/* * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or * program developed by the user. * * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. * * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, * modification or enhancement. * * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC * OR ANY PART THEREOF. * * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. * * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 2550 Garcia Avenue * Mountain View, California 94043 */ /* * Copyright (C) 1987, Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ #define clnttcp_create __clnttcp_create #define clntudp_create __clntudp_create #define clntunix_create __clntunix_create #define getprotobyname_r __getprotobyname_r #define gethostbyname_r __gethostbyname_r #define __FORCE_GLIBC #include <features.h> #include <alloca.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <netdb.h> #undef get_rpc_createerr extern struct rpc_createerr *__rpc_thread_createerr_internal (void) __attribute__ ((__const__)) attribute_hidden; #define get_rpc_createerr() (*__rpc_thread_createerr_internal ()) /* * Generic client creation: takes (hostname, program-number, protocol) and * returns client handle. Default options are set, which the user can * change using the rpc equivalent of ioctl()'s. */ CLIENT * clnt_create (const char *hostname, u_long prog, u_long vers, const char *proto) { struct hostent hostbuf, *h; size_t hstbuflen; char *hsttmpbuf; struct protoent protobuf, *p; size_t prtbuflen; char *prttmpbuf; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct sockaddr_un sun; int sock; struct timeval tv; CLIENT *client; int herr; if (__strcmp (proto, "unix") == 0) { __memset ((char *)&sun, 0, sizeof (sun)); sun.sun_family = AF_UNIX; __strcpy (sun.sun_path, hostname); sock = RPC_ANYSOCK; client = clntunix_create (&sun, prog, vers, &sock, 0, 0); if (client == NULL) return NULL; #if 0 /* This is not wanted. This would disable the user from having a timeout in the clnt_call() call. Only a call to cnlt_control() by the user should set the timeout value. */ tv.tv_sec = 25; tv.tv_usec = 0; clnt_control (client, CLSET_TIMEOUT, (char *)&tv); #endif return client; } hstbuflen = 1024; hsttmpbuf = alloca (hstbuflen); while (gethostbyname_r (hostname, &hostbuf, hsttmpbuf, hstbuflen, &h, &herr) != 0 || h == NULL) if (herr != NETDB_INTERNAL || errno != ERANGE) { get_rpc_createerr().cf_stat = RPC_UNKNOWNHOST; return NULL; } else { /* Enlarge the buffer. */ hstbuflen *= 2; hsttmpbuf = alloca (hstbuflen); } if (h->h_addrtype != AF_INET) { /* * Only support INET for now */ struct rpc_createerr *ce = &get_rpc_createerr (); ce->cf_stat = RPC_SYSTEMERROR; ce->cf_error.re_errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return NULL; } sin.sin_family = h->h_addrtype; sin.sin_port = 0; __memset (sin.sin_zero, 0, sizeof (sin.sin_zero)); __memcpy ((char *) &sin.sin_addr, h->h_addr, h->h_length); prtbuflen = 1024; prttmpbuf = alloca (prtbuflen); while (getprotobyname_r (proto, &protobuf, prttmpbuf, prtbuflen, &p) != 0 || p == NULL) if (errno != ERANGE) { struct rpc_createerr *ce = &get_rpc_createerr (); ce->cf_stat = RPC_UNKNOWNPROTO; ce->cf_error.re_errno = EPFNOSUPPORT; return NULL; } else { /* Enlarge the buffer. */ prtbuflen *= 2; prttmpbuf = alloca (prtbuflen); } sock = RPC_ANYSOCK; switch (p->p_proto) { case IPPROTO_UDP: tv.tv_sec = 5; tv.tv_usec = 0; client = clntudp_create (&sin, prog, vers, tv, &sock); if (client == NULL) { return NULL; } #if 0 /* This is not wanted. This would disable the user from having a timeout in the clnt_call() call. Only a call to cnlt_control() by the user should set the timeout value. */ tv.tv_sec = 25; clnt_control (client, CLSET_TIMEOUT, (char *)&tv); #endif break; case IPPROTO_TCP: client = clnttcp_create (&sin, prog, vers, &sock, 0, 0); if (client == NULL) { return NULL; } #if 0 /* This is not wanted. This would disable the user from having a timeout in the clnt_call() call. Only a call to cnlt_control() by the user should set the timeout value. */ tv.tv_sec = 25; tv.tv_usec = 0; clnt_control (client, CLSET_TIMEOUT, (char *)&tv); #endif break; default: { struct rpc_createerr *ce = &get_rpc_createerr (); ce->cf_stat = RPC_SYSTEMERROR; ce->cf_error.re_errno = EPFNOSUPPORT; } return (NULL); } return client; }