path: root/package/libqb/patches
diff options
authorWaldemar Brodkorb <>2013-09-09 07:50:23 +0200
committerWaldemar Brodkorb <>2013-09-09 07:50:23 +0200
commit1ee3ae1f9f75e5c4b093736f8f402441531499bf (patch)
tree804d27184ffc195fbfe0259dc843e27395cfd926 /package/libqb/patches
parentb445e8bc0d2f03ed559aaf18a698dd1c2a6a9349 (diff)
update to latest upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'package/libqb/patches')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 2709 deletions
diff --git a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbarray_h_3 b/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbarray_h_3
deleted file mode 100644
index b3159f602..000000000
--- a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbarray_h_3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
---- libqb-0.16.0.orig/docs/man3/qbarray.h.3 2013-07-25 20:16:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ libqb-0.16.0/docs/man3/qbarray.h.3 2013-09-09 05:26:31.375811771 +0200
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH "qbarray.h" 3 "Thu Jul 25 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
-+.TH "qbarray.h" 3 "Mon Sep 9 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
- .ad l
- .nh
-@@ -69,28 +69,25 @@ This is a dynamic array (it can grow, bu
- .PP
- .nf
--arr = qb_array_create_2(64, sizeof(struct my_struct), 256);
--res = qb_array_index(arr, idx, (void**)&my_ptr);
--if (res < 0) {
-- return res;
--// use my_ptr, now even if there is a grow, this pointer will be valid\&.
-+ arr = qb_array_create_2(64, sizeof(struct my_struct), 256);
-+ \&.\&.\&.
-+ res = qb_array_index(arr, idx, (void**)&my_ptr);
-+ if (res < 0) {
-+ return res;
-+ }
-+ // use my_ptr, now even if there is a grow, this pointer will be valid\&.
- .fi
- .PP
- .SH "Typedef Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "typedef void(* qb_array_new_bin_cb_fn)(\fBqb_array_t\fP *a, uint32_t bin)"
-+.SS "typedef void(* \fBqb_array_new_bin_cb_fn\fP)(\fBqb_array_t\fP *a, uint32_t bin)"
- .SS "typedef struct qb_array \fBqb_array_t\fP"
- .PP
- This is an opaque data type representing an instance of an array\&.
- .SH "Function Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "\fBqb_array_t\fP* qb_array_create (size_tmax_elements, size_telement_size)"
-+.SS "\fBqb_array_t\fP* \fBqb_array_create\fP (size_tmax_elements, size_telement_size)"
- .PP
- Create an array with fixed sized elements\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -105,8 +102,7 @@ array instance\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "\fBqb_array_t\fP* qb_array_create_2 (size_tmax_elements, size_telement_size, size_tautogrow_elements)"
-+.SS "\fBqb_array_t\fP* \fBqb_array_create_2\fP (size_tmax_elements, size_telement_size, size_tautogrow_elements)"
- .PP
- Create an array with fixed sized elements\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -123,12 +119,10 @@ array instance\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "size_t qb_array_elems_per_bin_get (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a)"
-+.SS "size_t \fBqb_array_elems_per_bin_get\fP (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a)"
- .PP
- Get the number of elements per bin\&.
--.SS "void qb_array_free (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_array_free\fP (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a)"
- .PP
- Free all the memory used by the array\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -136,8 +130,7 @@ Free all the memory used by the array\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_array_grow (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a, size_tmax_elements)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_array_grow\fP (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a, size_tmax_elements)"
- .PP
- Grow the array\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -152,8 +145,7 @@ Grow the array\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_array_index (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a, int32_tidx, void **element_out)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_array_index\fP (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a, int32_tidx, void **element_out)"
- .PP
- Get an element at a particular index\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -170,12 +162,10 @@ Get an element at a particular index\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_array_new_bin_cb_set (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a, \fBqb_array_new_bin_cb_fn\fPfn)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_array_new_bin_cb_set\fP (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a, \fBqb_array_new_bin_cb_fn\fPfn)"
- .PP
- Get a callback when a new bin is allocated\&.
--.SS "size_t qb_array_num_bins_get (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a)"
-+.SS "size_t \fBqb_array_num_bins_get\fP (\fBqb_array_t\fP *a)"
- .PP
- Get the number of bins used or the array\&.
