# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory. include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk include $(TOPDIR)/mk/kernel.mk include $(TOPDIR)/mk/modules.mk include $(TOPDIR)/mk/kernel-build.mk include $(TOPDIR)/mk/image.mk ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_KERNEL_ZIMAGE),y) KERNEL:=$(LINUX_DIR)/arch/arm/boot/zImage else KERNEL:=$(LINUX_DIR)/$(ADK_TARGET_KERNEL) endif LOADADDR:=0x20008000 ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_QEMU_ARM_MODEL_SPITZ),y) MACH:=spitz endif ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_QEMU_ARM_MODEL_VERSATILEPB),y) MACH:=versatilepb NET:=-net user -net nic,model=smc91c111 endif ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_QEMU_ARM_MODEL_VEXPRESS_A9),y) MACH:=vexpress-a9 NET:=-cpu cortex-a9 -device lan9118,netdev=adk0 -netdev user,id=adk0 endif kernel-install: gzip -9 < $(LINUX_DIR)/arch/arm/boot/Image > ${BUILD_DIR}/Image.gz PATH='${TARGET_PATH}' mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C gzip \ -a ${LOADADDR} -e ${LOADADDR} -d ${BUILD_DIR}/Image.gz \ -n foxg20 $(KERNEL) $(MAKE_TRACE) ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_FS),nfsroot) imageinstall: kernel-install ${FW_DIR}/${ROOTFSUSERTARBALL} @cp $(KERNEL) $(FW_DIR)/$(TARGET_KERNEL) @echo 'Type dhcp via u-boot prompt to load kernel' @echo 'After that type bootm to load the kernel' endif ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_FS),mmc) imageinstall: kernel-install $(FW_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL) @echo "The RootFS tarball is:" @echo "$(FW_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL)" @echo 'Before booting from MicroSD card you need to set following u-boot environment variable:' @echo "setenv bootcmd 'mmc init; sleep 1; fatload mmc 0 0x22000000 kernel; bootm 0x22000000'" @echo "saveenv" @echo @echo "Boot the board via network and use adkinstall." @echo "If you just want to update, use adkupdate." endif ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_FS),archive) ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM_ACMESYSTEMS_FOXG20),y) imageinstall: kernel-install $(FW_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL) else imageinstall: $(FW_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL) endif @echo "The RootFS tarball is: $(FW_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL)" ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM_RASPBERRY_PI),y) @echo "Use following command to install it on SD card:" @echo "sudo ./scripts/install-rpi.sh /dev/sdb $(FW_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL)" endif ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM_QEMU_ARM),y) @cp $(KERNEL) $(FW_DIR)/$(TARGET_KERNEL) @echo 'The kernel file is: $(FW_DIR)/${TARGET_KERNEL}' @echo "Use following command to create a QEMU Image:" @echo "./scripts/create.sh +g qemu-${CPU_ARCH}.img $(FW_DIR)/$(ROOTFSTARBALL)" @echo "Start qemu with following options:" @echo 'qemu-system-arm -M $(MACH) -nographic $(NET) -kernel $(FW_DIR)/$(TARGET_KERNEL) -hda qemu-${CPU_ARCH}.img' endif endif ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_FS),initramfs) imageinstall: $(FW_DIR)/$(INITRAMFS) @cp $(KERNEL) $(FW_DIR)/$(TARGET_KERNEL) @echo 'The kernel file is: $(FW_DIR)/${TARGET_KERNEL}' @echo 'The initramfs image is: ${FW_DIR}/${INITRAMFS}' ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM_QEMU_ARM),y) ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_QEMU_WITH_VIRTIO),y) @echo 'qemu-system-arm -nographic -kernel $(FW_DIR)/$(TARGET_KERNEL) -drive file=qemu-${CPU_ARCH}.img,if=virtio,index=0 -net nic,model=virtio -net user' else @echo "Start qemu with following command line:" @echo 'qemu-system-arm -M $(MACH) -nographic $(NET) -kernel $(FW_DIR)/$(TARGET_KERNEL) -initrd ${FW_DIR}/${INITRAMFS}' endif endif endif ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_FS),initramfs-piggyback) imageinstall: createinitramfs @cp $(KERNEL) $(FW_DIR)/$(TARGET_KERNEL) @echo 'The kernel+initramfs file is: $(FW_DIR)/${TARGET_KERNEL}' ifeq ($(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM_QEMU_ARM),y) @echo "Start qemu with following command line:" @echo 'qemu-system-arm -M $(MACH) -nographic $(NET) -kernel $(FW_DIR)/$(TARGET_KERNEL)' endif endif