#define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <locale.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <wctype.h> #include <limits.h> #ifndef __UCLIBC__ #ifndef _WCTYPE_H #define _WCTYPE_H #endif #include "../../libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/uClibc_ctype.h" #endif /* #define CTYPE_PACKED */ #define UPLOW_IDX_SHIFT 3 /* best if 2 unpacked or 3 packed */ #define CTYPE_IDX_SHIFT 3 /* 3 or 4 are very similar */ #define C2WC_IDX_SHIFT 3 #define CTYPE_IDX_LEN (128 >> (CTYPE_IDX_SHIFT)) #define UPLOW_IDX_LEN (128 >> (UPLOW_IDX_SHIFT)) #define C2WC_IDX_LEN (128 >> (C2WC_IDX_SHIFT)) /* #ifdef CTYPE_PACKED */ /* #define CTYPE_ROW_LEN (1 << ((CTYPE_IDX_SHIFT)-1)) */ /* #else */ #define CTYPE_ROW_LEN (1 << (CTYPE_IDX_SHIFT)) /* #endif */ #define UPLOW_ROW_LEN (1 << (UPLOW_IDX_SHIFT)) #define C2WC_ROW_LEN (1 << (C2WC_IDX_SHIFT)) #define MAX_WCHAR (0x2600-1) static unsigned char ctype_tbl[256 * CTYPE_ROW_LEN]; static unsigned char uplow_tbl[256 * UPLOW_ROW_LEN]; #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR static unsigned short c2wc_tbl[256 * C2WC_ROW_LEN]; #endif static unsigned char tt[MAX_WCHAR+1]; static unsigned char ti[MAX_WCHAR+1]; static unsigned char xi[MAX_WCHAR+1]; static int n_ctype_rows; static int n_uplow_rows; #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR static int n_c2wc_rows; #endif static int tt_num; static int ti_num; #define RANGE MAX_WCHAR #define TT_SHIFT 4 #define TI_SHIFT 4 #define II_LEN ((MAX_WCHAR+1) >> (TT_SHIFT+TI_SHIFT)) typedef struct { unsigned long c2w[256]; unsigned char w2c[MAX_WCHAR]; unsigned char ii[II_LEN]; unsigned char ctype_idx[CTYPE_IDX_LEN]; unsigned char uplow_idx[UPLOW_IDX_LEN]; unsigned char c2wc_idx[C2WC_IDX_LEN]; } charset_data; int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp; FILE *out; charset_data csd[30]; unsigned long max_wchar; unsigned char *p; int numsets; int i; int j; char buf[80]; unsigned char row[256]; #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR unsigned short wrow[256]; #endif char codeset_list[500]; char codeset_index[30]; int codeset_list_end = 0; int total_size = 0; if (!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8")) { printf("setlocale(LC_CTYPE,\"en_US.UTF-8\") failed!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!(out = fopen("c8tables.h","w"))) { printf("error: couldn't open file \"c8tables.h\"\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #if 0 if (argc == 1) { /* User requested 8-bit codesets, but didn't list any... */ /* Allow to build, just so this feature can be left on in config. */ fprintf(out, "#ifdef __CTYPE_HAS_8_BIT_LOCALES\n"); fprintf(out, "#warning ignoring 8 bit codesets request" " as no codesets specified.