, i) == h_sb);
++ if (shared)
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(h_mnt->mnt_root, buf);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ blocks = au_add_till_max(blocks, buf->f_blocks);
++ bfree = au_add_till_max(bfree, buf->f_bfree);
++ bavail = au_add_till_max(bavail, buf->f_bavail);
++ files = au_add_till_max(files, buf->f_files);
++ ffree = au_add_till_max(ffree, buf->f_ffree);
++ }
++ buf->f_blocks = blocks;
++ buf->f_bfree = bfree;
++ buf->f_bavail = bavail;
++ buf->f_files = files;
++ buf->f_ffree = ffree;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_statfs(struct dentry *dentry, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SUM))
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(au_sbr_mnt(sb, 0)->mnt_root, buf);
++ else
++ err = au_statfs_sum(sb, buf);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (!err) {
++ buf->f_type = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ buf->f_namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ memset(&buf->f_fsid, 0, sizeof(buf->f_fsid));
++ }
++ /* buf->f_bsize = buf->f_blocks = buf->f_bfree = buf->f_bavail = -1; */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* try flushing the lower fs at aufs remount/unmount time */
++static void au_fsync_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ int brperm;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ brperm = br->br_perm;
++ if (brperm == AuBrPerm_RR || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH)
++ continue;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (bdev_read_only(h_sb->s_bdev))
++ continue;
++ lockdep_off();
++ down_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ shrink_dcache_sb(h_sb);
++ fsync_super(h_sb);
++ up_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ * this IS NOT for super_operations.
++ * I guess it will be reverted someday.
++ */
++static void aufs_umount_begin(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++/* final actions when unmounting a file system */
++static void aufs_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ aufs_umount_begin(sb);
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * refresh dentry and inode at remount time.
++ */
++static int do_refresh(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type,
++ unsigned int dir_flags)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns the number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, type);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (!err && type == S_IFDIR)
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, dir_flags);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("unrecoverable error %d, %.*s\n", err, AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ return err;
++static int test_dir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++/* gave up consolidating with refresh_nondir() */
++static int refresh_dir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ const unsigned int flags = au_hi_flags(root->d_inode, /*isdir*/1);
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_dir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; !e && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !e && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(d, sigen);
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, S_IFDIR, flags);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* break on err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_nondir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return !S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++static int refresh_nondir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen,
++ int do_dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ if (!do_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_nondir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(d, sigen);
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (inode && au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT,
++ /*dir_flags*/0);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_remount_refresh(struct super_block *sb, unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_sigen_inc(sb);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ au_fclr_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ IiMustNoWaiters(inode);
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = refresh_dir(root, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ AuWarn("Refreshing directories failed, ignored (%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_opts(flags, REFRESH_NONDIR)) {
++ err = refresh_nondir(root, sigen, !err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("Refreshing non-directories failed, ignored"
++ "(%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++/* stop extra interpretation of errno in mount(8), and strange error messages */
++static int cvt_err(int err)
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ switch (err) {
++ case -ENOENT:
++ case -ENOTDIR:
++ case -EEXIST:
++ case -EIO:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_remount_fs(struct super_block *sb, int *flags, char *data)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ if (!data || !*data) {
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, *flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.flags = AuOpts_REMOUNT;
++ opts.sb_flags = *flags;
++ /* parse it before aufs lock */
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, data, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ /* au_opts_remount() may return an error */
++ err = au_opts_remount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ || au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_NONDIR))
++ au_remount_refresh(sb, opts.flags);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static struct super_operations aufs_sop = {
++ .alloc_inode = aufs_alloc_inode,
++ .destroy_inode = aufs_destroy_inode,
++ .drop_inode = generic_delete_inode,
++ .show_options = aufs_show_options,
++ .statfs = aufs_statfs,
++ .put_super = aufs_put_super,
++ .remount_fs = aufs_remount_fs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int alloc_root(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ inode->i_mode = S_IFDIR;
++ inode->i_nlink = 2;
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ root = d_alloc_root(inode);
++ if (unlikely(!root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = PTR_ERR(root);
++ if (IS_ERR(root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(root);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb->s_root = root;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ dput(root);
++ goto out; /* do not iput */
++ out_iput:
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, void *raw_data,
++ int silent __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ char *arg = raw_data;
++ if (unlikely(!arg || !*arg)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no arg\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.sb_flags = sb->s_flags;
++ err = au_si_alloc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ sb->s_flags |= MS_NOATIME | MS_NODIRATIME;
++ sb->s_op = &aufs_sop;
++ sb->s_magic = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ au_export_init(sb);
++ err = alloc_root(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ goto out_info;
++ }
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ /*
++ * actually we can parse options regardless aufs lock here.
++ * but at remount time, parsing must be done before aufs lock.
++ * so we follow the same rule.
++ */
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, arg, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_root;
++ /* lock vfs_inode first, then aufs. */
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_mount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_opts; /* success */
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_root:
++ dput(root);
++ sb->s_root = NULL;
++ out_info:
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ sb->s_fs_info = NULL;
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type, int flags,
++ const char *dev_name __maybe_unused, void *raw_data,
++ struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ /* mnt->mnt_flags |= MNT_NOATIME | MNT_NODIRATIME; */
++ err = get_sb_nodev(fs_type, flags, raw_data, aufs_fill_super, mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, 0);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type = {
++ .name = AUFS_FSTYPE,
++ .fs_flags =
++ FS_RENAME_DOES_D_MOVE /* a race between rename and others */
++ | FS_REVAL_DOT, /* for NFS branch and udba */
++ .get_sb = aufs_get_sb,
++ .kill_sb = generic_shutdown_super,
++ /* no need to __module_get() and module_put(). */
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * super_block operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#define __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++typedef ssize_t (*au_readf_t)(struct file *, char __user *, size_t, loff_t *);
++typedef ssize_t (*au_writef_t)(struct file *, const char __user *, size_t,
++ loff_t *);
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations {
++ int (*copyup)(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct au_wbr_create_operations {
++ int (*create)(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir);
++ int (*init)(struct super_block *sb);
++ int (*fin)(struct super_block *sb);
++struct au_wbr_mfs {
++ struct mutex mfs_lock; /* protect this structure */
++ unsigned long mfs_jiffy;
++ unsigned long mfs_expire;
++ aufs_bindex_t mfs_bindex;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_bytes;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_sbinfo {
++ /* nowait tasks in the system-wide workqueue */
++ struct au_nowait_tasks si_nowait;
++ struct au_rwsem si_rwsem;
++ /* branch management */
++ unsigned int si_generation;
++ /* see above flags */
++ unsigned char au_si_status;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_bend;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_last_br_id;
++ struct au_branch **si_branch;
++ /* policy to select a writable branch */
++ unsigned char si_wbr_copyup;
++ unsigned char si_wbr_create;
++ struct au_wbr_copyup_operations *si_wbr_copyup_ops;
++ struct au_wbr_create_operations *si_wbr_create_ops;
++ /* round robin */
++ atomic_t si_wbr_rr_next;
++ /* most free space */
++ struct au_wbr_mfs si_wbr_mfs;
++ /* mount flags */
++ /* include/asm-ia64/siginfo.h defines a macro named si_flags */
++ unsigned int si_mntflags;
++ /* external inode number (bitmap and translation table) */
++ au_readf_t si_xread;
++ au_writef_t si_xwrite;
++ struct file *si_xib;
++ struct mutex si_xib_mtx; /* protect xib members */
++ unsigned long *si_xib_buf;
++ unsigned long si_xib_last_pindex;
++ int si_xib_next_bit;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_xino_brid;
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* unsigned long long si_xib_limit; */ /* Max xib file size */
++ /* i_generation */
++ struct file *si_xigen;
++ atomic_t si_xigen_next;
++ /* vdir parameters */
++ unsigned long si_rdcache; /* max cache time in HZ */
++ unsigned int si_rdblk; /* deblk size */
++ unsigned int si_rdhash; /* hash size */
++ /*
++ * If the number of whiteouts are larger than si_dirwh, leave all of
++ * them after au_whtmp_ren to reduce the cost of rmdir(2).
++ * future fsck.aufs or kernel thread will remove them later.
++ * Otherwise, remove all whiteouts and the dir in rmdir(2).
++ */
++ unsigned int si_dirwh;
++ /*
++ * rename(2) a directory with all children.
++ */
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* int si_rendir; */
++ /* pseudo_link list */
++ struct au_splhead si_plink;
++ wait_queue_head_t si_plink_wq;
++ /*
++ * sysfs and lifetime management.
++ * this is not a small structure and it may be a waste of memory in case
++ * of sysfs is disabled, particulary when many aufs-es are mounted.
++ * but using sysfs is majority.
++ */
++ struct kobject si_kobj;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs, *si_dbgaufs_xib;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs_xigen;
++ /* dirty, necessary for unmounting, sysfs and sysrq */
++ struct super_block *si_sb;
++/* sbinfo status flags */
++ * set true when refresh_dirs() failed at remount time.
++ * then try refreshing dirs at access time again.
++ * if it is false, refreshing dirs at access time is unnecesary
++ */
++#define AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK (1 << 1) /* ioctl */
++static inline unsigned char au_do_ftest_si(struct au_sbinfo *sbi,
++ unsigned int flag)
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbi->si_rwsem);
++ return sbi->au_si_status & flag;
++#define au_ftest_si(sbinfo, name) au_do_ftest_si(sbinfo, AuSi_##name)
++#define au_fset_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status |= AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++#define au_fclr_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policy to select one among writable branches */
++#define AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_copyup_ops->copyup(args))
++#define AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_create_ops->create(args))
++/* flags for si_read_lock()/aufs_read_lock()/di_read_lock() */
++#define AuLock_DW 1 /* write-lock dentry */
++#define AuLock_IR (1 << 1) /* read-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_IW (1 << 2) /* write-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_FLUSH (1 << 3) /* wait for 'nowait' tasks */
++#define AuLock_DIR (1 << 4) /* target is a dir */
++#define au_ftest_lock(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLock_##name)
++#define au_fset_lock(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLock_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lock(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLock_##name; }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* super.c */
++extern struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type;
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino);
++/* sbinfo.c */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr);
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb);
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb);
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++/* wbr_policy.c */
++extern struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[];
++extern struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[];
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_sbinfo *au_sbi(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_fs_info;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, "nfsd");
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base);
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ return -EBUSY;
++ return -ESTALE;
++static inline void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ return -EBUSY;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void dbgaufs_si_null(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = NULL;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock superblock. mainly for entry point functions */
++ * si_noflush_read_lock, si_noflush_write_lock,
++ * si_read_unlock, si_write_unlock, si_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(si_noflush, struct super_block *sb,
++ &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(si, struct super_block *sb, &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++#define SiMustNoWaiters(sb) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustAnyLock(sb) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustWriteLock(sb) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++static inline void si_read_lock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++static inline void si_write_lock(struct super_block *sb)
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++static inline int si_read_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++static inline int si_write_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_write_trylock(sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_sbend(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_bend;
++static inline unsigned int au_mntflags(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_mntflags;
++static inline unsigned int au_sigen(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++static inline struct au_branch *au_sbr(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_branch[0 + bindex];
++static inline void au_xino_brid_set(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t brid)
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid = brid;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_xino_brid(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SUPER_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and lifetime management
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++#define AuSiAttr(_name) { \
++ .attr = { .name = __stringify(_name), .mode = 0444 }, \
++ .show = sysaufs_si_##_name, \
++static struct sysaufs_si_attr sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path = AuSiAttr(xi_path);
++struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[] = {
++ &sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path.attr,
++ NULL,
++static struct sysfs_ops au_sbi_ops = {
++ .show = sysaufs_si_show
++static struct kobj_type au_sbi_ktype = {
++ .release = au_si_free,
++ .sysfs_ops = &au_sbi_ops,
++ .default_attrs = sysaufs_si_attrs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ sbinfo->si_kobj.kset = sysaufs_ket;
++ /* cf. sysaufs_name() */
++ err = kobject_init_and_add
++ (&sbinfo->si_kobj, &au_sbi_ktype, /*&sysaufs_ket->kobj*/NULL,
++ SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ dbgaufs_si_null(sbinfo);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = dbgaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ }
++ return err;
++void sysaufs_fin(void)
++ dbgaufs_fin();
++ sysfs_remove_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ do {
++ get_random_bytes(&sysaufs_si_mask, sizeof(sysaufs_si_mask));
++ } while (!sysaufs_si_mask);
++ sysaufs_ket = kset_create_and_add(AUFS_NAME, NULL, fs_kobj);
++ err = PTR_ERR(sysaufs_ket);
++ if (IS_ERR(sysaufs_ket))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysfs_create_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = dbgaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and mount lifetime management
++ */
++#ifndef __SYSAUFS_H__
++#define __SYSAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "module.h"
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct sysaufs_si_attr {
++ struct attribute attr;
++ int (*show)(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sysaufs.c */
++extern unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++extern struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++extern struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[];
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void);
++void sysaufs_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some people doesn't like to show a pointer in kernel */
++static inline unsigned long sysaufs_si_id(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return sysaufs_si_mask ^ (unsigned long)sbinfo;
++#define SysaufsSiNamePrefix "si_"
++#define SysaufsSiNameLen (sizeof(SysaufsSiNamePrefix) + 16)
++static inline void sysaufs_name(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, char *name)
++ snprintf(name, SysaufsSiNameLen, SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx",
++ sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++struct au_branch;
++/* sysfs.c */
++extern struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group;
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf);
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br);
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++#define sysaufs_brs_init() do {} while (0)
++#define sysaufs_attr_group NULL
++static inline
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ return 0;
++static inline
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ return 0;
++static inline void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_init(void)
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_SYSFS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __SYSAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysfs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysfs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysfs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysfs.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static struct attribute *au_attr[] = {
++ NULL, /* need to NULL terminate the list of attributes */
++static struct attribute_group sysaufs_attr_group_body = {
++ .attrs = au_attr
++struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group = &sysaufs_attr_group_body;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, au_sbi(sb)->si_xib);
++ seq_putc(seq, '\n');
++ }
++ return err;
++ * the lifetime of branch is independent from the entry under sysfs.
++ * sysfs handles the lifetime of the entry, and never call ->show() after it is
++ * unlinked.
++ */
++static int sysaufs_si_br(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ seq_printf(seq, "=%s\n", au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct seq_file *au_seq(char *p, ssize_t len)
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ seq = kzalloc(sizeof(*seq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (seq) {
++ /* mutex_init(&seq.lock); */
++ seq->buf = p;
++ seq->size = len;
++ return seq; /* success */
++ }
++ seq = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ return seq;
++#define SysaufsBr_PREFIX "br"
++/* todo: file size may exceed PAGE_SIZE */
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ ssize_t err;
++ long l;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ char *name;
++ struct attribute **cattr;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ seq = au_seq(buf, PAGE_SIZE);
++ err = PTR_ERR(seq);
++ if (IS_ERR(seq))
++ goto out;
++ name = (void *)attr->name;
++ cattr = sysaufs_si_attrs;
++ while (*cattr) {
++ if (!strcmp(name, (*cattr)->name)) {
++ err = container_of(*cattr, struct sysaufs_si_attr, attr)
++ ->show(seq, sb);
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ cattr++;
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (!strncmp(name, SysaufsBr_PREFIX, sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1)) {
++ name += sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1;
++ err = strict_strtol(name, 10, &l);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (l <= bend)
++ err = sysaufs_si_br(seq, sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l);
++ else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ }
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out_seq:
++ if (!err) {
++ err = seq->count;
++ /* sysfs limit */
++ if (unlikely(err == PAGE_SIZE))
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ }
++ kfree(seq);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ br-> = br->br_name;
++ br->br_attr.mode = S_IRUGO;
++ br->br_attr.owner = THIS_MODULE;
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ dbgaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ sysfs_remove_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ }
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ dbgaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ snprintf(br->br_name, sizeof(br->br_name), SysaufsBr_PREFIX
++ "%d", bindex);
++ err = sysfs_create_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed %s under sysfs(%d)\n", br->br_name, err);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysrq.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysrq.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysrq.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysrq.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * magic sysrq hanlder
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++/* #include <linux/sysrq.h> */
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void sysrq_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ char *plevel;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ plevel = au_plevel;
++ au_plevel = KERN_WARNING;
++ au_debug(1);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pr_warning("si=%lx\n", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": superblock\n");
++ au_dpri_sb(sb);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root dentry\n");
++ au_dpri_dentry(sb->s_root);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root inode\n");
++ au_dpri_inode(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++#if 0
++ struct inode *i;
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": isolated inode\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ au_dpri_inode(i);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": files\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list)
++ if (!special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ au_dpri_file(file);
++ au_plevel = plevel;
++ au_debug(0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* module parameter */
++static char *aufs_sysrq_key = "a";
++module_param_named(sysrq, aufs_sysrq_key, charp, S_IRUGO);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(sysrq, "MagicSysRq key for " AUFS_NAME);
++static void au_sysrq(int key __maybe_unused,
++ struct tty_struct *tty __maybe_unused)
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ /* spin_lock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++ list_for_each_entry(kobj, &sysaufs_ket->list, entry) {
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sysrq_sb(sbinfo->si_sb);
++ }
++ /* spin_unlock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++static struct sysrq_key_op au_sysrq_op = {
++ .handler = au_sysrq,
++ .help_msg = "Aufs",
++ .action_msg = "Aufs",
++ .enable_mask = SYSRQ_ENABLE_DUMP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void)
++ int err;
++ char key;
++ err = -1;
++ key = *aufs_sysrq_key;
++ if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z')
++ err = register_sysrq_key(key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d, sysrq=%c\n", err, key);
++ return err;
++void au_sysrq_fin(void)
++ int err;
++ err = unregister_sysrq_key(*aufs_sysrq_key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d (ignored)\n", err);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vdir.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vdir.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vdir.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vdir.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * virtual or vertical directory
++ */
++#include <linux/hash.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static unsigned int calc_size(int nlen)
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(ino_t) != sizeof(long));
++ return ALIGN(sizeof(struct au_vdir_de) + nlen, sizeof(ino_t));
++static int set_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk) {
++ p->de->de_str.len = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -1; /* error */
++/* returns true or false */
++static int is_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk)
++ return !p->de->de_str.len;
++ return 1;
++static unsigned char *last_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ return vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1];
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the allocated memory has to be freed by
++ * au_nhash_wh_free() or au_nhash_de_free().
++ */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ unsigned int u;
++ head = kmalloc(sizeof(*nhash->nh_head) * num_hash, gfp);
++ if (head) {
++ nhash->nh_num = num_hash;
++ nhash->nh_head = head;
++ for (u = 0; u < num_hash; u++)
++ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(head++);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void nhash_count(struct hlist_head *head)
++#if 0
++ unsigned long n;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = 0;
++ hlist_for_each(pos, head)
++ n++;
++ AuInfo("%lu\n", n);
++static void au_nhash_wh_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, wh_hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ kfree(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_de_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ au_cache_free_dehstr(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_do_free(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ void (*free)(struct hlist_head *head))
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ n = nhash->nh_num;
++ head = nhash->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ nhash_count(head);
++ free(head++);
++ }
++ kfree(nhash->nh_head);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(whlist, au_nhash_wh_do_free);
++static void au_nhash_de_free(struct au_nhash *delist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(delist, au_nhash_de_do_free);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit)
++ int num;
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ num = 0;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex == btgt && ++num > limit)
++ return 1;
++ head++;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static struct hlist_head *au_name_hash(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ unsigned char *name,
++ unsigned int len)
++ unsigned int v;
++ /* const unsigned int magic_bit = 12; */
++ v = 0;
++ while (len--)
++ v += *name++;
++ /* v = hash_long(v, magic_bit); */
++ v %= nhash->nh_num;
++ return nhash->nh_head + v;
++static int au_nhash_test_name(struct au_vdir_destr *str, const char *name,
++ int nlen)
++ return str->len == nlen && !memcmp(str->name, name, nlen);
++/* returns found or not */
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* returns found(true) or not */
++static int test_known(struct au_nhash *delist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, hash) {
++ str = tpos->str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void au_shwh_init_wh(struct au_vdir_wh *wh, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned char d_type)
++ wh->wh_ino = ino;
++ wh->wh_type = d_type;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh)
++ int err;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *wh;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", nlen, name);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ wh = kmalloc(sizeof(*wh) + nlen, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!wh))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ wh->wh_bindex = bindex;
++ if (shwh)
++ au_shwh_init_wh(wh, ino, d_type);
++ str = &wh->wh_str;
++ str->len = nlen;
++ memcpy(str->name, name, nlen);
++ hlist_add_head(&wh->wh_hash, au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen));
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ unsigned char **o;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = krealloc(vdir->vd_deblk, sizeof(*o) * (vdir->vd_nblk + 1),
++ if (unlikely(!o))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = o;
++ p.deblk = kmalloc(deblk_sz, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p.deblk) {
++ ul = vdir->vd_nblk++;
++ vdir->vd_deblk[ul] = p.deblk;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = p.deblk;
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_de(struct au_vdir *vdir, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sz;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, *room, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *dehstr;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ room = &vdir->vd_last.p;
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk < p.deblk || deblk_end.deblk <= room->deblk
++ || !is_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end));
++ sz = calc_size(nlen);
++ if (unlikely(sz > deblk_end.deblk - room->deblk)) {
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk != p.deblk);
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dehstr = au_cache_alloc_dehstr();
++ if (unlikely(!dehstr))
++ goto out;
++ dehstr->str = &room->de->de_str;
++ hlist_add_head(&dehstr->hash, au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen));
++ room->de->de_ino = ino;
++ room->de->de_type = d_type;
++ room->de->de_str.len = nlen;
++ memcpy(room->de->, name, nlen);
++ err = 0;
++ room->deblk += sz;
++ if (unlikely(set_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end)))
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned char **deblk;
++ deblk = vdir->vd_deblk;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk--)
++ kfree(*deblk++);
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++static struct au_vdir *alloc_vdir(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ vdir = au_cache_alloc_vdir();
++ if (unlikely(!vdir))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = kzalloc(sizeof(*vdir->vd_deblk), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!vdir->vd_deblk))
++ goto out_free;
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdblk;
++ vdir->vd_nblk = 0;
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (!err)
++ return vdir; /* success */
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ out_free:
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++ out:
++ vdir = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return vdir;
++static int reinit_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk > 1) {
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1]);
++ /* vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1] = NULL; */
++ vdir->vd_nblk--;
++ }
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ /* keep vd_dblk_sz */
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ const int isdir = (d_type == DT_DIR);
++ /* prevent hardlinks from race condition */
++ mtx = NULL;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ }
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!*ino) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ *ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!*ino))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, *ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!isdir)
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ return err;
++static int au_wh_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ return au_ino(sb, bindex, h_ino, d_type, ino);
++ return 0;
++#define AuFillVdir_CALLED 1
++#define AuFillVdir_WHABLE (1 << 1)
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_fillvdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuFillVdir_##name)
++#define au_fset_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#undef AuFillVdir_SHWH
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH 0
++struct fillvdir_arg {
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ struct au_nhash delist;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++static int fillvdir(void *__arg, const char *__name, int nlen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct fillvdir_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t ino;
++ const unsigned char shwh = !!au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ arg->err = 0;
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (nlen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (test_known(&arg->delist, name, nlen)
++ || au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already exists or whiteouted */
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ arg->err = au_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type, &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = append_de(arg->vdir, name, nlen, ino,
++ d_type, &arg->delist);
++ } else if (au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE)) {
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ nlen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already whiteouted */
++ if (shwh)
++ arg->err = au_wh_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type,
++ &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, nlen, ino, d_type,
++ arg->bindex, shwh);
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->vdir->vd_jiffy = jiffies;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int au_handle_shwh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_vdir *vdir,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int nh, u;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *n;
++ char *p, *o;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *destr;
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH));
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = p = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ nh = whlist->nh_num;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ for (u = 0; u < nh; u++) {
++ head = whlist->nh_head + u;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, n, head, wh_hash) {
++ destr = &tpos->wh_str;
++ memcpy(p, destr->name, destr->len);
++ err = append_de(vdir, o, destr->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN,
++ tpos->wh_ino, tpos->wh_type, delist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(o);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ return 0;
++static int au_do_read_vdir(struct fillvdir_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ loff_t offset;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bstart;
++ unsigned char shwh;
++ struct file *hf, *file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = arg->file;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ rdhash = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->delist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->whlist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_delist;
++ err = 0;
++ arg->flags = 0;
++ shwh = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)) {
++ shwh = 1;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!hf)
++ continue;
++ offset = vfsub_llseek(hf, 0, SEEK_SET);
++ err = offset;
++ if (unlikely(offset))
++ break;
++ arg->bindex = bindex;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ if (shwh
++ || (bindex != bend
++ && au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex))))
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(hf, fillvdir, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ }
++ if (!err && shwh)
++ err = au_handle_shwh(sb, arg->vdir, &arg->whlist, &arg->delist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg->whlist);
++ out_delist:
++ au_nhash_de_free(&arg->delist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int read_vdir(struct file *file, int may_read)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long expire;
++ unsigned char do_read;
++ struct fillvdir_arg arg;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir, *allocated;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ SiMustAnyLock(inode->i_sb);
++ allocated = NULL;
++ do_read = 0;
++ expire = au_sbi(inode->i_sb)->si_rdcache;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(inode);
++ if (!vdir) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ vdir = alloc_vdir(inode->i_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ allocated = vdir;
++ } else if (may_read
++ && (inode->i_version != vdir->vd_version
++ || time_after(jiffies, vdir->vd_jiffy + expire))) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!do_read)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ arg.file = file;
++ arg.vdir = vdir;
++ err = au_do_read_vdir(&arg);
++ if (!err) {
++ /* file->f_pos = 0; */
++ vdir->vd_version = inode->i_version;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_ivdir(inode, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int copy_vdir(struct au_vdir *tgt, struct au_vdir *src)
++ int err, rerr;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = src->vd_deblk_sz;
++ AuDebugOn(tgt->vd_nblk != 1);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (tgt->vd_nblk < src->vd_nblk) {
++ unsigned char **p;
++ p = krealloc(tgt->vd_deblk, sizeof(*p) * src->vd_nblk,
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ tgt->vd_deblk = p;
++ }
++ tgt->vd_nblk = src->vd_nblk;
++ tgt->vd_deblk_sz = deblk_sz;
++ memcpy(tgt->vd_deblk[0], src->vd_deblk[0], deblk_sz);
++ /* tgt->vd_last.i = 0; */
++ /* tgt->vd_last.p.deblk = tgt->vd_deblk[0]; */
++ tgt->vd_version = src->vd_version;
++ tgt->vd_jiffy = src->vd_jiffy;
++ n = src->vd_nblk;
++ for (ul = 1; ul < n; ul++) {
++ tgt->vd_deblk[ul] = kmemdup(src->vd_deblk[ul], deblk_sz,
++ if (unlikely(!tgt->vd_deblk[ul]))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ rerr = reinit_vdir(tgt);
++ BUG_ON(rerr);
++ return err;
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache, *allocated;
++ err = read_vdir(file, !file->f_pos);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = NULL;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!vdir_cache) {
++ vdir_cache = alloc_vdir(file->f_dentry->d_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir_cache);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir_cache))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = vdir_cache;
++ } else if (!file->f_pos && vdir_cache->vd_version != file->f_version) {
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir_cache);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ return 0; /* success */
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = copy_vdir(vdir_cache, au_ivdir(inode));
++ if (!err) {
++ file->f_version = inode->i_version;
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static loff_t calc_offset(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_last.ul];
++ offset = vdir->vd_last.p.deblk - p.deblk;
++ offset += vdir->vd_deblk_sz * vdir->vd_last.ul;
++ return offset;
++/* returns true or false */
++static int seek_vdir(struct file *file)
++ int valid;
++ unsigned int deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ offset = calc_offset(vdir_cache);
++ AuDbg("offset %lld\n", offset);
++ if (file->f_pos == offset)
++ goto out;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (!file->f_pos)
++ goto out;
++ valid = 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ ul = div64_u64(file->f_pos, deblk_sz);
++ AuDbg("ul %lu\n", ul);
++ if (ul >= vdir_cache->vd_nblk)
++ goto out;
++ n = vdir_cache->vd_nblk;
++ for (; ul < n; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ offset = ul;
++ offset *= deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end) && offset < file->f_pos) {
++ unsigned int l;
++ l = calc_size(>de_str.len);
++ offset += l;
++ p.deblk += l;
++ }
++ if (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end)) {
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p = p;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(!valid);
++ return valid;
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int l, deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!seek_vdir(file))
++ return 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ while (1) {
++ deblk_end.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk += deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&vdir_cache->vd_last.p, &deblk_end)) {
++ de = vdir_cache->;
++ AuDbg("%.*s, off%lld, i%lu, dt%d\n",
++ de->de_str.len, de->, file->f_pos,
++ (unsigned long)de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ err = filldir(dirent, de->, de->de_str.len,
++ file->f_pos, de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* todo: ignore the error caused by udba? */
++ /* return err; */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ l = calc_size(de->de_str.len);
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk += l;
++ file->f_pos += l;
++ }
++ if (vdir_cache->vd_last.ul < vdir_cache->vd_nblk - 1) {
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul++;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk
++ = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ file->f_pos = deblk_sz * vdir_cache->vd_last.ul;
++ continue;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.c 2009-08-23 15:19:40.797433187 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/splice.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ /* for remote fs, leave work for its getattr or d_revalidate */
++ /* for bad i_attr fs, handle them in aufs_getattr() */
++ /* still some fs may acquire i_mutex. we need to skip them */
++ err = 0;
++ if (!did)
++ did = &err;
++ h_sb = h_path->dentry->d_sb;
++ *did = (!au_test_fs_remote(h_sb) && au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(h_sb));
++ if (*did)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_path->mnt, h_path->dentry, &st);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#ifdef CONFIG_IMA
++#error IMA is not supported since it does not work well. Wait for their fixing.
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode)
++ struct file *file;
++ lockdep_off();
++ file = filp_open(path, oflags, mode);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return file;
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ /* lockdep_off(); */
++ err = kern_path(name, flags, path);
++ /* lockdep_on(); */
++ if (!err && path->dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = NULL
++ };
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_one_len(name, parent, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return path.dentry;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = nd->path.mnt
++ };
++ IMustLock(nd->path.dentry->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_hash(nd);
++ if (!IS_ERR(path.dentry) && path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return path.dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ lockdep_off();
++ d = lock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir2);
++ return d;
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir2);
++ lockdep_off();
++ unlock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, 0);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(dir->i_sb))
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ memset(&h_nd, 0, sizeof(h_nd));
++ h_nd.flags = LOOKUP_CREATE;
++ = O_CREAT
++ | vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_READ);
++ = mode;
++ h_nd.path.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = path->mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, const char *symname)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_symlink(path, path->dentry, symname);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_symlink(dir, path->dentry, symname);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mknod(dir, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_test_nlink(struct inode *inode)
++ const unsigned int link_max = UINT_MAX >> 1; /* rough margin */
++ if (!au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(inode->i_sb)
++ || inode->i_nlink < link_max)
++ return 0;
++ return -EMLINK;
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = au_test_nlink(src_dentry->d_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ return err;
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_link(src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_link(src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ /* fuse has different memory inode for the same inumber */
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ IMustLock(src_dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rename(&tmp, src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rename(src_dir, src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ int did;
++ tmp.dentry = d->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mkdir(path, path->dentry, mode);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mkdir(dir, path->dentry, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rmdir(path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rmdir(dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = path->dentry->d_parent,
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ err = vfs_read(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* todo: kernel_read()? */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_read_u(file, (char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_write(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(file, (const char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_readdir(file, filldir, arg);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_to(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&in->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_from(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&out->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* cf. open.c:do_sys_truncate() and do_sys_ftruncate() */
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_file) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ err = inode_permission(h_inode, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = get_write_access(h_inode);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = break_lease(h_inode, vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_WRITE));
++ if (err)
++ goto out_inode;
++ }
++ err = locks_verify_truncate(h_inode, h_file, length);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_path_truncate(h_path, length, attr);
++ if (!err) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_truncate(h_path->dentry, length, attr, h_file);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ out_inode:
++ if (!h_file)
++ put_write_access(h_inode);
++ out_mnt:
++ if (!h_file)
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++ int mode;
++static void au_call_vfsub_mkdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_mkdir(a->dir, a->path, a->mode);
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(dir, path, mode);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path,
++ .mode = mode
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_mkdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void au_call_vfsub_rmdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_rmdir(a->dir, a->path);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(dir, path);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_rmdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct notify_change_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct path *path;
++ struct iattr *ia;
++static void call_notify_change(void *args)
++ struct notify_change_args *a = args;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = a->path->dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ *a->errp = -EPERM;
++ if (!IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode) && !IS_APPEND(h_inode)) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = notify_change(a->path->dentry, a->ia);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(a->path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ call_notify_change(&args);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_notify_change, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct unlink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void call_unlink(void *args)
++ struct unlink_args *a = args;
++ struct dentry *d = a->path->dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ const int stop_sillyrename = (au_test_nfs(d->d_sb)
++ && atomic_read(&d->d_count) == 1);
++ IMustLock(a->dir);
++ a->path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ *a->errp = security_path_unlink(a->path, d);
++ a->path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(*a->errp))
++ return;
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dget(d);
++ h_inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ atomic_inc(&h_inode->i_count);
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = vfs_unlink(a->dir, d);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = d->d_parent,
++ .mnt = a->path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dput(d);
++ if (h_inode)
++ iput(h_inode);
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++ * @dir: must be locked.
++ * @dentry: target dentry.
++ */
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force)
++ int err;
++ struct unlink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ if (!force)
++ call_unlink(&args);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_unlink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for lower inode */
++/* default MAX_LOCKDEP_SUBCLASSES(8) is not enough */
++/* reduce? gave up. */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_I_Begin = I_MUTEX_QUOTA, /* 4 */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT, /* lower inode, parent first */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT2, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT3, /* copyup wh */
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD,
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD2,
++ AuLsc_I_End
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define MtxMustLock(mtx) AuDebugOn(!mutex_is_locked(mtx))
++#define IMustLock(i) MtxMustLock(&(i)->i_mutex)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void vfsub_copy_inode_size(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ fsstack_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did);
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode);
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_hinode;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path,
++ const char *symname);
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct path *path);
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_hdir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *hdir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg);
++static inline void vfsub_file_accessed(struct file *h_file)
++ file_accessed(h_file);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++static inline void vfsub_touch_atime(struct vfsmount *h_mnt,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = h_dentry,
++ .mnt = h_mnt
++ };
++ touch_atime(h_mnt, h_dentry);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline loff_t vfsub_llseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int origin)
++ loff_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_llseek(file, offset, origin);
++ lockdep_on();
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dirty workaround for strict type of fmode_t */
++union vfsub_fmu {
++ fmode_t fm;
++ unsigned int ui;
++static inline unsigned int vfsub_fmode_to_uint(fmode_t fm)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .fm = fm
++ };
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof( != sizeof(u.ui));
++ return u.ui;
++static inline fmode_t vfsub_uint_to_fmode(unsigned int ui)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .ui = ui
++ };
++ return;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_VFSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * policies for selecting one among multiple writable branches
++ */
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* subset of cpup_attr() */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_cpdown_attr(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_isrc;
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ sbits = !!(ia.ia_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_path->dentry->d_inode, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path->dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++#define AuCpdown_PARENT_OPQ 1
++#define AuCpdown_WHED (1 << 1)
++#define AuCpdown_MADE_DIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuCpdown_DIROPQ (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_cpdown(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpdown_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpdown_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpdown_##name; }
++struct au_cpdown_dir_args {
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_opq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry;
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ au_fset_cpdown(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ h_path.dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ }
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq, bstart;
++ unsigned char parent_opq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir, *h_inode, *inode, *dir;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *args = arg;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* dentry is di-locked */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_dir != au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ err = vfsub_sio_mkdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_put;
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ if (!au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ) && bopq <= bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ);
++ parent_opq = (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ)
++ && args->parent == dentry);
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_opq(dentry, bdst, args);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_dir;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_cpdown_attr(&h_path, au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart));
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_wh(dentry, h_parent, dir, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ }
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibend(inode) < bdst)
++ au_set_ibend(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(h_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ out_opq:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bdst);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing diropq for %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR)) {
++ rerr = vfsub_sio_rmdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_put:
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_update_dbend(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args args = {
++ .parent = dget_parent(dentry),
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ err = au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpdown_dir, &args);
++ dput(args.parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for create */
++static int au_wbr_bu(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -EROFS;
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_create_tdp(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ err = bstart;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex < bstart; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* an exception for the policy other than tdp */
++static int au_wbr_create_exp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bdiropq;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = -1;
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ if (bwh >= 0) {
++ if (bdiropq >= 0)
++ err = min(bdiropq, bwh);
++ else
++ err = bwh;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ } else if (bdiropq >= 0) {
++ err = bdiropq;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ if (err >= 0 && au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, err)))
++ err = -1;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_init_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, au_sbend(sb));
++ atomic_set(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next, -err); /* less important */
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_rr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, nbr;
++ unsigned int u;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ atomic_t *next;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ next = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ nbr = bend + 1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ /* modulo for 0 is meaningless */
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ } else
++ err = atomic_read(next);
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ u = err;
++ err = u % nbr;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, err)))
++ break;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ }
++ out:
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space */
++static void au_mfs(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long b, bavail;
++ /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct kstatfs *st;
++ st = kmalloc(sizeof(*st), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!st)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed updating mfs(%d), ignored\n", -ENOMEM);
++ return;
++ }
++ bavail = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ MtxMustLock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br))
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(br->br_mnt->mnt_root, st);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed statfs, b%d, %d\n", bindex, err);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* when the available size is equal, select the lower one */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bavail)
++ || sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bsize));
++ b = st->f_bavail * st->f_bsize;
++ br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes = b;
++ if (b >= bavail) {
++ bavail = b;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = bindex;
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = jiffies;
++ }
++ }
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = bavail;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", mfs->mfs_bindex);
++ kfree(st);
++static int au_wbr_create_mfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (time_after(jiffies, mfs->mfs_jiffy + mfs->mfs_expire)
++ || mfs->mfs_bindex < 0
++ || au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, mfs->mfs_bindex)))
++ au_mfs(dentry);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ err = mfs->mfs_bindex;
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_init(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = 0;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ return 0;
++static int au_wbr_create_fin_mfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_destroy(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_lock);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space and then round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_mfsrr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ mfs = &au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (mfs->mfsrr_bytes < mfs->mfsrr_watermark)
++ err = au_wbr_create_rr(dentry, isdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ }
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ au_wbr_create_init_mfs(sb); /* ignore */
++ err = au_wbr_create_init_rr(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* top down parent and most free space */
++static int au_wbr_create_pmfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, e2;
++ unsigned long long b;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ if (bstart == bend)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ e2 = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (e2 < 0)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ /* when the available size is equal, select upper one */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, err);
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(br) && br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes > b) {
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ err = bindex;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ }
++ }
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for copyup */
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_tdp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, /*isdir, anything is ok*/0);
++/* bottom up parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bup(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex >= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* bottom up */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bu(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(dentry->d_sb, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCopyup_TDP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BUP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bup
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BU] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bu
++ }
++struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCreate_TDP] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_RR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_rr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_rr
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#define WH_MASK S_IRUGO
++ * If a directory contains this file, then it is opaque. We start with the
++ * .wh. flag so that it is blocked by lookup.
++ */
++static struct qstr diropq_name = {
++ .name = AUFS_WH_DIROPQ,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_WH_DIROPQ) - 1
++ * generate whiteout name, which is NOT terminated by NULL.
++ * @name: original
++ * @len: original d_name.len
++ * @wh: whiteout qstr
++ * returns zero when succeeds, otherwise error.
++ * succeeded value as wh->name should be freed by kfree().
++ */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name)
++ char *p;
++ if (unlikely(name->len > PATH_MAX - AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ return -ENAMETOOLONG;
++ wh->len = name->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ p = kmalloc(wh->len, GFP_NOFS);
++ wh->name = p;
++ if (p) {
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ memcpy(p + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN, name->name, name->len);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if the @wh_name exists under @h_parent.
++ * @try_sio specifies the necessary of super-io.
++ */
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!try_sio)
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else
++ wh_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!wh_dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = 1;
++ if (S_ISREG(wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s Invalid whiteout entry type 0%o.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * test if the @h_dentry sets opaque or not.
++ */
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_wh_test(h_dentry, &diropq_name, br,
++ au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC));
++ return err;
++ * returns a negative dentry whose name is unique and temporary.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix)
++#define HEX_LEN 4
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int i;
++ char defname[AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2 + DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + 1
++ + HEX_LEN + 1], *name, *p;
++ static unsigned short cnt;
++ struct qstr qs;
++ name = defname;
++ qs.len = sizeof(defname) - DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + prefix->len - 1;
++ if (unlikely(prefix->len > DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN)) {
++ if (unlikely(qs.len >= PATH_MAX))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ name = kmalloc(qs.len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!name))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* doubly whiteout-ed */
++ memcpy(name, AUFS_WH_PFX AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2);
++ p = name + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2;
++ memcpy(p, prefix->name, prefix->len);
++ p += prefix->len;
++ *p++ = '.';
++ AuDebugOn(name + qs.len + 1 - p <= HEX_LEN);
++ = name;
++ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
++ sprintf(p, "%.*d", HEX_LEN, cnt++);
++ dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&qs, h_parent, br);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry) || !dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_name;
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ /* AuWarn("could not get random name\n"); */
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-EEXIST);
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuLNPair(&qs));
++ BUG();
++ out_name:
++ if (name != defname)
++ kfree(name);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++#undef HEX_LEN
++ * rename the @h_dentry on @br to the whiteouted temporary name.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ h_parent = h_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_path.dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &h_dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ /* under the same dir, no need to lock_rename() */
++ err = vfsub_rename(h_dir, h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for removing a whiteout
++ */
++static int do_unlink_wh(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int force;
++ /*
++ * forces superio when the dir has a sticky bit.
++ * this may be a violation of unix fs semantics.
++ */
++ force = (h_dir->i_mode & S_ISVTX)
++ && h_path->dentry->d_inode->i_uid != current_fsuid();
++ return vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, force);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (!err && dentry)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, -1);
++ return err;
++static int unlink_wh_name(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = 0;
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(wh, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ else {
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && S_ISREG(h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize/clean whiteout for a branch
++ */
++static void au_wh_clean(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *whpath,
++ const int isdir)
++ int err;
++ if (!whpath->dentry->d_inode)
++ return;
++ err = mnt_want_write(whpath->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (isdir)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, whpath);
++ else
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, whpath, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(whpath->mnt);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s (%d), ignored.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(whpath->dentry), err);
++static int test_linkable(struct dentry *h_root)
++ struct inode *h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (h_dir->i_op->link)
++ return 0;
++ AuErr("%.*s (%s) doesn't support link(2), use noplink and rw+nolwh\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ return -ENOSYS;
++/* todo: should this mkdir be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper? */
++static int au_whdir(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (!path->dentry->d_inode) {
++ int mode = S_IRWXU;
++ if (au_test_nfs(path->dentry->d_sb))
++ mode |= S_IXUGO;
++ err = mnt_want_write(path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, path, mode);
++ mnt_drop_write(path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISDIR(path->dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s exists\n", AuDLNPair(path->dentry));
++ return err;
++struct au_wh_base {
++ const struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++static void au_wh_init_ro(struct inode *h_dir, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ * returns tri-state,
++ * minus: error, caller should print the mesage
++ * zero: succuess
++ * plus: error, caller should NOT print the mesage
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw_nolink(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * for the moment, aufs supports the branch filesystem which does not support
++ * link(2). testing on FAT which does not support i_op->setattr() fully either,
++ * copyup failed. finally, such filesystem will not be used as the writable
++ * branch.
++ *
++ * returns tri-state, see above.
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /*
++ * todo: should this create be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper?
++ */
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (!base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, h_path, WH_MASK);
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISREG(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s/%.*s exists\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), AuDLNPair(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = dget(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize the whiteout base file/dir for @br.
++ */
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb)
++ int err, i;
++ const unsigned char do_plink
++ = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ static const struct qstr base_name[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = AUFS_BASE_NAME,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_BASE_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_PLINKDIR_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_ORPHDIR_NAME) - 1
++ }
++ };
++ struct au_wh_base base[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_BASE,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_PLINK,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_ORPH,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ }
++ };
++ if (wbr)
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ /* doubly whiteouted */
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = au_wh_lkup(h_root, (void *)base[i].name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(d);
++ if (IS_ERR(d))
++ goto out;
++ base[i].dentry = d;
++ AuDebugOn(wbr
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i]
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i] != base[i].dentry);
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ au_wh_init_ro(h_dir, base, &path);
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw_nolink(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("an error(%d) on the writable branch %.*s(%s)\n",
++ err, AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ out:
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(base[i].dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * whiteouts are all hard-linked usually.
++ * when its link count reaches a ceiling, we create a new whiteout base
++ * asynchronously.
++ */
++struct reinit_br_wh {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void reinit_br_wh(void *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *a = arg;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ err = 0;
++ wbr = a->br->br_wbr;
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(a->sb);
++ if (!au_br_writable(a->br->br_perm))
++ goto out;
++ bindex = au_br_index(a->sb, a->br->br_id);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ dir = a->sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(a->sb->s_root, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_h_verify(wbr->wbr_whbase, au_opt_udba(a->sb), hdir->hi_inode,
++ h_root, a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path.dentry = wbr->wbr_whbase;
++ h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(hdir->hi_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ } else {
++ AuWarn("%.*s is moved, ignored\n", AuDLNPair(wbr->wbr_whbase));
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ dput(wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, a->br, a->sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ di_read_unlock(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (wbr)
++ atomic_dec(&wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&a->br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(a->sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(a->sb);
++ kfree(arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++static void kick_reinit_br_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ int do_dec, wkq_err;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *arg;
++ do_dec = 1;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running) != 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* ignore ENOMEM */
++ arg = kmalloc(sizeof(*arg), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (arg) {
++ /*
++ * dec(wh_running), kfree(arg) and dec(br_count)
++ * in reinit function
++ */
++ arg->sb = sb;
++ arg->br = br;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(reinit_br_wh, arg, sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ kfree(arg);
++ }
++ do_dec = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (do_dec)
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create the whiteout @wh.
++ */
++static int link_or_create_wh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh
++ };
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_parent = wh->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ if (wbr->wbr_whbase) {
++ err = vfsub_link(wbr->wbr_whbase, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (!err || err != -EMLINK)
++ goto out;
++ /* link count full. re-initialize br_whbase. */
++ kick_reinit_br_wh(sb, br);
++ }
++ /* return this error in this context */
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, WH_MASK);
++ out:
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create or remove the diropq.
++ */
++static struct dentry *do_diropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ opq_dentry = au_lkup_one(&diropq_name, h_dentry, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_ftest_diropq(flags, CREATE)) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, opq_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ } else {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = opq_dentry,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = do_unlink_wh(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bindex), &tmp);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ opq_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return opq_dentry;
++struct do_diropq_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void call_do_diropq(void *args)
++ struct do_diropq_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_diropq(a->dentry, a->bindex, a->flags);
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *diropq, *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dentry->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ diropq = do_diropq(dentry, bindex, flags);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_diropq_args args = {
++ .errp = &diropq,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_diropq, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ diropq = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return diropq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * lookup whiteout dentry.
++ * @h_parent: lower parent dentry which must exist and be locked
++ * @base_name: name of dentry which will be whiteouted
++ * returns dentry for whiteout.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&wh_name, base_name);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(&wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ kfree(;
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * link/create a whiteout for @dentry on @bindex.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry) && !wh_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, wh_dentry);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ else {
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Delete all whiteouts in this directory on branch bindex. */
++static int del_wh_children(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ char *p;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = __getname();
++ = p;
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; !err && ul < n; ul++, head++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex != bindex)
++ continue;
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ if (str->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN <= PATH_MAX) {
++ memcpy(p, str->name, str->len);
++ wh_name.len = AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN + str->len;
++ err = unlink_wh_name(h_dentry, &wh_name, br);
++ if (!err)
++ continue;
++ break;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("whiteout name too long %.*s\n",
++ str->len, str->name);
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(;
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct del_wh_children_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_del_wh_children(void *args)
++ struct del_wh_children_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = del_wh_children(a->h_dentry, &a->whlist, a->bindex, a->br);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ whtmp = kmalloc(sizeof(*whtmp), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!whtmp)) {
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ whtmp->dir = NULL;
++ whtmp->wh_dentry = NULL;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whtmp->whlist, au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash, gfp);
++ if (!err)
++ return whtmp; /* success */
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return whtmp;
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp)
++ dput(whtmp->wh_dentry);
++ iput(whtmp->dir);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whtmp->whlist);
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ * rmdir the whiteouted temporary named dir @h_dentry.
++ * @whlist: whiteouted children.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_tmp;
++ struct inode *wh_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ wh_inode = wh_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&wh_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ /*
++ * someone else might change some whiteouts while we were sleeping.
++ * it means this whlist may have an obsoleted entry.
++ */
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(wh_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = del_wh_children(wh_dentry, whlist, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct del_wh_children_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .h_dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .whlist = *whlist,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_del_wh_children, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&wh_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_tmp.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_tmp.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_tmp);
++ /* d_drop(h_dentry); */
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex) {
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ drop_nlink(dir);
++ }
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s(%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ return err;
++static void call_rmdir_whtmp(void *args)
++ int err;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *a = args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ /* rmdir by nfsd may cause deadlock with this i_mutex */
++ /* mutex_lock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, a->bindex, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, a->bindex);
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ h_parent = dget_parent(a->wh_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(a->dir, a->bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_h_verify(a->wh_dentry, au_opt_udba(sb), h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(a->dir, a->bindex, a->wh_dentry,
++ &a->whlist);
++ mnt_drop_write(br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ }
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ /* mutex_unlock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args)
++ int wkq_err;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ /* all post-process will be done in do_rmdir_whtmp(). */
++ args->dir = au_igrab(dir);
++ args->bindex = bindex;
++ args->wh_dentry = dget(wh_dentry);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(call_rmdir_whtmp, args, dir->i_sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ AuWarn("rmdir error %.*s (%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wkq_err);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#define __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "dir.h"
++/* whout.c */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name);
++struct au_branch;
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio);
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix);
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb);
++/* diropq flags */
++#define AuDiropq_CREATE 1
++#define au_ftest_diropq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuDiropq_##name)
++#define au_fset_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuDiropq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuDiropq_##name; }
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags);
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent);
++/* real rmdir for the whiteout-ed dir */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir {
++ struct inode *dir;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp);
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_diropq_create(struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, AuDiropq_CREATE);
++static inline int au_diropq_remove(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return PTR_ERR(au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, !AuDiropq_CREATE));
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WHOUT_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new dredential scheme
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* internal workqueue named AUFS_WKQ_NAME */
++static struct au_wkq {
++ struct workqueue_struct *q;
++ /* balancing */
++ atomic_t busy;
++} *au_wkq;
++struct au_wkinfo {
++ struct work_struct wk;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ unsigned int flags; /* see wkq.h */
++ au_wkq_func_t func;
++ void *args;
++ atomic_t *busyp;
++ struct completion *comp;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int enqueue(struct au_wkq *wkq, struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ wkinfo->busyp = &wkq->busy;
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ return !queue_work(wkq->q, &wkinfo->wk);
++ else
++ return !schedule_work(&wkinfo->wk);
++static void do_wkq(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ unsigned int idle, n;
++ int i, idle_idx;
++ while (1) {
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT)) {
++ idle_idx = 0;
++ idle = UINT_MAX;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ n = atomic_inc_return(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ if (n == 1 && !enqueue(au_wkq + i, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ if (n < idle) {
++ idle_idx = i;
++ idle = n;
++ }
++ atomic_dec(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ }
++ } else
++ idle_idx = aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_inc(&au_wkq[idle_idx].busy);
++ if (!enqueue(au_wkq + idle_idx, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ /* impossible? */
++ AuWarn1("failed to queue_work()\n");
++ yield();
++ }
++static void wkq_func(struct work_struct *wk)
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo = container_of(wk, struct au_wkinfo, wk);
++ wkinfo->func(wkinfo->args);
++ atomic_dec_return(wkinfo->busyp);
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ complete(wkinfo->comp);
++ else {
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(wkinfo->sb)->si_kobj);
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ kfree(wkinfo);
++ }
++ * Since struct completion is large, try allocating it dynamically.
++ */
++#if defined(CONFIG_4KSTACKS) || defined(AuTest4KSTACKS)
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) struct completion *comp = NULL
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ *comp = kmalloc(sizeof(**comp), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (*comp) {
++ init_completion(*comp);
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp)
++ kfree(comp);
++/* no braces */
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) \
++ struct completion *comp = &_ ## name
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* 4KSTACKS */
++static void au_wkq_run(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ au_dbg_verify_kthread();
++ INIT_WORK(&wkinfo->wk, wkq_func);
++ do_wkq(wkinfo);
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args)
++ int err;
++ AuWkqCompDeclare(comp);
++ struct au_wkinfo wkinfo = {
++ .flags = AuWkq_WAIT,
++ .func = func,
++ .args = args
++ };
++ err = au_wkq_comp_alloc(&wkinfo, &comp);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_wkq_run(&wkinfo);
++ /* no timeout, no interrupt */
++ wait_for_completion(wkinfo.comp);
++ au_wkq_comp_free(comp);
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo;
++ atomic_inc(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ /*
++ * wkq_func() must free this wkinfo.
++ * it highly depends upon the implementation of workqueue.
++ */
++ err = 0;
++ wkinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*wkinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (wkinfo) {
++ wkinfo->sb = sb;
++ wkinfo->flags = !AuWkq_WAIT;
++ wkinfo->func = func;
++ wkinfo->args = args;
++ wkinfo->comp = NULL;
++ kobject_get(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
++ au_wkq_run(wkinfo);
++ } else {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ atomic_dec(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ atomic_set(&nwt->nw_len, 0);
++ /* smp_mb();*/ /* atomic_set */
++ init_waitqueue_head(&nwt->nw_wq);
++void au_wkq_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++)
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q))
++ destroy_workqueue(au_wkq[i].q);
++ kfree(au_wkq);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ struct au_wkq *nowaitq;
++ /* '+1' is for accounting of nowait queue */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_wkq = kcalloc(aufs_nwkq + 1, sizeof(*au_wkq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!au_wkq))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ au_wkq[i].q = create_singlethread_workqueue(AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q)) {
++ atomic_set(&au_wkq[i].busy, 0);
++ continue;
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_wkq[i].q);
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* nowait accounting */
++ nowaitq = au_wkq + aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_set(&nowaitq->busy, 0);
++ nowaitq->q = NULL;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.h 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new credentials management scheme
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#define __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/wait.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * in the next operation, wait for the 'nowait' tasks in system-wide workqueue
++ */
++struct au_nowait_tasks {
++ atomic_t nw_len;
++ wait_queue_head_t nw_wq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++typedef void (*au_wkq_func_t)(void *args);
++/* wkq flags */
++#define AuWkq_WAIT 1
++#define au_ftest_wkq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWkq_##name)
++#define au_fset_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWkq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWkq_##name; }
++/* wkq.c */
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args);
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb);
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void);
++void au_wkq_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline int au_test_wkq(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++static inline void au_nwt_done(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ if (!atomic_dec_return(&nwt->nw_len))
++ wake_up_all(&nwt->nw_wq);
++static inline int au_nwt_flush(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ wait_event(nwt->nw_wq, !atomic_read(&nwt->nw_len));
++ return 0;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WKQ_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/xino.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/xino.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/xino.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/xino.c 2009-08-23 15:09:15.769926150 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1200 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * external inode number translation table and bitmap
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_access(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t do_xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf,
++ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ lockdep_off();
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (const char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ lockdep_on();
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_modify(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++struct do_xino_fwrite_args {
++ ssize_t *errp;
++ au_writef_t func;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *buf;
++ size_t size;
++ loff_t *pos;
++static void call_do_xino_fwrite(void *args)
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_xino_fwrite(a->func, a->file, a->buf, a->size, a->pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ /* todo: signal block and no wkq? */
++ /* todo: new credential scheme */
++ /*
++ * it breaks RLIMIT_FSIZE and normal user's limit,
++ * users should care about quota and real 'filesystem full.'
++ */
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .func = func,
++ .file = file,
++ .buf = buf,
++ .size = size,
++ .pos = pos
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_xino_fwrite, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_xino_fwrite(func, file, buf, size, pos);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a new xinofile at the same place/path as @base_file.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *base, *dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ int err;
++ base = base_file->f_dentry;
++ parent = base->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ name = &base->d_name;
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, parent, name->len);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ file = (void *)dentry;
++ AuErr("%.*s lookup err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* no need to mnt_want_write() since we call dentry_open() later */
++ err = vfs_create(dir, dentry, S_IRUGO | S_IWUGO, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ AuErr("%.*s create err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ file = dentry_open(dget(dentry), mntget(base_file->f_vfsmnt),
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s open err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(file));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ err = vfsub_unlink(dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s unlink err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ if (copy_src) {
++ /* no one can touch copy_src xino */
++ err = au_copy_file(file, copy_src,
++ i_size_read(copy_src->f_dentry->d_inode));
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s copy err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ out_fput:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return file;
++struct au_xino_lock_dir {
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++static void au_xino_lock_dir(struct super_block *sb, struct file *xino,
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ aufs_bindex_t brid, bindex;
++ ldir->hdir = NULL;
++ bindex = -1;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0)
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ ldir->hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(ldir->hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ ldir->parent = dget_parent(xino->f_dentry);
++ ldir->mtx = &ldir->parent->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(ldir->mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++static void au_xino_unlock_dir(struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ if (ldir->hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(ldir->hdir);
++ else {
++ mutex_unlock(ldir->mtx);
++ dput(ldir->parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate xino files asynchronously */
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bi, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct file *new_xino, *file;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0 || bend < bindex))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ file = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (!file)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ new_xino = au_xino_create2(file, file);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(new_xino);
++ if (IS_ERR(new_xino))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ fput(file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bi = 0; bi <= bend; bi++) {
++ if (unlikely(bi == bindex))
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bi);
++ if (br->br_mnt->mnt_sb != h_sb)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ get_file(new_xino);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct xino_do_trunc_args {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void xino_do_trunc(void *_args)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = args->sb;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ br = args->br;
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(dir);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, bindex);
++ if (!err
++ && br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ >= br->br_xino_upper)
++ br->br_xino_upper += AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP;
++ ii_read_unlock(dir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("err b%d, (%d)\n", bindex, err);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_xino_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(args);
++static void xino_try_trunc(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ < br->br_xino_upper)
++ return;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_xino_running) > 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* lock and kfree() will be called in trunc_xino() */
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ goto out_args;
++ }
++ atomic_inc_return(&br->br_count);
++ args->sb = sb;
++ args->br = br;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(xino_do_trunc, args, sb);
++ if (!wkq_err)
++ return; /* success */
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_count);
++ out_args:
++ kfree(args);
++ out:
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_xino_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_xino_do_write(au_writef_t write, struct file *file,
++ ino_t h_ino, ino_t ino)
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(ino);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(write, file, &ino, sizeof(ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ return -EIO;
++ * write @ino to the xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * even if @ino is zero, it is written to the xinofile and means no entry.
++ * if the size of the xino file on a specific filesystem exceeds the watermark,
++ * try truncating it.
++ */
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(long long) != sizeof(au_loff_max)
++ || ((loff_t)-1) > 0);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ return 0;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, TRUNC_XINO)
++ && au_test_fs_trunc_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb))
++ xino_try_trunc(sb, br);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%d)\n", err);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* aufs inode number bitmap */
++static const int page_bits = (int)PAGE_SIZE * BITS_PER_BYTE;
++static ino_t xib_calc_ino(unsigned long pindex, int bit)
++ ino_t ino;
++ AuDebugOn(bit < 0 || page_bits <= bit);
++ ino = AUFS_FIRST_INO + pindex * page_bits + bit;
++ return ino;
++static void xib_calc_bit(ino_t ino, unsigned long *pindex, int *bit)
++ AuDebugOn(ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ ino -= AUFS_FIRST_INO;
++ *pindex = ino / page_bits;
++ *bit = ino % page_bits;
++static int xib_pindex(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long pindex)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *xib;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(pindex > ULONG_MAX / PAGE_SIZE
++ || !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO));
++ if (pindex == sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex)
++ return 0;
++ xib = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ pos = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out;
++ pos = pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (i_size_read(xib->f_dentry->d_inode) >= pos + PAGE_SIZE)
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ else {
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ }
++ if (sz == PAGE_SIZE) {
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = pindex;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ out:
++ AuIOErr1("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ err = sz;
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err, bit;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0;
++ err = 0;
++ if (ino) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ xib_calc_bit(ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_bit(bit, sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = bit;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, 0);
++ return err;
++/* get an unused inode number from bitmap */
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb)
++ ino_t ino;
++ unsigned long *p, pindex, ul, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ int free_bit, err;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return iunique(sb, AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ free_bit = sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit;
++ if (free_bit < page_bits && !test_bit(free_bit, p))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ for (ul = pindex - 1; ul < ULONG_MAX; ul--) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) / PAGE_SIZE;
++ for (ul = pindex + 1; ul <= pend; ul++) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out:
++ set_bit(free_bit, p);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit++;
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ ino = xib_calc_ino(pindex, free_bit);
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ return ino;
++ out_err:
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDbg("i0\n");
++ return 0;
++ * read @ino from xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * if @ino does not exist and @do_new is true, get new one.
++ */
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ *ino = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0; /* no xino */
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(*ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(*ino);
++ file = au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < pos + sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* no ino */
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, ino, sizeof(*ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xino read error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* create and set a new xino file */
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *d;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * at mount-time, and the xino file is the default path,
++ * hinotify is disabled so we have no inotify events to ignore.
++ * when a user specified the xino, we cannot get au_hdir to be ignored.
++ */
++ file = vfsub_filp_open(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_LARGEFILE,
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("open %s(%ld)\n", fname, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return file;
++ }
++ /* keep file count */
++ h_parent = dget_parent(file->f_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("unlink %s(%d)\n", fname, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ d = file->f_dentry;
++ if (unlikely(sb == d->d_sb)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", fname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(d->d_sb))) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ fname, au_sbtype(d->d_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ return file; /* success */
++ out:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return file;
++ * find another branch who is on the same filesystem of the specified
++ * branch{@btgt}. search until @bend.
++ */
++static int is_sb_shared(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb = au_sbr_sb(sb, btgt);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < btgt; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize the xinofile for the specified branch @br
++ * at the place/path where @base_file indicates.
++ * test whether another branch is on the same filesystem or not,
++ * if @do_test is true.
++ */
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t h_ino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct au_branch *shared_br, *b;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb;
++ shared_br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (do_test) {
++ tgt_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ b = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (tgt_sb == b->br_mnt->mnt_sb) {
++ shared_br = b;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!shared_br || !shared_br->br_xino.xi_file) {
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, base_file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(base_file, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = file;
++ } else {
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = shared_br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ get_file(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ }
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate a xino bitmap file */
++/* todo: slow */
++static int do_xib_restore(struct super_block *sb, struct file *file, void *page)
++ int err, bit;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ loff_t pos, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_readf_t func;
++ ino_t *ino;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ func = sbinfo->si_xread;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ pos = 0;
++ while (pos < pend) {
++ sz = xino_fread(func, file, page, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (ino = page; sz > 0; ino++, sz -= sizeof(ino)) {
++ if (unlikely(*ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO))
++ continue;
++ xib_calc_bit(*ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err)
++ set_bit(bit, p);
++ else
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int xib_restore(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ void *page;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ page = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (!bindex || is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1) < 0)
++ err = do_xib_restore
++ (sb, au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file, page);
++ else
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ goto out;
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) <= PAGE_SIZE)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(sbinfo->si_xib, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ pos = 0;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE)) {
++ err = sz;
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = xib_restore(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * xino mount option handlers
++ */
++static au_readf_t find_readf(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->read)
++ return fop->read;
++ if (fop->aio_read)
++ return do_sync_read;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++static au_writef_t find_writef(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->write)
++ return fop->write;
++ if (fop->aio_write)
++ return do_sync_write;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++/* xino bitmap */
++static void xino_clear_xib(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++static int au_xino_set_xib(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xib);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = find_readf(file);
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = find_writef(file);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (!sbinfo->si_xib_buf)
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_xib_buf))
++ goto out_unset;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = 0;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < PAGE_SIZE) {
++ pos = 0;
++ err = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, sbinfo->si_xib_buf,
++ PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(err != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_free:
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_unset:
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* xino for each branch */
++static void xino_clear_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!br || !br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ }
++static int au_xino_set_br(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bshared;
++ struct {
++ struct file *old, *new;
++ } *fpair, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_writef_t writef;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ fpair = kcalloc(bend + 1, sizeof(*fpair), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!fpair))
++ goto out;
++ inode = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ writef = au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite;
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ bshared = is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1);
++ if (bshared >= 0) {
++ /* shared xino */
++ *p = fpair[bshared];
++ get_file(p->new);
++ }
++ if (!p->new) {
++ /* new xino */
++ p->old = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ p->new = au_xino_create2(base, br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(p->new);
++ if (IS_ERR(p->new)) {
++ p->new = NULL;
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_xino_do_write(writef, p->new,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)->i_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ get_file(p->new);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = p->new;
++ }
++ out_pair:
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->new)
++ fput(p->new);
++ else
++ break;
++ kfree(fpair);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_xigen_clr(sb);
++ xino_clear_xib(sb);
++ xino_clear_br(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* lvalue, do not call au_mntflags() */
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount)
++ int err, skip;
++ struct dentry *parent, *cur_parent;
++ struct qstr *dname, *cur_name;
++ struct file *cur_xino;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(xino->file->f_dentry);
++ if (remount) {
++ skip = 0;
++ dname = &xino->file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ cur_xino = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (cur_xino) {
++ cur_parent = dget_parent(cur_xino->f_dentry);
++ cur_name = &cur_xino->f_dentry->d_name;
++ skip = (cur_parent == parent
++ && dname->len == cur_name->len
++ && !memcmp(dname->name, cur_name->name,
++ dname->len));
++ dput(cur_parent);
++ }
++ if (skip)
++ goto out;
++ }
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = au_xino_set_xib(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xigen_set(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_set_br(sb, xino->file);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* reset all */
++ AuIOErr("failed creating xino(%d).\n", err);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a xinofile at the default place/path.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct file *file;
++ char *page, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct path path;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bwr;
++ br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ bwr = -1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb)) {
++ bwr = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bwr >= 0) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ page = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(sb->s_root, bwr);
++ p = d_path(&path, page, PATH_MAX - sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME));
++ file = (void *)p;
++ if (!IS_ERR(p)) {
++ strcat(p, "/" AUFS_XINO_FNAME);
++ AuDbg("%s\n", p);
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, p, /*silent*/0);
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, br->br_id);
++ }
++ __putname(page);
++ } else {
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, /*silent*/0);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ h_sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_sb))) {
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ }
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ }
++ out:
++ return file;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &file->f_path);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++#define Deleted "\\040(deleted)"
++ seq->count -= sizeof(Deleted) - 1;
++ AuDebugOn(memcmp(seq->buf + seq->count, Deleted,
++ sizeof(Deleted) - 1));
++#undef Deleted
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/Kconfig linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/Kconfig 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Kconfig 2009-08-23 15:20:08.517481916 +0200
+@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ source "fs/romfs/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/sysv/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/ufs/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/exofs/Kconfig"
++source "fs/aufs/Kconfig"
+ config NILFS2_FS
+ tristate "NILFS2 file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/Makefile linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/Makefile 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Makefile 2009-08-23 15:20:08.517481916 +0200
+@@ -124,3 +124,4 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS) += ocfs2/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS) += btrfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_GFS2_FS) += gfs2/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_EXOFS_FS) += exofs/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs/
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/namei.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namei.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/namei.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namei.c 2009-08-23 15:20:05.781465342 +0200
+@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ int deny_write_access(struct file * file
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * path_get - get a reference to a path
+@@ -1200,7 +1201,7 @@ out:
+ * needs parent already locked. Doesn't follow mounts.
+ * SMP-safe.
+ */
+-static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ int err;
+@@ -1209,8 +1210,9 @@ static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct
+ return ERR_PTR(err);
+ return __lookup_hash(&nd->last, nd->path.dentry, nd);
+ }
+-static int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
+ struct dentry *base, int len)
+ {
+ unsigned long hash;
+@@ -1231,6 +1233,7 @@ static int __lookup_one_len(const char *
+ this->hash = end_name_hash(hash);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * lookup_one_len - filesystem helper to lookup single pathname component
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/namespace.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namespace.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/namespace.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namespace.c 2009-08-23 15:20:05.781465342 +0200
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+ /* spinlock for vfsmount related operations, inplace of dcache_lock */
+ __cacheline_aligned_in_smp DEFINE_SPINLOCK(vfsmount_lock);
+ static int event;
+ static DEFINE_IDA(mnt_id_ida);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/open.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/open.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/open.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/open.c 2009-08-23 15:20:05.781465342 +0200
+@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ int do_truncate(struct dentry *dentry, l
+ mutex_unlock(&dentry->d_inode->i_mutex);
+ return err;
+ }
+ static long do_sys_truncate(const char __user *pathname, loff_t length)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/splice.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/splice.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/splice.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/splice.c 2009-08-23 15:20:05.785457660 +0200
+@@ -905,8 +905,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(generic_splice_sendpage);
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from pipe to file.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
+- loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -925,13 +925,14 @@ static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_i
+ return out->f_op->splice_write(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from a file to a pipe.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
+- struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
+- unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -947,6 +948,7 @@ static long do_splice_to(struct file *in
+ return in->f_op->splice_read(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
+ }
+ /**
+ * splice_direct_to_actor - splices data directly between two non-pipes
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/aufs_type.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/aufs_type.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/aufs_type.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/aufs_type.h 2009-08-23 15:19:40.797433187 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#define AUFS_VERSION "2-standalone.tree-30-20090803"
++/* todo? move this to linux-2.6.19/include/magic.h */
++#define AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC ('a' << 24 | 'u' << 16 | 'f' << 8 | 's')
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some environments treat 'char' as 'unsigned char' by default */
++typedef signed char aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 127
++typedef short aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 511
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 1023
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 32767
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#error unknown CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX value
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AUFS_NAME "aufs"
++#define AUFS_ROOT_INO 2
++#define AUFS_FIRST_INO 11
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX ".wh."
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN ((int)sizeof(AUFS_WH_PFX) - 1)
++#define AUFS_XINO_FNAME "." AUFS_NAME ".xino"
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT 64 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP 4 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_DIRWH_DEF 3
++#define AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF 10 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_RDBLK_DEF 512 /* bytes */
++#define AUFS_RDHASH_DEF 32
++#define AUFS_NWKQ_DEF 4
++#define AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF 30 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_PLINK_WARN 100 /* number of plinks */
++#define AUFS_DIROPQ_NAME AUFS_WH_PFX ".opq" /* whiteouted doubly */
++/* doubly whiteouted */
++/* branch permission */
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RW "rw"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RO "ro"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RR "rr"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_WH "wh"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_NLWH "nolwh"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* ioctl */
++enum {
++#define AuCtlType 'A'
++#endif /* __AUFS_TYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/Kbuild linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/Kbuild
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/Kbuild 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/Kbuild 2009-08-23 15:20:08.517481916 +0200
+@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ header-y += atmppp.h
+ header-y += atmsap.h
+ header-y += atmsvc.h
+ header-y += atm_zatm.h
++header-y += aufs_type.h
+ header-y += auto_fs4.h
+ header-y += ax25.h
+ header-y += b1lli.h
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/namei.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/namei.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/namei.h 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/namei.h 2009-08-23 15:20:05.785457660 +0200
+@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ extern struct file *lookup_instantiate_f
+ extern struct file *nameidata_to_filp(struct nameidata *nd, int flags);
+ extern void release_open_intent(struct nameidata *);
++extern struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++extern int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++ struct dentry *base, int len);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_len(const char *, struct dentry *, int);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_noperm(const char *, struct dentry *);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/splice.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/splice.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/splice.h 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/splice.h 2009-08-23 15:20:05.785457660 +0200
+@@ -83,4 +83,10 @@ extern ssize_t splice_to_pipe(struct pip
+ extern ssize_t splice_direct_to_actor(struct file *, struct splice_desc *,
+ splice_direct_actor *);
++extern long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++extern long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
+ #endif
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/security/device_cgroup.c linux-2.6.30.patched/security/device_cgroup.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/security/device_cgroup.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/security/device_cgroup.c 2009-08-23 15:20:05.785457660 +0200
+@@ -512,6 +512,7 @@ acc_check:
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ int devcgroup_inode_mknod(int mode, dev_t dev)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/security/security.c linux-2.6.30.patched/security/security.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/security/security.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/security/security.c 2009-08-23 15:20:05.785457660 +0200
+@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ int security_path_mkdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_mkdir(path, dentry, mode);
+ }
+ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -396,6 +397,7 @@ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_rmdir(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_unlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ int security_path_unlink(struct path *pa
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_unlink(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_symlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry,
+ const char *old_name)
+@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ int security_path_symlink(struct path *p
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_symlink(path, dentry, old_name);
+ }
+ int security_path_link(struct dentry *old_dentry, struct path *new_dir,
+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -419,6 +423,7 @@ int security_path_link(struct dentry *ol
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_link(old_dentry, new_dir, new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_rename(struct path *old_dir, struct dentry *old_dentry,
+ struct path *new_dir, struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -429,6 +434,7 @@ int security_path_rename(struct path *ol
+ return security_ops->path_rename(old_dir, old_dentry, new_dir,
+ new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_truncate(struct path *path, loff_t length,
+ unsigned int time_attrs)
+@@ -437,6 +443,7 @@ int security_path_truncate(struct path *
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_truncate(path, length, time_attrs);
+ }
+ #endif
+ int security_inode_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
+@@ -508,6 +515,7 @@ int security_inode_readlink(struct dentr
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_readlink(dentry);
+ }
+ int security_inode_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+@@ -522,6 +530,7 @@ int security_inode_permission(struct ino
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_permission(inode, mask);
+ }
+ int security_inode_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr)
+ {
+@@ -622,6 +631,7 @@ int security_file_permission(struct file
+ {
+ return security_ops->file_permission(file, mask);
+ }
+ int security_file_alloc(struct file *file)
+ {
diff --git a/target/linux/patches/ b/target/linux/patches/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..212ab427f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/patches/
@@ -0,0 +1,24453 @@
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs
+--- linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /debug/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xib
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xib (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap), its block size and file size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xino0, xino1 ... xinoN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xino (External Inode Number
++ Translation Table), its link count, block size and file
++ size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xigen
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xigen (External Inode
++ Generation Table), its block size and file size.
++ If CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT is disabled, this entry will not
++ be created.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs
+--- linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /sys/fs/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/br0, br1 ... brN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of a member directory (which
++ is called branch) in aufs, and its permission.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/xi_path
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of XINO (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table) file
++ even if it is the default path.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/aufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/aufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/aufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/aufs.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * all header files
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_H__
++#define __AUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include "debug.h"
++#include "branch.h"
++#include "cpup.h"
++#include "dcsub.h"
++#include "dbgaufs.h"
++#include "dentry.h"
++#include "dir.h"
++#include "file.h"
++#include "fstype.h"
++#include "inode.h"
++#include "loop.h"
++#include "module.h"
++#include "opts.h"
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "super.h"
++#include "sysaufs.h"
++#include "vfsub.h"
++#include "whout.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch management
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * free a single branch
++ */
++static void au_br_do_free(struct au_branch *br)
++ int i;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ mutex_destroy(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&br->br_count));
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr) {
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&wbr->wbr_wh_running));
++ AuRwDestroy(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ }
++ /* some filesystems acquire extra lock */
++ lockdep_off();
++ mntput(br->br_mnt);
++ lockdep_on();
++ kfree(wbr);
++ kfree(br);
++ * frees all branches
++ */
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ aufs_bindex_t bmax;
++ struct au_branch **br;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ bmax = sbinfo->si_bend + 1;
++ br = sbinfo->si_branch;
++ while (bmax--)
++ au_br_do_free(*br++);
++ * find the index of a branch which is specified by @br_id.
++ */
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_sbr_id(sb, bindex) == br_id)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * add a branch
++ */
++static int test_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ if (unlikely(h_d1 == h_d2))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2)
++ || !!au_test_subdir(h_d2, h_d1)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d1, h_d2)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d2, h_d1);
++ * returns a newly allocated branch. @new_nbranch is a number of branches
++ * after adding a branch.
++ */
++static struct au_branch *au_br_alloc(struct super_block *sb, int new_nbranch,
++ int perm)
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ add_branch = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ add_branch->br_wbr = NULL;
++ if (au_br_writable(perm)) {
++ /* may be freed separately at changing the branch permission */
++ add_branch->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch->br_wbr),
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch->br_wbr))
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_sbr_realloc(au_sbi(sb), new_nbranch)
++ || au_di_realloc(au_di(root), new_nbranch)
++ || au_ii_realloc(au_ii(root->d_inode), new_nbranch)))
++ goto out_wbr;
++ return add_branch; /* success */
++ out_wbr:
++ kfree(add_branch->br_wbr);
++ out_br:
++ kfree(add_branch);
++ out:
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ * test if the branch permission is legal or not.
++ */
++static int test_br(struct inode *inode, int brperm, char *path)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(au_br_writable(brperm) && IS_RDONLY(inode))) {
++ AuErr("write permission for readonly mount or inode, %s\n",
++ path);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns:
++ * 0: success, the caller will add it
++ * plus: success, it is already unified, the caller should ignore it
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int test_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend >= 0
++ && au_find_dbindex(root, add->path.dentry) >= 0)) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (!remount) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("%s duplicated\n", add->pathname);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOSPC; /* -E2BIG; */
++ if (unlikely(AUFS_BRANCH_MAX <= add->bindex
++ || AUFS_BRANCH_MAX - 1 <= bend)) {
++ AuErr("number of branches exceeded %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EDOM;
++ if (unlikely(add->bindex < 0 || bend + 1 < add->bindex)) {
++ AuErr("bad index %d\n", add->bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = add->path.dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink)) {
++ AuErr("no existence %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_sb == sb)) {
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unsuppoted(inode->i_sb))) {
++ AuErr("unsupported filesystem, %s (%s)\n",
++ add->pathname, au_sbtype(inode->i_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = test_br(add->path.dentry->d_inode, add->perm, add->pathname);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (bend < 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(test_overlap(sb, add->path.dentry,
++ au_h_dptr(root, bindex)))) {
++ AuErr("%s is overlapped\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), WARN_PERM)) {
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(root, 0)->d_inode;
++ if ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO) != (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO)
++ || h_inode->i_uid != inode->i_uid
++ || h_inode->i_gid != inode->i_gid)
++ AuWarn("uid/gid/perm %s %u/%u/0%o, %u/%u/0%o\n",
++ add->pathname,
++ inode->i_uid, inode->i_gid,
++ (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO),
++ h_inode->i_uid, h_inode->i_gid,
++ (h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO));
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize or clean the whiteouts for an adding branch
++ */
++static int au_br_init_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br,
++ int new_perm, struct dentry *h_root)
++ int err, old_perm;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ old_perm = br->br_perm;
++ br->br_perm = new_perm;
++ hdir = NULL;
++ h_mtx = NULL;
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ if (0 <= bindex) {
++ hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ h_mtx = &h_root->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++ if (!wbr)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ else {
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ }
++ if (hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ else
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = old_perm;
++ if (!err && wbr && !au_br_writable(new_perm)) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ int perm, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ au_rw_init(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ memset(wbr->wbr_wh, 0, sizeof(wbr->wbr_wh));
++ atomic_set(&wbr->wbr_wh_running, 0);
++ wbr->wbr_bytes = 0;
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, perm, path->dentry);
++ return err;
++/* intialize a new branch */
++static int au_br_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_add *add)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&br->br_xino, 0, sizeof(br->br_xino));
++ mutex_init(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = add->perm;
++ br->br_mnt = add->path.mnt; /* set first, mntget() later */
++ atomic_set(&br->br_count, 0);
++ br->br_xino_upper = AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT;
++ atomic_set(&br->br_xino_running, 0);
++ br->br_id = au_new_br_id(sb);
++ if (au_br_writable(add->perm)) {
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, add->perm, &add->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_br(sb, br, add->path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
++ au_sbr(sb, 0)->br_xino.xi_file, /*do_test*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuDebugOn(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ sysaufs_br_init(br);
++ mntget(add->path.mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_add_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bend,
++ aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ memmove(brp + 1, brp, sizeof(*brp) * amount);
++ *brp = br;
++ sbinfo->si_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ sbinfo->si_bend = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ memmove(hdp + 1, hdp, sizeof(*hdp) * amount);
++ au_h_dentry_init(hdp);
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ dinfo->di_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ memmove(hip + 1, hip, sizeof(*hip) * amount);
++ hip->hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(hip, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_dentry,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, amount;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ amount = bend + 1 - bindex;
++ au_br_do_add_brp(au_sbi(sb), bindex, br, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hip(au_ii(root_inode), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_set_h_dptr(root, bindex, dget(h_dentry));
++ au_set_h_iptr(root_inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode),
++ /*flags*/0);
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, add_bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(root_inode);
++ err = test_add(sb, add, remount);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ if (err) {
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ add_branch = au_br_alloc(sb, bend + 2, add->perm);
++ err = PTR_ERR(add_branch);
++ if (IS_ERR(add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_br_init(add_branch, sb, add);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_br_do_free(add_branch);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ add_bindex = add->bindex;
++ h_dentry = add->path.dentry;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, add_bindex);
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, add_bindex);
++ }
++ if (!add_bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_add_nlink(root_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ maxb = h_dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ /*
++ * this test/set prevents aufs from handling unnecesary inotify events
++ * of xino files, in a case of re-adding a writable branch which was
++ * once detached from aufs.
++ */
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) < 0
++ && au_br_writable(add_branch->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_dentry->d_sb)
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_parent == h_dentry)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, add_branch->br_id);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * delete a branch
++ */
++/* to show the line number, do not make it inlined function */
++#define AuVerbose(do_info, fmt, args...) do { \
++ if (do_info) \
++ AuInfo(fmt, ##args); \
++} while (0)
++ * test if the branch is deletable or not.
++ */
++static int test_dentry_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(root->d_sb), VERBOSE);
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ d = dpage->dentries[j];
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&d->d_count));
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(d) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ err = au_reval_dpath(d, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ di_downgrade_lock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_dptr(d, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy %.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d));
++ }
++ di_read_unlock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_inode_busy(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ err = 0;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), VERBOSE);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&i->i_count));
++ if (!list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ continue;
++ if (au_iigen(i) == sigen)
++ ii_read_lock_child(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_lock_child(i);
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(i, /*do_attr*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ ii_downgrade_lock(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_ibstart(i);
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_iptr(i, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(i->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy i%lu\n", i->i_ino);
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int test_children_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ sigen = au_sigen(root->d_sb);
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = test_dentry_busy(root, bindex, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ err = test_inode_busy(root->d_sb, bindex, sigen);
++ di_write_lock_child(root); /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_del_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_branch **brp, **p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(brp, brp + 1, sizeof(*brp) * (bend - bindex));
++ sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bend] = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ sbinfo->si_branch = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hdp, hdp + 1, sizeof(*hdp) * (bend - bindex));
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bend].hd_dentry = NULL;
++ dinfo->di_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hinode *hip, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hip, hip + 1, sizeof(*hip) * (bend - bindex));
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bend].hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(iinfo->ii_hinode + bend, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = p;
++static void au_br_do_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ bend = sbinfo->si_bend;
++ dput(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ au_hiput(au_hi(inode, bindex));
++ au_br_do_free(br);
++ au_br_do_del_brp(sbinfo, bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hip(au_ii(inode), bindex, bend);
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount)
++ int err, rerr, i;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, br_id;
++ unsigned char do_wh, verbose;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(sb->s_root, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", del->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, VERBOSE);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!bend)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "no more branches left\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ i = atomic_read(&br->br_count);
++ if (unlikely(i)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "%d file(s) opened\n", i);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ do_wh = wbr && (wbr->wbr_whbase || wbr->wbr_plink || wbr->wbr_orph);
++ if (do_wh) {
++ /* instead of WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) */
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ err = test_children_busy(sb->s_root, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (do_wh)
++ goto out_wh;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ br_id = br->br_id;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ }
++ if (!bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(sb->s_root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_sub_nlink(sb->s_root->d_inode, del->h_path.dentry->d_inode);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_half_refresh(sb, br_id);
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes == del->h_path.dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes) {
++ bend--;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ maxb = au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) == br->br_id)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_wh:
++ /* revert */
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, br->br_perm, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ AuWarn("failed re-creating base whiteout, %s. (%d)\n",
++ del->pathname, rerr);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * change a branch permission
++ */
++static int do_need_sigen_inc(int a, int b)
++ return au_br_whable(a) && !au_br_whable(b);
++static int need_sigen_inc(int old, int new)
++ return do_need_sigen_inc(old, new)
++ || do_need_sigen_inc(new, old);
++static int au_br_mod_files_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long n, ul, bytes, files;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct file *file, *hf, **a;
++ const int step_bytes = 1024, /* memory allocation unit */
++ step_files = step_bytes / sizeof(*a);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ n = 0;
++ bytes = step_bytes;
++ files = step_files;
++ a = kmalloc(bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ /* no need file_list_lock() since sbinfo is locked? defered? */
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list) {
++ if (special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(file->f_dentry));
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ if (unlikely(au_test_mmapped(file))) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (!S_ISREG(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || !(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)
++ || bstart != bindex) {
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ continue;
++ }
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ if (n < files)
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ else {
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bytes += step_bytes;
++ files += step_files;
++ p = krealloc(a, bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p) {
++ a = p;
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ } else
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ /* todo: already flushed? */
++ /* cf. fs/super.c:mark_files_ro() */
++ hf = a[ul];
++ hf->f_mode &= ~FMODE_WRITE;
++ if (!file_check_writeable(hf)) {
++ file_release_write(hf);
++ mnt_drop_write(hf->f_vfsmnt);
++ }
++ }
++ out_free:
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(root, mod->h_root);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", mod->path);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = test_br(mod->h_root->d_inode, mod->perm, mod->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_perm == mod->perm)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)) {
++ /* remove whiteout base */
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, mod->perm, mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* rw --> ro, file might be mmapped */
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_br_mod_files_ro(sb, bindex);
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ rerr = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr),
++ if (br->br_wbr)
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh
++ (sb, br, br->br_perm,
++ mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("nested error %d (%d)\n",
++ rerr, err);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ } else if (au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* ro --> rw */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (br->br_wbr) {
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt,
++ .dentry = mod->h_root
++ };
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, mod->perm, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kfree(br->br_wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ *do_update |= need_sigen_inc(br->br_perm, mod->perm);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch filesystems and xino for them
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#define __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/mount.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "super.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* a xino file */
++struct au_xino_file {
++ struct file *xi_file;
++ struct mutex xi_nondir_mtx;
++ /* todo: make xino files an array to support huge inode number */
++ struct dentry *xi_dbgaufs;
++/* members for writable branch only */
++enum {AuBrWh_BASE, AuBrWh_PLINK, AuBrWh_ORPH, AuBrWh_Last};
++struct au_wbr {
++ struct au_rwsem wbr_wh_rwsem;
++ struct dentry *wbr_wh[AuBrWh_Last];
++ atomic_t wbr_wh_running;
++#define wbr_whbase wbr_wh[AuBrWh_BASE] /* whiteout base */
++#define wbr_plink wbr_wh[AuBrWh_PLINK] /* pseudo-link dir */
++#define wbr_orph wbr_wh[AuBrWh_ORPH] /* dir for orphans */
++ /* mfs mode */
++ unsigned long long wbr_bytes;
++/* protected by superblock rwsem */
++struct au_branch {
++ struct au_xino_file br_xino;
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int br_perm;
++ struct vfsmount *br_mnt;
++ atomic_t br_count;
++ struct au_wbr *br_wbr;
++ /* xino truncation */
++ blkcnt_t br_xino_upper; /* watermark in blocks */
++ atomic_t br_xino_running;
++ /* an entry under sysfs per mount-point */
++ char br_name[8];
++ struct attribute br_attr;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch permission and attribute */
++enum {
++ AuBrPerm_RW, /* writable, linkable wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RO, /* readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RR, /* natively readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH, /* un-linkable whiteouts */
++ AuBrPerm_ROWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_RRWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_Last
++static inline int au_br_writable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW || brperm == AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH;
++static inline int au_br_whable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_ROWH
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++static inline int au_br_rdonly(struct au_branch *br)
++ return ((br->br_mnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
++ || !au_br_writable(br->br_perm))
++ ? -EROFS : 0;
++static inline int au_br_hinotifyable(int brperm __maybe_unused)
++ return brperm != AuBrPerm_RR && brperm != AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch.c */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sinfo);
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++struct au_opt_add;
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount);
++struct au_opt_del;
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount);
++struct au_opt_mod;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update);
++/* xino.c */
++static const loff_t au_loff_max = LLONG_MAX;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src);
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent);
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino);
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t hino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test);
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++struct au_opt_xino;
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount);
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Superblock to branch */
++static inline
++aufs_bindex_t au_sbr_id(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_id;
++static inline
++struct vfsmount *au_sbr_mnt(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++static inline
++struct super_block *au_sbr_sb(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex)->mnt_sb;
++static inline void au_sbr_put(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_count);
++static inline int au_sbr_perm(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_perm;
++static inline int au_sbr_whable(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * wbr_wh_read_lock, wbr_wh_write_lock
++ * wbr_wh_read_unlock, wbr_wh_write_unlock, wbr_wh_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(wbr_wh, struct au_wbr *wbr, &wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++#define WbrWhMustNoWaiters(wbr) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustAnyLock(wbr) AuRwMustAnyLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) AuRwMustWriteLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_BRANCH_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up functions, see wbr_policy.c for copy-down
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src)
++ const unsigned int mask = S_DEAD | S_SWAPFILE | S_PRIVATE
++ dst->i_flags |= src->i_flags & ~mask;
++ if (au_test_fs_notime(dst->i_sb))
++ dst->i_flags |= S_NOATIME | S_NOCMTIME;
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ fsstack_copy_attr_times(inode, h_inode);
++ vfsub_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!force
++ && !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode))
++ return;
++ inode->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink;
++ /*
++ * fewer nlink makes find(1) noisy, but larger nlink doesn't.
++ * it may includes whplink directory.
++ */
++ if (S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_add_nlink(inode, h_inode);
++ }
++ }
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ inode->i_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ inode->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ inode->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_higen = h_inode->i_generation;
++ iinfo->ii_hsb1 = h_inode->i_sb;
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ if (inode->i_nlink > 0)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, force);
++ inode->i_rdev = h_inode->i_rdev;
++ inode->i_blkbits = h_inode->i_blkbits;
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Note: dt_dentry and dt_h_dentry are not dget/dput-ed */
++/* keep the timestamps of the parent dir when cpup */
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ dt->dt_dentry = dentry;
++ dt->dt_h_path = *h_path;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ dt->dt_atime = h_inode->i_atime;
++ dt->dt_mtime = h_inode->i_mtime;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt)
++ struct iattr attr;
++ int err;
++ attr.ia_atime = dt->dt_atime;
++ attr.ia_mtime = dt->dt_mtime;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dt->dt_h_path, &attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("restoring timestamps failed(%d). ignored\n", err);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_iattr(struct dentry *dst, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_isrc, *h_idst;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dst, bindex);
++ h_idst = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dst->d_sb, bindex);
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ ia.ia_atime = h_isrc->i_atime;
++ ia.ia_mtime = h_isrc->i_mtime;
++ if (h_idst->i_mode != h_isrc->i_mode
++ && !S_ISLNK(h_idst->i_mode)) {
++ ia.ia_valid |= ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ }
++ sbits = !!(h_isrc->i_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_idst, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path.dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len,
++ char *buf, unsigned long blksize)
++ int err;
++ size_t sz, rbytes, wbytes;
++ unsigned char all_zero;
++ char *p, *zp;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /* reduce stack usage */
++ struct iattr *ia;
++ zp = page_address(ZERO_PAGE(0));
++ if (unlikely(!zp))
++ return -ENOMEM; /* possible? */
++ err = 0;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ while (len) {
++ AuDbg("len %lld\n", len);
++ sz = blksize;
++ if (len < blksize)
++ sz = len;
++ rbytes = 0;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ while (!rbytes || err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR) {
++ rbytes = vfsub_read_k(src, buf, sz, &src->f_pos);
++ err = rbytes;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ if (len >= rbytes && rbytes == blksize)
++ all_zero = !memcmp(buf, zp, rbytes);
++ if (!all_zero) {
++ wbytes = rbytes;
++ p = buf;
++ while (wbytes) {
++ size_t b;
++ b = vfsub_write_k(dst, p, wbytes, &dst->f_pos);
++ err = b;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ if (unlikely(err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR))
++ continue;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ wbytes -= b;
++ p += b;
++ }
++ } else {
++ loff_t res;
++ AuLabel(hole);
++ res = vfsub_llseek(dst, rbytes, SEEK_CUR);
++ err = res;
++ if (unlikely(res < 0))
++ break;
++ }
++ len -= rbytes;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ /* the last block may be a hole */
++ if (!err && all_zero) {
++ AuLabel(last hole);
++ err = 1;
++ if (au_test_nfs(dst->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /* nfs requires this step to make last hole */
++ /* is this only nfs? */
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = vfsub_write_k(dst, "\0", 1, &dst->f_pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ if (err == 1)
++ dst->f_pos--;
++ }
++ if (err == 1) {
++ ia = (void *)buf;
++ ia->ia_size = dst->f_pos;
++ ia->ia_valid = ATTR_SIZE | ATTR_FILE;
++ ia->ia_file = dst;
++ h_mtx = &dst->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dst->f_path, ia);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long blksize;
++ unsigned char do_kfree;
++ char *buf;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ blksize = dst->f_dentry->d_sb->s_blocksize;
++ if (!blksize || PAGE_SIZE < blksize)
++ blksize = PAGE_SIZE;
++ AuDbg("blksize %lu\n", blksize);
++ do_kfree = (blksize != PAGE_SIZE && blksize >= sizeof(struct iattr *));
++ if (do_kfree)
++ buf = kmalloc(blksize, GFP_NOFS);
++ else
++ buf = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ if (len > (1 << 22))
++ AuDbg("copying a large file %lld\n", (long long)len);
++ src->f_pos = 0;
++ dst->f_pos = 0;
++ err = au_do_copy_file(dst, src, len, buf, blksize);
++ if (do_kfree)
++ kfree(buf);
++ else
++ free_page((unsigned long)buf);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * to support a sparse file which is opened with O_APPEND,
++ * we need to close the file.
++ */
++static int au_cp_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len)
++ int err, i;
++ enum { SRC, DST };
++ struct {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *label, *label_file;
++ } *f, file[] = {
++ {
++ .bindex = bsrc,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out,
++ .label_file = &&out_src
++ },
++ {
++ .bindex = bdst,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out_src,
++ .label_file = &&out_dst
++ }
++ };
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ f = file;
++ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, f++) {
++ f->dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, f->bindex);
++ f->file = au_h_open(dentry, f->bindex, f->flags, /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(f->file);
++ if (IS_ERR(f->file))
++ goto *f->label;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(!f->file->f_op))
++ goto *f->label_file;
++ }
++ /* try stopping to update while we copyup */
++ IMustLock(file[SRC].dentry->d_inode);
++ err = au_copy_file(file[DST].file, file[SRC].file, len);
++ out_dst:
++ fput(file[DST].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[DST].bindex);
++ out_src:
++ fput(file[SRC].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[SRC].bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len,
++ struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int err, rerr;
++ loff_t l;
++ err = 0;
++ l = i_size_read(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ if (len == -1 || l < len)
++ len = l;
++ if (len)
++ err = au_cp_regular(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed unlinking cpup-ed %.*s(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_path->dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_symlink(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src,
++ struct inode *h_dir)
++ int err, symlen;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ char *sym;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sym = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!sym))
++ goto out;
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ symlen = h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_src, (char __user *)sym,
++ err = symlen;
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ if (symlen > 0) {
++ sym[symlen] = 0;
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, h_path, sym);
++ }
++ __putname(sym);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* return with the lower dst inode is locked */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_entry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ const unsigned char do_dt = !!au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ h_inode = h_src->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode != au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ /* try stopping to be referenced while we are creating */
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(h_parent != h_dst->d_parent);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ isdir = 0;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ /* try stopping to update while we are referencing */
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, mode | S_IWUSR);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_do_cpup_regular
++ (dentry, bdst, bsrc, len,
++ au_h_iptr(dst_parent->d_inode, bdst), &h_path);
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, &h_path, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ /*
++ * strange behaviour from the users view,
++ * particularry setattr case
++ */
++ if (au_ibstart(dst_parent->d_inode) == bdst)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dst_parent->d_inode,
++ /*force*/1);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dentry->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ }
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ err = au_do_cpup_symlink(&h_path, h_src, h_dir);
++ break;
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ AuDebugOn(!capable(CAP_MKNOD));
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown inode type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE)
++ && !isdir
++ && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)
++ && h_inode->i_nlink == 1
++ /* todo: unnecessary? */
++ /* && dentry->d_inode->i_nlink == 1 */
++ && bdst < bsrc
++ && !au_ftest_cpup(flags, KEEPLINO))
++ au_xino_write(sb, bsrc, h_inode->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from @bsrc to @bdst.
++ * the caller must set the both of lower dentries.
++ * @len is for truncating when it is -1 copyup the entire file.
++ * in link/rename cases, @dst_parent may be different from the real one.
++ */
++static int au_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t old_ibstart;
++ unsigned char isdir, plink;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *dst_inode, *h_dir, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ AuDebugOn(bsrc <= bdst);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dst_parent)
++ dst_parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ else
++ dget(dst_parent);
++ plink = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ dst_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bdst);
++ if (dst_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(!plink)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is disabled\n", inode->i_ino);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (dst_inode->i_nlink) {
++ const int do_dt = au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ h_src = au_plink_lkup(inode, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is broken\n", inode->i_ino);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ /* todo: cpup_wh_file? */
++ /* udba work */
++ au_update_brange(inode, 1);
++ }
++ old_ibstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = cpup_entry(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ dst_inode = h_dst->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dst_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = cpup_iattr(dentry, bdst, h_src);
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(dst_inode->i_mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (bdst < old_ibstart)
++ au_set_ibstart(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(dst_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, isdir));
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!isdir
++ && h_src->d_inode->i_nlink > 1
++ && plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, bdst, h_dst);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ if (!isdir)
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ else
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_path);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing broken entry(%d, %d)\n", err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(dst_parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_single_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dst_parent;
++static void au_call_cpup_single(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_single_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_single(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, a->len,
++ a->flags, a->dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ mode = h_dentry->d_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if ((mode != S_IFCHR && mode != S_IFBLK)
++ || capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags,
++ dst_parent);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_single_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .bsrc = bsrc,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags,
++ .dst_parent = dst_parent
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_single, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from the first active lower branch to @bdst,
++ * using au_cpup_single().
++ */
++static int au_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bsrc = bdst + 1; bsrc <= bend; bsrc++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc))
++ break;
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, NULL);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bsrc);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_simple_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void au_call_cpup_simple(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_simple(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char do_sio;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(parent->d_inode, bdst);
++ do_sio = !!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio) {
++ /*
++ * testing CAP_MKNOD is for generic fs,
++ * but CAP_FSETID is for xfs only, currently.
++ */
++ umode_t mode = dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ do_sio = (((mode & (S_IFCHR | S_IFBLK))
++ && !capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ || ((mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID))
++ && !capable(CAP_FSETID)));
++ }
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = au_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, len, flags);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_simple, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * copyup the deleted file for writing.
++ */
++static int au_do_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct file *file,
++ loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d_dst, *h_d_start;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ h_d_dst = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bdst;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_d_start = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry;
++ if (file)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry
++ = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bstart, len, !AuCpup_DTIME,
++ /*h_parent*/NULL);
++ if (!err && file) {
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry = h_d_start;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = h_d_dst;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct path h_path;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ wh_dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, parent, &h_path);
++ err = au_do_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, wh_dentry, file, len);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ dget(wh_dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed remove copied-up tmp file %.*s(%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ au_set_hi_wh(dentry->d_inode, bdst, wh_dentry);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_wh_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ struct file *file;
++static void au_call_cpup_wh(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_wh(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->file);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_orph, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir, *h_tmpdir, *h_inode;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_orph = NULL;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ h_dir = au_igrab(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ h_tmpdir = h_dir;
++ if (!h_dir->i_nlink) {
++ wbr = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst)->br_wbr;
++ h_orph = wbr->wbr_orph;
++ h_parent = dget(au_h_dptr(parent, bdst));
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, dget(h_orph));
++ h_tmpdir = h_orph->d_inode;
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_tmpdir), /*flags*/0);
++ /* this temporary unlock is safe */
++ if (file)
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ else
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT3);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ }
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_tmpdir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = au_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, len, file);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .file = file
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_wh, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ if (h_orph) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_dir), /*flags*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, h_parent);
++ }
++ iput(h_dir);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generic routine for both of copy-up and copy-down.
++ */
++/* cf. revalidate function in file.c */
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent, *h_parent, *real_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (IS_ROOT(parent))
++ goto out;
++ au_pin_init(&pin, dentry, bdst, AuLsc_DI_PARENT2, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb), AuPin_MNT_WRITE);
++ /* do not use au_dpage */
++ real_parent = parent;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ if (h_parent)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* find top dir which is necessary to cpup */
++ do {
++ d = parent;
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ di_read_lock_parent3(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } while (!h_parent);
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_lock_child3(d);
++ /* somebody else might create while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_dptr(d, bdst) || !au_h_dptr(d, bdst)->d_inode) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(d, bdst))
++ au_update_dbstart(d);
++ au_pin_set_dentry(&pin, d);
++ err = au_do_pin(&pin);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = cp(d, bdst, h_parent, arg);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ }
++ }
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent __maybe_unused ,
++ void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, -1, AuCpup_DTIME);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ return au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpup_dir, NULL);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ /* someone else might change our inode while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bdst);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up/down functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#define __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/time.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct inode;
++struct file;
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src);
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force);
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cpup flags */
++#define AuCpup_DTIME 1 /* do dtime_store/revert */
++#define AuCpup_KEEPLINO (1 << 1) /* do not clear the lower xino,
++ for link(2) */
++#define au_ftest_cpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpup_##name; }
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* keep timestamps when copyup */
++struct au_dtime {
++ struct dentry *dt_dentry;
++ struct path dt_h_path;
++ struct timespec dt_atime, dt_mtime;
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path);
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_CPUP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/debugfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#ifndef CONFIG_SYSFS
++#error DEBUG_FS depends upon SYSFS
++static struct dentry *dbgaufs;
++static const mode_t dbgaufs_mode = S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++struct dbgaufs_arg {
++ int n;
++ char a[20 * 4];
++ * common function for all XINO files
++ */
++static int dbgaufs_xi_release(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ kfree(file->private_data);
++ return 0;
++static int dbgaufs_xi_open(struct file *xf, struct file *file, int do_fcnt)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ p->n = 0;
++ file->private_data = p;
++ if (!xf)
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_getattr(xf->f_vfsmnt, xf->f_dentry, &st);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (do_fcnt)
++ p->n = snprintf
++ (p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%ld, %llux%lu %lld\n",
++ (long)file_count(xf), st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ else
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%llux%lu %lld\n",
++ st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ AuDebugOn(p->n >= sizeof(p->a));
++ } else {
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "err %d\n", err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static ssize_t dbgaufs_xi_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ p = file->private_data;
++ return simple_read_from_buffer(buf, count, ppos, p->a, p->n);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xib_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xib, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xib_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xib_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "xi"
++static int dbgaufs_xino_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ long l;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *xf;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ xf = NULL;
++ name = &file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(name->len < sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX)
++ || memcmp(name->name, DbgaufsXi_PREFIX,
++ sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1)))
++ goto out;
++ err = strict_strtol(name->name + sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1, 10, &l);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (l <= au_sbend(sb)) {
++ xf = au_sbr(sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(xf, file, /*do_fcnt*/1);
++ } else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xino_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xino_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ if (!au_sbi(sb)->si_dbgaufs)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ if (xi->xi_dbgaufs) {
++ debugfs_remove(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ char name[sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) + 5]; /* "xi" bindex NULL */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = sbinfo->si_dbgaufs;
++ if (!parent)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "%d", bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ AuDebugOn(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_file(name, dbgaufs_mode, parent,
++ sbinfo, &dbgaufs_xino_fop);
++ /* ignore an error */
++ if (unlikely(!xi->xi_dbgaufs))
++ AuWarn1("failed %s under debugfs\n", name);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xigen, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xigen_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xigen_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -EIO;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xigen", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xigen_fop);
++ if (sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ debugfs_remove_recursive(sbinfo->si_dbgaufs);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ char name[SysaufsSiNameLen];
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (!dbgaufs) {
++ AuErr1("/debug/aufs is uninitialized\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ sysaufs_name(sbinfo, name);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(name, dbgaufs);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs))
++ goto out;
++ kobject_get(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xib", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xib_fop);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib))
++ goto out_dir;
++ err = dbgaufs_xigen_init(sbinfo);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_dir:
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_fin(void)
++ debugfs_remove(dbgaufs);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -EIO;
++ dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(AUFS_NAME, NULL);
++ if (dbgaufs)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#ifndef __DBGAUFS_H__
++#define __DBGAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++/* dbgaufs.c */
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++void dbgaufs_fin(void);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void);
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#define dbgaufs_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __DBGAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_dpage_free(struct au_dpage *dpage)
++ int i;
++ struct dentry **p;
++ p = dpage->dentries;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpage->ndentry; i++)
++ dput(*p++);
++ free_page((unsigned long)dpage->dentries);
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err;
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dpages->dpages = kmalloc(sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!dpages->dpages))
++ goto out;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ dpages->dpages[0].ndentry = 0;
++ dpages->dpages[0].dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage = 1;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dpages:
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages)
++ int i;
++ struct au_dpage *p;
++ p = dpages->dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages->ndpage; i++)
++ au_dpage_free(p++);
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++static int au_dpages_append(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages,
++ struct dentry *dentry, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ void *p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage - 1;
++ sz = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(dentry);
++ if (unlikely(dpage->ndentry >= sz)) {
++ AuLabel(new dpage);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = dpages->ndpage * sizeof(*dpages->dpages);
++ p = au_kzrealloc(dpages->dpages, sz,
++ sz + sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpages->dpages = p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpage->ndentry = 0;
++ dpage->dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage++;
++ }
++ dpage->dentries[dpage->ndentry++] = dget(dentry);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *this_parent = root;
++ struct list_head *next;
++ struct super_block *sb = root->d_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ repeat:
++ next = this_parent->;
++ resume:
++ if (this_parent->d_sb == sb
++ && !IS_ROOT(this_parent)
++ && atomic_read(&this_parent->d_count)
++ && this_parent->d_inode
++ && (!test || test(this_parent, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, this_parent, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (next != &this_parent->d_subdirs) {
++ struct list_head *tmp = next;
++ struct dentry *dentry = list_entry(tmp, struct dentry,
++ d_u.d_child);
++ next = tmp->next;
++ if (/*d_unhashed(dentry) || */!dentry->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs)) {
++ this_parent = dentry;
++ goto repeat;
++ }
++ if (dentry->d_sb == sb
++ && atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)
++ && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ if (this_parent != root) {
++ next = this_parent->;
++ this_parent = this_parent->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ goto resume;
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (do_include && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ dentry = dentry->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ if (!test || test(dentry, arg)) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ struct dentry *trap, **dentries;
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ trap = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, d1, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ trap = d1;
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < dpage->ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ err = (d == d2);
++ if (!err)
++ trap = d;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ trap = NULL;
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return trap;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/types.h>
++struct dentry;
++struct au_dpage {
++ int ndentry;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++struct au_dcsub_pages {
++ int ndpage;
++ struct au_dpage *dpages;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages);
++typedef int (*au_dpages_test)(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DCSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/vt_kern.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int aufs_debug;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "debug print");
++module_param_named(debug, aufs_debug, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP);
++char *au_plevel = KERN_DEBUG;
++#define dpri(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ printk("%s" fmt, au_plevel, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ dpri("b%d, %.*s, %d\n",
++ tpos->wh_bindex,
++ tpos->wh_str.len, tpos->,
++ tpos->wh_str.len);
++ head++;
++ }
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ unsigned char *o;
++ if (!vdir || IS_ERR(vdir)) {
++ dpri("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(vdir));
++ return;
++ }
++ dpri("deblk %u, nblk %lu, deblk %p, last{%lu, %p}, ver %lu\n",
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz, vdir->vd_nblk, vdir->vd_deblk,
++ vdir->vd_last.ul, vdir->vd_last.p.deblk, vdir->vd_version);
++ for (ul = 0; ul < vdir->vd_nblk; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[ul];
++ o = p.deblk;
++ dpri("[%lu]: %p\n", ul, o);
++ }
++static int do_pri_inode(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct inode *inode,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ char *n = NULL;
++ int l = 0;
++ if (!inode || IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ dpri("i%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(inode));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* the type of i_blocks depends upon CONFIG_LSF */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(unsigned long)
++ && sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(u64));
++ if (wh) {
++ n = (void *)wh->;
++ l = wh->d_name.len;
++ }
++ dpri("i%d: i%lu, %s, cnt %d, nl %u, 0%o, sz %llu, blk %llu,"
++ " ct %lld, np %lu, st 0x%lx, f 0x%x, g %x%s%.*s\n",
++ bindex,
++ inode->i_ino, inode->i_sb ? au_sbtype(inode->i_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&inode->i_count), inode->i_nlink, inode->i_mode,
++ i_size_read(inode), (unsigned long long)inode->i_blocks,
++ (long long)timespec_to_ns(&inode->i_ctime) & 0x0ffff,
++ inode->i_mapping ? inode->i_mapping->nrpages : 0,
++ inode->i_state, inode->i_flags, inode->i_generation,
++ l ? ", wh " : "", l, n);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_inode(-1, inode, NULL);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(inode->i_sb))
++ return;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("i-1: bstart %d, bend %d, gen %d\n",
++ iinfo->ii_bstart, iinfo->ii_bend, au_iigen(inode));
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode,
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry);
++static int do_pri_dentry(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct dentry *wh = NULL;
++ if (!dentry || IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dpri("d%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* do not call dget_parent() here */
++ dpri("d%d: %.*s?/%.*s, %s, cnt %d, flags 0x%x\n",
++ bindex,
++ AuDLNPair(dentry->d_parent), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ dentry->d_sb ? au_sbtype(dentry->d_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&dentry->d_count), dentry->d_flags);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && dentry->d_inode && au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb)) {
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(dentry->d_inode);
++ if (iinfo)
++ wh = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++ }
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, dentry->d_inode, wh);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_dentry(-1, dentry);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("d-1: bstart %d, bend %d, bwh %d, bdiropq %d, gen %d\n",
++ dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo->di_bend,
++ dinfo->di_bwh, dinfo->di_bdiropq, au_digen(dentry));
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= dinfo->di_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry);
++static int do_pri_file(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *file)
++ char a[32];
++ if (!file || IS_ERR(file)) {
++ dpri("f%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ a[0] = 0;
++ if (bindex < 0
++ && file->f_dentry
++ && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb)
++ && au_fi(file))
++ snprintf(a, sizeof(a), ", mmapped %d", au_test_mmapped(file));
++ dpri("f%d: mode 0x%x, flags 0%o, cnt %ld, pos %llu%s\n",
++ bindex, file->f_mode, file->f_flags, (long)file_count(file),
++ file->f_pos, a);
++ if (file->f_dentry)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, file->f_dentry);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_file(-1, file);
++ if (err || !file->f_dentry || !au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ if (!finfo)
++ return;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= finfo->fi_bend; bindex++) {
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ do_pri_file(bindex, hf ? hf->hf_file : NULL);
++ }
++static int do_pri_br(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (!br || IS_ERR(br))
++ goto out;
++ mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ if (!mnt || IS_ERR(mnt))
++ goto out;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!sb || IS_ERR(sb))
++ goto out;
++ dpri("s%d: {perm 0x%x, cnt %d, wbr %p}, "
++ "%s, dev 0x%02x%02x, flags 0x%lx, cnt(BIAS) %d, active %d, "
++ "xino %d\n",
++ bindex, br->br_perm, atomic_read(&br->br_count), br->br_wbr,
++ au_sbtype(sb), MAJOR(sb->s_dev), MINOR(sb->s_dev),
++ sb->s_flags, sb->s_count - S_BIAS,
++ atomic_read(&sb->s_active), !!br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ return 0;
++ out:
++ dpri("s%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(br));
++ return -1;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ /* to reuduce stack size */
++ struct {
++ struct vfsmount mnt;
++ struct au_branch fake;
++ } *a;
++ /* this function can be called from magic sysrq */
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(!a)) {
++ dpri("no memory\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ a->mnt.mnt_sb = sb;
++ a->fake.br_perm = 0;
++ a->fake.br_mnt = &a->mnt;
++ a->fake.br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ atomic_set(&a->fake.br_count, 0);
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic_set */
++ err = do_pri_br(-1, &a->fake);
++ kfree(a);
++ dpri("dev 0x%x\n", sb->s_dev);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(sb))
++ return;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("nw %d, gen %u, kobj %d\n",
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_nowait.nw_len), sbinfo->si_generation,
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_kobj.kref.refcount));
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= sbinfo->si_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_br(bindex, sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bindex]);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy)
++ while (jiffy)
++ jiffy = schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(jiffy);
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia)
++#define AuBit(name) if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_ ## name) \
++ dpri(#name "\n")
++ AuBit(MODE);
++ AuBit(UID);
++ AuBit(GID);
++ AuBit(SIZE);
++ AuBit(ATIME);
++ AuBit(MTIME);
++ AuBit(CTIME);
++ AuBit(ATIME_SET);
++ AuBit(MTIME_SET);
++ AuBit(FORCE);
++ AuBit(ATTR_FLAG);
++ AuBit(KILL_SUID);
++ AuBit(KILL_SGID);
++ AuBit(FILE);
++ AuBit(KILL_PRIV);
++ AuBit(OPEN);
++ AuBit(TIMES_SET);
++#undef AuBit
++ dpri("ia_file %p\n", ia->ia_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, parent, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ for (i = dpages.ndpage - 1; !err && i >= 0; i--) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = dpage->ndentry - 1; !err && j >= 0; j--)
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentries[j]) != sigen);
++ }
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart >= 0) {
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hf->hf_file || hf->hf_br);
++ }
++ }
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ if (au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ au_dbg_blocked();
++ BUG();
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo __maybe_unused)
++#ifdef AuForceNoPlink
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++#ifdef AuForceNoXino
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++#ifdef AuForceNoRefrof
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++#ifdef AuForceHinotify
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_HINOTIFY);
++int __init au_debug_init(void)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_vdir_destr destr;
++ bindex = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex >= 0);
++ destr.len = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(destr.len < NAME_MAX);
++ AuWarn("CONFIG_4KSTACKS is defined.\n");
++#ifdef AuForceNoBrs
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#define __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/bug.h>
++/* #include <linux/err.h> */
++/* #include <linux/init.h> */
++/* #include <linux/kernel.h> */
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++/* #include <linux/kd.h> */
++/* #include <linux/vt_kern.h> */
++#include <linux/sysrq.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#define AuDebugOn(a) BUG_ON(a)
++/* module parameter */
++extern int aufs_debug;
++static inline void au_debug(int n)
++ aufs_debug = n;
++ smp_mb();
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return aufs_debug;
++#define AuDebugOn(a) do {} while (0)
++#define au_debug() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* debug print */
++#define AuDpri(lvl, fmt, arg...) \
++ printk(lvl AUFS_NAME " %s:%d:%s[%d]: " fmt, \
++ __func__, __LINE__, current->comm, current->pid, ##arg)
++#define AuDbg(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ AuDpri(KERN_DEBUG, "DEBUG: " fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuLabel(l) AuDbg(#l "\n")
++#define AuInfo(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_INFO, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_WARNING, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuErr(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_ERR, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuIOErr(fmt, arg...) AuErr("I/O Error, " fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuWarn(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuIOErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuIOErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUnsupportMsg "This operation is not supported." \
++ " Please report this application to aufs-users ML."
++#define AuUnsupport(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuErr(AuUnsupportMsg "\n" fmt, ##args); \
++ dump_stack(); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErr(e) do { \
++ if (unlikely((e) < 0)) \
++ AuDbg("err %d\n", (int)(e)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErrPtr(p) do { \
++ if (IS_ERR(p)) \
++ AuDbg("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(p)); \
++} while (0)
++/* dirty macros for debug print, use with "%.*s" and caution */
++#define AuLNPair(qstr) (qstr)->len, (qstr)->name
++#define AuDLNPair(d) AuLNPair(&(d)->d_name)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct au_finfo;
++struct dentry;
++extern char *au_plevel;
++struct au_nhash;
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++struct au_vdir;
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++struct inode;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode);
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct file;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *filp);
++struct super_block;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy);
++struct iattr;
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia);
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo);
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void);
++int __init au_debug_init(void);
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do { \
++ AuDbg(#w "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_whlist(w); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do { \
++ AuDbg(#v "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_vdir(v); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do { \
++ AuDbg(#i "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_inode(i); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do { \
++ AuDbg(#d "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_dentry(d); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do { \
++ AuDbg(#f "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_file(f); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do { \
++ AuDbg(#sb "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_sb(sb); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d sec\n", sec); \
++ ssleep(sec); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d jiffies\n", jiffy); \
++ au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(jiffy); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do { \
++ AuDbg("ia_valid 0x%x\n", (ia)->ia_valid); \
++ au_dbg_iattr(ia); \
++} while (0)
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_debug_init(void)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void);
++void au_sysrq_fin(void);
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do { \
++ WARN_ON(1); \
++ handle_sysrq('w', vc_cons[fg_console].d->vc_tty); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_sysrq_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_sysrq_fin() do {} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DEBUG_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_h_nd(struct nameidata *h_nd, struct nameidata *nd)
++ if (nd) {
++ *h_nd = *nd;
++ /*
++ * gave up supporting LOOKUP_CREATE/OPEN for lower fs,
++ * due to whiteout and branch permission.
++ */
++ /* unnecessary? */
++ h_nd-> = NULL;
++ } else
++ memset(h_nd, 0, sizeof(*h_nd));
++struct au_lkup_one_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ int err;
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_parent->d_sb))
++ return vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, h_parent, name->len);
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ h_nd.path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = __lookup_one_len(name->name, &h_nd.last, NULL, name->len);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ h_dentry = vfsub_lookup_hash(&h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ return h_dentry;
++static void au_call_lkup_one(void *args)
++ struct au_lkup_one_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_lkup_one(a->name, a->h_parent, a->br, a->nd);
++#define AuLkup_ALLOW_NEG 1
++#define au_ftest_lkup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLkup_##name)
++#define au_fset_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLkup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLkup_##name; }
++struct au_do_lookup_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ mode_t type;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ * returns positive/negative dentry, NULL or an error.
++ * NULL means whiteout-ed or not-found.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++au_do_lookup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_do_lookup_args *args)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int wh_found, opq;
++ unsigned char wh_able;
++ const unsigned char allow_neg = !!au_ftest_lkup(args->flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ wh_found = 0;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ wh_able = !!au_br_whable(br->br_perm);
++ if (wh_able)
++ wh_found = au_wh_test(h_parent, wh_name, br, /*try_sio*/0);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(wh_found);
++ if (!wh_found)
++ goto real_lookup;
++ if (unlikely(wh_found < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* We found a whiteout */
++ /* au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex); */
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ real_lookup:
++ h_dentry = au_lkup_one(name, h_parent, br, args->nd);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode) {
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ goto out_neg;
++ } else if (wh_found
++ || (args->type && args->type != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)))
++ goto out_neg;
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) <= bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode || !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode) || !wh_able
++ || (inode && !S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq = au_diropq_test(h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (opq > 0)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ else if (unlikely(opq < 0)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(opq);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ out_neg:
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ out:
++ return h_dentry;
++static int au_test_shwh(struct super_block *sb, const struct qstr *name)
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)
++ && !strncmp(name->name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)))
++ return -EPERM;
++ return 0;
++ * returns the number of lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ * can be called at unlinking with @type is zero.
