# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory. include $(TOPDIR)/prereq.mk -include $(TOPDIR)/.config ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1) START_TRACE:= : END_TRACE:= : TRACE:= : CMD_TRACE:= : PKG_TRACE:= : MAKE_TRACE:= EXTRA_MAKEFLAGS:= SET_DASHX:= set -x else START_TRACE:= echo -n "---> " END_TRACE:= echo TRACE:= echo "---> " CMD_TRACE:= echo -n PKG_TRACE:= echo "------> " EXTRA_MAKEFLAGS:= -s MAKE_TRACE:= >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Build failed. Please re-run make with v to see what's going on"; false; } SET_DASHX:= : endif # Strip off the annoying quoting ADK_TARGET_ARCH:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH))) ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM))) ADK_TARGET_LIBC:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_LIBC))) ADK_TARGET_ENDIAN:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_ENDIAN))) ADK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH))) ADK_TARGET_CFLAGS:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_CFLAGS))) ADK_TARGET_ABI_CFLAGS:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_ABI_CFLAGS))) ADK_TARGET_ABI:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_ABI))) ADK_TARGET_IP:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_IP))) ADK_TARGET_SUFFIX:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_SUFFIX))) ADK_TARGET_CMDLINE:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TARGET_CMDLINE))) ADK_RUNTIME_TMPFS_SIZE:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_RUNTIME_TMPFS_SIZE))) ADK_RUNTIME_CONSOLE_SERIAL_SPEED:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_RUNTIME_CONSOLE_SERIAL_SPEED))) ADK_HOST:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_HOST))) ADK_VENDOR:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_VENDOR))) ADK_TOOLS_ADDPATTERN_ARGS:= $(strip $(subst ",, $(ADK_TOOLS_ADDPATTERN_ARGS))) ifeq ($(strip ${ADK_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG}),y) ifneq ($(strip $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/target/$(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)/target.mk)),) include $(TOPDIR)/target/$(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)/target.mk endif endif ifneq (${DEBUG},) ADK_DEBUG:=y endif ifneq (${STATIC},) ADK_STATIC:=y endif include $(TOPDIR)/mk/vars.mk CPPFLAGS_FOR_BUILD?= CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD?= -O2 -Wall CXXFLAGS_FOR_BUILD?= -O2 -Wall LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD?= FLAGS_FOR_BUILD:= ${CPPFLAGS_FOR_BUILD} ${CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD} ${LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD} ifneq (${show},) .DEFAULT_GOAL:= show show: @$(info ${${show}}) else ifneq (${dump},) __shquote= '$(subst ','\'',$(1))' __dumpvar= echo $(call __shquote,$(1)=$(call __shquote,${$(1)})) .DEFAULT_GOAL:= show show: @$(foreach _s,${dump},$(call __dumpvar,${_s});) endif