# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory. _IN_CVTC= 1 include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk include ../rules.mk include Makefile.inc include ${TOPDIR}/mk/buildhlp.mk #workaround for mips and gcc 4.4, where -Os does not inline code in ld.so ifeq ($(ARCH),mips) TARGET_CFLAGS:=$(subst Os,O2,$(TARGET_CFLAGS)) endif #workaround for cris and gcc 4.4, where -Os generates ICE ifeq ($(ARCH),cris) TARGET_CFLAGS:=$(subst Os,O2,$(TARGET_CFLAGS)) endif $(WRKBUILD)/.headers: $(SED) 's,^CROSS=.*,CROSS=$(TARGET_CROSS),g' $(WRKBUILD)/Rules.mak sed -e 's^KERNEL_HEADERS.*$$KERNEL_HEADERS=\"${TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT}/usr/include\"' \ $(TOPDIR)/target/$(ADK_TARGET)/uclibc.config >${WRKBUILD}/.config ifeq ($(ADK_IPV6),y) $(SED) 's,# UCLIBC_HAS_IPV6.*,UCLIBC_HAS_IPV6=y,' \ ${WRKBUILD}/.config endif ifeq ($(ADK_SSP),y) $(SED) 's,# UCLIBC_HAS_SSP.*,UCLIBC_HAS_SSP=y,' \ ${WRKBUILD}/.config echo 'UCLIBC_BUILD_SSP=y' >> ${WRKBUILD}/.config echo '# UCLIBC_HAS_SSP_COMPAT is not set' >> ${WRKBUILD}/.config echo '# SSP_QUICK_CANARY is not set' >> ${WRKBUILD}/.config echo 'PROPOLICE_BLOCK_ABRT=y' >> ${WRKBUILD}/.config echo '# PROPOLICE_BLOCK_SEGV is not set' >> ${WRKBUILD}/.config endif ifneq ($(ADK_DEBUG),) $(SED) 's,DOSTRIP,DODEBUG,' ${WRKBUILD}/.config endif $(MAKE) -C $(WRKBUILD) \ PREFIX=$(TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT)/ \ DEVEL_PREFIX=/usr/ \ RUNTIME_PREFIX=$(TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT)/ \ HOSTCC="$(HOSTCC)" \ CPU_CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ install_headers touch $(WRKBUILD)/.configured touch $@ $(WRKBUILD)/.compiled: $(MAKE) -C $(WRKBUILD) \ PREFIX= \ DEVEL_PREFIX=/ \ RUNTIME_PREFIX=/ \ HOSTCC="$(HOSTCC)" \ CPU_CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ all touch $@ $(WRKBUILD)/.install_headers: $(WRKBUILD)/.compiled $(MAKE) -C $(WRKBUILD) \ PREFIX=$(STAGING_DIR) \ DEVEL_PREFIX=/ \ RUNTIME_PREFIX=/ \ CPU_CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ install_dev touch $@ $(WRKBUILD)/.installed: $(WRKBUILD)/.install_headers $(MAKE) -C $(WRKBUILD) \ PREFIX=$(STAGING_DIR) \ DEVEL_PREFIX=/ \ RUNTIME_PREFIX=/ \ CPU_CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ install_runtime rm -rf $(STAGING_DIR)/lib/libc.so ln -s libc.so.0 $(STAGING_DIR)/lib/libc.so touch $@ include ${TOPDIR}/mk/toolchain.mk