++ */
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ int npositive, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bdiropq;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct qstr whname;
++ struct au_do_lookup_args args = {
++ .flags = 0,
++ .type = type,
++ .nd = nd
++ };
++ const struct qstr *name = &dentry->d_name;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ err = au_test_shwh(dentry->d_sb, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&whname, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!(inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ if (!type)
++ au_fset_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ npositive = 0;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode)
++ npositive++;
++ if (type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ continue;
++ }
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent)
++ continue;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!h_dir || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ h_dentry = au_do_lookup(h_parent, dentry, bindex, &whname,
++ &args);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_wh;
++ au_fclr_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) >= 0)
++ break;
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ npositive++;
++ if (!args.type)
++ args.type = h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if (args.type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ else if (isdir) {
++ /* the type of lower may be different */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (bdiropq >= 0 && bdiropq <= bindex)
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (npositive) {
++ AuLabel(positive);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ err = npositive;
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_wh:
++ kfree(;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC))
++ dentry = au_lkup_one(name, parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else {
++ struct au_lkup_one_args args = {
++ .errp = &dentry,
++ .name = name,
++ .h_parent = parent,
++ .br = br,
++ .nd = NULL
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_lkup_one, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return dentry;
++ * lookup @dentry on @bindex which should be negative.
++ */
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(h_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("b%d %.*s should be negative.\n",
++ bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) < bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* subset of struct inode */
++struct au_iattr {
++ unsigned long i_ino;
++ /* unsigned int i_nlink; */
++ uid_t i_uid;
++ gid_t i_gid;
++ u64 i_version;
++ loff_t i_size;
++ blkcnt_t i_blocks;
++ umode_t i_mode;
++static void au_iattr_save(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ ia->i_ino = h_inode->i_ino;
++ /* ia->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink; */
++ ia->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ ia->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ ia->i_version = h_inode->i_version;
++ ia->i_size = h_inode->i_size;
++ ia->i_blocks = h_inode->i_blocks;
++ ia->i_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_iattr_test(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ return ia->i_ino != h_inode->i_ino
++ /* || ia->i_nlink != h_inode->i_nlink */
++ || ia->i_uid != h_inode->i_uid
++ || ia->i_gid != h_inode->i_gid
++ || ia->i_version != h_inode->i_version
++ || ia->i_size != h_inode->i_size
++ || ia->i_blocks != h_inode->i_blocks
++ || ia->i_mode != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_h_verify_dentry(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct au_iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&ia, -1, sizeof(ia));
++ h_sb = h_dentry->d_sb;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_iattr_save(&ia, h_inode);
++ else if (au_test_nfs(h_sb) || au_test_fuse(h_sb))
++ /* nfs d_revalidate may return 0 for negative dentry */
++ /* fuse d_revalidate always return 0 for negative dentry */
++ goto out;
++ /* main purpose is namei.c:cached_lookup() and d_revalidate */
++ h_d = au_lkup_one(&h_dentry->d_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(h_d != h_dentry
++ || h_d->d_inode != h_inode
++ || (h_inode && au_iattr_test(&ia, h_inode))))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ dput(h_d);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL) {
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = (h_dentry->d_parent->d_inode != h_dir);
++ } else if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ err = au_h_verify_dentry(h_dentry, h_parent, br);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_do_refresh_hdentry(struct au_hdentry *p, struct au_dinfo *dinfo,
++ struct dentry *parent)
++ struct dentry *h_d, *h_dp;
++ struct au_hdentry tmp, *q;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t new_bindex, bindex, bend, bwh, bdiropq;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ bwh = dinfo->di_bwh;
++ bdiropq = dinfo->di_bdiropq;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ h_d = p->hd_dentry;
++ if (!h_d)
++ continue;
++ h_dp = dget_parent(h_d);
++ if (h_dp == au_h_dptr(parent, bindex)) {
++ dput(h_dp);
++ continue;
++ }
++ new_bindex = au_find_dbindex(parent, h_dp);
++ dput(h_dp);
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh == bindex)
++ bwh = new_bindex;
++ if (dinfo->di_bdiropq == bindex)
++ bdiropq = new_bindex;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p->hd_dentry = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower dentries, and loop again */
++ q = dinfo->di_hdentry + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hd_dentry) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ sb = parent->d_sb;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ if (bwh >= 0 && bwh <= au_sbend(sb) && au_sbr_whable(sb, bwh))
++ dinfo->di_bwh = bwh;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ if (bdiropq >= 0
++ && bdiropq <= au_sbend(sb)
++ && au_sbr_whable(sb, bdiropq))
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = bdiropq;
++ bend = au_dbend(parent);
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bend;
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--, p--)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bend = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ * returns the number of found lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ */
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type)
++ int npositive, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ err = au_di_realloc(dinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ npositive = err;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_hdentry(dinfo->di_hdentry + dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo,
++ parent);
++ npositive = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ if (type != S_IFDIR && dinfo->di_bstart == bstart)
++ goto out_dgen; /* success */
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart, type, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (npositive < 0)
++ goto out;
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh >= 0 && dinfo->di_bwh <= dinfo->di_bstart)
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ out_dgen:
++ au_update_digen(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ AuTraceErr(npositive);
++ return npositive;
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_do_h_d_reval(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err, valid;
++ int (*reval)(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
++ err = 0;
++ reval = NULL;
++ if (h_dentry->d_op)
++ reval = h_dentry->d_op->d_revalidate;
++ if (!reval)
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_dentry->d_sb))
++ /* it may return tri-state */
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ int locked;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ parent = nd->path.dentry;
++ locked = (nd && nd->path.dentry != dentry);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ BUG_ON(bindex > au_dbend(parent));
++ h_nd.path.dentry = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ BUG_ON(!h_nd.path.dentry);
++ h_nd.path.mnt = au_sbr(parent->d_sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(valid < 0))
++ err = valid;
++ else if (!valid)
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* todo: remove this */
++static int h_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ struct nameidata *nd, int do_udba)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode, h_mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart, ibs, ibe;
++ unsigned char plus, unhashed, is_root, h_plus;
++ struct inode *first, *h_inode, *h_cached_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name, *h_name;
++ err = 0;
++ plus = 0;
++ mode = 0;
++ first = NULL;
++ ibs = -1;
++ ibe = -1;
++ unhashed = !!d_unhashed(dentry);
++ is_root = !!IS_ROOT(dentry);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ /*
++ * Theoretically, REVAL test should be unnecessary in case of INOTIFY.
++ * But inotify doesn't fire some necessary events,
++ * IN_ATTRIB for atime/nlink/pageio
++ * IN_DELETE for NFS dentry
++ * Let's do REVAL test too.
++ */
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ mode = (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ plus = (inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ first = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ ibs = au_ibstart(inode);
++ ibe = au_ibend(inode);
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ btail = bstart;
++ if (inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %.*s\n", bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ h_name = &h_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(do_udba
++ && !is_root
++ && (unhashed != !!d_unhashed(h_dentry)
++ || name->len != h_name->len
++ || memcmp(name->name, h_name->name, name->len))
++ )) {
++ AuDbg("unhash 0x%x 0x%x, %.*s %.*s\n",
++ unhashed, d_unhashed(h_dentry),
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ goto err;
++ }
++ err = au_do_h_d_reval(h_dentry, nd, dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* do not goto err, to keep the errno */
++ break;
++ /* todo: plink too? */
++ if (!do_udba)
++ continue;
++ /* UDBA tests */
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!!inode != !!h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ h_plus = plus;
++ h_mode = mode;
++ h_cached_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ h_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ h_plus = (h_inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ }
++ if (inode && ibs <= bindex && bindex <= ibe)
++ h_cached_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(plus != h_plus
++ || mode != h_mode
++ || h_cached_inode != h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ continue;
++ err:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int simple_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ return 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ au_dbg_verify_gen(parent, sigen);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ if (!au_ftest_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS))
++ return simple_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ /* slow loop, keep it simple and stupid */
++ /* cf: au_cpup_dirs() */
++ err = 0;
++ parent = NULL;
++ while (au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ d = dentry;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ if (au_digen(parent) == sigen
++ && au_iigen(parent->d_inode) == sigen)
++ break;
++ d = parent;
++ }
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ /* someone might update our dentry while we were sleeping */
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen || au_iigen(d->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, d);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * if valid returns 1, otherwise 0.
++ */
++static int aufs_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int valid, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ unsigned char do_udba;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_DW);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ if (inode)
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ }
++ if (inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ AuDebugOn(inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ do_udba = !au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), UDBA_NONE);
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0
++ && au_test_higen(inode, au_h_iptr(inode, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = h_d_revalidate(dentry, inode, nd, do_udba);
++ if (unlikely(!err && do_udba && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ valid = !err;
++ if (!valid)
++ AuDbg("%.*s invalid\n", AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ return valid;
++static void aufs_d_release(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dinfo = dentry->d_fsdata;
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ /* dentry may not be revalidated */
++ bindex = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ struct au_hdentry *p;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ while (bindex++ <= bend) {
++ if (p->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(dinfo->di_hdentry);
++ AuRwDestroy(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ au_hin_di_reinit(dentry);
++struct dentry_operations aufs_dop = {
++ .d_revalidate = aufs_d_revalidate,
++ .d_release = aufs_d_release
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#define __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/dcache.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++/* make a single member structure for future use */
++/* todo: remove this structure */
++struct au_hdentry {
++ struct dentry *hd_dentry;
++struct au_dinfo {
++ atomic_t di_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem di_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t di_bstart, di_bend, di_bwh, di_bdiropq;
++ struct au_hdentry *di_hdentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry.c */
++extern struct dentry_operations aufs_dop;
++struct au_branch;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd);
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type);
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++/* dinfo.c */
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr);
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_dinfo *au_di(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return dentry->d_fsdata;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for dinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_DI_PARENT2,
++ * di_read_lock_child, di_write_lock_child,
++ * di_read_lock_child2, di_write_lock_child2,
++ * di_read_lock_child3, di_write_lock_child3,
++ * di_read_lock_parent, di_write_lock_parent,
++ * di_read_lock_parent2, di_write_lock_parent2,
++ * di_read_lock_parent3, di_write_lock_parent3,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_read_lock_##name(struct dentry *d, int flags) \
++{ di_read_lock(d, flags, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_write_lock_##name(struct dentry *d) \
++{ di_write_lock(d, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++#define DiMustNoWaiters(d) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustAnyLock(d) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustWriteLock(d) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_digen(struct dentry *d)
++ return atomic_read(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_h_dentry_init(struct au_hdentry *hdentry)
++ hdentry->hd_dentry = NULL;
++static inline void au_hdput(struct au_hdentry *hd)
++ dput(hd->hd_dentry);
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bend;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bwh;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline void au_set_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbend(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ /* dbwh can be outside of bstart - bend range */
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bwh = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq = bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void au_digen_dec(struct dentry *d)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry)
++ dentry->d_fsdata = NULL;
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DENTRY_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dinfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * dentry private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr;
++ dinfo = au_cache_alloc_dinfo();
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (nbr <= 0)
++ nbr = 1;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*dinfo->di_hdentry), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo->di_hdentry))
++ goto out_dinfo;
++ atomic_set(&dinfo->di_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init_wlock_nested(&dinfo->di_rwsem, AuLsc_DI_CHILD);
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ dentry->d_fsdata = dinfo;
++ dentry->d_op = &aufs_dop;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dinfo:
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp) * (dinfo->di_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp);
++ hdp = au_kzrealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sz, sizeof(*hdp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hdp) {
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = hdp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void do_ii_write_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_write_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_write_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_write_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_write_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++static void do_ii_read_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_read_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_read_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_read_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_read_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_read_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ do_ii_read_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ }
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_read_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ au_rw_read_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode && au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_downgrade_lock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_dgrade_lock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d)
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_child(d1);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_child(d2);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_parent(d1);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_parent(d2);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock(d1);
++ if (d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode)
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d2)->di_rwsem);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock(d2);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ return NULL;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex < 0);
++ d = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ AuDebugOn(d && (atomic_read(&d->d_count) <= 0));
++ return d;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bwh;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ if (!bwh)
++ return bwh;
++ if (0 < bwh && bwh < bend)
++ return bwh - 1;
++ }
++ return bend;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq;
++ bend = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bopq && bopq < bend)
++ bend = bopq;
++ }
++ return bend;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct au_hdentry *hd = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ if (hd->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(hd);
++ hd->hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry)
++ atomic_set(&au_di(dentry)->di_generation, au_sigen(dentry->d_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo || dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ if (h_d && !h_d->d_inode)
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ while (++dinfo->di_bstart <= dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bstart].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bend].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend || dinfo->di_bend < 0);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbend(dentry); bindex <= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex) == h_dentry)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink += h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink += 2;
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink -= h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink -= 2;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int reopen_dir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ /* open all lower dirs */
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex < bstart; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbend(file); btail < bindex; bindex--)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ flags = file->f_flags;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (h_file)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* close all? */
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int do_open_dir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, NULL);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 0;
++ file->f_version = dentry->d_inode->i_version;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ for (; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ break;
++ }
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* close all */
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= btail; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, -1);
++ au_set_fbend(file, -1);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_dir);
++static int aufs_release_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (vdir_cache)
++ au_vdir_free(vdir_cache);
++ if (au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* clear the flag without write-lock */
++ sbinfo->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK;
++ smp_mb();
++ wake_up_all(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ }
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(struct dentry *dentry, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_path.dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ /* no mnt_want_write() */
++ /* cf. fs/nsfd/vfs.c and fs/nfsd/nfs4recover.c */
++ /* todo: inotiry fired? */
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode->i_fop);
++ if (!err && h_inode->i_fop->fsync)
++ err = h_inode->i_fop->fsync(NULL, h_path.dentry,
++ datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_do_fsync_dir(struct file *file, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ err = vfs_fsync(h_file, h_file->f_dentry, datasync);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_mtx = &h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock(h_mtx);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * @file may be NULL
++ */
++static int aufs_fsync_dir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ IMustLock(dentry->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (file)
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir(file, datasync);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(dentry, datasync);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ if (file)
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_readdir(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_vdir_init(file);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current)) {
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode)));
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * nfsd filldir may call lookup_one_len(), vfs_getattr(),
++ * encode_fh() and others.
++ */
++ struct inode *h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ lockdep_on();
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode, h_inode);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuTestEmpty_WHONLY 1
++#define AuTestEmpty_CALLED (1 << 1)
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_testempty(flags, name) ((flags) & AuTestEmpty_##name)
++#define au_fset_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#undef AuTestEmpty_SHWH
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH 0
++struct test_empty_arg {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++static int test_empty_cb(void *__arg, const char *__name, int namelen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (name[0] == '.'
++ && (namelen == 1 || (name[1] == '.' && namelen == 2)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (namelen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, WHONLY)
++ && !au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (!au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, namelen, ino, d_type, arg->bindex,
++ au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, SHWH));
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int do_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, arg->bindex,
++ /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && !h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink)
++ goto out_put;
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(h_file, test_empty_cb, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ out_put:
++ fput(h_file);
++ au_sbr_put(dentry->d_sb, arg->bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_test_empty_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg;
++static void call_do_test_empty(void *args)
++ struct do_test_empty_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_test_empty(a->dentry, a->arg);
++static int sio_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, arg->bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_test_h_perm_sio(h_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_READ);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, arg);
++ else {
++ struct do_test_empty_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .arg = arg
++ };
++ unsigned int flags = arg->flags;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_test_empty, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ arg->flags = flags;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg.whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ arg.flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ arg.bindex = bstart;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whlist;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, WHONLY);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ out_whlist:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg.whlist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ err = 0;
++ arg.whlist = *whlist;
++ arg.flags = AuTestEmpty_WHONLY;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = sio_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop = {
++ .read = generic_read_dir,
++ .readdir = aufs_readdir,
++ .unlocked_ioctl = aufs_ioctl_dir,
++ .open = aufs_open_dir,
++ .release = aufs_release_dir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_dir
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#define __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* need to be faster and smaller */
++struct au_nhash {
++ unsigned int nh_num;
++ struct hlist_head *nh_head;
++struct au_vdir_destr {
++ unsigned char len;
++ unsigned char name[0];
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_dehstr {
++ struct hlist_node hash;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++struct au_vdir_de {
++ ino_t de_ino;
++ unsigned char de_type;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr de_str;
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_wh {
++ struct hlist_node wh_hash;
++ ino_t wh_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ unsigned char wh_type;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr wh_str;
++} __packed;
++union au_vdir_deblk_p {
++ unsigned char *deblk;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++struct au_vdir {
++ unsigned char **vd_deblk;
++ unsigned long vd_nblk;
++ struct {
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ } vd_last;
++ unsigned long vd_version;
++ unsigned int vd_deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long vd_jiffy;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dir.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop;
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++/* vdir.c */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit);
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen);
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh);
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file);
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir);
++/* ioctl.c */
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DIR_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/export.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/export.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/export.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/export.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * export via nfs
++ */
++#include <linux/exportfs.h>
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/mnt_namespace.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++union conv {
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ __u32 a[2];
++ __u32 a[1];
++ ino_t ino;
++static ino_t decode_ino(__u32 *a)
++ union conv u;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u.ino) != sizeof(u.a));
++ u.a[0] = a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ u.a[1] = a[1];
++ return u.ino;
++static void encode_ino(__u32 *a, ino_t ino)
++ union conv u;
++ u.ino = ino;
++ a[0] = u.a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ a[1] = u.a[1];
++/* NFS file handle */
++enum {
++ Fh_br_id,
++ Fh_sigen,
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ /* support 64bit inode number */
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_ino2,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino2,
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_igen,
++ Fh_h_type,
++ Fh_tail,
++ Fh_ino = Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino = Fh_dir_ino1
++static int au_test_anon(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return !!(dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_DISCONNECTED);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode generation external table */
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ __u32 igen;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /*
++ * temporary workaround for escaping from SiMustAnyLock() in
++ * au_mntflags(), since this function is called from au_iinfo_fin().
++ */
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ pos *= sizeof(igen);
++ igen = inode->i_generation + 1;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xigen, &igen,
++ sizeof(igen), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(igen))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ err = 0;
++ /* todo: dirty, at mount time */
++ if (inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)
++ goto out;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(inode->i_generation) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large i%lld\n", pos);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(inode->i_generation);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = sbinfo->si_xigen;
++ BUG_ON(!file);
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ < pos + sizeof(inode->i_generation)) {
++ inode->i_generation = atomic_inc_return(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ } else
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(inode->i_generation))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = file;
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen) {
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *decode_by_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (unlikely(is_bad_inode(inode)
++ || IS_DEADDIR(inode)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(inode)))
++ goto out_iput;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (!dir_ino || S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ dentry = d_find_alias(inode);
++ else {
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias)
++ if (!au_test_anon(d)
++ && d->d_parent->d_inode->i_ino == dir_ino) {
++ dentry = dget_locked(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(dentry && sigen != au_digen(dentry))) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: dirty? */
++/* if exportfs_decode_fh() passed vfsmount*, we could be happy */
++static struct vfsmount *au_mnt_get(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct mnt_namespace *ns;
++ struct vfsmount *pos, *mnt;
++ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ /* no get/put ?? */
++ AuDebugOn(!current->nsproxy);
++ ns = current->nsproxy->mnt_ns;
++ AuDebugOn(!ns);
++ mnt = NULL;
++ /* the order (reverse) will not be a problem */
++ list_for_each_entry(pos, &ns->list, mnt_list)
++ if (pos->mnt_sb == sb) {
++ mnt = mntget(pos);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ AuDebugOn(!mnt);
++ return mnt;
++struct au_nfsd_si_lock {
++ const unsigned int sigen;
++ const aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ unsigned char force_lock;
++static aufs_bindex_t si_nfsd_read_lock(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, nsi_lock->br_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && nsi_lock->sigen + AUFS_BRANCH_MAX > au_sigen(sb))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!nsi_lock->force_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ bindex = -1;
++ out:
++ return bindex;
++struct find_name_by_ino {
++ int called, found;
++ ino_t ino;
++ char *name;
++ int namelen;
++static int
++find_name_by_ino(void *arg, const char *name, int namelen, loff_t offset,
++ u64 ino, unsigned int d_type)
++ struct find_name_by_ino *a = arg;
++ a->called++;
++ if (a->ino != ino)
++ return 0;
++ memcpy(a->name, name, namelen);
++ a->namelen = namelen;
++ a->found = 1;
++ return 1;
++static struct dentry *au_lkup_by_ino(struct path *path, ino_t ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct find_name_by_ino arg;
++ int err;
++ parent = path->dentry;
++ if (nsi_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(parent->d_sb);
++ path_get(path);
++ file = dentry_open(parent, path->mnt, au_dir_roflags, current_cred());
++ dentry = (void *)file;
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out_file;
++ arg.ino = ino;
++ arg.found = 0;
++ do {
++ arg.called = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(file, find_name_by_ino, &arg);
++ } while (!err && !arg.found && arg.called);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_name;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ if (!arg.found)
++ goto out_name;
++ /* do not call au_lkup_one() */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(, parent, arg.namelen);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_name;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ }
++ out_name:
++ __putname(;
++ out_file:
++ fput(file);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(nsi_lock
++ && si_nfsd_read_lock(parent->d_sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct dentry *decode_by_dir_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct path path;
++ if (dir_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO) {
++ path.dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ dentry = path.dentry;
++ if (!path.dentry || IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ } else
++ path.dentry = dget(sb->s_root);
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, nsi_lock);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_acceptable(void *expv, struct dentry *dentry)
++ return 1;
++static char *au_build_path(struct dentry *h_parent, struct path *h_rootpath,
++ char *buf, int len, struct super_block *sb)
++ char *p;
++ int n;
++ struct path path;
++ p = d_path(h_rootpath, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ n = strlen(p);
++ path.mnt = h_rootpath->mnt;
++ path.dentry = h_parent;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p += n;
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ path.dentry = sb->s_root;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len - strlen(p));
++ mntput(path.mnt);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p[strlen(p)] = '/';
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(p);
++ return p;
++struct dentry *decode_by_path(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ ino_t ino, __u32 *fh, int fh_len,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_parent, *root;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ char *pathname, *p;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ /* au_br_get(br); */
++ h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ /* todo: call lower fh_to_dentry()? fh_to_parent()? */
++ h_parent = exportfs_decode_fh(h_mnt, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ fh_len - Fh_tail, fh[Fh_h_type],
++ h_acceptable, /*context*/NULL);
++ dentry = h_parent;
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent || IS_ERR(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh failed, %ld\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb), PTR_ERR(h_parent));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_anon(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh returned a disconnected dentry\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ }
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ pathname = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!pathname))
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ path.mnt = h_mnt;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ p = au_build_path(h_parent, &path, pathname, PAGE_SIZE, sb);
++ dentry = (void *)p;
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out_pathname;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(p, LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY, &path);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_relock;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!path.dentry->d_inode))
++ goto out_path;
++ if (ino != path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino)
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, /*nsi_lock*/NULL);
++ else
++ dentry = dget(path.dentry);
++ out_path:
++ path_put(&path);
++ out_relock:
++ if (unlikely(si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_pathname:
++ free_page((unsigned long)pathname);
++ out_h_parent:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out:
++ /* au_br_put(br); */
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *
++aufs_fh_to_dentry(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid, int fh_len,
++ int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t ino, dir_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock nsi_lock = {
++ .sigen = fh[Fh_sigen],
++ .br_id = fh[Fh_br_id],
++ .force_lock = 0
++ };
++ AuDebugOn(fh_len < Fh_tail);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, &nsi_lock);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ nsi_lock.force_lock = 1;
++ /* is this inode still cached? */
++ ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_ino);
++ AuDebugOn(ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* is the parent dir cached? */
++ dentry = decode_by_dir_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* lookup path */
++ dentry = decode_by_path(sb, bindex, ino, fh, fh_len, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (unlikely(!dentry))
++ /* todo?: make it ESTALE */
++ goto out_unlock;
++ accept:
++ if (dentry->d_inode->i_generation == fh[Fh_igen])
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ out_unlock:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++/* support subtreecheck option */
++static struct dentry *aufs_fh_to_parent(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid,
++ int fh_len, int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t dir_ino;
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ parent = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ if (IS_ERR(parent))
++ goto out;
++ if (!parent)
++ parent = decode_by_path(sb, au_br_index(sb, fh[Fh_br_id]),
++ dir_ino, fh, fh_len);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(parent);
++ return parent;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_encode_fh(struct dentry *dentry, __u32 *fh, int *max_len,
++ int connectable)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ parent = NULL;
++ err = -ENOSPC;
++ if (unlikely(*max_len <= Fh_tail)) {
++ AuWarn1("NFSv2 client (max_len %d)?\n", *max_len);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = FILEID_ROOT;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ AuDebugOn(dentry->d_inode->i_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_IR);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ AuWarn1("NFS-exporting requires xino\n");
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (h_parent) {
++ dget(h_parent);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -EPERM;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (unlikely(!h_sb->s_export_op)) {
++ AuErr1("%s branch is not exportable\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ fh[Fh_br_id] = br->br_id;
++ fh[Fh_sigen] = au_sigen(sb);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_ino, inode->i_ino);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino, parent->d_inode->i_ino);
++ fh[Fh_igen] = inode->i_generation;
++ *max_len -= Fh_tail;
++ fh[Fh_h_type] = exportfs_encode_fh(h_parent, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ max_len,
++ /*connectable or subtreecheck*/0);
++ err = fh[Fh_h_type];
++ *max_len += Fh_tail;
++ /* todo: macros? */
++ if (err != 255)
++ err = 99;
++ else
++ AuWarn1("%s encode_fh failed\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ out_dput:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = 255;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct export_operations aufs_export_op = {
++ .fh_to_dentry = aufs_fh_to_dentry,
++ /* .fh_to_parent = aufs_fh_to_parent, */
++ .encode_fh = aufs_encode_fh
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ __u32 u;
++ sb->s_export_op = &aufs_export_op;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ get_random_bytes(&u, sizeof(u));
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u) != sizeof(int));
++ atomic_set(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next, u);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * handling file/dir, and address_space operation
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fsnotify.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/pagemap.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * a dirty trick for handling deny_write_access().
++ * because FMODE_EXEC flag is not passed to f_op->open(),
++ * set it to file->private_data temporary.
++ */
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode)
++ if (nd
++ /* && !(nd->flags & LOOKUP_CONTINUE) */
++ && (nd->flags & LOOKUP_OPEN)
++ && (nd-> & vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_EXEC))
++ && inode
++ && S_ISREG(inode->i_mode)) {
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ unsigned long flags = nd->;
++ nd->>private_data = (void *)flags;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ }
++/* drop flags for writing */
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags)
++ flags &= ~(O_WRONLY | O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
++ flags |= O_RDONLY | O_NOATIME;
++ return flags;
++/* common functions to regular file and dir */
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ /* a race condition can happen between open and unlink/rmdir */
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely((!d_unhashed(dentry) && d_unhashed(h_dentry))
++ || !h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ && (br->br_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC))
++ goto out;
++ /* drop flags for writing */
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode))
++ flags = au_file_roflags(flags);
++ flags &= ~O_CREAT;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ h_file = dentry_open(dget(h_dentry), mntget(br->br_mnt), flags,
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out_br;
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)) {
++ h_file->f_mode |= FMODE_EXEC;
++ err = deny_write_access(h_file);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ fput(h_file);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ }
++ fsnotify_open(h_dentry);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ out:
++ return h_file;
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags))
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_finfo_init(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = open(file, file->f_flags);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file, *h_file_tmp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_file_tmp = NULL;
++ if (au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ if (file->f_mode == h_file->f_mode)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ h_file_tmp = h_file;
++ get_file(h_file_tmp);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, NULL);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(au_fbstart(file) < bstart
++ || au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bstart].hf_file);
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bstart, file->f_flags & ~O_TRUNC, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* todo: close all? */
++ err = 0;
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ /* close lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bstart);
++ out:
++ if (h_file_tmp)
++ fput(h_file_tmp);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_reopen_wh(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ struct dentry *hi_wh)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ dinfo = au_di(file->f_dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = btgt;
++ h_dentry = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = hi_wh;
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_ready_to_write_wh(struct file *file, loff_t len,
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *hi_wh;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bcpup);
++ if (!hi_wh)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, bcpup, len, file);
++ else
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bcpup, hi_wh);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!err && inode->i_nlink > 1 && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_append(inode, bcpup, au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup));
++ return err;
++ * prepare the @file for writing.
++ */
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bcpup;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode);
++ if (!err && (au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)) {
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, /*flags*/0);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* need to cpup */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ }
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_dentry;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) /* || d_unhashed(h_dentry) */
++ /* || !h_inode->i_nlink */) {
++ err = au_ready_to_write_wh(file, len, bcpup);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ } else {
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ if (!au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup))
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bcpup, len,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_file_refresh_by_inode(struct file *file, int *need_reopen)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *hi_wh;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart == finfo->fi_bstart)
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bstart = err;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bstart);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode)
++ && !d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(dentry, bstart);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* always superio. */
++ err = au_pin(&pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bstart, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else if (hi_wh) {
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bstart, hi_wh);
++ *need_reopen = 0;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_do_refresh_file(struct file *file)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, new_bindex, brid;
++ struct au_hfile *p, tmp, *q;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + finfo->fi_bstart;
++ brid = p->hf_br->br_id;
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hf_file)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hf_br->br_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = finfo->fi_hfile + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hf_file) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file) && !d_unhashed(file->f_dentry)) {
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart <= bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ bend = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart < bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + bend;
++ for (finfo->fi_bend = bend; finfo->fi_bend >= finfo->fi_bstart;
++ finfo->fi_bend--, p--)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(finfo->fi_bend < finfo->fi_bstart);
++ * after branch manipulating, refresh the file.
++ */
++static int refresh_file(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file))
++ int err, need_reopen;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ err = au_fi_realloc(au_fi(file), au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_file(file);
++ err = 0;
++ need_reopen = 1;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ err = au_file_refresh_by_inode(file, &need_reopen);
++ if (!err && need_reopen && !d_unhashed(dentry))
++ err = reopen(file);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ /* error, close all lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen, figen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char pseudo_link;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sigen = au_sigen(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ figen = au_figen(file);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ pseudo_link = (bstart != au_ibstart(dentry->d_inode));
++ if (sigen == figen && !pseudo_link && au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ AuDbg("sigen %d, figen %d\n", sigen, figen);
++ if (sigen != au_digen(dentry)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ err = refresh_file(file, reopen);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cf. aufs_nopage() */
++/* for madvise(2) */
++static int aufs_readpage(struct file *file __maybe_unused, struct page *page)
++ unlock_page(page);
++ return 0;
++/* they will never be called. */
++static int aufs_write_begin(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned flags,
++ struct page **pagep, void **fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_write_end(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned copied,
++ struct page *page, void *fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_writepage(struct page *page, struct writeback_control *wbc)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_sync_page(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_set_page_dirty(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_invalidatepage(struct page *page, unsigned long offset)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_releasepage(struct page *page, gfp_t gfp)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static ssize_t aufs_direct_IO(int rw, struct kiocb *iocb,
++ const struct iovec *iov, loff_t offset,
++ unsigned long nr_segs)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++struct address_space_operations aufs_aop = {
++ .readpage = aufs_readpage,
++ .writepage = aufs_writepage,
++ .sync_page = aufs_sync_page,
++ .set_page_dirty = aufs_set_page_dirty,
++ .write_begin = aufs_write_begin,
++ .write_end = aufs_write_end,
++ .invalidatepage = aufs_invalidatepage,
++ .releasepage = aufs_releasepage,
++ .direct_IO = aufs_direct_IO,
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/poll.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_hfile {
++ struct file *hf_file;
++ struct au_branch *hf_br;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_finfo {
++ atomic_t fi_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem fi_rwsem;
++ struct au_hfile *fi_hfile;
++ aufs_bindex_t fi_bstart, fi_bend;
++ union {
++ /* non-dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_h_vm_ops;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_vm_ops;
++ };
++ /* dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct au_vdir *fi_vdir_cache;
++ int fi_maintain_plink;
++ };
++ };
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* file.c */
++extern struct address_space_operations aufs_aop;
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode);
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags);
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags));
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file);
++struct au_pin;
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin);
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock);
++/* poll.c */
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait);
++/* f_op.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop;
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id);
++/* finfo.c */
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file);
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct file *h_file);
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file);
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file);
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_finfo *au_fi(struct file *file)
++ return file->private_data;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * fi_read_lock, fi_write_lock,
++ * fi_read_unlock, fi_write_unlock, fi_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(fi, struct file *f, &au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem);
++#define FiMustNoWaiters(f) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustAnyLock(f) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustWriteLock(f) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbstart(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbend(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_fvdir_cache(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache;
++static inline void au_set_fbstart(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fbend(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fvdir_cache(struct file *file,
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache = vdir_cache;
++static inline struct file *au_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bindex].hf_file;
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_figen(struct file *f)
++ return atomic_read(&au_fi(f)->fi_generation);
++static inline int au_test_mmapped(struct file *f)
++ FiMustAnyLock(f);
++ return !!(au_fi(f)->fi_h_vm_ops);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FILE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/finfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/finfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/finfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/finfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file private data
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file)
++ if (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ allow_write_access(hf->hf_file);
++ fput(hf->hf_file);
++ hf->hf_file = NULL;
++ atomic_dec_return(&hf->hf_br->br_count);
++ hf->hf_br = NULL;
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *val)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo = au_fi(file);
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ if (hf->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(hf, file);
++ if (val) {
++ hf->hf_file = val;
++ hf->hf_br = au_sbr(file->f_dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ }
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file)
++ atomic_set(&au_fi(file)->fi_generation, au_digen(file->f_dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ bindex = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ /*
++ * calls fput() instead of filp_close(),
++ * since no dnotify or lock for the lower file.
++ */
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ au_dbg_verify_hf(finfo);
++ kfree(finfo->fi_hfile);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuRwDestroy(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_cache_alloc_finfo();
++ if (unlikely(!finfo))
++ goto out;
++ finfo->fi_hfile = kcalloc(au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1,
++ sizeof(*finfo->fi_hfile), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_hfile))
++ goto out_finfo;
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ finfo->fi_bstart = -1;
++ finfo->fi_bend = -1;
++ atomic_set(&finfo->fi_generation, au_digen(dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ /* cf. au_store_oflag() */
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ ul = (unsigned long)file->private_data;
++ file->f_mode |= (vfsub_uint_to_fmode(ul) & FMODE_EXEC);
++ file->private_data = finfo;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_finfo:
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hfile *hfp;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp) * (finfo->fi_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp);
++ hfp = au_kzrealloc(finfo->fi_hfile, sz, sizeof(*hfp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hfp) {
++ finfo->fi_hfile = hfp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/f_op.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/f_op.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/f_op.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/f_op.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file and vm operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || !h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->flush)
++ continue;
++ err = h_file->f_op->flush(h_file, id);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int do_open_nondir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops = NULL;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = NULL;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* O_TRUNC is processed already */
++ BUG_ON(au_test_ro(dentry->d_sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)
++ && (flags & O_TRUNC));
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ else {
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bindex);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_nondir);
++static int aufs_release_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct super_block *sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ kfree(au_fi(file)->fi_vm_ops);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t aufs_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ err = vfsub_read_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_write(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ char __user *buf = (char __user *)ubuf;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_read(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_read) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_READ);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_read(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode,
++ h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->read);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_write(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_write) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_write(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->write);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_splice_read(struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (au_test_loopback_kthread()) {
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ smp_mb(); /* unnecessary? */
++ }
++ err = vfsub_splice_to(h_file, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ /* todo: necessasry? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t
++aufs_splice_write(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_splice_from(pipe, h_file, ppos, len, flags);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct file *au_safe_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file;
++ file = vma->vm_file;
++ if (file->private_data && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return file;
++ return NULL;
++static void au_reset_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct file *file)
++ vma->vm_file = file;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* flush vm_file */
++static int aufs_fault(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ /* todo: non-robr mode, user vm_file as it is? */
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ /* do not revalidate, no si lock */
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->fault(vma, vmf);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++#if 0 /* def CONFIG_SMP */
++ /* wake_up_nr(&wq, online_cpu - 1); */
++ wake_up_all(&wq);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_page_mkwrite(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->page_mkwrite(vma, vmf);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static void aufs_vm_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->close(vma);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++static struct vm_operations_struct aufs_vm_ops = {
++ /* .close and .page_mkwrite are not set by default */
++ .fault = aufs_fault,
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct vm_operations_struct *au_vm_ops(struct file *h_file,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ int err;
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
++ if (!h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->mmap)
++ goto out;
++ err = h_file->f_op->mmap(h_file, vma);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ vm_ops = vma->vm_ops;
++ err = do_munmap(current->mm, vma->vm_start,
++ vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed internal unmapping %.*s, %d\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_file->f_dentry), err);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return vm_ops;
++static int au_custom_vm_ops(struct au_finfo *finfo, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *h_ops;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ h_ops = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_ops);
++ if ((!h_ops->page_mkwrite && !h_ops->close)
++ || finfo->fi_vm_ops)
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = kmemdup(&aufs_vm_ops, sizeof(aufs_vm_ops), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_vm_ops))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_ops->page_mkwrite)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->page_mkwrite = aufs_page_mkwrite;
++ if (h_ops->close)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->close = aufs_vm_close;
++ vma->vm_ops = finfo->fi_vm_ops;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char wlock, mmapped;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ wlock = !!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) && (vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARED);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mmapped = !!au_test_mmapped(file);
++ if (wlock) {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (!mmapped && au_test_fs_bad_mapping(h_file->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /*
++ * by this assignment, f_mapping will differs from aufs inode
++ * i_mapping.
++ * if someone else mixes the use of f_dentry->d_inode and
++ * f_mapping->host, then a problem may arise.
++ */
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ }
++ vm_ops = NULL;
++ if (!mmapped) {
++ vm_ops = au_vm_ops(h_file, vma);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vm_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(vm_ops))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ /*
++ * unnecessary to handle MAP_DENYWRITE and deny_write_access()?
++ * currently MAP_DENYWRITE from userspace is ignored, but elf loader
++ * sets it. when FMODE_EXEC is set (by open_exec() or sys_uselib()),
++ * both of the aufs file and the lower file is deny_write_access()-ed.
++ * finally I hope we can skip handlling MAP_DENYWRITE here.
++ */
++ err = generic_file_mmap(file, vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vma->vm_ops = &aufs_vm_ops;
++ /* test again */
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ au_fi(file)->fi_h_vm_ops = vm_ops;
++ err = au_custom_vm_ops(au_fi(file), vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vfsub_file_accessed(h_file);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_fsync_nondir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(file->f_mapping->host);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /*
++ * no filemap_fdatawrite() since aufs file has no its own
++ * mapping, but dir.
++ */
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = h_file->f_op->fsync(h_file, h_d, datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static int aufs_aio_fsync_nondir(struct kiocb *kio, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_fsync(kio, datasync);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fasync(int fd, struct file *file, int flag)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fasync)
++ err = h_file->f_op->fasync(fd, h_file, flag);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static ssize_t aufs_sendpage(struct file *file, struct page *page, int offset,
++ size_t len, loff_t *pos , int more)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop = {
++ /*
++ * while generic_file_llseek/_unlocked() don't use BKL,
++ * don't use it since it operates file->f_mapping->host.
++ * in aufs, it may be a real file and may confuse users by UDBA.
++ */
++ /* .llseek = generic_file_llseek, */
++ .read = aufs_read,
++ .write = aufs_write,
++ .aio_read = aufs_aio_read,
++ .aio_write = aufs_aio_write,
++ .poll = aufs_poll,
++ .mmap = aufs_mmap,
++ .open = aufs_open_nondir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .release = aufs_release_nondir,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_nondir,
++ /* .aio_fsync = aufs_aio_fsync_nondir, */
++ .fasync = aufs_fasync,
++ /* .sendpage = aufs_sendpage, */
++ .splice_write = aufs_splice_write,
++ .splice_read = aufs_splice_read,
++#if 0
++ .aio_splice_write = aufs_aio_splice_write,
++ .aio_splice_read = aufs_aio_splice_read
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/fstype.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/fstype.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/fstype.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/fstype.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * judging filesystem type
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/cramfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/magic.h>
++#include <linux/romfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++static inline int au_test_aufs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++static inline const char *au_sbtype(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_type->name;
++static inline int au_test_iso9660(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ROMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_romfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cramfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS) || defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CRAMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_nfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == NFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fuse(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XFS_SB_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_tmpfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == TMPFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ecryptfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "ecryptfs");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_smbfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == SMB_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == DLMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_coda(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS) || defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CODA_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_v9fs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_9P_FS) || defined(CONFIG_9P_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == V9FS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ext4(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysv(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS_MODULE)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "sysv");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ramfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == RAMFS_MAGIC;
++static inline int au_test_ubifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == UBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_procfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == PROC_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SYSFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_configfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == CONFIGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_minix(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS) || defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIGCIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fat(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_msdos(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_vfat(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_securityfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SECURITYFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_squashfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SQUASHFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_btrfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xenfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XENFS) || defined(CONFIG_XENFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_debugfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == DEBUGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * they can't be an aufs branch.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unsuppoted(struct super_block *sb)
++ return
++ au_test_ramfs(sb) ||
++ au_test_procfs(sb)
++ || au_test_sysfs(sb)
++ || au_test_configfs(sb)
++ || au_test_debugfs(sb)
++ || au_test_securityfs(sb)
++ || au_test_xenfs(sb)
++ /* || !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "unionfs") */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb); /* will be supported in next version */
++ * If the filesystem supports NFS-export, then it has to support NULL as
++ * a nameidata parameter for ->create(), ->lookup() and ->d_revalidate().
++ * We can apply this principle when we handle a lower filesystem.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_null_nd(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !!sb->s_export_op;
++static inline int au_test_fs_remote(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ && !au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ && !(sb->s_type->fs_flags & FS_REQUIRES_DEV);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * Note: these functions (below) are created after reading ->getattr() in all
++ * filesystems under linux/fs. it means we have to do so in every update...
++ */
++ * some filesystems require getattr to refresh the inode attributes before
++ * referencing.
++ * in most cases, we can rely on the inode attribute in NFS (or every remote fs)
++ * and leave the work for d_revalidate()
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ /* || au_test_smbfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_btrfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_coda(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_v9fs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't maintain i_size or i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_xfs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_ext4(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_sysv(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ubifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_minix(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't store the correct value in some of their inode
++ * attributes.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ || au_test_fat(sb)
++ || au_test_msdos(sb)
++ || au_test_vfat(sb);
++/* they don't check i_nlink in link(2) */
++static inline int au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++ * filesystems which sets S_NOATIME and S_NOCMTIME.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_notime(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which requires replacing i_mapping.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_mapping(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++/* temporary support for i#1 in cramfs */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unique_ino(struct inode *inode)
++ if (au_test_cramfs(inode->i_sb))
++ return inode->i_ino != 1;
++ return 1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the filesystem where the xino files placed must support i/o after unlink and
++ * maintain i_size and i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_remote(sb)
++ || au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ || !(au_test_ramfs(sb) || au_test_fs_null_nd(sb))
++ || !au_test_fs_null_nd(sb) /* to keep xino code simple */
++ /* don't want unnecessary work for xino */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb)
++ || au_test_ecryptfs(sb);
++static inline int au_test_fs_trunc_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb);
++ * test if the @sb is real-readonly.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_squashfs(sb)
++ || au_test_iso9660(sb)
++ || au_test_cramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_romfs(sb);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/hinotify.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/hinotify.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/hinotify.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/hinotify.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inotify for the lower directories
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static const __u32 AuHinMask = (IN_MOVE | IN_DELETE | IN_CREATE);
++static struct inotify_handle *au_hin_handle;
++AuCacheFuncs(hinotify, HINOTIFY);
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ s32 wd;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ hin = au_cache_alloc_hinotify();
++ if (hin) {
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_notify);
++ hinode->hi_notify = hin;
++ hin->hin_aufs_inode = inode;
++ inotify_init_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ wd = inotify_add_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch, h_inode,
++ AuHinMask);
++ if (wd >= 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = wd;
++ put_inotify_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ hin = hinode->hi_notify;
++ if (hin) {
++ err = 0;
++ if (atomic_read(&hin->hin_watch.count))
++ err = inotify_rm_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* it means the watch is already removed */
++ AuWarn("failed inotify_rm_watch() %d\n", err);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct inotify_watch *watch;
++ if (!hinode->hi_notify)
++ return;
++ h_inode = hinode->hi_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ /* todo: try inotify_find_update_watch()? */
++ watch = &hinode->hi_notify->hin_watch;
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++ /* mutex_lock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ if (do_set) {
++ AuDebugOn(watch->mask & AuHinMask);
++ watch->mask |= AuHinMask;
++ } else {
++ AuDebugOn(!(watch->mask & AuHinMask));
++ watch->mask &= ~AuHinMask;
++ }
++ /* mutex_unlock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct dentry *iwhdentry;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!hi)
++ continue;
++ /* mutex_lock_nested(&hi->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD); */
++ iwhdentry = au_hi_wh(inode, bindex);
++ if (iwhdentry)
++ dget(iwhdentry);
++ au_igrab(hi);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(hi),
++ flags & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ iput(hi);
++ dput(iwhdentry);
++ /* mutex_unlock(&hi->i_mutex); */
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int hin_xino(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound, bstart;
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (bindex == bend) {
++ /* keep this ino in rename case */
++ goto out;
++ }
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex) == h_inode) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bfound < 0)
++ goto out;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!h_i)
++ continue;
++ err = au_xino_write(inode->i_sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ /* bad action? */
++ }
++ /* children inode number will be broken */
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_tree(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, dentry, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ if (IS_ROOT(d))
++ continue;
++ d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ /* todo: reset children xino?
++ cached children only? */
++ au_iigen_dec(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ /* discard children */
++ dentry_unhash(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * return 0 if processed.
++ */
++static int hin_gen_by_inode(char *name, unsigned int nlen, struct inode *inode,
++ const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ err = 1;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ err = 0;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!isdir) {
++ AuDebugOn(!name);
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias) {
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen
++ && memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(inode->i_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ d = d_find_alias(inode);
++ if (!d) {
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len == nlen && !memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ err = hin_gen_tree(d);
++ dput(d);
++ }
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_by_name(struct dentry *dentry, const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ /* || (inode && inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO) */
++ ) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_digen_dec(dentry);
++ if (inode)
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ if (inode)
++ err = hin_gen_tree(dentry);
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify job flags */
++#define AuHinJob_XINO0 1
++#define AuHinJob_GEN (1 << 1)
++#define AuHinJob_DIRENT (1 << 2)
++#define AuHinJob_ISDIR (1 << 3)
++#define AuHinJob_TRYXINO0 (1 << 4)
++#define AuHinJob_MNTPNT (1 << 5)
++#define au_ftest_hinjob(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHinJob_##name)
++#define au_fset_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHinJob_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHinJob_##name; }
++struct hin_job_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode, *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ char *h_name;
++ int h_nlen;
++static int hin_job(struct hin_job_args *a)
++ const unsigned int isdir = au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ /* reset xino */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, XINO0) && a->inode)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, TRYXINO0)
++ && a->inode
++ && a->h_inode) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!a->h_inode->i_nlink)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ /* make the generation obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, GEN)) {
++ int err = -1;
++ if (a->inode)
++ err = hin_gen_by_inode(a->h_name, a->h_nlen, a->inode,
++ isdir);
++ if (err && a->dentry)
++ hin_gen_by_name(a->dentry, isdir);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ }
++ /* make dir entries obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, DIRENT) && a->inode) {
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(a->inode);
++ if (vdir)
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* IMustLock(a->inode); */
++ /* a->inode->i_version++; */
++ }
++ /* can do nothing but warn */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, MNTPNT)
++ && a->dentry
++ && d_mountpoint(a->dentry))
++ AuWarn("mount-point %.*s is removed or renamed\n",
++ AuDLNPair(a->dentry));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char *in_name(u32 mask)
++#define test_ret(flag) if (mask & flag) \
++ return #flag;
++ test_ret(IN_ACCESS);
++ test_ret(IN_MODIFY);
++ test_ret(IN_ATTRIB);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_WRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_OPEN);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_FROM);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_TO);
++ test_ret(IN_CREATE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_UNMOUNT);
++ test_ret(IN_Q_OVERFLOW);
++ test_ret(IN_IGNORED);
++ return "";
++#undef test_ret
++ return "??";
++static struct dentry *lookup_wlock_by_name(char *name, unsigned int nlen,
++ struct inode *dir)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d, *parent;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ parent = d_find_alias(dir);
++ if (!parent)
++ return NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &parent->d_subdirs, d_u.d_child) {
++ /* AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d)); */
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen || memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ if (!atomic_read(&d->d_count) || !d->d_fsdata) {
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ continue;
++ }
++ dentry = dget(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct inode *lookup_wlock_by_ino(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t ino;
++ int err;
++ inode = NULL;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, &ino);
++ if (!err && ino)
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("wrong root branch\n");
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = NULL;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++enum { CHILD, PARENT };
++struct postproc_args {
++ struct inode *h_dir, *dir, *h_child_inode;
++ u32 mask;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ unsigned int h_child_nlen;
++ char h_child_name[];
++static void postproc(void *_args)
++ struct postproc_args *a = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound;
++ unsigned char xino, try_iput;
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t h_ino;
++ struct hin_job_args args;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ AuDebugOn(!_args);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->mask);
++ AuDbg("mask 0x%x %s, i%lu, hi%lu, hci%lu\n",
++ a->mask, in_name(a->mask), a->dir->i_ino, a->h_dir->i_ino,
++ a->h_child_inode ? a->h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ inode = NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ /*
++ * do not lock a->dir->i_mutex here
++ * because of d_revalidate() may cause a deadlock.
++ */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(!sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!sbinfo);
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(a->dir);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(a->dir); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(a->dir, bindex) == a->h_dir) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(a->dir);
++ if (unlikely(bfound < 0))
++ goto out;
++ xino = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO);
++ h_ino = 0;
++ if (a->h_child_inode)
++ h_ino = a->h_child_inode->i_ino;
++ if (a->h_child_nlen
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], MNTPNT)))
++ dentry = lookup_wlock_by_name(a->h_child_name, a->h_child_nlen,
++ a->dir);
++ try_iput = 0;
++ if (dentry)
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (xino && !inode && h_ino
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], XINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN))) {
++ inode = lookup_wlock_by_ino(sb, bfound, h_ino);
++ try_iput = 1;
++ }
++ args.flags = a->flags[CHILD];
++ args.dentry = dentry;
++ args.inode = inode;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_child_inode;
++ args.dir = a->dir;
++ args.h_dir = a->h_dir;
++ args.h_name = a->h_child_name;
++ args.h_nlen = a->h_child_nlen;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ if (dentry) {
++ if (dentry->d_fsdata)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ if (inode && try_iput) {
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ args.flags = a->flags[PARENT];
++ args.dentry = NULL;
++ args.inode = a->dir;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_dir;
++ args.dir = NULL;
++ args.h_dir = NULL;
++ args.h_name = NULL;
++ args.h_nlen = 0;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ au_nwt_done(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ iput(a->h_child_inode);
++ iput(a->h_dir);
++ iput(a->dir);
++ kfree(a);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_inotify(struct inotify_watch *watch, u32 wd __maybe_unused,
++ u32 mask, u32 cookie __maybe_unused,
++ const char *h_child_name, struct inode *h_child_inode)
++ struct au_hinotify *hinotify;
++ struct postproc_args *args;
++ int len, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char isdir, isroot, wh;
++ char *p;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ /* if IN_UNMOUNT happens, there must be another bug */
++ AuDebugOn(mask & IN_UNMOUNT);
++ if (mask & (IN_IGNORED | IN_UNMOUNT)) {
++ put_inotify_watch(watch);
++ return;
++ }
++#ifdef AuDbgHinotify
++ au_debug(1);
++ if (1 || !h_child_name || strcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME)) {
++ AuDbg("i%lu, wd %d, mask 0x%x %s, cookie 0x%x, hcname %s,"
++ " hi%lu\n",
++ watch->inode->i_ino, wd, mask, in_name(mask), cookie,
++ h_child_name ? h_child_name : "",
++ h_child_inode ? h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ WARN_ON(1);
++ }
++ au_debug(0);
++ hinotify = container_of(watch, struct au_hinotify, hin_watch);
++ AuDebugOn(!hinotify || !hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ dir = igrab(hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ if (!dir)
++ return;
++ isroot = (dir->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ len = 0;
++ wh = 0;
++ if (h_child_name) {
++ len = strlen(h_child_name);
++ if (!memcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ h_child_name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ len -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ wh = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ isdir = 0;
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ isdir = !!S_ISDIR(h_child_inode->i_mode);
++ flags[PARENT] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ flags[CHILD] = 0;
++ if (isdir)
++ flags[CHILD] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ switch (mask & IN_ALL_EVENTS) {
++ case IN_MOVED_FROM:
++ case IN_MOVED_TO:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], XINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ break;
++ case IN_CREATE:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ break;
++ case IN_DELETE:
++ /*
++ * aufs never be able to get this child inode.
++ * revalidation should be in d_revalidate()
++ * by checking i_nlink, i_generation or d_unhashed().
++ */
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuDebugOn(1);
++ }
++ if (wh)
++ h_child_inode = NULL;
++ /* iput() and kfree() will be called in postproc() */
++ /*
++ * inotify_mutex is already acquired and kmalloc/prune_icache may lock
++ * iprune_mutex. strange.
++ */
++ lockdep_off();
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args) + len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ iput(dir);
++ return;
++ }
++ args->flags[PARENT] = flags[PARENT];
++ args->flags[CHILD] = flags[CHILD];
++ args->mask = mask;
++ args->dir = dir;
++ args->h_dir = igrab(watch->inode);
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ h_child_inode = igrab(h_child_inode); /* can be NULL */
++ args->h_child_inode = h_child_inode;
++ args->h_child_nlen = len;
++ if (len) {
++ p = (void *)args;
++ p += sizeof(*args);
++ memcpy(p, h_child_name, len + 1);
++ }
++ lockdep_off();
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(postproc, args, dir->i_sb);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++static void aufs_inotify_destroy(struct inotify_watch *watch __maybe_unused)
++ return;
++static struct inotify_operations aufs_inotify_ops = {
++ .handle_event = aufs_inotify,
++ .destroy_watch = aufs_inotify_destroy
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_hin_destroy_cache(void)
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]);
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = NULL;
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = AuCache(au_hinotify);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]) {
++ err = 0;
++ au_hin_handle = inotify_init(&aufs_inotify_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(au_hin_handle)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_hin_handle);
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
++ }
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++void au_hinotify_fin(void)
++ inotify_destroy(au_hin_handle);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY])
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/iinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/iinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/iinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/iinfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ h_inode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ return h_inode;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ h_inode = iinfo->ii_hinode[bindex + 0].hi_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ au_hin_free(hinode);
++ dput(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ iput(hinode->hi_inode);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir)
++ unsigned int flags;
++ const unsigned int mnt_flags = au_mntflags(inode->i_sb);
++ flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, XINO);
++ if (isdir && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_HINOTIFY))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ return flags;
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ hi = hinode->hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && hi);
++ if (hi)
++ au_hiput(hinode);
++ hinode->hi_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ if (bindex == iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ hinode->hi_id = br->br_id;
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("failed au_xino_write() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && au_br_hinotifyable(br->br_perm)) {
++ err = au_hin_alloc(hinode, inode, h_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("au_hin_alloc() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ }
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ hinode->hi_whdentry = h_wh;
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_set(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation, au_sigen(inode->i_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* it may be called at remount time, too */
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo || iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ h_i = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ if (h_i && !h_i->i_nlink)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ while (++iinfo->ii_bstart <= iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bstart].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bend].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend || iinfo->ii_bend < 0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr, i;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (unlikely(nbr <= 0))
++ nbr = 1;
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*iinfo->ii_hinode), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode) {
++ for (i = 0; i < nbr; i++)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[i].hi_id = -1;
++ atomic_set(&iinfo->ii_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_vdir = NULL;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hip) * (iinfo->ii_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hip);
++ hip = au_kzrealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sz, sizeof(*hip) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hip) {
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = hip;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_iinfo_write0(struct super_block *sb, struct au_hinode *hinode,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char locked;
++ err = 0;
++ locked = !!si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, hinode->hi_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ err = au_xino_write0(sb, bindex, hinode->hi_inode->i_ino, ino);
++ /* error action? */
++ if (locked)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode)
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ unsigned char unlinked = !inode->i_nlink;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hi;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (unlinked) {
++ int err = au_xigen_inc(inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn1("failed resetting i_generation, %d\n", err);
++ }
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ /* bad_inode case */
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ if (iinfo->ii_vdir)
++ au_vdir_free(iinfo->ii_vdir);
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart >= 0) {
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ ino = 0;
++ if (unlinked)
++ ino = inode->i_ino;
++ hi = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ bend = iinfo->ii_bend;
++ while (iinfo->ii_bstart++ <= bend) {
++ if (hi->hi_inode) {
++ if (unlinked || !hi->hi_inode->i_nlink) {
++ au_iinfo_write0(sb, hi, ino);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ ino = 0;
++ }
++ au_hiput(hi);
++ }
++ hi++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(iinfo->ii_hinode);
++ AuRwDestroy(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode functions
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode)
++ if (inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&inode->i_count));
++ atomic_inc_return(&inode->i_count);
++ }
++ return inode;
++static void au_refresh_hinode_attr(struct inode *inode, int do_version)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/0);
++ au_update_iigen(inode);
++ if (do_version)
++ inode->i_version++;
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, new_bindex;
++ unsigned char update;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p, *q, tmp;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ update = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ err = au_ii_realloc(iinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hi_inode)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hi_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ update++;
++ au_hiput(p);
++ p->hi_inode = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (new_bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = new_bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < new_bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = new_bindex;
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = iinfo->ii_hinode + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hi_inode) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (do_attr)
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, update;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ update = 0;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_d || !h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart <= bindex && bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ if (h_i == h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = bindex;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_d->d_inode), flags);
++ update = 1;
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && isdir);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int set_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ umode_t mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ err = 0;
++ isdir = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_file_fop;
++ inode->i_mapping->a_ops = &aufs_aop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_symlink_iop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ init_special_inode(inode, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown file type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* do not set inotify for whiteouted dirs (SHWH mode) */
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH)
++ && au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && dentry->d_name.len > AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ && !memcmp(dentry->, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ au_fclr_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bstart;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = btail;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex,
++ au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode), flags);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/1);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++static int reval_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry, int *matched)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dinode;
++ *matched = 0;
++ /*
++ * before this function, if aufs got any iinfo lock, it must be only
++ * one, the parent dir.
++ * it can happen by UDBA and the obsoleted inode number.
++ */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == parent_ino(dentry)))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ h_dinode = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry))->d_inode;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode && h_inode == h_dinode) {
++ *matched = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_iigen(inode) != au_digen(dentry))
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++/* todo: return with unlocked? */
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t h_ino, ino;
++ int err, match;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_ino = h_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bstart, h_ino, &ino);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ new_ino:
++ if (!ino) {
++ ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!ino)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("%lx, new %d\n", inode->i_state, !!(inode->i_state & I_NEW));
++ if (inode->i_state & I_NEW) {
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ err = set_inode(inode, dentry);
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ goto out_iput;
++ } else if (!must_new) {
++ err = reval_inode(inode, dentry, &match);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ else if (match)
++ goto out_iput;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unique_ino(h_dentry->d_inode)))
++ AuWarn1("Warning: Un-notified UDBA or repeatedly renamed dir,"
++ " b%d, %s, %.*s, hi%lu, i%lu.\n",
++ bstart, au_sbtype(h_dentry->d_sb), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ (unsigned long)h_ino, (unsigned long)ino);
++ ino = 0;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bstart, h_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ if (!err) {
++ iput(inode);
++ goto new_ino;
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ err = au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ /* pseudo-link after flushed may happen out of bounds */
++ if (!err
++ && inode
++ && au_ibstart(inode) <= bindex
++ && bindex <= au_ibend(inode)) {
++ /*
++ * permission check is unnecessary since vfsub routine
++ * will be called later
++ */
++ struct inode *hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (hi)
++ err = IS_IMMUTABLE(hi) ? -EROFS : 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (!current_fsuid())
++ return 0;
++ return inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb)
++ && (mask & MAY_WRITE)
++ && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode))
++ mask |= MAY_READ; /* force permission check */
++ return au_test_h_perm(h_inode, mask);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#define __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/inotify.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct vfsmount;
++struct au_hinotify {
++ struct inotify_watch hin_watch;
++ struct inode *hin_aufs_inode; /* no get/put */
++struct au_hinode {
++ struct inode *hi_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t hi_id;
++ struct au_hinotify *hi_notify;
++ /* reference to the copied-up whiteout with get/put */
++ struct dentry *hi_whdentry;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_iinfo {
++ atomic_t ii_generation;
++ struct super_block *ii_hsb1; /* no get/put */
++ struct au_rwsem ii_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t ii_bstart, ii_bend;
++ __u32 ii_higen;
++ struct au_hinode *ii_hinode;
++ struct au_vdir *ii_vdir;
++struct au_icntnr {
++ struct au_iinfo iinfo;
++ struct inode vfs_inode;
++/* au_pin flags */
++#define AuPin_DI_LOCKED 1
++#define AuPin_MNT_WRITE (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_pin(flags, name) ((flags) & AuPin_##name)
++#define au_fset_pin(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuPin_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_pin(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuPin_##name; }
++struct au_pin {
++ /* input */
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ unsigned char lsc_di, lsc_hi, flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ /* output */
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_iinfo *au_ii(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode)
++ return iinfo;
++ return NULL; /* debugging bad_inode case */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode.c */
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode);
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr);
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry);
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new);
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode);
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++/* i_op.c */
++extern struct inode_operations aufs_iop, aufs_symlink_iop, aufs_dir_iop;
++/* au_wr_dir flags */
++#define AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY 1
++#define AuWrDir_ISDIR (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_wrdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWrDir_##name)
++#define au_fset_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWrDir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWrDir_##name; }
++struct au_wr_dir_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t force_btgt;
++ unsigned char flags;
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args);
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin);
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags);
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags) __must_check;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *pin) __must_check;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *pin);
++/* i_op_add.c */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode);
++/* i_op_del.c */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup);
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* i_op_ren.c */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt);
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* iinfo.c */
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir);
++/* hinode flags */
++#define AuHi_XINO 1
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_hi(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHi_##name)
++#define au_fset_hi(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHi_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hi(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHi_##name; }
++#undef AuHi_HINOTIFY
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY 0
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags);
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode);
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero);
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode);
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode);
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr);
++/* plink.c */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode);
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for iinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT, /* see AuLsc_I_PARENT in vfsub.h */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT2,
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT3, /* copyup dirs */
++ * ii_read_lock_child, ii_write_lock_child,
++ * ii_read_lock_child2, ii_write_lock_child2,
++ * ii_read_lock_child3, ii_write_lock_child3,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent, ii_write_lock_parent,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent2, ii_write_lock_parent2,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent3, ii_write_lock_parent3,
++ * ii_read_lock_new_child, ii_write_lock_new_child,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_read_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_write_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(new_child, NEW_CHILD);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++ * ii_read_unlock, ii_write_unlock, ii_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(ii, struct inode *i, &au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem);
++#define IiMustNoWaiters(i) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustAnyLock(i) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustWriteLock(i) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline unsigned int au_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ return atomic_read(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++/* tiny test for inode number */
++/* tmpfs generation is too rough */
++static inline int au_test_higen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ return !(iinfo->ii_hsb1 == h_inode->i_sb
++ && iinfo->ii_higen == h_inode->i_generation);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ii_br_id(struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_id;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibstart(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibend(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_ivdir(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir;
++static inline struct dentry *au_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++static inline void au_set_ibend(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_ivdir(struct inode *inode, struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir = vdir;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_hi(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_pinned_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->parent;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct inode *au_pinned_h_dir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->hdir)
++ return pin->hdir->hi_inode;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_pinned_hdir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->hdir;
++ return NULL;
++static inline void au_pin_set_dentry(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry)
++ if (pin)
++ pin->dentry = dentry;
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent_lflag(struct au_pin *pin,
++ unsigned char lflag)
++ if (pin) {
++ /* dirty macros require brackets */
++ if (lflag) {
++ au_fset_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ } else {
++ au_fclr_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ }
++ }
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *parent)
++ if (pin) {
++ dput(pin->parent);
++ pin->parent = dget(parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify.c */
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags);
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void);
++void au_hinotify_fin(void);
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct au_hinotify *val)
++ hinode->hi_notify = val;
++static inline void au_iigen_dec(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++static inline
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *h_inode __maybe_unused)
++ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++static inline void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ int do_set __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ unsigned int flags __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_hinotify_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_hinotify_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct au_hinotify *val __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_hin_suspend(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/0);
++static inline void au_hin_resume(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/1);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ mutex_lock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(struct au_hinode *hdir,
++ unsigned int sc __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_lock_nested(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex, sc);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_unlock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_INODE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ioctl.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ioctl.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ioctl.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ioctl.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * ioctl
++ * currently plink-management only.
++ */
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg __maybe_unused)
++ long err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (cmd) {
++ /*
++ * pseudo-link maintenance mode,
++ * cleared by aufs_release_dir()
++ */
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_ftest_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 1;
++ } else
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ break;
++ aufs_write_lock(sb->s_root);
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(sb->s_root);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (add entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * final procedure of adding a new entry, except link(2).
++ * remove whiteout, instantiate, copyup the parent dir's times and size
++ * and update version.
++ * if it failed, re-create the removed whiteout.
++ */
++static int epilog(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *wh;
++ bwh = -1;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex) != h_dir);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/1);
++ if (!IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
++ dir = dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (!wh_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ /* revert */
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ wh = au_wh_create(dentry, bwh, wh_dentry->d_parent);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(wh);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh)) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ } else
++ dput(wh);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the adding inode operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initial procedure of adding a new entry.
++ * prepare writable branch and the parent dir, lock it,
++ * and lookup whiteout for the new entry.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_lkup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_dtime *dt,
++ struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_pin *pin,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *wr_dir_args)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, src_dentry, wr_dir_args);
++ bcpup = err;
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_parent = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_add(dentry, bcpup, h_parent,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(wr_dir_args->flags, ISDIR));
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bcpup);
++ if (dt) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = h_parent,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &tmp);
++ }
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (bcpup != au_dbwh(dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ out_unpin:
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum { Mknod, Symlink, Creat };
++struct simple_arg {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ } c;
++ struct {
++ const char *symname;
++ } s;
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ dev_t dev;
++ } m;
++ } u;
++static int add_simple(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct simple_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char created;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ switch (arg->type) {
++ case Creat:
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.c.mode);
++ break;
++ case Symlink:
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.s.symname);
++ break;
++ case Mknod:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.m.mode, arg->;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ created = !err;
++ if (!err)
++ err = epilog(dir, bstart, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ /* revert */
++ if (unlikely(created && err && h_path.dentry->d_inode)) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s revert failure(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Mknod,
++ .u.m = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .dev = dev
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Symlink,
++ .u.s.symname = symname
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Creat,
++ .u.c = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .nd = nd
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_link_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *src_parent, *parent;
++static int au_cpup_before_link(struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ h_mtx = &h_src_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, src_dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(src_dentry->d_sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(src_dentry, a->bdst, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME /* | AuCpup_KEEPLINO */);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out:
++ di_read_unlock(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_or_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char plink;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ plink = 0;
++ h_inode = NULL;
++ sb = src_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibstart(inode) <= a->bdst)
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, a->bdst);
++ if (!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink) {
++ /* copyup src_dentry as the name of dentry. */
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, dget(a->h_path.dentry));
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc)->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(src_dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, -1,
++ AuCpup_KEEPLINO, a->parent);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ } else {
++ /* the inode of src_dentry already exists on a.bdst branch */
++ h_src_dentry = d_find_alias(h_inode);
++ if (!h_src_dentry && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ plink = 1;
++ h_src_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, a->bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ h_src_dentry = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (h_src_dentry) {
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ } else {
++ AuIOErr("no dentry found for hi%lu on b%d\n",
++ h_inode->i_ino, a->bdst);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err && !plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, a->bdst, a->h_path.dentry);
++ return err;
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_link_args *a;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_src_dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(dentry, src_dentry, /*AuLock_FLUSH*/0);
++ a->src_parent = dget_parent(src_dentry);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, src_dentry, &a->pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ a->bdst = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->bdst);
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->bdst);
++ a->bsrc = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)) {
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */)
++ err = au_cpup_or_link(src_dentry, a);
++ else {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * copyup src_dentry to the branch we process,
++ * and then link(2) to it.
++ */
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */) {
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ err = au_cpup_before_link(src_dentry, a);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (h_src_dentry && h_src_dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry,
++ au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_revert;
++ }
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ inc_nlink(inode);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (!d_unhashed(a->h_path.dentry))
++ d_instantiate(dentry, au_igrab(inode));
++ else
++ /* some filesystem calls d_drop() */
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ out_revert:
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (!rerr)
++ goto out_dt;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_dt:
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ dput(a->src_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(dentry, src_dentry);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char diropq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent, *opq_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ } *a; /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY | AuWrDir_ISDIR
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &a->dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL,
++ &a->pin, &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_free;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path, mode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* make the dir opaque */
++ diropq = 0;
++ h_mtx = &h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (wh_dentry
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out_dir;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ diropq = 1;
++ }
++ err = epilog(dir, bindex, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ inc_nlink(dir);
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (diropq) {
++ AuLabel(revert opq);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting diropq failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ AuLabel(revert dir);
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting dir failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&a->dt);
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (except add/del/rename)
++ */
++#include <linux/device_cgroup.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static int h_permission(struct inode *h_inode, int mask,
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt, int brperm)
++ int err;
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if ((write_mask && IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode))
++ || ((mask & MAY_EXEC)
++ && S_ISREG(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && ((h_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC)
++ || !(h_inode->i_mode & S_IXUGO))))
++ goto out;
++ /*
++ * - skip the lower fs test in the case of write to ro branch.
++ * - nfs dir permission write check is optimized, but a policy for
++ * link/rename requires a real check.
++ */
++ if ((write_mask && !au_br_writable(brperm))
++ || (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb) && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && write_mask && !(mask & MAY_READ))
++ || !h_inode->i_op->permission) {
++ /* AuLabel(generic_permission); */
++ err = generic_permission(h_inode, mask, NULL);
++ } else {
++ /* AuLabel(h_inode->permission); */
++ err = h_inode->i_op->permission(h_inode, mask);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = devcgroup_inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_inode_permission
++ (h_inode, mask & (MAY_READ | MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC
++ | MAY_APPEND));
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ const unsigned char isdir = !!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ if (!isdir || write_mask) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode
++ || ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)
++ != (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)));
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt, br->br_perm);
++ if (write_mask && !err) {
++ /* test whether the upper writable branch exists */
++ err = -EROFS;
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* non-write to dir */
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode));
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt,
++ br->br_perm);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ ii_read_unlock(inode);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *aufs_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *ret, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err, npositive;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ /* temporary workaround for a bug in NFSD readdir */
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ else
++ WARN_ONCE(!mutex_is_locked(&dir->i_mutex),
++ "a known problem of NFSD readdir since 2.6.28\n");
++ sb = dir->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(dentry);
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, au_dbstart(parent), /*type*/0, nd);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = npositive;
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ inode = NULL;
++ if (npositive) {
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ if (!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ /*
++ * stop 'race'-ing between hardlinks under different
++ * parents.
++ */
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bstart)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ } else
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ ret = (void *)inode;
++ }
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ ret = d_splice_alias(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(IS_ERR(ret) && inode))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return ret;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_wr_dir_cpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *parent,
++ const unsigned char add_entry, aufs_bindex_t bcpup,
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ if (add_entry) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ } else
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ err = au_cpdown_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ else
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ }
++ if (!err && add_entry) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bcpup);
++ /* todo: no unlock here */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ if (bstart < bcpup && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, 0);
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ }
++ }
++ if (!add_entry)
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = bcpup; /* success */
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch and the parent dir where we will create a new entry.
++ * returns new bindex or an error.
++ * copyup the parent dir if needed.
++ */
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup, bstart, src_bstart;
++ const unsigned char add_entry = !!au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags,
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bcpup = bstart;
++ if (args->force_btgt < 0) {
++ if (src_dentry) {
++ src_bstart = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (src_bstart < bstart)
++ bcpup = src_bstart;
++ } else if (add_entry) {
++ err = AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, dentry,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags, ISDIR));
++ bcpup = err;
++ }
++ if (bcpup < 0 || au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ if (add_entry)
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ else {
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } else
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ }
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ bcpup = args->force_btgt;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ }
++ AuDbg("bstart %d, bcpup %d\n", bstart, bcpup);
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/1);
++ err = bcpup;
++ if (bcpup == bstart)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* copyup the new parent into the branch we process */
++ err = au_wr_dir_cpup(dentry, parent, add_entry, bcpup, bstart);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->parent)
++ return au_h_dptr(pin->parent, pin->bindex);
++ return NULL;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *p)
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (!p->hdir)
++ return;
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(p->hdir);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ iput(p->hdir->hi_inode);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *p)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = p->dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, p->bindex);
++ if (IS_ROOT(p->dentry)) {
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (p->bindex <= au_dbend(p->dentry))
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(p->dentry, p->bindex);
++ p->parent = dget_parent(p->dentry);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_lock(p->parent, AuLock_IR, p->lsc_di);
++ h_dir = NULL;
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(p->parent, p->bindex);
++ p->hdir = au_hi(p->parent->d_inode, p->bindex);
++ if (p->hdir)
++ h_dir = p->hdir->hi_inode;
++ /* udba case */
++ if (unlikely(!p->hdir || !h_dir)) {
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ au_igrab(h_dir);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(p->hdir, p->lsc_hi);
++ if (unlikely(p->hdir->hi_inode != h_parent->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ err = au_h_verify(h_dentry, p->udba, h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(p);
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("err %d\n", err);
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *p, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ p->dentry = dentry;
++ p->udba = udba;
++ p->lsc_di = lsc_di;
++ p->lsc_hi = lsc_hi;
++ p->flags = flags;
++ p->bindex = bindex;
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ au_pin_init(pin, dentry, bindex, AuLsc_DI_PARENT, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ udba, flags);
++ return au_do_pin(pin);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuIcpup_DID_CPUP 1
++#define au_ftest_icpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuIcpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuIcpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuIcpup_##name; }
++struct au_icpup_args {
++ unsigned char flags;
++ unsigned char pin_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++static int au_lock_and_icpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia,
++ struct au_icpup_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ loff_t sz;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct dentry *hi_wh, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ /* plink or hi_wh() case */
++ if (bstart != au_ibstart(inode))
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &wr_dir_args);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dentry;
++ a->btgt = err;
++ if (err != bstart)
++ au_fset_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP);
++ err = 0;
++ a->pin_flags = AuPin_MNT_WRITE;
++ parent = NULL;
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ au_fset_pin(a->pin_flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ }
++ udba = au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) || (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE))
++ udba = AuOpt_UDBA_NONE;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->btgt, udba, a->pin_flags);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (parent) {
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ goto out_dentry;
++ }
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ sz = -1;
++ if ((ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) && ia->ia_size < i_size_read(a->h_inode))
++ sz = ia->ia_size;
++ hi_wh = NULL;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP) && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ if (!hi_wh) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, a->btgt, sz, /*file*/NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ /* todo: revalidate hi_wh? */
++ }
++ }
++ if (parent) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(&a->pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ if (!au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, a->btgt, sz, AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ } else if (!hi_wh)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ else
++ a->h_path.dentry = hi_wh; /* do not dget here */
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!err) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_dentry:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_icpup_args *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ file = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE) {
++ /* currently ftruncate(2) only */
++ file = ia->ia_file;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ }
++ if (ia->ia_valid & (ATTR_KILL_SUID | ATTR_KILL_SGID))
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_MODE;
++ err = au_lock_and_icpup(dentry, ia, a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_si;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP)) {
++ ia->ia_file = NULL;
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->btgt);
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) {
++ struct file *f;
++ if (ia->ia_size < i_size_read(inode)) {
++ /* unmap only */
++ err = vmtruncate(inode, ia->ia_size);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ f = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE)
++ f = ia->ia_file;
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = vfsub_trunc(&a->h_path, ia->ia_size, ia->ia_valid, f);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ } else
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&a->h_path, ia);
++ if (!err)
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out_si:
++ if (file) {
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = file;
++ ia->ia_valid |= ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_getattr_lock_reval(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen || au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void au_refresh_iattr(struct inode *inode, struct kstat *st,
++ unsigned int nlink)
++ inode->i_mode = st->mode;
++ inode->i_uid = st->uid;
++ inode->i_gid = st->gid;
++ inode->i_atime = st->atime;
++ inode->i_mtime = st->mtime;
++ inode->i_ctime = st->ctime;
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, /*force*/0);
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)) {
++ inode->i_nlink -= nlink;
++ inode->i_nlink += st->nlink;
++ }
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ inode->i_blocks = st->blocks;
++ i_size_write(inode, st->size);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++static int aufs_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt __maybe_unused,
++ struct dentry *dentry, struct kstat *st)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char udba_none, positive;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ udba_none = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE);
++ /* support fstat(2) */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry) && !udba_none) {
++ unsigned int sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ AuDebugOn(!IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_getattr_lock_reval(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!au_test_fs_bad_iattr(h_sb) && udba_none)
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) == bindex)
++ h_dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex));
++ else if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK) && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ h_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, bindex);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ }
++ /* illegally overlapped or something */
++ if (unlikely(!h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ positive = !!h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (positive)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_mnt, h_dentry, st);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (positive)
++ au_refresh_iattr(inode, st, h_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink);
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ }
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_fill:
++ generic_fillattr(inode, st);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, int bindex, char __user *buf,
++ int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(/* !h_dentry
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op
++ || */ !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = security_inode_readlink(h_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ vfsub_touch_atime(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex), h_dentry);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ }
++ err = h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_dentry, buf, bufsiz);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, char __user *buf, int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), buf, bufsiz);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void *aufs_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int err;
++ char *buf;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ buf = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), (char __user *)buf,
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ buf[err] = 0;
++ /* will be freed by put_link */
++ nd_set_link(nd, buf);
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ }
++ __putname(buf);
++ out:
++ path_put(&nd->path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return ERR_PTR(err);
++static void aufs_put_link(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused,
++ struct nameidata *nd, void *cookie __maybe_unused)
++ __putname(nd_get_link(nd));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_truncate_range(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t start __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t end __maybe_unused)
++ AuUnsupport();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct inode_operations aufs_symlink_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .readlink = aufs_readlink,
++ .follow_link = aufs_follow_link,
++ .put_link = aufs_put_link
++struct inode_operations aufs_dir_iop = {
++ .create = aufs_create,
++ .lookup = aufs_lookup,
++ .link = aufs_link,
++ .unlink = aufs_unlink,
++ .symlink = aufs_symlink,
++ .mkdir = aufs_mkdir,
++ .rmdir = aufs_rmdir,
++ .mknod = aufs_mknod,
++ .rename = aufs_rename,
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr
++struct inode_operations aufs_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .truncate_range = aufs_truncate_range
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (del entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * decide if a new whiteout for @dentry is necessary or not.
++ * when it is necessary, prepare the parent dir for the upper branch whose
++ * branch index is @bcpup for creation. the actual creation of the whiteout will
++ * be done by caller.
++ * return value:
++ * 0: wh is unnecessary
++ * plus: wh is necessary
++ * minus: error
++ */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup)
++ int need_wh, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (*bcpup < 0) {
++ *bcpup = bstart;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ *bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ AuDebugOn(bstart < *bcpup
++ || au_test_ro(sb, *bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ AuDbg("bcpup %d, bstart %d\n", *bcpup, bstart);
++ if (*bcpup != bstart) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, *bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ need_wh = 1;
++ } else {
++ aufs_bindex_t old_bend, new_bend, bdiropq = -1;
++ old_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (isdir) {
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ need_wh = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart + 1, /*type*/0,
++ /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = need_wh;
++ if (isdir)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bdiropq);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ new_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (!need_wh && old_bend != new_bend) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, new_bend, NULL);
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, old_bend);
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("need_wh %d\n", need_wh);
++ err = need_wh;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the del-entry operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_latest;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /*
++ * rmdir a dir may break the consistency on some filesystem.
++ * let's try heavy test.
++ */
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_h_perm(h_parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ h_latest = au_sio_lkup_one(&dentry->d_name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (IS_ERR(h_latest))
++ goto out;
++ if (h_latest == h_dentry)
++ err = 0;
++ dput(h_latest);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch where we operate for @dentry. the branch index will be set
++ * @rbcpup. after diciding it, 'pin' it and store the timestamps of the parent
++ * dir for reverting.
++ * when a new whiteout is necessary, create it.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_create_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *rbcpup,
++ struct au_dtime *dt, struct au_pin *pin)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct path h_path;
++ int err, need_wh;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ need_wh = au_wr_dir_need_wh(dentry, isdir, rbcpup);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(need_wh);
++ if (unlikely(need_wh < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ bcpup = *rbcpup;
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_del(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry, isdir);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bcpup);
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &h_path);
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (!need_wh)
++ goto out; /* success, no need to create whiteout */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_create(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry);
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* returns with the parent is locked and wh_dentry is dget-ed */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * when removing a dir, rename it to a unique temporary whiteout-ed name first
++ * in order to be revertible and save time for removing many child whiteouts
++ * under the dir.
++ * returns 1 when there are too many child whiteout and caller should remove
++ * them asynchronously. returns 0 when the number of children is enough small to
++ * remove now or the branch fs is a remote fs.
++ * otherwise return an error.
++ */
++static int renwh_and_rmdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct inode *dir)
++ int rmdir_later, err, dirwh;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(h_dentry, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(dentry->d_inode, bindex));
++ if (!au_test_fs_remote(h_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ dirwh = au_sbi(sb)->si_dirwh;
++ rmdir_later = (dirwh <= 1);
++ if (!rmdir_later)
++ rmdir_later = au_nhash_test_longer_wh(whlist, bindex,
++ dirwh);
++ if (rmdir_later)
++ return rmdir_later;
++ }
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, bindex, h_dentry, whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("rmdir %.*s, b%d failed, %d. ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_dentry), bindex, err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * final procedure for deleting a entry.
++ * maintain dentry and iattr.
++ */
++static void epilog(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) == 1) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), NULL);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ * when an error happened, remove the created whiteout and revert everything.
++ */
++static int do_revert(int err, struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bwh,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct au_dtime *dt)
++ int rerr;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bwh)
++ };
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bwh), &h_path, dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bwh);
++ au_dtime_revert(dt);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ return -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/0, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ } else {
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ drop_nlink(inode);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ inode->i_ctime = h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ } else
++ /* todo: this timestamp may be reverted later */
++ inode->i_ctime = h_dir->i_ctime;
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rmdir_later;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ goto out;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ args = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(dir->i_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &args->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_args;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/1, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_args;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_dentry);
++ rmdir_later = 0;
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ err = renwh_and_rmdir(dentry, bstart, &args->whlist, dir);
++ if (err > 0) {
++ rmdir_later = err;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(inode, bstart));
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_nlink(inode);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ if (rmdir_later) {
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, bstart, h_dentry, args);
++ args = NULL;
++ }
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ AuLabel(revert);
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ out_args:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (args)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operation (rename entry)
++ * todo: this is crazy monster
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++enum { AuSRC, AuDST, AuSrcDst };
++enum { AuPARENT, AuCHILD, AuParentChild };
++#define AuRen_ISDIR 1
++#define AuRen_ISSAMEDIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuRen_WHSRC (1 << 2)
++#define AuRen_WHDST (1 << 3)
++#define AuRen_MNT_WRITE (1 << 4)
++#define AuRen_DT_DSTDIR (1 << 5)
++#define AuRen_DIROPQ (1 << 6)
++#define AuRen_CPUP (1 << 7)
++#define au_ftest_ren(flags, name) ((flags) & AuRen_##name)
++#define au_fset_ren(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuRen_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_ren(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuRen_##name; }
++struct au_ren_args {
++ struct {
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry, *parent, *h_parent,
++ *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *inode;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct au_dtime dt[AuParentChild];
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ } sd[AuSrcDst];
++#define src_dentry sd[AuSRC].dentry
++#define src_dir sd[AuSRC].dir
++#define src_inode sd[AuSRC].inode
++#define src_h_dentry sd[AuSRC].h_dentry
++#define src_parent sd[AuSRC].parent
++#define src_h_parent sd[AuSRC].h_parent
++#define src_wh_dentry sd[AuSRC].wh_dentry
++#define src_hdir sd[AuSRC].hdir
++#define src_h_dir sd[AuSRC].hdir->hi_inode
++#define src_dt sd[AuSRC].dt
++#define src_bstart sd[AuSRC].bstart
++#define dst_dentry sd[AuDST].dentry
++#define dst_dir sd[AuDST].dir
++#define dst_inode sd[AuDST].inode
++#define dst_h_dentry sd[AuDST].h_dentry
++#define dst_parent sd[AuDST].parent
++#define dst_h_parent sd[AuDST].h_parent
++#define dst_wh_dentry sd[AuDST].wh_dentry
++#define dst_hdir sd[AuDST].hdir
++#define dst_h_dir sd[AuDST].hdir->hi_inode
++#define dst_dt sd[AuDST].dt
++#define dst_bstart sd[AuDST].bstart
++ struct dentry *h_trap;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *src_hinode;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *thargs;
++ struct dentry *h_dst;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for reverting.
++ * when an error happened in a single rename systemcall, we should revert
++ * everything as if nothing happend.
++ * we don't need to revert the copied-up/down the parent dir since they are
++ * harmless.
++ */
++#define RevertFailure(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuIOErr("revert failure: " fmt " (%d, %d)\n", \
++ ##args, err, rerr); \
++ err = -EIO; \
++} while (0)
++static void au_ren_rev_diropq(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("remove diropq %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_rename(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->src_dentry->d_name, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("au_lkup_one %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir,
++ au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt),
++ a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ /* au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL); */
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_cpup(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(a->src_dentry, a->src_bstart);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_h_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_whtmp(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->dst_dentry->d_name, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("lookup %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ if (a->h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir, a->h_dst, a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, dget(a->h_dst));
++ } else
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst));
++static void au_ren_rev_whsrc(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_wh_dentry;
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path, a->src_dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_wh_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_drop(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ int i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuSrcDst; i++) {
++ d = a->sd[i].dentry;
++ d_drop(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(d); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ d_drop(h_d);
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ d_drop(a->h_dst);
++#undef RevertFailure
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * when we have to copyup the renaming entry, do it with the rename-target name
++ * in order to minimize the cost (the later actual rename is unnecessary).
++ * otherwise rename it on the target branch.
++ */
++static int au_ren_or_cpup(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ if (au_dbstart(d) == a->btgt) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)
++ && au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt)
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(d) != a->btgt);
++ err = vfsub_rename(a->src_h_dir, au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt),
++ a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ } else {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, CPUP);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, dget(a->dst_h_dentry));
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(d, a->btgt, a->src_bstart, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME, a->dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->src_bstart);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* cf. aufs_rmdir() */
++static int au_ren_del_whtmp(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dir->i_sb);
++ if (!au_nhash_test_longer_wh(&a->whlist, a->btgt,
++ au_sbi(dir->i_sb)->si_dirwh)
++ || au_test_fs_remote(a->h_dst->d_sb)) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, &a->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing whtmp dir %.*s (%d), "
++ "ignored.\n", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst), err);
++ } else {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->thargs->whlist);
++ a->thargs->whlist = a->whlist;
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, a->thargs);
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* make it 'opaque' dir. */
++static int au_ren_diropq(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *diropq;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_hinode = au_hi(a->src_inode, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ diropq = au_diropq_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (IS_ERR(diropq))
++ err = PTR_ERR(diropq);
++ dput(diropq);
++ return err;
++static int do_rename(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ /* prepare workqueue args for asynchronous rmdir */
++ h_d = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && h_d->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a->thargs = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(a->src_dentry->d_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a->thargs))
++ goto out;
++ a->h_dst = dget(h_d);
++ }
++ /* create whiteout for src_dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHSRC)) {
++ a->src_wh_dentry
++ = au_wh_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent);
++ err = PTR_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry))
++ goto out_thargs;
++ }
++ /* lookup whiteout for dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHDST)) {
++ h_d = au_wh_lkup(a->dst_h_parent, &a->dst_dentry->d_name,
++ a->br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out_whsrc;
++ if (!h_d->d_inode)
++ dput(h_d);
++ else
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = h_d;
++ }
++ /* rename dentry to tmpwh */
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(a->dst_h_dentry, a->br);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whdst;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ /* cpup src */
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode && a->src_bstart != a->btgt) {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ }
++ /* rename by vfs_rename or cpup */
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)
++ && (a->dst_wh_dentry
++ || au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt
++ /* hide the lower to keep xino */
++ || a->btgt < au_dbend(d)
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(d->d_sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)))
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ err = au_ren_or_cpup(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* leave the copied-up one */
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ /* make dir opaque */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ err = au_ren_diropq(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_rename;
++ }
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) != a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&a->h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ a->src_inode->i_ctime = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ /* remove whiteout for dentry */
++ if (a->dst_wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path,
++ a->dst_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_diropq;
++ }
++ /* remove whtmp */
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_del_whtmp(a); /* ignore this error */
++ err = 0;
++ goto out_success;
++ out_diropq:
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ))
++ au_ren_rev_diropq(err, a);
++ out_rename:
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, CPUP))
++ au_ren_rev_rename(err, a);
++ else
++ au_ren_rev_cpup(err, a);
++ out_whtmp:
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_rev_whtmp(err, a);
++ out_whdst:
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = NULL;
++ out_whsrc:
++ if (a->src_wh_dentry)
++ au_ren_rev_whsrc(err, a);
++ au_ren_rev_drop(a);
++ out_success:
++ dput(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ out_thargs:
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename destination or not.
++ * success means, it is a logically empty dir.
++ */
++static int may_rename_dstdir(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ return au_test_empty(dentry, whlist);
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename source or not.
++ * if it can, return 0 and @children is filled.
++ * success means,
++ * - it is a logically empty dir.
++ * - or, it exists on writable branch and has no children including whiteouts
++ * on the lower branch.
++ */
++static int may_rename_srcdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (bstart != btgt) {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &whlist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whlist);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bstart == au_dbtaildir(dentry))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = au_test_empty_lower(dentry);
++ out:
++ if (err == -ENOTEMPTY) {
++ AuWarn1("renaming dir who has child(ren) on multiple branches,"
++ " is not supported\n");
++ err = -EXDEV;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* side effect: sets whlist and h_dentry */
++static int au_ren_may_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ SiMustAnyLock(d->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&a->whlist, au_sbi(d->d_sb)->si_rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && a->dst_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->dst_bstart);
++ err = may_rename_dstdir(d, &a->whlist);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ a->src_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ err = may_rename_srcdir(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * simple tests for rename.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++static int au_may_ren(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err, isdir;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (a->src_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ err = au_may_del(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(a->src_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (a->dst_bstart != a->btgt)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_inode = a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (!a->dst_dentry->d_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_add(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ } else {
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_del(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err == -ENOENT || err == -EEXIST))
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * locking order
++ * (VFS)
++ * - src_dir and dir by lock_rename()
++ * - inode if exitsts
++ * (aufs)
++ * - lock all
++ * + src_dentry and dentry by aufs_read_and_write_lock2() which calls,
++ * + si_read_lock
++ * + di_write_lock2_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child2()
++ * + src_parent and parent
++ * + di_write_lock_parent()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent()
++ * + di_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + lower src_dir and dir by vfsub_lock_rename()
++ * + verify the every relationships between child and parent. if any
++ * of them failed, unlock all and return -EBUSY.
++ */
++static void au_ren_unlock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = a->dst_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ vfsub_unlock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++static int au_ren_lock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->src_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->src_hdir = au_hi(a->src_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->dst_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_hdir = au_hi(a->dst_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->h_trap = vfsub_lock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++ udba = au_opt_udba(a->src_dentry->d_sb);
++ if (unlikely(a->src_hdir->hi_inode != a->src_h_parent->d_inode
++ || a->dst_hdir->hi_inode != a->dst_h_parent->d_inode))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->src_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->src_h_parent->d_inode, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->dst_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->dst_h_parent->d_inode, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out_unlock:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_ren_refresh_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ /* is this updating defined in POSIX? */
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->src_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ clear_nlink(a->dst_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ return;
++ dir = a->src_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++static void au_ren_refresh(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ struct inode *i, *h_i;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ au_set_dbwh(d, -1);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ au_set_dbend(d, a->btgt);
++ sb = d->d_sb;
++ i = a->src_inode;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK) && au_plink_test(i))
++ return; /* success */
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(i, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ au_set_h_iptr(i, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ au_set_ibend(i, a->btgt);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mainly for link(2) and rename(2) */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ aufs_bindex_t bdiropq, bwh;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode); /* dir is locked */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, btgt);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br)
++ || (0 <= bdiropq && bdiropq < btgt)
++ || (0 <= bwh && bwh < btgt))
++ btgt = -1;
++ AuDbg("btgt %d\n", btgt);
++ return btgt;
++/* sets src_bstart, dst_bstart and btgt */
++static int au_ren_wbr(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ a->src_bstart = au_dbstart(a->src_dentry);
++ a->dst_bstart = au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->src_bstart;
++ if (a->dst_inode && a->dst_bstart < a->src_bstart)
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->dst_bstart;
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(a->dst_dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ err = au_wr_dir(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry, &wr_dir_args);
++ a->btgt = err;
++ return err;
++static void au_ren_dt(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuPARENT, a->src_parent, &a->h_path);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR)) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT, a->dst_parent, &a->h_path);
++ }
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ return;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuCHILD, a->src_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD, a->dst_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ }
++static void au_ren_rev_dt(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && err != -EIO) {
++ h_d = a->src_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR)) {
++ h_d = a->dst_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *_src_dir, struct dentry *_src_dentry,
++ struct inode *_dst_dir, struct dentry *_dst_dentry)
++ int err;
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ struct au_ren_args *a;
++ IMustLock(_src_dir);
++ IMustLock(_dst_dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*a) > PAGE_SIZE);
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->src_dir = _src_dir;
++ a->src_dentry = _src_dentry;
++ a->src_inode = a->src_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->src_parent = a->src_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ a->dst_dir = _dst_dir;
++ a->dst_dentry = _dst_dentry;
++ a->dst_inode = a->dst_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->dst_parent = a->dst_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ IMustLock(a->dst_inode);
++ au_igrab(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ if (S_ISDIR(a->src_inode->i_mode)) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_inode && !S_ISDIR(a->dst_inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out_free;
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_DIR | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ } else
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_FLUSH);
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR); /* temporary */
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->dst_parent);
++ /* which branch we process */
++ err = au_ren_wbr(a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ a->br = au_sbr(a->dst_dentry->d_sb, a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ /* are they available to be renamed */
++ err = au_ren_may_dir(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* prepare the writable parent dir on the same branch */
++ if (a->dst_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHDST);
++ } else {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ }
++ if (a->src_dir != a->dst_dir) {
++ /*
++ * this temporary unlock is safe,
++ * because both dir->i_mutex are locked.
++ */
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->src_parent);
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ di_write_unlock(a->src_parent);
++ di_write_lock2_parent(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent, /*isdir*/1);
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR);
++ } else
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (err)
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHSRC);
++ /* lock them all */
++ err = au_ren_lock(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(a->dst_dir->i_sb), UDBA_NONE)) {
++ err = au_may_ren(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hdir;
++ }
++ /* store timestamps to be revertible */
++ au_ren_dt(a);
++ /* here we go */
++ err = do_rename(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dt;
++ /* update dir attributes */
++ au_ren_refresh_dir(a);
++ /* dput/iput all lower dentries */
++ au_ren_refresh(a);
++ goto out_hdir; /* success */
++ out_dt:
++ au_ren_rev_dt(err, a);
++ out_hdir:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out_children:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err && au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))) {
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ d_drop(a->dst_dentry);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ d_move(a->src_dentry, a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock2(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ iput(a->dst_inode);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Kconfig linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Kconfig 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Kconfig 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
++config AUFS_FS
++ tristate "Aufs (Advanced multi layered unification filesystem) support"
++ depends on EXPERIMENTAL
++ help
++ Aufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs,
++ which unifies several directories and provides a merged single
++ directory.
++ In the early days, aufs was entirely re-designed and
++ re-implemented Unionfs Version 1.x series. Introducing many
++ original ideas, approaches and improvements, it becomes totally
++ different from Unionfs while keeping the basic features.
++if AUFS_FS
++ prompt "Maximum number of branches"
++ default AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ bool "127"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_511
++ bool "511"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023
++ bool "1023"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767
++ bool "32767"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++ bool "Use inotify to detect actions on a branch"
++ depends on INOTIFY
++ help
++ If you want to modify files on branches directly, eg. bypassing aufs,
++ and want aufs to detect the changes of them fully, then enable this
++ option and use 'udba=inotify' mount option.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_EXPORT
++ bool "NFS-exportable aufs"
++ depends on (AUFS_FS = y && EXPORTFS = y) || (AUFS_FS = m && EXPORTFS)
++ help
++ If you want to export your mounted aufs via NFS, then enable this
++ option. There are several requirements for this configuration.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_SHWH
++ bool "Show whiteouts"
++ help
++ If you want to make the whiteouts in aufs visible, then enable
++ this option and specify 'shwh' mount option. Although it may
++ sounds like philosophy or something, but in technically it
++ simply shows the name of whiteout with keeping its behaviour.
++config AUFS_BR_RAMFS
++ bool "Ramfs (initramfs/rootfs) as an aufs branch"
++ help
++ If you want to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs, then enable this
++ option. Generally tmpfs is recommended.
++ Aufs prohibited them to be a branch fs by default, because
++ initramfs becomes unusable after switch_root or something
++ generally. If you sets initramfs as an aufs branch and boot your
++ system by switch_root, you will meet a problem easily since the
++ files in initramfs may be inaccessible.
++ Unless you are going to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs without
++ switch_root or something, leave it N.
++config AUFS_BR_FUSE
++ bool "Fuse fs as an aufs branch"
++ depends on FUSE_FS
++ select AUFS_POLL
++ help
++ If you want to use fuse-based userspace filesystem as an aufs
++ branch fs, then enable this option.
++ It implements the internal poll(2) operation which is
++ implemented by fuse only (curretnly).
++config AUFS_DEBUG
++ bool "Debug aufs"
++ help
++ Enable this to compile aufs internal debug code.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_DEBUG && MAGIC_SYSRQ
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ When aufs supports Magic SysRq, enabled automatically.
++ bool
++ depends on BLK_DEV_LOOP
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ Convert =[ym] into =y.
++config AUFS_INO_T_64
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_EXPORT
++ depends on 64BIT && !(ALPHA || S390)
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ /* typedef unsigned long/int __kernel_ino_t */
++ /* alpha and s390x are int */
++config AUFS_POLL
++ bool
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback block device as a branch
++ */
++#include <linux/loop.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * test if two lower dentries have overlapping branches.
++ */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct loop_device *l;
++ h_inode = h_d1->d_inode;
++ if (MAJOR(h_inode->i_sb->s_dev) != LOOP_MAJOR)
++ return 0;
++ l = h_inode->i_sb->s_bdev->bd_disk->private_data;
++ h_d1 = l->lo_backing_file->f_dentry;
++ /* h_d1 can be local NFS. in this case aufs cannot detect the loop */
++ if (unlikely(h_d1->d_sb == sb))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2);
++/* true if a kernel thread named 'loop[0-9].*' accesses a file */
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ const char c = current->comm[4];
++ return current->mm == NULL
++ && '0' <= c && c <= '9'
++ && strncmp(current->comm, "loop", 4) == 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback mount as a branch
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#define __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++struct dentry;
++struct super_block;
++/* loop.c */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2);
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void);
++static inline
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* BLK_DEV_LOOP */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_LOOP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/fuse/inode.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DFUSE_SUPER_MAGIC=0x65735546
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/ocfs2_fs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DOCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC=0x7461636f
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/dlm/userdlm.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DDLMFS_MAGIC=0x76a9f425
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ramfs/inode.c
++# always true
++ccflags-y += -DRAMFS_MAGIC=0x858458f6
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/cifs/cifsfs.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER=0xFF534D42
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DXFS_SB_MAGIC=0x58465342
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/configfs/mount.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCONFIGFS_MAGIC=0x62656570
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/9p/v9fs.h
++# tristate
++ifdef CONFIG_9P_FS
++ccflags-y += -DV9FS_MAGIC=0x01021997
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DUBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC=0x24051905
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Makefile linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Makefile 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Makefile 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
++include ${src}/
++-include ${src}/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs.o
++aufs-y := module.o sbinfo.o super.o branch.o xino.o sysaufs.o opts.o \
++ wkq.o vfsub.o dcsub.o \
++ cpup.o whout.o plink.o wbr_policy.o \
++ dinfo.o dentry.o \
++ finfo.o file.o f_op.o \
++ dir.o vdir.o \
++ iinfo.o inode.o i_op.o i_op_add.o i_op_del.o i_op_ren.o \
++ ioctl.o
++# all are boolean
++aufs-$(CONFIG_SYSFS) += sysfs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) += dbgaufs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_BDEV_LOOP) += loop.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_HINOTIFY) += hinotify.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT) += export.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_POLL) += poll.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG) += debug.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_MAGIC_SYSRQ) += sysrq.o
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module global variables and operations
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp)
++ if (new_sz <= nused)
++ return p;
++ p = krealloc(p, new_sz, gfp);
++ if (p)
++ memset(p + nused, 0, new_sz - nused);
++ return p;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * aufs caches
++ */
++struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[AuCache_Last];
++static int __init au_cache_init(void)
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO] = AuCache(au_dinfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR] = AuCache(au_icntnr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO] = AuCache(au_finfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR] = AuCache(au_vdir);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR] = AuCache(au_vdir_dehstr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR])
++ return 0;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_cache_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuCache_Last; i++)
++ if (au_cachep[i]) {
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[i]);
++ au_cachep[i] = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dir_roflags;
++ * functions for module interface.
++ */
++/* MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); */
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Junjiro R. Okajima <>");
++ " -- Advanced multi layered unification filesystem");
++/* it should be 'byte', but param_set_byte() prints it by "%c" */
++short aufs_nwkq = AUFS_NWKQ_DEF;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(nwkq, "the number of workqueue thread, " AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++module_param_named(nwkq, aufs_nwkq, short, S_IRUGO);
++/* this module parameter has no meaning when SYSFS is disabled */
++int sysaufs_brs = 1;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(brs, "use <sysfs>/fs/aufs/si_*/brN");
++module_param_named(brs, sysaufs_brs, int, S_IRUGO);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char au_esc_chars[0x20 + 3]; /* 0x01-0x20, backslash, del, and NULL */
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path)
++ return seq_path(seq, path, au_esc_chars);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int __init aufs_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ char *p;
++ p = au_esc_chars;
++ for (i = 1; i <= ' '; i++)
++ *p++ = i;
++ *p++ = '\\';
++ *p++ = '\x7f';
++ *p = 0;
++ au_dir_roflags = au_file_roflags(O_DIRECTORY | O_LARGEFILE);
++ sysaufs_brs_init();
++ au_debug_init();
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(aufs_nwkq <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wkq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysaufs;
++ err = au_hinotify_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wkq;
++ err = au_sysrq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hin;
++ err = au_cache_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysrq;
++ err = register_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_cache;
++ pr_info(AUFS_NAME " " AUFS_VERSION "\n");
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_cache:
++ au_cache_fin();
++ out_sysrq:
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ out_hin:
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ out_wkq:
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ out_sysaufs:
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void __exit aufs_exit(void)
++ unregister_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ au_cache_fin();
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ sysaufs_fin();
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module initialization and module-global
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#define __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++struct path;
++struct seq_file;
++/* module parameters */
++extern short aufs_nwkq;
++extern int sysaufs_brs;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++extern int au_dir_roflags;
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp);
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* kmem cache */
++enum {
++ AuCache_DINFO,
++ AuCache_ICNTNR,
++ AuCache_FINFO,
++ AuCache_VDIR,
++ AuCache_DEHSTR,
++ AuCache_HINOTIFY,
++ AuCache_Last
++#define AuCache(type) KMEM_CACHE(type, SLAB_RECLAIM_ACCOUNT)
++extern struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[];
++#define AuCacheFuncs(name, index) \
++static inline void *au_cache_alloc_##name(void) \
++{ return kmem_cache_alloc(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], GFP_NOFS); } \
++static inline void au_cache_free_##name(void *p) \
++{ kmem_cache_free(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], p); }
++AuCacheFuncs(dinfo, DINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(icntnr, ICNTNR);
++AuCacheFuncs(finfo, FINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(vdir, VDIR);
++AuCacheFuncs(dehstr, DEHSTR);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_MODULE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/types.h> /* a distribution requires */
++#include <linux/parser.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum {
++ Opt_br,
++ Opt_add, Opt_del, Opt_mod, Opt_reorder, Opt_append, Opt_prepend,
++ Opt_idel, Opt_imod, Opt_ireorder,
++ Opt_dirwh, Opt_rdcache, Opt_rdblk, Opt_rdhash, Opt_rendir,
++ Opt_rdblk_def, Opt_rdhash_def,
++ Opt_xino, Opt_zxino, Opt_noxino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino, Opt_trunc_xino_v, Opt_notrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino_path, Opt_itrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xib, Opt_notrunc_xib,
++ Opt_shwh, Opt_noshwh,
++ Opt_plink, Opt_noplink, Opt_list_plink,
++ Opt_udba,
++ /* Opt_lock, Opt_unlock, */
++ Opt_cmd, Opt_cmd_args,
++ Opt_diropq_a, Opt_diropq_w,
++ Opt_warn_perm, Opt_nowarn_perm,
++ Opt_wbr_copyup, Opt_wbr_create,
++ Opt_refrof, Opt_norefrof,
++ Opt_verbose, Opt_noverbose,
++ Opt_sum, Opt_nosum, Opt_wsum,
++ Opt_tail, Opt_ignore, Opt_ignore_silent, Opt_err
++static match_table_t options = {
++ {Opt_br, "br=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "br:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append=%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append:%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend=%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend:%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del=%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_idel, "idel:%d"}, */
++ {Opt_mod, "mod=%s"},
++ {Opt_mod, "mod:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_imod, "imod:%d:%s"}, */
++ {Opt_dirwh, "dirwh=%d"},
++ {Opt_xino, "xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_noxino, "noxino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino, "trunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_v, "trunc_xino_v=%d:%d"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xino, "notrunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_path, "trunc_xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_itrunc_xino, "itrunc_xino=%d"},
++ /* {Opt_zxino, "zxino=%s"}, */
++ {Opt_trunc_xib, "trunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xib, "notrunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_plink, "plink"},
++ {Opt_noplink, "noplink"},
++ {Opt_list_plink, "list_plink"},
++ {Opt_udba, "udba=%s"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=always"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=a"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=whiteouted"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=w"},
++ {Opt_warn_perm, "warn_perm"},
++ {Opt_nowarn_perm, "nowarn_perm"},
++ /* keep them temporary */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "coo=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodlgt"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodirperm1"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "clean_plink"},
++ {Opt_shwh, "shwh"},
++ {Opt_noshwh, "noshwh"},
++ {Opt_rendir, "rendir=%d"},
++ {Opt_refrof, "refrof"},
++ {Opt_norefrof, "norefrof"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "verbose"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "v"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "noverbose"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "quiet"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "q"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "silent"},
++ {Opt_sum, "sum"},
++ {Opt_nosum, "nosum"},
++ {Opt_wsum, "wsum"},
++ {Opt_rdcache, "rdcache=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk, "rdblk=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk_def, "rdblk=def"},
++ {Opt_rdhash, "rdhash=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdhash_def, "rdhash=def"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create_policy=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "cpup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup_policy=%s"},
++ /* internal use for the scripts */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "si=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "dirs=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "debug=%d"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=whiteout"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=all"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "imap=%s"},
++ {Opt_err, NULL}
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const char *au_parser_pattern(int val, struct match_token *token)
++ while (token->pattern) {
++ if (token->token == val)
++ return token->pattern;
++ token++;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ return "??";
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t brperms = {
++ {AuBrPerm_ROWH, "nfsro"},
++ {AuBrPerm_RO, NULL}
++static int br_perm_val(char *perm)
++ int val;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ val = match_token(perm, brperms, args);
++ return val;
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm)
++ return au_parser_pattern(brperm, (void *)brperms);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t udbalevel = {
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL, "reval"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, "none"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY, "inotify"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int udba_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, udbalevel, args);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba)
++ return au_parser_pattern(udba, (void *)udbalevel);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t au_wbr_create_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "rr"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "round-robin"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "mfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "most-free-space"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "mfs:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "most-free-space:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, "mfsrr:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, "mfsrr:%d:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFS, "pmfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, "pmfs:%d"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++ * cf. linux/lib/parser.c and cmdline.c
++ * gave up calling memparse() since it uses simple_strtoull() instead of
++ * strict_...().
++ */
++static int au_match_ull(substring_t *s, unsigned long long *result)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int len;
++ char a[32];
++ err = -ERANGE;
++ len = s->to - s->from;
++ if (len + 1 <= sizeof(a)) {
++ memcpy(a, s->from, len);
++ a[len] = '\0';
++ err = strict_strtoull(a, 0, result);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_wmark(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long ull;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_match_ull(arg, &ull))
++ create->mfsrr_watermark = ull;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_sec(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int n, err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!match_int(arg, &n) && 0 <= n)
++ create->mfs_second = n;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_val(char *str, struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err, e;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ err = match_token(str, au_wbr_create_policy, args);
++ create->wbr_create = err;
++ switch (err) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (!e)
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[1], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ create->mfs_second = AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_create, (void *)au_wbr_create_policy);
++static match_table_t au_wbr_copyup_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bup"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bottom-up-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bu"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bottom-up"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int au_wbr_copyup_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, au_wbr_copyup_policy, args);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_copyup, (void *)au_wbr_copyup_policy);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const int lkup_dirflags = LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY;
++static void dump_opts(struct au_opts *opts)
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_add *add;
++ struct au_opt_del *del;
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod;
++ struct au_opt_xino *xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("add {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ u.del = &opt->del;
++ AuDbg("del {%s, %p}\n",
++ u.del->pathname, u.del->h_path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod = &opt->mod;
++ AuDbg("mod {%s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.mod->path, u.mod->perm, u.mod->h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("append {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("prepend {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ AuDbg("dirwh %d\n", opt->dirwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ AuDbg("rdcache %d\n", opt->rdcache);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ AuDbg("rdblk %u\n", opt->rdblk);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ AuDbg("rdblk_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ AuDbg("rdhash %u\n", opt->rdhash);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ AuDbg("rdhash_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ u.xino = &opt->xino;
++ AuDbg("xino {%s %.*s}\n",
++ u.xino->path,
++ AuDLNPair(u.xino->file->f_dentry));
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ AuDbg("trunc_xino %d\n", u.xino_itrunc->bindex);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ AuLabel(noxino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ AuLabel(shwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ AuLabel(noshwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ AuLabel(plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ AuLabel(noplink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ AuLabel(list_plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ AuDbg("udba %d, %s\n",
++ opt->udba, au_optstr_udba(opt->udba));
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ AuLabel(diropq_a);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ AuLabel(diropq_w);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ AuLabel(warn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ AuLabel(nowarn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ AuLabel(refrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ AuLabel(norefrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ AuLabel(verbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ AuLabel(noverbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ AuLabel(sum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ AuLabel(nosum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ AuLabel(wsum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ AuDbg("create %d, %s\n", u.create->wbr_create,
++ au_optstr_wbr_create(u.create->wbr_create));
++ switch (u.create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ AuDbg("%d sec\n", u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark, %d sec\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark,
++ u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ AuDbg("copyup %d, %s\n", opt->wbr_copyup,
++ au_optstr_wbr_copyup(opt->wbr_copyup));
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts)
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ case Opt_append:
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ path_put(&opt->add.path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ path_put(&opt->del.h_path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ dput(opt->mod.h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ fput(opt->xino.file);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++static int opt_add(struct au_opt *opt, char *opt_str, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opt_add *add = &opt->add;
++ char *p;
++ add->bindex = bindex;
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_Last;
++ add->pathname = opt_str;
++ p = strchr(opt_str, '=');
++ if (p) {
++ *p++ = 0;
++ if (*p)
++ add->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ }
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(add->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &add->path);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!p) {
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RO;
++ if (au_test_fs_rr(add->path.dentry->d_sb))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RR;
++ else if (!bindex && !(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RW;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_add;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", add->pathname, err);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_del(struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ del->pathname = args[0].from;
++ AuDbg("del path %s\n", del->pathname);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(del->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &del->h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", del->pathname, err);
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_idel(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ del->h_path.dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ del->h_path.mnt = mntget(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_mod(struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ char *p;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ mod->path = args[0].from;
++ p = strchr(mod->path, '=');
++ if (unlikely(!p)) {
++ AuErr("no permssion %s\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ *p++ = 0;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(mod->path, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", mod->path, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n", mod->path, mod->perm, p);
++ mod->h_root = dget(path.dentry);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_imod(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(args[1].from);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n",
++ mod->path, mod->perm, args[1].from);
++ mod->h_root = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct file *file;
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, args[0].from, /*silent*/0);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(file->f_dentry->d_sb == sb)) {
++ fput(file);
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ xino->file = file;
++ xino->path = args[0].from;
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(args[0].from, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", args[0].from, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = -1;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(root, bindex) == path.dentry) {
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path_put(&path);
++ if (unlikely(xino_itrunc->bindex < 0)) {
++ AuErr("no such branch %s\n", args[0].from);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* called without aufs lock */
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, n, token;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char skipped;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_opt *opt, *opt_tail;
++ char *opt_str;
++ /* reduce the stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct {
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ } *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = 0;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ opt_tail = opt + opts->max_opt - 1;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&str, ",")) && *opt_str) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ skipped = 0;
++ token = match_token(opt_str, options, a->args);
++ switch (token) {
++ case Opt_br:
++ err = 0;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&a->args[0].from, ":"))
++ && *opt_str) {
++ err = opt_add(opt, opt_str, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex++);
++ if (unlikely(!err && ++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ skipped = 1;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_add:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ bindex = n;
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[1].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*dummy bindex*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*bindex*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ err = au_opts_parse_del(&opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_idel:
++ del->pathname = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_idel(sb, n, &opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ err = au_opts_parse_mod(&opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#ifdef IMOD /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod->path = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_imod(sb, n, &opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino(sb, &opt->xino, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path
++ (sb, &opt->xino_itrunc, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ u.xino_itrunc->bindex = n;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (n < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < n) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", n);
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ break;
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->dirwh)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->rdcache)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n > KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE)) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(n < NAME_MAX)) {
++ AuErr("rdblk must be larger than %d\n",
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdblk = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n * sizeof(struct hlist_head)
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdhash = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ case Opt_plink:
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ case Opt_sum:
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ opt->udba = udba_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->udba >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ u.create->wbr_create
++ = au_wbr_create_val(a->args[0].from, u.create);
++ if (u.create->wbr_create >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ opt->wbr_copyup = au_wbr_copyup_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->wbr_copyup >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_ignore:
++ AuWarn("ignored %s\n", opt_str);
++ case Opt_ignore_silent:
++ skipped = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ case Opt_err:
++ AuErr("unknown option %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!err && !skipped) {
++ if (unlikely(++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ opt--;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(a);
++ dump_opts(opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_opts_free(opts);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_wbr_create(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin) {
++ err = sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ }
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = create->wbr_create;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + create->wbr_create;
++ switch (create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark = create->mfsrr_watermark;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire = create->mfs_second * HZ;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init(sb); /* ignore */
++ return err;
++ * returns,
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ */
++static int au_opt_simple(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_udba:
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= opt->udba;
++ opts->given_udba |= opt->udba;
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_list(sb);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ err = au_opt_wbr_create(sb, &opt->wbr_create);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = opt->wbr_copyup;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + opt->wbr_copyup;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = opt->dirwh;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = opt->rdcache * HZ;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = opt->rdblk;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = opt->rdhash;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, opt->xino_itrunc.bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ au_fclr_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns tri-state.
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int au_opt_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, do_refresh;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_append:
++ opt->add.bindex = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (opt->add.bindex < 0)
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ goto add;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ add:
++ case Opt_add:
++ err = au_br_add(sb, &opt->add,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ if (au_br_whable(opt->add.perm))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ err = au_br_del(sb, &opt->del,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ err = au_br_mod(sb, &opt->mod,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT),
++ &do_refresh);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (do_refresh) {
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opt_xino **opt_xino,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *parent, *h_root;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &opt->xino,
++ !!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ *opt_xino = &opt->xino;
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ /* safe d_parent access */
++ parent = opt->xino.file->f_dentry->d_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ if (h_root == parent) {
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, au_sbr_id(sb, bindex));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ *opt_xino = (void *)-1;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char do_plink, skip, do_free;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!(sbinfo->si_mntflags & AuOptMask_UDBA));
++ if (!(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
++ if (unlikely(!au_br_writable(au_sbr_perm(sb, 0))))
++ AuWarn("first branch should be rw\n");
++ if (unlikely(au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH)))
++ AuWarn("shwh should be used with ro\n");
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test((sbinfo->si_mntflags | pending), UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ && !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ AuWarn("udba=inotify requires xino\n");
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ do_plink = !!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ skip = 0;
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(dir, bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ do_free = 0;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ do_free = !!wbr;
++ skip = (!wbr
++ || (!wbr->wbr_whbase
++ && !wbr->wbr_plink
++ && !wbr->wbr_orph));
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ /* skip = (!br->br_whbase && !br->br_orph); */
++ skip = (!wbr || !wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip && wbr) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ /* skip = (br->br_whbase && br->br_ohph); */
++ skip = (wbr && wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ if (skip)
++ continue;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(au_h_dptr(root, bindex), br, sb);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ if (!err && do_free) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int tmp;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino, xino;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* disable xino and udba temporary */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ tmp = sbinfo->si_mntflags;
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_REVAL);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no branches\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO))
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (!err && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt++, &opt_xino, opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, sb->s_flags, tmp);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* restore xino */
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO) && !opt_xino) {
++ xino.file = au_xino_def(sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(xino.file);
++ if (IS_ERR(xino.file))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &xino, /*remount*/0);
++ fput(xino.file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* restore udba */
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= (tmp & AuOptMask_UDBA);
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, UDBA_HINOTIFY)) {
++ struct inode *dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ au_reset_hinotify(dir,
++ au_hi_flags(dir, /*isdir*/1) & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt, &opt_xino, opts);
++ opt++;
++ }
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* go on even err */
++ rerr = au_opts_verify(sb, opts->sb_flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB)) {
++ rerr = au_xib_trunc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ /* will be handled by the caller */
++ if (!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ && (opts->given_udba || au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ AuDbg("status 0x%x\n", opts->flags);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_mntflags(sb) & AuOptMask_UDBA;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#define __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct file;
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mount flags */
++#define AuOpt_XINO 1 /* external inode number bitmap
++ and translation table */
++#define AuOpt_TRUNC_XINO (1 << 1) /* truncate xino files */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_NONE (1 << 2) /* users direct branch access */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL (1 << 3)
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY (1 << 4)
++#define AuOpt_SHWH (1 << 5) /* show whiteout */
++#define AuOpt_PLINK (1 << 6) /* pseudo-link */
++#define AuOpt_DIRPERM1 (1 << 7) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_REFROF (1 << 8) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_ALWAYS_DIROPQ (1 << 9) /* policy to creating diropq */
++#define AuOpt_SUM (1 << 10) /* summation for statfs(2) */
++#define AuOpt_SUM_W (1 << 11) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_WARN_PERM (1 << 12) /* warn when add-branch */
++#define AuOpt_VERBOSE (1 << 13) /* busy inode when del-branch */
++#undef AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY 0
++#undef AuOpt_SHWH
++#define AuOpt_SHWH 0
++#define AuOpt_Def (AuOpt_XINO \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++ | AuOpt_PLINK \
++ /* | AuOpt_DIRPERM1 */ \
++ | AuOpt_WARN_PERM)
++#define AuOptMask_UDBA (AuOpt_UDBA_NONE \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++#define au_opt_test(flags, name) (flags & AuOpt_##name)
++#define au_opt_set(flags, name) do { \
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(AuOpt_##name & AuOptMask_UDBA); \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_set_udba(flags, name) do { \
++ (flags) &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA; \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_clr(flags, name) { ((flags) &= ~AuOpt_##name); }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++enum {
++ AuWbrCreate_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCreate_RR, /* round robin */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFS, /* most free space */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSV, /* mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, /* mfs then rr */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, /* mfs then rr with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFS, /* parent and mfs */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, /* parent and mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_Def = AuWbrCreate_TDP
++enum {
++ AuWbrCopyup_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BUP, /* bottom up parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BU, /* bottom up */
++ AuWbrCopyup_Def = AuWbrCopyup_TDP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_opt_add {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ char *pathname;
++ int perm;
++ struct path path;
++struct au_opt_del {
++ char *pathname;
++ struct path h_path;
++struct au_opt_mod {
++ char *path;
++ int perm;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++struct au_opt_xino {
++ char *path;
++ struct file *file;
++struct au_opt_xino_itrunc {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++struct au_opt_wbr_create {
++ int wbr_create;
++ int mfs_second;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_opt {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_add add;
++ struct au_opt_del del;
++ struct au_opt_mod mod;
++ int dirwh;
++ int rdcache;
++ unsigned int rdblk;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ int udba;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create wbr_create;
++ int wbr_copyup;
++ };
++/* opts flags */
++#define AuOpts_REMOUNT 1
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_DIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_NONDIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuOpts_TRUNC_XIB (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_opts(flags, name) ((flags) & AuOpts_##name)
++#define au_fset_opts(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuOpts_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_opts(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuOpts_##name; }
++struct au_opts {
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ int max_opt;
++ unsigned int given_udba;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ unsigned long sb_flags;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create);
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending);
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_OPTS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/plink.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/plink.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/plink.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/plink.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * pseudo-link
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * during a user process maintains the pseudo-links,
++ * prohibit adding a new plink and branch manipulation.