- .SH "Author"
diff --git a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbatomic_h_3 b/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbatomic_h_3
deleted file mode 100644
index f41ad1f02..000000000
--- a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbatomic_h_3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
---- libqb-0.16.0.orig/docs/man3/qbatomic.h.3 2013-07-25 20:16:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ libqb-0.16.0/docs/man3/qbatomic.h.3 2013-09-09 05:26:31.415811269 +0200
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH "qbatomic.h" 3 "Thu Jul 25 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
-+.TH "qbatomic.h" 3 "Mon Sep 9 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
- .ad l
- .nh
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Basic atomic integer and pointer operati
- \fC#include <qb/qbconfig\&.h>\fP
- .br
--.SS "Macros"
-+.SS "Defines"
- .in +1c
- .ti -1c
-@@ -92,10 +92,9 @@ You must not directly read integers or p
- If you are using those functions for anything apart from simple reference counting, you should really be aware of the implications of doing that\&. There are literally thousands of ways to shoot yourself in the foot\&. So if in doubt, use a pthread_mutex\&. If you don't know, what memory barriers are, do not use anything but \fBqb_atomic_int_inc()\fP and \fBqb_atomic_int_dec_and_test()\fP\&.
- .PP
- It is not safe to set an integer or pointer just by assigning to it, when it is concurrently accessed by other threads with the following functions\&. Use \fBqb_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange()\fP or \fBqb_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange()\fP respectively\&.
--.SH "Macro Definition Documentation"
-+.SH "Define Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "#define qb_atomic_int_dec_and_test(atomic) (\fBqb_atomic_int_exchange_and_add\fP ((atomic), -1) == 1)"
-+.SS "#define \fBqb_atomic_int_dec_and_test\fP(atomic) (\fBqb_atomic_int_exchange_and_add\fP ((atomic), -1) == 1)"
- .PP
- Atomically decrements the integer pointed to by atomic by 1\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -108,15 +107,13 @@ QB_TRUE if the integer pointed to by ato
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "#define qb_atomic_int_get(atomic)"
-+.SS "#define \fBqb_atomic_int_get\fP(atomic)"\fBValue:\fP
- .PP
- .nf
- ((void) sizeof (char* [sizeof (*(atomic)) == sizeof (int32_t) ? 1 : -1]), \
- (qb_atomic_int_get) ((volatile int32_t QB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS *) (volatile void *) (atomic)))
- .fi
--.SS "#define qb_atomic_int_inc(atomic) (\fBqb_atomic_int_add\fP ((atomic), 1))"
-+.SS "#define \fBqb_atomic_int_inc\fP(atomic) (\fBqb_atomic_int_add\fP ((atomic), 1))"
- .PP
- Atomically increments the integer pointed to by atomic by 1\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -124,22 +121,19 @@ Atomically increments the integer pointe
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "#define qb_atomic_int_set(atomic, newval)"
-+.SS "#define \fBqb_atomic_int_set\fP(atomic, newval)"\fBValue:\fP
- .PP
- .nf
- ((void) sizeof (char* [sizeof (*(atomic)) == sizeof (int32_t) ? 1 : -1]), \
- (qb_atomic_int_set) ((volatile int32_t QB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS *) (volatile void *) (atomic), (newval)))
- .fi
--.SS "#define qb_atomic_pointer_get(atomic)"
-+.SS "#define \fBqb_atomic_pointer_get\fP(atomic)"\fBValue:\fP
- .PP
- .nf
- ((void) sizeof (char* [sizeof (*(atomic)) == sizeof (void*) ? 1 : -1]), \
- (qb_atomic_pointer_get) ((volatile void* QB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS *) (volatile void *) (atomic)))
- .fi
--.SS "#define qb_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval)"
-+.SS "#define \fBqb_atomic_pointer_set\fP(atomic, newval)"\fBValue:\fP
- .PP
- .nf
- ((void) sizeof (char* [sizeof (*(atomic)) == sizeof (void*) ? 1 : -1]), \
-@@ -147,10 +141,8 @@ Atomically increments the integer pointe
- .fi
- .SH "Function Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_atomic_init (void)"
--.SS "void qb_atomic_int_add (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, int32_tval)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_atomic_init\fP (void)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_atomic_int_add\fP (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, int32_tval)"
- .PP
- Atomically adds val to the integer pointed to by atomic\&. Also acts as a memory barrier\&.
