# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory. include ${TOPDIR}/rules.mk PKG_NAME:= libxml2 PKG_VERSION:= 2.7.3 PKG_RELEASE:= 1 PKG_MD5SUM:= 8f4fda3969237c2a33bdb1583b5d06b2 PKG_DESCR:= XML C parser and toolkit PKG_SECTION:= libs PKG_DEPENDS:= zlib PKG_BUILDDEP+= zlib PKG_URL:= http://www.xmlsoft.org/ PKG_SITES:= http://xmlsoft.org/sources/ \ ftp://fr.rpmfind.net/pub/libxml/ include ${TOPDIR}/mk/package.mk $(eval $(call PKG_template,LIBXML2,${PKG_NAME},${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS},${PKG_DESCR},${PKG_SECTION})) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-c14n \ --without-catalog \ --without-debug \ --without-docbook \ --with-html \ --without-ftp \ --without-http \ --without-iconv \ --without-iso8859x \ --without-legacy \ --with-output \ --without-pattern \ --without-push \ --without-python \ --with-reader \ --without-readline \ --without-regexps \ --with-sax1 \ --with-schemas \ --with-threads \ --with-tree \ --with-valid \ --with-writer \ --with-xinclude \ --with-xpath \ --with-xptr \ --with-zlib post-install: ${INSTALL_DIR} ${IDIR_LIBXML2}/usr/lib ${CP} ${WRKINST}/usr/lib/libxml2.so* ${IDIR_LIBXML2}/usr/lib/ include ${TOPDIR}/mk/pkg-bottom.mk