++ */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbi = au_sbi(sb);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ /* gave up wake_up_bit() */
++ wait_event(sbi->si_plink_wq, !au_ftest_si(sbi, MAINTAIN_PLINK));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct pseudo_link {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct inode *inode;
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ AuDbg("%lu\n", plink->inode->i_ino);
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++/* is the inode pseudo-linked? */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode)
++ int found;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(inode->i_sb);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(inode->i_sb), PLINK));
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return found;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generate a name for plink.
++ * the file will be stored under AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR.
++ */
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++#define PLINK_NAME_LEN ((20 + 1) * 2)
++static int plink_name(char *name, int len, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int rlen;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ rlen = snprintf(name, len, "%lu.%lu", inode->i_ino, h_inode->i_ino);
++ return rlen;
++/* lookup the plink-ed @inode under the branch at @bindex */
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ br = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex);
++ h_parent = br->br_wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&tgtname, h_parent, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return h_dentry;
++/* create a pseudo-link */
++static int do_whplink(struct qstr *tgt, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ again:
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(tgt, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /* wh.plink dir is not monitored */
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && h_path.dentry->d_inode != h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ goto again;
++ }
++ if (!err && !h_path.dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_whplink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct qstr *tgt;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_do_whplink(void *args)
++ struct do_whplink_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_whplink(a->tgt, a->h_parent, a->h_dentry, a->br);
++static int whplink(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ wbr = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex)->br_wbr;
++ h_parent = wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ struct do_whplink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .tgt = &tgtname,
++ .h_parent = h_parent,
++ .h_dentry = h_dentry,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_whplink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_whplink(&tgtname, h_parent, h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* free a single plink */
++static void do_put_plink(struct pseudo_link *plink, int do_del)
++ iput(plink->inode);
++ if (do_del)
++ list_del(&plink->list);
++ kfree(plink);
++ * create a new pseudo-link for @h_dentry on @bindex.
++ * the linked inode is held in aufs @inode.
++ */
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ int found, err, cnt;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ err = 0;
++ cnt = 0;
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list) {
++ cnt++;
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (found) {
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return;
++ }
++ plink = NULL;
++ if (!found) {
++ plink = kmalloc(sizeof(*plink), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (plink) {
++ plink->inode = au_igrab(inode);
++ list_add(&plink->list, plink_list);
++ cnt++;
++ } else
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ err = whplink(h_dentry, inode, bindex, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ }
++ if (unlikely(cnt > AUFS_PLINK_WARN))
++ AuWarn1("unexpectedly many pseudo links, %d\n", cnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn("err %d, damaged pseudo link.\n", err);
++ if (!found && plink)
++ do_put_plink(plink, /*do_del*/1);
++ }
++/* free all plinks */
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 0);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(plink_list);
++/* free the plinks on a branch specified by @br_id */
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend, bindex;
++ unsigned char do_put;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ inode = au_igrab(plink->inode);
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)
++ || au_ii_br_id(inode, bindex) != br_id)
++ continue;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ do_put = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ if (do_put) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (do_put)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ }
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/poll.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/poll.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/poll.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/poll.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * poll operation
++ * There is only one filesystem which implements ->poll operation, currently.
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
++ unsigned int mask;
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* We should pretend an error happened. */
++ mask = POLLERR /* | POLLIN | POLLOUT */;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* it is not an error if h_file has no operation */
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->poll)
++ mask = h_file->f_op->poll(h_file, wait);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ AuTraceErr((int)mask);
++ return mask;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/rwsem.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/rwsem.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/rwsem.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/rwsem.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple read-write semaphore wrappers
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#define __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/rwsem.h>
++struct au_rwsem {
++ struct rw_semaphore rwsem;
++ /* just for debugging, not almighty counter */
++ atomic_t rcnt, wcnt;
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do { \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->rcnt, 0); \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->wcnt, 0); \
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic set */ \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->rcnt)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->rcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->wcnt) > 1)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->wcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define AuRwMustNoWaiters(rw) AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&(rw)->rwsem.wait_list))
++/* rwsem_is_locked() is unusable */
++#define AuRwMustReadLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustWriteLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustAnyLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0 \
++ && atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwDestroy(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) \
++ || atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt))
++static inline void au_rw_init(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuDbgCntInit(rw);
++ init_rwsem(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_read(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw, unsigned int lsc)
++ down_read_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustReadLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntDec(rw);
++ up_read(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_dgrade_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ downgrade_write(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ up_write(&rw->rwsem);
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++static inline int au_rw_read_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_read_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++static inline int au_rw_write_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_write_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++#undef AuDbgCntInit
++#undef AuDbgRcntInc
++#undef AuDbgRcntDec
++#undef AuDbgWcntInc
++#undef AuDbgWcntDec
++#define AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_read_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_read_trylock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_write_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_write_trylock(rwsem); }
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++/* static inline void prefix##_read_trylock_nested(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_read_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc)); }
++static inline void prefix##_write_trylock_nestd(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_write_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc); } */
++#define AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_downgrade_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_dgrade_lock(rwsem); }
++#define AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_RWSEM_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * superblock private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&sbinfo->si_plink.head));
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_br_free(sbinfo);
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ mutex_destroy(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ AuRwDestroy(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sbinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo))
++ goto out;
++ /* will be reallocated separately */
++ sbinfo->si_branch = kzalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo->si_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_branch))
++ goto out_sbinfo;
++ memset(&sbinfo->si_kobj, 0, sizeof(sbinfo->si_kobj));
++ err = sysaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_br;
++ au_nwt_init(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ sbinfo->si_generation = 0;
++ sbinfo->au_si_status = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_bend = -1;
++ sbinfo->si_last_br_id = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags = AuOpt_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ mutex_init(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xino_brid = -1;
++ /* leave si_xib_last_pindex and si_xib_next_bit */
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF * HZ;
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = AUFS_DIRWH_DEF;
++ au_spl_init(&sbinfo->si_plink);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ /* leave other members for sysaufs and si_mnt. */
++ sbinfo->si_sb = sb;
++ sb->s_fs_info = sbinfo;
++ au_debug_sbinfo_init(sbinfo);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ out_sbinfo:
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*brp) * (sbinfo->si_bend + 1);
++ if (unlikely(!sz))
++ sz = sizeof(*brp);
++ brp = au_kzrealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sz, sizeof(*brp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (brp) {
++ sbinfo->si_branch = brp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb)
++ unsigned int gen;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ gen = ++au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++ au_update_digen(sb->s_root);
++ au_update_iigen(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++ sb->s_root->d_inode->i_version++;
++ return gen;
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int i;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i <= AUFS_BRANCH_MAX; i++) {
++ br_id = ++sbinfo->si_last_br_id;
++ if (br_id && au_br_index(sb, br_id) < 0)
++ return br_id;
++ }
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry and super_block lock. call at entry point */
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(dentry->d_sb, flags);
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, flags);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ si_write_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ si_write_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(d1->d_sb, flags);
++ di_write_lock2_child(d1, d2, au_ftest_lock(flags, DIR));
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock2(d1, d2);
++ si_read_unlock(d1->d_sb);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/spl.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/spl.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/spl.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/spl.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple list protected by a spinlock
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#define __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++struct au_splhead {
++ spinlock_t spin;
++ struct list_head head;
++static inline void au_spl_init(struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock_init(&spl->spin);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&spl->head);
++static inline void au_spl_add(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_add(list, &spl->head);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++static inline void au_spl_del(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_del(list);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SPL_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount and super_block operations
++ */
++#include <linux/buffer_head.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * super_operations
++ */
++static struct inode *aufs_alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ struct au_icntnr *c;
++ c = au_cache_alloc_icntnr();
++ if (c) {
++ inode_init_once(&c->vfs_inode);
++ c->vfs_inode.i_version = 1; /* sigen(sb); */
++ c->iinfo.ii_hinode = NULL;
++ return &c->vfs_inode;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void aufs_destroy_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ au_iinfo_fin(inode);
++ au_cache_free_icntnr(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode));
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ int err;
++ inode = iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ if (unlikely(!inode)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!(inode->i_state & I_NEW))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xigen_new(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_iinfo_init(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ inode->i_version++;
++ else {
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ out:
++ /* never return NULL */
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(inode);
++ return inode;
++/* lock free root dinfo */
++static int au_show_brs(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct path path;
++ struct au_hdentry *hd;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ hd = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = hd[bindex].hd_dentry;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = seq_printf(seq, "=%s",
++ au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ if (!err && bindex != bend)
++ err = seq_putc(seq, ':');
++ }
++ return err;
++static void au_show_wbr_create(struct seq_file *m, int v,
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ const char *pat;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ seq_printf(m, ",create=");
++ pat = au_optstr_wbr_create(v);
++ switch (v) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_TDP:
++ case AuWbrCreate_RR:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ seq_printf(m, pat);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"pmfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark,
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ }
++static int au_show_xino(struct seq_file *seq, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ return 0;
++ int err;
++ const int len = sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME) - 1;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, brid;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct file *f;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_root;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ f = au_sbi(sb)->si_xib;
++ if (!f)
++ goto out;
++ /* stop printing the default xino path on the first writable branch */
++ h_root = NULL;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0) {
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ h_root = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ }
++ d = f->f_dentry;
++ name = &d->d_name;
++ /* safe ->d_parent because the file is unlinked */
++ if (d->d_parent == h_root
++ && name->len == len
++ && !memcmp(name->name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME, len))
++ goto out;
++ seq_puts(seq, ",xino=");
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, f);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* seq_file will re-call me in case of too long string */
++static int aufs_show_options(struct seq_file *m, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err, n;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags, v;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++#define AuBool(name, str) do { \
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, name); \
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, ",%s" #str, v ? "" : "no"); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuStr(name, str) do { \
++ v = mnt_flags & AuOptMask_##name; \
++ if (v != (AuOpt_Def & AuOptMask_##name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%s", au_optstr_##str(v)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUInt(name, str, val) do { \
++ if (val != AUFS_##name##_DEF) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%u", val); \
++} while (0)
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ seq_printf(m, ",si=%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_show_xino(m, mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ seq_puts(m, ",noxino");
++ AuBool(TRUNC_XINO, trunc_xino);
++ AuStr(UDBA, udba);
++ AuBool(SHWH, shwh);
++ AuBool(PLINK, plink);
++ /* AuBool(DIRPERM1, dirperm1); */
++ /* AuBool(REFROF, refrof); */
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_create;
++ if (v != AuWbrCreate_Def)
++ au_show_wbr_create(m, v, sbinfo);
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup;
++ if (v != AuWbrCopyup_Def)
++ seq_printf(m, ",cpup=%s", au_optstr_wbr_copyup(v));
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, ALWAYS_DIROPQ))
++ seq_printf(m, ",diropq=%c", v ? 'a' : 'w');
++ AuUInt(DIRWH, dirwh, sbinfo->si_dirwh);
++ n = sbinfo->si_rdcache / HZ;
++ AuUInt(RDCACHE, rdcache, n);
++ AuUInt(RDBLK, rdblk, sbinfo->si_rdblk);
++ AuUInt(RDHASH, rdhash, sbinfo->si_rdhash);
++ AuBool(SUM, sum);
++ /* AuBool(SUM_W, wsum); */
++ AuBool(WARN_PERM, warn_perm);
++ AuBool(VERBOSE, verbose);
++ out:
++ /* be sure to print "br:" last */
++ if (!sysaufs_brs) {
++ seq_puts(m, ",br:");
++ au_show_brs(m, sb);
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++#undef Deleted
++#undef AuBool
++#undef AuStr
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sum mode which returns the summation for statfs(2) */
++static u64 au_add_till_max(u64 a, u64 b)
++ u64 old;
++ old = a;
++ a += b;
++ if (old < a)
++ return a;
++ return ULLONG_MAX;
++static int au_statfs_sum(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ u64 blocks, bfree, bavail, files, ffree;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, i;
++ unsigned char shared;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ blocks = 0;
++ bfree = 0;
++ bavail = 0;
++ files = 0;
++ ffree = 0;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--) {
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ shared = 0;
++ for (i = bindex + 1; !shared && i <= bend; i++)
++ shared = (au_sbr_sb(sb, i) == h_sb);
++ if (shared)
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(h_mnt->mnt_root, buf);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ blocks = au_add_till_max(blocks, buf->f_blocks);
++ bfree = au_add_till_max(bfree, buf->f_bfree);
++ bavail = au_add_till_max(bavail, buf->f_bavail);
++ files = au_add_till_max(files, buf->f_files);
++ ffree = au_add_till_max(ffree, buf->f_ffree);
++ }
++ buf->f_blocks = blocks;
++ buf->f_bfree = bfree;
++ buf->f_bavail = bavail;
++ buf->f_files = files;
++ buf->f_ffree = ffree;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_statfs(struct dentry *dentry, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SUM))
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(au_sbr_mnt(sb, 0)->mnt_root, buf);
++ else
++ err = au_statfs_sum(sb, buf);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (!err) {
++ buf->f_type = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ buf->f_namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ memset(&buf->f_fsid, 0, sizeof(buf->f_fsid));
++ }
++ /* buf->f_bsize = buf->f_blocks = buf->f_bfree = buf->f_bavail = -1; */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* try flushing the lower fs at aufs remount/unmount time */
++static void au_fsync_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ int brperm;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ brperm = br->br_perm;
++ if (brperm == AuBrPerm_RR || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH)
++ continue;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (bdev_read_only(h_sb->s_bdev))
++ continue;
++ lockdep_off();
++ down_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ shrink_dcache_sb(h_sb);
++ fsync_super(h_sb);
++ up_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ * this IS NOT for super_operations.
++ * I guess it will be reverted someday.
++ */
++static void aufs_umount_begin(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++/* final actions when unmounting a file system */
++static void aufs_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ aufs_umount_begin(sb);
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * refresh dentry and inode at remount time.
++ */
++static int do_refresh(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type,
++ unsigned int dir_flags)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns the number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, type);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (!err && type == S_IFDIR)
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, dir_flags);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("unrecoverable error %d, %.*s\n", err, AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ return err;
++static int test_dir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++/* gave up consolidating with refresh_nondir() */
++static int refresh_dir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ const unsigned int flags = au_hi_flags(root->d_inode, /*isdir*/1);
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_dir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; !e && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !e && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(d, sigen);
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, S_IFDIR, flags);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* break on err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_nondir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return !S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++static int refresh_nondir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen,
++ int do_dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ if (!do_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_nondir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(d, sigen);
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (inode && au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT,
++ /*dir_flags*/0);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_remount_refresh(struct super_block *sb, unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_sigen_inc(sb);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ au_fclr_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ IiMustNoWaiters(inode);
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = refresh_dir(root, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ AuWarn("Refreshing directories failed, ignored (%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_opts(flags, REFRESH_NONDIR)) {
++ err = refresh_nondir(root, sigen, !err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("Refreshing non-directories failed, ignored"
++ "(%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++/* stop extra interpretation of errno in mount(8), and strange error messages */
++static int cvt_err(int err)
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ switch (err) {
++ case -ENOENT:
++ case -ENOTDIR:
++ case -EEXIST:
++ case -EIO:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_remount_fs(struct super_block *sb, int *flags, char *data)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ if (!data || !*data) {
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, *flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.flags = AuOpts_REMOUNT;
++ opts.sb_flags = *flags;
++ /* parse it before aufs lock */
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, data, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ /* au_opts_remount() may return an error */
++ err = au_opts_remount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ || au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_NONDIR))
++ au_remount_refresh(sb, opts.flags);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static struct super_operations aufs_sop = {
++ .alloc_inode = aufs_alloc_inode,
++ .destroy_inode = aufs_destroy_inode,
++ .drop_inode = generic_delete_inode,
++ .show_options = aufs_show_options,
++ .statfs = aufs_statfs,
++ .put_super = aufs_put_super,
++ .remount_fs = aufs_remount_fs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int alloc_root(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ inode->i_mode = S_IFDIR;
++ inode->i_nlink = 2;
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ root = d_alloc_root(inode);
++ if (unlikely(!root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = PTR_ERR(root);
++ if (IS_ERR(root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(root);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb->s_root = root;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ dput(root);
++ goto out; /* do not iput */
++ out_iput:
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, void *raw_data,
++ int silent __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ char *arg = raw_data;
++ if (unlikely(!arg || !*arg)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no arg\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.sb_flags = sb->s_flags;
++ err = au_si_alloc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ sb->s_flags |= MS_NOATIME | MS_NODIRATIME;
++ sb->s_op = &aufs_sop;
++ sb->s_magic = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ au_export_init(sb);
++ err = alloc_root(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ goto out_info;
++ }
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ /*
++ * actually we can parse options regardless aufs lock here.
++ * but at remount time, parsing must be done before aufs lock.
++ * so we follow the same rule.
++ */
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, arg, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_root;
++ /* lock vfs_inode first, then aufs. */
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_mount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_opts; /* success */
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_root:
++ dput(root);
++ sb->s_root = NULL;
++ out_info:
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ sb->s_fs_info = NULL;
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type, int flags,
++ const char *dev_name __maybe_unused, void *raw_data,
++ struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ /* mnt->mnt_flags |= MNT_NOATIME | MNT_NODIRATIME; */
++ err = get_sb_nodev(fs_type, flags, raw_data, aufs_fill_super, mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, 0);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type = {
++ .name = AUFS_FSTYPE,
++ .fs_flags =
++ FS_RENAME_DOES_D_MOVE /* a race between rename and others */
++ | FS_REVAL_DOT, /* for NFS branch and udba */
++ .get_sb = aufs_get_sb,
++ .kill_sb = generic_shutdown_super,
++ /* no need to __module_get() and module_put(). */
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * super_block operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#define __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++typedef ssize_t (*au_readf_t)(struct file *, char __user *, size_t, loff_t *);
++typedef ssize_t (*au_writef_t)(struct file *, const char __user *, size_t,
++ loff_t *);
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations {
++ int (*copyup)(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct au_wbr_create_operations {
++ int (*create)(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir);
++ int (*init)(struct super_block *sb);
++ int (*fin)(struct super_block *sb);
++struct au_wbr_mfs {
++ struct mutex mfs_lock; /* protect this structure */
++ unsigned long mfs_jiffy;
++ unsigned long mfs_expire;
++ aufs_bindex_t mfs_bindex;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_bytes;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_sbinfo {
++ /* nowait tasks in the system-wide workqueue */
++ struct au_nowait_tasks si_nowait;
++ struct au_rwsem si_rwsem;
++ /* branch management */
++ unsigned int si_generation;
++ /* see above flags */
++ unsigned char au_si_status;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_bend;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_last_br_id;
++ struct au_branch **si_branch;
++ /* policy to select a writable branch */
++ unsigned char si_wbr_copyup;
++ unsigned char si_wbr_create;
++ struct au_wbr_copyup_operations *si_wbr_copyup_ops;
++ struct au_wbr_create_operations *si_wbr_create_ops;
++ /* round robin */
++ atomic_t si_wbr_rr_next;
++ /* most free space */
++ struct au_wbr_mfs si_wbr_mfs;
++ /* mount flags */
++ /* include/asm-ia64/siginfo.h defines a macro named si_flags */
++ unsigned int si_mntflags;
++ /* external inode number (bitmap and translation table) */
++ au_readf_t si_xread;
++ au_writef_t si_xwrite;
++ struct file *si_xib;
++ struct mutex si_xib_mtx; /* protect xib members */
++ unsigned long *si_xib_buf;
++ unsigned long si_xib_last_pindex;
++ int si_xib_next_bit;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_xino_brid;
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* unsigned long long si_xib_limit; */ /* Max xib file size */
++ /* i_generation */
++ struct file *si_xigen;
++ atomic_t si_xigen_next;
++ /* vdir parameters */
++ unsigned long si_rdcache; /* max cache time in HZ */
++ unsigned int si_rdblk; /* deblk size */
++ unsigned int si_rdhash; /* hash size */
++ /*
++ * If the number of whiteouts are larger than si_dirwh, leave all of
++ * them after au_whtmp_ren to reduce the cost of rmdir(2).
++ * future fsck.aufs or kernel thread will remove them later.
++ * Otherwise, remove all whiteouts and the dir in rmdir(2).
++ */
++ unsigned int si_dirwh;
++ /*
++ * rename(2) a directory with all children.
++ */
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* int si_rendir; */
++ /* pseudo_link list */
++ struct au_splhead si_plink;
++ wait_queue_head_t si_plink_wq;
++ /*
++ * sysfs and lifetime management.
++ * this is not a small structure and it may be a waste of memory in case
++ * of sysfs is disabled, particulary when many aufs-es are mounted.
++ * but using sysfs is majority.
++ */
++ struct kobject si_kobj;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs, *si_dbgaufs_xib;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs_xigen;
++ /* dirty, necessary for unmounting, sysfs and sysrq */
++ struct super_block *si_sb;
++/* sbinfo status flags */
++ * set true when refresh_dirs() failed at remount time.
++ * then try refreshing dirs at access time again.
++ * if it is false, refreshing dirs at access time is unnecesary
++ */
++#define AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK (1 << 1) /* ioctl */
++static inline unsigned char au_do_ftest_si(struct au_sbinfo *sbi,
++ unsigned int flag)
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbi->si_rwsem);
++ return sbi->au_si_status & flag;
++#define au_ftest_si(sbinfo, name) au_do_ftest_si(sbinfo, AuSi_##name)
++#define au_fset_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status |= AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++#define au_fclr_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policy to select one among writable branches */
++#define AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_copyup_ops->copyup(args))
++#define AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_create_ops->create(args))
++/* flags for si_read_lock()/aufs_read_lock()/di_read_lock() */
++#define AuLock_DW 1 /* write-lock dentry */
++#define AuLock_IR (1 << 1) /* read-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_IW (1 << 2) /* write-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_FLUSH (1 << 3) /* wait for 'nowait' tasks */
++#define AuLock_DIR (1 << 4) /* target is a dir */
++#define au_ftest_lock(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLock_##name)
++#define au_fset_lock(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLock_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lock(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLock_##name; }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* super.c */
++extern struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type;
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino);
++/* sbinfo.c */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr);
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb);
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb);
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++/* wbr_policy.c */
++extern struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[];
++extern struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[];
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_sbinfo *au_sbi(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_fs_info;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, "nfsd");
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base);
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ return -EBUSY;
++ return -ESTALE;
++static inline void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ return -EBUSY;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void dbgaufs_si_null(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = NULL;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock superblock. mainly for entry point functions */
++ * si_noflush_read_lock, si_noflush_write_lock,
++ * si_read_unlock, si_write_unlock, si_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(si_noflush, struct super_block *sb,
++ &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(si, struct super_block *sb, &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++#define SiMustNoWaiters(sb) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustAnyLock(sb) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustWriteLock(sb) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++static inline void si_read_lock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++static inline void si_write_lock(struct super_block *sb)
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++static inline int si_read_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++static inline int si_write_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_write_trylock(sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_sbend(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_bend;
++static inline unsigned int au_mntflags(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_mntflags;
++static inline unsigned int au_sigen(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++static inline struct au_branch *au_sbr(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_branch[0 + bindex];
++static inline void au_xino_brid_set(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t brid)
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid = brid;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_xino_brid(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SUPER_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and lifetime management
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++#define AuSiAttr(_name) { \
++ .attr = { .name = __stringify(_name), .mode = 0444 }, \
++ .show = sysaufs_si_##_name, \
++static struct sysaufs_si_attr sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path = AuSiAttr(xi_path);
++struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[] = {
++ &sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path.attr,
++ NULL,
++static struct sysfs_ops au_sbi_ops = {
++ .show = sysaufs_si_show
++static struct kobj_type au_sbi_ktype = {
++ .release = au_si_free,
++ .sysfs_ops = &au_sbi_ops,
++ .default_attrs = sysaufs_si_attrs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ sbinfo->si_kobj.kset = sysaufs_ket;
++ /* cf. sysaufs_name() */
++ err = kobject_init_and_add
++ (&sbinfo->si_kobj, &au_sbi_ktype, /*&sysaufs_ket->kobj*/NULL,
++ SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ dbgaufs_si_null(sbinfo);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = dbgaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ }
++ return err;
++void sysaufs_fin(void)
++ dbgaufs_fin();
++ sysfs_remove_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ do {
++ get_random_bytes(&sysaufs_si_mask, sizeof(sysaufs_si_mask));
++ } while (!sysaufs_si_mask);
++ sysaufs_ket = kset_create_and_add(AUFS_NAME, NULL, fs_kobj);
++ err = PTR_ERR(sysaufs_ket);
++ if (IS_ERR(sysaufs_ket))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysfs_create_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = dbgaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and mount lifetime management
++ */
++#ifndef __SYSAUFS_H__
++#define __SYSAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "module.h"
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct sysaufs_si_attr {
++ struct attribute attr;
++ int (*show)(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sysaufs.c */
++extern unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++extern struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++extern struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[];
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void);
++void sysaufs_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some people doesn't like to show a pointer in kernel */
++static inline unsigned long sysaufs_si_id(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return sysaufs_si_mask ^ (unsigned long)sbinfo;
++#define SysaufsSiNamePrefix "si_"
++#define SysaufsSiNameLen (sizeof(SysaufsSiNamePrefix) + 16)
++static inline void sysaufs_name(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, char *name)
++ snprintf(name, SysaufsSiNameLen, SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx",
++ sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++struct au_branch;
++/* sysfs.c */
++extern struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group;
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf);
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br);
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++#define sysaufs_brs_init() do {} while (0)
++#define sysaufs_attr_group NULL
++static inline
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ return 0;
++static inline
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ return 0;
++static inline void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_init(void)
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_SYSFS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __SYSAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysfs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysfs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysfs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysfs.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static struct attribute *au_attr[] = {
++ NULL, /* need to NULL terminate the list of attributes */
++static struct attribute_group sysaufs_attr_group_body = {
++ .attrs = au_attr
++struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group = &sysaufs_attr_group_body;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, au_sbi(sb)->si_xib);
++ seq_putc(seq, '\n');
++ }
++ return err;
++ * the lifetime of branch is independent from the entry under sysfs.
++ * sysfs handles the lifetime of the entry, and never call ->show() after it is
++ * unlinked.
++ */
++static int sysaufs_si_br(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ seq_printf(seq, "=%s\n", au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct seq_file *au_seq(char *p, ssize_t len)
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ seq = kzalloc(sizeof(*seq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (seq) {
++ /* mutex_init(&seq.lock); */
++ seq->buf = p;
++ seq->size = len;
++ return seq; /* success */
++ }
++ seq = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ return seq;
++#define SysaufsBr_PREFIX "br"
++/* todo: file size may exceed PAGE_SIZE */
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ ssize_t err;
++ long l;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ char *name;
++ struct attribute **cattr;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ seq = au_seq(buf, PAGE_SIZE);
++ err = PTR_ERR(seq);
++ if (IS_ERR(seq))
++ goto out;
++ name = (void *)attr->name;
++ cattr = sysaufs_si_attrs;
++ while (*cattr) {
++ if (!strcmp(name, (*cattr)->name)) {
++ err = container_of(*cattr, struct sysaufs_si_attr, attr)
++ ->show(seq, sb);
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ cattr++;
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (!strncmp(name, SysaufsBr_PREFIX, sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1)) {
++ name += sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1;
++ err = strict_strtol(name, 10, &l);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (l <= bend)
++ err = sysaufs_si_br(seq, sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l);
++ else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ }
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out_seq:
++ if (!err) {
++ err = seq->count;
++ /* sysfs limit */
++ if (unlikely(err == PAGE_SIZE))
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ }
++ kfree(seq);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ br-> = br->br_name;
++ br->br_attr.mode = S_IRUGO;
++ br->br_attr.owner = THIS_MODULE;
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ dbgaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ sysfs_remove_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ }
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ dbgaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ snprintf(br->br_name, sizeof(br->br_name), SysaufsBr_PREFIX
++ "%d", bindex);
++ err = sysfs_create_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed %s under sysfs(%d)\n", br->br_name, err);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysrq.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysrq.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysrq.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysrq.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * magic sysrq hanlder
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++/* #include <linux/sysrq.h> */
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void sysrq_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ char *plevel;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ plevel = au_plevel;
++ au_plevel = KERN_WARNING;
++ au_debug(1);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pr_warning("si=%lx\n", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": superblock\n");
++ au_dpri_sb(sb);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root dentry\n");
++ au_dpri_dentry(sb->s_root);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root inode\n");
++ au_dpri_inode(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++#if 0
++ struct inode *i;
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": isolated inode\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ au_dpri_inode(i);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": files\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list)
++ if (!special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ au_dpri_file(file);
++ au_plevel = plevel;
++ au_debug(0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* module parameter */
++static char *aufs_sysrq_key = "a";
++module_param_named(sysrq, aufs_sysrq_key, charp, S_IRUGO);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(sysrq, "MagicSysRq key for " AUFS_NAME);
++static void au_sysrq(int key __maybe_unused,
++ struct tty_struct *tty __maybe_unused)
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ /* spin_lock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++ list_for_each_entry(kobj, &sysaufs_ket->list, entry) {
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sysrq_sb(sbinfo->si_sb);
++ }
++ /* spin_unlock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++static struct sysrq_key_op au_sysrq_op = {
++ .handler = au_sysrq,
++ .help_msg = "Aufs",
++ .action_msg = "Aufs",
++ .enable_mask = SYSRQ_ENABLE_DUMP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void)
++ int err;
++ char key;
++ err = -1;
++ key = *aufs_sysrq_key;
++ if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z')
++ err = register_sysrq_key(key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d, sysrq=%c\n", err, key);
++ return err;
++void au_sysrq_fin(void)
++ int err;
++ err = unregister_sysrq_key(*aufs_sysrq_key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d (ignored)\n", err);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vdir.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vdir.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vdir.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vdir.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * virtual or vertical directory
++ */
++#include <linux/hash.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static unsigned int calc_size(int nlen)
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(ino_t) != sizeof(long));
++ return ALIGN(sizeof(struct au_vdir_de) + nlen, sizeof(ino_t));
++static int set_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk) {
++ p->de->de_str.len = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -1; /* error */
++/* returns true or false */
++static int is_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk)
++ return !p->de->de_str.len;
++ return 1;
++static unsigned char *last_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ return vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1];
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the allocated memory has to be freed by
++ * au_nhash_wh_free() or au_nhash_de_free().
++ */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ unsigned int u;
++ head = kmalloc(sizeof(*nhash->nh_head) * num_hash, gfp);
++ if (head) {
++ nhash->nh_num = num_hash;
++ nhash->nh_head = head;
++ for (u = 0; u < num_hash; u++)
++ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(head++);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void nhash_count(struct hlist_head *head)
++#if 0
++ unsigned long n;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = 0;
++ hlist_for_each(pos, head)
++ n++;
++ AuInfo("%lu\n", n);
++static void au_nhash_wh_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, wh_hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ kfree(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_de_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ au_cache_free_dehstr(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_do_free(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ void (*free)(struct hlist_head *head))
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ n = nhash->nh_num;
++ head = nhash->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ nhash_count(head);
++ free(head++);
++ }
++ kfree(nhash->nh_head);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(whlist, au_nhash_wh_do_free);
++static void au_nhash_de_free(struct au_nhash *delist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(delist, au_nhash_de_do_free);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit)
++ int num;
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ num = 0;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex == btgt && ++num > limit)
++ return 1;
++ head++;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static struct hlist_head *au_name_hash(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ unsigned char *name,
++ unsigned int len)
++ unsigned int v;
++ /* const unsigned int magic_bit = 12; */
++ v = 0;
++ while (len--)
++ v += *name++;
++ /* v = hash_long(v, magic_bit); */
++ v %= nhash->nh_num;
++ return nhash->nh_head + v;
++static int au_nhash_test_name(struct au_vdir_destr *str, const char *name,
++ int nlen)
++ return str->len == nlen && !memcmp(str->name, name, nlen);
++/* returns found or not */
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* returns found(true) or not */
++static int test_known(struct au_nhash *delist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, hash) {
++ str = tpos->str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void au_shwh_init_wh(struct au_vdir_wh *wh, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned char d_type)
++ wh->wh_ino = ino;
++ wh->wh_type = d_type;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh)
++ int err;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *wh;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", nlen, name);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ wh = kmalloc(sizeof(*wh) + nlen, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!wh))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ wh->wh_bindex = bindex;
++ if (shwh)
++ au_shwh_init_wh(wh, ino, d_type);
++ str = &wh->wh_str;
++ str->len = nlen;
++ memcpy(str->name, name, nlen);
++ hlist_add_head(&wh->wh_hash, au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen));
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ unsigned char **o;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = krealloc(vdir->vd_deblk, sizeof(*o) * (vdir->vd_nblk + 1),
++ if (unlikely(!o))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = o;
++ p.deblk = kmalloc(deblk_sz, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p.deblk) {
++ ul = vdir->vd_nblk++;
++ vdir->vd_deblk[ul] = p.deblk;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = p.deblk;
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_de(struct au_vdir *vdir, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sz;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, *room, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *dehstr;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ room = &vdir->vd_last.p;
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk < p.deblk || deblk_end.deblk <= room->deblk
++ || !is_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end));
++ sz = calc_size(nlen);
++ if (unlikely(sz > deblk_end.deblk - room->deblk)) {
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk != p.deblk);
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dehstr = au_cache_alloc_dehstr();
++ if (unlikely(!dehstr))
++ goto out;
++ dehstr->str = &room->de->de_str;
++ hlist_add_head(&dehstr->hash, au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen));
++ room->de->de_ino = ino;
++ room->de->de_type = d_type;
++ room->de->de_str.len = nlen;
++ memcpy(room->de->, name, nlen);
++ err = 0;
++ room->deblk += sz;
++ if (unlikely(set_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end)))
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned char **deblk;
++ deblk = vdir->vd_deblk;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk--)
++ kfree(*deblk++);
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++static struct au_vdir *alloc_vdir(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ vdir = au_cache_alloc_vdir();
++ if (unlikely(!vdir))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = kzalloc(sizeof(*vdir->vd_deblk), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!vdir->vd_deblk))
++ goto out_free;
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdblk;
++ vdir->vd_nblk = 0;
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (!err)
++ return vdir; /* success */
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ out_free:
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++ out:
++ vdir = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return vdir;
++static int reinit_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk > 1) {
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1]);
++ /* vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1] = NULL; */
++ vdir->vd_nblk--;
++ }
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ /* keep vd_dblk_sz */
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ const int isdir = (d_type == DT_DIR);
++ /* prevent hardlinks from race condition */
++ mtx = NULL;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ }
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!*ino) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ *ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!*ino))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, *ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!isdir)
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ return err;
++static int au_wh_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ return au_ino(sb, bindex, h_ino, d_type, ino);
++ return 0;
++#define AuFillVdir_CALLED 1
++#define AuFillVdir_WHABLE (1 << 1)
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_fillvdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuFillVdir_##name)
++#define au_fset_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#undef AuFillVdir_SHWH
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH 0
++struct fillvdir_arg {
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ struct au_nhash delist;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++static int fillvdir(void *__arg, const char *__name, int nlen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct fillvdir_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t ino;
++ const unsigned char shwh = !!au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ arg->err = 0;
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (nlen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (test_known(&arg->delist, name, nlen)
++ || au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already exists or whiteouted */
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ arg->err = au_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type, &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = append_de(arg->vdir, name, nlen, ino,
++ d_type, &arg->delist);
++ } else if (au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE)) {
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ nlen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already whiteouted */
++ if (shwh)
++ arg->err = au_wh_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type,
++ &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, nlen, ino, d_type,
++ arg->bindex, shwh);
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->vdir->vd_jiffy = jiffies;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int au_handle_shwh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_vdir *vdir,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int nh, u;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *n;
++ char *p, *o;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *destr;
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH));
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = p = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ nh = whlist->nh_num;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ for (u = 0; u < nh; u++) {
++ head = whlist->nh_head + u;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, n, head, wh_hash) {
++ destr = &tpos->wh_str;
++ memcpy(p, destr->name, destr->len);
++ err = append_de(vdir, o, destr->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN,
++ tpos->wh_ino, tpos->wh_type, delist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(o);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ return 0;
++static int au_do_read_vdir(struct fillvdir_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ loff_t offset;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bstart;
++ unsigned char shwh;
++ struct file *hf, *file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = arg->file;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ rdhash = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->delist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->whlist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_delist;
++ err = 0;
++ arg->flags = 0;
++ shwh = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)) {
++ shwh = 1;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!hf)
++ continue;
++ offset = vfsub_llseek(hf, 0, SEEK_SET);
++ err = offset;
++ if (unlikely(offset))
++ break;
++ arg->bindex = bindex;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ if (shwh
++ || (bindex != bend
++ && au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex))))
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(hf, fillvdir, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ }
++ if (!err && shwh)
++ err = au_handle_shwh(sb, arg->vdir, &arg->whlist, &arg->delist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg->whlist);
++ out_delist:
++ au_nhash_de_free(&arg->delist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int read_vdir(struct file *file, int may_read)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long expire;
++ unsigned char do_read;
++ struct fillvdir_arg arg;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir, *allocated;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ SiMustAnyLock(inode->i_sb);
++ allocated = NULL;
++ do_read = 0;
++ expire = au_sbi(inode->i_sb)->si_rdcache;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(inode);
++ if (!vdir) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ vdir = alloc_vdir(inode->i_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ allocated = vdir;
++ } else if (may_read
++ && (inode->i_version != vdir->vd_version
++ || time_after(jiffies, vdir->vd_jiffy + expire))) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!do_read)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ arg.file = file;
++ arg.vdir = vdir;
++ err = au_do_read_vdir(&arg);
++ if (!err) {
++ /* file->f_pos = 0; */
++ vdir->vd_version = inode->i_version;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_ivdir(inode, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int copy_vdir(struct au_vdir *tgt, struct au_vdir *src)
++ int err, rerr;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = src->vd_deblk_sz;
++ AuDebugOn(tgt->vd_nblk != 1);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (tgt->vd_nblk < src->vd_nblk) {
++ unsigned char **p;
++ p = krealloc(tgt->vd_deblk, sizeof(*p) * src->vd_nblk,
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ tgt->vd_deblk = p;
++ }
++ tgt->vd_nblk = src->vd_nblk;
++ tgt->vd_deblk_sz = deblk_sz;
++ memcpy(tgt->vd_deblk[0], src->vd_deblk[0], deblk_sz);
++ /* tgt->vd_last.i = 0; */
++ /* tgt->vd_last.p.deblk = tgt->vd_deblk[0]; */
++ tgt->vd_version = src->vd_version;
++ tgt->vd_jiffy = src->vd_jiffy;
++ n = src->vd_nblk;
++ for (ul = 1; ul < n; ul++) {
++ tgt->vd_deblk[ul] = kmemdup(src->vd_deblk[ul], deblk_sz,
++ if (unlikely(!tgt->vd_deblk[ul]))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ rerr = reinit_vdir(tgt);
++ BUG_ON(rerr);
++ return err;
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache, *allocated;
++ err = read_vdir(file, !file->f_pos);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = NULL;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!vdir_cache) {
++ vdir_cache = alloc_vdir(file->f_dentry->d_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir_cache);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir_cache))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = vdir_cache;
++ } else if (!file->f_pos && vdir_cache->vd_version != file->f_version) {
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir_cache);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ return 0; /* success */
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = copy_vdir(vdir_cache, au_ivdir(inode));
++ if (!err) {
++ file->f_version = inode->i_version;
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static loff_t calc_offset(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_last.ul];
++ offset = vdir->vd_last.p.deblk - p.deblk;
++ offset += vdir->vd_deblk_sz * vdir->vd_last.ul;
++ return offset;
++/* returns true or false */
++static int seek_vdir(struct file *file)
++ int valid;
++ unsigned int deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ offset = calc_offset(vdir_cache);
++ AuDbg("offset %lld\n", offset);
++ if (file->f_pos == offset)
++ goto out;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (!file->f_pos)
++ goto out;
++ valid = 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ ul = div64_u64(file->f_pos, deblk_sz);
++ AuDbg("ul %lu\n", ul);
++ if (ul >= vdir_cache->vd_nblk)
++ goto out;
++ n = vdir_cache->vd_nblk;
++ for (; ul < n; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ offset = ul;
++ offset *= deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end) && offset < file->f_pos) {
++ unsigned int l;
++ l = calc_size(>de_str.len);
++ offset += l;
++ p.deblk += l;
++ }
++ if (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end)) {
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p = p;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(!valid);
++ return valid;
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int l, deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!seek_vdir(file))
++ return 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ while (1) {
++ deblk_end.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk += deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&vdir_cache->vd_last.p, &deblk_end)) {
++ de = vdir_cache->;
++ AuDbg("%.*s, off%lld, i%lu, dt%d\n",
++ de->de_str.len, de->, file->f_pos,
++ (unsigned long)de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ err = filldir(dirent, de->, de->de_str.len,
++ file->f_pos, de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* todo: ignore the error caused by udba? */
++ /* return err; */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ l = calc_size(de->de_str.len);
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk += l;
++ file->f_pos += l;
++ }
++ if (vdir_cache->vd_last.ul < vdir_cache->vd_nblk - 1) {
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul++;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk
++ = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ file->f_pos = deblk_sz * vdir_cache->vd_last.ul;
++ continue;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/splice.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ /* for remote fs, leave work for its getattr or d_revalidate */
++ /* for bad i_attr fs, handle them in aufs_getattr() */
++ /* still some fs may acquire i_mutex. we need to skip them */
++ err = 0;
++ if (!did)
++ did = &err;
++ h_sb = h_path->dentry->d_sb;
++ *did = (!au_test_fs_remote(h_sb) && au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(h_sb));
++ if (*did)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_path->mnt, h_path->dentry, &st);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#ifdef CONFIG_IMA
++#error IMA is not supported since it does not work well. Wait for their fixing.
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode)
++ struct file *file;
++ lockdep_off();
++ file = filp_open(path, oflags, mode);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return file;
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ /* lockdep_off(); */
++ err = kern_path(name, flags, path);
++ /* lockdep_on(); */
++ if (!err && path->dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = NULL
++ };
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_one_len(name, parent, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return path.dentry;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = nd->path.mnt
++ };
++ IMustLock(nd->path.dentry->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_hash(nd);
++ if (!IS_ERR(path.dentry) && path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return path.dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ lockdep_off();
++ d = lock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir2);
++ return d;
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir2);
++ lockdep_off();
++ unlock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, 0);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(dir->i_sb))
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ memset(&h_nd, 0, sizeof(h_nd));
++ h_nd.flags = LOOKUP_CREATE;
++ = O_CREAT
++ | vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_READ);
++ = mode;
++ h_nd.path.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = path->mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, const char *symname)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_symlink(path, path->dentry, symname);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_symlink(dir, path->dentry, symname);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mknod(dir, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_test_nlink(struct inode *inode)
++ const unsigned int link_max = UINT_MAX >> 1; /* rough margin */
++ if (!au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(inode->i_sb)
++ || inode->i_nlink < link_max)
++ return 0;
++ return -EMLINK;
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = au_test_nlink(src_dentry->d_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ return err;
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_link(src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_link(src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ /* fuse has different memory inode for the same inumber */
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ IMustLock(src_dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rename(&tmp, src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rename(src_dir, src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ int did;
++ tmp.dentry = d->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mkdir(path, path->dentry, mode);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mkdir(dir, path->dentry, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rmdir(path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rmdir(dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = path->dentry->d_parent,
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ err = vfs_read(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* todo: kernel_read()? */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_read_u(file, (char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_write(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(file, (const char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_readdir(file, filldir, arg);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_to(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&in->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_from(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&out->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* cf. open.c:do_sys_truncate() and do_sys_ftruncate() */
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_file) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ err = inode_permission(h_inode, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = get_write_access(h_inode);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = break_lease(h_inode, vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_WRITE));
++ if (err)
++ goto out_inode;
++ }
++ err = locks_verify_truncate(h_inode, h_file, length);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_path_truncate(h_path, length, attr);
++ if (!err) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_truncate(h_path->dentry, length, attr, h_file);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ out_inode:
++ if (!h_file)
++ put_write_access(h_inode);
++ out_mnt:
++ if (!h_file)
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++ int mode;
++static void au_call_vfsub_mkdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_mkdir(a->dir, a->path, a->mode);
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(dir, path, mode);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path,
++ .mode = mode
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_mkdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void au_call_vfsub_rmdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_rmdir(a->dir, a->path);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(dir, path);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_rmdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct notify_change_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct path *path;
++ struct iattr *ia;
++static void call_notify_change(void *args)
++ struct notify_change_args *a = args;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = a->path->dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ *a->errp = -EPERM;
++ if (!IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode) && !IS_APPEND(h_inode)) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = notify_change(a->path->dentry, a->ia);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(a->path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ call_notify_change(&args);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_notify_change, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct unlink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void call_unlink(void *args)
++ struct unlink_args *a = args;
++ struct dentry *d = a->path->dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ const int stop_sillyrename = (au_test_nfs(d->d_sb)
++ && atomic_read(&d->d_count) == 1);
++ IMustLock(a->dir);
++ a->path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ *a->errp = security_path_unlink(a->path, d);
++ a->path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(*a->errp))
++ return;
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dget(d);
++ h_inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ atomic_inc(&h_inode->i_count);
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = vfs_unlink(a->dir, d);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = d->d_parent,
++ .mnt = a->path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dput(d);
++ if (h_inode)
++ iput(h_inode);
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++ * @dir: must be locked.
++ * @dentry: target dentry.
++ */
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force)
++ int err;
++ struct unlink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ if (!force)
++ call_unlink(&args);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_unlink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for lower inode */
++/* default MAX_LOCKDEP_SUBCLASSES(8) is not enough */
++/* reduce? gave up. */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_I_Begin = I_MUTEX_QUOTA, /* 4 */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT, /* lower inode, parent first */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT2, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT3, /* copyup wh */
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD,
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD2,
++ AuLsc_I_End
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define MtxMustLock(mtx) AuDebugOn(!mutex_is_locked(mtx))
++#define IMustLock(i) MtxMustLock(&(i)->i_mutex)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void vfsub_copy_inode_size(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ fsstack_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did);
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode);
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_hinode;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path,
++ const char *symname);
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct path *path);
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_hdir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *hdir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg);
++static inline void vfsub_file_accessed(struct file *h_file)
++ file_accessed(h_file);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++static inline void vfsub_touch_atime(struct vfsmount *h_mnt,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = h_dentry,
++ .mnt = h_mnt
++ };
++ touch_atime(h_mnt, h_dentry);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline loff_t vfsub_llseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int origin)
++ loff_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_llseek(file, offset, origin);
++ lockdep_on();
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dirty workaround for strict type of fmode_t */
++union vfsub_fmu {
++ fmode_t fm;
++ unsigned int ui;
++static inline unsigned int vfsub_fmode_to_uint(fmode_t fm)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .fm = fm
++ };
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof( != sizeof(u.ui));
++ return u.ui;
++static inline fmode_t vfsub_uint_to_fmode(unsigned int ui)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .ui = ui
++ };
++ return;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_VFSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * policies for selecting one among multiple writable branches
++ */
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* subset of cpup_attr() */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_cpdown_attr(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_isrc;
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ sbits = !!(ia.ia_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_path->dentry->d_inode, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path->dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++#define AuCpdown_PARENT_OPQ 1
++#define AuCpdown_WHED (1 << 1)
++#define AuCpdown_MADE_DIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuCpdown_DIROPQ (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_cpdown(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpdown_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpdown_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpdown_##name; }
++struct au_cpdown_dir_args {
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_opq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry;
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ au_fset_cpdown(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ h_path.dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ }
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq, bstart;
++ unsigned char parent_opq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir, *h_inode, *inode, *dir;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *args = arg;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* dentry is di-locked */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_dir != au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ err = vfsub_sio_mkdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_put;
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ if (!au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ) && bopq <= bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ);
++ parent_opq = (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ)
++ && args->parent == dentry);
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_opq(dentry, bdst, args);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_dir;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_cpdown_attr(&h_path, au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart));
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_wh(dentry, h_parent, dir, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ }
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibend(inode) < bdst)
++ au_set_ibend(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(h_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ out_opq:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bdst);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing diropq for %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR)) {
++ rerr = vfsub_sio_rmdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_put:
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_update_dbend(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args args = {
++ .parent = dget_parent(dentry),
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ err = au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpdown_dir, &args);
++ dput(args.parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for create */
++static int au_wbr_bu(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -EROFS;
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_create_tdp(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ err = bstart;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex < bstart; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* an exception for the policy other than tdp */
++static int au_wbr_create_exp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bdiropq;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = -1;
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ if (bwh >= 0) {
++ if (bdiropq >= 0)
++ err = min(bdiropq, bwh);
++ else
++ err = bwh;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ } else if (bdiropq >= 0) {
++ err = bdiropq;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ if (err >= 0 && au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, err)))
++ err = -1;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_init_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, au_sbend(sb));
++ atomic_set(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next, -err); /* less important */
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_rr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, nbr;
++ unsigned int u;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ atomic_t *next;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ next = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ nbr = bend + 1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ /* modulo for 0 is meaningless */
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ } else
++ err = atomic_read(next);
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ u = err;
++ err = u % nbr;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, err)))
++ break;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ }
++ out:
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space */
++static void au_mfs(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long b, bavail;
++ /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct kstatfs *st;
++ st = kmalloc(sizeof(*st), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!st)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed updating mfs(%d), ignored\n", -ENOMEM);
++ return;
++ }
++ bavail = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ MtxMustLock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br))
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(br->br_mnt->mnt_root, st);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed statfs, b%d, %d\n", bindex, err);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* when the available size is equal, select the lower one */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bavail)
++ || sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bsize));
++ b = st->f_bavail * st->f_bsize;
++ br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes = b;
++ if (b >= bavail) {
++ bavail = b;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = bindex;
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = jiffies;
++ }
++ }
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = bavail;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", mfs->mfs_bindex);
++ kfree(st);
++static int au_wbr_create_mfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (time_after(jiffies, mfs->mfs_jiffy + mfs->mfs_expire)
++ || mfs->mfs_bindex < 0
++ || au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, mfs->mfs_bindex)))
++ au_mfs(dentry);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ err = mfs->mfs_bindex;
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_init(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = 0;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ return 0;
++static int au_wbr_create_fin_mfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_destroy(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_lock);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space and then round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_mfsrr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ mfs = &au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (mfs->mfsrr_bytes < mfs->mfsrr_watermark)
++ err = au_wbr_create_rr(dentry, isdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ }
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ au_wbr_create_init_mfs(sb); /* ignore */
++ err = au_wbr_create_init_rr(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* top down parent and most free space */
++static int au_wbr_create_pmfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, e2;
++ unsigned long long b;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ if (bstart == bend)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ e2 = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (e2 < 0)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ /* when the available size is equal, select upper one */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, err);
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(br) && br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes > b) {
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ err = bindex;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ }
++ }
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for copyup */
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_tdp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, /*isdir, anything is ok*/0);
++/* bottom up parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bup(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex >= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* bottom up */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bu(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(dentry->d_sb, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCopyup_TDP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BUP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bup
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BU] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bu
++ }
++struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCreate_TDP] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_RR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_rr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_rr
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#define WH_MASK S_IRUGO
++ * If a directory contains this file, then it is opaque. We start with the
++ * .wh. flag so that it is blocked by lookup.
++ */
++static struct qstr diropq_name = {
++ .name = AUFS_WH_DIROPQ,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_WH_DIROPQ) - 1
++ * generate whiteout name, which is NOT terminated by NULL.
++ * @name: original
++ * @len: original d_name.len
++ * @wh: whiteout qstr
++ * returns zero when succeeds, otherwise error.
++ * succeeded value as wh->name should be freed by kfree().
++ */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name)
++ char *p;
++ if (unlikely(name->len > PATH_MAX - AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ return -ENAMETOOLONG;
++ wh->len = name->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ p = kmalloc(wh->len, GFP_NOFS);
++ wh->name = p;
++ if (p) {
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ memcpy(p + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN, name->name, name->len);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if the @wh_name exists under @h_parent.
++ * @try_sio specifies the necessary of super-io.
++ */
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!try_sio)
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else
++ wh_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!wh_dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = 1;
++ if (S_ISREG(wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s Invalid whiteout entry type 0%o.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * test if the @h_dentry sets opaque or not.
++ */
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_wh_test(h_dentry, &diropq_name, br,
++ au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC));
++ return err;
++ * returns a negative dentry whose name is unique and temporary.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix)
++#define HEX_LEN 4
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int i;
++ char defname[AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2 + DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + 1
++ + HEX_LEN + 1], *name, *p;
++ static unsigned short cnt;
++ struct qstr qs;
++ name = defname;
++ qs.len = sizeof(defname) - DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + prefix->len - 1;
++ if (unlikely(prefix->len > DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN)) {
++ if (unlikely(qs.len >= PATH_MAX))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ name = kmalloc(qs.len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!name))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* doubly whiteout-ed */
++ memcpy(name, AUFS_WH_PFX AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2);
++ p = name + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2;
++ memcpy(p, prefix->name, prefix->len);
++ p += prefix->len;
++ *p++ = '.';
++ AuDebugOn(name + qs.len + 1 - p <= HEX_LEN);
++ = name;
++ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
++ sprintf(p, "%.*d", HEX_LEN, cnt++);
++ dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&qs, h_parent, br);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry) || !dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_name;
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ /* AuWarn("could not get random name\n"); */
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-EEXIST);
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuLNPair(&qs));
++ BUG();
++ out_name:
++ if (name != defname)
++ kfree(name);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++#undef HEX_LEN
++ * rename the @h_dentry on @br to the whiteouted temporary name.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ h_parent = h_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_path.dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &h_dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ /* under the same dir, no need to lock_rename() */
++ err = vfsub_rename(h_dir, h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for removing a whiteout
++ */
++static int do_unlink_wh(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int force;
++ /*
++ * forces superio when the dir has a sticky bit.
++ * this may be a violation of unix fs semantics.
++ */
++ force = (h_dir->i_mode & S_ISVTX)
++ && h_path->dentry->d_inode->i_uid != current_fsuid();
++ return vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, force);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (!err && dentry)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, -1);
++ return err;
++static int unlink_wh_name(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = 0;
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(wh, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ else {
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && S_ISREG(h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize/clean whiteout for a branch
++ */
++static void au_wh_clean(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *whpath,
++ const int isdir)
++ int err;
++ if (!whpath->dentry->d_inode)
++ return;
++ err = mnt_want_write(whpath->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (isdir)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, whpath);
++ else
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, whpath, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(whpath->mnt);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s (%d), ignored.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(whpath->dentry), err);
++static int test_linkable(struct dentry *h_root)
++ struct inode *h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (h_dir->i_op->link)
++ return 0;
++ AuErr("%.*s (%s) doesn't support link(2), use noplink and rw+nolwh\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ return -ENOSYS;
++/* todo: should this mkdir be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper? */
++static int au_whdir(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (!path->dentry->d_inode) {
++ int mode = S_IRWXU;
++ if (au_test_nfs(path->dentry->d_sb))
++ mode |= S_IXUGO;
++ err = mnt_want_write(path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, path, mode);
++ mnt_drop_write(path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISDIR(path->dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s exists\n", AuDLNPair(path->dentry));
++ return err;
++struct au_wh_base {
++ const struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++static void au_wh_init_ro(struct inode *h_dir, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ * returns tri-state,
++ * minus: error, caller should print the mesage
++ * zero: succuess
++ * plus: error, caller should NOT print the mesage
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw_nolink(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * for the moment, aufs supports the branch filesystem which does not support
++ * link(2). testing on FAT which does not support i_op->setattr() fully either,
++ * copyup failed. finally, such filesystem will not be used as the writable
++ * branch.
++ *
++ * returns tri-state, see above.
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /*
++ * todo: should this create be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper?
++ */
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (!base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, h_path, WH_MASK);
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISREG(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s/%.*s exists\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), AuDLNPair(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = dget(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize the whiteout base file/dir for @br.
++ */
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb)
++ int err, i;
++ const unsigned char do_plink
++ = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ static const struct qstr base_name[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = AUFS_BASE_NAME,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_BASE_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_PLINKDIR_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_ORPHDIR_NAME) - 1
++ }
++ };
++ struct au_wh_base base[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_BASE,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_PLINK,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_ORPH,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ }
++ };
++ if (wbr)
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ /* doubly whiteouted */
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = au_wh_lkup(h_root, (void *)base[i].name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(d);
++ if (IS_ERR(d))
++ goto out;
++ base[i].dentry = d;
++ AuDebugOn(wbr
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i]
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i] != base[i].dentry);
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ au_wh_init_ro(h_dir, base, &path);
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw_nolink(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("an error(%d) on the writable branch %.*s(%s)\n",
++ err, AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ out:
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(base[i].dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * whiteouts are all hard-linked usually.
++ * when its link count reaches a ceiling, we create a new whiteout base
++ * asynchronously.
++ */
++struct reinit_br_wh {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void reinit_br_wh(void *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *a = arg;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ err = 0;
++ wbr = a->br->br_wbr;
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(a->sb);
++ if (!au_br_writable(a->br->br_perm))
++ goto out;
++ bindex = au_br_index(a->sb, a->br->br_id);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ dir = a->sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(a->sb->s_root, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_h_verify(wbr->wbr_whbase, au_opt_udba(a->sb), hdir->hi_inode,
++ h_root, a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path.dentry = wbr->wbr_whbase;
++ h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(hdir->hi_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ } else {
++ AuWarn("%.*s is moved, ignored\n", AuDLNPair(wbr->wbr_whbase));
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ dput(wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, a->br, a->sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ di_read_unlock(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (wbr)
++ atomic_dec(&wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&a->br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(a->sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(a->sb);
++ kfree(arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++static void kick_reinit_br_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ int do_dec, wkq_err;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *arg;
++ do_dec = 1;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running) != 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* ignore ENOMEM */
++ arg = kmalloc(sizeof(*arg), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (arg) {
++ /*
++ * dec(wh_running), kfree(arg) and dec(br_count)
++ * in reinit function
++ */
++ arg->sb = sb;
++ arg->br = br;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(reinit_br_wh, arg, sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ kfree(arg);
++ }
++ do_dec = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (do_dec)
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create the whiteout @wh.
++ */
++static int link_or_create_wh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh
++ };
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_parent = wh->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ if (wbr->wbr_whbase) {
++ err = vfsub_link(wbr->wbr_whbase, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (!err || err != -EMLINK)
++ goto out;
++ /* link count full. re-initialize br_whbase. */
++ kick_reinit_br_wh(sb, br);
++ }
++ /* return this error in this context */
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, WH_MASK);
++ out:
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create or remove the diropq.
++ */
++static struct dentry *do_diropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ opq_dentry = au_lkup_one(&diropq_name, h_dentry, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_ftest_diropq(flags, CREATE)) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, opq_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ } else {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = opq_dentry,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = do_unlink_wh(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bindex), &tmp);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ opq_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return opq_dentry;
++struct do_diropq_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void call_do_diropq(void *args)
++ struct do_diropq_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_diropq(a->dentry, a->bindex, a->flags);
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *diropq, *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dentry->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ diropq = do_diropq(dentry, bindex, flags);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_diropq_args args = {
++ .errp = &diropq,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_diropq, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ diropq = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return diropq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * lookup whiteout dentry.
++ * @h_parent: lower parent dentry which must exist and be locked
++ * @base_name: name of dentry which will be whiteouted
++ * returns dentry for whiteout.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&wh_name, base_name);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(&wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ kfree(;
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * link/create a whiteout for @dentry on @bindex.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry) && !wh_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, wh_dentry);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ else {
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Delete all whiteouts in this directory on branch bindex. */
++static int del_wh_children(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ char *p;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = __getname();
++ = p;
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; !err && ul < n; ul++, head++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex != bindex)
++ continue;
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ if (str->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN <= PATH_MAX) {
++ memcpy(p, str->name, str->len);
++ wh_name.len = AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN + str->len;
++ err = unlink_wh_name(h_dentry, &wh_name, br);
++ if (!err)
++ continue;
++ break;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("whiteout name too long %.*s\n",
++ str->len, str->name);
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(;
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct del_wh_children_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_del_wh_children(void *args)
++ struct del_wh_children_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = del_wh_children(a->h_dentry, &a->whlist, a->bindex, a->br);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ whtmp = kmalloc(sizeof(*whtmp), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!whtmp)) {
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ whtmp->dir = NULL;
++ whtmp->wh_dentry = NULL;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whtmp->whlist, au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash, gfp);
++ if (!err)
++ return whtmp; /* success */
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return whtmp;
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp)
++ dput(whtmp->wh_dentry);
++ iput(whtmp->dir);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whtmp->whlist);
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ * rmdir the whiteouted temporary named dir @h_dentry.
++ * @whlist: whiteouted children.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_tmp;
++ struct inode *wh_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ wh_inode = wh_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&wh_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ /*
++ * someone else might change some whiteouts while we were sleeping.
++ * it means this whlist may have an obsoleted entry.
++ */
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(wh_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = del_wh_children(wh_dentry, whlist, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct del_wh_children_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .h_dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .whlist = *whlist,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_del_wh_children, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&wh_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_tmp.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_tmp.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_tmp);
++ /* d_drop(h_dentry); */
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex) {
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ drop_nlink(dir);
++ }
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s(%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ return err;
++static void call_rmdir_whtmp(void *args)
++ int err;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *a = args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ /* rmdir by nfsd may cause deadlock with this i_mutex */
++ /* mutex_lock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, a->bindex, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, a->bindex);
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ h_parent = dget_parent(a->wh_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(a->dir, a->bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_h_verify(a->wh_dentry, au_opt_udba(sb), h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(a->dir, a->bindex, a->wh_dentry,
++ &a->whlist);
++ mnt_drop_write(br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ }
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ /* mutex_unlock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args)
++ int wkq_err;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ /* all post-process will be done in do_rmdir_whtmp(). */
++ args->dir = au_igrab(dir);
++ args->bindex = bindex;
++ args->wh_dentry = dget(wh_dentry);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(call_rmdir_whtmp, args, dir->i_sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ AuWarn("rmdir error %.*s (%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wkq_err);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#define __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "dir.h"
++/* whout.c */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name);
++struct au_branch;
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio);
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix);
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb);
++/* diropq flags */
++#define AuDiropq_CREATE 1
++#define au_ftest_diropq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuDiropq_##name)
++#define au_fset_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuDiropq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuDiropq_##name; }
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags);
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent);
++/* real rmdir for the whiteout-ed dir */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir {
++ struct inode *dir;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp);
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_diropq_create(struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, AuDiropq_CREATE);
++static inline int au_diropq_remove(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return PTR_ERR(au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, !AuDiropq_CREATE));
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WHOUT_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new dredential scheme
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* internal workqueue named AUFS_WKQ_NAME */
++static struct au_wkq {
++ struct workqueue_struct *q;
++ /* balancing */
++ atomic_t busy;
++} *au_wkq;
++struct au_wkinfo {
++ struct work_struct wk;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ unsigned int flags; /* see wkq.h */
++ au_wkq_func_t func;
++ void *args;
++ atomic_t *busyp;
++ struct completion *comp;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int enqueue(struct au_wkq *wkq, struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ wkinfo->busyp = &wkq->busy;
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ return !queue_work(wkq->q, &wkinfo->wk);
++ else
++ return !schedule_work(&wkinfo->wk);
++static void do_wkq(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ unsigned int idle, n;
++ int i, idle_idx;
++ while (1) {
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT)) {
++ idle_idx = 0;
++ idle = UINT_MAX;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ n = atomic_inc_return(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ if (n == 1 && !enqueue(au_wkq + i, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ if (n < idle) {
++ idle_idx = i;
++ idle = n;
++ }
++ atomic_dec(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ }
++ } else
++ idle_idx = aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_inc(&au_wkq[idle_idx].busy);
++ if (!enqueue(au_wkq + idle_idx, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ /* impossible? */
++ AuWarn1("failed to queue_work()\n");
++ yield();
++ }
++static void wkq_func(struct work_struct *wk)
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo = container_of(wk, struct au_wkinfo, wk);
++ wkinfo->func(wkinfo->args);
++ atomic_dec_return(wkinfo->busyp);
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ complete(wkinfo->comp);
++ else {
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(wkinfo->sb)->si_kobj);
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ kfree(wkinfo);
++ }
++ * Since struct completion is large, try allocating it dynamically.
++ */
++#if defined(CONFIG_4KSTACKS) || defined(AuTest4KSTACKS)
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) struct completion *comp = NULL
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ *comp = kmalloc(sizeof(**comp), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (*comp) {
++ init_completion(*comp);
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp)
++ kfree(comp);
++/* no braces */
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) \
++ struct completion *comp = &_ ## name
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* 4KSTACKS */
++static void au_wkq_run(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ au_dbg_verify_kthread();
++ INIT_WORK(&wkinfo->wk, wkq_func);
++ do_wkq(wkinfo);
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args)
++ int err;
++ AuWkqCompDeclare(comp);
++ struct au_wkinfo wkinfo = {
++ .flags = AuWkq_WAIT,
++ .func = func,
++ .args = args
++ };
++ err = au_wkq_comp_alloc(&wkinfo, &comp);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_wkq_run(&wkinfo);
++ /* no timeout, no interrupt */
++ wait_for_completion(wkinfo.comp);
++ au_wkq_comp_free(comp);
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo;
++ atomic_inc(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ /*
++ * wkq_func() must free this wkinfo.
++ * it highly depends upon the implementation of workqueue.
++ */
++ err = 0;
++ wkinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*wkinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (wkinfo) {
++ wkinfo->sb = sb;
++ wkinfo->flags = !AuWkq_WAIT;
++ wkinfo->func = func;
++ wkinfo->args = args;
++ wkinfo->comp = NULL;
++ kobject_get(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
++ au_wkq_run(wkinfo);
++ } else {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ atomic_dec(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ atomic_set(&nwt->nw_len, 0);
++ /* smp_mb();*/ /* atomic_set */
++ init_waitqueue_head(&nwt->nw_wq);
++void au_wkq_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++)
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q))
++ destroy_workqueue(au_wkq[i].q);
++ kfree(au_wkq);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ struct au_wkq *nowaitq;
++ /* '+1' is for accounting of nowait queue */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_wkq = kcalloc(aufs_nwkq + 1, sizeof(*au_wkq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!au_wkq))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ au_wkq[i].q = create_singlethread_workqueue(AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q)) {
++ atomic_set(&au_wkq[i].busy, 0);
++ continue;
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_wkq[i].q);
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* nowait accounting */
++ nowaitq = au_wkq + aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_set(&nowaitq->busy, 0);
++ nowaitq->q = NULL;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new credentials management scheme
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#define __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/wait.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * in the next operation, wait for the 'nowait' tasks in system-wide workqueue
++ */
++struct au_nowait_tasks {
++ atomic_t nw_len;
++ wait_queue_head_t nw_wq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++typedef void (*au_wkq_func_t)(void *args);
++/* wkq flags */
++#define AuWkq_WAIT 1
++#define au_ftest_wkq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWkq_##name)
++#define au_fset_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWkq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWkq_##name; }
++/* wkq.c */
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args);
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb);
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void);
++void au_wkq_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline int au_test_wkq(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++static inline void au_nwt_done(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ if (!atomic_dec_return(&nwt->nw_len))
++ wake_up_all(&nwt->nw_wq);
++static inline int au_nwt_flush(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ wait_event(nwt->nw_wq, !atomic_read(&nwt->nw_len));
++ return 0;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WKQ_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/xino.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/xino.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/xino.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/xino.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1200 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * external inode number translation table and bitmap
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_access(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t do_xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf,
++ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ lockdep_off();
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (const char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ lockdep_on();
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_modify(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++struct do_xino_fwrite_args {
++ ssize_t *errp;
++ au_writef_t func;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *buf;
++ size_t size;
++ loff_t *pos;
++static void call_do_xino_fwrite(void *args)
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_xino_fwrite(a->func, a->file, a->buf, a->size, a->pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ /* todo: signal block and no wkq? */
++ /* todo: new credential scheme */
++ /*
++ * it breaks RLIMIT_FSIZE and normal user's limit,
++ * users should care about quota and real 'filesystem full.'
++ */
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .func = func,
++ .file = file,
++ .buf = buf,
++ .size = size,
++ .pos = pos
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_xino_fwrite, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_xino_fwrite(func, file, buf, size, pos);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a new xinofile at the same place/path as @base_file.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *base, *dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ int err;
++ base = base_file->f_dentry;
++ parent = base->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ name = &base->d_name;
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, parent, name->len);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ file = (void *)dentry;
++ AuErr("%.*s lookup err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* no need to mnt_want_write() since we call dentry_open() later */
++ err = vfs_create(dir, dentry, S_IRUGO | S_IWUGO, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ AuErr("%.*s create err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ file = dentry_open(dget(dentry), mntget(base_file->f_vfsmnt),
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s open err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(file));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ err = vfsub_unlink(dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s unlink err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ if (copy_src) {
++ /* no one can touch copy_src xino */
++ err = au_copy_file(file, copy_src,
++ i_size_read(copy_src->f_dentry->d_inode));
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s copy err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ out_fput:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return file;
++struct au_xino_lock_dir {
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++static void au_xino_lock_dir(struct super_block *sb, struct file *xino,
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ aufs_bindex_t brid, bindex;
++ ldir->hdir = NULL;
++ bindex = -1;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0)
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ ldir->hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(ldir->hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ ldir->parent = dget_parent(xino->f_dentry);
++ ldir->mtx = &ldir->parent->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(ldir->mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++static void au_xino_unlock_dir(struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ if (ldir->hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(ldir->hdir);
++ else {
++ mutex_unlock(ldir->mtx);
++ dput(ldir->parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate xino files asynchronously */
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bi, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct file *new_xino, *file;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0 || bend < bindex))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ file = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (!file)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ new_xino = au_xino_create2(file, file);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(new_xino);
++ if (IS_ERR(new_xino))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ fput(file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bi = 0; bi <= bend; bi++) {
++ if (unlikely(bi == bindex))
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bi);
++ if (br->br_mnt->mnt_sb != h_sb)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ get_file(new_xino);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct xino_do_trunc_args {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void xino_do_trunc(void *_args)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = args->sb;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ br = args->br;
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(dir);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, bindex);
++ if (!err
++ && br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ >= br->br_xino_upper)
++ br->br_xino_upper += AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP;
++ ii_read_unlock(dir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("err b%d, (%d)\n", bindex, err);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_xino_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(args);
++static void xino_try_trunc(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ < br->br_xino_upper)
++ return;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_xino_running) > 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* lock and kfree() will be called in trunc_xino() */
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ goto out_args;
++ }
++ atomic_inc_return(&br->br_count);
++ args->sb = sb;
++ args->br = br;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(xino_do_trunc, args, sb);
++ if (!wkq_err)
++ return; /* success */
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_count);
++ out_args:
++ kfree(args);
++ out:
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_xino_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_xino_do_write(au_writef_t write, struct file *file,
++ ino_t h_ino, ino_t ino)
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(ino);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(write, file, &ino, sizeof(ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ return -EIO;
++ * write @ino to the xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * even if @ino is zero, it is written to the xinofile and means no entry.
++ * if the size of the xino file on a specific filesystem exceeds the watermark,
++ * try truncating it.
++ */
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(long long) != sizeof(au_loff_max)
++ || ((loff_t)-1) > 0);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ return 0;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, TRUNC_XINO)
++ && au_test_fs_trunc_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb))
++ xino_try_trunc(sb, br);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%d)\n", err);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* aufs inode number bitmap */
++static const int page_bits = (int)PAGE_SIZE * BITS_PER_BYTE;
++static ino_t xib_calc_ino(unsigned long pindex, int bit)
++ ino_t ino;
++ AuDebugOn(bit < 0 || page_bits <= bit);
++ ino = AUFS_FIRST_INO + pindex * page_bits + bit;
++ return ino;
++static void xib_calc_bit(ino_t ino, unsigned long *pindex, int *bit)
++ AuDebugOn(ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ ino -= AUFS_FIRST_INO;
++ *pindex = ino / page_bits;
++ *bit = ino % page_bits;
++static int xib_pindex(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long pindex)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *xib;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(pindex > ULONG_MAX / PAGE_SIZE
++ || !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO));
++ if (pindex == sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex)
++ return 0;
++ xib = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ pos = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out;
++ pos = pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (i_size_read(xib->f_dentry->d_inode) >= pos + PAGE_SIZE)
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ else {
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ }
++ if (sz == PAGE_SIZE) {
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = pindex;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ out:
++ AuIOErr1("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ err = sz;
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err, bit;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0;
++ err = 0;
++ if (ino) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ xib_calc_bit(ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_bit(bit, sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = bit;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, 0);
++ return err;
++/* get an unused inode number from bitmap */
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb)
++ ino_t ino;
++ unsigned long *p, pindex, ul, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ int free_bit, err;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return iunique(sb, AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ free_bit = sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit;
++ if (free_bit < page_bits && !test_bit(free_bit, p))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ for (ul = pindex - 1; ul < ULONG_MAX; ul--) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) / PAGE_SIZE;
++ for (ul = pindex + 1; ul <= pend; ul++) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out:
++ set_bit(free_bit, p);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit++;
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ ino = xib_calc_ino(pindex, free_bit);
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ return ino;
++ out_err:
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDbg("i0\n");
++ return 0;
++ * read @ino from xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * if @ino does not exist and @do_new is true, get new one.
++ */
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ *ino = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0; /* no xino */
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(*ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(*ino);
++ file = au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < pos + sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* no ino */
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, ino, sizeof(*ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xino read error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* create and set a new xino file */
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *d;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * at mount-time, and the xino file is the default path,
++ * hinotify is disabled so we have no inotify events to ignore.
++ * when a user specified the xino, we cannot get au_hdir to be ignored.
++ */
++ file = vfsub_filp_open(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_LARGEFILE,
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("open %s(%ld)\n", fname, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return file;
++ }
++ /* keep file count */
++ h_parent = dget_parent(file->f_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("unlink %s(%d)\n", fname, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ d = file->f_dentry;
++ if (unlikely(sb == d->d_sb)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", fname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(d->d_sb))) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ fname, au_sbtype(d->d_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ return file; /* success */
++ out:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return file;
++ * find another branch who is on the same filesystem of the specified
++ * branch{@btgt}. search until @bend.
++ */
++static int is_sb_shared(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb = au_sbr_sb(sb, btgt);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < btgt; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize the xinofile for the specified branch @br
++ * at the place/path where @base_file indicates.
++ * test whether another branch is on the same filesystem or not,
++ * if @do_test is true.
++ */
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t h_ino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct au_branch *shared_br, *b;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb;
++ shared_br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (do_test) {
++ tgt_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ b = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (tgt_sb == b->br_mnt->mnt_sb) {
++ shared_br = b;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!shared_br || !shared_br->br_xino.xi_file) {
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, base_file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(base_file, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = file;
++ } else {
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = shared_br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ get_file(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ }
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate a xino bitmap file */
++/* todo: slow */
++static int do_xib_restore(struct super_block *sb, struct file *file, void *page)
++ int err, bit;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ loff_t pos, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_readf_t func;
++ ino_t *ino;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ func = sbinfo->si_xread;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ pos = 0;
++ while (pos < pend) {
++ sz = xino_fread(func, file, page, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (ino = page; sz > 0; ino++, sz -= sizeof(ino)) {
++ if (unlikely(*ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO))
++ continue;
++ xib_calc_bit(*ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err)
++ set_bit(bit, p);
++ else
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int xib_restore(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ void *page;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ page = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (!bindex || is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1) < 0)
++ err = do_xib_restore
++ (sb, au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file, page);
++ else
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ goto out;
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) <= PAGE_SIZE)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(sbinfo->si_xib, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ pos = 0;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE)) {
++ err = sz;
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = xib_restore(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * xino mount option handlers
++ */
++static au_readf_t find_readf(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->read)
++ return fop->read;
++ if (fop->aio_read)
++ return do_sync_read;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++static au_writef_t find_writef(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->write)
++ return fop->write;
++ if (fop->aio_write)
++ return do_sync_write;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++/* xino bitmap */
++static void xino_clear_xib(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++static int au_xino_set_xib(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xib);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = find_readf(file);
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = find_writef(file);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (!sbinfo->si_xib_buf)
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_xib_buf))
++ goto out_unset;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = 0;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < PAGE_SIZE) {
++ pos = 0;
++ err = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, sbinfo->si_xib_buf,
++ PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(err != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_free:
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_unset:
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* xino for each branch */
++static void xino_clear_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!br || !br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ }
++static int au_xino_set_br(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bshared;
++ struct {
++ struct file *old, *new;
++ } *fpair, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_writef_t writef;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ fpair = kcalloc(bend + 1, sizeof(*fpair), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!fpair))
++ goto out;
++ inode = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ writef = au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite;
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ bshared = is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1);
++ if (bshared >= 0) {
++ /* shared xino */
++ *p = fpair[bshared];
++ get_file(p->new);
++ }
++ if (!p->new) {
++ /* new xino */
++ p->old = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ p->new = au_xino_create2(base, br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(p->new);
++ if (IS_ERR(p->new)) {
++ p->new = NULL;
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_xino_do_write(writef, p->new,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)->i_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ get_file(p->new);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = p->new;
++ }
++ out_pair:
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->new)
++ fput(p->new);
++ else
++ break;
++ kfree(fpair);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_xigen_clr(sb);
++ xino_clear_xib(sb);
++ xino_clear_br(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* lvalue, do not call au_mntflags() */
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount)
++ int err, skip;
++ struct dentry *parent, *cur_parent;
++ struct qstr *dname, *cur_name;
++ struct file *cur_xino;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(xino->file->f_dentry);
++ if (remount) {
++ skip = 0;
++ dname = &xino->file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ cur_xino = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (cur_xino) {
++ cur_parent = dget_parent(cur_xino->f_dentry);
++ cur_name = &cur_xino->f_dentry->d_name;
++ skip = (cur_parent == parent
++ && dname->len == cur_name->len
++ && !memcmp(dname->name, cur_name->name,
++ dname->len));
++ dput(cur_parent);
++ }
++ if (skip)
++ goto out;
++ }
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = au_xino_set_xib(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xigen_set(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_set_br(sb, xino->file);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* reset all */
++ AuIOErr("failed creating xino(%d).\n", err);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a xinofile at the default place/path.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct file *file;
++ char *page, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct path path;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bwr;
++ br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ bwr = -1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb)) {
++ bwr = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bwr >= 0) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ page = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(sb->s_root, bwr);
++ p = d_path(&path, page, PATH_MAX - sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME));
++ file = (void *)p;
++ if (!IS_ERR(p)) {
++ strcat(p, "/" AUFS_XINO_FNAME);
++ AuDbg("%s\n", p);
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, p, /*silent*/0);
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, br->br_id);
++ }
++ __putname(page);
++ } else {
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, /*silent*/0);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ h_sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_sb))) {
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ }
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ }
++ out:
++ return file;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &file->f_path);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++#define Deleted "\\040(deleted)"
++ seq->count -= sizeof(Deleted) - 1;
++ AuDebugOn(memcmp(seq->buf + seq->count, Deleted,
++ sizeof(Deleted) - 1));
++#undef Deleted
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/Kconfig linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/Kconfig 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Kconfig 2009-08-23 17:21:29.021473535 +0200
+@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ source "fs/romfs/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/sysv/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/ufs/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/exofs/Kconfig"
++source "fs/aufs/Kconfig"
+ config NILFS2_FS
+ tristate "NILFS2 file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/Makefile linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/Makefile 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Makefile 2009-08-23 17:21:59.925457390 +0200
+@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_HFSPLUS_FS) += hfsplus/ # B
+ obj-$(CONFIG_HFS_FS) += hfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_ECRYPT_FS) += ecryptfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_VXFS_FS) += freevxfs/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_NFS_FS) += nfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_EXPORTFS) += exportfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_NFSD) += nfsd/
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/namei.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namei.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/namei.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namei.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.586918393 +0200
+@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ int deny_write_access(struct file * file
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * path_get - get a reference to a path
+@@ -1200,7 +1201,7 @@ out:
+ * needs parent already locked. Doesn't follow mounts.
+ * SMP-safe.
+ */
+-static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ int err;
+@@ -1209,8 +1210,9 @@ static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct
+ return ERR_PTR(err);
+ return __lookup_hash(&nd->last, nd->path.dentry, nd);
+ }
+-static int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
+ struct dentry *base, int len)
+ {
+ unsigned long hash;
+@@ -1231,6 +1233,7 @@ static int __lookup_one_len(const char *
+ this->hash = end_name_hash(hash);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * lookup_one_len - filesystem helper to lookup single pathname component
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/namespace.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namespace.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/namespace.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namespace.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.589450118 +0200
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+ /* spinlock for vfsmount related operations, inplace of dcache_lock */
+ __cacheline_aligned_in_smp DEFINE_SPINLOCK(vfsmount_lock);
+ static int event;
+ static DEFINE_IDA(mnt_id_ida);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/open.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/open.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/open.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/open.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ int do_truncate(struct dentry *dentry, l
+ mutex_unlock(&dentry->d_inode->i_mutex);
+ return err;
+ }
+ static long do_sys_truncate(const char __user *pathname, loff_t length)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/splice.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/splice.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/splice.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/splice.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -905,8 +905,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(generic_splice_sendpage);
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from pipe to file.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
+- loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -925,13 +925,14 @@ static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_i
+ return out->f_op->splice_write(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from a file to a pipe.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
+- struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
+- unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -947,6 +948,7 @@ static long do_splice_to(struct file *in
+ return in->f_op->splice_read(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
+ }
+ /**
+ * splice_direct_to_actor - splices data directly between two non-pipes
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/aufs_type.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/aufs_type.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/aufs_type.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/aufs_type.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#define AUFS_VERSION "2-standalone.tree-30-20090803"
++/* todo? move this to linux-2.6.19/include/magic.h */
++#define AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC ('a' << 24 | 'u' << 16 | 'f' << 8 | 's')
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some environments treat 'char' as 'unsigned char' by default */
++typedef signed char aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 127
++typedef short aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 511
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 1023
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 32767
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#error unknown CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX value
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AUFS_NAME "aufs"
++#define AUFS_ROOT_INO 2
++#define AUFS_FIRST_INO 11
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX ".wh."
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN ((int)sizeof(AUFS_WH_PFX) - 1)
++#define AUFS_XINO_FNAME "." AUFS_NAME ".xino"
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT 64 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP 4 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_DIRWH_DEF 3
++#define AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF 10 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_RDBLK_DEF 512 /* bytes */
++#define AUFS_RDHASH_DEF 32
++#define AUFS_NWKQ_DEF 4
++#define AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF 30 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_PLINK_WARN 100 /* number of plinks */
++#define AUFS_DIROPQ_NAME AUFS_WH_PFX ".opq" /* whiteouted doubly */
++/* doubly whiteouted */
++/* branch permission */
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RW "rw"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RO "ro"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RR "rr"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_WH "wh"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_NLWH "nolwh"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* ioctl */
++enum {
++#define AuCtlType 'A'
++#endif /* __AUFS_TYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/Kbuild linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/Kbuild
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/Kbuild 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/Kbuild 2009-08-23 17:21:29.021473535 +0200
+@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ header-y += atmppp.h
+ header-y += atmsap.h
+ header-y += atmsvc.h
+ header-y += atm_zatm.h
++header-y += aufs_type.h
+ header-y += auto_fs4.h
+ header-y += ax25.h
+ header-y += b1lli.h
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/namei.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/namei.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/namei.h 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/namei.h 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ extern struct file *lookup_instantiate_f
+ extern struct file *nameidata_to_filp(struct nameidata *nd, int flags);
+ extern void release_open_intent(struct nameidata *);
++extern struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++extern int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++ struct dentry *base, int len);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_len(const char *, struct dentry *, int);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_noperm(const char *, struct dentry *);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/splice.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/splice.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/splice.h 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/splice.h 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -83,4 +83,10 @@ extern ssize_t splice_to_pipe(struct pip
+ extern ssize_t splice_direct_to_actor(struct file *, struct splice_desc *,
+ splice_direct_actor *);
++extern long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++extern long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
+ #endif
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/security/device_cgroup.c linux-2.6.30.patched/security/device_cgroup.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/security/device_cgroup.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/security/device_cgroup.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -512,6 +512,7 @@ acc_check:
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ int devcgroup_inode_mknod(int mode, dev_t dev)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/security/security.c linux-2.6.30.patched/security/security.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/security/security.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/security/security.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.621506835 +0200
+@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ int security_path_mkdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_mkdir(path, dentry, mode);
+ }
+ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -396,6 +397,7 @@ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_rmdir(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_unlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ int security_path_unlink(struct path *pa
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_unlink(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_symlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry,
+ const char *old_name)
+@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ int security_path_symlink(struct path *p
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_symlink(path, dentry, old_name);
+ }
+ int security_path_link(struct dentry *old_dentry, struct path *new_dir,
+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -419,6 +423,7 @@ int security_path_link(struct dentry *ol
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_link(old_dentry, new_dir, new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_rename(struct path *old_dir, struct dentry *old_dentry,
+ struct path *new_dir, struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -429,6 +434,7 @@ int security_path_rename(struct path *ol
+ return security_ops->path_rename(old_dir, old_dentry, new_dir,
+ new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_truncate(struct path *path, loff_t length,
+ unsigned int time_attrs)
+@@ -437,6 +443,7 @@ int security_path_truncate(struct path *
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_truncate(path, length, time_attrs);
+ }
+ #endif
+ int security_inode_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
+@@ -508,6 +515,7 @@ int security_inode_readlink(struct dentr
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_readlink(dentry);
+ }
+ int security_inode_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+@@ -522,6 +530,7 @@ int security_inode_permission(struct ino
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_permission(inode, mask);
+ }
+ int security_inode_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr)
+ {
+@@ -622,6 +631,7 @@ int security_file_permission(struct file
+ {
+ return security_ops->file_permission(file, mask);
+ }
+ int security_file_alloc(struct file *file)
+ {
diff --git a/target/linux/patches/ b/target/linux/patches/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..212ab427f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/patches/
@@ -0,0 +1,24453 @@
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs
+--- linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /debug/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xib
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xib (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap), its block size and file size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xino0, xino1 ... xinoN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xino (External Inode Number
++ Translation Table), its link count, block size and file
++ size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xigen
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xigen (External Inode
++ Generation Table), its block size and file size.
++ If CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT is disabled, this entry will not
++ be created.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs
+--- linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /sys/fs/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/br0, br1 ... brN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of a member directory (which
++ is called branch) in aufs, and its permission.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/xi_path
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of XINO (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table) file
++ even if it is the default path.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/aufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/aufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/aufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/aufs.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * all header files
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_H__
++#define __AUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include "debug.h"
++#include "branch.h"
++#include "cpup.h"
++#include "dcsub.h"
++#include "dbgaufs.h"
++#include "dentry.h"
++#include "dir.h"
++#include "file.h"
++#include "fstype.h"
++#include "inode.h"
++#include "loop.h"
++#include "module.h"
++#include "opts.h"
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "super.h"
++#include "sysaufs.h"
++#include "vfsub.h"
++#include "whout.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch management
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * free a single branch
++ */
++static void au_br_do_free(struct au_branch *br)
++ int i;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ mutex_destroy(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&br->br_count));
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr) {
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&wbr->wbr_wh_running));
++ AuRwDestroy(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ }
++ /* some filesystems acquire extra lock */
++ lockdep_off();
++ mntput(br->br_mnt);
++ lockdep_on();
++ kfree(wbr);
++ kfree(br);
++ * frees all branches
++ */
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ aufs_bindex_t bmax;
++ struct au_branch **br;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ bmax = sbinfo->si_bend + 1;
++ br = sbinfo->si_branch;
++ while (bmax--)
++ au_br_do_free(*br++);
++ * find the index of a branch which is specified by @br_id.
++ */
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_sbr_id(sb, bindex) == br_id)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * add a branch
++ */
++static int test_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ if (unlikely(h_d1 == h_d2))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2)
++ || !!au_test_subdir(h_d2, h_d1)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d1, h_d2)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d2, h_d1);
++ * returns a newly allocated branch. @new_nbranch is a number of branches
++ * after adding a branch.
++ */
++static struct au_branch *au_br_alloc(struct super_block *sb, int new_nbranch,
++ int perm)
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ add_branch = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ add_branch->br_wbr = NULL;
++ if (au_br_writable(perm)) {
++ /* may be freed separately at changing the branch permission */
++ add_branch->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch->br_wbr),
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch->br_wbr))
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_sbr_realloc(au_sbi(sb), new_nbranch)
++ || au_di_realloc(au_di(root), new_nbranch)
++ || au_ii_realloc(au_ii(root->d_inode), new_nbranch)))
++ goto out_wbr;
++ return add_branch; /* success */
++ out_wbr:
++ kfree(add_branch->br_wbr);
++ out_br:
++ kfree(add_branch);
++ out:
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ * test if the branch permission is legal or not.
++ */
++static int test_br(struct inode *inode, int brperm, char *path)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(au_br_writable(brperm) && IS_RDONLY(inode))) {
++ AuErr("write permission for readonly mount or inode, %s\n",
++ path);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns:
++ * 0: success, the caller will add it
++ * plus: success, it is already unified, the caller should ignore it
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int test_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend >= 0
++ && au_find_dbindex(root, add->path.dentry) >= 0)) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (!remount) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("%s duplicated\n", add->pathname);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOSPC; /* -E2BIG; */
++ if (unlikely(AUFS_BRANCH_MAX <= add->bindex
++ || AUFS_BRANCH_MAX - 1 <= bend)) {
++ AuErr("number of branches exceeded %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EDOM;
++ if (unlikely(add->bindex < 0 || bend + 1 < add->bindex)) {
++ AuErr("bad index %d\n", add->bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = add->path.dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink)) {
++ AuErr("no existence %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_sb == sb)) {
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unsuppoted(inode->i_sb))) {
++ AuErr("unsupported filesystem, %s (%s)\n",
++ add->pathname, au_sbtype(inode->i_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = test_br(add->path.dentry->d_inode, add->perm, add->pathname);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (bend < 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(test_overlap(sb, add->path.dentry,
++ au_h_dptr(root, bindex)))) {
++ AuErr("%s is overlapped\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), WARN_PERM)) {
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(root, 0)->d_inode;
++ if ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO) != (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO)
++ || h_inode->i_uid != inode->i_uid
++ || h_inode->i_gid != inode->i_gid)
++ AuWarn("uid/gid/perm %s %u/%u/0%o, %u/%u/0%o\n",
++ add->pathname,
++ inode->i_uid, inode->i_gid,
++ (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO),
++ h_inode->i_uid, h_inode->i_gid,
++ (h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO));
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize or clean the whiteouts for an adding branch
++ */
++static int au_br_init_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br,
++ int new_perm, struct dentry *h_root)
++ int err, old_perm;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ old_perm = br->br_perm;
++ br->br_perm = new_perm;
++ hdir = NULL;
++ h_mtx = NULL;
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ if (0 <= bindex) {
++ hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ h_mtx = &h_root->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++ if (!wbr)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ else {
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ }
++ if (hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ else
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = old_perm;
++ if (!err && wbr && !au_br_writable(new_perm)) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ int perm, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ au_rw_init(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ memset(wbr->wbr_wh, 0, sizeof(wbr->wbr_wh));
++ atomic_set(&wbr->wbr_wh_running, 0);
++ wbr->wbr_bytes = 0;
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, perm, path->dentry);
++ return err;
++/* intialize a new branch */
++static int au_br_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_add *add)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&br->br_xino, 0, sizeof(br->br_xino));
++ mutex_init(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = add->perm;
++ br->br_mnt = add->path.mnt; /* set first, mntget() later */
++ atomic_set(&br->br_count, 0);
++ br->br_xino_upper = AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT;
++ atomic_set(&br->br_xino_running, 0);
++ br->br_id = au_new_br_id(sb);
++ if (au_br_writable(add->perm)) {
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, add->perm, &add->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_br(sb, br, add->path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
++ au_sbr(sb, 0)->br_xino.xi_file, /*do_test*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuDebugOn(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ sysaufs_br_init(br);
++ mntget(add->path.mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_add_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bend,
++ aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ memmove(brp + 1, brp, sizeof(*brp) * amount);
++ *brp = br;
++ sbinfo->si_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ sbinfo->si_bend = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ memmove(hdp + 1, hdp, sizeof(*hdp) * amount);
++ au_h_dentry_init(hdp);
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ dinfo->di_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ memmove(hip + 1, hip, sizeof(*hip) * amount);
++ hip->hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(hip, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_dentry,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, amount;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ amount = bend + 1 - bindex;
++ au_br_do_add_brp(au_sbi(sb), bindex, br, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hip(au_ii(root_inode), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_set_h_dptr(root, bindex, dget(h_dentry));
++ au_set_h_iptr(root_inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode),
++ /*flags*/0);
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, add_bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(root_inode);
++ err = test_add(sb, add, remount);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ if (err) {
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ add_branch = au_br_alloc(sb, bend + 2, add->perm);
++ err = PTR_ERR(add_branch);
++ if (IS_ERR(add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_br_init(add_branch, sb, add);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_br_do_free(add_branch);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ add_bindex = add->bindex;
++ h_dentry = add->path.dentry;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, add_bindex);
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, add_bindex);
++ }
++ if (!add_bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_add_nlink(root_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ maxb = h_dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ /*
++ * this test/set prevents aufs from handling unnecesary inotify events
++ * of xino files, in a case of re-adding a writable branch which was
++ * once detached from aufs.
++ */
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) < 0
++ && au_br_writable(add_branch->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_dentry->d_sb)
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_parent == h_dentry)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, add_branch->br_id);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * delete a branch
++ */
++/* to show the line number, do not make it inlined function */
++#define AuVerbose(do_info, fmt, args...) do { \
++ if (do_info) \
++ AuInfo(fmt, ##args); \
++} while (0)
++ * test if the branch is deletable or not.
++ */
++static int test_dentry_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(root->d_sb), VERBOSE);
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ d = dpage->dentries[j];
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&d->d_count));
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(d) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ err = au_reval_dpath(d, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ di_downgrade_lock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_dptr(d, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy %.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d));
++ }
++ di_read_unlock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_inode_busy(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ err = 0;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), VERBOSE);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&i->i_count));
++ if (!list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ continue;
++ if (au_iigen(i) == sigen)
++ ii_read_lock_child(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_lock_child(i);
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(i, /*do_attr*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ ii_downgrade_lock(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_ibstart(i);
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_iptr(i, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(i->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy i%lu\n", i->i_ino);
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int test_children_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ sigen = au_sigen(root->d_sb);
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = test_dentry_busy(root, bindex, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ err = test_inode_busy(root->d_sb, bindex, sigen);
++ di_write_lock_child(root); /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_del_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_branch **brp, **p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(brp, brp + 1, sizeof(*brp) * (bend - bindex));
++ sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bend] = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ sbinfo->si_branch = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hdp, hdp + 1, sizeof(*hdp) * (bend - bindex));
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bend].hd_dentry = NULL;
++ dinfo->di_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hinode *hip, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hip, hip + 1, sizeof(*hip) * (bend - bindex));
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bend].hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(iinfo->ii_hinode + bend, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = p;
++static void au_br_do_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ bend = sbinfo->si_bend;
++ dput(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ au_hiput(au_hi(inode, bindex));
++ au_br_do_free(br);
++ au_br_do_del_brp(sbinfo, bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hip(au_ii(inode), bindex, bend);
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount)
++ int err, rerr, i;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, br_id;
++ unsigned char do_wh, verbose;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(sb->s_root, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", del->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, VERBOSE);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!bend)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "no more branches left\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ i = atomic_read(&br->br_count);
++ if (unlikely(i)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "%d file(s) opened\n", i);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ do_wh = wbr && (wbr->wbr_whbase || wbr->wbr_plink || wbr->wbr_orph);
++ if (do_wh) {
++ /* instead of WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) */
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ err = test_children_busy(sb->s_root, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (do_wh)
++ goto out_wh;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ br_id = br->br_id;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ }
++ if (!bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(sb->s_root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_sub_nlink(sb->s_root->d_inode, del->h_path.dentry->d_inode);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_half_refresh(sb, br_id);
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes == del->h_path.dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes) {
++ bend--;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ maxb = au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) == br->br_id)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_wh:
++ /* revert */
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, br->br_perm, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ AuWarn("failed re-creating base whiteout, %s. (%d)\n",
++ del->pathname, rerr);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * change a branch permission
++ */
++static int do_need_sigen_inc(int a, int b)
++ return au_br_whable(a) && !au_br_whable(b);
++static int need_sigen_inc(int old, int new)
++ return do_need_sigen_inc(old, new)
++ || do_need_sigen_inc(new, old);
++static int au_br_mod_files_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long n, ul, bytes, files;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct file *file, *hf, **a;
++ const int step_bytes = 1024, /* memory allocation unit */
++ step_files = step_bytes / sizeof(*a);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ n = 0;
++ bytes = step_bytes;
++ files = step_files;
++ a = kmalloc(bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ /* no need file_list_lock() since sbinfo is locked? defered? */
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list) {
++ if (special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(file->f_dentry));
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ if (unlikely(au_test_mmapped(file))) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (!S_ISREG(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || !(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)
++ || bstart != bindex) {
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ continue;
++ }
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ if (n < files)
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ else {
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bytes += step_bytes;
++ files += step_files;
++ p = krealloc(a, bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p) {
++ a = p;
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ } else
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ /* todo: already flushed? */
++ /* cf. fs/super.c:mark_files_ro() */
++ hf = a[ul];
++ hf->f_mode &= ~FMODE_WRITE;
++ if (!file_check_writeable(hf)) {
++ file_release_write(hf);
++ mnt_drop_write(hf->f_vfsmnt);
++ }
++ }
++ out_free:
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(root, mod->h_root);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", mod->path);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = test_br(mod->h_root->d_inode, mod->perm, mod->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_perm == mod->perm)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)) {
++ /* remove whiteout base */
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, mod->perm, mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* rw --> ro, file might be mmapped */
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_br_mod_files_ro(sb, bindex);
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ rerr = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr),
++ if (br->br_wbr)
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh
++ (sb, br, br->br_perm,
++ mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("nested error %d (%d)\n",
++ rerr, err);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ } else if (au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* ro --> rw */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (br->br_wbr) {
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt,
++ .dentry = mod->h_root
++ };
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, mod->perm, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kfree(br->br_wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ *do_update |= need_sigen_inc(br->br_perm, mod->perm);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch filesystems and xino for them
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#define __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/mount.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "super.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* a xino file */
++struct au_xino_file {
++ struct file *xi_file;
++ struct mutex xi_nondir_mtx;
++ /* todo: make xino files an array to support huge inode number */
++ struct dentry *xi_dbgaufs;
++/* members for writable branch only */
++enum {AuBrWh_BASE, AuBrWh_PLINK, AuBrWh_ORPH, AuBrWh_Last};
++struct au_wbr {
++ struct au_rwsem wbr_wh_rwsem;
++ struct dentry *wbr_wh[AuBrWh_Last];
++ atomic_t wbr_wh_running;
++#define wbr_whbase wbr_wh[AuBrWh_BASE] /* whiteout base */
++#define wbr_plink wbr_wh[AuBrWh_PLINK] /* pseudo-link dir */
++#define wbr_orph wbr_wh[AuBrWh_ORPH] /* dir for orphans */
++ /* mfs mode */
++ unsigned long long wbr_bytes;
++/* protected by superblock rwsem */
++struct au_branch {
++ struct au_xino_file br_xino;
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int br_perm;
++ struct vfsmount *br_mnt;
++ atomic_t br_count;
++ struct au_wbr *br_wbr;
++ /* xino truncation */
++ blkcnt_t br_xino_upper; /* watermark in blocks */
++ atomic_t br_xino_running;
++ /* an entry under sysfs per mount-point */
++ char br_name[8];
++ struct attribute br_attr;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch permission and attribute */
++enum {
++ AuBrPerm_RW, /* writable, linkable wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RO, /* readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RR, /* natively readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH, /* un-linkable whiteouts */
++ AuBrPerm_ROWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_RRWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_Last
++static inline int au_br_writable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW || brperm == AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH;
++static inline int au_br_whable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_ROWH
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++static inline int au_br_rdonly(struct au_branch *br)
++ return ((br->br_mnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
++ || !au_br_writable(br->br_perm))
++ ? -EROFS : 0;
++static inline int au_br_hinotifyable(int brperm __maybe_unused)
++ return brperm != AuBrPerm_RR && brperm != AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch.c */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sinfo);
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++struct au_opt_add;
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount);
++struct au_opt_del;
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount);
++struct au_opt_mod;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update);
++/* xino.c */
++static const loff_t au_loff_max = LLONG_MAX;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src);
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent);
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino);
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t hino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test);
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++struct au_opt_xino;
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount);
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Superblock to branch */
++static inline
++aufs_bindex_t au_sbr_id(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_id;
++static inline
++struct vfsmount *au_sbr_mnt(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++static inline
++struct super_block *au_sbr_sb(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex)->mnt_sb;
++static inline void au_sbr_put(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_count);
++static inline int au_sbr_perm(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_perm;
++static inline int au_sbr_whable(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * wbr_wh_read_lock, wbr_wh_write_lock
++ * wbr_wh_read_unlock, wbr_wh_write_unlock, wbr_wh_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(wbr_wh, struct au_wbr *wbr, &wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++#define WbrWhMustNoWaiters(wbr) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustAnyLock(wbr) AuRwMustAnyLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) AuRwMustWriteLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_BRANCH_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up functions, see wbr_policy.c for copy-down
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src)
++ const unsigned int mask = S_DEAD | S_SWAPFILE | S_PRIVATE
++ dst->i_flags |= src->i_flags & ~mask;
++ if (au_test_fs_notime(dst->i_sb))
++ dst->i_flags |= S_NOATIME | S_NOCMTIME;
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ fsstack_copy_attr_times(inode, h_inode);
++ vfsub_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!force
++ && !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode))
++ return;
++ inode->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink;
++ /*
++ * fewer nlink makes find(1) noisy, but larger nlink doesn't.
++ * it may includes whplink directory.
++ */
++ if (S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_add_nlink(inode, h_inode);
++ }
++ }
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ inode->i_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ inode->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ inode->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_higen = h_inode->i_generation;
++ iinfo->ii_hsb1 = h_inode->i_sb;
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ if (inode->i_nlink > 0)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, force);
++ inode->i_rdev = h_inode->i_rdev;
++ inode->i_blkbits = h_inode->i_blkbits;
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Note: dt_dentry and dt_h_dentry are not dget/dput-ed */
++/* keep the timestamps of the parent dir when cpup */
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ dt->dt_dentry = dentry;
++ dt->dt_h_path = *h_path;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ dt->dt_atime = h_inode->i_atime;
++ dt->dt_mtime = h_inode->i_mtime;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt)
++ struct iattr attr;
++ int err;
++ attr.ia_atime = dt->dt_atime;
++ attr.ia_mtime = dt->dt_mtime;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dt->dt_h_path, &attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("restoring timestamps failed(%d). ignored\n", err);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_iattr(struct dentry *dst, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_isrc, *h_idst;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dst, bindex);
++ h_idst = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dst->d_sb, bindex);
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ ia.ia_atime = h_isrc->i_atime;
++ ia.ia_mtime = h_isrc->i_mtime;
++ if (h_idst->i_mode != h_isrc->i_mode
++ && !S_ISLNK(h_idst->i_mode)) {
++ ia.ia_valid |= ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ }
++ sbits = !!(h_isrc->i_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_idst, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path.dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len,
++ char *buf, unsigned long blksize)
++ int err;
++ size_t sz, rbytes, wbytes;
++ unsigned char all_zero;
++ char *p, *zp;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /* reduce stack usage */
++ struct iattr *ia;
++ zp = page_address(ZERO_PAGE(0));
++ if (unlikely(!zp))
++ return -ENOMEM; /* possible? */
++ err = 0;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ while (len) {
++ AuDbg("len %lld\n", len);
++ sz = blksize;
++ if (len < blksize)
++ sz = len;
++ rbytes = 0;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ while (!rbytes || err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR) {
++ rbytes = vfsub_read_k(src, buf, sz, &src->f_pos);
++ err = rbytes;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ if (len >= rbytes && rbytes == blksize)
++ all_zero = !memcmp(buf, zp, rbytes);
++ if (!all_zero) {
++ wbytes = rbytes;
++ p = buf;
++ while (wbytes) {
++ size_t b;
++ b = vfsub_write_k(dst, p, wbytes, &dst->f_pos);
++ err = b;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ if (unlikely(err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR))
++ continue;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ wbytes -= b;
++ p += b;
++ }
++ } else {
++ loff_t res;
++ AuLabel(hole);
++ res = vfsub_llseek(dst, rbytes, SEEK_CUR);
++ err = res;
++ if (unlikely(res < 0))
++ break;
++ }
++ len -= rbytes;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ /* the last block may be a hole */
++ if (!err && all_zero) {
++ AuLabel(last hole);
++ err = 1;
++ if (au_test_nfs(dst->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /* nfs requires this step to make last hole */
++ /* is this only nfs? */
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = vfsub_write_k(dst, "\0", 1, &dst->f_pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ if (err == 1)
++ dst->f_pos--;
++ }
++ if (err == 1) {
++ ia = (void *)buf;
++ ia->ia_size = dst->f_pos;
++ ia->ia_valid = ATTR_SIZE | ATTR_FILE;
++ ia->ia_file = dst;
++ h_mtx = &dst->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dst->f_path, ia);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long blksize;
++ unsigned char do_kfree;
++ char *buf;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ blksize = dst->f_dentry->d_sb->s_blocksize;
++ if (!blksize || PAGE_SIZE < blksize)
++ blksize = PAGE_SIZE;
++ AuDbg("blksize %lu\n", blksize);
++ do_kfree = (blksize != PAGE_SIZE && blksize >= sizeof(struct iattr *));
++ if (do_kfree)
++ buf = kmalloc(blksize, GFP_NOFS);
++ else
++ buf = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ if (len > (1 << 22))
++ AuDbg("copying a large file %lld\n", (long long)len);
++ src->f_pos = 0;
++ dst->f_pos = 0;
++ err = au_do_copy_file(dst, src, len, buf, blksize);
++ if (do_kfree)
++ kfree(buf);
++ else
++ free_page((unsigned long)buf);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * to support a sparse file which is opened with O_APPEND,
++ * we need to close the file.
++ */
++static int au_cp_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len)
++ int err, i;
++ enum { SRC, DST };
++ struct {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *label, *label_file;
++ } *f, file[] = {
++ {
++ .bindex = bsrc,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out,
++ .label_file = &&out_src
++ },
++ {
++ .bindex = bdst,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out_src,
++ .label_file = &&out_dst
++ }
++ };
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ f = file;
++ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, f++) {
++ f->dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, f->bindex);
++ f->file = au_h_open(dentry, f->bindex, f->flags, /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(f->file);
++ if (IS_ERR(f->file))
++ goto *f->label;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(!f->file->f_op))
++ goto *f->label_file;
++ }
++ /* try stopping to update while we copyup */
++ IMustLock(file[SRC].dentry->d_inode);
++ err = au_copy_file(file[DST].file, file[SRC].file, len);
++ out_dst:
++ fput(file[DST].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[DST].bindex);
++ out_src:
++ fput(file[SRC].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[SRC].bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len,
++ struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int err, rerr;
++ loff_t l;
++ err = 0;
++ l = i_size_read(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ if (len == -1 || l < len)
++ len = l;
++ if (len)
++ err = au_cp_regular(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed unlinking cpup-ed %.*s(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_path->dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_symlink(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src,
++ struct inode *h_dir)
++ int err, symlen;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ char *sym;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sym = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!sym))
++ goto out;
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ symlen = h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_src, (char __user *)sym,
++ err = symlen;
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ if (symlen > 0) {
++ sym[symlen] = 0;
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, h_path, sym);
++ }
++ __putname(sym);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* return with the lower dst inode is locked */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_entry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ const unsigned char do_dt = !!au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ h_inode = h_src->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode != au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ /* try stopping to be referenced while we are creating */
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(h_parent != h_dst->d_parent);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ isdir = 0;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ /* try stopping to update while we are referencing */
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, mode | S_IWUSR);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_do_cpup_regular
++ (dentry, bdst, bsrc, len,
++ au_h_iptr(dst_parent->d_inode, bdst), &h_path);
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, &h_path, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ /*
++ * strange behaviour from the users view,
++ * particularry setattr case
++ */
++ if (au_ibstart(dst_parent->d_inode) == bdst)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dst_parent->d_inode,
++ /*force*/1);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dentry->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ }
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ err = au_do_cpup_symlink(&h_path, h_src, h_dir);
++ break;
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ AuDebugOn(!capable(CAP_MKNOD));
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown inode type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE)
++ && !isdir
++ && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)
++ && h_inode->i_nlink == 1
++ /* todo: unnecessary? */
++ /* && dentry->d_inode->i_nlink == 1 */
++ && bdst < bsrc
++ && !au_ftest_cpup(flags, KEEPLINO))
++ au_xino_write(sb, bsrc, h_inode->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from @bsrc to @bdst.
++ * the caller must set the both of lower dentries.
++ * @len is for truncating when it is -1 copyup the entire file.
++ * in link/rename cases, @dst_parent may be different from the real one.
++ */
++static int au_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t old_ibstart;
++ unsigned char isdir, plink;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *dst_inode, *h_dir, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ AuDebugOn(bsrc <= bdst);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dst_parent)
++ dst_parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ else
++ dget(dst_parent);
++ plink = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ dst_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bdst);
++ if (dst_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(!plink)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is disabled\n", inode->i_ino);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (dst_inode->i_nlink) {
++ const int do_dt = au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ h_src = au_plink_lkup(inode, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is broken\n", inode->i_ino);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ /* todo: cpup_wh_file? */
++ /* udba work */
++ au_update_brange(inode, 1);
++ }
++ old_ibstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = cpup_entry(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ dst_inode = h_dst->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dst_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = cpup_iattr(dentry, bdst, h_src);
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(dst_inode->i_mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (bdst < old_ibstart)
++ au_set_ibstart(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(dst_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, isdir));
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!isdir
++ && h_src->d_inode->i_nlink > 1
++ && plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, bdst, h_dst);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ if (!isdir)
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ else
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_path);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing broken entry(%d, %d)\n", err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(dst_parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_single_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dst_parent;
++static void au_call_cpup_single(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_single_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_single(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, a->len,
++ a->flags, a->dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ mode = h_dentry->d_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if ((mode != S_IFCHR && mode != S_IFBLK)
++ || capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags,
++ dst_parent);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_single_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .bsrc = bsrc,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags,
++ .dst_parent = dst_parent
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_single, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from the first active lower branch to @bdst,
++ * using au_cpup_single().
++ */
++static int au_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bsrc = bdst + 1; bsrc <= bend; bsrc++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc))
++ break;
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, NULL);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bsrc);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_simple_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void au_call_cpup_simple(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_simple(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char do_sio;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(parent->d_inode, bdst);
++ do_sio = !!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio) {
++ /*
++ * testing CAP_MKNOD is for generic fs,
++ * but CAP_FSETID is for xfs only, currently.
++ */
++ umode_t mode = dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ do_sio = (((mode & (S_IFCHR | S_IFBLK))
++ && !capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ || ((mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID))
++ && !capable(CAP_FSETID)));
++ }
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = au_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, len, flags);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_simple, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * copyup the deleted file for writing.
++ */
++static int au_do_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct file *file,
++ loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d_dst, *h_d_start;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ h_d_dst = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bdst;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_d_start = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry;
++ if (file)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry
++ = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bstart, len, !AuCpup_DTIME,
++ /*h_parent*/NULL);
++ if (!err && file) {
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry = h_d_start;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = h_d_dst;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct path h_path;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ wh_dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, parent, &h_path);
++ err = au_do_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, wh_dentry, file, len);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ dget(wh_dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed remove copied-up tmp file %.*s(%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ au_set_hi_wh(dentry->d_inode, bdst, wh_dentry);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_wh_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ struct file *file;
++static void au_call_cpup_wh(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_wh(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->file);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_orph, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir, *h_tmpdir, *h_inode;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_orph = NULL;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ h_dir = au_igrab(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ h_tmpdir = h_dir;
++ if (!h_dir->i_nlink) {
++ wbr = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst)->br_wbr;
++ h_orph = wbr->wbr_orph;
++ h_parent = dget(au_h_dptr(parent, bdst));
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, dget(h_orph));
++ h_tmpdir = h_orph->d_inode;
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_tmpdir), /*flags*/0);
++ /* this temporary unlock is safe */
++ if (file)
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ else
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT3);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ }
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_tmpdir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = au_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, len, file);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .file = file
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_wh, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ if (h_orph) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_dir), /*flags*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, h_parent);
++ }
++ iput(h_dir);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generic routine for both of copy-up and copy-down.