- .PP
-@@ -162,8 +154,7 @@ Atomically adds val to the integer point
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, int32_toldval, int32_tnewval)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange\fP (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, int32_toldval, int32_tnewval)"
- .PP
- Compares oldval with the integer pointed to by atomic and if they are equal, atomically exchanges *atomic with newval\&. Also acts as a memory barrier\&.
- .PP
-@@ -182,8 +173,7 @@ QB_TRUE, if *atomic was equal oldval\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_atomic_int_exchange_and_add (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, int32_tval)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_atomic_int_exchange_and_add\fP (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, int32_tval)"
- .PP
- Atomically adds val to the integer pointed to by atomic\&. It returns the value of *atomic just before the addition took place\&. Also acts as a memory barrier\&.
- .PP
-@@ -200,8 +190,7 @@ the value of *atomic before the addition
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_atomic_int_get (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_atomic_int_get\fP (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic)"
- .PP
- Reads the value of the integer pointed to by atomic\&. Also acts as a memory barrier\&.
- .PP
-@@ -216,8 +205,7 @@ the value of atomic
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_atomic_int_set (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, int32_tnewval)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_atomic_int_set\fP (volatile int32_t \fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, int32_tnewval)"
- .PP
- Sets the value of the integer pointed to by atomic\&. Also acts as a memory barrier\&.
- .PP
-@@ -229,8 +217,7 @@ Sets the value of the integer pointed to
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange (volatile void *\fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, void *oldval, void *newval)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange\fP (volatile void *\fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, void *oldval, void *newval)"
- .PP
- Compares oldval with the pointer pointed to by atomic and if they are equal, atomically exchanges *atomic with newval\&. Also acts as a memory barrier\&.
- .PP
-@@ -249,8 +236,7 @@ QB_TRUE if atomic was equal oldval, else
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void* qb_atomic_pointer_get (volatile void *\fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic)"
-+.SS "void* \fBqb_atomic_pointer_get\fP (volatile void *\fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic)"
- .PP
- Reads the value of the pointer pointed to by atomic\&. Also acts as a memory barrier\&.
- .PP
-@@ -265,8 +251,7 @@ the value to add to atomic\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_atomic_pointer_set (volatile void *\fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, void *newval)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_atomic_pointer_set\fP (volatile void *\fBQB_GNUC_MAY_ALIAS\fP *atomic, void *newval)"
- .PP
- Sets the value of the pointer pointed to by atomic\&. Also acts as a memory barrier\&.
- .PP
diff --git a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbhdb_h_3 b/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbhdb_h_3
deleted file mode 100644
index 91a3ae198..000000000
--- a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbhdb_h_3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
---- libqb-0.16.0.orig/docs/man3/qbhdb.h.3 2013-07-25 20:16:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ libqb-0.16.0/docs/man3/qbhdb.h.3 2013-09-09 05:26:31.447810868 +0200
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH "qbhdb.h" 3 "Thu Jul 25 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
-+.TH "qbhdb.h" 3 "Mon Sep 9 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
- .ad l
- .nh
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The handle database is for reference cou
- .RI "struct \fBqb_hdb\fP"
- .br
- .in -1c
--.SS "Macros"
-+.SS "Defines"
- .in +1c
- .ti -1c
-@@ -108,14 +108,11 @@ The handle database is for reference cou
- The handle database is for reference counting objects\&.
