/*							j0f.c
 *	Bessel function of order zero
 * float x, y, j0f();
 * y = j0f( x );
 * Returns Bessel function of order zero of the argument.
 * The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 2] and
 * (2, infinity). In the first interval the following polynomial
 * approximation is used:
 *        2         2         2
 * (w - r  ) (w - r  ) (w - r  ) P(w)
 *       1         2         3   
 *            2
 * where w = x  and the three r's are zeros of the function.
 * In the second interval, the modulus and phase are approximated
 * by polynomials of the form Modulus(x) = sqrt(1/x) Q(1/x)
 * and Phase(x) = x + 1/x R(1/x^2) - pi/4.  The function is
 *   j0(x) = Modulus(x) cos( Phase(x) ).
 *                      Absolute error:
 * arithmetic   domain     # trials      peak         rms
 *    IEEE      0, 2        100000      1.3e-7      3.6e-8
 *    IEEE      2, 32       100000      1.9e-7      5.4e-8
/*							y0f.c
 *	Bessel function of the second kind, order zero
 * float x, y, y0f();
 * y = y0f( x );
 * Returns Bessel function of the second kind, of order
 * zero, of the argument.
 * The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 2] and
 * (2, infinity). In the first interval a rational approximation
 * R(x) is employed to compute
 *                  2         2         2
 * y0(x)  =  (w - r  ) (w - r  ) (w - r  ) R(x)  +  2/pi ln(x) j0(x).
 *                 1         2         3   
 * Thus a call to j0() is required.  The three zeros are removed
 * from R(x) to improve its numerical stability.
 * In the second interval, the modulus and phase are approximated
 * by polynomials of the form Modulus(x) = sqrt(1/x) Q(1/x)
 * and Phase(x) = x + 1/x S(1/x^2) - pi/4.  Then the function is
 *   y0(x) = Modulus(x) sin( Phase(x) ).
 *  Absolute error, when y0(x) < 1; else relative error:
 * arithmetic   domain     # trials      peak         rms
 *    IEEE      0,  2       100000      2.4e-7      3.4e-8
 *    IEEE      2, 32       100000      1.8e-7      5.3e-8
Cephes Math Library Release 2.2:  June, 1992
Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 1992 by Stephen L. Moshier
Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140

#include <math.h>

static float MO[8] = {

static float PH[8] = {

static float YP[5] = {

float YZ1 =  0.43221455686510834878f;
float YZ2 = 22.401876406482861405f;
float YZ3 = 64.130620282338755553f;

static float DR1 =  5.78318596294678452118f;
static float DR2 = 30.4712623436620863991;
static float DR3 = 74.887006790695183444889;

static float JP[5] = {
extern float PIO4F;

float polevlf(float, float *, int);
float logf(float), sinf(float), cosf(float), sqrtf(float);

float j0f( float xx )
float x, w, z, p, q, xn;

if( xx < 0 )
	x = -xx;
	x = xx;

if( x <= 2.0f )
	z = x * x;
	if( x < 1.0e-3f )
		return( 1.0f - 0.25f*z );

	p = (z-DR1) * polevlf( z, JP, 4);
	return( p );

q = 1.0f/x;
w = sqrtf(q);

p = w * polevlf( q, MO, 7);
w = q*q;
xn = q * polevlf( w, PH, 7) - PIO4F;
p = p * cosf(xn + x);
/*							y0() 2	*/
/* Bessel function of second kind, order zero	*/

/* Rational approximation coefficients YP[] are used for x < 6.5.
 * The function computed is  y0(x)  -  2 ln(x) j0(x) / pi,
 * whose value at x = 0 is  2 * ( log(0.5) + EUL ) / pi
 * = 0.073804295108687225 , EUL is Euler's constant.

static float TWOOPI =  0.636619772367581343075535f; /* 2/pi */
extern float MAXNUMF;

float y0f( float xx )
float x, w, z, p, q, xn;

x = xx;
if( x <= 2.0f )
	if( x <= 0.0f )
		mtherr( "y0f", DOMAIN );
		return( -MAXNUMF );
	z = x * x;
/*	w = (z-YZ1)*(z-YZ2)*(z-YZ3) * polevlf( z, YP, 4);*/
	w = (z-YZ1) * polevlf( z, YP, 4);
	w += TWOOPI * logf(x) * j0f(x);
	return( w );

q = 1.0f/x;
w = sqrtf(q);

p = w * polevlf( q, MO, 7);
w = q*q;
xn = q * polevlf( w, PH, 7) - PIO4F;
p = p * sinf(xn + x);
return( p );