/* malloc - heap manager based on heavy use of virtual memory management. Copyright (C) 1998 Valery Shchedrin This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA Public Functions: void *malloc(size_t size); Allocates `size` bytes returns NULL if no free memory available void *calloc(size_t unit, size_t quantity); Allocates `quantity*unit` zeroed bytes via internal malloc call void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size); Reallocates already allocated block `ptr`, if `ptr` is not valid block then it works as malloc. NULL is returned if no free memory available void *_realloc_no_move(void *ptr, size_t size); Reallocates already allocated block `ptr`, if `ptr` is not valid block or if reallocation can't be done with shrinking/expanding already allocated block NULL is returned void free(void *ptr); Frees already allocated block, if `ptr` is incorrect one nothing will happen. */ /* * Manuel Novoa III Jan 2001 * * Modified to decrease object sizes. * Broke into independent object files. * Converted INIT_BLOCK() and FREE_MEM_DEL_BLOCK() from macros to functions. */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <limits.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <asm/page.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <string.h> #include "malloc.h" #define M_DOTRIMMING 1 #define M_MULTITHREADED 0 #define VALLOC_MSTART ((void*)0x1c000000) #define LARGE_MSTART ((void*)0x19000000) #define HUNK_MSTART ((void*)0x18000000) #define HUNK_MSIZE M_PAGESIZE #define HUNK_ID 0x99171713 /* alignment of allocations > HUNK_THRESHOLD */ #define MALLOC_ALIGN 4 /* allocations < HUNK_THRESHOLD will not be aligned */ #define HUNK_THRESHOLD 4 /*up to HUNK_MAXSIZE blocks will be joined together to decrease memory waste*/ #define HUNK_MAXSIZE 128 /* returns value not less than size, aligned to MALLOC_ALIGN */ #define ALIGN(size) (((size)+(MALLOC_ALIGN)-1)&(~((MALLOC_ALIGN)-1))) /* aligns s or p to page boundaries */ #define PAGE_ALIGN(s) (((s)+M_PAGESIZE-1)&(~(M_PAGESIZE-1))) #define PAGE_ALIGNP(p) ((char*)PAGE_ALIGN((unsigned)(p))) #define PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(p) ((char*)(((unsigned)(p))&(~(M_PAGESIZE-1)))) /* returns v * 2 for your machine (speed-up) */ #define MUL2(v) ((v)*2) /* does v *= 8 for your machine (speed-up) */ #define EMUL8(v) v*=8 /* does v/8 for your machind (speed-up) */ #define DIV8(v) ((v)/8) #if M_MULTITHREADED #error This version does not support threads #else typedef int mutex_t; #define mutex_lock(x) #define mutex_unlock(x) #define mutex_init(x) #define MUTEX_INITIALIZER 0 //static mutex_t malloc_lock = MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #endif extern int __malloc_initialized; #ifdef L__malloc_init int __malloc_initialized = -1; /* -1 == uninitialized, 0 == initializing, 1 == initialized */ #endif #ifndef MAP_FAILED #define MAP_FAILED ((void*)-1) #endif #if defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && !defined(MAP_ANON) #define MAP_ANON MAP_ANONYMOUS #endif #ifndef NULL #define NULL ((void*)0) #endif /* guess pagesize */ #define M_PAGESIZE getpagesize() /* HUNK MANAGER */ typedef struct Hunk_s Hunk_t; struct Hunk_s { /* Hunked block - 8 byte overhead */ int id; /* unique id */ unsigned int total:12, used:12, size:8; Hunk_t *next; /* next free in __free_h */ }; #define usagemap(h) (((unsigned char *)(h))+sizeof(Hunk_t)) #define hunk_ptr(h) (((char*)(h))+sizeof(Hunk_t)+ALIGN(DIV8(h->total+7))) #define hunk(h) ((Hunk_t*)(h)) extern Hunk_t *__free_h[HUNK_MAXSIZE + 1]; extern int __total_h[HUNK_MAXSIZE + 1]; #ifdef L__malloc_init Hunk_t *__free_h[HUNK_MAXSIZE + 1]; /* free hash */ int __total_h[HUNK_MAXSIZE + 1]; /* Hunk_t's `total` member */ #endif extern void *__hunk_alloc(int size); #ifdef L_malloc /* __hunk_alloc allocates <= HUNK_MAXSIZE blocks */ void *__hunk_alloc(int size) { Hunk_t *p; unsigned long *cpl; int i, c; if (size >= HUNK_THRESHOLD) size = ALIGN(size); /* Look for already allocated hunkblocks */ if ((p = __free_h[size]) == NULL) { if ( (p = (Hunk_t *) mmap(HUNK_MSTART, HUNK_MSIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, #ifdef __HAS_NO_MMU__ MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS #else MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS #endif , 0, 0)) == (Hunk_t *) MAP_FAILED) return NULL; memset(p, 0, HUNK_MSIZE); p->id = HUNK_ID; p->total = __total_h[size]; /* p->used = 0; */ p->size = size; /* p->next = (Hunk_t*)NULL; */ /* memset(usagemap(p), 0, bound); */ __free_h[size] = p; } /* Locate free point in usagemap */ for (cpl = (unsigned long *) usagemap(p); *cpl == 0xFFFFFFFF; cpl++); i = ((unsigned char *) cpl) - usagemap(p); if (*(unsigned short *) cpl != 0xFFFF) { if (*(unsigned char *) cpl == 0xFF) { c = *(int *) (((unsigned char *) cpl) + 1); i++; } else c = *(int *) (unsigned char *) cpl; } else { i += 2; c = *(((unsigned char *) cpl) + 2); if (c == 0xFF) { c = *(int *) (((unsigned char *) cpl) + 3); i++; } } EMUL8(i); if ((c & 0xF) == 0xF) { c >>= 4; i += 4; } if ((c & 0x3) == 0x3) { c >>= 2; i += 2; } if (c & 1) i++; usagemap(p)[DIV8(i)] |= (1 << (i & 7)); /* set bit */ /* Increment counter and update hashes */ if (++p->used == p->total) { __free_h[p->size] = p->next; p->next = NULL; } return hunk_ptr(p) + i * p->size; } #endif /* L_malloc */ extern void __hunk_free(char *ptr); #ifdef L__free_support /* __hunk_free frees blocks allocated by __hunk_alloc */ void __hunk_free(char *ptr) { unsigned char *up; int i, v; Hunk_t *h; if (!ptr) return; h = (Hunk_t *) PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(ptr); /* Validate `ptr` */ if (h->id != HUNK_ID) return; v = ptr - hunk_ptr(h); i = v / h->size; if (v % h->size != 0 || i < 0 || i >= h->total) return; /* Update `usagemap` */ up = &(usagemap(h)[DIV8(i)]); i = 1 << (i & 7); if (!(*up & i)) return; *up ^= i; /* Update hunk counters */ if (h->used == h->total) { if (--h->used) { /* insert into __free_h */ h->next = __free_h[h->size]; __free_h[h->size] = h; } /* else - it will be unmapped */ } else { if (!--h->used) { /* delete from __free_h - will be __bl_freed */ Hunk_t *p, *pp; for (p = __free_h[h->size], pp = NULL; p != h; pp = p, p = p->next); if (!pp) __free_h[h->size] = p->next; else pp->next = p->next; } } /* Unmap empty Hunk_t */ if (!h->used) munmap((void *) h, HUNK_MSIZE); } #endif /* L__free_support */ /* BLOCK MANAGER */ typedef struct Block_s Block_t; struct Block_s { /* 32-bytes long control structure (if 4-byte aligned) */ char *ptr; /* pointer to related data */ Block_t *next; /* next in free_mem list */ Block_t *l_free_mem, *r_free_mem; /* left & right subtrees of <free_mem> */ Block_t *l_ptrs, *r_ptrs; /* left & right subtrees of <ptrs> */ size_t size; /* size - divided by align */ /* packed 4-byte attributes */ /* { */ signed char bal_free_mem:8; /* balance of <free_mem> subtree */ signed char bal_ptrs:8; /* balance of <ptrs> subtree */ unsigned int used:1; /* used/free state of the block */ unsigned int broken:1; /* 1 if previous block can't be merged with it */ /* } */ }; extern Block_t *__bl_last; /* last mmapped block */ #ifdef L__malloc_init Block_t *__bl_last; /* last mmapped block */ #endif #define bl_get() __hunk_alloc(sizeof(Block_t)) #define bl_rel(p) __hunk_free((char*)p) extern Block_t *__Avl_Block_tfree_mem_tree; extern Block_t *__free_mem_ins(Block_t * data); extern void __free_mem_del(Block_t * data); extern void __free_mem_replace(Block_t * data); extern Block_t *__Avl_Block_tptrs_tree; extern Block_t *__ptrs_ins(Block_t * data); extern void __ptrs_del(Block_t * data); extern void __bl_uncommit(Block_t * b); extern void __bl_free(Block_t * b); /* like C++ templates ;-) */ #include "avlmacro.h" #define FREE_MEM_COMPARE(i,a,b) \ { \ if ( (a)->size < (b)->size ) { \ i = -1; \ } else if ( (a)->size > (b)->size ) { \ i = 1; \ } else { \ i = 0; \ } \ } #define PTRS_COMPARE(i,a,b) \ { \ if ( (a)->ptr < (b)->ptr ) { \ i = -1; \ } else if ( (a)->ptr > (b)->ptr ) { \ i = 1; \ } else { \ i = 0; \ } \ } #ifdef L__avl_support Avl_Tree(free_mem, Block_t, free_mem, FREE_MEM_COMPARE) Avl_Tree_no_replace(ptrs, Block_t, ptrs, PTRS_COMPARE) #endif #define free_mem_root Avl_Root(Block_t, free_mem) #define ptrs_root Avl_Root(Block_t, ptrs) /* pp is freed block */ #define FREE_MEM_DEL_BLOCK(pp,p) {p = __free_mem_del_block(pp,p);} extern Block_t *__free_mem_del_block(Block_t * pp, Block_t * p); #ifdef L_malloc Block_t *__free_mem_del_block(Block_t * pp, Block_t * p) { for (p = free_mem_root;;) if (p->size > pp->size) p = p->l_free_mem; else if (p->size < pp->size) p = p->r_free_mem; else break; if (p == pp) { if (pp->next) __free_mem_replace(pp->next); else __free_mem_del(pp); } else { for (; p->next != pp; p = p->next); p->next = pp->next; } return p; } #endif /* L_malloc */ #define FREE_MEM_INS_BLOCK(pp) \ { \ if ((p = __free_mem_ins(pp)) != NULL)\ {\ pp->next = p->next;\ p->next = pp;\ }\ else pp->next = NULL; \ } /* `b` is current block, `pp` is next block */ #define COMBINE_BLOCKS(b,pp) \ {\ __ptrs_del(pp); \ b->size += pp->size; \ if (pp == __bl_last) __bl_last = b; \ bl_rel(pp); \ } /* initializes new block b */ #define INIT_BLOCK(b, pppp, sz) { p = __init_block(b, pppp, sz); } extern Block_t *__init_block(Block_t * b, char *pppp, size_t sz); #ifdef L_malloc Block_t *__init_block(Block_t * b, char *pppp, size_t sz) { Block_t *p; memset(b, 0, sizeof(Block_t)); b->ptr = pppp; b->size = sz; __ptrs_ins(b); FREE_MEM_INS_BLOCK(b); return p; } #endif /* L_malloc */ /* `b` is current block, `sz` its new size */ /* block `b` will be splitted to one busy & one free block */ #define SPLIT_BLOCK(b,sz) \ {\ Block_t *bt; \ bt = bl_get(); \ INIT_BLOCK(bt, b->ptr + sz, b->size - sz); \ b->size = sz; \ if (__bl_last == b) __bl_last = bt; \ __bl_uncommit(bt);\ } /* `b` is current block, `pp` is next free block, `sz` is needed size */ #define SHRINK_BLOCK(b,pp,sz) \ {\ FREE_MEM_DEL_BLOCK(pp,p); \ pp->ptr = b->ptr + sz; \ pp->size += b->size - sz; \ b->size = sz; \ FREE_MEM_INS_BLOCK(pp); \ __bl_uncommit(pp); \ } #ifdef L_malloc static Block_t *bl_mapnew(size_t size) { size_t map_size; Block_t *pp, *p; void *pt; map_size = PAGE_ALIGN(size); pt = mmap(LARGE_MSTART, map_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, #ifdef __HAS_NO_MMU__ MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS #else MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS #endif , 0, 0); if (pt == MAP_FAILED) return (Block_t *) NULL; __bl_last = pp = bl_get(); INIT_BLOCK(pp, (char *) pt, map_size); pp->broken = 1; return pp; } void __bl_uncommit(Block_t * b) { char *u_start, *u_end; u_start = PAGE_ALIGNP(b->ptr); u_end = PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(b->ptr + b->size); if (u_end <= u_start) return; #if M_DOTRIMMING mmap(u_start, u_end - u_start, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, #ifdef __HAS_NO_MMU__ MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS |MAP_FIXED #else MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS |MAP_FIXED #endif , 0, 0); #endif } /* requested size must be aligned to ALIGNMENT */ static Block_t *bl_alloc(size_t size) { Block_t *p, *pp; /* try to find needed space in existing memory */ for (p = free_mem_root, pp = NULL; p;) { if (p->size > size) { pp = p; p = p->l_free_mem; } else if (p->size < size) p = p->r_free_mem; else { pp = p; break; } } if (!pp) { /* map some memory */ if (!