The author is unkown, it is not David Mosberger-Tang, Jim Paradies, Michael Schwingen
or Jay Estabrook. I could not locate Bob Manson. An entry in RedHat's bugzilla
yielded the following notice which I reproduce verbatim here:

--- shadow/71437        Tue Aug 13 13:22:49 2002
+++ shadow/71437.tmp.9824       Thu Aug 15 21:23:45 2002
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 Version: 7.1
 Platform: alpha
 OS/Version: Linux
-Status: NEW
+Status: CLOSED
+Resolution: WORKSFORME
 Severity: normal
 Priority: normal
 Component: aboot
@@ -45,3 +45,9 @@

 The reason is that I'd like to know the copyright and I am wrinting the
 man pages (which can be included in the next RH/Alpha release as well).

+------- Additional comments from 2002-08-15 21:31:59 -------
+I can't track down a Bob Manson (and I cannot find any record of his association
+with Red Hat in the aboot sources), but any work he did on behalf of Red Hat
+would be property of Red Hat, and you can consider all our changes to be release
+under the GPL the same as the rest of the aboot package.

Helge Kreutzmann <>, September 4th 2002