--.SH "Macro Definition Documentation"
-+.SH "Define Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "#define _GNU_SOURCE"
--.SS "#define QB_HDB_D_FORMAT '%'PRIu64"
--.SS "#define QB_HDB_DECLARE(database_name, destructor_function)"
-+.SS "#define \fB_GNU_SOURCE\fP"
-+.SS "#define \fBQB_HDB_D_FORMAT\fP '%'PRIu64"
-+.SS "#define \fBQB_HDB_DECLARE\fP(database_name, destructor_function)"\fBValue:\fP
- .PP
- .nf
- static struct qb_hdb (database_name) = { \
-@@ -129,24 +126,20 @@ static struct qb_hdb (database_name) = {
- .PP
- Convience macro for declaring a file scoped handle database\&. .PP
- .nf
--QB_HDB_DECLARE(my_handle_database, NULL);
-+ QB_HDB_DECLARE(my_handle_database, NULL);
- .fi
- .PP
--.SS "#define QB_HDB_X_FORMAT '%'PRIx64"
-+.SS "#define \fBQB_HDB_X_FORMAT\fP '%'PRIx64"
- .SH "Typedef Documentation"
- .PP
- .SS "typedef uint64_t \fBqb_handle_t\fP"
- .PP
- Generic handle type is 64 bits\&.
- .SH "Function Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "uint32_t qb_hdb_base_convert (\fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle)"
--.SS "void qb_hdb_create (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb)"
-+.SS "uint32_t \fBqb_hdb_base_convert\fP (\fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_hdb_create\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb)"
- .PP
- Create a new database\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -154,8 +147,7 @@ Create a new database\&. \fBParameters:\
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_hdb_destroy (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_hdb_destroy\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb)"
- .PP
- Destroy a handle database\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -163,8 +155,7 @@ Destroy a handle database\&. \fBParamete
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_hdb_handle_create (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, int32_tinstance_size, \fBqb_handle_t\fP *handle_id_out)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_hdb_handle_create\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, int32_tinstance_size, \fBqb_handle_t\fP *handle_id_out)"
- .PP
- Create a new handle\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -181,8 +172,7 @@ Create a new handle\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_hdb_handle_destroy (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_hdb_handle_destroy\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in)"
- .PP
- Request the destruction of the object\&. When the refcount is 0, it will be destroyed\&.
- .PP
-@@ -199,8 +189,7 @@ Request the destruction of the object\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_hdb_handle_get (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in, void **instance)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_hdb_handle_get\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in, void **instance)"
- .PP
- Get the instance associated with this handle and increase it's refcount\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -217,8 +206,7 @@ Get the instance associated with this ha
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_hdb_handle_get_always (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in, void **instance)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_hdb_handle_get_always\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in, void **instance)"
- .PP
- Get the instance associated with this handle and increase it's refcount\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -235,8 +223,7 @@ Get the instance associated with this ha
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_hdb_handle_put (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_hdb_handle_put\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in)"
- .PP
- Put the instance associated with this handle and decrease it's refcount\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -251,8 +238,7 @@ Put the instance associated with this ha
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_hdb_handle_refcount_get (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_hdb_handle_refcount_get\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, \fBqb_handle_t\fPhandle_in)"
- .PP
- Get the current refcount\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -267,8 +253,7 @@ Get the current refcount\&. \fBParameter
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_hdb_iterator_next (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, void **instance, \fBqb_handle_t\fP *handle)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_hdb_iterator_next\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb, void **instance, \fBqb_handle_t\fP *handle)"
- .PP
- Get the next object and increament it's refcount\&. Remember to call \fBqb_hdb_handle_put()\fP
- .PP
-@@ -287,8 +272,7 @@ Get the next object and increament it's
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_hdb_iterator_reset (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_hdb_iterator_reset\fP (struct \fBqb_hdb\fP *hdb)"
- .PP
- Reset the iterator\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -296,8 +280,7 @@ Reset the iterator\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "uint64_t qb_hdb_nocheck_convert (uint32_thandle)"
-+.SS "uint64_t \fBqb_hdb_nocheck_convert\fP (uint32_thandle)"
- .SH "Author"
- .PP
- Generated automatically by Doxygen for libqb from the source code\&.