__bl_last) { /* just do initial mmap */ pp = bl_mapnew(size); if (!pp) return NULL; } else if (!__bl_last->used) { /* try growing last unused */ if (mremap(PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr), PAGE_ALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr + __bl_last->size) - PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr), PAGE_ALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr + size) - PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr), 0) == MAP_FAILED) { /* unable to grow -- initiate new block */ pp = bl_mapnew(size); if (!pp) return NULL; } else { pp = __bl_last; FREE_MEM_DEL_BLOCK(pp, p); pp->size = PAGE_ALIGNP(pp->ptr + size) - pp->ptr; FREE_MEM_INS_BLOCK(pp); } } else { /* __bl_last is used block */ if (mremap(PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr), PAGE_ALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr + __bl_last->size) - PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr), PAGE_ALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr + __bl_last->size + size) - PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr), 0) == MAP_FAILED) { pp = bl_mapnew(size); if (!pp) return NULL; } else { pp = bl_get(); INIT_BLOCK(pp, __bl_last->ptr + __bl_last->size, PAGE_ALIGNP(__bl_last->ptr + __bl_last->size + size) - __bl_last->ptr - __bl_last->size); __bl_last = pp; } } } /* just delete this node from free_mem tree */ if (pp->next) __free_mem_replace(pp->next); else __free_mem_del(pp); pp->used = 1; if (pp->size - size > MALLOC_ALIGN) { /* this block can be splitted (it is unused,not_broken) */ SPLIT_BLOCK(pp, size); } return pp; } #endif /* L_malloc */ #ifdef L__free_support void __bl_free(Block_t * b) { Block_t *p, *bl_next, *bl_prev; /* Look for blocks before & after `b` */ for (p = ptrs_root, bl_next = NULL, bl_prev = NULL; p;) { if (p->ptr > b->ptr) { bl_next = p; p = p->l_ptrs; } else if (p->ptr < b->ptr) { bl_prev = p; p = p->r_ptrs; } else break; } if (b->l_ptrs) for (bl_prev = b->l_ptrs; bl_prev->r_ptrs; bl_prev = bl_prev->r_ptrs); if (b->r_ptrs) for (bl_next = b->r_ptrs; bl_next->l_ptrs; bl_next = bl_next->l_ptrs); if (bl_next && !bl_next->broken && !bl_next->used) { FREE_MEM_DEL_BLOCK(bl_next, p) COMBINE_BLOCKS(b, bl_next) } if (bl_prev && !b->broken && !bl_prev->used) { FREE_MEM_DEL_BLOCK(bl_prev, p) COMBINE_BLOCKS(bl_prev, b) b = bl_prev; } b->used = 0; FREE_MEM_INS_BLOCK(b) __bl_uncommit(b); } #endif /* L__free_support */ extern void __malloc_init(void); #ifdef L__malloc_init void __malloc_init(void) { int i, mapsize, x, old_x, gcount; mapsize = M_PAGESIZE; __malloc_initialized = 0; __bl_last = NULL; free_mem_root = NULL; ptrs_root = NULL; mapsize -= sizeof(Hunk_t); for (i = 1; i <= HUNK_MAXSIZE; i++) { __free_h[i] = (Hunk_t *) NULL; for (x = mapsize / i, gcount = 0, old_x = 0; old_x != x;) { old_x = x; x = (mapsize - ALIGN(DIV8(old_x + 7))) / i; if (gcount > 1 && x * i + ALIGN(DIV8(x + 7)) <= mapsize) break; if (x * i + ALIGN(DIV8(x + 7)) > mapsize) gcount++; } __total_h[i] = x; } mutex_init(&malloc_lock); __malloc_initialized = 1; } #endif /* L__malloc_init */ #ifdef L_malloc void *malloc(size_t size) { void *p; if (size == 0) return NULL; if (__malloc_initialized < 0) __malloc_init(); if (__malloc_initialized) mutex_lock(&malloc_lock); if (size <= HUNK_MAXSIZE) p = __hunk_alloc(size); else { if ((p = bl_alloc(ALIGN(size))) != NULL) p = ((Block_t *) p)->ptr; } if (__malloc_initialized) mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); return p; } #endif /* L_malloc */ #ifdef