 * Copyright (C) 2007 Atmel Corporation
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License.  See the file "COPYING.LIB" in the main directory of this
 * archive for more details.
#ifndef _AVR32_BITS_ATOMIC_H
#define _AVR32_BITS_ATOMIC_H 1

#include <inttypes.h>

typedef int32_t atomic32_t;
typedef uint32_t uatomic32_t;
typedef int_fast32_t atomic_fast32_t;
typedef uint_fast32_t uatomic_fast32_t;

typedef intptr_t atomicptr_t;
typedef uintptr_t uatomicptr_t;
typedef intmax_t atomic_max_t;
typedef uintmax_t uatomic_max_t;

#define __arch_compare_and_exchange_val_8_acq(mem, newval, oldval)     \
       (abort(), 0)

#define __arch_compare_and_exchange_val_16_acq(mem, newval, oldval)    \
       (abort(), 0)

#define __arch_compare_and_exchange_val_32_acq(mem, newval, oldval)    \
       ({                                                              \
               __typeof__(*(mem)) __prev;                              \
               __asm__ __volatile__(                                   \
                       "/* __arch_compare_and_exchange_val_32_acq */\n" \
                       "1:     ssrf    5\n"                            \
                       "       ld.w    %[result], %[m]\n"              \
                       "       cp.w    %[result], %[old]\n"            \
                       "       brne    2f\n"                           \
                       "       stcond  %[m], %[new]\n"                 \
                       "       brne    1b\n"                           \
                       "2:"                                            \
                       : [result] "=&r"(__result), [m] "=m"(*(mem))    \
                       : "m"(*(mem)), [old] "ir"(oldval),              \
                         [new] "r"(newval)                             \
                       : "memory", "cc");                              \
               __prev;                                                 \

#define __arch_compare_and_exchange_val_64_acq(mem, newval, oldval)    \
       (abort(), 0)

#define __arch_exchange_32_acq(mem, newval)                            \
       ({                                                              \
               __typeof__(*(mem)) __oldval;                            \
               __asm__ __volatile__(                                   \
                       "/*__arch_exchange_32_acq */\n"                 \
                       "       xchg    %[old], %[m], %[new]"           \
                       : [old] "=&r"(__oldval)                         \
                       : [m] "r"(mem), [new] "r"(newval)               \
                       : "memory");                                    \
               __oldval;                                               \

#define __arch_atomic_exchange_and_add_32(mem, value)                  \
       ({                                                              \
               __typeof__(*(mem)) __oldval, __tmp;                     \
               __asm__ __volatile__(                                   \
                       "/* __arch_atomic_exchange_and_add_32 */\n"     \
                       "1:     ssrf    5\n"                            \
                       "       ld.w    %[old], %[m]\n"                 \
                       "       add     %[tmp], %[old], %[val]\n"       \
                       "       stcond  %[m], %[tmp]\n"                 \
                       "       brne    1b"                             \
                       : [old] "=&r"(__oldval), [tmp] "=&r"(__tmp),    \
                         [m] "=m"(*(mem))                              \
                       : "m"(*(mem)), [val] "r"(value)                 \
                       : "memory", "cc");                              \
               __oldval;                                               \

#define __arch_atomic_decrement_if_positive_32(mem)                    \
       ({                                                              \
               __typeof__(*(mem)) __oldval, __tmp;                     \
               __asm__ __volatile__(                                   \
                       "/* __arch_atomic_decrement_if_positive_32 */\n" \
                       "1:     ssrf    5\n"                            \
                       "       ld.w    %[old], %[m]\n"                 \
                       "       sub     %[tmp], %[old], 1\n"            \
                       "       brlt    2f\n"                           \
                       "       stcond  %[m], %[tmp]\n"                 \
                       "       brne    1b"                             \
                       "2:"                                            \
                       : [old] "=&r"(__oldval), [tmp] "=&r"(__tmp),    \
                         [m] "=m"(*(mem))                              \
                       : "m"(*(mem))                                   \
                       : "memory", "cc");                              \
               __oldval;                                               \

#define atomic_exchange_acq(mem, newval)                               \
       ({                                                              \
               if (sizeof(*(mem)) != 4)                                \
                       abort();                                        \
               __arch_exchange_32_acq(mem, newval);                    \

#define atomic_exchange_and_add(mem, newval)                           \
       ({                                                              \
               if (sizeof(*(mem)) != 4)                                \
                       abort();                                        \
               __arch_atomic_exchange_and_add_32(mem, newval);         \

#define atomic_decrement_if_positive(mem)                              \
       ({                                                              \
               if (sizeof(*(mem)) != 4)                                \
                       abort();                                        \
               __arch_atomic_decrement_if_positive_32(mem);            \

#endif /* _AVR32_BITS_ATOMIC_H */