++ */
++/* cf. revalidate function in file.c */
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent, *h_parent, *real_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (IS_ROOT(parent))
++ goto out;
++ au_pin_init(&pin, dentry, bdst, AuLsc_DI_PARENT2, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb), AuPin_MNT_WRITE);
++ /* do not use au_dpage */
++ real_parent = parent;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ if (h_parent)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* find top dir which is necessary to cpup */
++ do {
++ d = parent;
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ di_read_lock_parent3(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } while (!h_parent);
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_lock_child3(d);
++ /* somebody else might create while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_dptr(d, bdst) || !au_h_dptr(d, bdst)->d_inode) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(d, bdst))
++ au_update_dbstart(d);
++ au_pin_set_dentry(&pin, d);
++ err = au_do_pin(&pin);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = cp(d, bdst, h_parent, arg);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ }
++ }
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent __maybe_unused ,
++ void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, -1, AuCpup_DTIME);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ return au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpup_dir, NULL);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ /* someone else might change our inode while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bdst);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up/down functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#define __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/time.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct inode;
++struct file;
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src);
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force);
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cpup flags */
++#define AuCpup_DTIME 1 /* do dtime_store/revert */
++#define AuCpup_KEEPLINO (1 << 1) /* do not clear the lower xino,
++ for link(2) */
++#define au_ftest_cpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpup_##name; }
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* keep timestamps when copyup */
++struct au_dtime {
++ struct dentry *dt_dentry;
++ struct path dt_h_path;
++ struct timespec dt_atime, dt_mtime;
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path);
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_CPUP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/debugfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#ifndef CONFIG_SYSFS
++#error DEBUG_FS depends upon SYSFS
++static struct dentry *dbgaufs;
++static const mode_t dbgaufs_mode = S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++struct dbgaufs_arg {
++ int n;
++ char a[20 * 4];
++ * common function for all XINO files
++ */
++static int dbgaufs_xi_release(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ kfree(file->private_data);
++ return 0;
++static int dbgaufs_xi_open(struct file *xf, struct file *file, int do_fcnt)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ p->n = 0;
++ file->private_data = p;
++ if (!xf)
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_getattr(xf->f_vfsmnt, xf->f_dentry, &st);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (do_fcnt)
++ p->n = snprintf
++ (p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%ld, %llux%lu %lld\n",
++ (long)file_count(xf), st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ else
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%llux%lu %lld\n",
++ st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ AuDebugOn(p->n >= sizeof(p->a));
++ } else {
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "err %d\n", err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static ssize_t dbgaufs_xi_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ p = file->private_data;
++ return simple_read_from_buffer(buf, count, ppos, p->a, p->n);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xib_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xib, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xib_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xib_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "xi"
++static int dbgaufs_xino_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ long l;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *xf;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ xf = NULL;
++ name = &file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(name->len < sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX)
++ || memcmp(name->name, DbgaufsXi_PREFIX,
++ sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1)))
++ goto out;
++ err = strict_strtol(name->name + sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1, 10, &l);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (l <= au_sbend(sb)) {
++ xf = au_sbr(sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(xf, file, /*do_fcnt*/1);
++ } else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xino_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xino_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ if (!au_sbi(sb)->si_dbgaufs)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ if (xi->xi_dbgaufs) {
++ debugfs_remove(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ char name[sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) + 5]; /* "xi" bindex NULL */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = sbinfo->si_dbgaufs;
++ if (!parent)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "%d", bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ AuDebugOn(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_file(name, dbgaufs_mode, parent,
++ sbinfo, &dbgaufs_xino_fop);
++ /* ignore an error */
++ if (unlikely(!xi->xi_dbgaufs))
++ AuWarn1("failed %s under debugfs\n", name);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xigen, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xigen_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xigen_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -EIO;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xigen", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xigen_fop);
++ if (sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ debugfs_remove_recursive(sbinfo->si_dbgaufs);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ char name[SysaufsSiNameLen];
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (!dbgaufs) {
++ AuErr1("/debug/aufs is uninitialized\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ sysaufs_name(sbinfo, name);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(name, dbgaufs);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs))
++ goto out;
++ kobject_get(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xib", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xib_fop);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib))
++ goto out_dir;
++ err = dbgaufs_xigen_init(sbinfo);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_dir:
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_fin(void)
++ debugfs_remove(dbgaufs);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -EIO;
++ dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(AUFS_NAME, NULL);
++ if (dbgaufs)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#ifndef __DBGAUFS_H__
++#define __DBGAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++/* dbgaufs.c */
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++void dbgaufs_fin(void);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void);
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#define dbgaufs_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __DBGAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_dpage_free(struct au_dpage *dpage)
++ int i;
++ struct dentry **p;
++ p = dpage->dentries;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpage->ndentry; i++)
++ dput(*p++);
++ free_page((unsigned long)dpage->dentries);
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err;
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dpages->dpages = kmalloc(sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!dpages->dpages))
++ goto out;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ dpages->dpages[0].ndentry = 0;
++ dpages->dpages[0].dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage = 1;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dpages:
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages)
++ int i;
++ struct au_dpage *p;
++ p = dpages->dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages->ndpage; i++)
++ au_dpage_free(p++);
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++static int au_dpages_append(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages,
++ struct dentry *dentry, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ void *p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage - 1;
++ sz = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(dentry);
++ if (unlikely(dpage->ndentry >= sz)) {
++ AuLabel(new dpage);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = dpages->ndpage * sizeof(*dpages->dpages);
++ p = au_kzrealloc(dpages->dpages, sz,
++ sz + sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpages->dpages = p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpage->ndentry = 0;
++ dpage->dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage++;
++ }
++ dpage->dentries[dpage->ndentry++] = dget(dentry);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *this_parent = root;
++ struct list_head *next;
++ struct super_block *sb = root->d_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ repeat:
++ next = this_parent->;
++ resume:
++ if (this_parent->d_sb == sb
++ && !IS_ROOT(this_parent)
++ && atomic_read(&this_parent->d_count)
++ && this_parent->d_inode
++ && (!test || test(this_parent, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, this_parent, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (next != &this_parent->d_subdirs) {
++ struct list_head *tmp = next;
++ struct dentry *dentry = list_entry(tmp, struct dentry,
++ d_u.d_child);
++ next = tmp->next;
++ if (/*d_unhashed(dentry) || */!dentry->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs)) {
++ this_parent = dentry;
++ goto repeat;
++ }
++ if (dentry->d_sb == sb
++ && atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)
++ && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ if (this_parent != root) {
++ next = this_parent->;
++ this_parent = this_parent->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ goto resume;
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (do_include && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ dentry = dentry->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ if (!test || test(dentry, arg)) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ struct dentry *trap, **dentries;
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ trap = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, d1, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ trap = d1;
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < dpage->ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ err = (d == d2);
++ if (!err)
++ trap = d;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ trap = NULL;
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return trap;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/types.h>
++struct dentry;
++struct au_dpage {
++ int ndentry;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++struct au_dcsub_pages {
++ int ndpage;
++ struct au_dpage *dpages;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages);
++typedef int (*au_dpages_test)(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DCSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/vt_kern.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int aufs_debug;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "debug print");
++module_param_named(debug, aufs_debug, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP);
++char *au_plevel = KERN_DEBUG;
++#define dpri(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ printk("%s" fmt, au_plevel, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ dpri("b%d, %.*s, %d\n",
++ tpos->wh_bindex,
++ tpos->wh_str.len, tpos->,
++ tpos->wh_str.len);
++ head++;
++ }
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ unsigned char *o;
++ if (!vdir || IS_ERR(vdir)) {
++ dpri("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(vdir));
++ return;
++ }
++ dpri("deblk %u, nblk %lu, deblk %p, last{%lu, %p}, ver %lu\n",
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz, vdir->vd_nblk, vdir->vd_deblk,
++ vdir->vd_last.ul, vdir->vd_last.p.deblk, vdir->vd_version);
++ for (ul = 0; ul < vdir->vd_nblk; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[ul];
++ o = p.deblk;
++ dpri("[%lu]: %p\n", ul, o);
++ }
++static int do_pri_inode(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct inode *inode,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ char *n = NULL;
++ int l = 0;
++ if (!inode || IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ dpri("i%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(inode));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* the type of i_blocks depends upon CONFIG_LSF */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(unsigned long)
++ && sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(u64));
++ if (wh) {
++ n = (void *)wh->;
++ l = wh->d_name.len;
++ }
++ dpri("i%d: i%lu, %s, cnt %d, nl %u, 0%o, sz %llu, blk %llu,"
++ " ct %lld, np %lu, st 0x%lx, f 0x%x, g %x%s%.*s\n",
++ bindex,
++ inode->i_ino, inode->i_sb ? au_sbtype(inode->i_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&inode->i_count), inode->i_nlink, inode->i_mode,
++ i_size_read(inode), (unsigned long long)inode->i_blocks,
++ (long long)timespec_to_ns(&inode->i_ctime) & 0x0ffff,
++ inode->i_mapping ? inode->i_mapping->nrpages : 0,
++ inode->i_state, inode->i_flags, inode->i_generation,
++ l ? ", wh " : "", l, n);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_inode(-1, inode, NULL);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(inode->i_sb))
++ return;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("i-1: bstart %d, bend %d, gen %d\n",
++ iinfo->ii_bstart, iinfo->ii_bend, au_iigen(inode));
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode,
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry);
++static int do_pri_dentry(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct dentry *wh = NULL;
++ if (!dentry || IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dpri("d%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* do not call dget_parent() here */
++ dpri("d%d: %.*s?/%.*s, %s, cnt %d, flags 0x%x\n",
++ bindex,
++ AuDLNPair(dentry->d_parent), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ dentry->d_sb ? au_sbtype(dentry->d_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&dentry->d_count), dentry->d_flags);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && dentry->d_inode && au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb)) {
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(dentry->d_inode);
++ if (iinfo)
++ wh = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++ }
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, dentry->d_inode, wh);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_dentry(-1, dentry);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("d-1: bstart %d, bend %d, bwh %d, bdiropq %d, gen %d\n",
++ dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo->di_bend,
++ dinfo->di_bwh, dinfo->di_bdiropq, au_digen(dentry));
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= dinfo->di_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry);
++static int do_pri_file(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *file)
++ char a[32];
++ if (!file || IS_ERR(file)) {
++ dpri("f%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ a[0] = 0;
++ if (bindex < 0
++ && file->f_dentry
++ && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb)
++ && au_fi(file))
++ snprintf(a, sizeof(a), ", mmapped %d", au_test_mmapped(file));
++ dpri("f%d: mode 0x%x, flags 0%o, cnt %ld, pos %llu%s\n",
++ bindex, file->f_mode, file->f_flags, (long)file_count(file),
++ file->f_pos, a);
++ if (file->f_dentry)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, file->f_dentry);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_file(-1, file);
++ if (err || !file->f_dentry || !au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ if (!finfo)
++ return;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= finfo->fi_bend; bindex++) {
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ do_pri_file(bindex, hf ? hf->hf_file : NULL);
++ }
++static int do_pri_br(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (!br || IS_ERR(br))
++ goto out;
++ mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ if (!mnt || IS_ERR(mnt))
++ goto out;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!sb || IS_ERR(sb))
++ goto out;
++ dpri("s%d: {perm 0x%x, cnt %d, wbr %p}, "
++ "%s, dev 0x%02x%02x, flags 0x%lx, cnt(BIAS) %d, active %d, "
++ "xino %d\n",
++ bindex, br->br_perm, atomic_read(&br->br_count), br->br_wbr,
++ au_sbtype(sb), MAJOR(sb->s_dev), MINOR(sb->s_dev),
++ sb->s_flags, sb->s_count - S_BIAS,
++ atomic_read(&sb->s_active), !!br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ return 0;
++ out:
++ dpri("s%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(br));
++ return -1;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ /* to reuduce stack size */
++ struct {
++ struct vfsmount mnt;
++ struct au_branch fake;
++ } *a;
++ /* this function can be called from magic sysrq */
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(!a)) {
++ dpri("no memory\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ a->mnt.mnt_sb = sb;
++ a->fake.br_perm = 0;
++ a->fake.br_mnt = &a->mnt;
++ a->fake.br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ atomic_set(&a->fake.br_count, 0);
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic_set */
++ err = do_pri_br(-1, &a->fake);
++ kfree(a);
++ dpri("dev 0x%x\n", sb->s_dev);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(sb))
++ return;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("nw %d, gen %u, kobj %d\n",
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_nowait.nw_len), sbinfo->si_generation,
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_kobj.kref.refcount));
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= sbinfo->si_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_br(bindex, sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bindex]);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy)
++ while (jiffy)
++ jiffy = schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(jiffy);
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia)
++#define AuBit(name) if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_ ## name) \
++ dpri(#name "\n")
++ AuBit(MODE);
++ AuBit(UID);
++ AuBit(GID);
++ AuBit(SIZE);
++ AuBit(ATIME);
++ AuBit(MTIME);
++ AuBit(CTIME);
++ AuBit(ATIME_SET);
++ AuBit(MTIME_SET);
++ AuBit(FORCE);
++ AuBit(ATTR_FLAG);
++ AuBit(KILL_SUID);
++ AuBit(KILL_SGID);
++ AuBit(FILE);
++ AuBit(KILL_PRIV);
++ AuBit(OPEN);
++ AuBit(TIMES_SET);
++#undef AuBit
++ dpri("ia_file %p\n", ia->ia_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, parent, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ for (i = dpages.ndpage - 1; !err && i >= 0; i--) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = dpage->ndentry - 1; !err && j >= 0; j--)
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentries[j]) != sigen);
++ }
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart >= 0) {
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hf->hf_file || hf->hf_br);
++ }
++ }
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ if (au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ au_dbg_blocked();
++ BUG();
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo __maybe_unused)
++#ifdef AuForceNoPlink
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++#ifdef AuForceNoXino
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++#ifdef AuForceNoRefrof
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++#ifdef AuForceHinotify
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_HINOTIFY);
++int __init au_debug_init(void)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_vdir_destr destr;
++ bindex = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex >= 0);
++ destr.len = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(destr.len < NAME_MAX);
++ AuWarn("CONFIG_4KSTACKS is defined.\n");
++#ifdef AuForceNoBrs
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#define __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/bug.h>
++/* #include <linux/err.h> */
++/* #include <linux/init.h> */
++/* #include <linux/kernel.h> */
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++/* #include <linux/kd.h> */
++/* #include <linux/vt_kern.h> */
++#include <linux/sysrq.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#define AuDebugOn(a) BUG_ON(a)
++/* module parameter */
++extern int aufs_debug;
++static inline void au_debug(int n)
++ aufs_debug = n;
++ smp_mb();
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return aufs_debug;
++#define AuDebugOn(a) do {} while (0)
++#define au_debug() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* debug print */
++#define AuDpri(lvl, fmt, arg...) \
++ printk(lvl AUFS_NAME " %s:%d:%s[%d]: " fmt, \
++ __func__, __LINE__, current->comm, current->pid, ##arg)
++#define AuDbg(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ AuDpri(KERN_DEBUG, "DEBUG: " fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuLabel(l) AuDbg(#l "\n")
++#define AuInfo(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_INFO, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_WARNING, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuErr(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_ERR, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuIOErr(fmt, arg...) AuErr("I/O Error, " fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuWarn(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuIOErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuIOErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUnsupportMsg "This operation is not supported." \
++ " Please report this application to aufs-users ML."
++#define AuUnsupport(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuErr(AuUnsupportMsg "\n" fmt, ##args); \
++ dump_stack(); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErr(e) do { \
++ if (unlikely((e) < 0)) \
++ AuDbg("err %d\n", (int)(e)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErrPtr(p) do { \
++ if (IS_ERR(p)) \
++ AuDbg("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(p)); \
++} while (0)
++/* dirty macros for debug print, use with "%.*s" and caution */
++#define AuLNPair(qstr) (qstr)->len, (qstr)->name
++#define AuDLNPair(d) AuLNPair(&(d)->d_name)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct au_finfo;
++struct dentry;
++extern char *au_plevel;
++struct au_nhash;
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++struct au_vdir;
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++struct inode;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode);
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct file;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *filp);
++struct super_block;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy);
++struct iattr;
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia);
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo);
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void);
++int __init au_debug_init(void);
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do { \
++ AuDbg(#w "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_whlist(w); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do { \
++ AuDbg(#v "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_vdir(v); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do { \
++ AuDbg(#i "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_inode(i); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do { \
++ AuDbg(#d "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_dentry(d); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do { \
++ AuDbg(#f "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_file(f); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do { \
++ AuDbg(#sb "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_sb(sb); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d sec\n", sec); \
++ ssleep(sec); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d jiffies\n", jiffy); \
++ au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(jiffy); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do { \
++ AuDbg("ia_valid 0x%x\n", (ia)->ia_valid); \
++ au_dbg_iattr(ia); \
++} while (0)
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_debug_init(void)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void);
++void au_sysrq_fin(void);
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do { \
++ WARN_ON(1); \
++ handle_sysrq('w', vc_cons[fg_console].d->vc_tty); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_sysrq_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_sysrq_fin() do {} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DEBUG_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_h_nd(struct nameidata *h_nd, struct nameidata *nd)
++ if (nd) {
++ *h_nd = *nd;
++ /*
++ * gave up supporting LOOKUP_CREATE/OPEN for lower fs,
++ * due to whiteout and branch permission.
++ */
++ /* unnecessary? */
++ h_nd-> = NULL;
++ } else
++ memset(h_nd, 0, sizeof(*h_nd));
++struct au_lkup_one_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ int err;
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_parent->d_sb))
++ return vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, h_parent, name->len);
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ h_nd.path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = __lookup_one_len(name->name, &h_nd.last, NULL, name->len);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ h_dentry = vfsub_lookup_hash(&h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ return h_dentry;
++static void au_call_lkup_one(void *args)
++ struct au_lkup_one_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_lkup_one(a->name, a->h_parent, a->br, a->nd);
++#define AuLkup_ALLOW_NEG 1
++#define au_ftest_lkup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLkup_##name)
++#define au_fset_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLkup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLkup_##name; }
++struct au_do_lookup_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ mode_t type;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ * returns positive/negative dentry, NULL or an error.
++ * NULL means whiteout-ed or not-found.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++au_do_lookup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_do_lookup_args *args)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int wh_found, opq;
++ unsigned char wh_able;
++ const unsigned char allow_neg = !!au_ftest_lkup(args->flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ wh_found = 0;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ wh_able = !!au_br_whable(br->br_perm);
++ if (wh_able)
++ wh_found = au_wh_test(h_parent, wh_name, br, /*try_sio*/0);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(wh_found);
++ if (!wh_found)
++ goto real_lookup;
++ if (unlikely(wh_found < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* We found a whiteout */
++ /* au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex); */
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ real_lookup:
++ h_dentry = au_lkup_one(name, h_parent, br, args->nd);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode) {
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ goto out_neg;
++ } else if (wh_found
++ || (args->type && args->type != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)))
++ goto out_neg;
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) <= bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode || !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode) || !wh_able
++ || (inode && !S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq = au_diropq_test(h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (opq > 0)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ else if (unlikely(opq < 0)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(opq);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ out_neg:
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ out:
++ return h_dentry;
++static int au_test_shwh(struct super_block *sb, const struct qstr *name)
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)
++ && !strncmp(name->name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)))
++ return -EPERM;
++ return 0;
++ * returns the number of lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ * can be called at unlinking with @type is zero.
++ */
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ int npositive, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bdiropq;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct qstr whname;
++ struct au_do_lookup_args args = {
++ .flags = 0,
++ .type = type,
++ .nd = nd
++ };
++ const struct qstr *name = &dentry->d_name;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ err = au_test_shwh(dentry->d_sb, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&whname, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!(inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ if (!type)
++ au_fset_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ npositive = 0;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode)
++ npositive++;
++ if (type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ continue;
++ }
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent)
++ continue;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!h_dir || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ h_dentry = au_do_lookup(h_parent, dentry, bindex, &whname,
++ &args);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_wh;
++ au_fclr_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) >= 0)
++ break;
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ npositive++;
++ if (!args.type)
++ args.type = h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if (args.type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ else if (isdir) {
++ /* the type of lower may be different */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (bdiropq >= 0 && bdiropq <= bindex)
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (npositive) {
++ AuLabel(positive);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ err = npositive;
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_wh:
++ kfree(;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC))
++ dentry = au_lkup_one(name, parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else {
++ struct au_lkup_one_args args = {
++ .errp = &dentry,
++ .name = name,
++ .h_parent = parent,
++ .br = br,
++ .nd = NULL
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_lkup_one, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return dentry;
++ * lookup @dentry on @bindex which should be negative.
++ */
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(h_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("b%d %.*s should be negative.\n",
++ bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) < bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* subset of struct inode */
++struct au_iattr {
++ unsigned long i_ino;
++ /* unsigned int i_nlink; */
++ uid_t i_uid;
++ gid_t i_gid;
++ u64 i_version;
++ loff_t i_size;
++ blkcnt_t i_blocks;
++ umode_t i_mode;
++static void au_iattr_save(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ ia->i_ino = h_inode->i_ino;
++ /* ia->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink; */
++ ia->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ ia->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ ia->i_version = h_inode->i_version;
++ ia->i_size = h_inode->i_size;
++ ia->i_blocks = h_inode->i_blocks;
++ ia->i_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_iattr_test(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ return ia->i_ino != h_inode->i_ino
++ /* || ia->i_nlink != h_inode->i_nlink */
++ || ia->i_uid != h_inode->i_uid
++ || ia->i_gid != h_inode->i_gid
++ || ia->i_version != h_inode->i_version
++ || ia->i_size != h_inode->i_size
++ || ia->i_blocks != h_inode->i_blocks
++ || ia->i_mode != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_h_verify_dentry(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct au_iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&ia, -1, sizeof(ia));
++ h_sb = h_dentry->d_sb;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_iattr_save(&ia, h_inode);
++ else if (au_test_nfs(h_sb) || au_test_fuse(h_sb))
++ /* nfs d_revalidate may return 0 for negative dentry */
++ /* fuse d_revalidate always return 0 for negative dentry */
++ goto out;
++ /* main purpose is namei.c:cached_lookup() and d_revalidate */
++ h_d = au_lkup_one(&h_dentry->d_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(h_d != h_dentry
++ || h_d->d_inode != h_inode
++ || (h_inode && au_iattr_test(&ia, h_inode))))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ dput(h_d);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL) {
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = (h_dentry->d_parent->d_inode != h_dir);
++ } else if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ err = au_h_verify_dentry(h_dentry, h_parent, br);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_do_refresh_hdentry(struct au_hdentry *p, struct au_dinfo *dinfo,
++ struct dentry *parent)
++ struct dentry *h_d, *h_dp;
++ struct au_hdentry tmp, *q;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t new_bindex, bindex, bend, bwh, bdiropq;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ bwh = dinfo->di_bwh;
++ bdiropq = dinfo->di_bdiropq;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ h_d = p->hd_dentry;
++ if (!h_d)
++ continue;
++ h_dp = dget_parent(h_d);
++ if (h_dp == au_h_dptr(parent, bindex)) {
++ dput(h_dp);
++ continue;
++ }
++ new_bindex = au_find_dbindex(parent, h_dp);
++ dput(h_dp);
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh == bindex)
++ bwh = new_bindex;
++ if (dinfo->di_bdiropq == bindex)
++ bdiropq = new_bindex;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p->hd_dentry = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower dentries, and loop again */
++ q = dinfo->di_hdentry + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hd_dentry) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ sb = parent->d_sb;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ if (bwh >= 0 && bwh <= au_sbend(sb) && au_sbr_whable(sb, bwh))
++ dinfo->di_bwh = bwh;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ if (bdiropq >= 0
++ && bdiropq <= au_sbend(sb)
++ && au_sbr_whable(sb, bdiropq))
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = bdiropq;
++ bend = au_dbend(parent);
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bend;
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--, p--)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bend = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ * returns the number of found lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ */
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type)
++ int npositive, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ err = au_di_realloc(dinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ npositive = err;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_hdentry(dinfo->di_hdentry + dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo,
++ parent);
++ npositive = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ if (type != S_IFDIR && dinfo->di_bstart == bstart)
++ goto out_dgen; /* success */
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart, type, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (npositive < 0)
++ goto out;
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh >= 0 && dinfo->di_bwh <= dinfo->di_bstart)
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ out_dgen:
++ au_update_digen(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ AuTraceErr(npositive);
++ return npositive;
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_do_h_d_reval(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err, valid;
++ int (*reval)(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
++ err = 0;
++ reval = NULL;
++ if (h_dentry->d_op)
++ reval = h_dentry->d_op->d_revalidate;
++ if (!reval)
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_dentry->d_sb))
++ /* it may return tri-state */
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ int locked;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ parent = nd->path.dentry;
++ locked = (nd && nd->path.dentry != dentry);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ BUG_ON(bindex > au_dbend(parent));
++ h_nd.path.dentry = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ BUG_ON(!h_nd.path.dentry);
++ h_nd.path.mnt = au_sbr(parent->d_sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(valid < 0))
++ err = valid;
++ else if (!valid)
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* todo: remove this */
++static int h_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ struct nameidata *nd, int do_udba)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode, h_mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart, ibs, ibe;
++ unsigned char plus, unhashed, is_root, h_plus;
++ struct inode *first, *h_inode, *h_cached_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name, *h_name;
++ err = 0;
++ plus = 0;
++ mode = 0;
++ first = NULL;
++ ibs = -1;
++ ibe = -1;
++ unhashed = !!d_unhashed(dentry);
++ is_root = !!IS_ROOT(dentry);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ /*
++ * Theoretically, REVAL test should be unnecessary in case of INOTIFY.
++ * But inotify doesn't fire some necessary events,
++ * IN_ATTRIB for atime/nlink/pageio
++ * IN_DELETE for NFS dentry
++ * Let's do REVAL test too.
++ */
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ mode = (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ plus = (inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ first = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ ibs = au_ibstart(inode);
++ ibe = au_ibend(inode);
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ btail = bstart;
++ if (inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %.*s\n", bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ h_name = &h_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(do_udba
++ && !is_root
++ && (unhashed != !!d_unhashed(h_dentry)
++ || name->len != h_name->len
++ || memcmp(name->name, h_name->name, name->len))
++ )) {
++ AuDbg("unhash 0x%x 0x%x, %.*s %.*s\n",
++ unhashed, d_unhashed(h_dentry),
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ goto err;
++ }
++ err = au_do_h_d_reval(h_dentry, nd, dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* do not goto err, to keep the errno */
++ break;
++ /* todo: plink too? */
++ if (!do_udba)
++ continue;
++ /* UDBA tests */
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!!inode != !!h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ h_plus = plus;
++ h_mode = mode;
++ h_cached_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ h_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ h_plus = (h_inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ }
++ if (inode && ibs <= bindex && bindex <= ibe)
++ h_cached_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(plus != h_plus
++ || mode != h_mode
++ || h_cached_inode != h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ continue;
++ err:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int simple_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ return 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ au_dbg_verify_gen(parent, sigen);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ if (!au_ftest_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS))
++ return simple_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ /* slow loop, keep it simple and stupid */
++ /* cf: au_cpup_dirs() */
++ err = 0;
++ parent = NULL;
++ while (au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ d = dentry;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ if (au_digen(parent) == sigen
++ && au_iigen(parent->d_inode) == sigen)
++ break;
++ d = parent;
++ }
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ /* someone might update our dentry while we were sleeping */
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen || au_iigen(d->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, d);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * if valid returns 1, otherwise 0.
++ */
++static int aufs_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int valid, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ unsigned char do_udba;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_DW);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ if (inode)
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ }
++ if (inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ AuDebugOn(inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ do_udba = !au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), UDBA_NONE);
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0
++ && au_test_higen(inode, au_h_iptr(inode, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = h_d_revalidate(dentry, inode, nd, do_udba);
++ if (unlikely(!err && do_udba && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ valid = !err;
++ if (!valid)
++ AuDbg("%.*s invalid\n", AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ return valid;
++static void aufs_d_release(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dinfo = dentry->d_fsdata;
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ /* dentry may not be revalidated */
++ bindex = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ struct au_hdentry *p;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ while (bindex++ <= bend) {
++ if (p->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(dinfo->di_hdentry);
++ AuRwDestroy(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ au_hin_di_reinit(dentry);
++struct dentry_operations aufs_dop = {
++ .d_revalidate = aufs_d_revalidate,
++ .d_release = aufs_d_release
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#define __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/dcache.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++/* make a single member structure for future use */
++/* todo: remove this structure */
++struct au_hdentry {
++ struct dentry *hd_dentry;
++struct au_dinfo {
++ atomic_t di_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem di_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t di_bstart, di_bend, di_bwh, di_bdiropq;
++ struct au_hdentry *di_hdentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry.c */
++extern struct dentry_operations aufs_dop;
++struct au_branch;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd);
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type);
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++/* dinfo.c */
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr);
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_dinfo *au_di(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return dentry->d_fsdata;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for dinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_DI_PARENT2,
++ * di_read_lock_child, di_write_lock_child,
++ * di_read_lock_child2, di_write_lock_child2,
++ * di_read_lock_child3, di_write_lock_child3,
++ * di_read_lock_parent, di_write_lock_parent,
++ * di_read_lock_parent2, di_write_lock_parent2,
++ * di_read_lock_parent3, di_write_lock_parent3,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_read_lock_##name(struct dentry *d, int flags) \
++{ di_read_lock(d, flags, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_write_lock_##name(struct dentry *d) \
++{ di_write_lock(d, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++#define DiMustNoWaiters(d) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustAnyLock(d) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustWriteLock(d) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_digen(struct dentry *d)
++ return atomic_read(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_h_dentry_init(struct au_hdentry *hdentry)
++ hdentry->hd_dentry = NULL;
++static inline void au_hdput(struct au_hdentry *hd)
++ dput(hd->hd_dentry);
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bend;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bwh;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline void au_set_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbend(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ /* dbwh can be outside of bstart - bend range */
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bwh = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq = bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void au_digen_dec(struct dentry *d)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry)
++ dentry->d_fsdata = NULL;
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DENTRY_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dinfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * dentry private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr;
++ dinfo = au_cache_alloc_dinfo();
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (nbr <= 0)
++ nbr = 1;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*dinfo->di_hdentry), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo->di_hdentry))
++ goto out_dinfo;
++ atomic_set(&dinfo->di_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init_wlock_nested(&dinfo->di_rwsem, AuLsc_DI_CHILD);
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ dentry->d_fsdata = dinfo;
++ dentry->d_op = &aufs_dop;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dinfo:
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp) * (dinfo->di_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp);
++ hdp = au_kzrealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sz, sizeof(*hdp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hdp) {
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = hdp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void do_ii_write_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_write_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_write_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_write_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_write_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++static void do_ii_read_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_read_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_read_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_read_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_read_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_read_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ do_ii_read_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ }
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_read_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ au_rw_read_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode && au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_downgrade_lock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_dgrade_lock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d)
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_child(d1);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_child(d2);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_parent(d1);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_parent(d2);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock(d1);
++ if (d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode)
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d2)->di_rwsem);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock(d2);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ return NULL;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex < 0);
++ d = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ AuDebugOn(d && (atomic_read(&d->d_count) <= 0));
++ return d;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bwh;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ if (!bwh)
++ return bwh;
++ if (0 < bwh && bwh < bend)
++ return bwh - 1;
++ }
++ return bend;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq;
++ bend = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bopq && bopq < bend)
++ bend = bopq;
++ }
++ return bend;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct au_hdentry *hd = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ if (hd->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(hd);
++ hd->hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry)
++ atomic_set(&au_di(dentry)->di_generation, au_sigen(dentry->d_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo || dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ if (h_d && !h_d->d_inode)
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ while (++dinfo->di_bstart <= dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bstart].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bend].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend || dinfo->di_bend < 0);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbend(dentry); bindex <= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex) == h_dentry)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink += h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink += 2;
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink -= h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink -= 2;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int reopen_dir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ /* open all lower dirs */
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex < bstart; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbend(file); btail < bindex; bindex--)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ flags = file->f_flags;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (h_file)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* close all? */
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int do_open_dir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, NULL);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 0;
++ file->f_version = dentry->d_inode->i_version;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ for (; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ break;
++ }
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* close all */
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= btail; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, -1);
++ au_set_fbend(file, -1);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_dir);
++static int aufs_release_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (vdir_cache)
++ au_vdir_free(vdir_cache);
++ if (au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* clear the flag without write-lock */
++ sbinfo->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK;
++ smp_mb();
++ wake_up_all(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ }
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(struct dentry *dentry, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_path.dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ /* no mnt_want_write() */
++ /* cf. fs/nsfd/vfs.c and fs/nfsd/nfs4recover.c */
++ /* todo: inotiry fired? */
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode->i_fop);
++ if (!err && h_inode->i_fop->fsync)
++ err = h_inode->i_fop->fsync(NULL, h_path.dentry,
++ datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_do_fsync_dir(struct file *file, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ err = vfs_fsync(h_file, h_file->f_dentry, datasync);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_mtx = &h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock(h_mtx);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * @file may be NULL
++ */
++static int aufs_fsync_dir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ IMustLock(dentry->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (file)
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir(file, datasync);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(dentry, datasync);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ if (file)
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_readdir(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_vdir_init(file);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current)) {
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode)));
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * nfsd filldir may call lookup_one_len(), vfs_getattr(),
++ * encode_fh() and others.
++ */
++ struct inode *h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ lockdep_on();
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode, h_inode);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuTestEmpty_WHONLY 1
++#define AuTestEmpty_CALLED (1 << 1)
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_testempty(flags, name) ((flags) & AuTestEmpty_##name)
++#define au_fset_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#undef AuTestEmpty_SHWH
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH 0
++struct test_empty_arg {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++static int test_empty_cb(void *__arg, const char *__name, int namelen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (name[0] == '.'
++ && (namelen == 1 || (name[1] == '.' && namelen == 2)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (namelen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, WHONLY)
++ && !au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (!au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, namelen, ino, d_type, arg->bindex,
++ au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, SHWH));
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int do_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, arg->bindex,
++ /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && !h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink)
++ goto out_put;
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(h_file, test_empty_cb, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ out_put:
++ fput(h_file);
++ au_sbr_put(dentry->d_sb, arg->bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_test_empty_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg;
++static void call_do_test_empty(void *args)
++ struct do_test_empty_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_test_empty(a->dentry, a->arg);
++static int sio_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, arg->bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_test_h_perm_sio(h_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_READ);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, arg);
++ else {
++ struct do_test_empty_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .arg = arg
++ };
++ unsigned int flags = arg->flags;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_test_empty, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ arg->flags = flags;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg.whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ arg.flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ arg.bindex = bstart;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whlist;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, WHONLY);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ out_whlist:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg.whlist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ err = 0;
++ arg.whlist = *whlist;
++ arg.flags = AuTestEmpty_WHONLY;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = sio_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop = {
++ .read = generic_read_dir,
++ .readdir = aufs_readdir,
++ .unlocked_ioctl = aufs_ioctl_dir,
++ .open = aufs_open_dir,
++ .release = aufs_release_dir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_dir
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#define __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* need to be faster and smaller */
++struct au_nhash {
++ unsigned int nh_num;
++ struct hlist_head *nh_head;
++struct au_vdir_destr {
++ unsigned char len;
++ unsigned char name[0];
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_dehstr {
++ struct hlist_node hash;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++struct au_vdir_de {
++ ino_t de_ino;
++ unsigned char de_type;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr de_str;
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_wh {
++ struct hlist_node wh_hash;
++ ino_t wh_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ unsigned char wh_type;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr wh_str;
++} __packed;
++union au_vdir_deblk_p {
++ unsigned char *deblk;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++struct au_vdir {
++ unsigned char **vd_deblk;
++ unsigned long vd_nblk;
++ struct {
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ } vd_last;
++ unsigned long vd_version;
++ unsigned int vd_deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long vd_jiffy;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dir.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop;
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++/* vdir.c */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit);
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen);
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh);
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file);
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir);
++/* ioctl.c */
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DIR_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/export.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/export.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/export.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/export.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * export via nfs
++ */
++#include <linux/exportfs.h>
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/mnt_namespace.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++union conv {
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ __u32 a[2];
++ __u32 a[1];
++ ino_t ino;
++static ino_t decode_ino(__u32 *a)
++ union conv u;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u.ino) != sizeof(u.a));
++ u.a[0] = a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ u.a[1] = a[1];
++ return u.ino;
++static void encode_ino(__u32 *a, ino_t ino)
++ union conv u;
++ u.ino = ino;
++ a[0] = u.a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ a[1] = u.a[1];
++/* NFS file handle */
++enum {
++ Fh_br_id,
++ Fh_sigen,
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ /* support 64bit inode number */
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_ino2,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino2,
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_igen,
++ Fh_h_type,
++ Fh_tail,
++ Fh_ino = Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino = Fh_dir_ino1
++static int au_test_anon(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return !!(dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_DISCONNECTED);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode generation external table */
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ __u32 igen;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /*
++ * temporary workaround for escaping from SiMustAnyLock() in
++ * au_mntflags(), since this function is called from au_iinfo_fin().
++ */
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ pos *= sizeof(igen);
++ igen = inode->i_generation + 1;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xigen, &igen,
++ sizeof(igen), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(igen))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ err = 0;
++ /* todo: dirty, at mount time */
++ if (inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)
++ goto out;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(inode->i_generation) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large i%lld\n", pos);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(inode->i_generation);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = sbinfo->si_xigen;
++ BUG_ON(!file);
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ < pos + sizeof(inode->i_generation)) {
++ inode->i_generation = atomic_inc_return(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ } else
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(inode->i_generation))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = file;
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen) {
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *decode_by_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (unlikely(is_bad_inode(inode)
++ || IS_DEADDIR(inode)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(inode)))
++ goto out_iput;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (!dir_ino || S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ dentry = d_find_alias(inode);
++ else {
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias)
++ if (!au_test_anon(d)
++ && d->d_parent->d_inode->i_ino == dir_ino) {
++ dentry = dget_locked(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(dentry && sigen != au_digen(dentry))) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: dirty? */
++/* if exportfs_decode_fh() passed vfsmount*, we could be happy */
++static struct vfsmount *au_mnt_get(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct mnt_namespace *ns;
++ struct vfsmount *pos, *mnt;
++ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ /* no get/put ?? */
++ AuDebugOn(!current->nsproxy);
++ ns = current->nsproxy->mnt_ns;
++ AuDebugOn(!ns);
++ mnt = NULL;
++ /* the order (reverse) will not be a problem */
++ list_for_each_entry(pos, &ns->list, mnt_list)
++ if (pos->mnt_sb == sb) {
++ mnt = mntget(pos);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ AuDebugOn(!mnt);
++ return mnt;
++struct au_nfsd_si_lock {
++ const unsigned int sigen;
++ const aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ unsigned char force_lock;
++static aufs_bindex_t si_nfsd_read_lock(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, nsi_lock->br_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && nsi_lock->sigen + AUFS_BRANCH_MAX > au_sigen(sb))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!nsi_lock->force_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ bindex = -1;
++ out:
++ return bindex;
++struct find_name_by_ino {
++ int called, found;
++ ino_t ino;
++ char *name;
++ int namelen;
++static int
++find_name_by_ino(void *arg, const char *name, int namelen, loff_t offset,
++ u64 ino, unsigned int d_type)
++ struct find_name_by_ino *a = arg;
++ a->called++;
++ if (a->ino != ino)
++ return 0;
++ memcpy(a->name, name, namelen);
++ a->namelen = namelen;
++ a->found = 1;
++ return 1;
++static struct dentry *au_lkup_by_ino(struct path *path, ino_t ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct find_name_by_ino arg;
++ int err;
++ parent = path->dentry;
++ if (nsi_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(parent->d_sb);
++ path_get(path);
++ file = dentry_open(parent, path->mnt, au_dir_roflags, current_cred());
++ dentry = (void *)file;
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out_file;
++ arg.ino = ino;
++ arg.found = 0;
++ do {
++ arg.called = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(file, find_name_by_ino, &arg);
++ } while (!err && !arg.found && arg.called);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_name;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ if (!arg.found)
++ goto out_name;
++ /* do not call au_lkup_one() */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(, parent, arg.namelen);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_name;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ }
++ out_name:
++ __putname(;
++ out_file:
++ fput(file);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(nsi_lock
++ && si_nfsd_read_lock(parent->d_sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct dentry *decode_by_dir_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct path path;
++ if (dir_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO) {
++ path.dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ dentry = path.dentry;
++ if (!path.dentry || IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ } else
++ path.dentry = dget(sb->s_root);
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, nsi_lock);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_acceptable(void *expv, struct dentry *dentry)
++ return 1;
++static char *au_build_path(struct dentry *h_parent, struct path *h_rootpath,
++ char *buf, int len, struct super_block *sb)
++ char *p;
++ int n;
++ struct path path;
++ p = d_path(h_rootpath, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ n = strlen(p);
++ path.mnt = h_rootpath->mnt;
++ path.dentry = h_parent;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p += n;
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ path.dentry = sb->s_root;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len - strlen(p));
++ mntput(path.mnt);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p[strlen(p)] = '/';
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(p);
++ return p;
++struct dentry *decode_by_path(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ ino_t ino, __u32 *fh, int fh_len,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_parent, *root;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ char *pathname, *p;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ /* au_br_get(br); */
++ h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ /* todo: call lower fh_to_dentry()? fh_to_parent()? */
++ h_parent = exportfs_decode_fh(h_mnt, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ fh_len - Fh_tail, fh[Fh_h_type],
++ h_acceptable, /*context*/NULL);
++ dentry = h_parent;
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent || IS_ERR(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh failed, %ld\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb), PTR_ERR(h_parent));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_anon(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh returned a disconnected dentry\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ }
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ pathname = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!pathname))
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ path.mnt = h_mnt;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ p = au_build_path(h_parent, &path, pathname, PAGE_SIZE, sb);
++ dentry = (void *)p;
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out_pathname;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(p, LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY, &path);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_relock;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!path.dentry->d_inode))
++ goto out_path;
++ if (ino != path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino)
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, /*nsi_lock*/NULL);
++ else
++ dentry = dget(path.dentry);
++ out_path:
++ path_put(&path);
++ out_relock:
++ if (unlikely(si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_pathname:
++ free_page((unsigned long)pathname);
++ out_h_parent:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out:
++ /* au_br_put(br); */
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *
++aufs_fh_to_dentry(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid, int fh_len,
++ int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t ino, dir_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock nsi_lock = {
++ .sigen = fh[Fh_sigen],
++ .br_id = fh[Fh_br_id],
++ .force_lock = 0
++ };
++ AuDebugOn(fh_len < Fh_tail);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, &nsi_lock);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ nsi_lock.force_lock = 1;
++ /* is this inode still cached? */
++ ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_ino);
++ AuDebugOn(ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* is the parent dir cached? */
++ dentry = decode_by_dir_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* lookup path */
++ dentry = decode_by_path(sb, bindex, ino, fh, fh_len, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (unlikely(!dentry))
++ /* todo?: make it ESTALE */
++ goto out_unlock;
++ accept:
++ if (dentry->d_inode->i_generation == fh[Fh_igen])
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ out_unlock:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++/* support subtreecheck option */
++static struct dentry *aufs_fh_to_parent(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid,
++ int fh_len, int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t dir_ino;
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ parent = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ if (IS_ERR(parent))
++ goto out;
++ if (!parent)
++ parent = decode_by_path(sb, au_br_index(sb, fh[Fh_br_id]),
++ dir_ino, fh, fh_len);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(parent);
++ return parent;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_encode_fh(struct dentry *dentry, __u32 *fh, int *max_len,
++ int connectable)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ parent = NULL;
++ err = -ENOSPC;
++ if (unlikely(*max_len <= Fh_tail)) {
++ AuWarn1("NFSv2 client (max_len %d)?\n", *max_len);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = FILEID_ROOT;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ AuDebugOn(dentry->d_inode->i_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_IR);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ AuWarn1("NFS-exporting requires xino\n");
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (h_parent) {
++ dget(h_parent);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -EPERM;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (unlikely(!h_sb->s_export_op)) {
++ AuErr1("%s branch is not exportable\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ fh[Fh_br_id] = br->br_id;
++ fh[Fh_sigen] = au_sigen(sb);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_ino, inode->i_ino);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino, parent->d_inode->i_ino);
++ fh[Fh_igen] = inode->i_generation;
++ *max_len -= Fh_tail;
++ fh[Fh_h_type] = exportfs_encode_fh(h_parent, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ max_len,
++ /*connectable or subtreecheck*/0);
++ err = fh[Fh_h_type];
++ *max_len += Fh_tail;
++ /* todo: macros? */
++ if (err != 255)
++ err = 99;
++ else
++ AuWarn1("%s encode_fh failed\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ out_dput:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = 255;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct export_operations aufs_export_op = {
++ .fh_to_dentry = aufs_fh_to_dentry,
++ /* .fh_to_parent = aufs_fh_to_parent, */
++ .encode_fh = aufs_encode_fh
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ __u32 u;
++ sb->s_export_op = &aufs_export_op;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ get_random_bytes(&u, sizeof(u));
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u) != sizeof(int));
++ atomic_set(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next, u);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * handling file/dir, and address_space operation
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fsnotify.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/pagemap.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * a dirty trick for handling deny_write_access().
++ * because FMODE_EXEC flag is not passed to f_op->open(),
++ * set it to file->private_data temporary.
++ */
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode)
++ if (nd
++ /* && !(nd->flags & LOOKUP_CONTINUE) */
++ && (nd->flags & LOOKUP_OPEN)
++ && (nd-> & vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_EXEC))
++ && inode
++ && S_ISREG(inode->i_mode)) {
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ unsigned long flags = nd->;
++ nd->>private_data = (void *)flags;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ }
++/* drop flags for writing */
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags)
++ flags &= ~(O_WRONLY | O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
++ flags |= O_RDONLY | O_NOATIME;
++ return flags;
++/* common functions to regular file and dir */
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ /* a race condition can happen between open and unlink/rmdir */
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely((!d_unhashed(dentry) && d_unhashed(h_dentry))
++ || !h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ && (br->br_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC))
++ goto out;
++ /* drop flags for writing */
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode))
++ flags = au_file_roflags(flags);
++ flags &= ~O_CREAT;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ h_file = dentry_open(dget(h_dentry), mntget(br->br_mnt), flags,
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out_br;
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)) {
++ h_file->f_mode |= FMODE_EXEC;
++ err = deny_write_access(h_file);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ fput(h_file);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ }
++ fsnotify_open(h_dentry);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ out:
++ return h_file;
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags))
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_finfo_init(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = open(file, file->f_flags);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file, *h_file_tmp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_file_tmp = NULL;
++ if (au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ if (file->f_mode == h_file->f_mode)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ h_file_tmp = h_file;
++ get_file(h_file_tmp);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, NULL);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(au_fbstart(file) < bstart
++ || au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bstart].hf_file);
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bstart, file->f_flags & ~O_TRUNC, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* todo: close all? */
++ err = 0;
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ /* close lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bstart);
++ out:
++ if (h_file_tmp)
++ fput(h_file_tmp);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_reopen_wh(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ struct dentry *hi_wh)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ dinfo = au_di(file->f_dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = btgt;
++ h_dentry = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = hi_wh;
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_ready_to_write_wh(struct file *file, loff_t len,
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *hi_wh;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bcpup);
++ if (!hi_wh)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, bcpup, len, file);
++ else
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bcpup, hi_wh);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!err && inode->i_nlink > 1 && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_append(inode, bcpup, au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup));
++ return err;
++ * prepare the @file for writing.
++ */
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bcpup;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode);
++ if (!err && (au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)) {
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, /*flags*/0);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* need to cpup */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ }
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_dentry;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) /* || d_unhashed(h_dentry) */
++ /* || !h_inode->i_nlink */) {
++ err = au_ready_to_write_wh(file, len, bcpup);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ } else {
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ if (!au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup))
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bcpup, len,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_file_refresh_by_inode(struct file *file, int *need_reopen)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *hi_wh;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart == finfo->fi_bstart)
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bstart = err;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bstart);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode)
++ && !d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(dentry, bstart);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* always superio. */
++ err = au_pin(&pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bstart, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else if (hi_wh) {
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bstart, hi_wh);
++ *need_reopen = 0;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_do_refresh_file(struct file *file)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, new_bindex, brid;
++ struct au_hfile *p, tmp, *q;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + finfo->fi_bstart;
++ brid = p->hf_br->br_id;
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hf_file)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hf_br->br_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = finfo->fi_hfile + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hf_file) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file) && !d_unhashed(file->f_dentry)) {
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart <= bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ bend = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart < bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + bend;
++ for (finfo->fi_bend = bend; finfo->fi_bend >= finfo->fi_bstart;
++ finfo->fi_bend--, p--)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(finfo->fi_bend < finfo->fi_bstart);
++ * after branch manipulating, refresh the file.
++ */
++static int refresh_file(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file))
++ int err, need_reopen;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ err = au_fi_realloc(au_fi(file), au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_file(file);
++ err = 0;
++ need_reopen = 1;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ err = au_file_refresh_by_inode(file, &need_reopen);
++ if (!err && need_reopen && !d_unhashed(dentry))
++ err = reopen(file);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ /* error, close all lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen, figen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char pseudo_link;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sigen = au_sigen(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ figen = au_figen(file);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ pseudo_link = (bstart != au_ibstart(dentry->d_inode));
++ if (sigen == figen && !pseudo_link && au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ AuDbg("sigen %d, figen %d\n", sigen, figen);
++ if (sigen != au_digen(dentry)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ err = refresh_file(file, reopen);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cf. aufs_nopage() */
++/* for madvise(2) */
++static int aufs_readpage(struct file *file __maybe_unused, struct page *page)
++ unlock_page(page);
++ return 0;
++/* they will never be called. */
++static int aufs_write_begin(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned flags,
++ struct page **pagep, void **fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_write_end(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned copied,
++ struct page *page, void *fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_writepage(struct page *page, struct writeback_control *wbc)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_sync_page(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_set_page_dirty(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_invalidatepage(struct page *page, unsigned long offset)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_releasepage(struct page *page, gfp_t gfp)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static ssize_t aufs_direct_IO(int rw, struct kiocb *iocb,
++ const struct iovec *iov, loff_t offset,
++ unsigned long nr_segs)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++struct address_space_operations aufs_aop = {
++ .readpage = aufs_readpage,
++ .writepage = aufs_writepage,
++ .sync_page = aufs_sync_page,
++ .set_page_dirty = aufs_set_page_dirty,
++ .write_begin = aufs_write_begin,
++ .write_end = aufs_write_end,
++ .invalidatepage = aufs_invalidatepage,
++ .releasepage = aufs_releasepage,
++ .direct_IO = aufs_direct_IO,
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/poll.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_hfile {
++ struct file *hf_file;
++ struct au_branch *hf_br;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_finfo {
++ atomic_t fi_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem fi_rwsem;
++ struct au_hfile *fi_hfile;
++ aufs_bindex_t fi_bstart, fi_bend;
++ union {
++ /* non-dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_h_vm_ops;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_vm_ops;
++ };
++ /* dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct au_vdir *fi_vdir_cache;
++ int fi_maintain_plink;
++ };
++ };
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* file.c */
++extern struct address_space_operations aufs_aop;
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode);
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags);
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags));
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file);
++struct au_pin;
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin);
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock);
++/* poll.c */
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait);
++/* f_op.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop;
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id);
++/* finfo.c */
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file);
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct file *h_file);
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file);
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file);
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_finfo *au_fi(struct file *file)
++ return file->private_data;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * fi_read_lock, fi_write_lock,
++ * fi_read_unlock, fi_write_unlock, fi_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(fi, struct file *f, &au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem);
++#define FiMustNoWaiters(f) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustAnyLock(f) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustWriteLock(f) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbstart(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbend(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_fvdir_cache(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache;
++static inline void au_set_fbstart(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fbend(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fvdir_cache(struct file *file,
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache = vdir_cache;
++static inline struct file *au_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bindex].hf_file;
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_figen(struct file *f)
++ return atomic_read(&au_fi(f)->fi_generation);
++static inline int au_test_mmapped(struct file *f)
++ FiMustAnyLock(f);
++ return !!(au_fi(f)->fi_h_vm_ops);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FILE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/finfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/finfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/finfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/finfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file private data
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file)
++ if (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ allow_write_access(hf->hf_file);
++ fput(hf->hf_file);
++ hf->hf_file = NULL;
++ atomic_dec_return(&hf->hf_br->br_count);
++ hf->hf_br = NULL;
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *val)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo = au_fi(file);
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ if (hf->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(hf, file);
++ if (val) {
++ hf->hf_file = val;
++ hf->hf_br = au_sbr(file->f_dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ }
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file)
++ atomic_set(&au_fi(file)->fi_generation, au_digen(file->f_dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ bindex = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ /*
++ * calls fput() instead of filp_close(),
++ * since no dnotify or lock for the lower file.
++ */
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ au_dbg_verify_hf(finfo);
++ kfree(finfo->fi_hfile);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuRwDestroy(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_cache_alloc_finfo();
++ if (unlikely(!finfo))
++ goto out;
++ finfo->fi_hfile = kcalloc(au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1,
++ sizeof(*finfo->fi_hfile), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_hfile))
++ goto out_finfo;
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ finfo->fi_bstart = -1;
++ finfo->fi_bend = -1;
++ atomic_set(&finfo->fi_generation, au_digen(dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ /* cf. au_store_oflag() */
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ ul = (unsigned long)file->private_data;
++ file->f_mode |= (vfsub_uint_to_fmode(ul) & FMODE_EXEC);
++ file->private_data = finfo;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_finfo:
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hfile *hfp;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp) * (finfo->fi_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp);
++ hfp = au_kzrealloc(finfo->fi_hfile, sz, sizeof(*hfp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hfp) {
++ finfo->fi_hfile = hfp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/f_op.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/f_op.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/f_op.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/f_op.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file and vm operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || !h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->flush)
++ continue;
++ err = h_file->f_op->flush(h_file, id);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int do_open_nondir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops = NULL;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = NULL;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* O_TRUNC is processed already */
++ BUG_ON(au_test_ro(dentry->d_sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)
++ && (flags & O_TRUNC));
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ else {
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bindex);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_nondir);
++static int aufs_release_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct super_block *sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ kfree(au_fi(file)->fi_vm_ops);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t aufs_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ err = vfsub_read_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_write(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ char __user *buf = (char __user *)ubuf;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_read(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_read) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_READ);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_read(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode,
++ h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->read);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_write(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_write) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_write(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->write);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_splice_read(struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (au_test_loopback_kthread()) {
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ smp_mb(); /* unnecessary? */
++ }
++ err = vfsub_splice_to(h_file, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ /* todo: necessasry? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t
++aufs_splice_write(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_splice_from(pipe, h_file, ppos, len, flags);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct file *au_safe_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file;
++ file = vma->vm_file;
++ if (file->private_data && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return file;
++ return NULL;
++static void au_reset_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct file *file)
++ vma->vm_file = file;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* flush vm_file */
++static int aufs_fault(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ /* todo: non-robr mode, user vm_file as it is? */
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ /* do not revalidate, no si lock */
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->fault(vma, vmf);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++#if 0 /* def CONFIG_SMP */
++ /* wake_up_nr(&wq, online_cpu - 1); */
++ wake_up_all(&wq);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_page_mkwrite(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->page_mkwrite(vma, vmf);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static void aufs_vm_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->close(vma);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++static struct vm_operations_struct aufs_vm_ops = {
++ /* .close and .page_mkwrite are not set by default */
++ .fault = aufs_fault,
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct vm_operations_struct *au_vm_ops(struct file *h_file,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ int err;
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
++ if (!h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->mmap)
++ goto out;
++ err = h_file->f_op->mmap(h_file, vma);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ vm_ops = vma->vm_ops;
++ err = do_munmap(current->mm, vma->vm_start,
++ vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed internal unmapping %.*s, %d\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_file->f_dentry), err);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return vm_ops;
++static int au_custom_vm_ops(struct au_finfo *finfo, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *h_ops;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ h_ops = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_ops);
++ if ((!h_ops->page_mkwrite && !h_ops->close)
++ || finfo->fi_vm_ops)
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = kmemdup(&aufs_vm_ops, sizeof(aufs_vm_ops), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_vm_ops))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_ops->page_mkwrite)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->page_mkwrite = aufs_page_mkwrite;
++ if (h_ops->close)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->close = aufs_vm_close;
++ vma->vm_ops = finfo->fi_vm_ops;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char wlock, mmapped;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ wlock = !!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) && (vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARED);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mmapped = !!au_test_mmapped(file);
++ if (wlock) {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (!mmapped && au_test_fs_bad_mapping(h_file->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /*
++ * by this assignment, f_mapping will differs from aufs inode
++ * i_mapping.
++ * if someone else mixes the use of f_dentry->d_inode and
++ * f_mapping->host, then a problem may arise.
++ */
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ }
++ vm_ops = NULL;
++ if (!mmapped) {
++ vm_ops = au_vm_ops(h_file, vma);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vm_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(vm_ops))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ /*
++ * unnecessary to handle MAP_DENYWRITE and deny_write_access()?
++ * currently MAP_DENYWRITE from userspace is ignored, but elf loader
++ * sets it. when FMODE_EXEC is set (by open_exec() or sys_uselib()),
++ * both of the aufs file and the lower file is deny_write_access()-ed.
++ * finally I hope we can skip handlling MAP_DENYWRITE here.
++ */
++ err = generic_file_mmap(file, vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vma->vm_ops = &aufs_vm_ops;
++ /* test again */
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ au_fi(file)->fi_h_vm_ops = vm_ops;
++ err = au_custom_vm_ops(au_fi(file), vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vfsub_file_accessed(h_file);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_fsync_nondir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(file->f_mapping->host);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /*
++ * no filemap_fdatawrite() since aufs file has no its own
++ * mapping, but dir.
++ */
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = h_file->f_op->fsync(h_file, h_d, datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static int aufs_aio_fsync_nondir(struct kiocb *kio, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_fsync(kio, datasync);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fasync(int fd, struct file *file, int flag)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fasync)
++ err = h_file->f_op->fasync(fd, h_file, flag);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static ssize_t aufs_sendpage(struct file *file, struct page *page, int offset,
++ size_t len, loff_t *pos , int more)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop = {
++ /*
++ * while generic_file_llseek/_unlocked() don't use BKL,
++ * don't use it since it operates file->f_mapping->host.
++ * in aufs, it may be a real file and may confuse users by UDBA.
++ */
++ /* .llseek = generic_file_llseek, */
++ .read = aufs_read,
++ .write = aufs_write,
++ .aio_read = aufs_aio_read,
++ .aio_write = aufs_aio_write,
++ .poll = aufs_poll,
++ .mmap = aufs_mmap,
++ .open = aufs_open_nondir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .release = aufs_release_nondir,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_nondir,
++ /* .aio_fsync = aufs_aio_fsync_nondir, */
++ .fasync = aufs_fasync,
++ /* .sendpage = aufs_sendpage, */
++ .splice_write = aufs_splice_write,
++ .splice_read = aufs_splice_read,
++#if 0
++ .aio_splice_write = aufs_aio_splice_write,
++ .aio_splice_read = aufs_aio_splice_read
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/fstype.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/fstype.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/fstype.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/fstype.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * judging filesystem type
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/cramfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/magic.h>
++#include <linux/romfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++static inline int au_test_aufs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++static inline const char *au_sbtype(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_type->name;
++static inline int au_test_iso9660(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ROMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_romfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cramfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS) || defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CRAMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_nfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == NFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fuse(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XFS_SB_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_tmpfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == TMPFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ecryptfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "ecryptfs");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_smbfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == SMB_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == DLMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_coda(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS) || defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CODA_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_v9fs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_9P_FS) || defined(CONFIG_9P_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == V9FS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ext4(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysv(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS_MODULE)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "sysv");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ramfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == RAMFS_MAGIC;
++static inline int au_test_ubifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == UBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_procfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == PROC_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SYSFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_configfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == CONFIGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_minix(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS) || defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIGCIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fat(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_msdos(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_vfat(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_securityfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SECURITYFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_squashfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SQUASHFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_btrfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xenfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XENFS) || defined(CONFIG_XENFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_debugfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == DEBUGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * they can't be an aufs branch.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unsuppoted(struct super_block *sb)
++ return
++ au_test_ramfs(sb) ||
++ au_test_procfs(sb)
++ || au_test_sysfs(sb)
++ || au_test_configfs(sb)
++ || au_test_debugfs(sb)
++ || au_test_securityfs(sb)
++ || au_test_xenfs(sb)
++ /* || !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "unionfs") */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb); /* will be supported in next version */
++ * If the filesystem supports NFS-export, then it has to support NULL as
++ * a nameidata parameter for ->create(), ->lookup() and ->d_revalidate().
++ * We can apply this principle when we handle a lower filesystem.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_null_nd(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !!sb->s_export_op;
++static inline int au_test_fs_remote(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ && !au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ && !(sb->s_type->fs_flags & FS_REQUIRES_DEV);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * Note: these functions (below) are created after reading ->getattr() in all
++ * filesystems under linux/fs. it means we have to do so in every update...
++ */
++ * some filesystems require getattr to refresh the inode attributes before
++ * referencing.
++ * in most cases, we can rely on the inode attribute in NFS (or every remote fs)
++ * and leave the work for d_revalidate()
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ /* || au_test_smbfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_btrfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_coda(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_v9fs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't maintain i_size or i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_xfs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_ext4(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_sysv(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ubifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_minix(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't store the correct value in some of their inode
++ * attributes.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ || au_test_fat(sb)
++ || au_test_msdos(sb)
++ || au_test_vfat(sb);
++/* they don't check i_nlink in link(2) */
++static inline int au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++ * filesystems which sets S_NOATIME and S_NOCMTIME.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_notime(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which requires replacing i_mapping.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_mapping(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++/* temporary support for i#1 in cramfs */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unique_ino(struct inode *inode)
++ if (au_test_cramfs(inode->i_sb))
++ return inode->i_ino != 1;
++ return 1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the filesystem where the xino files placed must support i/o after unlink and
++ * maintain i_size and i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_remote(sb)
++ || au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ || !(au_test_ramfs(sb) || au_test_fs_null_nd(sb))
++ || !au_test_fs_null_nd(sb) /* to keep xino code simple */
++ /* don't want unnecessary work for xino */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb)
++ || au_test_ecryptfs(sb);
++static inline int au_test_fs_trunc_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb);
++ * test if the @sb is real-readonly.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_squashfs(sb)
++ || au_test_iso9660(sb)
++ || au_test_cramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_romfs(sb);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/hinotify.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/hinotify.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/hinotify.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/hinotify.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inotify for the lower directories
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static const __u32 AuHinMask = (IN_MOVE | IN_DELETE | IN_CREATE);
++static struct inotify_handle *au_hin_handle;
++AuCacheFuncs(hinotify, HINOTIFY);
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ s32 wd;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ hin = au_cache_alloc_hinotify();
++ if (hin) {
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_notify);
++ hinode->hi_notify = hin;
++ hin->hin_aufs_inode = inode;
++ inotify_init_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ wd = inotify_add_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch, h_inode,
++ AuHinMask);
++ if (wd >= 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = wd;
++ put_inotify_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ hin = hinode->hi_notify;
++ if (hin) {
++ err = 0;
++ if (atomic_read(&hin->hin_watch.count))
++ err = inotify_rm_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* it means the watch is already removed */
++ AuWarn("failed inotify_rm_watch() %d\n", err);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct inotify_watch *watch;
++ if (!hinode->hi_notify)
++ return;
++ h_inode = hinode->hi_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ /* todo: try inotify_find_update_watch()? */
++ watch = &hinode->hi_notify->hin_watch;
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++ /* mutex_lock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ if (do_set) {
++ AuDebugOn(watch->mask & AuHinMask);
++ watch->mask |= AuHinMask;
++ } else {
++ AuDebugOn(!(watch->mask & AuHinMask));
++ watch->mask &= ~AuHinMask;
++ }
++ /* mutex_unlock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct dentry *iwhdentry;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!hi)
++ continue;
++ /* mutex_lock_nested(&hi->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD); */
++ iwhdentry = au_hi_wh(inode, bindex);
++ if (iwhdentry)
++ dget(iwhdentry);
++ au_igrab(hi);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(hi),
++ flags & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ iput(hi);
++ dput(iwhdentry);
++ /* mutex_unlock(&hi->i_mutex); */
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int hin_xino(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound, bstart;
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (bindex == bend) {
++ /* keep this ino in rename case */
++ goto out;
++ }
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex) == h_inode) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bfound < 0)
++ goto out;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!h_i)
++ continue;
++ err = au_xino_write(inode->i_sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ /* bad action? */
++ }
++ /* children inode number will be broken */
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_tree(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, dentry, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ if (IS_ROOT(d))
++ continue;
++ d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ /* todo: reset children xino?
++ cached children only? */
++ au_iigen_dec(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ /* discard children */
++ dentry_unhash(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * return 0 if processed.
++ */
++static int hin_gen_by_inode(char *name, unsigned int nlen, struct inode *inode,
++ const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ err = 1;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ err = 0;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!isdir) {
++ AuDebugOn(!name);
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias) {
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen
++ && memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(inode->i_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ d = d_find_alias(inode);
++ if (!d) {
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len == nlen && !memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ err = hin_gen_tree(d);
++ dput(d);
++ }
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_by_name(struct dentry *dentry, const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ /* || (inode && inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO) */
++ ) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_digen_dec(dentry);
++ if (inode)
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ if (inode)
++ err = hin_gen_tree(dentry);
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify job flags */
++#define AuHinJob_XINO0 1
++#define AuHinJob_GEN (1 << 1)
++#define AuHinJob_DIRENT (1 << 2)
++#define AuHinJob_ISDIR (1 << 3)
++#define AuHinJob_TRYXINO0 (1 << 4)
++#define AuHinJob_MNTPNT (1 << 5)
++#define au_ftest_hinjob(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHinJob_##name)
++#define au_fset_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHinJob_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHinJob_##name; }
++struct hin_job_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode, *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ char *h_name;
++ int h_nlen;
++static int hin_job(struct hin_job_args *a)
++ const unsigned int isdir = au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ /* reset xino */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, XINO0) && a->inode)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, TRYXINO0)
++ && a->inode
++ && a->h_inode) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!a->h_inode->i_nlink)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ /* make the generation obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, GEN)) {
++ int err = -1;
++ if (a->inode)
++ err = hin_gen_by_inode(a->h_name, a->h_nlen, a->inode,
++ isdir);
++ if (err && a->dentry)
++ hin_gen_by_name(a->dentry, isdir);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ }
++ /* make dir entries obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, DIRENT) && a->inode) {
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(a->inode);
++ if (vdir)
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* IMustLock(a->inode); */
++ /* a->inode->i_version++; */
++ }
++ /* can do nothing but warn */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, MNTPNT)
++ && a->dentry
++ && d_mountpoint(a->dentry))
++ AuWarn("mount-point %.*s is removed or renamed\n",
++ AuDLNPair(a->dentry));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char *in_name(u32 mask)
++#define test_ret(flag) if (mask & flag) \
++ return #flag;
++ test_ret(IN_ACCESS);
++ test_ret(IN_MODIFY);
++ test_ret(IN_ATTRIB);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_WRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_OPEN);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_FROM);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_TO);
++ test_ret(IN_CREATE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_UNMOUNT);
++ test_ret(IN_Q_OVERFLOW);
++ test_ret(IN_IGNORED);
++ return "";
++#undef test_ret
++ return "??";
++static struct dentry *lookup_wlock_by_name(char *name, unsigned int nlen,
++ struct inode *dir)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d, *parent;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ parent = d_find_alias(dir);
++ if (!parent)
++ return NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &parent->d_subdirs, d_u.d_child) {
++ /* AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d)); */
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen || memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ if (!atomic_read(&d->d_count) || !d->d_fsdata) {
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ continue;
++ }
++ dentry = dget(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct inode *lookup_wlock_by_ino(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t ino;
++ int err;
++ inode = NULL;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, &ino);
++ if (!err && ino)
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("wrong root branch\n");
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = NULL;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++enum { CHILD, PARENT };
++struct postproc_args {
++ struct inode *h_dir, *dir, *h_child_inode;
++ u32 mask;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ unsigned int h_child_nlen;
++ char h_child_name[];
++static void postproc(void *_args)
++ struct postproc_args *a = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound;
++ unsigned char xino, try_iput;
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t h_ino;
++ struct hin_job_args args;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ AuDebugOn(!_args);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->mask);
++ AuDbg("mask 0x%x %s, i%lu, hi%lu, hci%lu\n",
++ a->mask, in_name(a->mask), a->dir->i_ino, a->h_dir->i_ino,
++ a->h_child_inode ? a->h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ inode = NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ /*
++ * do not lock a->dir->i_mutex here
++ * because of d_revalidate() may cause a deadlock.
++ */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(!sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!sbinfo);
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(a->dir);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(a->dir); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(a->dir, bindex) == a->h_dir) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(a->dir);
++ if (unlikely(bfound < 0))
++ goto out;
++ xino = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO);
++ h_ino = 0;
++ if (a->h_child_inode)
++ h_ino = a->h_child_inode->i_ino;
++ if (a->h_child_nlen
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], MNTPNT)))
++ dentry = lookup_wlock_by_name(a->h_child_name, a->h_child_nlen,
++ a->dir);
++ try_iput = 0;
++ if (dentry)
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (xino && !inode && h_ino
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], XINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN))) {
++ inode = lookup_wlock_by_ino(sb, bfound, h_ino);
++ try_iput = 1;
++ }
++ args.flags = a->flags[CHILD];
++ args.dentry = dentry;
++ args.inode = inode;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_child_inode;
++ args.dir = a->dir;
++ args.h_dir = a->h_dir;
++ args.h_name = a->h_child_name;
++ args.h_nlen = a->h_child_nlen;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ if (dentry) {
++ if (dentry->d_fsdata)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ if (inode && try_iput) {
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ args.flags = a->flags[PARENT];
++ args.dentry = NULL;
++ args.inode = a->dir;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_dir;
++ args.dir = NULL;
++ args.h_dir = NULL;
++ args.h_name = NULL;
++ args.h_nlen = 0;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ au_nwt_done(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ iput(a->h_child_inode);
++ iput(a->h_dir);
++ iput(a->dir);
++ kfree(a);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_inotify(struct inotify_watch *watch, u32 wd __maybe_unused,
++ u32 mask, u32 cookie __maybe_unused,
++ const char *h_child_name, struct inode *h_child_inode)
++ struct au_hinotify *hinotify;
++ struct postproc_args *args;
++ int len, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char isdir, isroot, wh;
++ char *p;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ /* if IN_UNMOUNT happens, there must be another bug */
++ AuDebugOn(mask & IN_UNMOUNT);
++ if (mask & (IN_IGNORED | IN_UNMOUNT)) {
++ put_inotify_watch(watch);
++ return;
++ }
++#ifdef AuDbgHinotify
++ au_debug(1);
++ if (1 || !h_child_name || strcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME)) {
++ AuDbg("i%lu, wd %d, mask 0x%x %s, cookie 0x%x, hcname %s,"
++ " hi%lu\n",
++ watch->inode->i_ino, wd, mask, in_name(mask), cookie,
++ h_child_name ? h_child_name : "",
++ h_child_inode ? h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ WARN_ON(1);
++ }
++ au_debug(0);
++ hinotify = container_of(watch, struct au_hinotify, hin_watch);
++ AuDebugOn(!hinotify || !hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ dir = igrab(hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ if (!dir)
++ return;
++ isroot = (dir->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ len = 0;
++ wh = 0;
++ if (h_child_name) {
++ len = strlen(h_child_name);
++ if (!memcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ h_child_name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ len -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ wh = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ isdir = 0;
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ isdir = !!S_ISDIR(h_child_inode->i_mode);
++ flags[PARENT] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ flags[CHILD] = 0;
++ if (isdir)
++ flags[CHILD] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ switch (mask & IN_ALL_EVENTS) {
++ case IN_MOVED_FROM:
++ case IN_MOVED_TO:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], XINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ break;
++ case IN_CREATE:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ break;
++ case IN_DELETE:
++ /*
++ * aufs never be able to get this child inode.
++ * revalidation should be in d_revalidate()
++ * by checking i_nlink, i_generation or d_unhashed().
++ */
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuDebugOn(1);
++ }
++ if (wh)
++ h_child_inode = NULL;
++ /* iput() and kfree() will be called in postproc() */
++ /*
++ * inotify_mutex is already acquired and kmalloc/prune_icache may lock
++ * iprune_mutex. strange.
++ */
++ lockdep_off();
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args) + len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ iput(dir);
++ return;
++ }
++ args->flags[PARENT] = flags[PARENT];
++ args->flags[CHILD] = flags[CHILD];
++ args->mask = mask;
++ args->dir = dir;
++ args->h_dir = igrab(watch->inode);
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ h_child_inode = igrab(h_child_inode); /* can be NULL */
++ args->h_child_inode = h_child_inode;
++ args->h_child_nlen = len;
++ if (len) {
++ p = (void *)args;
++ p += sizeof(*args);
++ memcpy(p, h_child_name, len + 1);
++ }
++ lockdep_off();
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(postproc, args, dir->i_sb);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++static void aufs_inotify_destroy(struct inotify_watch *watch __maybe_unused)
++ return;
++static struct inotify_operations aufs_inotify_ops = {
++ .handle_event = aufs_inotify,
++ .destroy_watch = aufs_inotify_destroy
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_hin_destroy_cache(void)
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]);
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = NULL;
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = AuCache(au_hinotify);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]) {
++ err = 0;
++ au_hin_handle = inotify_init(&aufs_inotify_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(au_hin_handle)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_hin_handle);
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
++ }
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++void au_hinotify_fin(void)
++ inotify_destroy(au_hin_handle);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY])
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/iinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/iinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/iinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/iinfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ h_inode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ return h_inode;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ h_inode = iinfo->ii_hinode[bindex + 0].hi_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ au_hin_free(hinode);
++ dput(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ iput(hinode->hi_inode);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir)
++ unsigned int flags;
++ const unsigned int mnt_flags = au_mntflags(inode->i_sb);
++ flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, XINO);
++ if (isdir && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_HINOTIFY))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ return flags;
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ hi = hinode->hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && hi);
++ if (hi)
++ au_hiput(hinode);
++ hinode->hi_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ if (bindex == iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ hinode->hi_id = br->br_id;
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("failed au_xino_write() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && au_br_hinotifyable(br->br_perm)) {
++ err = au_hin_alloc(hinode, inode, h_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("au_hin_alloc() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ }
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ hinode->hi_whdentry = h_wh;
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_set(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation, au_sigen(inode->i_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* it may be called at remount time, too */
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo || iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ h_i = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ if (h_i && !h_i->i_nlink)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ while (++iinfo->ii_bstart <= iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bstart].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bend].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend || iinfo->ii_bend < 0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr, i;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (unlikely(nbr <= 0))
++ nbr = 1;
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*iinfo->ii_hinode), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode) {
++ for (i = 0; i < nbr; i++)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[i].hi_id = -1;
++ atomic_set(&iinfo->ii_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_vdir = NULL;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hip) * (iinfo->ii_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hip);
++ hip = au_kzrealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sz, sizeof(*hip) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hip) {
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = hip;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_iinfo_write0(struct super_block *sb, struct au_hinode *hinode,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char locked;
++ err = 0;
++ locked = !!si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, hinode->hi_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ err = au_xino_write0(sb, bindex, hinode->hi_inode->i_ino, ino);
++ /* error action? */
++ if (locked)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode)
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ unsigned char unlinked = !inode->i_nlink;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hi;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (unlinked) {
++ int err = au_xigen_inc(inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn1("failed resetting i_generation, %d\n", err);
++ }
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ /* bad_inode case */
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ if (iinfo->ii_vdir)
++ au_vdir_free(iinfo->ii_vdir);
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart >= 0) {
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ ino = 0;
++ if (unlinked)
++ ino = inode->i_ino;
++ hi = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ bend = iinfo->ii_bend;
++ while (iinfo->ii_bstart++ <= bend) {
++ if (hi->hi_inode) {
++ if (unlinked || !hi->hi_inode->i_nlink) {
++ au_iinfo_write0(sb, hi, ino);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ ino = 0;
++ }
++ au_hiput(hi);
++ }
++ hi++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(iinfo->ii_hinode);
++ AuRwDestroy(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode functions
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode)
++ if (inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&inode->i_count));
++ atomic_inc_return(&inode->i_count);
++ }
++ return inode;
++static void au_refresh_hinode_attr(struct inode *inode, int do_version)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/0);
++ au_update_iigen(inode);
++ if (do_version)
++ inode->i_version++;
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, new_bindex;
++ unsigned char update;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p, *q, tmp;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ update = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ err = au_ii_realloc(iinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hi_inode)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hi_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ update++;
++ au_hiput(p);
++ p->hi_inode = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (new_bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = new_bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < new_bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = new_bindex;
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = iinfo->ii_hinode + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hi_inode) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (do_attr)
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, update;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ update = 0;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_d || !h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart <= bindex && bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ if (h_i == h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = bindex;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_d->d_inode), flags);
++ update = 1;
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && isdir);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int set_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ umode_t mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ err = 0;
++ isdir = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_file_fop;
++ inode->i_mapping->a_ops = &aufs_aop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_symlink_iop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ init_special_inode(inode, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown file type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* do not set inotify for whiteouted dirs (SHWH mode) */
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH)
++ && au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && dentry->d_name.len > AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ && !memcmp(dentry->, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ au_fclr_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bstart;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = btail;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex,
++ au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode), flags);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/1);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++static int reval_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry, int *matched)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dinode;
++ *matched = 0;
++ /*
++ * before this function, if aufs got any iinfo lock, it must be only
++ * one, the parent dir.
++ * it can happen by UDBA and the obsoleted inode number.
++ */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == parent_ino(dentry)))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ h_dinode = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry))->d_inode;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode && h_inode == h_dinode) {
++ *matched = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_iigen(inode) != au_digen(dentry))
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++/* todo: return with unlocked? */
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t h_ino, ino;
++ int err, match;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_ino = h_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bstart, h_ino, &ino);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ new_ino:
++ if (!ino) {
++ ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!ino)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("%lx, new %d\n", inode->i_state, !!(inode->i_state & I_NEW));
++ if (inode->i_state & I_NEW) {
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ err = set_inode(inode, dentry);
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ goto out_iput;
++ } else if (!must_new) {
++ err = reval_inode(inode, dentry, &match);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ else if (match)
++ goto out_iput;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unique_ino(h_dentry->d_inode)))
++ AuWarn1("Warning: Un-notified UDBA or repeatedly renamed dir,"
++ " b%d, %s, %.*s, hi%lu, i%lu.\n",
++ bstart, au_sbtype(h_dentry->d_sb), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ (unsigned long)h_ino, (unsigned long)ino);
++ ino = 0;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bstart, h_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ if (!err) {
++ iput(inode);
++ goto new_ino;
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ err = au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ /* pseudo-link after flushed may happen out of bounds */
++ if (!err
++ && inode
++ && au_ibstart(inode) <= bindex
++ && bindex <= au_ibend(inode)) {
++ /*
++ * permission check is unnecessary since vfsub routine
++ * will be called later
++ */
++ struct inode *hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (hi)
++ err = IS_IMMUTABLE(hi) ? -EROFS : 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (!current_fsuid())
++ return 0;
++ return inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb)
++ && (mask & MAY_WRITE)
++ && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode))
++ mask |= MAY_READ; /* force permission check */
++ return au_test_h_perm(h_inode, mask);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#define __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/inotify.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct vfsmount;
++struct au_hinotify {
++ struct inotify_watch hin_watch;
++ struct inode *hin_aufs_inode; /* no get/put */
++struct au_hinode {
++ struct inode *hi_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t hi_id;
++ struct au_hinotify *hi_notify;
++ /* reference to the copied-up whiteout with get/put */
++ struct dentry *hi_whdentry;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_iinfo {
++ atomic_t ii_generation;
++ struct super_block *ii_hsb1; /* no get/put */
++ struct au_rwsem ii_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t ii_bstart, ii_bend;
++ __u32 ii_higen;
++ struct au_hinode *ii_hinode;
++ struct au_vdir *ii_vdir;
++struct au_icntnr {
++ struct au_iinfo iinfo;
++ struct inode vfs_inode;
++/* au_pin flags */
++#define AuPin_DI_LOCKED 1
++#define AuPin_MNT_WRITE (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_pin(flags, name) ((flags) & AuPin_##name)
++#define au_fset_pin(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuPin_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_pin(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuPin_##name; }
++struct au_pin {
++ /* input */
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ unsigned char lsc_di, lsc_hi, flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ /* output */
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_iinfo *au_ii(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode)
++ return iinfo;
++ return NULL; /* debugging bad_inode case */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode.c */
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode);
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr);
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry);
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new);
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode);
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++/* i_op.c */
++extern struct inode_operations aufs_iop, aufs_symlink_iop, aufs_dir_iop;
++/* au_wr_dir flags */
++#define AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY 1
++#define AuWrDir_ISDIR (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_wrdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWrDir_##name)
++#define au_fset_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWrDir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWrDir_##name; }
++struct au_wr_dir_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t force_btgt;
++ unsigned char flags;
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args);
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin);
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags);
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags) __must_check;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *pin) __must_check;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *pin);
++/* i_op_add.c */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode);
++/* i_op_del.c */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup);
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* i_op_ren.c */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt);
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* iinfo.c */
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir);
++/* hinode flags */
++#define AuHi_XINO 1
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_hi(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHi_##name)
++#define au_fset_hi(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHi_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hi(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHi_##name; }
++#undef AuHi_HINOTIFY
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY 0
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags);
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode);
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero);
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode);
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode);
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr);
++/* plink.c */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode);
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for iinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT, /* see AuLsc_I_PARENT in vfsub.h */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT2,
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT3, /* copyup dirs */
++ * ii_read_lock_child, ii_write_lock_child,
++ * ii_read_lock_child2, ii_write_lock_child2,
++ * ii_read_lock_child3, ii_write_lock_child3,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent, ii_write_lock_parent,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent2, ii_write_lock_parent2,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent3, ii_write_lock_parent3,
++ * ii_read_lock_new_child, ii_write_lock_new_child,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_read_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_write_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(new_child, NEW_CHILD);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++ * ii_read_unlock, ii_write_unlock, ii_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(ii, struct inode *i, &au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem);
++#define IiMustNoWaiters(i) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustAnyLock(i) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustWriteLock(i) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline unsigned int au_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ return atomic_read(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++/* tiny test for inode number */
++/* tmpfs generation is too rough */
++static inline int au_test_higen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ return !(iinfo->ii_hsb1 == h_inode->i_sb
++ && iinfo->ii_higen == h_inode->i_generation);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ii_br_id(struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_id;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibstart(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibend(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_ivdir(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir;
++static inline struct dentry *au_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++static inline void au_set_ibend(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_ivdir(struct inode *inode, struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir = vdir;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_hi(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_pinned_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->parent;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct inode *au_pinned_h_dir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->hdir)
++ return pin->hdir->hi_inode;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_pinned_hdir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->hdir;
++ return NULL;
++static inline void au_pin_set_dentry(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry)
++ if (pin)
++ pin->dentry = dentry;
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent_lflag(struct au_pin *pin,
++ unsigned char lflag)
++ if (pin) {
++ /* dirty macros require brackets */
++ if (lflag) {
++ au_fset_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ } else {
++ au_fclr_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ }
++ }
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *parent)
++ if (pin) {
++ dput(pin->parent);
++ pin->parent = dget(parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify.c */
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags);
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void);
++void au_hinotify_fin(void);
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct au_hinotify *val)
++ hinode->hi_notify = val;
++static inline void au_iigen_dec(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++static inline
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *h_inode __maybe_unused)
++ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++static inline void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ int do_set __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ unsigned int flags __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_hinotify_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_hinotify_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct au_hinotify *val __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_hin_suspend(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/0);
++static inline void au_hin_resume(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/1);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ mutex_lock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(struct au_hinode *hdir,
++ unsigned int sc __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_lock_nested(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex, sc);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_unlock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_INODE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ioctl.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ioctl.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ioctl.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ioctl.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * ioctl
++ * currently plink-management only.
++ */
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg __maybe_unused)
++ long err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (cmd) {
++ /*
++ * pseudo-link maintenance mode,
++ * cleared by aufs_release_dir()
++ */
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_ftest_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 1;
++ } else
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ break;
++ aufs_write_lock(sb->s_root);
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(sb->s_root);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (add entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * final procedure of adding a new entry, except link(2).
++ * remove whiteout, instantiate, copyup the parent dir's times and size
++ * and update version.
++ * if it failed, re-create the removed whiteout.
++ */
++static int epilog(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *wh;
++ bwh = -1;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex) != h_dir);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/1);
++ if (!IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
++ dir = dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (!wh_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ /* revert */
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ wh = au_wh_create(dentry, bwh, wh_dentry->d_parent);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(wh);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh)) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ } else
++ dput(wh);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the adding inode operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initial procedure of adding a new entry.
++ * prepare writable branch and the parent dir, lock it,
++ * and lookup whiteout for the new entry.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_lkup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_dtime *dt,
++ struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_pin *pin,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *wr_dir_args)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, src_dentry, wr_dir_args);
++ bcpup = err;
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_parent = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_add(dentry, bcpup, h_parent,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(wr_dir_args->flags, ISDIR));
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bcpup);
++ if (dt) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = h_parent,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &tmp);
++ }
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (bcpup != au_dbwh(dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ out_unpin:
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum { Mknod, Symlink, Creat };
++struct simple_arg {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ } c;
++ struct {
++ const char *symname;
++ } s;
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ dev_t dev;
++ } m;
++ } u;
++static int add_simple(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct simple_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char created;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ switch (arg->type) {
++ case Creat:
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.c.mode);
++ break;
++ case Symlink:
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.s.symname);
++ break;
++ case Mknod:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.m.mode, arg->;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ created = !err;
++ if (!err)
++ err = epilog(dir, bstart, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ /* revert */
++ if (unlikely(created && err && h_path.dentry->d_inode)) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s revert failure(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Mknod,
++ .u.m = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .dev = dev
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Symlink,
++ .u.s.symname = symname
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Creat,
++ .u.c = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .nd = nd
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_link_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *src_parent, *parent;
++static int au_cpup_before_link(struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ h_mtx = &h_src_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, src_dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(src_dentry->d_sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(src_dentry, a->bdst, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME /* | AuCpup_KEEPLINO */);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out:
++ di_read_unlock(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_or_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char plink;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ plink = 0;
++ h_inode = NULL;
++ sb = src_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibstart(inode) <= a->bdst)
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, a->bdst);
++ if (!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink) {
++ /* copyup src_dentry as the name of dentry. */
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, dget(a->h_path.dentry));
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc)->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(src_dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, -1,
++ AuCpup_KEEPLINO, a->parent);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ } else {
++ /* the inode of src_dentry already exists on a.bdst branch */
++ h_src_dentry = d_find_alias(h_inode);
++ if (!h_src_dentry && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ plink = 1;
++ h_src_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, a->bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ h_src_dentry = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (h_src_dentry) {
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ } else {
++ AuIOErr("no dentry found for hi%lu on b%d\n",
++ h_inode->i_ino, a->bdst);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err && !plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, a->bdst, a->h_path.dentry);
++ return err;
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_link_args *a;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_src_dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(dentry, src_dentry, /*AuLock_FLUSH*/0);
++ a->src_parent = dget_parent(src_dentry);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, src_dentry, &a->pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ a->bdst = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->bdst);
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->bdst);
++ a->bsrc = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)) {
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */)
++ err = au_cpup_or_link(src_dentry, a);
++ else {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * copyup src_dentry to the branch we process,
++ * and then link(2) to it.
++ */
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */) {
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ err = au_cpup_before_link(src_dentry, a);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (h_src_dentry && h_src_dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry,
++ au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_revert;
++ }
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ inc_nlink(inode);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (!d_unhashed(a->h_path.dentry))
++ d_instantiate(dentry, au_igrab(inode));
++ else
++ /* some filesystem calls d_drop() */
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ out_revert:
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (!rerr)
++ goto out_dt;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_dt:
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ dput(a->src_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(dentry, src_dentry);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char diropq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent, *opq_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ } *a; /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY | AuWrDir_ISDIR
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &a->dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL,
++ &a->pin, &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_free;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path, mode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* make the dir opaque */
++ diropq = 0;
++ h_mtx = &h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (wh_dentry
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out_dir;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ diropq = 1;
++ }
++ err = epilog(dir, bindex, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ inc_nlink(dir);
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (diropq) {
++ AuLabel(revert opq);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting diropq failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ AuLabel(revert dir);
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting dir failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&a->dt);
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (except add/del/rename)
++ */
++#include <linux/device_cgroup.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static int h_permission(struct inode *h_inode, int mask,
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt, int brperm)
++ int err;
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if ((write_mask && IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode))
++ || ((mask & MAY_EXEC)
++ && S_ISREG(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && ((h_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC)
++ || !(h_inode->i_mode & S_IXUGO))))
++ goto out;
++ /*
++ * - skip the lower fs test in the case of write to ro branch.
++ * - nfs dir permission write check is optimized, but a policy for
++ * link/rename requires a real check.
++ */
++ if ((write_mask && !au_br_writable(brperm))
++ || (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb) && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && write_mask && !(mask & MAY_READ))
++ || !h_inode->i_op->permission) {
++ /* AuLabel(generic_permission); */
++ err = generic_permission(h_inode, mask, NULL);
++ } else {
++ /* AuLabel(h_inode->permission); */
++ err = h_inode->i_op->permission(h_inode, mask);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = devcgroup_inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_inode_permission
++ (h_inode, mask & (MAY_READ | MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC
++ | MAY_APPEND));
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ const unsigned char isdir = !!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ if (!isdir || write_mask) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode
++ || ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)
++ != (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)));
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt, br->br_perm);
++ if (write_mask && !err) {
++ /* test whether the upper writable branch exists */
++ err = -EROFS;
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* non-write to dir */
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode));
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt,
++ br->br_perm);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ ii_read_unlock(inode);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *aufs_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *ret, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err, npositive;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ /* temporary workaround for a bug in NFSD readdir */
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ else
++ WARN_ONCE(!mutex_is_locked(&dir->i_mutex),
++ "a known problem of NFSD readdir since 2.6.28\n");
++ sb = dir->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(dentry);
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, au_dbstart(parent), /*type*/0, nd);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = npositive;
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ inode = NULL;
++ if (npositive) {
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ if (!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ /*
++ * stop 'race'-ing between hardlinks under different
++ * parents.
++ */
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bstart)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ } else
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ ret = (void *)inode;
++ }
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ ret = d_splice_alias(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(IS_ERR(ret) && inode))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return ret;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_wr_dir_cpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *parent,
++ const unsigned char add_entry, aufs_bindex_t bcpup,
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ if (add_entry) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ } else
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ err = au_cpdown_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ else
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ }
++ if (!err && add_entry) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bcpup);
++ /* todo: no unlock here */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ if (bstart < bcpup && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, 0);
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ }
++ }
++ if (!add_entry)
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = bcpup; /* success */
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch and the parent dir where we will create a new entry.
++ * returns new bindex or an error.
++ * copyup the parent dir if needed.
++ */
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup, bstart, src_bstart;
++ const unsigned char add_entry = !!au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags,
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bcpup = bstart;
++ if (args->force_btgt < 0) {
++ if (src_dentry) {
++ src_bstart = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (src_bstart < bstart)
++ bcpup = src_bstart;
++ } else if (add_entry) {
++ err = AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, dentry,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags, ISDIR));
++ bcpup = err;
++ }
++ if (bcpup < 0 || au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ if (add_entry)
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ else {
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } else
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ }
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ bcpup = args->force_btgt;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ }
++ AuDbg("bstart %d, bcpup %d\n", bstart, bcpup);
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/1);
++ err = bcpup;
++ if (bcpup == bstart)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* copyup the new parent into the branch we process */
++ err = au_wr_dir_cpup(dentry, parent, add_entry, bcpup, bstart);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->parent)
++ return au_h_dptr(pin->parent, pin->bindex);
++ return NULL;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *p)
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (!p->hdir)
++ return;
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(p->hdir);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ iput(p->hdir->hi_inode);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *p)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = p->dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, p->bindex);
++ if (IS_ROOT(p->dentry)) {
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (p->bindex <= au_dbend(p->dentry))
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(p->dentry, p->bindex);
++ p->parent = dget_parent(p->dentry);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_lock(p->parent, AuLock_IR, p->lsc_di);
++ h_dir = NULL;
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(p->parent, p->bindex);
++ p->hdir = au_hi(p->parent->d_inode, p->bindex);
++ if (p->hdir)
++ h_dir = p->hdir->hi_inode;
++ /* udba case */
++ if (unlikely(!p->hdir || !h_dir)) {
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ au_igrab(h_dir);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(p->hdir, p->lsc_hi);
++ if (unlikely(p->hdir->hi_inode != h_parent->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ err = au_h_verify(h_dentry, p->udba, h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(p);
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("err %d\n", err);
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *p, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ p->dentry = dentry;
++ p->udba = udba;
++ p->lsc_di = lsc_di;
++ p->lsc_hi = lsc_hi;
++ p->flags = flags;
++ p->bindex = bindex;
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ au_pin_init(pin, dentry, bindex, AuLsc_DI_PARENT, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ udba, flags);
++ return au_do_pin(pin);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuIcpup_DID_CPUP 1
++#define au_ftest_icpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuIcpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuIcpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuIcpup_##name; }
++struct au_icpup_args {
++ unsigned char flags;
++ unsigned char pin_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++static int au_lock_and_icpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia,
++ struct au_icpup_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ loff_t sz;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct dentry *hi_wh, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ /* plink or hi_wh() case */
++ if (bstart != au_ibstart(inode))
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &wr_dir_args);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dentry;
++ a->btgt = err;
++ if (err != bstart)
++ au_fset_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP);
++ err = 0;
++ a->pin_flags = AuPin_MNT_WRITE;
++ parent = NULL;
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ au_fset_pin(a->pin_flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ }
++ udba = au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) || (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE))
++ udba = AuOpt_UDBA_NONE;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->btgt, udba, a->pin_flags);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (parent) {
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ goto out_dentry;
++ }
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ sz = -1;
++ if ((ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) && ia->ia_size < i_size_read(a->h_inode))
++ sz = ia->ia_size;
++ hi_wh = NULL;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP) && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ if (!hi_wh) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, a->btgt, sz, /*file*/NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ /* todo: revalidate hi_wh? */
++ }
++ }
++ if (parent) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(&a->pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ if (!au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, a->btgt, sz, AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ } else if (!hi_wh)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ else
++ a->h_path.dentry = hi_wh; /* do not dget here */
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!err) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_dentry:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_icpup_args *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ file = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE) {
++ /* currently ftruncate(2) only */
++ file = ia->ia_file;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ }
++ if (ia->ia_valid & (ATTR_KILL_SUID | ATTR_KILL_SGID))
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_MODE;
++ err = au_lock_and_icpup(dentry, ia, a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_si;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP)) {
++ ia->ia_file = NULL;
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->btgt);
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) {
++ struct file *f;
++ if (ia->ia_size < i_size_read(inode)) {
++ /* unmap only */
++ err = vmtruncate(inode, ia->ia_size);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ f = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE)
++ f = ia->ia_file;
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = vfsub_trunc(&a->h_path, ia->ia_size, ia->ia_valid, f);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ } else
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&a->h_path, ia);
++ if (!err)
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out_si:
++ if (file) {
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = file;
++ ia->ia_valid |= ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_getattr_lock_reval(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen || au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void au_refresh_iattr(struct inode *inode, struct kstat *st,
++ unsigned int nlink)
++ inode->i_mode = st->mode;
++ inode->i_uid = st->uid;
++ inode->i_gid = st->gid;
++ inode->i_atime = st->atime;
++ inode->i_mtime = st->mtime;
++ inode->i_ctime = st->ctime;
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, /*force*/0);
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)) {
++ inode->i_nlink -= nlink;
++ inode->i_nlink += st->nlink;
++ }
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ inode->i_blocks = st->blocks;
++ i_size_write(inode, st->size);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++static int aufs_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt __maybe_unused,
++ struct dentry *dentry, struct kstat *st)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char udba_none, positive;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ udba_none = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE);
++ /* support fstat(2) */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry) && !udba_none) {
++ unsigned int sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ AuDebugOn(!IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_getattr_lock_reval(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!au_test_fs_bad_iattr(h_sb) && udba_none)
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) == bindex)
++ h_dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex));
++ else if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK) && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ h_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, bindex);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ }
++ /* illegally overlapped or something */
++ if (unlikely(!h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ positive = !!h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (positive)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_mnt, h_dentry, st);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (positive)
++ au_refresh_iattr(inode, st, h_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink);
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ }
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_fill:
++ generic_fillattr(inode, st);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, int bindex, char __user *buf,
++ int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(/* !h_dentry
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op
++ || */ !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = security_inode_readlink(h_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ vfsub_touch_atime(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex), h_dentry);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ }
++ err = h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_dentry, buf, bufsiz);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, char __user *buf, int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), buf, bufsiz);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void *aufs_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int err;
++ char *buf;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ buf = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), (char __user *)buf,
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ buf[err] = 0;
++ /* will be freed by put_link */
++ nd_set_link(nd, buf);
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ }
++ __putname(buf);
++ out:
++ path_put(&nd->path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return ERR_PTR(err);
++static void aufs_put_link(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused,
++ struct nameidata *nd, void *cookie __maybe_unused)
++ __putname(nd_get_link(nd));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_truncate_range(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t start __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t end __maybe_unused)
++ AuUnsupport();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct inode_operations aufs_symlink_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .readlink = aufs_readlink,
++ .follow_link = aufs_follow_link,
++ .put_link = aufs_put_link
++struct inode_operations aufs_dir_iop = {
++ .create = aufs_create,
++ .lookup = aufs_lookup,
++ .link = aufs_link,
++ .unlink = aufs_unlink,
++ .symlink = aufs_symlink,
++ .mkdir = aufs_mkdir,
++ .rmdir = aufs_rmdir,
++ .mknod = aufs_mknod,
++ .rename = aufs_rename,
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr
++struct inode_operations aufs_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .truncate_range = aufs_truncate_range
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (del entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * decide if a new whiteout for @dentry is necessary or not.
++ * when it is necessary, prepare the parent dir for the upper branch whose
++ * branch index is @bcpup for creation. the actual creation of the whiteout will
++ * be done by caller.
++ * return value:
++ * 0: wh is unnecessary
++ * plus: wh is necessary
++ * minus: error
++ */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup)
++ int need_wh, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (*bcpup < 0) {
++ *bcpup = bstart;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ *bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ AuDebugOn(bstart < *bcpup
++ || au_test_ro(sb, *bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ AuDbg("bcpup %d, bstart %d\n", *bcpup, bstart);
++ if (*bcpup != bstart) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, *bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ need_wh = 1;
++ } else {
++ aufs_bindex_t old_bend, new_bend, bdiropq = -1;
++ old_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (isdir) {
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ need_wh = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart + 1, /*type*/0,
++ /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = need_wh;
++ if (isdir)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bdiropq);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ new_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (!need_wh && old_bend != new_bend) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, new_bend, NULL);
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, old_bend);
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("need_wh %d\n", need_wh);
++ err = need_wh;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the del-entry operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_latest;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /*
++ * rmdir a dir may break the consistency on some filesystem.
++ * let's try heavy test.
++ */
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_h_perm(h_parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ h_latest = au_sio_lkup_one(&dentry->d_name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (IS_ERR(h_latest))
++ goto out;
++ if (h_latest == h_dentry)
++ err = 0;
++ dput(h_latest);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch where we operate for @dentry. the branch index will be set
++ * @rbcpup. after diciding it, 'pin' it and store the timestamps of the parent
++ * dir for reverting.
++ * when a new whiteout is necessary, create it.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_create_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *rbcpup,
++ struct au_dtime *dt, struct au_pin *pin)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct path h_path;
++ int err, need_wh;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ need_wh = au_wr_dir_need_wh(dentry, isdir, rbcpup);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(need_wh);
++ if (unlikely(need_wh < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ bcpup = *rbcpup;
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_del(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry, isdir);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bcpup);
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &h_path);
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (!need_wh)
++ goto out; /* success, no need to create whiteout */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_create(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry);
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* returns with the parent is locked and wh_dentry is dget-ed */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * when removing a dir, rename it to a unique temporary whiteout-ed name first
++ * in order to be revertible and save time for removing many child whiteouts
++ * under the dir.
++ * returns 1 when there are too many child whiteout and caller should remove
++ * them asynchronously. returns 0 when the number of children is enough small to
++ * remove now or the branch fs is a remote fs.
++ * otherwise return an error.
++ */
++static int renwh_and_rmdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct inode *dir)
++ int rmdir_later, err, dirwh;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(h_dentry, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(dentry->d_inode, bindex));
++ if (!au_test_fs_remote(h_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ dirwh = au_sbi(sb)->si_dirwh;
++ rmdir_later = (dirwh <= 1);
++ if (!rmdir_later)
++ rmdir_later = au_nhash_test_longer_wh(whlist, bindex,
++ dirwh);
++ if (rmdir_later)
++ return rmdir_later;
++ }
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, bindex, h_dentry, whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("rmdir %.*s, b%d failed, %d. ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_dentry), bindex, err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * final procedure for deleting a entry.
++ * maintain dentry and iattr.
++ */
++static void epilog(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) == 1) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), NULL);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ * when an error happened, remove the created whiteout and revert everything.
++ */
++static int do_revert(int err, struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bwh,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct au_dtime *dt)
++ int rerr;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bwh)
++ };
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bwh), &h_path, dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bwh);
++ au_dtime_revert(dt);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ return -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/0, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ } else {
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ drop_nlink(inode);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ inode->i_ctime = h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ } else
++ /* todo: this timestamp may be reverted later */
++ inode->i_ctime = h_dir->i_ctime;
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rmdir_later;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ goto out;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ args = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(dir->i_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &args->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_args;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/1, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_args;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_dentry);
++ rmdir_later = 0;
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ err = renwh_and_rmdir(dentry, bstart, &args->whlist, dir);
++ if (err > 0) {
++ rmdir_later = err;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(inode, bstart));
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_nlink(inode);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ if (rmdir_later) {
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, bstart, h_dentry, args);
++ args = NULL;
++ }
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ AuLabel(revert);
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ out_args:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (args)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operation (rename entry)
++ * todo: this is crazy monster
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++enum { AuSRC, AuDST, AuSrcDst };
++enum { AuPARENT, AuCHILD, AuParentChild };
++#define AuRen_ISDIR 1
++#define AuRen_ISSAMEDIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuRen_WHSRC (1 << 2)
++#define AuRen_WHDST (1 << 3)
++#define AuRen_MNT_WRITE (1 << 4)
++#define AuRen_DT_DSTDIR (1 << 5)
++#define AuRen_DIROPQ (1 << 6)
++#define AuRen_CPUP (1 << 7)
++#define au_ftest_ren(flags, name) ((flags) & AuRen_##name)
++#define au_fset_ren(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuRen_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_ren(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuRen_##name; }
++struct au_ren_args {
++ struct {
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry, *parent, *h_parent,
++ *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *inode;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct au_dtime dt[AuParentChild];
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ } sd[AuSrcDst];
++#define src_dentry sd[AuSRC].dentry
++#define src_dir sd[AuSRC].dir
++#define src_inode sd[AuSRC].inode
++#define src_h_dentry sd[AuSRC].h_dentry
++#define src_parent sd[AuSRC].parent
++#define src_h_parent sd[AuSRC].h_parent
++#define src_wh_dentry sd[AuSRC].wh_dentry
++#define src_hdir sd[AuSRC].hdir
++#define src_h_dir sd[AuSRC].hdir->hi_inode
++#define src_dt sd[AuSRC].dt
++#define src_bstart sd[AuSRC].bstart
++#define dst_dentry sd[AuDST].dentry
++#define dst_dir sd[AuDST].dir
++#define dst_inode sd[AuDST].inode
++#define dst_h_dentry sd[AuDST].h_dentry
++#define dst_parent sd[AuDST].parent
++#define dst_h_parent sd[AuDST].h_parent
++#define dst_wh_dentry sd[AuDST].wh_dentry
++#define dst_hdir sd[AuDST].hdir
++#define dst_h_dir sd[AuDST].hdir->hi_inode
++#define dst_dt sd[AuDST].dt
++#define dst_bstart sd[AuDST].bstart
++ struct dentry *h_trap;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *src_hinode;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *thargs;
++ struct dentry *h_dst;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for reverting.
++ * when an error happened in a single rename systemcall, we should revert
++ * everything as if nothing happend.
++ * we don't need to revert the copied-up/down the parent dir since they are
++ * harmless.
++ */
++#define RevertFailure(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuIOErr("revert failure: " fmt " (%d, %d)\n", \
++ ##args, err, rerr); \
++ err = -EIO; \
++} while (0)
++static void au_ren_rev_diropq(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("remove diropq %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_rename(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->src_dentry->d_name, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("au_lkup_one %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir,
++ au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt),
++ a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ /* au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL); */
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_cpup(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(a->src_dentry, a->src_bstart);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_h_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_whtmp(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->dst_dentry->d_name, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("lookup %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ if (a->h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir, a->h_dst, a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, dget(a->h_dst));
++ } else
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst));
++static void au_ren_rev_whsrc(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_wh_dentry;
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path, a->src_dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_wh_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_drop(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ int i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuSrcDst; i++) {
++ d = a->sd[i].dentry;
++ d_drop(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(d); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ d_drop(h_d);
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ d_drop(a->h_dst);
++#undef RevertFailure
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * when we have to copyup the renaming entry, do it with the rename-target name
++ * in order to minimize the cost (the later actual rename is unnecessary).
++ * otherwise rename it on the target branch.
++ */
++static int au_ren_or_cpup(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ if (au_dbstart(d) == a->btgt) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)
++ && au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt)
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(d) != a->btgt);
++ err = vfsub_rename(a->src_h_dir, au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt),
++ a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ } else {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, CPUP);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, dget(a->dst_h_dentry));
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(d, a->btgt, a->src_bstart, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME, a->dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->src_bstart);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* cf. aufs_rmdir() */
++static int au_ren_del_whtmp(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dir->i_sb);
++ if (!au_nhash_test_longer_wh(&a->whlist, a->btgt,
++ au_sbi(dir->i_sb)->si_dirwh)
++ || au_test_fs_remote(a->h_dst->d_sb)) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, &a->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing whtmp dir %.*s (%d), "
++ "ignored.\n", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst), err);
++ } else {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->thargs->whlist);
++ a->thargs->whlist = a->whlist;
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, a->thargs);
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* make it 'opaque' dir. */
++static int au_ren_diropq(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *diropq;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_hinode = au_hi(a->src_inode, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ diropq = au_diropq_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (IS_ERR(diropq))
++ err = PTR_ERR(diropq);
++ dput(diropq);
++ return err;
++static int do_rename(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ /* prepare workqueue args for asynchronous rmdir */
++ h_d = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && h_d->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a->thargs = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(a->src_dentry->d_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a->thargs))
++ goto out;
++ a->h_dst = dget(h_d);
++ }
++ /* create whiteout for src_dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHSRC)) {
++ a->src_wh_dentry
++ = au_wh_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent);
++ err = PTR_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry))
++ goto out_thargs;
++ }
++ /* lookup whiteout for dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHDST)) {
++ h_d = au_wh_lkup(a->dst_h_parent, &a->dst_dentry->d_name,
++ a->br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out_whsrc;
++ if (!h_d->d_inode)
++ dput(h_d);
++ else
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = h_d;
++ }
++ /* rename dentry to tmpwh */
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(a->dst_h_dentry, a->br);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whdst;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ /* cpup src */
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode && a->src_bstart != a->btgt) {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ }
++ /* rename by vfs_rename or cpup */
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)
++ && (a->dst_wh_dentry
++ || au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt
++ /* hide the lower to keep xino */
++ || a->btgt < au_dbend(d)
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(d->d_sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)))
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ err = au_ren_or_cpup(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* leave the copied-up one */
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ /* make dir opaque */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ err = au_ren_diropq(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_rename;
++ }
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) != a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&a->h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ a->src_inode->i_ctime = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ /* remove whiteout for dentry */
++ if (a->dst_wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path,
++ a->dst_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_diropq;
++ }
++ /* remove whtmp */
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_del_whtmp(a); /* ignore this error */
++ err = 0;
++ goto out_success;
++ out_diropq:
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ))
++ au_ren_rev_diropq(err, a);
++ out_rename:
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, CPUP))
++ au_ren_rev_rename(err, a);
++ else
++ au_ren_rev_cpup(err, a);
++ out_whtmp:
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_rev_whtmp(err, a);
++ out_whdst:
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = NULL;
++ out_whsrc:
++ if (a->src_wh_dentry)
++ au_ren_rev_whsrc(err, a);
++ au_ren_rev_drop(a);
++ out_success:
++ dput(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ out_thargs:
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename destination or not.
++ * success means, it is a logically empty dir.
++ */
++static int may_rename_dstdir(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ return au_test_empty(dentry, whlist);
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename source or not.
++ * if it can, return 0 and @children is filled.
++ * success means,
++ * - it is a logically empty dir.
++ * - or, it exists on writable branch and has no children including whiteouts
++ * on the lower branch.
++ */
++static int may_rename_srcdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (bstart != btgt) {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &whlist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whlist);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bstart == au_dbtaildir(dentry))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = au_test_empty_lower(dentry);
++ out:
++ if (err == -ENOTEMPTY) {
++ AuWarn1("renaming dir who has child(ren) on multiple branches,"
++ " is not supported\n");
++ err = -EXDEV;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* side effect: sets whlist and h_dentry */
++static int au_ren_may_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ SiMustAnyLock(d->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&a->whlist, au_sbi(d->d_sb)->si_rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && a->dst_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->dst_bstart);
++ err = may_rename_dstdir(d, &a->whlist);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ a->src_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ err = may_rename_srcdir(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * simple tests for rename.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++static int au_may_ren(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err, isdir;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (a->src_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ err = au_may_del(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(a->src_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (a->dst_bstart != a->btgt)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_inode = a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (!a->dst_dentry->d_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_add(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ } else {
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_del(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err == -ENOENT || err == -EEXIST))
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * locking order
++ * (VFS)
++ * - src_dir and dir by lock_rename()
++ * - inode if exitsts
++ * (aufs)
++ * - lock all
++ * + src_dentry and dentry by aufs_read_and_write_lock2() which calls,
++ * + si_read_lock
++ * + di_write_lock2_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child2()
++ * + src_parent and parent
++ * + di_write_lock_parent()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent()
++ * + di_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + lower src_dir and dir by vfsub_lock_rename()
++ * + verify the every relationships between child and parent. if any
++ * of them failed, unlock all and return -EBUSY.
++ */
++static void au_ren_unlock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = a->dst_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ vfsub_unlock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++static int au_ren_lock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->src_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->src_hdir = au_hi(a->src_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->dst_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_hdir = au_hi(a->dst_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->h_trap = vfsub_lock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++ udba = au_opt_udba(a->src_dentry->d_sb);
++ if (unlikely(a->src_hdir->hi_inode != a->src_h_parent->d_inode
++ || a->dst_hdir->hi_inode != a->dst_h_parent->d_inode))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->src_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->src_h_parent->d_inode, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->dst_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->dst_h_parent->d_inode, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out_unlock:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_ren_refresh_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ /* is this updating defined in POSIX? */
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->src_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ clear_nlink(a->dst_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ return;
++ dir = a->src_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++static void au_ren_refresh(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ struct inode *i, *h_i;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ au_set_dbwh(d, -1);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ au_set_dbend(d, a->btgt);
++ sb = d->d_sb;
++ i = a->src_inode;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK) && au_plink_test(i))
++ return; /* success */
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(i, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ au_set_h_iptr(i, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ au_set_ibend(i, a->btgt);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mainly for link(2) and rename(2) */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ aufs_bindex_t bdiropq, bwh;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode); /* dir is locked */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, btgt);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br)
++ || (0 <= bdiropq && bdiropq < btgt)
++ || (0 <= bwh && bwh < btgt))
++ btgt = -1;
++ AuDbg("btgt %d\n", btgt);
++ return btgt;
++/* sets src_bstart, dst_bstart and btgt */
++static int au_ren_wbr(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ a->src_bstart = au_dbstart(a->src_dentry);
++ a->dst_bstart = au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->src_bstart;
++ if (a->dst_inode && a->dst_bstart < a->src_bstart)
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->dst_bstart;
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(a->dst_dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ err = au_wr_dir(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry, &wr_dir_args);
++ a->btgt = err;
++ return err;
++static void au_ren_dt(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuPARENT, a->src_parent, &a->h_path);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR)) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT, a->dst_parent, &a->h_path);
++ }
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ return;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuCHILD, a->src_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD, a->dst_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ }
++static void au_ren_rev_dt(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && err != -EIO) {
++ h_d = a->src_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR)) {
++ h_d = a->dst_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *_src_dir, struct dentry *_src_dentry,
++ struct inode *_dst_dir, struct dentry *_dst_dentry)
++ int err;
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ struct au_ren_args *a;
++ IMustLock(_src_dir);
++ IMustLock(_dst_dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*a) > PAGE_SIZE);
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->src_dir = _src_dir;
++ a->src_dentry = _src_dentry;
++ a->src_inode = a->src_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->src_parent = a->src_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ a->dst_dir = _dst_dir;
++ a->dst_dentry = _dst_dentry;
++ a->dst_inode = a->dst_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->dst_parent = a->dst_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ IMustLock(a->dst_inode);
++ au_igrab(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ if (S_ISDIR(a->src_inode->i_mode)) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_inode && !S_ISDIR(a->dst_inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out_free;
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_DIR | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ } else
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_FLUSH);
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR); /* temporary */
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->dst_parent);
++ /* which branch we process */
++ err = au_ren_wbr(a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ a->br = au_sbr(a->dst_dentry->d_sb, a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ /* are they available to be renamed */
++ err = au_ren_may_dir(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* prepare the writable parent dir on the same branch */
++ if (a->dst_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHDST);
++ } else {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ }
++ if (a->src_dir != a->dst_dir) {
++ /*
++ * this temporary unlock is safe,
++ * because both dir->i_mutex are locked.
++ */
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->src_parent);
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ di_write_unlock(a->src_parent);
++ di_write_lock2_parent(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent, /*isdir*/1);
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR);
++ } else
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (err)
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHSRC);
++ /* lock them all */
++ err = au_ren_lock(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(a->dst_dir->i_sb), UDBA_NONE)) {
++ err = au_may_ren(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hdir;
++ }
++ /* store timestamps to be revertible */
++ au_ren_dt(a);
++ /* here we go */
++ err = do_rename(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dt;
++ /* update dir attributes */
++ au_ren_refresh_dir(a);
++ /* dput/iput all lower dentries */
++ au_ren_refresh(a);
++ goto out_hdir; /* success */
++ out_dt:
++ au_ren_rev_dt(err, a);
++ out_hdir:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out_children:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err && au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))) {
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ d_drop(a->dst_dentry);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ d_move(a->src_dentry, a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock2(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ iput(a->dst_inode);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Kconfig linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Kconfig 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Kconfig 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
++config AUFS_FS
++ tristate "Aufs (Advanced multi layered unification filesystem) support"
++ depends on EXPERIMENTAL
++ help
++ Aufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs,
++ which unifies several directories and provides a merged single
++ directory.
++ In the early days, aufs was entirely re-designed and
++ re-implemented Unionfs Version 1.x series. Introducing many
++ original ideas, approaches and improvements, it becomes totally
++ different from Unionfs while keeping the basic features.
++if AUFS_FS
++ prompt "Maximum number of branches"
++ default AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ bool "127"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_511
++ bool "511"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023
++ bool "1023"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767
++ bool "32767"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++ bool "Use inotify to detect actions on a branch"
++ depends on INOTIFY
++ help
++ If you want to modify files on branches directly, eg. bypassing aufs,
++ and want aufs to detect the changes of them fully, then enable this
++ option and use 'udba=inotify' mount option.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_EXPORT
++ bool "NFS-exportable aufs"
++ depends on (AUFS_FS = y && EXPORTFS = y) || (AUFS_FS = m && EXPORTFS)
++ help
++ If you want to export your mounted aufs via NFS, then enable this
++ option. There are several requirements for this configuration.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_SHWH
++ bool "Show whiteouts"
++ help
++ If you want to make the whiteouts in aufs visible, then enable
++ this option and specify 'shwh' mount option. Although it may
++ sounds like philosophy or something, but in technically it
++ simply shows the name of whiteout with keeping its behaviour.
++config AUFS_BR_RAMFS
++ bool "Ramfs (initramfs/rootfs) as an aufs branch"
++ help
++ If you want to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs, then enable this
++ option. Generally tmpfs is recommended.
++ Aufs prohibited them to be a branch fs by default, because
++ initramfs becomes unusable after switch_root or something
++ generally. If you sets initramfs as an aufs branch and boot your
++ system by switch_root, you will meet a problem easily since the
++ files in initramfs may be inaccessible.
++ Unless you are going to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs without
++ switch_root or something, leave it N.
++config AUFS_BR_FUSE
++ bool "Fuse fs as an aufs branch"
++ depends on FUSE_FS
++ select AUFS_POLL
++ help
++ If you want to use fuse-based userspace filesystem as an aufs
++ branch fs, then enable this option.
++ It implements the internal poll(2) operation which is
++ implemented by fuse only (curretnly).
++config AUFS_DEBUG
++ bool "Debug aufs"
++ help
++ Enable this to compile aufs internal debug code.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_DEBUG && MAGIC_SYSRQ
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ When aufs supports Magic SysRq, enabled automatically.
++ bool
++ depends on BLK_DEV_LOOP
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ Convert =[ym] into =y.
++config AUFS_INO_T_64
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_EXPORT
++ depends on 64BIT && !(ALPHA || S390)
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ /* typedef unsigned long/int __kernel_ino_t */
++ /* alpha and s390x are int */
++config AUFS_POLL
++ bool
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback block device as a branch
++ */
++#include <linux/loop.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * test if two lower dentries have overlapping branches.
++ */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct loop_device *l;
++ h_inode = h_d1->d_inode;
++ if (MAJOR(h_inode->i_sb->s_dev) != LOOP_MAJOR)
++ return 0;
++ l = h_inode->i_sb->s_bdev->bd_disk->private_data;
++ h_d1 = l->lo_backing_file->f_dentry;
++ /* h_d1 can be local NFS. in this case aufs cannot detect the loop */
++ if (unlikely(h_d1->d_sb == sb))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2);
++/* true if a kernel thread named 'loop[0-9].*' accesses a file */
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ const char c = current->comm[4];
++ return current->mm == NULL
++ && '0' <= c && c <= '9'
++ && strncmp(current->comm, "loop", 4) == 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback mount as a branch
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#define __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++struct dentry;
++struct super_block;
++/* loop.c */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2);
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void);
++static inline
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* BLK_DEV_LOOP */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_LOOP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/fuse/inode.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DFUSE_SUPER_MAGIC=0x65735546
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/ocfs2_fs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DOCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC=0x7461636f
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/dlm/userdlm.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DDLMFS_MAGIC=0x76a9f425
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ramfs/inode.c
++# always true
++ccflags-y += -DRAMFS_MAGIC=0x858458f6
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/cifs/cifsfs.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER=0xFF534D42
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DXFS_SB_MAGIC=0x58465342
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/configfs/mount.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCONFIGFS_MAGIC=0x62656570
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/9p/v9fs.h
++# tristate
++ifdef CONFIG_9P_FS
++ccflags-y += -DV9FS_MAGIC=0x01021997
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DUBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC=0x24051905
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Makefile linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Makefile 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Makefile 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
++include ${src}/
++-include ${src}/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs.o
++aufs-y := module.o sbinfo.o super.o branch.o xino.o sysaufs.o opts.o \
++ wkq.o vfsub.o dcsub.o \
++ cpup.o whout.o plink.o wbr_policy.o \
++ dinfo.o dentry.o \
++ finfo.o file.o f_op.o \
++ dir.o vdir.o \
++ iinfo.o inode.o i_op.o i_op_add.o i_op_del.o i_op_ren.o \
++ ioctl.o
++# all are boolean
++aufs-$(CONFIG_SYSFS) += sysfs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) += dbgaufs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_BDEV_LOOP) += loop.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_HINOTIFY) += hinotify.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT) += export.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_POLL) += poll.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG) += debug.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_MAGIC_SYSRQ) += sysrq.o
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module global variables and operations
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp)
++ if (new_sz <= nused)
++ return p;
++ p = krealloc(p, new_sz, gfp);
++ if (p)
++ memset(p + nused, 0, new_sz - nused);
++ return p;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * aufs caches
++ */
++struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[AuCache_Last];
++static int __init au_cache_init(void)
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO] = AuCache(au_dinfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR] = AuCache(au_icntnr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO] = AuCache(au_finfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR] = AuCache(au_vdir);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR] = AuCache(au_vdir_dehstr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR])
++ return 0;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_cache_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuCache_Last; i++)
++ if (au_cachep[i]) {
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[i]);
++ au_cachep[i] = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dir_roflags;
++ * functions for module interface.
++ */
++/* MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); */
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Junjiro R. Okajima <>");
++ " -- Advanced multi layered unification filesystem");
++/* it should be 'byte', but param_set_byte() prints it by "%c" */
++short aufs_nwkq = AUFS_NWKQ_DEF;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(nwkq, "the number of workqueue thread, " AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++module_param_named(nwkq, aufs_nwkq, short, S_IRUGO);
++/* this module parameter has no meaning when SYSFS is disabled */
++int sysaufs_brs = 1;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(brs, "use <sysfs>/fs/aufs/si_*/brN");
++module_param_named(brs, sysaufs_brs, int, S_IRUGO);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char au_esc_chars[0x20 + 3]; /* 0x01-0x20, backslash, del, and NULL */
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path)
++ return seq_path(seq, path, au_esc_chars);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int __init aufs_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ char *p;
++ p = au_esc_chars;
++ for (i = 1; i <= ' '; i++)
++ *p++ = i;
++ *p++ = '\\';
++ *p++ = '\x7f';
++ *p = 0;
++ au_dir_roflags = au_file_roflags(O_DIRECTORY | O_LARGEFILE);
++ sysaufs_brs_init();
++ au_debug_init();
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(aufs_nwkq <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wkq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysaufs;
++ err = au_hinotify_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wkq;
++ err = au_sysrq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hin;
++ err = au_cache_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysrq;
++ err = register_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_cache;
++ pr_info(AUFS_NAME " " AUFS_VERSION "\n");
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_cache:
++ au_cache_fin();
++ out_sysrq:
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ out_hin:
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ out_wkq:
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ out_sysaufs:
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void __exit aufs_exit(void)
++ unregister_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ au_cache_fin();
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ sysaufs_fin();
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module initialization and module-global
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#define __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++struct path;
++struct seq_file;
++/* module parameters */
++extern short aufs_nwkq;
++extern int sysaufs_brs;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++extern int au_dir_roflags;
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp);
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* kmem cache */
++enum {
++ AuCache_DINFO,
++ AuCache_ICNTNR,
++ AuCache_FINFO,
++ AuCache_VDIR,
++ AuCache_DEHSTR,
++ AuCache_HINOTIFY,
++ AuCache_Last
++#define AuCache(type) KMEM_CACHE(type, SLAB_RECLAIM_ACCOUNT)
++extern struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[];
++#define AuCacheFuncs(name, index) \
++static inline void *au_cache_alloc_##name(void) \
++{ return kmem_cache_alloc(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], GFP_NOFS); } \
++static inline void au_cache_free_##name(void *p) \
++{ kmem_cache_free(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], p); }
++AuCacheFuncs(dinfo, DINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(icntnr, ICNTNR);
++AuCacheFuncs(finfo, FINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(vdir, VDIR);
++AuCacheFuncs(dehstr, DEHSTR);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_MODULE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/types.h> /* a distribution requires */
++#include <linux/parser.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum {
++ Opt_br,
++ Opt_add, Opt_del, Opt_mod, Opt_reorder, Opt_append, Opt_prepend,
++ Opt_idel, Opt_imod, Opt_ireorder,
++ Opt_dirwh, Opt_rdcache, Opt_rdblk, Opt_rdhash, Opt_rendir,
++ Opt_rdblk_def, Opt_rdhash_def,
++ Opt_xino, Opt_zxino, Opt_noxino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino, Opt_trunc_xino_v, Opt_notrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino_path, Opt_itrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xib, Opt_notrunc_xib,
++ Opt_shwh, Opt_noshwh,
++ Opt_plink, Opt_noplink, Opt_list_plink,
++ Opt_udba,
++ /* Opt_lock, Opt_unlock, */
++ Opt_cmd, Opt_cmd_args,
++ Opt_diropq_a, Opt_diropq_w,
++ Opt_warn_perm, Opt_nowarn_perm,
++ Opt_wbr_copyup, Opt_wbr_create,
++ Opt_refrof, Opt_norefrof,
++ Opt_verbose, Opt_noverbose,
++ Opt_sum, Opt_nosum, Opt_wsum,
++ Opt_tail, Opt_ignore, Opt_ignore_silent, Opt_err
++static match_table_t options = {
++ {Opt_br, "br=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "br:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append=%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append:%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend=%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend:%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del=%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_idel, "idel:%d"}, */
++ {Opt_mod, "mod=%s"},
++ {Opt_mod, "mod:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_imod, "imod:%d:%s"}, */
++ {Opt_dirwh, "dirwh=%d"},
++ {Opt_xino, "xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_noxino, "noxino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino, "trunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_v, "trunc_xino_v=%d:%d"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xino, "notrunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_path, "trunc_xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_itrunc_xino, "itrunc_xino=%d"},
++ /* {Opt_zxino, "zxino=%s"}, */
++ {Opt_trunc_xib, "trunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xib, "notrunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_plink, "plink"},
++ {Opt_noplink, "noplink"},
++ {Opt_list_plink, "list_plink"},
++ {Opt_udba, "udba=%s"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=always"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=a"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=whiteouted"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=w"},
++ {Opt_warn_perm, "warn_perm"},
++ {Opt_nowarn_perm, "nowarn_perm"},
++ /* keep them temporary */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "coo=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodlgt"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodirperm1"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "clean_plink"},
++ {Opt_shwh, "shwh"},
++ {Opt_noshwh, "noshwh"},
++ {Opt_rendir, "rendir=%d"},
++ {Opt_refrof, "refrof"},
++ {Opt_norefrof, "norefrof"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "verbose"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "v"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "noverbose"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "quiet"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "q"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "silent"},
++ {Opt_sum, "sum"},
++ {Opt_nosum, "nosum"},
++ {Opt_wsum, "wsum"},
++ {Opt_rdcache, "rdcache=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk, "rdblk=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk_def, "rdblk=def"},
++ {Opt_rdhash, "rdhash=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdhash_def, "rdhash=def"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create_policy=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "cpup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup_policy=%s"},
++ /* internal use for the scripts */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "si=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "dirs=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "debug=%d"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=whiteout"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=all"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "imap=%s"},
++ {Opt_err, NULL}
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const char *au_parser_pattern(int val, struct match_token *token)
++ while (token->pattern) {
++ if (token->token == val)
++ return token->pattern;
++ token++;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ return "??";
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t brperms = {
++ {AuBrPerm_ROWH, "nfsro"},
++ {AuBrPerm_RO, NULL}
++static int br_perm_val(char *perm)
++ int val;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ val = match_token(perm, brperms, args);
++ return val;
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm)
++ return au_parser_pattern(brperm, (void *)brperms);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t udbalevel = {
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL, "reval"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, "none"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY, "inotify"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int udba_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, udbalevel, args);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba)
++ return au_parser_pattern(udba, (void *)udbalevel);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t au_wbr_create_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "rr"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "round-robin"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "mfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "most-free-space"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "mfs:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "most-free-space:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, "mfsrr:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, "mfsrr:%d:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFS, "pmfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, "pmfs:%d"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++ * cf. linux/lib/parser.c and cmdline.c
++ * gave up calling memparse() since it uses simple_strtoull() instead of
++ * strict_...().