\n"); fprintf(out, "#endif\n"); fprintf(out, "#undef __CTYPE_HAS_8_BIT_LOCALES\n\n"); fprintf(out, "#define NUM_CODESETS\t\t0\n"); fprintf(out, "#define CODESET_LIST\t\t\"\"\n"); fclose(out); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* fprintf(out, "#define __CTYPE_HAS_8_BIT_LOCALES\t1\n\n"); */ fprintf(out, "#ifdef __CTYPE_HAS_8_BIT_LOCALES\n\n"); #endif if (argc == 1) { fprintf(out, "#undef __CTYPE_HAS_8_BIT_LOCALES\n\n"); fprintf(out, "#define NUM_CODESETS\t\t0\n"); fprintf(out, "#define CODESET_LIST\t\t\"\"\n"); } else { fprintf(out, "#define __CTYPE_HAS_8_BIT_LOCALES\t\t1\n\n"); } fprintf(out, "#define Cctype_IDX_SHIFT\t%d\n", CTYPE_IDX_SHIFT); fprintf(out, "#define Cctype_IDX_LEN\t\t%d\n", CTYPE_IDX_LEN); #ifdef CTYPE_PACKED fprintf(out, "#define Cctype_ROW_LEN\t\t%d\n", CTYPE_ROW_LEN >> 1); fprintf(out, "#define Cctype_PACKED\t\t1\n"); #else fprintf(out, "#define Cctype_ROW_LEN\t\t%d\n", CTYPE_ROW_LEN); fprintf(out, "#undef Cctype_PACKED\n"); #endif fprintf(out, "\n#define Cuplow_IDX_SHIFT\t%d\n", UPLOW_IDX_SHIFT); fprintf(out, "#define Cuplow_IDX_LEN\t\t%d\n", UPLOW_IDX_LEN); fprintf(out, "#define Cuplow_ROW_LEN\t\t%d\n", UPLOW_ROW_LEN); #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR fprintf(out, "\n#define Cc2wc_IDX_LEN\t\t%d\n", C2WC_IDX_LEN); fprintf(out, "#define Cc2wc_IDX_SHIFT\t\t%d\n", C2WC_IDX_SHIFT); fprintf(out, "#define Cc2wc_ROW_LEN\t\t%d\n", C2WC_ROW_LEN); #endif fprintf(out, "\ntypedef struct {\n"); fprintf(out, "\tunsigned char idx8ctype[%d];\n", CTYPE_IDX_LEN); fprintf(out, "\tunsigned char idx8uplow[%d];\n", UPLOW_IDX_LEN); #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR fprintf(out, "\tunsigned char idx8c2wc[%d];\n", C2WC_IDX_LEN); fprintf(out, "\tunsigned char idx8wc2c[%d];\n", II_LEN); #endif fprintf(out, "} codeset_8_bit_t;\n\n"); fprintf(out, "#ifdef WANT_DATA\n\n"); fprintf(out, "static const codeset_8_bit_t codeset_8_bit[%d] = {\n", argc-1); max_wchar = 0x7f; numsets = 0; codeset_index[0] = 0; while (--argc) { if (!(fp = fopen(*++argv,"r"))) { printf("error: couldn't open file \"%s\"\n", *argv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("processing %s... ", *argv); { char *s0; char *s1; int n; s0 = strrchr(*argv, '/'); if (!s0) { s0 = *argv; } else { ++s0; } s1 = strchr(s0, '.'); if (!s1) { n = strlen(s0); } else { n = s1 - s0; } /* if ((numsets == 0) && strncmp("ASCII", s0, n)) { */ /* printf("error - first codeset isn't ASCII!\n"); */ /* return EXIT_FAILURE; */ /* } */ if (numsets >= sizeof(codeset_index)) { printf("error - too many codesets!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (codeset_list_end + n + 1 + numsets + 1 + 1 >= 256) { printf("error - codeset list to big!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } codeset_index[numsets+1] = codeset_index[numsets] + n+1; strncpy(codeset_list + codeset_list_end, s0, n); codeset_list_end += (n+1); codeset_list[codeset_list_end - 1] = 0; fprintf(out, "\t{ /* %.