/* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Manuel Novoa III * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* Aug 1, 2003 * New *scanf implementation with lots of bug fixes and *wscanf support. * Also now optionally supports hexadecimal float notation, positional * args, and glibc locale-specific digit grouping. Should now be * standards compliant. * * Aug 18, 2003 * Bug fix: scanf %lc,%ls,%l[ would always set mb_fail on eof or error, * even when just starting a new mb char. * Bug fix: wscanf would incorrectly unget in certain situations. * * Sep 5, 2003 * Bug fix: store flag wasn't respected if no positional args. * Implement vs{n}scanf for the non-buffered stdio no-wchar case. * * Sep 13, 2003 * Bug fix: Fix a problem reported by Atsushi Nemoto <anemo@mba.ocn.ne.jp> * for environments where long and long long are the same. * * Sep 21, 2003 * Ugh... EOF handling by scanf was completely broken. :-( Regretably, * I got my mind fixed in one mode and didn't comply with the standards. * Things should be fixed now, but comparision testing is difficult when * glibc's scanf is broken and they stubbornly refuse to even acknowledge * that it is... even when confronted by specific examples from the C99 * standards and from an official C standard defect report. */ #include <features.h> #include "_stdio.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <errno.h> #include <printf.h> #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ #include <bits/uClibc_uwchar.h> #include <wchar.h> #include <wctype.h> #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ #include <langinfo.h> #include <locale.h> #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_THREADS__ #include <stdio_ext.h> #include <pthread.h> #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_THREADS__ */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ #include <float.h> #include <bits/uClibc_fpmax.h> #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ #undef __STDIO_HAS_VSSCANF #if defined(__STDIO_BUFFERS) || !defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__) || defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_CUSTOM_STREAMS__) #define __STDIO_HAS_VSSCANF 1 #if !defined(__STDIO_BUFFERS) && !defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__) typedef struct { FILE f; unsigned char *bufread; /* pointer to 1 past end of buffer */ unsigned char *bufpos; } __FILE_vsscanf; #endif #endif #if defined(ULLONG_MAX) && (LLONG_MAX > LONG_MAX) extern unsigned long long _stdlib_strto_ll(register const char * __restrict str, char ** __restrict endptr, int base, int sflag); #if (ULLONG_MAX == UINTMAX_MAX) #define STRTOUIM(s,e,b,sf) _stdlib_strto_ll(s,e,b,sf) #endif #else /* defined(ULLONG_MAX) && (LLONG_MAX > LONG_MAX) */ extern unsigned long _stdlib_strto_l(register const char * __restrict str, char ** __restrict endptr, int base, int sflag); #if (ULONG_MAX == UINTMAX_MAX) #define STRTOUIM(s,e,b,sf) _stdlib_strto_l(s,e,b,sf) #endif #endif /* defined(ULLONG_MAX) && (LLONG_MAX > LONG_MAX) */ #ifndef STRTOUIM #error STRTOUIM conversion function is undefined! #endif /**********************************************************************/ /* The standards require EOF < 0. */ #if EOF >= CHAR_MIN #define __isdigit_char_or_EOF(C) __isdigit_char((C)) #else #define __isdigit_char_or_EOF(C) __isdigit_int((C)) #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_fscanf int fscanf(FILE * __restrict stream, const char * __restrict format, ...) { va_list arg; int rv; va_start(arg, format); rv = vfscanf(stream, format, arg); va_end(arg); return rv; } libc_hidden_def(fscanf) #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_scanf int scanf(const char * __restrict format, ...) { va_list arg; int rv; va_start(arg, format); rv = vfscanf(stdin, format, arg); va_end(arg); return rv; } #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_sscanf #ifdef __STDIO_HAS_VSSCANF int sscanf(const char * __restrict str, const char * __restrict format, ...) { va_list arg; int rv; va_start(arg, format); rv = vsscanf(str, format, arg); va_end(arg); return rv; } libc_hidden_def(sscanf) #else /* __STDIO_HAS_VSSCANF */ #warning Skipping sscanf since no vsscanf! #endif /* __STDIO_HAS_VSSCANF */ #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_vscanf int vscanf(const char * __restrict format, va_list arg) { return vfscanf(stdin, format, arg); } #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_vsscanf #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning WISHLIST: Implement vsscanf for non-buf and no custom stream case. #endif /* __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ */ #ifdef __STDIO_BUFFERS int vsscanf(const char *sp, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { FILE f; f.__filedes = __STDIO_STREAM_FAKE_VSSCANF_FILEDES; f.__modeflags = (__FLAG_NARROW|__FLAG_READONLY|__FLAG_READING); #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ f.__ungot_width[0] = 0; #endif #ifdef __STDIO_MBSTATE __INIT_MBSTATE(&(f.__state)); #endif #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_THREADS__ f.__user_locking = 1; /* Set user locking. */ STDIO_INIT_MUTEX(f.__lock); #endif f.__nextopen = NULL; /* Set these last since __bufgetc initialization depends on * __user_locking and only gets set if user locking is on. */ f.__bufstart = f.__bufpos = (unsigned char *) ((void *) sp); f.__bufread = f.__bufend = f.__bufstart + strlen(sp); __STDIO_STREAM_ENABLE_GETC(&f); __STDIO_STREAM_DISABLE_PUTC(&f); return vfscanf(&f, fmt, ap); } libc_hidden_def(vsscanf) #elif !defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__) int vsscanf(const char *sp, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { __FILE_vsscanf f; f.bufpos = (unsigned char *) ((void *) sp); f.bufread = f.bufpos + strlen(sp); f.f.__filedes = __STDIO_STREAM_FAKE_VSSCANF_FILEDES_NB; f.f.__modeflags = (__FLAG_NARROW|__FLAG_READONLY|__FLAG_READING); /* #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ /* f.f.__ungot_width[0] = 0; */ /* #endif */ #ifdef __STDIO_MBSTATE #error __STDIO_MBSTATE is defined! /* __INIT_MBSTATE(&(f.f.__state)); */ #endif #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_THREADS__ f.f.__user_locking = 1; /* Set user locking. */ STDIO_INIT_MUTEX(f.f.__lock); #endif f.f.