++ */
++static int au_match_ull(substring_t *s, unsigned long long *result)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int len;
++ char a[32];
++ err = -ERANGE;
++ len = s->to - s->from;
++ if (len + 1 <= sizeof(a)) {
++ memcpy(a, s->from, len);
++ a[len] = '\0';
++ err = strict_strtoull(a, 0, result);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_wmark(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long ull;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_match_ull(arg, &ull))
++ create->mfsrr_watermark = ull;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_sec(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int n, err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!match_int(arg, &n) && 0 <= n)
++ create->mfs_second = n;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_val(char *str, struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err, e;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ err = match_token(str, au_wbr_create_policy, args);
++ create->wbr_create = err;
++ switch (err) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (!e)
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[1], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ create->mfs_second = AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_create, (void *)au_wbr_create_policy);
++static match_table_t au_wbr_copyup_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bup"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bottom-up-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bu"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bottom-up"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int au_wbr_copyup_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, au_wbr_copyup_policy, args);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_copyup, (void *)au_wbr_copyup_policy);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const int lkup_dirflags = LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY;
++static void dump_opts(struct au_opts *opts)
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_add *add;
++ struct au_opt_del *del;
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod;
++ struct au_opt_xino *xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("add {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ u.del = &opt->del;
++ AuDbg("del {%s, %p}\n",
++ u.del->pathname, u.del->h_path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod = &opt->mod;
++ AuDbg("mod {%s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.mod->path, u.mod->perm, u.mod->h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("append {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("prepend {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ AuDbg("dirwh %d\n", opt->dirwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ AuDbg("rdcache %d\n", opt->rdcache);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ AuDbg("rdblk %u\n", opt->rdblk);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ AuDbg("rdblk_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ AuDbg("rdhash %u\n", opt->rdhash);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ AuDbg("rdhash_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ u.xino = &opt->xino;
++ AuDbg("xino {%s %.*s}\n",
++ u.xino->path,
++ AuDLNPair(u.xino->file->f_dentry));
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ AuDbg("trunc_xino %d\n", u.xino_itrunc->bindex);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ AuLabel(noxino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ AuLabel(shwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ AuLabel(noshwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ AuLabel(plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ AuLabel(noplink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ AuLabel(list_plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ AuDbg("udba %d, %s\n",
++ opt->udba, au_optstr_udba(opt->udba));
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ AuLabel(diropq_a);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ AuLabel(diropq_w);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ AuLabel(warn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ AuLabel(nowarn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ AuLabel(refrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ AuLabel(norefrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ AuLabel(verbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ AuLabel(noverbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ AuLabel(sum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ AuLabel(nosum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ AuLabel(wsum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ AuDbg("create %d, %s\n", u.create->wbr_create,
++ au_optstr_wbr_create(u.create->wbr_create));
++ switch (u.create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ AuDbg("%d sec\n", u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark, %d sec\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark,
++ u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ AuDbg("copyup %d, %s\n", opt->wbr_copyup,
++ au_optstr_wbr_copyup(opt->wbr_copyup));
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts)
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ case Opt_append:
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ path_put(&opt->add.path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ path_put(&opt->del.h_path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ dput(opt->mod.h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ fput(opt->xino.file);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++static int opt_add(struct au_opt *opt, char *opt_str, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opt_add *add = &opt->add;
++ char *p;
++ add->bindex = bindex;
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_Last;
++ add->pathname = opt_str;
++ p = strchr(opt_str, '=');
++ if (p) {
++ *p++ = 0;
++ if (*p)
++ add->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ }
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(add->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &add->path);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!p) {
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RO;
++ if (au_test_fs_rr(add->path.dentry->d_sb))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RR;
++ else if (!bindex && !(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RW;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_add;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", add->pathname, err);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_del(struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ del->pathname = args[0].from;
++ AuDbg("del path %s\n", del->pathname);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(del->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &del->h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", del->pathname, err);
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_idel(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ del->h_path.dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ del->h_path.mnt = mntget(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_mod(struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ char *p;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ mod->path = args[0].from;
++ p = strchr(mod->path, '=');
++ if (unlikely(!p)) {
++ AuErr("no permssion %s\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ *p++ = 0;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(mod->path, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", mod->path, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n", mod->path, mod->perm, p);
++ mod->h_root = dget(path.dentry);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_imod(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(args[1].from);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n",
++ mod->path, mod->perm, args[1].from);
++ mod->h_root = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct file *file;
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, args[0].from, /*silent*/0);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(file->f_dentry->d_sb == sb)) {
++ fput(file);
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ xino->file = file;
++ xino->path = args[0].from;
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(args[0].from, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", args[0].from, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = -1;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(root, bindex) == path.dentry) {
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path_put(&path);
++ if (unlikely(xino_itrunc->bindex < 0)) {
++ AuErr("no such branch %s\n", args[0].from);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* called without aufs lock */
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, n, token;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char skipped;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_opt *opt, *opt_tail;
++ char *opt_str;
++ /* reduce the stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct {
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ } *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = 0;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ opt_tail = opt + opts->max_opt - 1;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&str, ",")) && *opt_str) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ skipped = 0;
++ token = match_token(opt_str, options, a->args);
++ switch (token) {
++ case Opt_br:
++ err = 0;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&a->args[0].from, ":"))
++ && *opt_str) {
++ err = opt_add(opt, opt_str, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex++);
++ if (unlikely(!err && ++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ skipped = 1;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_add:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ bindex = n;
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[1].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*dummy bindex*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*bindex*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ err = au_opts_parse_del(&opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_idel:
++ del->pathname = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_idel(sb, n, &opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ err = au_opts_parse_mod(&opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#ifdef IMOD /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod->path = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_imod(sb, n, &opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino(sb, &opt->xino, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path
++ (sb, &opt->xino_itrunc, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ u.xino_itrunc->bindex = n;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (n < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < n) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", n);
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ break;
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->dirwh)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->rdcache)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n > KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE)) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(n < NAME_MAX)) {
++ AuErr("rdblk must be larger than %d\n",
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdblk = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n * sizeof(struct hlist_head)
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdhash = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ case Opt_plink:
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ case Opt_sum:
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ opt->udba = udba_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->udba >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ u.create->wbr_create
++ = au_wbr_create_val(a->args[0].from, u.create);
++ if (u.create->wbr_create >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ opt->wbr_copyup = au_wbr_copyup_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->wbr_copyup >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_ignore:
++ AuWarn("ignored %s\n", opt_str);
++ case Opt_ignore_silent:
++ skipped = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ case Opt_err:
++ AuErr("unknown option %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!err && !skipped) {
++ if (unlikely(++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ opt--;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(a);
++ dump_opts(opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_opts_free(opts);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_wbr_create(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin) {
++ err = sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ }
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = create->wbr_create;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + create->wbr_create;
++ switch (create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark = create->mfsrr_watermark;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire = create->mfs_second * HZ;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init(sb); /* ignore */
++ return err;
++ * returns,
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ */
++static int au_opt_simple(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_udba:
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= opt->udba;
++ opts->given_udba |= opt->udba;
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_list(sb);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ err = au_opt_wbr_create(sb, &opt->wbr_create);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = opt->wbr_copyup;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + opt->wbr_copyup;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = opt->dirwh;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = opt->rdcache * HZ;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = opt->rdblk;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = opt->rdhash;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, opt->xino_itrunc.bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ au_fclr_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns tri-state.
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int au_opt_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, do_refresh;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_append:
++ opt->add.bindex = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (opt->add.bindex < 0)
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ goto add;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ add:
++ case Opt_add:
++ err = au_br_add(sb, &opt->add,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ if (au_br_whable(opt->add.perm))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ err = au_br_del(sb, &opt->del,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ err = au_br_mod(sb, &opt->mod,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT),
++ &do_refresh);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (do_refresh) {
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opt_xino **opt_xino,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *parent, *h_root;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &opt->xino,
++ !!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ *opt_xino = &opt->xino;
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ /* safe d_parent access */
++ parent = opt->xino.file->f_dentry->d_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ if (h_root == parent) {
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, au_sbr_id(sb, bindex));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ *opt_xino = (void *)-1;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char do_plink, skip, do_free;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!(sbinfo->si_mntflags & AuOptMask_UDBA));
++ if (!(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
++ if (unlikely(!au_br_writable(au_sbr_perm(sb, 0))))
++ AuWarn("first branch should be rw\n");
++ if (unlikely(au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH)))
++ AuWarn("shwh should be used with ro\n");
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test((sbinfo->si_mntflags | pending), UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ && !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ AuWarn("udba=inotify requires xino\n");
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ do_plink = !!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ skip = 0;
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(dir, bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ do_free = 0;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ do_free = !!wbr;
++ skip = (!wbr
++ || (!wbr->wbr_whbase
++ && !wbr->wbr_plink
++ && !wbr->wbr_orph));
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ /* skip = (!br->br_whbase && !br->br_orph); */
++ skip = (!wbr || !wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip && wbr) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ /* skip = (br->br_whbase && br->br_ohph); */
++ skip = (wbr && wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ if (skip)
++ continue;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(au_h_dptr(root, bindex), br, sb);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ if (!err && do_free) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int tmp;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino, xino;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* disable xino and udba temporary */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ tmp = sbinfo->si_mntflags;
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_REVAL);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no branches\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO))
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (!err && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt++, &opt_xino, opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, sb->s_flags, tmp);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* restore xino */
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO) && !opt_xino) {
++ xino.file = au_xino_def(sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(xino.file);
++ if (IS_ERR(xino.file))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &xino, /*remount*/0);
++ fput(xino.file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* restore udba */
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= (tmp & AuOptMask_UDBA);
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, UDBA_HINOTIFY)) {
++ struct inode *dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ au_reset_hinotify(dir,
++ au_hi_flags(dir, /*isdir*/1) & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt, &opt_xino, opts);
++ opt++;
++ }
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* go on even err */
++ rerr = au_opts_verify(sb, opts->sb_flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB)) {
++ rerr = au_xib_trunc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ /* will be handled by the caller */
++ if (!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ && (opts->given_udba || au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ AuDbg("status 0x%x\n", opts->flags);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_mntflags(sb) & AuOptMask_UDBA;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#define __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct file;
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mount flags */
++#define AuOpt_XINO 1 /* external inode number bitmap
++ and translation table */
++#define AuOpt_TRUNC_XINO (1 << 1) /* truncate xino files */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_NONE (1 << 2) /* users direct branch access */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL (1 << 3)
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY (1 << 4)
++#define AuOpt_SHWH (1 << 5) /* show whiteout */
++#define AuOpt_PLINK (1 << 6) /* pseudo-link */
++#define AuOpt_DIRPERM1 (1 << 7) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_REFROF (1 << 8) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_ALWAYS_DIROPQ (1 << 9) /* policy to creating diropq */
++#define AuOpt_SUM (1 << 10) /* summation for statfs(2) */
++#define AuOpt_SUM_W (1 << 11) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_WARN_PERM (1 << 12) /* warn when add-branch */
++#define AuOpt_VERBOSE (1 << 13) /* busy inode when del-branch */
++#undef AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY 0
++#undef AuOpt_SHWH
++#define AuOpt_SHWH 0
++#define AuOpt_Def (AuOpt_XINO \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++ | AuOpt_PLINK \
++ /* | AuOpt_DIRPERM1 */ \
++ | AuOpt_WARN_PERM)
++#define AuOptMask_UDBA (AuOpt_UDBA_NONE \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++#define au_opt_test(flags, name) (flags & AuOpt_##name)
++#define au_opt_set(flags, name) do { \
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(AuOpt_##name & AuOptMask_UDBA); \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_set_udba(flags, name) do { \
++ (flags) &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA; \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_clr(flags, name) { ((flags) &= ~AuOpt_##name); }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++enum {
++ AuWbrCreate_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCreate_RR, /* round robin */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFS, /* most free space */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSV, /* mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, /* mfs then rr */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, /* mfs then rr with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFS, /* parent and mfs */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, /* parent and mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_Def = AuWbrCreate_TDP
++enum {
++ AuWbrCopyup_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BUP, /* bottom up parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BU, /* bottom up */
++ AuWbrCopyup_Def = AuWbrCopyup_TDP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_opt_add {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ char *pathname;
++ int perm;
++ struct path path;
++struct au_opt_del {
++ char *pathname;
++ struct path h_path;
++struct au_opt_mod {
++ char *path;
++ int perm;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++struct au_opt_xino {
++ char *path;
++ struct file *file;
++struct au_opt_xino_itrunc {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++struct au_opt_wbr_create {
++ int wbr_create;
++ int mfs_second;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_opt {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_add add;
++ struct au_opt_del del;
++ struct au_opt_mod mod;
++ int dirwh;
++ int rdcache;
++ unsigned int rdblk;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ int udba;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create wbr_create;
++ int wbr_copyup;
++ };
++/* opts flags */
++#define AuOpts_REMOUNT 1
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_DIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_NONDIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuOpts_TRUNC_XIB (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_opts(flags, name) ((flags) & AuOpts_##name)
++#define au_fset_opts(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuOpts_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_opts(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuOpts_##name; }
++struct au_opts {
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ int max_opt;
++ unsigned int given_udba;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ unsigned long sb_flags;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create);
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending);
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_OPTS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/plink.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/plink.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/plink.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/plink.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * pseudo-link
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * during a user process maintains the pseudo-links,
++ * prohibit adding a new plink and branch manipulation.
++ */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbi = au_sbi(sb);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ /* gave up wake_up_bit() */
++ wait_event(sbi->si_plink_wq, !au_ftest_si(sbi, MAINTAIN_PLINK));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct pseudo_link {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct inode *inode;
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ AuDbg("%lu\n", plink->inode->i_ino);
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++/* is the inode pseudo-linked? */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode)
++ int found;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(inode->i_sb);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(inode->i_sb), PLINK));
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return found;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generate a name for plink.
++ * the file will be stored under AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR.
++ */
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++#define PLINK_NAME_LEN ((20 + 1) * 2)
++static int plink_name(char *name, int len, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int rlen;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ rlen = snprintf(name, len, "%lu.%lu", inode->i_ino, h_inode->i_ino);
++ return rlen;
++/* lookup the plink-ed @inode under the branch at @bindex */
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ br = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex);
++ h_parent = br->br_wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&tgtname, h_parent, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return h_dentry;
++/* create a pseudo-link */
++static int do_whplink(struct qstr *tgt, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ again:
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(tgt, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /* wh.plink dir is not monitored */
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && h_path.dentry->d_inode != h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ goto again;
++ }
++ if (!err && !h_path.dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_whplink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct qstr *tgt;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_do_whplink(void *args)
++ struct do_whplink_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_whplink(a->tgt, a->h_parent, a->h_dentry, a->br);
++static int whplink(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ wbr = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex)->br_wbr;
++ h_parent = wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ struct do_whplink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .tgt = &tgtname,
++ .h_parent = h_parent,
++ .h_dentry = h_dentry,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_whplink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_whplink(&tgtname, h_parent, h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* free a single plink */
++static void do_put_plink(struct pseudo_link *plink, int do_del)
++ iput(plink->inode);
++ if (do_del)
++ list_del(&plink->list);
++ kfree(plink);
++ * create a new pseudo-link for @h_dentry on @bindex.
++ * the linked inode is held in aufs @inode.
++ */
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ int found, err, cnt;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ err = 0;
++ cnt = 0;
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list) {
++ cnt++;
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (found) {
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return;
++ }
++ plink = NULL;
++ if (!found) {
++ plink = kmalloc(sizeof(*plink), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (plink) {
++ plink->inode = au_igrab(inode);
++ list_add(&plink->list, plink_list);
++ cnt++;
++ } else
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ err = whplink(h_dentry, inode, bindex, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ }
++ if (unlikely(cnt > AUFS_PLINK_WARN))
++ AuWarn1("unexpectedly many pseudo links, %d\n", cnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn("err %d, damaged pseudo link.\n", err);
++ if (!found && plink)
++ do_put_plink(plink, /*do_del*/1);
++ }
++/* free all plinks */
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 0);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(plink_list);
++/* free the plinks on a branch specified by @br_id */
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend, bindex;
++ unsigned char do_put;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ inode = au_igrab(plink->inode);
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)
++ || au_ii_br_id(inode, bindex) != br_id)
++ continue;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ do_put = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ if (do_put) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (do_put)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ }
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/poll.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/poll.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/poll.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/poll.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * poll operation
++ * There is only one filesystem which implements ->poll operation, currently.
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
++ unsigned int mask;
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* We should pretend an error happened. */
++ mask = POLLERR /* | POLLIN | POLLOUT */;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* it is not an error if h_file has no operation */
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->poll)
++ mask = h_file->f_op->poll(h_file, wait);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ AuTraceErr((int)mask);
++ return mask;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/rwsem.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/rwsem.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/rwsem.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/rwsem.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple read-write semaphore wrappers
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#define __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/rwsem.h>
++struct au_rwsem {
++ struct rw_semaphore rwsem;
++ /* just for debugging, not almighty counter */
++ atomic_t rcnt, wcnt;
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do { \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->rcnt, 0); \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->wcnt, 0); \
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic set */ \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->rcnt)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->rcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->wcnt) > 1)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->wcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define AuRwMustNoWaiters(rw) AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&(rw)->rwsem.wait_list))
++/* rwsem_is_locked() is unusable */
++#define AuRwMustReadLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustWriteLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustAnyLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0 \
++ && atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwDestroy(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) \
++ || atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt))
++static inline void au_rw_init(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuDbgCntInit(rw);
++ init_rwsem(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_read(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw, unsigned int lsc)
++ down_read_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustReadLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntDec(rw);
++ up_read(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_dgrade_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ downgrade_write(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ up_write(&rw->rwsem);
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++static inline int au_rw_read_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_read_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++static inline int au_rw_write_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_write_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++#undef AuDbgCntInit
++#undef AuDbgRcntInc
++#undef AuDbgRcntDec
++#undef AuDbgWcntInc
++#undef AuDbgWcntDec
++#define AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_read_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_read_trylock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_write_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_write_trylock(rwsem); }
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++/* static inline void prefix##_read_trylock_nested(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_read_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc)); }
++static inline void prefix##_write_trylock_nestd(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_write_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc); } */
++#define AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_downgrade_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_dgrade_lock(rwsem); }
++#define AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_RWSEM_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * superblock private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&sbinfo->si_plink.head));
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_br_free(sbinfo);
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ mutex_destroy(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ AuRwDestroy(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sbinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo))
++ goto out;
++ /* will be reallocated separately */
++ sbinfo->si_branch = kzalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo->si_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_branch))
++ goto out_sbinfo;
++ memset(&sbinfo->si_kobj, 0, sizeof(sbinfo->si_kobj));
++ err = sysaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_br;
++ au_nwt_init(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ sbinfo->si_generation = 0;
++ sbinfo->au_si_status = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_bend = -1;
++ sbinfo->si_last_br_id = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags = AuOpt_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ mutex_init(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xino_brid = -1;
++ /* leave si_xib_last_pindex and si_xib_next_bit */
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF * HZ;
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = AUFS_DIRWH_DEF;
++ au_spl_init(&sbinfo->si_plink);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ /* leave other members for sysaufs and si_mnt. */
++ sbinfo->si_sb = sb;
++ sb->s_fs_info = sbinfo;
++ au_debug_sbinfo_init(sbinfo);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ out_sbinfo:
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*brp) * (sbinfo->si_bend + 1);
++ if (unlikely(!sz))
++ sz = sizeof(*brp);
++ brp = au_kzrealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sz, sizeof(*brp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (brp) {
++ sbinfo->si_branch = brp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb)
++ unsigned int gen;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ gen = ++au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++ au_update_digen(sb->s_root);
++ au_update_iigen(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++ sb->s_root->d_inode->i_version++;
++ return gen;
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int i;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i <= AUFS_BRANCH_MAX; i++) {
++ br_id = ++sbinfo->si_last_br_id;
++ if (br_id && au_br_index(sb, br_id) < 0)
++ return br_id;
++ }
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry and super_block lock. call at entry point */
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(dentry->d_sb, flags);
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, flags);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ si_write_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ si_write_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(d1->d_sb, flags);
++ di_write_lock2_child(d1, d2, au_ftest_lock(flags, DIR));
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock2(d1, d2);
++ si_read_unlock(d1->d_sb);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/spl.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/spl.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/spl.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/spl.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple list protected by a spinlock
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#define __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++struct au_splhead {
++ spinlock_t spin;
++ struct list_head head;
++static inline void au_spl_init(struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock_init(&spl->spin);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&spl->head);
++static inline void au_spl_add(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_add(list, &spl->head);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++static inline void au_spl_del(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_del(list);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SPL_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount and super_block operations
++ */
++#include <linux/buffer_head.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * super_operations
++ */
++static struct inode *aufs_alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ struct au_icntnr *c;
++ c = au_cache_alloc_icntnr();
++ if (c) {
++ inode_init_once(&c->vfs_inode);
++ c->vfs_inode.i_version = 1; /* sigen(sb); */
++ c->iinfo.ii_hinode = NULL;
++ return &c->vfs_inode;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void aufs_destroy_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ au_iinfo_fin(inode);
++ au_cache_free_icntnr(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode));
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ int err;
++ inode = iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ if (unlikely(!inode)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!(inode->i_state & I_NEW))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xigen_new(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_iinfo_init(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ inode->i_version++;
++ else {
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ out:
++ /* never return NULL */
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(inode);
++ return inode;
++/* lock free root dinfo */
++static int au_show_brs(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct path path;
++ struct au_hdentry *hd;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ hd = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = hd[bindex].hd_dentry;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = seq_printf(seq, "=%s",
++ au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ if (!err && bindex != bend)
++ err = seq_putc(seq, ':');
++ }
++ return err;
++static void au_show_wbr_create(struct seq_file *m, int v,
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ const char *pat;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ seq_printf(m, ",create=");
++ pat = au_optstr_wbr_create(v);
++ switch (v) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_TDP:
++ case AuWbrCreate_RR:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ seq_printf(m, pat);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"pmfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark,
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ }
++static int au_show_xino(struct seq_file *seq, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ return 0;
++ int err;
++ const int len = sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME) - 1;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, brid;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct file *f;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_root;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ f = au_sbi(sb)->si_xib;
++ if (!f)
++ goto out;
++ /* stop printing the default xino path on the first writable branch */
++ h_root = NULL;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0) {
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ h_root = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ }
++ d = f->f_dentry;
++ name = &d->d_name;
++ /* safe ->d_parent because the file is unlinked */
++ if (d->d_parent == h_root
++ && name->len == len
++ && !memcmp(name->name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME, len))
++ goto out;
++ seq_puts(seq, ",xino=");
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, f);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* seq_file will re-call me in case of too long string */
++static int aufs_show_options(struct seq_file *m, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err, n;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags, v;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++#define AuBool(name, str) do { \
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, name); \
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, ",%s" #str, v ? "" : "no"); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuStr(name, str) do { \
++ v = mnt_flags & AuOptMask_##name; \
++ if (v != (AuOpt_Def & AuOptMask_##name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%s", au_optstr_##str(v)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUInt(name, str, val) do { \
++ if (val != AUFS_##name##_DEF) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%u", val); \
++} while (0)
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ seq_printf(m, ",si=%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_show_xino(m, mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ seq_puts(m, ",noxino");
++ AuBool(TRUNC_XINO, trunc_xino);
++ AuStr(UDBA, udba);
++ AuBool(SHWH, shwh);
++ AuBool(PLINK, plink);
++ /* AuBool(DIRPERM1, dirperm1); */
++ /* AuBool(REFROF, refrof); */
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_create;
++ if (v != AuWbrCreate_Def)
++ au_show_wbr_create(m, v, sbinfo);
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup;
++ if (v != AuWbrCopyup_Def)
++ seq_printf(m, ",cpup=%s", au_optstr_wbr_copyup(v));
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, ALWAYS_DIROPQ))
++ seq_printf(m, ",diropq=%c", v ? 'a' : 'w');
++ AuUInt(DIRWH, dirwh, sbinfo->si_dirwh);
++ n = sbinfo->si_rdcache / HZ;
++ AuUInt(RDCACHE, rdcache, n);
++ AuUInt(RDBLK, rdblk, sbinfo->si_rdblk);
++ AuUInt(RDHASH, rdhash, sbinfo->si_rdhash);
++ AuBool(SUM, sum);
++ /* AuBool(SUM_W, wsum); */
++ AuBool(WARN_PERM, warn_perm);
++ AuBool(VERBOSE, verbose);
++ out:
++ /* be sure to print "br:" last */
++ if (!sysaufs_brs) {
++ seq_puts(m, ",br:");
++ au_show_brs(m, sb);
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++#undef Deleted
++#undef AuBool
++#undef AuStr
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sum mode which returns the summation for statfs(2) */
++static u64 au_add_till_max(u64 a, u64 b)
++ u64 old;
++ old = a;
++ a += b;
++ if (old < a)
++ return a;
++ return ULLONG_MAX;
++static int au_statfs_sum(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ u64 blocks, bfree, bavail, files, ffree;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, i;
++ unsigned char shared;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ blocks = 0;
++ bfree = 0;
++ bavail = 0;
++ files = 0;
++ ffree = 0;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--) {
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ shared = 0;
++ for (i = bindex + 1; !shared && i <= bend; i++)
++ shared = (au_sbr_sb(sb, i) == h_sb);
++ if (shared)
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(h_mnt->mnt_root, buf);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ blocks = au_add_till_max(blocks, buf->f_blocks);
++ bfree = au_add_till_max(bfree, buf->f_bfree);
++ bavail = au_add_till_max(bavail, buf->f_bavail);
++ files = au_add_till_max(files, buf->f_files);
++ ffree = au_add_till_max(ffree, buf->f_ffree);
++ }
++ buf->f_blocks = blocks;
++ buf->f_bfree = bfree;
++ buf->f_bavail = bavail;
++ buf->f_files = files;
++ buf->f_ffree = ffree;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_statfs(struct dentry *dentry, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SUM))
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(au_sbr_mnt(sb, 0)->mnt_root, buf);
++ else
++ err = au_statfs_sum(sb, buf);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (!err) {
++ buf->f_type = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ buf->f_namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ memset(&buf->f_fsid, 0, sizeof(buf->f_fsid));
++ }
++ /* buf->f_bsize = buf->f_blocks = buf->f_bfree = buf->f_bavail = -1; */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* try flushing the lower fs at aufs remount/unmount time */
++static void au_fsync_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ int brperm;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ brperm = br->br_perm;
++ if (brperm == AuBrPerm_RR || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH)
++ continue;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (bdev_read_only(h_sb->s_bdev))
++ continue;
++ lockdep_off();
++ down_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ shrink_dcache_sb(h_sb);
++ fsync_super(h_sb);
++ up_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ * this IS NOT for super_operations.
++ * I guess it will be reverted someday.
++ */
++static void aufs_umount_begin(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++/* final actions when unmounting a file system */
++static void aufs_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ aufs_umount_begin(sb);
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * refresh dentry and inode at remount time.
++ */
++static int do_refresh(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type,
++ unsigned int dir_flags)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns the number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, type);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (!err && type == S_IFDIR)
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, dir_flags);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("unrecoverable error %d, %.*s\n", err, AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ return err;
++static int test_dir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++/* gave up consolidating with refresh_nondir() */
++static int refresh_dir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ const unsigned int flags = au_hi_flags(root->d_inode, /*isdir*/1);
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_dir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; !e && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !e && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(d, sigen);
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, S_IFDIR, flags);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* break on err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_nondir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return !S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++static int refresh_nondir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen,
++ int do_dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ if (!do_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_nondir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(d, sigen);
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (inode && au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT,
++ /*dir_flags*/0);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_remount_refresh(struct super_block *sb, unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_sigen_inc(sb);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ au_fclr_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ IiMustNoWaiters(inode);
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = refresh_dir(root, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ AuWarn("Refreshing directories failed, ignored (%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_opts(flags, REFRESH_NONDIR)) {
++ err = refresh_nondir(root, sigen, !err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("Refreshing non-directories failed, ignored"
++ "(%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++/* stop extra interpretation of errno in mount(8), and strange error messages */
++static int cvt_err(int err)
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ switch (err) {
++ case -ENOENT:
++ case -ENOTDIR:
++ case -EEXIST:
++ case -EIO:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_remount_fs(struct super_block *sb, int *flags, char *data)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ if (!data || !*data) {
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, *flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.flags = AuOpts_REMOUNT;
++ opts.sb_flags = *flags;
++ /* parse it before aufs lock */
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, data, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ /* au_opts_remount() may return an error */
++ err = au_opts_remount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ || au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_NONDIR))
++ au_remount_refresh(sb, opts.flags);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static struct super_operations aufs_sop = {
++ .alloc_inode = aufs_alloc_inode,
++ .destroy_inode = aufs_destroy_inode,
++ .drop_inode = generic_delete_inode,
++ .show_options = aufs_show_options,
++ .statfs = aufs_statfs,
++ .put_super = aufs_put_super,
++ .remount_fs = aufs_remount_fs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int alloc_root(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ inode->i_mode = S_IFDIR;
++ inode->i_nlink = 2;
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ root = d_alloc_root(inode);
++ if (unlikely(!root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = PTR_ERR(root);
++ if (IS_ERR(root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(root);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb->s_root = root;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ dput(root);
++ goto out; /* do not iput */
++ out_iput:
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, void *raw_data,
++ int silent __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ char *arg = raw_data;
++ if (unlikely(!arg || !*arg)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no arg\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.sb_flags = sb->s_flags;
++ err = au_si_alloc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ sb->s_flags |= MS_NOATIME | MS_NODIRATIME;
++ sb->s_op = &aufs_sop;
++ sb->s_magic = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ au_export_init(sb);
++ err = alloc_root(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ goto out_info;
++ }
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ /*
++ * actually we can parse options regardless aufs lock here.
++ * but at remount time, parsing must be done before aufs lock.
++ * so we follow the same rule.
++ */
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, arg, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_root;
++ /* lock vfs_inode first, then aufs. */
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_mount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_opts; /* success */
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_root:
++ dput(root);
++ sb->s_root = NULL;
++ out_info:
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ sb->s_fs_info = NULL;
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type, int flags,
++ const char *dev_name __maybe_unused, void *raw_data,
++ struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ /* mnt->mnt_flags |= MNT_NOATIME | MNT_NODIRATIME; */
++ err = get_sb_nodev(fs_type, flags, raw_data, aufs_fill_super, mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, 0);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type = {
++ .name = AUFS_FSTYPE,
++ .fs_flags =
++ FS_RENAME_DOES_D_MOVE /* a race between rename and others */
++ | FS_REVAL_DOT, /* for NFS branch and udba */
++ .get_sb = aufs_get_sb,
++ .kill_sb = generic_shutdown_super,
++ /* no need to __module_get() and module_put(). */
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * super_block operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#define __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++typedef ssize_t (*au_readf_t)(struct file *, char __user *, size_t, loff_t *);
++typedef ssize_t (*au_writef_t)(struct file *, const char __user *, size_t,
++ loff_t *);
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations {
++ int (*copyup)(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct au_wbr_create_operations {
++ int (*create)(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir);
++ int (*init)(struct super_block *sb);
++ int (*fin)(struct super_block *sb);
++struct au_wbr_mfs {
++ struct mutex mfs_lock; /* protect this structure */
++ unsigned long mfs_jiffy;
++ unsigned long mfs_expire;
++ aufs_bindex_t mfs_bindex;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_bytes;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_sbinfo {
++ /* nowait tasks in the system-wide workqueue */
++ struct au_nowait_tasks si_nowait;
++ struct au_rwsem si_rwsem;
++ /* branch management */
++ unsigned int si_generation;
++ /* see above flags */
++ unsigned char au_si_status;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_bend;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_last_br_id;
++ struct au_branch **si_branch;
++ /* policy to select a writable branch */
++ unsigned char si_wbr_copyup;
++ unsigned char si_wbr_create;
++ struct au_wbr_copyup_operations *si_wbr_copyup_ops;
++ struct au_wbr_create_operations *si_wbr_create_ops;
++ /* round robin */
++ atomic_t si_wbr_rr_next;
++ /* most free space */
++ struct au_wbr_mfs si_wbr_mfs;
++ /* mount flags */
++ /* include/asm-ia64/siginfo.h defines a macro named si_flags */
++ unsigned int si_mntflags;
++ /* external inode number (bitmap and translation table) */
++ au_readf_t si_xread;
++ au_writef_t si_xwrite;
++ struct file *si_xib;
++ struct mutex si_xib_mtx; /* protect xib members */
++ unsigned long *si_xib_buf;
++ unsigned long si_xib_last_pindex;
++ int si_xib_next_bit;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_xino_brid;
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* unsigned long long si_xib_limit; */ /* Max xib file size */
++ /* i_generation */
++ struct file *si_xigen;
++ atomic_t si_xigen_next;
++ /* vdir parameters */
++ unsigned long si_rdcache; /* max cache time in HZ */
++ unsigned int si_rdblk; /* deblk size */
++ unsigned int si_rdhash; /* hash size */
++ /*
++ * If the number of whiteouts are larger than si_dirwh, leave all of
++ * them after au_whtmp_ren to reduce the cost of rmdir(2).
++ * future fsck.aufs or kernel thread will remove them later.
++ * Otherwise, remove all whiteouts and the dir in rmdir(2).
++ */
++ unsigned int si_dirwh;
++ /*
++ * rename(2) a directory with all children.
++ */
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* int si_rendir; */
++ /* pseudo_link list */
++ struct au_splhead si_plink;
++ wait_queue_head_t si_plink_wq;
++ /*
++ * sysfs and lifetime management.
++ * this is not a small structure and it may be a waste of memory in case
++ * of sysfs is disabled, particulary when many aufs-es are mounted.
++ * but using sysfs is majority.
++ */
++ struct kobject si_kobj;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs, *si_dbgaufs_xib;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs_xigen;
++ /* dirty, necessary for unmounting, sysfs and sysrq */
++ struct super_block *si_sb;
++/* sbinfo status flags */
++ * set true when refresh_dirs() failed at remount time.
++ * then try refreshing dirs at access time again.
++ * if it is false, refreshing dirs at access time is unnecesary
++ */
++#define AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK (1 << 1) /* ioctl */
++static inline unsigned char au_do_ftest_si(struct au_sbinfo *sbi,
++ unsigned int flag)
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbi->si_rwsem);
++ return sbi->au_si_status & flag;
++#define au_ftest_si(sbinfo, name) au_do_ftest_si(sbinfo, AuSi_##name)
++#define au_fset_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status |= AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++#define au_fclr_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policy to select one among writable branches */
++#define AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_copyup_ops->copyup(args))
++#define AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_create_ops->create(args))
++/* flags for si_read_lock()/aufs_read_lock()/di_read_lock() */
++#define AuLock_DW 1 /* write-lock dentry */
++#define AuLock_IR (1 << 1) /* read-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_IW (1 << 2) /* write-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_FLUSH (1 << 3) /* wait for 'nowait' tasks */
++#define AuLock_DIR (1 << 4) /* target is a dir */
++#define au_ftest_lock(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLock_##name)
++#define au_fset_lock(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLock_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lock(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLock_##name; }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* super.c */
++extern struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type;
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino);
++/* sbinfo.c */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr);
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb);
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb);
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++/* wbr_policy.c */
++extern struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[];
++extern struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[];
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_sbinfo *au_sbi(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_fs_info;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, "nfsd");
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base);
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ return -EBUSY;
++ return -ESTALE;
++static inline void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ return -EBUSY;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void dbgaufs_si_null(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = NULL;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock superblock. mainly for entry point functions */
++ * si_noflush_read_lock, si_noflush_write_lock,
++ * si_read_unlock, si_write_unlock, si_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(si_noflush, struct super_block *sb,
++ &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(si, struct super_block *sb, &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++#define SiMustNoWaiters(sb) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustAnyLock(sb) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustWriteLock(sb) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++static inline void si_read_lock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++static inline void si_write_lock(struct super_block *sb)
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++static inline int si_read_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++static inline int si_write_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_write_trylock(sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_sbend(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_bend;
++static inline unsigned int au_mntflags(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_mntflags;
++static inline unsigned int au_sigen(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++static inline struct au_branch *au_sbr(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_branch[0 + bindex];
++static inline void au_xino_brid_set(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t brid)
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid = brid;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_xino_brid(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SUPER_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and lifetime management
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++#define AuSiAttr(_name) { \
++ .attr = { .name = __stringify(_name), .mode = 0444 }, \
++ .show = sysaufs_si_##_name, \
++static struct sysaufs_si_attr sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path = AuSiAttr(xi_path);
++struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[] = {
++ &sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path.attr,
++ NULL,
++static struct sysfs_ops au_sbi_ops = {
++ .show = sysaufs_si_show
++static struct kobj_type au_sbi_ktype = {
++ .release = au_si_free,
++ .sysfs_ops = &au_sbi_ops,
++ .default_attrs = sysaufs_si_attrs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ sbinfo->si_kobj.kset = sysaufs_ket;
++ /* cf. sysaufs_name() */
++ err = kobject_init_and_add
++ (&sbinfo->si_kobj, &au_sbi_ktype, /*&sysaufs_ket->kobj*/NULL,
++ SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ dbgaufs_si_null(sbinfo);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = dbgaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ }
++ return err;
++void sysaufs_fin(void)
++ dbgaufs_fin();
++ sysfs_remove_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ do {
++ get_random_bytes(&sysaufs_si_mask, sizeof(sysaufs_si_mask));
++ } while (!sysaufs_si_mask);
++ sysaufs_ket = kset_create_and_add(AUFS_NAME, NULL, fs_kobj);
++ err = PTR_ERR(sysaufs_ket);
++ if (IS_ERR(sysaufs_ket))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysfs_create_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = dbgaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and mount lifetime management
++ */
++#ifndef __SYSAUFS_H__
++#define __SYSAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "module.h"
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct sysaufs_si_attr {
++ struct attribute attr;
++ int (*show)(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sysaufs.c */
++extern unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++extern struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++extern struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[];
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void);
++void sysaufs_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some people doesn't like to show a pointer in kernel */
++static inline unsigned long sysaufs_si_id(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return sysaufs_si_mask ^ (unsigned long)sbinfo;
++#define SysaufsSiNamePrefix "si_"
++#define SysaufsSiNameLen (sizeof(SysaufsSiNamePrefix) + 16)
++static inline void sysaufs_name(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, char *name)
++ snprintf(name, SysaufsSiNameLen, SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx",
++ sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++struct au_branch;
++/* sysfs.c */
++extern struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group;
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf);
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br);
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++#define sysaufs_brs_init() do {} while (0)
++#define sysaufs_attr_group NULL
++static inline
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ return 0;
++static inline
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ return 0;
++static inline void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_init(void)
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_SYSFS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __SYSAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysfs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysfs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysfs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysfs.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static struct attribute *au_attr[] = {
++ NULL, /* need to NULL terminate the list of attributes */
++static struct attribute_group sysaufs_attr_group_body = {
++ .attrs = au_attr
++struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group = &sysaufs_attr_group_body;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, au_sbi(sb)->si_xib);
++ seq_putc(seq, '\n');
++ }
++ return err;
++ * the lifetime of branch is independent from the entry under sysfs.
++ * sysfs handles the lifetime of the entry, and never call ->show() after it is
++ * unlinked.
++ */
++static int sysaufs_si_br(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ seq_printf(seq, "=%s\n", au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct seq_file *au_seq(char *p, ssize_t len)
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ seq = kzalloc(sizeof(*seq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (seq) {
++ /* mutex_init(&seq.lock); */
++ seq->buf = p;
++ seq->size = len;
++ return seq; /* success */
++ }
++ seq = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ return seq;
++#define SysaufsBr_PREFIX "br"
++/* todo: file size may exceed PAGE_SIZE */
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ ssize_t err;
++ long l;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ char *name;
++ struct attribute **cattr;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ seq = au_seq(buf, PAGE_SIZE);
++ err = PTR_ERR(seq);
++ if (IS_ERR(seq))
++ goto out;
++ name = (void *)attr->name;
++ cattr = sysaufs_si_attrs;
++ while (*cattr) {
++ if (!strcmp(name, (*cattr)->name)) {
++ err = container_of(*cattr, struct sysaufs_si_attr, attr)
++ ->show(seq, sb);
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ cattr++;
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (!strncmp(name, SysaufsBr_PREFIX, sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1)) {
++ name += sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1;
++ err = strict_strtol(name, 10, &l);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (l <= bend)
++ err = sysaufs_si_br(seq, sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l);
++ else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ }
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out_seq:
++ if (!err) {
++ err = seq->count;
++ /* sysfs limit */
++ if (unlikely(err == PAGE_SIZE))
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ }
++ kfree(seq);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ br-> = br->br_name;
++ br->br_attr.mode = S_IRUGO;
++ br->br_attr.owner = THIS_MODULE;
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ dbgaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ sysfs_remove_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ }
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ dbgaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ snprintf(br->br_name, sizeof(br->br_name), SysaufsBr_PREFIX
++ "%d", bindex);
++ err = sysfs_create_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed %s under sysfs(%d)\n", br->br_name, err);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysrq.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysrq.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysrq.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysrq.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * magic sysrq hanlder
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++/* #include <linux/sysrq.h> */
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void sysrq_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ char *plevel;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ plevel = au_plevel;
++ au_plevel = KERN_WARNING;
++ au_debug(1);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pr_warning("si=%lx\n", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": superblock\n");
++ au_dpri_sb(sb);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root dentry\n");
++ au_dpri_dentry(sb->s_root);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root inode\n");
++ au_dpri_inode(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++#if 0
++ struct inode *i;
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": isolated inode\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ au_dpri_inode(i);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": files\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list)
++ if (!special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ au_dpri_file(file);
++ au_plevel = plevel;
++ au_debug(0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* module parameter */
++static char *aufs_sysrq_key = "a";
++module_param_named(sysrq, aufs_sysrq_key, charp, S_IRUGO);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(sysrq, "MagicSysRq key for " AUFS_NAME);
++static void au_sysrq(int key __maybe_unused,
++ struct tty_struct *tty __maybe_unused)
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ /* spin_lock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++ list_for_each_entry(kobj, &sysaufs_ket->list, entry) {
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sysrq_sb(sbinfo->si_sb);
++ }
++ /* spin_unlock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++static struct sysrq_key_op au_sysrq_op = {
++ .handler = au_sysrq,
++ .help_msg = "Aufs",
++ .action_msg = "Aufs",
++ .enable_mask = SYSRQ_ENABLE_DUMP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void)
++ int err;
++ char key;
++ err = -1;
++ key = *aufs_sysrq_key;
++ if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z')
++ err = register_sysrq_key(key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d, sysrq=%c\n", err, key);
++ return err;
++void au_sysrq_fin(void)
++ int err;
++ err = unregister_sysrq_key(*aufs_sysrq_key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d (ignored)\n", err);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vdir.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vdir.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vdir.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vdir.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * virtual or vertical directory
++ */
++#include <linux/hash.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static unsigned int calc_size(int nlen)
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(ino_t) != sizeof(long));
++ return ALIGN(sizeof(struct au_vdir_de) + nlen, sizeof(ino_t));
++static int set_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk) {
++ p->de->de_str.len = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -1; /* error */
++/* returns true or false */
++static int is_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk)
++ return !p->de->de_str.len;
++ return 1;
++static unsigned char *last_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ return vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1];
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the allocated memory has to be freed by
++ * au_nhash_wh_free() or au_nhash_de_free().
++ */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ unsigned int u;
++ head = kmalloc(sizeof(*nhash->nh_head) * num_hash, gfp);
++ if (head) {
++ nhash->nh_num = num_hash;
++ nhash->nh_head = head;
++ for (u = 0; u < num_hash; u++)
++ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(head++);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void nhash_count(struct hlist_head *head)
++#if 0
++ unsigned long n;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = 0;
++ hlist_for_each(pos, head)
++ n++;
++ AuInfo("%lu\n", n);
++static void au_nhash_wh_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, wh_hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ kfree(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_de_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ au_cache_free_dehstr(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_do_free(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ void (*free)(struct hlist_head *head))
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ n = nhash->nh_num;
++ head = nhash->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ nhash_count(head);
++ free(head++);
++ }
++ kfree(nhash->nh_head);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(whlist, au_nhash_wh_do_free);
++static void au_nhash_de_free(struct au_nhash *delist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(delist, au_nhash_de_do_free);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit)
++ int num;
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ num = 0;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex == btgt && ++num > limit)
++ return 1;
++ head++;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static struct hlist_head *au_name_hash(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ unsigned char *name,
++ unsigned int len)
++ unsigned int v;
++ /* const unsigned int magic_bit = 12; */
++ v = 0;
++ while (len--)
++ v += *name++;
++ /* v = hash_long(v, magic_bit); */
++ v %= nhash->nh_num;
++ return nhash->nh_head + v;
++static int au_nhash_test_name(struct au_vdir_destr *str, const char *name,
++ int nlen)
++ return str->len == nlen && !memcmp(str->name, name, nlen);
++/* returns found or not */
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* returns found(true) or not */
++static int test_known(struct au_nhash *delist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, hash) {
++ str = tpos->str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void au_shwh_init_wh(struct au_vdir_wh *wh, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned char d_type)
++ wh->wh_ino = ino;
++ wh->wh_type = d_type;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh)
++ int err;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *wh;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", nlen, name);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ wh = kmalloc(sizeof(*wh) + nlen, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!wh))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ wh->wh_bindex = bindex;
++ if (shwh)
++ au_shwh_init_wh(wh, ino, d_type);
++ str = &wh->wh_str;
++ str->len = nlen;
++ memcpy(str->name, name, nlen);
++ hlist_add_head(&wh->wh_hash, au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen));
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ unsigned char **o;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = krealloc(vdir->vd_deblk, sizeof(*o) * (vdir->vd_nblk + 1),
++ if (unlikely(!o))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = o;
++ p.deblk = kmalloc(deblk_sz, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p.deblk) {
++ ul = vdir->vd_nblk++;
++ vdir->vd_deblk[ul] = p.deblk;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = p.deblk;
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_de(struct au_vdir *vdir, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sz;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, *room, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *dehstr;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ room = &vdir->vd_last.p;
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk < p.deblk || deblk_end.deblk <= room->deblk
++ || !is_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end));
++ sz = calc_size(nlen);
++ if (unlikely(sz > deblk_end.deblk - room->deblk)) {
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk != p.deblk);
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dehstr = au_cache_alloc_dehstr();
++ if (unlikely(!dehstr))
++ goto out;
++ dehstr->str = &room->de->de_str;
++ hlist_add_head(&dehstr->hash, au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen));
++ room->de->de_ino = ino;
++ room->de->de_type = d_type;
++ room->de->de_str.len = nlen;
++ memcpy(room->de->, name, nlen);
++ err = 0;
++ room->deblk += sz;
++ if (unlikely(set_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end)))
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned char **deblk;
++ deblk = vdir->vd_deblk;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk--)
++ kfree(*deblk++);
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++static struct au_vdir *alloc_vdir(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ vdir = au_cache_alloc_vdir();
++ if (unlikely(!vdir))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = kzalloc(sizeof(*vdir->vd_deblk), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!vdir->vd_deblk))
++ goto out_free;
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdblk;
++ vdir->vd_nblk = 0;
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (!err)
++ return vdir; /* success */
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ out_free:
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++ out:
++ vdir = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return vdir;
++static int reinit_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk > 1) {
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1]);
++ /* vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1] = NULL; */
++ vdir->vd_nblk--;
++ }
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ /* keep vd_dblk_sz */
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ const int isdir = (d_type == DT_DIR);
++ /* prevent hardlinks from race condition */
++ mtx = NULL;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ }
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!*ino) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ *ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!*ino))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, *ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!isdir)
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ return err;
++static int au_wh_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ return au_ino(sb, bindex, h_ino, d_type, ino);
++ return 0;
++#define AuFillVdir_CALLED 1
++#define AuFillVdir_WHABLE (1 << 1)
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_fillvdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuFillVdir_##name)
++#define au_fset_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#undef AuFillVdir_SHWH
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH 0
++struct fillvdir_arg {
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ struct au_nhash delist;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++static int fillvdir(void *__arg, const char *__name, int nlen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct fillvdir_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t ino;
++ const unsigned char shwh = !!au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ arg->err = 0;
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (nlen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (test_known(&arg->delist, name, nlen)
++ || au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already exists or whiteouted */
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ arg->err = au_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type, &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = append_de(arg->vdir, name, nlen, ino,
++ d_type, &arg->delist);
++ } else if (au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE)) {
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ nlen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already whiteouted */
++ if (shwh)
++ arg->err = au_wh_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type,
++ &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, nlen, ino, d_type,
++ arg->bindex, shwh);
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->vdir->vd_jiffy = jiffies;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int au_handle_shwh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_vdir *vdir,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int nh, u;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *n;
++ char *p, *o;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *destr;
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH));
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = p = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ nh = whlist->nh_num;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ for (u = 0; u < nh; u++) {
++ head = whlist->nh_head + u;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, n, head, wh_hash) {
++ destr = &tpos->wh_str;
++ memcpy(p, destr->name, destr->len);
++ err = append_de(vdir, o, destr->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN,
++ tpos->wh_ino, tpos->wh_type, delist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(o);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ return 0;
++static int au_do_read_vdir(struct fillvdir_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ loff_t offset;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bstart;
++ unsigned char shwh;
++ struct file *hf, *file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = arg->file;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ rdhash = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->delist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->whlist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_delist;
++ err = 0;
++ arg->flags = 0;
++ shwh = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)) {
++ shwh = 1;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!hf)
++ continue;
++ offset = vfsub_llseek(hf, 0, SEEK_SET);
++ err = offset;
++ if (unlikely(offset))
++ break;
++ arg->bindex = bindex;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ if (shwh
++ || (bindex != bend
++ && au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex))))
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(hf, fillvdir, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ }
++ if (!err && shwh)
++ err = au_handle_shwh(sb, arg->vdir, &arg->whlist, &arg->delist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg->whlist);
++ out_delist:
++ au_nhash_de_free(&arg->delist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int read_vdir(struct file *file, int may_read)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long expire;
++ unsigned char do_read;
++ struct fillvdir_arg arg;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir, *allocated;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ SiMustAnyLock(inode->i_sb);
++ allocated = NULL;
++ do_read = 0;
++ expire = au_sbi(inode->i_sb)->si_rdcache;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(inode);
++ if (!vdir) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ vdir = alloc_vdir(inode->i_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ allocated = vdir;
++ } else if (may_read
++ && (inode->i_version != vdir->vd_version
++ || time_after(jiffies, vdir->vd_jiffy + expire))) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!do_read)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ arg.file = file;
++ arg.vdir = vdir;
++ err = au_do_read_vdir(&arg);
++ if (!err) {
++ /* file->f_pos = 0; */
++ vdir->vd_version = inode->i_version;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_ivdir(inode, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int copy_vdir(struct au_vdir *tgt, struct au_vdir *src)
++ int err, rerr;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = src->vd_deblk_sz;
++ AuDebugOn(tgt->vd_nblk != 1);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (tgt->vd_nblk < src->vd_nblk) {
++ unsigned char **p;
++ p = krealloc(tgt->vd_deblk, sizeof(*p) * src->vd_nblk,
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ tgt->vd_deblk = p;
++ }
++ tgt->vd_nblk = src->vd_nblk;
++ tgt->vd_deblk_sz = deblk_sz;
++ memcpy(tgt->vd_deblk[0], src->vd_deblk[0], deblk_sz);
++ /* tgt->vd_last.i = 0; */
++ /* tgt->vd_last.p.deblk = tgt->vd_deblk[0]; */
++ tgt->vd_version = src->vd_version;
++ tgt->vd_jiffy = src->vd_jiffy;
++ n = src->vd_nblk;
++ for (ul = 1; ul < n; ul++) {
++ tgt->vd_deblk[ul] = kmemdup(src->vd_deblk[ul], deblk_sz,
++ if (unlikely(!tgt->vd_deblk[ul]))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ rerr = reinit_vdir(tgt);
++ BUG_ON(rerr);
++ return err;
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache, *allocated;
++ err = read_vdir(file, !file->f_pos);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = NULL;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!vdir_cache) {
++ vdir_cache = alloc_vdir(file->f_dentry->d_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir_cache);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir_cache))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = vdir_cache;
++ } else if (!file->f_pos && vdir_cache->vd_version != file->f_version) {
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir_cache);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ return 0; /* success */
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = copy_vdir(vdir_cache, au_ivdir(inode));
++ if (!err) {
++ file->f_version = inode->i_version;
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static loff_t calc_offset(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_last.ul];
++ offset = vdir->vd_last.p.deblk - p.deblk;
++ offset += vdir->vd_deblk_sz * vdir->vd_last.ul;
++ return offset;
++/* returns true or false */
++static int seek_vdir(struct file *file)
++ int valid;
++ unsigned int deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ offset = calc_offset(vdir_cache);
++ AuDbg("offset %lld\n", offset);
++ if (file->f_pos == offset)
++ goto out;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (!file->f_pos)
++ goto out;
++ valid = 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ ul = div64_u64(file->f_pos, deblk_sz);
++ AuDbg("ul %lu\n", ul);
++ if (ul >= vdir_cache->vd_nblk)
++ goto out;
++ n = vdir_cache->vd_nblk;
++ for (; ul < n; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ offset = ul;
++ offset *= deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end) && offset < file->f_pos) {
++ unsigned int l;
++ l = calc_size(>de_str.len);
++ offset += l;
++ p.deblk += l;
++ }
++ if (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end)) {
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p = p;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(!valid);
++ return valid;
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int l, deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!seek_vdir(file))
++ return 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ while (1) {
++ deblk_end.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk += deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&vdir_cache->vd_last.p, &deblk_end)) {
++ de = vdir_cache->;
++ AuDbg("%.*s, off%lld, i%lu, dt%d\n",
++ de->de_str.len, de->, file->f_pos,
++ (unsigned long)de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ err = filldir(dirent, de->, de->de_str.len,
++ file->f_pos, de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* todo: ignore the error caused by udba? */
++ /* return err; */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ l = calc_size(de->de_str.len);
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk += l;
++ file->f_pos += l;
++ }
++ if (vdir_cache->vd_last.ul < vdir_cache->vd_nblk - 1) {
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul++;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk
++ = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ file->f_pos = deblk_sz * vdir_cache->vd_last.ul;
++ continue;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/splice.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ /* for remote fs, leave work for its getattr or d_revalidate */
++ /* for bad i_attr fs, handle them in aufs_getattr() */
++ /* still some fs may acquire i_mutex. we need to skip them */
++ err = 0;
++ if (!did)
++ did = &err;
++ h_sb = h_path->dentry->d_sb;
++ *did = (!au_test_fs_remote(h_sb) && au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(h_sb));
++ if (*did)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_path->mnt, h_path->dentry, &st);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#ifdef CONFIG_IMA
++#error IMA is not supported since it does not work well. Wait for their fixing.
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode)
++ struct file *file;
++ lockdep_off();
++ file = filp_open(path, oflags, mode);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return file;
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ /* lockdep_off(); */
++ err = kern_path(name, flags, path);
++ /* lockdep_on(); */
++ if (!err && path->dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = NULL
++ };
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_one_len(name, parent, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return path.dentry;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = nd->path.mnt
++ };
++ IMustLock(nd->path.dentry->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_hash(nd);
++ if (!IS_ERR(path.dentry) && path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return path.dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ lockdep_off();
++ d = lock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir2);
++ return d;
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir2);
++ lockdep_off();
++ unlock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, 0);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(dir->i_sb))
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ memset(&h_nd, 0, sizeof(h_nd));
++ h_nd.flags = LOOKUP_CREATE;
++ = O_CREAT
++ | vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_READ);
++ = mode;
++ h_nd.path.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = path->mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, const char *symname)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_symlink(path, path->dentry, symname);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_symlink(dir, path->dentry, symname);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mknod(dir, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_test_nlink(struct inode *inode)
++ const unsigned int link_max = UINT_MAX >> 1; /* rough margin */
++ if (!au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(inode->i_sb)
++ || inode->i_nlink < link_max)
++ return 0;
++ return -EMLINK;
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = au_test_nlink(src_dentry->d_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ return err;
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_link(src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_link(src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ /* fuse has different memory inode for the same inumber */
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ IMustLock(src_dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rename(&tmp, src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rename(src_dir, src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ int did;
++ tmp.dentry = d->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mkdir(path, path->dentry, mode);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mkdir(dir, path->dentry, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rmdir(path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rmdir(dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = path->dentry->d_parent,
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ err = vfs_read(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* todo: kernel_read()? */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_read_u(file, (char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_write(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(file, (const char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_readdir(file, filldir, arg);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_to(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&in->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_from(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&out->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* cf. open.c:do_sys_truncate() and do_sys_ftruncate() */
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_file) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ err = inode_permission(h_inode, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = get_write_access(h_inode);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = break_lease(h_inode, vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_WRITE));
++ if (err)
++ goto out_inode;
++ }
++ err = locks_verify_truncate(h_inode, h_file, length);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_path_truncate(h_path, length, attr);
++ if (!err) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_truncate(h_path->dentry, length, attr, h_file);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ out_inode:
++ if (!h_file)
++ put_write_access(h_inode);
++ out_mnt:
++ if (!h_file)
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++ int mode;
++static void au_call_vfsub_mkdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_mkdir(a->dir, a->path, a->mode);
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(dir, path, mode);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path,
++ .mode = mode
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_mkdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void au_call_vfsub_rmdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_rmdir(a->dir, a->path);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(dir, path);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_rmdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct notify_change_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct path *path;
++ struct iattr *ia;
++static void call_notify_change(void *args)
++ struct notify_change_args *a = args;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = a->path->dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ *a->errp = -EPERM;
++ if (!IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode) && !IS_APPEND(h_inode)) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = notify_change(a->path->dentry, a->ia);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(a->path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ call_notify_change(&args);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_notify_change, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct unlink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void call_unlink(void *args)
++ struct unlink_args *a = args;
++ struct dentry *d = a->path->dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ const int stop_sillyrename = (au_test_nfs(d->d_sb)
++ && atomic_read(&d->d_count) == 1);
++ IMustLock(a->dir);
++ a->path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ *a->errp = security_path_unlink(a->path, d);
++ a->path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(*a->errp))
++ return;
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dget(d);
++ h_inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ atomic_inc(&h_inode->i_count);
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = vfs_unlink(a->dir, d);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = d->d_parent,
++ .mnt = a->path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dput(d);
++ if (h_inode)
++ iput(h_inode);
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++ * @dir: must be locked.
++ * @dentry: target dentry.
++ */
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force)
++ int err;
++ struct unlink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ if (!force)
++ call_unlink(&args);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_unlink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for lower inode */
++/* default MAX_LOCKDEP_SUBCLASSES(8) is not enough */
++/* reduce? gave up. */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_I_Begin = I_MUTEX_QUOTA, /* 4 */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT, /* lower inode, parent first */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT2, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT3, /* copyup wh */
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD,
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD2,
++ AuLsc_I_End
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define MtxMustLock(mtx) AuDebugOn(!mutex_is_locked(mtx))
++#define IMustLock(i) MtxMustLock(&(i)->i_mutex)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void vfsub_copy_inode_size(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ fsstack_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did);
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode);
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_hinode;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path,
++ const char *symname);
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct path *path);
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_hdir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *hdir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg);
++static inline void vfsub_file_accessed(struct file *h_file)
++ file_accessed(h_file);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++static inline void vfsub_touch_atime(struct vfsmount *h_mnt,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = h_dentry,
++ .mnt = h_mnt
++ };
++ touch_atime(h_mnt, h_dentry);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline loff_t vfsub_llseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int origin)
++ loff_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_llseek(file, offset, origin);
++ lockdep_on();
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dirty workaround for strict type of fmode_t */
++union vfsub_fmu {
++ fmode_t fm;
++ unsigned int ui;
++static inline unsigned int vfsub_fmode_to_uint(fmode_t fm)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .fm = fm
++ };
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof( != sizeof(u.ui));
++ return u.ui;
++static inline fmode_t vfsub_uint_to_fmode(unsigned int ui)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .ui = ui
++ };
++ return;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_VFSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * policies for selecting one among multiple writable branches
++ */
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* subset of cpup_attr() */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_cpdown_attr(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_isrc;
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ sbits = !!(ia.ia_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_path->dentry->d_inode, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path->dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++#define AuCpdown_PARENT_OPQ 1
++#define AuCpdown_WHED (1 << 1)
++#define AuCpdown_MADE_DIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuCpdown_DIROPQ (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_cpdown(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpdown_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpdown_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpdown_##name; }
++struct au_cpdown_dir_args {
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_opq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry;
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ au_fset_cpdown(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ h_path.dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ }
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq, bstart;
++ unsigned char parent_opq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir, *h_inode, *inode, *dir;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *args = arg;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* dentry is di-locked */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_dir != au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ err = vfsub_sio_mkdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_put;
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ if (!au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ) && bopq <= bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ);
++ parent_opq = (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ)
++ && args->parent == dentry);
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_opq(dentry, bdst, args);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_dir;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_cpdown_attr(&h_path, au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart));
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_wh(dentry, h_parent, dir, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ }
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibend(inode) < bdst)
++ au_set_ibend(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(h_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ out_opq:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bdst);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing diropq for %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR)) {
++ rerr = vfsub_sio_rmdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_put:
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_update_dbend(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args args = {
++ .parent = dget_parent(dentry),
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ err = au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpdown_dir, &args);
++ dput(args.parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for create */
++static int au_wbr_bu(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -EROFS;
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_create_tdp(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ err = bstart;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex < bstart; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* an exception for the policy other than tdp */
++static int au_wbr_create_exp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bdiropq;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = -1;
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ if (bwh >= 0) {
++ if (bdiropq >= 0)
++ err = min(bdiropq, bwh);
++ else
++ err = bwh;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ } else if (bdiropq >= 0) {
++ err = bdiropq;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ if (err >= 0 && au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, err)))
++ err = -1;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_init_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, au_sbend(sb));
++ atomic_set(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next, -err); /* less important */
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_rr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, nbr;
++ unsigned int u;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ atomic_t *next;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ next = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ nbr = bend + 1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ /* modulo for 0 is meaningless */
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ } else
++ err = atomic_read(next);
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ u = err;
++ err = u % nbr;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, err)))
++ break;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ }
++ out:
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space */
++static void au_mfs(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long b, bavail;
++ /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct kstatfs *st;
++ st = kmalloc(sizeof(*st), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!st)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed updating mfs(%d), ignored\n", -ENOMEM);
++ return;
++ }
++ bavail = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ MtxMustLock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br))
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(br->br_mnt->mnt_root, st);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed statfs, b%d, %d\n", bindex, err);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* when the available size is equal, select the lower one */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bavail)
++ || sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bsize));
++ b = st->f_bavail * st->f_bsize;
++ br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes = b;
++ if (b >= bavail) {
++ bavail = b;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = bindex;
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = jiffies;
++ }
++ }
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = bavail;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", mfs->mfs_bindex);
++ kfree(st);
++static int au_wbr_create_mfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (time_after(jiffies, mfs->mfs_jiffy + mfs->mfs_expire)
++ || mfs->mfs_bindex < 0
++ || au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, mfs->mfs_bindex)))
++ au_mfs(dentry);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ err = mfs->mfs_bindex;
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_init(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = 0;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ return 0;
++static int au_wbr_create_fin_mfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_destroy(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_lock);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space and then round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_mfsrr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ mfs = &au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (mfs->mfsrr_bytes < mfs->mfsrr_watermark)
++ err = au_wbr_create_rr(dentry, isdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ }
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ au_wbr_create_init_mfs(sb); /* ignore */
++ err = au_wbr_create_init_rr(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* top down parent and most free space */
++static int au_wbr_create_pmfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, e2;
++ unsigned long long b;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ if (bstart == bend)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ e2 = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (e2 < 0)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ /* when the available size is equal, select upper one */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, err);
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(br) && br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes > b) {
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ err = bindex;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ }
++ }
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for copyup */
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_tdp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, /*isdir, anything is ok*/0);
++/* bottom up parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bup(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex >= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* bottom up */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bu(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(dentry->d_sb, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCopyup_TDP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BUP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bup
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BU] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bu
++ }
++struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCreate_TDP] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_RR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_rr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_rr
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#define WH_MASK S_IRUGO
++ * If a directory contains this file, then it is opaque. We start with the
++ * .wh. flag so that it is blocked by lookup.
++ */
++static struct qstr diropq_name = {
++ .name = AUFS_WH_DIROPQ,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_WH_DIROPQ) - 1
++ * generate whiteout name, which is NOT terminated by NULL.
++ * @name: original
++ * @len: original d_name.len
++ * @wh: whiteout qstr
++ * returns zero when succeeds, otherwise error.
++ * succeeded value as wh->name should be freed by kfree().
++ */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name)
++ char *p;
++ if (unlikely(name->len > PATH_MAX - AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ return -ENAMETOOLONG;
++ wh->len = name->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ p = kmalloc(wh->len, GFP_NOFS);
++ wh->name = p;
++ if (p) {
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ memcpy(p + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN, name->name, name->len);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if the @wh_name exists under @h_parent.
++ * @try_sio specifies the necessary of super-io.
++ */
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!try_sio)
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else
++ wh_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!wh_dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = 1;
++ if (S_ISREG(wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s Invalid whiteout entry type 0%o.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * test if the @h_dentry sets opaque or not.
++ */
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_wh_test(h_dentry, &diropq_name, br,
++ au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC));
++ return err;
++ * returns a negative dentry whose name is unique and temporary.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix)
++#define HEX_LEN 4
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int i;
++ char defname[AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2 + DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + 1
++ + HEX_LEN + 1], *name, *p;
++ static unsigned short cnt;
++ struct qstr qs;
++ name = defname;
++ qs.len = sizeof(defname) - DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + prefix->len - 1;
++ if (unlikely(prefix->len > DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN)) {
++ if (unlikely(qs.len >= PATH_MAX))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ name = kmalloc(qs.len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!name))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* doubly whiteout-ed */
++ memcpy(name, AUFS_WH_PFX AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2);
++ p = name + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2;
++ memcpy(p, prefix->name, prefix->len);
++ p += prefix->len;
++ *p++ = '.';
++ AuDebugOn(name + qs.len + 1 - p <= HEX_LEN);
++ = name;
++ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
++ sprintf(p, "%.*d", HEX_LEN, cnt++);
++ dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&qs, h_parent, br);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry) || !dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_name;
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ /* AuWarn("could not get random name\n"); */
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-EEXIST);
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuLNPair(&qs));
++ BUG();
++ out_name:
++ if (name != defname)
++ kfree(name);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++#undef HEX_LEN
++ * rename the @h_dentry on @br to the whiteouted temporary name.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ h_parent = h_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_path.dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &h_dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ /* under the same dir, no need to lock_rename() */
++ err = vfsub_rename(h_dir, h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for removing a whiteout
++ */
++static int do_unlink_wh(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int force;
++ /*
++ * forces superio when the dir has a sticky bit.
++ * this may be a violation of unix fs semantics.
++ */
++ force = (h_dir->i_mode & S_ISVTX)
++ && h_path->dentry->d_inode->i_uid != current_fsuid();
++ return vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, force);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (!err && dentry)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, -1);
++ return err;
++static int unlink_wh_name(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = 0;
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(wh, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ else {
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && S_ISREG(h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize/clean whiteout for a branch
++ */
++static void au_wh_clean(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *whpath,
++ const int isdir)
++ int err;
++ if (!whpath->dentry->d_inode)
++ return;
++ err = mnt_want_write(whpath->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (isdir)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, whpath);
++ else
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, whpath, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(whpath->mnt);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s (%d), ignored.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(whpath->dentry), err);
++static int test_linkable(struct dentry *h_root)
++ struct inode *h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (h_dir->i_op->link)
++ return 0;
++ AuErr("%.*s (%s) doesn't support link(2), use noplink and rw+nolwh\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ return -ENOSYS;
++/* todo: should this mkdir be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper? */
++static int au_whdir(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (!path->dentry->d_inode) {
++ int mode = S_IRWXU;
++ if (au_test_nfs(path->dentry->d_sb))
++ mode |= S_IXUGO;
++ err = mnt_want_write(path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, path, mode);
++ mnt_drop_write(path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISDIR(path->dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s exists\n", AuDLNPair(path->dentry));
++ return err;
++struct au_wh_base {
++ const struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++static void au_wh_init_ro(struct inode *h_dir, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ * returns tri-state,
++ * minus: error, caller should print the mesage
++ * zero: succuess
++ * plus: error, caller should NOT print the mesage
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw_nolink(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * for the moment, aufs supports the branch filesystem which does not support
++ * link(2). testing on FAT which does not support i_op->setattr() fully either,
++ * copyup failed. finally, such filesystem will not be used as the writable
++ * branch.
++ *
++ * returns tri-state, see above.
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /*
++ * todo: should this create be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper?
++ */
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (!base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, h_path, WH_MASK);
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISREG(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s/%.*s exists\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), AuDLNPair(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = dget(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize the whiteout base file/dir for @br.
++ */
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb)
++ int err, i;
++ const unsigned char do_plink
++ = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ static const struct qstr base_name[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = AUFS_BASE_NAME,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_BASE_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_PLINKDIR_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_ORPHDIR_NAME) - 1
++ }
++ };
++ struct au_wh_base base[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_BASE,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_PLINK,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_ORPH,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ }
++ };
++ if (wbr)
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ /* doubly whiteouted */
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = au_wh_lkup(h_root, (void *)base[i].name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(d);
++ if (IS_ERR(d))
++ goto out;
++ base[i].dentry = d;
++ AuDebugOn(wbr
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i]
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i] != base[i].dentry);
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ au_wh_init_ro(h_dir, base, &path);
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw_nolink(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("an error(%d) on the writable branch %.*s(%s)\n",
++ err, AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ out:
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(base[i].dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * whiteouts are all hard-linked usually.
++ * when its link count reaches a ceiling, we create a new whiteout base
++ * asynchronously.
++ */
++struct reinit_br_wh {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void reinit_br_wh(void *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *a = arg;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ err = 0;
++ wbr = a->br->br_wbr;
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(a->sb);
++ if (!au_br_writable(a->br->br_perm))
++ goto out;
++ bindex = au_br_index(a->sb, a->br->br_id);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ dir = a->sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(a->sb->s_root, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_h_verify(wbr->wbr_whbase, au_opt_udba(a->sb), hdir->hi_inode,
++ h_root, a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path.dentry = wbr->wbr_whbase;
++ h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(hdir->hi_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ } else {
++ AuWarn("%.*s is moved, ignored\n", AuDLNPair(wbr->wbr_whbase));
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ dput(wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, a->br, a->sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ di_read_unlock(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (wbr)
++ atomic_dec(&wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&a->br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(a->sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(a->sb);
++ kfree(arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++static void kick_reinit_br_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ int do_dec, wkq_err;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *arg;
++ do_dec = 1;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running) != 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* ignore ENOMEM */
++ arg = kmalloc(sizeof(*arg), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (arg) {
++ /*
++ * dec(wh_running), kfree(arg) and dec(br_count)
++ * in reinit function
++ */
++ arg->sb = sb;
++ arg->br = br;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(reinit_br_wh, arg, sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ kfree(arg);
++ }
++ do_dec = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (do_dec)
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create the whiteout @wh.
++ */
++static int link_or_create_wh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh
++ };
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_parent = wh->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ if (wbr->wbr_whbase) {
++ err = vfsub_link(wbr->wbr_whbase, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (!err || err != -EMLINK)
++ goto out;
++ /* link count full. re-initialize br_whbase. */
++ kick_reinit_br_wh(sb, br);
++ }
++ /* return this error in this context */
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, WH_MASK);
++ out:
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create or remove the diropq.
++ */
++static struct dentry *do_diropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ opq_dentry = au_lkup_one(&diropq_name, h_dentry, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_ftest_diropq(flags, CREATE)) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, opq_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ } else {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = opq_dentry,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = do_unlink_wh(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bindex), &tmp);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ opq_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return opq_dentry;
++struct do_diropq_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void call_do_diropq(void *args)
++ struct do_diropq_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_diropq(a->dentry, a->bindex, a->flags);
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *diropq, *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dentry->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ diropq = do_diropq(dentry, bindex, flags);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_diropq_args args = {
++ .errp = &diropq,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_diropq, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ diropq = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return diropq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * lookup whiteout dentry.
++ * @h_parent: lower parent dentry which must exist and be locked
++ * @base_name: name of dentry which will be whiteouted
++ * returns dentry for whiteout.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&wh_name, base_name);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(&wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ kfree(;
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * link/create a whiteout for @dentry on @bindex.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry) && !wh_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, wh_dentry);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ else {
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Delete all whiteouts in this directory on branch bindex. */
++static int del_wh_children(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ char *p;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = __getname();
++ = p;
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; !err && ul < n; ul++, head++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex != bindex)
++ continue;
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ if (str->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN <= PATH_MAX) {
++ memcpy(p, str->name, str->len);
++ wh_name.len = AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN + str->len;
++ err = unlink_wh_name(h_dentry, &wh_name, br);
++ if (!err)
++ continue;
++ break;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("whiteout name too long %.*s\n",
++ str->len, str->name);
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(;
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct del_wh_children_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_del_wh_children(void *args)
++ struct del_wh_children_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = del_wh_children(a->h_dentry, &a->whlist, a->bindex, a->br);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ whtmp = kmalloc(sizeof(*whtmp), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!whtmp)) {
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ whtmp->dir = NULL;
++ whtmp->wh_dentry = NULL;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whtmp->whlist, au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash, gfp);
++ if (!err)
++ return whtmp; /* success */
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return whtmp;
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp)
++ dput(whtmp->wh_dentry);
++ iput(whtmp->dir);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whtmp->whlist);
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ * rmdir the whiteouted temporary named dir @h_dentry.
++ * @whlist: whiteouted children.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_tmp;
++ struct inode *wh_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ wh_inode = wh_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&wh_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ /*
++ * someone else might change some whiteouts while we were sleeping.
++ * it means this whlist may have an obsoleted entry.
++ */
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(wh_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = del_wh_children(wh_dentry, whlist, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct del_wh_children_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .h_dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .whlist = *whlist,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_del_wh_children, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&wh_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_tmp.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_tmp.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_tmp);
++ /* d_drop(h_dentry); */
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex) {
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ drop_nlink(dir);
++ }
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s(%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ return err;
++static void call_rmdir_whtmp(void *args)
++ int err;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *a = args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ /* rmdir by nfsd may cause deadlock with this i_mutex */
++ /* mutex_lock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, a->bindex, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, a->bindex);
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ h_parent = dget_parent(a->wh_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(a->dir, a->bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_h_verify(a->wh_dentry, au_opt_udba(sb), h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(a->dir, a->bindex, a->wh_dentry,
++ &a->whlist);
++ mnt_drop_write(br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ }
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ /* mutex_unlock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args)
++ int wkq_err;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ /* all post-process will be done in do_rmdir_whtmp(). */
++ args->dir = au_igrab(dir);
++ args->bindex = bindex;
++ args->wh_dentry = dget(wh_dentry);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(call_rmdir_whtmp, args, dir->i_sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ AuWarn("rmdir error %.*s (%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wkq_err);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#define __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "dir.h"
++/* whout.c */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name);
++struct au_branch;
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio);
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix);
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb);
++/* diropq flags */
++#define AuDiropq_CREATE 1
++#define au_ftest_diropq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuDiropq_##name)
++#define au_fset_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuDiropq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuDiropq_##name; }
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags);
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent);
++/* real rmdir for the whiteout-ed dir */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir {
++ struct inode *dir;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp);
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_diropq_create(struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, AuDiropq_CREATE);
++static inline int au_diropq_remove(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return PTR_ERR(au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, !AuDiropq_CREATE));
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WHOUT_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new dredential scheme
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* internal workqueue named AUFS_WKQ_NAME */
++static struct au_wkq {
++ struct workqueue_struct *q;
++ /* balancing */
++ atomic_t busy;
++} *au_wkq;
++struct au_wkinfo {
++ struct work_struct wk;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ unsigned int flags; /* see wkq.h */
++ au_wkq_func_t func;
++ void *args;
++ atomic_t *busyp;
++ struct completion *comp;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int enqueue(struct au_wkq *wkq, struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ wkinfo->busyp = &wkq->busy;
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ return !queue_work(wkq->q, &wkinfo->wk);
++ else
++ return !schedule_work(&wkinfo->wk);
++static void do_wkq(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ unsigned int idle, n;
++ int i, idle_idx;
++ while (1) {
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT)) {
++ idle_idx = 0;
++ idle = UINT_MAX;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ n = atomic_inc_return(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ if (n == 1 && !enqueue(au_wkq + i, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ if (n < idle) {
++ idle_idx = i;
++ idle = n;
++ }
++ atomic_dec(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ }
++ } else
++ idle_idx = aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_inc(&au_wkq[idle_idx].busy);
++ if (!enqueue(au_wkq + idle_idx, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ /* impossible? */
++ AuWarn1("failed to queue_work()\n");
++ yield();
++ }
++static void wkq_func(struct work_struct *wk)
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo = container_of(wk, struct au_wkinfo, wk);
++ wkinfo->func(wkinfo->args);
++ atomic_dec_return(wkinfo->busyp);
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ complete(wkinfo->comp);
++ else {
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(wkinfo->sb)->si_kobj);
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ kfree(wkinfo);
++ }
++ * Since struct completion is large, try allocating it dynamically.
++ */
++#if defined(CONFIG_4KSTACKS) || defined(AuTest4KSTACKS)
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) struct completion *comp = NULL
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ *comp = kmalloc(sizeof(**comp), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (*comp) {
++ init_completion(*comp);
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp)
++ kfree(comp);
++/* no braces */
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) \
++ struct completion *comp = &_ ## name
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* 4KSTACKS */
++static void au_wkq_run(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ au_dbg_verify_kthread();
++ INIT_WORK(&wkinfo->wk, wkq_func);
++ do_wkq(wkinfo);
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args)
++ int err;
++ AuWkqCompDeclare(comp);
++ struct au_wkinfo wkinfo = {
++ .flags = AuWkq_WAIT,
++ .func = func,
++ .args = args
++ };
++ err = au_wkq_comp_alloc(&wkinfo, &comp);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_wkq_run(&wkinfo);
++ /* no timeout, no interrupt */
++ wait_for_completion(wkinfo.comp);
++ au_wkq_comp_free(comp);
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo;
++ atomic_inc(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ /*
++ * wkq_func() must free this wkinfo.
++ * it highly depends upon the implementation of workqueue.
++ */
++ err = 0;
++ wkinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*wkinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (wkinfo) {
++ wkinfo->sb = sb;
++ wkinfo->flags = !AuWkq_WAIT;
++ wkinfo->func = func;
++ wkinfo->args = args;
++ wkinfo->comp = NULL;
++ kobject_get(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
++ au_wkq_run(wkinfo);
++ } else {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ atomic_dec(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ atomic_set(&nwt->nw_len, 0);
++ /* smp_mb();*/ /* atomic_set */
++ init_waitqueue_head(&nwt->nw_wq);
++void au_wkq_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++)
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q))
++ destroy_workqueue(au_wkq[i].q);
++ kfree(au_wkq);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ struct au_wkq *nowaitq;
++ /* '+1' is for accounting of nowait queue */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_wkq = kcalloc(aufs_nwkq + 1, sizeof(*au_wkq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!au_wkq))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ au_wkq[i].q = create_singlethread_workqueue(AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q)) {
++ atomic_set(&au_wkq[i].busy, 0);
++ continue;
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_wkq[i].q);
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* nowait accounting */
++ nowaitq = au_wkq + aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_set(&nowaitq->busy, 0);
++ nowaitq->q = NULL;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new credentials management scheme
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#define __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/wait.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * in the next operation, wait for the 'nowait' tasks in system-wide workqueue
++ */
++struct au_nowait_tasks {
++ atomic_t nw_len;
++ wait_queue_head_t nw_wq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++typedef void (*au_wkq_func_t)(void *args);
++/* wkq flags */
++#define AuWkq_WAIT 1
++#define au_ftest_wkq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWkq_##name)
++#define au_fset_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWkq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWkq_##name; }
++/* wkq.c */
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args);
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb);
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void);
++void au_wkq_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline int au_test_wkq(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++static inline void au_nwt_done(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ if (!atomic_dec_return(&nwt->nw_len))
++ wake_up_all(&nwt->nw_wq);
++static inline int au_nwt_flush(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ wait_event(nwt->nw_wq, !atomic_read(&nwt->nw_len));
++ return 0;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WKQ_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/xino.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/xino.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/xino.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/xino.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1200 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * external inode number translation table and bitmap
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_access(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t do_xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf,
++ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ lockdep_off();
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (const char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ lockdep_on();
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_modify(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++struct do_xino_fwrite_args {
++ ssize_t *errp;
++ au_writef_t func;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *buf;
++ size_t size;
++ loff_t *pos;
++static void call_do_xino_fwrite(void *args)
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_xino_fwrite(a->func, a->file, a->buf, a->size, a->pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ /* todo: signal block and no wkq? */
++ /* todo: new credential scheme */
++ /*
++ * it breaks RLIMIT_FSIZE and normal user's limit,
++ * users should care about quota and real 'filesystem full.'
++ */
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .func = func,
++ .file = file,
++ .buf = buf,
++ .size = size,
++ .pos = pos
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_xino_fwrite, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_xino_fwrite(func, file, buf, size, pos);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a new xinofile at the same place/path as @base_file.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *base, *dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ int err;
++ base = base_file->f_dentry;
++ parent = base->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ name = &base->d_name;
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, parent, name->len);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ file = (void *)dentry;
++ AuErr("%.*s lookup err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* no need to mnt_want_write() since we call dentry_open() later */
++ err = vfs_create(dir, dentry, S_IRUGO | S_IWUGO, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ AuErr("%.*s create err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ file = dentry_open(dget(dentry), mntget(base_file->f_vfsmnt),
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s open err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(file));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ err = vfsub_unlink(dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s unlink err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ if (copy_src) {
++ /* no one can touch copy_src xino */
++ err = au_copy_file(file, copy_src,
++ i_size_read(copy_src->f_dentry->d_inode));
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s copy err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ out_fput:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return file;
++struct au_xino_lock_dir {
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++static void au_xino_lock_dir(struct super_block *sb, struct file *xino,
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ aufs_bindex_t brid, bindex;
++ ldir->hdir = NULL;
++ bindex = -1;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0)
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ ldir->hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(ldir->hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ ldir->parent = dget_parent(xino->f_dentry);
++ ldir->mtx = &ldir->parent->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(ldir->mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++static void au_xino_unlock_dir(struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ if (ldir->hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(ldir->hdir);
++ else {
++ mutex_unlock(ldir->mtx);
++ dput(ldir->parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate xino files asynchronously */
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bi, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct file *new_xino, *file;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0 || bend < bindex))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ file = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (!file)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ new_xino = au_xino_create2(file, file);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(new_xino);
++ if (IS_ERR(new_xino))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ fput(file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bi = 0; bi <= bend; bi++) {
++ if (unlikely(bi == bindex))
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bi);
++ if (br->br_mnt->mnt_sb != h_sb)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ get_file(new_xino);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct xino_do_trunc_args {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void xino_do_trunc(void *_args)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = args->sb;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ br = args->br;
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(dir);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, bindex);
++ if (!err
++ && br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ >= br->br_xino_upper)
++ br->br_xino_upper += AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP;
++ ii_read_unlock(dir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("err b%d, (%d)\n", bindex, err);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_xino_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(args);
++static void xino_try_trunc(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ < br->br_xino_upper)
++ return;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_xino_running) > 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* lock and kfree() will be called in trunc_xino() */
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ goto out_args;
++ }
++ atomic_inc_return(&br->br_count);
++ args->sb = sb;
++ args->br = br;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(xino_do_trunc, args, sb);
++ if (!wkq_err)
++ return; /* success */
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_count);
++ out_args:
++ kfree(args);
++ out:
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_xino_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_xino_do_write(au_writef_t write, struct file *file,
++ ino_t h_ino, ino_t ino)
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(ino);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(write, file, &ino, sizeof(ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ return -EIO;
++ * write @ino to the xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * even if @ino is zero, it is written to the xinofile and means no entry.
++ * if the size of the xino file on a specific filesystem exceeds the watermark,
++ * try truncating it.
++ */
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(long long) != sizeof(au_loff_max)
++ || ((loff_t)-1) > 0);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ return 0;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, TRUNC_XINO)
++ && au_test_fs_trunc_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb))
++ xino_try_trunc(sb, br);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%d)\n", err);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* aufs inode number bitmap */
++static const int page_bits = (int)PAGE_SIZE * BITS_PER_BYTE;
++static ino_t xib_calc_ino(unsigned long pindex, int bit)
++ ino_t ino;
++ AuDebugOn(bit < 0 || page_bits <= bit);
++ ino = AUFS_FIRST_INO + pindex * page_bits + bit;
++ return ino;
++static void xib_calc_bit(ino_t ino, unsigned long *pindex, int *bit)
++ AuDebugOn(ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ ino -= AUFS_FIRST_INO;
++ *pindex = ino / page_bits;
++ *bit = ino % page_bits;
++static int xib_pindex(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long pindex)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *xib;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(pindex > ULONG_MAX / PAGE_SIZE
++ || !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO));
++ if (pindex == sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex)
++ return 0;
++ xib = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ pos = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out;
++ pos = pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (i_size_read(xib->f_dentry->d_inode) >= pos + PAGE_SIZE)
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ else {
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ }
++ if (sz == PAGE_SIZE) {
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = pindex;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ out:
++ AuIOErr1("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ err = sz;
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err, bit;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0;
++ err = 0;
++ if (ino) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ xib_calc_bit(ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_bit(bit, sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = bit;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, 0);
++ return err;
++/* get an unused inode number from bitmap */
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb)
++ ino_t ino;
++ unsigned long *p, pindex, ul, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ int free_bit, err;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return iunique(sb, AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ free_bit = sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit;
++ if (free_bit < page_bits && !test_bit(free_bit, p))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ for (ul = pindex - 1; ul < ULONG_MAX; ul--) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) / PAGE_SIZE;
++ for (ul = pindex + 1; ul <= pend; ul++) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out:
++ set_bit(free_bit, p);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit++;
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ ino = xib_calc_ino(pindex, free_bit);
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ return ino;
++ out_err:
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDbg("i0\n");
++ return 0;
++ * read @ino from xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * if @ino does not exist and @do_new is true, get new one.
++ */
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ *ino = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0; /* no xino */
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(*ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(*ino);
++ file = au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < pos + sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* no ino */
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, ino, sizeof(*ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xino read error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* create and set a new xino file */
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *d;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * at mount-time, and the xino file is the default path,
++ * hinotify is disabled so we have no inotify events to ignore.
++ * when a user specified the xino, we cannot get au_hdir to be ignored.
++ */
++ file = vfsub_filp_open(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_LARGEFILE,
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("open %s(%ld)\n", fname, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return file;
++ }
++ /* keep file count */
++ h_parent = dget_parent(file->f_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("unlink %s(%d)\n", fname, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ d = file->f_dentry;
++ if (unlikely(sb == d->d_sb)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", fname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(d->d_sb))) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ fname, au_sbtype(d->d_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ return file; /* success */
++ out:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return file;
++ * find another branch who is on the same filesystem of the specified
++ * branch{@btgt}. search until @bend.
++ */
++static int is_sb_shared(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb = au_sbr_sb(sb, btgt);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < btgt; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize the xinofile for the specified branch @br
++ * at the place/path where @base_file indicates.
++ * test whether another branch is on the same filesystem or not,
++ * if @do_test is true.
++ */
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t h_ino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct au_branch *shared_br, *b;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb;
++ shared_br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (do_test) {
++ tgt_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ b = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (tgt_sb == b->br_mnt->mnt_sb) {
++ shared_br = b;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!shared_br || !shared_br->br_xino.xi_file) {
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, base_file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(base_file, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = file;
++ } else {
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = shared_br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ get_file(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ }
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate a xino bitmap file */
++/* todo: slow */
++static int do_xib_restore(struct super_block *sb, struct file *file, void *page)
++ int err, bit;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ loff_t pos, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_readf_t func;
++ ino_t *ino;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ func = sbinfo->si_xread;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ pos = 0;
++ while (pos < pend) {
++ sz = xino_fread(func, file, page, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (ino = page; sz > 0; ino++, sz -= sizeof(ino)) {
++ if (unlikely(*ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO))
++ continue;
++ xib_calc_bit(*ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err)
++ set_bit(bit, p);
++ else
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int xib_restore(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ void *page;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ page = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (!bindex || is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1) < 0)
++ err = do_xib_restore
++ (sb, au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file, page);
++ else
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ goto out;
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) <= PAGE_SIZE)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(sbinfo->si_xib, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ pos = 0;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE)) {
++ err = sz;
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = xib_restore(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * xino mount option handlers
++ */
++static au_readf_t find_readf(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->read)
++ return fop->read;
++ if (fop->aio_read)
++ return do_sync_read;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++static au_writef_t find_writef(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->write)
++ return fop->write;
++ if (fop->aio_write)
++ return do_sync_write;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++/* xino bitmap */
++static void xino_clear_xib(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++static int au_xino_set_xib(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xib);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = find_readf(file);
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = find_writef(file);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (!sbinfo->si_xib_buf)
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_xib_buf))
++ goto out_unset;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = 0;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < PAGE_SIZE) {
++ pos = 0;
++ err = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, sbinfo->si_xib_buf,
++ PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(err != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_free:
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_unset:
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* xino for each branch */
++static void xino_clear_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!br || !br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ }
++static int au_xino_set_br(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bshared;
++ struct {
++ struct file *old, *new;
++ } *fpair, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_writef_t writef;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ fpair = kcalloc(bend + 1, sizeof(*fpair), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!fpair))
++ goto out;
++ inode = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ writef = au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite;
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ bshared = is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1);
++ if (bshared >= 0) {
++ /* shared xino */
++ *p = fpair[bshared];
++ get_file(p->new);
++ }
++ if (!p->new) {
++ /* new xino */
++ p->old = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ p->new = au_xino_create2(base, br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(p->new);
++ if (IS_ERR(p->new)) {
++ p->new = NULL;
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_xino_do_write(writef, p->new,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)->i_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ get_file(p->new);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = p->new;
++ }
++ out_pair:
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->new)
++ fput(p->new);
++ else
++ break;
++ kfree(fpair);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_xigen_clr(sb);
++ xino_clear_xib(sb);
++ xino_clear_br(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* lvalue, do not call au_mntflags() */
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount)
++ int err, skip;
++ struct dentry *parent, *cur_parent;
++ struct qstr *dname, *cur_name;
++ struct file *cur_xino;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(xino->file->f_dentry);
++ if (remount) {
++ skip = 0;
++ dname = &xino->file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ cur_xino = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (cur_xino) {
++ cur_parent = dget_parent(cur_xino->f_dentry);
++ cur_name = &cur_xino->f_dentry->d_name;
++ skip = (cur_parent == parent
++ && dname->len == cur_name->len
++ && !memcmp(dname->name, cur_name->name,
++ dname->len));
++ dput(cur_parent);
++ }
++ if (skip)
++ goto out;
++ }
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = au_xino_set_xib(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xigen_set(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_set_br(sb, xino->file);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* reset all */
++ AuIOErr("failed creating xino(%d).\n", err);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a xinofile at the default place/path.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct file *file;
++ char *page, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct path path;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bwr;
++ br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ bwr = -1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb)) {
++ bwr = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bwr >= 0) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ page = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(sb->s_root, bwr);
++ p = d_path(&path, page, PATH_MAX - sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME));
++ file = (void *)p;
++ if (!IS_ERR(p)) {
++ strcat(p, "/" AUFS_XINO_FNAME);
++ AuDbg("%s\n", p);
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, p, /*silent*/0);
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, br->br_id);
++ }
++ __putname(page);
++ } else {
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, /*silent*/0);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ h_sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_sb))) {
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ }
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ }
++ out:
++ return file;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &file->f_path);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++#define Deleted "\\040(deleted)"
++ seq->count -= sizeof(Deleted) - 1;
++ AuDebugOn(memcmp(seq->buf + seq->count, Deleted,
++ sizeof(Deleted) - 1));
++#undef Deleted
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/Kconfig linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/Kconfig 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Kconfig 2009-08-23 17:21:29.021473535 +0200
+@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ source "fs/romfs/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/sysv/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/ufs/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/exofs/Kconfig"
++source "fs/aufs/Kconfig"
+ config NILFS2_FS
+ tristate "NILFS2 file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/Makefile linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/Makefile 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Makefile 2009-08-23 17:21:59.925457390 +0200
+@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_HFSPLUS_FS) += hfsplus/ # B
+ obj-$(CONFIG_HFS_FS) += hfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_ECRYPT_FS) += ecryptfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_VXFS_FS) += freevxfs/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_NFS_FS) += nfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_EXPORTFS) += exportfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_NFSD) += nfsd/
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/namei.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namei.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/namei.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namei.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.586918393 +0200
+@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ int deny_write_access(struct file * file
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * path_get - get a reference to a path
+@@ -1200,7 +1201,7 @@ out:
+ * needs parent already locked. Doesn't follow mounts.
+ * SMP-safe.
+ */
+-static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ int err;
+@@ -1209,8 +1210,9 @@ static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct
+ return ERR_PTR(err);
+ return __lookup_hash(&nd->last, nd->path.dentry, nd);
+ }
+-static int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
+ struct dentry *base, int len)
+ {
+ unsigned long hash;
+@@ -1231,6 +1233,7 @@ static int __lookup_one_len(const char *
+ this->hash = end_name_hash(hash);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * lookup_one_len - filesystem helper to lookup single pathname component
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/namespace.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namespace.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/namespace.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namespace.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.589450118 +0200
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+ /* spinlock for vfsmount related operations, inplace of dcache_lock */
+ __cacheline_aligned_in_smp DEFINE_SPINLOCK(vfsmount_lock);
+ static int event;
+ static DEFINE_IDA(mnt_id_ida);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/open.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/open.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/open.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/open.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ int do_truncate(struct dentry *dentry, l
+ mutex_unlock(&dentry->d_inode->i_mutex);
+ return err;
+ }
+ static long do_sys_truncate(const char __user *pathname, loff_t length)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/splice.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/splice.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/splice.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/splice.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -905,8 +905,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(generic_splice_sendpage);
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from pipe to file.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
+- loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -925,13 +925,14 @@ static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_i
+ return out->f_op->splice_write(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from a file to a pipe.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
+- struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
+- unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -947,6 +948,7 @@ static long do_splice_to(struct file *in
+ return in->f_op->splice_read(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
+ }
+ /**
+ * splice_direct_to_actor - splices data directly between two non-pipes
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/aufs_type.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/aufs_type.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/aufs_type.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/aufs_type.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#define AUFS_VERSION "2-standalone.tree-30-20090803"
++/* todo? move this to linux-2.6.19/include/magic.h */
++#define AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC ('a' << 24 | 'u' << 16 | 'f' << 8 | 's')
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some environments treat 'char' as 'unsigned char' by default */
++typedef signed char aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 127
++typedef short aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 511
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 1023
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 32767
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#error unknown CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX value
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AUFS_NAME "aufs"
++#define AUFS_ROOT_INO 2
++#define AUFS_FIRST_INO 11
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX ".wh."
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN ((int)sizeof(AUFS_WH_PFX) - 1)
++#define AUFS_XINO_FNAME "." AUFS_NAME ".xino"
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT 64 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP 4 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_DIRWH_DEF 3
++#define AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF 10 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_RDBLK_DEF 512 /* bytes */
++#define AUFS_RDHASH_DEF 32
++#define AUFS_NWKQ_DEF 4
++#define AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF 30 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_PLINK_WARN 100 /* number of plinks */
++#define AUFS_DIROPQ_NAME AUFS_WH_PFX ".opq" /* whiteouted doubly */
++/* doubly whiteouted */
++/* branch permission */
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RW "rw"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RO "ro"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RR "rr"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_WH "wh"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_NLWH "nolwh"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* ioctl */
++enum {
++#define AuCtlType 'A'
++#endif /* __AUFS_TYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/Kbuild linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/Kbuild
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/Kbuild 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/Kbuild 2009-08-23 17:21:29.021473535 +0200
+@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ header-y += atmppp.h
+ header-y += atmsap.h
+ header-y += atmsvc.h
+ header-y += atm_zatm.h
++header-y += aufs_type.h
+ header-y += auto_fs4.h
+ header-y += ax25.h
+ header-y += b1lli.h
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/namei.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/namei.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/namei.h 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/namei.h 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ extern struct file *lookup_instantiate_f
+ extern struct file *nameidata_to_filp(struct nameidata *nd, int flags);
+ extern void release_open_intent(struct nameidata *);
++extern struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++extern int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++ struct dentry *base, int len);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_len(const char *, struct dentry *, int);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_noperm(const char *, struct dentry *);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/splice.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/splice.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/splice.h 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/splice.h 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -83,4 +83,10 @@ extern ssize_t splice_to_pipe(struct pip
+ extern ssize_t splice_direct_to_actor(struct file *, struct splice_desc *,
+ splice_direct_actor *);
++extern long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++extern long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
+ #endif
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/security/device_cgroup.c linux-2.6.30.patched/security/device_cgroup.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/security/device_cgroup.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/security/device_cgroup.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -512,6 +512,7 @@ acc_check:
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ int devcgroup_inode_mknod(int mode, dev_t dev)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/security/security.c linux-2.6.30.patched/security/security.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/security/security.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/security/security.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.621506835 +0200
+@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ int security_path_mkdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_mkdir(path, dentry, mode);
+ }
+ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -396,6 +397,7 @@ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_rmdir(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_unlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ int security_path_unlink(struct path *pa
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_unlink(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_symlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry,
+ const char *old_name)
+@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ int security_path_symlink(struct path *p
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_symlink(path, dentry, old_name);
+ }
+ int security_path_link(struct dentry *old_dentry, struct path *new_dir,
+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -419,6 +423,7 @@ int security_path_link(struct dentry *ol
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_link(old_dentry, new_dir, new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_rename(struct path *old_dir, struct dentry *old_dentry,
+ struct path *new_dir, struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -429,6 +434,7 @@ int security_path_rename(struct path *ol
+ return security_ops->path_rename(old_dir, old_dentry, new_dir,
+ new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_truncate(struct path *path, loff_t length,
+ unsigned int time_attrs)
+@@ -437,6 +443,7 @@ int security_path_truncate(struct path *
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_truncate(path, length, time_attrs);
+ }
+ #endif
+ int security_inode_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
+@@ -508,6 +515,7 @@ int security_inode_readlink(struct dentr
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_readlink(dentry);
+ }
+ int security_inode_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+@@ -522,6 +530,7 @@ int security_inode_permission(struct ino
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_permission(inode, mask);
+ }
+ int security_inode_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr)
+ {
+@@ -622,6 +631,7 @@ int security_file_permission(struct file
+ {
+ return security_ops->file_permission(file, mask);
+ }
+ int security_file_alloc(struct file *file)
+ {
diff --git a/target/linux/patches/ b/target/linux/patches/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25302f8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/patches/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+diff -Nur linux- linux-
+--- linux- 2009-08-16 23:19:38.000000000 +0200
++++ linux- 2009-08-22 20:26:39.000000000 +0200
+@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@
+ numa_default_policy();
+ if (sys_open((const char __user *) "/dev/console", O_RDWR, 0) < 0)
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "Warning: unable to open an initial console.\n");
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "Starting Linux (build with OpenADK).\n");
+ (void) sys_dup(0);
+ (void) sys_dup(0);
+@@ -835,6 +835,7 @@
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Failed to execute %s. Attempting "
+ "defaults...\n", execute_command);
+ }
++ run_init_process("/init");
+ run_init_process("/sbin/init");
+ run_init_process("/etc/init");
+ run_init_process("/bin/init");
diff --git a/target/linux/patches/2.6.30/aufs2-2.6.30.patch b/target/linux/patches/2.6.30/aufs2-2.6.30.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..212ab427f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/patches/2.6.30/aufs2-2.6.30.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24453 @@
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs
+--- linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/debugfs-aufs 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /debug/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xib
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xib (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap), its block size and file size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xino0, xino1 ... xinoN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xino (External Inode Number
++ Translation Table), its link count, block size and file
++ size.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
++What: /debug/aufs/si_<id>/xigen
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the consumed blocks by xigen (External Inode
++ Generation Table), its block size and file size.
++ If CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT is disabled, this entry will not
++ be created.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs
+--- linux-2.6.30/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-aufs 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ Under /sys/fs/aufs, a directory named si_<id> is created
++ per aufs mount, where <id> is a unique id generated
++ internally.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/br0, br1 ... brN
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of a member directory (which
++ is called branch) in aufs, and its permission.
++What: /sys/fs/aufs/si_<id>/xi_path
++Date: March 2009
++Contact: J. R. Okajima <>
++ It shows the abolute path of XINO (External Inode Number
++ Bitmap, Translation Table and Generation Table) file
++ even if it is the default path.
++ When the aufs mount option 'noxino' is specified, it
++ will be empty. About XINO files, see
++ Documentation/filesystems/aufs/aufs.5 in detail.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/aufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/aufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/aufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/aufs.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * all header files
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_H__
++#define __AUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include "debug.h"
++#include "branch.h"
++#include "cpup.h"
++#include "dcsub.h"
++#include "dbgaufs.h"
++#include "dentry.h"
++#include "dir.h"
++#include "file.h"
++#include "fstype.h"
++#include "inode.h"
++#include "loop.h"
++#include "module.h"
++#include "opts.h"
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "super.h"
++#include "sysaufs.h"
++#include "vfsub.h"
++#include "whout.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch management
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * free a single branch
++ */
++static void au_br_do_free(struct au_branch *br)
++ int i;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ mutex_destroy(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&br->br_count));
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr) {
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&wbr->wbr_wh_running));
++ AuRwDestroy(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ }
++ /* some filesystems acquire extra lock */
++ lockdep_off();
++ mntput(br->br_mnt);
++ lockdep_on();
++ kfree(wbr);
++ kfree(br);
++ * frees all branches
++ */
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ aufs_bindex_t bmax;
++ struct au_branch **br;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ bmax = sbinfo->si_bend + 1;
++ br = sbinfo->si_branch;
++ while (bmax--)
++ au_br_do_free(*br++);
++ * find the index of a branch which is specified by @br_id.
++ */
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_sbr_id(sb, bindex) == br_id)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * add a branch
++ */
++static int test_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ if (unlikely(h_d1 == h_d2))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2)
++ || !!au_test_subdir(h_d2, h_d1)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d1, h_d2)
++ || au_test_loopback_overlap(sb, h_d2, h_d1);
++ * returns a newly allocated branch. @new_nbranch is a number of branches
++ * after adding a branch.
++ */
++static struct au_branch *au_br_alloc(struct super_block *sb, int new_nbranch,
++ int perm)
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ add_branch = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ add_branch->br_wbr = NULL;
++ if (au_br_writable(perm)) {
++ /* may be freed separately at changing the branch permission */
++ add_branch->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*add_branch->br_wbr),
++ if (unlikely(!add_branch->br_wbr))
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_sbr_realloc(au_sbi(sb), new_nbranch)
++ || au_di_realloc(au_di(root), new_nbranch)
++ || au_ii_realloc(au_ii(root->d_inode), new_nbranch)))
++ goto out_wbr;
++ return add_branch; /* success */
++ out_wbr:
++ kfree(add_branch->br_wbr);
++ out_br:
++ kfree(add_branch);
++ out:
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ * test if the branch permission is legal or not.
++ */
++static int test_br(struct inode *inode, int brperm, char *path)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(au_br_writable(brperm) && IS_RDONLY(inode))) {
++ AuErr("write permission for readonly mount or inode, %s\n",
++ path);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns:
++ * 0: success, the caller will add it
++ * plus: success, it is already unified, the caller should ignore it
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int test_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend >= 0
++ && au_find_dbindex(root, add->path.dentry) >= 0)) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (!remount) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("%s duplicated\n", add->pathname);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOSPC; /* -E2BIG; */
++ if (unlikely(AUFS_BRANCH_MAX <= add->bindex
++ || AUFS_BRANCH_MAX - 1 <= bend)) {
++ AuErr("number of branches exceeded %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EDOM;
++ if (unlikely(add->bindex < 0 || bend + 1 < add->bindex)) {
++ AuErr("bad index %d\n", add->bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = add->path.dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink)) {
++ AuErr("no existence %s\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_sb == sb)) {
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unsuppoted(inode->i_sb))) {
++ AuErr("unsupported filesystem, %s (%s)\n",
++ add->pathname, au_sbtype(inode->i_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = test_br(add->path.dentry->d_inode, add->perm, add->pathname);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (bend < 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(test_overlap(sb, add->path.dentry,
++ au_h_dptr(root, bindex)))) {
++ AuErr("%s is overlapped\n", add->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), WARN_PERM)) {
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(root, 0)->d_inode;
++ if ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO) != (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO)
++ || h_inode->i_uid != inode->i_uid
++ || h_inode->i_gid != inode->i_gid)
++ AuWarn("uid/gid/perm %s %u/%u/0%o, %u/%u/0%o\n",
++ add->pathname,
++ inode->i_uid, inode->i_gid,
++ (inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO),
++ h_inode->i_uid, h_inode->i_gid,
++ (h_inode->i_mode & S_IALLUGO));
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize or clean the whiteouts for an adding branch
++ */
++static int au_br_init_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br,
++ int new_perm, struct dentry *h_root)
++ int err, old_perm;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ old_perm = br->br_perm;
++ br->br_perm = new_perm;
++ hdir = NULL;
++ h_mtx = NULL;
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ if (0 <= bindex) {
++ hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ h_mtx = &h_root->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++ if (!wbr)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ else {
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, br, sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ }
++ if (hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ else
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = old_perm;
++ if (!err && wbr && !au_br_writable(new_perm)) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ int perm, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ au_rw_init(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++ memset(wbr->wbr_wh, 0, sizeof(wbr->wbr_wh));
++ atomic_set(&wbr->wbr_wh_running, 0);
++ wbr->wbr_bytes = 0;
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, perm, path->dentry);
++ return err;
++/* intialize a new branch */
++static int au_br_init(struct au_branch *br, struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_add *add)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&br->br_xino, 0, sizeof(br->br_xino));
++ mutex_init(&br->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx);
++ br->br_perm = add->perm;
++ br->br_mnt = add->path.mnt; /* set first, mntget() later */
++ atomic_set(&br->br_count, 0);
++ br->br_xino_upper = AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT;
++ atomic_set(&br->br_xino_running, 0);
++ br->br_id = au_new_br_id(sb);
++ if (au_br_writable(add->perm)) {
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, add->perm, &add->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_br(sb, br, add->path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
++ au_sbr(sb, 0)->br_xino.xi_file, /*do_test*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuDebugOn(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ sysaufs_br_init(br);
++ mntget(add->path.mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_add_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bend,
++ aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ memmove(brp + 1, brp, sizeof(*brp) * amount);
++ *brp = br;
++ sbinfo->si_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ sbinfo->si_bend = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ memmove(hdp + 1, hdp, sizeof(*hdp) * amount);
++ au_h_dentry_init(hdp);
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ dinfo->di_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, aufs_bindex_t amount)
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ memmove(hip + 1, hip, sizeof(*hip) * amount);
++ hip->hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(hip, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0))
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = 0;
++static void au_br_do_add(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_dentry,
++ struct au_branch *br, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, amount;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ amount = bend + 1 - bindex;
++ au_br_do_add_brp(au_sbi(sb), bindex, br, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_br_do_add_hip(au_ii(root_inode), bindex, bend, amount);
++ au_set_h_dptr(root, bindex, dget(h_dentry));
++ au_set_h_iptr(root_inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode),
++ /*flags*/0);
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, add_bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *root_inode;
++ struct au_branch *add_branch;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ root_inode = root->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(root_inode);
++ err = test_add(sb, add, remount);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ if (err) {
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ add_branch = au_br_alloc(sb, bend + 2, add->perm);
++ err = PTR_ERR(add_branch);
++ if (IS_ERR(add_branch))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_br_init(add_branch, sb, add);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_br_do_free(add_branch);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ add_bindex = add->bindex;
++ h_dentry = add->path.dentry;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, add_bindex);
++ au_br_do_add(sb, h_dentry, add_branch, add_bindex);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, add_bindex);
++ }
++ if (!add_bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_add_nlink(root_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ maxb = h_dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ /*
++ * this test/set prevents aufs from handling unnecesary inotify events
++ * of xino files, in a case of re-adding a writable branch which was
++ * once detached from aufs.
++ */
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) < 0
++ && au_br_writable(add_branch->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_dentry->d_sb)
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file
++ && add_branch->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_parent == h_dentry)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, add_branch->br_id);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * delete a branch
++ */
++/* to show the line number, do not make it inlined function */
++#define AuVerbose(do_info, fmt, args...) do { \
++ if (do_info) \
++ AuInfo(fmt, ##args); \
++} while (0)
++ * test if the branch is deletable or not.
++ */
++static int test_dentry_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(root->d_sb), VERBOSE);
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ d = dpage->dentries[j];
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&d->d_count));
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(d) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ err = au_reval_dpath(d, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ di_downgrade_lock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_dptr(d, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy %.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d));
++ }
++ di_read_unlock(d, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_inode_busy(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend;
++ unsigned char verbose;
++ err = 0;
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), VERBOSE);
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&i->i_count));
++ if (!list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ continue;
++ if (au_iigen(i) == sigen)
++ ii_read_lock_child(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_lock_child(i);
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(i, /*do_attr*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ ii_downgrade_lock(i);
++ else {
++ ii_write_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ bstart = au_ibstart(i);
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ if (bstart <= bindex
++ && bindex <= bend
++ && au_h_iptr(i, bindex)
++ && (!S_ISDIR(i->i_mode) || bstart == bend)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "busy i%lu\n", i->i_ino);
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(i);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int test_children_busy(struct dentry *root, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ sigen = au_sigen(root->d_sb);
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = test_dentry_busy(root, bindex, sigen);
++ if (!err)
++ err = test_inode_busy(root->d_sb, bindex, sigen);
++ di_write_lock_child(root); /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ return err;
++static void au_br_do_del_brp(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_branch **brp, **p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ brp = sbinfo->si_branch + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(brp, brp + 1, sizeof(*brp) * (bend - bindex));
++ sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bend] = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ sbinfo->si_branch = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hdp(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ hdp = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hdp, hdp + 1, sizeof(*hdp) * (bend - bindex));
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bend].hd_dentry = NULL;
++ dinfo->di_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = p;
++static void au_br_do_del_hip(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, const aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ const aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ struct au_hinode *hip, *p;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ hip = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ if (bindex < bend)
++ memmove(hip, hip + 1, sizeof(*hip) * (bend - bindex));
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bend].hi_inode = NULL;
++ au_hin_init(iinfo->ii_hinode + bend, NULL);
++ iinfo->ii_bend--;
++ p = krealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sizeof(*p) * bend, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = p;
++static void au_br_do_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ bend = sbinfo->si_bend;
++ dput(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ au_hiput(au_hi(inode, bindex));
++ au_br_do_free(br);
++ au_br_do_del_brp(sbinfo, bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hdp(au_di(root), bindex, bend);
++ au_br_do_del_hip(au_ii(inode), bindex, bend);
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount)
++ int err, rerr, i;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, br_id;
++ unsigned char do_wh, verbose;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(sb->s_root, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", del->pathname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ verbose = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, VERBOSE);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!bend)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "no more branches left\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ i = atomic_read(&br->br_count);
++ if (unlikely(i)) {
++ AuVerbose(verbose, "%d file(s) opened\n", i);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ do_wh = wbr && (wbr->wbr_whbase || wbr->wbr_plink || wbr->wbr_orph);
++ if (do_wh) {
++ /* instead of WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) */
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ err = test_children_busy(sb->s_root, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (do_wh)
++ goto out_wh;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ br_id = br->br_id;
++ if (!remount)
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ sysaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ au_br_do_del(sb, bindex, br);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ }
++ if (!bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(sb->s_root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ else
++ au_sub_nlink(sb->s_root->d_inode, del->h_path.dentry->d_inode);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_half_refresh(sb, br_id);
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes == del->h_path.dentry->d_sb->s_maxbytes) {
++ bend--;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ unsigned long long maxb;
++ maxb = au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)->s_maxbytes;
++ if (sb->s_maxbytes < maxb)
++ sb->s_maxbytes = maxb;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_xino_brid(sb) == br->br_id)
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_wh:
++ /* revert */
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, br->br_perm, del->h_path.dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ AuWarn("failed re-creating base whiteout, %s. (%d)\n",
++ del->pathname, rerr);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * change a branch permission
++ */
++static int do_need_sigen_inc(int a, int b)
++ return au_br_whable(a) && !au_br_whable(b);
++static int need_sigen_inc(int old, int new)
++ return do_need_sigen_inc(old, new)
++ || do_need_sigen_inc(new, old);
++static int au_br_mod_files_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long n, ul, bytes, files;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct file *file, *hf, **a;
++ const int step_bytes = 1024, /* memory allocation unit */
++ step_files = step_bytes / sizeof(*a);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ n = 0;
++ bytes = step_bytes;
++ files = step_files;
++ a = kmalloc(bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ /* no need file_list_lock() since sbinfo is locked? defered? */
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list) {
++ if (special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(file->f_dentry));
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ if (unlikely(au_test_mmapped(file))) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (!S_ISREG(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || !(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)
++ || bstart != bindex) {
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ continue;
++ }
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ FiMustNoWaiters(file);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ if (n < files)
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ else {
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bytes += step_bytes;
++ files += step_files;
++ p = krealloc(a, bytes, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p) {
++ a = p;
++ a[n++] = hf;
++ } else
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ /* todo: already flushed? */
++ /* cf. fs/super.c:mark_files_ro() */
++ hf = a[ul];
++ hf->f_mode &= ~FMODE_WRITE;
++ if (!file_check_writeable(hf)) {
++ file_release_write(hf);
++ mnt_drop_write(hf->f_vfsmnt);
++ }
++ }
++ out_free:
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ bindex = au_find_dbindex(root, mod->h_root);
++ if (bindex < 0) {
++ if (remount)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ AuErr("%s no such branch\n", mod->path);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuDbg("bindex b%d\n", bindex);
++ err = test_br(mod->h_root->d_inode, mod->perm, mod->path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_perm == mod->perm)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)) {
++ /* remove whiteout base */
++ err = au_br_init_wh(sb, br, mod->perm, mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* rw --> ro, file might be mmapped */
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ IiMustNoWaiters(root->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_br_mod_files_ro(sb, bindex);
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ rerr = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr),
++ if (br->br_wbr)
++ rerr = au_br_init_wh
++ (sb, br, br->br_perm,
++ mod->h_root);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("nested error %d (%d)\n",
++ rerr, err);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ } else if (au_br_writable(mod->perm)) {
++ /* ro --> rw */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ br->br_wbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*br->br_wbr), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (br->br_wbr) {
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt,
++ .dentry = mod->h_root
++ };
++ err = au_wbr_init(br, sb, mod->perm, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kfree(br->br_wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ *do_update |= need_sigen_inc(br->br_perm, mod->perm);
++ br->br_perm = mod->perm;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/branch.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/branch.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * branch filesystems and xino for them
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#define __AUFS_BRANCH_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/mount.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "super.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* a xino file */
++struct au_xino_file {
++ struct file *xi_file;
++ struct mutex xi_nondir_mtx;
++ /* todo: make xino files an array to support huge inode number */
++ struct dentry *xi_dbgaufs;
++/* members for writable branch only */
++enum {AuBrWh_BASE, AuBrWh_PLINK, AuBrWh_ORPH, AuBrWh_Last};
++struct au_wbr {
++ struct au_rwsem wbr_wh_rwsem;
++ struct dentry *wbr_wh[AuBrWh_Last];
++ atomic_t wbr_wh_running;
++#define wbr_whbase wbr_wh[AuBrWh_BASE] /* whiteout base */
++#define wbr_plink wbr_wh[AuBrWh_PLINK] /* pseudo-link dir */
++#define wbr_orph wbr_wh[AuBrWh_ORPH] /* dir for orphans */
++ /* mfs mode */
++ unsigned long long wbr_bytes;
++/* protected by superblock rwsem */
++struct au_branch {
++ struct au_xino_file br_xino;
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int br_perm;
++ struct vfsmount *br_mnt;
++ atomic_t br_count;
++ struct au_wbr *br_wbr;
++ /* xino truncation */
++ blkcnt_t br_xino_upper; /* watermark in blocks */
++ atomic_t br_xino_running;
++ /* an entry under sysfs per mount-point */
++ char br_name[8];
++ struct attribute br_attr;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch permission and attribute */
++enum {
++ AuBrPerm_RW, /* writable, linkable wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RO, /* readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RR, /* natively readonly, no wh */
++ AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH, /* un-linkable whiteouts */
++ AuBrPerm_ROWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_RRWH, /* whiteout-able */
++ AuBrPerm_Last
++static inline int au_br_writable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW || brperm == AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH;
++static inline int au_br_whable(int brperm)
++ return brperm == AuBrPerm_RW
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_ROWH
++ || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++static inline int au_br_rdonly(struct au_branch *br)
++ return ((br->br_mnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
++ || !au_br_writable(br->br_perm))
++ ? -EROFS : 0;
++static inline int au_br_hinotifyable(int brperm __maybe_unused)
++ return brperm != AuBrPerm_RR && brperm != AuBrPerm_RRWH;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* branch.c */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++void au_br_free(struct au_sbinfo *sinfo);
++int au_br_index(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++struct au_opt_add;
++int au_br_add(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_add *add, int remount);
++struct au_opt_del;
++int au_br_del(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_del *del, int remount);
++struct au_opt_mod;
++int au_br_mod(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_mod *mod, int remount,
++ int *do_update);
++/* xino.c */
++static const loff_t au_loff_max = LLONG_MAX;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos);
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src);
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent);
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino);
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino);
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t hino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test);
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++struct au_opt_xino;
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount);
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Superblock to branch */
++static inline
++aufs_bindex_t au_sbr_id(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_id;
++static inline
++struct vfsmount *au_sbr_mnt(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++static inline
++struct super_block *au_sbr_sb(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex)->mnt_sb;
++static inline void au_sbr_put(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_count);
++static inline int au_sbr_perm(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_perm;
++static inline int au_sbr_whable(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * wbr_wh_read_lock, wbr_wh_write_lock
++ * wbr_wh_read_unlock, wbr_wh_write_unlock, wbr_wh_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(wbr_wh, struct au_wbr *wbr, &wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem);
++#define WbrWhMustNoWaiters(wbr) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustAnyLock(wbr) AuRwMustAnyLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#define WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr) AuRwMustWriteLock(&wbr->wbr_wh_rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_BRANCH_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up functions, see wbr_policy.c for copy-down
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src)
++ const unsigned int mask = S_DEAD | S_SWAPFILE | S_PRIVATE
++ dst->i_flags |= src->i_flags & ~mask;
++ if (au_test_fs_notime(dst->i_sb))
++ dst->i_flags |= S_NOATIME | S_NOCMTIME;
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ fsstack_copy_attr_times(inode, h_inode);
++ vfsub_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!force
++ && !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode))
++ return;
++ inode->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink;
++ /*
++ * fewer nlink makes find(1) noisy, but larger nlink doesn't.