*s */", n, s0); } memset(&csd[numsets],sizeof(charset_data),0); memset(xi, sizeof(xi), 0); { unsigned long c, wc; int lines; lines = 0; while (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp)) { if ((2 != sscanf(buf, "{ %lx , %lx", &c, &wc)) || (c >= 256) || (wc > MAX_WCHAR)) { printf("error: scanf failure! \"%s\"\n", buf); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* don't put in w2c... dynamicly build tt instead. */ if (c <= 0x7f) { /* check the 7bit entries but don't store */ if (c != wc) { printf("error: c != wc in %s\n", buf); return EXIT_FAILURE; } csd[numsets].c2w[c] = wc; csd[numsets].w2c[wc] = 0; /* ignore */ if (wc > max_wchar) { max_wchar = wc; } } else { csd[numsets].c2w[c] = wc; csd[numsets].w2c[wc] = c; if (wc > max_wchar) { max_wchar = wc; } } ++lines; } printf("%d lines ", lines); for (i = 0 ; i <= MAX_WCHAR ; i += (1 << TT_SHIFT)) { p = &csd[numsets].w2c[i]; for (j = 0 ; j < tt_num ; j++) { if (!memcmp(p, &tt[j << TT_SHIFT], (1 << TT_SHIFT))) { break; } } if (j == tt_num) { /* new entry */ memcpy(&tt[j << TT_SHIFT], p, (1 << TT_SHIFT)); ++tt_num; } xi[i >> TT_SHIFT] = j; } for (i = 0 ; i <= (MAX_WCHAR >> TT_SHIFT) ; i += (1 << TI_SHIFT)) { p = &xi[i]; for (j = 0 ; j < ti_num ; j++) { if (!memcmp(p, &ti[j << TI_SHIFT], (1 << TI_SHIFT))) { break; } } if (j == ti_num) { /* new entry */ memcpy(&ti[j << TI_SHIFT], p, (1 << TI_SHIFT)); ++ti_num; } csd[numsets].ii[i >> TI_SHIFT] = j; /* printf("%d ", i >> TI_SHIFT); */ } #if 1 fprintf(out, "\n\t\t/* idx8ctype data */\n\t\t{"); for (i = 128 ; i < 256 ; i++) { wchar_t c; unsigned int d; /* if (!(i & 0x7)) { */ /* fprintf(out, "\n"); */ /* } */ c = csd[numsets].c2w[i]; if (c == 0) { /* non-existant char in codeset */ d = __CTYPE_unclassified; } else if (iswdigit(c)) { d = __CTYPE_digit; } else if (iswalpha(c)) { d = __CTYPE_alpha_nonupper_nonlower; if (iswlower(c)) { d = __CTYPE_alpha_lower; if (iswupper(c)) { d = __CTYPE_alpha_upper_lower; } } else if (iswupper(c)) { d = __CTYPE_alpha_upper; } } else if (iswpunct(c)) { d = __CTYPE_punct; } else if (iswgraph(c)) { d = __CTYPE_graph; } else if (iswprint(c)) { d = __CTYPE_print_space_nonblank; if (iswblank(c)) { d = __CTYPE_print_space_blank; } } else if (iswspace(c) && !iswcntrl(c)) { d = __CTYPE_space_nonblank_noncntrl; if (iswblank(c)) { d = __CTYPE_space_blank_noncntrl; } } else if (iswcntrl(c)) { d = __CTYPE_cntrl_nonspace; if (iswspace(c)) { d = __CTYPE_cntrl_space_nonblank; if (iswblank(c)) { d = __CTYPE_cntrl_space_blank; } } } else { d = __CTYPE_unclassified; } #if 1 row[i & (CTYPE_ROW_LEN-1)] = d; if ((i & (CTYPE_ROW_LEN-1)) == (CTYPE_ROW_LEN-1)) { p = ctype_tbl; for (j=0 ; j < n_ctype_rows ; j++) { if (!memcmp(p, row, CTYPE_ROW_LEN)) { break; } p += CTYPE_ROW_LEN; } if (j == n_ctype_rows) { /* new entry */ if (++n_ctype_rows > 256) { printf("error -- to many ctype rows!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } memcpy(p, row, CTYPE_ROW_LEN); } csd[numsets].ctype_idx[i >> CTYPE_IDX_SHIFT] = j; if (!