__nextopen = NULL; return vfscanf(&f.f, fmt, ap); } libc_hidden_def(vsscanf) #elif defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_CUSTOM_STREAMS__) int vsscanf(const char *sp, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { FILE *f; int rv = EOF; if ((f = fmemopen((char *)sp, strlen(sp), "r")) != NULL) { rv = vfscanf(f, fmt, ap); fclose(f); } return rv; } libc_hidden_def(vsscanf) #else #warning Skipping vsscanf since no buffering, no custom streams, and wchar enabled! #ifdef __STDIO_HAS_VSSCANF #error WHOA! __STDIO_HAS_VSSCANF is defined! #endif #endif #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_fwscanf int fwscanf(FILE * __restrict stream, const wchar_t * __restrict format, ...) { va_list arg; int rv; va_start(arg, format); rv = vfwscanf(stream, format, arg); va_end(arg); return rv; } #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_wscanf int wscanf(const wchar_t * __restrict format, ...) { va_list arg; int rv; va_start(arg, format); rv = vfwscanf(stdin, format, arg); va_end(arg); return rv; } #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_swscanf #ifdef __STDIO_BUFFERS int swscanf(const wchar_t * __restrict str, const wchar_t * __restrict format, ...) { va_list arg; int rv; va_start(arg, format); rv = vswscanf(str, format, arg); va_end(arg); return rv; } #else /* __STDIO_BUFFERS */ #warning Skipping swscanf since no buffering! #endif /* __STDIO_BUFFERS */ #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_vwscanf int vwscanf(const wchar_t * __restrict format, va_list arg) { return vfwscanf(stdin, format, arg); } #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_vswscanf #ifdef __STDIO_BUFFERS int vswscanf(const wchar_t * __restrict str, const wchar_t * __restrict format, va_list arg) { FILE f; f.__bufstart = f.__bufpos = (unsigned char *) str; f.__bufread = f.__bufend = (unsigned char *)(str + wcslen(str)); __STDIO_STREAM_DISABLE_GETC(&f); __STDIO_STREAM_DISABLE_PUTC(&f); f.__filedes = __STDIO_STREAM_FAKE_VSWSCANF_FILEDES; f.__modeflags = (__FLAG_WIDE|__FLAG_READONLY|__FLAG_READING); #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ f.__ungot_width[0] = 0; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ #ifdef __STDIO_MBSTATE __INIT_MBSTATE(&(f.__state)); #endif /* __STDIO_MBSTATE */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_THREADS__ f.__user_locking = 1; /* Set user locking. */ STDIO_INIT_MUTEX(f.__lock); #endif f.__nextopen = NULL; return vfwscanf(&f, format, arg); } libc_hidden_def(vswscanf) #else /* __STDIO_BUFFERS */ #warning Skipping vswscanf since no buffering! #endif /* __STDIO_BUFFERS */ #endif /**********************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* float layout 0123456789012345678901 repeat n for "l[" */ #define SPEC_CHARS "npxXoudifFeEgGaACSnmcs[" /* npxXoudif eEgG CS cs[ */ /* NOTE: the 'm' flag must come before any convs that support it */ /* NOTE: Ordering is important! The CONV_{C,S,LEFTBRACKET} must map simply to their lowercase equivalents. */ enum { CONV_n = 0, CONV_p, CONV_x, CONV_X, CONV_o, CONV_u, CONV_d, CONV_i, CONV_f, CONV_F, CONV_e, CONV_E, CONV_g, CONV_G, CONV_a, CONV_A, CONV_C, CONV_S, CONV_LEFTBRACKET, CONV_m, CONV_c, CONV_s, CONV_leftbracket, CONV_percent, CONV_whitespace /* not in SPEC_* and no flags */ }; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_HEXADECIMAL_FLOATS__ /* p x X o u d i f F e E g G a A */ #define SPEC_BASE { 16, 16, 16, 8, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } #else /* p x X o u d i f F e E g G a A */ #define SPEC_BASE { 16, 16, 16, 8, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 } #endif #else /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ /* p x X o u d i f F e E g G a A */ #define SPEC_BASE { 16, 16, 16, 8, 10, 10, 0 } #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #ifdef L_vfscanf /* emit once */ #warning CONSIDER: Add a '0' flag to eat 0 padding when grouping? #endif #endif /* __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ */ #define SPEC_FLAGS "*'I" enum { FLAG_SURPRESS = 0x10, /* MUST BE 1ST!! See DO_FLAGS. */ FLAG_THOUSANDS = 0x20, FLAG_I18N = 0x40, /* only works for d, i, u */ FLAG_MALLOC = 0x80, /* only works for c, s, S, and [ (and l[)*/ }; #define SPEC_RANGES { CONV_n, CONV_p, CONV_i, CONV_A, \ CONV_C, CONV_LEFTBRACKET, \ CONV_c, CONV_leftbracket } /* Note: We treat L and ll as synonymous... for ints and floats. */ #define SPEC_ALLOWED_FLAGS { \ /* n */ (0x0f|FLAG_SURPRESS), \ /* p */ ( 0|FLAG_SURPRESS), \ /* oxXudi */ (0x0f|FLAG_SURPRESS|FLAG_THOUSANDS|FLAG_I18N), \ /* fFeEgGaA */ (0x0c|FLAG_SURPRESS|FLAG_THOUSANDS|FLAG_I18N), \ /* C */ ( 0|FLAG_SURPRESS), \ /* S and l[ */ ( 0|FLAG_SURPRESS|FLAG_MALLOC), \ /* c */ (0x04|FLAG_SURPRESS|FLAG_MALLOC), \ /* s and [ */ (0x04|FLAG_SURPRESS|FLAG_MALLOC), \ } /**********************************************************************/ /* * In order to ease translation to what arginfo and _print_info._flags expect, * we map: 0:int 1:char 2:longlong 4:long 8:short * and then _flags |= (((q << 7) + q) & 0x701) and argtype |= (_flags & 0x701) */ /* TODO -- Fix the table below to take into account stdint.h. */ /* #ifndef LLONG_MAX */ /* #error fix QUAL_CHARS for no long long! Affects 'L', 'j', 'q', 'll'. */ /* #else */ /* #if LLONG_MAX != INTMAX_MAX */ /* #error fix QUAL_CHARS intmax_t entry 'j'! */ /* #endif */ /* #endif */ #ifdef PDS #error PDS already defined! #endif #ifdef SS #error SS already defined! #endif #ifdef IMS #error IMS already defined! #endif #if PTRDIFF_MAX == INT_MAX #define PDS 0 #elif PTRDIFF_MAX == LONG_MAX #define PDS 4 #elif defined(LLONG_MAX) && (PTRDIFF_MAX == LLONG_MAX) #define PDS 8 #else #error fix QUAL_CHARS ptrdiff_t entry 't'! #endif #if SIZE_MAX == UINT_MAX #define SS 0 #elif SIZE_MAX == ULONG_MAX #define SS 4 #elif defined(LLONG_MAX) && (SIZE_MAX == ULLONG_MAX) #define SS 8 #else #error fix QUAL_CHARS size_t entries 'z', 'Z'! #endif #if INTMAX_MAX == INT_MAX #define IMS 0 #elif INTMAX_MAX == LONG_MAX #define IMS 4 #elif defined(LLONG_MAX) && (INTMAX_MAX == LLONG_MAX) #define IMS 8 #else #error fix QUAL_CHARS intmax_t entry 'j'! #endif #define QUAL_CHARS { \ /* j:(u)intmax_t z:(s)size_t t:ptrdiff_t \0:int q:long_long */ \ 'h', 'l', 'L', 'j', 'z', 't', 'q', 0, \ 2, 4, 8, IMS, SS, PDS, 8, 0, /* TODO -- fix!!! */ \ 1, 8 \ } /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L_vfwscanf #if WINT_MIN > WEOF #error Unfortunately, we currently need wint_t to be able to store WEOF. Sorry. #endif #define W_EOF WEOF #define Wint wint_t #define Wchar wchar_t #define Wuchar __uwchar_t #define ISSPACE(C) iswspace((C)) #define VFSCANF vfwscanf #define GETC(SC) (SC)->sc_getc((SC)) #else typedef unsigned char __uchar_t; #define W_EOF EOF #define Wint int #define Wchar char #define Wuchar __uchar_t #define ISSPACE(C) isspace((C)) #define VFSCANF vfscanf #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ #define GETC(SC) (SC)->sc_getc((SC)) #else /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ #define GETC(SC) getc_unlocked((SC)->fp) #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ #endif struct scan_cookie { Wint cc; Wint ungot_char; FILE *fp; int nread; int width; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ wchar_t app_ungot; /* Match FILE struct member type. */ unsigned char ungot_wchar_width; #else /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ unsigned char app_ungot; /* Match FILE struct member type. */ #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ char ungot_flag; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ char ungot_wflag; /* vfwscanf */ char mb_fail; /* vfscanf */ mbstate_t mbstate; /* vfscanf */ wint_t wc; wint_t ungot_wchar; /* to support __scan_getc */ int (*sc_getc)(struct scan_cookie *); #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ const char *grouping; const unsigned char *thousands_sep; int tslen; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ wchar_t thousands_sep_wc; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ const unsigned char *decpt; int decpt_len; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ wchar_t decpt_wc; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ const unsigned char *fake_decpt; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ }; typedef struct { #if defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) #if NL_ARGMAX > 10 #warning NL_ARGMAX > 10, and space is allocated on the stack for positional args. #endif void *pos_args[NL_ARGMAX]; int num_pos_args; /* Must start at -1. */ int cur_pos_arg; #endif /* defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) */ void *cur_ptr; const unsigned char *fmt; int cnt, dataargtype, conv_num, max_width; unsigned char store, flags; } psfs_t; /* parse scanf format state */ /**********************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ extern void __init_scan_cookie(register struct scan_cookie *sc, register FILE *fp) attribute_hidden; extern int __scan_getc(register struct scan_cookie *sc) attribute_hidden; extern void __scan_ungetc(register struct scan_cookie *sc) attribute_hidden; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ extern int __scan_strtold(long double *ld, struct scan_cookie *sc); #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ extern int __psfs_parse_spec(psfs_t *psfs) attribute_hidden; extern int __psfs_do_numeric(psfs_t *psfs, struct scan_cookie *sc) attribute_hidden; /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L___scan_cookie #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning TODO: Remove dependence on decpt_str and fake_decpt in stub locale mode. #endif #ifndef __UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__ static const char decpt_str[] = "."; #endif void attribute_hidden __init_scan_cookie(register struct scan_cookie *sc, register FILE *fp) { sc->fp = fp; sc->nread = 0; sc->ungot_flag = 0; sc->app_ungot = ((fp->__modeflags & __FLAG_UNGOT) ? fp->__ungot[1] : 0); #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ sc->ungot_wflag = 0; /* vfwscanf */ sc->mb_fail = 0; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ if (*(sc->grouping = __UCLIBC_CURLOCALE->grouping)) { sc->thousands_sep = (const unsigned char *) __UCLIBC_CURLOCALE->thousands_sep; sc->tslen = __UCLIBC_CURLOCALE->thousands_sep_len; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ sc->thousands_sep_wc = __UCLIBC_CURLOCALE->thousands_sep_wc; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ } #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__ sc->decpt = (const unsigned char *) __UCLIBC_CURLOCALE->decimal_point; sc->decpt_len = __UCLIBC_CURLOCALE->decimal_point_len; #else /* __UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__ */ sc->fake_decpt = sc->decpt = (unsigned char *) decpt_str; sc->decpt_len = 1; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__ */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__ sc->decpt_wc = __UCLIBC_CURLOCALE->decimal_point_wc; #else sc->decpt_wc = '.'; #endif #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ } int attribute_hidden __scan_getc(register struct scan_cookie *sc) { int c; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ assert(!sc->mb_fail); #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ sc->cc = EOF; if (--sc->width < 0) { sc->ungot_flag |= 2; return -1; } if (sc->ungot_flag == 0) { #if !defined(__STDIO_BUFFERS) && !defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__) if (!__STDIO_STREAM_IS_FAKE_VSSCANF_NB(sc->fp)) { c = GETC(sc); } else { __FILE_vsscanf *fv = (__FILE_vsscanf *)(sc->fp); if (fv->bufpos < fv->bufread) { c = *fv->bufpos++; } else { c = EOF; sc->fp->__modeflags |= __FLAG_EOF; } } if (c == EOF) { sc->ungot_flag |= 2; return -1; } #else if ((c = GETC(sc)) == EOF) { sc->ungot_flag |= 2; return -1; } #endif sc->ungot_char = c; } else { assert(sc->ungot_flag == 1); sc->ungot_flag = 0; } ++sc->nread; return sc->cc = sc->ungot_char; } void attribute_hidden __scan_ungetc(register struct scan_cookie *sc) { ++sc->width; if (sc->ungot_flag == 2) { /* last was EOF */ sc->ungot_flag = 0; sc->cc = sc->ungot_char; } else if (sc->ungot_flag == 0) { sc->ungot_flag = 1; --sc->nread; } else { assert(0); } } #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L___psfs_parse_spec #ifdef SPEC_FLAGS static const unsigned char spec_flags[] = SPEC_FLAGS; #endif /* SPEC_FLAGS */ static const unsigned char spec_chars[] = SPEC_CHARS; static const unsigned char qual_chars[] = QUAL_CHARS; static const unsigned char spec_ranges[] = SPEC_RANGES; static const unsigned short spec_allowed[] = SPEC_ALLOWED_FLAGS; int attribute_hidden __psfs_parse_spec(register psfs_t *psfs) { const unsigned char *p; const unsigned char *fmt0 = psfs->fmt; int i; #ifdef SPEC_FLAGS int j; #endif #if defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) unsigned char fail = 0; i = 0; /* Do this here to avoid a warning. */ if (!