L_free void free(void *ptr) { Block_t *p, *best; if (__malloc_initialized < 0) return; if (__malloc_initialized) mutex_lock(&malloc_lock); for (p = ptrs_root, best = NULL; p;) { if (p->ptr > (char *) ptr) p = p->l_ptrs; else { best = p; p = p->r_ptrs; } } if (!best || !best->used || best->ptr != (char *) ptr) { __hunk_free(ptr); if (__malloc_initialized) mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); return; } __bl_free(best); if (__malloc_initialized) mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); } #endif /* L_free */ extern void *_realloc_no_move(void *ptr, size_t size); #ifdef L__realloc_no_move void *_realloc_no_move(void *ptr, size_t size) { Block_t *p, *best, *next; if (size <= HUNK_MAXSIZE) return NULL; if (__malloc_initialized <= 0) return malloc(size); mutex_lock(&malloc_lock); /* Locate block */ for (p = ptrs_root, best = NULL; p;) { if (p->ptr > (char *) ptr) p = p->l_ptrs; else { best = p; p = p->r_ptrs; } } if (!best || !best->used || best->ptr != (char *) ptr) { mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); return NULL; } size = ALIGN(size); if (size == best->size) { mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); return ptr; } if (best->r_ptrs) /* get block just after */ for (next = best->r_ptrs; next->l_ptrs; next = next->l_ptrs); else for (p = ptrs_root, next = NULL; p;) { if (p->ptr > best->ptr) { next = p; p = p->l_ptrs; } else if (p->ptr < best->ptr) p = p->r_ptrs; else break; } if (size < best->size) { /* shrink block */ if (!next || next->used || next->broken) { if (best->size - size > MALLOC_ALIGN) { /* do split */ SPLIT_BLOCK(best, size); } } else { /* just move border of next block */ SHRINK_BLOCK(best, next, size); } } else if (next && !next->broken && !next->used) { /* can expand */ if (best->size + next->size > size + HUNK_MAXSIZE) { /* shrink next free block */ SHRINK_BLOCK(best, next, size); } else if (best->size + next->size >= size) { /* combine blocks (eat next one) */ FREE_MEM_DEL_BLOCK(next, p); COMBINE_BLOCKS(best, next); } else { /* not enough memory in next block */ mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); return NULL; } } else { /* no next block */ mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); return NULL; } mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); return best->ptr; } #endif /* L__realloc_no_move */ #ifdef L_realloc void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { void *tmp; tmp = _realloc_no_move(ptr, size); if (!tmp) { Block_t *p, *best; mutex_lock(&malloc_lock); for (p = ptrs_root, best = NULL; p;) { if (p->ptr > (char *) ptr) p = p->l_ptrs; else { best = p; p = p->r_ptrs; } } if (!best || !best->used || best->ptr != (char *) ptr) { if (ptr) { Hunk_t *h; h = (Hunk_t *) PAGE_DOWNALIGNP(ptr); if (h->id == HUNK_ID) { mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); if ((size >= HUNK_THRESHOLD && ALIGN(size) == h->size) || size == h->size) return ptr; if ((tmp = malloc(size)) == NULL) return NULL; mutex_lock(&malloc_lock); memcpy(tmp, ptr, ((size < h->size) ? size : h->size)); __hunk_free(ptr); mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); return tmp; } } mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); return malloc(size); } mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); /* copy whole block */ if ((tmp = malloc(size)) == NULL) return NULL; memcpy(tmp, ptr, ((size < best->size) ? size : best->size)); mutex_lock(&malloc_lock); __bl_free(best); mutex_unlock(&malloc_lock); } return tmp; } #endif /* L_realloc */ #ifdef L_calloc void *calloc(size_t unit, size_t quantity) { void *p; unit *= quantity; if ((p = malloc(unit)) == NULL) return NULL; memset(p, 0, unit); return p; } #endif /* L_calloc */