((i >> CTYPE_IDX_SHIFT) & 0x7) && (i != (127 + CTYPE_ROW_LEN)) ) { fprintf(out, "\n\t\t "); } fprintf(out, " %#4x,", j); } #else fprintf(out, " %#4x,", d); #endif } #endif fprintf(out, " }"); #if 1 fprintf(out, ",\n\t\t/* idx8uplow data */\n\t\t{"); for (i = 128 ; i < 256 ; i++) { wchar_t c, u, l; /* if (!(i & 0x7)) { */ /* fprintf(out, "\n"); */ /* } */ c = csd[numsets].c2w[i]; if ((c != 0) || 1) { u = towupper(c); l = towlower(c); if (u >= 0x80) u = csd[numsets].w2c[u]; if (l >= 0x80) l = csd[numsets].w2c[l]; if (u == 0) u = i; /* upper is missing, so ignore */ if (l == 0) l = i; /* lower is missing, so ignore */ #if 1 /* store as unsigned char and let overflow handle it. */ /* if ((((u-i) < CHAR_MIN) || ((u-i) > CHAR_MAX)) */ /* || (((i-l) < CHAR_MIN) || ((i-l) > CHAR_MAX)) */ /* ) { */ /* printf("error - uplow diff out of range! %d %ld %ld\n", */ /* i, u, l); */ /* return EXIT_FAILURE; */ /* } */ row[i & (UPLOW_ROW_LEN-1)] = ((l==i) ? (u-i) : (i-l)); if ((i & (UPLOW_ROW_LEN-1)) == (UPLOW_ROW_LEN-1)) { p = uplow_tbl; for (j=0 ; j < n_uplow_rows ; j++) { if (!memcmp(p, row, UPLOW_ROW_LEN)) { break; } p += UPLOW_ROW_LEN; } if (j == n_uplow_rows) { /* new entry */ if (++n_uplow_rows > 256) { printf("error -- to many uplow rows!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } memcpy(p, row, UPLOW_ROW_LEN); } csd[numsets].uplow_idx[i >> UPLOW_IDX_SHIFT] = j; if (!((i >> UPLOW_IDX_SHIFT) & 0x7) && (i != (127 + UPLOW_ROW_LEN)) ) { fprintf(out, "\n\t\t "); } fprintf(out, " %#4x,", j); } #elif 0 if (!(i & 0x7) && i) { fprintf(out, "\n"); } fprintf(out, " %4ld,", (l==i) ? (u-i) : (i-l)); /* fprintf(out, " %4ld,", (l==i) ? u : l); */ #else if ((u != i) || (l != i)) { #if 0 fprintf(out, " %#08lx, %#08lx, %#08lx, %#08lx, %#08lx, %#08lx, \n", (unsigned long) i, (unsigned long) c, (unsigned long) l, (unsigned long) towlower(c), (unsigned long) u, (unsigned long) towupper(c)); #else fprintf(out, " %#08lx, %8ld, %d, %8ld, %d, %#08lx\n", (unsigned long) i, (long) (l - i), iswupper(c), (long) (i - u), iswlower(c), (unsigned long) c); #endif } #endif } } fprintf(out, " }"); #endif #ifndef DO_WIDE_CHAR fprintf(out,"\n"); #else /* DO_WIDE_CHAR */ #if 1 fprintf(out, ",\n\t\t/* idx8c2wc data */\n\t\t{"); for (i = 128 ; i < 256 ; i++) { #if 1 wrow[i & (C2WC_ROW_LEN-1)] = csd[numsets].c2w[i]; if ((i & (C2WC_ROW_LEN-1)) == (C2WC_ROW_LEN-1)) { p = (char *) c2wc_tbl; for (j=0 ; j < n_c2wc_rows ; j++) { if (!memcmp(p, (char *) wrow, 2*C2WC_ROW_LEN)) { break; } p += 2*C2WC_ROW_LEN; } if (j == n_c2wc_rows) { /* new entry */ if (++n_c2wc_rows > 256) { printf("error -- to many c2wc rows!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } memcpy(p, (char *) wrow, 2*C2WC_ROW_LEN); } csd[numsets].c2wc_idx[i >> C2WC_IDX_SHIFT] = j; if (!((i >> C2WC_IDX_SHIFT) & 0x7) && (i != (127 + C2WC_ROW_LEN)) ) { fprintf(out, "\n\t\t "); } fprintf(out, " %#4x,", j); } #else if (!