diff --git a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbipc_common_h_3 b/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbipc_common_h_3
deleted file mode 100644
index 57bd1b059..000000000
--- a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbipc_common_h_3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
---- libqb-0.16.0.orig/docs/man3/qbipc_common.h.3 2013-07-25 20:16:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ libqb-0.16.0/docs/man3/qbipc_common.h.3 2013-09-09 05:26:31.455810766 +0200
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH "qbipc_common.h" 3 "Thu Jul 25 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
-+.TH "qbipc_common.h" 3 "Mon Sep 9 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
- .ad l
- .nh
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ qbipc_common.h \-
- .RI "struct \fBqb_ipc_response_header\fP"
- .br
- .in -1c
--.SS "Macros"
-+.SS "Defines"
- .in +1c
- .ti -1c
-@@ -59,24 +59,18 @@ qbipc_common.h \-
- .RI "enum \fBqb_ipc_type\fP \fB__attribute__\fP"
- .br
- .in -1c
--.SH "Macro Definition Documentation"
-+.SH "Define Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "#define QB_IPC_MSG_DISCONNECT -3"
--.SS "#define QB_IPC_MSG_NEW_EVENT_SOCK -2"
--.SS "#define QB_IPC_MSG_NEW_MESSAGE 0"
-+.SS "#define \fBQB_IPC_MSG_AUTHENTICATE\fP -1"
-+.SS "#define \fBQB_IPC_MSG_DISCONNECT\fP -3"
-+.SS "#define \fBQB_IPC_MSG_NEW_EVENT_SOCK\fP -2"
-+.SS "#define \fBQB_IPC_MSG_NEW_MESSAGE\fP 0"
- .SH "Enumeration Type Documentation"
- .PP
- .SS "enum \fBqb_ipc_type\fP"
- .PP
-+\fBEnumerator: \fP
- .in +1c
- .TP
-@@ -88,14 +82,13 @@ qbipc_common.h \-
- .TP
- .SH "Function Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "struct \fBqb_ipc_request_header\fP __attribute__ ((aligned(8)))"
-+.SS "struct \fBqb_ipc_request_header\fP \fB__attribute__\fP ((aligned(8)))"
- .SH "Variable Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t error __attribute__"
-+.SS "int32_t error \fB__attribute__\fP"
- .SH "Author"
- .PP
- Generated automatically by Doxygen for libqb from the source code\&.
diff --git a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbipcc_h_3 b/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbipcc_h_3
deleted file mode 100644
index d3fdd0eec..000000000
--- a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbipcc_h_3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
---- libqb-0.16.0.orig/docs/man3/qbipcc.h.3 2013-07-25 20:16:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ libqb-0.16.0/docs/man3/qbipcc.h.3 2013-09-09 05:26:31.487810365 +0200
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH "qbipcc.h" 3 "Thu Jul 25 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
-+.TH "qbipcc.h" 3 "Mon Sep 9 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
- .ad l
- .nh
-@@ -113,11 +113,9 @@ The \fBqb_ipcc_event_recv()\fP function
- .SH "Typedef Documentation"
- .PP
- .SS "typedef struct qb_ipcc_connection \fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP"
- .SH "Function Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP* qb_ipcc_connect (const char *name, size_tmax_msg_size)"
-+.SS "\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP* \fBqb_ipcc_connect\fP (const char *name, size_tmax_msg_size)"
- .PP
- Create a connection to an IPC service\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -133,12 +131,11 @@ NULL (error: see errno) or a connection
- .PP
- \fBNote:\fP
- .RS 4
--It is recommended to do a one time check on the max_msg_size value using qb_ipcc_verify_dgram_max_msg_size \fIBEFORE\fP calling the connect function when IPC_SOCKET is in use\&. Some distributions while allow large message buffers to be set on the socket, but not actually honor them because of kernel state values\&. The qb_ipcc_verify_dgram_max_msg_size function both sets the socket buffer size and verifies it by doing a send/recv\&.