__isdigit_char(*psfs->fmt)) { /* Not a positional arg. */ fail = 1; goto DO_FLAGS; } /* parse the positional arg (or width) value */ do { if (i <= ((INT_MAX - 9)/10)) { i = (i * 10) + (*psfs->fmt++ - '0'); } } while (__isdigit_char(*psfs->fmt)); if (*psfs->fmt != '$') { /* This is a max field width. */ if (psfs->num_pos_args >= 0) { /* Already saw a pos arg! */ goto ERROR_EINVAL; } psfs->max_width = i; psfs->num_pos_args = -2; goto DO_QUALIFIER; } ++psfs->fmt; /* Advance past '$'. */ #endif /* defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) */ #if defined(SPEC_FLAGS) || (defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0)) DO_FLAGS: #endif /* defined(SPEC_FLAGS) || (defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0)) */ #ifdef SPEC_FLAGS p = spec_flags; j = FLAG_SURPRESS; do { if (*p == *psfs->fmt) { ++psfs->fmt; psfs->flags |= j; goto DO_FLAGS; } j += j; } while (*++p); if (psfs->flags & FLAG_SURPRESS) { /* Suppress assignment. */ psfs->store = 0; goto DO_WIDTH; } #else /* SPEC_FLAGS */ if (*psfs->fmt == '*') { /* Suppress assignment. */ ++psfs->fmt; psfs->store = 0; goto DO_WIDTH; } #endif /* SPEC_FLAGS */ #if defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) if (fail) { /* Must be a non-positional arg */ if (psfs->num_pos_args >= 0) { /* Already saw a pos arg! */ goto ERROR_EINVAL; } psfs->num_pos_args = -2; } else { if ((psfs->num_pos_args == -2) || (((unsigned int)(--i)) >= NL_ARGMAX)) { /* Already saw a non-pos arg or (0-based) num too large. */ goto ERROR_EINVAL; } psfs->cur_pos_arg = i; } #endif /* defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) */ DO_WIDTH: for (i = 0 ; __isdigit_char(*psfs->fmt) ; ) { if (i <= ((INT_MAX - 9)/10)) { i = (i * 10) + (*psfs->fmt++ - '0'); psfs->max_width = i; } } #if defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) DO_QUALIFIER: #endif /* defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) */ p = qual_chars; do { if (*psfs->fmt == *p) { ++psfs->fmt; break; } } while (*++p); if ((p - qual_chars < 2) && (*psfs->fmt == *p)) { p += ((sizeof(qual_chars)-2) / 2); ++psfs->fmt; } psfs->dataargtype = ((int)(p[(sizeof(qual_chars)-2) / 2])) << 8; #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning CONSIDER: Should we validate that psfs->max_width > 0 in __psfs_parse_spec()? It would avoid whitespace consumption... #warning CONSIDER: Should INT_MAX be a valid width (%c/%C)? See __psfs_parse_spec(). #endif /* __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ */ p = spec_chars; do { if (*psfs->fmt == *p) { int p_m_spec_chars = p - spec_chars; if (*p == 'm' && (psfs->fmt[1] == '[' || psfs->fmt[1] == 'c' || /* Assumes ascii for 's' and 'S' test. */ (psfs->fmt[1] | 0x20) == 's')) { if (psfs->store) psfs->flags |= FLAG_MALLOC; ++psfs->fmt; ++p; continue; /* The related conversions follow 'm'. */ } for (p = spec_ranges; p_m_spec_chars > *p ; ++p) {} if (((psfs->dataargtype >> 8) | psfs->flags) & ~spec_allowed[(int)(p - spec_ranges)] ) { goto ERROR_EINVAL; } if (p_m_spec_chars == CONV_p) { /* a pointer has the same size as 'long int' */ psfs->dataargtype = PA_FLAG_LONG; } else if ((p_m_spec_chars >= CONV_c) && (psfs->dataargtype & PA_FLAG_LONG)) { p_m_spec_chars -= CONV_c - CONV_C; /* lc -> C, ls -> S, l[ -> ?? */ } psfs->conv_num = p_m_spec_chars; return psfs->fmt - fmt0; } if (!*++p) { ERROR_EINVAL: __set_errno(EINVAL); return -1; } } while(1); assert(0); } #endif /**********************************************************************/ #if defined(L_vfscanf) || defined(L_vfwscanf) #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ #ifdef L_vfscanf static int sc_getc(register struct scan_cookie *sc) { return (getc_unlocked)(sc->fp); /* Disable the macro. */ } static int scan_getwc(register struct scan_cookie *sc) { size_t r; int width; wchar_t wc[1]; char b[1]; if (--sc->width < 0) { sc->ungot_flag |= 2; return -1; } width = sc->width; /* Preserve width. */ sc->width = INT_MAX; /* MB_CUR_MAX can invoke a function. */ assert(!sc->mb_fail); r = (size_t)(-3); while (__scan_getc(sc) >= 0) { *b = sc->cc; r = mbrtowc(wc, b, 1, &sc->mbstate); if (((ssize_t) r) >= 0) { /* Successful completion of a wc. */ sc->wc = *wc; goto SUCCESS; } else if (r == ((size_t) -2)) { /* Potentially valid but incomplete. */ continue; } break; } if (r == ((size_t)(-3))) { /* EOF or ERROR on first read */ sc->wc = WEOF; r = (size_t)(-1); } else { /* If we reach here, either r == ((size_t)-1) and * mbrtowc set errno to EILSEQ, or r == ((size_t)-2) * and stream is in an error state or at EOF with a * partially complete wchar. */ __set_errno(EILSEQ); /* In case of incomplete conversion. */ sc->mb_fail = 1; } SUCCESS: sc->width = width; /* Restore width. */ return (int)((ssize_t) r); } #endif /* L_vfscanf */ #ifdef L_vfwscanf /* This gets called by __scan_getc. __scan_getc is called by vfwscanf * when the next wide char is expected to be valid ascii (digits). */ static int sc_getc(register struct scan_cookie *sc) { wint_t wc; if (__STDIO_STREAM_IS_FAKE_VSWSCANF(sc->fp)) { if (sc->fp->__bufpos < sc->fp->__bufend) { wc = *((wchar_t *)(sc->fp->__bufpos)); sc->fp->__bufpos += sizeof(wchar_t); } else { sc->fp->__modeflags |= __FLAG_EOF; return EOF; } } else if ((wc = fgetwc_unlocked(sc->fp)) == WEOF) { return EOF; } sc->ungot_wflag = 1; sc->ungot_wchar = wc; sc->ungot_wchar_width = sc->fp->__ungot_width[0]; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ if (wc == sc->thousands_sep_wc) { wc = ','; } else #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ if (wc == sc->decpt_wc) { wc = '.'; } else #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ sc->wc = sc->ungot_char = wc; return (int) wc; } static int scan_getwc(register struct scan_cookie *sc) { wint_t wc; sc->wc = WEOF; if (--sc->width < 0) { sc->ungot_flag |= 2; return -1; } if (sc->ungot_flag == 0) { if (__STDIO_STREAM_IS_FAKE_VSWSCANF(sc->fp)) { if (sc->fp->__bufpos < sc->fp->__bufend) { wc = *((wchar_t *)(sc->fp->__bufpos)); sc->fp->__bufpos += sizeof(wchar_t); } else { sc->ungot_flag |= 2; return -1; } } else if ((wc = fgetwc_unlocked(sc->fp)) == WEOF) { sc->ungot_flag |= 2; return -1; } sc->ungot_wflag = 1; sc->ungot_char = wc; sc->ungot_wchar_width = sc->fp->__ungot_width[0]; } else { assert(sc->ungot_flag == 1); sc->ungot_flag = 0; } ++sc->nread; sc->wc = sc->ungot_char; return 0; } #endif /* L_vfwscanf */ #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ static __inline void kill_scan_cookie(register struct scan_cookie *sc) { #ifdef L_vfscanf if (sc->ungot_flag & 1) { #if !defined(__STDIO_BUFFERS) && !defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__) if (!