/*							igamif()
 *      Inverse of complemented imcomplete gamma integral
 * float a, x, y, igamif();
 * x = igamif( a, y );
 * Given y, the function finds x such that
 *  igamc( a, x ) = y.
 * Starting with the approximate value
 *         3
 *  x = a t
 *  where
 *  t = 1 - d - ndtri(y) sqrt(d)
 * and
 *  d = 1/9a,
 * the routine performs up to 10 Newton iterations to find the
 * root of igamc(a,x) - y = 0.
 * Tested for a ranging from 0 to 100 and x from 0 to 1.
 *                      Relative error:
 * arithmetic   domain     # trials      peak         rms
 *    IEEE      0,100         5000       1.0e-5      1.5e-6
Cephes Math Library Release 2.2:  July, 1992
Copyright 1984, 1987, 1992 by Stephen L. Moshier
Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140

#include <math.h>

extern float MACHEPF, MAXLOGF;

#define fabsf(x) ( (x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x) )

#ifdef ANSIC
float igamcf(float, float);
float ndtrif(float), expf(float), logf(float), sqrtf(float), lgamf(float);
float igamcf();
float ndtrif(), expf(), logf(), sqrtf(), lgamf();

float igamif( float aa, float yy0 )
float a, y0, d, y, x0, lgm;
int i;

a = aa;
y0 = yy0;
/* approximation to inverse function */
d = 1.0/(9.0*a);
y = ( 1.0 - d - ndtrif(y0) * sqrtf(d) );
x0 = a * y * y * y;

lgm = lgamf(a);

for( i=0; i<10; i++ )
	if( x0 <= 0.0 )
		mtherr( "igamif", UNDERFLOW );
	y = igamcf(a,x0);
/* compute the derivative of the function at this point */
	d = (a - 1.0) * logf(x0) - x0 - lgm;
	if( d < -MAXLOGF )
		mtherr( "igamif", UNDERFLOW );
		goto done;
	d = -expf(d);
/* compute the step to the next approximation of x */
	if( d == 0.0 )
		goto done;
	d = (y - y0)/d;
	x0 = x0 - d;
	if( i < 3 )
	if( fabsf(d/x0) < (2.0 * MACHEPF) )
		goto done;

return( x0 );