(i & 0x7) && i) { fprintf(out, "\n"); } fprintf(out, " %#6lx,", csd[numsets].c2w[i]); #endif } fprintf(out, " },\n"); #endif #if 1 /* fprintf(out, "\nII_LEN = %d\n", II_LEN); */ fprintf(out, "\t\t/* idx8wc2c data */\n\t\t{"); for (i = 0 ; i < II_LEN ; i++) { if (!(i & 0x7) && i) { fprintf(out, "\n\t\t "); } fprintf(out, " %#4x,", csd[numsets].ii[i]); } fprintf(out, " }\n"); #endif #endif /* DO_WIDE_CHAR */ fprintf(out, "\t},\n"); } ++numsets; printf("done\n"); } fprintf(out, "};\n"); fprintf(out, "\n#endif /* WANT_DATA */\n"); #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "#define Cwc2c_DOMAIN_MAX\t%#x\n", RANGE); fprintf(out, "#define Cwc2c_TI_SHIFT\t\t%d\n", TI_SHIFT); fprintf(out, "#define Cwc2c_TT_SHIFT\t\t%d\n", TT_SHIFT); fprintf(out, "#define Cwc2c_II_LEN\t\t%d\n", II_LEN); fprintf(out, "#define Cwc2c_TI_LEN\t\t%d\n", ti_num << TI_SHIFT); fprintf(out, "#define Cwc2c_TT_LEN\t\t%d\n", tt_num << TT_SHIFT); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "\n#define Cwc2c_TBL_LEN\t\t%d\n", (ti_num << TI_SHIFT) + (tt_num << TT_SHIFT)); fprintf(out, "#ifdef WANT_DATA\n\n"); fprintf(out, "static const unsigned char Cwc2c_data[%d] = {\n", (ti_num << TI_SHIFT) + (tt_num << TT_SHIFT)); fprintf(out, "\t/* ti_table */\n\t"); for (i=0 ; i < ti_num << TI_SHIFT ; i++) { if (!(i & 7) && i) { fprintf(out, "\n\t"); } fprintf(out, " %#4x,", ti[i]); } fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "\t/* tt_table */\n\t"); for (i=0 ; i < tt_num << TT_SHIFT ; i++) { if (!(i & 7) && i) { fprintf(out, "\n\t"); } fprintf(out, " %#4x,", tt[i]); } fprintf(out, "\n};\n"); fprintf(out, "\n#endif /* WANT_DATA */\n"); #endif /* DO_WIDE_CHAR */ fprintf(out, "\n#define Cuplow_TBL_LEN\t\t%d\n", n_uplow_rows * UPLOW_ROW_LEN); fprintf(out, "\n#ifdef WANT_DATA\n\n"); fprintf(out, "\nstatic const unsigned char Cuplow_data[%d] = {\n", n_uplow_rows * UPLOW_ROW_LEN); p = uplow_tbl; for (j=0 ; j < n_uplow_rows ; j++) { fprintf(out, "\t"); for (i=0 ; i < UPLOW_ROW_LEN ; i++) { fprintf(out, " %#4x,", (unsigned int)((unsigned char) p[i])); } fprintf(out, "\n"); p += UPLOW_ROW_LEN; } fprintf(out, "};\n"); fprintf(out, "\n#endif /* WANT_DATA */\n"); fprintf(out, "\n#define Cctype_TBL_LEN\t\t%d\n", #ifdef CTYPE_PACKED n_ctype_rows * CTYPE_ROW_LEN / 2 #else n_ctype_rows * CTYPE_ROW_LEN #endif ); fprintf(out, "\n#ifdef WANT_DATA\n\n"); fprintf(out, "\nstatic const unsigned char Cctype_data[%d] = {\n", #ifdef CTYPE_PACKED n_ctype_rows * CTYPE_ROW_LEN / 2 #else n_ctype_rows * CTYPE_ROW_LEN #endif ); p = ctype_tbl; for (j=0 ; j < n_ctype_rows ; j++) { fprintf(out, "\t"); for (i=0 ; i < CTYPE_ROW_LEN ; i++) { #ifdef CTYPE_PACKED fprintf(out, " %#4x,", (unsigned int)(p[i] + (p[i+1] << 4))); ++i; #else fprintf(out, " %#4x,", (unsigned int)p[i]); #endif } fprintf(out, "\n"); p += CTYPE_ROW_LEN; } fprintf(out, "};\n"); fprintf(out, "\n#endif /* WANT_DATA */\n"); #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR fprintf(out, "\n#define Cc2wc_TBL_LEN\t\t%d\n", n_c2wc_rows * C2WC_ROW_LEN); fprintf(out, "\n#ifdef WANT_DATA\n\n"); fprintf(out, "\nstatic const unsigned short Cc2wc_data[%d] = {\n", n_c2wc_rows * C2WC_ROW_LEN); p = (char *) c2wc_tbl; for (j=0 ; j < n_c2wc_rows ; j++) { fprintf(out, "\t"); for (i=0 ; i < C2WC_ROW_LEN ; i++) { fprintf(out, " %#6x,", (unsigned int)(((unsigned short *)p)[i])); } fprintf(out, "\n"); p += 2*C2WC_ROW_LEN; } fprintf(out, "};\n"); fprintf(out, "\n#endif /* WANT_DATA */\n"); #endif /* DO_WIDE_CHAR */ fprintf(out, "\n\n"); fprintf(out, "#define NUM_CODESETS\t\t%d\n", numsets); fprintf(out, "#define CODESET_LIST \\\n\t\""); for (i=0 ; i < numsets ; i++) { fprintf(out, "\\x%02x", numsets + 1 + (unsigned char) codeset_index[i]); if (((i & 7) == 7) && (i + 1 < numsets)) { fprintf(out, "\" \\\n\t\""); } } fprintf(out, "\" \\\n\t\"\\0\""); for (i=0 ; i < numsets ; i++) { fprintf(out, " \\\n\t\"%s\\0\"", codeset_list + ((unsigned char)codeset_index[i])); } fprintf(out, "\n\n"); for (i=0 ; i < numsets ; i++) { char buf[30]; char *z; strcpy(buf, codeset_list + ((unsigned char)codeset_index[i])); for (z=buf ; *z ; z++) { if (*z == '-') { *z = '_'; } } fprintf(out, "#define __CTYPE_HAS_CODESET_%s\n", buf); } #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR fprintf(out, "#define __CTYPE_HAS_CODESET_UTF_8\n"); #endif /* DO_WIDE_CHAR */ #if 0 fprintf(out, "\n#endif /* __CTYPE_HAS_8_BIT_LOCALES */\n\n"); #endif fclose(out); total_size = 0; #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR printf("tt_num = %d ti_num = %d\n", tt_num, ti_num); printf("max_wchar = %#lx\n", max_wchar); printf("size is %d * %d + %d * %d + %d * %d = %d\n", tt_num, 1 << TT_SHIFT, ti_num, 1 << TI_SHIFT, ((MAX_WCHAR >> (TT_SHIFT + TI_SHIFT)) + 1), numsets, j = tt_num * (1 << TT_SHIFT) + ti_num * (1 << TI_SHIFT) + ((MAX_WCHAR >> (TT_SHIFT + TI_SHIFT)) + 1) * numsets); total_size += j; #endif /* DO_WIDE_CHAR */ #ifdef CTYPE_PACKED i = 2; #else i = 1; #endif printf("ctype - CTYPE_IDX_SHIFT = %d -- %d * %d + %d * %d = %d\n", CTYPE_IDX_SHIFT, numsets, CTYPE_IDX_LEN, n_ctype_rows, CTYPE_ROW_LEN / i, j = numsets * CTYPE_IDX_LEN + n_ctype_rows * CTYPE_ROW_LEN / i); total_size += j; printf("uplow - UPLOW_IDX_SHIFT = %d -- %d * %d + %d * %d = %d\n", UPLOW_IDX_SHIFT, numsets, UPLOW_IDX_LEN, n_uplow_rows, UPLOW_ROW_LEN, j = numsets * UPLOW_IDX_LEN + n_uplow_rows * UPLOW_ROW_LEN); total_size += j; #ifdef DO_WIDE_CHAR printf("c2wc - C2WC_IDX_SHIFT = %d -- %d * %d + 2 * %d * %d = %d\n", C2WC_IDX_SHIFT, numsets, C2WC_IDX_LEN, n_c2wc_rows, C2WC_ROW_LEN, j = numsets * C2WC_IDX_LEN + 2 * n_c2wc_rows * C2WC_ROW_LEN); total_size += j; #endif /* DO_WIDE_CHAR */ printf("total size = %d\n", total_size); /* for (i=0 ; i < numsets ; i++) { */ /* printf("codeset_index[i] = %d codeset_list[ci[i]] = \"%s\"\n", */ /* (unsigned char) codeset_index[i], */ /* codeset_list + ((unsigned char)codeset_index[i])); */ /* } */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; }