__STDIO_STREAM_IS_FAKE_VSSCANF_NB(sc->fp)) { ungetc(sc->ungot_char, sc->fp); } #else ungetc(sc->ungot_char, sc->fp); #endif /* Deal with distiction between user and scanf ungots. */ if (sc->nread == 0) { /* Only one char was read... app ungot? */ sc->fp->__ungot[1] = sc->app_ungot; /* restore ungot state. */ } else { sc->fp->__ungot[1] = 0; } } #else if ((sc->ungot_flag & 1) && (sc->ungot_wflag & 1) && !__STDIO_STREAM_IS_FAKE_VSWSCANF(sc->fp) && (sc->fp->__state.__mask == 0) ) { ungetwc(sc->ungot_char, sc->fp); /* Deal with distiction between user and scanf ungots. */ if (sc->nread == 0) { /* Only one char was read... app ungot? */ sc->fp->__ungot[1] = sc->app_ungot; /* restore ungot state. */ } else { sc->fp->__ungot[1] = 0; } sc->fp->__ungot_width[1] = sc->ungot_wchar_width; } #endif } int VFSCANF (FILE *__restrict fp, const Wchar *__restrict format, va_list arg) { const Wuchar *fmt; unsigned char *b; #ifdef L_vfwscanf wchar_t wbuf[1]; wchar_t *wb; #endif /* L_vfwscanf */ #if defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__) && !defined(L_vfwscanf) || !defined(L_vfscanf) mbstate_t mbstate; #endif struct scan_cookie sc; psfs_t psfs; int i; #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning TODO: Fix MAX_DIGITS. We do not do binary, so...! #endif #define MAX_DIGITS 65 /* Allow one leading 0. */ unsigned char buf[MAX_DIGITS+2]; #ifdef L_vfscanf unsigned char scanset[UCHAR_MAX + 1]; unsigned char invert = 0; /* Careful! Meaning changes. */ #endif /* L_vfscanf */ unsigned char fail; unsigned char zero_conversions = 1; __STDIO_AUTO_THREADLOCK_VAR; #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning TODO: Make checking of the format string in C locale an option. #endif /* To support old programs, don't check mb validity if in C locale. */ #if defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__) && !defined(L_vfwscanf) /* ANSI/ISO C99 requires format string to be a valid multibyte string * beginning and ending in its initial shift state. */ if (__UCLIBC_CURLOCALE->encoding != __ctype_encoding_7_bit) { const char *p = format; mbstate.__mask = 0; /* Initialize the mbstate. */ if (mbsrtowcs(NULL, &p, SIZE_MAX, &mbstate) == ((size_t)(-1))) { __set_errno(EINVAL); /* Format string is invalid. */ return 0; } } #endif /* defined(__UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__) && !defined(L_vfwscanf) */ #if defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) psfs.num_pos_args = -1; /* Must start at -1. */ /* Initialize positional arg ptrs to NULL. */ memset(psfs.pos_args, 0, sizeof(psfs.pos_args)); #endif /* defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) */ __STDIO_AUTO_THREADLOCK(fp); __STDIO_STREAM_VALIDATE(fp); __init_scan_cookie(&sc,fp); #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ sc.sc_getc = sc_getc; sc.ungot_wchar_width = sc.fp->__ungot_width[1]; #ifdef L_vfwscanf #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ if (*sc.grouping) { sc.thousands_sep = (const unsigned char *) ","; sc.tslen = 1; } #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ sc.fake_decpt = (const unsigned char *) "."; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ #else /* L_vfwscanf */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ sc.fake_decpt = sc.decpt; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ #endif /* L_vfwscanf */ #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ psfs.cnt = 0; /* Note: If we ever wanted to support non-nice codesets, we * would really need to do a mb->wc conversion here in the * vfscanf case. Related changes would have to be made in * the code that follows... basicly wherever fmt appears. */ for (fmt = (const Wuchar *) format ; *fmt ; /* ++fmt */) { psfs.store = 1; psfs.flags = 0; #ifndef NDEBUG psfs.cur_ptr = NULL; /* Debugging aid. */ #endif /* NDEBUG */ sc.ungot_flag &= 1; /* Clear (possible fake) EOF. */ sc.width = psfs.max_width = INT_MAX; /* Note: According to the standards, vfscanf does use isspace * here. So, if we did a mb->wc conversion, we would have to do * something like * ((((__uwchar_t)wc) < UCHAR_MAX) && isspace(wc)) * because wc might not be in the allowed domain. */ if (ISSPACE(*fmt)) { do { ++fmt; } while (ISSPACE(*fmt)); --fmt; psfs.conv_num = CONV_whitespace; goto DO_WHITESPACE; } if (*fmt == '%') { /* Conversion specification. */ if (*++fmt == '%') { /* Remember, '%' eats whitespace too. */ /* Note: The standard says no conversion occurs. * So do not reset zero_conversions flag. */ psfs.conv_num = CONV_percent; goto DO_CONVERSION; } #ifdef L_vfscanf psfs.fmt = fmt; #else /* L_vfscanf */ { const __uwchar_t *wf = fmt; psfs.fmt = b = buf; while (*wf && __isascii(*wf) && (b < buf + sizeof(buf) - 1)) { *b++ = *wf++; } *b = 0; if (b == buf) { /* Bad conversion specifier! */ goto DONE; } } #endif /* L_vfscanf */ if ((i = __psfs_parse_spec(&psfs)) < 0) { /* Bad conversion specifier! */ goto DONE; } fmt += i; if (psfs.store) { #if defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) if (psfs.num_pos_args == -2) { psfs.cur_ptr = va_arg(arg, void *); } else { while (psfs.cur_pos_arg > psfs.num_pos_args) { psfs.pos_args[++psfs.num_pos_args] = va_arg(arg, void *); } psfs.cur_ptr = psfs.pos_args[psfs.cur_pos_arg]; } #else /* defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) */ psfs.cur_ptr = va_arg(arg, void *); #endif /* defined(NL_ARGMAX) && (NL_ARGMAX > 0) */ } DO_CONVERSION: /* First, consume white-space if not n, c, [, C, or l[. */ if ((((1L << CONV_n)|(1L << CONV_C)|(1L << CONV_c) |(1L << CONV_LEFTBRACKET)|(1L << CONV_leftbracket)) & (1L << psfs.conv_num)) == 0 ) { DO_WHITESPACE: while ((__scan_getc(&sc) >= 0) #ifdef L_vfscanf && isspace(sc.cc) #else /* L_vfscanf */ && iswspace(sc.wc) #endif /* L_vfscanf */ ) {} __scan_ungetc(&sc); if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_whitespace) { goto NEXT_FMT; } } sc.width = psfs.max_width; /* Now limit the max width. */ if (sc.width == 0) { /* 0 width is forbidden. */ goto DONE; } if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_percent) { goto MATCH_CHAR; } if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_n) { #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning CONSIDER: Should %n count as a conversion as far as EOF return value? #endif /* zero_conversions = 0; */ if (psfs.store) { _store_inttype(psfs.cur_ptr, psfs.dataargtype, (uintmax_t) sc.nread); } goto NEXT_FMT; } if (psfs.conv_num <= CONV_A) { /* pointer, integer, or float spec */ int r = __psfs_do_numeric(&psfs, &sc); #ifndef L_vfscanf if (sc.ungot_wflag == 1) { /* fix up '?', '.', and ',' hacks */ sc.cc = sc.ungot_char = sc.ungot_wchar; } #endif