#ifndef _SYSCALL_H
# error "Never use <bits/syscall.h> directly; include <sys/syscall.h> instead."

/* This includes the `__NR_<name>' syscall numbers taken from the Linux kernel
 * header files.  It also defines the traditional `SYS_<name>' macros for older
 * programs.  */
#include <bits/syscall.h>

#ifndef __set_errno
# define __set_errno(val) (*__errno_location ()) = (val)
#ifndef SYS_ify
# define SYS_ify(syscall_name)	(__NR_##syscall_name)

   Some of the sneaky macros in the code were taken from 

#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__

#undef _syscall0
#define _syscall0(type,name) \
type name(void) \
{ \
return (type) (INLINE_SYSCALL(name, 0)); \

#undef _syscall1
#define _syscall1(type,name,type1,arg1) \
type name(type1 arg1) \
{ \
return (type) (INLINE_SYSCALL(name, 1, arg1)); \

#undef _syscall2
#define _syscall2(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2) \
type name(type1 arg1,type2 arg2) \
{ \
return (type) (INLINE_SYSCALL(name, 2, arg1, arg2)); \

#undef _syscall3
#define _syscall3(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3) \
type name(type1 arg1,type2 arg2,type3 arg3) \
{ \
return (type) (INLINE_SYSCALL(name, 3, arg1, arg2, arg3)); \

#undef _syscall4
#define _syscall4(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4) \
type name (type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4) \
{ \
return (type) (INLINE_SYSCALL(name, 4, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)); \

#undef _syscall5
#define _syscall5(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4, \
	  type5,arg5) \
type name (type1 arg1,type2 arg2,type3 arg3,type4 arg4,type5 arg5) \
{ \
return (type) (INLINE_SYSCALL(name, 5, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)); \

#undef _syscall6
#define _syscall6(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4, \
	  type5,arg5,type6,arg6) \
type name (type1 arg1,type2 arg2,type3 arg3,type4 arg4,type5 arg5, type6 arg6) \
{ \
return (type) (INLINE_SYSCALL(name, 6, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)); \

#undef _syscall7
#define _syscall7(type,name,type1,arg1,type2,arg2,type3,arg3,type4,arg4, \
	  type5,arg5,type6,arg6,type7,arg7) \
type name (type1 arg1,type2 arg2,type3 arg3,type4 arg4,type5 arg5, type6 arg6,type7 arg7) \
{ \
return (type) (INLINE_SYSCALL(name, 7, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)); \

#define INLINE_SYSCALL(name, nr, args...)			\
  ({ unsigned int _sys_result;					\
     {								\
       register int _a1 asm ("a1");				\
       LOAD_ARGS_##nr (args)					\
       asm volatile ("swi	%1	@ syscall " #name	\
		     : "=r" (_a1)				\
		     : "i" (SYS_ify(name)) ASM_ARGS_##nr	\
		     : "a1", "memory");				\
       _sys_result = _a1;					\
     }								\
     if (_sys_result >= (unsigned int) -4095)			\
       {							\
	 __set_errno (-_sys_result);				\
	 _sys_result = (unsigned int) -1;			\
       }							\
     (int) _sys_result; })

#define LOAD_ARGS_0()
#define ASM_ARGS_0
#define LOAD_ARGS_1(a1)				\
  _a1 = (int) (a1);				\
  LOAD_ARGS_0 ()
#define ASM_ARGS_1	ASM_ARGS_0, "r" (_a1)
#define LOAD_ARGS_2(a1, a2)			\
  register int _a2 asm ("a2") = (int) (a2);	\
  LOAD_ARGS_1 (a1)
#define ASM_ARGS_2	ASM_ARGS_1, "r" (_a2)
#define LOAD_ARGS_3(a1, a2, a3)			\
  register int _a3 asm ("a3") = (int) (a3);	\
  LOAD_ARGS_2 (a1, a2)
#define ASM_ARGS_3	ASM_ARGS_2, "r" (_a3)
#define LOAD_ARGS_4(a1, a2, a3, a4)		\
  register int _a4 asm ("a4") = (int) (a4);	\
  LOAD_ARGS_3 (a1, a2, a3)
#define ASM_ARGS_4	ASM_ARGS_3, "r" (_a4)
#define LOAD_ARGS_5(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)		\
  register int _v1 asm ("v1") = (int) (a5);	\
  LOAD_ARGS_4 (a1, a2, a3, a4)
#define ASM_ARGS_5	ASM_ARGS_4, "r" (_v1)
#define LOAD_ARGS_6(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)	\
  register int _v2 asm ("v2") = (int) (a6);	\
  LOAD_ARGS_5 (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)
#define ASM_ARGS_6	ASM_ARGS_5, "r" (_v2)
#define LOAD_ARGS_7(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7)	\
  register int _v3 asm ("v3") = (int) (a7);	\
  LOAD_ARGS_6 (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
#define ASM_ARGS_7	ASM_ARGS_6, "r" (_v3)

#endif /* __ASSEMBLER__ */
#endif /* _BITS_SYSCALLS_H */