/* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Manuel Novoa III    <mjn3@codepoet.org>
 * Licensed under the LGPL v2.1, see the file COPYING.LIB in this tarball.
 * Dedicated to Toni.  See uClibc/DEDICATION.mjn3 for details.

#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <wchar.h>

#include <pthread.h>





#define	__STDIO_THREADLOCK_OPENLIST     ((void)0)


#define __UNDEFINED_OR_NONPORTABLE ((void)0)


extern __ssize_t _cs_read(void *cookie, char *buf, size_t bufsize) attribute_hidden;
extern __ssize_t _cs_write(void *cookie, const char *buf, size_t bufsize) attribute_hidden;
extern int _cs_seek(void *cookie, __offmax_t *pos, int whence) attribute_hidden;
extern int _cs_close(void *cookie) attribute_hidden;

	(S)->__cookie = &((S)->__filedes); \
	(S)->__gcs.read = _cs_read; \
	(S)->__gcs.write = _cs_write; \
	(S)->__gcs.seek = _cs_seek; \
	(S)->__gcs.close = _cs_close

	((((STREAMPTR)->__gcs.read) == NULL) ? -1 : \
	((((STREAMPTR)->__gcs.write) == NULL) ? -1 : \
	((((STREAMPTR)->__gcs.seek) == NULL) ? -1 : \
#define __CLOSE(STREAMPTR) \
	((((STREAMPTR)->__gcs.close) == NULL) ? 0 : \


extern int __stdio_seek(FILE *stream, register __offmax_t *pos, int whence) attribute_hidden;

#define __STDIO_STREAM_RESET_GCS(S) ((void)0)

#define __CLOSE(STREAMPTR) \



#define __STDIO_STREAM_TRANS_TO_WRITE(S,O)	__stdio_trans2w_o((S), (O))
#define __STDIO_STREAM_TRANS_TO_READ(S,O)	__stdio_trans2r_o((S), (O))


#define __STDIO_STREAM_TRANS_TO_WRITE(S,O)	__stdio_trans2w((S))
#define __STDIO_STREAM_TRANS_TO_READ(S,O)	__stdio_trans2r((S))


#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_READING(S) ((S)->__modeflags & __MASK_READING)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_WRITING(S) ((S)->__modeflags & __FLAG_WRITING)

#define __STDIO_STREAM_SET_READING(S) ((S)->__modeflags |= __FLAG_READING)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_SET_WRITING(S) ((S)->__modeflags |= __FLAG_WRITING)

	((S)->__modeflags & (__MASK_READING|__FLAG_READONLY))

	((S)->__modeflags & (__FLAG_WRITING|__FLAG_WRITEONLY))

#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_READONLY(S) ((S)->__modeflags & __FLAG_READONLY)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_WRITEONLY(S) ((S)->__modeflags & __FLAG_WRITEONLY)


	(((S)->__modeflags & (__FLAG_WRITING|__FLAG_NARROW)) \

	(((S)->__modeflags & (__FLAG_WRITING|__FLAG_WIDE)) \

#error assumption violated regarding __FLAG_NARROW

	(((S)->__modeflags & (__MASK_READING|__FLAG_NARROW)) > __FLAG_NARROW)

	(((S)->__modeflags & (__MASK_READING|__FLAG_WIDE)) > __FLAG_WIDE)

#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_NARROW(S)		((S)->__modeflags & __FLAG_NARROW)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_WIDE(S)		((S)->__modeflags & __FLAG_WIDE)

	((void)((S)->__modeflags |= __FLAG_NARROW))
	((void)((S)->__modeflags |= __FLAG_WIDE))




#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_NARROW(S)		(1)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_WIDE(S)		(0)

#define __STDIO_STREAM_SET_NARROW(S)	((void)0)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_SET_WIDE(S)		((void)0)


	((void)((S)->__modeflags |= __FLAG_EOF))
	((void)((S)->__modeflags |= __FLAG_ERROR))