-+It is recommended to do a one time check on the max_msg_size value using qb_ipcc_verify_dgram_max_msg_size _BEFORE_ calling the connect function when IPC_SOCKET is in use\&. Some distributions while allow large message buffers to be set on the socket, but not actually honor them because of kernel state values\&. The qb_ipcc_verify_dgram_max_msg_size function both sets the socket buffer size and verifies it by doing a send/recv\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void* qb_ipcc_context_get (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "void* \fBqb_ipcc_context_get\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- Get the context (set previously) \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -150,14 +147,13 @@ Get the context (set previously) \fBPara
- the context
- .RE
- .PP
--\fBSee Also:\fP
-+\fBSee also:\fP
- .RS 4
- \fBqb_ipcc_context_set()\fP
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_ipcc_context_set (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, void *context)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_ipcc_context_set\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, void *context)"
- .PP
- Associate a 'user' pointer with this connection\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -166,14 +162,13 @@ Associate a 'user' pointer with this con
- \fIc\fP connection instance
- .RE
- .PP
--\fBSee Also:\fP
-+\fBSee also:\fP
- .RS 4
- \fBqb_ipcc_context_get()\fP
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_ipcc_disconnect (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_ipcc_disconnect\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- Disconnect an IPC connection\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -181,8 +176,7 @@ Disconnect an IPC connection\&. \fBParam
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "ssize_t qb_ipcc_event_recv (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, void *msg_ptr, size_tmsg_len, int32_tms_timeout)"
-+.SS "ssize_t \fBqb_ipcc_event_recv\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, void *msg_ptr, size_tmsg_len, int32_tms_timeout)"
- .PP
- Receive an event\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -208,8 +202,7 @@ that msg_ptr will include a \fBqb_ipc_re
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_ipcc_fc_enable_max_set (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, uint32_tmax)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_ipcc_fc_enable_max_set\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, uint32_tmax)"
- .PP
- Set the maximum allowable flowcontrol value\&. \fBNote:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -224,8 +217,7 @@ the default is 1
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_ipcc_fd_get (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, int32_t *fd)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_ipcc_fd_get\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, int32_t *fd)"
- .PP
- Get the file descriptor to poll\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -235,8 +227,7 @@ Get the file descriptor to poll\&. \fBPa
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_ipcc_is_connected (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_ipcc_is_connected\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- Is the connection connected? \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -251,8 +242,7 @@ Is the connection connected? \fBParamete
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "ssize_t qb_ipcc_recv (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, void *msg_ptr, size_tmsg_len, int32_tms_timeout)"
-+.SS "ssize_t \fBqb_ipcc_recv\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, void *msg_ptr, size_tmsg_len, int32_tms_timeout)"
- .PP
- Receive a response\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -276,8 +266,7 @@ that msg_ptr will include a \fBqb_ipc_re
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "ssize_t qb_ipcc_send (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, const void *msg_ptr, size_tmsg_len)"
-+.SS "ssize_t \fBqb_ipcc_send\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, const void *msg_ptr, size_tmsg_len)"
- .PP
- Send a message\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -299,8 +288,7 @@ the msg_ptr must include a \fBqb_ipc_req
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "ssize_t qb_ipcc_sendv (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, const struct iovec *iov, size_tiov_len)"
-+.SS "ssize_t \fBqb_ipcc_sendv\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, const struct iovec *iov, size_tiov_len)"
- .PP
- Send a message (iovec)\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -322,8 +310,7 @@ the iov[0] must be a \fBqb_ipc_request_h
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "ssize_t qb_ipcc_sendv_recv (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, const struct iovec *iov, uint32_tiov_len, void *msg_ptr, size_tmsg_len, int32_tms_timeout)"
-+.SS "ssize_t \fBqb_ipcc_sendv_recv\fP (\fBqb_ipcc_connection_t\fP *c, const struct iovec *iov, uint32_tiov_len, void *msg_ptr, size_tmsg_len, int32_tms_timeout)"
- .PP
- This is a convenience function that simply sends and then recvs\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -347,14 +334,13 @@ the iov[0] must include a \fBqb_ipc_requ
- that msg_ptr will include a \fBqb_ipc_response_header\fP at the top of the message\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--\fBSee Also:\fP
-+\fBSee also:\fP
- .RS 4
- \fBqb_ipcc_sendv()\fP \fBqb_ipcc_recv()\fP
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_ipcc_verify_dgram_max_msg_size (size_tmax_msg_size)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_ipcc_verify_dgram_max_msg_size\fP (size_tmax_msg_size)"
- .PP
- Test kernel dgram socket buffers to verify the largest size up to the max_msg_size value a single msg can be\&. Rounds down to the nearest 1k\&.
