--- maradns-1.4.05.orig/Makefile	2006-01-02 17:59:33.000000000 +0100
+++ maradns-1.4.05/Makefile	2011-01-21 16:48:06.124913980 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,82 @@
-# This is a wrapper that runs "./configure ; make"
-	./compile.sh
+COMPILED="Linux system at Fri Jan 21 16:48:06 CET 2011"
+COMPILED_DEBUG="Linux system at Fri Jan 21 16:48:06 CET 2011 (Debug)"
+# Server objects
+# js_string library (buffer overflow resistant string library) objects
+JOBJS=libs/JsStr.o libs/JsStrOS.o libs/JsStrCP.o 
+# MaraHash (assosciative array) library objects
+# Parser objects
+POBJECTS=parse/ParseMaraRc.o parse/ParseCsv1.o ../parse/ParseIpAcl.o
+# DNS query processing library objects
+DOBJECTS=dns/Queries.o dns/Compress.o dns/bobbit.o
+# Secure random number generator objects
+ROBJECTS=rng/rng-api-fst.o rng/rng-alg-fst.o
-	./configure ; make debug
+# Uncomment the following three lines to get this to compile on Solaris
+# LDFLAGS=-lxnet
+# M="CC=$(CC)"
+# These are currently unused, but will be needed again if we use flock() again
+# CFLAGS=-I/usr/ucbinclude 
+# L="CC=$(CC) $(CFLAGS)"
+# LDFLAGS=-L/usr/ucblib -lucb -lxnet
+# end the Solaris section
+# Non-Solaris version of "M"
+# Debug
+#FLAGS = -g
+	cd libs ; make $(M) ; cd ../dns ; make $(M) ; \
+	cd ../rng ; make $(M) ; cd ../parse ; make $(M) ; \
+	cd ../qual ; make $(M) ; cd ../server ; \
+	make $(M) $(VER) COMPILED=\"$(COMPILED)\" ; \
+	cd ../tools ; make $(M) ; \
+	cd ../tcp ; make $(M) $(VER)
+	cd libs ; make $(D) DEBUG="-DDEBUG -DTHREADS" ; \
+	cd ../dns ; make $(D) ; cd ../rng ; make $(D) ; \
+	cd ../parse ; make $(D) ; cd ../qual ; make $(D) ; \
+	cd ../server ; \
+	make $(D) $(Q) $(V) COMPILED=\"$(COMPILED_DEBUG)\" ; \
+	cd ../tools ; make $(D) ; \
+	cd ../tcp ; make $(D) $(V) ; cat ../00README.FIRST
-	./configure ; make clean
+	rm -f $(OBJECTS) core $(EXECS) ; \
+	cp build/Makefile.w Makefile ; cd dns ; make clean ; \
+	cd ../libs ; make clean ; cd ../parse ; make clean ; \
+	cd ../qual ; make clean ; \
+	cd ../server ; make clean ; \
+	cp Makefile.recursive Makefile ; \
+	cd ../test ; make clean ; \
+	cd ../tools ; make clean ; \
+	cd misc ; make clean ; \
+	cd ../../utf8 ; make clean ; \
+	cd ../tcp ; make clean ; \
+	cd ../rng ; make clean ; \
+	cd ../sqa ; make clean ; \
+	# ; cd .. ; find . -type d | grep .deps | xargs rm -fr ; find . -name '*.o' | xargs rm
-	./configure ; make uninstall
+	cd server; strip maradns ; cd ../tcp ; \
+	strip zoneserver getzone fetchzone ; \
+	cd ../tools ; strip askmara
-	echo Please compile MaraDNS first
+	VERSION=$(VERSION) ./build/install.sh
+	VERSION=$(VERSION) ./build/uninstall.sh