	((void)((S)->__modeflags &= ~__FLAG_EOF))
	((void)((S)->__modeflags &= ~__FLAG_ERROR))

	((void)((S)->__modeflags &= ~__MASK_READING))
	((void)((S)->__modeflags &= ~__FLAG_WRITING))

	((void)((S)->__bufgetc_u = (S)->__bufstart))
	((void)((S)->__bufgetc_u = (S)->__bufread))
	((S)->__bufpos < (S)->__bufgetc_u)
# define __STDIO_STREAM_DISABLE_GETC(S)			((void)0)
# define __STDIO_STREAM_ENABLE_GETC(S)			((void)0)

	((void)((S)->__bufputc_u = (S)->__bufstart))
	((void)((S)->__bufputc_u = (S)->__bufend))
	((S)->__bufpos < (S)->__bufputc_u)
# define __STDIO_STREAM_DISABLE_PUTC(S)			((void)0)
# define __STDIO_STREAM_ENABLE_PUTC(S)			((void)0)

#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_CUSTOM(S)		((S)->__cookie != &((S)->__filedes))
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_CUSTOM(S)		(0)


	do { if ((S)->__modeflags & __FLAG_FREEBUF) free((S)->__bufstart); } while (0)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_FREE_BUFFER(S) ((void)0)

	do { if ((S)->__modeflags & __FLAG_FREEFILE) free((S)); } while (0)

#ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_LFS__
#define __STDIO_WHEN_LFS(E) E
#define __STDIO_WHEN_LFS(E) ((void)0)

/* The following return 0 on success. */

/* Assume stream in valid writing state.  Do not reset writing flag
 * or disble putc macro unless error. */
/* Should we assume that buffer is not empty to avoid a check? */
extern size_t __stdio_wcommit(FILE *__restrict stream) attribute_hidden;

/* Remember to fail if at EOF! */
extern size_t __stdio_rfill(FILE *__restrict stream) attribute_hidden;

extern size_t __stdio_fwrite(const unsigned char *__restrict buffer,
				 size_t bytes, FILE *__restrict stream) attribute_hidden;

#define __stdio_fwrite(B,N,S)  __stdio_WRITE((S),(B),(N))


extern size_t __stdio_WRITE(FILE *stream, const unsigned char *buf,
							size_t bufsize) attribute_hidden;
extern size_t __stdio_READ(FILE *stream, unsigned char *buf, size_t bufsize) attribute_hidden;

extern int __stdio_trans2r(FILE *__restrict stream) attribute_hidden;
extern int __stdio_trans2w(FILE *__restrict stream) attribute_hidden;

extern int __stdio_trans2r_o(FILE *__restrict stream, int oflag) attribute_hidden;
extern int __stdio_trans2w_o(FILE *__restrict stream, int oflag) attribute_hidden;


#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_FBF(S)		(!((S)->__modeflags & __MASK_BUFMODE))
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_LBF(S)		((S)->__modeflags & __FLAG_LBF)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_NBF(S)		((S)->__modeflags & __FLAG_NBF)

#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE(S)		((S)->__bufend - (S)->__bufstart)

/* Valid when writing... */
#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_ADD(S,C)		(*(S)->__bufpos++ = (C))
#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_UNADD(S)		(--(S)->__bufpos)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_WAVAIL(S)		((S)->__bufend - (S)->__bufpos)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_WUSED(S)		((S)->__bufpos - (S)->__bufstart)
#define __STDIO_COMMIT_WRITE_BUFFER(S)		__stdio_wcommit((S))
	(!((S)->__modeflags & (__MASK_BUFMODE|__FLAG_WIDE)))

/* Valid when reading... */
#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_RAVAIL(S)		((S)->__bufread - (S)->__bufpos)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_GET(S)		(*(S)->__bufpos++)
#define __STDIO_FILL_READ_BUFFER(S)			__stdio_rfill((S))