- .PP
diff --git a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbipcs_h_3 b/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbipcs_h_3
deleted file mode 100644
index 224543484..000000000
--- a/package/libqb/patches/patch-docs_man3_qbipcs_h_3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
---- libqb-0.16.0.orig/docs/man3/qbipcs.h.3 2013-07-25 20:16:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ libqb-0.16.0/docs/man3/qbipcs.h.3 2013-09-09 05:26:31.551809560 +0200
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--.TH "qbipcs.h" 3 "Thu Jul 25 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
-+.TH "qbipcs.h" 3 "Mon Sep 9 2013" "Version 0.16.0" "libqb" \" -*- nroff -*-
- .ad l
- .nh
-@@ -206,8 +206,7 @@ Server IPC API\&.
- .SH "Typedef Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "typedef int32_t(* qb_ipcs_connection_accept_fn)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)"
-+.SS "typedef int32_t(* \fBqb_ipcs_connection_accept_fn\fP)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)"
- .PP
- This callback is to check wether you want to accept a new connection\&. The type of checks you should do are authentication, service availabilty or process resource constraints\&.
- .PP
-@@ -222,8 +221,7 @@ you can call \fBqb_ipcs_connection_auth_
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "typedef int32_t(* qb_ipcs_connection_closed_fn)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "typedef int32_t(* \fBqb_ipcs_connection_closed_fn\fP)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- This is called after a connection has been disconnected\&. \fBNote:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -231,38 +229,27 @@ if you return anything but 0 this functi
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "typedef void(* qb_ipcs_connection_created_fn)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "typedef void(* \fBqb_ipcs_connection_created_fn\fP)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- This is called after a new connection has been created\&.
--.SS "typedef void(* qb_ipcs_connection_destroyed_fn)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "typedef void(* \fBqb_ipcs_connection_destroyed_fn\fP)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- This is called just before a connection is freed\&.
- .SS "typedef struct qb_ipcs_connection \fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP"
--.SS "typedef int32_t(* qb_ipcs_dispatch_add_fn)(enum \fBqb_loop_priority\fP p, int32_t fd, int32_t events, void *data, \fBqb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t\fP fn)"
--.SS "typedef int32_t(* qb_ipcs_dispatch_del_fn)(int32_t fd)"
--.SS "typedef int32_t(* qb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t)(int32_t fd, int32_t revents, void *data)"
--.SS "typedef int32_t(* qb_ipcs_dispatch_mod_fn)(enum \fBqb_loop_priority\fP p, int32_t fd, int32_t events, void *data, \fBqb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t\fP fn)"
--.SS "typedef int32_t(* qb_ipcs_job_add_fn)(enum \fBqb_loop_priority\fP p, void *data, \fBqb_loop_job_dispatch_fn\fP dispatch_fn)"
--.SS "typedef int32_t(* qb_ipcs_msg_process_fn)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, void *data, size_t size)"
-+.SS "typedef int32_t(* \fBqb_ipcs_dispatch_add_fn\fP)(enum \fBqb_loop_priority\fP p, int32_t fd, int32_t events, void *data, \fBqb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t\fP fn)"
-+.SS "typedef int32_t(* \fBqb_ipcs_dispatch_del_fn\fP)(int32_t fd)"
-+.SS "typedef int32_t(* \fBqb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t\fP)(int32_t fd, int32_t revents, void *data)"
-+.SS "typedef int32_t(* \fBqb_ipcs_dispatch_mod_fn\fP)(enum \fBqb_loop_priority\fP p, int32_t fd, int32_t events, void *data, \fBqb_ipcs_dispatch_fn_t\fP fn)"
-+.SS "typedef int32_t(* \fBqb_ipcs_job_add_fn\fP)(enum \fBqb_loop_priority\fP p, void *data, \fBqb_loop_job_dispatch_fn\fP dispatch_fn)"
-+.SS "typedef int32_t(* \fBqb_ipcs_msg_process_fn\fP)(\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, void *data, size_t size)"
- .PP
- This is the message processing calback\&. It is called with the message data\&.
