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Frequently Asked Questions & Troubleshooting

Why is there no documentation on the target?

Because OpenADK mostly targets _small_ or _very small_ target
hardware with limited resource onboard (CPU, ram, mass-storage), it
does not make sense to waste space with the documentation data.

If you need documentation data on your target anyway, then OpenADK
is not suitable for your purpose, and you should look for a _real

Why is there no locale support on the target?

OpenADK tries to create a simple and small Linux system, which
has no fancy features enabled. Locale support on a headless system,
like a router is not useful anyway. To avoid bloat, it is a design
decision to not have any locale support. Developers and users
still could add any kind of user interface with internationalization

Why are some packages not visible in the OpenADK config menu?

If a package exists in the OpenADK tree and does not appear in the
config menu, this most likely means that some of the package's
dependencies are not met.

To know more about the dependencies of a package, search for the
package symbol in the config menu (see xref:make-tips[]).

Then, you may have to recursively enable several options (which
correspond to the unmet dependencies) to finally be able to select
the package.

If the package is not visible due to some unmet dependency to another
C library, either consider to switch to another C library or fix the
package so that it works with your configured library. For this you
need to add your C library to PKG_LIBC_DEPENDS in +package/<pkgname>/Makefile+.

Why is there no web based configuration interface available?

OpenADK provides a basic root filesystem for your embedded device.
If you need a web based configuration interface for your own appliance,
just write one. There are plenty of possibilities.