++ * it may includes whplink directory.
++ */
++ if (S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_add_nlink(inode, h_inode);
++ }
++ }
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ inode->i_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ inode->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ inode->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(inode, h_inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_higen = h_inode->i_generation;
++ iinfo->ii_hsb1 = h_inode->i_sb;
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ if (inode->i_nlink > 0)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, force);
++ inode->i_rdev = h_inode->i_rdev;
++ inode->i_blkbits = h_inode->i_blkbits;
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Note: dt_dentry and dt_h_dentry are not dget/dput-ed */
++/* keep the timestamps of the parent dir when cpup */
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ dt->dt_dentry = dentry;
++ dt->dt_h_path = *h_path;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ dt->dt_atime = h_inode->i_atime;
++ dt->dt_mtime = h_inode->i_mtime;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt)
++ struct iattr attr;
++ int err;
++ attr.ia_atime = dt->dt_atime;
++ attr.ia_mtime = dt->dt_mtime;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dt->dt_h_path, &attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("restoring timestamps failed(%d). ignored\n", err);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_iattr(struct dentry *dst, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_isrc, *h_idst;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dst, bindex);
++ h_idst = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dst->d_sb, bindex);
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ ia.ia_atime = h_isrc->i_atime;
++ ia.ia_mtime = h_isrc->i_mtime;
++ if (h_idst->i_mode != h_isrc->i_mode
++ && !S_ISLNK(h_idst->i_mode)) {
++ ia.ia_valid |= ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ }
++ sbits = !!(h_isrc->i_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_idst, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path.dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len,
++ char *buf, unsigned long blksize)
++ int err;
++ size_t sz, rbytes, wbytes;
++ unsigned char all_zero;
++ char *p, *zp;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /* reduce stack usage */
++ struct iattr *ia;
++ zp = page_address(ZERO_PAGE(0));
++ if (unlikely(!zp))
++ return -ENOMEM; /* possible? */
++ err = 0;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ while (len) {
++ AuDbg("len %lld\n", len);
++ sz = blksize;
++ if (len < blksize)
++ sz = len;
++ rbytes = 0;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ while (!rbytes || err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR) {
++ rbytes = vfsub_read_k(src, buf, sz, &src->f_pos);
++ err = rbytes;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ all_zero = 0;
++ if (len >= rbytes && rbytes == blksize)
++ all_zero = !memcmp(buf, zp, rbytes);
++ if (!all_zero) {
++ wbytes = rbytes;
++ p = buf;
++ while (wbytes) {
++ size_t b;
++ b = vfsub_write_k(dst, p, wbytes, &dst->f_pos);
++ err = b;
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ if (unlikely(err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR))
++ continue;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ break;
++ wbytes -= b;
++ p += b;
++ }
++ } else {
++ loff_t res;
++ AuLabel(hole);
++ res = vfsub_llseek(dst, rbytes, SEEK_CUR);
++ err = res;
++ if (unlikely(res < 0))
++ break;
++ }
++ len -= rbytes;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ /* the last block may be a hole */
++ if (!err && all_zero) {
++ AuLabel(last hole);
++ err = 1;
++ if (au_test_nfs(dst->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /* nfs requires this step to make last hole */
++ /* is this only nfs? */
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = vfsub_write_k(dst, "\0", 1, &dst->f_pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ if (err == 1)
++ dst->f_pos--;
++ }
++ if (err == 1) {
++ ia = (void *)buf;
++ ia->ia_size = dst->f_pos;
++ ia->ia_valid = ATTR_SIZE | ATTR_FILE;
++ ia->ia_file = dst;
++ h_mtx = &dst->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&dst->f_path, ia);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long blksize;
++ unsigned char do_kfree;
++ char *buf;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ blksize = dst->f_dentry->d_sb->s_blocksize;
++ if (!blksize || PAGE_SIZE < blksize)
++ blksize = PAGE_SIZE;
++ AuDbg("blksize %lu\n", blksize);
++ do_kfree = (blksize != PAGE_SIZE && blksize >= sizeof(struct iattr *));
++ if (do_kfree)
++ buf = kmalloc(blksize, GFP_NOFS);
++ else
++ buf = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ if (len > (1 << 22))
++ AuDbg("copying a large file %lld\n", (long long)len);
++ src->f_pos = 0;
++ dst->f_pos = 0;
++ err = au_do_copy_file(dst, src, len, buf, blksize);
++ if (do_kfree)
++ kfree(buf);
++ else
++ free_page((unsigned long)buf);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * to support a sparse file which is opened with O_APPEND,
++ * we need to close the file.
++ */
++static int au_cp_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len)
++ int err, i;
++ enum { SRC, DST };
++ struct {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *label, *label_file;
++ } *f, file[] = {
++ {
++ .bindex = bsrc,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out,
++ .label_file = &&out_src
++ },
++ {
++ .bindex = bdst,
++ .file = NULL,
++ .label = &&out_src,
++ .label_file = &&out_dst
++ }
++ };
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ f = file;
++ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, f++) {
++ f->dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, f->bindex);
++ f->file = au_h_open(dentry, f->bindex, f->flags, /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(f->file);
++ if (IS_ERR(f->file))
++ goto *f->label;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(!f->file->f_op))
++ goto *f->label_file;
++ }
++ /* try stopping to update while we copyup */
++ IMustLock(file[SRC].dentry->d_inode);
++ err = au_copy_file(file[DST].file, file[SRC].file, len);
++ out_dst:
++ fput(file[DST].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[DST].bindex);
++ out_src:
++ fput(file[SRC].file);
++ au_sbr_put(sb, file[SRC].bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_regular(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len,
++ struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int err, rerr;
++ loff_t l;
++ err = 0;
++ l = i_size_read(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ if (len == -1 || l < len)
++ len = l;
++ if (len)
++ err = au_cp_regular(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed unlinking cpup-ed %.*s(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_path->dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_do_cpup_symlink(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src,
++ struct inode *h_dir)
++ int err, symlen;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ char *sym;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sym = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!sym))
++ goto out;
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ symlen = h_src->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_src, (char __user *)sym,
++ err = symlen;
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ if (symlen > 0) {
++ sym[symlen] = 0;
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, h_path, sym);
++ }
++ __putname(sym);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* return with the lower dst inode is locked */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int cpup_entry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ const unsigned char do_dt = !!au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* bsrc branch can be ro/rw. */
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ h_inode = h_src->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode != au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bsrc));
++ /* try stopping to be referenced while we are creating */
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(h_parent != h_dst->d_parent);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ isdir = 0;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ /* try stopping to update while we are referencing */
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, mode | S_IWUSR);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_do_cpup_regular
++ (dentry, bdst, bsrc, len,
++ au_h_iptr(dst_parent->d_inode, bdst), &h_path);
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, &h_path, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ /*
++ * strange behaviour from the users view,
++ * particularry setattr case
++ */
++ if (au_ibstart(dst_parent->d_inode) == bdst)
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dst_parent->d_inode,
++ /*force*/1);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dentry->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++ }
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ err = au_do_cpup_symlink(&h_path, h_src, h_dir);
++ break;
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ AuDebugOn(!capable(CAP_MKNOD));
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown inode type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE)
++ && !isdir
++ && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)
++ && h_inode->i_nlink == 1
++ /* todo: unnecessary? */
++ /* && dentry->d_inode->i_nlink == 1 */
++ && bdst < bsrc
++ && !au_ftest_cpup(flags, KEEPLINO))
++ au_xino_write(sb, bsrc, h_inode->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from @bsrc to @bdst.
++ * the caller must set the both of lower dentries.
++ * @len is for truncating when it is -1 copyup the entire file.
++ * in link/rename cases, @dst_parent may be different from the real one.
++ */
++static int au_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t old_ibstart;
++ unsigned char isdir, plink;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *h_src, *h_dst, *h_parent;
++ struct inode *dst_inode, *h_dir, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ AuDebugOn(bsrc <= bdst);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bdst);
++ h_dst = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_parent = h_dst->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_src = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dst_parent)
++ dst_parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ else
++ dget(dst_parent);
++ plink = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ dst_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bdst);
++ if (dst_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(!plink)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is disabled\n", inode->i_ino);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (dst_inode->i_nlink) {
++ const int do_dt = au_ftest_cpup(flags, DTIME);
++ h_src = au_plink_lkup(inode, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("i%lu exists on a upper branch "
++ "but plink is broken\n", inode->i_ino);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (do_dt) {
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ }
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (do_dt)
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ dput(h_src);
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ /* todo: cpup_wh_file? */
++ /* udba work */
++ au_update_brange(inode, 1);
++ }
++ old_ibstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = cpup_entry(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ dst_inode = h_dst->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dst_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ err = cpup_iattr(dentry, bdst, h_src);
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(dst_inode->i_mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (bdst < old_ibstart)
++ au_set_ibstart(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(dst_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, isdir));
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!isdir
++ && h_src->d_inode->i_nlink > 1
++ && plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, bdst, h_dst);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ mutex_unlock(&dst_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, dst_parent, &h_path);
++ h_path.dentry = h_dst;
++ if (!isdir)
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ else
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_path);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing broken entry(%d, %d)\n", err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(dst_parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_single_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct dentry *dst_parent;
++static void au_call_cpup_single(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_single_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_single(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, a->len,
++ a->flags, a->dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ umode_t mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc);
++ mode = h_dentry->d_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if ((mode != S_IFCHR && mode != S_IFBLK)
++ || capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags,
++ dst_parent);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_single_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .bsrc = bsrc,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags,
++ .dst_parent = dst_parent
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_single, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * copyup the @dentry from the first active lower branch to @bdst,
++ * using au_cpup_single().
++ */
++static int au_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bsrc = bdst + 1; bsrc <= bend; bsrc++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bsrc))
++ break;
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bsrc, len, flags, NULL);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bsrc);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_simple_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void au_call_cpup_simple(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_simple(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char do_sio;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(parent->d_inode, bdst);
++ do_sio = !!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio) {
++ /*
++ * testing CAP_MKNOD is for generic fs,
++ * but CAP_FSETID is for xfs only, currently.
++ */
++ umode_t mode = dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ do_sio = (((mode & (S_IFCHR | S_IFBLK))
++ && !capable(CAP_MKNOD))
++ || ((mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID))
++ && !capable(CAP_FSETID)));
++ }
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = au_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, len, flags);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_simple_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_simple, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * copyup the deleted file for writing.
++ */
++static int au_do_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct file *file,
++ loff_t len)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d_dst, *h_d_start;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ h_d_dst = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bdst;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_d_start = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry;
++ if (file)
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry
++ = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ err = au_cpup_single(dentry, bdst, bstart, len, !AuCpup_DTIME,
++ /*h_parent*/NULL);
++ if (!err && file) {
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bstart].hd_dentry = h_d_start;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bdst].hd_dentry = h_d_dst;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct path h_path;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ wh_dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ au_dtime_store(&dt, parent, &h_path);
++ err = au_do_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, wh_dentry, file, len);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ dget(wh_dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed remove copied-up tmp file %.*s(%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ au_set_hi_wh(dentry->d_inode, bdst, wh_dentry);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct au_cpup_wh_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst;
++ loff_t len;
++ struct file *file;
++static void au_call_cpup_wh(void *args)
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_cpup_wh(a->dentry, a->bdst, a->len, a->file);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_orph, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir, *h_tmpdir, *h_inode;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_orph = NULL;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ h_dir = au_igrab(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ h_tmpdir = h_dir;
++ if (!h_dir->i_nlink) {
++ wbr = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst)->br_wbr;
++ h_orph = wbr->wbr_orph;
++ h_parent = dget(au_h_dptr(parent, bdst));
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, dget(h_orph));
++ h_tmpdir = h_orph->d_inode;
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_tmpdir), /*flags*/0);
++ /* this temporary unlock is safe */
++ if (file)
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file))->f_dentry;
++ else
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT3);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ }
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_tmpdir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = au_cpup_wh(dentry, bdst, len, file);
++ else {
++ struct au_cpup_wh_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bdst = bdst,
++ .len = len,
++ .file = file
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_cpup_wh, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ if (h_orph) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_tmpdir->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(dir, bdst, au_igrab(h_dir), /*flags*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(parent, bdst, h_parent);
++ }
++ iput(h_dir);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generic routine for both of copy-up and copy-down.
++ */
++/* cf. revalidate function in file.c */
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent, *h_parent, *real_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (IS_ROOT(parent))
++ goto out;
++ au_pin_init(&pin, dentry, bdst, AuLsc_DI_PARENT2, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb), AuPin_MNT_WRITE);
++ /* do not use au_dpage */
++ real_parent = parent;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ if (h_parent)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* find top dir which is necessary to cpup */
++ do {
++ d = parent;
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ di_read_lock_parent3(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bdst);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } while (!h_parent);
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_lock_child3(d);
++ /* somebody else might create while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_dptr(d, bdst) || !au_h_dptr(d, bdst)->d_inode) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(d, bdst))
++ au_update_dbstart(d);
++ au_pin_set_dentry(&pin, d);
++ err = au_do_pin(&pin);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = cp(d, bdst, h_parent, arg);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ }
++ }
++ if (d != real_parent)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent __maybe_unused ,
++ void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bdst, -1, AuCpup_DTIME);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ return au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpup_dir, NULL);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ /* someone else might change our inode while we were sleeping */
++ if (!au_h_iptr(dir, bdst))
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bdst);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/cpup.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/cpup.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * copy-up/down functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#define __AUFS_CPUP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/time.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct inode;
++struct file;
++void au_cpup_attr_flags(struct inode *dst, struct inode *src);
++void au_cpup_attr_timesizes(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_nlink(struct inode *inode, int force);
++void au_cpup_attr_changeable(struct inode *inode);
++void au_cpup_igen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_cpup_attr_all(struct inode *inode, int force);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cpup flags */
++#define AuCpup_DTIME 1 /* do dtime_store/revert */
++#define AuCpup_KEEPLINO (1 << 1) /* do not clear the lower xino,
++ for link(2) */
++#define au_ftest_cpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpup_##name; }
++int au_copy_file(struct file *dst, struct file *src, loff_t len);
++int au_sio_cpup_single(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ aufs_bindex_t bsrc, loff_t len, unsigned int flags,
++ struct dentry *dst_parent);
++int au_sio_cpup_simple(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++int au_sio_cpup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst, loff_t len,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_cp_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ int (*cp)(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg),
++ void *arg);
++int au_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++int au_test_and_cpup_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* keep timestamps when copyup */
++struct au_dtime {
++ struct dentry *dt_dentry;
++ struct path dt_h_path;
++ struct timespec dt_atime, dt_mtime;
++void au_dtime_store(struct au_dtime *dt, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct path *h_path);
++void au_dtime_revert(struct au_dtime *dt);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_CPUP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/debugfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#ifndef CONFIG_SYSFS
++#error DEBUG_FS depends upon SYSFS
++static struct dentry *dbgaufs;
++static const mode_t dbgaufs_mode = S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++struct dbgaufs_arg {
++ int n;
++ char a[20 * 4];
++ * common function for all XINO files
++ */
++static int dbgaufs_xi_release(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ kfree(file->private_data);
++ return 0;
++static int dbgaufs_xi_open(struct file *xf, struct file *file, int do_fcnt)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ p->n = 0;
++ file->private_data = p;
++ if (!xf)
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_getattr(xf->f_vfsmnt, xf->f_dentry, &st);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (do_fcnt)
++ p->n = snprintf
++ (p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%ld, %llux%lu %lld\n",
++ (long)file_count(xf), st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ else
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "%llux%lu %lld\n",
++ st.blocks, st.blksize,
++ (long long)st.size);
++ AuDebugOn(p->n >= sizeof(p->a));
++ } else {
++ p->n = snprintf(p->a, sizeof(p->a), "err %d\n", err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static ssize_t dbgaufs_xi_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ struct dbgaufs_arg *p;
++ p = file->private_data;
++ return simple_read_from_buffer(buf, count, ppos, p->a, p->n);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xib_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xib, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xib_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xib_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "xi"
++static int dbgaufs_xino_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ long l;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *xf;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ xf = NULL;
++ name = &file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(name->len < sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX)
++ || memcmp(name->name, DbgaufsXi_PREFIX,
++ sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1)))
++ goto out;
++ err = strict_strtol(name->name + sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) - 1, 10, &l);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (l <= au_sbend(sb)) {
++ xf = au_sbr(sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(xf, file, /*do_fcnt*/1);
++ } else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xino_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xino_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ if (!au_sbi(sb)->si_dbgaufs)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ if (xi->xi_dbgaufs) {
++ debugfs_remove(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_xino_file *xi;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ char name[sizeof(DbgaufsXi_PREFIX) + 5]; /* "xi" bindex NULL */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = sbinfo->si_dbgaufs;
++ if (!parent)
++ return;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), DbgaufsXi_PREFIX "%d", bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ xi = &br->br_xino;
++ AuDebugOn(xi->xi_dbgaufs);
++ xi->xi_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_file(name, dbgaufs_mode, parent,
++ sbinfo, &dbgaufs_xino_fop);
++ /* ignore an error */
++ if (unlikely(!xi->xi_dbgaufs))
++ AuWarn1("failed %s under debugfs\n", name);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = inode->i_private;
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = dbgaufs_xi_open(sbinfo->si_xigen, file, /*do_fcnt*/0);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static const struct file_operations dbgaufs_xigen_fop = {
++ .open = dbgaufs_xigen_open,
++ .release = dbgaufs_xi_release,
++ .read = dbgaufs_xi_read
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -EIO;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xigen", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xigen_fop);
++ if (sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
++static int dbgaufs_xigen_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ debugfs_remove_recursive(sbinfo->si_dbgaufs);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ char name[SysaufsSiNameLen];
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (!dbgaufs) {
++ AuErr1("/debug/aufs is uninitialized\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ sysaufs_name(sbinfo, name);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(name, dbgaufs);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs))
++ goto out;
++ kobject_get(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = debugfs_create_file
++ ("xib", dbgaufs_mode, sbinfo->si_dbgaufs, sbinfo,
++ &dbgaufs_xib_fop);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib))
++ goto out_dir;
++ err = dbgaufs_xigen_init(sbinfo);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_dir:
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void dbgaufs_fin(void)
++ debugfs_remove(dbgaufs);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -EIO;
++ dbgaufs = debugfs_create_dir(AUFS_NAME, NULL);
++ if (dbgaufs)
++ err = 0;
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dbgaufs.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debugfs interface
++ */
++#ifndef __DBGAUFS_H__
++#define __DBGAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/init.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++/* dbgaufs.c */
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++void dbgaufs_fin(void);
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void);
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++void dbgaufs_si_fin(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline
++int dbgaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return 0;
++#define dbgaufs_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++int __init dbgaufs_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __DBGAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_dpage_free(struct au_dpage *dpage)
++ int i;
++ struct dentry **p;
++ p = dpage->dentries;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpage->ndentry; i++)
++ dput(*p++);
++ free_page((unsigned long)dpage->dentries);
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err;
++ void *p;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dpages->dpages = kmalloc(sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!dpages->dpages))
++ goto out;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ dpages->dpages[0].ndentry = 0;
++ dpages->dpages[0].dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage = 1;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dpages:
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages)
++ int i;
++ struct au_dpage *p;
++ p = dpages->dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages->ndpage; i++)
++ au_dpage_free(p++);
++ kfree(dpages->dpages);
++static int au_dpages_append(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages,
++ struct dentry *dentry, gfp_t gfp)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ void *p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage - 1;
++ sz = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(dentry);
++ if (unlikely(dpage->ndentry >= sz)) {
++ AuLabel(new dpage);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = dpages->ndpage * sizeof(*dpages->dpages);
++ p = au_kzrealloc(dpages->dpages, sz,
++ sz + sizeof(*dpages->dpages), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpages->dpages = p;
++ dpage = dpages->dpages + dpages->ndpage;
++ p = (void *)__get_free_page(gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ dpage->ndentry = 0;
++ dpage->dentries = p;
++ dpages->ndpage++;
++ }
++ dpage->dentries[dpage->ndentry++] = dget(dentry);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *this_parent = root;
++ struct list_head *next;
++ struct super_block *sb = root->d_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ repeat:
++ next = this_parent->;
++ resume:
++ if (this_parent->d_sb == sb
++ && !IS_ROOT(this_parent)
++ && atomic_read(&this_parent->d_count)
++ && this_parent->d_inode
++ && (!test || test(this_parent, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, this_parent, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (next != &this_parent->d_subdirs) {
++ struct list_head *tmp = next;
++ struct dentry *dentry = list_entry(tmp, struct dentry,
++ d_u.d_child);
++ next = tmp->next;
++ if (/*d_unhashed(dentry) || */!dentry->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs)) {
++ this_parent = dentry;
++ goto repeat;
++ }
++ if (dentry->d_sb == sb
++ && atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)
++ && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ if (this_parent != root) {
++ next = this_parent->;
++ this_parent = this_parent->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ goto resume;
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ if (do_include && (!test || test(dentry, arg))) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ while (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ dentry = dentry->d_parent; /* dcache_lock is locked */
++ if (!test || test(dentry, arg)) {
++ err = au_dpages_append(dpages, dentry, GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ struct dentry *trap, **dentries;
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ trap = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, d1, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ trap = d1;
++ for (i = 0; !err && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = 0; !err && j < dpage->ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ err = (d == d2);
++ if (!err)
++ trap = d;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ trap = NULL;
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return trap;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dcsub.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dcsub.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for dentry cache
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_DCSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/types.h>
++struct dentry;
++struct au_dpage {
++ int ndentry;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++struct au_dcsub_pages {
++ int ndpage;
++ struct au_dpage *dpages;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dpages_init(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_dpages_free(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages);
++typedef int (*au_dpages_test)(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *root,
++ au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++int au_dcsub_pages_rev(struct au_dcsub_pages *dpages, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int do_include, au_dpages_test test, void *arg);
++struct dentry *au_test_subdir(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DCSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/vt_kern.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int aufs_debug;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "debug print");
++module_param_named(debug, aufs_debug, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP);
++char *au_plevel = KERN_DEBUG;
++#define dpri(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ printk("%s" fmt, au_plevel, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; ul < n; ul++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ dpri("b%d, %.*s, %d\n",
++ tpos->wh_bindex,
++ tpos->wh_str.len, tpos->,
++ tpos->wh_str.len);
++ head++;
++ }
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ unsigned char *o;
++ if (!vdir || IS_ERR(vdir)) {
++ dpri("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(vdir));
++ return;
++ }
++ dpri("deblk %u, nblk %lu, deblk %p, last{%lu, %p}, ver %lu\n",
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz, vdir->vd_nblk, vdir->vd_deblk,
++ vdir->vd_last.ul, vdir->vd_last.p.deblk, vdir->vd_version);
++ for (ul = 0; ul < vdir->vd_nblk; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[ul];
++ o = p.deblk;
++ dpri("[%lu]: %p\n", ul, o);
++ }
++static int do_pri_inode(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct inode *inode,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ char *n = NULL;
++ int l = 0;
++ if (!inode || IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ dpri("i%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(inode));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* the type of i_blocks depends upon CONFIG_LSF */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(unsigned long)
++ && sizeof(inode->i_blocks) != sizeof(u64));
++ if (wh) {
++ n = (void *)wh->;
++ l = wh->d_name.len;
++ }
++ dpri("i%d: i%lu, %s, cnt %d, nl %u, 0%o, sz %llu, blk %llu,"
++ " ct %lld, np %lu, st 0x%lx, f 0x%x, g %x%s%.*s\n",
++ bindex,
++ inode->i_ino, inode->i_sb ? au_sbtype(inode->i_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&inode->i_count), inode->i_nlink, inode->i_mode,
++ i_size_read(inode), (unsigned long long)inode->i_blocks,
++ (long long)timespec_to_ns(&inode->i_ctime) & 0x0ffff,
++ inode->i_mapping ? inode->i_mapping->nrpages : 0,
++ inode->i_state, inode->i_flags, inode->i_generation,
++ l ? ", wh " : "", l, n);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_inode(-1, inode, NULL);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(inode->i_sb))
++ return;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("i-1: bstart %d, bend %d, gen %d\n",
++ iinfo->ii_bstart, iinfo->ii_bend, au_iigen(inode));
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode,
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry);
++static int do_pri_dentry(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct dentry *wh = NULL;
++ if (!dentry || IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dpri("d%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* do not call dget_parent() here */
++ dpri("d%d: %.*s?/%.*s, %s, cnt %d, flags 0x%x\n",
++ bindex,
++ AuDLNPair(dentry->d_parent), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ dentry->d_sb ? au_sbtype(dentry->d_sb) : "??",
++ atomic_read(&dentry->d_count), dentry->d_flags);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && dentry->d_inode && au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb)) {
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(dentry->d_inode);
++ if (iinfo)
++ wh = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++ }
++ do_pri_inode(bindex, dentry->d_inode, wh);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_dentry(-1, dentry);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("d-1: bstart %d, bend %d, bwh %d, bdiropq %d, gen %d\n",
++ dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo->di_bend,
++ dinfo->di_bwh, dinfo->di_bdiropq, au_digen(dentry));
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= dinfo->di_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry);
++static int do_pri_file(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *file)
++ char a[32];
++ if (!file || IS_ERR(file)) {
++ dpri("f%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return -1;
++ }
++ a[0] = 0;
++ if (bindex < 0
++ && file->f_dentry
++ && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb)
++ && au_fi(file))
++ snprintf(a, sizeof(a), ", mmapped %d", au_test_mmapped(file));
++ dpri("f%d: mode 0x%x, flags 0%o, cnt %ld, pos %llu%s\n",
++ bindex, file->f_mode, file->f_flags, (long)file_count(file),
++ file->f_pos, a);
++ if (file->f_dentry)
++ do_pri_dentry(bindex, file->f_dentry);
++ return 0;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ err = do_pri_file(-1, file);
++ if (err || !file->f_dentry || !au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ if (!finfo)
++ return;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= finfo->fi_bend; bindex++) {
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ do_pri_file(bindex, hf ? hf->hf_file : NULL);
++ }
++static int do_pri_br(aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct vfsmount *mnt;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (!br || IS_ERR(br))
++ goto out;
++ mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ if (!mnt || IS_ERR(mnt))
++ goto out;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!sb || IS_ERR(sb))
++ goto out;
++ dpri("s%d: {perm 0x%x, cnt %d, wbr %p}, "
++ "%s, dev 0x%02x%02x, flags 0x%lx, cnt(BIAS) %d, active %d, "
++ "xino %d\n",
++ bindex, br->br_perm, atomic_read(&br->br_count), br->br_wbr,
++ au_sbtype(sb), MAJOR(sb->s_dev), MINOR(sb->s_dev),
++ sb->s_flags, sb->s_count - S_BIAS,
++ atomic_read(&sb->s_active), !!br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ return 0;
++ out:
++ dpri("s%d: err %ld\n", bindex, PTR_ERR(br));
++ return -1;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ int err;
++ /* to reuduce stack size */
++ struct {
++ struct vfsmount mnt;
++ struct au_branch fake;
++ } *a;
++ /* this function can be called from magic sysrq */
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (unlikely(!a)) {
++ dpri("no memory\n");
++ return;
++ }
++ a->mnt.mnt_sb = sb;
++ a->fake.br_perm = 0;
++ a->fake.br_mnt = &a->mnt;
++ a->fake.br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ atomic_set(&a->fake.br_count, 0);
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic_set */
++ err = do_pri_br(-1, &a->fake);
++ kfree(a);
++ dpri("dev 0x%x\n", sb->s_dev);
++ if (err || !au_test_aufs(sb))
++ return;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ dpri("nw %d, gen %u, kobj %d\n",
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_nowait.nw_len), sbinfo->si_generation,
++ atomic_read(&sbinfo->si_kobj.kref.refcount));
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= sbinfo->si_bend; bindex++)
++ do_pri_br(bindex, sbinfo->si_branch[0 + bindex]);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy)
++ while (jiffy)
++ jiffy = schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(jiffy);
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia)
++#define AuBit(name) if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_ ## name) \
++ dpri(#name "\n")
++ AuBit(MODE);
++ AuBit(UID);
++ AuBit(GID);
++ AuBit(SIZE);
++ AuBit(ATIME);
++ AuBit(MTIME);
++ AuBit(CTIME);
++ AuBit(ATIME_SET);
++ AuBit(MTIME_SET);
++ AuBit(FORCE);
++ AuBit(ATTR_FLAG);
++ AuBit(KILL_SUID);
++ AuBit(KILL_SGID);
++ AuBit(FILE);
++ AuBit(KILL_PRIV);
++ AuBit(OPEN);
++ AuBit(TIMES_SET);
++#undef AuBit
++ dpri("ia_file %p\n", ia->ia_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode)
++ || au_digen(parent) != sigen);
++ dput(parent);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ err = au_dcsub_pages_rev(&dpages, parent, /*do_include*/1, NULL, NULL);
++ AuDebugOn(err);
++ for (i = dpages.ndpage - 1; !err && i >= 0; i--) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ for (j = dpage->ndentry - 1; !err && j >= 0; j--)
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentries[j]) != sigen);
++ }
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ if (finfo->fi_bstart >= 0) {
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hf->hf_file || hf->hf_br);
++ }
++ }
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ if (au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ au_dbg_blocked();
++ BUG();
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo __maybe_unused)
++#ifdef AuForceNoPlink
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++#ifdef AuForceNoXino
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++#ifdef AuForceNoRefrof
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++#ifdef AuForceHinotify
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_HINOTIFY);
++int __init au_debug_init(void)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_vdir_destr destr;
++ bindex = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex >= 0);
++ destr.len = -1;
++ AuDebugOn(destr.len < NAME_MAX);
++ AuWarn("CONFIG_4KSTACKS is defined.\n");
++#ifdef AuForceNoBrs
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/debug.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/debug.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * debug print functions
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#define __AUFS_DEBUG_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/bug.h>
++/* #include <linux/err.h> */
++/* #include <linux/init.h> */
++/* #include <linux/kernel.h> */
++#include <linux/delay.h>
++/* #include <linux/kd.h> */
++/* #include <linux/vt_kern.h> */
++#include <linux/sysrq.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#define AuDebugOn(a) BUG_ON(a)
++/* module parameter */
++extern int aufs_debug;
++static inline void au_debug(int n)
++ aufs_debug = n;
++ smp_mb();
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return aufs_debug;
++#define AuDebugOn(a) do {} while (0)
++#define au_debug() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_debug_test(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* debug print */
++#define AuDpri(lvl, fmt, arg...) \
++ printk(lvl AUFS_NAME " %s:%d:%s[%d]: " fmt, \
++ __func__, __LINE__, current->comm, current->pid, ##arg)
++#define AuDbg(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ if (au_debug_test()) \
++ AuDpri(KERN_DEBUG, "DEBUG: " fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuLabel(l) AuDbg(#l "\n")
++#define AuInfo(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_INFO, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_WARNING, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuErr(fmt, arg...) AuDpri(KERN_ERR, fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuIOErr(fmt, arg...) AuErr("I/O Error, " fmt, ##arg)
++#define AuWarn1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuWarn(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuIOErr1(fmt, arg...) do { \
++ static unsigned char _c; \
++ if (!_c++) \
++ AuIOErr(fmt, ##arg); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUnsupportMsg "This operation is not supported." \
++ " Please report this application to aufs-users ML."
++#define AuUnsupport(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuErr(AuUnsupportMsg "\n" fmt, ##args); \
++ dump_stack(); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErr(e) do { \
++ if (unlikely((e) < 0)) \
++ AuDbg("err %d\n", (int)(e)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuTraceErrPtr(p) do { \
++ if (IS_ERR(p)) \
++ AuDbg("err %ld\n", PTR_ERR(p)); \
++} while (0)
++/* dirty macros for debug print, use with "%.*s" and caution */
++#define AuLNPair(qstr) (qstr)->len, (qstr)->name
++#define AuDLNPair(d) AuLNPair(&(d)->d_name)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct au_finfo;
++struct dentry;
++extern char *au_plevel;
++struct au_nhash;
++void au_dpri_whlist(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++struct au_vdir;
++void au_dpri_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++struct inode;
++void au_dpri_inode(struct inode *inode);
++void au_dpri_dentry(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct file;
++void au_dpri_file(struct file *filp);
++struct super_block;
++void au_dpri_sb(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(int jiffy);
++struct iattr;
++void au_dbg_iattr(struct iattr *ia);
++void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen);
++void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo);
++void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void);
++int __init au_debug_init(void);
++void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do { \
++ AuDbg(#w "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_whlist(w); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do { \
++ AuDbg(#v "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_vdir(v); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do { \
++ AuDbg(#i "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_inode(i); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do { \
++ AuDbg(#d "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_dentry(d); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do { \
++ AuDbg(#f "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_file(f); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do { \
++ AuDbg(#sb "\n"); \
++ au_dpri_sb(sb); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d sec\n", sec); \
++ ssleep(sec); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do { \
++ AuDbg("sleep %d jiffies\n", jiffy); \
++ au_dbg_sleep_jiffy(jiffy); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do { \
++ AuDbg("ia_valid 0x%x\n", (ia)->ia_valid); \
++ au_dbg_iattr(ia); \
++} while (0)
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(struct dentry *dentry,
++ unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_gen(struct dentry *parent, unsigned int sigen)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_hf(struct au_finfo *finfo)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_dbg_verify_kthread(void)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_debug_init(void)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_debug_sbinfo_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /* empty */
++#define AuDbgWhlist(w) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgVdir(v) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgInode(i) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgDentry(d) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgFile(f) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSb(sb) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleep(sec) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgSleepJiffy(jiffy) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgIAttr(ia) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void);
++void au_sysrq_fin(void);
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do { \
++ WARN_ON(1); \
++ handle_sysrq('w', vc_cons[fg_console].d->vc_tty); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++static inline int au_sysrq_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_sysrq_fin() do {} while (0)
++#define au_dbg_blocked() do {} while (0)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DEBUG_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static void au_h_nd(struct nameidata *h_nd, struct nameidata *nd)
++ if (nd) {
++ *h_nd = *nd;
++ /*
++ * gave up supporting LOOKUP_CREATE/OPEN for lower fs,
++ * due to whiteout and branch permission.
++ */
++ /* unnecessary? */
++ h_nd-> = NULL;
++ } else
++ memset(h_nd, 0, sizeof(*h_nd));
++struct au_lkup_one_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ int err;
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_parent->d_sb))
++ return vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, h_parent, name->len);
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ h_nd.path.dentry = h_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = __lookup_one_len(name->name, &h_nd.last, NULL, name->len);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ h_dentry = vfsub_lookup_hash(&h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ return h_dentry;
++static void au_call_lkup_one(void *args)
++ struct au_lkup_one_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = au_lkup_one(a->name, a->h_parent, a->br, a->nd);
++#define AuLkup_ALLOW_NEG 1
++#define au_ftest_lkup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLkup_##name)
++#define au_fset_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLkup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lkup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLkup_##name; }
++struct au_do_lookup_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ mode_t type;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ * returns positive/negative dentry, NULL or an error.
++ * NULL means whiteout-ed or not-found.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++au_do_lookup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_do_lookup_args *args)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int wh_found, opq;
++ unsigned char wh_able;
++ const unsigned char allow_neg = !!au_ftest_lkup(args->flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ wh_found = 0;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ wh_able = !!au_br_whable(br->br_perm);
++ if (wh_able)
++ wh_found = au_wh_test(h_parent, wh_name, br, /*try_sio*/0);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(wh_found);
++ if (!wh_found)
++ goto real_lookup;
++ if (unlikely(wh_found < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* We found a whiteout */
++ /* au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex); */
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ real_lookup:
++ h_dentry = au_lkup_one(name, h_parent, br, args->nd);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode) {
++ if (!allow_neg)
++ goto out_neg;
++ } else if (wh_found
++ || (args->type && args->type != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)))
++ goto out_neg;
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) <= bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode || !S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode) || !wh_able
++ || (inode && !S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq = au_diropq_test(h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (opq > 0)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ else if (unlikely(opq < 0)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ h_dentry = ERR_PTR(opq);
++ }
++ goto out;
++ out_neg:
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ out:
++ return h_dentry;
++static int au_test_shwh(struct super_block *sb, const struct qstr *name)
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)
++ && !strncmp(name->name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)))
++ return -EPERM;
++ return 0;
++ * returns the number of lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ * can be called at unlinking with @type is zero.
++ */
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ int npositive, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bdiropq;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct qstr whname;
++ struct au_do_lookup_args args = {
++ .flags = 0,
++ .type = type,
++ .nd = nd
++ };
++ const struct qstr *name = &dentry->d_name;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ err = au_test_shwh(dentry->d_sb, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&whname, name);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!(inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ if (!type)
++ au_fset_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ npositive = 0;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dir;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode)
++ npositive++;
++ if (type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ continue;
++ }
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent)
++ continue;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!h_dir || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode))
++ continue;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ h_dentry = au_do_lookup(h_parent, dentry, bindex, &whname,
++ &args);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_wh;
++ au_fclr_lkup(args.flags, ALLOW_NEG);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) >= 0)
++ break;
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ npositive++;
++ if (!args.type)
++ args.type = h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT;
++ if (args.type != S_IFDIR)
++ break;
++ else if (isdir) {
++ /* the type of lower may be different */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (bdiropq >= 0 && bdiropq <= bindex)
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (npositive) {
++ AuLabel(positive);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ err = npositive;
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_wh:
++ kfree(;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC))
++ dentry = au_lkup_one(name, parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else {
++ struct au_lkup_one_args args = {
++ .errp = &dentry,
++ .name = name,
++ .h_parent = parent,
++ .br = br,
++ .nd = NULL
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_lkup_one, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return dentry;
++ * lookup @dentry on @bindex which should be negative.
++ */
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(h_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("b%d %.*s should be negative.\n",
++ bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) < bindex)
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, h_dentry);
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* subset of struct inode */
++struct au_iattr {
++ unsigned long i_ino;
++ /* unsigned int i_nlink; */
++ uid_t i_uid;
++ gid_t i_gid;
++ u64 i_version;
++ loff_t i_size;
++ blkcnt_t i_blocks;
++ umode_t i_mode;
++static void au_iattr_save(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ ia->i_ino = h_inode->i_ino;
++ /* ia->i_nlink = h_inode->i_nlink; */
++ ia->i_uid = h_inode->i_uid;
++ ia->i_gid = h_inode->i_gid;
++ ia->i_version = h_inode->i_version;
++ ia->i_size = h_inode->i_size;
++ ia->i_blocks = h_inode->i_blocks;
++ ia->i_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_iattr_test(struct au_iattr *ia, struct inode *h_inode)
++ return ia->i_ino != h_inode->i_ino
++ /* || ia->i_nlink != h_inode->i_nlink */
++ || ia->i_uid != h_inode->i_uid
++ || ia->i_gid != h_inode->i_gid
++ || ia->i_version != h_inode->i_version
++ || ia->i_size != h_inode->i_size
++ || ia->i_blocks != h_inode->i_blocks
++ || ia->i_mode != (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++static int au_h_verify_dentry(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct au_iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ err = 0;
++ memset(&ia, -1, sizeof(ia));
++ h_sb = h_dentry->d_sb;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_iattr_save(&ia, h_inode);
++ else if (au_test_nfs(h_sb) || au_test_fuse(h_sb))
++ /* nfs d_revalidate may return 0 for negative dentry */
++ /* fuse d_revalidate always return 0 for negative dentry */
++ goto out;
++ /* main purpose is namei.c:cached_lookup() and d_revalidate */
++ h_d = au_lkup_one(&h_dentry->d_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(h_d != h_dentry
++ || h_d->d_inode != h_inode
++ || (h_inode && au_iattr_test(&ia, h_inode))))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ dput(h_d);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL) {
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = (h_dentry->d_parent->d_inode != h_dir);
++ } else if (udba == AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ err = au_h_verify_dentry(h_dentry, h_parent, br);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_do_refresh_hdentry(struct au_hdentry *p, struct au_dinfo *dinfo,
++ struct dentry *parent)
++ struct dentry *h_d, *h_dp;
++ struct au_hdentry tmp, *q;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t new_bindex, bindex, bend, bwh, bdiropq;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ bwh = dinfo->di_bwh;
++ bdiropq = dinfo->di_bdiropq;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ h_d = p->hd_dentry;
++ if (!h_d)
++ continue;
++ h_dp = dget_parent(h_d);
++ if (h_dp == au_h_dptr(parent, bindex)) {
++ dput(h_dp);
++ continue;
++ }
++ new_bindex = au_find_dbindex(parent, h_dp);
++ dput(h_dp);
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh == bindex)
++ bwh = new_bindex;
++ if (dinfo->di_bdiropq == bindex)
++ bdiropq = new_bindex;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p->hd_dentry = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower dentries, and loop again */
++ q = dinfo->di_hdentry + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hd_dentry) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ sb = parent->d_sb;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ if (bwh >= 0 && bwh <= au_sbend(sb) && au_sbr_whable(sb, bwh))
++ dinfo->di_bwh = bwh;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ if (bdiropq >= 0
++ && bdiropq <= au_sbend(sb)
++ && au_sbr_whable(sb, bdiropq))
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = bdiropq;
++ bend = au_dbend(parent);
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bend;
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--, p--)
++ if (p->hd_dentry) {
++ dinfo->di_bend = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ * returns the number of found lower positive dentries,
++ * otherwise an error.
++ */
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type)
++ int npositive, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ err = au_di_realloc(dinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ npositive = err;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_hdentry(dinfo->di_hdentry + dinfo->di_bstart, dinfo,
++ parent);
++ npositive = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ if (type != S_IFDIR && dinfo->di_bstart == bstart)
++ goto out_dgen; /* success */
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart, type, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (npositive < 0)
++ goto out;
++ if (dinfo->di_bwh >= 0 && dinfo->di_bwh <= dinfo->di_bstart)
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ out_dgen:
++ au_update_digen(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ AuTraceErr(npositive);
++ return npositive;
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_do_h_d_reval(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct nameidata *nd,
++ struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err, valid;
++ int (*reval)(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
++ err = 0;
++ reval = NULL;
++ if (h_dentry->d_op)
++ reval = h_dentry->d_op->d_revalidate;
++ if (!reval)
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(h_dentry->d_sb))
++ /* it may return tri-state */
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ int locked;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ au_h_nd(&h_nd, nd);
++ parent = nd->path.dentry;
++ locked = (nd && nd->path.dentry != dentry);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ BUG_ON(bindex > au_dbend(parent));
++ h_nd.path.dentry = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ BUG_ON(!h_nd.path.dentry);
++ h_nd.path.mnt = au_sbr(parent->d_sb, bindex)->br_mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ valid = reval(h_dentry, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ if (locked)
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(valid < 0))
++ err = valid;
++ else if (!valid)
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* todo: remove this */
++static int h_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ struct nameidata *nd, int do_udba)
++ int err;
++ umode_t mode, h_mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart, ibs, ibe;
++ unsigned char plus, unhashed, is_root, h_plus;
++ struct inode *first, *h_inode, *h_cached_inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct qstr *name, *h_name;
++ err = 0;
++ plus = 0;
++ mode = 0;
++ first = NULL;
++ ibs = -1;
++ ibe = -1;
++ unhashed = !!d_unhashed(dentry);
++ is_root = !!IS_ROOT(dentry);
++ name = &dentry->d_name;
++ /*
++ * Theoretically, REVAL test should be unnecessary in case of INOTIFY.
++ * But inotify doesn't fire some necessary events,
++ * IN_ATTRIB for atime/nlink/pageio
++ * IN_DELETE for NFS dentry
++ * Let's do REVAL test too.
++ */
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ mode = (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ plus = (inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ first = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ ibs = au_ibstart(inode);
++ ibe = au_ibend(inode);
++ }
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ btail = bstart;
++ if (inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %.*s\n", bindex, AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ h_name = &h_dentry->d_name;
++ if (unlikely(do_udba
++ && !is_root
++ && (unhashed != !!d_unhashed(h_dentry)
++ || name->len != h_name->len
++ || memcmp(name->name, h_name->name, name->len))
++ )) {
++ AuDbg("unhash 0x%x 0x%x, %.*s %.*s\n",
++ unhashed, d_unhashed(h_dentry),
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), AuDLNPair(h_dentry));
++ goto err;
++ }
++ err = au_do_h_d_reval(h_dentry, nd, dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* do not goto err, to keep the errno */
++ break;
++ /* todo: plink too? */
++ if (!do_udba)
++ continue;
++ /* UDBA tests */
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!!inode != !!h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ h_plus = plus;
++ h_mode = mode;
++ h_cached_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ h_mode = (h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ h_plus = (h_inode->i_nlink > 0);
++ }
++ if (inode && ibs <= bindex && bindex <= ibe)
++ h_cached_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(plus != h_plus
++ || mode != h_mode
++ || h_cached_inode != h_inode))
++ goto err;
++ continue;
++ err:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int simple_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ return 0;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(parent) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(parent->d_inode) != sigen);
++ au_dbg_verify_gen(parent, sigen);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ if (!au_ftest_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS))
++ return simple_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ /* slow loop, keep it simple and stupid */
++ /* cf: au_cpup_dirs() */
++ err = 0;
++ parent = NULL;
++ while (au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ d = dentry;
++ while (1) {
++ dput(parent);
++ parent = dget_parent(d);
++ if (au_digen(parent) == sigen
++ && au_iigen(parent->d_inode) == sigen)
++ break;
++ d = parent;
++ }
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(d);
++ /* someone might update our dentry while we were sleeping */
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen || au_iigen(d->d_inode) != sigen) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, d);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ }
++ if (d != dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(d);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * if valid returns 1, otherwise 0.
++ */
++static int aufs_d_revalidate(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int valid, err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ unsigned char do_udba;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_DW);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ if (inode)
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ }
++ if (inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ AuDebugOn(IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ AuDebugOn(au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen);
++ AuDebugOn(inode && au_iigen(inode) != sigen);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ do_udba = !au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), UDBA_NONE);
++ if (do_udba && inode) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0
++ && au_test_higen(inode, au_h_iptr(inode, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = h_d_revalidate(dentry, inode, nd, do_udba);
++ if (unlikely(!err && do_udba && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0))
++ /* both of real entry and whiteout found */
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ valid = !err;
++ if (!valid)
++ AuDbg("%.*s invalid\n", AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ return valid;
++static void aufs_d_release(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dinfo = dentry->d_fsdata;
++ if (!dinfo)
++ return;
++ /* dentry may not be revalidated */
++ bindex = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ struct au_hdentry *p;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ p = dinfo->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ while (bindex++ <= bend) {
++ if (p->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(p);
++ p++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(dinfo->di_hdentry);
++ AuRwDestroy(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ au_hin_di_reinit(dentry);
++struct dentry_operations aufs_dop = {
++ .d_revalidate = aufs_d_revalidate,
++ .d_release = aufs_d_release
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dentry.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dentry.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * lookup and dentry operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#define __AUFS_DENTRY_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/dcache.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++/* make a single member structure for future use */
++/* todo: remove this structure */
++struct au_hdentry {
++ struct dentry *hd_dentry;
++struct au_dinfo {
++ atomic_t di_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem di_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t di_bstart, di_bend, di_bwh, di_bdiropq;
++ struct au_hdentry *di_hdentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry.c */
++extern struct dentry_operations aufs_dop;
++struct au_branch;
++struct dentry *au_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct au_branch *br, struct nameidata *nd);
++struct dentry *au_sio_lkup_one(struct qstr *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++int au_h_verify(struct dentry *h_dentry, unsigned int udba, struct inode *h_dir,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_lkup_dentry(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bstart, mode_t type,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int au_lkup_neg(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++int au_refresh_hdentry(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type);
++int au_reval_dpath(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen);
++/* dinfo.c */
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr);
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry);
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry);
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_dinfo *au_di(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return dentry->d_fsdata;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for dinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_DI_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_DI_PARENT2,
++ * di_read_lock_child, di_write_lock_child,
++ * di_read_lock_child2, di_write_lock_child2,
++ * di_read_lock_child3, di_write_lock_child3,
++ * di_read_lock_parent, di_write_lock_parent,
++ * di_read_lock_parent2, di_write_lock_parent2,
++ * di_read_lock_parent3, di_write_lock_parent3,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_read_lock_##name(struct dentry *d, int flags) \
++{ di_read_lock(d, flags, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void di_write_lock_##name(struct dentry *d) \
++{ di_write_lock(d, AuLsc_DI_##lsc); }
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++#define DiMustNoWaiters(d) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustAnyLock(d) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++#define DiMustWriteLock(d) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_digen(struct dentry *d)
++ return atomic_read(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_h_dentry_init(struct au_hdentry *hdentry)
++ hdentry->hd_dentry = NULL;
++static inline void au_hdput(struct au_hdentry *hd)
++ dput(hd->hd_dentry);
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bend;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bwh;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry)
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ return au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline void au_set_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbend(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbwh(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ /* dbwh can be outside of bstart - bend range */
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bwh = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_dbdiropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ au_di(dentry)->di_bdiropq = bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void au_digen_dec(struct dentry *d)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_di(d)->di_generation);
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry)
++ dentry->d_fsdata = NULL;
++static inline void au_hin_di_reinit(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DENTRY_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dinfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * dentry private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++int au_alloc_dinfo(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr;
++ dinfo = au_cache_alloc_dinfo();
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (nbr <= 0)
++ nbr = 1;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*dinfo->di_hdentry), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!dinfo->di_hdentry))
++ goto out_dinfo;
++ atomic_set(&dinfo->di_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init_wlock_nested(&dinfo->di_rwsem, AuLsc_DI_CHILD);
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bwh = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bdiropq = -1;
++ dentry->d_fsdata = dinfo;
++ dentry->d_op = &aufs_dop;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_dinfo:
++ au_cache_free_dinfo(dinfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_di_realloc(struct au_dinfo *dinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hdentry *hdp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp) * (dinfo->di_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hdp);
++ hdp = au_kzrealloc(dinfo->di_hdentry, sz, sizeof(*hdp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hdp) {
++ dinfo->di_hdentry = hdp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void do_ii_write_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_write_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_write_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_write_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_write_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++static void do_ii_read_lock(struct inode *inode, unsigned int lsc)
++ switch (lsc) {
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD:
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD2:
++ ii_read_lock_child2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_CHILD3:
++ ii_read_lock_child3(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT:
++ ii_read_lock_parent(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT2:
++ ii_read_lock_parent2(inode);
++ break;
++ case AuLsc_DI_PARENT3:
++ ii_read_lock_parent3(inode);
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++void di_read_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ do_ii_read_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++ }
++void di_read_unlock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode) {
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IW))
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ else if (au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_read_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ au_rw_read_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_downgrade_lock(struct dentry *d, int flags)
++ if (d->d_inode && au_ftest_lock(flags, IR))
++ ii_downgrade_lock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_dgrade_lock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock(struct dentry *d, unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem, lsc);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ do_ii_write_lock(d->d_inode, lsc);
++void di_write_unlock(struct dentry *d)
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ ii_write_unlock(d->d_inode);
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d)->di_rwsem);
++void di_write_lock2_child(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_child(d1);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_child(d2);
++ di_write_lock_child2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_lock2_parent(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir)
++ AuDebugOn(d1 == d2
++ || d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode
++ || d1->d_sb != d2->d_sb);
++ if (isdir && au_test_subdir(d1, d2)) {
++ di_write_lock_parent(d1);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d2);
++ } else {
++ /* there should be no races */
++ di_write_lock_parent(d2);
++ di_write_lock_parent2(d1);
++ }
++void di_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock(d1);
++ if (d1->d_inode == d2->d_inode)
++ au_rw_write_unlock(&au_di(d2)->di_rwsem);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock(d2);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ DiMustAnyLock(dentry);
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) < 0 || bindex < au_dbstart(dentry))
++ return NULL;
++ AuDebugOn(bindex < 0);
++ d = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ AuDebugOn(d && (atomic_read(&d->d_count) <= 0));
++ return d;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtail(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bwh;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ if (!bwh)
++ return bwh;
++ if (0 < bwh && bwh < bend)
++ return bwh - 1;
++ }
++ return bend;
++aufs_bindex_t au_dbtaildir(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq;
++ bend = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bend) {
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ if (0 <= bopq && bopq < bend)
++ bend = bopq;
++ }
++ return bend;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_set_h_dptr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct au_hdentry *hd = au_di(dentry)->di_hdentry + bindex;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ if (hd->hd_dentry)
++ au_hdput(hd);
++ hd->hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++void au_update_digen(struct dentry *dentry)
++ atomic_set(&au_di(dentry)->di_generation, au_sigen(dentry->d_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++void au_update_dbrange(struct dentry *dentry, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ DiMustWriteLock(dentry);
++ dinfo = au_di(dentry);
++ if (!dinfo || dinfo->di_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = dinfo->di_bend;
++ for (bindex = dinfo->di_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ if (h_d && !h_d->d_inode)
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ while (++dinfo->di_bstart <= dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bstart].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ if (dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend) {
++ dinfo->di_bstart = -1;
++ dinfo->di_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ dinfo->di_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --dinfo->di_bend)
++ if (dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + dinfo->di_bend].hd_dentry)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(dinfo->di_bstart > dinfo->di_bend || dinfo->di_bend < 0);
++void au_update_dbstart(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++void au_update_dbend(struct dentry *dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbend(dentry); bindex <= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ if (h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, bindex);
++ return;
++ }
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++int au_find_dbindex(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex) == h_dentry)
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink += h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink += 2;
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir)
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode) || !S_ISDIR(h_dir->i_mode));
++ dir->i_nlink -= h_dir->i_nlink - 2;
++ if (h_dir->i_nlink < 2)
++ dir->i_nlink -= 2;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int reopen_dir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail, bstart;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ /* open all lower dirs */
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex < bstart; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_fbend(file); btail < bindex; bindex--)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ flags = file->f_flags;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (h_file)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* close all? */
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int do_open_dir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, NULL);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 0;
++ file->f_version = dentry->d_inode->i_version;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ au_set_fbend(file, btail);
++ for (; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ break;
++ }
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ }
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ /* close all */
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= btail; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbstart(file, -1);
++ au_set_fbend(file, -1);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_dir);
++static int aufs_release_dir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (vdir_cache)
++ au_vdir_free(vdir_cache);
++ if (au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* clear the flag without write-lock */
++ sbinfo->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK;
++ smp_mb();
++ wake_up_all(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ }
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(struct dentry *dentry, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_path.dentry)
++ continue;
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_inode)
++ continue;
++ /* no mnt_want_write() */
++ /* cf. fs/nsfd/vfs.c and fs/nfsd/nfs4recover.c */
++ /* todo: inotiry fired? */
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode->i_fop);
++ if (!err && h_inode->i_fop->fsync)
++ err = h_inode->i_fop->fsync(NULL, h_path.dentry,
++ datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ err = filemap_fdatawrite(h_inode->i_mapping);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_do_fsync_dir(struct file *file, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || au_test_ro(sb, bindex, inode))
++ continue;
++ err = vfs_fsync(h_file, h_file->f_dentry, datasync);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_mtx = &h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock(h_mtx);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * @file may be NULL
++ */
++static int aufs_fsync_dir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ IMustLock(dentry->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (file)
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir(file, datasync);
++ else {
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ err = au_do_fsync_dir_no_file(dentry, datasync);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ if (file)
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_readdir(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, reopen_dir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_vdir_init(file);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current)) {
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode)));
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * nfsd filldir may call lookup_one_len(), vfs_getattr(),
++ * encode_fh() and others.
++ */
++ struct inode *h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = au_vdir_fill_de(file, dirent, filldir);
++ lockdep_on();
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode, h_inode);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuTestEmpty_WHONLY 1
++#define AuTestEmpty_CALLED (1 << 1)
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_testempty(flags, name) ((flags) & AuTestEmpty_##name)
++#define au_fset_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_testempty(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuTestEmpty_##name; }
++#undef AuTestEmpty_SHWH
++#define AuTestEmpty_SHWH 0
++struct test_empty_arg {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++static int test_empty_cb(void *__arg, const char *__name, int namelen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (name[0] == '.'
++ && (namelen == 1 || (name[1] == '.' && namelen == 2)))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (namelen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, WHONLY)
++ && !au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (!au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, namelen))
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, namelen, ino, d_type, arg->bindex,
++ au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, SHWH));
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int do_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, arg->bindex,
++ /*file*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), UDBA_NONE)
++ && !h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink)
++ goto out_put;
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(h_file, test_empty_cb, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_testempty(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ out_put:
++ fput(h_file);
++ au_sbr_put(dentry->d_sb, arg->bindex);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_test_empty_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct test_empty_arg *arg;
++static void call_do_test_empty(void *args)
++ struct do_test_empty_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_test_empty(a->dentry, a->arg);
++static int sio_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct test_empty_arg *arg)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, arg->bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_test_h_perm_sio(h_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_READ);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, arg);
++ else {
++ struct do_test_empty_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .arg = arg
++ };
++ unsigned int flags = arg->flags;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_test_empty, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ arg->flags = flags;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg.whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ arg.flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ arg.bindex = bstart;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whlist;
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, WHONLY);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = do_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ out_whlist:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg.whlist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct test_empty_arg arg;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, btail;
++ err = 0;
++ arg.whlist = *whlist;
++ arg.flags = AuTestEmpty_WHONLY;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH))
++ au_fset_testempty(arg.flags, SHWH);
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); !err && bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry && h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ arg.bindex = bindex;
++ err = sio_test_empty(dentry, &arg);
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop = {
++ .read = generic_read_dir,
++ .readdir = aufs_readdir,
++ .unlocked_ioctl = aufs_ioctl_dir,
++ .open = aufs_open_dir,
++ .release = aufs_release_dir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_dir
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/dir.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/dir.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * directory operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#define __AUFS_DIR_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* need to be faster and smaller */
++struct au_nhash {
++ unsigned int nh_num;
++ struct hlist_head *nh_head;
++struct au_vdir_destr {
++ unsigned char len;
++ unsigned char name[0];
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_dehstr {
++ struct hlist_node hash;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++struct au_vdir_de {
++ ino_t de_ino;
++ unsigned char de_type;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr de_str;
++} __packed;
++struct au_vdir_wh {
++ struct hlist_node wh_hash;
++ ino_t wh_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ unsigned char wh_type;
++ aufs_bindex_t wh_bindex;
++ /* caution: packed */
++ struct au_vdir_destr wh_str;
++} __packed;
++union au_vdir_deblk_p {
++ unsigned char *deblk;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++struct au_vdir {
++ unsigned char **vd_deblk;
++ unsigned long vd_nblk;
++ struct {
++ unsigned long ul;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ } vd_last;
++ unsigned long vd_version;
++ unsigned int vd_deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long vd_jiffy;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dir.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_dir_fop;
++void au_add_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++void au_sub_nlink(struct inode *dir, struct inode *h_dir);
++int au_test_empty_lower(struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_test_empty(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++/* vdir.c */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist);
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit);
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen);
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh);
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir);
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file);
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir);
++/* ioctl.c */
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_DIR_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/export.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/export.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/export.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/export.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * export via nfs
++ */
++#include <linux/exportfs.h>
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/mnt_namespace.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++union conv {
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ __u32 a[2];
++ __u32 a[1];
++ ino_t ino;
++static ino_t decode_ino(__u32 *a)
++ union conv u;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u.ino) != sizeof(u.a));
++ u.a[0] = a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ u.a[1] = a[1];
++ return u.ino;
++static void encode_ino(__u32 *a, ino_t ino)
++ union conv u;
++ u.ino = ino;
++ a[0] = u.a[0];
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ a[1] = u.a[1];
++/* NFS file handle */
++enum {
++ Fh_br_id,
++ Fh_sigen,
++#ifdef CONFIG_AUFS_INO_T_64
++ /* support 64bit inode number */
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_ino2,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino2,
++ Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino1,
++ Fh_igen,
++ Fh_h_type,
++ Fh_tail,
++ Fh_ino = Fh_ino1,
++ Fh_dir_ino = Fh_dir_ino1
++static int au_test_anon(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return !!(dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_DISCONNECTED);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode generation external table */
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ __u32 igen;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /*
++ * temporary workaround for escaping from SiMustAnyLock() in
++ * au_mntflags(), since this function is called from au_iinfo_fin().
++ */
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ pos *= sizeof(igen);
++ igen = inode->i_generation + 1;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xigen, &igen,
++ sizeof(igen), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(igen))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ err = 0;
++ /* todo: dirty, at mount time */
++ if (inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)
++ goto out;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ pos = inode->i_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(inode->i_generation) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large i%lld\n", pos);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(inode->i_generation);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = sbinfo->si_xigen;
++ BUG_ON(!file);
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ < pos + sizeof(inode->i_generation)) {
++ inode->i_generation = atomic_inc_return(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ } else
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, &inode->i_generation,
++ sizeof(inode->i_generation), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(inode->i_generation))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xigen error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = file;
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_xigen) {
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xigen);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *decode_by_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (unlikely(is_bad_inode(inode)
++ || IS_DEADDIR(inode)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(inode)))
++ goto out_iput;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (!dir_ino || S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ dentry = d_find_alias(inode);
++ else {
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias)
++ if (!au_test_anon(d)
++ && d->d_parent->d_inode->i_ino == dir_ino) {
++ dentry = dget_locked(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(dentry && sigen != au_digen(dentry))) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: dirty? */
++/* if exportfs_decode_fh() passed vfsmount*, we could be happy */
++static struct vfsmount *au_mnt_get(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct mnt_namespace *ns;
++ struct vfsmount *pos, *mnt;
++ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ /* no get/put ?? */
++ AuDebugOn(!current->nsproxy);
++ ns = current->nsproxy->mnt_ns;
++ AuDebugOn(!ns);
++ mnt = NULL;
++ /* the order (reverse) will not be a problem */
++ list_for_each_entry(pos, &ns->list, mnt_list)
++ if (pos->mnt_sb == sb) {
++ mnt = mntget(pos);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
++ AuDebugOn(!mnt);
++ return mnt;
++struct au_nfsd_si_lock {
++ const unsigned int sigen;
++ const aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ unsigned char force_lock;
++static aufs_bindex_t si_nfsd_read_lock(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, nsi_lock->br_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0 && nsi_lock->sigen + AUFS_BRANCH_MAX > au_sigen(sb))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!nsi_lock->force_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ bindex = -1;
++ out:
++ return bindex;
++struct find_name_by_ino {
++ int called, found;
++ ino_t ino;
++ char *name;
++ int namelen;
++static int
++find_name_by_ino(void *arg, const char *name, int namelen, loff_t offset,
++ u64 ino, unsigned int d_type)
++ struct find_name_by_ino *a = arg;
++ a->called++;
++ if (a->ino != ino)
++ return 0;
++ memcpy(a->name, name, namelen);
++ a->namelen = namelen;
++ a->found = 1;
++ return 1;
++static struct dentry *au_lkup_by_ino(struct path *path, ino_t ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct find_name_by_ino arg;
++ int err;
++ parent = path->dentry;
++ if (nsi_lock)
++ si_read_unlock(parent->d_sb);
++ path_get(path);
++ file = dentry_open(parent, path->mnt, au_dir_roflags, current_cred());
++ dentry = (void *)file;
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out_file;
++ arg.ino = ino;
++ arg.found = 0;
++ do {
++ arg.called = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(file, find_name_by_ino, &arg);
++ } while (!err && !arg.found && arg.called);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_name;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ if (!arg.found)
++ goto out_name;
++ /* do not call au_lkup_one() */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(, parent, arg.namelen);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_name;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ }
++ out_name:
++ __putname(;
++ out_file:
++ fput(file);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(nsi_lock
++ && si_nfsd_read_lock(parent->d_sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct dentry *decode_by_dir_ino(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino,
++ ino_t dir_ino,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct path path;
++ if (dir_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO) {
++ path.dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ dentry = path.dentry;
++ if (!path.dentry || IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ } else
++ path.dentry = dget(sb->s_root);
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, nsi_lock);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_acceptable(void *expv, struct dentry *dentry)
++ return 1;
++static char *au_build_path(struct dentry *h_parent, struct path *h_rootpath,
++ char *buf, int len, struct super_block *sb)
++ char *p;
++ int n;
++ struct path path;
++ p = d_path(h_rootpath, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ n = strlen(p);
++ path.mnt = h_rootpath->mnt;
++ path.dentry = h_parent;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p += n;
++ path.mnt = au_mnt_get(sb);
++ path.dentry = sb->s_root;
++ p = d_path(&path, buf, len - strlen(p));
++ mntput(path.mnt);
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out;
++ if (n != 1)
++ p[strlen(p)] = '/';
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(p);
++ return p;
++struct dentry *decode_by_path(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ ino_t ino, __u32 *fh, int fh_len,
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock *nsi_lock)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_parent, *root;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ char *pathname, *p;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ /* au_br_get(br); */
++ h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ /* todo: call lower fh_to_dentry()? fh_to_parent()? */
++ h_parent = exportfs_decode_fh(h_mnt, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ fh_len - Fh_tail, fh[Fh_h_type],
++ h_acceptable, /*context*/NULL);
++ dentry = h_parent;
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent || IS_ERR(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh failed, %ld\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb), PTR_ERR(h_parent));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dentry = NULL;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_anon(h_parent))) {
++ AuWarn1("%s decode_fh returned a disconnected dentry\n",
++ au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ }
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ pathname = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!pathname))
++ goto out_h_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ path.mnt = h_mnt;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ p = au_build_path(h_parent, &path, pathname, PAGE_SIZE, sb);
++ dentry = (void *)p;
++ if (IS_ERR(p))
++ goto out_pathname;
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(p, LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY, &path);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_relock;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(path.dentry));
++ if (unlikely(!path.dentry->d_inode))
++ goto out_path;
++ if (ino != path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino)
++ dentry = au_lkup_by_ino(&path, ino, /*nsi_lock*/NULL);
++ else
++ dentry = dget(path.dentry);
++ out_path:
++ path_put(&path);
++ out_relock:
++ if (unlikely(si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, nsi_lock) < 0))
++ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ }
++ out_pathname:
++ free_page((unsigned long)pathname);
++ out_h_parent:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out:
++ /* au_br_put(br); */
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *
++aufs_fh_to_dentry(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid, int fh_len,
++ int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t ino, dir_ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_nfsd_si_lock nsi_lock = {
++ .sigen = fh[Fh_sigen],
++ .br_id = fh[Fh_br_id],
++ .force_lock = 0
++ };
++ AuDebugOn(fh_len < Fh_tail);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ /* branch id may be wrapped around */
++ bindex = si_nfsd_read_lock(sb, &nsi_lock);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ nsi_lock.force_lock = 1;
++ /* is this inode still cached? */
++ ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_ino);
++ AuDebugOn(ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ dentry = decode_by_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* is the parent dir cached? */
++ dentry = decode_by_dir_ino(sb, ino, dir_ino, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (dentry)
++ goto accept;
++ /* lookup path */
++ dentry = decode_by_path(sb, bindex, ino, fh, fh_len, &nsi_lock);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (unlikely(!dentry))
++ /* todo?: make it ESTALE */
++ goto out_unlock;
++ accept:
++ if (dentry->d_inode->i_generation == fh[Fh_igen])
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ dput(dentry);
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ESTALE);
++ out_unlock:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++/* support subtreecheck option */
++static struct dentry *aufs_fh_to_parent(struct super_block *sb, struct fid *fid,
++ int fh_len, int fh_type)
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ __u32 *fh = fid->raw;
++ ino_t dir_ino;
++ dir_ino = decode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino);
++ parent = decode_by_ino(sb, dir_ino, 0);
++ if (IS_ERR(parent))
++ goto out;
++ if (!parent)
++ parent = decode_by_path(sb, au_br_index(sb, fh[Fh_br_id]),
++ dir_ino, fh, fh_len);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErrPtr(parent);
++ return parent;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_encode_fh(struct dentry *dentry, __u32 *fh, int *max_len,
++ int connectable)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_anon(dentry));
++ parent = NULL;
++ err = -ENOSPC;
++ if (unlikely(*max_len <= Fh_tail)) {
++ AuWarn1("NFSv2 client (max_len %d)?\n", *max_len);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = FILEID_ROOT;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ AuDebugOn(dentry->d_inode->i_ino != AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_parent = NULL;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_FLUSH | AuLock_IR);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ if (unlikely(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)))
++ AuWarn1("NFS-exporting requires xino\n");
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (h_parent) {
++ dget(h_parent);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(!h_parent))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -EPERM;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (unlikely(!h_sb->s_export_op)) {
++ AuErr1("%s branch is not exportable\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ fh[Fh_br_id] = br->br_id;
++ fh[Fh_sigen] = au_sigen(sb);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_ino, inode->i_ino);
++ encode_ino(fh + Fh_dir_ino, parent->d_inode->i_ino);
++ fh[Fh_igen] = inode->i_generation;
++ *max_len -= Fh_tail;
++ fh[Fh_h_type] = exportfs_encode_fh(h_parent, (void *)(fh + Fh_tail),
++ max_len,
++ /*connectable or subtreecheck*/0);
++ err = fh[Fh_h_type];
++ *max_len += Fh_tail;
++ /* todo: macros? */
++ if (err != 255)
++ err = 99;
++ else
++ AuWarn1("%s encode_fh failed\n", au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ out_dput:
++ dput(h_parent);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = 255;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct export_operations aufs_export_op = {
++ .fh_to_dentry = aufs_fh_to_dentry,
++ /* .fh_to_parent = aufs_fh_to_parent, */
++ .encode_fh = aufs_encode_fh
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ __u32 u;
++ sb->s_export_op = &aufs_export_op;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xigen = NULL;
++ get_random_bytes(&u, sizeof(u));
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(u) != sizeof(int));
++ atomic_set(&sbinfo->si_xigen_next, u);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * handling file/dir, and address_space operation
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fsnotify.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/pagemap.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * a dirty trick for handling deny_write_access().
++ * because FMODE_EXEC flag is not passed to f_op->open(),
++ * set it to file->private_data temporary.
++ */
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode)
++ if (nd
++ /* && !(nd->flags & LOOKUP_CONTINUE) */
++ && (nd->flags & LOOKUP_OPEN)
++ && (nd-> & vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_EXEC))
++ && inode
++ && S_ISREG(inode->i_mode)) {
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ unsigned long flags = nd->;
++ nd->>private_data = (void *)flags;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ }
++/* drop flags for writing */
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags)
++ flags &= ~(O_WRONLY | O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
++ flags |= O_RDONLY | O_NOATIME;
++ return flags;
++/* common functions to regular file and dir */
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ /* a race condition can happen between open and unlink/rmdir */
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_test_nfsd(current) && !h_inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely((!d_unhashed(dentry) && d_unhashed(h_dentry))
++ || !h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ && (br->br_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC))
++ goto out;
++ /* drop flags for writing */
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode))
++ flags = au_file_roflags(flags);
++ flags &= ~O_CREAT;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ h_file = dentry_open(dget(h_dentry), mntget(br->br_mnt), flags,
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out_br;
++ if (file && (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)) {
++ h_file->f_mode |= FMODE_EXEC;
++ err = deny_write_access(h_file);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ fput(h_file);
++ h_file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ goto out_br;
++ }
++ }
++ fsnotify_open(h_dentry);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ out:
++ return h_file;
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags))
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_finfo_init(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = open(file, file->f_flags);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file, *h_file_tmp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_file_tmp = NULL;
++ if (au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ if (file->f_mode == h_file->f_mode)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ h_file_tmp = h_file;
++ get_file(h_file_tmp);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, NULL);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(au_fbstart(file) < bstart
++ || au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bstart].hf_file);
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bstart, file->f_flags & ~O_TRUNC, file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ goto out; /* todo: close all? */
++ err = 0;
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bstart);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bstart, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ /* close lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bstart);
++ out:
++ if (h_file_tmp)
++ fput(h_file_tmp);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_reopen_wh(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ struct dentry *hi_wh)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_dinfo *dinfo;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ dinfo = au_di(file->f_dentry);
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&dinfo->di_rwsem);
++ bstart = dinfo->di_bstart;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = btgt;
++ h_dentry = dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = hi_wh;
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ dinfo->di_hdentry[0 + btgt].hd_dentry = h_dentry;
++ dinfo->di_bstart = bstart;
++ return err;
++static int au_ready_to_write_wh(struct file *file, loff_t len,
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *hi_wh;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bcpup);
++ if (!hi_wh)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, bcpup, len, file);
++ else
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bcpup, hi_wh);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!err && inode->i_nlink > 1 && au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_append(inode, bcpup, au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup));
++ return err;
++ * prepare the @file for writing.
++ */
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bcpup;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode);
++ if (!err && (au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)) {
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, /*flags*/0);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* need to cpup */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ }
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dgrade;
++ h_dentry = au_h_fptr(file, bstart)->f_dentry;
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) /* || d_unhashed(h_dentry) */
++ /* || !h_inode->i_nlink */) {
++ err = au_ready_to_write_wh(file, len, bcpup);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ } else {
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ if (!au_h_dptr(dentry, bcpup))
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bcpup, len,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_reopen_nondir(file);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_dgrade:
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_file_refresh_by_inode(struct file *file, int *need_reopen)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry, *parent, *hi_wh;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ if (bstart == finfo->fi_bstart)
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, inode)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ bstart = err;
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_parent;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, bstart);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)
++ && au_plink_test(inode)
++ && !d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(dentry, bstart);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* always superio. */
++ err = au_pin(&pin, dentry, bstart, AuOpt_UDBA_NONE,
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, bstart, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else if (hi_wh) {
++ /* already copied-up after unlink */
++ err = au_reopen_wh(file, bstart, hi_wh);
++ *need_reopen = 0;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_do_refresh_file(struct file *file)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, new_bindex, brid;
++ struct au_hfile *p, tmp, *q;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + finfo->fi_bstart;
++ brid = p->hf_br->br_id;
++ bend = finfo->fi_bend;
++ for (bindex = finfo->fi_bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hf_file)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hf_br->br_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = finfo->fi_hfile + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hf_file) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file) && !d_unhashed(file->f_dentry)) {
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart <= bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ bend = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ for (finfo->fi_bstart = 0; finfo->fi_bstart < bend;
++ finfo->fi_bstart++, p++)
++ if (p->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ }
++ p = finfo->fi_hfile + bend;
++ for (finfo->fi_bend = bend; finfo->fi_bend >= finfo->fi_bstart;
++ finfo->fi_bend--, p--)
++ if (p->hf_file) {
++ if (p->hf_file->f_dentry
++ && p->hf_file->f_dentry->d_inode)
++ break;
++ else
++ au_hfput(p, file);
++ }
++ AuDebugOn(finfo->fi_bend < finfo->fi_bstart);
++ * after branch manipulating, refresh the file.
++ */
++static int refresh_file(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file))
++ int err, need_reopen;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ err = au_fi_realloc(au_fi(file), au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_do_refresh_file(file);
++ err = 0;
++ need_reopen = 1;
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ err = au_file_refresh_by_inode(file, &need_reopen);
++ if (!err && need_reopen && !d_unhashed(dentry))
++ err = reopen(file);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ /* error, close all lower files */
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen, figen;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char pseudo_link;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sigen = au_sigen(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ figen = au_figen(file);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ pseudo_link = (bstart != au_ibstart(dentry->d_inode));
++ if (sigen == figen && !pseudo_link && au_fbstart(file) == bstart) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ AuDbg("sigen %d, figen %d\n", sigen, figen);
++ if (sigen != au_digen(dentry)
++ || sigen != au_iigen(dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = au_reval_dpath(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ AuDebugOn(au_digen(dentry) != sigen
++ || au_iigen(dentry->d_inode) != sigen);
++ }
++ err = refresh_file(file, reopen);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!wlock) {
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_downgrade_lock(file);
++ }
++ } else {
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* cf. aufs_nopage() */
++/* for madvise(2) */
++static int aufs_readpage(struct file *file __maybe_unused, struct page *page)
++ unlock_page(page);
++ return 0;
++/* they will never be called. */
++static int aufs_write_begin(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned flags,
++ struct page **pagep, void **fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_write_end(struct file *file, struct address_space *mapping,
++ loff_t pos, unsigned len, unsigned copied,
++ struct page *page, void *fsdata)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static int aufs_writepage(struct page *page, struct writeback_control *wbc)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_sync_page(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_set_page_dirty(struct page *page)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static void aufs_invalidatepage(struct page *page, unsigned long offset)
++{ AuUnsupport(); }
++static int aufs_releasepage(struct page *page, gfp_t gfp)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++static ssize_t aufs_direct_IO(int rw, struct kiocb *iocb,
++ const struct iovec *iov, loff_t offset,
++ unsigned long nr_segs)
++{ AuUnsupport(); return 0; }
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++struct address_space_operations aufs_aop = {
++ .readpage = aufs_readpage,
++ .writepage = aufs_writepage,
++ .sync_page = aufs_sync_page,
++ .set_page_dirty = aufs_set_page_dirty,
++ .write_begin = aufs_write_begin,
++ .write_end = aufs_write_end,
++ .invalidatepage = aufs_invalidatepage,
++ .releasepage = aufs_releasepage,
++ .direct_IO = aufs_direct_IO,
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/file.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/file.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FILE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/poll.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_hfile {
++ struct file *hf_file;
++ struct au_branch *hf_br;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_finfo {
++ atomic_t fi_generation;
++ struct au_rwsem fi_rwsem;
++ struct au_hfile *fi_hfile;
++ aufs_bindex_t fi_bstart, fi_bend;
++ union {
++ /* non-dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_h_vm_ops;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *fi_vm_ops;
++ };
++ /* dir only */
++ struct {
++ struct au_vdir *fi_vdir_cache;
++ int fi_maintain_plink;
++ };
++ };
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* file.c */
++extern struct address_space_operations aufs_aop;
++void au_store_oflag(struct nameidata *nd, struct inode *inode);
++unsigned int au_file_roflags(unsigned int flags);
++struct file *au_h_open(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex, int flags,
++ struct file *file);
++int au_do_open(struct file *file, int (*open)(struct file *file, int flags));
++int au_reopen_nondir(struct file *file);
++struct au_pin;
++int au_ready_to_write(struct file *file, loff_t len, struct au_pin *pin);
++int au_reval_and_lock_fdi(struct file *file, int (*reopen)(struct file *file),
++ int wlock);
++/* poll.c */
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait);
++/* f_op.c */
++extern const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop;
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id);
++/* finfo.c */
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file);
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct file *h_file);
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file);
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file);
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_finfo *au_fi(struct file *file)
++ return file->private_data;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * fi_read_lock, fi_write_lock,
++ * fi_read_unlock, fi_write_unlock, fi_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(fi, struct file *f, &au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem);
++#define FiMustNoWaiters(f) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustAnyLock(f) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++#define FiMustWriteLock(f) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_fi(f)->fi_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbstart(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_fbend(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_fvdir_cache(struct file *file)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache;
++static inline void au_set_fbstart(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bstart = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fbend(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_fvdir_cache(struct file *file,
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache)
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_vdir_cache = vdir_cache;
++static inline struct file *au_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ FiMustAnyLock(file);
++ return au_fi(file)->fi_hfile[0 + bindex].hf_file;
++/* todo: memory barrier? */
++static inline unsigned int au_figen(struct file *f)
++ return atomic_read(&au_fi(f)->fi_generation);
++static inline int au_test_mmapped(struct file *f)
++ FiMustAnyLock(f);
++ return !!(au_fi(f)->fi_h_vm_ops);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FILE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/finfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/finfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/finfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/finfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file private data
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void au_hfput(struct au_hfile *hf, struct file *file)
++ if (file->f_mode & FMODE_EXEC)
++ allow_write_access(hf->hf_file);
++ fput(hf->hf_file);
++ hf->hf_file = NULL;
++ atomic_dec_return(&hf->hf_br->br_count);
++ hf->hf_br = NULL;
++void au_set_h_fptr(struct file *file, aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct file *val)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo = au_fi(file);
++ struct au_hfile *hf;
++ hf = finfo->fi_hfile + bindex;
++ if (hf->hf_file)
++ au_hfput(hf, file);
++ if (val) {
++ hf->hf_file = val;
++ hf->hf_br = au_sbr(file->f_dentry->d_sb, bindex);
++ }
++void au_update_figen(struct file *file)
++ atomic_set(&au_fi(file)->fi_generation, au_digen(file->f_dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_finfo_fin(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ bindex = au_fbstart(file);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ /*
++ * calls fput() instead of filp_close(),
++ * since no dnotify or lock for the lower file.
++ */
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, NULL);
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ au_dbg_verify_hf(finfo);
++ kfree(finfo->fi_hfile);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ AuRwDestroy(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++int au_finfo_init(struct file *file)
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_cache_alloc_finfo();
++ if (unlikely(!finfo))
++ goto out;
++ finfo->fi_hfile = kcalloc(au_sbend(dentry->d_sb) + 1,
++ sizeof(*finfo->fi_hfile), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_hfile))
++ goto out_finfo;
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ finfo->fi_bstart = -1;
++ finfo->fi_bend = -1;
++ atomic_set(&finfo->fi_generation, au_digen(dentry));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ /* cf. au_store_oflag() */
++ /* suppress a warning in lp64 */
++ ul = (unsigned long)file->private_data;
++ file->f_mode |= (vfsub_uint_to_fmode(ul) & FMODE_EXEC);
++ file->private_data = finfo;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_finfo:
++ au_cache_free_finfo(finfo);
++ out:
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_fi_realloc(struct au_finfo *finfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hfile *hfp;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp) * (finfo->fi_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hfp);
++ hfp = au_kzrealloc(finfo->fi_hfile, sz, sizeof(*hfp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hfp) {
++ finfo->fi_hfile = hfp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/f_op.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/f_op.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/f_op.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/f_op.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * file and vm operations
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* common function to regular file and dir */
++int aufs_flush(struct file *file, fl_owner_t id)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ fi_read_lock(file);
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = au_fbstart(file); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!h_file || !h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->flush)
++ continue;
++ err = h_file->f_op->flush(h_file, id);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IW);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int do_open_nondir(struct file *file, int flags)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ FiMustWriteLock(file);
++ err = 0;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops = NULL;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = NULL;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* O_TRUNC is processed already */
++ BUG_ON(au_test_ro(dentry->d_sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)
++ && (flags & O_TRUNC));
++ h_file = au_h_open(dentry, bindex, flags, file);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_file))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_file);
++ else {
++ au_set_fbstart(file, bindex);
++ au_set_fbend(file, bindex);
++ au_set_h_fptr(file, bindex, h_file);
++ au_update_figen(file);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_open_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ return au_do_open(file, do_open_nondir);
++static int aufs_release_nondir(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct file *file)
++ struct super_block *sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ kfree(au_fi(file)->fi_vm_ops);
++ au_finfo_fin(file);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t aufs_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ err = vfsub_read_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_write(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf,
++ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ char __user *buf = (char __user *)ubuf;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(h_file, buf, count, ppos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_read(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_read) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_READ);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_read(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode,
++ h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->read);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_aio_write(struct kiocb *kio, const struct iovec *iov,
++ unsigned long nv, loff_t pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, bstart);
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_write) {
++ err = security_file_permission(h_file, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_write(kio, iov, nv, pos);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ } else
++ /* currently there is no such fs */
++ WARN_ON_ONCE(h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->write);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t aufs_splice_read(struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (au_test_loopback_kthread()) {
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ smp_mb(); /* unnecessary? */
++ }
++ err = vfsub_splice_to(h_file, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ /* todo: necessasry? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++static ssize_t
++aufs_splice_write(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *file, loff_t *ppos,
++ size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ ssize_t err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_splice_from(pipe, h_file, ppos, len, flags);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ inode->i_mode = h_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode;
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct file *au_safe_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file;
++ file = vma->vm_file;
++ if (file->private_data && au_test_aufs(file->f_dentry->d_sb))
++ return file;
++ return NULL;
++static void au_reset_file(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct file *file)
++ vma->vm_file = file;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* flush vm_file */
++static int aufs_fault(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ /* todo: non-robr mode, user vm_file as it is? */
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ /* do not revalidate, no si lock */
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->fault(vma, vmf);
++ /* todo: necessary? */
++ /* file->f_ra = h_file->f_ra; */
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++#if 0 /* def CONFIG_SMP */
++ /* wake_up_nr(&wq, online_cpu - 1); */
++ wake_up_all(&wq);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_page_mkwrite(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
++ int err;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ err = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->page_mkwrite(vma, vmf);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++ return err;
++static void aufs_vm_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct au_finfo *finfo;
++ wait_event(wq, (file = au_safe_file(vma)));
++ finfo = au_fi(file);
++ h_file = finfo->fi_hfile[0 + finfo->fi_bstart].hf_file;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_file || !finfo->fi_h_vm_ops);
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ vma->vm_file = h_file;
++ finfo->fi_h_vm_ops->close(vma);
++ au_reset_file(vma, file);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ wake_up(&wq);
++static struct vm_operations_struct aufs_vm_ops = {
++ /* .close and .page_mkwrite are not set by default */
++ .fault = aufs_fault,
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct vm_operations_struct *au_vm_ops(struct file *h_file,
++ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ int err;
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
++ if (!h_file->f_op || !h_file->f_op->mmap)
++ goto out;
++ err = h_file->f_op->mmap(h_file, vma);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ vm_ops = vma->vm_ops;
++ err = do_munmap(current->mm, vma->vm_start,
++ vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed internal unmapping %.*s, %d\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_file->f_dentry), err);
++ vm_ops = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return vm_ops;
++static int au_custom_vm_ops(struct au_finfo *finfo, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *h_ops;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&finfo->fi_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ h_ops = finfo->fi_h_vm_ops;
++ AuDebugOn(!h_ops);
++ if ((!h_ops->page_mkwrite && !h_ops->close)
++ || finfo->fi_vm_ops)
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops = kmemdup(&aufs_vm_ops, sizeof(aufs_vm_ops), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!finfo->fi_vm_ops))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_ops->page_mkwrite)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->page_mkwrite = aufs_page_mkwrite;
++ if (h_ops->close)
++ finfo->fi_vm_ops->close = aufs_vm_close;
++ vma->vm_ops = finfo->fi_vm_ops;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char wlock, mmapped;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ wlock = !!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) && (vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARED);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mmapped = !!au_test_mmapped(file);
++ if (wlock) {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ } else
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (!mmapped && au_test_fs_bad_mapping(h_file->f_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ /*
++ * by this assignment, f_mapping will differs from aufs inode
++ * i_mapping.
++ * if someone else mixes the use of f_dentry->d_inode and
++ * f_mapping->host, then a problem may arise.
++ */
++ file->f_mapping = h_file->f_mapping;
++ }
++ vm_ops = NULL;
++ if (!mmapped) {
++ vm_ops = au_vm_ops(h_file, vma);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vm_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(vm_ops))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ /*
++ * unnecessary to handle MAP_DENYWRITE and deny_write_access()?
++ * currently MAP_DENYWRITE from userspace is ignored, but elf loader
++ * sets it. when FMODE_EXEC is set (by open_exec() or sys_uselib()),
++ * both of the aufs file and the lower file is deny_write_access()-ed.
++ * finally I hope we can skip handlling MAP_DENYWRITE here.
++ */
++ err = generic_file_mmap(file, vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vma->vm_ops = &aufs_vm_ops;
++ /* test again */
++ if (!au_test_mmapped(file))
++ au_fi(file)->fi_h_vm_ops = vm_ops;
++ err = au_custom_vm_ops(au_fi(file), vma);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ vfsub_file_accessed(h_file);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_fsync_nondir(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry,
++ int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(file->f_mapping->host);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ /*
++ * no filemap_fdatawrite() since aufs file has no its own
++ * mapping, but dir.
++ */
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = h_file->f_op->fsync(h_file, h_d, datasync);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (inode != file->f_mapping->host) {
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ mutex_lock(&file->f_mapping->host->i_mutex);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static int aufs_aio_fsync_nondir(struct kiocb *kio, int datasync)
++ int err;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct file *file, *h_file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = kio->ki_filp;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = 0; /* -EBADF; */ /* posix? */
++ if (unlikely(!(file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_ready_to_write(file, -1, &pin);
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ err = -ENOSYS;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->aio_fsync) {
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ h_d = h_file->f_dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (!is_sync_kiocb(kio)) {
++ get_file(h_file);
++ fput(file);
++ }
++ kio->ki_filp = h_file;
++ err = h_file->f_op->aio_fsync(kio, datasync);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!err)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL);
++ /*ignore*/
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(inode);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fasync(int fd, struct file *file, int flag)
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->fasync)
++ err = h_file->f_op->fasync(fd, h_file, flag);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* no one supports this operation, currently */
++#if 0
++static ssize_t aufs_sendpage(struct file *file, struct page *page, int offset,
++ size_t len, loff_t *pos , int more)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const struct file_operations aufs_file_fop = {
++ /*
++ * while generic_file_llseek/_unlocked() don't use BKL,
++ * don't use it since it operates file->f_mapping->host.
++ * in aufs, it may be a real file and may confuse users by UDBA.
++ */
++ /* .llseek = generic_file_llseek, */
++ .read = aufs_read,
++ .write = aufs_write,
++ .aio_read = aufs_aio_read,
++ .aio_write = aufs_aio_write,
++ .poll = aufs_poll,
++ .mmap = aufs_mmap,
++ .open = aufs_open_nondir,
++ .flush = aufs_flush,
++ .release = aufs_release_nondir,
++ .fsync = aufs_fsync_nondir,
++ /* .aio_fsync = aufs_aio_fsync_nondir, */
++ .fasync = aufs_fasync,
++ /* .sendpage = aufs_sendpage, */
++ .splice_write = aufs_splice_write,
++ .splice_read = aufs_splice_read,
++#if 0
++ .aio_splice_write = aufs_aio_splice_write,
++ .aio_splice_read = aufs_aio_splice_read
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/fstype.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/fstype.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/fstype.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/fstype.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * judging filesystem type
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/cramfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/magic.h>
++#include <linux/romfs_fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++static inline int au_test_aufs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++static inline const char *au_sbtype(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_type->name;
++static inline int au_test_iso9660(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ROMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_romfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS) || defined(CONFIG_ISO9660_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cramfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS) || defined(CONFIG_CRAMFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CRAMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_nfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_NFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == NFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fuse(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FUSE_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_XFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XFS_SB_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_tmpfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == TMPFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ecryptfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "ecryptfs");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_smbfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SMB_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == SMB_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB) || defined(CONFIG_OCFS2_FS_O2CB_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == DLMFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_coda(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS) || defined(CONFIG_CODA_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CODA_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_v9fs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_9P_FS) || defined(CONFIG_9P_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == V9FS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ext4(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysv(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS) || defined(CONFIG_SYSV_FS_MODULE)
++ return !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "sysv");
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_ramfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_magic == RAMFS_MAGIC;
++static inline int au_test_ubifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == UBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_procfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == PROC_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_sysfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SYSFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_configfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == CONFIGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_minix(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS) || defined(CONFIG_MINIX_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC
++ || sb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_cifs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_CIFS_FS) || defined(CONFIGCIFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == CIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_fat(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS) || defined(CONFIG_FAT_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_msdos(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_vfat(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fat(sb);
++static inline int au_test_securityfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SECURITYFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_squashfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == SQUASHFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_btrfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS) || defined(CONFIG_BTRFS_FS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_xenfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++#if defined(CONFIG_XENFS) || defined(CONFIG_XENFS_MODULE)
++ return sb->s_magic == XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_debugfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ return sb->s_magic == DEBUGFS_MAGIC;
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * they can't be an aufs branch.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unsuppoted(struct super_block *sb)
++ return
++ au_test_ramfs(sb) ||
++ au_test_procfs(sb)
++ || au_test_sysfs(sb)
++ || au_test_configfs(sb)
++ || au_test_debugfs(sb)
++ || au_test_securityfs(sb)
++ || au_test_xenfs(sb)
++ /* || !strcmp(au_sbtype(sb), "unionfs") */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb); /* will be supported in next version */
++ * If the filesystem supports NFS-export, then it has to support NULL as
++ * a nameidata parameter for ->create(), ->lookup() and ->d_revalidate().
++ * We can apply this principle when we handle a lower filesystem.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_null_nd(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !!sb->s_export_op;
++static inline int au_test_fs_remote(struct super_block *sb)
++ return !au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ && !au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ && !(sb->s_type->fs_flags & FS_REQUIRES_DEV);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * Note: these functions (below) are created after reading ->getattr() in all
++ * filesystems under linux/fs. it means we have to do so in every update...
++ */
++ * some filesystems require getattr to refresh the inode attributes before
++ * referencing.
++ * in most cases, we can rely on the inode attribute in NFS (or every remote fs)
++ * and leave the work for d_revalidate()
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ /* || au_test_smbfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_btrfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_coda(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_v9fs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't maintain i_size or i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_xfs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_ext4(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ocfs2_dlmfs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_sysv(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_ubifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ /* || au_test_minix(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which don't store the correct value in some of their inode
++ * attributes.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_iattr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ || au_test_fat(sb)
++ || au_test_msdos(sb)
++ || au_test_vfat(sb);
++/* they don't check i_nlink in link(2) */
++static inline int au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++ * filesystems which sets S_NOATIME and S_NOCMTIME.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_notime(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_nfs(sb)
++ || au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb)
++ /* || au_test_cifs(sb) */ /* untested */
++ ;
++ * filesystems which requires replacing i_mapping.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_mapping(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fuse(sb)
++ || au_test_ubifs(sb);
++/* temporary support for i#1 in cramfs */
++static inline int au_test_fs_unique_ino(struct inode *inode)
++ if (au_test_cramfs(inode->i_sb))
++ return inode->i_ino != 1;
++ return 1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the filesystem where the xino files placed must support i/o after unlink and
++ * maintain i_size and i_blocks.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_bad_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_fs_remote(sb)
++ || au_test_fs_bad_iattr_size(sb)
++ || !(au_test_ramfs(sb) || au_test_fs_null_nd(sb))
++ || !au_test_fs_null_nd(sb) /* to keep xino code simple */
++ /* don't want unnecessary work for xino */
++ || au_test_aufs(sb)
++ || au_test_ecryptfs(sb);
++static inline int au_test_fs_trunc_xino(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_tmpfs(sb)
++ || au_test_ramfs(sb);
++ * test if the @sb is real-readonly.
++ */
++static inline int au_test_fs_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_test_squashfs(sb)
++ || au_test_iso9660(sb)
++ || au_test_cramfs(sb)
++ || au_test_romfs(sb);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_FSTYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/hinotify.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/hinotify.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/hinotify.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/hinotify.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inotify for the lower directories
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++static const __u32 AuHinMask = (IN_MOVE | IN_DELETE | IN_CREATE);
++static struct inotify_handle *au_hin_handle;
++AuCacheFuncs(hinotify, HINOTIFY);
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ s32 wd;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ hin = au_cache_alloc_hinotify();
++ if (hin) {
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_notify);
++ hinode->hi_notify = hin;
++ hin->hin_aufs_inode = inode;
++ inotify_init_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ wd = inotify_add_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch, h_inode,
++ AuHinMask);
++ if (wd >= 0)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = wd;
++ put_inotify_watch(&hin->hin_watch);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++ return err;
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ int err;
++ struct au_hinotify *hin;
++ hin = hinode->hi_notify;
++ if (hin) {
++ err = 0;
++ if (atomic_read(&hin->hin_watch.count))
++ err = inotify_rm_watch(au_hin_handle, &hin->hin_watch);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* it means the watch is already removed */
++ AuWarn("failed inotify_rm_watch() %d\n", err);
++ au_cache_free_hinotify(hin);
++ hinode->hi_notify = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct inotify_watch *watch;
++ if (!hinode->hi_notify)
++ return;
++ h_inode = hinode->hi_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ /* todo: try inotify_find_update_watch()? */
++ watch = &hinode->hi_notify->hin_watch;
++ mutex_lock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++ /* mutex_lock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ if (do_set) {
++ AuDebugOn(watch->mask & AuHinMask);
++ watch->mask |= AuHinMask;
++ } else {
++ AuDebugOn(!(watch->mask & AuHinMask));
++ watch->mask &= ~AuHinMask;
++ }
++ /* mutex_unlock(&watch->ih->mutex); */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->inotify_mutex);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct dentry *iwhdentry;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!hi)
++ continue;
++ /* mutex_lock_nested(&hi->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD); */
++ iwhdentry = au_hi_wh(inode, bindex);
++ if (iwhdentry)
++ dget(iwhdentry);
++ au_igrab(hi);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(hi),
++ flags & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ iput(hi);
++ dput(iwhdentry);
++ /* mutex_unlock(&hi->i_mutex); */
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int hin_xino(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound, bstart;
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ err = 0;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (bindex == bend) {
++ /* keep this ino in rename case */
++ goto out;
++ }
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex) == h_inode) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bfound < 0)
++ goto out;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (!h_i)
++ continue;
++ err = au_xino_write(inode->i_sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ /* bad action? */
++ }
++ /* children inode number will be broken */
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_tree(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ err = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, dentry, NULL, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dpages;
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ if (IS_ROOT(d))
++ continue;
++ d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ if (d->d_inode)
++ /* todo: reset children xino?
++ cached children only? */
++ au_iigen_dec(d->d_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ /* discard children */
++ dentry_unhash(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * return 0 if processed.
++ */
++static int hin_gen_by_inode(char *name, unsigned int nlen, struct inode *inode,
++ const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ err = 1;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ err = 0;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!isdir) {
++ AuDebugOn(!name);
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias) {
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen
++ && memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ err = 0;
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ au_digen_dec(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(inode->i_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ d = d_find_alias(inode);
++ if (!d) {
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len == nlen && !memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ err = hin_gen_tree(d);
++ dput(d);
++ }
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static int hin_gen_by_name(struct dentry *dentry, const unsigned int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (IS_ROOT(dentry)
++ /* || (inode && inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO) */
++ ) {
++ AuWarn("branch root dir was changed\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_digen_dec(dentry);
++ if (inode)
++ au_iigen_dec(inode);
++ } else {
++ au_fset_si(au_sbi(dentry->d_sb), FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ if (inode)
++ err = hin_gen_tree(dentry);
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify job flags */
++#define AuHinJob_XINO0 1
++#define AuHinJob_GEN (1 << 1)
++#define AuHinJob_DIRENT (1 << 2)
++#define AuHinJob_ISDIR (1 << 3)
++#define AuHinJob_TRYXINO0 (1 << 4)
++#define AuHinJob_MNTPNT (1 << 5)
++#define au_ftest_hinjob(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHinJob_##name)
++#define au_fset_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHinJob_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hinjob(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHinJob_##name; }
++struct hin_job_args {
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode, *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ char *h_name;
++ int h_nlen;
++static int hin_job(struct hin_job_args *a)
++ const unsigned int isdir = au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ /* reset xino */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, XINO0) && a->inode)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, TRYXINO0)
++ && a->inode
++ && a->h_inode) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (!a->h_inode->i_nlink)
++ hin_xino(a->inode, a->h_inode); /* ignore this error */
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ }
++ /* make the generation obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, GEN)) {
++ int err = -1;
++ if (a->inode)
++ err = hin_gen_by_inode(a->h_name, a->h_nlen, a->inode,
++ isdir);
++ if (err && a->dentry)
++ hin_gen_by_name(a->dentry, isdir);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ }
++ /* make dir entries obsolete */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, DIRENT) && a->inode) {
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(a->inode);
++ if (vdir)
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* IMustLock(a->inode); */
++ /* a->inode->i_version++; */
++ }
++ /* can do nothing but warn */
++ if (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags, MNTPNT)
++ && a->dentry
++ && d_mountpoint(a->dentry))
++ AuWarn("mount-point %.*s is removed or renamed\n",
++ AuDLNPair(a->dentry));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char *in_name(u32 mask)
++#define test_ret(flag) if (mask & flag) \
++ return #flag;
++ test_ret(IN_ACCESS);
++ test_ret(IN_MODIFY);
++ test_ret(IN_ATTRIB);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_WRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE);
++ test_ret(IN_OPEN);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_FROM);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVED_TO);
++ test_ret(IN_CREATE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE);
++ test_ret(IN_DELETE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_MOVE_SELF);
++ test_ret(IN_UNMOUNT);
++ test_ret(IN_Q_OVERFLOW);
++ test_ret(IN_IGNORED);
++ return "";
++#undef test_ret
++ return "??";
++static struct dentry *lookup_wlock_by_name(char *name, unsigned int nlen,
++ struct inode *dir)
++ struct dentry *dentry, *d, *parent;
++ struct qstr *dname;
++ parent = d_find_alias(dir);
++ if (!parent)
++ return NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
++ list_for_each_entry(d, &parent->d_subdirs, d_u.d_child) {
++ /* AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuDLNPair(d)); */
++ dname = &d->d_name;
++ if (dname->len != nlen || memcmp(dname->name, name, nlen))
++ continue;
++ if (!atomic_read(&d->d_count) || !d->d_fsdata) {
++ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
++ __d_drop(d);
++ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
++ continue;
++ }
++ dentry = dget(d);
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (dentry)
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ return dentry;
++static struct inode *lookup_wlock_by_ino(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t ino;
++ int err;
++ inode = NULL;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, &ino);
++ if (!err && ino)
++ inode = ilookup(sb, ino);
++ if (!inode)
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO)) {
++ AuWarn("wrong root branch\n");
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = NULL;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++enum { CHILD, PARENT };
++struct postproc_args {
++ struct inode *h_dir, *dir, *h_child_inode;
++ u32 mask;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ unsigned int h_child_nlen;
++ char h_child_name[];
++static void postproc(void *_args)
++ struct postproc_args *a = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bfound;
++ unsigned char xino, try_iput;
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ ino_t h_ino;
++ struct hin_job_args args;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ AuDebugOn(!_args);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->dir);
++ AuDebugOn(!a->mask);
++ AuDbg("mask 0x%x %s, i%lu, hi%lu, hci%lu\n",
++ a->mask, in_name(a->mask), a->dir->i_ino, a->h_dir->i_ino,
++ a->h_child_inode ? a->h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ inode = NULL;
++ dentry = NULL;
++ /*
++ * do not lock a->dir->i_mutex here
++ * because of d_revalidate() may cause a deadlock.
++ */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ AuDebugOn(!sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!sbinfo);
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ bfound = -1;
++ bend = au_ibend(a->dir);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(a->dir); bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(a->dir, bindex) == a->h_dir) {
++ bfound = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ ii_read_unlock(a->dir);
++ if (unlikely(bfound < 0))
++ goto out;
++ xino = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO);
++ h_ino = 0;
++ if (a->h_child_inode)
++ h_ino = a->h_child_inode->i_ino;
++ if (a->h_child_nlen
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], MNTPNT)))
++ dentry = lookup_wlock_by_name(a->h_child_name, a->h_child_nlen,
++ a->dir);
++ try_iput = 0;
++ if (dentry)
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (xino && !inode && h_ino
++ && (au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], XINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0)
++ || au_ftest_hinjob(a->flags[CHILD], GEN))) {
++ inode = lookup_wlock_by_ino(sb, bfound, h_ino);
++ try_iput = 1;
++ }
++ args.flags = a->flags[CHILD];
++ args.dentry = dentry;
++ args.inode = inode;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_child_inode;
++ args.dir = a->dir;
++ args.h_dir = a->h_dir;
++ args.h_name = a->h_child_name;
++ args.h_nlen = a->h_child_nlen;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ if (dentry) {
++ if (dentry->d_fsdata)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ if (inode && try_iput) {
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ args.flags = a->flags[PARENT];
++ args.dentry = NULL;
++ args.inode = a->dir;
++ args.h_inode = a->h_dir;
++ args.dir = NULL;
++ args.h_dir = NULL;
++ args.h_name = NULL;
++ args.h_nlen = 0;
++ err = hin_job(&args);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ au_nwt_done(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ iput(a->h_child_inode);
++ iput(a->h_dir);
++ iput(a->dir);
++ kfree(a);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_inotify(struct inotify_watch *watch, u32 wd __maybe_unused,
++ u32 mask, u32 cookie __maybe_unused,
++ const char *h_child_name, struct inode *h_child_inode)
++ struct au_hinotify *hinotify;
++ struct postproc_args *args;
++ int len, wkq_err;
++ unsigned char isdir, isroot, wh;
++ char *p;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ unsigned int flags[2];
++ /* if IN_UNMOUNT happens, there must be another bug */
++ AuDebugOn(mask & IN_UNMOUNT);
++ if (mask & (IN_IGNORED | IN_UNMOUNT)) {
++ put_inotify_watch(watch);
++ return;
++ }
++#ifdef AuDbgHinotify
++ au_debug(1);
++ if (1 || !h_child_name || strcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME)) {
++ AuDbg("i%lu, wd %d, mask 0x%x %s, cookie 0x%x, hcname %s,"
++ " hi%lu\n",
++ watch->inode->i_ino, wd, mask, in_name(mask), cookie,
++ h_child_name ? h_child_name : "",
++ h_child_inode ? h_child_inode->i_ino : 0);
++ WARN_ON(1);
++ }
++ au_debug(0);
++ hinotify = container_of(watch, struct au_hinotify, hin_watch);
++ AuDebugOn(!hinotify || !hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ dir = igrab(hinotify->hin_aufs_inode);
++ if (!dir)
++ return;
++ isroot = (dir->i_ino == AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ len = 0;
++ wh = 0;
++ if (h_child_name) {
++ len = strlen(h_child_name);
++ if (!memcmp(h_child_name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ h_child_name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ len -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ wh = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ isdir = 0;
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ isdir = !!S_ISDIR(h_child_inode->i_mode);
++ flags[PARENT] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ flags[CHILD] = 0;
++ if (isdir)
++ flags[CHILD] = AuHinJob_ISDIR;
++ switch (mask & IN_ALL_EVENTS) {
++ case IN_MOVED_FROM:
++ case IN_MOVED_TO:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], XINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ break;
++ case IN_CREATE:
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name || !h_child_inode);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ break;
++ case IN_DELETE:
++ /*
++ * aufs never be able to get this child inode.
++ * revalidation should be in d_revalidate()
++ * by checking i_nlink, i_generation or d_unhashed().
++ */
++ AuDebugOn(!h_child_name);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[PARENT], DIRENT);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], GEN);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], TRYXINO0);
++ au_fset_hinjob(flags[CHILD], MNTPNT);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuDebugOn(1);
++ }
++ if (wh)
++ h_child_inode = NULL;
++ /* iput() and kfree() will be called in postproc() */
++ /*
++ * inotify_mutex is already acquired and kmalloc/prune_icache may lock
++ * iprune_mutex. strange.
++ */
++ lockdep_off();
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args) + len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ iput(dir);
++ return;
++ }
++ args->flags[PARENT] = flags[PARENT];
++ args->flags[CHILD] = flags[CHILD];
++ args->mask = mask;
++ args->dir = dir;
++ args->h_dir = igrab(watch->inode);
++ if (h_child_inode)
++ h_child_inode = igrab(h_child_inode); /* can be NULL */
++ args->h_child_inode = h_child_inode;
++ args->h_child_nlen = len;
++ if (len) {
++ p = (void *)args;
++ p += sizeof(*args);
++ memcpy(p, h_child_name, len + 1);
++ }
++ lockdep_off();
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(postproc, args, dir->i_sb);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++static void aufs_inotify_destroy(struct inotify_watch *watch __maybe_unused)
++ return;
++static struct inotify_operations aufs_inotify_ops = {
++ .handle_event = aufs_inotify,
++ .destroy_watch = aufs_inotify_destroy
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_hin_destroy_cache(void)
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]);
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = NULL;
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void)
++ int err;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY] = AuCache(au_hinotify);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY]) {
++ err = 0;
++ au_hin_handle = inotify_init(&aufs_inotify_ops);
++ if (IS_ERR(au_hin_handle)) {
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_hin_handle);
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
++ }
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++void au_hinotify_fin(void)
++ inotify_destroy(au_hin_handle);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_HINOTIFY])
++ au_hin_destroy_cache();
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/iinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/iinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/iinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/iinfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ h_inode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ return h_inode;
++/* todo: hard/soft set? */
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ h_inode = iinfo->ii_hinode[bindex + 0].hi_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode)
++ au_hin_free(hinode);
++ dput(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ iput(hinode->hi_inode);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir)
++ unsigned int flags;
++ const unsigned int mnt_flags = au_mntflags(inode->i_sb);
++ flags = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, XINO);
++ if (isdir && au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_HINOTIFY))
++ au_fset_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ return flags;
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ struct inode *hi;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = iinfo->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ hi = hinode->hi_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && atomic_read(&h_inode->i_count) <= 0);
++ AuDebugOn(h_inode && hi);
++ if (hi)
++ au_hiput(hinode);
++ hinode->hi_inode = h_inode;
++ if (h_inode) {
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ if (bindex == iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ au_cpup_igen(inode, h_inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ hinode->hi_id = br->br_id;
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_inode->i_ino,
++ inode->i_ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("failed au_xino_write() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && au_br_hinotifyable(br->br_perm)) {
++ err = au_hin_alloc(hinode, inode, h_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr1("au_hin_alloc() %d\n", err);
++ }
++ }
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh)
++ struct au_hinode *hinode;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ hinode = au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++ AuDebugOn(hinode->hi_whdentry);
++ hinode->hi_whdentry = h_wh;
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_set(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation, au_sigen(inode->i_sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++/* it may be called at remount time, too */
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ if (!iinfo || iinfo->ii_bstart < 0)
++ return;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ if (do_put_zero) {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ h_i = iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_inode;
++ if (h_i && !h_i->i_nlink)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ while (++iinfo->ii_bstart <= iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bstart].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ return;
++ }
++ iinfo->ii_bend++;
++ while (0 <= --iinfo->ii_bend)
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode[0 + iinfo->ii_bend].hi_inode)
++ break;
++ AuDebugOn(iinfo->ii_bstart > iinfo->ii_bend || iinfo->ii_bend < 0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int nbr, i;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ nbr = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (unlikely(nbr <= 0))
++ nbr = 1;
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = kcalloc(nbr, sizeof(*iinfo->ii_hinode), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode) {
++ for (i = 0; i < nbr; i++)
++ iinfo->ii_hinode[i].hi_id = -1;
++ atomic_set(&iinfo->ii_generation, au_sigen(sb));
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ au_rw_init(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = -1;
++ iinfo->ii_vdir = NULL;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_hinode *hip;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*hip) * (iinfo->ii_bend + 1);
++ if (!sz)
++ sz = sizeof(*hip);
++ hip = au_kzrealloc(iinfo->ii_hinode, sz, sizeof(*hip) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (hip) {
++ iinfo->ii_hinode = hip;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_iinfo_write0(struct super_block *sb, struct au_hinode *hinode,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char locked;
++ err = 0;
++ locked = !!si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, hinode->hi_id);
++ if (bindex >= 0)
++ err = au_xino_write0(sb, bindex, hinode->hi_inode->i_ino, ino);
++ /* error action? */
++ if (locked)
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode)
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ unsigned char unlinked = !inode->i_nlink;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hi;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ if (unlinked) {
++ int err = au_xigen_inc(inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn1("failed resetting i_generation, %d\n", err);
++ }
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ /* bad_inode case */
++ if (!iinfo)
++ return;
++ if (iinfo->ii_vdir)
++ au_vdir_free(iinfo->ii_vdir);
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart >= 0) {
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ ino = 0;
++ if (unlinked)
++ ino = inode->i_ino;
++ hi = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ bend = iinfo->ii_bend;
++ while (iinfo->ii_bstart++ <= bend) {
++ if (hi->hi_inode) {
++ if (unlinked || !hi->hi_inode->i_nlink) {
++ au_iinfo_write0(sb, hi, ino);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ ino = 0;
++ }
++ au_hiput(hi);
++ }
++ hi++;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(iinfo->ii_hinode);
++ AuRwDestroy(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode functions
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode)
++ if (inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!atomic_read(&inode->i_count));
++ atomic_inc_return(&inode->i_count);
++ }
++ return inode;
++static void au_refresh_hinode_attr(struct inode *inode, int do_version)
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/0);
++ au_update_iigen(inode);
++ if (do_version)
++ inode->i_version++;
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, new_bindex;
++ unsigned char update;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p, *q, tmp;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ update = 0;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ err = au_ii_realloc(iinfo, au_sbend(sb) + 1);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ err = 0;
++ for (bindex = iinfo->ii_bstart; bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend;
++ bindex++, p++) {
++ if (!p->hi_inode)
++ continue;
++ new_bindex = au_br_index(sb, p->hi_id);
++ if (new_bindex == bindex)
++ continue;
++ if (new_bindex < 0) {
++ update++;
++ au_hiput(p);
++ p->hi_inode = NULL;
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (new_bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = new_bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < new_bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = new_bindex;
++ /* swap two lower inode, and loop again */
++ q = iinfo->ii_hinode + new_bindex;
++ tmp = *q;
++ *q = *p;
++ *p = tmp;
++ if (tmp.hi_inode) {
++ bindex--;
++ p--;
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (do_attr)
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode));
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, update;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct inode *first;
++ struct au_hinode *p;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ update = 0;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ p = iinfo->ii_hinode + iinfo->ii_bstart;
++ first = p->hi_inode;
++ isdir = S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ struct inode *h_i;
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!h_d || !h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bstart <= bindex && bindex <= iinfo->ii_bend) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ if (h_i == h_d->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bindex < iinfo->ii_bstart)
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bindex;
++ if (iinfo->ii_bend < bindex)
++ iinfo->ii_bend = bindex;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, au_igrab(h_d->d_inode), flags);
++ update = 1;
++ }
++ au_update_brange(inode, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ au_refresh_hinode_attr(inode, update && isdir);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int set_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ umode_t mode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, btail;
++ unsigned char isdir;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ err = 0;
++ isdir = 0;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
++ case S_IFREG:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_file_fop;
++ inode->i_mapping->a_ops = &aufs_aop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFDIR:
++ isdir = 1;
++ btail = au_dbtaildir(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFLNK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_symlink_iop;
++ break;
++ case S_IFBLK:
++ case S_IFCHR:
++ case S_IFIFO:
++ case S_IFSOCK:
++ btail = au_dbtail(dentry);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_iop;
++ init_special_inode(inode, mode, h_inode->i_rdev);
++ break;
++ default:
++ AuIOErr("Unknown file type 0%o\n", mode);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* do not set inotify for whiteouted dirs (SHWH mode) */
++ flags = au_hi_flags(inode, isdir);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(dentry->d_sb), SHWH)
++ && au_ftest_hi(flags, HINOTIFY)
++ && dentry->d_name.len > AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ && !memcmp(dentry->, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ au_fclr_hi(flags, HINOTIFY);
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ iinfo->ii_bstart = bstart;
++ iinfo->ii_bend = btail;
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= btail; bindex++) {
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (h_dentry)
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex,
++ au_igrab(h_dentry->d_inode), flags);
++ }
++ au_cpup_attr_all(inode, /*force*/1);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++static int reval_inode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry, int *matched)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *h_dinode;
++ *matched = 0;
++ /*
++ * before this function, if aufs got any iinfo lock, it must be only
++ * one, the parent dir.
++ * it can happen by UDBA and the obsoleted inode number.
++ */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(inode->i_ino == parent_ino(dentry)))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ h_dinode = au_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry))->d_inode;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode && h_inode == h_dinode) {
++ *matched = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_iigen(inode) != au_digen(dentry))
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* successful returns with iinfo write_locked */
++/* todo: return with unlocked? */
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t h_ino, ino;
++ int err, match;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_ino = h_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bstart, h_ino, &ino);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ new_ino:
++ if (!ino) {
++ ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!ino)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-EIO);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ AuDbg("%lx, new %d\n", inode->i_state, !!(inode->i_state & I_NEW));
++ if (inode->i_state & I_NEW) {
++ ii_write_lock_new_child(inode);
++ err = set_inode(inode, dentry);
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ goto out_iput;
++ } else if (!must_new) {
++ err = reval_inode(inode, dentry, &match);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ else if (match)
++ goto out_iput;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_unique_ino(h_dentry->d_inode)))
++ AuWarn1("Warning: Un-notified UDBA or repeatedly renamed dir,"
++ " b%d, %s, %.*s, hi%lu, i%lu.\n",
++ bstart, au_sbtype(h_dentry->d_sb), AuDLNPair(dentry),
++ (unsigned long)h_ino, (unsigned long)ino);
++ ino = 0;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bstart, h_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ if (!err) {
++ iput(inode);
++ goto new_ino;
++ }
++ out_iput:
++ iput(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return inode;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode)
++ int err;
++ err = au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ /* pseudo-link after flushed may happen out of bounds */
++ if (!err
++ && inode
++ && au_ibstart(inode) <= bindex
++ && bindex <= au_ibend(inode)) {
++ /*
++ * permission check is unnecessary since vfsub routine
++ * will be called later
++ */
++ struct inode *hi = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (hi)
++ err = IS_IMMUTABLE(hi) ? -EROFS : 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (!current_fsuid())
++ return 0;
++ return inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask)
++ if (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb)
++ && (mask & MAY_WRITE)
++ && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode))
++ mask |= MAY_READ; /* force permission check */
++ return au_test_h_perm(h_inode, mask);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/inode.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/inode.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#define __AUFS_INODE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/inotify.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++struct vfsmount;
++struct au_hinotify {
++ struct inotify_watch hin_watch;
++ struct inode *hin_aufs_inode; /* no get/put */
++struct au_hinode {
++ struct inode *hi_inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t hi_id;
++ struct au_hinotify *hi_notify;
++ /* reference to the copied-up whiteout with get/put */
++ struct dentry *hi_whdentry;
++struct au_vdir;
++struct au_iinfo {
++ atomic_t ii_generation;
++ struct super_block *ii_hsb1; /* no get/put */
++ struct au_rwsem ii_rwsem;
++ aufs_bindex_t ii_bstart, ii_bend;
++ __u32 ii_higen;
++ struct au_hinode *ii_hinode;
++ struct au_vdir *ii_vdir;
++struct au_icntnr {
++ struct au_iinfo iinfo;
++ struct inode vfs_inode;
++/* au_pin flags */
++#define AuPin_DI_LOCKED 1
++#define AuPin_MNT_WRITE (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_pin(flags, name) ((flags) & AuPin_##name)
++#define au_fset_pin(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuPin_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_pin(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuPin_##name; }
++struct au_pin {
++ /* input */
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ unsigned char lsc_di, lsc_hi, flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ /* output */
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_iinfo *au_ii(struct inode *inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = &(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode)->iinfo);
++ if (iinfo->ii_hinode)
++ return iinfo;
++ return NULL; /* debugging bad_inode case */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* inode.c */
++struct inode *au_igrab(struct inode *inode);
++int au_refresh_hinode_self(struct inode *inode, int do_attr);
++int au_refresh_hinode(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry);
++struct inode *au_new_inode(struct dentry *dentry, int must_new);
++int au_test_ro(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *inode);
++int au_test_h_perm(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++int au_test_h_perm_sio(struct inode *h_inode, int mask);
++/* i_op.c */
++extern struct inode_operations aufs_iop, aufs_symlink_iop, aufs_dir_iop;
++/* au_wr_dir flags */
++#define AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY 1
++#define AuWrDir_ISDIR (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_wrdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWrDir_##name)
++#define au_fset_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWrDir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wrdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWrDir_##name; }
++struct au_wr_dir_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t force_btgt;
++ unsigned char flags;
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args);
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin);
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags);
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags) __must_check;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *pin) __must_check;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *pin);
++/* i_op_add.c */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd);
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode);
++/* i_op_del.c */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup);
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir);
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* i_op_ren.c */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt);
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry);
++/* iinfo.c */
++struct inode *au_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_hiput(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_set_ibstart(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_set_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_wh);
++unsigned int au_hi_flags(struct inode *inode, int isdir);
++/* hinode flags */
++#define AuHi_XINO 1
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY (1 << 1)
++#define au_ftest_hi(flags, name) ((flags) & AuHi_##name)
++#define au_fset_hi(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuHi_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_hi(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuHi_##name; }
++#undef AuHi_HINOTIFY
++#define AuHi_HINOTIFY 0
++void au_set_h_iptr(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct inode *h_inode, unsigned int flags);
++void au_update_iigen(struct inode *inode);
++void au_update_brange(struct inode *inode, int do_put_zero);
++int au_iinfo_init(struct inode *inode);
++void au_iinfo_fin(struct inode *inode);
++int au_ii_realloc(struct au_iinfo *iinfo, int nbr);
++/* plink.c */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode);
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry);
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb);
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for iinfo */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD, /* child first */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD2, /* rename(2), link(2), and cpup at hinotify */
++ AuLsc_II_CHILD3, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT, /* see AuLsc_I_PARENT in vfsub.h */
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT2,
++ AuLsc_II_PARENT3, /* copyup dirs */
++ * ii_read_lock_child, ii_write_lock_child,
++ * ii_read_lock_child2, ii_write_lock_child2,
++ * ii_read_lock_child3, ii_write_lock_child3,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent, ii_write_lock_parent,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent2, ii_write_lock_parent2,
++ * ii_read_lock_parent3, ii_write_lock_parent3,
++ * ii_read_lock_new_child, ii_write_lock_new_child,
++ */
++#define AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_read_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_read_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++static inline void ii_write_lock_##name(struct inode *i) \
++{ \
++ au_rw_write_lock_nested(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem, AuLsc_II_##lsc); \
++#define AuRWLockFuncs(name, lsc) \
++ AuReadLockFunc(name, lsc) \
++ AuWriteLockFunc(name, lsc)
++AuRWLockFuncs(child, CHILD);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child2, CHILD2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(child3, CHILD3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent, PARENT);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent2, PARENT2);
++AuRWLockFuncs(parent3, PARENT3);
++AuRWLockFuncs(new_child, NEW_CHILD);
++#undef AuReadLockFunc
++#undef AuWriteLockFunc
++#undef AuRWLockFuncs
++ * ii_read_unlock, ii_write_unlock, ii_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(ii, struct inode *i, &au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem);
++#define IiMustNoWaiters(i) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustAnyLock(i) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++#define IiMustWriteLock(i) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_ii(i)->ii_rwsem)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline unsigned int au_iigen(struct inode *inode)
++ return atomic_read(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++/* tiny test for inode number */
++/* tmpfs generation is too rough */
++static inline int au_test_higen(struct inode *inode, struct inode *h_inode)
++ struct au_iinfo *iinfo;
++ iinfo = au_ii(inode);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&iinfo->ii_rwsem);
++ return !(iinfo->ii_hsb1 == h_inode->i_sb
++ && iinfo->ii_higen == h_inode->i_generation);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ii_br_id(struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_id;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibstart(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bstart;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_ibend(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_bend;
++static inline struct au_vdir *au_ivdir(struct inode *inode)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir;
++static inline struct dentry *au_hi_wh(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode[0 + bindex].hi_whdentry;
++static inline void au_set_ibend(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_bend = bindex;
++static inline void au_set_ivdir(struct inode *inode, struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ IiMustWriteLock(inode);
++ au_ii(inode)->ii_vdir = vdir;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_hi(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ IiMustAnyLock(inode);
++ return au_ii(inode)->ii_hinode + bindex;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_pinned_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->parent;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct inode *au_pinned_h_dir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->hdir)
++ return pin->hdir->hi_inode;
++ return NULL;
++static inline struct au_hinode *au_pinned_hdir(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin)
++ return pin->hdir;
++ return NULL;
++static inline void au_pin_set_dentry(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry)
++ if (pin)
++ pin->dentry = dentry;
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent_lflag(struct au_pin *pin,
++ unsigned char lflag)
++ if (pin) {
++ /* dirty macros require brackets */
++ if (lflag) {
++ au_fset_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ } else {
++ au_fclr_pin(pin->flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ }
++ }
++static inline void au_pin_set_parent(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *parent)
++ if (pin) {
++ dput(pin->parent);
++ pin->parent = dget(parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* hinotify.c */
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode);
++void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode);
++void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode, int do_set);
++void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode, unsigned int flags);
++int __init au_hinotify_init(void);
++void au_hinotify_fin(void);
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode, struct au_hinotify *val)
++ hinode->hi_notify = val;
++static inline void au_iigen_dec(struct inode *inode)
++ atomic_dec_return(&au_ii(inode)->ii_generation);
++static inline
++int au_hin_alloc(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ struct inode *h_inode __maybe_unused)
++ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++static inline void au_hin_free(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_hin_ctl(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ int do_set __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void au_reset_hinotify(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ unsigned int flags __maybe_unused)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_hinotify_init(void)
++ return 0;
++#define au_hinotify_fin() do {} while (0)
++static inline
++void au_hin_init(struct au_hinode *hinode __maybe_unused,
++ struct au_hinotify *val __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void au_hin_suspend(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/0);
++static inline void au_hin_resume(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_ctl(hdir, /*do_set*/1);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ mutex_lock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(struct au_hinode *hdir,
++ unsigned int sc __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_lock_nested(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex, sc);
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir);
++static inline void au_hin_imtx_unlock(struct au_hinode *hdir)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&hdir->hi_inode->i_mutex);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_INODE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ioctl.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ioctl.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ioctl.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ioctl.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * ioctl
++ * currently plink-management only.