if (r != -1) { /* Either success or a matching failure. */ zero_conversions = 0; } if (r < 0) { goto DONE; } goto NEXT_FMT; } /* Do string conversions here since they are not common code. */ #ifdef L_vfscanf if #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ (psfs.conv_num >= CONV_LEFTBRACKET) #else /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ (psfs.conv_num >= CONV_c) #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ { /* We might have to handle the allocation ourselves */ int len; unsigned char **ptr; b = (psfs.store ? ((unsigned char *) psfs.cur_ptr) : buf); /* With 'm', we actually got a pointer to a pointer */ ptr = (void *)b; if (psfs.flags & FLAG_MALLOC) { len = 0; b = NULL; } else len = -1; fail = 1; if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_c) { if (sc.width == INT_MAX) { sc.width = 1; } if (psfs.flags & FLAG_MALLOC) b = malloc(sc.width); i = 0; while (__scan_getc(&sc) >= 0) { zero_conversions = 0; b[i] = sc.cc; i += psfs.store; } __scan_ungetc(&sc); if (sc.width > 0) { /* Failed to read all required. */ goto DONE; } if (psfs.flags & FLAG_MALLOC) *ptr = b; psfs.cnt += psfs.store; goto NEXT_FMT; } if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_s) { i = 0; /* Yes, believe it or not, a %s conversion can store nuls. */ while ((__scan_getc(&sc) >= 0) && !isspace(sc.cc)) { zero_conversions = 0; if (i == len) { /* Pick a size that won't trigger a lot of * mallocs early on ... */ len += 256; b = realloc(b, len + 1); } b[i] = sc.cc; i += psfs.store; fail = 0; } } else { #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ assert((psfs.conv_num == CONV_LEFTBRACKET) || \ (psfs.conv_num == CONV_leftbracket)); #else /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ assert((psfs.conv_num == CONV_leftbracket)); #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ invert = 0; if (*++fmt == '^') { ++fmt; invert = 1; } memset(scanset, invert, sizeof(scanset)); invert = 1-invert; if (*fmt == ']') { scanset[(int)(']')] = invert; ++fmt; } while (*fmt != ']') { if (!*fmt) { /* No closing ']'. */ goto DONE; } if ((*fmt == '-') && (fmt[1] != ']') && (fmt[-1] < fmt[1]) /* sorted? */ ) { /* range */ ++fmt; i = fmt[-2]; /* Note: scanset[i] should already have been done * in the previous iteration. */ do { scanset[++i] = invert; } while (i < *fmt); /* Safe to fall through, and a bit smaller. */ } /* literal char */ scanset[(int) *fmt] = invert; ++fmt; } #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_LEFTBRACKET) { goto DO_LEFTBRACKET; } #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ i = 0; while (__scan_getc(&sc) >= 0) { zero_conversions = 0; if (!scanset[sc.cc]) { break; } if (i == len) { /* Pick a size that won't trigger a lot of * mallocs early on ... */ len += 256; b = realloc(b, len + 1); } b[i] = sc.cc; i += psfs.store; fail = 0; } } /* Common tail for processing of %s and %[. */ __scan_ungetc(&sc); if (fail) { /* nothing stored! */ goto DONE; } if (psfs.flags & FLAG_MALLOC) *ptr = b; b += i; *b = 0; /* Nul-terminate string. */ psfs.cnt += psfs.store; goto NEXT_FMT; } #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ DO_LEFTBRACKET: /* Need to do common wide init. */ if (psfs.conv_num >= CONV_C) { wchar_t wbuf[1]; wchar_t *wb; sc.mbstate.__mask = 0; wb = (psfs.store ? ((wchar_t *) psfs.cur_ptr) : wbuf); fail = 1; if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_C) { if (sc.width == INT_MAX) { sc.width = 1; } while (scan_getwc(&sc) >= 0) { zero_conversions = 0; assert(sc.width >= 0); *wb = sc.wc; wb += psfs.store; } __scan_ungetc(&sc); if (sc.width > 0) { /* Failed to read all required. */ goto DONE; } psfs.cnt += psfs.store; goto NEXT_FMT; } if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_S) { /* Yes, believe it or not, a %s conversion can store nuls. */ while (scan_getwc(&sc) >= 0) { zero_conversions = 0; if ((((__uwchar_t)(sc.wc)) <= UCHAR_MAX) && isspace(sc.wc)) { break; } *wb = sc.wc; wb += psfs.store; fail = 0; } } else { assert(psfs.conv_num == CONV_LEFTBRACKET); while (scan_getwc(&sc) >= 0) { zero_conversions = 0; if (((__uwchar_t) sc.wc) <= UCHAR_MAX) { if (!scanset[sc.wc]) { break; } } else if (invert) { break; } *wb = sc.wc; wb += psfs.store; fail = 0; } } /* Common tail for processing of %ls and %l[. */ __scan_ungetc(&sc); if (fail || sc.mb_fail) { /* Nothing stored or mb error. */ goto DONE; } *wb = 0; /* Nul-terminate string. */ psfs.cnt += psfs.store; goto NEXT_FMT; } #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR__ */ #else /* L_vfscanf */ if (psfs.conv_num >= CONV_C) { b = buf; wb = wbuf; if (psfs.conv_num >= CONV_c) { mbstate.__mask = 0; /* Initialize the mbstate. */ if (psfs.store) { b = (unsigned char *) psfs.cur_ptr; } } else { if (psfs.store) { wb = (wchar_t *) psfs.cur_ptr; } } fail = 1; if ((psfs.conv_num == CONV_C) || (psfs.conv_num == CONV_c)) { if (sc.width == INT_MAX) { sc.width = 1; } while (scan_getwc(&sc) >= 0) { zero_conversions = 0; if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_C) { *wb = sc.wc; wb += psfs.store; } else { i = wcrtomb((char*) b, sc.wc, &mbstate); if (i < 0) { /* Conversion failure. */ goto DONE_DO_UNGET; } if (psfs.store) { b += i; } } } __scan_ungetc(&sc); if (sc.width > 0) { /* Failed to read all required. */ goto DONE; } psfs.cnt += psfs.store; goto NEXT_FMT; } if ((psfs.conv_num == CONV_S) || (psfs.conv_num == CONV_s)) { /* Yes, believe it or not, a %s conversion can store nuls. */ while (scan_getwc(&sc) >= 0) { zero_conversions = 0; if (iswspace(sc.wc)) { break; } if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_S) { *wb = sc.wc; wb += psfs.store; } else { i = wcrtomb((char*) b, sc.wc, &mbstate); if (i < 0) { /* Conversion failure. */ goto DONE_DO_UNGET; } if (psfs.store) { b += i; } } fail = 0; } } else { const wchar_t *sss; const wchar_t *ssp; unsigned char invert = 0; assert((psfs.conv_num == CONV_LEFTBRACKET) || (psfs.conv_num == CONV_leftbracket)); if (*++fmt == '^') { ++fmt; invert = 1; } sss = (const wchar_t *) fmt; if (*fmt == ']') { ++fmt; } while (*fmt != ']') { if (!