	(S)->__bufread = (S)->__bufpos = (S)->__bufstart



#else  /* __STDIO_BUFFERS */

#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_FBF(S)					(0)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_LBF(S)					(0)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_NBF(S)					(1)

#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE(S)				(0)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_ADD(S,C)				((void)0)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_UNADD(S)				((void)0)
#define __STDIO_STREAM_IS_NARROW_FBF(S)				(0)

#define __STDIO_FILL_READ_BUFFER(S)					(0)



# ifdef __USE_OLD_VFPRINTF__
# endif

# ifndef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__
# endif

#endif /* __STDIO_BUFFERS */

extern int __fputs_unlocked(const char *__restrict s, FILE *__restrict stream);

extern int __putchar_unlocked(int c);

extern size_t __fwrite_unlocked(const void *__restrict ptr, size_t size,
								size_t nmemb, FILE *__restrict stream);

extern size_t __fread_unlocked(void *__restrict ptr, size_t size,
							   size_t nmemb, FILE *__restrict stream);

extern int __fputc_unlocked(int c, FILE *stream);

extern int __fflush_unlocked(FILE *stream);

extern int __stdio_adjust_position(FILE *__restrict stream, __offmax_t *pos) attribute_hidden;

extern void __clearerr_unlocked(FILE *stream);
extern int __feof_unlocked(FILE *stream);
extern int __ferror_unlocked(FILE *stream);

extern int __fgetc_unlocked(FILE *stream);
extern char *__fgets_unlocked(char *__restrict s, int n,
							  FILE * __restrict stream);

extern int __fileno_unlocked(FILE *stream);

extern int __getchar_unlocked(void);

#ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_LFS__
extern int __fseeko64(FILE *stream, __off64_t offset, int whence);
extern __off64_t __ftello64(FILE *stream);

	/* Uses an implementation hack!!! */
#define __STDIO_FLUSH_LBF_STREAMS  __fflush_unlocked((FILE *) &_stdio_openlist)
#define __STDIO_FLUSH_LBF_STREAMS		((void)0)

#ifdef NDEBUG
#define __STDIO_STREAM_VALIDATE(S)		((void)0)
extern void _stdio_validate_FILE(const FILE *stream);
#define __STDIO_STREAM_VALIDATE(S)		_stdio_validate_FILE((S))

#define __COPY_MBSTATE(dest,src) \
	((void)((dest)->__mask = (src)->__mask, (dest)->__wc = (src)->__wc))
#define __INIT_MBSTATE(dest)			((void)((dest)->__mask = 0))
#define __COPY_MBSTATE(dest,src)		((void)0)
#define __INIT_MBSTATE(dest)			((void)0)


extern int _stdio_adjpos(FILE *__restrict stream, __offmax_t * pos);
extern int _stdio_lseek(FILE *stream, __offmax_t *pos, int whence);

extern size_t _stdio_fwrite(const unsigned char *buffer, size_t bytes,
							FILE *stream);
extern size_t _stdio_fread(unsigned char *buffer, size_t bytes,
						   FILE *stream);

extern FILE *_stdio_fopen(intptr_t fname_or_mode,
				  const char *__restrict mode,
				  FILE *__restrict stream, int filedes) attribute_hidden;

extern size_t _wstdio_fwrite(const wchar_t *__restrict ws, size_t n,
							 FILE *__restrict stream);

extern wint_t __fgetwc_unlocked(register FILE *stream);
extern wint_t __fputwc_unlocked(wchar_t wc, FILE *stream);

/* Only use the macro below if you know fp is a valid FILE for a valid fd.
 * This is _not_ true for custom streams! */
#define __FILENO_UNLOCKED(fp)	((fp)->__filedes)

#define __FEOF_OR_FERROR_UNLOCKED(stream) \
	((stream)->__modeflags & (__FLAG_EOF|__FLAG_ERROR))

#if defined(__STDIO_BUFFERS) || defined(__USE_OLD_VFPRINTF__) || defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_CUSTOM_STREAMS__)