++ */
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++long aufs_ioctl_dir(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
++ unsigned long arg __maybe_unused)
++ long err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (cmd) {
++ /*
++ * pseudo-link maintenance mode,
++ * cleared by aufs_release_dir()
++ */
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_ftest_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, MAINTAIN_PLINK);
++ au_fi(file)->fi_maintain_plink = 1;
++ } else
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ break;
++ aufs_write_lock(sb->s_root);
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(sb->s_root);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_add.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (add entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * final procedure of adding a new entry, except link(2).
++ * remove whiteout, instantiate, copyup the parent dir's times and size
++ * and update version.
++ * if it failed, re-create the removed whiteout.
++ */
++static int epilog(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *wh;
++ bwh = -1;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ AuDebugOn(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex) != h_dir);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bindex), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/1);
++ if (!IS_ERR(inode)) {
++ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
++ dir = dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (!wh_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ /* revert */
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ wh = au_wh_create(dentry, bwh, wh_dentry->d_parent);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(wh);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh)) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ } else
++ dput(wh);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the adding inode operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_add(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ err = -EIO;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initial procedure of adding a new entry.
++ * prepare writable branch and the parent dir, lock it,
++ * and lookup whiteout for the new entry.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_lkup_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_dtime *dt,
++ struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_pin *pin,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *wr_dir_args)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, src_dentry, wr_dir_args);
++ bcpup = err;
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_parent = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_add(dentry, bcpup, h_parent,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(wr_dir_args->flags, ISDIR));
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bcpup);
++ if (dt) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = h_parent,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &tmp);
++ }
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (bcpup != au_dbwh(dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ out_unpin:
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum { Mknod, Symlink, Creat };
++struct simple_arg {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ struct nameidata *nd;
++ } c;
++ struct {
++ const char *symname;
++ } s;
++ struct {
++ int mode;
++ dev_t dev;
++ } m;
++ } u;
++static int add_simple(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct simple_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ unsigned char created;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ switch (arg->type) {
++ case Creat:
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.c.mode);
++ break;
++ case Symlink:
++ err = vfsub_symlink(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.s.symname);
++ break;
++ case Mknod:
++ err = vfsub_mknod(h_dir, &h_path, arg->u.m.mode, arg->;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ created = !err;
++ if (!err)
++ err = epilog(dir, bstart, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ /* revert */
++ if (unlikely(created && err && h_path.dentry->d_inode)) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s revert failure(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Mknod,
++ .u.m = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .dev = dev
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char *symname)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Symlink,
++ .u.s.symname = symname
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++int aufs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct simple_arg arg = {
++ .type = Creat,
++ .u.c = {
++ .mode = mode,
++ .nd = nd
++ }
++ };
++ return add_simple(dir, dentry, &arg);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_link_args {
++ aufs_bindex_t bdst, bsrc;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *src_parent, *parent;
++static int au_cpup_before_link(struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = au_test_and_cpup_dirs(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ h_mtx = &h_src_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, src_dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(src_dentry->d_sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(src_dentry, a->bdst, -1,
++ AuCpup_DTIME /* | AuCpup_KEEPLINO */);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out:
++ di_read_unlock(a->src_parent, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_cpup_or_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct au_link_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned char plink;
++ struct inode *h_inode, *inode;
++ struct dentry *h_src_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ plink = 0;
++ h_inode = NULL;
++ sb = src_dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibstart(inode) <= a->bdst)
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, a->bdst);
++ if (!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink) {
++ /* copyup src_dentry as the name of dentry. */
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, dget(a->h_path.dentry));
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bsrc)->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(src_dentry, a->bdst, a->bsrc, -1,
++ AuCpup_KEEPLINO, a->parent);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_set_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(src_dentry, a->bsrc);
++ } else {
++ /* the inode of src_dentry already exists on a.bdst branch */
++ h_src_dentry = d_find_alias(h_inode);
++ if (!h_src_dentry && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ plink = 1;
++ h_src_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, a->bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_src_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_src_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (unlikely(!h_src_dentry->d_inode)) {
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ h_src_dentry = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ if (h_src_dentry) {
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ dput(h_src_dentry);
++ } else {
++ AuIOErr("no dentry found for hi%lu on b%d\n",
++ h_inode->i_ino, a->bdst);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!err && !plink)
++ au_plink_append(inode, a->bdst, a->h_path.dentry);
++ return err;
++int aufs_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_link_args *a;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *h_src_dentry;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = src_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(dentry, src_dentry, /*AuLock_FLUSH*/0);
++ a->src_parent = dget_parent(src_dentry);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &dt, src_dentry, &a->pin,
++ &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ a->bdst = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->bdst);
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->bdst);
++ a->bsrc = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK)) {
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */)
++ err = au_cpup_or_link(src_dentry, a);
++ else {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry, au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * copyup src_dentry to the branch we process,
++ * and then link(2) to it.
++ */
++ if (a->bdst < a->bsrc
++ /* && h_src_dentry->d_sb != a->h_path.dentry->d_sb */) {
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ err = au_cpup_before_link(src_dentry, a);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->bdst,
++ au_opt_udba(sb),
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wh;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ h_src_dentry = au_h_dptr(src_dentry, a->bdst);
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (h_src_dentry && h_src_dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_src_dentry,
++ au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin),
++ &a->h_path);
++ }
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path,
++ dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_revert;
++ }
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == au_dbstart(dentry))
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ inc_nlink(inode);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (!d_unhashed(a->h_path.dentry))
++ d_instantiate(dentry, au_igrab(inode));
++ else
++ /* some filesystem calls d_drop() */
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ out_revert:
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (!rerr)
++ goto out_dt;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_dt:
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&dt);
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(a->parent);
++ dput(a->src_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(dentry, src_dentry);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int aufs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char diropq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, *parent, *opq_dentry;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct {
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ } *a; /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY | AuWrDir_ISDIR
++ };
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_lkup_wh(dentry, &a->dt, /*src_dentry*/NULL,
++ &a->pin, &wr_dir_args);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_free;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bindex = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path, mode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* make the dir opaque */
++ diropq = 0;
++ h_mtx = &h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ if (wh_dentry
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out_dir;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ diropq = 1;
++ }
++ err = epilog(dir, bindex, wh_dentry, dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ inc_nlink(dir);
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (diropq) {
++ AuLabel(revert opq);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bindex);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting diropq failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ AuLabel(revert dir);
++ rerr = vfsub_rmdir(au_pinned_h_dir(&a->pin), &h_path);
++ if (rerr) {
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting dir failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ au_dtime_revert(&a->dt);
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ }
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (except add/del/rename)
++ */
++#include <linux/device_cgroup.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++#include <linux/mm.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static int h_permission(struct inode *h_inode, int mask,
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt, int brperm)
++ int err;
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if ((write_mask && IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode))
++ || ((mask & MAY_EXEC)
++ && S_ISREG(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && ((h_mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC)
++ || !(h_inode->i_mode & S_IXUGO))))
++ goto out;
++ /*
++ * - skip the lower fs test in the case of write to ro branch.
++ * - nfs dir permission write check is optimized, but a policy for
++ * link/rename requires a real check.
++ */
++ if ((write_mask && !au_br_writable(brperm))
++ || (au_test_nfs(h_inode->i_sb) && S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)
++ && write_mask && !(mask & MAY_READ))
++ || !h_inode->i_op->permission) {
++ /* AuLabel(generic_permission); */
++ err = generic_permission(h_inode, mask, NULL);
++ } else {
++ /* AuLabel(h_inode->permission); */
++ err = h_inode->i_op->permission(h_inode, mask);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = devcgroup_inode_permission(h_inode, mask);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_inode_permission
++ (h_inode, mask & (MAY_READ | MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC
++ | MAY_APPEND));
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ const unsigned char isdir = !!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode);
++ const unsigned char write_mask = !!(mask & (MAY_WRITE | MAY_APPEND));
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ ii_read_lock_child(inode);
++ if (!isdir || write_mask) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, au_ibstart(inode));
++ AuDebugOn(!h_inode
++ || ((h_inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)
++ != (inode->i_mode & S_IFMT)));
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt, br->br_perm);
++ if (write_mask && !err) {
++ /* test whether the upper writable branch exists */
++ err = -EROFS;
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* non-write to dir */
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ for (bindex = au_ibstart(inode); !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ if (h_inode) {
++ AuDebugOn(!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode));
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = h_permission(h_inode, mask, br->br_mnt,
++ br->br_perm);
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ ii_read_unlock(inode);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct dentry *aufs_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct dentry *ret, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_inode;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err, npositive;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ /* temporary workaround for a bug in NFSD readdir */
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ else
++ WARN_ONCE(!mutex_is_locked(&dir->i_mutex),
++ "a known problem of NFSD readdir since 2.6.28\n");
++ sb = dir->i_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(dentry);
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ npositive = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, au_dbstart(parent), /*type*/0, nd);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ err = npositive;
++ ret = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ inode = NULL;
++ if (npositive) {
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ h_inode = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart)->d_inode;
++ if (!S_ISDIR(h_inode->i_mode)) {
++ /*
++ * stop 'race'-ing between hardlinks under different
++ * parents.
++ */
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bstart)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ } else
++ inode = au_new_inode(dentry, /*must_new*/0);
++ ret = (void *)inode;
++ }
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ ret = d_splice_alias(inode, dentry);
++ if (unlikely(IS_ERR(ret) && inode))
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ au_store_oflag(nd, inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return ret;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_wr_dir_cpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *parent,
++ const unsigned char add_entry, aufs_bindex_t bcpup,
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ if (add_entry) {
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ } else
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup)) {
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ err = au_cpdown_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ else
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, bcpup);
++ }
++ if (!err && add_entry) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bcpup);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bcpup);
++ /* todo: no unlock here */
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ if (bstart < bcpup && au_dbstart(dentry) < 0) {
++ au_set_dbstart(dentry, 0);
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/0);
++ }
++ }
++ if (!add_entry)
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (!err)
++ err = bcpup; /* success */
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch and the parent dir where we will create a new entry.
++ * returns new bindex or an error.
++ * copyup the parent dir if needed.
++ */
++int au_wr_dir(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct au_wr_dir_args *args)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup, bstart, src_bstart;
++ const unsigned char add_entry = !!au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags,
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bcpup = bstart;
++ if (args->force_btgt < 0) {
++ if (src_dentry) {
++ src_bstart = au_dbstart(src_dentry);
++ if (src_bstart < bstart)
++ bcpup = src_bstart;
++ } else if (add_entry) {
++ err = AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, dentry,
++ au_ftest_wrdir(args->flags, ISDIR));
++ bcpup = err;
++ }
++ if (bcpup < 0 || au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ if (add_entry)
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ else {
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, !AuLock_IR);
++ } else
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, dentry);
++ }
++ bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ bcpup = args->force_btgt;
++ AuDebugOn(au_test_ro(sb, bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ }
++ AuDbg("bstart %d, bcpup %d\n", bstart, bcpup);
++ if (bstart < bcpup)
++ au_update_dbrange(dentry, /*do_put_zero*/1);
++ err = bcpup;
++ if (bcpup == bstart)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* copyup the new parent into the branch we process */
++ err = au_wr_dir_cpup(dentry, parent, add_entry, bcpup, bstart);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *au_pinned_h_parent(struct au_pin *pin)
++ if (pin && pin->parent)
++ return au_h_dptr(pin->parent, pin->bindex);
++ return NULL;
++void au_unpin(struct au_pin *p)
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (!p->hdir)
++ return;
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(p->hdir);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ iput(p->hdir->hi_inode);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_do_pin(struct au_pin *p)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = p->dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, p->bindex);
++ if (IS_ROOT(p->dentry)) {
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out;
++ }
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (p->bindex <= au_dbend(p->dentry))
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(p->dentry, p->bindex);
++ p->parent = dget_parent(p->dentry);
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_lock(p->parent, AuLock_IR, p->lsc_di);
++ h_dir = NULL;
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(p->parent, p->bindex);
++ p->hdir = au_hi(p->parent->d_inode, p->bindex);
++ if (p->hdir)
++ h_dir = p->hdir->hi_inode;
++ /* udba case */
++ if (unlikely(!p->hdir || !h_dir)) {
++ if (!au_ftest_pin(p->flags, DI_LOCKED))
++ di_read_unlock(p->parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(p->parent);
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ goto out_err;
++ }
++ au_igrab(h_dir);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(p->hdir, p->lsc_hi);
++ if (unlikely(p->hdir->hi_inode != h_parent->d_inode)) {
++ err = -EBUSY;
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ if (h_dentry) {
++ err = au_h_verify(h_dentry, p->udba, h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE)) {
++ p->h_mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = mnt_want_write(p->h_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fclr_pin(p->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(p);
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("err %d\n", err);
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_pin_init(struct au_pin *p, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, int lsc_di, int lsc_hi,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ p->dentry = dentry;
++ p->udba = udba;
++ p->lsc_di = lsc_di;
++ p->lsc_hi = lsc_hi;
++ p->flags = flags;
++ p->bindex = bindex;
++ p->parent = NULL;
++ p->hdir = NULL;
++ p->h_mnt = NULL;
++int au_pin(struct au_pin *pin, struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int udba, unsigned char flags)
++ au_pin_init(pin, dentry, bindex, AuLsc_DI_PARENT, AuLsc_I_PARENT2,
++ udba, flags);
++ return au_do_pin(pin);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AuIcpup_DID_CPUP 1
++#define au_ftest_icpup(flags, name) ((flags) & AuIcpup_##name)
++#define au_fset_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuIcpup_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_icpup(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuIcpup_##name; }
++struct au_icpup_args {
++ unsigned char flags;
++ unsigned char pin_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++static int au_lock_and_icpup(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia,
++ struct au_icpup_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ loff_t sz;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct dentry *hi_wh, *parent;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ .force_btgt = -1,
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ /* plink or hi_wh() case */
++ if (bstart != au_ibstart(inode))
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_ibstart(inode);
++ err = au_wr_dir(dentry, /*src_dentry*/NULL, &wr_dir_args);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_dentry;
++ a->btgt = err;
++ if (err != bstart)
++ au_fset_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP);
++ err = 0;
++ a->pin_flags = AuPin_MNT_WRITE;
++ parent = NULL;
++ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
++ au_fset_pin(a->pin_flags, DI_LOCKED);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ }
++ udba = au_opt_udba(dentry->d_sb);
++ if (d_unhashed(dentry) || (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE))
++ udba = AuOpt_UDBA_NONE;
++ err = au_pin(&a->pin, dentry, a->btgt, udba, a->pin_flags);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (parent) {
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ goto out_dentry;
++ }
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ sz = -1;
++ if ((ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) && ia->ia_size < i_size_read(a->h_inode))
++ sz = ia->ia_size;
++ hi_wh = NULL;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP) && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ if (!hi_wh) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_wh(dentry, a->btgt, sz, /*file*/NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ hi_wh = au_hi_wh(inode, a->btgt);
++ /* todo: revalidate hi_wh? */
++ }
++ }
++ if (parent) {
++ au_pin_set_parent_lflag(&a->pin, /*lflag*/0);
++ di_downgrade_lock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ }
++ if (!au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry)) {
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(dentry, a->btgt, sz, AuCpup_DTIME);
++ if (!err)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ } else if (!hi_wh)
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, a->btgt);
++ else
++ a->h_path.dentry = hi_wh; /* do not dget here */
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ a->h_inode = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!err) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ out_dentry:
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_icpup_args *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ file = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE) {
++ /* currently ftruncate(2) only */
++ file = ia->ia_file;
++ fi_write_lock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ }
++ if (ia->ia_valid & (ATTR_KILL_SUID | ATTR_KILL_SGID))
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_MODE;
++ err = au_lock_and_icpup(dentry, ia, a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_si;
++ if (au_ftest_icpup(a->flags, DID_CPUP)) {
++ ia->ia_file = NULL;
++ ia->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ a->h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, a->btgt);
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) {
++ struct file *f;
++ if (ia->ia_size < i_size_read(inode)) {
++ /* unmap only */
++ err = vmtruncate(inode, ia->ia_size);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ }
++ f = NULL;
++ if (ia->ia_valid & ATTR_FILE)
++ f = ia->ia_file;
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ err = vfsub_trunc(&a->h_path, ia->ia_size, ia->ia_valid, f);
++ mutex_lock_nested(&a->h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ } else
++ err = vfsub_notify_change(&a->h_path, ia);
++ if (!err)
++ au_cpup_attr_changeable(inode);
++ out_unlock:
++ mutex_unlock(&a->h_inode->i_mutex);
++ au_unpin(&a->pin);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ out_si:
++ if (file) {
++ fi_write_unlock(file);
++ ia->ia_file = file;
++ ia->ia_valid |= ATTR_FILE;
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_getattr_lock_reval(struct dentry *dentry, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) != sigen || au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns a number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ di_downgrade_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void au_refresh_iattr(struct inode *inode, struct kstat *st,
++ unsigned int nlink)
++ inode->i_mode = st->mode;
++ inode->i_uid = st->uid;
++ inode->i_gid = st->gid;
++ inode->i_atime = st->atime;
++ inode->i_mtime = st->mtime;
++ inode->i_ctime = st->ctime;
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(inode, /*force*/0);
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)) {
++ inode->i_nlink -= nlink;
++ inode->i_nlink += st->nlink;
++ }
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ inode->i_blocks = st->blocks;
++ i_size_write(inode, st->size);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++static int aufs_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt __maybe_unused,
++ struct dentry *dentry, struct kstat *st)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char udba_none, positive;
++ struct super_block *sb, *h_sb;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ udba_none = !!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, UDBA_NONE);
++ /* support fstat(2) */
++ if (!d_unhashed(dentry) && !udba_none) {
++ unsigned int sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ if (au_digen(dentry) == sigen && au_iigen(inode) == sigen)
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ else {
++ AuDebugOn(!IS_ROOT(dentry));
++ err = au_getattr_lock_reval(dentry, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ bindex = au_ibstart(inode);
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (!au_test_fs_bad_iattr(h_sb) && udba_none)
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ h_dentry = NULL;
++ if (au_dbstart(dentry) == bindex)
++ h_dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex));
++ else if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, PLINK) && au_plink_test(inode)) {
++ h_dentry = au_plink_lkup(inode, bindex);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ }
++ /* illegally overlapped or something */
++ if (unlikely(!h_dentry))
++ goto out_fill; /* pretending success */
++ positive = !!h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (positive)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_mnt, h_dentry, st);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (positive)
++ au_refresh_iattr(inode, st, h_dentry->d_inode->i_nlink);
++ goto out_fill; /* success */
++ }
++ goto out_unlock;
++ out_fill:
++ generic_fillattr(inode, st);
++ out_unlock:
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int h_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, int bindex, char __user *buf,
++ int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (unlikely(/* !h_dentry
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode
++ || !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op
++ || */ !h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = security_inode_readlink(h_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ if (!au_test_ro(sb, bindex, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ vfsub_touch_atime(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex), h_dentry);
++ fsstack_copy_attr_atime(dentry->d_inode, h_dentry->d_inode);
++ }
++ err = h_dentry->d_inode->i_op->readlink(h_dentry, buf, bufsiz);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, char __user *buf, int bufsiz)
++ int err;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), buf, bufsiz);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static void *aufs_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
++ int err;
++ char *buf;
++ mm_segment_t old_fs;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ buf = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!buf))
++ goto out;
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ old_fs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = h_readlink(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), (char __user *)buf,
++ set_fs(old_fs);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ buf[err] = 0;
++ /* will be freed by put_link */
++ nd_set_link(nd, buf);
++ return NULL; /* success */
++ }
++ __putname(buf);
++ out:
++ path_put(&nd->path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return ERR_PTR(err);
++static void aufs_put_link(struct dentry *dentry __maybe_unused,
++ struct nameidata *nd, void *cookie __maybe_unused)
++ __putname(nd_get_link(nd));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void aufs_truncate_range(struct inode *inode __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t start __maybe_unused,
++ loff_t end __maybe_unused)
++ AuUnsupport();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct inode_operations aufs_symlink_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .readlink = aufs_readlink,
++ .follow_link = aufs_follow_link,
++ .put_link = aufs_put_link
++struct inode_operations aufs_dir_iop = {
++ .create = aufs_create,
++ .lookup = aufs_lookup,
++ .link = aufs_link,
++ .unlink = aufs_unlink,
++ .symlink = aufs_symlink,
++ .mkdir = aufs_mkdir,
++ .rmdir = aufs_rmdir,
++ .mknod = aufs_mknod,
++ .rename = aufs_rename,
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr
++struct inode_operations aufs_iop = {
++ .permission = aufs_permission,
++ .setattr = aufs_setattr,
++ .getattr = aufs_getattr,
++ .truncate_range = aufs_truncate_range
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_del.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operations (del entry)
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * decide if a new whiteout for @dentry is necessary or not.
++ * when it is necessary, prepare the parent dir for the upper branch whose
++ * branch index is @bcpup for creation. the actual creation of the whiteout will
++ * be done by caller.
++ * return value:
++ * 0: wh is unnecessary
++ * plus: wh is necessary
++ * minus: error
++ */
++int au_wr_dir_need_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *bcpup)
++ int need_wh, err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (*bcpup < 0) {
++ *bcpup = bstart;
++ if (au_test_ro(sb, bstart, dentry->d_inode)) {
++ err = AuWbrCopyup(au_sbi(sb), dentry);
++ *bcpup = err;
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else
++ AuDebugOn(bstart < *bcpup
++ || au_test_ro(sb, *bcpup, dentry->d_inode));
++ AuDbg("bcpup %d, bstart %d\n", *bcpup, bstart);
++ if (*bcpup != bstart) {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(dentry, *bcpup);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ need_wh = 1;
++ } else {
++ aufs_bindex_t old_bend, new_bend, bdiropq = -1;
++ old_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (isdir) {
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ need_wh = au_lkup_dentry(dentry, bstart + 1, /*type*/0,
++ /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = need_wh;
++ if (isdir)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bdiropq);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ new_bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ if (!need_wh && old_bend != new_bend) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, new_bend, NULL);
++ au_set_dbend(dentry, old_bend);
++ }
++ }
++ AuDbg("need_wh %d\n", need_wh);
++ err = need_wh;
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * simple tests for the del-entry operations.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++int au_may_del(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ umode_t h_mode;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_latest;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ h_inode = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ if (dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ h_mode = h_inode->i_mode;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = -EISDIR;
++ if (unlikely(S_ISDIR(h_mode)))
++ goto out;
++ } else if (unlikely(!S_ISDIR(h_mode))) {
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* rename(2) case */
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ /* expected parent dir is locked */
++ if (unlikely(h_parent != h_dentry->d_parent))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /*
++ * rmdir a dir may break the consistency on some filesystem.
++ * let's try heavy test.
++ */
++ err = -EACCES;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_h_perm(h_parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE)))
++ goto out;
++ h_latest = au_sio_lkup_one(&dentry->d_name, h_parent,
++ au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bindex));
++ err = -EIO;
++ if (IS_ERR(h_latest))
++ goto out;
++ if (h_latest == h_dentry)
++ err = 0;
++ dput(h_latest);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * decide the branch where we operate for @dentry. the branch index will be set
++ * @rbcpup. after diciding it, 'pin' it and store the timestamps of the parent
++ * dir for reverting.
++ * when a new whiteout is necessary, create it.
++ */
++static struct dentry*
++lock_hdir_create_wh(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir, aufs_bindex_t *rbcpup,
++ struct au_dtime *dt, struct au_pin *pin)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct path h_path;
++ int err, need_wh;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ aufs_bindex_t bcpup;
++ need_wh = au_wr_dir_need_wh(dentry, isdir, rbcpup);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(need_wh);
++ if (unlikely(need_wh < 0))
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ udba = au_opt_udba(sb);
++ bcpup = *rbcpup;
++ err = au_pin(pin, dentry, bcpup, udba,
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_pinned_h_parent(pin);
++ if (udba != AuOpt_UDBA_NONE
++ && au_dbstart(dentry) == bcpup) {
++ err = au_may_del(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry, isdir);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unpin;
++ }
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bcpup);
++ au_dtime_store(dt, au_pinned_parent(pin), &h_path);
++ wh_dentry = NULL;
++ if (!need_wh)
++ goto out; /* success, no need to create whiteout */
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_create(dentry, bcpup, h_path.dentry);
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* returns with the parent is locked and wh_dentry is dget-ed */
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(pin);
++ out:
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * when removing a dir, rename it to a unique temporary whiteout-ed name first
++ * in order to be revertible and save time for removing many child whiteouts
++ * under the dir.
++ * returns 1 when there are too many child whiteout and caller should remove
++ * them asynchronously. returns 0 when the number of children is enough small to
++ * remove now or the branch fs is a remote fs.
++ * otherwise return an error.
++ */
++static int renwh_and_rmdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct inode *dir)
++ int rmdir_later, err, dirwh;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(h_dentry, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(dentry->d_inode, bindex));
++ if (!au_test_fs_remote(h_dentry->d_sb)) {
++ dirwh = au_sbi(sb)->si_dirwh;
++ rmdir_later = (dirwh <= 1);
++ if (!rmdir_later)
++ rmdir_later = au_nhash_test_longer_wh(whlist, bindex,
++ dirwh);
++ if (rmdir_later)
++ return rmdir_later;
++ }
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, bindex, h_dentry, whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuIOErr("rmdir %.*s, b%d failed, %d. ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_dentry), bindex, err);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * final procedure for deleting a entry.
++ * maintain dentry and iattr.
++ */
++static void epilog(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ d_drop(dentry);
++ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime;
++ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) == 1) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, au_dbstart(dentry), NULL);
++ au_update_dbstart(dentry);
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ dir->i_version++;
++ * when an error happened, remove the created whiteout and revert everything.
++ */
++static int do_revert(int err, struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bwh,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct dentry *dentry,
++ struct au_dtime *dt)
++ int rerr;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dir->i_sb, bwh)
++ };
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bwh), &h_path, dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bwh);
++ au_dtime_revert(dt);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("%.*s reverting whiteout failed(%d, %d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), err, rerr);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct inode *inode, *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ return -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/0, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bstart);
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_path.dentry);
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ h_dir = au_pinned_h_dir(&pin);
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ } else {
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ drop_nlink(inode);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ inode->i_ctime = h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ } else
++ /* todo: this timestamp may be reverted later */
++ inode->i_ctime = h_dir->i_ctime;
++ goto out_unlock; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unlock:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ return err;
++int aufs_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err, rmdir_later;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bindex, bstart;
++ struct au_dtime dt;
++ struct au_pin pin;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *parent, *wh_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = -ENOENT; /* possible? */
++ if (unlikely(!inode))
++ goto out;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ aufs_read_lock(dentry, AuLock_DW | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ args = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(dir->i_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ di_write_lock_parent(parent);
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &args->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_args;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ bindex = -1;
++ wh_dentry = lock_hdir_create_wh(dentry, /*isdir*/1, &bindex, &dt, &pin);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out_args;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart);
++ dget(h_dentry);
++ rmdir_later = 0;
++ if (bindex == bstart) {
++ err = renwh_and_rmdir(dentry, bstart, &args->whlist, dir);
++ if (err > 0) {
++ rmdir_later = err;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* stop monitoring */
++ au_hin_free(au_hi(inode, bstart));
++ /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode);
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_nlink(inode);
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ epilog(dir, dentry, bindex);
++ if (rmdir_later) {
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, bstart, h_dentry, args);
++ args = NULL;
++ }
++ goto out_unpin; /* success */
++ }
++ /* revert */
++ AuLabel(revert);
++ if (wh_dentry) {
++ int rerr;
++ rerr = do_revert(err, dir, bwh, wh_dentry, dentry, &dt);
++ if (rerr)
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ out_unpin:
++ au_unpin(&pin);
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ dput(h_dentry);
++ out_args:
++ di_write_unlock(parent);
++ if (args)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_DW);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/i_op_ren.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * inode operation (rename entry)
++ * todo: this is crazy monster
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++enum { AuSRC, AuDST, AuSrcDst };
++enum { AuPARENT, AuCHILD, AuParentChild };
++#define AuRen_ISDIR 1
++#define AuRen_ISSAMEDIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuRen_WHSRC (1 << 2)
++#define AuRen_WHDST (1 << 3)
++#define AuRen_MNT_WRITE (1 << 4)
++#define AuRen_DT_DSTDIR (1 << 5)
++#define AuRen_DIROPQ (1 << 6)
++#define AuRen_CPUP (1 << 7)
++#define au_ftest_ren(flags, name) ((flags) & AuRen_##name)
++#define au_fset_ren(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuRen_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_ren(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuRen_##name; }
++struct au_ren_args {
++ struct {
++ struct dentry *dentry, *h_dentry, *parent, *h_parent,
++ *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *dir, *inode;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct au_dtime dt[AuParentChild];
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ } sd[AuSrcDst];
++#define src_dentry sd[AuSRC].dentry
++#define src_dir sd[AuSRC].dir
++#define src_inode sd[AuSRC].inode
++#define src_h_dentry sd[AuSRC].h_dentry
++#define src_parent sd[AuSRC].parent
++#define src_h_parent sd[AuSRC].h_parent
++#define src_wh_dentry sd[AuSRC].wh_dentry
++#define src_hdir sd[AuSRC].hdir
++#define src_h_dir sd[AuSRC].hdir->hi_inode
++#define src_dt sd[AuSRC].dt
++#define src_bstart sd[AuSRC].bstart
++#define dst_dentry sd[AuDST].dentry
++#define dst_dir sd[AuDST].dir
++#define dst_inode sd[AuDST].inode
++#define dst_h_dentry sd[AuDST].h_dentry
++#define dst_parent sd[AuDST].parent
++#define dst_h_parent sd[AuDST].h_parent
++#define dst_wh_dentry sd[AuDST].wh_dentry
++#define dst_hdir sd[AuDST].hdir
++#define dst_h_dir sd[AuDST].hdir->hi_inode
++#define dst_dt sd[AuDST].dt
++#define dst_bstart sd[AuDST].bstart
++ struct dentry *h_trap;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *src_hinode;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t btgt;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *thargs;
++ struct dentry *h_dst;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for reverting.
++ * when an error happened in a single rename systemcall, we should revert
++ * everything as if nothing happend.
++ * we don't need to revert the copied-up/down the parent dir since they are
++ * harmless.
++ */
++#define RevertFailure(fmt, args...) do { \
++ AuIOErr("revert failure: " fmt " (%d, %d)\n", \
++ ##args, err, rerr); \
++ err = -EIO; \
++} while (0)
++static void au_ren_rev_diropq(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("remove diropq %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_rename(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->src_dentry->d_name, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("au_lkup_one %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir,
++ au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt),
++ a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ /* au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL); */
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_cpup(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ rerr = vfsub_unlink(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path, /*force*/0);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(a->src_dentry, a->src_bstart);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_h_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_whtmp(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(&a->dst_dentry->d_name, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ rerr = PTR_ERR(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->h_path.dentry)) {
++ RevertFailure("lookup %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->dst_dentry));
++ return;
++ }
++ if (a->h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ return;
++ }
++ rerr = vfsub_rename(a->dst_h_dir, a->h_dst, a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ d_drop(a->h_path.dentry);
++ dput(a->h_path.dentry);
++ if (!rerr) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_h_dptr(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, dget(a->h_dst));
++ } else
++ RevertFailure("rename %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst));
++static void au_ren_rev_whsrc(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int rerr;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_wh_dentry;
++ rerr = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->src_h_dir, &a->h_path, a->src_dentry);
++ if (rerr)
++ RevertFailure("unlink %.*s", AuDLNPair(a->src_wh_dentry));
++static void au_ren_rev_drop(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ int i;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuSrcDst; i++) {
++ d = a->sd[i].dentry;
++ d_drop(d);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(d); bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ d_drop(h_d);
++ }
++ }
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ d_drop(a->h_dst);
++#undef RevertFailure
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * when we have to copyup the renaming entry, do it with the rename-target name
++ * in order to minimize the cost (the later actual rename is unnecessary).
++ * otherwise rename it on the target branch.
++ */
++static int au_ren_or_cpup(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ if (au_dbstart(d) == a->btgt) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)
++ && au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt)
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(d) != a->btgt);
++ err = vfsub_rename(a->src_h_dir, au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt),
++ a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path);
++ } else {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, CPUP);
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, dget(a->dst_h_dentry));
++ err = au_sio_cpup_single(d, a->btgt, a->src_bstart, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME, a->dst_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->src_bstart);
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* cf. aufs_rmdir() */
++static int au_ren_del_whtmp(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dir->i_sb);
++ if (!au_nhash_test_longer_wh(&a->whlist, a->btgt,
++ au_sbi(dir->i_sb)->si_dirwh)
++ || au_test_fs_remote(a->h_dst->d_sb)) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, &a->whlist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing whtmp dir %.*s (%d), "
++ "ignored.\n", AuDLNPair(a->h_dst), err);
++ } else {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->thargs->whlist);
++ a->thargs->whlist = a->whlist;
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(dir, a->btgt, a->h_dst, a->thargs);
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* make it 'opaque' dir. */
++static int au_ren_diropq(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *diropq;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_hinode = au_hi(a->src_inode, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(a->src_hinode, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ diropq = au_diropq_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(a->src_hinode);
++ if (IS_ERR(diropq))
++ err = PTR_ERR(diropq);
++ dput(diropq);
++ return err;
++static int do_rename(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ /* prepare workqueue args for asynchronous rmdir */
++ h_d = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && h_d->d_inode) {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a->thargs = au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(a->src_dentry->d_sb, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a->thargs))
++ goto out;
++ a->h_dst = dget(h_d);
++ }
++ /* create whiteout for src_dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHSRC)) {
++ a->src_wh_dentry
++ = au_wh_create(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent);
++ err = PTR_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(a->src_wh_dentry))
++ goto out_thargs;
++ }
++ /* lookup whiteout for dentry */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, WHDST)) {
++ h_d = au_wh_lkup(a->dst_h_parent, &a->dst_dentry->d_name,
++ a->br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_d);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_d))
++ goto out_whsrc;
++ if (!h_d->d_inode)
++ dput(h_d);
++ else
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = h_d;
++ }
++ /* rename dentry to tmpwh */
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ err = au_whtmp_ren(a->dst_h_dentry, a->br);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whdst;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, a->btgt, NULL);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ /* cpup src */
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode && a->src_bstart != a->btgt) {
++ struct mutex *h_mtx = &a->src_h_dentry->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ err = au_sio_cpup_simple(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, -1,
++ !AuCpup_DTIME);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ }
++ /* rename by vfs_rename or cpup */
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)
++ && (a->dst_wh_dentry
++ || au_dbdiropq(d) == a->btgt
++ /* hide the lower to keep xino */
++ || a->btgt < au_dbend(d)
++ || au_opt_test(au_mntflags(d->d_sb), ALWAYS_DIROPQ)))
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ err = au_ren_or_cpup(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ /* leave the copied-up one */
++ goto out_whtmp;
++ /* make dir opaque */
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ err = au_ren_diropq(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_rename;
++ }
++ /* update target timestamps */
++ AuDebugOn(au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) != a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(a->src_dentry, a->btgt);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&a->h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ a->src_inode->i_ctime = a->h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ctime;
++ /* remove whiteout for dentry */
++ if (a->dst_wh_dentry) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(a->dst_h_dir, &a->h_path,
++ a->dst_dentry);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_diropq;
++ }
++ /* remove whtmp */
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_del_whtmp(a); /* ignore this error */
++ err = 0;
++ goto out_success;
++ out_diropq:
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DIROPQ))
++ au_ren_rev_diropq(err, a);
++ out_rename:
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, CPUP))
++ au_ren_rev_rename(err, a);
++ else
++ au_ren_rev_cpup(err, a);
++ out_whtmp:
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_ren_rev_whtmp(err, a);
++ out_whdst:
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ a->dst_wh_dentry = NULL;
++ out_whsrc:
++ if (a->src_wh_dentry)
++ au_ren_rev_whsrc(err, a);
++ au_ren_rev_drop(a);
++ out_success:
++ dput(a->src_wh_dentry);
++ dput(a->dst_wh_dentry);
++ out_thargs:
++ if (a->thargs) {
++ dput(a->h_dst);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ a->thargs = NULL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename destination or not.
++ * success means, it is a logically empty dir.
++ */
++static int may_rename_dstdir(struct dentry *dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ return au_test_empty(dentry, whlist);
++ * test if @dentry dir can be rename source or not.
++ * if it can, return 0 and @children is filled.
++ * success means,
++ * - it is a logically empty dir.
++ * - or, it exists on writable branch and has no children including whiteouts
++ * on the lower branch.
++ */
++static int may_rename_srcdir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ if (bstart != btgt) {
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ SiMustAnyLock(dentry->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whlist, au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_rdhash,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_test_empty(dentry, &whlist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whlist);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (bstart == au_dbtaildir(dentry))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = au_test_empty_lower(dentry);
++ out:
++ if (err == -ENOTEMPTY) {
++ AuWarn1("renaming dir who has child(ren) on multiple branches,"
++ " is not supported\n");
++ err = -EXDEV;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* side effect: sets whlist and h_dentry */
++static int au_ren_may_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = a->dst_dentry;
++ SiMustAnyLock(d->d_sb);
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&a->whlist, au_sbi(d->d_sb)->si_rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && a->dst_inode) {
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->dst_bstart);
++ err = may_rename_dstdir(d, &a->whlist);
++ au_set_dbstart(d, a->btgt);
++ }
++ a->dst_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ a->src_h_dentry = au_h_dptr(d, au_dbstart(d));
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ err = may_rename_srcdir(d, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ a->whlist.nh_num = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * simple tests for rename.
++ * following the checks in vfs, plus the parent-child relationship.
++ */
++static int au_may_ren(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err, isdir;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ if (a->src_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ err = au_may_del(a->src_dentry, a->btgt, a->src_h_parent,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(a->src_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ if (a->dst_bstart != a->btgt)
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ h_inode = a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode;
++ isdir = !!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (!a->dst_dentry->d_inode) {
++ if (unlikely(h_inode))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_add(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ } else {
++ if (unlikely(!h_inode || !h_inode->i_nlink))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_may_del(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt, a->dst_h_parent,
++ isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -ENOTEMPTY;
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_h_dentry == a->h_trap))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (unlikely(err == -ENOENT || err == -EEXIST))
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * locking order
++ * (VFS)
++ * - src_dir and dir by lock_rename()
++ * - inode if exitsts
++ * (aufs)
++ * - lock all
++ * + src_dentry and dentry by aufs_read_and_write_lock2() which calls,
++ * + si_read_lock
++ * + di_write_lock2_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child()
++ * + di_write_lock_child2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_child2()
++ * + src_parent and parent
++ * + di_write_lock_parent()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent()
++ * + di_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + ii_write_lock_parent2()
++ * + lower src_dir and dir by vfsub_lock_rename()
++ * + verify the every relationships between child and parent. if any
++ * of them failed, unlock all and return -EBUSY.
++ */
++static void au_ren_unlock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sb = a->dst_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE))
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ vfsub_unlock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++static int au_ren_lock(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int udba;
++ err = 0;
++ a->src_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->src_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->src_hdir = au_hi(a->src_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_h_parent = au_h_dptr(a->dst_parent, a->btgt);
++ a->dst_hdir = au_hi(a->dst_dir, a->btgt);
++ a->h_trap = vfsub_lock_rename(a->src_h_parent, a->src_hdir,
++ a->dst_h_parent, a->dst_hdir);
++ udba = au_opt_udba(a->src_dentry->d_sb);
++ if (unlikely(a->src_hdir->hi_inode != a->src_h_parent->d_inode
++ || a->dst_hdir->hi_inode != a->dst_h_parent->d_inode))
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->src_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->src_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->src_h_parent->d_inode, a->src_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err && au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry) == a->btgt)
++ err = au_h_verify(a->dst_h_dentry, udba,
++ a->dst_h_parent->d_inode, a->dst_h_parent,
++ a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, MNT_WRITE);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ err = au_busy_or_stale();
++ out_unlock:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void au_ren_refresh_dir(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct inode *dir;
++ dir = a->dst_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR)) {
++ /* is this updating defined in POSIX? */
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->src_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ clear_nlink(a->dst_inode);
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ }
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ return;
++ dir = a->src_dir;
++ dir->i_version++;
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_cpup_attr_nlink(dir, /*force*/1);
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == a->btgt)
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++static void au_ren_refresh(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_d;
++ struct inode *i, *h_i;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ d = a->src_dentry;
++ au_set_dbwh(d, -1);
++ bend = au_dbend(d);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_d = au_h_dptr(d, bindex);
++ if (h_d)
++ au_set_h_dptr(d, bindex, NULL);
++ }
++ au_set_dbend(d, a->btgt);
++ sb = d->d_sb;
++ i = a->src_inode;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK) && au_plink_test(i))
++ return; /* success */
++ bend = au_ibend(i);
++ for (bindex = a->btgt + 1; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_i = au_h_iptr(i, bindex);
++ if (h_i) {
++ au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_i->i_ino, /*ino*/0);
++ /* ignore this error */
++ au_set_h_iptr(i, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ }
++ }
++ au_set_ibend(i, a->btgt);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mainly for link(2) and rename(2) */
++int au_wbr(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t btgt)
++ aufs_bindex_t bdiropq, bwh;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ parent = dentry->d_parent;
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode); /* dir is locked */
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, btgt);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br)
++ || (0 <= bdiropq && bdiropq < btgt)
++ || (0 <= bwh && bwh < btgt))
++ btgt = -1;
++ AuDbg("btgt %d\n", btgt);
++ return btgt;
++/* sets src_bstart, dst_bstart and btgt */
++static int au_ren_wbr(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wr_dir_args wr_dir_args = {
++ /* .force_btgt = -1, */
++ .flags = AuWrDir_ADD_ENTRY
++ };
++ a->src_bstart = au_dbstart(a->src_dentry);
++ a->dst_bstart = au_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ au_fset_wrdir(wr_dir_args.flags, ISDIR);
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->src_bstart;
++ if (a->dst_inode && a->dst_bstart < a->src_bstart)
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = a->dst_bstart;
++ wr_dir_args.force_btgt = au_wbr(a->dst_dentry, wr_dir_args.force_btgt);
++ err = au_wr_dir(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry, &wr_dir_args);
++ a->btgt = err;
++ return err;
++static void au_ren_dt(struct au_ren_args *a)
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuPARENT, a->src_parent, &a->h_path);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR)) {
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_parent;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT, a->dst_parent, &a->h_path);
++ }
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))
++ return;
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->src_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->src_dt + AuCHILD, a->src_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ if (a->dst_h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR);
++ a->h_path.dentry = a->dst_h_dentry;
++ au_dtime_store(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD, a->dst_dentry, &a->h_path);
++ }
++static void au_ren_rev_dt(int err, struct au_ren_args *a)
++ struct dentry *h_d;
++ struct mutex *h_mtx;
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (!au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuPARENT);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR) && err != -EIO) {
++ h_d = a->src_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->src_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, DT_DSTDIR)) {
++ h_d = a->dst_dt[AuCHILD].dt_h_path.dentry;
++ h_mtx = &h_d->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(h_mtx, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ au_dtime_revert(a->dst_dt + AuCHILD);
++ mutex_unlock(h_mtx);
++ }
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int aufs_rename(struct inode *_src_dir, struct dentry *_src_dentry,
++ struct inode *_dst_dir, struct dentry *_dst_dentry)
++ int err;
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ struct au_ren_args *a;
++ IMustLock(_src_dir);
++ IMustLock(_dst_dir);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*a) > PAGE_SIZE);
++ a = kzalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ a->src_dir = _src_dir;
++ a->src_dentry = _src_dentry;
++ a->src_inode = a->src_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->src_parent = a->src_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ a->dst_dir = _dst_dir;
++ a->dst_dentry = _dst_dentry;
++ a->dst_inode = a->dst_dentry->d_inode;
++ a->dst_parent = a->dst_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ if (a->dst_inode) {
++ IMustLock(a->dst_inode);
++ au_igrab(a->dst_inode);
++ }
++ err = -ENOTDIR;
++ if (S_ISDIR(a->src_inode->i_mode)) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISDIR);
++ if (unlikely(a->dst_inode && !S_ISDIR(a->dst_inode->i_mode)))
++ goto out_free;
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_DIR | AuLock_FLUSH);
++ } else
++ aufs_read_and_write_lock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry,
++ AuLock_FLUSH);
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR); /* temporary */
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->dst_parent);
++ /* which branch we process */
++ err = au_ren_wbr(a);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ a->br = au_sbr(a->dst_dentry->d_sb, a->btgt);
++ a->h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ /* are they available to be renamed */
++ err = au_ren_may_dir(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ /* prepare the writable parent dir on the same branch */
++ if (a->dst_bstart == a->btgt) {
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHDST);
++ } else {
++ err = au_cpup_dirs(a->dst_dentry, a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ }
++ if (a->src_dir != a->dst_dir) {
++ /*
++ * this temporary unlock is safe,
++ * because both dir->i_mutex are locked.
++ */
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ di_write_lock_parent(a->src_parent);
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ di_write_unlock(a->src_parent);
++ di_write_lock2_parent(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent, /*isdir*/1);
++ au_fclr_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR);
++ } else
++ err = au_wr_dir_need_wh(a->src_dentry,
++ au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR),
++ &a->btgt);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (err)
++ au_fset_ren(a->flags, WHSRC);
++ /* lock them all */
++ err = au_ren_lock(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_children;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(a->dst_dir->i_sb), UDBA_NONE)) {
++ err = au_may_ren(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hdir;
++ }
++ /* store timestamps to be revertible */
++ au_ren_dt(a);
++ /* here we go */
++ err = do_rename(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_dt;
++ /* update dir attributes */
++ au_ren_refresh_dir(a);
++ /* dput/iput all lower dentries */
++ au_ren_refresh(a);
++ goto out_hdir; /* success */
++ out_dt:
++ au_ren_rev_dt(err, a);
++ out_hdir:
++ au_ren_unlock(a);
++ out_children:
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&a->whlist);
++ out_unlock:
++ if (unlikely(err && au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISDIR))) {
++ au_update_dbstart(a->dst_dentry);
++ d_drop(a->dst_dentry);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ d_move(a->src_dentry, a->dst_dentry);
++ if (au_ftest_ren(a->flags, ISSAMEDIR))
++ di_write_unlock(a->dst_parent);
++ else
++ di_write_unlock2(a->src_parent, a->dst_parent);
++ aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(a->dst_dentry, a->src_dentry);
++ out_free:
++ iput(a->dst_inode);
++ if (a->thargs)
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a->thargs);
++ kfree(a);
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Kconfig linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Kconfig 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Kconfig 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
++config AUFS_FS
++ tristate "Aufs (Advanced multi layered unification filesystem) support"
++ depends on EXPERIMENTAL
++ help
++ Aufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs,
++ which unifies several directories and provides a merged single
++ directory.
++ In the early days, aufs was entirely re-designed and
++ re-implemented Unionfs Version 1.x series. Introducing many
++ original ideas, approaches and improvements, it becomes totally
++ different from Unionfs while keeping the basic features.
++if AUFS_FS
++ prompt "Maximum number of branches"
++ default AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_127
++ bool "127"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_511
++ bool "511"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023
++ bool "1023"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++config AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767
++ bool "32767"
++ help
++ Specifies the maximum number of branches (or member directories)
++ in a single aufs. The larger value consumes more system
++ resources and has a minor impact to performance.
++ bool "Use inotify to detect actions on a branch"
++ depends on INOTIFY
++ help
++ If you want to modify files on branches directly, eg. bypassing aufs,
++ and want aufs to detect the changes of them fully, then enable this
++ option and use 'udba=inotify' mount option.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_EXPORT
++ bool "NFS-exportable aufs"
++ depends on (AUFS_FS = y && EXPORTFS = y) || (AUFS_FS = m && EXPORTFS)
++ help
++ If you want to export your mounted aufs via NFS, then enable this
++ option. There are several requirements for this configuration.
++ See detail in aufs.5.
++config AUFS_SHWH
++ bool "Show whiteouts"
++ help
++ If you want to make the whiteouts in aufs visible, then enable
++ this option and specify 'shwh' mount option. Although it may
++ sounds like philosophy or something, but in technically it
++ simply shows the name of whiteout with keeping its behaviour.
++config AUFS_BR_RAMFS
++ bool "Ramfs (initramfs/rootfs) as an aufs branch"
++ help
++ If you want to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs, then enable this
++ option. Generally tmpfs is recommended.
++ Aufs prohibited them to be a branch fs by default, because
++ initramfs becomes unusable after switch_root or something
++ generally. If you sets initramfs as an aufs branch and boot your
++ system by switch_root, you will meet a problem easily since the
++ files in initramfs may be inaccessible.
++ Unless you are going to use ramfs as an aufs branch fs without
++ switch_root or something, leave it N.
++config AUFS_BR_FUSE
++ bool "Fuse fs as an aufs branch"
++ depends on FUSE_FS
++ select AUFS_POLL
++ help
++ If you want to use fuse-based userspace filesystem as an aufs
++ branch fs, then enable this option.
++ It implements the internal poll(2) operation which is
++ implemented by fuse only (curretnly).
++config AUFS_DEBUG
++ bool "Debug aufs"
++ help
++ Enable this to compile aufs internal debug code.
++ It will have a negative impact to the performance.
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_DEBUG && MAGIC_SYSRQ
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ When aufs supports Magic SysRq, enabled automatically.
++ bool
++ depends on BLK_DEV_LOOP
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ Convert =[ym] into =y.
++config AUFS_INO_T_64
++ bool
++ depends on AUFS_EXPORT
++ depends on 64BIT && !(ALPHA || S390)
++ default y
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
++ /* typedef unsigned long/int __kernel_ino_t */
++ /* alpha and s390x are int */
++config AUFS_POLL
++ bool
++ help
++ Automatic configuration for internal use.
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback block device as a branch
++ */
++#include <linux/loop.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * test if two lower dentries have overlapping branches.
++ */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ struct loop_device *l;
++ h_inode = h_d1->d_inode;
++ if (MAJOR(h_inode->i_sb->s_dev) != LOOP_MAJOR)
++ return 0;
++ l = h_inode->i_sb->s_bdev->bd_disk->private_data;
++ h_d1 = l->lo_backing_file->f_dentry;
++ /* h_d1 can be local NFS. in this case aufs cannot detect the loop */
++ if (unlikely(h_d1->d_sb == sb))
++ return 1;
++ return !!au_test_subdir(h_d1, h_d2);
++/* true if a kernel thread named 'loop[0-9].*' accesses a file */
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ const char c = current->comm[4];
++ return current->mm == NULL
++ && '0' <= c && c <= '9'
++ && strncmp(current->comm, "loop", 4) == 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/loop.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/loop.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * support for loopback mount as a branch
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#define __AUFS_LOOP_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++struct dentry;
++struct super_block;
++/* loop.c */
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2);
++int au_test_loopback_kthread(void);
++static inline
++int au_test_loopback_overlap(struct super_block *sb, struct dentry *h_d1,
++ struct dentry *h_d2)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_test_loopback_kthread(void)
++ return 0;
++#endif /* BLK_DEV_LOOP */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_LOOP_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/ 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/fuse/inode.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DFUSE_SUPER_MAGIC=0x65735546
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/ocfs2_fs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DOCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC=0x7461636f
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ocfs2/dlm/userdlm.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DDLMFS_MAGIC=0x76a9f425
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ramfs/inode.c
++# always true
++ccflags-y += -DRAMFS_MAGIC=0x858458f6
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/cifs/cifsfs.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER=0xFF534D42
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DXFS_SB_MAGIC=0x58465342
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/configfs/mount.c
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DCONFIGFS_MAGIC=0x62656570
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/9p/v9fs.h
++# tristate
++ifdef CONFIG_9P_FS
++ccflags-y += -DV9FS_MAGIC=0x01021997
++# defined in ${srctree}/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
++# tristate
++ccflags-y += -DUBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC=0x24051905
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Makefile linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/Makefile 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/Makefile 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
++include ${src}/
++-include ${src}/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs.o
++aufs-y := module.o sbinfo.o super.o branch.o xino.o sysaufs.o opts.o \
++ wkq.o vfsub.o dcsub.o \
++ cpup.o whout.o plink.o wbr_policy.o \
++ dinfo.o dentry.o \
++ finfo.o file.o f_op.o \
++ dir.o vdir.o \
++ iinfo.o inode.o i_op.o i_op_add.o i_op_del.o i_op_ren.o \
++ ioctl.o
++# all are boolean
++aufs-$(CONFIG_SYSFS) += sysfs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) += dbgaufs.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_BDEV_LOOP) += loop.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_HINOTIFY) += hinotify.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT) += export.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_POLL) += poll.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG) += debug.o
++aufs-$(CONFIG_AUFS_MAGIC_SYSRQ) += sysrq.o
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module global variables and operations
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp)
++ if (new_sz <= nused)
++ return p;
++ p = krealloc(p, new_sz, gfp);
++ if (p)
++ memset(p + nused, 0, new_sz - nused);
++ return p;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * aufs caches
++ */
++struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[AuCache_Last];
++static int __init au_cache_init(void)
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO] = AuCache(au_dinfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR] = AuCache(au_icntnr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_ICNTNR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO] = AuCache(au_finfo);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_FINFO])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR] = AuCache(au_vdir);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_VDIR])
++ au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR] = AuCache(au_vdir_dehstr);
++ if (au_cachep[AuCache_DEHSTR])
++ return 0;
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_cache_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuCache_Last; i++)
++ if (au_cachep[i]) {
++ kmem_cache_destroy(au_cachep[i]);
++ au_cachep[i] = NULL;
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_dir_roflags;
++ * functions for module interface.
++ */
++/* MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); */
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Junjiro R. Okajima <>");
++ " -- Advanced multi layered unification filesystem");
++/* it should be 'byte', but param_set_byte() prints it by "%c" */
++short aufs_nwkq = AUFS_NWKQ_DEF;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(nwkq, "the number of workqueue thread, " AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++module_param_named(nwkq, aufs_nwkq, short, S_IRUGO);
++/* this module parameter has no meaning when SYSFS is disabled */
++int sysaufs_brs = 1;
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(brs, "use <sysfs>/fs/aufs/si_*/brN");
++module_param_named(brs, sysaufs_brs, int, S_IRUGO);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static char au_esc_chars[0x20 + 3]; /* 0x01-0x20, backslash, del, and NULL */
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path)
++ return seq_path(seq, path, au_esc_chars);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int __init aufs_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ char *p;
++ p = au_esc_chars;
++ for (i = 1; i <= ' '; i++)
++ *p++ = i;
++ *p++ = '\\';
++ *p++ = '\x7f';
++ *p = 0;
++ au_dir_roflags = au_file_roflags(O_DIRECTORY | O_LARGEFILE);
++ sysaufs_brs_init();
++ au_debug_init();
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(aufs_nwkq <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_wkq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysaufs;
++ err = au_hinotify_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_wkq;
++ err = au_sysrq_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_hin;
++ err = au_cache_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_sysrq;
++ err = register_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_cache;
++ pr_info(AUFS_NAME " " AUFS_VERSION "\n");
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_cache:
++ au_cache_fin();
++ out_sysrq:
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ out_hin:
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ out_wkq:
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ out_sysaufs:
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void __exit aufs_exit(void)
++ unregister_filesystem(&aufs_fs_type);
++ au_cache_fin();
++ au_sysrq_fin();
++ au_hinotify_fin();
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ sysaufs_fin();
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/module.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/module.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * module initialization and module-global
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#define __AUFS_MODULE_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/slab.h>
++struct path;
++struct seq_file;
++/* module parameters */
++extern short aufs_nwkq;
++extern int sysaufs_brs;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++extern int au_dir_roflags;
++void *au_kzrealloc(void *p, unsigned int nused, unsigned int new_sz, gfp_t gfp);
++int au_seq_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* kmem cache */
++enum {
++ AuCache_DINFO,
++ AuCache_ICNTNR,
++ AuCache_FINFO,
++ AuCache_VDIR,
++ AuCache_DEHSTR,
++ AuCache_HINOTIFY,
++ AuCache_Last
++#define AuCache(type) KMEM_CACHE(type, SLAB_RECLAIM_ACCOUNT)
++extern struct kmem_cache *au_cachep[];
++#define AuCacheFuncs(name, index) \
++static inline void *au_cache_alloc_##name(void) \
++{ return kmem_cache_alloc(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], GFP_NOFS); } \
++static inline void au_cache_free_##name(void *p) \
++{ kmem_cache_free(au_cachep[AuCache_##index], p); }
++AuCacheFuncs(dinfo, DINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(icntnr, ICNTNR);
++AuCacheFuncs(finfo, FINFO);
++AuCacheFuncs(vdir, VDIR);
++AuCacheFuncs(dehstr, DEHSTR);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_MODULE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/types.h> /* a distribution requires */
++#include <linux/parser.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++enum {
++ Opt_br,
++ Opt_add, Opt_del, Opt_mod, Opt_reorder, Opt_append, Opt_prepend,
++ Opt_idel, Opt_imod, Opt_ireorder,
++ Opt_dirwh, Opt_rdcache, Opt_rdblk, Opt_rdhash, Opt_rendir,
++ Opt_rdblk_def, Opt_rdhash_def,
++ Opt_xino, Opt_zxino, Opt_noxino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino, Opt_trunc_xino_v, Opt_notrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xino_path, Opt_itrunc_xino,
++ Opt_trunc_xib, Opt_notrunc_xib,
++ Opt_shwh, Opt_noshwh,
++ Opt_plink, Opt_noplink, Opt_list_plink,
++ Opt_udba,
++ /* Opt_lock, Opt_unlock, */
++ Opt_cmd, Opt_cmd_args,
++ Opt_diropq_a, Opt_diropq_w,
++ Opt_warn_perm, Opt_nowarn_perm,
++ Opt_wbr_copyup, Opt_wbr_create,
++ Opt_refrof, Opt_norefrof,
++ Opt_verbose, Opt_noverbose,
++ Opt_sum, Opt_nosum, Opt_wsum,
++ Opt_tail, Opt_ignore, Opt_ignore_silent, Opt_err
++static match_table_t options = {
++ {Opt_br, "br=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "br:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "add:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins=%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_add, "ins:%d:%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append=%s"},
++ {Opt_append, "append:%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend=%s"},
++ {Opt_prepend, "prepend:%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del=%s"},
++ {Opt_del, "del:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_idel, "idel:%d"}, */
++ {Opt_mod, "mod=%s"},
++ {Opt_mod, "mod:%s"},
++ /* {Opt_imod, "imod:%d:%s"}, */
++ {Opt_dirwh, "dirwh=%d"},
++ {Opt_xino, "xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_noxino, "noxino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino, "trunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_v, "trunc_xino_v=%d:%d"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xino, "notrunc_xino"},
++ {Opt_trunc_xino_path, "trunc_xino=%s"},
++ {Opt_itrunc_xino, "itrunc_xino=%d"},
++ /* {Opt_zxino, "zxino=%s"}, */
++ {Opt_trunc_xib, "trunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_notrunc_xib, "notrunc_xib"},
++ {Opt_plink, "plink"},
++ {Opt_noplink, "noplink"},
++ {Opt_list_plink, "list_plink"},
++ {Opt_udba, "udba=%s"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=always"},
++ {Opt_diropq_a, "diropq=a"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=whiteouted"},
++ {Opt_diropq_w, "diropq=w"},
++ {Opt_warn_perm, "warn_perm"},
++ {Opt_nowarn_perm, "nowarn_perm"},
++ /* keep them temporary */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "coo=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodlgt"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "nodirperm1"},
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "clean_plink"},
++ {Opt_shwh, "shwh"},
++ {Opt_noshwh, "noshwh"},
++ {Opt_rendir, "rendir=%d"},
++ {Opt_refrof, "refrof"},
++ {Opt_norefrof, "norefrof"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "verbose"},
++ {Opt_verbose, "v"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "noverbose"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "quiet"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "q"},
++ {Opt_noverbose, "silent"},
++ {Opt_sum, "sum"},
++ {Opt_nosum, "nosum"},
++ {Opt_wsum, "wsum"},
++ {Opt_rdcache, "rdcache=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk, "rdblk=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdblk_def, "rdblk=def"},
++ {Opt_rdhash, "rdhash=%d"},
++ {Opt_rdhash_def, "rdhash=def"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_create, "create_policy=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "cpup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup=%s"},
++ {Opt_wbr_copyup, "copyup_policy=%s"},
++ /* internal use for the scripts */
++ {Opt_ignore_silent, "si=%s"},
++ {Opt_br, "dirs=%s"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "debug=%d"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=whiteout"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "delete=all"},
++ {Opt_ignore, "imap=%s"},
++ {Opt_err, NULL}
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const char *au_parser_pattern(int val, struct match_token *token)
++ while (token->pattern) {
++ if (token->token == val)
++ return token->pattern;
++ token++;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ return "??";
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t brperms = {
++ {AuBrPerm_ROWH, "nfsro"},
++ {AuBrPerm_RO, NULL}
++static int br_perm_val(char *perm)
++ int val;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ val = match_token(perm, brperms, args);
++ return val;
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm)
++ return au_parser_pattern(brperm, (void *)brperms);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t udbalevel = {
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL, "reval"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_NONE, "none"},
++ {AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY, "inotify"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int udba_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, udbalevel, args);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba)
++ return au_parser_pattern(udba, (void *)udbalevel);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static match_table_t au_wbr_create_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "rr"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_RR, "round-robin"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "mfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFS, "most-free-space"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "mfs:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSV, "most-free-space:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, "mfsrr:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, "mfsrr:%d:%d"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFS, "pmfs"},
++ {AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, "pmfs:%d"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++ * cf. linux/lib/parser.c and cmdline.c
++ * gave up calling memparse() since it uses simple_strtoull() instead of
++ * strict_...().
++ */
++static int au_match_ull(substring_t *s, unsigned long long *result)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int len;
++ char a[32];
++ err = -ERANGE;
++ len = s->to - s->from;
++ if (len + 1 <= sizeof(a)) {
++ memcpy(a, s->from, len);
++ a[len] = '\0';
++ err = strict_strtoull(a, 0, result);
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_wmark(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long ull;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!au_match_ull(arg, &ull))
++ create->mfsrr_watermark = ull;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_mfs_sec(substring_t *arg, char *str,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int n, err;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!match_int(arg, &n) && 0 <= n)
++ create->mfs_second = n;
++ else {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", str);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_val(char *str, struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err, e;
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ err = match_token(str, au_wbr_create_policy, args);
++ create->wbr_create = err;
++ switch (err) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (!e)
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[1], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_wmark(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ create->mfs_second = AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF;
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ e = au_wbr_mfs_sec(&args[0], str, create);
++ if (unlikely(e))
++ err = e;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_create, (void *)au_wbr_create_policy);
++static match_table_t au_wbr_copyup_policy = {
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "tdp"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_TDP, "top-down-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bup"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BUP, "bottom-up-parent"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bu"},
++ {AuWbrCopyup_BU, "bottom-up"},
++ {-1, NULL}
++static int au_wbr_copyup_val(char *str)
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ return match_token(str, au_wbr_copyup_policy, args);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup)
++ return au_parser_pattern(wbr_copyup, (void *)au_wbr_copyup_policy);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static const int lkup_dirflags = LOOKUP_FOLLOW | LOOKUP_DIRECTORY;
++static void dump_opts(struct au_opts *opts)
++ /* reduce stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_add *add;
++ struct au_opt_del *del;
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod;
++ struct au_opt_xino *xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("add {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ u.del = &opt->del;
++ AuDbg("del {%s, %p}\n",
++ u.del->pathname, u.del->h_path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod = &opt->mod;
++ AuDbg("mod {%s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.mod->path, u.mod->perm, u.mod->h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("append {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ u.add = &opt->add;
++ AuDbg("prepend {b%d, %s, 0x%x, %p}\n",
++ u.add->bindex, u.add->pathname, u.add->perm,
++ u.add->path.dentry);
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ AuDbg("dirwh %d\n", opt->dirwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ AuDbg("rdcache %d\n", opt->rdcache);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ AuDbg("rdblk %u\n", opt->rdblk);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ AuDbg("rdblk_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ AuDbg("rdhash %u\n", opt->rdhash);
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ AuDbg("rdhash_def\n");
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ u.xino = &opt->xino;
++ AuDbg("xino {%s %.*s}\n",
++ u.xino->path,
++ AuDLNPair(u.xino->file->f_dentry));
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ AuDbg("trunc_xino %d\n", u.xino_itrunc->bindex);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ AuLabel(noxino);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(trunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ AuLabel(notrunc_xib);
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ AuLabel(shwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ AuLabel(noshwh);
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ AuLabel(plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ AuLabel(noplink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ AuLabel(list_plink);
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ AuDbg("udba %d, %s\n",
++ opt->udba, au_optstr_udba(opt->udba));
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ AuLabel(diropq_a);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ AuLabel(diropq_w);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ AuLabel(warn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ AuLabel(nowarn_perm);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ AuLabel(refrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ AuLabel(norefrof);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ AuLabel(verbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ AuLabel(noverbose);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ AuLabel(sum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ AuLabel(nosum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ AuLabel(wsum);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ AuDbg("create %d, %s\n", u.create->wbr_create,
++ au_optstr_wbr_create(u.create->wbr_create));
++ switch (u.create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ AuDbg("%d sec\n", u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ AuDbg("%llu watermark, %d sec\n",
++ u.create->mfsrr_watermark,
++ u.create->mfs_second);
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ AuDbg("copyup %d, %s\n", opt->wbr_copyup,
++ au_optstr_wbr_copyup(opt->wbr_copyup));
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts)
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_add:
++ case Opt_append:
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ path_put(&opt->add.path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ path_put(&opt->del.h_path);
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ dput(opt->mod.h_root);
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ fput(opt->xino.file);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt++;
++ }
++static int opt_add(struct au_opt *opt, char *opt_str, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opt_add *add = &opt->add;
++ char *p;
++ add->bindex = bindex;
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_Last;
++ add->pathname = opt_str;
++ p = strchr(opt_str, '=');
++ if (p) {
++ *p++ = 0;
++ if (*p)
++ add->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ }
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(add->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &add->path);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (!p) {
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RO;
++ if (au_test_fs_rr(add->path.dentry->d_sb))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RR;
++ else if (!bindex && !(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY))
++ add->perm = AuBrPerm_RW;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_add;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", add->pathname, err);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_del(struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ del->pathname = args[0].from;
++ AuDbg("del path %s\n", del->pathname);
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(del->pathname, lkup_dirflags, &del->h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", del->pathname, err);
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_idel(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_del *del, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ del->h_path.dentry = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ del->h_path.mnt = mntget(au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_mod(struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct path path;
++ char *p;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ mod->path = args[0].from;
++ p = strchr(mod->path, '=');
++ if (unlikely(!p)) {
++ AuErr("no permssion %s\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ *p++ = 0;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(mod->path, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", mod->path, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(p);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n", mod->path, mod->perm, p);
++ mod->h_root = dget(path.dentry);
++ path_put(&path);
++ out:
++ return err;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++static int au_opts_parse_imod(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct au_opt_mod *mod, substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (bindex < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < bindex) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", bindex);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ mod->perm = br_perm_val(args[1].from);
++ AuDbg("mod path %s, perm 0x%x, %s\n",
++ mod->path, mod->perm, args[1].from);
++ mod->h_root = dget(au_h_dptr(root, bindex));
++ out:
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ return err;
++static int au_opts_parse_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ struct file *file;
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, args[0].from, /*silent*/0);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ if (unlikely(file->f_dentry->d_sb == sb)) {
++ fput(file);
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", args[0].from);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ xino->file = file;
++ xino->path = args[0].from;
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc,
++ substring_t args[])
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = vfsub_kern_path(args[0].from, lkup_dirflags, &path);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("lookup failed %s (%d)\n", args[0].from, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = -1;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (au_h_dptr(root, bindex) == path.dentry) {
++ xino_itrunc->bindex = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ path_put(&path);
++ if (unlikely(xino_itrunc->bindex < 0)) {
++ AuErr("no such branch %s\n", args[0].from);
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* called without aufs lock */
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, n, token;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned char skipped;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_opt *opt, *opt_tail;
++ char *opt_str;
++ /* reduce the stack space */
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc *xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create;
++ } u;
++ struct {
++ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
++ } *a;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ a = kmalloc(sizeof(*a), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!a))
++ goto out;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ err = 0;
++ bindex = 0;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ opt_tail = opt + opts->max_opt - 1;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&str, ",")) && *opt_str) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ skipped = 0;
++ token = match_token(opt_str, options, a->args);
++ switch (token) {
++ case Opt_br:
++ err = 0;
++ while (!err && (opt_str = strsep(&a->args[0].from, ":"))
++ && *opt_str) {
++ err = opt_add(opt, opt_str, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex++);
++ if (unlikely(!err && ++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ skipped = 1;
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_add:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ bindex = n;
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[1].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_append:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*dummy bindex*/1);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ err = opt_add(opt, a->args[0].from, opts->sb_flags,
++ /*bindex*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ err = au_opts_parse_del(&opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_idel:
++ del->pathname = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_idel(sb, n, &opt->del, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ err = au_opts_parse_mod(&opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++#ifdef IMOD /* reserved for future use */
++ case Opt_imod:
++ u.mod->path = "(indexed)";
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ err = au_opts_parse_imod(sb, n, &opt->mod, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino(sb, &opt->xino, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ err = au_opts_parse_xino_itrunc_path
++ (sb, &opt->xino_itrunc, a->args);
++ if (!err)
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ u.xino_itrunc = &opt->xino_itrunc;
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n))) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ u.xino_itrunc->bindex = n;
++ aufs_read_lock(root, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ if (n < 0 || au_sbend(sb) < n) {
++ AuErr("out of bounds, %d\n", n);
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ break;
++ }
++ aufs_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->dirwh)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &opt->rdcache)))
++ break;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n > KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE)) {
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(n < NAME_MAX)) {
++ AuErr("rdblk must be larger than %d\n",
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdblk = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ if (unlikely(match_int(&a->args[0], &n)
++ || n <= 0
++ || n * sizeof(struct hlist_head)
++ AuErr("bad integer in %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->rdhash = n;
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ case Opt_plink:
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ case Opt_sum:
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ break;
++ case Opt_udba:
++ opt->udba = udba_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->udba >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ u.create = &opt->wbr_create;
++ u.create->wbr_create
++ = au_wbr_create_val(a->args[0].from, u.create);
++ if (u.create->wbr_create >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ opt->wbr_copyup = au_wbr_copyup_val(a->args[0].from);
++ if (opt->wbr_copyup >= 0) {
++ err = 0;
++ opt->type = token;
++ } else
++ AuErr("wrong value, %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ case Opt_ignore:
++ AuWarn("ignored %s\n", opt_str);
++ case Opt_ignore_silent:
++ skipped = 1;
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ case Opt_err:
++ AuErr("unknown option %s\n", opt_str);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (!err && !skipped) {
++ if (unlikely(++opt > opt_tail)) {
++ err = -E2BIG;
++ opt--;
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ break;
++ }
++ opt->type = Opt_tail;
++ }
++ }
++ kfree(a);
++ dump_opts(opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ au_opts_free(opts);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_wbr_create(struct super_block *sb,
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create *create)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin) {
++ err = sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ }
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = create->wbr_create;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + create->wbr_create;
++ switch (create->wbr_create) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark = create->mfsrr_watermark;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire = create->mfs_second * HZ;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->init(sb); /* ignore */
++ return err;
++ * returns,
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ */
++static int au_opt_simple(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 1; /* handled */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_udba:
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= opt->udba;
++ opts->given_udba |= opt->udba;
++ break;
++ case Opt_plink:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noplink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ break;
++ case Opt_list_plink:
++ if (au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK))
++ au_plink_list(sb);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_a:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_diropq_w:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ break;
++ case Opt_warn_perm:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_nowarn_perm:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, WARN_PERM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_refrof:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_norefrof:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, REFROF);
++ break;
++ case Opt_verbose:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noverbose:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, VERBOSE);
++ break;
++ case Opt_sum:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wsum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ case Opt_nosum:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM);
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SUM_W);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_create:
++ err = au_opt_wbr_create(sb, &opt->wbr_create);
++ break;
++ case Opt_wbr_copyup:
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = opt->wbr_copyup;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + opt->wbr_copyup;
++ break;
++ case Opt_dirwh:
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = opt->dirwh;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdcache:
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = opt->rdcache * HZ;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = opt->rdblk;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdblk_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = opt->rdhash;
++ break;
++ case Opt_rdhash_def:
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ break;
++ case Opt_shwh:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_noshwh:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino:
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xino:
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, TRUNC_XINO);
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xino_path:
++ case Opt_itrunc_xino:
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, opt->xino_itrunc.bindex);
++ if (!err)
++ err = 1;
++ break;
++ case Opt_trunc_xib:
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ case Opt_notrunc_xib:
++ au_fclr_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ break;
++ default:
++ err = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++ * returns tri-state.
++ * plus: processed without an error
++ * zero: unprocessed
++ * minus: error
++ */
++static int au_opt_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, do_refresh;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_append:
++ opt->add.bindex = au_sbend(sb) + 1;
++ if (opt->add.bindex < 0)
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ goto add;
++ case Opt_prepend:
++ opt->add.bindex = 0;
++ add:
++ case Opt_add:
++ err = au_br_add(sb, &opt->add,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ if (au_br_whable(opt->add.perm))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_del:
++ case Opt_idel:
++ err = au_br_del(sb, &opt->del,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_mod:
++ case Opt_imod:
++ err = au_br_mod(sb, &opt->mod,
++ au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT),
++ &do_refresh);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = 1;
++ if (do_refresh) {
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_NONDIR);
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int au_opt_xino(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt *opt,
++ struct au_opt_xino **opt_xino,
++ struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct dentry *root, *parent, *h_root;
++ err = 0;
++ switch (opt->type) {
++ case Opt_xino:
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &opt->xino,
++ !!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REMOUNT));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ *opt_xino = &opt->xino;
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ /* safe d_parent access */
++ parent = opt->xino.file->f_dentry->d_parent;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ if (h_root == parent) {
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, au_sbr_id(sb, bindex));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case Opt_noxino:
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ *opt_xino = (void *)-1;
++ break;
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ unsigned char do_plink, skip, do_free;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *dir, *h_dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!(sbinfo->si_mntflags & AuOptMask_UDBA));
++ if (!(sb_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
++ if (unlikely(!au_br_writable(au_sbr_perm(sb, 0))))
++ AuWarn("first branch should be rw\n");
++ if (unlikely(au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, SHWH)))
++ AuWarn("shwh should be used with ro\n");
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test((sbinfo->si_mntflags | pending), UDBA_HINOTIFY)
++ && !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ AuWarn("udba=inotify requires xino\n");
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ do_plink = !!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, PLINK);
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ skip = 0;
++ h_dir = au_h_iptr(dir, bindex);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ do_free = 0;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ do_free = !!wbr;
++ skip = (!wbr
++ || (!wbr->wbr_whbase
++ && !wbr->wbr_plink
++ && !wbr->wbr_orph));
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ /* skip = (!br->br_whbase && !br->br_orph); */
++ skip = (!wbr || !wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip && wbr) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ /* skip = (br->br_whbase && br->br_ohph); */
++ skip = (wbr && wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ if (skip) {
++ if (do_plink)
++ skip = !!wbr->wbr_plink;
++ else
++ skip = !wbr->wbr_plink;
++ }
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ if (skip)
++ continue;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_wh_init(au_h_dptr(root, bindex), br, sb);
++ if (wbr)
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ if (!err && do_free) {
++ kfree(wbr);
++ br->br_wbr = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int tmp;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino, xino;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ /* disable xino and udba temporary */
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ tmp = sbinfo->si_mntflags;
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ au_opt_set_udba(sbinfo->si_mntflags, UDBA_REVAL);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt++, opts);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ else if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bend < 0)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no branches\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO))
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (!err && opt->type != Opt_tail)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt++, &opt_xino, opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, sb->s_flags, tmp);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* restore xino */
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, XINO) && !opt_xino) {
++ xino.file = au_xino_def(sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(xino.file);
++ if (IS_ERR(xino.file))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_set(sb, &xino, /*remount*/0);
++ fput(xino.file);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* restore udba */
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags |= (tmp & AuOptMask_UDBA);
++ if (au_opt_test(tmp, UDBA_HINOTIFY)) {
++ struct inode *dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ au_reset_hinotify(dir,
++ au_hi_flags(dir, /*isdir*/1) & ~AuHi_XINO);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts)
++ int err, rerr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_opt_xino *opt_xino;
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ opt_xino = NULL;
++ opt = opts->opt;
++ while (err >= 0 && opt->type != Opt_tail) {
++ err = au_opt_simple(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_br(sb, opt, opts);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_opt_xino(sb, opt, &opt_xino, opts);
++ opt++;
++ }
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = 0;
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* go on even err */
++ rerr = au_opts_verify(sb, opts->sb_flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, TRUNC_XIB)) {
++ rerr = au_xib_trunc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(rerr && !err))
++ err = rerr;
++ }
++ /* will be handled by the caller */
++ if (!au_ftest_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ && (opts->given_udba || au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO)))
++ au_fset_opts(opts->flags, REFRESH_DIR);
++ AuDbg("status 0x%x\n", opts->flags);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb)
++ return au_mntflags(sb) & AuOptMask_UDBA;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/opts.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/opts.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount options/flags
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#define __AUFS_OPTS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/path.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct file;
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* mount flags */
++#define AuOpt_XINO 1 /* external inode number bitmap
++ and translation table */
++#define AuOpt_TRUNC_XINO (1 << 1) /* truncate xino files */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_NONE (1 << 2) /* users direct branch access */
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL (1 << 3)
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY (1 << 4)
++#define AuOpt_SHWH (1 << 5) /* show whiteout */
++#define AuOpt_PLINK (1 << 6) /* pseudo-link */
++#define AuOpt_DIRPERM1 (1 << 7) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_REFROF (1 << 8) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_ALWAYS_DIROPQ (1 << 9) /* policy to creating diropq */
++#define AuOpt_SUM (1 << 10) /* summation for statfs(2) */
++#define AuOpt_SUM_W (1 << 11) /* unimplemented */
++#define AuOpt_WARN_PERM (1 << 12) /* warn when add-branch */
++#define AuOpt_VERBOSE (1 << 13) /* busy inode when del-branch */
++#undef AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY
++#define AuOpt_UDBA_HINOTIFY 0
++#undef AuOpt_SHWH
++#define AuOpt_SHWH 0
++#define AuOpt_Def (AuOpt_XINO \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++ | AuOpt_PLINK \
++ /* | AuOpt_DIRPERM1 */ \
++ | AuOpt_WARN_PERM)
++#define AuOptMask_UDBA (AuOpt_UDBA_NONE \
++ | AuOpt_UDBA_REVAL \
++#define au_opt_test(flags, name) (flags & AuOpt_##name)
++#define au_opt_set(flags, name) do { \
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(AuOpt_##name & AuOptMask_UDBA); \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_set_udba(flags, name) do { \
++ (flags) &= ~AuOptMask_UDBA; \
++ ((flags) |= AuOpt_##name); \
++} while (0)
++#define au_opt_clr(flags, name) { ((flags) &= ~AuOpt_##name); }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++enum {
++ AuWbrCreate_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCreate_RR, /* round robin */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFS, /* most free space */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSV, /* mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRR, /* mfs then rr */
++ AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV, /* mfs then rr with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFS, /* parent and mfs */
++ AuWbrCreate_PMFSV, /* parent and mfs with seconds */
++ AuWbrCreate_Def = AuWbrCreate_TDP
++enum {
++ AuWbrCopyup_TDP, /* top down parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BUP, /* bottom up parent */
++ AuWbrCopyup_BU, /* bottom up */
++ AuWbrCopyup_Def = AuWbrCopyup_TDP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_opt_add {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ char *pathname;
++ int perm;
++ struct path path;
++struct au_opt_del {
++ char *pathname;
++ struct path h_path;
++struct au_opt_mod {
++ char *path;
++ int perm;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++struct au_opt_xino {
++ char *path;
++ struct file *file;
++struct au_opt_xino_itrunc {
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++struct au_opt_wbr_create {
++ int wbr_create;
++ int mfs_second;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_opt {
++ int type;
++ union {
++ struct au_opt_xino xino;
++ struct au_opt_xino_itrunc xino_itrunc;
++ struct au_opt_add add;
++ struct au_opt_del del;
++ struct au_opt_mod mod;
++ int dirwh;
++ int rdcache;
++ unsigned int rdblk;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ int udba;
++ struct au_opt_wbr_create wbr_create;
++ int wbr_copyup;
++ };
++/* opts flags */
++#define AuOpts_REMOUNT 1
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_DIR (1 << 1)
++#define AuOpts_REFRESH_NONDIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuOpts_TRUNC_XIB (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_opts(flags, name) ((flags) & AuOpts_##name)
++#define au_fset_opts(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuOpts_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_opts(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuOpts_##name; }
++struct au_opts {
++ struct au_opt *opt;
++ int max_opt;
++ unsigned int given_udba;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ unsigned long sb_flags;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++const char *au_optstr_br_perm(int brperm);
++const char *au_optstr_udba(int udba);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_copyup(int wbr_copyup);
++const char *au_optstr_wbr_create(int wbr_create);
++void au_opts_free(struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_parse(struct super_block *sb, char *str, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_verify(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long sb_flags,
++ unsigned int pending);
++int au_opts_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++int au_opts_remount(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opts *opts);
++unsigned int au_opt_udba(struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_OPTS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/plink.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/plink.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/plink.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/plink.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * pseudo-link
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * during a user process maintains the pseudo-links,
++ * prohibit adding a new plink and branch manipulation.
++ */
++void au_plink_block_maintain(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbi = au_sbi(sb);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ /* gave up wake_up_bit() */
++ wait_event(sbi->si_plink_wq, !au_ftest_si(sbi, MAINTAIN_PLINK));
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct pseudo_link {
++ struct list_head list;
++ struct inode *inode;
++void au_plink_list(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ AuDbg("%lu\n", plink->inode->i_ino);
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++/* is the inode pseudo-linked? */
++int au_plink_test(struct inode *inode)
++ int found;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(inode->i_sb);
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(inode->i_sb), PLINK));
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list)
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return found;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * generate a name for plink.
++ * the file will be stored under AUFS_WH_PLINKDIR.
++ */
++/* 20 is max digits length of ulong 64 */
++#define PLINK_NAME_LEN ((20 + 1) * 2)
++static int plink_name(char *name, int len, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int rlen;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = au_h_iptr(inode, bindex);
++ rlen = snprintf(name, len, "%lu.%lu", inode->i_ino, h_inode->i_ino);
++ return rlen;
++/* lookup the plink-ed @inode under the branch at @bindex */
++struct dentry *au_plink_lkup(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ br = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex);
++ h_parent = br->br_wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ h_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&tgtname, h_parent, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return h_dentry;
++/* create a pseudo-link */
++static int do_whplink(struct qstr *tgt, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ again:
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(tgt, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ /* wh.plink dir is not monitored */
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && h_path.dentry->d_inode != h_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ h_path.dentry = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ goto again;
++ }
++ if (!err && !h_path.dentry->d_inode)
++ err = vfsub_link(h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct do_whplink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct qstr *tgt;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_do_whplink(void *args)
++ struct do_whplink_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_whplink(a->tgt, a->h_parent, a->h_dentry, a->br);
++static int whplink(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct inode *inode,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ char a[PLINK_NAME_LEN];
++ struct qstr tgtname = {
++ .name = a
++ };
++ wbr = au_sbr(inode->i_sb, bindex)->br_wbr;
++ h_parent = wbr->wbr_plink;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ tgtname.len = plink_name(a, sizeof(a), inode, bindex);
++ /* always superio. */
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD2);
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ struct do_whplink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .tgt = &tgtname,
++ .h_parent = h_parent,
++ .h_dentry = h_dentry,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_whplink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_whplink(&tgtname, h_parent, h_dentry, br);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ return err;
++/* free a single plink */
++static void do_put_plink(struct pseudo_link *plink, int do_del)
++ iput(plink->inode);
++ if (do_del)
++ list_del(&plink->list);
++ kfree(plink);
++ * create a new pseudo-link for @h_dentry on @bindex.
++ * the linked inode is held in aufs @inode.
++ */
++void au_plink_append(struct inode *inode, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink;
++ int found, err, cnt;
++ sb = inode->i_sb;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ err = 0;
++ cnt = 0;
++ found = 0;
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ spin_lock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ list_for_each_entry(plink, plink_list, list) {
++ cnt++;
++ if (plink->inode == inode) {
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (found) {
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ return;
++ }
++ plink = NULL;
++ if (!found) {
++ plink = kmalloc(sizeof(*plink), GFP_ATOMIC);
++ if (plink) {
++ plink->inode = au_igrab(inode);
++ list_add(&plink->list, plink_list);
++ cnt++;
++ } else
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ }
++ spin_unlock(&sbinfo->si_plink.spin);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_plink_block_maintain(sb);
++ err = whplink(h_dentry, inode, bindex, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ }
++ if (unlikely(cnt > AUFS_PLINK_WARN))
++ AuWarn1("unexpectedly many pseudo links, %d\n", cnt);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn("err %d, damaged pseudo link.\n", err);
++ if (!found && plink)
++ do_put_plink(plink, /*do_del*/1);
++ }
++/* free all plinks */
++void au_plink_put(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 0);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(plink_list);
++/* free the plinks on a branch specified by @br_id */
++void au_plink_half_refresh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t br_id)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct list_head *plink_list;
++ struct pseudo_link *plink, *tmp;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bend, bindex;
++ unsigned char do_put;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK));
++ plink_list = &sbinfo->si_plink.head;
++ /* no spin_lock since sbinfo is write-locked */
++ list_for_each_entry_safe(plink, tmp, plink_list, list) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ inode = au_igrab(plink->inode);
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ bstart = au_ibstart(inode);
++ bend = au_ibend(inode);
++ if (bstart >= 0) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)
++ || au_ii_br_id(inode, bindex) != br_id)
++ continue;
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bindex, NULL, 0);
++ do_put = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ if (do_put) {
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)) {
++ do_put = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (do_put)
++ do_put_plink(plink, 1);
++ }
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/poll.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/poll.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/poll.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/poll.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * poll operation
++ * There is only one filesystem which implements ->poll operation, currently.
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned int aufs_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
++ unsigned int mask;
++ int err;
++ struct file *h_file;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* We should pretend an error happened. */
++ mask = POLLERR /* | POLLIN | POLLOUT */;
++ dentry = file->f_dentry;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_read_lock(sb, AuLock_FLUSH);
++ err = au_reval_and_lock_fdi(file, au_reopen_nondir, /*wlock*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ /* it is not an error if h_file has no operation */
++ h_file = au_h_fptr(file, au_fbstart(file));
++ if (h_file->f_op && h_file->f_op->poll)
++ mask = h_file->f_op->poll(h_file, wait);
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, AuLock_IR);
++ fi_read_unlock(file);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ AuTraceErr((int)mask);
++ return mask;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/rwsem.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/rwsem.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/rwsem.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/rwsem.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple read-write semaphore wrappers
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#define __AUFS_RWSEM_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/rwsem.h>
++struct au_rwsem {
++ struct rw_semaphore rwsem;
++ /* just for debugging, not almighty counter */
++ atomic_t rcnt, wcnt;
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do { \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->rcnt, 0); \
++ atomic_set(&(rw)->wcnt, 0); \
++ smp_mb(); /* atomic set */ \
++} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->rcnt)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->rcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_inc_return(&(rw)->wcnt) > 1)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) WARN_ON(atomic_dec_return(&(rw)->wcnt) < 0)
++#define AuDbgCntInit(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgRcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntInc(rw) do {} while (0)
++#define AuDbgWcntDec(rw) do {} while (0)
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_DEBUG */
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define AuRwMustNoWaiters(rw) AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&(rw)->rwsem.wait_list))
++/* rwsem_is_locked() is unusable */
++#define AuRwMustReadLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustWriteLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwMustAnyLock(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) <= 0 \
++ && atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt) <= 0)
++#define AuRwDestroy(rw) AuDebugOn(atomic_read(&(rw)->rcnt) \
++ || atomic_read(&(rw)->wcnt))
++static inline void au_rw_init(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuDbgCntInit(rw);
++ init_rwsem(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_init_wlock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ au_rw_init(rw);
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_read(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw, unsigned int lsc)
++ down_read_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_read_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustReadLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntDec(rw);
++ up_read(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_dgrade_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ downgrade_write(&rw->rwsem);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ down_write(&rw->rwsem);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_lock_nested(struct au_rwsem *rw,
++ unsigned int lsc)
++ down_write_nested(&rw->rwsem, lsc);
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++static inline void au_rw_write_unlock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(rw);
++ AuDbgWcntDec(rw);
++ up_write(&rw->rwsem);
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++static inline int au_rw_read_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_read_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgRcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++static inline int au_rw_write_trylock(struct au_rwsem *rw)
++ int ret = down_write_trylock(&rw->rwsem);
++ if (ret)
++ AuDbgWcntInc(rw);
++ return ret;
++#undef AuDbgCntInit
++#undef AuDbgRcntInc
++#undef AuDbgRcntDec
++#undef AuDbgWcntInc
++#undef AuDbgWcntDec
++#define AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_lock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_read_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_read_trylock(rwsem); } \
++static inline int prefix##_write_trylock(param) \
++{ return au_rw_write_trylock(rwsem); }
++/* why is not _nested version defined */
++/* static inline void prefix##_read_trylock_nested(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_read_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc)); }
++static inline void prefix##_write_trylock_nestd(param, lsc)
++{ au_rw_write_trylock_nested(rwsem, lsc); } */
++#define AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++static inline void prefix##_read_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_read_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_write_unlock(param) \
++{ au_rw_write_unlock(rwsem); } \
++static inline void prefix##_downgrade_lock(param) \
++{ au_rw_dgrade_lock(rwsem); }
++#define AuSimpleRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem) \
++ AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(prefix, param, rwsem)
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_RWSEM_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sbinfo.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * superblock private data
++ */
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ AuDebugOn(!list_empty(&sbinfo->si_plink.head));
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_xino_clr(sb);
++ au_br_free(sbinfo);
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ mutex_destroy(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ AuRwDestroy(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sbinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo))
++ goto out;
++ /* will be reallocated separately */
++ sbinfo->si_branch = kzalloc(sizeof(*sbinfo->si_branch), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_branch))
++ goto out_sbinfo;
++ memset(&sbinfo->si_kobj, 0, sizeof(sbinfo->si_kobj));
++ err = sysaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_br;
++ au_nwt_init(&sbinfo->si_nowait);
++ au_rw_init_wlock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ sbinfo->si_generation = 0;
++ sbinfo->au_si_status = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_bend = -1;
++ sbinfo->si_last_br_id = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup = AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create = AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup_ops = au_wbr_copyup_ops + AuWbrCopyup_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops = au_wbr_create_ops + AuWbrCreate_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_mntflags = AuOpt_Def;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ mutex_init(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xino_brid = -1;
++ /* leave si_xib_last_pindex and si_xib_next_bit */
++ sbinfo->si_rdcache = AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF * HZ;
++ sbinfo->si_rdblk = AUFS_RDBLK_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_rdhash = AUFS_RDHASH_DEF;
++ sbinfo->si_dirwh = AUFS_DIRWH_DEF;
++ au_spl_init(&sbinfo->si_plink);
++ init_waitqueue_head(&sbinfo->si_plink_wq);
++ /* leave other members for sysaufs and si_mnt. */
++ sbinfo->si_sb = sb;
++ sb->s_fs_info = sbinfo;
++ au_debug_sbinfo_init(sbinfo);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out_br:
++ kfree(sbinfo->si_branch);
++ out_sbinfo:
++ kfree(sbinfo);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr)
++ int err, sz;
++ struct au_branch **brp;
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ sz = sizeof(*brp) * (sbinfo->si_bend + 1);
++ if (unlikely(!sz))
++ sz = sizeof(*brp);
++ brp = au_kzrealloc(sbinfo->si_branch, sz, sizeof(*brp) * nbr, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (brp) {
++ sbinfo->si_branch = brp;
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb)
++ unsigned int gen;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ gen = ++au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++ au_update_digen(sb->s_root);
++ au_update_iigen(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++ sb->s_root->d_inode->i_version++;
++ return gen;
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t br_id;
++ int i;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ for (i = 0; i <= AUFS_BRANCH_MAX; i++) {
++ br_id = ++sbinfo->si_last_br_id;
++ if (br_id && au_br_index(sb, br_id) < 0)
++ return br_id;
++ }
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dentry and super_block lock. call at entry point */
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(dentry->d_sb, flags);
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_lock_child(dentry, flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, DW))
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ else
++ di_read_unlock(dentry, flags);
++ si_read_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ si_write_lock(dentry->d_sb);
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry)
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ si_write_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int flags)
++ si_read_lock(d1->d_sb, flags);
++ di_write_lock2_child(d1, d2, au_ftest_lock(flags, DIR));
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2)
++ di_write_unlock2(d1, d2);
++ si_read_unlock(d1->d_sb);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/spl.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/spl.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/spl.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/spl.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * simple list protected by a spinlock
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#define __AUFS_SPL_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/spinlock.h>
++#include <linux/list.h>
++struct au_splhead {
++ spinlock_t spin;
++ struct list_head head;
++static inline void au_spl_init(struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock_init(&spl->spin);
++ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&spl->head);
++static inline void au_spl_add(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_add(list, &spl->head);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++static inline void au_spl_del(struct list_head *list, struct au_splhead *spl)
++ spin_lock(&spl->spin);
++ list_del(list);
++ spin_unlock(&spl->spin);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SPL_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * mount and super_block operations
++ */
++#include <linux/buffer_head.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ * super_operations
++ */
++static struct inode *aufs_alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ struct au_icntnr *c;
++ c = au_cache_alloc_icntnr();
++ if (c) {
++ inode_init_once(&c->vfs_inode);
++ c->vfs_inode.i_version = 1; /* sigen(sb); */
++ c->iinfo.ii_hinode = NULL;
++ return &c->vfs_inode;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++static void aufs_destroy_inode(struct inode *inode)
++ au_iinfo_fin(inode);
++ au_cache_free_icntnr(container_of(inode, struct au_icntnr, vfs_inode));
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino)
++ struct inode *inode;
++ int err;
++ inode = iget_locked(sb, ino);
++ if (unlikely(!inode)) {
++ inode = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!(inode->i_state & I_NEW))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xigen_new(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_iinfo_init(inode);
++ if (!err)
++ inode->i_version++;
++ else {
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ inode = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ out:
++ /* never return NULL */
++ AuDebugOn(!inode);
++ AuTraceErrPtr(inode);
++ return inode;
++/* lock free root dinfo */
++static int au_show_brs(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct path path;
++ struct au_hdentry *hd;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ hd = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry;
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = hd[bindex].hd_dentry;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ err = seq_printf(seq, "=%s",
++ au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ if (!err && bindex != bend)
++ err = seq_putc(seq, ':');
++ }
++ return err;
++static void au_show_wbr_create(struct seq_file *m, int v,
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ const char *pat;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ seq_printf(m, ",create=");
++ pat = au_optstr_wbr_create(v);
++ switch (v) {
++ case AuWbrCreate_TDP:
++ case AuWbrCreate_RR:
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFS:
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFS:
++ seq_printf(m, pat);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_PMFSV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"pmfs:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRR:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark);
++ break;
++ case AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV:
++ seq_printf(m, /*pat*/"mfsrr:%llu:%lu",
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfsrr_watermark,
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_expire / HZ);
++ break;
++ }
++static int au_show_xino(struct seq_file *seq, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ return 0;
++ int err;
++ const int len = sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME) - 1;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, brid;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ struct file *f;
++ struct dentry *d, *h_root;
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem);
++ err = 0;
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ f = au_sbi(sb)->si_xib;
++ if (!f)
++ goto out;
++ /* stop printing the default xino path on the first writable branch */
++ h_root = NULL;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0) {
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ h_root = au_di(sb->s_root)->di_hdentry[0 + bindex].hd_dentry;
++ }
++ d = f->f_dentry;
++ name = &d->d_name;
++ /* safe ->d_parent because the file is unlinked */
++ if (d->d_parent == h_root
++ && name->len == len
++ && !memcmp(name->name, AUFS_XINO_FNAME, len))
++ goto out;
++ seq_puts(seq, ",xino=");
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, f);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* seq_file will re-call me in case of too long string */
++static int aufs_show_options(struct seq_file *m, struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err, n;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags, v;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++#define AuBool(name, str) do { \
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, name); \
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, ",%s" #str, v ? "" : "no"); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuStr(name, str) do { \
++ v = mnt_flags & AuOptMask_##name; \
++ if (v != (AuOpt_Def & AuOptMask_##name)) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%s", au_optstr_##str(v)); \
++} while (0)
++#define AuUInt(name, str, val) do { \
++ if (val != AUFS_##name##_DEF) \
++ seq_printf(m, "," #str "=%u", val); \
++} while (0)
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ seq_printf(m, ",si=%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO)) {
++ err = au_show_xino(m, mnt);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ seq_puts(m, ",noxino");
++ AuBool(TRUNC_XINO, trunc_xino);
++ AuStr(UDBA, udba);
++ AuBool(SHWH, shwh);
++ AuBool(PLINK, plink);
++ /* AuBool(DIRPERM1, dirperm1); */
++ /* AuBool(REFROF, refrof); */
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_create;
++ if (v != AuWbrCreate_Def)
++ au_show_wbr_create(m, v, sbinfo);
++ v = sbinfo->si_wbr_copyup;
++ if (v != AuWbrCopyup_Def)
++ seq_printf(m, ",cpup=%s", au_optstr_wbr_copyup(v));
++ v = au_opt_test(mnt_flags, ALWAYS_DIROPQ);
++ if (v != au_opt_test(AuOpt_Def, ALWAYS_DIROPQ))
++ seq_printf(m, ",diropq=%c", v ? 'a' : 'w');
++ AuUInt(DIRWH, dirwh, sbinfo->si_dirwh);
++ n = sbinfo->si_rdcache / HZ;
++ AuUInt(RDCACHE, rdcache, n);
++ AuUInt(RDBLK, rdblk, sbinfo->si_rdblk);
++ AuUInt(RDHASH, rdhash, sbinfo->si_rdhash);
++ AuBool(SUM, sum);
++ /* AuBool(SUM_W, wsum); */
++ AuBool(WARN_PERM, warn_perm);
++ AuBool(VERBOSE, verbose);
++ out:
++ /* be sure to print "br:" last */
++ if (!sysaufs_brs) {
++ seq_puts(m, ",br:");
++ au_show_brs(m, sb);
++ }
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return 0;
++#undef Deleted
++#undef AuBool
++#undef AuStr
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sum mode which returns the summation for statfs(2) */
++static u64 au_add_till_max(u64 a, u64 b)
++ u64 old;
++ old = a;
++ a += b;
++ if (old < a)
++ return a;
++ return ULLONG_MAX;
++static int au_statfs_sum(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ u64 blocks, bfree, bavail, files, ffree;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, i;
++ unsigned char shared;
++ struct vfsmount *h_mnt;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ blocks = 0;
++ bfree = 0;
++ bavail = 0;
++ files = 0;
++ ffree = 0;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = bend; bindex >= 0; bindex--) {
++ h_mnt = au_sbr_mnt(sb, bindex);
++ h_sb = h_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ shared = 0;
++ for (i = bindex + 1; !shared && i <= bend; i++)
++ shared = (au_sbr_sb(sb, i) == h_sb);
++ if (shared)
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(h_mnt->mnt_root, buf);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ blocks = au_add_till_max(blocks, buf->f_blocks);
++ bfree = au_add_till_max(bfree, buf->f_bfree);
++ bavail = au_add_till_max(bavail, buf->f_bavail);
++ files = au_add_till_max(files, buf->f_files);
++ ffree = au_add_till_max(ffree, buf->f_ffree);
++ }
++ buf->f_blocks = blocks;
++ buf->f_bfree = bfree;
++ buf->f_bavail = bavail;
++ buf->f_files = files;
++ buf->f_ffree = ffree;
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_statfs(struct dentry *dentry, struct kstatfs *buf)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* lock free root dinfo */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SUM))
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(au_sbr_mnt(sb, 0)->mnt_root, buf);
++ else
++ err = au_statfs_sum(sb, buf);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ if (!err) {
++ buf->f_type = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ buf->f_namelen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ memset(&buf->f_fsid, 0, sizeof(buf->f_fsid));
++ }
++ /* buf->f_bsize = buf->f_blocks = buf->f_bfree = buf->f_bavail = -1; */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* try flushing the lower fs at aufs remount/unmount time */
++static void au_fsync_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ int brperm;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ brperm = br->br_perm;
++ if (brperm == AuBrPerm_RR || brperm == AuBrPerm_RRWH)
++ continue;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ if (bdev_read_only(h_sb->s_bdev))
++ continue;
++ lockdep_off();
++ down_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ shrink_dcache_sb(h_sb);
++ fsync_super(h_sb);
++ up_write(&h_sb->s_umount);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ * this IS NOT for super_operations.
++ * I guess it will be reverted someday.
++ */
++static void aufs_umount_begin(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK))
++ au_plink_put(sb);
++ if (sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin)
++ sbinfo->si_wbr_create_ops->fin(sb);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++/* final actions when unmounting a file system */
++static void aufs_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!sbinfo)
++ return;
++ aufs_umount_begin(sb);
++ dbgaufs_si_fin(sbinfo);
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * refresh dentry and inode at remount time.
++ */
++static int do_refresh(struct dentry *dentry, mode_t type,
++ unsigned int dir_flags)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ di_write_lock_child(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ di_read_lock_parent(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ /* returns the number of positive dentries */
++ err = au_refresh_hdentry(dentry, type);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_refresh_hinode(inode, dentry);
++ if (!err && type == S_IFDIR)
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, dir_flags);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("unrecoverable error %d, %.*s\n", err, AuDLNPair(dentry));
++ di_read_unlock(parent, AuLock_IR);
++ dput(parent);
++ di_write_unlock(dentry);
++ return err;
++static int test_dir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++/* gave up consolidating with refresh_nondir() */
++static int refresh_dir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ const unsigned int flags = au_hi_flags(root->d_inode, /*isdir*/1);
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_dir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; !e && i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; !e && j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_dir_parent(d, sigen);
++ if (au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, S_IFDIR, flags);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* break on err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int test_nondir(struct dentry *dentry, void *arg __maybe_unused)
++ return !S_ISDIR(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++static int refresh_nondir(struct dentry *root, unsigned int sigen,
++ int do_dentry)
++ int err, i, j, ndentry, e;
++ struct au_dcsub_pages dpages;
++ struct au_dpage *dpage;
++ struct dentry **dentries;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ err = 0;
++ list_for_each_entry(inode, &root->d_sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && au_iigen(inode) != sigen) {
++ ii_write_lock_child(inode);
++ e = au_refresh_hinode_self(inode, /*do_attr*/1);
++ ii_write_unlock(inode);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ AuDbg("e %d, i%lu\n", e, inode->i_ino);
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even if err */
++ }
++ }
++ if (!do_dentry)
++ goto out;
++ e = au_dpages_init(&dpages, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ e = au_dcsub_pages(&dpages, root, test_nondir, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(e)) {
++ if (!err)
++ err = e;
++ goto out_dpages;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < dpages.ndpage; i++) {
++ dpage = dpages.dpages + i;
++ dentries = dpage->dentries;
++ ndentry = dpage->ndentry;
++ for (j = 0; j < ndentry; j++) {
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = dentries[j];
++ au_dbg_verify_nondir_parent(d, sigen);
++ inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (inode && au_digen(d) != sigen) {
++ e = do_refresh(d, inode->i_mode & S_IFMT,
++ /*dir_flags*/0);
++ if (unlikely(e && !err))
++ err = e;
++ /* go on even err */
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ out_dpages:
++ au_dpages_free(&dpages);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static void au_remount_refresh(struct super_block *sb, unsigned int flags)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sigen;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_sigen_inc(sb);
++ sigen = au_sigen(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ au_fclr_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ DiMustNoWaiters(root);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ IiMustNoWaiters(inode);
++ au_reset_hinotify(inode, au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ di_write_unlock(root);
++ err = refresh_dir(root, sigen);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ au_fset_si(sbinfo, FAILED_REFRESH_DIRS);
++ AuWarn("Refreshing directories failed, ignored (%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ if (au_ftest_opts(flags, REFRESH_NONDIR)) {
++ err = refresh_nondir(root, sigen, !err);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("Refreshing non-directories failed, ignored"
++ "(%d)\n", err);
++ }
++ /* aufs_write_lock() calls ..._child() */
++ di_write_lock_child(root);
++ au_cpup_attr_all(root->d_inode, /*force*/1);
++/* stop extra interpretation of errno in mount(8), and strange error messages */
++static int cvt_err(int err)
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ switch (err) {
++ case -ENOENT:
++ case -ENOTDIR:
++ case -EEXIST:
++ case -EIO:
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ return err;
++static int aufs_remount_fs(struct super_block *sb, int *flags, char *data)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ err = 0;
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ if (!data || !*data) {
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_verify(sb, *flags, /*pending*/0);
++ if (!err)
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.flags = AuOpts_REMOUNT;
++ opts.sb_flags = *flags;
++ /* parse it before aufs lock */
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, data, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ au_fsync_br(sb);
++ /* au_opts_remount() may return an error */
++ err = au_opts_remount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_DIR)
++ || au_ftest_opts(opts.flags, REFRESH_NONDIR))
++ au_remount_refresh(sb, opts.flags);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++static struct super_operations aufs_sop = {
++ .alloc_inode = aufs_alloc_inode,
++ .destroy_inode = aufs_destroy_inode,
++ .drop_inode = generic_delete_inode,
++ .show_options = aufs_show_options,
++ .statfs = aufs_statfs,
++ .put_super = aufs_put_super,
++ .remount_fs = aufs_remount_fs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int alloc_root(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ inode = au_iget_locked(sb, AUFS_ROOT_INO);
++ err = PTR_ERR(inode);
++ if (IS_ERR(inode))
++ goto out;
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ inode->i_mode = S_IFDIR;
++ inode->i_nlink = 2;
++ unlock_new_inode(inode);
++ root = d_alloc_root(inode);
++ if (unlikely(!root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = PTR_ERR(root);
++ if (IS_ERR(root))
++ goto out_iput;
++ err = au_alloc_dinfo(root);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb->s_root = root;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ dput(root);
++ goto out; /* do not iput */
++ out_iput:
++ iget_failed(inode);
++ iput(inode);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int aufs_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, void *raw_data,
++ int silent __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct au_opts opts;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ char *arg = raw_data;
++ if (unlikely(!arg || !*arg)) {
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ AuErr("no arg\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
++ opts.opt = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!opts.opt))
++ goto out;
++ opts.max_opt = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*opts.opt);
++ opts.sb_flags = sb->s_flags;
++ err = au_si_alloc(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opts;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ sb->s_flags |= MS_NOATIME | MS_NODIRATIME;
++ sb->s_op = &aufs_sop;
++ sb->s_magic = AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
++ sb->s_maxbytes = 0;
++ au_export_init(sb);
++ err = alloc_root(sb);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ goto out_info;
++ }
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ inode = root->d_inode;
++ /*
++ * actually we can parse options regardless aufs lock here.
++ * but at remount time, parsing must be done before aufs lock.
++ * so we follow the same rule.
++ */
++ ii_write_lock_parent(inode);
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ err = au_opts_parse(sb, arg, &opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_root;
++ /* lock vfs_inode first, then aufs. */
++ mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ inode->i_op = &aufs_dir_iop;
++ inode->i_fop = &aufs_dir_fop;
++ aufs_write_lock(root);
++ err = au_opts_mount(sb, &opts);
++ au_opts_free(&opts);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_unlock;
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_opts; /* success */
++ out_unlock:
++ aufs_write_unlock(root);
++ mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex);
++ out_root:
++ dput(root);
++ sb->s_root = NULL;
++ out_info:
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ sb->s_fs_info = NULL;
++ out_opts:
++ free_page((unsigned long)opts.opt);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ err = cvt_err(err);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int aufs_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type, int flags,
++ const char *dev_name __maybe_unused, void *raw_data,
++ struct vfsmount *mnt)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ /* all timestamps always follow the ones on the branch */
++ /* mnt->mnt_flags |= MNT_NOATIME | MNT_NODIRATIME; */
++ err = get_sb_nodev(fs_type, flags, raw_data, aufs_fill_super, mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
++ si_write_lock(sb);
++ sysaufs_brs_add(sb, 0);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ }
++ return err;
++struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type = {
++ .name = AUFS_FSTYPE,
++ .fs_flags =
++ FS_RENAME_DOES_D_MOVE /* a race between rename and others */
++ | FS_REVAL_DOT, /* for NFS branch and udba */
++ .get_sb = aufs_get_sb,
++ .kill_sb = generic_shutdown_super,
++ /* no need to __module_get() and module_put(). */
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/super.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/super.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * super_block operations
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#define __AUFS_SUPER_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "rwsem.h"
++#include "spl.h"
++#include "wkq.h"
++typedef ssize_t (*au_readf_t)(struct file *, char __user *, size_t, loff_t *);
++typedef ssize_t (*au_writef_t)(struct file *, const char __user *, size_t,
++ loff_t *);
++/* policies to select one among multiple writable branches */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations {
++ int (*copyup)(struct dentry *dentry);
++struct au_wbr_create_operations {
++ int (*create)(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir);
++ int (*init)(struct super_block *sb);
++ int (*fin)(struct super_block *sb);
++struct au_wbr_mfs {
++ struct mutex mfs_lock; /* protect this structure */
++ unsigned long mfs_jiffy;
++ unsigned long mfs_expire;
++ aufs_bindex_t mfs_bindex;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_bytes;
++ unsigned long long mfsrr_watermark;
++struct au_branch;
++struct au_sbinfo {
++ /* nowait tasks in the system-wide workqueue */
++ struct au_nowait_tasks si_nowait;
++ struct au_rwsem si_rwsem;
++ /* branch management */
++ unsigned int si_generation;
++ /* see above flags */
++ unsigned char au_si_status;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_bend;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_last_br_id;
++ struct au_branch **si_branch;
++ /* policy to select a writable branch */
++ unsigned char si_wbr_copyup;
++ unsigned char si_wbr_create;
++ struct au_wbr_copyup_operations *si_wbr_copyup_ops;
++ struct au_wbr_create_operations *si_wbr_create_ops;
++ /* round robin */
++ atomic_t si_wbr_rr_next;
++ /* most free space */
++ struct au_wbr_mfs si_wbr_mfs;
++ /* mount flags */
++ /* include/asm-ia64/siginfo.h defines a macro named si_flags */
++ unsigned int si_mntflags;
++ /* external inode number (bitmap and translation table) */
++ au_readf_t si_xread;
++ au_writef_t si_xwrite;
++ struct file *si_xib;
++ struct mutex si_xib_mtx; /* protect xib members */
++ unsigned long *si_xib_buf;
++ unsigned long si_xib_last_pindex;
++ int si_xib_next_bit;
++ aufs_bindex_t si_xino_brid;
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* unsigned long long si_xib_limit; */ /* Max xib file size */
++ /* i_generation */
++ struct file *si_xigen;
++ atomic_t si_xigen_next;
++ /* vdir parameters */
++ unsigned long si_rdcache; /* max cache time in HZ */
++ unsigned int si_rdblk; /* deblk size */
++ unsigned int si_rdhash; /* hash size */
++ /*
++ * If the number of whiteouts are larger than si_dirwh, leave all of
++ * them after au_whtmp_ren to reduce the cost of rmdir(2).
++ * future fsck.aufs or kernel thread will remove them later.
++ * Otherwise, remove all whiteouts and the dir in rmdir(2).
++ */
++ unsigned int si_dirwh;
++ /*
++ * rename(2) a directory with all children.
++ */
++ /* reserved for future use */
++ /* int si_rendir; */
++ /* pseudo_link list */
++ struct au_splhead si_plink;
++ wait_queue_head_t si_plink_wq;
++ /*
++ * sysfs and lifetime management.
++ * this is not a small structure and it may be a waste of memory in case
++ * of sysfs is disabled, particulary when many aufs-es are mounted.
++ * but using sysfs is majority.
++ */
++ struct kobject si_kobj;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs, *si_dbgaufs_xib;
++ struct dentry *si_dbgaufs_xigen;
++ /* dirty, necessary for unmounting, sysfs and sysrq */
++ struct super_block *si_sb;
++/* sbinfo status flags */
++ * set true when refresh_dirs() failed at remount time.
++ * then try refreshing dirs at access time again.
++ * if it is false, refreshing dirs at access time is unnecesary
++ */
++#define AuSi_MAINTAIN_PLINK (1 << 1) /* ioctl */
++static inline unsigned char au_do_ftest_si(struct au_sbinfo *sbi,
++ unsigned int flag)
++ AuRwMustAnyLock(&sbi->si_rwsem);
++ return sbi->au_si_status & flag;
++#define au_ftest_si(sbinfo, name) au_do_ftest_si(sbinfo, AuSi_##name)
++#define au_fset_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status |= AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++#define au_fclr_si(sbinfo, name) do { \
++ AuRwMustWriteLock(&(sbinfo)->si_rwsem); \
++ (sbinfo)->au_si_status &= ~AuSi_##name; \
++} while (0)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policy to select one among writable branches */
++#define AuWbrCopyup(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_copyup_ops->copyup(args))
++#define AuWbrCreate(sbinfo, args...) \
++ ((sbinfo)->si_wbr_create_ops->create(args))
++/* flags for si_read_lock()/aufs_read_lock()/di_read_lock() */
++#define AuLock_DW 1 /* write-lock dentry */
++#define AuLock_IR (1 << 1) /* read-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_IW (1 << 2) /* write-lock inode */
++#define AuLock_FLUSH (1 << 3) /* wait for 'nowait' tasks */
++#define AuLock_DIR (1 << 4) /* target is a dir */
++#define au_ftest_lock(flags, name) ((flags) & AuLock_##name)
++#define au_fset_lock(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuLock_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_lock(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuLock_##name; }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* super.c */
++extern struct file_system_type aufs_fs_type;
++struct inode *au_iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, ino_t ino);
++/* sbinfo.c */
++void au_si_free(struct kobject *kobj);
++int au_si_alloc(struct super_block *sb);
++int au_sbr_realloc(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, int nbr);
++unsigned int au_sigen_inc(struct super_block *sb);
++aufs_bindex_t au_new_br_id(struct super_block *sb);
++void aufs_read_lock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_read_unlock(struct dentry *dentry, int flags);
++void aufs_write_lock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_write_unlock(struct dentry *dentry);
++void aufs_read_and_write_lock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2, int isdir);
++void aufs_read_and_write_unlock2(struct dentry *d1, struct dentry *d2);
++/* wbr_policy.c */
++extern struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[];
++extern struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[];
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct au_sbinfo *au_sbi(struct super_block *sb)
++ return sb->s_fs_info;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, "nfsd");
++int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode);
++int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base);
++void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb);
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ if (!au_test_nfsd(current))
++ return -EBUSY;
++ return -ESTALE;
++static inline void au_export_init(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline int au_test_nfsd(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_inc(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_new(struct inode *inode)
++ return 0;
++static inline int au_xigen_set(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ return 0;
++static inline void au_xigen_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ /* empty */
++static inline int au_busy_or_stale(void)
++ return -EBUSY;
++#endif /* CONFIG_AUFS_EXPORT */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void dbgaufs_si_null(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ /*
++ * This function is a dynamic '__init' fucntion actually,
++ * so the tiny check for si_rwsem is unnecessary.