- .SS "typedef struct qb_ipcs_service \fBqb_ipcs_service_t\fP"
- .SH "Enumeration Type Documentation"
- .PP
- .SS "enum \fBqb_ipcs_rate_limit\fP"
- .PP
-+\fBEnumerator: \fP
- .in +1c
- .TP
-@@ -274,10 +261,10 @@ This is the message processing calback\&
- .TP
- .SH "Function Documentation"
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_ipcs_connection_auth_set (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *conn, uid_tuid, gid_tgid, mode_tmode)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_ipcs_connection_auth_set\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *conn, uid_tuid, gid_tgid, mode_tmode)"
- .PP
- Set the permissions on and shared memory files so that both processes can read and write to them\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -290,7 +277,7 @@ Set the permissions on and shared memory
- \fImode\fP the mode to set\&.
- .RE
- .PP
--\fBSee Also:\fP
-+\fBSee also:\fP
- .RS 4
- chmod() chown()
- .RE
-@@ -301,8 +288,7 @@ this must be called within the \fBqb_ipc
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP* qb_ipcs_connection_first_get (\fBqb_ipcs_service_t\fP *pt)"
-+.SS "\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP* \fBqb_ipcs_connection_first_get\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_service_t\fP *pt)"
- .PP
- Get the first connection\&. \fBNote:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -320,8 +306,7 @@ first connection
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP* qb_ipcs_connection_next_get (\fBqb_ipcs_service_t\fP *pt, \fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *current)"
-+.SS "\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP* \fBqb_ipcs_connection_next_get\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_service_t\fP *pt, \fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *current)"
- .PP
- Get the next connection\&. \fBNote:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -341,8 +326,7 @@ next connection
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_ipcs_connection_ref (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_ipcs_connection_ref\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- Increment the connection's reference counter\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -350,8 +334,7 @@ Increment the connection's reference cou
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void* qb_ipcs_connection_service_context_get (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "void* \fBqb_ipcs_connection_service_context_get\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- Get the context previously set on the service backing this connection\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -363,14 +346,13 @@ Get the context previously set on the se
- the context
- .RE
- .PP
--\fBSee Also:\fP
-+\fBSee also:\fP
- .RS 4
- \fBqb_ipcs_service_context_set\fP
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "int32_t qb_ipcs_connection_stats_get (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, struct \fBqb_ipcs_connection_stats\fP *stats, int32_tclear_after_read)"
-+.SS "int32_t \fBqb_ipcs_connection_stats_get\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, struct \fBqb_ipcs_connection_stats\fP *stats, int32_tclear_after_read)"
- .PP
- Get the connection statistics\&. \fBDeprecated\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -392,8 +374,7 @@ from v0\&.13\&.0 onwards, use qb_ipcs_co
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "struct \fBqb_ipcs_connection_stats_2\fP* qb_ipcs_connection_stats_get_2 (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, int32_tclear_after_read)\fC [read]\fP"
-+.SS "struct \fBqb_ipcs_connection_stats_2\fP* \fBqb_ipcs_connection_stats_get_2\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, int32_tclear_after_read)\fC [read]\fP"
- .PP
- Get (and allocate) the connection statistics\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -410,8 +391,7 @@ Get (and allocate) the connection statis
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_ipcs_connection_unref (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_ipcs_connection_unref\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- Decrement the connection's reference counter\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -419,8 +399,7 @@ Decrement the connection's reference cou
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void* qb_ipcs_context_get (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
-+.SS "void* \fBqb_ipcs_context_get\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c)"
- .PP
- Get the context (set previously) \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -432,14 +411,13 @@ Get the context (set previously) \fBPara
- the context
- .RE
- .PP
--\fBSee Also:\fP
-+\fBSee also:\fP
- .RS 4
- \fBqb_ipcs_context_set()\fP
- .RE
- .PP
--.SS "void qb_ipcs_context_set (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, void *context)"
-+.SS "void \fBqb_ipcs_context_set\fP (\fBqb_ipcs_connection_t\fP *c, void *context)"
- .PP
- Associate a 'user' pointer with this connection\&. \fBParameters:\fP
- .RS 4
-@@ -448,14 +426,13 @@ Associate a 'user' pointer with this con
- \fIc\fP connection instance
- .RE
- .PP
--\fBSee Also:\fP
-+\fBSee also:\fP
- .RS 4
- \fBqb_ipcs_context_get()\fP
- .RE
- .PP