OpenADK - A GNU/Linux construction kit 

This is a menu based buildsystem for your home made embedded Linux system.

Before you can start you need to install some tools: 
- bash
- gcc 
- binutils 
- GNU make
- GNU m4
- GNU tar
- GNU awk
- GNU sed
- patch
- gzip
- bzip2
- wget
- file
- libc headers
- ncurses5 headers
- zlib headers
- perl

There is a check for the required versions of these tools in advance, though.
(to re-issue the checks, use "make prereq").

Please use "make menuconfig" to choose your embedded system and configure 
like you want to.

Simply running 'make' will build the firmware for your embedded system.  The
buildsystem will download all sources, build the toolchain, the kernel and all