++ */
++ /* AuRwMustWriteLock(&sbinfo->si_rwsem); */
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_dbgaufs_xigen = NULL;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock superblock. mainly for entry point functions */
++ * si_noflush_read_lock, si_noflush_write_lock,
++ * si_read_unlock, si_write_unlock, si_downgrade_lock
++ */
++AuSimpleLockRwsemFuncs(si_noflush, struct super_block *sb,
++ &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++AuSimpleUnlockRwsemFuncs(si, struct super_block *sb, &au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem);
++#define SiMustNoWaiters(sb) AuRwMustNoWaiters(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustAnyLock(sb) AuRwMustAnyLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++#define SiMustWriteLock(sb) AuRwMustWriteLock(&au_sbi(sb)->si_rwsem)
++static inline void si_read_lock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++static inline void si_write_lock(struct super_block *sb)
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++static inline int si_read_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_read_trylock(sb);
++static inline int si_write_trylock(struct super_block *sb, int flags)
++ if (au_ftest_lock(flags, FLUSH))
++ au_nwt_flush(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ return si_noflush_write_trylock(sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_sbend(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_bend;
++static inline unsigned int au_mntflags(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_mntflags;
++static inline unsigned int au_sigen(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_generation;
++static inline struct au_branch *au_sbr(struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_branch[0 + bindex];
++static inline void au_xino_brid_set(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t brid)
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid = brid;
++static inline aufs_bindex_t au_xino_brid(struct super_block *sb)
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ return au_sbi(sb)->si_xino_brid;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_SUPER_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and lifetime management
++ * they are necessary regardless sysfs is disabled.
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/random.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++#define AuSiAttr(_name) { \
++ .attr = { .name = __stringify(_name), .mode = 0444 }, \
++ .show = sysaufs_si_##_name, \
++static struct sysaufs_si_attr sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path = AuSiAttr(xi_path);
++struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[] = {
++ &sysaufs_si_attr_xi_path.attr,
++ NULL,
++static struct sysfs_ops au_sbi_ops = {
++ .show = sysaufs_si_show
++static struct kobj_type au_sbi_ktype = {
++ .release = au_si_free,
++ .sysfs_ops = &au_sbi_ops,
++ .default_attrs = sysaufs_si_attrs
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ int err;
++ sbinfo->si_kobj.kset = sysaufs_ket;
++ /* cf. sysaufs_name() */
++ err = kobject_init_and_add
++ (&sbinfo->si_kobj, &au_sbi_ktype, /*&sysaufs_ket->kobj*/NULL,
++ SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ dbgaufs_si_null(sbinfo);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = dbgaufs_si_init(sbinfo);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ kobject_put(&sbinfo->si_kobj);
++ }
++ return err;
++void sysaufs_fin(void)
++ dbgaufs_fin();
++ sysfs_remove_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void)
++ int err;
++ do {
++ get_random_bytes(&sysaufs_si_mask, sizeof(sysaufs_si_mask));
++ } while (!sysaufs_si_mask);
++ sysaufs_ket = kset_create_and_add(AUFS_NAME, NULL, fs_kobj);
++ err = PTR_ERR(sysaufs_ket);
++ if (IS_ERR(sysaufs_ket))
++ goto out;
++ err = sysfs_create_group(&sysaufs_ket->kobj, sysaufs_attr_group);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ kset_unregister(sysaufs_ket);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = dbgaufs_init();
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ sysaufs_fin();
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysaufs.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface and mount lifetime management
++ */
++#ifndef __SYSAUFS_H__
++#define __SYSAUFS_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "module.h"
++struct super_block;
++struct au_sbinfo;
++struct sysaufs_si_attr {
++ struct attribute attr;
++ int (*show)(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* sysaufs.c */
++extern unsigned long sysaufs_si_mask;
++extern struct kset *sysaufs_ket;
++extern struct attribute *sysaufs_si_attrs[];
++int sysaufs_si_init(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo);
++int __init sysaufs_init(void);
++void sysaufs_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some people doesn't like to show a pointer in kernel */
++static inline unsigned long sysaufs_si_id(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo)
++ return sysaufs_si_mask ^ (unsigned long)sbinfo;
++#define SysaufsSiNamePrefix "si_"
++#define SysaufsSiNameLen (sizeof(SysaufsSiNamePrefix) + 16)
++static inline void sysaufs_name(struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo, char *name)
++ snprintf(name, SysaufsSiNameLen, SysaufsSiNamePrefix "%lx",
++ sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++struct au_branch;
++/* sysfs.c */
++extern struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group;
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb);
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf);
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br);
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex);
++#define sysaufs_brs_init() do {} while (0)
++#define sysaufs_attr_group NULL
++static inline
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ return 0;
++static inline
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ return 0;
++static inline void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ /* empty */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ /* nothing */
++static inline void sysaufs_brs_init(void)
++ sysaufs_brs = 0;
++#endif /* CONFIG_SYSFS */
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __SYSAUFS_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysfs.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysfs.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysfs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysfs.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sysfs interface
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/sysfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static struct attribute *au_attr[] = {
++ NULL, /* need to NULL terminate the list of attributes */
++static struct attribute_group sysaufs_attr_group_body = {
++ .attrs = au_attr
++struct attribute_group *sysaufs_attr_group = &sysaufs_attr_group_body;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int sysaufs_si_xi_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO)) {
++ err = au_xino_path(seq, au_sbi(sb)->si_xib);
++ seq_putc(seq, '\n');
++ }
++ return err;
++ * the lifetime of branch is independent from the entry under sysfs.
++ * sysfs handles the lifetime of the entry, and never call ->show() after it is
++ * unlinked.
++ */
++static int sysaufs_si_br(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct path path;
++ struct dentry *root;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ root = sb->s_root;
++ di_read_lock_parent(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(root, bindex);
++ au_seq_path(seq, &path);
++ di_read_unlock(root, !AuLock_IR);
++ seq_printf(seq, "=%s\n", au_optstr_br_perm(br->br_perm));
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static struct seq_file *au_seq(char *p, ssize_t len)
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ seq = kzalloc(sizeof(*seq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (seq) {
++ /* mutex_init(&seq.lock); */
++ seq->buf = p;
++ seq->size = len;
++ return seq; /* success */
++ }
++ seq = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ return seq;
++#define SysaufsBr_PREFIX "br"
++/* todo: file size may exceed PAGE_SIZE */
++ssize_t sysaufs_si_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
++ char *buf)
++ ssize_t err;
++ long l;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct seq_file *seq;
++ char *name;
++ struct attribute **cattr;
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sb = sbinfo->si_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ seq = au_seq(buf, PAGE_SIZE);
++ err = PTR_ERR(seq);
++ if (IS_ERR(seq))
++ goto out;
++ name = (void *)attr->name;
++ cattr = sysaufs_si_attrs;
++ while (*cattr) {
++ if (!strcmp(name, (*cattr)->name)) {
++ err = container_of(*cattr, struct sysaufs_si_attr, attr)
++ ->show(seq, sb);
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ cattr++;
++ }
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (!strncmp(name, SysaufsBr_PREFIX, sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1)) {
++ name += sizeof(SysaufsBr_PREFIX) - 1;
++ err = strict_strtol(name, 10, &l);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (l <= bend)
++ err = sysaufs_si_br(seq, sb, (aufs_bindex_t)l);
++ else
++ err = -ENOENT;
++ }
++ goto out_seq;
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out_seq:
++ if (!err) {
++ err = seq->count;
++ /* sysfs limit */
++ if (unlikely(err == PAGE_SIZE))
++ err = -EFBIG;
++ }
++ kfree(seq);
++ out:
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void sysaufs_br_init(struct au_branch *br)
++ br-> = br->br_name;
++ br->br_attr.mode = S_IRUGO;
++ br->br_attr.owner = THIS_MODULE;
++void sysaufs_brs_del(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ dbgaufs_brs_del(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ sysfs_remove_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ }
++void sysaufs_brs_add(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend;
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ dbgaufs_brs_add(sb, bindex);
++ if (!sysaufs_brs)
++ return;
++ kobj = &au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ snprintf(br->br_name, sizeof(br->br_name), SysaufsBr_PREFIX
++ "%d", bindex);
++ err = sysfs_create_file(kobj, &br->br_attr);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed %s under sysfs(%d)\n", br->br_name, err);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysrq.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysrq.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/sysrq.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/sysrq.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * magic sysrq hanlder
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
++/* #include <linux/sysrq.h> */
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static void sysrq_sb(struct super_block *sb)
++ char *plevel;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ plevel = au_plevel;
++ au_plevel = KERN_WARNING;
++ au_debug(1);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pr_warning("si=%lx\n", sysaufs_si_id(sbinfo));
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": superblock\n");
++ au_dpri_sb(sb);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root dentry\n");
++ au_dpri_dentry(sb->s_root);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": root inode\n");
++ au_dpri_inode(sb->s_root->d_inode);
++#if 0
++ struct inode *i;
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": isolated inode\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(i, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
++ if (list_empty(&i->i_dentry))
++ au_dpri_inode(i);
++ pr_warning(AUFS_NAME ": files\n");
++ list_for_each_entry(file, &sb->s_files, f_u.fu_list)
++ if (!special_file(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ au_dpri_file(file);
++ au_plevel = plevel;
++ au_debug(0);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* module parameter */
++static char *aufs_sysrq_key = "a";
++module_param_named(sysrq, aufs_sysrq_key, charp, S_IRUGO);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(sysrq, "MagicSysRq key for " AUFS_NAME);
++static void au_sysrq(int key __maybe_unused,
++ struct tty_struct *tty __maybe_unused)
++ struct kobject *kobj;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ /* spin_lock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++ list_for_each_entry(kobj, &sysaufs_ket->list, entry) {
++ sbinfo = container_of(kobj, struct au_sbinfo, si_kobj);
++ sysrq_sb(sbinfo->si_sb);
++ }
++ /* spin_unlock(&sysaufs_ket->list_lock); */
++static struct sysrq_key_op au_sysrq_op = {
++ .handler = au_sysrq,
++ .help_msg = "Aufs",
++ .action_msg = "Aufs",
++ .enable_mask = SYSRQ_ENABLE_DUMP
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int __init au_sysrq_init(void)
++ int err;
++ char key;
++ err = -1;
++ key = *aufs_sysrq_key;
++ if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z')
++ err = register_sysrq_key(key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d, sysrq=%c\n", err, key);
++ return err;
++void au_sysrq_fin(void)
++ int err;
++ err = unregister_sysrq_key(*aufs_sysrq_key, &au_sysrq_op);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuErr("err %d (ignored)\n", err);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vdir.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vdir.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vdir.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vdir.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * virtual or vertical directory
++ */
++#include <linux/hash.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++static unsigned int calc_size(int nlen)
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(ino_t) != sizeof(long));
++ return ALIGN(sizeof(struct au_vdir_de) + nlen, sizeof(ino_t));
++static int set_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk) {
++ p->de->de_str.len = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -1; /* error */
++/* returns true or false */
++static int is_deblk_end(union au_vdir_deblk_p *p,
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p *deblk_end)
++ if (calc_size(0) <= deblk_end->deblk - p->deblk)
++ return !p->de->de_str.len;
++ return 1;
++static unsigned char *last_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ return vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1];
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * the allocated memory has to be freed by
++ * au_nhash_wh_free() or au_nhash_de_free().
++ */
++int au_nhash_alloc(struct au_nhash *nhash, unsigned int num_hash, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ unsigned int u;
++ head = kmalloc(sizeof(*nhash->nh_head) * num_hash, gfp);
++ if (head) {
++ nhash->nh_num = num_hash;
++ nhash->nh_head = head;
++ for (u = 0; u < num_hash; u++)
++ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(head++);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void nhash_count(struct hlist_head *head)
++#if 0
++ unsigned long n;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ n = 0;
++ hlist_for_each(pos, head)
++ n++;
++ AuInfo("%lu\n", n);
++static void au_nhash_wh_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, wh_hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ kfree(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_de_do_free(struct hlist_head *head)
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *node;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, node, head, hash) {
++ /* hlist_del(pos); */
++ au_cache_free_dehstr(tpos);
++ }
++static void au_nhash_do_free(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ void (*free)(struct hlist_head *head))
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ n = nhash->nh_num;
++ head = nhash->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ nhash_count(head);
++ free(head++);
++ }
++ kfree(nhash->nh_head);
++void au_nhash_wh_free(struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(whlist, au_nhash_wh_do_free);
++static void au_nhash_de_free(struct au_nhash *delist)
++ au_nhash_do_free(delist, au_nhash_de_do_free);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_test_longer_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ int limit)
++ int num;
++ unsigned int u, n;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ num = 0;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash)
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex == btgt && ++num > limit)
++ return 1;
++ head++;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static struct hlist_head *au_name_hash(struct au_nhash *nhash,
++ unsigned char *name,
++ unsigned int len)
++ unsigned int v;
++ /* const unsigned int magic_bit = 12; */
++ v = 0;
++ while (len--)
++ v += *name++;
++ /* v = hash_long(v, magic_bit); */
++ v %= nhash->nh_num;
++ return nhash->nh_head + v;
++static int au_nhash_test_name(struct au_vdir_destr *str, const char *name,
++ int nlen)
++ return str->len == nlen && !memcmp(str->name, name, nlen);
++/* returns found or not */
++int au_nhash_test_known_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* returns found(true) or not */
++static int test_known(struct au_nhash *delist, char *name, int nlen)
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ head = au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen);
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, hash) {
++ str = tpos->str;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", str->len, str->name);
++ if (au_nhash_test_name(str, name, nlen))
++ return 1;
++ }
++ return 0;
++static void au_shwh_init_wh(struct au_vdir_wh *wh, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned char d_type)
++ wh->wh_ino = ino;
++ wh->wh_type = d_type;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_nhash_append_wh(struct au_nhash *whlist, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned char shwh)
++ int err;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *wh;
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", nlen, name);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ wh = kmalloc(sizeof(*wh) + nlen, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!wh))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ wh->wh_bindex = bindex;
++ if (shwh)
++ au_shwh_init_wh(wh, ino, d_type);
++ str = &wh->wh_str;
++ str->len = nlen;
++ memcpy(str->name, name, nlen);
++ hlist_add_head(&wh->wh_hash, au_name_hash(whlist, name, nlen));
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_deblk(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ unsigned char **o;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = krealloc(vdir->vd_deblk, sizeof(*o) * (vdir->vd_nblk + 1),
++ if (unlikely(!o))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = o;
++ p.deblk = kmalloc(deblk_sz, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (p.deblk) {
++ ul = vdir->vd_nblk++;
++ vdir->vd_deblk[ul] = p.deblk;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = p.deblk;
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int append_de(struct au_vdir *vdir, char *name, int nlen, ino_t ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int sz;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, *room, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir_dehstr *dehstr;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ room = &vdir->vd_last.p;
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk < p.deblk || deblk_end.deblk <= room->deblk
++ || !is_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end));
++ sz = calc_size(nlen);
++ if (unlikely(sz > deblk_end.deblk - room->deblk)) {
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ p.deblk = last_deblk(vdir);
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDebugOn(room->deblk != p.deblk);
++ }
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ dehstr = au_cache_alloc_dehstr();
++ if (unlikely(!dehstr))
++ goto out;
++ dehstr->str = &room->de->de_str;
++ hlist_add_head(&dehstr->hash, au_name_hash(delist, name, nlen));
++ room->de->de_ino = ino;
++ room->de->de_type = d_type;
++ room->de->de_str.len = nlen;
++ memcpy(room->de->, name, nlen);
++ err = 0;
++ room->deblk += sz;
++ if (unlikely(set_deblk_end(room, &deblk_end)))
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_vdir_free(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ unsigned char **deblk;
++ deblk = vdir->vd_deblk;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk--)
++ kfree(*deblk++);
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++static struct au_vdir *alloc_vdir(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ vdir = au_cache_alloc_vdir();
++ if (unlikely(!vdir))
++ goto out;
++ vdir->vd_deblk = kzalloc(sizeof(*vdir->vd_deblk), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!vdir->vd_deblk))
++ goto out_free;
++ vdir->vd_deblk_sz = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdblk;
++ vdir->vd_nblk = 0;
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ err = append_deblk(vdir);
++ if (!err)
++ return vdir; /* success */
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk);
++ out_free:
++ au_cache_free_vdir(vdir);
++ out:
++ vdir = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return vdir;
++static int reinit_vdir(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ int err;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ while (vdir->vd_nblk > 1) {
++ kfree(vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1]);
++ /* vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_nblk - 1] = NULL; */
++ vdir->vd_nblk--;
++ }
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + vdir->vd_deblk_sz;
++ err = set_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end);
++ /* keep vd_dblk_sz */
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ vdir->vd_version = 0;
++ vdir->vd_jiffy = 0;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++ const int isdir = (d_type == DT_DIR);
++ /* prevent hardlinks from race condition */
++ mtx = NULL;
++ if (!isdir) {
++ mtx = &au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_nondir_mtx;
++ mutex_lock(mtx);
++ }
++ err = au_xino_read(sb, bindex, h_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (!*ino) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ *ino = au_xino_new_ino(sb);
++ if (unlikely(!*ino))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, *ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!isdir)
++ mutex_unlock(mtx);
++ return err;
++static int au_wh_ino(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type, ino_t *ino)
++ return au_ino(sb, bindex, h_ino, d_type, ino);
++ return 0;
++#define AuFillVdir_CALLED 1
++#define AuFillVdir_WHABLE (1 << 1)
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH (1 << 2)
++#define au_ftest_fillvdir(flags, name) ((flags) & AuFillVdir_##name)
++#define au_fset_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_fillvdir(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuFillVdir_##name; }
++#undef AuFillVdir_SHWH
++#define AuFillVdir_SHWH 0
++struct fillvdir_arg {
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir;
++ struct au_nhash delist;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++ int err;
++static int fillvdir(void *__arg, const char *__name, int nlen,
++ loff_t offset __maybe_unused, u64 h_ino,
++ unsigned int d_type)
++ struct fillvdir_arg *arg = __arg;
++ char *name = (void *)__name;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ ino_t ino;
++ const unsigned char shwh = !!au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ arg->err = 0;
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ if (nlen <= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN
++ || memcmp(name, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN)) {
++ if (test_known(&arg->delist, name, nlen)
++ || au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already exists or whiteouted */
++ sb = arg->file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ arg->err = au_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type, &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = append_de(arg->vdir, name, nlen, ino,
++ d_type, &arg->delist);
++ } else if (au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE)) {
++ name += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ nlen -= AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ if (au_nhash_test_known_wh(&arg->whlist, name, nlen))
++ goto out; /* already whiteouted */
++ if (shwh)
++ arg->err = au_wh_ino(sb, arg->bindex, h_ino, d_type,
++ &ino);
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->err = au_nhash_append_wh
++ (&arg->whlist, name, nlen, ino, d_type,
++ arg->bindex, shwh);
++ }
++ out:
++ if (!arg->err)
++ arg->vdir->vd_jiffy = jiffies;
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(arg->err);
++ return arg->err;
++static int au_handle_shwh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_vdir *vdir,
++ struct au_nhash *whlist, struct au_nhash *delist)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int nh, u;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos, *n;
++ char *p, *o;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *destr;
++ AuDebugOn(!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH));
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ o = p = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ nh = whlist->nh_num;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ for (u = 0; u < nh; u++) {
++ head = whlist->nh_head + u;
++ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpos, pos, n, head, wh_hash) {
++ destr = &tpos->wh_str;
++ memcpy(p, destr->name, destr->len);
++ err = append_de(vdir, o, destr->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN,
++ tpos->wh_ino, tpos->wh_type, delist);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(o);
++ out:
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ return err;
++ return 0;
++static int au_do_read_vdir(struct fillvdir_arg *arg)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int rdhash;
++ loff_t offset;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bstart;
++ unsigned char shwh;
++ struct file *hf, *file;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ file = arg->file;
++ sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ rdhash = au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->delist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&arg->whlist, rdhash, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_delist;
++ err = 0;
++ arg->flags = 0;
++ shwh = 0;
++ if (au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), SHWH)) {
++ shwh = 1;
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, SHWH);
++ }
++ bstart = au_fbstart(file);
++ bend = au_fbend(file);
++ for (bindex = bstart; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ hf = au_h_fptr(file, bindex);
++ if (!hf)
++ continue;
++ offset = vfsub_llseek(hf, 0, SEEK_SET);
++ err = offset;
++ if (unlikely(offset))
++ break;
++ arg->bindex = bindex;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ if (shwh
++ || (bindex != bend
++ && au_br_whable(au_sbr_perm(sb, bindex))))
++ au_fset_fillvdir(arg->flags, WHABLE);
++ do {
++ arg->err = 0;
++ au_fclr_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ err = vfsub_readdir(hf, fillvdir, arg);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = arg->err;
++ } while (!err && au_ftest_fillvdir(arg->flags, CALLED));
++ }
++ if (!err && shwh)
++ err = au_handle_shwh(sb, arg->vdir, &arg->whlist, &arg->delist);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&arg->whlist);
++ out_delist:
++ au_nhash_de_free(&arg->delist);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int read_vdir(struct file *file, int may_read)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long expire;
++ unsigned char do_read;
++ struct fillvdir_arg arg;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir, *allocated;
++ err = 0;
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(inode);
++ SiMustAnyLock(inode->i_sb);
++ allocated = NULL;
++ do_read = 0;
++ expire = au_sbi(inode->i_sb)->si_rdcache;
++ vdir = au_ivdir(inode);
++ if (!vdir) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ vdir = alloc_vdir(inode->i_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ allocated = vdir;
++ } else if (may_read
++ && (inode->i_version != vdir->vd_version
++ || time_after(jiffies, vdir->vd_jiffy + expire))) {
++ do_read = 1;
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (!do_read)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ arg.file = file;
++ arg.vdir = vdir;
++ err = au_do_read_vdir(&arg);
++ if (!err) {
++ /* file->f_pos = 0; */
++ vdir->vd_version = inode->i_version;
++ vdir->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_ivdir(inode, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int copy_vdir(struct au_vdir *tgt, struct au_vdir *src)
++ int err, rerr;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ const unsigned int deblk_sz = src->vd_deblk_sz;
++ AuDebugOn(tgt->vd_nblk != 1);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (tgt->vd_nblk < src->vd_nblk) {
++ unsigned char **p;
++ p = krealloc(tgt->vd_deblk, sizeof(*p) * src->vd_nblk,
++ if (unlikely(!p))
++ goto out;
++ tgt->vd_deblk = p;
++ }
++ tgt->vd_nblk = src->vd_nblk;
++ tgt->vd_deblk_sz = deblk_sz;
++ memcpy(tgt->vd_deblk[0], src->vd_deblk[0], deblk_sz);
++ /* tgt->vd_last.i = 0; */
++ /* tgt->vd_last.p.deblk = tgt->vd_deblk[0]; */
++ tgt->vd_version = src->vd_version;
++ tgt->vd_jiffy = src->vd_jiffy;
++ n = src->vd_nblk;
++ for (ul = 1; ul < n; ul++) {
++ tgt->vd_deblk[ul] = kmemdup(src->vd_deblk[ul], deblk_sz,
++ if (unlikely(!tgt->vd_deblk[ul]))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ rerr = reinit_vdir(tgt);
++ BUG_ON(rerr);
++ return err;
++int au_vdir_init(struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache, *allocated;
++ err = read_vdir(file, !file->f_pos);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = NULL;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!vdir_cache) {
++ vdir_cache = alloc_vdir(file->f_dentry->d_sb);
++ err = PTR_ERR(vdir_cache);
++ if (IS_ERR(vdir_cache))
++ goto out;
++ allocated = vdir_cache;
++ } else if (!file->f_pos && vdir_cache->vd_version != file->f_version) {
++ err = reinit_vdir(vdir_cache);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ } else
++ return 0; /* success */
++ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = copy_vdir(vdir_cache, au_ivdir(inode));
++ if (!err) {
++ file->f_version = inode->i_version;
++ if (allocated)
++ au_set_fvdir_cache(file, allocated);
++ } else if (allocated)
++ au_vdir_free(allocated);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static loff_t calc_offset(struct au_vdir *vdir)
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p;
++ p.deblk = vdir->vd_deblk[vdir->vd_last.ul];
++ offset = vdir->vd_last.p.deblk - p.deblk;
++ offset += vdir->vd_deblk_sz * vdir->vd_last.ul;
++ return offset;
++/* returns true or false */
++static int seek_vdir(struct file *file)
++ int valid;
++ unsigned int deblk_sz;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ loff_t offset;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p p, deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ offset = calc_offset(vdir_cache);
++ AuDbg("offset %lld\n", offset);
++ if (file->f_pos == offset)
++ goto out;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = 0;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[0];
++ if (!file->f_pos)
++ goto out;
++ valid = 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ ul = div64_u64(file->f_pos, deblk_sz);
++ AuDbg("ul %lu\n", ul);
++ if (ul >= vdir_cache->vd_nblk)
++ goto out;
++ n = vdir_cache->vd_nblk;
++ for (; ul < n; ul++) {
++ p.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk = p.deblk + deblk_sz;
++ offset = ul;
++ offset *= deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end) && offset < file->f_pos) {
++ unsigned int l;
++ l = calc_size(>de_str.len);
++ offset += l;
++ p.deblk += l;
++ }
++ if (!is_deblk_end(&p, &deblk_end)) {
++ valid = 1;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul = ul;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p = p;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuTraceErr(!valid);
++ return valid;
++int au_vdir_fill_de(struct file *file, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int l, deblk_sz;
++ union au_vdir_deblk_p deblk_end;
++ struct au_vdir *vdir_cache;
++ struct au_vdir_de *de;
++ vdir_cache = au_fvdir_cache(file);
++ if (!seek_vdir(file))
++ return 0;
++ deblk_sz = vdir_cache->vd_deblk_sz;
++ while (1) {
++ deblk_end.deblk = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ deblk_end.deblk += deblk_sz;
++ while (!is_deblk_end(&vdir_cache->vd_last.p, &deblk_end)) {
++ de = vdir_cache->;
++ AuDbg("%.*s, off%lld, i%lu, dt%d\n",
++ de->de_str.len, de->, file->f_pos,
++ (unsigned long)de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ err = filldir(dirent, de->, de->de_str.len,
++ file->f_pos, de->de_ino, de->de_type);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ /* todo: ignore the error caused by udba? */
++ /* return err; */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ l = calc_size(de->de_str.len);
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk += l;
++ file->f_pos += l;
++ }
++ if (vdir_cache->vd_last.ul < vdir_cache->vd_nblk - 1) {
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.ul++;
++ vdir_cache->vd_last.p.deblk
++ = vdir_cache->vd_deblk[vdir_cache->vd_last.ul];
++ file->f_pos = deblk_sz * vdir_cache->vd_last.ul;
++ continue;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#include <linux/namei.h>
++#include <linux/security.h>
++#include <linux/splice.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did)
++ int err;
++ struct kstat st;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ /* for remote fs, leave work for its getattr or d_revalidate */
++ /* for bad i_attr fs, handle them in aufs_getattr() */
++ /* still some fs may acquire i_mutex. we need to skip them */
++ err = 0;
++ if (!did)
++ did = &err;
++ h_sb = h_path->dentry->d_sb;
++ *did = (!au_test_fs_remote(h_sb) && au_test_fs_refresh_iattr(h_sb));
++ if (*did)
++ err = vfs_getattr(h_path->mnt, h_path->dentry, &st);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#ifdef CONFIG_IMA
++#error IMA is not supported since it does not work well. Wait for their fixing.
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode)
++ struct file *file;
++ lockdep_off();
++ file = filp_open(path, oflags, mode);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return file;
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ /* lockdep_off(); */
++ err = kern_path(name, flags, path);
++ /* lockdep_on(); */
++ if (!err && path->dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = NULL
++ };
++ IMustLock(parent->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_one_len(name, parent, len);
++ if (IS_ERR(path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ out:
++ return path.dentry;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = nd->path.mnt
++ };
++ IMustLock(nd->path.dentry->d_inode);
++ path.dentry = lookup_hash(nd);
++ if (!IS_ERR(path.dentry) && path.dentry->d_inode)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return path.dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ struct dentry *d;
++ lockdep_off();
++ d = lock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_suspend(hdir2);
++ return d;
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir1);
++ if (hdir1 != hdir2)
++ au_hin_resume(hdir2);
++ lockdep_off();
++ unlock_rename(d1, d2);
++ lockdep_on();
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, 0);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_test_fs_null_nd(dir->i_sb))
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, NULL);
++ else {
++ struct nameidata h_nd;
++ memset(&h_nd, 0, sizeof(h_nd));
++ h_nd.flags = LOOKUP_CREATE;
++ = O_CREAT
++ | vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_READ);
++ = mode;
++ h_nd.path.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ h_nd.path.mnt = path->mnt;
++ path_get(&h_nd.path);
++ err = vfs_create(dir, path->dentry, mode, &h_nd);
++ path_put(&h_nd.path);
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, const char *symname)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_symlink(path, path->dentry, symname);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_symlink(dir, path->dentry, symname);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mknod(path, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mknod(dir, path->dentry, mode, dev);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_test_nlink(struct inode *inode)
++ const unsigned int link_max = UINT_MAX >> 1; /* rough margin */
++ if (!au_test_fs_no_limit_nlink(inode->i_sb)
++ || inode->i_nlink < link_max)
++ return 0;
++ return -EMLINK;
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ err = au_test_nlink(src_dentry->d_inode);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ return err;
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_link(src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_link(src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ /* fuse has different memory inode for the same inumber */
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_dir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ IMustLock(src_dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rename(&tmp, src_dentry, path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rename(src_dir, src_dentry, dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ int did;
++ tmp.dentry = d->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ tmp.dentry = src_dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_mkdir(path, path->dentry, mode);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = vfs_mkdir(dir, path->dentry, mode);
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = *path;
++ int did;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, &did);
++ if (did) {
++ tmp.dentry = path->dentry->d_parent;
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL);
++ }
++ /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *d;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ d = path->dentry;
++ path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ err = security_path_rmdir(path, path->dentry);
++ path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_rmdir(dir, path->dentry);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!err) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = path->dentry->d_parent,
++ .mnt = path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ err = vfs_read(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* todo: kernel_read()? */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_read_u(file, (char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_write(file, ubuf, count, ppos);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ err = vfsub_write_u(file, (const char __user *)kbuf, count, ppos);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg)
++ int err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_readdir(file, filldir, arg);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_to(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&in->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++ long err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_splice_from(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (err >= 0)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&out->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ return err;
++/* cf. open.c:do_sys_truncate() and do_sys_ftruncate() */
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = h_path->dentry->d_inode;
++ if (!h_file) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (err)
++ goto out;
++ err = inode_permission(h_inode, MAY_WRITE);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = get_write_access(h_inode);
++ if (err)
++ goto out_mnt;
++ err = break_lease(h_inode, vfsub_fmode_to_uint(FMODE_WRITE));
++ if (err)
++ goto out_inode;
++ }
++ err = locks_verify_truncate(h_inode, h_file, length);
++ if (!err)
++ err = security_path_truncate(h_path, length, attr);
++ if (!err) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = do_truncate(h_path->dentry, length, attr, h_file);
++ lockdep_on();
++ }
++ out_inode:
++ if (!h_file)
++ put_write_access(h_inode);
++ out_mnt:
++ if (!h_file)
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++ int mode;
++static void au_call_vfsub_mkdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_mkdir(a->dir, a->path, a->mode);
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(dir, path, mode);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_mkdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path,
++ .mode = mode
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_mkdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void au_call_vfsub_rmdir(void *args)
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = vfsub_rmdir(a->dir, a->path);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path)
++ int err, do_sio, wkq_err;
++ do_sio = au_test_h_perm_sio(dir, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
++ if (!do_sio)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(dir, path);
++ else {
++ struct au_vfsub_rmdir_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(au_call_vfsub_rmdir, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct notify_change_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct path *path;
++ struct iattr *ia;
++static void call_notify_change(void *args)
++ struct notify_change_args *a = args;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ h_inode = a->path->dentry->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_inode);
++ *a->errp = -EPERM;
++ if (!IS_IMMUTABLE(h_inode) && !IS_APPEND(h_inode)) {
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = notify_change(a->path->dentry, a->ia);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp)
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(a->path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ call_notify_change(&args);
++ return err;
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia)
++ int err, wkq_err;
++ struct notify_change_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .path = path,
++ .ia = ia
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_notify_change, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct unlink_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct path *path;
++static void call_unlink(void *args)
++ struct unlink_args *a = args;
++ struct dentry *d = a->path->dentry;
++ struct inode *h_inode;
++ const int stop_sillyrename = (au_test_nfs(d->d_sb)
++ && atomic_read(&d->d_count) == 1);
++ IMustLock(a->dir);
++ a->path->dentry = d->d_parent;
++ *a->errp = security_path_unlink(a->path, d);
++ a->path->dentry = d;
++ if (unlikely(*a->errp))
++ return;
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dget(d);
++ h_inode = d->d_inode;
++ if (h_inode)
++ atomic_inc(&h_inode->i_count);
++ lockdep_off();
++ *a->errp = vfs_unlink(a->dir, d);
++ lockdep_on();
++ if (!*a->errp) {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = d->d_parent,
++ .mnt = a->path->mnt
++ };
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&tmp, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++ }
++ if (!stop_sillyrename)
++ dput(d);
++ if (h_inode)
++ iput(h_inode);
++ AuTraceErr(*a->errp);
++ * @dir: must be locked.
++ * @dentry: target dentry.
++ */
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force)
++ int err;
++ struct unlink_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .dir = dir,
++ .path = path
++ };
++ if (!force)
++ call_unlink(&args);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_unlink, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/vfsub.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/vfsub.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * sub-routines for VFS
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#define __AUFS_VFSUB_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include <linux/fs_stack.h>
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* lock subclass for lower inode */
++/* default MAX_LOCKDEP_SUBCLASSES(8) is not enough */
++/* reduce? gave up. */
++enum {
++ AuLsc_I_Begin = I_MUTEX_QUOTA, /* 4 */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT, /* lower inode, parent first */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT2, /* copyup dirs */
++ AuLsc_I_PARENT3, /* copyup wh */
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD,
++ AuLsc_I_CHILD2,
++ AuLsc_I_End
++/* to debug easier, do not make them inlined functions */
++#define MtxMustLock(mtx) AuDebugOn(!mutex_is_locked(mtx))
++#define IMustLock(i) MtxMustLock(&(i)->i_mutex)
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline void vfsub_copy_inode_size(struct inode *inode,
++ struct inode *h_inode)
++ spin_lock(&inode->i_lock);
++ fsstack_copy_inode_size(inode, h_inode);
++ spin_unlock(&inode->i_lock);
++int vfsub_update_h_iattr(struct path *h_path, int *did);
++struct file *vfsub_filp_open(const char *path, int oflags, int mode);
++int vfsub_kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct dentry *parent,
++ int len);
++struct dentry *vfsub_lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_hinode;
++struct dentry *vfsub_lock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++void vfsub_unlock_rename(struct dentry *d1, struct au_hinode *hdir1,
++ struct dentry *d2, struct au_hinode *hdir2);
++int vfsub_create(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_symlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path,
++ const char *symname);
++int vfsub_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode, dev_t dev);
++int vfsub_link(struct dentry *src_dentry, struct inode *dir,
++ struct path *path);
++int vfsub_rename(struct inode *src_hdir, struct dentry *src_dentry,
++ struct inode *hdir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ssize_t vfsub_read_u(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_read_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_u(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++ssize_t vfsub_write_k(struct file *file, void *kbuf, size_t count,
++ loff_t *ppos);
++int vfsub_readdir(struct file *file, filldir_t filldir, void *arg);
++static inline void vfsub_file_accessed(struct file *h_file)
++ file_accessed(h_file);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_file->f_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++static inline void vfsub_touch_atime(struct vfsmount *h_mnt,
++ struct dentry *h_dentry)
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = h_dentry,
++ .mnt = h_mnt
++ };
++ touch_atime(h_mnt, h_dentry);
++ vfsub_update_h_iattr(&h_path, /*did*/NULL); /*ignore*/
++long vfsub_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
++long vfsub_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++int vfsub_trunc(struct path *h_path, loff_t length, unsigned int attr,
++ struct file *h_file);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline loff_t vfsub_llseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int origin)
++ loff_t err;
++ lockdep_off();
++ err = vfs_llseek(file, offset, origin);
++ lockdep_on();
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* dirty workaround for strict type of fmode_t */
++union vfsub_fmu {
++ fmode_t fm;
++ unsigned int ui;
++static inline unsigned int vfsub_fmode_to_uint(fmode_t fm)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .fm = fm
++ };
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof( != sizeof(u.ui));
++ return u.ui;
++static inline fmode_t vfsub_uint_to_fmode(unsigned int ui)
++ union vfsub_fmu u = {
++ .ui = ui
++ };
++ return;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int vfsub_sio_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int mode);
++int vfsub_sio_rmdir(struct inode *dir, struct path *path);
++int vfsub_sio_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_notify_change(struct path *path, struct iattr *ia);
++int vfsub_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct path *path, int force);
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_VFSUB_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * policies for selecting one among multiple writable branches
++ */
++#include <linux/statfs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* subset of cpup_attr() */
++static noinline_for_stack
++int au_cpdown_attr(struct path *h_path, struct dentry *h_src)
++ int err, sbits;
++ struct iattr ia;
++ struct inode *h_isrc;
++ h_isrc = h_src->d_inode;
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE | ATTR_UID | ATTR_GID;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ ia.ia_uid = h_isrc->i_uid;
++ ia.ia_gid = h_isrc->i_gid;
++ sbits = !!(ia.ia_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
++ au_cpup_attr_flags(h_path->dentry->d_inode, h_isrc);
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ /* is this nfs only? */
++ if (!err && sbits && au_test_nfs(h_path->dentry->d_sb)) {
++ ia.ia_valid = ATTR_FORCE | ATTR_MODE;
++ ia.ia_mode = h_isrc->i_mode;
++ err = vfsub_sio_notify_change(h_path, &ia);
++ }
++ return err;
++#define AuCpdown_PARENT_OPQ 1
++#define AuCpdown_WHED (1 << 1)
++#define AuCpdown_MADE_DIR (1 << 2)
++#define AuCpdown_DIROPQ (1 << 3)
++#define au_ftest_cpdown(flags, name) ((flags) & AuCpdown_##name)
++#define au_fset_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuCpdown_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_cpdown(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuCpdown_##name; }
++struct au_cpdown_dir_args {
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_opq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *a)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry;
++ opq_dentry = au_diropq_create(dentry, bdst);
++ err = PTR_ERR(opq_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ au_fset_cpdown(a->flags, DIROPQ);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir_wh(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *h_parent,
++ struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ br = au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ h_path.dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode) {
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = au_wh_unlink_dentry(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ dentry);
++ }
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int au_cpdown_dir(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst,
++ struct dentry *h_parent, void *arg)
++ int err, rerr;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bopq, bstart;
++ unsigned char parent_opq;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir, *h_inode, *inode, *dir;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args *args = arg;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ /* dentry is di-locked */
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ AuDebugOn(h_dir != au_h_iptr(dir, bdst));
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ err = au_lkup_neg(dentry, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ h_path.dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bdst);
++ h_path.mnt = au_sbr_mnt(dentry->d_sb, bdst);
++ err = vfsub_sio_mkdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path,
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_put;
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR);
++ bend = au_dbend(dentry);
++ bopq = au_dbdiropq(dentry);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ au_fclr_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ);
++ if (au_dbwh(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, WHED);
++ if (!au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ) && bopq <= bdst)
++ au_fset_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ);
++ parent_opq = (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, PARENT_OPQ)
++ && args->parent == dentry);
++ h_inode = h_path.dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_opq(dentry, bdst, args);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ goto out_dir;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_cpdown_attr(&h_path, au_h_dptr(dentry, bstart));
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, WHED)) {
++ err = au_cpdown_dir_wh(dentry, h_parent, dir, bdst);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_opq;
++ }
++ inode = dentry->d_inode;
++ if (au_ibend(inode) < bdst)
++ au_set_ibend(inode, bdst);
++ au_set_h_iptr(inode, bdst, au_igrab(h_inode),
++ au_hi_flags(inode, /*isdir*/1));
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* revert */
++ out_opq:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, DIROPQ)) {
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ rerr = au_diropq_remove(dentry, bdst);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing diropq for %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out_dir:
++ if (au_ftest_cpdown(args->flags, MADE_DIR)) {
++ rerr = vfsub_sio_rmdir(au_h_iptr(dir, bdst), &h_path);
++ if (unlikely(rerr)) {
++ AuIOErr("failed removing %.*s b%d (%d)\n",
++ AuDLNPair(dentry), bdst, rerr);
++ err = -EIO;
++ }
++ }
++ out_put:
++ au_set_h_dptr(dentry, bdst, NULL);
++ if (au_dbend(dentry) == bdst)
++ au_update_dbend(dentry);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++int au_cpdown_dirs(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bdst)
++ int err;
++ struct au_cpdown_dir_args args = {
++ .parent = dget_parent(dentry),
++ .flags = 0
++ };
++ err = au_cp_dirs(dentry, bdst, au_cpdown_dir, &args);
++ dput(args.parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for create */
++static int au_wbr_bu(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ for (; bindex >= 0; bindex--)
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -EROFS;
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_create_tdp(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bstart, bindex;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ bstart = au_dbstart(dentry);
++ err = bstart;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bstart)))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(parent); bindex < bstart; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* an exception for the policy other than tdp */
++static int au_wbr_create_exp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bwh, bdiropq;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ err = -1;
++ bwh = au_dbwh(dentry);
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bdiropq = au_dbdiropq(parent);
++ if (bwh >= 0) {
++ if (bdiropq >= 0)
++ err = min(bdiropq, bwh);
++ else
++ err = bwh;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ } else if (bdiropq >= 0) {
++ err = bdiropq;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ if (err >= 0 && au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(dentry->d_sb, err)))
++ err = -1;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_init_rr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, au_sbend(sb));
++ atomic_set(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next, -err); /* less important */
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_rr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, nbr;
++ unsigned int u;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ atomic_t *next;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ next = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_rr_next;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ nbr = bend + 1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ if (!isdir) {
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ /* modulo for 0 is meaningless */
++ if (unlikely(!err))
++ err = atomic_dec_return(next) + 1;
++ } else
++ err = atomic_read(next);
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ u = err;
++ err = u % nbr;
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, err)))
++ break;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ }
++ out:
++ AuDbg("%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space */
++static void au_mfs(struct dentry *dentry)
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ int err;
++ unsigned long long b, bavail;
++ /* reduce the stack usage */
++ struct kstatfs *st;
++ st = kmalloc(sizeof(*st), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!st)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed updating mfs(%d), ignored\n", -ENOMEM);
++ return;
++ }
++ bavail = 0;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ MtxMustLock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_rdonly(br))
++ continue;
++ /* sb->s_root for NFS is unreliable */
++ err = vfs_statfs(br->br_mnt->mnt_root, st);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuWarn1("failed statfs, b%d, %d\n", bindex, err);
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* when the available size is equal, select the lower one */
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bavail)
++ || sizeof(b) < sizeof(st->f_bsize));
++ b = st->f_bavail * st->f_bsize;
++ br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes = b;
++ if (b >= bavail) {
++ bavail = b;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = bindex;
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = jiffies;
++ }
++ }
++ mfs->mfsrr_bytes = bavail;
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", mfs->mfs_bindex);
++ kfree(st);
++static int au_wbr_create_mfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir __maybe_unused)
++ int err;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_exp(dentry);
++ if (err >= 0)
++ goto out;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (time_after(jiffies, mfs->mfs_jiffy + mfs->mfs_expire)
++ || mfs->mfs_bindex < 0
++ || au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, mfs->mfs_bindex)))
++ au_mfs(dentry);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ err = mfs->mfs_bindex;
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfs(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ mfs = &au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_init(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ mfs->mfs_jiffy = 0;
++ mfs->mfs_bindex = -EROFS;
++ return 0;
++static int au_wbr_create_fin_mfs(struct super_block *sb __maybe_unused)
++ mutex_destroy(&au_sbi(sb)->si_wbr_mfs.mfs_lock);
++ return 0;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* most free space and then round robin */
++static int au_wbr_create_mfsrr(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wbr_mfs *mfs;
++ err = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (err >= 0) {
++ mfs = &au_sbi(dentry->d_sb)->si_wbr_mfs;
++ mutex_lock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ if (mfs->mfsrr_bytes < mfs->mfsrr_watermark)
++ err = au_wbr_create_rr(dentry, isdir);
++ mutex_unlock(&mfs->mfs_lock);
++ }
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++static int au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ au_wbr_create_init_mfs(sb); /* ignore */
++ err = au_wbr_create_init_rr(sb);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* top down parent and most free space */
++static int au_wbr_create_pmfs(struct dentry *dentry, int isdir)
++ int err, e2;
++ unsigned long long b;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart, bend;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ err = au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, isdir);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ bend = au_dbtaildir(parent);
++ if (bstart == bend)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ e2 = au_wbr_create_mfs(dentry, isdir);
++ if (e2 < 0)
++ goto out_parent; /* success */
++ /* when the available size is equal, select upper one */
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, err);
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ for (bindex = bstart; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(br) && br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes > b) {
++ b = br->br_wbr->wbr_bytes;
++ err = bindex;
++ AuDbg("b%d, %llu\n", err, b);
++ }
++ }
++ out_parent:
++ dput(parent);
++ out:
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* policies for copyup */
++/* top down parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_tdp(struct dentry *dentry)
++ return au_wbr_create_tdp(dentry, /*isdir, anything is ok*/0);
++/* bottom up parent */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bup(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bstart;
++ struct dentry *parent, *h_parent;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ err = -EROFS;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ parent = dget_parent(dentry);
++ bstart = au_dbstart(parent);
++ for (bindex = au_dbstart(dentry); bindex >= bstart; bindex--) {
++ h_parent = au_h_dptr(parent, bindex);
++ if (!h_parent || !h_parent->d_inode)
++ continue;
++ if (!au_br_rdonly(au_sbr(sb, bindex))) {
++ err = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ dput(parent);
++ /* bottom up here */
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ err = au_wbr_bu(sb, bstart - 1);
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* bottom up */
++static int au_wbr_copyup_bu(struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = au_wbr_bu(dentry->d_sb, au_dbstart(dentry));
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", err);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_wbr_copyup_operations au_wbr_copyup_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCopyup_TDP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BUP] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bup
++ },
++ [AuWbrCopyup_BU] = {
++ .copyup = au_wbr_copyup_bu
++ }
++struct au_wbr_create_operations au_wbr_create_ops[] = {
++ [AuWbrCreate_TDP] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_tdp
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_RR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_rr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_rr
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRR] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_MFSRRV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_mfsrr,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfsrr,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFS] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ },
++ [AuWbrCreate_PMFSV] = {
++ .create = au_wbr_create_pmfs,
++ .init = au_wbr_create_init_mfs,
++ .fin = au_wbr_create_fin_mfs
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#include <linux/fs.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++#define WH_MASK S_IRUGO
++ * If a directory contains this file, then it is opaque. We start with the
++ * .wh. flag so that it is blocked by lookup.
++ */
++static struct qstr diropq_name = {
++ .name = AUFS_WH_DIROPQ,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_WH_DIROPQ) - 1
++ * generate whiteout name, which is NOT terminated by NULL.
++ * @name: original
++ * @len: original d_name.len
++ * @wh: whiteout qstr
++ * returns zero when succeeds, otherwise error.
++ * succeeded value as wh->name should be freed by kfree().
++ */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name)
++ char *p;
++ if (unlikely(name->len > PATH_MAX - AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN))
++ return -ENAMETOOLONG;
++ wh->len = name->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ p = kmalloc(wh->len, GFP_NOFS);
++ wh->name = p;
++ if (p) {
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ memcpy(p + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN, name->name, name->len);
++ /* smp_mb(); */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * test if the @wh_name exists under @h_parent.
++ * @try_sio specifies the necessary of super-io.
++ */
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio)
++ int err;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ if (!try_sio)
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ else
++ wh_dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(wh_name, h_parent, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(wh_dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(wh_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ if (!wh_dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = 1;
++ if (S_ISREG(wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ goto out_wh; /* success */
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("%.*s Invalid whiteout entry type 0%o.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wh_dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
++ out_wh:
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * test if the @h_dentry sets opaque or not.
++ */
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_dentry->d_inode;
++ err = au_wh_test(h_dentry, &diropq_name, br,
++ au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dir, MAY_EXEC));
++ return err;
++ * returns a negative dentry whose name is unique and temporary.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix)
++#define HEX_LEN 4
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ int i;
++ char defname[AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2 + DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + 1
++ + HEX_LEN + 1], *name, *p;
++ static unsigned short cnt;
++ struct qstr qs;
++ name = defname;
++ qs.len = sizeof(defname) - DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN + prefix->len - 1;
++ if (unlikely(prefix->len > DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN)) {
++ if (unlikely(qs.len >= PATH_MAX))
++ goto out;
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ name = kmalloc(qs.len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!name))
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* doubly whiteout-ed */
++ memcpy(name, AUFS_WH_PFX AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2);
++ p = name + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN * 2;
++ memcpy(p, prefix->name, prefix->len);
++ p += prefix->len;
++ *p++ = '.';
++ AuDebugOn(name + qs.len + 1 - p <= HEX_LEN);
++ = name;
++ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
++ sprintf(p, "%.*d", HEX_LEN, cnt++);
++ dentry = au_sio_lkup_one(&qs, h_parent, br);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry) || !dentry->d_inode)
++ goto out_name;
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ /* AuWarn("could not get random name\n"); */
++ dentry = ERR_PTR(-EEXIST);
++ AuDbg("%.*s\n", AuLNPair(&qs));
++ BUG();
++ out_name:
++ if (name != defname)
++ kfree(name);
++ out:
++ return dentry;
++#undef HEX_LEN
++ * rename the @h_dentry on @br to the whiteouted temporary name.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ h_parent = h_dentry->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ h_path.dentry = au_whtmp_lkup(h_parent, br, &h_dentry->d_name);
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ goto out;
++ /* under the same dir, no need to lock_rename() */
++ err = vfsub_rename(h_dir, h_dentry, h_dir, &h_path);
++ AuTraceErr(err);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * functions for removing a whiteout
++ */
++static int do_unlink_wh(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path)
++ int force;
++ /*
++ * forces superio when the dir has a sticky bit.
++ * this may be a violation of unix fs semantics.
++ */
++ force = (h_dir->i_mode & S_ISVTX)
++ && h_path->dentry->d_inode->i_uid != current_fsuid();
++ return vfsub_unlink(h_dir, h_path, force);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry)
++ int err;
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (!err && dentry)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, -1);
++ return err;
++static int unlink_wh_name(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = 0;
++ h_path.dentry = au_lkup_one(wh, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(h_path.dentry))
++ err = PTR_ERR(h_path.dentry);
++ else {
++ if (h_path.dentry->d_inode
++ && S_ISREG(h_path.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = do_unlink_wh(h_parent->d_inode, &h_path);
++ dput(h_path.dentry);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize/clean whiteout for a branch
++ */
++static void au_wh_clean(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *whpath,
++ const int isdir)
++ int err;
++ if (!whpath->dentry->d_inode)
++ return;
++ err = mnt_want_write(whpath->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (isdir)
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, whpath);
++ else
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, whpath, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(whpath->mnt);
++ }
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s (%d), ignored.\n",
++ AuDLNPair(whpath->dentry), err);
++static int test_linkable(struct dentry *h_root)
++ struct inode *h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (h_dir->i_op->link)
++ return 0;
++ AuErr("%.*s (%s) doesn't support link(2), use noplink and rw+nolwh\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ return -ENOSYS;
++/* todo: should this mkdir be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper? */
++static int au_whdir(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *path)
++ int err;
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ if (!path->dentry->d_inode) {
++ int mode = S_IRWXU;
++ if (au_test_nfs(path->dentry->d_sb))
++ mode |= S_IXUGO;
++ err = mnt_want_write(path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = vfsub_mkdir(h_dir, path, mode);
++ mnt_drop_write(path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISDIR(path->dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s exists\n", AuDLNPair(path->dentry));
++ return err;
++struct au_wh_base {
++ const struct qstr *name;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++static void au_wh_init_ro(struct inode *h_dir, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ * returns tri-state,
++ * minus: error, caller should print the mesage
++ * zero: succuess
++ * plus: error, caller should NOT print the mesage
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw_nolink(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/0);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * for the moment, aufs supports the branch filesystem which does not support
++ * link(2). testing on FAT which does not support i_op->setattr() fully either,
++ * copyup failed. finally, such filesystem will not be used as the writable
++ * branch.
++ *
++ * returns tri-state, see above.
++ */
++static int au_wh_init_rw(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_wbr *wbr,
++ int do_plink, struct au_wh_base base[],
++ struct path *h_path)
++ int err;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ err = test_linkable(h_root);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ err = 1;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /*
++ * todo: should this create be done in /sbin/mount.aufs helper?
++ */
++ err = -EEXIST;
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ if (!base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(h_path->mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry;
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, h_path, WH_MASK);
++ mnt_drop_write(h_path->mnt);
++ }
++ } else if (S_ISREG(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
++ err = 0;
++ else
++ AuErr("unknown %.*s/%.*s exists\n",
++ AuDLNPair(h_root), AuDLNPair(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry));
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry;
++ if (do_plink) {
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_plink = dget(base[AuBrWh_PLINK].dentry);
++ } else
++ au_wh_clean(h_dir, h_path, /*isdir*/1);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = dget(base[AuBrWh_BASE].dentry);
++ h_path->dentry = base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry;
++ err = au_whdir(h_dir, h_path);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ wbr->wbr_orph = dget(base[AuBrWh_ORPH].dentry);
++ out:
++ return err;
++ * initialize the whiteout base file/dir for @br.
++ */
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_root, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb)
++ int err, i;
++ const unsigned char do_plink
++ = !!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), PLINK);
++ struct path path = {
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ static const struct qstr base_name[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = AUFS_BASE_NAME,
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_BASE_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_PLINKDIR_NAME) - 1
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .len = sizeof(AUFS_ORPHDIR_NAME) - 1
++ }
++ };
++ struct au_wh_base base[] = {
++ [AuBrWh_BASE] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_BASE,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_PLINK] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_PLINK,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ },
++ [AuBrWh_ORPH] = {
++ .name = base_name + AuBrWh_ORPH,
++ .dentry = NULL
++ }
++ };
++ if (wbr)
++ WbrWhMustWriteLock(wbr);
++ h_dir = h_root->d_inode;
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ /* doubly whiteouted */
++ struct dentry *d;
++ d = au_wh_lkup(h_root, (void *)base[i].name, br);
++ err = PTR_ERR(d);
++ if (IS_ERR(d))
++ goto out;
++ base[i].dentry = d;
++ AuDebugOn(wbr
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i]
++ && wbr->wbr_wh[i] != base[i].dentry);
++ }
++ if (wbr)
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++) {
++ dput(wbr->wbr_wh[i]);
++ wbr->wbr_wh[i] = NULL;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ switch (br->br_perm) {
++ case AuBrPerm_RO:
++ case AuBrPerm_ROWH:
++ case AuBrPerm_RR:
++ case AuBrPerm_RRWH:
++ au_wh_init_ro(h_dir, base, &path);
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RWNoLinkWH:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw_nolink(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ case AuBrPerm_RW:
++ err = au_wh_init_rw(h_root, wbr, do_plink, base, &path);
++ if (err > 0)
++ goto out;
++ else if (err)
++ goto out_err;
++ break;
++ default:
++ BUG();
++ }
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_err:
++ AuErr("an error(%d) on the writable branch %.*s(%s)\n",
++ err, AuDLNPair(h_root), au_sbtype(h_root->d_sb));
++ out:
++ for (i = 0; i < AuBrWh_Last; i++)
++ dput(base[i].dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * whiteouts are all hard-linked usually.
++ * when its link count reaches a ceiling, we create a new whiteout base
++ * asynchronously.
++ */
++struct reinit_br_wh {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void reinit_br_wh(void *arg)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct path h_path;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *a = arg;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct dentry *h_root;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ err = 0;
++ wbr = a->br->br_wbr;
++ /* big aufs lock */
++ si_noflush_write_lock(a->sb);
++ if (!au_br_writable(a->br->br_perm))
++ goto out;
++ bindex = au_br_index(a->sb, a->br->br_id);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0))
++ goto out;
++ di_read_lock_parent(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ dir = a->sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(dir, bindex);
++ h_root = au_h_dptr(a->sb->s_root, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ wbr_wh_write_lock(wbr);
++ err = au_h_verify(wbr->wbr_whbase, au_opt_udba(a->sb), hdir->hi_inode,
++ h_root, a->br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_path.dentry = wbr->wbr_whbase;
++ h_path.mnt = a->br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_unlink(hdir->hi_inode, &h_path, /*force*/0);
++ mnt_drop_write(a->br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ } else {
++ AuWarn("%.*s is moved, ignored\n", AuDLNPair(wbr->wbr_whbase));
++ err = 0;
++ }
++ dput(wbr->wbr_whbase);
++ wbr->wbr_whbase = NULL;
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_wh_init(h_root, a->br, a->sb);
++ wbr_wh_write_unlock(wbr);
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ di_read_unlock(a->sb->s_root, AuLock_IR);
++ out:
++ if (wbr)
++ atomic_dec(&wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&a->br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(a->sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(a->sb);
++ kfree(arg);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++static void kick_reinit_br_wh(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ int do_dec, wkq_err;
++ struct reinit_br_wh *arg;
++ do_dec = 1;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running) != 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* ignore ENOMEM */
++ arg = kmalloc(sizeof(*arg), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (arg) {
++ /*
++ * dec(wh_running), kfree(arg) and dec(br_count)
++ * in reinit function
++ */
++ arg->sb = sb;
++ arg->br = br;
++ atomic_inc(&br->br_count);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(reinit_br_wh, arg, sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ kfree(arg);
++ }
++ do_dec = 0;
++ }
++ out:
++ if (do_dec)
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_wbr->wbr_wh_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create the whiteout @wh.
++ */
++static int link_or_create_wh(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_path = {
++ .dentry = wh
++ };
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_wbr *wbr;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ h_parent = wh->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ wbr = br->br_wbr;
++ wbr_wh_read_lock(wbr);
++ if (wbr->wbr_whbase) {
++ err = vfsub_link(wbr->wbr_whbase, h_dir, &h_path);
++ if (!err || err != -EMLINK)
++ goto out;
++ /* link count full. re-initialize br_whbase. */
++ kick_reinit_br_wh(sb, br);
++ }
++ /* return this error in this context */
++ err = vfsub_create(h_dir, &h_path, WH_MASK);
++ out:
++ wbr_wh_read_unlock(wbr);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create or remove the diropq.
++ */
++static struct dentry *do_diropq(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *opq_dentry, *h_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ opq_dentry = au_lkup_one(&diropq_name, h_dentry, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ if (IS_ERR(opq_dentry))
++ goto out;
++ if (au_ftest_diropq(flags, CREATE)) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, opq_dentry);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, bindex);
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ } else {
++ struct path tmp = {
++ .dentry = opq_dentry,
++ .mnt = br->br_mnt
++ };
++ err = do_unlink_wh(au_h_iptr(dentry->d_inode, bindex), &tmp);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbdiropq(dentry, -1);
++ }
++ dput(opq_dentry);
++ opq_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return opq_dentry;
++struct do_diropq_args {
++ struct dentry **errp;
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ unsigned int flags;
++static void call_do_diropq(void *args)
++ struct do_diropq_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_diropq(a->dentry, a->bindex, a->flags);
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags)
++ struct dentry *diropq, *h_dentry;
++ h_dentry = au_h_dptr(dentry, bindex);
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(h_dentry->d_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ diropq = do_diropq(dentry, bindex, flags);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_diropq_args args = {
++ .errp = &diropq,
++ .dentry = dentry,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .flags = flags
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_diropq, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ diropq = ERR_PTR(wkq_err);
++ }
++ return diropq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * lookup whiteout dentry.
++ * @h_parent: lower parent dentry which must exist and be locked
++ * @base_name: name of dentry which will be whiteouted
++ * returns dentry for whiteout.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ err = au_wh_name_alloc(&wh_name, base_name);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ if (!err) {
++ wh_dentry = au_lkup_one(&wh_name, h_parent, br, /*nd*/NULL);
++ kfree(;
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++ * link/create a whiteout for @dentry on @bindex.
++ */
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent)
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ int err;
++ sb = dentry->d_sb;
++ wh_dentry = au_wh_lkup(h_parent, &dentry->d_name, au_sbr(sb, bindex));
++ if (!IS_ERR(wh_dentry) && !wh_dentry->d_inode) {
++ err = link_or_create_wh(sb, bindex, wh_dentry);
++ if (!err)
++ au_set_dbwh(dentry, bindex);
++ else {
++ dput(wh_dentry);
++ wh_dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
++ }
++ }
++ return wh_dentry;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* Delete all whiteouts in this directory on branch bindex. */
++static int del_wh_children(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, struct au_branch *br)
++ int err;
++ unsigned long ul, n;
++ struct qstr wh_name;
++ char *p;
++ struct hlist_head *head;
++ struct au_vdir_wh *tpos;
++ struct hlist_node *pos;
++ struct au_vdir_destr *str;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ p = __getname();
++ = p;
++ if (unlikely(!
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ memcpy(p, AUFS_WH_PFX, AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN);
++ p += AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN;
++ n = whlist->nh_num;
++ head = whlist->nh_head;
++ for (ul = 0; !err && ul < n; ul++, head++) {
++ hlist_for_each_entry(tpos, pos, head, wh_hash) {
++ if (tpos->wh_bindex != bindex)
++ continue;
++ str = &tpos->wh_str;
++ if (str->len + AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN <= PATH_MAX) {
++ memcpy(p, str->name, str->len);
++ wh_name.len = AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN + str->len;
++ err = unlink_wh_name(h_dentry, &wh_name, br);
++ if (!err)
++ continue;
++ break;
++ }
++ AuIOErr("whiteout name too long %.*s\n",
++ str->len, str->name);
++ err = -EIO;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ __putname(;
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct del_wh_children_args {
++ int *errp;
++ struct dentry *h_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void call_del_wh_children(void *args)
++ struct del_wh_children_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = del_wh_children(a->h_dentry, &a->whlist, a->bindex, a->br);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp)
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp;
++ int err;
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ whtmp = kmalloc(sizeof(*whtmp), gfp);
++ if (unlikely(!whtmp)) {
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ whtmp->dir = NULL;
++ whtmp->wh_dentry = NULL;
++ err = au_nhash_alloc(&whtmp->whlist, au_sbi(sb)->si_rdhash, gfp);
++ if (!err)
++ return whtmp; /* success */
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ whtmp = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out:
++ return whtmp;
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp)
++ dput(whtmp->wh_dentry);
++ iput(whtmp->dir);
++ au_nhash_wh_free(&whtmp->whlist);
++ kfree(whtmp);
++ * rmdir the whiteouted temporary named dir @h_dentry.
++ * @whlist: whiteouted children.
++ */
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist)
++ int err;
++ struct path h_tmp;
++ struct inode *wh_inode, *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ h_dir = wh_dentry->d_parent->d_inode; /* dir inode is locked */
++ IMustLock(h_dir);
++ br = au_sbr(dir->i_sb, bindex);
++ wh_inode = wh_dentry->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&wh_inode->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_CHILD);
++ /*
++ * someone else might change some whiteouts while we were sleeping.
++ * it means this whlist may have an obsoleted entry.
++ */
++ if (!au_test_h_perm_sio(wh_inode, MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE))
++ err = del_wh_children(wh_dentry, whlist, bindex, br);
++ else {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct del_wh_children_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .h_dentry = wh_dentry,
++ .whlist = *whlist,
++ .bindex = bindex,
++ .br = br
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_del_wh_children, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&wh_inode->i_mutex);
++ if (!err) {
++ h_tmp.dentry = wh_dentry;
++ h_tmp.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ err = vfsub_rmdir(h_dir, &h_tmp);
++ /* d_drop(h_dentry); */
++ }
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_ibstart(dir) == bindex) {
++ au_cpup_attr_timesizes(dir);
++ drop_nlink(dir);
++ }
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuWarn("failed removing %.*s(%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), err);
++ return err;
++static void call_rmdir_whtmp(void *args)
++ int err;
++ struct au_whtmp_rmdir *a = args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct dentry *h_parent;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ /* rmdir by nfsd may cause deadlock with this i_mutex */
++ /* mutex_lock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ sb = a->dir->i_sb;
++ si_noflush_read_lock(sb);
++ err = au_test_ro(sb, a->bindex, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out;
++ err = -EIO;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, a->bindex);
++ ii_write_lock_parent(a->dir);
++ h_parent = dget_parent(a->wh_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ hdir = au_hi(a->dir, a->bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ err = au_h_verify(a->wh_dentry, au_opt_udba(sb), h_dir, h_parent, br);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = mnt_want_write(br->br_mnt);
++ if (!err) {
++ err = au_whtmp_rmdir(a->dir, a->bindex, a->wh_dentry,
++ &a->whlist);
++ mnt_drop_write(br->br_mnt);
++ }
++ }
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(hdir);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ ii_write_unlock(a->dir);
++ out:
++ /* mutex_unlock(&a->dir->i_mutex); */
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_read_unlock(sb);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(a);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args)
++ int wkq_err;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ /* all post-process will be done in do_rmdir_whtmp(). */
++ args->dir = au_igrab(dir);
++ args->bindex = bindex;
++ args->wh_dentry = dget(wh_dentry);
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(call_rmdir_whtmp, args, dir->i_sb);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err)) {
++ AuWarn("rmdir error %.*s (%d), ignored\n",
++ AuDLNPair(wh_dentry), wkq_err);
++ au_whtmp_rmdir_free(args);
++ }
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/whout.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/whout.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * whiteout for logical deletion and opaque directory
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#define __AUFS_WHOUT_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++#include "dir.h"
++/* whout.c */
++int au_wh_name_alloc(struct qstr *wh, const struct qstr *name);
++struct au_branch;
++int au_wh_test(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *wh_name,
++ struct au_branch *br, int try_sio);
++int au_diropq_test(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_whtmp_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct qstr *prefix);
++int au_whtmp_ren(struct dentry *h_dentry, struct au_branch *br);
++int au_wh_unlink_dentry(struct inode *h_dir, struct path *h_path,
++ struct dentry *dentry);
++int au_wh_init(struct dentry *h_parent, struct au_branch *br,
++ struct super_block *sb);
++/* diropq flags */
++#define AuDiropq_CREATE 1
++#define au_ftest_diropq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuDiropq_##name)
++#define au_fset_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuDiropq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_diropq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuDiropq_##name; }
++struct dentry *au_diropq_sio(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ unsigned int flags);
++struct dentry *au_wh_lkup(struct dentry *h_parent, struct qstr *base_name,
++ struct au_branch *br);
++struct dentry *au_wh_create(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *h_parent);
++/* real rmdir for the whiteout-ed dir */
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir {
++ struct inode *dir;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry;
++ struct au_nhash whlist;
++struct au_whtmp_rmdir *au_whtmp_rmdir_alloc(struct super_block *sb, gfp_t gfp);
++void au_whtmp_rmdir_free(struct au_whtmp_rmdir *whtmp);
++int au_whtmp_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_nhash *whlist);
++void au_whtmp_kick_rmdir(struct inode *dir, aufs_bindex_t bindex,
++ struct dentry *wh_dentry, struct au_whtmp_rmdir *args);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline struct dentry *au_diropq_create(struct dentry *dentry,
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, AuDiropq_CREATE);
++static inline int au_diropq_remove(struct dentry *dentry, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ return PTR_ERR(au_diropq_sio(dentry, bindex, !AuDiropq_CREATE));
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WHOUT_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new dredential scheme
++ */
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++/* internal workqueue named AUFS_WKQ_NAME */
++static struct au_wkq {
++ struct workqueue_struct *q;
++ /* balancing */
++ atomic_t busy;
++} *au_wkq;
++struct au_wkinfo {
++ struct work_struct wk;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ unsigned int flags; /* see wkq.h */
++ au_wkq_func_t func;
++ void *args;
++ atomic_t *busyp;
++ struct completion *comp;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int enqueue(struct au_wkq *wkq, struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ wkinfo->busyp = &wkq->busy;
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ return !queue_work(wkq->q, &wkinfo->wk);
++ else
++ return !schedule_work(&wkinfo->wk);
++static void do_wkq(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ unsigned int idle, n;
++ int i, idle_idx;
++ while (1) {
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT)) {
++ idle_idx = 0;
++ idle = UINT_MAX;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ n = atomic_inc_return(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ if (n == 1 && !enqueue(au_wkq + i, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ if (n < idle) {
++ idle_idx = i;
++ idle = n;
++ }
++ atomic_dec(&au_wkq[i].busy);
++ }
++ } else
++ idle_idx = aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_inc(&au_wkq[idle_idx].busy);
++ if (!enqueue(au_wkq + idle_idx, wkinfo))
++ return; /* success */
++ /* impossible? */
++ AuWarn1("failed to queue_work()\n");
++ yield();
++ }
++static void wkq_func(struct work_struct *wk)
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo = container_of(wk, struct au_wkinfo, wk);
++ wkinfo->func(wkinfo->args);
++ atomic_dec_return(wkinfo->busyp);
++ if (au_ftest_wkq(wkinfo->flags, WAIT))
++ complete(wkinfo->comp);
++ else {
++ kobject_put(&au_sbi(wkinfo->sb)->si_kobj);
++ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
++ kfree(wkinfo);
++ }
++ * Since struct completion is large, try allocating it dynamically.
++ */
++#if defined(CONFIG_4KSTACKS) || defined(AuTest4KSTACKS)
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) struct completion *comp = NULL
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ *comp = kmalloc(sizeof(**comp), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (*comp) {
++ init_completion(*comp);
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ return -ENOMEM;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp)
++ kfree(comp);
++/* no braces */
++#define AuWkqCompDeclare(name) \
++ struct completion *comp = &_ ## name
++static int au_wkq_comp_alloc(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo, struct completion **comp)
++ wkinfo->comp = *comp;
++ return 0;
++static void au_wkq_comp_free(struct completion *comp __maybe_unused)
++ /* empty */
++#endif /* 4KSTACKS */
++static void au_wkq_run(struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo)
++ au_dbg_verify_kthread();
++ INIT_WORK(&wkinfo->wk, wkq_func);
++ do_wkq(wkinfo);
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args)
++ int err;
++ AuWkqCompDeclare(comp);
++ struct au_wkinfo wkinfo = {
++ .flags = AuWkq_WAIT,
++ .func = func,
++ .args = args
++ };
++ err = au_wkq_comp_alloc(&wkinfo, &comp);
++ if (!err) {
++ au_wkq_run(&wkinfo);
++ /* no timeout, no interrupt */
++ wait_for_completion(wkinfo.comp);
++ au_wkq_comp_free(comp);
++ }
++ return err;
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ struct au_wkinfo *wkinfo;
++ atomic_inc(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ /*
++ * wkq_func() must free this wkinfo.
++ * it highly depends upon the implementation of workqueue.
++ */
++ err = 0;
++ wkinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*wkinfo), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (wkinfo) {
++ wkinfo->sb = sb;
++ wkinfo->flags = !AuWkq_WAIT;
++ wkinfo->func = func;
++ wkinfo->args = args;
++ wkinfo->comp = NULL;
++ kobject_get(&au_sbi(sb)->si_kobj);
++ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
++ au_wkq_run(wkinfo);
++ } else {
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ atomic_dec(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait.nw_len);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ atomic_set(&nwt->nw_len, 0);
++ /* smp_mb();*/ /* atomic_set */
++ init_waitqueue_head(&nwt->nw_wq);
++void au_wkq_fin(void)
++ int i;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++)
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q))
++ destroy_workqueue(au_wkq[i].q);
++ kfree(au_wkq);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void)
++ int err, i;
++ struct au_wkq *nowaitq;
++ /* '+1' is for accounting of nowait queue */
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ au_wkq = kcalloc(aufs_nwkq + 1, sizeof(*au_wkq), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!au_wkq))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < aufs_nwkq; i++) {
++ au_wkq[i].q = create_singlethread_workqueue(AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++ if (au_wkq[i].q && !IS_ERR(au_wkq[i].q)) {
++ atomic_set(&au_wkq[i].busy, 0);
++ continue;
++ }
++ err = PTR_ERR(au_wkq[i].q);
++ au_wkq_fin();
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* nowait accounting */
++ nowaitq = au_wkq + aufs_nwkq;
++ atomic_set(&nowaitq->busy, 0);
++ nowaitq->q = NULL;
++ /* smp_mb(); */ /* atomic_set */
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.h linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/wkq.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/wkq.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * workqueue for asynchronous/super-io operations
++ * todo: try new credentials management scheme
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#define __AUFS_WKQ_H__
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#include <linux/sched.h>
++#include <linux/wait.h>
++#include <linux/aufs_type.h>
++struct super_block;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * in the next operation, wait for the 'nowait' tasks in system-wide workqueue
++ */
++struct au_nowait_tasks {
++ atomic_t nw_len;
++ wait_queue_head_t nw_wq;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++typedef void (*au_wkq_func_t)(void *args);
++/* wkq flags */
++#define AuWkq_WAIT 1
++#define au_ftest_wkq(flags, name) ((flags) & AuWkq_##name)
++#define au_fset_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) |= AuWkq_##name; }
++#define au_fclr_wkq(flags, name) { (flags) &= ~AuWkq_##name; }
++/* wkq.c */
++int au_wkq_wait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args);
++int au_wkq_nowait(au_wkq_func_t func, void *args, struct super_block *sb);
++void au_nwt_init(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt);
++int __init au_wkq_init(void);
++void au_wkq_fin(void);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static inline int au_test_wkq(struct task_struct *tsk)
++ return !tsk->mm && !strcmp(tsk->comm, AUFS_WKQ_NAME);
++static inline void au_nwt_done(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ if (!atomic_dec_return(&nwt->nw_len))
++ wake_up_all(&nwt->nw_wq);
++static inline int au_nwt_flush(struct au_nowait_tasks *nwt)
++ wait_event(nwt->nw_wq, !atomic_read(&nwt->nw_len));
++ return 0;
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++#endif /* __AUFS_WKQ_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/xino.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/xino.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/aufs/xino.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/aufs/xino.c 2009-08-23 17:24:54.001941277 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1200 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++ * external inode number translation table and bitmap
++ */
++#include <linux/file.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++#include <linux/uaccess.h>
++#include "aufs.h"
++ssize_t xino_fread(au_readf_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_access(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static ssize_t do_xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf,
++ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ mm_segment_t oldfs;
++ oldfs = get_fs();
++ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
++ lockdep_off();
++ do {
++ /* todo: signal_pending? */
++ err = func(file, (const char __user *)buf, size, pos);
++ } while (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EINTR);
++ lockdep_on();
++ set_fs(oldfs);
++#if 0 /* reserved for future use */
++ if (err > 0)
++ fsnotify_modify(file->f_dentry);
++ return err;
++struct do_xino_fwrite_args {
++ ssize_t *errp;
++ au_writef_t func;
++ struct file *file;
++ void *buf;
++ size_t size;
++ loff_t *pos;
++static void call_do_xino_fwrite(void *args)
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args *a = args;
++ *a->errp = do_xino_fwrite(a->func, a->file, a->buf, a->size, a->pos);
++ssize_t xino_fwrite(au_writef_t func, struct file *file, void *buf, size_t size,
++ loff_t *pos)
++ ssize_t err;
++ /* todo: signal block and no wkq? */
++ /* todo: new credential scheme */
++ /*
++ * it breaks RLIMIT_FSIZE and normal user's limit,
++ * users should care about quota and real 'filesystem full.'
++ */
++ if (!au_test_wkq(current)) {
++ int wkq_err;
++ struct do_xino_fwrite_args args = {
++ .errp = &err,
++ .func = func,
++ .file = file,
++ .buf = buf,
++ .size = size,
++ .pos = pos
++ };
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_wait(call_do_xino_fwrite, &args);
++ if (unlikely(wkq_err))
++ err = wkq_err;
++ } else
++ err = do_xino_fwrite(func, file, buf, size, pos);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a new xinofile at the same place/path as @base_file.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_create2(struct file *base_file, struct file *copy_src)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *base, *dentry, *parent;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct qstr *name;
++ int err;
++ base = base_file->f_dentry;
++ parent = base->d_parent; /* dir inode is locked */
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ IMustLock(dir);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ name = &base->d_name;
++ dentry = vfsub_lookup_one_len(name->name, parent, name->len);
++ if (IS_ERR(dentry)) {
++ file = (void *)dentry;
++ AuErr("%.*s lookup err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(dentry));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ /* no need to mnt_want_write() since we call dentry_open() later */
++ err = vfs_create(dir, dentry, S_IRUGO | S_IWUGO, NULL);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ AuErr("%.*s create err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ file = dentry_open(dget(dentry), mntget(base_file->f_vfsmnt),
++ current_cred());
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s open err %ld\n", AuLNPair(name), PTR_ERR(file));
++ goto out_dput;
++ }
++ err = vfsub_unlink(dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s unlink err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ if (copy_src) {
++ /* no one can touch copy_src xino */
++ err = au_copy_file(file, copy_src,
++ i_size_read(copy_src->f_dentry->d_inode));
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ AuErr("%.*s copy err %d\n", AuLNPair(name), err);
++ goto out_fput;
++ }
++ }
++ goto out_dput; /* success */
++ out_fput:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ out_dput:
++ dput(dentry);
++ out:
++ return file;
++struct au_xino_lock_dir {
++ struct au_hinode *hdir;
++ struct dentry *parent;
++ struct mutex *mtx;
++static void au_xino_lock_dir(struct super_block *sb, struct file *xino,
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ aufs_bindex_t brid, bindex;
++ ldir->hdir = NULL;
++ bindex = -1;
++ brid = au_xino_brid(sb);
++ if (brid >= 0)
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, brid);
++ if (bindex >= 0) {
++ ldir->hdir = au_hi(sb->s_root->d_inode, bindex);
++ au_hin_imtx_lock_nested(ldir->hdir, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ } else {
++ ldir->parent = dget_parent(xino->f_dentry);
++ ldir->mtx = &ldir->parent->d_inode->i_mutex;
++ mutex_lock_nested(ldir->mtx, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ }
++static void au_xino_unlock_dir(struct au_xino_lock_dir *ldir)
++ if (ldir->hdir)
++ au_hin_imtx_unlock(ldir->hdir);
++ else {
++ mutex_unlock(ldir->mtx);
++ dput(ldir->parent);
++ }
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate xino files asynchronously */
++int au_xino_trunc(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bi, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct file *new_xino, *file;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (unlikely(bindex < 0 || bend < bindex))
++ goto out;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ file = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (!file)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ new_xino = au_xino_create2(file, file);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(new_xino);
++ if (IS_ERR(new_xino))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ fput(file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ h_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bi = 0; bi <= bend; bi++) {
++ if (unlikely(bi == bindex))
++ continue;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bi);
++ if (br->br_mnt->mnt_sb != h_sb)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = new_xino;
++ get_file(new_xino);
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++struct xino_do_trunc_args {
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++static void xino_do_trunc(void *_args)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args = _args;
++ struct super_block *sb;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ err = 0;
++ sb = args->sb;
++ dir = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ br = args->br;
++ si_noflush_write_lock(sb);
++ ii_read_lock_parent(dir);
++ bindex = au_br_index(sb, br->br_id);
++ err = au_xino_trunc(sb, bindex);
++ if (!err
++ && br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ >= br->br_xino_upper)
++ br->br_xino_upper += AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP;
++ ii_read_unlock(dir);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ AuWarn("err b%d, (%d)\n", bindex, err);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_xino_running);
++ atomic_dec(&br->br_count);
++ au_nwt_done(&au_sbi(sb)->si_nowait);
++ si_write_unlock(sb);
++ kfree(args);
++static void xino_try_trunc(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br)
++ struct xino_do_trunc_args *args;
++ int wkq_err;
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_blocks
++ < br->br_xino_upper)
++ return;
++ if (atomic_inc_return(&br->br_xino_running) > 1)
++ goto out;
++ /* lock and kfree() will be called in trunc_xino() */
++ args = kmalloc(sizeof(*args), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!args)) {
++ AuErr1("no memory\n");
++ goto out_args;
++ }
++ atomic_inc_return(&br->br_count);
++ args->sb = sb;
++ args->br = br;
++ wkq_err = au_wkq_nowait(xino_do_trunc, args, sb);
++ if (!wkq_err)
++ return; /* success */
++ AuErr("wkq %d\n", wkq_err);
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_count);
++ out_args:
++ kfree(args);
++ out:
++ atomic_dec_return(&br->br_xino_running);
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++static int au_xino_do_write(au_writef_t write, struct file *file,
++ ino_t h_ino, ino_t ino)
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(ino);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(write, file, &ino, sizeof(ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ return -EIO;
++ * write @ino to the xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * even if @ino is zero, it is written to the xinofile and means no entry.
++ * if the size of the xino file on a specific filesystem exceeds the watermark,
++ * try truncating it.
++ */
++int au_xino_write(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err;
++ unsigned int mnt_flags;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(long long) != sizeof(au_loff_max)
++ || ((loff_t)-1) > 0);
++ SiMustAnyLock(sb);
++ mnt_flags = au_mntflags(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(mnt_flags, XINO))
++ return 0;
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err) {
++ if (au_opt_test(mnt_flags, TRUNC_XINO)
++ && au_test_fs_trunc_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb))
++ xino_try_trunc(sb, br);
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ AuIOErr("write failed (%d)\n", err);
++ return -EIO;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* aufs inode number bitmap */
++static const int page_bits = (int)PAGE_SIZE * BITS_PER_BYTE;
++static ino_t xib_calc_ino(unsigned long pindex, int bit)
++ ino_t ino;
++ AuDebugOn(bit < 0 || page_bits <= bit);
++ ino = AUFS_FIRST_INO + pindex * page_bits + bit;
++ return ino;
++static void xib_calc_bit(ino_t ino, unsigned long *pindex, int *bit)
++ AuDebugOn(ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ ino -= AUFS_FIRST_INO;
++ *pindex = ino / page_bits;
++ *bit = ino % page_bits;
++static int xib_pindex(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long pindex)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *xib;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDebugOn(pindex > ULONG_MAX / PAGE_SIZE
++ || !au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO));
++ if (pindex == sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex)
++ return 0;
++ xib = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ pos = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out;
++ pos = pindex;
++ pos *= PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (i_size_read(xib->f_dentry->d_inode) >= pos + PAGE_SIZE)
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ else {
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ }
++ if (sz == PAGE_SIZE) {
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = pindex;
++ return 0; /* success */
++ }
++ out:
++ AuIOErr1("write failed (%zd)\n", sz);
++ err = sz;
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_write0(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t ino)
++ int err, bit;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0;
++ err = 0;
++ if (ino) {
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ xib_calc_bit(ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err) {
++ clear_bit(bit, sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = bit;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ }
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_write(sb, bindex, h_ino, 0);
++ return err;
++/* get an unused inode number from bitmap */
++ino_t au_xino_new_ino(struct super_block *sb)
++ ino_t ino;
++ unsigned long *p, pindex, ul, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ int free_bit, err;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return iunique(sb, AUFS_FIRST_INO);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ free_bit = sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit;
++ if (free_bit < page_bits && !test_bit(free_bit, p))
++ goto out; /* success */
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ for (ul = pindex - 1; ul < ULONG_MAX; ul--) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) / PAGE_SIZE;
++ for (ul = pindex + 1; ul <= pend; ul++) {
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, ul);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_err;
++ free_bit = find_first_zero_bit(p, page_bits);
++ if (free_bit < page_bits)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ }
++ BUG();
++ out:
++ set_bit(free_bit, p);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit++;
++ pindex = sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex;
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ ino = xib_calc_ino(pindex, free_bit);
++ AuDbg("i%lu\n", (unsigned long)ino);
++ return ino;
++ out_err:
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ AuDbg("i0\n");
++ return 0;
++ * read @ino from xinofile for the specified branch{@sb, @bindex}
++ * at the position of @h_ino.
++ * if @ino does not exist and @do_new is true, get new one.
++ */
++int au_xino_read(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t bindex, ino_t h_ino,
++ ino_t *ino)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ *ino = 0;
++ if (!au_opt_test(au_mntflags(sb), XINO))
++ return 0; /* no xino */
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ pos = h_ino;
++ if (unlikely(au_loff_max / sizeof(*ino) - 1 < pos)) {
++ AuIOErr1("too large hi%lu\n", (unsigned long)h_ino);
++ return -EFBIG;
++ }
++ pos *= sizeof(*ino);
++ file = au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < pos + sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* no ino */
++ sz = xino_fread(sbinfo->si_xread, file, ino, sizeof(*ino), &pos);
++ if (sz == sizeof(*ino))
++ return 0; /* success */
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz >= 0)) {
++ err = -EIO;
++ AuIOErr("xino read error (%zd)\n", sz);
++ }
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* create and set a new xino file */
++struct file *au_xino_create(struct super_block *sb, char *fname, int silent)
++ struct file *file;
++ struct dentry *h_parent, *d;
++ struct inode *h_dir;
++ int err;
++ /*
++ * at mount-time, and the xino file is the default path,
++ * hinotify is disabled so we have no inotify events to ignore.
++ * when a user specified the xino, we cannot get au_hdir to be ignored.
++ */
++ file = vfsub_filp_open(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_LARGEFILE,
++ if (IS_ERR(file)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("open %s(%ld)\n", fname, PTR_ERR(file));
++ return file;
++ }
++ /* keep file count */
++ h_parent = dget_parent(file->f_dentry);
++ h_dir = h_parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&h_dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = vfsub_unlink(h_dir, &file->f_path, /*force*/0);
++ mutex_unlock(&h_dir->i_mutex);
++ dput(h_parent);
++ if (unlikely(err)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("unlink %s(%d)\n", fname, err);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ err = -EINVAL;
++ d = file->f_dentry;
++ if (unlikely(sb == d->d_sb)) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("%s must be outside\n", fname);
++ goto out;
++ }
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(d->d_sb))) {
++ if (!silent)
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ fname, au_sbtype(d->d_sb));
++ goto out;
++ }
++ return file; /* success */
++ out:
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(err);
++ return file;
++ * find another branch who is on the same filesystem of the specified
++ * branch{@btgt}. search until @bend.
++ */
++static int is_sb_shared(struct super_block *sb, aufs_bindex_t btgt,
++ aufs_bindex_t bend)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb = au_sbr_sb(sb, btgt);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex < btgt; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ for (bindex++; bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (unlikely(tgt_sb == au_sbr_sb(sb, bindex)))
++ return bindex;
++ return -1;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * initialize the xinofile for the specified branch @br
++ * at the place/path where @base_file indicates.
++ * test whether another branch is on the same filesystem or not,
++ * if @do_test is true.
++ */
++int au_xino_br(struct super_block *sb, struct au_branch *br, ino_t h_ino,
++ struct file *base_file, int do_test)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex;
++ struct au_branch *shared_br, *b;
++ struct file *file;
++ struct super_block *tgt_sb;
++ shared_br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ if (do_test) {
++ tgt_sb = br->br_mnt->mnt_sb;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ b = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (tgt_sb == b->br_mnt->mnt_sb) {
++ shared_br = b;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (!shared_br || !shared_br->br_xino.xi_file) {
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, base_file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(base_file, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = file;
++ } else {
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = shared_br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ get_file(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ }
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ err = au_xino_do_write(au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite, br->br_xino.xi_file,
++ h_ino, ino);
++ if (!err)
++ return 0; /* success */
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* trucate a xino bitmap file */
++/* todo: slow */
++static int do_xib_restore(struct super_block *sb, struct file *file, void *page)
++ int err, bit;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ unsigned long pindex;
++ loff_t pos, pend;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_readf_t func;
++ ino_t *ino;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ MtxMustLock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ func = sbinfo->si_xread;
++ pend = i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
++ pos = 0;
++ while (pos < pend) {
++ sz = xino_fread(func, file, page, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ err = sz;
++ if (unlikely(sz <= 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ for (ino = page; sz > 0; ino++, sz -= sizeof(ino)) {
++ if (unlikely(*ino < AUFS_FIRST_INO))
++ continue;
++ xib_calc_bit(*ino, &pindex, &bit);
++ AuDebugOn(page_bits <= bit);
++ err = xib_pindex(sb, pindex);
++ if (!err)
++ set_bit(bit, p);
++ else
++ goto out;
++ }
++ }
++ out:
++ return err;
++static int xib_restore(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ void *page;
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ page = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; !err && bindex <= bend; bindex++)
++ if (!bindex || is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1) < 0)
++ err = do_xib_restore
++ (sb, au_sbr(sb, bindex)->br_xino.xi_file, page);
++ else
++ AuDbg("b%d\n", bindex);
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ out:
++ return err;
++int au_xib_trunc(struct super_block *sb)
++ int err;
++ ssize_t sz;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_xino_lock_dir ldir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ unsigned long *p;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ if (!au_opt_test(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO))
++ goto out;
++ file = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) <= PAGE_SIZE)
++ goto out;
++ au_xino_lock_dir(sb, file, &ldir);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ file = au_xino_create2(sbinfo->si_xib, NULL);
++ au_xino_unlock_dir(&ldir);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ p = sbinfo->si_xib_buf;
++ memset(p, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
++ pos = 0;
++ sz = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, sbinfo->si_xib, p, PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(sz != PAGE_SIZE)) {
++ err = sz;
++ AuIOErr("err %d\n", err);
++ if (sz >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ goto out;
++ }
++ mutex_lock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = xib_restore(sb);
++ mutex_unlock(&sbinfo->si_xib_mtx);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * xino mount option handlers
++ */
++static au_readf_t find_readf(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->read)
++ return fop->read;
++ if (fop->aio_read)
++ return do_sync_read;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++static au_writef_t find_writef(struct file *h_file)
++ const struct file_operations *fop = h_file->f_op;
++ if (fop) {
++ if (fop->write)
++ return fop->write;
++ if (fop->aio_write)
++ return do_sync_write;
++ }
++ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSYS);
++/* xino bitmap */
++static void xino_clear_xib(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++static int au_xino_set_xib(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ loff_t pos;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ struct file *file;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ file = au_xino_create2(base, sbinfo->si_xib);
++ err = PTR_ERR(file);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ if (sbinfo->si_xib)
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = file;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = find_readf(file);
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = find_writef(file);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ if (!sbinfo->si_xib_buf)
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!sbinfo->si_xib_buf))
++ goto out_unset;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_last_pindex = 0;
++ sbinfo->si_xib_next_bit = 0;
++ if (i_size_read(file->f_dentry->d_inode) < PAGE_SIZE) {
++ pos = 0;
++ err = xino_fwrite(sbinfo->si_xwrite, file, sbinfo->si_xib_buf,
++ PAGE_SIZE, &pos);
++ if (unlikely(err != PAGE_SIZE))
++ goto out_free;
++ }
++ err = 0;
++ goto out; /* success */
++ out_free:
++ free_page((unsigned long)sbinfo->si_xib_buf);
++ sbinfo->si_xib_buf = NULL;
++ if (err >= 0)
++ err = -EIO;
++ out_unset:
++ fput(sbinfo->si_xib);
++ sbinfo->si_xib = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xread = NULL;
++ sbinfo->si_xwrite = NULL;
++ out:
++ return err;
++/* xino for each branch */
++static void xino_clear_br(struct super_block *sb)
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (!br || !br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ continue;
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = NULL;
++ }
++static int au_xino_set_br(struct super_block *sb, struct file *base)
++ int err;
++ ino_t ino;
++ aufs_bindex_t bindex, bend, bshared;
++ struct {
++ struct file *old, *new;
++ } *fpair, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct inode *inode;
++ au_writef_t writef;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = -ENOMEM;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ fpair = kcalloc(bend + 1, sizeof(*fpair), GFP_NOFS);
++ if (unlikely(!fpair))
++ goto out;
++ inode = sb->s_root->d_inode;
++ ino = AUFS_ROOT_INO;
++ writef = au_sbi(sb)->si_xwrite;
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ bshared = is_sb_shared(sb, bindex, bindex - 1);
++ if (bshared >= 0) {
++ /* shared xino */
++ *p = fpair[bshared];
++ get_file(p->new);
++ }
++ if (!p->new) {
++ /* new xino */
++ p->old = br->br_xino.xi_file;
++ p->new = au_xino_create2(base, br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ err = PTR_ERR(p->new);
++ if (IS_ERR(p->new)) {
++ p->new = NULL;
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ }
++ err = au_xino_do_write(writef, p->new,
++ au_h_iptr(inode, bindex)->i_ino, ino);
++ if (unlikely(err))
++ goto out_pair;
++ }
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (br->br_xino.xi_file)
++ fput(br->br_xino.xi_file);
++ get_file(p->new);
++ br->br_xino.xi_file = p->new;
++ }
++ out_pair:
++ for (bindex = 0, p = fpair; bindex <= bend; bindex++, p++)
++ if (p->new)
++ fput(p->new);
++ else
++ break;
++ kfree(fpair);
++ out:
++ return err;
++void au_xino_clr(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ au_xigen_clr(sb);
++ xino_clear_xib(sb);
++ xino_clear_br(sb);
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ /* lvalue, do not call au_mntflags() */
++ au_opt_clr(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++int au_xino_set(struct super_block *sb, struct au_opt_xino *xino, int remount)
++ int err, skip;
++ struct dentry *parent, *cur_parent;
++ struct qstr *dname, *cur_name;
++ struct file *cur_xino;
++ struct inode *dir;
++ struct au_sbinfo *sbinfo;
++ SiMustWriteLock(sb);
++ err = 0;
++ sbinfo = au_sbi(sb);
++ parent = dget_parent(xino->file->f_dentry);
++ if (remount) {
++ skip = 0;
++ dname = &xino->file->f_dentry->d_name;
++ cur_xino = sbinfo->si_xib;
++ if (cur_xino) {
++ cur_parent = dget_parent(cur_xino->f_dentry);
++ cur_name = &cur_xino->f_dentry->d_name;
++ skip = (cur_parent == parent
++ && dname->len == cur_name->len
++ && !memcmp(dname->name, cur_name->name,
++ dname->len));
++ dput(cur_parent);
++ }
++ if (skip)
++ goto out;
++ }
++ au_opt_set(sbinfo->si_mntflags, XINO);
++ dir = parent->d_inode;
++ mutex_lock_nested(&dir->i_mutex, AuLsc_I_PARENT);
++ /* mnt_want_write() is unnecessary here */
++ err = au_xino_set_xib(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xigen_set(sb, xino->file);
++ if (!err)
++ err = au_xino_set_br(sb, xino->file);
++ mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex);
++ if (!err)
++ goto out; /* success */
++ /* reset all */
++ AuIOErr("failed creating xino(%d).\n", err);
++ out:
++ dput(parent);
++ return err;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++ * create a xinofile at the default place/path.
++ */
++struct file *au_xino_def(struct super_block *sb)
++ struct file *file;
++ char *page, *p;
++ struct au_branch *br;
++ struct super_block *h_sb;
++ struct path path;
++ aufs_bindex_t bend, bindex, bwr;
++ br = NULL;
++ bend = au_sbend(sb);
++ bwr = -1;
++ for (bindex = 0; bindex <= bend; bindex++) {
++ br = au_sbr(sb, bindex);
++ if (au_br_writable(br->br_perm)
++ && !au_test_fs_bad_xino(br->br_mnt->mnt_sb)) {
++ bwr = bindex;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (bwr >= 0) {
++ file = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++ page = __getname();
++ if (unlikely(!page))
++ goto out;
++ path.mnt = br->br_mnt;
++ path.dentry = au_h_dptr(sb->s_root, bwr);
++ p = d_path(&path, page, PATH_MAX - sizeof(AUFS_XINO_FNAME));
++ file = (void *)p;
++ if (!IS_ERR(p)) {
++ strcat(p, "/" AUFS_XINO_FNAME);
++ AuDbg("%s\n", p);
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, p, /*silent*/0);
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, br->br_id);
++ }
++ __putname(page);
++ } else {
++ file = au_xino_create(sb, AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, /*silent*/0);
++ if (IS_ERR(file))
++ goto out;
++ h_sb = file->f_dentry->d_sb;
++ if (unlikely(au_test_fs_bad_xino(h_sb))) {
++ AuErr("xino doesn't support %s(%s)\n",
++ AUFS_XINO_DEFPATH, au_sbtype(h_sb));
++ fput(file);
++ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++ }
++ if (!IS_ERR(file))
++ au_xino_brid_set(sb, -1);
++ }
++ out:
++ return file;
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++int au_xino_path(struct seq_file *seq, struct file *file)
++ int err;
++ err = au_seq_path(seq, &file->f_path);
++ if (unlikely(err < 0))
++ goto out;
++ err = 0;
++#define Deleted "\\040(deleted)"
++ seq->count -= sizeof(Deleted) - 1;
++ AuDebugOn(memcmp(seq->buf + seq->count, Deleted,
++ sizeof(Deleted) - 1));
++#undef Deleted
++ out:
++ return err;
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/Kconfig linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Kconfig
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/Kconfig 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Kconfig 2009-08-23 17:21:29.021473535 +0200
+@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ source "fs/romfs/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/sysv/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/ufs/Kconfig"
+ source "fs/exofs/Kconfig"
++source "fs/aufs/Kconfig"
+ config NILFS2_FS
+ tristate "NILFS2 file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/Makefile linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Makefile
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/Makefile 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/Makefile 2009-08-23 17:21:59.925457390 +0200
+@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_HFSPLUS_FS) += hfsplus/ # B
+ obj-$(CONFIG_HFS_FS) += hfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_ECRYPT_FS) += ecryptfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_VXFS_FS) += freevxfs/
++obj-$(CONFIG_AUFS_FS) += aufs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_NFS_FS) += nfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_EXPORTFS) += exportfs/
+ obj-$(CONFIG_NFSD) += nfsd/
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/namei.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namei.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/namei.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namei.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.586918393 +0200
+@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ int deny_write_access(struct file * file
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * path_get - get a reference to a path
+@@ -1200,7 +1201,7 @@ out:
+ * needs parent already locked. Doesn't follow mounts.
+ * SMP-safe.
+ */
+-static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ int err;
+@@ -1209,8 +1210,9 @@ static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct
+ return ERR_PTR(err);
+ return __lookup_hash(&nd->last, nd->path.dentry, nd);
+ }
+-static int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
+ struct dentry *base, int len)
+ {
+ unsigned long hash;
+@@ -1231,6 +1233,7 @@ static int __lookup_one_len(const char *
+ this->hash = end_name_hash(hash);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * lookup_one_len - filesystem helper to lookup single pathname component
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/namespace.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namespace.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/namespace.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/namespace.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.589450118 +0200
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+ /* spinlock for vfsmount related operations, inplace of dcache_lock */
+ __cacheline_aligned_in_smp DEFINE_SPINLOCK(vfsmount_lock);
+ static int event;
+ static DEFINE_IDA(mnt_id_ida);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/open.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/open.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/open.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/open.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ int do_truncate(struct dentry *dentry, l
+ mutex_unlock(&dentry->d_inode->i_mutex);
+ return err;
+ }
+ static long do_sys_truncate(const char __user *pathname, loff_t length)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/fs/splice.c linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/splice.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/fs/splice.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/fs/splice.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -905,8 +905,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(generic_splice_sendpage);
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from pipe to file.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
+- loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -925,13 +925,14 @@ static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_i
+ return out->f_op->splice_write(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from a file to a pipe.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
+- struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
+- unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ int ret;
+@@ -947,6 +948,7 @@ static long do_splice_to(struct file *in
+ return in->f_op->splice_read(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
+ }
+ /**
+ * splice_direct_to_actor - splices data directly between two non-pipes
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/aufs_type.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/aufs_type.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/aufs_type.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/aufs_type.h 2009-08-23 17:24:54.005965979 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Junjiro R. Okajima
++ *
++ * This program, aufs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++#ifndef __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#define __AUFS_TYPE_H__
++#include <linux/ioctl.h>
++#define AUFS_VERSION "2-standalone.tree-30-20090803"
++/* todo? move this to linux-2.6.19/include/magic.h */
++#define AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC ('a' << 24 | 'u' << 16 | 'f' << 8 | 's')
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* some environments treat 'char' as 'unsigned char' by default */
++typedef signed char aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 127
++typedef short aufs_bindex_t;
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 511
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_1023)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 1023
++#elif defined(CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX_32767)
++#define AUFS_BRANCH_MAX 32767
++#ifdef __KERNEL__
++#error unknown CONFIG_AUFS_BRANCH_MAX value
++#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++#define AUFS_NAME "aufs"
++#define AUFS_ROOT_INO 2
++#define AUFS_FIRST_INO 11
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX ".wh."
++#define AUFS_WH_PFX_LEN ((int)sizeof(AUFS_WH_PFX) - 1)
++#define AUFS_XINO_FNAME "." AUFS_NAME ".xino"
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_INIT 64 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_STEP 4 /* blocks */
++#define AUFS_DIRWH_DEF 3
++#define AUFS_RDCACHE_DEF 10 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_RDBLK_DEF 512 /* bytes */
++#define AUFS_RDHASH_DEF 32
++#define AUFS_NWKQ_DEF 4
++#define AUFS_MFS_SECOND_DEF 30 /* seconds */
++#define AUFS_PLINK_WARN 100 /* number of plinks */
++#define AUFS_DIROPQ_NAME AUFS_WH_PFX ".opq" /* whiteouted doubly */
++/* doubly whiteouted */
++/* branch permission */
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RW "rw"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RO "ro"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_RR "rr"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_WH "wh"
++#define AUFS_BRPERM_NLWH "nolwh"
++/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
++/* ioctl */
++enum {
++#define AuCtlType 'A'
++#endif /* __AUFS_TYPE_H__ */
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/Kbuild linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/Kbuild
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/Kbuild 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/Kbuild 2009-08-23 17:21:29.021473535 +0200
+@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ header-y += atmppp.h
+ header-y += atmsap.h
+ header-y += atmsvc.h
+ header-y += atm_zatm.h
++header-y += aufs_type.h
+ header-y += auto_fs4.h
+ header-y += ax25.h
+ header-y += b1lli.h
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/namei.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/namei.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/namei.h 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/namei.h 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ extern struct file *lookup_instantiate_f
+ extern struct file *nameidata_to_filp(struct nameidata *nd, int flags);
+ extern void release_open_intent(struct nameidata *);
++extern struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
++extern int __lookup_one_len(const char *name, struct qstr *this,
++ struct dentry *base, int len);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_len(const char *, struct dentry *, int);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_noperm(const char *, struct dentry *);
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/include/linux/splice.h linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/splice.h
+--- linux-2.6.30/include/linux/splice.h 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/include/linux/splice.h 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -83,4 +83,10 @@ extern ssize_t splice_to_pipe(struct pip
+ extern ssize_t splice_direct_to_actor(struct file *, struct splice_desc *,
+ splice_direct_actor *);
++extern long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++extern long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
+ #endif
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/security/device_cgroup.c linux-2.6.30.patched/security/device_cgroup.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/security/device_cgroup.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/security/device_cgroup.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.617712379 +0200
+@@ -512,6 +512,7 @@ acc_check:
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ int devcgroup_inode_mknod(int mode, dev_t dev)
+ {
+diff -Naurp linux-2.6.30/security/security.c linux-2.6.30.patched/security/security.c
+--- linux-2.6.30/security/security.c 2009-06-10 05:05:27.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-2.6.30.patched/security/security.c 2009-08-23 17:21:23.621506835 +0200
+@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ int security_path_mkdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_mkdir(path, dentry, mode);
+ }
+ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -396,6 +397,7 @@ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *pat
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_rmdir(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_unlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ int security_path_unlink(struct path *pa
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_unlink(path, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_symlink(struct path *path, struct dentry *dentry,
+ const char *old_name)
+@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ int security_path_symlink(struct path *p
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_symlink(path, dentry, old_name);
+ }
+ int security_path_link(struct dentry *old_dentry, struct path *new_dir,
+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -419,6 +423,7 @@ int security_path_link(struct dentry *ol
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_link(old_dentry, new_dir, new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_rename(struct path *old_dir, struct dentry *old_dentry,
+ struct path *new_dir, struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -429,6 +434,7 @@ int security_path_rename(struct path *ol
+ return security_ops->path_rename(old_dir, old_dentry, new_dir,
+ new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_truncate(struct path *path, loff_t length,
+ unsigned int time_attrs)
+@@ -437,6 +443,7 @@ int security_path_truncate(struct path *
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_truncate(path, length, time_attrs);
+ }
+ #endif
+ int security_inode_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
+@@ -508,6 +515,7 @@ int security_inode_readlink(struct dentr
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_readlink(dentry);
+ }
+ int security_inode_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+@@ -522,6 +530,7 @@ int security_inode_permission(struct ino
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_permission(inode, mask);
+ }
+ int security_inode_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr)
+ {
+@@ -622,6 +631,7 @@ int security_file_permission(struct file
+ {
+ return security_ops->file_permission(file, mask);
+ }
+ int security_file_alloc(struct file *file)
+ {
diff --git a/target/native/ b/target/native/
index 289aeb053..0b28f9c9e 100644
--- a/target/native/
+++ b/target/native/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ARCH:= $(shell uname -m|sed -e "s/i.*86/x86/")
CPU_ARCH:= $(shell uname -m)
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
diff --git a/target/ibm-x40/kernel.config b/target/native/kernel.config.x86
index ad87e5e3f..ad87e5e3f 100644
--- a/target/ibm-x40/kernel.config
+++ b/target/native/kernel.config.x86
diff --git a/target/native/kernel.config b/target/native/kernel.config.x86_64
index ad87e5e3f..ada69a344 100644
--- a/target/native/kernel.config
+++ b/target/native/kernel.config.x86_64
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
-# Linux kernel version: 2.6.29
-# Sat Mar 28 12:28:20 2009
+# Linux kernel version:
+# Thu Jun 4 21:10:07 2009
-# CONFIG_64BIT is not set
-# CONFIG_X86_64 is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_32 is not set
@@ -22,40 +22,46 @@ CONFIG_ZONE_DMA=y
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA32 is not set
-# CONFIG_AUDIT_ARCH is not set
# General setup
+# CONFIG_SWAP is not set
@@ -115,7 +121,7 @@ CONFIG_HAVE_IOREMAP_PROT=y
@@ -125,23 +131,23 @@ CONFIG_MODULES=y
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_BSG is not set
# IO Schedulers
+# CONFIG_IOSCHED_AS is not set
+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_AS is not set
# CONFIG_FREEZER is not set
@@ -151,7 +157,7 @@ CONFIG_TICK_ONESHOT=y
-# CONFIG_SMP is not set
# CONFIG_SPARSE_IRQ is not set
@@ -160,7 +166,6 @@ CONFIG_X86_PC=y
# CONFIG_X86_VOYAGER is not set
# CONFIG_X86_VSMP is not set
-# CONFIG_X86_RDC321X is not set
# CONFIG_MEMTEST is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set
+# CONFIG_MPENTIUMM is not set
# CONFIG_MPENTIUM4 is not set
# CONFIG_MK6 is not set
# CONFIG_MK7 is not set
@@ -188,90 +193,74 @@ CONFIG_MPENTIUMM=y
# CONFIG_MVIAC7 is not set
# CONFIG_MPSC is not set
# CONFIG_MCORE2 is not set
-# CONFIG_GENERIC_CPU is not set
# CONFIG_X86_DS is not set
# CONFIG_X86_PTRACE_BTS is not set
# CONFIG_IOMMU_API is not set
+# CONFIG_SCHED_SMT is not set
+# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set
-# CONFIG_X86_MCE_NONFATAL is not set
-# CONFIG_X86_MCE_P4THERMAL is not set
-# CONFIG_VM86 is not set
-# CONFIG_TOSHIBA is not set
# CONFIG_I8K is not set
# CONFIG_X86_MSR is not set
# CONFIG_X86_CPUID is not set
-# CONFIG_NOHIGHMEM is not set
-# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set
-# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_3G_OPT is not set
-# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_2G is not set
-# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_2G_OPT is not set
-# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_1G is not set
+# CONFIG_NUMA is not set
-# CONFIG_PHYS_ADDR_T_64BIT is not set
-# CONFIG_HIGHPTE is not set
-# CONFIG_X86_PAT is not set
+# CONFIG_MTRR is not set
# CONFIG_SECCOMP is not set
# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not set
@@ -281,9 +270,10 @@ CONFIG_HZ=250
# CONFIG_KEXEC is not set
# CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP is not set
+# CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU is not set
# CONFIG_CPU_IDLE is not set
+# Memory power savings
+# CONFIG_I7300_IDLE is not set
# Bus options (PCI etc.)
-# CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
-# CONFIG_PCI_GOOLPC is not set
@@ -318,10 +307,7 @@ CONFIG_PCI_MSI=y
# CONFIG_PCI_STUB is not set
# CONFIG_HT_IRQ is not set
-# CONFIG_ISA is not set
-# CONFIG_MCA is not set
-# CONFIG_SCx200 is not set
-# CONFIG_OLPC is not set
# CONFIG_PCCARD is not set
@@ -329,10 +315,14 @@ CONFIG_ISA_DMA_API=y
# Executable file formats / Emulations
-# CONFIG_BINFMT_AOUT is not set
+# CONFIG_HAVE_AOUT is not set
+# CONFIG_IA32_AOUT is not set
@@ -397,12 +387,7 @@ CONFIG_DEFAULT_TCP_CONG="cubic"
# CONFIG_BT is not set
# CONFIG_AF_RXRPC is not set
# CONFIG_PHONET is not set
-# CONFIG_CFG80211 is not set
-# CONFIG_LIB80211 is not set
-# CONFIG_MAC80211 is not set
+# CONFIG_WIRELESS is not set
# CONFIG_WIMAX is not set
# CONFIG_RFKILL is not set
# CONFIG_NET_9P is not set
@@ -424,7 +409,20 @@ CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE=""
# CONFIG_MTD is not set
# CONFIG_PARPORT is not set
-# CONFIG_BLK_DEV is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_FD is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_CPQ_DA is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_CPQ_CISS_DA is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DAC960 is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_UMEM is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SX8 is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set
+# CONFIG_ATA_OVER_ETH is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD is not set
# CONFIG_IDE is not set
@@ -442,7 +440,7 @@ CONFIG_SCSI_DMA=y
# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD is not set
# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST is not set
# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_OSST is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR is not set
@@ -473,64 +471,10 @@ CONFIG_ATA=y
# CONFIG_SATA_PMP is not set
# CONFIG_SATA_AHCI is not set
# CONFIG_SATA_SIL24 is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_SVW is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_MV is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_NV is not set
-# CONFIG_PDC_ADMA is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_QSTOR is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_SX4 is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_SIL is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_SIS is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_ULI is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_VIA is not set
-# CONFIG_SATA_INIC162X is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_ALI is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_AMD is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_ARTOP is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_ATIIXP is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_CMD640_PCI is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_CMD64X is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_CS5520 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_CS5530 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_CS5535 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_CS5536 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_EFAR is not set
-# CONFIG_ATA_GENERIC is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_HPT366 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_HPT37X is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_HPT3X2N is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_HPT3X3 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_IT821X is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_IT8213 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_MPIIX is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_NINJA32 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_NS87410 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_NS87415 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_OPTI is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_PDC_OLD is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_RZ1000 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_SC1200 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_PDC2027X is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_SIL680 is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_SIS is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_VIA is not set
-# CONFIG_PATA_SCH is not set
-# CONFIG_MD is not set
+# CONFIG_ATA_SFF is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DM is not set
# CONFIG_FUSION is not set
@@ -597,8 +541,26 @@ CONFIG_INPUT=y
# Input Device Drivers
-# CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSE is not set
+# CONFIG_MOUSE_BCM5974 is not set
@@ -653,11 +615,8 @@ CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS=y
# CONFIG_NVRAM is not set
# CONFIG_R3964 is not set
# CONFIG_APPLICOM is not set
-# CONFIG_SONYPI is not set
# CONFIG_MWAVE is not set
# CONFIG_PC8736x_GPIO is not set
-# CONFIG_NSC_GPIO is not set
-# CONFIG_CS5535_GPIO is not set
# CONFIG_RAW_DRIVER is not set
# CONFIG_TCG_TPM is not set
@@ -708,7 +667,11 @@ CONFIG_SSB_POSSIBLE=y
# Graphics support
-# CONFIG_AGP is not set
+# CONFIG_AGP_INTEL is not set
+# CONFIG_AGP_SIS is not set
+# CONFIG_AGP_VIA is not set
# CONFIG_DRM is not set
# CONFIG_VGASTATE is not set
@@ -728,8 +691,36 @@ CONFIG_VGACON_SOFT_SCROLLBACK=y
# CONFIG_SOUND is not set
-# CONFIG_HID_SUPPORT is not set
-# CONFIG_USB_SUPPORT is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_HIDRAW is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_PID is not set
+# Special HID drivers
+# CONFIG_USB is not set
+# Enable Host or Gadget support to see Inventra options
+# NOTE: USB_STORAGE depends on SCSI but BLK_DEV_SD may also be needed;
+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET is not set
+# OTG and related infrastructure
# CONFIG_UWB is not set
# CONFIG_MMC is not set
# CONFIG_MEMSTICK is not set
@@ -786,7 +777,7 @@ CONFIG_X86_PLATFORM_DEVICES=y
# CONFIG_DELL_RBU is not set
# CONFIG_DCDBAS is not set
+# CONFIG_DMIID is not set
@@ -854,7 +845,14 @@ CONFIG_MISC_FILESYSTEMS=y
# CONFIG_ROMFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set
# CONFIG_UFS_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_NFS_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_NFSD is not set
+# CONFIG_SMB_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS is not set
+# CONFIG_NCP_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_CODA_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_AFS_FS is not set
# Partition Types
@@ -880,7 +878,7 @@ CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y
@@ -902,8 +900,6 @@ CONFIG_HAVE_ARCH_KGDB=y
-# CONFIG_4KSTACKS is not set
@@ -923,7 +919,108 @@ CONFIG_DEFAULT_IO_DELAY_TYPE=0
# CONFIG_SECURITY is not set
-# CONFIG_CRYPTO is not set
+# Crypto core or helper
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_FIPS is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_GF128MUL is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_NULL is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TEST is not set
+# Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CCM is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_GCM is not set
+# Block modes
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTR is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTS is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECB is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRW is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_PCBC is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_XTS is not set
+# Hash modes
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_HMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_XCBC is not set
+# Digest
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32C is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD4 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD5 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD128 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD160 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD256 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD320 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA1 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TGR192 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_WP512 is not set
+# Ciphers
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_X86_64 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_ARC4 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAST5 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAST6 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_DES is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SALSA20 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SALSA20_X86_64 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SEED is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TEA is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TWOFISH_X86_64 is not set
+# Compression
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_LZO is not set
+# Random Number Generation
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_HW is not set
+# OCF Configuration
+# CONFIG_OCF_OCF is not set
diff --git a/target/qemu-cris/ b/target/qemu-cris/
index 21e3b3210..3f4b7fbde 100644
--- a/target/qemu-cris/
+++ b/target/qemu-cris/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARCH:= cris
CPU_ARCH:= crisv32
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
diff --git a/target/qemu-cris/kernel.config b/target/qemu-cris/kernel.config
index 3bae4c94b..07e09d533 100644
--- a/target/qemu-cris/kernel.config
+++ b/target/qemu-cris/kernel.config
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF=y
# CONFIG_HAVE_AOUT is not set
-CONFIG_ETRAX_CMDLINE="console=ttyS0,115200 init=/init"
diff --git a/target/qemu-mips/ b/target/qemu-mips/
index febb0b496..fce11a237 100644
--- a/target/qemu-mips/
+++ b/target/qemu-mips/
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ CPU_ARCH:= mips
KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=mips32 -mabi=32
diff --git a/target/qemu-mips/kernel.config b/target/qemu-mips/kernel.config
index d88cbf633..3a08ae870 100644
--- a/target/qemu-mips/kernel.config
+++ b/target/qemu-mips/kernel.config
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y
# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
-CONFIG_CMDLINE="init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
+CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
# Security options
diff --git a/target/qemu-mips64/ b/target/qemu-mips64/
index b5546db6c..50d5211b0 100644
--- a/target/qemu-mips64/
+++ b/target/qemu-mips64/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARCH:= mips
CPU_ARCH:= mips64
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=mips64 -mabi=64
diff --git a/target/qemu-mips64/kernel.config b/target/qemu-mips64/kernel.config
index b92d60f06..2cd7908a5 100644
--- a/target/qemu-mips64/kernel.config
+++ b/target/qemu-mips64/kernel.config
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ CONFIG_TRACING_SUPPORT=y
# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
-CONFIG_CMDLINE="init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
+CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
# Security options
diff --git a/target/qemu-mips64el/ b/target/qemu-mips64el/
index 1d607972b..1157f2c45 100644
--- a/target/qemu-mips64el/
+++ b/target/qemu-mips64el/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARCH:= mips
CPU_ARCH:= mips64el
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=mips64 -mabi=64
diff --git a/target/qemu-mips64el/kernel.config b/target/qemu-mips64el/kernel.config
index 387efabbf..c2c1ca58a 100644
--- a/target/qemu-mips64el/kernel.config
+++ b/target/qemu-mips64el/kernel.config
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y
# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
-CONFIG_CMDLINE="init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
+CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
# Security options
diff --git a/target/qemu-mipsel/kernel.config b/target/qemu-mipsel/kernel.config
index 8a78fd922..3f4026e9e 100644
--- a/target/qemu-mipsel/kernel.config
+++ b/target/qemu-mipsel/kernel.config
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y
# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
-CONFIG_CMDLINE="init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
+CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
# Security options
diff --git a/target/rb411/ b/target/rb411/
index a6038dc4f..93fd3c2cb 100644
--- a/target/rb411/
+++ b/target/rb411/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARCH:= mips
CPU_ARCH:= mips
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=mips32
diff --git a/target/rb411/kernel.config b/target/rb411/kernel.config
index e3da44dd8..489e39c54 100644
--- a/target/rb411/kernel.config
+++ b/target/rb411/kernel.config
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y
# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
-CONFIG_CMDLINE="init=/init console=ttyS0,115200"
# Security options
diff --git a/target/rb433/ b/target/rb433/
index a6038dc4f..93fd3c2cb 100644
--- a/target/rb433/
+++ b/target/rb433/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARCH:= mips
CPU_ARCH:= mips
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=mips32
diff --git a/target/rb433/kernel.config b/target/rb433/kernel.config
index faebe6b39..c212743a8 100644
--- a/target/rb433/kernel.config
+++ b/target/rb433/kernel.config
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y
# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
-CONFIG_CMDLINE="init=/init console=ttyS0,115200"
# Security options
diff --git a/target/rb532/ b/target/rb532/
index 4561640ee..664e4db13 100644
--- a/target/rb532/
+++ b/target/rb532/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARCH:= mips
CPU_ARCH:= mipsel
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= ac05e32764368af7eff79c5e3df65efb
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=mips32
diff --git a/target/rb532/kernel.config b/target/rb532/kernel.config
index b5a78d466..7516f64e4 100644
--- a/target/rb532/kernel.config
+++ b/target/rb532/kernel.config
@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ CONFIG_TRACING_SUPPORT=y
# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
-CONFIG_CMDLINE="init=/init console=ttyS0,115200"
# Security options
diff --git a/target/rescue-x86/ b/target/rescue-x86/
index 4c8b72b4e..5ea885d6c 100644
--- a/target/rescue-x86/
+++ b/target/rescue-x86/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARCH:= x86
CPU_ARCH:= i686
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=i686
diff --git a/target/rescue-x86_64/ b/target/rescue-x86_64/
index 3f78956dc..3241868c7 100644
--- a/target/rescue-x86_64/
+++ b/target/rescue-x86_64/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARCH:= x86
CPU_ARCH:= x86_64
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
diff --git a/target/wag54g/ b/target/wag54g/
index 926e4b9c6..664e4db13 100644
--- a/target/wag54g/
+++ b/target/wag54g/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ARCH:= mips
CPU_ARCH:= mipsel
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 7a80058a6382e5108cdb5554d1609615
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=mips32
diff --git a/target/wag54g/kernel.config b/target/wag54g/kernel.config
index 8949aa612..eec4f9e43 100644
--- a/target/wag54g/kernel.config
+++ b/target/wag54g/kernel.config
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y
# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
-CONFIG_CMDLINE="init=/init console=ttyS0"
# Security options
diff --git a/target/zaurus/ b/target/zaurus/
index a4d88a611..447cc0b5f 100644
--- a/target/zaurus/
+++ b/target/zaurus/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
ARCH:= arm
CPU_ARCH:= arm
-KERNEL_MD5SUM:= 4ada43caecb08fe2af71b416b6f586d8
+KERNEL_MD5SUM:= be9c3a697a54ac099c910d068ff0dc03
TARGET_CFLAGS_ARCH:= -march=armv5te -msoft-float
GCC_EXTRA_CONFOPTS:= --with-float=soft