*fmt) { /* No closing ']'. */ goto DONE; } if ((*fmt == '-') && (fmt[1] != ']') && (fmt[-1] < fmt[1]) /* sorted? */ ) { /* range */ ++fmt; } ++fmt; } /* Ok... a valid scanset spec. */ while (scan_getwc(&sc) >= 0) { zero_conversions = 0; ssp = sss; do { /* We know sss < fmt. */ if (*ssp == '-') { /* possible range... */ /* Note: We accept a-c-e (ordered) as * equivalent to a-e. */ if (ssp > sss) { if ((++ssp < (const wchar_t *) fmt) && (ssp[-2] < *ssp) /* sorted? */ ) { /* yes */ if ((sc.wc >= ssp[-2]) && (sc.wc <= *ssp)) { break; } continue; /* not in range */ } --ssp; /* oops... '-' at end, so back up */ } /* false alarm... a literal '-' */ } if (sc.wc == *ssp) { /* Matched literal char. */ break; } } while (++ssp < (const wchar_t *) fmt); if ((ssp == (const wchar_t *) fmt) ^ invert) { /* no match and not inverting * or match and inverting */ break; } if (psfs.conv_num == CONV_LEFTBRACKET) { *wb = sc.wc; wb += psfs.store; } else { i = wcrtomb((char*) b, sc.wc, &mbstate); if (i < 0) { /* Conversion failure. */ goto DONE_DO_UNGET; } if (psfs.store) { b += i; } } fail = 0; } } /* Common tail for processing of %s and %[. */ __scan_ungetc(&sc); if (fail) { /* nothing stored! */ goto DONE; } *wb = 0; /* Nul-terminate string. */ *b = 0; psfs.cnt += psfs.store; goto NEXT_FMT; } #endif /* L_vfscanf */ assert(0); goto DONE; } /* conversion specification */ MATCH_CHAR: if (__scan_getc(&sc) != *fmt) { #ifdef L_vfwscanf DONE_DO_UNGET: #endif /* L_vfwscanf */ __scan_ungetc(&sc); goto DONE; } NEXT_FMT: ++fmt; if (__FERROR_UNLOCKED(fp)) { break; } } DONE: if (__FERROR_UNLOCKED(fp) || (*fmt && zero_conversions && __FEOF_UNLOCKED(fp))) { psfs.cnt = EOF; /* Yes, vfwscanf also returns EOF. */ } kill_scan_cookie(&sc); __STDIO_STREAM_VALIDATE(fp); __STDIO_AUTO_THREADUNLOCK(fp); return psfs.cnt; } libc_hidden_def(VFSCANF) #endif /**********************************************************************/ #ifdef L___psfs_do_numeric static const unsigned char spec_base[] = SPEC_BASE; static const unsigned char nil_string[] = "(nil)"; int attribute_hidden __psfs_do_numeric(psfs_t *psfs, struct scan_cookie *sc) { unsigned char *b; const unsigned char *p; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ int exp_adjust = 0; #endif #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning TODO: Fix MAX_DIGITS. We do not do binary, so...! #warning TODO: Fix buf! #endif #define MAX_DIGITS 65 /* Allow one leading 0. */ unsigned char buf[MAX_DIGITS+2+ 100]; unsigned char usflag, base; unsigned char nonzero = 0; unsigned char seendigit = 0; #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning CONSIDER: What should be returned for an invalid conversion specifier? #endif #ifndef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ if (psfs->conv_num > CONV_i) { /* floating point */ goto DONE; } #endif base = spec_base[psfs->conv_num - CONV_p]; usflag = (psfs->conv_num <= CONV_u); /* (1)0 if (un)signed */ b = buf; if (psfs->conv_num == CONV_p) { /* Pointer */ p = nil_string; do { if ((__scan_getc(sc) < 0) || (*p != sc->cc)) { __scan_ungetc(sc); if (p > nil_string) { /* We matched at least the '(' so even if we * are at eof, we can not match a pointer. */ return -2; /* Matching failure */ } break; } if (!*++p) { /* Matched (nil), so no unget necessary. */ if (psfs->store) { ++psfs->cnt; _store_inttype(psfs->cur_ptr, psfs->dataargtype, (uintmax_t)0); } return 0; } } while (1); #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning CONSIDER: Should we require a 0x prefix and disallow +/- for pointer %p? #endif /* __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ */ } __scan_getc(sc); if (sc->cc < 0) { return -1; /* Input failure (nothing read yet). */ } if ((sc->cc == '+') || (sc->cc == '-')) { /* Handle leading sign.*/ *b++ = sc->cc; __scan_getc(sc); } if ((base & 0xef) == 0) { /* 0xef is ~16, so 16 or 0. */ if (sc->cc == '0') { /* Possibly set base and handle prefix. */ __scan_getc(sc); if ((sc->cc|0x20) == 'x') { /* Assumes ascii.. x or X. */ if (__scan_getc(sc) < 0) { /* Either EOF or error (including wc outside char range). * If EOF or error, this is a matching failure (we read 0x). * If wc outside char range, this is also a matching failure. * Hence, we do an unget (although not really necessary here * and fail. */ goto DONE_DO_UNGET; /* matching failure */ } base = 16; /* Base 16 for sure now. */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_HEXADECIMAL_FLOATS__ /* The prefix is required for hexadecimal floats. */ *b++ = '0'; *b++ = 'x'; #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_HEXADECIMAL_FLOATS__ */ } else { /* oops... back up */ __scan_ungetc(sc); sc->cc = '0'; /* NASTY HACK! */ base = (base >> 1) + 8; /* 0->8, 16->16. no 'if' */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ if (psfs->conv_num > CONV_i) { /* floating point */ base = 10; } #endif } } else if (!base) { base = 10; } } /***************** digit grouping **********************/ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ if ((psfs->flags & FLAG_THOUSANDS) && (base == 10) && *(p = (const unsigned char *) sc->grouping) ) { int nblk1, nblk2, nbmax, lastblock, pass, i; #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning CONSIDER: Should we initalize the grouping blocks in __init_scan_cookie()? #endif /* __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ */ nbmax = nblk2 = nblk1 = *p; if (*++p) { nblk2 = *p; if (nbmax < nblk2) { nbmax = nblk2; } assert(!p[1]); } /* Note: for printf, if 0 and \' flags appear then * grouping is done before 0-padding. Should we * strip leading 0's first? Or add a 0 flag? */ /* For vfwscanf, sc_getc translates, so the value of sc->cc is * either EOF or a char. */ if (!__isdigit_char_or_EOF(sc->cc)) { /* No starting digit! */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ if (psfs->conv_num > CONV_i) { /* floating point */ goto NO_STARTING_DIGIT; } #endif goto DONE_DO_UNGET; } if (sc->cc == '0') { seendigit = 1; *b++ = '0'; /* Store the first 0. */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning CONSIDER: Should leading 0s be skipped before digit grouping? (printf 0 pad) #endif /* __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ */ #if 0 do { /* But ignore all subsequent 0s. */ __scan_getc(sc); } while (sc->cc == '0'); #endif } pass = 0; lastblock = 0; do { i = 0; while (__isdigit_char_or_EOF(sc->cc)) { seendigit = 1; if (i == nbmax) { /* too many digits for a block */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_SCANF_LENIENT_DIGIT_GROUPING__ if (!pass) { /* treat as nongrouped */ if (nonzero) { goto DO_NO_GROUP; } goto DO_TRIM_LEADING_ZEROS; } #endif if (nbmax > nblk1) { goto DONE_DO_UNGET; /* matching failure */ } goto DONE_GROUPING_DO_UNGET; /* nbmax == nblk1 */ } ++i; if (nonzero || (sc->cc != '0')) { if (b < buf + MAX_DIGITS) { *b++ = sc->cc; nonzero = 1; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ } else { ++exp_adjust; #endif } } __scan_getc(sc); } if (i) { /* we saw digits digits */ if ((i == nblk2) || ((i < nblk2) && !pass)) { /* (possible) outer grp */ p = sc->thousands_sep; if (*p == sc->cc) { /* first byte matches... */ /* so check if grouping mb char */ /* Since 1st matched, either match or fail now * unless EOF (yuk) */ __scan_getc(sc); MBG_LOOP: if (!