config ADK_COMPILE_PMACCT tristate default n depends ADK_PACKAGE_PMACCTD || ADK_PACKAGE_PMACCT_CLIENT || ADK_PACKAGE_SFACCTD || ADK_PACKAGE_NFACCTD config ADK_PACKAGE_PMACCTD prompt "pmacctd....................... IP accounting daemon (libpcap based)" tristate default n help An IPv4/IPv6 libpcap-based accounting and aggregation daemon config ADK_PACKAGE_NFACCTD prompt "nfacctd....................... Netflow accounting and aggregation daemon" tristate select ADK_PACKAGE_LIBPCAP help An IPv4/IPv6 libpcap-based accounting and aggregation daemon config ADK_PACKAGE_SFACCTD prompt "sfacctd....................... sFlow accounting and aggregation daemon" tristate select ADK_PACKAGE_LIBPCAP help An IPv4/IPv6 libpcap-based accounting and aggregation daemon config ADK_PACKAGE_PMACCT_CLIENT prompt "pmacct-client................... Command-line client to gather data from the IMT plugin" tristate default n help