# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory. choice prompt "Cubox-i model" depends on ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM_CUBOX_I config ADK_TARGET_CUBOX_I4PRO boolean "Solidrun Cubox-i4Pro" config ADK_TARGET_CUBOX_I2ULTRA boolean "Solidrun Cubox-i2Ultra" config ADK_TARGET_CUBOX_I2 boolean "Solidrun Cubox-i2" config ADK_TARGET_CUBOX_I1 boolean "Solidrun Cubox-i1" endchoice choice ADK_TARGET_ARM_FLOAT prompt "Target float type" depends on ADK_TARGET_CPU_WITH_FPU || ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM_QEMU_ARM config ADK_TARGET_ARM_HARD_FLOAT boolean "Use hard-float for system with FPU" select ADK_hard_float config ADK_TARGET_ARM_SOFT_FLOAT boolean "Use soft-float for system without FPU" select ADK_soft_float endchoice