*++p) { /* is a grouping mb char */ lastblock = i; ++pass; continue; } if (*p == sc->cc) { __scan_getc(sc); goto MBG_LOOP; } /* bad grouping mb char! */ __scan_ungetc(sc); if ((sc->cc >= 0) || (p > sc->thousands_sep + 1)) { #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ /* We failed to match a thousep mb char, and * we've read too much to recover. But if * this is a floating point conversion and * the initial portion of the decpt mb char * matches, then we may still be able to * recover. */ int k = p - sc->thousands_sep - 1; if ((psfs->conv_num > CONV_i) /* float conversion */ && (!pass || (i == nblk1)) /* possible last */ && !memcmp(sc->thousands_sep, sc->fake_decpt, k) /* and prefix matched, so could be decpt */ ) { __scan_getc(sc); p = sc->fake_decpt + k; do { if (!*++p) { strcpy((char*) b, (char*) sc->decpt); b += sc->decpt_len; goto GOT_DECPT; } if (*p != sc->cc) { __scan_ungetc(sc); break; /* failed */ } __scan_getc(sc); } while (1); } #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ goto DONE; } /* was EOF and 1st, so recoverable. */ } } if ((i == nblk1) || ((i < nblk1) && !pass)) { /* got an inner group */ goto DONE_GROUPING_DO_UNGET; } goto DONE_DO_UNGET; /* Matching failure. */ } /* i != 0 */ assert(pass); goto DONE_DO_UNGET; } while (1); assert(0); /* Should never get here. */ } #endif /***************** digit grouping **********************/ /* Not grouping so first trim all but one leading 0. */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_SCANF_LENIENT_DIGIT_GROUPING__ DO_TRIM_LEADING_ZEROS: #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_SCANF_LENIENT_DIGIT_GROUPING__ */ if (sc->cc == '0') { seendigit = 1; *b++ = '0'; /* Store the first 0. */ do { /* But ignore all subsequent 0s. */ __scan_getc(sc); } while (sc->cc == '0'); } #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_SCANF_LENIENT_DIGIT_GROUPING__ DO_NO_GROUP: #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_SCANF_LENIENT_DIGIT_GROUPING__ */ /* At this point, we're ready to start reading digits. */ #define valid_digit(cc,base) (isxdigit(cc) && ((base == 16) || (cc - '0' < base))) while (valid_digit(sc->cc,base)) { /* Now for significant digits.*/ if (b - buf < MAX_DIGITS) { nonzero = seendigit = 1; /* Set nonzero too 0s trimmed above. */ *b++ = sc->cc; #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ } else { ++exp_adjust; #endif } __scan_getc(sc); } #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ DONE_GROUPING_DO_UNGET: #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ */ if (psfs->conv_num <= CONV_i) { /* integer conversion */ __scan_ungetc(sc); *b = 0; /* null-terminate */ if (!seendigit) { goto DONE; /* No digits! */ } if (psfs->store) { if (*buf == '-') { usflag = 0; } ++psfs->cnt; _store_inttype(psfs->cur_ptr, psfs->dataargtype, (uintmax_t) STRTOUIM((char *) buf, NULL, base, 1-usflag)); } return 0; } #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ /* At this point, we have everything left of the decimal point or exponent. */ #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ NO_STARTING_DIGIT: #endif p = sc->fake_decpt; do { if (!*p) { strcpy((char *) b, (char *) sc->decpt); b += sc->decpt_len; break; } if (*p != sc->cc) { if (p > sc->fake_decpt) { goto DONE_DO_UNGET; /* matching failure (read some of decpt) */ } goto DO_DIGIT_CHECK; } ++p; __scan_getc(sc); } while (1); #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_GLIBC_DIGIT_GROUPING__ GOT_DECPT: #endif if (!nonzero) { if (sc->cc == '0') { assert(exp_adjust == 0); *b++ = '0'; ++exp_adjust; seendigit = 1; do { --exp_adjust; __scan_getc(sc); } while (sc->cc == '0'); } } while (valid_digit(sc->cc,base)) { /* Process fractional digits.*/ if (b - buf < MAX_DIGITS) { seendigit = 1; *b++ = sc->cc; } __scan_getc(sc); } DO_DIGIT_CHECK: /* Hmm... no decimal point. */ if (!seendigit) { static const unsigned char nan_inf_str[] = "an\0nfinity"; if (base == 16) { /* We had a prefix, but no digits! */ goto DONE_DO_UNGET; /* matching failure */ } /* Avoid tolower problems for INFINITY in the tr_TR locale. (yuk)*/ #undef TOLOWER #define TOLOWER(C) ((C)|0x20) switch (TOLOWER(sc->cc)) { case 'i': p = nan_inf_str + 3; break; case 'n': p = nan_inf_str; break; default: /* No digits and not inf or nan. */ goto DONE_DO_UNGET; } *b++ = sc->cc; do { __scan_getc(sc); if (TOLOWER(sc->cc) == *p) { *b++ = sc->cc; ++p; continue; } if (!*p || (p == nan_inf_str + 5)) { /* match nan/infinity or inf */ goto GOT_FLOAT; } /* Unrecoverable. Even if on 1st char, we had no digits. */ goto DONE_DO_UNGET; } while (1); } /* If we get here, we had some digits. */ if ( #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_HEXADECIMAL_FLOATS__ ((base == 16) && (((sc->cc)|0x20) == 'p')) || #endif (((sc->cc)|0x20) == 'e') ) { /* Process an exponent. */ *b++ = sc->cc; __scan_getc(sc); if (sc->cc < 0) { goto DONE_DO_UNGET; /* matching failure.. no exponent digits */ } if ((sc->cc == '+') || (sc->cc == '-')) { /* Signed exponent? */ *b++ = sc->cc; __scan_getc(sc); } #ifdef __UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY__ #warning TODO: Fix MAX_EXP_DIGITS! #endif #define MAX_EXP_DIGITS 20 assert(seendigit); seendigit = 0; nonzero = 0; if (sc->cc == '0') { seendigit = 1; *b++ = '0'; do { __scan_getc(sc); } while (sc->cc == '0'); } while (__isdigit_char_or_EOF(sc->cc)) { /* Exponent digits (base 10).*/ if (seendigit < MAX_EXP_DIGITS) { ++seendigit; *b++ = sc->cc; } __scan_getc(sc); } if (!seendigit) { /* No digits. Unrecoverable. */ goto DONE_DO_UNGET; } } GOT_FLOAT: *b = 0; { __fpmax_t x; char *e; x = __strtofpmax((char *) buf, &e, exp_adjust); assert(!*e); if (psfs->store) { if (psfs->dataargtype & PA_FLAG_LONG_LONG) { *((long double *)psfs->cur_ptr) = (long double) x; } else if (psfs->dataargtype & PA_FLAG_LONG) { *((double *)psfs->cur_ptr) = (double) x; } else { *((float *)psfs->cur_ptr) = (float) x; } ++psfs->cnt; } __scan_ungetc(sc); return 0; } #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_FLOATS__ */ DONE_DO_UNGET: __scan_ungetc(sc); DONE: return -2; /* Matching failure. */ } #endif /**********************************************************************/